Racing Program

44TH DAY OF RACING1ST DAY • SATURDAY,OF RACING SEPTEMBER • SATURDAY, 4, MAY 2021 29, • POST 2021 TIME • POST 12:00PM TIME 1:00PM û Weekend Preview ú We still have COVID-Safe Practices (CSPs) in place at Ruidoso Downs that we ask all patrons to observe: • PLEASE USE FACE COVERING IF NOT FULLY VACCINATED • No Smoking, No Tobacco Products, No Vaping Permitted At Any Time • Please Maintain a Social Distance of Six Feet • Please Wash/Sanitize Hands Regularly There is also a Public Health Order in place that requires individuals to wear a face covering in indoor spaces.

Futurity Derby Oaks

Jess Savin Candy Empressum Whistle Stop Cafe

2021 Ruidoso Futurity winner 2021 Ruidoso Derby winner 2021 Rainbow Futurity Winner 2021 Rainbow Derby Winner Undefeated Triple Crown Contenders Career Contender

WATCH LIVE ON THE COWBOY CHANNEL BE SURE TO VISIT BILLY THE KID AND TVG CASINO WHILE YOU ARE HERE! MONDAY AT 4:30 PM MDT RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 1 Ruidoso Downs Daily Index Saturday, September 4, 2021 Ruidoso Downs ú Saturday, September 4, 2021 Horse Alphabetical Index          8+  / $  Ruidoso3   Downs  . # &  . ?  6  +          8+ 1+ Saturday, September      4, 2021   - .  "  (       * + 6     )     . :  *#  3   ! " #    * 1 6      3 (  ? ,+  . # - 3 .B 1 $ *# 3   $ % $   & *#    Ruidoso    Downs % @   ( .# $ :     % '     8+ * / $ ,   3    , . #,  &   . ? .#    6  + - 5  %       ( ( 8+ *  1+ *  Saturday, September - -    , $ + 9  4, 2021  ( -5 . .#  "  *   (   %)  *+    ( * +*  6 /     )  ,+ '$ ,  &  . . ) :  *# 0 3 - %  ! ,  " #    - ** . 1  1 $ 6      35 (5  ?,)) ,+  . #, -  35 .B.) 1 * $ *# 3-    $% % .  $  - &  *#* 1 7 ++     5    ,+  % @     (- .# $.)  1 :      %  '     8+ * / $ ,   3   ,  . #,  &   . ? .#    6  + - 5  %    /#   % (    8+ 9  :  1+ &  (    4# ># $   - . .) " .  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2 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO Ruidoso Downs Daily Index RuidosoSaturday, Downs September 4, 2021 Saturday,û September 4, 2021

owner &Index  For   Today’s  races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

© 2021 Equibase Company LLC and Ruidoso Downs Race Track & Casino. All rights reserved. Data provided or compiled by Equibase Company LLC generally are accurate, but occasionally errors and omissions occur as a result of incorrect data received from others, mistakes in processing and other causes. Equibase Company LLC and Ruidoso Downs Race Track & Casino disclaim responsibility for the consequences, if any, of such errors but would appreciate having any such errors called to their attention.

FLIPPING HALTERS: Flipping halters are designed to prevent horses from rearing or flipping in the starting gate. The use of a flipping halter is an important factor because the opening of its individual gate may be delayed if the horse leans back against the rope or attempts to flip as the gate is being opened. In these cases, horse are considered starters. The use of flipping halters will be noted in the program.

