SWPPP Appendix E Hazmat
Appendix E. Oil and Hazardous Materials Material Category RQ in Reporting Requirements pounds (kilograms) In the event of a spill of oil that reaches any surface Ammonia B 100 (45.4) waters, or a spill on land of certain hazardous substances Ammonium acetate D 5,000 (2,270) (listed on the following pages) exceeding the Reportable Ammonium benzoate D 5,000 (2,270) Quantity (RQ) level, the Contractor must: Ammonium bicarbonate D 5,000 (2,270) Ammonium bichromate A 10 (4.54) • Notify the Project Engineer Ammonium bifluoride B 100 (45.4) • Notify the National Response Center in Ammonium bisulfite D 5,000 (2,270) Washington, D.C., immediately at (800) 424- Ammonium carbamate D 5,000 (2,270) 8802 Ammonium carbonate D 5,000 (2,270) • Within 14 days, submit a written description of Ammonium chloride D 5,000 (2,270) the release to the EPA regional office providing Ammonium chromate A 10 (4.54) the date and circumstances of the release and the Ammonium citrate dibasic D 5,000 (2,270) steps to be taken to prevent another release. Ammonium fluoborate D 5,000 (2,270) • Modify the SWPPP to include the information Ammonium fluoride B 100 (45.4) listed above. Ammonium hydroxide C 1,000 (454) • Notify the Alaska Department of Environmental Ammonium oxalate D 5,000 (2,270) Conservation (ADEC) at one of the following Ammonium silicofluoride C 1,000 (454) telephone numbers, depending upon project Ammonium sulfamate D 5,000 (2,270) location: Ammonium sulfide B 100 (45.4) o Central (Anchorage) 907-269-3063 Ammonium sulfite D 5,000 (2,270) o Northern (Fairbanks) 907-451-2121 Ammonium tartrate D 5,000 (2,270) o Southeast (Juneau) 907-465-5340 Ammonium thiocyanate D 5,000 (2,270) o Outside normal business hours, call: Amyl acetate D 5,000 (2,270) 1-800-478-9300 Aniline D 5,000 (2,270) • Complete an Oil and Hazardous Substances Spill Antimony pentachloride C 1,000 (454) Form and submit it to ADEC after telephone Antimony potassium B 100 (45.4) notification.
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