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Global Report In Focus Tanzania ruling party are no longer as united and pre- years. These include bribes paid to well- dictable as they have been throughout the connected intermediaries by the UK’s BAE country’s history as an independent nation. Systems, irregular payments of millions Political commentators of dollars from special here say that there are accounts at the central now at least two fac- bank (Bank of Tanza- tions within the party nia – BoT), inlated battling it out for in- construction contracts luence. In essence the for the BoT’s ‘twin two sides are those said towers’ headquarters, to be championing the as well as improperly ight against corruption awarded contracts for Women want more and those determined to the provision of emer- maintain the status quo gency electric power. In representation of kulindana (a Swahili one of the latter cases, Tanzania’s upcoming general elections term that can be loosely former Prime Minister, should bring great progress in women’s translated as ‘scratch Edward Lowassa, and empowerment and their participation in my back and I’ll scratch two cabinet colleagues, decision-making. That is if the ruling Chama yours’). Ibrahim Msabaha and Although it lost its Nazir Karamagi, took Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) keeps the promise status as the country’s political responsibility made in its 2005 election manifesto, that sole political party in for the so-called ‘Rich- it would achieve 50 percent women’s 1992, the Chama Cha President Jakaya Kikwete seeks election for mond affair’ by resign- participation in Parliament and local councils Mapinduzi (CCM – a second five-year term in October ing in 2008. Since then, by 2010. ‘Party of the Revolu- however, there have Usu Mallya, executive director of the tion’ in Swahili) has remained the dominant been further twists and turns, with some Tanzania Gender Networking Programme force in both mainland Tanganyika and the politicians trying to clear the names of both (TGNP), hopes that the government will island of Zanzibar until now. But President Lowassa and former Attorney General An- honour this promise. Women already have a Kikwete may ind it increasingly dificult drew Chenge, who was implicated in the to stay above the fray in the manner of his BAE scandal and also stepped down two representation of 30 percent in Parliament predecessors, particularly the country’s years ago. and 33 percent in councils, which has been still-revered founding President, the late Ju- With a more vibrant media, which has achieved mostly through the selection of lius Nyerere. Some long-established party played a key role in unearthing some of female special seat candidates – whereby barons are ighting serious corruption alle- these stories, Tanzanians have become in- each party acquires special seats in gations, and these have begun to cause in- creasingly vocal and have not shied away proportion to the number of votes a party ternal ructions – while in semi-autonomous from questioning what government and ju- accumulates in the parliamentary elections. Zanzibar there will be renewed pressure for dicial action should be taken against those TGNP and other organisations are now the CCM to share power with the leading implicated. Kikwete is caught between campaigning to see that political parties opposition party on the islands of Zanzibar powerful but tainted close political associ- nominate equal numbers of women and and Pemba. ates on the one hand and on the other, a men to vie for constituency seats and that In the face of the corruption issues new generation of politicians who want a overshadowing mainland politics, Kik- break with the past, such as CCM youth elections resources are equitably shared. wete’s critics say he is playing it safe wing representative Nape Nauye and op- The chairperson of the Tanzania Women’s by appearing not to side with either of position politician Zito Kabwe. But the Cross-Party Platform, Anna Abdallah, says the major factions but they add that this President still needs the political support that getting more women into constituency approach is producing indecision over of the old guard, despite being well aware seats is now the priority issue. “We expect some important issues. An unfolding dra- of the risks to his popularity if no action many women who are in Parliament, in ma, which has been taking place largely is taken. special seats, to contest for constituency behind the scenes, leads some analysts When premier Lowassa resigned, he told seats in this year’s elections,” says Deputy to anticipate changes in the shape of the Parliament he was stepping down because Speaker of the National Assembly, Anna CCM, or even a spate of possible defec- he had come to realise that people were in Makinda, herself an elected MP. tions. This could become more apparent actual fact after his job and he warned that It may be possible to increase the if or when a law to allow independent “not all of those that had pointed an accus- number of women in Parliament through candidates to stand is approved by a ing inger [at him] were clean”. A more seven-panel bench being advised by Pal- recent statement by Minister of State for constituency seats but, for that to happen, amagamba Kabudi and Jwani Mwaikusa, Good Governance Sophia Simba similarly commentators say that the political Professors at the University of Dar es suggested that few were sincere in making parties will need to fight corruption in the Salaam. “political capital” out of the issue of the nomination process, which has hindered With its effective monopoly over poli- ight against corruption. women’s representation in the past. tics, the CCM has not been able to avoid Public debate on corruption has intensi- the fall-out from the swathe of major scan- - Ananilea Nkya Executive Director of ied since Tanzania’s leading media entre Tanzania Media Women’s Association dals that have rocked the country in recent preneur Reginald Mengi called a press con- global l 55 Global Arena Alternatives to Fossil Fuels Ad 44 l global In Focus Tanzania ference last year in which he named several business people whom he described as “the Balancing investors sharks of corruption”. In response, one of those he singled out, Rostam Aziz – who briely served as CCM Treasurer – hit back and public opinion by describing Mengi himself as “the whale of corruption” and announced his intention to sue. Mengi owns not only several lead- The mining sector may be key to Tanzania’s economy but new plans to ing newspapers and radio and TV stations increase government stakes could shake investor confidence but also a host of other companies around the country. Tom Mosoba The surge of accusations and counter- accusations all add impetus to the notion that all is not well in the ruling party, but Over the past decade and a half, the min- minister to prescribe the level of the govern- it remains to be seen whether this year’s ing sector has evolved into one of the key ment’s ‘free carried interest and public eq- elections will bring greater unity or inlict growth drivers of Tanzania’s burgeoning uity participation’ in any mining operation. further damage (especially if some of its economy. Since the establishment of the “This particular provision may spell the heavyweights cross over to other parties). irst large-scale gold mine in 1998, the in- death knell for well-heeled investors to Whatever happens at the coming polls, it dustry has recorded a steady rise and is pro- come here,” the executive explained. “In seems certain that the CCM will never be jected to grow even further over the next other countries like Botswana, the govern- the same again. two decades. ment contributes to the investment cost of This is also true in the islands of Zan- But a new mining law to take effect any its mining ventures with investors. Just to zibar and Pemba. Hard-line CCM mem- time now could complicate the matters for demand unspeciied shares in a business bers from the mainland have long been the government and interested investors and do nothing is not a wise business deci- opposed to any kind of reconciliation alike. Parliament on 23 April approved the sion.” He warned that the planned take-off with the main opposition party in Zan- Mining Act 2010, effectively repealing the of the $1.5 billion Kabanga nickel project zibar, the Civic United Front (CUF), and 1998 law that has been a matter of friction could be at risk. were shocked when Zanzibar’s President between the public and the government on The gold royalty has been raised from 3 Amani Abeid Karume struck a deal with the one hand and investors on the other. percent to 4 percent of gross turnover as a CUF late last year. Under the agreement, How the new law will affect the indus- result of the new law. It will be 5 percent the CUF inally recognised Mr Karume’s try’s current growth momentum remains for uranium and diamonds and 3 percent presidency in return for possible CUF to be seen, but the government was quick for other gemstones. From now on, min- representation in a future government. to assure investors that they had nothing to ing agreements will be standardised and In January, the islands’ house of repre- lose or fear. Energy and Minerals Minister reviewed every ive years with respect to sentatives even approved a motion aimed William Ngeleja said the Act would “stim- the range and applicable rates of royalties at amending the local constitution to pro- ulate more growth and distribute minerals and corporate tax, and the manner in which vide for the formation of a ‘government wealth fairly”.
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