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 3 CALL NOW! (800) 626-6867 304 HWY 70 720 S MAIN ST RUIDOSO ROSWELL Ruidoso Downs Meet Leaders RUIDOSO DOWNS From 05/28/2021RUIDOSO To DOWNS08/30/2021 From 05/28/2021 To 08/30/2021 From 05/28/2021 To 08/30/2021 From 05/28/2021 To 08/30/2021û From 05/28/2021 To 08/30/2021 For Breed: Quarter Horse For Breed: Thoroughbred QuarterFor Breed: Quarter Horses Horse ThoroughbredFor Breed: Thoroughbred Current Meet Leading Jockeys Current Meet Leading Jockeys CURRENT MEET LEADING JOCKEYS Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses Francisco Calderon 159 32 28 16 20 48 $1,367,961 Kelsi Purcell 72 23 17 10 32 69 $245,507 MarioFrancisco A. Delgado Calderon 15980 2232 28 9 1116 2820 5348 $1,367,961 $453,141 TracyKelsi Purcell J. Hebert 6672 1623 1517 10 9 2432 6169 $288,030$245,507 Mario A. Delgado 80 22 9 11 28 53 $453,141 Tracy J. Hebert 66 16 15 9 24 61 $288,030 Noe Garcia, Jr. 132 21 22 12 16 42 $526,454 Jimmy Ray Coates 98 15 10 16 15 42 $234,544 TannerNoe Garcia, Thedford Jr. 117132 2021 1522 1812 1716 4542 $595,113$526,454 FranciscoJimmy Ray Amparan Coates 8598 1215 10 9 1612 1415 3942 $132,475$234,544 Tanner Thedford 117 20 15 18 17 45 $595,113 Francisco Amparan 85 12 9 12 14 39 $132,475 Adrian A. Ramos 123 19 18 17 15 44 $631,703 Casey R. Chavez 84 10 5 9 12 29 $125,075 RodrigoAdrian A. Sigala Ramos Vallejo123 48 1918 18 6 17 5 1538 4460 $631,703$712,360 ChristianCasey R. Ramos Chavez 7784 10 9 10 5 89 12 3529 $122,306$125,075 Rodrigo Sigala Vallejo 48 18 6 5 38 60 $712,360 Christian Ramos 77 9 10 8 12 35 $122,306 Juan Pulido 68 17 5 10 25 47 $474,676 Luis H. Rodriguez 79 9 9 17 11 44 $170,657 JoseJuan EnriquePulido Ortiz 12468 1713 12 5 1011 2510 4729 $474,676$162,378 AldoLuis H. Arboleda Rodriguez 5179 79 59 1117 1411 4544 $101,068$170,657 Jose Enrique Ortiz 124 13 12 11 10 29 $162,378 Aldo Arboleda 51 7 5 11 14 45 $101,068 Jorge R. Torres 84 13 12 4 15 35 $212,914 Duane Lee Sterling 48 7 5 2 15 29 $134,063 HectorJorge R. Aldrete Torres 9784 13 12 8 64 1315 2835 $212,914$182,617 EnriqueDuane Lee Portillo Sterling Gomez48 39 75 59 23 1513 2944 $134,063 $83,921 Hector Aldrete 97 13 8 6 13 28 $182,617 Enrique Portillo Gomez 39 5 9 3 13 44 $83,921 Current Meet Leading Trainers Current Meet Leading TrainersCURRENT MEET LEADING TRAINERSCurrent Meet Leading Trainers Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses S. Trey Wood 206 27 25 29 13 39 $756,389 Casey T. Lambert 98 21 17 17 21 56 $235,627 ClintonS. Trey CrawfordWood 127206 2327 1725 1029 1813 39 $355,376$756,389 ToddCasey W. T. Fincher Lambert 7898 1821 1817 1317 2321 6356 $455,914$235,627 Clinton Crawford 127 23 17 10 18 39 $355,376 Todd W. Fincher 78 18 18 13 23 63 $455,914 John A. Stinebaugh 116 19 19 11 16 42 $1,185,172 Luis C. Rojero 43 9 8 10 21 63 $115,358 MichaelJohn A. StinebaughW. Joiner 156 116 1719 1914 2011 1116 3342 $1,185,172 $364,850 GaryLuis C. W. Rojero Cross 2043 79 28 10 1 3521 5063 $115,358 $70,745 Michael W. Joiner 156 17 14 20 11 33 $364,850 Gary W. Cross 20 7 2 1 35 50 $70,745 M. Heath Taylor 73 17 7 11 23 48 $903,203 Royce E. Carter Jr. 16 6 5 2 38 81 $45,271 JamesM. Heath J. Gonzales,Taylor II73 64 1716 12 7 11 7 2325 4855 $374,416$903,203 JoelRoyce H. E. Marr Carter Jr. 5016 56 85 42 1038 3481 $98,114$45,271 James J. Gonzales, II 64 16 12 7 25 55 $374,416 Joel H. Marr 50 5 8 4 10 34 $98,114 Wesley T. Giles 158 15 29 12 9 35 $465,455 Martin V. Cabral Jr 24 5 4 3 21 50 $46,560 AlbertWesley A. T. Valles Giles 111158 1415 1629 1612 13 9 4135 $451,782$465,455 PaulMartin A. V. Smith Cabral Jr 4124 45 4 3 1021 2750 $44,191$46,560 Albert A. Valles 111 14 16 16 13 41 $451,782 Paul A. Smith 41 4 4 3 10 27 $44,191 Fred I. Danley 68 13 9 8 19 44 $443,663 Fred I. Danley 23 4 3 3 17 43 $94,727 MontyFred I. Arrossa Danley 2468 1013 39 08 4219 5444 $443,663$148,079 JamesFred I. DanleyJ. Gonzales III23 19 43 32 3 1716 4342 $94,727$35,677 Monty Arrossa 24 10 3 0 42 54 $148,079 James J. Gonzales III 19 3 2 3 16 42 $35,677 Current Meet Leading Owners Current Meet Leading OwnersCURRENT MEET LEADING OWNERSCurrent Meet Leading Owners Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses Bobby D. Cox 39 10 8 4 26 56 $217,680 Champion Racing Stable (R 37 7 7 8 19 59 $68,282 LaBobby Feliz D. Montana Cox Ranch, 9639 10 8 98 15 4 26 8 5633 $217,680$312,489 CundiffChampion et al) Racing Stable (R 37 7 7 8 19 59 $68,282 La Feliz Montana Ranch, 96 8 9 15 8 33 $312,489 Cundiff et al) LLC. (Javier Rodriguez et Bob Matney 26 6 6 6 23 69 $82,913 al)LLC. (Javier Rodriguez et RockyBob Matney Carter Racing, LLC 1626 6 56 26 3823 8169 $45,271$82,913 al) Rocky Carter Racing, LLC 16 6 5 2 38 81 $45,271 Dunn Ranch, (Matt Dunn et 11 7 2 0 64 82 $63,344 (Royce Carter Jr et al) al)Dunn Ranch, (Matt Dunn et 11 7 2 0 64 82 $63,344 Derrick(Royce W.Carter Jenkins Jr et al) 10 5 1 0 50 60 $47,367 al) Derrick W. Jenkins 10 5 1 0 50 60 $47,367 Debra M. Gotovac 72 6 3 10 8 26 $61,155 Paul A. and Michele Smith 11 3 1 1 27 45 $21,025 MarkDebra and M. GotovacFay Annette 2472 6 23 10 5 25 8 5426 $201,170 $61,155 ReliancePaul A. and Ranches, Michele LLC Smith10 11 23 41 01 2027 6045 $52,549$21,025 Mark and Fay Annette 24 6 2 5 25 54 $201,170 Reliance Ranches, LLC 10 2 4 0 20 60 $52,549 McCloy (Micah McKinney et al) ParagonMcCloy Farms, LLC. (T. 17 6 2 2 35 59 $163,994 Fred(Micah I.Danley McKinney et al) 12 2 2 2 17 50 $24,281 Paragon Farms, LLC. (T. 17 6 2 2 35 59 $163,994 Fred I. Danley 12 2 2 2 17 50 $24,281 Lipar et al) B4 Farms, LLC. (Lori 9 2 2 2 22 67 $53,091 EstateLipar et of al) Mary and William 10 6 1 0 60 70 $78,211 OwensB4 Farms, et al) LLC. (Lori 9 2 2 2 22 67 $53,091 Estate of Mary and William 10 6 1 0 60 70 $78,211 Owens et al) R. Robertson John D. and Rebekah 10 2 2 1 20 50 $23,436 ScottR. Robertson Bryant 18 5 2 0 28 39 $26,032 AinsworthJohn D. and Rebekah 10 2 2 1 20 50 $23,436 Scott Bryant 18 5 2 0 28 39 $26,032 Ainsworth Jeff D. Jones and Steve A. 5 5 0 0 100 100 $581,813 Martin Riley, David Carroll, 5 2 2 0 40 80 $47,370 HoltJeff D. Jones and Steve A. 5 5 0 0 100 100 $581,813 C.Martin W. Scott Riley, and David J. D. Carroll, 5 2 2 0 40 80 $47,370 Holt C. W. Scott and J. D. Reliance Ranches, LLC 28 4 3 6 14 46 $46,606 Howard (MicahReliance McKinney Ranches, et LLC al) 28 4 3 6 14 46 $46,606 Howard (Micah McKinney et al) Current Meet Leading HorsesCURRENT MEET LEADING HORSESCurrent Meet Leading Horses Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses Name Sts 1st 2nd 3rd Win% $% Purses Empressum 5 5 0 0 100 100 $581,813 Carmon's Dance 4 2 1 0 50 75 $12,545 Jess Savin Candy 5 4 1 0 80 100 $851,200 Irish Rhyme 3 2 1 0 67 100 $15,369 Fdd Scout 5 4 0 0 80 80 $138,494 Sara's Memories 3 2 1 0 67 100 $14,180 Shott Gun 5 3 1 0 60 80 $73,993 Quien Es 5 2 0 1 40 60 $18,522 Bigg Dee 4 3 1 0 75 100 $107,609 Bobbi Baby Run 4 2 0 1 50 75 $17,838 A Dangerous Flash 5 3 0 1 60 80 $121,519 Champito 4 2 0 1 50 75 $13,360 Kj Desparado 5 3 0 0 60 60 $96,900 Bella Dona 2 2 0 0 100 100 $66,025 Icy Morning Breeze 4 3 0 0 75 75 $56,551 Marked 2 2 0 0 100 100 $65,596 Whistle Stop Cafe 3 3 0 0 100 100 $166,833 Ancient Land 2 2 0 0 100 100 $40,020 Dulce Sin Tacha 4 2 2 0 50 100 $133,286 Slammed 2 2 0 0 100 100 $38,640

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 5 How to ReadHow tothe Read Program the Program

Who did he beat? Who had the mount? How fast did they go? What’s his breeding? For the answers look to the past performances pages of this track program. It all might look intimidating at first, but this page will show you how to use the wealth of data supplied for each horse. The past performance lines used in this How to Read page are not actually associated with Jefesito. The information is provided as an example of all the components found within a race program in an effort to educate and inform the betting public. All past performances are provided by Equibase Company - the Thoroughbred Industry’s Official Database for Racing Information. Start Win Place Show Earnings O A D N 98.97 2012: Q 4-1 M 2011: R Clm Prc L Life: S J Trk: B Blue $50,000 F JEFESITO K P T C E Urgent Once (Apr 29,2009) G H I

