: THE POWER OF THE ALTERNATIVE Free Iran Gathering 2019 at Ashraf 3

Delegations from 47 nations visit Ashraf 3, the home of Iranian Resistance

A Special Advertising Supplement to The Washington Times MEK will fight Iran regime from new Ashraf-3 base in Albania

By The Washington Times Under the plan, Maryam Ra- will not cost them very much, at senator and the 2000 Democratic base.” A State Department spokes- javi would step in as president- least until the next U.S. presiden- vice presidential candidate, said, man at the time said Washington elect until elections are held. Mrs. tial election,” she said. “They say “You don’t just represent an alter- did not claim the exile group was ASHRAF-3, Albania — Iran’s Rajavi — the wife of MEK co- to themselves: ‘Let’s wait another native to the Iranian mullahs. You involved in the assassination of largest opposition group opened founder , who dis- 16 months and maybe the U.S. represent the right alternative.” scientists in Iran. the doors of its new home base appeared in 2003 — was the star will have another president from MEK was founded in 1965 But Iranian officials have tar- on Saturday with a wave of praise of Saturday’s event. Her remarks whom we can extract the same when several student groups geted MEK ... and Ashraf-3 in- from political leaders from both were interrupted repeatedly by super concessions as we did with united to oppose the Iranian shah. cludes a museum that details the the left and the right, hailing loud chants of “Iran! Maryam! the nuclear deal.’” It has gone through several phases torture and deaths of as many as from nearly 50 countries and all Freedom!” and “From Ashraf to She said that strategy would of development as it has battled 120,000 MEK supporters. In 2015, enthusiastic about the group and , we will fight to the end!” fail in the face of MEK’s efforts. the Islamic Republic in Tehran, Iran launched a 40-rocket attack its goals. against Ashraf-2, MEK’s previous The Ashraf-3 community, not home in Iraq, leaving 24 dead. A quite finished, rests on a sprawl- car bomb attack on Ashraf-3 last ing plot that until 30 months ago year was foiled before explosives was farmland. It is about halfway could be detonated. between the Albanian capital of Despite the risks, sisters For- Tirana and the Adriatic coastline. ough and Hejrat Moezzi, ages 30 Home to more than 3,000 Ira- and 31, respectively, say Ashraf-3 nian dissidents from the Muja- is the first place that feels like hedeen-e-Khalq, best known as home to them since they left Iran MEK, Ashraf-3 is too new to ap- 12 years ago. Both were residents pear on map programs. Cement of Ashraf-1 and Ashraf-2 in Iraq. was still drying around the base of Ashraf-3 was built in Albania some flag posts, and workers were because the country offered ref- painting the handrails on a bridge uge to the group. Former Albanian as more than 350 dignitaries from Prime Minister Pandeli Majko 47 countries arrived. explained that the move was part The gathering was MEK’s 15th of the country’s history. “In 1943, “Free Iran” event but the first in the Nazis conquered Albania and Albania. Paris hosted the event had two main demands when an From 2004 to 2018. Albanian delegation went to Ber- “We look at the fact that so lin,” Mr. Majko said. “They wanted many leaders came to our home our gold transferred to Berlin, so far from where they live as a and they wanted a list of all the on Times t testament to the international sup- Jews in Albania. Our answer was port that exists for MEK and the simple: the gold, yes; the Jews, no. faith they have in what we want Protecting those in need is part of to accomplish,” said Mohammad Photo courtesy: the National Council of Resistance of Iran our identity.” Mohaddessin, chairman of the Thousands of people gathered at the newly constructed Ashraf 3 in Albania to call for freedom in Iran. The speed with which the foreign affairs committee for the heavily guarded town was built o The Washing

t National Council of Resistance — complete with parks, confer- of Iran, an umbrella group that MEK does not formally take “We will never abandon our strug- including a period of more than ence halls, shopping centers, res- includes the MEK. sides in internal politics in other gle,” Mrs. Rajavi said. 15 years starting in 1997 when the taurants, swimming pools and a The two main themes from countries, and the delegation “This isn’t a choice between U.S. government officially classi- luxury hotel — was enough to

upplemen dozens of speakers were praise for from the United States included deposing a dictator when we don’t fied it as a terrorist organization. make Mr. Giuliani marvel. “This building Ashraf-3 and organizing figures from across the political know if an even more terrible The Obama administration whole city was built in less than the event, and a desire to see the spectrum. But in her opening leader will take his place,” said lifted the MEK’s designation as two years,” Mr. Giuliani said. “If ising S Iranian regime toppled. remarks, Mrs. Rajavi appeared to former New York City Mayor a terrorist group in 2012, citing we tried to do this in New York, it Changing the regime is the endorse President Trump, who Rudolph W. Giuliani, a legal ad- what it said was the group’s “pub- would take 15 years and launch 14 t dver central goal of the MEK, though helped raise MEK’s profile after viser to Mr. Trump. “It’s a choice lic renunciation of violence, the corruption investigations.” its formal aim is to step into the pulling out of the Iran nuclear between one of the most terrible absence of confirmed acts of ter- void that a collapsed Iranian gov- deal last year. sponsors of terrorism in the world rorism by the MEK for more than This excerpt is from a Wash- pecial A ernment would leave only long Iran’s “calculation is that ter- in the current regime in Iran, and a decade, and their cooperation ington Times staff-written A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| enough to hold free elections and rorist operations and the warmon- we have MEK ready to step in.” in the peaceful closure of Camp news article first published establish a secular state. gering in the region’s countries Joseph Lieberman, a former Ashraf, their historic paramilitary online on July 14, 2019.

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Rudy Giuliani, just like our Bill of Rights, just like the Attorney to the U.S. President, universal declarations of freedom and Former Mayor of New York City decency and human rights enshrined in the great documents of the world. hanks to you and particularly Free elections within six months to the people who live here in is the promise, and I believe it will be Ashraf 3… you’ll be honored fulfilled. They’re for gender equality. forever in Iranian history and They’re for human rights. They’re for a in the history of those who system of law. They’re for fair trial. And love and are willing to die for because of their history, they oppose freedom. God bless you. capital punishment because there’s been TThis organization has grown and too much of it. grown and grown, and I feel in this This is a good organization. And it’s room today a kind of optimism that I an organization that is ready, willing and don’t remember feeling before when we able not to take over Iran but to guide were in Paris. I feel an optimism maybe Iran to elections as quickly as possible, because you’ve done a miracle here in and hopefully they will be part of the co- Ashraf. If we were to build this in New alition governing Iran like they’re part of York City, it would take 15 years and 14 the coalition that is trying to guide Iran corruption investigations. I was here to freedom. This is a group that we can a year and a half ago; this wasn’t here. support. It’s a group that we should stop And of course, all of this is possible maligning, and it’s a group that should because of the leadership of Madame make us comfortable having regime Maryam Rajavi, a truly exceptional change in the worst regime in the world. leader. Just like her husband, Massoud There is an alternative to this horrible regime of Here’s what you can do. You can be Rajavi, who began this movement in terror … the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a witness like in the biblical sense of a one very brave act. He refused to swear the NCRI, led by the president elect, Madame Rajavi witness. You know something that a lot allegiance to the Supreme Leader Kho- of people don’t know. You know really meini to his face. He said, “No, I will … In my country, she’s thoroughly respected. how bad it is in Iran. And you know not swear allegiance to you. I will not about MEK. And you know about Ma- deliver my nation to a tyrant.” years after their horrible deeds. One it? That makes you complicit in murder. dame Rajavi. And you know the truth, I accuse the Ayatollah and Rouhani killed 20,000 people, the other killed Number two, let’s make it clear, there not the lies, “the cult, they don’t have A S and all of their sycophants and follow- 12,000 people, and we brought them to is an alternative to this horrible regime support in Iran.” Why has the Ayatol- A pecial ers of mass murder, crimes against justice. The people who slaughtered of terror. This isn’t one of those situa- lah been murdering them for 40 years humanity. We should be embarrassed 30,000 people in 1988 should be identi- tions in which we have the choice of de- if they don’t have support in Iran? The

for our countries if they haven’t stood up fied, prosecuted, and they should either posing a horrible dictator and we don’t Ayatollah and Rouhani have said that dver t against this. There’s no middle ground be imprisoned for life or executed. know if a more horrible one will come this organization is the only one that’s here. These people have killed at least They’re murderers. They’re not leaders along. And we saw it happen in Egypt, in really a danger to them. 120,000 members and associates of this of countries. some ways we saw it happen in Libya. You now have a responsibility S ising great organization. You see the book. I am so proud of my government But here, we don’t have that problem. because of your knowledge. Don’t hide

You go through the sad, tragic, but he- because we have stood up. We looked We’ve got the worst regime in the world your eyes. You’ve got to get the lead- upplemen roic exhibit they have of the martyrs to at that agreement that would make Iran by far, the biggest sponsor of terrorism ers of your country to stand up so you freedom. Look at the photograph of the a nuclear power and we said tear it up. in the world. And then we have the Na- can all be proud of your country and its people in the infirmary being treated for We’re not going to put nuclear weapons tional Council of the Resistance of Iran, heritage. illness, slaughtered just a few years ago. in the hands of a maniac. Well, I say to the NCRI, led by the president-elect, I get attacked and my colleagues who t Killed 52 of them of the last 100 people the leaders of Europe, you can go down Madame Rajavi. Coalition of resistance will be here in a moment get attacked in Washing o The who stayed at Ashraf; they tried to wipe in history as fighters for freedom. Isn’t organizations respected throughout the America. Why we’re doing this? We’re THE WASHINGTON TIMES them all out. In 1988, in two months they that better than just running a govern- world. There are representatives of most doing it really very simply because we slaughtered 30,000 people. These are not ment and giving blood money to Iran? of the major countries in the world here. love freedom and we can’t turn our back numbers, these are human lives. How can you do commerce with them? They’ve gotten to know her. They’ve on people who are being treated this

So there are three things that we have We all know they’re the largest sponsor gotten to respect her. In my country, way, and we can’t turn our back on a t Times on to do. Number one, we have to get the of terrorism in the world. That means she’s thoroughly respected. situation that could be catastrophic for governments of Europe to stand up, to they fund and they supply murder- We know there’s a group of people them and catastrophic for the world. You wake up, to reclaim their dignity and ers not only in their own country but who have been fighting for freedom all know what I say to them? Keep doing it. | their honor. These are the countries all over the world. And when you give their lives, who have lost the closest I wear it as a badge of honor. I support Thursday • July 25 • 2019 that gave us democracy. Greece, Rome, them money, when you relieve them of people to them in the fight for freedom, freedom, you support oppression. I sup- Italy, France, United Kingdom, Germany, a debt, which my government did in the who are dedicated to it. port democracy, you support a dictator- all places in which freedom was born, prior administration, you are supporting People here at Ashraf — I spent a lot ship. I support decent people who share democracy emerged. Democracy for my murder. What do they use it for? When of time with them — these are people the values of decent governments and nation came out of the experience of a French or a German company does who are dedicated to freedom. And if you support mass murderers. Now who’s Europe. So how can the leaders of those business with them, that profit is going you think that’s a cult, then there’s some- right and who’s wrong? countries turn their back on mass mur- to be used to kill people in Syria or to thing wrong with you. There’s some- But I know and I feel as I’ve told you. der? How can they do it and live with kill people somewhere else or to send thing missing in your soul. I know why there’s an optimism in this themselves? It’s time to end that shame- people to Albania to kill us or to send But we know that there is a gov- room. It’s because we’re going to be in ful disregard. people to France like they did last year ernmen-in-exile, it negotiates with the Tehran much sooner than all those cyn- There’s no statute of limitations on to kill Madame Rajavi and us. That’s whole world, and it’s written down plain ics believe. You know why? Because we murder... I prosecuted two Nazis 40 what they’re funding, don’t you realize as can be what it stands for. And it looks are hazer, hazer, hazer. (We are ready). 3 ‘We will stand with you every step of the way’

Joseph Lieberman, spiritual enough to believe that he heard Former U.S. Senator that up there and thanks you. John could not be here of course today; he left us t is not only an honor but exciting last August. But he was in Ashraf 3 in to be here in Ashraf 3. April of 2017. And I want to bring back The cause of the residents of to you the words he said, he would be so Ashraf, the cause of what I would astounded and impressed by what has call the prisoners of the bizarrely, become of Ashraf 3 today. And here’s insanely named Camp Liberty, was what John said on that day to people embraced by more and more members of who are here, “You have stood up and ICongress of both political parties. You’re fought and sacrificed for freedom, for a cause. We were irritated and anxious the right to determine your own future, when your freedom was repressed, when for the rights that are given by God. I you were let down and you were treated thank you for being an example to the unfairly, including by the United States of whole world that those who are willing America. We were hurt and heartbroken to fight and sacrifice for freedom always and angry when you were terrorized and will achieve it.” End of quote from John murdered in Camp Liberty by Iranian McCain. I’m proud to bring his words to forces. But you were a cause to us. you because they are true. The battle to This weekend, we have met you. You liberate Iran from the radical religious are real people. We have heard your sto- dictators who control it today is a battle ries. You have deepened our commitment that not only has great significance for to stand with you every step of the way the people of Iran but for the cause of from the hell that you lived in in Camp freedom throughout the world. Liberty to the heaven that will be life in And it begins, as every movement must — the And it begins, as every movement liberated Iran. movement doesn’t happen automatically. A movement must — the movement doesn’t happen Well, it’s hard not to believe on a automatically. A movement needs a weekend like this, in a gathering like this, needs a strong, principled, collaborative leader. And strong, principled, collaborative leader. with so many leaders from around the that is what you have, thank God, in Mrs. Maryam And that is what you have, thank God, in world who are saying to you not just that Rajavi. She is able, she is principled, she is visionary, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi. She is able, she is Iran is ready for a new day and dawn of she is selfless, she cares for every one of you. principled, she is visionary, she is selfless, freedom, not just that you are ready for she cares for every one of you. Yesterday, a new day of dawn and freedom in Iran, my wife and I walked through the exhibi- but for all of us around the world we are course that’s necessary, but now some- Today, it’s the IRGC that is clearly known tion here, the 120,000 martyrs, with Mrs. ready to stand with you in the fight for thing new and different has happened. and designated as a terrorist organiza- Rajavi. And she looked at those — it was freedom.… We have all learned a phrase And what I’m about to say, I’m saying as tion. And that’s what it is... really like walking through a Holocaust this weekend. Hazer, hazer, hazer. We are a Democrat and I’m saying as somebody Now, there’s someone you and I both museum. And she looked at every one of ready. And we will stand with you every who didn’t vote for Donald Trump in know if he were still alive would be here the faces there as if they were members on Times t step of the way. 2016, and that’s why I hope you believe today. A great fighter for human rights of her family. That is the way she feels Now, why do I say a new day is dawn- I’m saying it with all the more sincerity. throughout the world and a devoted about every one of you and about every ing? It’s not there yet, but we’re getting President Trump has been heroic and his- believer in the cause of freedom for citizen of Iran. You are blessed to have close to a new day of freedom in Iran. toric in taking the actions he has to break the people of Iran and the cause of the such a leader, and it makes it that much It’s because of a confluence of forces the Iran nuclear agreement, to impose NCRI, MEK. And that is my dear and our easier for my friends from the United that have come together. And the first is sanctions on the Iranian government. We dear beloved friend, a blessed memory, States and around the world to stand with o The Washing

t represented by the liberation of Ashrafis have gone from the specious, the baseless the honorable John S. McCain, Sena- you as we will until victory is secured. and the miraculous building of this com- charges of terrorism against the MEK, tor from Arizona. Thank you. Thank Looking at this movement’s history, it’s munity here in Albania. Now, this great NCRI, now to where they truly belong. you. God bless his soul. You know, I’m remarkable that you fought both the movement, you suffered, you refused to Shah’s dictatorship and then have stood upplemen yield, you refused to give in, but right against the mullahs as well, because your alongside you was the NCRI and the North Star is freedom, is human rights. MEK led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi. They Ashraf 3 is the best testament to the fact ising S would not leave you behind. It might that this movement presents a viable have been easy. But in standing with you alternative to the regime. t dver and fighting for your freedom, they told So, let me once more say in conclu- the rest of the world a lot about them- sion, to others in the world who would selves. And you told us a lot about this preach appeasement, who would pecial A movement. And now that you are here, disillusion themselves, who would allow A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| the NCRI and the MEK can focus with themselves to be entrapped in foolish, full attention and energy on the ground, wasteful discussions with the mullahs, on the battlefield for freedom in Iran. it’s time to stand firm against the regime. Resistance groups are growing every It’s time to stand with the people of Iran. day as the regime is weakening every It’s time to stand for the people’s free- day.... The Iran nuclear agreement was dom. It’s time to bring a government to signed in 2015 in spite of the fight that Iran that will reject claims of leadership many of us made against it because it was based on heredity or religion. The people a bad agreement for the Iranian people, of Iran deserve a government that is ac- for the United States, for the world, for all countable to them, a government of the

