Acta154 zoológicaL. lilloanaD. Patitucci 55 (2): et 154–170,al.: The type 2011 specimens of Anthomyiidae, and Sarcophagidae154

The type specimens of Anthomyiidae, Muscidae and Sarcophagidae (Diptera: Calyptratae) housed at the Instituto – Fundación Miguel Lillo, Tucumán, Argentina

Patitucci, Luciano Damián; Mulieri, Pablo Ricardo; Mariluis, Juan Carlos Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ANLIS Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán, Departamento Vectores – CeNDIE, Av. Vélez Sarsfield 563, (1281) Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

R e s u m e n — Se estudiaron los ejemplares tipo de Anthomyiidae, Muscidae y Sarcopha- gidae depositados en la Colección Instituto - Fundación Miguel Lillo (IFML). Un total de 13 especímenes tipo de Anthomyiidae (cuatro especies nominales), 271 especímenes tipo de Muscidae (36 especies nominales) y seis especímenes tipos de Sarcophagidae (cuatro espe- cies nominales) fueron examinados. Se provee información para cada taxón. Palabras clave: Anthomyiidae, Muscidae, Sarcophagidae, especímenes tipo, Argentina.

A b s t r a c t — The type specimens of Anthomyiidae, Muscidae and Sarcophagidae deposited in the Instituto-Fundación Miguel Lillo (IFML) are revised. A total of 13 type specimens of Anthomyiidae (four nominal species), 271 type specimens of Muscidae (36 nominal species), and six type specimens of Sarcophagidae (four nominal species) were examined. Information for each taxa is provided. Keywords: Anthomyiidae, Muscidae, Sarcophagidae, type specimens, Argentina.

INTRODUCTION specimens of Calyptratae deposited in argen- tinean institutions, a list of Anthomyiidae, Calyptratae have long been recognized as Muscidae and Sarcophagidae, kept in Insti- a major lineage of higher Diptera, and con- tuto - Fundación Miguel Lillo, are presented. tain some of the more diverse and successful The collection housed in the “Insti- families including Anthomyiidae, Calli- tuto - Fundación Miguel Lillo” (IFML) (Tu- phoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae, Sarcoph- cumán, Argentina) is one of the most impor- agidae and Tachinidae, among others tant collections of Argentina and South (Yeates et al., 2007). Several type speci- America. Hayward & Golbach (1963) pub- mens of Calyptratae species are deposited in lished a list of the “primary types” of Diptera different institutions in Argentina. The infor- deposited in IFML, with about 1060 type mation on type specimens is useful not only specimens. The entomological collection of in taxonomic research, but also for phyloge- the IFML houses 13 type specimens belonging netic, ecological and conservation studies. to four nominal species of Anthomyiidae, Moreover, the 4th edition of the International 271 type specimens belonging to 36 nominal Code of Zoological Nomenclature recom- species of Muscidae, and six type specimens mends the publication of type material belonging to four nominal species of Sar- housed in different institutions and museums cophagidae. (Article 72 F 4, ICZN, 1999). Recently, a cat- The types of Anthomyiidae and Muscidae alogue of the type specimens of Sarcoph- belong to species described by Snyder agidae housed in the Museo Argentino de (1957). The author deposited holotypes and Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” some paratypes in the IFML, whereas the re- was presented (Mulieri et al., 2010). Here, maining paratypes were deposited at the as part of a continuous work on listing type American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New York, USA. Most of these Recibido: 15/04/11 – Aceptado: 29/08/11 specimens were collected at some locations Acta zoológica lilloana 55 (2): 154–170, 2011 155 near the city of Tucumán by Dr. Martin L. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma Aczel and Dr. Rodolfo Golbach. / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten The type specimens of Sarcophagidae are on white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / species described by Lopes (1969). Weyrauch Emmesomyia / argentina / Snyder” hand- was a German malacologist who worked for written on red paper; “Colección / Inst. – 30 years at the Universidad Nacional Mayor Fund. M. Lillo / (4000) – S. M. Tucuman / de San Marcos, Perú. Later he moved to Ar- Tucuman – Argentina” printed on white pa- gentina (1962-1970), and worked in the per. malacological collection from the IFML. PARATYPE female [TDIP004]. Weyrauch had collected several specimens of Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma Sarcophagidae while living in Perú, material / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten which he then sent to Dr. Hugo Souza Lopes on white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / from Brazil. Emmesomyia / argentina / Snyder” hand- written on red paper. MATERIALS & METHODS Notes: The holotype is damaged. Missing parts: head, mid and hind right legs. The The species are listed within their corre- paratype is in good condition. sponding genus, by family, in alphabetical order, following their original combination. Emmesomyia spadibasis Snyder, For each specimen, the following informa- 1957: 442. tion was provided: species name, type cate- gories, sex and number of specimens are in- HOLOTYPE male [TDIP005]. dicated followed by collection data (country, Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada La Toma. province or state, locality and collector). The R. Golbach leg. code number of the collection of IFML (e.g. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma “TDIP003”), is given in brackets. Labels with / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten the code number (T = type, DI = diptera, P on white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / = project) are present in the holotypes and Emmesomyia / spadibasis / Snyder” hand- some paratypes, the rest of the paratypes written on red paper; “Colección / Inst. – have no such label. Fund. M. Lillo / (4000) – S.M. Tucuman / Labels are cited verbatim, lines separated Tucuman – Argentina” printed on white pa- by a slash, different labels by semicolon and per; “FML” printed on white paper. comments are given in brackets. The infor- PARATYPE female [TDIP006]. mation on the specimens has been taken Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma from labels and compared with the original / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten descriptions. All the specimens are pinned. on white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / Notes are included to describe the conditions Emmesomyia / spadibasis / Snyder” hand- of the specimens, the valid names of each written on red paper; “Colección / Inst. – taxon, and bibliography referred to synony- Fund. M. Lillo / (4000) – S.M. Tucuman / my or new combination. Tucuman – Argentina” printed on white pa- per; “FML” printed on white paper. RESULTS PARATYPE male [TDIP007]. Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada La Toma. ANTHOMYIIDAE R. Golbach leg. Emmesomyia argentina Snyder, Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma 1957: 443. / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten on white paper, black frame; “Emmesomyia HOLOTYPE male [TDIP003]. / spadibasis / Snyder [handwritten] / Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada La Toma. Paratype [printed]” on white paper; “Parati- R. Golbach leg. po” printed on white paper, black frame; “An- 156 L. D. Patitucci et al.: The type specimens of Anthomyiidae, Muscidae and Sarcophagidae thomyiidae / Emmesomyia / spadibasis” Argentina: Tucumán, Burruyacú, Villa printed on white paper, black frame. Padre Monti. R. Golbach leg. PARATYPES 1 male, 2 females [TDIP008 - Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman TDIP010]. – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll. R. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma Golbach” printed on white paper; “Allotype / / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten Pegomya / trifumosa / Snyder” handwritten on white paper, black frame; “Emmesomyia on red paper; “Muscidae” printed on white / spadibasis / Snyder [handwritten] / paper. Paratype [printed]” on white paper; “Parati- Notes: Head missing in holotype. Snyder po” printed on white paper, black frame. (1957) described the holotype as teneral. PARATYPES 2 males. The paratype is in good condition. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten MUSCIDAE on white paper, black frame; “Emmesomyia Angolia albibarba Snyder, 1957: 446. / spadibasis / Snyder [handwritten] / Paratype [printed]” on white paper; “Parati- HOLOTYPE male [TDIP134]. po” printed on white paper, black frame; Argentina: Tucumán, Burruyacú, Villa “Colección / Inst. – Fund. M. Lillo / (4000) Padre Monti. R. Golbach leg. – S.M. Tucuman / Tucuman – Argentina” Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman printed on white paper. – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll. R. Notes: The holotype and paratypes are in Golbach” printed on white paper; “Holotype good condition. Ÿ / Angolia / albibarbra [sic] / Snyder” handwritten on red paper; “Colección / Inst. Pegomya neopalposa Snyder, – Fund. M. Lillo / (4000) – S.M. Tucuman / 1957: 444. Tucuman – Argentina” printed on white pa- per. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP011]. Notes: Head missing in holotype. The ter- Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada La Toma. minalia is in a plastic vial pinned with holo- R. Golbach leg. type. Synonymized with Stomopogon albise- Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma ta (Stein) by Couri (2002). / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten on white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / Angolia argentina Snyder, Pegomya / neopalposa / Snyder” handwrit- 1957: 447. ten on red paper; “Mucidae[sic!]” printed on white paper. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP135]. Notes: The holotype is in good condition. Argentina: Neuquén, San Martín de los Andes. Pegomya trifumosa Snyder, Labels: “San Martín / de los Andes / Neu- 1957: 445. quén, R. A. / [label damaged, unreadable]” printed on white paper; “Holotype Ÿ / Ango- HOLOTYPE male [TDIP012]. lia / argentina / Snyder” handwritten on red Argentina: Jujuy, Termas de Reyes. M. L. paper; “Colección / Inst. – Fund. M. Lillo / Aczel leg. (4000) – S.M. Tucuman / Tucuman – Argen- Labels: “R. A. Jujuy / Terma de Reyes / tina” printed on white paper. 17/18-II-949 / coll. M.L. Aczel” handwritten PARATYPE female [TDIP136]. on white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / Labels: “San Martín / de los Andes / Neu- Pegomya / trifusosa[sic!] / Snyder” hand- quén, R. A. / 11-XII-1946” printed on white written on red paper; “Muscidae” printed on paper; “Allotype ÿ / Angolia / argentina / white paper. Snyder” handwritten on red paper; “Colec- PARATYPE female [TDIP013]. ción / Inst. – Fund. M. Lillo / (4000) – S.M. Acta zoológica lilloana 55 (2): 154–170, 2011 157