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 22Feb12 8 FG fm Į 20 1¨ 60 :4892 1:1526 1:4843 4ĥĪ Aoc 4000nw2/x -N 70 -66 7 56¡ 69¡ 710 714 617 Melancon G 118 L b 10.20 Salty Farma1184Glory Glory118nsRoyal Sting118 angled to rail, outrun7 20Jan12 7 SA fm Į 1m :4632 1:1050 1:3474 4ĥĩ Clm 50000 (50-45) -c U 70 -77 5 97£ 109£ 211 1212 1215Nakatani C S 117 sBL 9.42 Warp1192Color Me Special1172¡Lady Cara 1081 bit off rail, gave way 9 Claimed from Blasin Richard P. for $50,000. Cook Ruth A. - trainer V 05Jan12Ř4 SA fm Į 1m :4669 1:1179 1:3728 4ĥĩ Clm 62500 (62.5-55) 98 - 85 5 46 45¡ 43 3¡ 1ns Nakatani C S 119 sBL 4.60 River Bridge119hdWarp119nsRain Dancer 119hd bid btwn 1/8,outkicked 10 6¡ 6¡ 9 5£ 10 27 28Nov11 2Hol fm Į 1¨ :4775 1:1143 1:4307 3 ĩ CarmelH -50k 78--91 6 9 9 8 8 8 Alvardo F T 116 BL 16.60 Alinga116nk ĬWalts Wharf1173 ĬBlushing Ballerina1163 showed little 12 23Aug11 ģLch(FR) gd Į1m 1:4160 3 Clm P de Levallois -18k 30 T -108 1nk Bonnefoy A 1195 3.70 Suora Notte119nkChampetre1251¡Northern Blue128£ dq-p3 pushed out 12

28 Workout(s): 28 Dec 11 FG 5F ft 1:03.40b 50/69 29 ğ18 Nov 11 CD 3F ft :37.20b 1/5 12 Nov 11 CD 4F ft :49.80B 20/39

HORSE DESCRIPTION A Program number for wagering purposes L Weight carried by horse including jockey and equipment COURSE CONDITIONS 5 Dirt Turf (1a, 2b reflect coupled entries) 119 (5 lb apprentice allowance) ft - fast hy-heavy fm - firm B TRA Saddle Cloth Color M Jockey, meet-to-date stats (this track) and wf-wet fast sl-slow hd - hard sy-sloppy gd - good sf - soft C Post position number in starting gate in-the-money percentage my-muddy fz - frozen gd - good D Morning Line odds as determined by Oddsmaker N Equibase® Class rating s - sealed yl - yeilding E Claiming Price O Current year, previous year & lifetime race records COURSES F Horse’s name P Lifetime record at this track on this surface Į - main turf ĺ - steeplechase G Horse’s color, gender, age and bloodlines Q Turf lifetime race record Ħ - inner turf Ĺ - hurdle H State or country where bred and breeder R Lifetime race record over dirt courses that were ı - inner dirt tr - training track A - all weather track I Date when horse was born (foaled) labeled other than “fast” ķ- downhill turf ij - Off Turf J Trainer, meet-to-date stats (this track) with S Lifetime stats at this distance ļ -Timber course ħ - Hunt

in-the-money percentage T Lifetime stats at this track MOST COMMON RACE TYPE CODES K Race day medication ((L)/Lasix, (L1)/first time lasix, U Horse Claimed (-c) Mdn/Msw - Maiden special weight (non-winner) (LX)/coming off Lasix) V Denotes claimed from owner, price, trainer Mcl-Maiden claiming (non-winner) Clm-Claiming (c=claimed) Ocl/Aoc - Allowance optional claiming PAST PERFORMANCE DATA Alw-Allowance Inv - Invitational 1 Date of past performance 16 Start position, or first running position Hcp-Handicap Dby - Derby 2 Racetrack abbreviation and race number (Foreign) 17 Middle running position and margin Sta/Str-Starter allowance Trl - Trials Shp-Starter handicap Fut - Futurity 3 Course condition (see side bar) 18 Finish position and margin: ahead of 2nd finisher if winner; Cst - Claiming Stakes Stk-Stake 4 Course symbol (see side bar) behind winner if ran second, etc. Soc - Starter Optional Claiming 5 Temporary rail position (feet) from permanent turf rail 19 Jockey’s name Moc - Maiden Optional Claiming 6 Distance of race (*/ “about” distance) 20 Weight carried by horse including jockey and equipment Mst - Maiden stakes 7 Run-up distance (feet) from starting gate to where 21 Medication administered race day (B-Bute/L-Lasix) EQUIPMENT timing of the race began 22 Equipment carried by horse (see side bar) a-aluminum pads k-flipping halter s-nasal strip b-blinkers n-no whip v-cheek pieces 8 Fractional time of race (in 100ths of a second) 23 Equivalent Odds (*-betting favorite) (e-part of entry) c-mud calks o-blinkers off y-no shoes 9 Final time of race (in 100ths of a second) 24 First three finishing horses, weight they carried and their margins f-front bandages q-nasal strip off x-cheek pc off 10 Age group of race ( =filly, or fillies and mares) (Italics=won their next race; Bold=also entered in today’s race) g-goggle r-bar shoe z-tongue tie 11 Race restrictions ( =Restricted; =State Bred) 25 Comments regarding race events for this horse RACE DAY MEDICATION L - Lasix B - Bute 12 Type of race & race code(Stakes names are abbreviated) 26 Size of field (Number of horses in race) L1 - First time Lasix C - First time Bute (see side bar)/gross purse in U.S. dollars; 27 Layoff line (short/30 days; long/6 months) LX - Off Lasix A - Adjunct Bleeder Stakes race grade (1,2,3) 28 Morning workouts (b/breezing, h/handily, g/gate, (d)/dogs up) WORKOUT LINE 13 Equibase® Pace Figure 29 50/69 = 50th fastest work of 69 works - Bullet Work H - Handily 14 Equibase® Speed Figure 30 Timeform Rating B - Breezing Tr.T - Training Track D - Driving TR - Training Race 15 Post position Located at the top of each race, these QR codes provide Entries (d)- Dogs up (W) - Wood Chips TM E - Easily 50/69 - Workout Ranking Plus information, including scratches and changes before the (was 50th best out of 69 works) race and results after the race, when scanned with a QR reader g - Gate work SYMBOLS on your smartphone. - foreign - Restricted - Lasix - 3 and up - State Bred * - About -Bullet Work distance - Fillies,F&M + - Chute start Examples of Race Types Ř - Unofficial - Equibase® T - Timeform • Mcl 7500 (maiden claiming $7,500) Race Speed Figure Rating - Auction • Clm 10/9000n2/L (non-winners of two races lifetime) TROUBLE SYMBOLS • Clm 8/7000n2y (non-winners of two races in a year) - dead heat DNF - did not finish p3 - placed (third) • Alw 34000n1x (allowance, purse 34,000 nw of a race other than maiden, claiming or starter) dq-p3 - disqualified and placed (third) • Alw 34000n$y (allowance, purse 34,000 non-winners of specified money in the year) WIND DIRECTION • Alw 4000nw2 -N (allowance optional claiming, nw of two races, not entered for claiming price) HW - Head wind TW - Tail wind CW - Cross wind 6 Programû RUIDOSO products provided DOWNS by RACE TRACK & CASINO Stem Cell Therapy/Prolotherapy non-surgical ligament & tendon reconstruction/ joint injections/pre-surgical optimization for & orthopedic surgery Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Pellets (BHRT) O-shot™/Priapus Shot™ ssexual dysfunction/urinary incontinence/erectile dysfunction Smartlipo™/Cellulaze™/Laser Body Contouring laser liposuction/cellulite treatment/neck tightening Ketamine Infusion Therapy chronic pain disorders/depression/ptsd/narcotic dependence Vampire Facelift™/Vampire Breastlift™ Fotona 4D™ Laser Facelift PPhoto Facials/Photo Rejuvenation Diamond Glow Dermalinfusion™/Chemical Peels Botox™/Volbella™/Voluma™/Juvederm™ Vollure™/Kybella™/Latisse™ Laser Hair Removal/Laser Treatment scars/tattoos/stretch marks Vivace™ Fractionated RF MicroNeedling nnon-surgical skin tightening NovaThreads™ tightening, smoothing and lifting - new collagen production Obagi Medical™/Skin Medica™/Jane Iredale® Functional/Integrative Concierge Medicine Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation & Stem Cell Therapy vaginal rejuvenation addresses volume loss & laxity, urinary tract infections, lealeakage and orgasmic dysfunction Vitamin Infusion . Carboxy Therapy Stem Cell/Stromal Cell IV Infusion Therapy Emsculpt™ and Emsella™