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday the reasons that have been said. people, by the people, and for the people. I thought that a new day could only And together, yes, we can. We are ready. 4 dawn from the ground up in Iran. And of Hazer, hazer, hazer. ‘You can imprison a man or a woman, but you can’t kill an idea’

and tortured. So you can imprison a man or a woman, but you can’t kill an idea. And we’ve listened today and will continue to listen to tributes to your courage, to your sacrifice, to your relentless pursuit of justice and liberty and freedom in your home. A country with a culture, a history, rich in tradition and rich in contributions to the rest of the world. And you will at the end prevail — you now fight for all those who cherish freedom and liberty and justice globally. Time for trial of There are so many men and women whom you’ve never met, probably millions around the world, murderous who look to you and your pursuit of freedom and justice. Their prayers Iranian regime in are now with you, as your prayers were with me and with so many others, that you succeed. Because at international court Tom Ridge, around the world. So, I thank you for the end of the day, as my friend and First U.S. Secretary of that kindness and your love. so many people have referred to our Louis Freeh, Homeland Security In recent history, the world has friend Senator McCain, sometimes Former Director of the FBI recognized and recorded the ex- in your life you have the opportunity Madame Rajavi and guests, if you traordinary leadership of women in to pursue and embrace causes bigger I am very, very honored to be here today with permit just one very, very personal trying and difficult and challenging than yourself. Some 120,000 men you. And your inspiration, your prayers, your expression of gratitude. Less than times confronting their country, their and women have died seeking and support, your commitment in spirit for freedom two years ago, I suffered a very, very region and their value system. Of promoting and embracing a cause have carried you so far in such a short period serious cardiac arrest. In the course course there have been many lauda- bigger than themselves. There will of time. Madame Rajavi, we salute you, we love of my recovery, I received probably tory and richly deserved comments be an open, pluralistic, non-nuclear, you, we respect you for not just the leadership hundreds of letters and good wishes and expressions of gratitude and democratic Iran, and you — you, and the courage that you’ve shown but the abil- and prayer groups and the like. And sincerity, affection for you, Madame your courage, your sacrifice — will ity to move this peace commitment as far as it’s A S there’s not another group of people Rajavi. When you refer to the MEK be responsible for future generations moved in such a short period of time. A pecial globally that sent me more cards of and the NCRI, you can say, “You can to enjoy the liberty and freedoms. One of the things I just wanted to say is goodwill and of prayer and of support imprison a man or a woman,” and, yes, Godspeed on your journey. We will listening to the testimony yesterday and view-

than those committed to your cause they’ve done that. And I met several be with you all the way to the streets ing the room next door (Martyrs Exhibition), dver t and your mission, the Iranian diaspora yesterday who had been imprisoned of Tehran. one of the things we have to prepare for is the prosecution and conviction of the thousands of criminals who have murdered, assassinated, S ising killed, not by accident, not by coincidence,

but a designed plan to murder, mass murder a upplemen ‘Take your lives in your own hands’ group of people. So, when you talk about the exhibit, I don’t see it as an exhibit. I see it as an evidence room. And an evidence room that in Iran who at the risk of your lives cause, to restore the dignity of the has photographs, digital records. But that’s t listened to us on radios or on flicker- Iranian nation, the freedom of the eyewitness evidence, that’s the most important Washing o The ing television screens or on devices Iranian people, and build a secure thing in a criminal prosecution. So what I think THE WASHINGTON TIMES in your hands, it is your time. We are freedom of liberty. There is only one should happen now, as we prepare for change, ready. It is your moment. To the stu- organization that promises the de- one of the most important things that I think dents, if you have not joined a brigade struction of the regime, the building everybody in this room can do is apply some

of resistance yesterday, join it today. If of a democratic future that can mus- of the same skill and detail and meticulousness t Times on you do not join today, join tomorrow. ter the resources, make the sacrifices, that you’ve applied to everything you’ve done But do not be a witness to history; and restore the nation. That organiza- and start preparing for criminal prosecutions take your lives in your own hands. To tion is the PMOI/MEK and its leader by an international criminal court. |

the workers who hear my voice and is Madame Rajavi. Economic sanctions are great... and the Thursday • July 25 • 2019 toil in the factories of the Revolution- Gathered here today is what the biggest threat to that — actually, I think the ary Guards, break your chains, lay regime could not buy: the respect, the biggest threat, Mrs. Rajavi, to everything you’ve down your tools, stop working to fund dignity of other nations. I am proud done — is not even the regime itself, it’s the terror and misery and the destruction to be here among the delegation of politicians who will try to accommodate and of your own country. Rise up to work my own nation. Democrats or Re- appease and come up with the ridiculous type to feed your own families in a new publicans, liberals and conservatives, of agreements that we saw in 2015. “Truth com- Robert Torricelli, Iranian freedom. We are ready. The north, east and west, in the most dis- missions, forgiveness, let’s go on?” We can’t go time is now. tinguished group of united Americans on. The testimony we heard yesterday cries out Former U.S. Senator (D-NJ) To those in the diaspora, the Ira- it has ever been my pleasure to join. for criminal prosecutions, convictions, impris- Today what began with a single nian community from Germany and Committed to one common cause: the onment, and I think now we have to put that woman is now a chorus of voices all France to Canada and America, the destruction of this regime now. documentation together like the Simon Wi- around the world. To those of you past is forgiven. We have a common esenthal Center did after World War II. 5 ‘Your 10-point plan is the future’

Stephen Harper, acceptance of the war that the theocracy 22nd Prime Minister of Canada is already pursuing through its proxies and allies against its neighbors in the We are all overwhelmed by what you region. Weakness and appeasement will have built here in Ashraf 3; what a tre- invite the regime to pursue even more mendous achievement. Congratulations. aggressive confrontation in the future. Madame Rajavi, distinguished The right response is not to surrender to guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends, the regime, it is to stand with the Iranian I’m delighted to be back with you, the people and stand against this regime. National Council of Resistance, at Free Those are the people we must stand Iran 2019. And I am delighted to be with. And that means standing behind here because there are few causes in the 10-point plan that Madame Rajavi this world today more important at this and the National Council of Resistance moment than what you are pursuing: of Iran have committed to. Democracy, the right of the people of Iran to change pluralism, the rule of law, justice, human their government. rights, peaceful coexistence, gender In the years since we last gathered, equality, private property and a market the Ayatollah’s regime has openly economy, the separation of religion and increased its enrichment of uranium. state, and a non-nuclear Iran. Your 10- It has stepped up its support for its ter- point plan is the future. It is the future rorist allies and proxies in the Middle with firmness. Sadly and dangerously, and its institutions as terrorist organiza- the world wants. It is the future that East and around the world. And it has some in the world … claim to want to tions, and do what my government did Iranians need. And it is the future you taken the suppression of human rights reach out to the regime’s moderates. in Canada — close down the regime’s have long fought for. to new levels. So, the need for change in Anyone senior in a regime like this, embassies around the world. That new Iran is coming. And it Iran is greater than ever before, and the senior in a regime of extremism and What really is the argument against will be an Iran that stands freely and need for the work of this organization of brutality and of hatred could ever responding with firmness and strength? proudly among the nations of the world. on behalf of the Iranian people is greater possibly be a moderate? It is ridicu- It is because the world, they say, has It will be an Iran that your efforts have than ever before. lous. The right policy, the only realistic a stark choice, appeasement or war. inspired. So, keep up the fight. Hazer, How should we respond to that policy is firmness and strength. Impose That is a false choice. Surrender to the hazer, hazer (We are ready). threat? There is only one way: to respond sanctions, boycott its oil, designate it regime’s religious [extremists] is an Appeasement of the mullahs: on Times t ‘Absolute disgrace’

with which I served under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, we know this regime in Tehran only too well. We know about their o The Washing

t nuclear program. We know about their abysmal and deteriorating human rights record. We know about their moral and material

upplemen support for terrorism in every corner of the world. We know that you have to combat the regime’s ising S propaganda and the regime’s lies. ‘Story of We know that you have to be t dver strong and you have to not make honorable people’ endless concessions to tyrants. And most importantly, in Canada pecial A we believe — and we know — that Mojgan Parsaie, A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| appeasement of the mullahs is an PMOI/MEK Secretary-General absolute disgrace. In Canada we (2001-2005) know that there is no such thing as a moderate fascist. This exhibition that you see here is a small part It is time to end the tyranny. It of the larger picture of the sacrifice made through- John Baird, see and to learn and to feel your is time to end the oppression. It is out decades of struggle for freedom and democracy 10th Minister of Foreign persistence and your commitment time to put an end to religious fas- This story of the supporters of Ashraf who helped to freedom. cism. It is time for justice and ac- rescue the PMOI/MEK members is the story of hon- Affairs of Canada You are honestly a tremendous countability. It’s time for freedom. orable people... Time has shown that you stand on It is a great honor for me to inspiration. Madame Rajavi, I It is time for victory. It is time for the right side of history. As Mahatma Gandhi said,

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday visit Ashraf 3, to meet you person- salute your leadership, your cour- the mullahs to go. “Throughout history, there are always tyrants... and ally, to hear firsthand of your age, and your determination. for a period they seem invincible. However, they all 6 struggles, and most importantly to In Canada, the government fall in the end. Always.” ‘We are facing the era ‘You represent a vision of freedom in Iran’ to unite all Iranians’ Bernard Kouchner, of mosque and state — this is the key Former French Foreign Minister, point. Adherence to the Universal Dec- Michèle Alliot-Marie, the regime that destabilizes the region. Co-founder of Doctors laration of Human Rights. Safeguarding Former Foreign, Defense, The Iranian people aren’t like that... private property. A foreign policy based and Interior Minister We should not be illusional; we have Without Borders on peaceful coexistence. Rejection of cultural and political differences. But This [Ashraf 3] is a fantastic master- nuclear development. I thank you for representing a vi- we have values that are common and piece of art and friendship. This room, I am in agreement with Mr. Giuliani: sion, a direction that unites all Iranians we should fight for them... built in some few weeks, [is] glorious ... The mullahs are murderers. They are and many people in the world… Iran is We are lucky enough to enjoy these It is very well done. Coming to ... Ashraf putting the Middle East under fire. behind all the crises in the Middle East. values, but we almost lost them at a A S 3 was really a reward for the people They are in the middle of — and at the Iran destabilizes the whole region. Iran certain point. There were friends who A pecial supporting you and for you supporting origin of — all the terrorist attacks. finances terrorists and supports them helped us to keep them. For these rea- your people. Now we are facing this I want to express my deep admira- with weapons. sons we have to stand with the Iranians

new step ... the era of freedom in Iran. tion to Madame Maryam Rajavi. You When we talk about Iran, we don’t who want to protect their fundamental dver t We should not mix up the regime in are determined, you are persistent, you talk about the Iranian people. I refer to human rights. Iran and the people of Iran. Just listen to are a fantastic model for the women of the [10-point] program... Election based the world. To say that [there is] equal- S ising on the principle of universal suffrage. ity for Iranian women and the Iranian

Second, a pluralistic political system men is a fantastic revolutionary word, upplemen with free assembly ... The abolition so thank you very much. We are com- of the death penalty. The separation pletely with you. t Washing o The THE WASHINGTON TIMES t Times on | Thursday • July 25 • 2019

Mrs. Aziz Rezaii, front row, second from right, lost eight family members, including three sons and three daughters, to the murderous regimes of the Shah and the mullahs. 7 ‘We have to have regime The people have the change in Iran now’ right to abolish tyrannies

Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX), for your dedication and your fight. Ted Poe, Committee on Financial Services This is my first time ever in Albania, Former Member my first day, in fact. And while I look of U.S. Congress I want to tell you a few things I’ve forward to coming back to Albania, learned in my first seven months in I look forward to visiting you all in When I was chairman of the terrorism office. The first thing I learned [regard- Tehran someday very soon when you subcommittee, I wanted to have Madame ing] Iran is one of the most respected move back home to where you belong. Rajavi testify [by satellite]. All the bu- people across the United States in your Let’s win this. I encourage the young reaucrats were jumping out the windows. movement is Madame Rajavi... And the people across Iran to get involved, to They said it couldn’t be done, but she other thing I’ve learned is despite our get united, to fight, to spread the mes- made the case for freedom, the case for differences in Washington and despite sages that young people are the future the MEK, the case for delisting the MEK. the issues that we often disagree on, of your nation. And together, I believe And let me say this about Madame Rajavi. one of the issues that we are all in that you all will prevail and that all the When she testified and made the case for agreement on in the United States people that I’m here with today will freedom for Iran, I was impressed and on Times t Congress — and President Donald be back in Iran with you. It will be a others were impressed. Trump is right there with us leading democratic nation. But we need your All of us in the world and in all of the charge — is that we have to have help, so please get involved. Thank you history are given, by God, certain rights. regime change in Iran now. and God bless you all. We get them from God, not from govern- the attacks that they wanted to have on I want to thank you all so much ment... [They are] in the Declaration of you here in Albania? How about the as- Independence, life, liberty, and pursuit of sassination attempts? How about the fact o The Washing

t happiness. But there is another right — that this terrorist organization is operat- freedom — that is mentioned in the Dec- ing everywhere there is trouble in the laration of Independence that all peoples world... Whether it’s in Yemen ... Lebanon To the oppressors: have. Thomas Jefferson further wrote that ...Syria ... South America, whether it’s upplemen governments are instituted among people ships at sea in international waters being to secure those rights... And if govern- attacked, whether it’s aircraft in interna- ‘Your days are numbered’ ments don’t do that, the people have the tional airspace being attacked, you will ising S right to alter or abolish that government. see the mullahs and the IRGC. They have It is the right of the people to abolish a forfeited the right to rule the people of t dver Dana Rohrabacher, tyrannical government like the mullahs Iran. They are guilty of high crimes. They Former Member have in Iran. are guilty of murder on the high seas and What’s the evidence that they have against their people....