Tucuman / Tucuman – Argentina” printed on Bigotomyia praedatoria Snyder, white paper. 1957: 485. Notes: The terminalia is in a plastic vial pinned with holotype. Missing parts: middle HOLOTYPE male [TDIP210]. and hind left legs. The paratype is in good Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada LaToma. condition. The valid name, Stomopogon ar- Golbach leg. gentina (Snyder, 1957), was proposed by Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma Couri & Pont (2000) as a new combination. / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten on white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / Azelia neotropica Snyder, Bigotomyia / praedatoria / Snyder” hand- 1957: 466. written on red paper; “Colección / Inst. – Fund. M. Lillo / (4000) – S.M. Tucuman / HOLOTYPE male [TDIP137]. Tucuman – Argentina” printed on white pa- Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada Cainzo. per; “Phaonia praedatoria / Snyder, 1957 / Golbach leg. S.M.P. Coelho det. 94” printed on white paper. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. Cainzo PARATYPE female [TDIP211]. / 18-19-XI-951 / coll. R. Golbach” handwrit- Lables: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma ten on white paper, black frame; “Holotype / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten Ÿ / Azelia / neotropica / Snyder” handwrit- on white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / ten on red paper. Bigotomyia / praedatoria / Snyder” hand- PARATYPE female [TDIP138]. written on red paper; “Colección / Inst. – Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. Cainzo Fund. M. Lillo / (4000) – S.M. Tucuman / / 18-19-XI-951 / coll. R. Golbach” handwrit- Tucuman – Argentina” printed on white pa- ten on white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ per; “Phaonia latinervis / (Stein, 1904) / / Azelia / neotropica / Snyder” handwritten S.M.P. Coelho det. 94” printed on white paper. on red paper. PARATYPES 2 males [TDIP206- TDIP207]. PARATYPE male. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. Cainzo / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten / 18-19-XI-951 / coll. R. Golbach” handwrit- on white paper, black frame; “Paratype ten on white paper, black frame; “Azelia / [printed] / Bigotomyia / praedatoria / Sny- neotropica / Snyder [handwritten] / der [handwritten]” on yellow paper; “Colec- Paratype [printed]” on white paper. ción / Inst. – Fund. M. Lillo / (4000) – S.M. PARATYPE unrecognized sex. Tucuman / Tucuman – Argentina” printed Argentina: Tucumán, Burruyacú, Villa on white paper; “Phaonia latinervis / (Stein, Padre Monti. R. Golbach leg. 1904) / S.M.P.Coelho det. 94” printed on Lables: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman white paper. – Burruyacu / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll. R. Gol- Notes: The terminalia is in a plastic vial bach” printed on white paper; “Azelia / neo- pinned with holotype and paratype tropica / Snyder [handwritten] / Paratype (TDIP211). The paratypes (TDIP206- [printed]” on white paper. TDIP207) have their legs broken. The date of Notes: Head and abdomen are missing in collection on label of the holotype and allo- holotype. Two paratypes are in good condi- type (21-XII-950), does not match with the tion and the paratype “unrecognized sex” is date of collection published in the original without head and abdomen. description (23/26-XII-23/28-XI-1950). This species was synonymized with Phaonia latin- ervis (Stein) by Coelho (2000). 158 L. D. Patitucci et al.: The type specimens of Anthomyiidae, Muscidae and Sarcophagidae