Call or stop by to schedule a Consultation! DDr. Stephen Rath, MD DABA, owner and medical director of Fusion Medical Spa, is a board certified anesthesiologist, Air Force flight surgeon, FAA AME, paramedic, and pilot. He is an Allergan Consultant and physician trainer for the Allergan portfolio of products. He is also a certified physician trainer for the ALMI procedures, the Vampire procedures, and for prolotherapy/stem cell therapy for orthopedic and musculoskeletal pain. Professional memberships include the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, the American Osteopathic Association of Prolotherapy Regenerative Medicine, the American Society For Laser Medicine & Surgery, the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, and the American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine. 1900 Sudderth Dr. Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345 575 257-4SPA(4772) Betting 101 How to bet ú

Ruidoso Downs off ers wagering opportunities for serious horseplayers and casual racing fans that are 18 years of age or older. Betting supports horse racing with the majority of the money wagered returning to you (the bettor) and a percentage being shared between horsemen, owners, trainers, breeders and jockeys in the form of purses. A small percentage is retained by the race track as revenue. So, bet with the confi dence that you are supporting the horse racing industry by placing a wager. STEP No. 1 CHOOSE YOUR BET Choosing the type of wager to make can be simple or complex, depending on your own personal style and risk level. THE EASIEST WAGERS: WIN: Your horse must win the race. PLACE: Your horse must fi nish fi rst or second. SHOW: Your horse must fi nish fi rst, second or third.

Each of these wagers has a $2 minimum. Note that a Win bet (1st) pays you the highest amount, followed by a Place bet (2nd) and then a Show bet (3rd).

STEP No. 2 WHEN PLACING A WAGER, YOU MUST STATE THREE THINGS: PLACE YOUR BET 1. THE NAME OF THE RACE TRACK AND RACE NUMBER YOU ARE Pari-Mutuel Wagering: It is the betting system we use at race BETTING UPON. (EXAMPLE: “RUIDOSO DOWNS--RACE NUMBER ONE”) tracks. All bets are collected in separate betting pools (Win, Place, 2. THE AMOUNT OF MONEY AND TYPE OF WAGER YOU ARE MAKING. Show, Exacta, etc.) and winning ticket holders share in the total (EXAMPLE: “$2 TO WIN”) pool amount after taxes and withholdings are paid. The more 3. THE NUMBER OF THE HORSE OR HORSES YOU WISH TO MAKE A money bet into the pool makes the horse the “favorite” and the WAGER ON. (EXAMPLE: “NUMBER THREE”) least money wagered into the pool makes a horse a “long-shot”. Watch the odds fl uctuate on the infi eld tote board and television monitors with every dollar that is wagered on a particular horse or into a specifi c wagering pool. They will change all the way up until you hear the bell ring when the horses leave the starting gate—that is the moment when all wagering ends.

STEP No. 3 Cashing Your Ticket After the race is over, New Mexico State Racing Stewards (umpires) will declare the race “offi cial”. If you have the correct numbers on your ticket, you have won your bet. You can cash your ticket at any mutuel window or self-serve machine. It is important to hold onto your pari-mutuel tickets until the race has been declared “offi cial” just in case the Stewards disqualify a horse for interference or declare a horse a “non- starter”. You have up to 60 days after the end of the Ruidoso Downs racing season to cash your winning tickets. If the have wagered on a horse that later “scratches” out of the race, or if a horse is declared a “non-starter” by the Stewards, that portion of your wager is automatically refunded back to you. Have a question? Ask a Mutuel Teller. Our tellers are very helpful and are happy to help you get the hang of wagering on the races. Good luck! 8 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO RUIBET.COM Password: AllAmerican Scan QR code with your Smartphone camera App is only available when onsite at Ruidoso Downs Race Track 1ST HALF DAILY DOUBLE / EXACTA / TRIFECTA / .10 Approx Post 12:00PM SUPERFECTA