pecial A of U.S. Congress forfeited the right to govern the people of Some things are worth living for and A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| ... And Madame (Rajavi), thank you, Iran? Well, how about 120,000 murders some things are worth dying for, and I can God bless you, God bless this move- of Iranian people? How about the attacks think of no greater cause for any of us than ment. This movement will make it a in and Ashraf 2. How about to live and die, if necessary, for freedom. better world.... Americans are attracted to people like yourselves who are seeking freedom and seeking a better life for your families... The children of the United their heart. This is what we are taught Iran from this horrible tyranny. I want to States and throughout the world will be as kids. And you will prevail. The most say to the gangsters, to those people who safer if you succeed in eliminating the powerful force in the world are those are corrupt and oppressive and are put- worst terrorist government on this planet. people who believe in freedom and are ting down and putting their thumb on the

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday And their days are numbered. willing to act and put their lives on the society in Iran, your days are numbered. Everything that you’ve heard from line. And today I have no doubt that you Your days are numbered. The people here 8 these American speakers today is from will be successful in your efforts to free will carry the cause of freedom to Iran. False accusations about MEK are ‘finished, gone forever’

Amb. Lincoln Bloomfield Jr., my friends, we had a dinner with a hall Former U.S. Assistant full of women from the Mujahedeen Secretary of State e-Khalq. Only women for one evening. We walked under the stars. We spoke for Political-Military Affairs to them personally, privately. We heard esidents of Ashraf 3, amazing stories of courage, of con- Mujahedeen e-Khalq, it is viction, of pain, of separation, of the my honor to stand before choice of a lifetime. These were the ac- you and greet you for the tions of people who are stronger than second time and to be in me, who have a major part, who have this wonderful country of a mission in life and who have made Albania for the second time, but for the a choice, and they are dedicated to Rfirst time in Ashraf 3. Clearly this is an keeping that choice. Ladies and gentle- engineering and construction feat that men, the obscuring curtain has been shows how smart, how talented, how removed today. Never again should we driven, how capable the residents are, so hear the allegation of cult. It is gone congratulations. That’s just one point. forever. You are free. It’s finished. Secondly, as you come in the en- There is one more element behind trance to this great facility you see that the curtain. And that is because the this is a message. It’s a symbol to the re- regime has been accusing the Mujahe- gime in Tehran that you have tried and deen of being a human rights violator. tried and tried and you have failed to But the biggest allegation of all is right stop the resistance. It’s a major symbol. of four major court cases in France, you, the residents of Ashraf 3, do not here in Ashraf 3. It is the gross abuse of However, those two things are not the UK, the European Union and the have the permission to think for your- human rights. It is the crimes against the significance of Ashraf 3, in my United States and other research. We selves because someone is telling you humanity which are documented not humble opinion. If you heard Madame now know that no member for three what to do. This is the reason, ladies only in your exhibits here but in your Rajavi this morning, she talked about generations of the resistance has and gentlemen, that the United Nations personal stories. Right now, the curtain a curtain of obscurity, an obscur- ever been prosecuted or convicted of Secretariat insisted that they could of obscurity on human rights has been ing curtain. I heard that phrase and I terrorism in a country ruled by the not interview the residents at Camp completely stripped away. Not only are know what you’re saying. Like many rule of law and due process. Not one Ashraf in Iraq. They would not be free the residents people of free will speak- of you, I have looked into the allega- person ever. to speak for themselves. All because of ing for themselves with courage and A S tions and the terrible things that have Unfortunately, the obscuring cur- that obscuring curtain, the allegation with honor, dedicated to their country- A pecial been said by the regime and by people tain remains. We hear, “They are a cult. of cult, they had to be moved into this men of Iran, but they bear witness as in the West about the MEK and about You shouldn’t deal with them, they prison called Camp Liberty. Director Freeh said so well. They are

the NCRI. As you know, the allegation are a cult.” Really? And how can we Well, let me tell you what the the evidence that this regime is a mon- dver t of terrorism has been completely de- prove whether this is true or not? It’s a significance of this place is. I’ve been strous regime, as Ingrid Betancourt bunked. It is gone, thanks to the work human rights allegation that says that here for three days now. Like many of said, that must be brought to account. S ising upplemen t Washing o The THE WASHINGTON TIMES t Times on | Thursday • July 25 • 2019

9 ‘Your cause will prevail over evil’

Amb. Robert Joseph, Former Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Madame Rajavi, ladies and gentle- men, it is a great pleasure to be here today and to be even a small part of what I believe is a great day for the cause of freedom in Iran and through- out the world. I’d like to address my remarks to the residents of Ashraf 3 and to the resis- tance units who are risking their lives every day in Iran. Because they repre- sent what I believe is the front line in a battle, a historic battle between good and evil. And I know that sophisticated foreign policy specialists and the think tank intellectuals will reject that charac- terization as overly simplistic and too emotional. With regard to emotion, I think it’s very difficult to be dispassion- ate when over 100,000 of your compa- triots have been killed in this struggle. And with regard to being overly sim- plistic, I think it’s absolutely essential that we acknowledge that evil does exist in this world. What we have seen in Iran in terms of the crimes against humanity that have been perpetuated by the mul- you, torture you, kill your mothers and truth, and the truth is your most power- regime. The NCRI and the MEK pro- lahs truly rises to the level of evil. fathers and sisters and brothers, but ful ally. And after the lies of the regime vide that alternative. This is not Syria. You have shown that your cause will it will not triumph over your spirit. are exposed, what will remain will be This is not Libya. We have a capable prevail over evil. And I would say that That spirit is defined not by a sense of the facts. And the facts are clear. It is government-in-exile who can guide even more important than the mag- bitterness but by a sense of hope and a fact that there is a path to a free, a the Iranian nation to freedom, who can nificent buildings that you have built is optimism, which I think is grounded in democratic, a secular, a non-nuclear restore the basic rights of the Iranian the spirit of Ashraf 3. The regime may your total dedication and commitment Iran, and that path is revealed in Mrs. people. And it is a fact that the regime fight you with bullets, with missiles, to a free Iran. Rajavi’s 10-point plan. It is a fact that will fall ... because of the desire of the on Times

t with armored vehicles. It may imprison Your strength is derived from the there is a viable alternative to this Iranian people to be free. o The Washing

t Aspiring to a shared ‘field of dreams’

Marc Ginsberg, on that field of dreams for the free-

upplemen Former U.S. Ambassador to dom that you wish to lead the Iranian Morocco and White House people to. I have one expression that I’ll say in Persian. Shoma Behtarini. ising S Middle East Adviser (You are the best). You know Madame Rajavi, all of us When I was a young man aspiring t dver were young once. We had dreams. On on my field of dreams, I worked for the portraits of each of our aspirations, Senator Edward Kennedy who taught there’s a field of dreams of hopes and me that the challenge of freedom and pecial A aspirations. There are successes and dignity for people who are oppressed A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| there are failures. There are achieve- is a lifetime of goals and aspirations ments as well as setbacks. But the one and hard work. I had the privilege of thing that drives us Americans is the working for Senator Lieberman when belief that what we wish to achieve for he was running for office in Con- ourselves can be achieved by all people necticut. It was with him over these who aspire for freedom and for liberty last 40 years that I’ve shared with him and for dignity. This field of dreams is and with all the Americans who are shared by everyone in this audience. here that belief that we can help you The aspirations that all of us have for achieve what you wish to achieve. The you, for the people of Ashraf, for the one thing that I do hope is that before

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday people of Iran. My colleagues who are I hang up my shingle that I will be able here today want to give you the sup- to see the day when a new U.S. Em- 10 port and the dignity and aspirations bassy will open in Tehran. Cross-Party British Parliamentarians Support the Resistance ‘Your story will not be silenced’

will be. Your story will not be silenced. That is why my colleagues and myself in the UK Parliament have in a cross-party effort urged our government to pro- scribe the IRGC as a terrorist organiza- tion. That is why I support the American sanctions against the Supreme Leader’s office and urge our government to fol- low this step as well as to increase the number of people, number of officials, on its sanction list over human rights violations in Iran. I can assure you that the cause of human rights, freedom, and democ- racy in Iran has widespread support amongst all my colleagues here from ‘Brave the Houses of Parliament. And that sup- port also includes support for Madame Rajavi’s 10-point plan. This is a plan that women’ Matthew Offord, people, through the construction of this gives a future for Iran, which provides Member of British Parliament camp. Yesterday, many of my colleagues a clear and viable alternative to the cur- and I were given a tour of the museum rent theocratic regime. Madame Rajavi, join men in You who are in the resistance move- and we saw the evidence of the regime’s your platform abolishes the death ment led by Madame Rajavi are at the vicious persecution of so many of you, penalty. We want the UK government forefront of the struggle for a free and human rights violations and acts of ter- to recognize the democratic platform of challenging democratic Iran. And you are a beacon rorism across the world. And we heard Madame Rajavi, and we want the Ira- of hope for millions of oppressed people firsthand testaments from any of those nian people’s right to change the regime in Iran. And for that, we are thankful. We victims. Your story must be heard. And for a better future. regime can feel it in the air, the hope of so many through initiatives like the museum it Baroness Verma, A S

Member of British House of A pecial Lords, Former Energy & Climate Change Minister, Defying the theocracy is Former International dver t Development Minister ‘first step towards freedom’ S ising The prominent role of women in

the Iranian resistance reflects what is upplemen to rise up against the theocracy across with you all, and the UK and our Euro- happening in Iran with women organiz- Iran as a first step towards freedom. Your pean allies must now move to proscribe ing and being at the forefront of the Iranian opposition, you, the MEK, are the whole of Iran’s Intelligence Ministry protests that have been going on in the clearly behind these ongoing protests as a foreign terrorist organization. country. Brave women in Iran are chal- t that continue to grow... The mullahs only understand the lenging the regime in every possible Washing o The At the center of this stands the Islamic language of firmness. The international way. Many, as you know, have been THE WASHINGTON TIMES Revolutionary Guard Corps. I welcome community, especially in the West, must arrested and held in the most inhu- the United States’ decision to designate make it clear to the regime officials that mane conditions, under torture, in the the entire IRGC as a terrorist organiza- we in the Free World stand with the regime’s prisons. To uphold women’s

tion and to impose sanctions on the people of Iran and the resistance move- rights, my friends, is to uphold human t Times on Supreme Leader and his office. I sincerely ment, the NCRI, in their efforts to bring rights. When the Iranian regime has hope that the new United Kingdom freedom, democracy, human rights, to reduced women to second-class citizens government coming in ... will join our their country, Iran... Iran is destined and considers women’s rights activists |

American allies in these efforts. In April, to have a better future, stability, and as enemies of the state, then it is really Thursday • July 25 • 2019 I tabled the motion in Parliament to pro- prosperity because it has a democratic time for the world to stand up, speak scribe the IRGC and the Supreme Leader alternative in the NCRI, a strong, inspir- out, and support the work that you, the and all parts of the regime. I’m pleased ing leader in Maryam Rajavi, and a viable NCRI, are doing. to say this motion was supported by plan in her democratic platform for the We saw in the museum yesterday the members of Parliament on all sides of the future of Iran. We will support you, and women who have sacrificed their lives, Bob Blackman, chamber and from all political parties. we will be with you on the day when we their freedoms alongside their country- Member of British Parliament I am also one of the plaintiffs in can celebrate a new beginning for Iran. men. It demonstrates the strength of the case against the so-called Iranian Last year we met in Paris. This year we men and women fighting for the same We are now approaching the time diplomats who are awaiting prosecution meet in Ashraf. Let us resolve that next cause. I hope that we will sooner rather when freedom will be restored to Iran. in Belgium for attempting to bomb last year we will meet in Tehran in a free Iran. than later celebrate her success, your We’ve seen since last year the people year’s gathering in Paris. We were there success, our success in Iran. of Iran defying the regime’s crackdown as a large British delegation, meeting 11 Cross-Party British Parliamentarians Support the Resistance

Protests prove genuine Appeasement policies for hunger for change Iran: ‘Sheer madness’

Lord Mark McInnes, And now, as we see with thousands of Sir Alan Meale, throughout the world, particularly in Member of House of Lords demonstrations in Iran, we can see the Former Member of British Europe, who stand idly by and argue Iranian people are ready for real change. Parliament for appeasement. Policies that haven’t This is an important conference on And the crucial reason for that hunger worked and won’t work. Are they act- Iran and the future of stability in the re- for real change is the illegitimate ac- The work you’ve done here is mag- ing in their selfish interest? Definitely. gion and across the world. It is the first tions of the Iranian state in sponsoring nificent. We are here to once again to But that is very dangerous for world time that I’ve visited Albania. What is world terrorism and of the actions of oppose the mullahs for what they’re peace. That is sheer madness... clear today ... is the genuine enthusiasm the IRGC. It is incumbent upon all of doing to the world. They are killing The only way forward is Madame and hunger of everyone here to ensure us from the UK and the EU to work as Iranians in the most diabolic way. Rajavi’s 10-point plan. It’s imperative a democratic and pluralistic Iran once hard as we can to ensure that that evil They are violating the human rights of that we don’t turn away from the pro- more. The great privilege of yesterday organization is proscribed in the West their population in every way. cess of democracy in Iran. Madame was being able to hear firsthand the and the Iranian people suffer no longer. The Iranian regime supports ter- Rajavi offers a real way, a democratic testimony of those who have suffered at We will do all we can to support you. rorism in Yemen, Syria, and Af- way, and it is up to all of us to sup- the hands of the brutal Iranian regime. ghanistan. Yet, we see governments port that. on Times t Ashraf 3 museum exposes regime’s ‘vicious’ atrocities

Gerry Horkan, with you for freedom in Iran. We sup- and free and fair elections will be held port the NCRI in everything you are in Iran. o The Washing Senator of Ireland

t trying to do… We know the regime is I want to congratulate all of you for We are hungry for change. It’s an a threat to peace and stability. Tehran what you have done in Ashraf 3. Your enormous honor for me to be here. It’s is causing havoc across the region. We museum and exhibition here show the an enormous honor to be here with must never forget that. atrocities are still happening in Iran.