Bucephalomyia aczeli Snyder, PARATYPE female [TDIP142]. 1957: 468. Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll. R. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP139]. Golbach” printed on white paper; “Allotype ÿ Argentina: Tucumán, San Javier. Aczel / Helina / argentina / Snyder” handwritten leg. on red paper. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / San Javier / PARATYPES 3 males, 7 females [TDIP143 - 21.X.950 / coll: Aczel” handwritten on white TDIP152]. paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / Bucepha- Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman lomyia / aczeli / Snyder” handwritten on – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll. R. red paper. Golbach” printed on white paper; “Paratipo” PARATYPE male. printed on pink paper; “Helina / argentina Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada La Toma. / Snyder” handwritten on white paper, black Golbach leg. frame. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma PARATYPES 16 males, 28 females, 1 unrec- / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten ognized sex. on white paper, black frame; “Bucephalomy- Argentina: Tucumán, Burruyacú, Villa ia / aczeli / Snyder [handwritten] / Paratype Padre Monti. Golbach leg. [printed]” on white paper. Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman Notes: Abdomen missing in holotype. – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll. R. Head and abdomen missing in the paratype. Golbach” printed on white paper; “Paratipo” The year of collection on the label of the printed on pink paper; “Helina / argentina holotype (1950), does not match with the / Snyder” handwritten on white paper, black year of collection published in the original frame. description (1905). The valid name is Lim- PARATYPE male. nophora aczeli (Snyder, 1957), according to Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman the synonym of Bucephalomyia with Limno- – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll. R. phora established by Carvalho et al. (1993). Golbach” printed on white paper; “66[handwritten]Paratype[printed]s [hand- Helina aczeli Snyder, written] / of / Helina / argentina / Snyder 1957: 477. [handwritten] on white paper”. PARATYPES 4 males, 4 females. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP140]. Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada LaToma. Argentina: Salta, San Lorenzo. Aczel leg. Golbach leg. Labels: “R. A. Salta / (San Lorenzo) / Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma 20-I-949 / coll: Aczel”; “Holotype Ÿ / Helina / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten / aczeli / Snyder” handwritten on red paper. on white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” Notes: The holotype is in good condition. printed on pink paper; “Helina / argentina / Snyder” handwritten on white paper, black Helina argentina Snyder, frame. 1957: 476. PARATYPE male. Argentina: Tucumán, San Javier. Aczel HOLOTYPE male [TDIP141]. leg. Argentina: Tucumán, Burruyacú, Villa Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / San Javier / Padre Monti. Golbach leg. 21.X.950 / coll: Aczel” handwritten on white Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman paper, black frame; “Paratipo” printed on – Burruyacu / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll. R. Gol- pink paper; “Helina / argentina / Snyder” bach” printed on white paper; “Holotype / handwritten on white paper, black frame. Helina Ÿ / argentina / Snyder” handwritten Notes: The holotype and paratypes are in on red paper. good condition. Acta zoológica lilloana 55 (2): 154–170, 2011 159

Helina neosimplex Snyder, Mydaea latomensis Snyder, 1957: 478. 1957: 479.

HOLOTYPE female [TDIP153]. (Figure 1) Argentina: Santa Cruz, Lago Argentino. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP157]. Willink leg. Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada LaToma. Labels: “Santa Cruz / Lago Argentino / Golbach leg. 13-I-953 / coll: Dr. Willink” handwritten on Lables: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma white paper, black frame; “Holotype ÿ / He- / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten lina / neosimplex / Snyder” handwritten on on white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / red paper. Mydaea / latomensis / Snyder” handwritten Notes: The holotype is in good condition. on red paper. Notes: The holotype is in good condition. Limosia tarsata Snyder, 1957: 465. Neodexiopsis cacumina Snyder, 1957: 457. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP155]. Argentina. Santa Cruz, Lago Argentino. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP158]. Willink leg. Argentina. Tucumán, Lacavera. Aczel & Labels: “Santa Cruz / Lago Argentino / Golbach leg. 13-I-953 / coll: Dr. Willink” handwritten on Labels: “Lacavera Dept. Tafi Tuc. / 23-28 white paper, black frame; “Holotype / Limo- XI 51 / M. Aczel R. Golbach” printed on sia / tarsata / Snyder” handwritten on red white paper; “Holotype Ÿ / Neodexiopsis / paper. cacumena / Snyder” handwritten on red pa- PARATYPE female [TDIP156]. per. Labels: “Santa Cruz / Lago Argentino / PARATYPE female [TDIP159]. 13-I-953 / coll: Dr. Willink” handwritten on Argentina: Tucmán, Tafí del Valle. Gol- white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / Li- bach leg. mosia / tarsata / Snyder” handwritten on Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Tafi del Valle / red paper. 6-12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten Notes: The specimens are in good condi- on white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / tion. The valid name, Coenosia tarsata (Sny- Neodexiopsis / cacumena / Snyder” hand- der) was proposed as a new combination by written on red paper. Pont (1972). PARATYPE female [TDIP160]. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Tafi del Valle / Lispoides latifrons Snyder, 6-12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten 1957: 475. on white paper, black frame; “Neodexiopsis / cacumena / Snyder [handwritten] / HOLOTYPE female [TDIP154]. Paratype [printed]” on white paper; “Parati- Argentina: Santa Cruz, Lago Argentino. po” printed on white paper, black frame. Willink leg. PARATYPE male. Labels: “Santa Cruz / Lago Argentino / Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Tafi del Valle / La Cristina / 21-I-953 / coll: Willink” hand- 6-12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten on written on white paper, black frame; “Holo- white paper, black frame; “Neodexiopsis / type ÿ / Lispoides / latifrons / Snyder” cacumena / Snyder [handwritten] / Paratype handwritten on red paper. [printed]” on white paper. Notes: The holotype is in good condition. Notes. The holotype and paratypes are in good condition. 160 L. D. Patitucci et al.: The type specimens of Anthomyiidae, Muscidae and Sarcophagidae

Neodexiopsis cirratipila Snyder, Golbach” printed on white paper; “Holotype 1957: 463. ÿ / Neodexiopsis / cirratipila / Snyder” handwritten on red paper. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP161]. Notes: Abdomen glued on label in holo- Argentina. Tucumán, Burruyacú, Villa type. Abdomen missing in paratype. Padre Monti. Golbach leg. Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman Neodexiopsis clavacula Snyder, – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll.: R. 1957: 461. Golbach” printed on white paper; “Holotype Ÿ / Neodexiopsis / cirratipila / Snyder” HOLOTYPE female [TDIP163]. handwritten on red paper. Argentina. Tucumán, Burruyacú, Villa PARATYPE female [TDIP162]. Padre Monti. Golbach leg. Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll.: R. – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll.: R.