MAIDEN WIN PLACE SHOW 1 Purse $18,000 FOR MAIDENS, FILLIES TWO YEARS OLD. Weight, 124 Lbs. 300 Yards. MAKE SELECTION BY PROGRAM NUMBER MORNING OWNER TRAINER JOCKEY LINE JOHNNY TROTTER TONY E. SEDILLO Black Tuxcedo, White and Red "JT" Red bow tie, White sleeves, Black cuffs 8 Approx Post 12:00PM 1ST HALF DAILY DOUBLECERAPIO / EXACTA / TRIFECTATrack Record: DISTANT / .10 FURY (3),124 lbs; :14.93 (7-26-13) 1 TEXASSIZEDBIZOOMS (FH) (L) ***124 SUPERFECTAFIGUEROA RACE REVIEW Red Br.f.2 Mr Jess Perry - Big Bizooms by Shazoom (TX) RICK SUMNER MONTY ARROSSA by Keithley's Korner Red, White Star, BlueMAIDEN "GV" Red Stars on Blue sleeves 3 JESUS WIN PLACE SHOW 2 EYE PYC Purse $18,000 (L) ***124 AYALA HONEY BUDDER (#3) raced much improved last time and White B.f.2 Pyc Paint Your Wagon - Eyejesslovelouisiana by Mr Jess Perry (LA) J & SM, INC., (SUE MAY ET AL ) AND DON AND FRED I. DANLEY 9/2 makes a sixth start of the season. Guessing the filly has 1 M. LANE REYNOLDS Dk blue, red Checks, red cuffs NOE sort of figured things out--overdue. FOR MAIDENS, FILLIES TWO YEARS OLD. Weight, 124 Lbs. 300 Yards. GARCIA, JR. 3 (L) Blue MAKEHONEY SELECTION BUDDER BY PROGRAM NUMBER***124 MORNING EYE PYC (#2) is behind somewhat in development in OWNERB.f.2 Tres Seis - Budder Think Twice by First Down Dash (UT)TRAINER JOCKEY LINE JOHNNYKIM PAULSEN TROTTER JASONTONY L. E. OLMSTEAD SEDILLO 10 starting for only the second time closing weekend. Like the Black Tuxcedo, White and RedYellow, "JT" Red Yellow bow Cap tie, White sleeves, Black cuffs 8 CERAPIOCODY gateTrack speed--we'll Record: DISTANT see if it holds. FURY (3),124 lbs; :14.93 (7-26-13) SHE WILL B FAMOUS (L) SMITH 4 TEXASSIZEDBIZOOMS (FH) (L) ******124124 FIGUEROA RACE REVIEW 1Yellow Br.f.2B.f.2 Mr Corona Jess CartelPerry - - Big My BizoomsFamous Lady by Shazoom by One Famous(TX) Eagle (UT) NAMGIS KISSINMISCHKA (#9) might surprise on the Red by Keithley's Korner RICKTHE SUMNERQUARTER COMPANY LLC. (JIM MONTYALBERT ARROSSA A. VALLES 6 HERNANDEZRed, (ET White AL) Star, Blue "GV" Red Stars on Blue sleeves 3 outside. Likely better than first few races indicate. White, Blue Emblem, Gold Trim, Blue sleeves, White Chevrons JESUSADRIAN RAMOS 25 EYE PYC (L) ***124 AYALA HONEYSuggested BUDDER Wager: (#3) $5 Win/Place raced much on improved 3 last time and WhiteGreen B.f.2TASTE Pyc Paint OF Your DIAMONDS Wagon - Eyejesslovelouisiana by Mr Jess(L) Perry***124 (LA) Blk.f.2 Pyc Paint Your Wagon - Dare You to Beat Me by Tres Seis (CA) makes a sixth start of the season. Guessing the filly has JWARREN & SM, INC., FRANKLIN (SUE MAY ET AL ) AND DON AND RANDYFRED L. I. SCHALLA DANLEY 9/2 M. LANE REYNOLDS Black, Black Cap 15 K-Bob's Selections Dk blue, red Checks, red cuffs NOEANGEL sort of figured things out--overdue. GARCIA, JR. Honey Budder 36 TRES DAMAS Ñ (L1) ***124 MARQUEZ Blue HONEYGr.f.2 Jumpn BUDDER Chic - Cinco Pepper by Cinco Milagro (NM) (L) ***124 EYE PYC (#2) is behindEye somewhat Pyc in development in Black B.f.2 Tres Seis - Budder Think Twice by First Down Dash (UT) KIMLC3 PAULSEN CATTLE CO (LAURAN MASON ET AL) JOHNJASON A. L. STINEBAUGH OLMSTEAD 6 starting for only theNamgis second Kissinmischka time closing weekend. Like the Yellow,Orange, Yellow Orange Cap Cap 10 CODYRAUL gate speed--we'll see if it holds. 47 SHEONE WILL RACY B LADY FAMOUS (L)(L)******124124 SMITHVALENZUELA YellowOrange B.f.2Sor.f.2 Corona One FamousCartel - My Eagle Famous - First Lady Down by Racy One by Famous First Down Eagle Dash (UT) (TX) NAMGIS KISSINMISCHKA (#9) might surprise on the THEBILLY QUARTER TARANGO COMPANY LLC. (JIM ALBERTHARVEY A. VALLES BAEZA Pink, Pink Cap 156 HERNANDEZ (ET AL) FELIPE outside. Likely better than first few races indicate. White, Blue Emblem, Gold Trim, Blue sleeves, White Chevrons ADRIAN 58 ONE BODACIOUS EAGLE (L) ***124 RAMOSGARCIA-LUNA GreenPink TASTEBr.f.2 One OFFamous DIAMONDS Eagle - Bodacious Dream by Corona Cartel(L) *** (TX)124 Suggested Wager: $5 Win/Place on 3 Blk.f.2TOMMY Pyc TATUM Paint Your AND Wagon NAMGIS - Dare QH, You LLC. to (GERRY Beat Me by TresMIKE Seis ROBBINS (CA) 9/2 WARRENSIGMAN ETFRANKLIN AL) RANDY L. SCHALLA White, Orange Windmill,Black, Black Orange Cap Diamond sleeves BENITO 15 K-Bob's Selections 9 ANGELBACA Honey Budder Turquoise6 TRESNAMGIS DAMAS KISSINMISCHKAÑ (L1)(L)******124124 MARQUEZ Black Gr.f.2B.f.2 JumpnKiss My Chic Hocks - Cinco - Mischka Pepper Brown by Cinco by Big Milagro Daddy (NM) Cartel (TX) Eye Pyc LC3JEFF CATTLE MITCHELL CO (LAURAN MASON ET AL) JOHN A.BRET STINEBAUGH VICKERY 30 Namgis Kissinmischka White, blackOrange, "BVS" Orange Green CuffsCap on sleeves 6 RAULOSCAR 107 ONECOURAGEOUS RACY LADY TAMMY V (FH) (L)(L)******124124 VALENZUELAANDRADE, JR. OrangePurple Sor.f.2Ch.f.2 One Captain Famous Courage Eagle - Nitas - First Fame Down by Racy Dash by Ta First Fame Down (UT) Dash (TX) L - Lasix; L1BILLY - First TARANGO Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off; Ñ - Denotes New MexicoHARVEY Bred. BAEZA Equipment Change: Texassizedbizooms willPink, race Pink with Cap Flipping Halter On 15 FELIPE 8 ONEPROBABLE BODACIOUS EAGLEFAVORITES: 2 -(L) 3*** - 9124 - 5GARCIA-LUNA Pink Br.f.2 One Famous Eagle - Bodacious Dream by Corona Cartel (TX) TOMMY TATUM AND NAMGIS QH, LLC. (GERRY MIKE ROBBINS SIGMAN ET AL) 9/2 White, Orange Windmill, Orange Diamond sleeves BENITO 9 BACA Turquoise NAMGIS KISSINMISCHKA (L) ***124 B.f.2 Kiss My Hocks - Mischka Brown by Big Daddy Cartel (TX) JEFF MITCHELL BRET VICKERY White, black "BVS" Green Cuffs on sleeves 30 OSCAR K-BOB'S SELECTIONS 10 COURAGEOUS TAMMY V (FH) (L) ***124 ANDRADE, JR. Purple Ch.f.2 Captain Courage - Nitas Fame by Dash Ta Fame (UT) L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off; Ñ - Denotes New Mexico Bred. BY TIM KEITHLEY Equipment Change: Texassizedbizooms will race with Flipping Halter On PROBABLE FAVORITES: 2 - 3 - 9 - 5