upplemen renowned politicians such as Rudy Last week, I was with the NCRI at We must get rid of that regime and do Giuliani, Joe Lieberman, and Madam the Berlin gathering. Nobody thought everything we can to bring an end to Rajavi. the Berlin Wall would fall when it did. the vicious mullahs’ regime. We are ising S Many of my colleagues from Ire- I think the day is coming sooner than here from so many parts of the world land wanted to be here today. We are we think for the regime in Iran to fall to support you and Madam Rajavi. t dver pecial A A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| Romanians also stood up for freedom

Ben-Oni Ardelean, Member of brutal and criminal regime will fall. Faith, I want to especially thank those rep- Parliament of Romania love, and hope are everlasting. Your love resenting different nations today. We for the people in Iran is motivating you should do what we can do to ensure My friends and I in Romania know and us to do what we do and fight against this freedom comes for the Iranian what it is like to live under a brutal this terrorism and this criminal regime. people. I hope more nations come to regime. Thirty years ago, the people Your hope brings you here year after this conclusion that we all have to do stood for their belief in freedom and year. We hope that one day very soon this our best to provide full freedom for the

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday democracy. In those days the brutal regime will fall. We hope to do our best Iranian people. regime was gone. for our nation and every single human We congratulate and support Madam 12 This is our hope that very soon the being that deserves freedom. Rajavi. Freedom for the Iranian people. Gen. Casey at Podium. Behind him, from left, Col. (ret.) Wesley Martin, Gen. (ret.) James Conway, Brig. Gen. (ret.) David Phillips, Col. (ret.) Leo McCloskey. ‘Because of you, change will come to Iran’

General (ret.) George W. Casey Jr., you’ve done. for the international community. And your journey here. It’s through your 36th Chief of Staff of the So, as has been said many times change must come to Iran. grit and your determination you have United States Army already today, it’s time. Change must Let me just close with a couple of cemented — cemented both literally come to Iran. Many of us in the U.S. remarks directed at the residents of and figuratively — Ashraf 3 as the It’s a pleasure and a privilege to be military have on-the-ground, firsthand Camp Ashraf 3, the Ashrafis. What global center for democratic resistance here with you tonight celebrating with experience with Iran, as all these gen- you have built here is a tribute to your to the Iranian regime. And because of you the obvious pride you see in what tlemen know from their time in Iraq. courage. It’s a tribute to your determi- you and what you’ve done, change will you’ve accomplished here in the last The Iran regime is a challenge not only nation. And it’s a tribute to your 168 come to Iran. 20 months. Congratulations on what for the Iranian people, it’s a challenge comrades who lost their lives during A Sp e c A ial

Ashraf’s women and men dver t isin

embody ‘sense of purpose and patriotism’ g S u pp le

General (ret.) James T. Conway, tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that what m 34th Commandant of the I saw last night in terms of the ability en to endure loss and yet move on through t

U.S. Marine Corps Washin o The courage and determination was the I would like to share with you a same in that dining room as it was in THE WASHINGTON TIMES revelation that I experienced yesterday that compound 15 years ago. The sense along with another number of visitors to of unit cohesion and loyalty and dedica- Ashraf 3. We were invited to dinner with tion to each other was the same. And the about 100 of the ladies of Ashraf 3 — all sense of mission and dedicated intent to gt Ti on ladies. They spoke in volume, to include accomplish that mission was the same.

our young master of ceremonies here. I’d be the last person to step up here in m And about six or eight of them shared front of this audience and compare 100 es | with us their stories, the tragedy of the Iranian women to a rifle company of U.S. Thursday • July 25 • 2019 loss of loved ones and their subsequent Marines. But I walked away from that dedication to this organization. session, ladies and gentlemen, completely Now, to give my comments text, I blown away by their sense of purpose need to go back in history about 15 years and their patriotism. ... when I was a three-star commander in For the men at Ashraf 3, I would say the Anbar Province of Iraq. One of our Marines who were shot by snipers or lessons learned. By the time we left, I said to you that there are warriors walking battalions was in the city of Ramadi and blown up with IEDs. And I thought it was to my chief of staff and my aide, “I came amongst you. And not all of them have they were in some fairly heavy combat. my place as their general to go see those here to inspire them, but they inspired me short hair and broad shoulders and a In fact, over about a two-week period, people and sit down and talk. from their sense of determination. And all firm hand grip. And I am absolutely they had lost a lieutenant, a very popular I talked to them, but more importantly they asked from me in terms of support convinced that with your ladies at your gunnery sergeant, an entire four-man they talked to me. And they told us about was simply more ammunition.” side the day will come when you make sniper team, and a number of other their losses. And they told us about the Fast-forward to last night. And I will your country free. 13 ‘Be brave and keep lighting up’

Hadassah Lieberman who shared their stories from prison, from losing members of their family, their commu- I wanted to quickly take you on a little nities, and I saw the light in their eyes. discussion about colors which represent Everyone had light, but the women who darkness. had light in their eyes struck me so clearly. When I think about darkness, I think about They were so strong. Their lightness just where I was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, came shining out. Their smiles, their transpar- to two parents who had fled — my mother ency. And it made me say to them, you are from Auschwitz and Dachau, my father from a very, very special. And part of what we need slave labor camp. And they made it, and I was in this world today is more light. And you born. So I represent someone who all my life I have to be aware, and you probably already knew, I read, I heard about all these stories of are, that every time you send light going out terror and execution and deaths. The dark- from you, it changes the darkness. ness. And I was born to them. You’re going to shed this light out to such And when I walked through the museum an extent that they’re going to have no dark- yesterday, I saw the darkness, the numbers of ness to hide behind. So be brave and keep destruction, and I heard the voices of those lighting up. Thank you. Iran’s mullahs will be held accountable

3 is a closed compound that no one is allowed to come in. Well, the whole world is here. And we’re here even after knowing that we were targets in a bomb threat in Paris. But those who are saying that this is a very secret, closed compound are also saying that there are strange things happening here. (The Spiegel magazine in February this year). But those accusations bear the mark of the on Times

t demonization strategy of the mullahs. And Maryam, I have to thank you for the effort you have made in the exhibit that we saw, which is a Iran needs leaders who first-class documentation exercise. You re-created, even with the pain o The Washing respect freedom t of remembrance, the conditions of incarceration in Iran and the torture chambers of the mullahs. Rama Yade, The problem is that with a fun- So, I say two things. First, shame on Former Secretary of State for damentalist power, negotiation is upplemen those who were either fed or paid by Human Rights of France impossible. I am not surprised that Ingrid Betancourt, the Ministry of Intelligence of Iran to the nuclear agreement is today in a Former Senator and Presidential spread lies about who we are, and who Albania is Mother Teresa’s home- total impasse and that everyone else ising S Candidate of Colombia you are here in Ashraf 3, and demon- land. It is a small country by size, its is divided on its relevance ... Nobody ize the MEK. people have a big heart... It is this land knows whether to save it or not. t dver Six months ago, this was a con- The regime is spreading those lies that has been so hospitable to you Because we can not negotiate with a struction site. Today, it’s a well-de- because the regime is desperate. Be- with our friends on the road to exile. I hand in the back, it is therefore neces- signed city with an amazing victory cause they fear the Iranian resistance wanted to begin by thanking Albania, sary to change the interlocutor. And pecial A arch and magical lighted trees. And and they fear you, Maryam. You are which has allowed you to have a very preferably have an interlocutor who A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| I have come here several times to the unbreakable resistance after 40 precious refuge here. is both respectful of the principles of share with you Ashrafis, to stay here years of fighting. You are the beacon But it’s you, with your hands, your peace and respectful of democratic with you, and I have been sleeping of hope. You are the rose in the desert, courage, your hopes, that built this principles.... The region needs an inter- here, I have been sharing my meals as you all Ashrafis are. And you are place. Also, by the sacrifice of 120,000 locutor who contributes to peace in the with you. I have seen you in your the voice of change. of yours... What you did here in less Middle East. activities, seeing where you prepare And now I’m talking to the mullahs. than two years, you can do in Iran in Iran needs leaders who respect the your daily chores, where you design I want to say to them that we are going one day. freedom and dignity of its people.... your clothes. I’ve seen you garden- to get you because we want you to be I also feel emotion because I mea- My message is simple. From now ing, building, repairing, constructing, accountable for the crimes against sure how much a people in exile needs on, we must not only worry about and communicating. And I say this humanity that you have perpetrated a land. And here I also think of France nuclear power but also respect for

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday because, as you know, over the past for 40 years in Iran. And we are ready. — France, which has also welcomed human rights and women’s rights in year, the propaganda by the regime Hazer, hazer, hazer (We are ready). you, offered you a land of welcome. It Iran. Thank you. 14 and its collaborators was that Ashraf is the honor of France to have done it.... ‘You represent Iran ‘Ashraf 3 is like a real in this country’ institution of friendship’

Sali Berisha, threatening the peace, are threatening Pandeli Majko, gold yes, Jewish [people], no. Former President and Prime the roots of the commerce of the world. The State Minister for Diaspora, Now they must know that if they Minister of Albania That’s why your mission is national and Former Prime Minister raise the issue of you staying here in international. Albania, the ambassador of Iran and Madame President Rajavi, dear I’m happy that some time ago I made of Albania his deputy have been kicked out. friends of Mujahedeen movements, the right decision. My country, Alba- You are in the faith of Albanians, Don’t push us, don’t push us for R A S friends of this freedom movement for all nia, expelled the Iranian ambassador. and this is our tradition. From official more because we are ready to repeat the world, it is a great honor and plea- Albania must expel and will expel any Tehran, we have different rumors in the same expression of Albanians in sure for me to salute you, people fighting representative, official representative of front of the Iranian society. We answer during the Second World War, gold since many decades for freedom and the mullahs. You are representing Iran in it in this way. Nuclear bomb cost free- yes, [Jewish people, no]. The Muja- human rights of your country. People this country, no need for them. dom, no. [Paying Syria] regime costs hedeen are our friends. And this is facing extraordinary difficulties but I have seen and thought many times freedom, no. Madame Rajavi in Iran the reason that we are all together standing up. People having the history about the 10-point plan of Madame Pres- means that all this money that you pay here honoring such activity because of a stepmother, a bad stepmother, but ident Rajavi. It’s a plan inspired by ideals to create troubles for others will be you have honored us doing such A pecial having the freedom in your sight. You of your 100,000 martyrs. It’s a plan based returned to the Iranian families. If they beautiful Ashraf 3 like a real institu- absolutely inspire every human being on universal values that make countries want to touch you, they must know tion of friendship between us. I hope

with your stance and your fighting. and societies free and great. It’s a plan then when we were invaded [during that soon we will come to see you in dver t A few years ago, I’d been in Paris in that will make Iran a great country, a World War II], we told the invaders Tehran. your large meeting and festivity. At the great friend of free nations. Definitely, I time, great powers were negotiating with fully support you, and I am convinced S ising Iran [on] the agreement. I told myself, that you will prevail in Iran. how difficult it is for these people fight- The mullahs show they have no faith, upplemen ing this regime. But a few years later, no principle, are violating international time has proven you were right, the order, are threatening security of the re- Iranian regime is a rogue regime and a gion. Never will the caliphate of mullahs criminal regime. And you are the hope of prevail in the region and in the world. t your nation. Once again, my deepest admiration for Washing o The Today, the mullahs are called Kho- you and your friends in Iran fighting day THE WASHINGTON TIMES meinists. Mullahs are fighting for a Shia and night for freedom of your country. caliphate, are invading other nations, are Thank you. t Times on | Thursday • July 25 • 2019

Members of the audience hold up tulips as a tribute to the 30,000 victims of the 1988 massacre by the Iranian regime. 15 ‘We don’t want to be ‘We stand with the people observers of history but of MEK in Albania’ for doing history’ their freedom

Fatmir Mediu, expelled the Iranian ambassador and Elona Gjebrea, in the Gulf of Oman are a serious Former Defense Minister the deputy ambassador, and some were Member of Parliament threat to all international peace and of Albania arrested because they planned a terror- of Albania energy security. Albania stands firm ist attack against the people of Ashraf 3 with U.S., Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Welcome to Albania and welcome to when Mayor Giuliani and us were gath- The international community must UAE, against what seems to be typical the beginning of free Iran here in Ashraf 3. ered together to speak about the future of recognize the rights of Iranian people of provocations by Iran to escalate I want to thank MEK and NCRI for bring- Iran. They will not stop doing whatever and resistance to establish freedom tensions. ing here in Albania friends from around they can to create problems and issues and democracy in their homeland, We support MEK and all the ef- the world. Yesterday and today, we have for the people here. Iran. Ashraf 3 is a symbol for freedom forts they have done to achieve and heard Mayor Giuliani, Senator Lieberman, Madame Rajavi, your 10-point plan and future. I was Deputy Minister of to reach security and peace in their a lot of dignitaries talking about what to is for sure the way for a free Iran. At Interior when we started the alloca- country. The dossier of human rights do more, what’s the next step…. But I think the same time, it’s an aspiration for all tion of MEK people here in Albania abuses and massacres of political pris- we all agree on one thing: The time for the people that do believe in God-given with the support of the Albanian oners in Iran must be referred to the on Times

t change in Iran is long overdue. rights, in freedom and liberty and pursuit government and, of course, under the U.N. Security Council. The American government has stood of happiness. leadership of our Prime Minister Edi I support Madame Rajavi for her up against the Iran regime, and we all Let me end by saying we would rather Rama. And it was really fantastic that incredible work that she has done, and hope and wish that also the European be remembered as people that fought all were safe and all together here in to ensure a secure and democratic Union and European countries still stand for freedom of our people, freedom and our beautiful country, Albania. country. I’m proud to support the together as they stand for democratic liberty of the Iranian people together Last month, Albania made a strong Iranian women who are calling for o The Washing

t values, for human rights, for liberty and with you than as people that just watched position against the Iranian regime change and democracy. I admire their freedom. They should stand for liberty oppression, killing, terrorism, and did and terrorist attack in the Middle courage and determinations. We stand and freedom of people of Iran as God- nothing. We don’t want to be the observ- East. And our prime minister offi- with the people of MEK in Albania for given rights. ers of history but doing history. cially announced that these threats (their) freedom.

upplemen Last year, the Albanian government ising S

t dver Iran regime ‘on brink of


| Fahimeh Arvani, Resistance Units have spread PMOI/MEK Secretary-General across Iran and have accomplished (1993-1995) their role in their best forms. They are directing protests and demonstra- Iranian opposition President Mrs. tions. We are now in an extraordinary Maryam Rajavi has led this move- period, especially today in Ashraf 3. ment, and today we are witnessing This gathering with your presence the regime in Iran on the brink of has a very strong message for the overthrow. I would like to thank all Iranian people. On behalf of PMOI/

