The Idea of State Sovereignty and XX Century Literature

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The Idea of State Sovereignty and XX Century Literature ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti SoTa rusTavelis saxelobis qarTuli literaturis instituti komparativistuli literaturis qarTuli asociacia (GCLA) Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature Georgian Comparative Literature Association (GCLA) XII saerTaSoriso simpoziumi literaturaTmcodneobis Tanamedrove problemebi saxelmwifoebrivi suverenobis idea da me-20 saukunis mwerloba (eZRvneba saqarTvelos saxelmwifoebrivi damoukideblobis gamocxadebidan 100 wlisT^avs) programa XII International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Criticism The Idea of State Sovereignty and XX Century Literature (Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Declaration of Georgia’s State Independence) Programme seqtemberi 26–28 September Tbilisi 2018 Tbilisi 1 samecniero redaqtori irma ratiani pasuxismgebeli redaqtorebi: maka elbaqiZe miranda tyeSelaSvili inglisuri teqstis redaqtori medea musxeliSvili rusuli teqstis redaqtori irine modebaZe Scientific Editor Irma Ratiani Executive Editors: Maka Elbakidze Miranda Tkeshelashvili Editor of the English Text Medea Muskhelishvili Editor of the Russian Text Irine Modebadze 2 saerTaSoriso samecniero simpoziumis organizatorebi: ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti SoTa rusTavelis saxelobis qarTuli literaturis instituti Tanamonawile organizacia: komparativistuli literaturis qarTuli asociacia (GCLA) saerTaSoriso simpoziumis samecniero komiteti: irma ratiani – Tavmjdomare filologiis mecnierebaTa doqtori, SoTa rusTavelis saxelobis qarTuli literaturis institutis direqtori, ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universitetis profesori (Tbilisi, saqarTvelo) giorgi SarvaSiZe – TanaTavmjdomare ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universitetis reqtori (Tbilisi, saqarTvelo) rahilia gaibulaeva baqos slavistikis universitetis profesori, komparativistuli literaturis azerbaijanis asociaciis prezidenti (baqo, azerbaijani) 3 rihard zaiaCkovski lublinis jon paul II-is kaTolikuri universitetis profesori (lublini, poloneTi) manana kvaWantiraZe SoTa rusTavelis saxelobis qarTuli literaturis institutis qarTuli literaturis ganyofilebis xelmZRvaneli, mTavari mecnier-TanamSromeli (Tbilisi, saqarTvelo) iurate landsbergite-bexeri filologiis doqtori, litvuri kulturis kvleviTi institutis mecnier-TanamSromeli maria litovskaia filologiis mecnierebaTa doqtori, CJen-gJis saxelmwifo iniversitetis slavistikis ganyofilebis profesori (taibeni, taivani) uralis federaluri universitetis profesori (ruseTi, ekaterinerburgi) gaga lomiZe SoTa rusTavelis saxelobis qarTuli literaturis institutis literaturis Teoriisa da komparativistikis ganyofilebis xelmZRvaneli, komparativistuli literaturis qarTuli asociaciis (GCLA) prezidenti (Tbilisi, saqarTvelo) arne merlani tartus kulturuli kvlevebis universitetis estonuri literaturis institutis xelmZRvaneli, profesori (tartu, estoneTi) micuoSi numano tokios universitetis SedarebiTi literaturaTmcodneobis, slavuri enebis da literaturis departamentis profesori (tokio, iaponia) 4 aleqsandre stroevi „axali sorbona – parizi 3“ universitetis profesori (parizi, safrangeTi) kazbek sulTanovi maqsim gorkis saxelobis moskovis msoflio literaturis institutis ruseTis federaciisa da dsT-s qveynebis erovnuli literaturebis ganyofilebis xelmZRvaneli, m. lomonosovis saxelobis moskovis saxelmwifo universitetis profesori (moskovi, ruseTi) olga Cervinskaia iuri fedkoviCis saxelobis Cernovcis erovnuli universitetis sazRvargareTis literaturis, literaturis Teoriisa da slavuri literaturis kaTedris gamge, filologiis mecnierebaTa doqtori, profesori (ukraina, Cernovci) rostom CxeiZe SoTa rusTavelis saxelobis qarTuli literaturis institutis wamyvani mecnier-TanamSromeli (Tbilisi, saqarTvelo) bela wifuria ilias saxelmwifo universitetis sruli profesori, SedarebiTi literaturis institutis direqtori (Tbilisi, saqarTvelo) dodo WumburiZe ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis istoriisa da eTnologiis institutis mTavari mecnier-TanamSromeli (Tbilisi, saqarTvelo) 5 saerTaSoriso simpoziumis saorganizacio komiteti: maka elbaqiZe (Tavmjdomare) SoTa rusTavelis saxelobis qarTuli literaturis insti- tutis direqtoris moadgile, Tsu profesori konstantine bregaZe SoTa rusTavelis saxelobis qarTuli literaturis insti- tutis literaturis Teoriisa da komparativistikis ganyo- filebis ufrosi mecnier-TanamSromeli, profesori manana kvataia SoTa rusTavelis qarTuli literaturis institutis qarTuli literaturis ganyofilebis ufrosi mecnier TanamSromeli TaTia obolaZe Tsu doqtoranti manana SamiliSvili SoTa rusTavelis qarTuli literaturis institutis qarTuli literaturis ganyofilebis mecnier-TanamSromeli, Tsu profrsori maia jaliaSvili SoTa rusTavelis qarTuli literaturs institutis qarTuli literaturis ganyofilebis mTavari mecnier- TanamSromeli proeqtis koordinatorebi: irine modebaZe medea musxeliSvili miranda tyeSelaSvili reglamenti: moxseneba plenarul sxdomaze – 20-25 wuTi moxseneba seqciis sxdomaze – 15 wuTi diskusia – 5-7 wuTi 6 Organizers of the International Scientific Symposium Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Shota Rustaveli Instutute of Georgian Literature Co-participant Organization Georgian Comparative Literature Association (GCLA) International Scientific Committee of the 12-th Symposium Irma Ratiani – Chair Director of Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature. Professor of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Tbilisi, Georgia) Giorgi Sharvashidze – Co-chair Rector of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Professor (Tbilisi, Georgia) Olga Chervinskaya Head of the Department of Foreign Literature, Theory of Literature and Slavic Philology of Yuri Fedkovych Chernovtsi National University Professor (Chernovtsi, Ukraine) 7 Rostom Chkheidze Chief research-worker of Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature (Tbilisi, Georgia) Dodo Chumburidze Chief Research-worker of History and Ethnology Institute of Ivane Javakhishvili (Tbilisi, Georgia) Rahilya Geybullayeva Founding Head of Azerbaijani Comparative Literature Association Head of the Azerbaijani Literature Department Professor of Baku Slavic University (Baku, Azerbaijan) Manana Kvachantiradze Head of the Department of Georgian Literature of Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature, Chief Research-worker (Tbilisi, Georgia) Jūratė Landsbergytė-Becher Assistant Research-worker in the Department for Music and Theatre History of Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, PhD (Vilnius, Lithuania) Maria Litovskaya Department of Slavic Languages and Literature NCCU - National Chengchi University, Professor, PhD (Taipei, Taiwan) Professor of the Ural Federal University UrFU (Yekaterinburg,Russia) Gaga Lomidze Head of the Department of Literary Theory and Comparativistics of Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature, PhD President of Georgian Comparative Literature Association (GCLA) (Tbilisi, Georgia) 8 Arne Merilai Professor and Chair of Estonian Literature Institute of Cultural Research University of Tartu (Tartu, Estonia) Mitsuyoshi Numano Department of Contemporary Literary Studies/ Slavic Languages and Literatures, The University of Tokyo, Professor (Tokyo, Japan) Kazbeg Sultanov Head of the Department of Literature of the Peoples of the Russian Federation and the CIS. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature. M. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Professor (Moscow, Russia) Bela Tsipuria Professor of Ilia State University (Tbilisi, Georgia) Ryszard Zajączkowski Professor of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Lublin, Poland) 9 XII International Symposium Organizing Committee: Maka Elbakidze (Chair) Deputy Director of Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature. Professor of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Konstantine Bregadze Professor of TSU, Chief Researcher, Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature Maia Jaliashvili PhD, Chief Researcher, Department of Georgian Literature Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature Manana Kvataia PhD, Chief Researcher, Department of Georgian Literature Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature Tatia Oboladze PhD Student, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Manana Shamilishvili Professor of TSU, Researcher, Department of Georgian Literature Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature Project Coordinators: Irine Modebadze Medea Muskhelishvili Miranda Tkeshelashvili Time Limit: Presentation at the plenary meeting – 20 minutes Presentation at the section meeting – 15 minutes Discussions – 5-7 minutes 10 26 seqtemberi, 2018 / September 26, 2018 saqarTvelos parlamentis erovnuli biblioTeka sagamofeno darbazi (Tbilisi, gudiaSvilis q. № 7) The National Parliamentary Library of Georgia Presentation Hall (Tbilisi, 7 Gudiashvili St.) 10. 30. – 11. 00 simpoziumis ucxoel da regionel monawileTa registracia Registration of Foreign and Regional Participants of the Symposium 11. 00 – 12. 00 simpoziumis sazeimo gaxsnis ceremoniali Opening Ceremony 12.00 – 12.50 furSeti Buffet 13. 00 – 14. 30 11 plenaruli sxdoma Plenary Session Tavmjdomare – prof. irma ratiani Chairperson – Prof. Irma Ratiani 1. irma ratiani / Irma Ratiani saqarTvelo, Tbilisi / Georgia, Tbilisi 1918-1921. politikuri procesebi da kulturuli realoba. Pro et Contra / Political Processes and Cultural Reality. Pro et Contra 2. bela wifuria / Bela Tsipuria saqarTvelo, Tbilisi / Georgia, Tbilisi qarTuli modernizmi da evropeizacia rogorc kul- turuli/nacionaluri arCevani / Georgian Modernism and Europeanization as a Cultural/National Choice 3. zaal andronikaSvili / Zaal Andronikashvili
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