Forty Fourth Day - Saturday, September 4, 2021 - POST 12:00PM


Forty Fourth Day - Saturday, September 4, 2021 - POST 12:00PM APPROX. POST:12:00PM 1st Half Daily Double / Exacta / Trifecta / .10 Superfecta 1 Win Place Show No. QUARTER HORSE MAIDEN Scan for Equibase Racing Information Purse $18,000. For Maidens, Fillies Two Years Old. Weight, 124 Lbs. 300 Yards Track Record: Distant Fury (3) 124 lbs. :14.938 (7-26-13) Program# Odds Speed Index Speed Weight Jockey Class Owner: Johnny Trotter 50.3 2021: 3 0 0 0 $200 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 8-1 Silks: Black Tuxcedo, White and Red "JT" Red bow tie, White sleeves, Black cuffs 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 1 Trainer: Tony E. Sedillo ( 62-4-3-9 ) 25.81% Cerapio Figueroa Life: 3 0 0 0 $200 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $0 Red Rui: 3 0 0 0 $200 Course: 1 0 0 0 $0 TEXASSIZEDBIZOOMS (L) (FH) 124 ( 7-0-1-3 ) 57.14% Ruidoso Select Yearling Sale 2020 $45,000 Br.f.2 Mr Jess Perry - Big Bizooms by Shazoom - Bred in Texas by Kirk M Goodfellow (Feb 26, 2019) 07Aug21 6 Rui ft 300Y cwÁà :16¶»¿ :15»¹º 2 Mdn 18000 72-44 6 9 -- -- 9¹ 9º¢ Sigala A 125 bL 22.00 Jesst for Speed124¡ Heerz Ur Sign127¨µ Special Eagle V124¨µ not a threat 9 Previously trained by Joiner Michael W 2021 (as of 07/09): ( 134 14 15 19 0.10 ) 09Jul21 7 Rui ft 400Y twÄ :20¼¶¸ :19»¼º 2 Ftr 8000 72-45 7 3 8¸¢ -- 8º£ 8½¡ Baca B J 126 bfL 31.90 Lethal Viper124¶ Sassalitical124¶¢ B Me124¨µ no threat 9 28May21 3 Rui ft 350Y twÁ :18¸¸¾ :17½¸¼ 2 Ftr 8000 75-62 5 4 7¶¡ -- 6¸£ 5¹£ Ramirez, Jr. R 125 bL 6.10 One Slick V126£ Dashing Illusions124¡ Terrific Chrome126¶£ needed more 9 Workout(s): 24 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.18hg 14/17 24 Jul 21 Rui 330Y ft :17.77hg 7/7 22 Jun 21 Rui 330Y ft :17.42hg 21/25 4 May 21 Rui TR 11 300Y ft :16.36hg 4/7 Owner: Rick Sumner 45 2021: 2 0 0 0 $1,240 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 3-1 Silks: Red, White Star, Blue "GV" Red Stars on Blue sleeves 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 2 Trainer: Monty Arrossa (Asst. Tr. Jed Vane) ( 24-10-3-0 ) 54.17% Jesus Rios Ayala Life: 2 0 0 0 $1,240 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $900 White Rui: 1 0 0 0 $900 Course: 1 0 0 0 $900 EYE PYC (L) 124 ( 34-10-4-2 ) 47.06% Heritage Place September Yearling Sale 2020 $44,000 B.f.2 Pyc Paint Your Wagon - Eyejesslovelouisiana by Mr Jess Perry - Bred in Louisiana by Jumonville Farms/Burnett Ranch (Feb 12, 2019) 07Aug21 1 Rui ft 300Y twÁÁ :15»¸½ :15¸¿¿ 2 Mdn 18000 93-66 2 2 -- -- 2¶ 4¶£ Ayala J R 124 bL 8.60 Grt Strtgy126¶¡ Misty Shd of Blu124«¬ Significnt Fiv125¨© wbump foe brk, no kick 10 23May2110 RP ft 330Y cwÅ :17¾»¸ :17^¸¸ 2 Mdn 21880 57-24 6 3 4¨µ -- 7¸¢ 8º£ Flores J A 124 bL 3.40 1130 Famous Coronas124£ A Fancy Man124«¬ Sarahs Cuvee126¶¡ steadily retreated 10 Workout(s): 15 Jun 21 Rui 330Y ft :17.52hg 5/6 5 May 21 RP 250Y ft :14.32hg 22/38 31 Mar 21 RP 250Y ft :13.81hg 37/82 20 Mar 21 RP 220Y ft :13.18hg 53/58 Owner: J & SM, INC., (Sue May et al ) and Don and M. Lane Reynolds 54.88 2021: 5 0 1 2 $5,010 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 9-2 Silks: Dk blue, red Checks, red cuffs 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 3 Trainer: Fred I. Danley ( 91-17-12-11 ) 43.96% Noe Garcia, Jr. Life: 5 0 1 2 $5,010 Distance: 1 0 0 1 $770 Blue Rui: 5 0 1 2 $5,010 Course: 1 0 0 1 $770 HONEY BUDDER (L) 124 ( 133-21-22-12 ) 41.35% Heritage Place September Yearling Sale 2020 $25,000 B.f.2 Tres Seis - Budder Think Twice by First Down Dash - Bred in Utah by McColee Land & Livestock Llc (Jan 18, 2019) 13Aug21 1 Rui ft 330Y hwÆ :17¶¹¼ :17^¼½ 2 Mdn 18000 94-70 6 4 2¡ -- 2¡ 2¡ Ortiz J E 125 bfL 3.00 All Pointz Bulltin125¡ Honey Budder125¶¡ Dont Tred On Me To126¶ second best 6 01Aug21 1 Rui ft 350Y twÉ :18º½¶ :17½¼º 2 Mdn 11700 68-38 6 8 10¸¡ -- 10¹¡ 10»¢ Ortiz J E 128 bfL 4.60 Scrt Rmo128¡ God Lvs Cowboys124¨µ Fghtnforbck128«¬ wstep slow,steadied brk 10 25Jun21 7 Rui ft 300Y hwÁÁ :15¾½½ :15¼¶½ 2 Mdn 7700 82-56 9 3 -- -- 3¶ 3¶£ Ortiz J E 126 bfL 4.70 Vaqueroo124£ Tellem Im High124¶ Honey Budder126«¬ bit fractious gate 10 11Jun21 1 Rui ft 350Y hwÁÀ :18¶º¹ :18^¾¹ 2 Mdn 6400 77-63 1 4 3¡ -- 3¡ 3¡ Ortiz J E 124 bfL 10.30 Fabulous Follies124¨µ Cash Addibarr124¨µ Honey Budder124¡ evenly 9 28May21 2 Rui ft 350Y twÁÄ :18º½¼ :17¼º¸ 2 Ftr 8000 68-48 6 9 8¸ -- 8¹£ 8»£ Ortiz J E 125 bfL 20.50 Jm Cndy124¡ Egle Tempted Dsh128¨© Womn in Gold128¶¢ wstep slow,forced in st 10 Workout(s): 25 Jul 21 Rui 330Y ft :17.58hg 2/2 20 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.50hg 11/28 13 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.91hg 29/43 18 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.84hg 36/50 Owner: Kim Paulsen 43 2021: 2 0 0 0 $430 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 10-1 Silks: Yellow, Yellow Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 4 Trainer: Jason L. Olmstead (Amber M. Olmstead) ( 37-4-6-8 ) 48.65% Cody Rodger Smith Life: 2 0 0 0 $430 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $340 Yellow Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 SHE WILL B FAMOUS (L) 124 ( 17-2-0-1 ) 17.65% Heritage Place September Yearling Sale 2020 $43,000 B.f.2 Corona Cartel - My Famous Lady by One Famous Eagle - Bred in Utah by McColee Land & Livestock Llc (Mar 08, 2019) 07May2112 RP ft 350Y hwÁÁ :18¼½¿ :18^º½ 2 Ftr 15000 57-37 5 8 7¶ -- 8¸ 9º¢ Packer B R 126 bfL 44.80 1083 Reimagine124¡ Value Bet124¨© Revenant Dynasty124¡ mild menace 9 10Apr21 8 RP ft 300Y nw :16¶^¶ :15½ºº 2 Mdn 17100 66-49 5 4 -- -- 6¶¢ 6¸¡ Packer B R 126 bfL 23.10 1067 Rckn Rd Rhythm124¨© Rmmbr M Ss126¶¡ Nsm Wcht Lnmn125«¬ broke out,bump,outrun 10 Workout(s): 3 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :10.81h 4/24 19 Mar 21 RP 220Y ft :12.40bg 46/76 6 Mar 21 RP 220Y ft :11.54hg 6/79 Owner: The Quarter Company LLC. (Jim Hernandez (et al) 59 2021: 3 0 0 0 $1,980 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: White, Blue Emblem, Gold Trim, Blue sleeves, White Chevrons 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Albert A. Valles ( 112-14-16-16 ) 41.07% Life: 3 0 0 0 $1,980 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 5 Adrian A. Ramos Rui: 1 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Green TASTE OF DIAMONDS (L) 124 ( 124-19-18-17 ) 43.55% Blk.f.2 Pyc Paint Your Wagon - Dare You to Beat Me by Tres Seis - Bred in California by The Quarter Company Llc (Mar 07, 2019) 10Jul21 7 Rui ft 400Y twÇ :20¸¹¹ :19½¿¹ 2 Ftr 8000 81-58 7 1 2¡ -- 6¶£ 7¹ Ramos A A 124 bfL 23.70 Jss Drm of Me124£ Bomb Cyclone126¶¢ Jesst for Speed124¡ wdrift out bit early 10 Previously trained by Willis Eddie D 2021 (as of 05/21): ( 217 38 30 29 0.18 ) 21May21 4 RP ft 330Y nw :17¹º^ :17¶½¾ 2 Mdn 21880 73-58 7 5 4¨µ -- 4£ 4£ Brooks J D 124 bfL 3.80 987 Tres Elegance125«¬ Lethal Viper124¡ All Out124¨µ lacked late bid 9 07May21 5 RP ft 350Y hwÁÅ :18¸¼¾ :18^^¾ 2 Ftr 15000 69-61 6 1 2«¬ -- 4¶ 5¶¢ Brooks J D 124 bfL 3.10 979 Crtel Drgon124«¬ Bp Ck Eagle124«¬ Wicked Eagle Two124¶ off sharp, weakened 9 Workout(s): 14 Apr 21 RP 250Y my :13.64hg 2/46 31 Mar 21 RP 250Y ft :13.60hg 19/82 Owner: Warren Franklin n/a 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 Silks: Black, Black Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Randy L. Schalla (Rebecca L. Schalla) ( 11-2-2-2 ) 54.55% Life: 0 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 6 Angel Marquez Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Black TRES DAMAS Ñ (L1) 124 ( 71-3-5-10 ) 25.35% Gr.f.2 Jumpn Chic - Cinco Pepper by Cinco Milagro - Bred in New Mexico by Clifford Franklin (Feb 26, 2019) Workout(s): 24 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.52h 7/17 9 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.02hg 11/13 23 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.46hg 28/31 Owner: LC3 Cattle Co (Lauran Mason et al) 49 2021: 3 0 0 0 $360 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Orange, Orange Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 7 Trainer: John A. Stinebaugh ( 117-18-19-12 ) 41.88% Raul A. Valenzuela Life: 3 0 0 0 $360 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $360 Orange Rui: 3 0 0 0 $360 Course: 1 0 0 0 $360 ONE RACY LADY (L) 124 ( 57-6-3-7 ) 28.07% Heritage Place September Yearling Sale 2020 $29,000 Sor.f.2 One Famous Eagle - First Down Racy by First Down Dash - Bred in Texas by Johnny Trotter (Apr 16, 2019) 07Aug21 1 Rui ft 300Y twÁÁ :15½¸½ :15¸¿¿ 2 Mdn 18000 87-59 5 3 -- -- 5¶¢ 6¹¢ Valenzuela R A 127 bfL 19.30 Gret Strtegy126¶¡ Misty Shde of Blue124«¬ Significant Five125¨© steadied late 10 09Jul21 12 Rui ft 400Y twÄ :20¿¾¶ :19½»¼ 2 Ftr 8000 63-29 7 6 8¹¡ -- 8»£ 8¾¡* Valenzuela R A 127 bfL 34.50 Whirlway Wagon124¶¡ The Stars of Corona124¡ Warning126¨µ shifted out,PL7th 9 29May2111 Rui ft 350Y twÁÅ :18¶º¿ :17¼^¼ 2 Ftr 8000 77-59 2 4 6¶ -- 7¸ 7¹£ Dominguez S G 127 bfL 14.30 Fdd Scout126£ Phoenominal124¨© nEmpty Promise125£ empty 10 Workout(s): 24 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :11.45h 17/37 13 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.99hg 52/63 30 Mar 21 Ret TR 1 250Y ft :14.37hg 38/67 2 Mar 21 Ret 220Y ft :12.86bg 19/29 09/04/2021 Race 1 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:37 PM RACE 1 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