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday the distinguished guests with us here MEK members, I am honored to thank today, and those who couldn’t join us, every single one of you and send my 16 for all their support in all these years. salutations to the Resistance Units. Bipartisan Congressional Support for a Free Iran You are making your voices heard

Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Unfortunately, across the Middle Ranking Member, Foreign East, Iran continues to threaten Relations Committee the national security and interests of the United States. It continues I am pleased to see that you are to pursue a belligerent, ballistic safely settled in Albania and that missile program… Yet even as its you are able to host this gather- leaders continue to supply terror- ing. Thank you for continuing to ists across the region with money, highlight the plight of Iranians who weapons and resources, the people remain silent under an oppressive, of Iran suffer under a repressive brutal regime. regime with absolutely no respect I share your vision for a bet- for basic human rights and no eco- ter future for Iran and all Iranians. nomic investment in their welfare… A future in which all Iranians live Thank you for coming together without fear and enjoy a government and making your voices heard. I that represents the will of its citi- will always support justice and ‘Maximum zens, respects human rights, abides human rights, peace and security by the rule of law and lives in peace and above all else, the rights of all and cooperation with its neighbors. Iranians to fundamental freedoms. pressure’ strategy deserves support ‘More can be done for liberty, justice Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), Member, Judiciary, Select on Intelligence, and Finance Committees Sen. Benjamin Cardin yours continue to stand up for the (D-MD), Member, Foreign freedom of the people of Iran. How- Thank you for supporting a democratically free Relations Committee ever, the devolution of rights and the Iran. worsening of life in Iran shows that Iran’s government is a dangerous and desta- This year’s Free Iran Convention there is still much more we can do bilizing regional influence that rules with an in Tirana, Albania... provides an to deliver liberty and justice. iron fist, suppressing people’s individual rights A S unparalleled opportunity for people Thanks to your organization’s ef- and subjecting them to humanitarian abuse. As A pecial to come together in support and forts, the challenges facing Iranians the world’s largest State sponsor of terror, Iran recognition of human rights and also have been brought to the attention has bankrolled terrorist organizations that have

advocate for positive, democratic of the international community. I waged war and undermined regional stability for dver t change in Iran. commend each of you for all you decades. Since the revolution of 1979, have done to strengthen ties among It is important to point out, however, that countless Iranians have been the proponents for human rights and the Iranian people are the greatest victim of S ising crippled and abused under the lead- for all you have done to fight for a this brutal regime. They have suffered under

ership of an oppressive regime. I am government that represents the will the Ayatollah for generations. But their struggle upplemen proud that the United States, other of its people. has not gone unnoticed. I would like to repeat nations, and organizations such as the message Secretary Pompeo delivered at the Reagan library last year, “I have a message for the people of lran. The United States hears you; t the United States supports you; the United States Washing o The is with you.” THE WASHINGTON TIMES I believe it is important to support the Admin- istration’s “maximum pressure” strategy. This strategy promotes freedom and individual rights

of the people while taking every step necessary to t Times on liberate them from the regime’s oppressive rule. I have worked tirelessly with Congress and the Administration to achieve that goal….. |

This Congress, I introduced the Iranian Revo- Thursday • July 25 • 2019 lutionary Guard Corps Economic Exclusion Act, which imposes additional sanctions on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The IRGC acts as the regime’s most powerful military and security organization committing acts of domestic oppression and international terror… The U.S. and its allies must stand together in confronting the tyrants in Iran, and doing everything in our power to push back against the world’s largest state spon- sor of terrorism. I am proud to stand in support of a free Iran. Hundreds of MEK members welcome international dignitaries to Ashraf 3. 17 Photos courtesy of The National Council of Resistance of Iran Dignitaries from 47 countries stand with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi (center front) at the International Grand Gathering at Ashraf 3 in Albania on July 2019. Maryam Rajavi: ‘We will take back Iran’

Maryam Rajavi, acknowledged, any change in the re- President-elect, the National gime’s behavior is tantamount to regime Council of Resistance of Iran change and “every step back will bring with it an endless chain of subsequent My fellow compatriots, honorable retreats.” guests and distinguished dignitaries, Ashraf 3 welcomes you all. Regime is counting on Twenty months ago, this was a barren inaction by the world piece of land with nothing on it. Today, the question is, where is this At the hands of the Mojahedin, how- religious tyranny headed? ever, through their enormous efforts and Domestically, it is moving towards on Times

t hard work, Ashraf 3 was built and now further contraction in its ranks and in stands tall. society, suppression of the people, and But our final destination is Tehran, demonization and terrorism against the freed from the occupation of the mullahs. Iranian Resistance, which it views as The mullahs have devastated our its main threat and enemy; a resistance homeland, but we will take it back and we movement that calls for regime change o The Washing

t will rebuild this most beautiful country. to replace the rule of the velayat-e faqih We started this journey on June 20, (absolute clerical rule) with the sover- 1981, when the Iranian Resistance’s eignty and suffrage of the people. Leader Massoud Rajavi forged a deep- Massoud Rajavi said, “The triumph of Iranian civilization. Internationally, the mullahs are

upplemen rooted and resolute resistance against our resistance will remove not only Now, the mullahs’ religious fascism counting on inaction and tolerance on the religious dictatorship of the mullahs. one of the greatest obstacles before has reached the end of the line and is the part of the international commu- He founded the National Council of contemporary revolutions, but in fact, struggling to survive a crisis leading to nity. Their calculation is that terrorist ising S Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and the Na- the most important cause of their its overthrow. operations and warmongering in the tional Liberation Army of Iran (NLA). deviation and disintegration, namely The economic devastation, elimina- region’s countries will not cost them t dver Now, Ashraf 3 stands tall along this the violation of the sacred parameters tion of over 70 percent of industrial very much, at least until the next U.S. long journey, a journey that has had of freedom under various pretexts and capacity, a ruined banking sector, the presidential election. many new beginnings and revivals excuses. The revival of the concept of monthly exodus of some $3 billion worth They say to themselves: Let’s wait pecial A throughout. On this path, we endured freedom will resurrect humanity as of capital, and the ceaseless free fall of another 16 months, and maybe the U.S. A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| 10 years of blood-drenched persever- well as defeated revolutions.” the value of the national currency can- would have another president from whom ance at the besieged Camp Ashraf and not be contained. we can extract the same “super conces- another four years full of determination Mullahs’ rule synonymous The clerical regime is at an impasse. sions” as we did in the nuclear deal. at a slaughterhouse called Camp Liberty with all-out massacre It neither has the capability to negotiate, Clearly, the regime is fueling ten- (in Iraq). For the people of Iran, the 40 years abandon terrorism or stop meddling in sions in a bid to push back against the Now, this marks another chapter in a of the mullahs’ rule is synonymous with the region nor does it have any space to international community. They foment great march towards freedom, towards an all-out massacre — from several maneuver like it did during the appease- turmoil and chaos to hide their fear of a free Iran, towards a glorious destina- hundred executions every night in the ment era. being overthrown. And they want to allay tion, of course after undergoing enor- notorious Evin Prison and the massacre The regime’s Supreme Leader Ali fears and anxiety of their Bassij forces and mous suffering and dedicating a roaring of political prisoners during the first Khamenei calls negotiations with the Revolutionary Guards and to preserve

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday river of the martyrs’ blood. decade of the regime’s rule, to the mas- U.S. poison and says it is doubly poi- their internal balance and equilibrium. On the first anniversary of the start sacre of the economy and production, sonous particularly with the current 18 of resistance against the mullahs, environment, culture and art, and the administration. Why? Because, as he » see RAJAVI | C19 The mullahs know the resolve of PMOI freedom fighters, the forces in prisons nor is it able to thwart R A JAV I Resistance is wide and deep struggle waged by units of rebellion, and the resistance movement and the units From page C18 The definitive, ultimate and indisput- the efforts and rallies of exiled Iranians of rebellion in cities. able solution is the overthrow of the and supporters of the Iranian Resistance Yes, every young man or woman religious dictatorship in its entirety at who cry out, “We will take back Iran.” yearning for freedom and justice is a In line with the policy of appeasing the hands of the people of Iran and their The creation and spread of resistance potential or de facto rebel. As a unit the religious fascism over the past three Resistance. Those who benefit from the units and councils have marked a major of rebellion wrote from Tabriz: We decades, regime apologists turned a blind perpetuation of this regime used to give breakthrough, demonstrating the rightful- will stand until the end and will get eye to its crimes committed both within bogus promises of reform and modera- ness and precision of this strategy during through all the ups and downs. Victory Iran and abroad. They baptized the cen- tion in the past, and today they beat the the December 2017-January 2018 uprising is ours and the dawn is looming. tral banker and the greatest sponsor and drums of demonization and disseminate and subsequent developments. Today, two sides are facing off godfather of international terrorism. fake news against the Mojahedin and the This Resistance has been able to ex- against each other over the fate of Iran. Now the obscuring curtains are being Iranian Resistance. They want to play the pand and organize its network inside Iran On the one side is a deadlocked re- pulled away one by one. Everyone can role of the regime’s saviors. despite the pervasive repression. This is gime, and on the other is a nation and clearly see that the source of war and They want to say that there is no alter- how Ashraf has been replicated in society its Resistance fighting for freedom. warmongering is the velayat-e faqih re- native to the regime and everyone would and among the people of Iran. Yes, there is an alternative that gime. As the Iranian Resistance said from benefit from tolerating the mullahs. From a strategic standpoint, the re- wants to reach the destination of free- the outset, fighting against this regime is But can they stop the wheels of history sistance units are the answer to a regime dom through resistance units, rebel- equivalent to seeking peace because it from turning? Can they reverse the prog- that is incapable of reform and will not lious cities and the Army of Freedom. eliminates the source of war and turmoil. The spin doctors of the clerical regime used to claim that if the mullahs were to be overthrown, Iran would experi- ence war, turmoil and secessions. Now, everyone can see that so long as this regime remains in place, war and crises will continue and intensify in the region. Therefore, anyone who seeks freedom for Iran, anyone who wants to save Iran from destruction and chaos, anyone who wants global and regional peace and stability, must rise up to demand the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime. Albania leads the way The proponents of appeasement seek to paint the policy of firmness against the regime as being tantamount to warmongering. But this is a big ruse and deception. Giving the mullahs any more A Spe chances will only end up emboldening

them. Their path must be blocked. Alba- c i nia is an example in this regard. A al

Last December, in the wake of the dv

Iranian regime and its embassy’s terrorist e schemes in this country, the government Mrs. Rajavi and a number of dignitaries, including Mayor Giuliani and Senator Lieberman, visit the Exhibition of 120 Years of Struggle for r ti s

Freedom in Iran. Others dignitaries included Mrs. Hadassah Lieberman, Minister Sid Ahmed Ghozali, Foreign Minister John Baird, Prime i

of Albania expelled the mullahs’ ambassa- n dor and their Intelligence Ministry station Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and Rama Yade, former French Human Rights Minister. g S chief and terrorist. Subsequently, the u pp

U.S. President praised the efforts of the l government of Albania in standing up to ress of history? Never! fall on its own weight. Rather, it can and This alternative is capable of establish- eme

the regime and confronting its destabiliz- The mullahs’ regime, and those back- must be overthrown through the struggle ing a democratic and pluralist republic n ing activities to silence its opponents. ing it in its fight against the people of Iran, of the Mojahedin, the resistance units and based on the separation of religion and t to Th This was to signal to the Iranian regime keep repeating that the Iranian Resistance the people of Iran. state, gender equality, autonomy of THE WASHINGTON TIMES

that its terrorist activities in Europe and does not enjoy any support inside Iran. In its attempts to confront resistance Iran’s ethnic groups, and a non-nuclear e Wash all around the world would have serious And we say and reiterate that if the units, the regime has recently set up new Iran. consequences. regime’s claims are true, why it does not patrols called “neighborhood patrols” and Thanks to its organization and i The essential point is that the cleri- allow us to hold peaceful gatherings and “Razaviyoun.” It has even reassigned anti- cohesiveness, the NCRI can replace the n cal regime sees that contrary to the past, demonstrations across Iran for one single vice patrols in many parts of the country regime and is able to ensure a peace- gto each of its actions carry serious repercus- day and only one day? to focus on arresting members of these ful transition of power to the Iranian n T sions. Yes, a regime whose crimes and Of course, the regime has never al- rebellion units. people’s elected representatives. ime

warmongering are increasingly exposed lowed this and will never do so. Why? Be- Earlier this year, Mahmoud Alavi, Yes, the day is not far when Iran, the s | on a daily basis must anticipate many cause the mullahs are fully aware that they the Minister of Intelligence, announced Land of Lion and Sun, will embrace Thursday • July 25 • 2019 more consequences. will be swiftly swept away from power. that 116 PMOI teams have been arrested. freedom. After developing a deep understand- Everyone knows that under absolute Then, the director general of intelligence We are determined to create a new ing about the nature of the ruling the- repression and intimidation, and as long in East Azerbaijan Province said the future; a new plan devoid of tyranny, ocracy, the Iranian Resistance has been as there is no chance for gatherings, regime had arrested and confronted 110 reactionary thought, duplicity and insisting for four decades that the regime demonstrations, opinion polls, and free persons with ties to the Mojahedin in that discrimination; a new design for a free is incapable of reform and therefore it elections, the only genuine benchmark (of province alone. They subsequently issued and prosperous Iran. is imperative to overthrow and change legitimacy) is resistance. Nothing else is death sentences or lengthy prison terms. So, we will sing in unison as we it. The NCRI has been underscoring this essential or relevant. march toward victory: We will take the threat this regime poses to regional It is with the yardstick of resistance Victory is ours and the back Iran and we will build a new and global peace and tranquility and has that one can measure the level of support dawn is looming homeland. called for imposing comprehensive sanc- for this movement. But the enemy can neither succeed Yes, indeed, we will take back Iran. tions on the religious fascism ruling Iran. They can measure it by looking at the in breaking the morale of resistance 19 Bipartisan Congressional Support for a Free Iran ‘Millions of Iranians are desperate right now to turn the tide in Tehran’