Figure 1. Labels of Mydaea latomensis (Muscidae). Figure 2. Labels of Weyrauchimyia bico- loricauda (Sarcophagidae). Acta zoológica lilloana 55 (2): 154–170, 2011 161

Golbach” printed on white paper; “Holotype Neodexiopsis / lunatasigna [sic!]/ Snyder” ÿ / Neodexiopsis / clavacula / Snyder” handwritten on red paper. handwritten on red paper. PARATYPE male [TDIP168]. Notes: The holotype is in good condition. Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada Caínzo. Golbach leg. Neodexiopsis croceafrons Snyder, Labels. “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. Cainzo 1957: 460. / 18-19-XI-951 / coll: R. Golbach” handwrit- ten on white paper, black frame; “Neodexi- PARATYPE female [TDIP164]. opsis / lunatasigna / Snyder [handwritten] / Argentina. Tucumán, Tafí del Valle. Gol- Paratype [printed]”. on white paper; “Parati- bach leg. po” printed on white paper, black frame. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Tafí del Valle / Notes: Head and abdomen are missing in 6-12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten holotype. The paratype is in good condition. on white paper, black frame; “Neodexiopsis / croceafrons / Snyder[handwritten] / Neodexiopsis neoaustralis Snyder, Paratype [printed]” on white paper. 1957: 458. Notes. The paratype is in good condition. The holotype is deposited in AMNH (Snyder, PARATYPE female [TDIP169]. 1957). Argentina. Tucumán, Lacavera. Aczel & Golbach leg. Neodexiopsis intoniclunis Snyder, Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Lacavera / 23/ 1957: 454. 28 XI 951 / Aczel-Golbach” printed on white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” printed on HOLOTYPE male [TDIP165]. white paper, black frame; “N. neoaustralis” Argentina. Tucumán, Quebrada La Toma. handwritten on white paper, folded. Golbach leg. PARATYPE female [TDIP170]. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma Argentina: Tucumán, San Javier. Aczel / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten leg. on white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / Labels. “R. A. Tucuman / San Javier / Neodexiopsis / itoniclunis / Snyder” hand- 21-XI- 950 / coll: Dr. Aczel” handwritten on written on red paper. white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” printed PARATYPE female [TDIP166]. on white paper, black frame; “N. neoaustra- Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma lis” handwritten on white paper, folded. / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten PARATYPE male [TDIP171]. on white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / Argentina: Tucumán, Río Colorado. Gol- Neodexiopsis / itoniclunis / Snyder” hand- bach leg. written on red paper. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Rio Colorado / Notes: Head and abdomen are missing in 22-X- 953 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten holotype. The paratype is in good condition. on white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” printed on white paper, black frame; “N. Neodexiopsis lunatisigna Snyder, neoaustralis” handwritten on white paper, 1957: 454. folded. PARATYPES 2 females, 1 unrecognized sex. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP167]. Argentina. Tucumán, Burruyacú, Villa Argentina. Tucumán, Quebrada La Toma. Padre Monti. Golbach leg. Golbach leg. Labels. “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll.: R. / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten Golbach” printed on white paper; “Paratipo” on white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / printed on white paper, black frame; “N. 162 L. D. Patitucci et al.: The type specimens of Anthomyiidae, Muscidae and Sarcophagidae neoaustralis” handwritten on white paper, PARATYPES 2 females [TDIP173 and with- folded; out number]. PARATYPE male. Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman Argentina. Tucumán, Quebrada La Toma. – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll. R. Golbach leg. Golbach” printed on white paper; “Neodexi- Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La opsis / neomacrocera / Snyder [handwrit- Toma / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” hand- ten] / Paratype [printed]” on white paper. written on white paper, black frame; “10 Notes: The holotype is in good condition. specimens / all Paratypes / Neodexiopsis / Only the paratype [TDIP173] is in good con- neoaustralis / Snyder” handwritten on white dition, the remaining specimens are without paper; “Paratipo” printed on white paper, abdomen. black frame; “N. neoaustralis” handwritten on white paper, folded. Neodexiopsis quintivena Snyder, PARATYPES 1 male, 1 unrecognized sex. 1957: 453. Labels “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten HOLOTYPE male [TDIP176]. on white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” Argentina. Tucumán, Quebrada Cainzo. printed on white paper, black frame; “N. Golbach leg. neoaustralis” handwritten on white paper, Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. Cainzo folded. / 18-19-XI-951 / coll. R. Golbach” handwrit- Notes: Seven paratypes are in good con- ten on white paper, black frame; “Holotype dition and two are without head and abdo- / Neodexiopsis / quintivena / Snyder” hand- men. The holotype is deposited in AMNH written on red paper. (Snyder, 1957). Notes: The holotype is in good condition.

Neodexiopsis neomacrocera Snyder, Neodexiopsis rava Snyder, 1957: 459. 1957: 462.