10 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO RACE 1 CONTINUED Owner: Billy Tarango 43.67 2021: 4 0 0 0 $154 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 Silks: Pink, Pink Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 8 Trainer: Harvey Baeza ( 36-3-0-3 ) 16.67% Felipe Garcia-Luna Life: 4 0 0 0 $154 Distance: 2 0 0 0 $154 Pink Rui: 4 0 0 0 $154 Course: 2 0 0 0 $154 ONE BODACIOUS EAGLE (L) 124 ( 32-0-1-1 ) 6.25% Heritage Place Fall Mixed 2020 $31,000 Br.f.2 One Famous Eagle - Bodacious Dream by Corona Cartel - Bred in Texas by Bobby D Cox (Mar 24, 2019) 07Aug21 1 Rui ft 300Y twÁÁ :15¾¼¼ :15¸¿¿ 2 Mdn 18000 82-55 3 7 -- -- 8¸¡ 8º¢ Sigala A 125 bfL 37.70 Great Strategy126¶¡ Misty Shade of Blue124«¬ Significant Five125¨© no threat 10 09Jul21 6 Rui ft 400Y twÁÁ :20¾¹» :19¼½º 2 Ftr 8000 66-33 3 10 10º -- 10»£ 10¾¡ Dominguez S G 124 bfL 45.60 Th Bg Fvort126¶ Fmos Blyd Kss124¶ Jss Knt Ctch M129¶¢ woff slow,bump,stdy'd 10 25Jun21 7 Rui ft 300Y hwÁÁ :16^¶¿ :15¼¶½ 2 Mdn 7700 77-47 10 6 -- -- 4¶¢ 6¹ Dominguez S G 126 bL 26.70 Vaqueroo124£ Tellem Im High124¶ Honey Budder126«¬ no rally 10 29May2114 Rui ft 350Y cwÁ :18¾¾¾ :17¼¸¶ 2 Ftr 8000 56-31 9 6 9¸ -- 9»¡ 10¿ FloresGarcia L A 124 bfL 27.40 Cll Bounc126«¬ Rnbow to Ross128£ Sunshin Nmy Pockt124¡ shifted in,no threat 10 Workout(s): 11 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.81hg 9/16 10 May 21 Rui 330Y ft :17.99hg 6/9 31 Mar 21 RP 220Y ft :12.45hg 7/18 20 Mar 21 RP 220Y ft :12.28h 19/58 Owner: Tommy Tatum and Namgis QH, LLC. (Gerry Sigman et al) 59 2021: 3 0 1 0 $2,500 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 9-2 Silks: White, Orange Windmill, Orange Diamond sleeves 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Mike Robbins (Cody Noel) ( 36-5-5-6 ) 44.44% Life: 3 0 1 0 $2,500 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 9 Benito Jude Baca Rui: 3 0 1 0 $2,500 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turquoise NAMGIS KISSINMISCHKA (L) 124 ( 92-8-9-8 ) 27.17% B.f.2 Kiss My Hocks - Mischka Brown by Big Daddy Cartel - Bred in Texas by Tommy Tatum/Namgis Qh Llc (Feb 11, 2019) 30Jul21 3 Rui ft 400Y cwÇ :20¶¼¸ :20^¾¿ 2 Mdn 11700 83-74 6 2 2«¬ -- 2¡ 2¡ Garcia, Jr. N 124 bfL 5.20 Smoky Ic126¡ Nmgs Kissinmischk124¶¢ First Sis Down126¡ wduel, carried out, van 10 09Jul21 8 Rui ft 400Y twÁÄ :20^º¹ :19¾¹º 2 Ftr 8000 86-67 3 7 5¶¢ -- 5¶¡ 6¶¡ Ramirez E 126 bL 120.20 Drems of the Hert124¡ Rock Cndy Blue124¨µ Ajs Tres of Pint124¡ needed more 10 11Jun21 3 Rui ft 350Y hwÆ :18¼¸¿ :17¿¿¼ 2 Mdn 6400 64-36 7 9 9¹ -- 9¹£ 7º¡ Ramirez E 125 bL 21.50 Dezignated124¨µ Girls Famous126¨µ The Big Favorite126¡wbumped hard brk 10 Workout(s): 17 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.50hg 12/39 1 May 21 RP 220Y ft :11.59hg 3/24 Owner: Jeff Mitchell 2 2021: 2 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 30-1 Silks: White, black "BVS" Green Cuffs on sleeves 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Bret Vickery ( 33-0-2-4 ) 18.18% Life: 2 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $0 10 Oscar Andrade, Jr. Rui: 2 0 0 0 $0 Course: 1 0 0 0 $0 Purple COURAGEOUS TAMMY V (L) (FH) 124 ( 88-5-13-12 ) 34.09% Ch.f.2 Captain Courage - Nitas Fame by Dash Ta Fame - Bred in Utah by Jeff Mitchell (May 03, 2019) 24Jul21 1 Rui ft 350Y hwÁÁ :19¹¸» :17¿ºº 2 Mdn 10200 44-4 10 7 8º¢ -- 9¼£ 10¿£ Ramos A A 124 bfkL33.10 Thryve124¨µ Noteworthee124¨µ Long Tyme Gone125¶wbit fractious 10 12Jun21 1 Rui ft 300Y twÉ :16¾¼¼ :15¹¸½ 2 Mdn 6400 49--- 3 9 -- -- 10»¡ 10¶^£Ramirez A 129 bfL 37.60 Agostino124¨µ Namgis Azoom On By126£ Cobby Lou126¶¢ wstumbled into foe brk 10 Workout(s): 19 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.59b 5/5 24 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.91hg 4/5 24 Apr 21 Dxd 220Y ft :12.60hg 5/10 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off Ñ - New Mexico Bred Equipment Change: Texassizedbizooms will race with Flipping Halter On (FH) - Flipping Halter: Texassizedbizooms, Courageous Tammy V Selections 2-3-9-5 09/04/2021 Race 1 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:37 PM

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RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 11 Betting 101 Exotic Wagers ú EXACTA Superfecta Choose two horses that fi nish fi rst and second in exact Choose four horses that fi nish fi rst, second, third and fourth order. The minimum wager on an Exacta bet is $1 per in exact order. The minimum wager on a Superfecta is combination of two numbers. $0.10 per combination for four numbers.