constructed a small city with shops, mullahs has become more extreme, the clinics, sports facilities, kitchens, bakeries, international resistance to them has dormitory blocks, meeting halls, of- become more resolute. fices and studios. Albania has graciously The people of Iran can take confi- hosted. dence that your cause is just, that you Our U.S. Justice Department has are not fighting alone and that in the charged two agents of the Iranian regime full measure of time just causes always for its collecting of intelligence on Iranian prevail. The entire world is witness to opposition members here in Washington. your struggle, and history foretells your I am the chief Democratic sponsor of impending triumph with these words — House Resolution 374, a resolution sup- sic semper tyrannis — thus always with porting the people of Iran, free expres- tyrants. sion, and condemning the Iranian regime Your fortitude and courage is inspir- for its deprivation of human rights and ing the admiration and support of people state-sponsored terrorist attacks. around the world and even through the OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PHOTO The resolution also recognizes Alba- OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PHOTO difficulty and danger of the present, you nia’s efforts to send the right message to are already writing the next chapter Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA), Iran by expelling the Iranian Ambassador Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), of civilization — that just when events Committee on Foreign Affairs after two Iranian operatives were arrested Committee on the Judiciary seemed the darkest, the people of Iran on charges of terrorism. pushed these dictators off their pedestals I want to thank Albania for offering a Congress must call on nations to pre- The Iranian Freedom movement has and restored their nation as a beacon of safe haven to those who had been housed vent the malign activities of the Iranian not just endured, it has grown as the in- freedom and justice, enlightenment and in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty inside regime’s diplomatic missions, with the justices and atrocities of the illegitimate leaning, tolerance and prosperity, as it Iraq. In only 12 months, these hard- goal of closing them down, including the Iranian regime have become widespread was in days of old and as it will be again working and resilient freedom fighters Iranian embassy in Albania. and despised. As the tyranny of the in the days to come.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Committee on the Judiciary on Times

t Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect, National Council of Resistance of Iran Annual Gathering for a Free Iran, Tirana, Albania I am proud to support your Ten-Point Plan for the future of Iran, which ensures freedom of parties and assembly, and abolition of the death penalty, a separation of church and state, gender equality and several other promising policy positions that will thrust Iran into the future. The Iranian people deserve the type of democratic o The Washing

t change that will produce economic growth and support a prosperous Iranian com- munity globally. To that end, I along with countless others, stand with President-elect Rajavi, and the National Council of Resistance of Iran in calling for the overturning of the

upplemen regime, the immediate release of political prisoners, a non-nuclear republic and the support of an alternative and clear leadership change that will result in the increased OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PHOTO likelihood of achieving a free Iran. ising S

t dver Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Committee on Foreign Affairs Committee on Oversight

pecial A & Reform The Iranian people are clearly fed A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| up with Iran’s decades-long dictatorial To my friends assembled in Tirana, regime’s brutal domestic tactics, danger- Albania, I stand with you in support of ous foreign policy, and nonexistent eco- your efforts today. The current regime nomic progress.... As everyday Iranians is not a friend to the United States and have expressed outrage over their gov- its allies. It suppresses the freedom of ernment’s misplaced priorities, the U.S. Iranians, sponsors terrorism throughout should recognize the inherent right of the Middle East and imprisons politi- these everyday Iranians and their noble cal prisoners. I full-heartedly support quest for a better future and free, peace- Free Iran’s efforts to peacefully trans- ful nation. We have been down this road form Iran into a more just nation that

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday before. Millions of Iranians are desperate respects the rights of all Iranians. May OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PHOTO right now to turn the tide in Tehran and OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PHOTO there one day be free and fair demo- 20 all throughout Iran. cratic elections in Iran. Bipartisan Congressional Support for a Free Iran ‘You offer the world a great opportunity to choose peace over war, friends over foes’

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), government and each person. To the Committee on Oversight men and women standing up to the & Reform oppressive Iranian regime, thank you for your bravery and commitment to To those who fight for freedom: freedom. To the hundreds of former It is an honor to write to the former political prisoners who value freedom residents of Camp Ashraf. Thank you so highly, thank you. I am thankful to for gathering in support of a secular, the government of Albania who contin- free, and democratic Iran. You serve as ues to defend the tenets of democracy a beacon of hope to the people of Iran and have given asylum to these Iranian who continue the struggle for democ- political dissidents. racy. It is a beautiful endeavor and I Our country, under the Trump greatly admire the sacrifice of your all, administration, have put pressure on and all those who gave their lives and the current regime because we know livings away in pursuit of a free Iran. the evil land capabilities they possess. OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PHOTO The United States of America is It is time for a free, democratic, and OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PHOTO built on the premise of democracy, lib- non-nuclear republic — not just for erty, and the promise of freedom and global safety but for the people of Iran Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO), equality that lies within this system of who deserve it. Committee on Financial Services

Dear President-Elect Rajavi, Having both attended and ad- Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN), and want you all to know of my sup- dressed your annual gathering in the Committee on Armed Services port and the support of the United past, I understand the important work States. The United States and its allies you are doing and for that reason, I I would like to extend my friend- will continue to stand up to the ma- continue my support for your cause. ship and support to all of you taking lignant activity of the Iranian military As the descendants of ancient Persia A S part in this year’s Gathering for a Free abroad ... while standing in solidarity and a part of the Iranian diaspora, you A pecial Iran event in Albania. Every year this with those suffering inside its border. offer the world a great opportunity event is important, but this year feels I wish you all the best, and my prayers to choose peace over war, friends

even more so. The people of Iran are are with you as we continue this fight over foes. Together, we call for a firm dver t hurting. The people of Iran, who hold for freedom, human rights, and peace policy on the current Iranian regime, such promise and potential, continue for Iran and its neighbors. as Tehran has increased repression at to be the victims of a regime insistent home and aggression in the region. I S ising on foreign belligerence instead of support Mrs. Rajavi and her Ten-Point

domestic prosperity. Plan for a free, democratic and non- upplemen I thank you for what you’re doing nuclear republic. OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PHOTO The work of NCRI and other Ira- nian organizations ensures that the Iran of future does have an alternative t who are gathered ... to fight for a secular, with a clear leadership, a plan and Washing o The free, and democratic republic in Iran. organizational capabilities to develop THE WASHINGTON TIMES America was built on freedom and indi- a free Iran. vidual liberty, and I believe others should be allowed those same freedoms...

No one should be imprisoned for criti- t Times on cizing their government, and I commend Iran is unwavering. I have long been your bravery, resilience, and determi- an advocate for a free, democratic, nation for a better future. It’s elected non-nuclear Iran and hope that we |

officials like Mrs. Maryam Rajavi who will soon see great progress in accom- Thursday • July 25 • 2019 will help fight to protect those liberties plishing these goals. The United States by promoting tolerance and compromise understands the difficulties the tyran- versus ignorance and division. nical dictatorship currently in power For decades, the United States has has imposed on those advocating for a supported the Iranian people and the free Iran. You, the Iranian people, are OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PHOTO resistance toward the oppressive Iranian OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PHOTO the ones who will bring real change in government, and it has been responsible your country, and we stand with you Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE), for the protection and relocation of Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), and support your nonviolent protests Committee on Armed Services 3,000 political prisoners to Albania. As Committee on Financial Services for freedom, peace, and prosperity. an American and member of the House Dear Friends in Ashraf-3 and former Armed Services Committee, I stand with I wish I was over there with you residents of Camp Ashraf, thank you to all the people of Iran. today; however, my support for a free 21 Support fROM Arab Nations Ashraf 3 symbolizes ‘development, progress’ Sid Ahmed Ghozali, Former Algerian Prime Minister Former Algerian Prime Minister Sid Ahmed Ghozali (at the podium) joined dignitaries, lawmakers and former officials from Morocco, I would like to thank the residents Tunisia, Algeria, Syria, and Jordan. of Ashraf… I would like to express my gratitude to the Albanian people and its leader for their humanity and solidarity. The Ashrafis have shown that the ‘Seek and set justice’ in Iran Iranian Resistance will survive under pressure... The Islamic Republic of Iran is a cruel and bloody religious dictator- Nazir Hakim, peaceful. However, the Iranian regime ship that wants to dominate the Arabic Syrian National Council doesn’t know what peace is ... I believe and Islamic world. that you have the potential to build a What the history will remember is My dear sister Maryam, I am sure new system and a much better one. that you are a resistance against repres- that you will be victorious. You have Here at Ashraf 3, standing on the sion but also that Ashraf 3 represents proven that you are able to bring free- side of the Iranian Resistance, I am a new culture; they are symbols for dom to Iran. confident that a new Iran will emerge development and progress. My dream With the help of the honorable and the people of Iran, after years of is to see a free Iran and only then, we lady, Madame Rajavi, I hope that we sacrifice, will achieve freedom, which may have the first democratic govern- will overthrow the mullahs and will will bring about freedom for the people ment in the Islamic world. seek and set justice. Our revolution is of Syria as well. ‘The ruling mullahs in Iran on Times t will be overthrown’ Dr. Salman Al-Ansari, Saudi Arabia o The Washing

t Madame Maryam Rajavi, I’m proud to be here with you and fight against the regime of Khomeini, even though the days of this regime are over…

upplemen We will see soon that Maryam Rajavi goes to Tehran and calls for the peace that she struggled so much for … My message ising S to the rotten Khamenei: We know that you are trying to destroy the will of your t dver people and you hide behind the injustice you do by killing and torturing people. Iran has been taken back ‘a But at the end of the day, the ruling mul- pecial A lahs in Iran will be overthrown. A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| thousand years’

“I am impressed with your accomplishments. Mrs. Saleh al Qalab, The mullahs will soon be over- Maryam Rajavi, if one asks you why you have paid Former Minister of Culture thrown under the leadership of and Publicity of Jordan Maryam Rajavi. Those who lead Iran such a high price, you say because you want to spread today are not the leaders of the Iranian The young generation may not people. They are taking Iran a thou- justice, and nothing is more honorable than that.” know that late Dr. Mohammad Mos- sand years back in time. — Mahmoud Al-Qaheri, sadeq was a leader in the whole region, You are in the heart of the Arab Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday and I also want to hail the great leader people because the greatest threat in Member of Parliament of Tunisia Massoud Rajavi whom I had met four that area is coming from the mullahs. 22 decades ago. ‘Your battle is not in vain’

Michèle de Vaucouleurs, are violated by the regime to this Member of French day… The regime has destroyed all National Assembly that you have owned in Iraq. You have revived and you keep fighting for a We are proud to be here with democratic Iran against the mullahs. you. While tensions between Iran Your battle is not in vain, and I know and the U.S. are on the rise, we are one day you will be hosting me in a here to protect the interests of the free Iran. Iranian people and protect democ- The French people consider you racy. The Parliamentary Committee brothers and sisters. Article 2 of for a Democratic Iran considers the the Human Rights Declaration says deteriorating human rights situation that the aim of any political group is in Iran should be discussed before human rights and that includes the any relations are resumed with Iran’s right to resist oppression. regime… However, these principles Ashraf 3 is now a sister city to Paris district

Jean-Francois Legaret, that democracy in Tehran is achieved Mayor of Paris’ 1st District and freedom is achieved. We have decided to declare Ashraf We are all citizens of Ashraf. When 3 a city of international dialogue and we see this extraordinary energy and a sister city of the 1st Arrondissement the miracles you’ve achieved, you’ve of Paris. We want to sign a declara- done all of this in 16 months. This is tion with the mayor of Ashraf 3… We magnificent. promise to keep a dialogue between It is important that you eradicate our municipalities and Ashraf 3. I’m Mayor Legaret presented a plaque to Ms. Zohreh Akhyani, PMOI/MEK Secretary General the mullahs’ regime. Iran keeps on happy with all my colleagues to give (2011-2017), declaring Paris’ 1st District as a sister city of Ashraf. lying and deceiving. It is important you this declaration. A Speci A al d ve

‘You are part of r ti s living history’ S ing u pp l thinking about the future, you’re orga- ement to Th nizing and you’re disciplined. I’m very impressed by this. I think this is where your strength lies. THE WASHINGTON TIMES

It’s very impressive that it’s a women lead- e Wash ership, but I have to tell you, it’s impres- sive that you can overcome that adversity and look to the future at what needs to ington T happen because otherwise it won’t hap- pen. You’re saying, “You know what? It

happened. I’m going to make change, and ime

I’m going to be successful.” s |

And I have to say — I mean this with all Thursday • July 25 • 2019 sincerity—I am watching history. I don’t know if you realize you are part of living Dr. Maria Ryan, history. Ten, 20 years, 50 years, 100 years, CEO of Cottage Hospital, the history books are talking about you women’s rights activist and the teachings of President-elect Rajavi. And again, with all sincerity, we look You’re really organized. And that’s at the teachings of Gandhi, Confucius, Among the speakers at the International Grand Gathering at Ashraf 3 were (left to right) important for people to see, because as we Socrates, and Plato. In my country, I have Yakin Erturk, former U.N. Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women; Rashida move the regime out in Iran, it’s going to great admiration for my forefathers — Manjoo, U.N. Reporter on Prohibition of Violence Against Women; Judge Susanna take a lot of work to put up a government Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Medina, former head of the International Association of Women Judges; Dr. Ranjana and stand it up. And this is how I feel Benjamin Franklin. I put Madame Rajavi Kumari, Diretor of the Center for Social Research; Maria Candida Almeida, Deputy your strength is coming through — you’re up with them. Attorney General of Portugal; and Bandanda Rana, Vice Chair of U.N. CEDAW Committee. 23 ‘We need a peaceful and tolerant Islam’ Eduard Lintner, Member of Parliament of Germany

I feel very honored to be here, and I would like to express my respect for you who are working for democracy and freedom in Iran. Your movement, under the leadership of Madame Rajavi, is a demo- cratic alternative to the mullah regime. Last year, an Iranian diplomat was arrested in Germany because he wanted to bomb a great event by the Iranian Resistance in Paris in which I personally participated… We should not allow the mullahs to keep us hostage and impede and hinder us in your steps forward. You are the ones who continu- German political leaders Eduard Lintner (at the podium), Martin Patzelt (left) and Leo Dautzenberg ously fight for a free Iran, and Europe must support you. Only in this addressed the audience. way can we achieve peace in the world… We need a peaceful and tolerant Islam like you represent it.