HOLOTYPE male [TDIP174]. HOLOTYPE female [TDIP177]. Argentina. Tucumán, Lacavera. Aczel & Argentina. Tucumán, Tafí del Valle. Gol- Golbach leg. bach leg. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Lacavera / 23/ Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Tafi del Valle / 28 XI 951 / Aczel-Golbach” printed on white 6-12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / Neodexi- on white paper, black frame; “Holotype ÿ / opsis / neomacrocera / Snyder” handwritten Neodexiopsis / rava [with erasure] / rava / on red paper. Snyder” handwritten on red paper; “Holo- PARATYPE female [TDIP175]. type ÿ / Neodexiopsis / rava / Snyder” Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada La Toma. handwritten on red paper. Golbach leg. Notes: The holotype is in good condition. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten Neodexiopsis setipuncta Snyder, on white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / 1957: 455. Neodexiopsis / neomacrocera / Snyder” handwritten on red paper. HOLOTYPE female [TDIP178]. PARATYPE female [TDIP172]. Argentina. Tucumán, Quebrada la Toma. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma Golbach leg. / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma on white paper, black frame; “Neodexiopsis / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten / neomacrocera / Snyder [handwritten] / on white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / Paratype [printed]” on white paper. Acta zoológica lilloana 55 (2): 154–170, 2011 163

Neodexiopsis / setipuncta / Snyder” hand- written on white paper; “Paratipo” printed written on red paper. on red paper; “Neodexiopsis / setipuncta / PARATYPE female [TDIP179]. Snyder” handwritten on white paper, black Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma frame. / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten PARATYPES 2 females. on white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / Argentina. Tucumán, Lacavera. Aczel & Neodexiopsis / setipuncta / Snyder” hand- Golbach leg. written on red paper. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Lacavera / 23/ PARATYPES 6 females [TDIP180 - 26 XII-951 / Aczel-Golbach” printed on TDIP185]. white paper; “Paratipo” printed on red paper; Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma “Neodexiopsis / setipuncta / Snyder” hand- / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten written on white paper, black frame. on white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” PARATYPE female. printed on red paper; “Neodexiopsis / set- Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Lacavera / 23/ ipuncta / Snyder” handwritten on white pa- 28 XI-951 / Aczel-Golbach” printed on white per, black frame. paper; “Paratipo” printed on red paper; PARATYPES 23 males, 27 females, 11 un- “Neodexiopsis / setipuncta / Snyder” hand- recognized sex. written on white paper, black frame. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma PARATYPES 1 male, 1 female. / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten Argentina. Tucumán, Quebrada Cainzo. on white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” Golbach leg. printed on red paper; “Neodexiopsis / set- Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. Cainzo / ipuncta / Snyder” handwritten on white pa- 18-19-XI-951 / coll. R. Golbach” handwrit- per, black frame. ten on white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” PARATYPE unrecognized sex. printed on red paper; “Neodexiopsis / set- Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma ipuncta / Snyder” handwritten on white pa- / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten per, black frame. on white paper, black frame; “Paratype PARATYPES 2 females [TDIP192 – [printed] s / 100 spms of / Neodexiopsis / TDIP193]. setipuncta / Snyder [handwritten]” on white Argentina. Tucumán, Burruyacú, Villa paper. Padre Monti. Golbach leg. PARATYPE female. Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll. R. / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten Golbach” printed on white paper; “Paratipo” on white paper, black frame; “Paratypes de / printed on red paper; “Neodexiopsis / set- Neodexiopsis / setipuncta / Snyder / sndy” ipuncta / Snyder” handwritten on white pa- handwritten on white paper. per, black frame. PARATYPES 2 males [TDIP186 and with- PARATYPES 3 males, 3 females, 4 unrec- out number]. ognized sex. Argentina. Tucumán, Quebrada La Toma, Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman Tafí Viejo. Golbach leg. – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll. R. Labels: “Quebrada La Toma / de Tafi Golbach” printed on white paper; “Paratipo” Viejo / Tucuman Argentina / 21-XII-´50-Gol- printed on red paper; “Neodexiopsis / set- bach” printed on white paper; “Paratipo” ipuncta / Snyder” handwritten on white pa- printed on red paper; “Neodexiopsis / set- per, black frame. ipuncta / Snyder” handwritten on white pa- PARATYPES 1 male, 1 female [TDIP187 – per, black frame. TDIP188]. PARATYPE male. Argentina. Tucumán, Tafí del Valle. Gol- Labels: “Quebrada La / Toma Tafi / Tu- bach leg. cuman / 21 XII 950 / coll R. Golbach” hand- Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Tafi del Valle / 164 L. D. Patitucci et al.: The type specimens of Anthomyiidae, Muscidae and Sarcophagidae

6-12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / San Javier / on white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” 21.X.950 / coll: Aczel” handwritten on white printed on red paper; “Neodexiopsis / set- paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / Neodexi- ipuncta / Snyder” handwritten on white pa- opsis / sima / Snyder” handwritten on red per, black frame. paper. PARATYPE male. PARATYPE female [TDIP195]. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Tafi del Valle / Argentina. Entre Ríos, La Paz. Aczel leg. 6-12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten Labels: “R. A. Entre Ríos / La Paz / 14- on white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” XI-949 / coll: Dr. Aczel” handwritten on printed on red paper; “Neodexiopsis / set- white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / Neo- ipuncta / Snyder” handwritten on white pa- dexiopsis / sima / Snyder” handwritten per, black frame. on red paper. PARATYPES 1 male, 2 females [TDIP189 – Notes: The specimens are in good condi- TDIP191]. tion. Argentina. Tucumán, Aconquija. Golbach leg. Neodexiopsis uspallata Snyder, Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Aconquija / 6- 1957: 456. 12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten on white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” printed HOLOTYPE male [TDIP196]. on red paper; “Neodexiopsis / setipuncta / Argentina. Mendoza, Uspallata. Hayward Snyder” handwritten on white paper, black leg. frame. Labels: “Uspallata / Mendoza, R. A. / PARATYPE female. 14-I-1947” printed on white paper; “Hay- Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Aconquija / 6- ward / collector” printed on white paper; 12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten on “Holotype Ÿ / Neodexiopsis / uspallata / white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” printed Snyder” handwritten on red paper. on red paper; “Neodexiopsis / setipuncta / Notes: Abdomen missing in holotype. Snyder” handwritten on white paper, black frame. Notoschoenomyza costata Snyder, PARATYPES 1 male, 1 female. 1957: 450. Argentina. Tucumán, Siambon. Willink leg. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP197]. Labels: “Siambon, R. A. / Tucuman Argentina. Tucumán, Tafí del Valle. Gol- [printed] 21-X-45 / coll: Willink [handwrit- bach leg. ten]” on white paper; “Paratipo” printed on Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Tafi del Valle / red paper; “Neodexiopsis / setipuncta / Sny- 6-12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten der” handwritten on white paper, black on white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / frame. Notoschoenomyza / costata / Snyder” hand- Notes: Abdomen missing in holotype. written on red paper; “Colección / Inst. – Several paratypes are damaged without Fund. M. Lillo / (4000) – S.M. Tucuman / head and abdomen: TDIP179, 12 from “Que- Tucuman – Argentina” printed on white pa- brada La Toma”, 2 from “Tafí Viejo”, 1 from per. “Lacavera”, 1 from “Quebrada Cainzo”, and PARATYPE female [TDIP198]. 4 from “Villa Padre Monti”. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Tafi del Valle / 6-12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten on Neodexiopsis sima Snyder, white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / No- 1957: 462. toschoenomyza / costata / Snyder” handwrit- ten on red paper; “Colección / Inst. – Fund. M. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP194]. Lillo / (4000) – S.M. Tucuman / Tucuman – Argentina. Tucumán, San Javier. Aczel leg. Argentina” printed on white paper. Acta zoológica lilloana 55 (2): 154–170, 2011 165

PARATYPES 1 male, 2 females, 1 unrecog- Labels: “R. A. Mendoza / Cacheuta / 23-X- nized sex [TDIP199 – TDIP202]. 953 / Aczel y A. Moyano” handwritten on Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Tafi del Valle / white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / Pha- 6-12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten onia / cacheuta / Snyder” handwritten on red on white paper, black frame; “Notoschoe- paper; “Muscidae” printed on white paper. nomyza / costata / Snyder [handwritten] / Notes: Head missing in holotype. The ter- Paratipe [printed]” on white paper; “Parati- minalia is in a plastic vial pinned with holo- po” printed, on white paper, black frame. type, label inside plastic vial: “Phaonia / PARATYPES 2 males, 1 female, 1 unrecog- cacheuta Snyder / Holotipo”. The valid nized sex. name, Dolichophaonia cacheuta (Snyder), Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Tafi del Valle / was proposed by Carvalho (1993) as a new 6-12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten combination. on white paper, black frame; “Notoschoe- nomyza / costata / Snyder [handwritten] / Phaonia catamacla Snyder, Paratipe [printed]” on white paper; “Parati- 1957: 483. po” printed, on white paper, black frame. Notes: The holotype and paratypes are in HOLOTYPE male [TDIP204]. good condition. Two paratypes are damaged, Argentina: Catamarca, Hualfín. Villolou one has the abdomen pinned below the speci- leg. men in a plastic vial and the other has no head. Labels: “R. A. Catamarca / Hualfín / I- 953 / coll: Villolou” handwritten on white Phaonia advena Snyder, paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / Phaonia 1957: 482. / catamacla / Snyder” handwritten on red paper. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP203]. Notes: Mid legs and head glued on the Argentina: Tucumán, Burruyacú, Villa locality label. The terminalia is in a plastic Padre Monti. Golbach leg. vial pinned with holotype, label inside plas- Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman tic vial: “Phaonia / catamacla Snyder / Ho- – Burruyacu / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll. R. Gol- lotipo”. The valid name, Dolichophaonia cat- bach” printed on white paper; “Holotype Ÿ / amacla (Snyder), was proposed by Carval- Phaonia / advena / Snyder” handwritten on ho (1993) as a new combination. red paper; “Bigotomyia / advena (Snyder, 1957) [handwritten] / C.J.B. Carvalho det. Phaonia monochaeta Snyder, 198 [printed] 2 [handwritten]” on white pa- 1957: 481. per; “Colección / Inst. – Fund. M. Lillo / (4000) – S.M. Tucuman / Tucuman – Argen- HOLOTYPE male [TDIP208]. tina” printed on white paper; “Phaonia adve- Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada LaToma. na / Snyder, 1957 / S.M.P. Coelho det. 1994” Golbach leg. printed on white paper. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma Notes: The head is glued to the specimen / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten and the fore right leg glued on label. Missing on white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / parts: postpedicel, fore left leg, middle and Phaonia / monochaeta / Snyder” handwrit- hind left tarsi and hind right tibia. ten on red paper; “Bigotomyia / monochaeta (Snyder, / 1957) [handwritten] / C.J.B. Car- Phaonia cacheuta Snyder, valho det. 198 [printed] 2 [handwritten]” on 1957: 482. white paper; “Colección / Inst. – Fund. M. Lillo / (4000) – S.M. Tucuman / Tucuman – HOLOTYPE male [TDIP204]. Argentina” printed on white paper; “Phaonia Argentina: Mendoza, Cachueta. Aczel & monochaeta / Snyder, 1957 / S.M.P.Coelho Moyano leg. det. 94” printed on white paper. 166 L. D. Patitucci et al.: The type specimens of Anthomyiidae, Muscidae and Sarcophagidae

PARATYPE female [TDIP209]. white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada Cainzo. Schoenomyza / neobiseriata / Snyder” hand- Golbach leg. written on red paper. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. Cainzo / PARATYPE female. 18-19-XII-950 / coll: Golbach” handwritten on Labels: “Santa Cruz / Lago Argentino / white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / Phao- 26.II.953 / coll: Dr. Willink” handwritten on nia / monochaeta / Snyder.” handwritten on white paper, black frame; “Schoenomyza / red paper; “Bigotomyia / monochaeta (Sny- neobiseriata / Snyder [handwritten] / der, 1957) [handwritten] / C.J.B. Carvalho Paratype [printed]” on white paper; “Parati- det. 198 [printed] 2 [handwritten]” on white po” printed on white paper, black frame. paper; “Colección / Inst. – Fund. M. Lillo / Notes: The holotype and paratypes are in (4000) – S.M. Tucuman / Tucuman – Argenti- good condition. na” printed on white paper; “Phaonia monochaeta / Snyder, 1957 / S.M.P.Coelho Schoenomyza willinki Snyder, det. 94” printed on white paper. 1957: 449. PARATYPES 2 males. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma HOLOTYPE female [TDIP214]. / 21-XII-950 / coll. R. Golbach” handwritten Argentina. Santa Cruz, Lago Argentino. on white paper, black frame; “Phaonia / Willink leg. monochaeta [handwritten] / N° [printed] Sny- Labels: “R. A. Santa Cruz / Lago Argen- der [handwritten] / Paratype [printed]” on tino / La Cristina / 21.I.953 / coll: Willink” white paper; “Colección / Inst. – Fund. M. Lil- handwritten on white paper, black frame; lo / (4000) – S.M. Tucuman / Tucuman – Ar- “Holotype / Schoenomyza / willinki / Sny- gentina” printed on white paper; “Phaonia der” handwritten on red paper. monochaeta / Snyder, 1957 / S.M.P.Coelho PARATYPE female [TDIP215]. det. 94” printed on white paper. Labels: “R. A. Santa Cruz / Lago Argen- Notes: The terminalia is in a plastic vial tino / La Cristina / 21.I.953 / coll: Willink” pinned with holotype. Fore left leg glued on handwritten on white paper, black frame; label. Missing parts: mid and hind left legs. “Schoenomyza / willinki / Snyder [hand- The paratype [TDIP209] has its abdomen written] / Paratype [printed]” on white pa- pinned below in a glass vial. The collection per; “Paratipo” printed on white paper, black site on the label of the allotype (Quebrada frame. Caínzo), does not match with the collection Notes: The holotype is in good condition. site published in the original decription Head missing in paratype. (Quebrada La Toma). Spilogona argentifrontata Snyder, Schoenomyza neobiseriata Snyder, 1957: 470. 1957: 448. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP216]. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP212]. Argentina: Río Negro, Isla de Choele Argentina. Santa Cruz, Lago Argetino. Choel. Willink leg. Willink leg. Labels: “R. A. Rio Negro / Isla Choel Labels: “Santa Cruz / Lago Argentino / Choel [sic!] / 21-II-946 / Hayward-Willink” 26.II.953 / coll: Dr. Willink” handwritten on handwritten on white paper, black frame; white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / “Holotype Ÿ / Spilogona / argentifron- / Schoenomyza / neobiseriata / Snyder” hand- tata Snyder” handwritten on red paper. written on red paper. Notes: Abdomen missing in holotype. PARATYPE female [TDIP213]. Labels: “Santa Cruz / Lago Argentino / 26.II.953 / coll: Dr. Willink” handwritten on Acta zoológica lilloana 55 (2): 154–170, 2011 167