To Iran’s regime: “You have a President [Maryam Rajavi] who, by presenting her Ten-Point Plan, ‘Don’t think that you will win’ has convincingly shown what the alternative is. The alternative is freedom Martin Patzelt, allowed to step back and pretend we are blind Member of Parliament for the sake of economic interests. We need and democracy. We in Germany and of Germany to support these people who are showing us Europe must work so that this Ten-Point what is going on. I have three messages: Three, to the Iranian regime: Don’t think that Plan becomes a basis for liberating Iran.” One, I thank you and admire what you’ve you will win. I was raised in Eastern Germany done here in Ashraf 3, and also all the people and when people want something, they will — Leo Dautzenberg, Member of the Board of around the world who’ve helped your cause of prevail. This is the experience of my life and I Directors of the German Committee for a Free freedom and democracy. hope we will achieve this together. Iran, former Member of Parliament in Germany Two, to my government: We are not on Times t Magnum Opus o The Washing t upplemen ising S t dver pecial A A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| Ashraf 3, July 13, 2019 – Albania’s Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Zhani Ciko, until 2013, Albania’s Director of the Theatre of Opera and Ballet, and later by Mohammad Shams, the renowned Iranian composer and conductor, performed a number of mesmerizing Iranian and classical pieces, including several very popular pieces of music originally composed by MEK musicians in the 1970s. The Chorus was led by Ms. Suzana Turku. Three well-known Albanian vocalists,

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday Armaldo Kllogjeri, Gerald Murrja and Erlind Zeraliu, performed the songs. Mr. Zeraliu sang the iconic piece 24 “My Way,” performed by the legendary Frank Sinatra. nordic delegation

‘Ashraf 3 will forever be a historic city’

Lars Rise, forever be a historic city. her conviction, her commitment, her Former Member of Parliament This is when I looked at former determination, and her perseverance. of Norway Prime Minister and President Sali She is already operating like the leader Berisha. His courage was the start of it of the free Iran. She’s a responsible Madame Rajavi and friends from completely. When all countries said no leader. We have made great progress. Ashraf, a dream has come true. We are thank you — all the Western Euro- The mullah regime is now struggling very honored to be here and to see this pean countries, United States, all our everywhere, and, of course, the firm miracle, this overwhelming experi- countries, everybody were thinking stand of the U.S. government has been ence coming into a historic city that about the nuclear deal, we cannot say very helpful. looks like Rome or Athens, which took yes to the Mujahedeen — Berisha had This movement stands for the A S thousands of years to build. But here the attitude of an Albanian: “I am an truth. And we know that the truth will A pecial within a few months we have Ashraf 3. Albanian, I am not afraid of anything.” prevail and our purpose is freedom And it’s fantastic for us to experience And he said straightforward in 2013, he (Azadi). Madame Rajavi is ready. We

this, a modern city with all facilities, said, “We’ll take all of them.” are ready. And we are encouraged dver t buildings, but a city which will write But it’s also because of the extraor- about hearing this word so many times history. We know that Ashraf 3 will dinary leadership of Madame Rajavi, today, ready. We are ready. (Azadi). S ising upplemen History shows — a united people win over dictators t

Kimmo Sasi, with financing of terrorism and money Washing o The Former Member of Parliament laundering. Many people in the Iranian THE WASHINGTON TIMES of Finland, Former Minister government put money that belongs to the people in their own pocket. We of Commerce need sanctions against these people,

We in the Nordic countries — Fin- and we need that money to be seized t Times on land, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and returned to free Iran when that Iceland — feel very strongly for human time comes. These people also mis- rights. And that is why there’s a strong managed the Iranian economy and | support in our countries to throw away that’s why people are suffering. We see Thursday • July 25 • 2019 the governments that do not respect demonstrations in Iran and that shows human rights, including Iran. And it’s that frustration. very important — when you want to But we know the history shows, the have change, there must be an alterna- fall of the Berlin Wall shows, united peo- tive and Mrs. Rajavi’s 10-point peace ple will also win over dictators. And this plan is the alternative part for a new Ashraf 3, which is tremendous, shows democratic Iran. that you have a strong commitment to Forty million Iranians live in pov- have a change in Iran. It’s time for the erty today, and the reasons are lack of people to take the power and believe in human rights, lack of rule of law but the faith of you who have the power in [lots of] corruption. Iran is one of the your own hands. We Nordics support most corrupted countries in the world your cause, free Iran, success. 25 The ‘next Ashraf’ already has a name: Iran

Ashraf 3, as well as Ashraf 2 and emptiness into a prosperous, alive, along centuries. This name is Iran. Iran Ashraf 1, are one in the same city, the creative, and dynamic community... And itself will be the final Ashraf. same uninterrupted and unfailing bea- you have repeated this gigantic task here The whole country will be our con of freedom... Massoud Rajavi has in Ashraf 3. This is why I am convinced beloved and everlasting Ashraf the day rightly called Ashraf the capital of the that the evil regime will fall and democ- when freedom, democracy, equality MEK, and I want to use this opportunity racy, freedom, and a decent life will be between men and women and respect to express my warmest greetings to him, given to the Iranian people… for human rights reigns in a land that has the historical leader of the MEK, and to Ashraf 1, 2 and 3 are only one Ashraf… suffered too long under the cruel rule wish him well because a free Iran will We are here today to say that there will of the most despicable bunch of mur- on Times

t need him very much. not be an Ashraf 4 because the next derers the East has seen in the last 100 I lived the unforgettable experience Ashraf has already a name. A name years. The alternative to this nightmare to visit Ashraf 1 as head of a Parliamen- blessed by thousands of years of history, is ready. It is the NCRI and our leader, tary delegation 11 years ago when it was by hundreds of generations of a great Maryam Rajavi. The next Ashraf is com- Alejo Vidal-Quadras, in Iraq. I witnessed there the incred- people, by a wonderful culture built by ing. Nothing and nobody can stop it. And Former Member of ible miracle the MEK had done ... how artists, writers, musicians, thinkers, sci- its name is Iran. o The Washing

t European Parliament they transformed a dry and desolate entists, craftsmen, farmers and traders

upplemen The world’s eyes have been opened about Ashraf ising S

Ad Melkert, and of the destruction. The pictures t dver Former Special Representative that we see now in your impressive for the U.N. Assistance exhibition. And it happened in 2009, it happened in 2011, it happened in pecial A Mission for Iraq 2013. And I am proud that we started A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| The one point that struck me upon to open the eyes of the international arrival here in Ashraf 3 ... all the flags community for what was going on in that are out there of so many coun- Ashraf, and to open the eyes of the tries that are represented here. What a international community when Ashraf change. What a change compared with moved to what is rightly called prison, a bit more than 10 years ago when I ar- Liberty. rived as the U.N. Special Representative And this is my message to you: Your for Iraq. It was hardly part of my brief resolve has brought about being here that there was such a thing as Ashraf. in Ashraf 3, seeing all the flags that are But it was a time in 2009 that Ashraf welcoming us visitors from the whole

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday got suddenly under attack. Ruthless at- world who support your cause. And tack. And I remember the pictures that I’m sure these flags will fly in the new 26 the U.N. team had to take of the victims Ashraf soon to come. Liberty will erase ‘We cannot have totalitarianism in Iran appeasement’ with Iran

A dream guided by a brave woman, the Giuseppina Occhionero, President Maryam Rajavi, and open for Member of Parliament of Italy Iranian people… Every time the world has changed, Your martyrs sacrificed their lives in people thought there could not be order to achieve freedom for Iran. We someone who could alter the history. I cannot have appeasement with such a see the resilience that precedes an (epic) bloodthirsty regime. We must investi- phenomenon in the bravery the Iranian gate the Iranian regime’s human rights community has demonstrated fight- violations… ing for human rights. And I hope for a We support you in your goals and common community — a common state stand with you... The Iranian future not divided by color, caste, religion, or will be built by you. Madame Maryam A S ethnicity, where humans are not sub- Rajavi, you have managed to mobilize A pecial ordinated to other humans — and the the public opinion across the world day when a wind of liberty will delete against this regime.

the cruelty of totalitarianism and a new dver t Antonio Tasso, vision for the country based on the prin- ciple of democracy, laws, and civil rights “Your dream of a free Iran is guided by Mrs.

Member of Parliament of Italy S ising will influence the new mentality. Maryam Rajavi and I admire her charismatic As we gather to celebrate the freedom In concluding, when the last citizen of speech, the freedom of thinking and with his own voice will have the pos- personality and a 10-point plan for a free Iran.” upplemen idea sharing, I come here for the second sibility to claim his dignity and achieve time and Ashraf 3 is even more beauti- individual happiness, our mission will — Roberto Rampi, ful and operative. The improvement to finally be considered to be done. Member of Parliament in Italy reach your dream is clear and visible. t Washing o The THE WASHINGTON TIMES t Times on | Thursday • July 25 • 2019

27 Beautiful Ashraf 3 showcases Iran’s future

estled between the turquoise water of the Adriatic Sea and the Albanian Alps are pristine green spaces and valleys. But on Times

t even this stunning natural scenery pales in comparison to the man-made oasis crafted by thousands of Iranian political activists hoping to free their country from tyranny. NOn one of the sun-kissed peaks, some 2,500 members of the principal opposition Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) o The Washing

t have built a city called Ashraf 3. Constructed with lightning speed in a little over a year, the town is brim- ming with pride, radiating with hope, and founded on iron-clad confidence.

upplemen At the entrance of the sprawling community, Iranian flags with the nationalist emblem of “Lion and the Sun” refuse to stand still. They inspire the dozens of ising S neighboring flags honoring other countries to dance in unison, embracing the inevitable winds of change. t dver The first dazzling monument on the main road into Ashraf 3 is the arch of triumph, a replica of the revered entrance to Iran’s historic National Assembly, inaugu- pecial A rated after the 1906 Constitutional Revolution. Complete A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| with the phrase “Victory Is Ours,” it links the people’s democratic achievements of the past with future tri- umphs that are deemed certain. Next stop is an astonishing monument to martyrs, bearing witness to the ultimate sacrifice that 120,000 and exquisite landscaping and water features guide the beautifully designed shops, recreational facilities, librar- slain heroes and heroines have made to achieve de- traveler to the next destination: a giant exhibition hall ies, commercial kitchens, bakeries, pharmacies, and mocracy in Iran. The Wall of Remembrance overlooks held up by elaborate Roman-style columns, with huge hospitals complete the city. a sparkling fountain feature at the center of which is paintings on its side of heroic Iranian freedom fighters Aside from its remarkable design, landscaping and a burning flame that attempts to rise to a screen filled from Sattar Khan to Dr. Mossadeq to Massoud Rajavi, architecture, Ashraf 3 has given meaning to an other- with stars, symbolizing the radiating spirit of the fallen the current leader of the Iranian Resistance, a lineage wise arid land. Its birth, as the capital of hope, symbol-

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday heroes. Another square close by boasts a large and that will, to the passionate MEK activists, guarantee the izes the new beginning of a new, free and civilized Iran graceful tulips monument, symbolizing love and dignity. achievement of freedom in their battered homeland. that can be rebuilt and re-energized at the capable hands 28 All the while, neatly paved roads wrapped by trees Dozens of other buildings hosting living quarters, of the Iranian people themselves. ASHRAF 3 A S A pecial dver t S ising upplemen t Washing o The THE WASHINGTON TIMES t Times on | Thursday • July 25 • 2019

29 Zohreh Exhibition Hall at Ashraf 3, dedicated to “120 Years of the Iranian People’s Struggle for Freedom.” The posters on the building, from left: Massoud Rajavi, leader of the Iranian Resistance; the Lion and the Sun, symbol of Iran’s safekeeping; Ashraf Rajavi and Moussa Khlabani, two MEK leaders killed in February 1982 in Tehran; Mohammad Hanifnejad, MEK founder; Dr. Hossein Fatemi, foreign minister under the government of Dr. Mossadeq who was executed by the Shahs’ regime on Nov. 10, 1954; and Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq, Iran’s revered Prime Minister until 1953. on Times t Exhibition captures suffering — and resolve to succeed

shraf 3, Albania, hosts province with hundreds of associated a historic tribute to the names and pictures. Memorabilia and hundreds of thousands of hand-made artifacts of political prison- o The Washing

t heroes fallen for the cause ers, mothers and fathers tortured for of freedom and democracy their beliefs are poignant and emotional in Iran. The exhibition is reminders of resistance and persever- intended to tell an extremely moving ance against all odds.

upplemen historyA of suffering, but at the same The museum contains life-sized, time show the Iranian people’s resolve horrific prison cells and realistic replicas to achieve democracy at any cost. and models demonstrating how 30,000 ising S The enormous exhibition hall is called political prisoners were brutally ex- “Zohreh” in honor of Zohreh Gha’emi, a ecuted by the Iranian regime. One of the t dver senior member of the MEK’s leadership replicas shows how women were forced who was murdered by the Iranian regime to sit in a 1 meter by 1 meter area called in September 2013. It features pictures “the cage” for up to eight months. The pecial A and symbols of “120 Years of the Iranian prisoner would lose all bodily senses and A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| People’s Struggle for Freedom.” would faint upon getting up after a long The entrance boasts huge portraits time squatting in such a small space. of the original founders of the MEK and Additionally, they were forced to endure leaders of various democratic move- enormous psychological torture, leading ments fighting against the Shah’s dicta- Mrs. Rajavi, accompanied by a number of dignitaries, views the section in the exhibition many to develop acute mental problems. torship and the mullahs’ tyranny. These dedicated to the martyrs of the 2018 uprising in Iran. Such inhumane imprisonments include the leaders of the Constitutional and executions by the Iranian regime Revolution and the revered Prime Minis- are clear examples of crimes against ter Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq. doctors, students, and activists, all of of the MEK who have been killed at the humanity. Yet, the inspiring response Twelve-foot-tall walls that line both whom were brutally murdered because hands of the clerical regime since 1979. by the Iranian people and the Iranian

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday sides of long pathways feature thousands they advocated for liberty and freedom. Details of those killed — including Resistance, infused with an undying of smiling portraits of young women, Dozens of protesters martyred since 1981 girls as young as 13 — are plastered over spirit of perseverance, shows that Iran 30 young men, children, mothers, fathers, are honored, along with 120,000 members huge walls that contain a map of each will be free. Mrs. Rajavi lighting candles in a tribute to the 30,000 political prisoners and sympathizers massacred in 1988.

A mock-up of cages, 50 centimeters wide, where female political prisoners were held. Revolutionary Guards tortured the female political prisoners in these so-called “Residential Units” so severely that many of the victims became insane. A S A pecial dver t

Memorabilia made in prison by a father, Parviz Goodarzi, before he was executed. The poem says, “A gift to the only flower of my life, my S ising beloved daughter, Mahboubeh.” upplemen t

Map of Iran showing nationwide protests over the past 40 years. To the left, a book, containing the names Washing o The and pictures of 20,000 MEK martyrs. THE WASHINGTON TIMES t Times on | Thursday • July 25 • 2019

A map shows Yazd and Kerman provinces where hundreds of MEK members were executed by the mullahs’ regime. Similar maps for all 31 provinces of Iran were on display in the Exhibition.

A section of the Exhibition Hall is dedicated to the memorabilia of the thousands of political prisoners executed by the Iranian regime. 31 Witnesses to crimes against humanity by the Iranian Regime Kept in tiny cages, starved, whipped: ‘We weren’t even allowed to scream’

The following testimonies were given at the “Call for Justice on the 1988 Massacre” conference held July 15, 2019, in Ashraf 3 in Albania.

A few days later, they executed him swollen from the whiplashes. My face and with 75 others. The torturer said, “I body were bruised. The regime’s torturer wanted him to never see his son.” said, “No one will hear you here. You will The regime executed 50 pregnant all die here.” They kept us awake for many women, including Masumeh, the sister days and didn’t let us sleep. of Mrs. Rajavi. They took me to a Some of my friends were kept in this hospital and quickly brought me back place for six months. We weren’t even to prison even though I was feeling allowed to scream under torture. Every very bad. command was given with whiplashes. For The torturers even interrogated the instance, if they wanted to tell us that we Kobra Jokar children. They had strapped a small Homa Jaberi could sleep, they would do so by whip- I was in the regime’s prisons for six child to a chair in a dark room and tor- I was in the regime’s prisons for five ping us. years. The Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) tured her so she revealed the names of years — arrested in 1981 and spent many After 40 days, I was taken to Evin arrested me while I was pregnant. I was her mother’s friends. years in Gohardasht and Evin prisons. prison. Some of my friends had lost their taken to Evin prison and the torture I managed to escape prison in 1987. When the regime wasn’t able to mental balance. Some of the prisoners chambers. I was transferred to Ward 209. One year later, all of those ladies who break the will of MEK prisoners through would not even speak of the tortures they In the cell, I saw four torturers torture shared the cell with me were executed in torture, they created a compound called had suffered. They said that the torturers my husband in front of me. They also the 1988 massacre. the “residential units.” This was a secret made them make animal noises and insult tortured me in front of him. compound for torture. My hands were themselves. Some had been raped.