Spilogona golbachi Snyder, PARATYPES 3 females, 2 unrecognized sex. 1957: 469. Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll.: R. HOLOTYPE male [TDIP217]. Golbach” printed on white paper; “Paratipo” Argentina. Tucumán, Quebrada La Toma. printed on white paper, black frame; “Spil- Golbach leg. ogona / golbachi / Snyder” handwritten on Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma white paper, black frame. / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten PARATYPE female. on white paper, black frame; “Holotype / Ÿ Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman Spilogona / golbachi / Snyder” handwritten – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll.: R. on red paper. Golbach” printed on white paper; “Spilogona PARATYPES 1 male, 1 female [TDIP218 – / golbachi Snyder / Paratype series / starts TDIP219]. [an arrow drawn]” handwritten on white Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma paper. / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten PARATYPES 2 unrecognized sex. on white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. Cainzo printed on red paper; “Spilogona / golbachi / 18-19-XI-951 / coll: R. Golbach” handwrit- / Snyder” handwritten on white paper, black ten on white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” frame. printed on red paper; “Spilogona / golbachi PARATYPES 3 females. / Snyder” handwritten on white paper, black Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma frame. / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten Notes: The holotype is in good condition. on white paper, black frame; “Paratipo” The paratypes of “Villa Padre Monti” included printed on red paper; “Spilogona / golbachi one male with abdomen glued on label and / Snyder” handwritten on white paper, black 5 specimens damaged without abdomen, the frame. remaining specimens are in good condition. PARATYPE female. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma Syllimnophora flavipalpis Snyder, / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten 1957: 471. on white paper, black frame; “Spilogona / golbachi / Snyder / Paratype series / Endo-” HOLOTYPE male [TDIP224]. handwritten on white paper; “Paratipo” Argentina. Neuquén, Zapala. Hayward & printed on red paper. Willink leg. PARATYPES 1 male, 3 females [TDIP220 – Labels: “R. A. Neuquen / Zapala / 18- TDIP223]. XII-946 / Hayward.Willink” handwritten on Argentina: Tucumán, Burruyacú, Villa white paper, black frame; “Holotype / Ÿ / Padre Monti. Golbach leg. Syllimnophora / flavipalpis / Snyder” hand- Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman written on red paper. – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll.: R. PARATYPE female [TDIP225]. Golbach” printed on white paper; “Paratipo” Labels: “R. A. Neuquen / Zapala / 18- printed on red paper; “Spilogona / golbachi XII-946 / Hayward.Willink” handwritten on / Snyder” handwritten on white paper, black white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / Syl- frame. limnophora / flavipalpis / Snyder” handwrit- PARATYPES 1 female, 2 unrecognized sex. ten on red paper. Labels: “V. Padre Monti (R.A. / Tucuman PARATYPES 2 females [TDIP226 – – Burruyacu) / 17.I – 7.II.1948 / coll.: R. TDIP227]. Golbach” printed on white paper; “Paratipo” Labels: “R. A. Neuquen / Zapala / 18- printed on red paper; “Spilogona / golbachi XII-946 / Hayward.Willink” handwritten on / Snyder” handwritten on white paper, black white paper, black frame; “Paratype [print- frame. ed] / Syllimnophora [handwritten] / No. 168 L. D. Patitucci et al.: The type specimens of Anthomyiidae, Muscidae and Sarcophagidae

[printed] flavipalpis / Snyder [handwritten]” / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten on yellow paper. on white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / PARATYPE male. Xenothoraco- / chaeta / golbachi / Snyder” Lables: “R. A. Neuquen / Zapala / 18- handwritten on red paper. XII-946 / Hayward.Willink” handwritten on Notes: The type material is in good condi- white paper, black frame; “Paratype [print- tion. The valid name, Helina golbachi (Sny- ed] / Syllimnophora [handwritten] / No. der), was proposed by Carvalho et al. (2005) [printed] flavipalpis / Snyder [handwritten]” as a new combination. on yellow paper. Notes: The holotype and paratypes (fe- SARCOPHAGIDAE males) are in good condition. Abdomen Encelimyia aurigena Lopes, glued on label in male paratype. The date of 1969: 149. collection on the label of the holotype (18- XII-1946) does not match with the date of PARATYPE male [TDIP374]. collection published in the original descrip- Perú: Lima, La Tablada. Weyrauch col. tion (19-XII-1946). Labels: “La Tablada / near Lima. / Perú. 200m. / 8.X.51” handwritten on white pa- Syllimnophora latimanoides Snyder, per; “coll. Weyrauch” printed on white pa- 1957: 473. per; “wkw / 7052” handwritten on white pa- per; “ex – col / Weyrauch” printed on white HOLOTYPE male [TDIP228]. paper, black frame; “Encelimyia / aurigena, Argentina. Tucumán, Tafi del Valle. Gol- n sp / Paratypus [undelined in red ink] bach leg. [handwritten] / Det. H. S. Lopes [printed]” Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Tafi del Valle / on white paper, black frame. 6-12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten Notes: Head missing in paratype. The val- on white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / id name, Rafaelia aurigena (Lopes), was pro- Syllimnophora / latimanoides / Snyder” posed by Pape (1996) as a new combination. handwritten on red paper. PARATYPE female [TDIP229]. Udamopyga weyrauchi Lopes, Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Tafi del Valle / 1969: 143. 6-12-XII-947 / coll: Golbach” handwritten on white paper, black frame; “Allotype ÿ / PARATYPE female [TDIP376]. Syllimnophora / latimanoides / Snyder” Perú: Alis, Valle Cañete. Weyrauch col. handwritten on red paper. Labels: “Peru: / Alis, 3300m, / Valle Notes: The holotype and paratype are in Cañete, / 29.III.1960” handwritten on white good condition. paper; “coll. Weyrauch” printed on white pa- per; “gesch. aus / Bulimulidae” handwritten Xenothoracochaeta golbachi Snyder, on white paper; “wkw / 8595” handwritten on 1957: 479. white paper; “ex – col / Weyrauch” printed on white paper, black frame; “Udamopyga / wey- HOLOTYPE male [TDIP230]. rauchi n. sp. / Paratypus [undelined in red Argentina: Tucumán, Quebrada LaToma. ink] [handwritten] / Det. H. S. Lopes [print- Golbach leg. ed]” on white paper, black frame. Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma PARATYPE female [TDIP375]. / 21-XII-950 / coll: R. Golbach” handwritten Labels: “Peru: / Alis 3300m, / Valle on white paper, black frame; “Holotype Ÿ / Cañete, / 29.III.1960” handwritten on white Xenothoracochaeta / golbachi / Snyder” paper; “coll. Weyrauch” printed on white handwritten on red paper. paper; “ex larvae / en Bostryx [undelined] / PARATYPE female [TDIP231]. (Bulimulidae)” handwritten on white paper; Labels: “R. A. Tucuman / Queb. La Toma “wkw / 8595” handwritten on white paper; Acta zoológica lilloana 55 (2): 154–170, 2011 169

“Allotypus” handwritten on red paper; lo, / río Rimac 3360 m, / leg. W.Weyrauch” “N°[printed] 11.454[handwritten] / Diptera printed on white paper; “reared / from / / Inst. Oswaldo Cruz [printed]” on white landshell” handwritten on white paper; “ex – paper; “ex – col / Weyrauch” printed on col / Weyrauch” printed on white paper, white paper, black frame; “Udamopyga / black frame; “Weyrauchimyia / peruviana weyrauchi, n sp / Allotypus [undelined in n.sp. / Paratypus [undelined in red ink] Ÿ red ink] [handwritten] / Det. H. S. Lopes [handwritten] / Det. H. S. Lopes [printed]” [printed]” on white paper, black frame. on white paper, black frame. Notes: The paratypes are in good condi- Notes: Paratype female in good condition. tion. Paratype male, without genitalia. The valid name, Malacophagula peruviana (Lopes), Weyrauchimyia bicoloricauda Lopes, was proposed by Pape (1996) as a new com- 1969: 136. bination.

(Figure 2) AKNOWLEDGEMENTS PARATYPE male [TDIP377]. Perú: Lima. Weyrauch col. We thank Dr. Guillermo Claps, Mg. Ce- Labels: “im Haus” handwritten on white cilia Gramajo, and Dino Rojas for their kind- paper; “Lima (Peru) / 1.II.[handwritten]19 ness and invaluable help during the study of [printed]60[handwritten] / leg. Weyrauch” specimens in IFML. We wish to thank Dr. on white paper; “ex – col / Weyrauch” print- María Virginia Colomo and Lic. Ana María ed on white paper, black frame; “Wey- Frías de Fernández who authorized the study rauchimyia / bicoloricauda n sp / Paratypus at the IFML. We thank Dr. Claudio José Bar- [undelined in red ink] Ÿ [handwritten] / ros de Carvalho and André César Lopes da Det. H. S. Lopes [printed]” on white paper, Silva for providing the infomation about the black frame. Anthomyiidae specimens. We wish to thank Notes: Paratype in good condition. Termi- anonymous reviewers for their critical com- nalia glued on triangular card. The valid ments. name, Malacophagula bicoloricauda (Lopes), was proposed by Pape (1996) as a new com- LITERATURE CITED bination. Carvalho, C. J. B. de. 1993. Dolichophaonia, gen. n. Weyrauchimyia peruviana Lopes, (Diptera, Muscidae, Phaoniinae): descrições, novas combinações, sinonímias e chave para as 1969: 134. espécies. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 37: 19-34. PARATYPE female [TDIP378]. Carvalho, C. J. B. de, Couri, M. S., Pont, A. C., Perú: Acolla. Weyrauch col. Pamplona, D. & Lopes, S. M. 1993. Part II. Labels: “C’-Peru [Central Peru]: / Obj Muscidae. In: C. J. B. Carvalho, de (ed.), A catalogue of the Fanniidae and Muscidae (Diptera) half [?] / Acolla, 3700 m, / 28.II.57" hand- of the Neotropical region. Sociedade Brasileira written on white paper; “geschl. / aus / de Entomologia, São Paulo, 201 pp. schnecken” handwritten on white paper; “ex Carvalho, C. J. B. de, Couri, M. S., Pont, A. C., – col / Weyrauch” printed on white paper, Pamplona, D. & Lopes, S. M. 2005. A Cata- black frame; “Weyrauchimyia / peruviana n logue of the Muscidae (Diptera) of the Neotropi- cal Region. Zootaxa, 860: 1-282. sp. / Paratypus [undelined in red ink] ÿ Coelho, S. M. P. 2000. Phaonia Robineau-Desvoidy, [handwritten] / Det. H. S. Lopes [printed]” 1830 (Diptera, Muscidae, Phaoniinae) II. Re- on white paper, black frame. visão das espécies neotropicais. Revista Brasilei- PARATYPE male. ra de Zoologia, 17: 795-875. Perú: El Infiernillo. Weyrauch col. Couri, M. S. 2002. A review of the genus Stomopogon Malloch (Diptera, Muscidae, , Co- Labels: “5.XII.59” handwritten on white enosiini). Studia dipterologica, 9: 327-333. paper; “C-Peru [Central Peru]: / El Infiernil- 170 L. D. Patitucci et al.: The type specimens of Anthomyiidae, Muscidae and Sarcophagidae

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