Majid Sahebjam Mahmoud Royaie I spent 17 years in prison. My crime I spent 10 years in the regime’s pris- was supporting the MEK. I witnessed ons. Many of my friends were teenagers many human rights violations. The when they were arrested. They spent 1988 massacre was a premeditated many years in prison and were finally and well-planned crime. Some of the executed. People had served their sen- people who were directly involved in tences, and their families were waiting this crime still hold high positions of for them. However, they never got to power. The regime has done every- see them. thing in its power to hide its crime. It One of my friends was executed five didn’t even tell the burial places to the years after his sentence was finished. He Hengameh Haj Hassan es families of the victims. was taken to the gallows only because he

m I was a nurse in Tehran. In 1981, I was In the short trials, which lasted only defended the name of the MEK. Many arrested because I was a MEK supporter. a few minutes, the judges only asked their children to the regime’s execu- of the prisoners’ families died after their on Ti

t We were charged with helping the people one question: They asked about the tioners. Many of the executed prison- loved ones were executed. The father of who were injured by the IRGC. political association of the defendant. ers were aged 14, 15, and 16 when they one of my friends had a cardiac arrest In prison, we were subjected to severe Uttering the word “Mojahed” was were arrested. when he heard about his son’s execution. tortures. Insomnia, packed cells, sleeping enough to seal the fate of the prisoner During the 1988 massacre, dozens in coffins were what we had to endure. and send him to the gallows. of MEK supporters had served their We were taken to the “cages.” These The prisoners in the regime’s dun- sentences. However, they were kept in o The Washing

t were small partitions where you could geons bore the scars of torture on their prison because they would not repent

en only squat. You couldn’t move, you bodies, so the 1988 massacre was an their support for the MEK. They were

m couldn’t even cough or sneeze. If we opportunity for the regime to hide the executed in 1988 because of their dedi- moved, we were tortured. Our eyes were evidence of its horrible crimes. I know cation to freedom and human values.

upple blindfolded. at least 20 families who lost two of The torturer told us that we would die here. We were only given three min- ising S utes per day to go to the bathroom. We prisoners were going for family visits. couldn’t even brush our teeth. The food In many smaller cities, not even a Some of these families are still staring t dver they gave us was scarce and very dirty. single person survived to tell the story at the pictures of their loved ones and At night, when we were allowed to sleep, of the massacre. crying after 30 years. Some lost their san- ial A c they would turn on loudspeakers and In prison, I was severely tortured. ity when their children were executed. pe play the regime’s mourning songs. After eight months of torture, I and The regime even executed the dis- A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| The torturers sought to break our five other prisoners were taken to a abled and handicapped. Yet they stood will and force us to turn our back to our mullah who said we would be executed tall when they went to the gallows. One struggle. I decided that I would teach that night. They took us to the place of my friends had lost his mind due to them a lesson and show them who we for execution. They tied our hands and tortures. However, when they took him were. At nights, when we couldn’t sleep Mostafa Naderi we heard the guns being loaded. They to the judge, he stood tall and said, “I’m a due to the loudspeakers, I trained myself I spent 11 years in prison, five of fired, but they aimed a bit higher than Mojahed.” He was executed. to shut down those noises and take myself those years in solitary confinement. our heads. We suffered a traumatic ex- The 1988 massacre was a national to pleasant places in my memories. During the 1988 massacre, I was hospi- perience. One of the prisoners fainted disaster, but it is also the pride of our The torturers thought they would talized because of torture. I was uncon- and another lost his eyesight. nation. Today, people who weren’t break our will through torture. However, scious when they called my name for The 1988 massacre was planned even born then are calling for justice.

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday they only made us stronger, as we un- execution, and this is how I survived. from two years before. However, the The members of the 1988 “Death derstood that this proved what we were In the beginning, they said noth- massacre continues to this day. We Commission” are members of the 32 doing was right. ing of the executions, claiming the must stop this. government today. MEK actions result in daily resistance to the regime

ver the past year, the the younger generation, members of MEK expanded its “Re- People’s Councils span age groups and sistance Units,” and they sectors of the population. Their goal have been very active in is to voice resistance through certain all cities across Iran, in- social activities. forming and assisting the The regime has gone to extremes to public on ways to resist the regime. try to silence these efforts, and news OTheir demonstrations include set- of sentences of MEK activists have ting fire to large photos of Khamenei been frequently surfacing in the news and Rouhani in busy districts of Teh- media. ran and other cities, and destroying On May 20, a so-called revolution- other regime symbols, such as Bassij ary court in Tehran sentenced to and IRGC centers. death a 34-year-old MEK activist and The units are also active in writing member of a resistance unit, and gave slogans against the regime or hanging three others five years in prison for Mrs. Rajavi’s photos from bridges in engaging in nonviolent dissemination busy district of Tehran. of anti-regime literature. In response, the regime is very Despite the regime’s brutal re- concerned about the impact of these sponses, MEK Resistance Units and activities on the population, especially People’s Councils will continue their on efforts to further rise up against daily protest activities. They have the regime. thousands of dedicated members in The MEK has also organized “Peo- over 150 cities and towns, and they ple’s Councils” to encourage public will not stop organizing and cam- resistance to the regime. While mem- paigning for regime change in Iran. bers of Resistance Units are generally Over the past year (from June 2018 to June 2019), lengthy and organized strikes have been organized by various strata of the population. A S A pecial dver t S ising upplemen t Washing o The

A Maryam Rajavi poster hangs from an overpass in a major expressway in Tehran. THE WASHINGTON TIMES t Times on | Thursday • July 25 • 2019

A Kurdish woman holds up an MEK emblem in Resistance Unit member holds a Massoud Sanandaj, the capital of Iranian Kurdistan. Rajavi picture in Tehran’s Azadi Square. 33 A record of protests in Iran

he January 2018 uprising in Iran spread into 31 provinces and 142 cities in the span of two weeks with the slogans, “Death to Khamenei,” “Death to the principle of the velayat-e faqih,” “Reform- ers, hardliners, the game is now over,” and “Our enemy is right here; they lie to say it is TAmerica!” More than 8,000 people were arrested and 36 people were killed. Eleven of them were martyred under torture. From June 2018 to June 2019, there have been popular protests and uprisings in 556 cities and 1,354 workers’ protests in 146 cities, industrial cen- ters and business districts. These included: Four rounds of major and nationwide strikes by truck drivers in 323 cities. Three rounds of nationwide strikes by academ- ics in 104 cities and 348 educational centers. Strikes by bazaar merchants in 12 provinces of Iran. A 38-day strike, gathering and march by workers of the National Steel Industrial Group (INSIG) in protest against the nonpayment of their salaries and benefits. A 28-day strike, gathering and march by work- ers in Haft Tappeh sugar cane factory in Shush, southern Iran, in protest against the privatization of the company and not receiving salaries and ben- efits for months. A strike and gathering by railway workers in 35 cities to protest against months of nonpayment of their salaries and benefits. A strike and gathering by municipal workers in 60 cities to protest against months of nonpayment of their salaries and benefits. The activities of MEK Resistance Units is a on Times

t decisive factor in the protests and uprisings against the regime, forcing the regime to acknowledge their role. On April 24, 2019, the Intelligence Direc- tor General of East Azerbaijan Province, said, “In 2018, the PMOI’s activity in the country was more than in the past years. One hundred ten people in o The Washing

t connection with the PMOI have been dealt with; 60 were identified and arrested, and 50 others were ‘warned.’” On April 19, 2019, the Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi announced that “over the

upplemen past year, 116 team related to the PMOI have been dealt with.” The Iranian regime, through its media outlets, ising S has acknowledged the role and presence of PMOI/ MEK and Resistance Units in Iran: t dver Fars News Agency, affiliated with IRGC, Au- gust 5, 2018: “In the turmoil of January 2018, MEK identified the opportunities and capacities inside pecial A the country and formally ordered operations to be A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| launched through Resistance Units. These units consisted of 2 or 5 PMOI members.” State-run Baharestaneh website, August 28, 2018: “Today, the PMOI have infiltrated in all walks and are conducting them, including truck drivers, bazaar merchants, teachers and workers.” State-run Baharestaneh website, August 28, 2018: “The PMOI have formed groups called “Re- sistance Units,” which have the power of reproduc- tion, and the potential and the ability to replace the

Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday scene leaders. 34 MEK Resistance Units active nationwide

A Maryam Rajavi poster hangs from the overpass of a major expressway in Tehran.

2018 Protests in Iran A S A pecial dver t S ising upplemen t Washing o The THE WASHINGTON TIMES t Times on | Thursday • July 25 • 2019

35 ‘Year of the Ashraf Resident’ Statement by American Dignitaries to the July 13, 2019 rally at Ashraf III, Albania

Amb. J. Kenneth Blackwell Hon. John Sano Former U.S. Representative, United Former Deputy Director CIA Nations Human Rights Commission National Clandestine Service

Hon. Lincoln P. Bloomfield, Jr. Professor Former Special Envoy and Ivan Sascha Sheehan, Ph.D. Asst. Sec. State Executive Director School of Public and International Affairs, Colonel (Ret.) Univ. of Baltimore Thomas V. Cantwell Former U.S. Military Commander Colonel (Ret.) John Cirafici for Camp Ashraf Former Defense Attaché, Algiers

General (Ret.) George Casey Gen. (Ret.) James Conway Former U.S. Army Chief of Staff Former Commandant and Commander of U.S. Marine Corps Multi-National Forces - Iraq Lt. Gen. (Ret.) David Deptula Hon. Linda Chavez Former Deputy COS for Intel, Former Assistant to the President Surveillance, and Reconnaissance, for Public Liaison; Chairman of the U.S. Air Force Center for Equal Opportunity Hon. Patrick Kennedy Hon. Newt Gingrich Former Rhode Island Congressman Former Speaker of the House s members of the American team, we call on our friends and colleagues from all over the Hon. Joseph I. Lieberman Hon. Marc Ginsberg Former Connecticut Senator world to recognize 2019 as the “Year of the Ashraf Resident.” Former U.S. Ambassador to Morocco The members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MeK) residing at Camps Ashraf and Colonel (Ret.), U.S. Army Liberty in Iraq from 2009 to 2016 suffered three ground assaults, five rocket attacks, Hon. Rudy Giuliani Wesley M. Martin deprivation of basic life support (such as food, water, and proper sanitation), and Former NYC Mayor, Former Senior Antiterrorism denial of reasonable access to timely medical treatment. One hundred and sixty-eight Presidential Candidate Officer, Coalition Forces - Iraq members lost their lives and 1,487 suffered injuries. For all they endured, and for their unwavering commitmentA to the cause of freedom, justice and a democratic Iran, they have not only earned our Hon. Porter Goss Hon. Eugene R. Sullivan admiration, but they have also earned their place in the history of Iran and the world. Former Director of CIA, Former Retired Federal Judge Now residing in central Tirana, Albania, at their new encampment, appropriately named Ashraf Chairman of House Intel Committee III, on July 13, 2019, the residents will host many of their supporters and defenders from around Hon. Raymond Tanter the world. American team members participating in the event will carry with them the message of General (Ret.) James L. Jones Former Personal Representative on Times

t respect from all of us. Former USMC Commandant, of Secretary of Defense to The residents demonstrated their fierce determination to survive and show the world what people NATO Commander, National Arms Control Negotiations dedicated to democratic principles can achieve. Security Advisor to the President These democratic principles prioritize the return of Iran to its rightful owners, its citizens. The Professor Alan Dershowitz instruments of government power have been seized by religious extremists who have subjugated the Hon. Robert Joseph Professor of Law, Iranian people and others across the region. These religious extremists have become the number Former Under Secretary of State Harvard Law School o The Washing forArms Control and

t one state sponsor of terror. The MeK and coalition of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) are committed, International Security Lt. Col. (Ret.) Leo McCloskey through peaceful political means, to building a viable and democratic alternative to the current Former U.S. Military Commander for Camp Ashraf regime in Iran. The foundation of this commitment is the Ten Point Plan developed by NCRI Hon. Michael B. Mukasey Former U.S. Attorney General

upplemen President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi. Hon. Robert Torricelli The MeK and the NCRI are determined to create an environment in Iran that creates a govern- Brig. Gen. (Ret) David Phillips Former N.J. Senator ment dedicated to bettering the lives of its people, not exploiting them.

ising S Former Ashraf Commander The fundamentalist government of Iran fears the MeK and the NCRI more than any other and former 89th M.P. Hon. Louis J. Freeh organization in the world. The regime’s days are numbered, and every day that number becomes Brigade Commander Former Director FBI t dver smaller. NCRI is not dedicated to achieving power in Iran; it is dedicated to achieving democracy in Hon. Mitchell B. Reiss Hon. R. Bruce McColm Iran for all Iranians consistent with the four freedoms articulated by U.S. President Franklin D. Former Ambassador, Special President, Institute for pecial A Roosevelt: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Envoy to the Northern Ireland Democratic Strategies A S THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE WASHINGTON

| Despite the efforts of the Iranian government to discredit the MeK and the NCRI, the truth Peace Process about the regime is emerging throughout the world. Nowhere is this more evident than the MeK Colonel (Ret.) Gary Morsch having been removed from its wrongful designation on the U.S. Foreign Terrorist Organization list Hon. Bill Richardson Former Senior Medical and being replaced by the Iranian Regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. Former N.M. Governor, Officer at Ashraf Ashraf III is evidence of what can be created in Iran. At the original Ashraf, the residents built a Secretary of Energy, city out of the Iraqi desert. Now at Ashraf III, the residents have built a modern city in the Albanian U.N. Ambassador, Hon. Frances Townsend hills. This quality of life will become available to all citizens in Iran, once the religious extremists in Presidential Candidate Former Homeland Security Tehran have been removed from power. Advisor to the President History is on the side of the MeK and the NCRI. When that history is written, a special chapter Hon. Tom Ridge will be dedicated to what was endured and accomplished by the MeK residents who were in Iraq Former P.A. Governor, General (Ret.) Secretary Homeland Security Charles (Chuck) Wald Thursday • July 25 • 2019 • July Thursday and now are in Albania. Former Deputy Commander Again, we call on our colleagues from all over the world to recognize 2019 as the “Year of the Ashraf U.S. European Command 36 Resident.”