DAILY DOUBLE Pentafecta (aka Super Hi 5) Choose the winners of two consecutive races. The Choose fi ve horses that fi nish fi rst second, third, fourth and minimum wager on a Daily Double bet is $2. fi fth in exact order. The minimum wager on a Pentafecta is $0.50 per combination of fi ve numbers.

TRIFECTA Pick 3, Pick 4, Pick 5 Choose three horses that fi nish fi rst, second and third in Pick the winners of three, four or fi ve consecutive exact order. The minimum wager on a Trifecta bet is $1 per races. The Pick 4 wager has a minimum of $0.50 per combination of three numbers. combination, and the Pick 5 has a $1 minimum for each combination on your ticket. Boxing and Keying: Many times, to increase the chances of winning, bettors may # OF HORSES # OF BETS EXACTA choose to “Box” or “Key” horses. You can “Box” or “Key” horses in 2 HORSE BOX 2 $2 any wager including Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta, or Pentafecta. 3 HORSE BOX 6 $6 4 HORSE BOX 12 $12 “Boxing”: This bet is a combination of every horse’s number you 5 HORSE BOX 20 $20 wish to wager in every placement on your ticket. (Example: If you 6 HORSE BOX 30 $30 wager an “Exacta Box 1/2/3”, you own these combinations: 1-2; 1-3;2-1; 2-3;3-1;3-2). You may Box as many horses as you want on 7 HORSE BOX 42 $42 the same ticket. 8 HORSE BOX 56 $56 9 HORSE BOX 72 $72 “Keying or Wheeling”: When placing this bet, you use a particular horse in a specifi c placement on your ticket. (Example: If you wager a “$1 Exacta Key 1 with 2/3/4” you own these combinations: 1-2; 1-3; 1-4. You can Key one horse with as many horses as you please on the same ticket, and you can also Key a horse to fi nish in diff erent placements on your ticket.

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RUIBET.COM Password: AllAmerican Scan QR code with your Smartphone camera App is only available when onsite at Ruidoso Downs Race Track


MAIDEN WIN PLACE SHOW 2 Purse $18,000 FOR MAIDENS, THREE, FOUR, AND FIVE YEARS OLD. Three Year Olds, 126 Lbs; Older, 128 Lbs. 350 Yards. MAKE SELECTION BY PROGRAM NUMBER MORNING OWNER TRAINER JOCKEY LINE DAMIAN S. ONSUREZ GUADALUPE MUNOZ, JR. Red, White and Black "Munoz" White sleeves, Black Stripes 30 Track Record: PLANET HOLLAND (5),124 lbs; :17 (7-1-06) ANGEL RACE REVIEW 1 CALLE DE ORO (L) ***128 MARQUEZ Red B.m.4 Corona Cartel - She Travels by Fishers Dash (OK) by Keithley's Korner GARY HOOVESTAL AND YVONNE (DEE) BRET VICKERY 15 HOOVESTAL OSCAR White, White Cap SMOKING WAGON (#5) finished a respectable fourth in 2 ANDRADE, JR. White POLLITICAL DYNASTY (L1) ***126 the maiden stakes final held here in mid-June. This looks B.g.3 Fdd Dynasty - Dunk Two Politicians by Apollitical Jess (MT) RICHARD E. FORD AND FRED SORENSON JIMMY C. COLLIER like an easier task today--let's get a picture. Red, Black Horseshoe "F S bar brand" Black and Gold Diamond sleeves 8 JIMMY FS POWERFLASHDYNASTY (#3) has a giant goose-egg 3 FS POWERFLASHDYNASTY (L) ***128 COATES Blue Sor.m.4 Fdd Dynasty - First Power Flash by First Moonflash (NM) in the win column after 16 attempts despite plenty of RUBEN QUIROGA MARTIN ORONA, SR. Red, Black "Martin Orona, Sr. "M/O" Racing Stables" Black Sleeves, Red Cuffs 20 runner-up finishes. Expecting the same outcome. HECTOR 4 TF ONE FAST EFFORT Ñ (L1) ***128 ALDRETE LOUISIANAPAINTWAGON (#9) is another that has had Yellow Br.m.4 Tf Featured Effort - Hot for Reel by Real Runaway (NM) JACK MANNING JAMES J. GONZALES, II plenty of chances without success. Time to shine before White, White 'JM' on Maroon Block, Maroon Diamond sleeves 2 MARIO heading down the road. 5 SMOKING WAGON (FH) (L) ***126 DELGADO Green Br.g.3 Pyc Paint Your Wagon - Only I Rock by Rock Solid Jess (NM) Suggested Wager: $1 Exacta box 2/5/9 and $3 Win/Place ZANE BOBBITT DANYA Z. JEGEDE Black, Red with Silver Owl on back and front chest diamonds on sleeves 12 on 5 BENITO 6 SHESA DRAGON Ñ (L) ***126 BACA Black B.f.3 Zulu Dragon - Pyc Run N Gun by Pyc Paint Your Wagon (NM) K-Bob's Selections JARDIEL PEDROZA ALBERT A. VALLES Smoking Wagon White, Blue "VR" Blue Collar, Red Epaulets, Red Rockin S brand, Blue cuffs 9/2 FREDDY Fs Powerflashdynasty 7 REGAL TALES (L) ***128 IBARRA Louisianapaintwagon Orange Br.m.4 Wagon Tales - Regal Kate by A Regal Choice (OK) VINEWOOD FARMS (GEORGE LUCAS ET AL) JUAN M. GONZALEZ Pink, Blue Sash, Blue bars, Blue cuffs 6 CARLOS 8 SPACE FORCE (L) ***126 GUILLEN Pink Br.g.3 Seperate Interest - Corona Kitten by Corona Cartel (CA) CHACON JUAN M. MUNIZ, JR. OWNER Aqua, Aqua Cap 7/2 ADRIAN 9 LOUISIANAPAINTWAGON (L) ***128 RAMOS Turquoise Br.g.4 The Louisiana Cartel - Pyc Paint Alis Wagon by Pyc Paint Your Wagon (TX) JOSE AGUILAR MENDOZA ELOY G. NAVARRO Purple, Purple Cap 15 RAUL 10 LETHAL STORM (L) ***126 HERRERA Purple B.g.3 Volcom - Miss Lethal by Chicks Beduino (TX) L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off; Ñ - Denotes New Mexico Bred. Equipment Change: Calle de Oro will race with Flipping Halter Off Equipment Change: Calle de Oro will race with Blinkers Off K-BOB'S SELECTIONS PROBABLE FAVORITES: 5 - 9 - 7 - 8 BY TIM KEITHLEY

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 13 APPROX. POST:12:26PM 2nd Half Daily Double / Exacta / Trifecta / .10 Superfecta / 1st Leg .50 Pick 4 2 Win Place Show No. QUARTER HORSE MAIDEN Scan for Equibase Racing Information Purse $18,000. For Maidens, Three, Four, and Five Years Old. Three Year Olds, 126 Lbs; Older, 128 Lbs. 350 Yards Track Record: Planet Holland (5) 124 lbs. :17.006(7-1-06) Program# Odds Speed Index Speed Weight Jockey Class Owner: Damian S. Onsurez 38.9 2021: 2 0 0 0 $445 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 30-1 Silks: Red, White and Black "Munoz" White sleeves, Black Stripes 2020: 2 0 0 0 $1,050 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 1 Trainer: Guadalupe Munoz, Jr. ( 37-1-6-4 ) 29.73% Angel Marquez Life: 8 0 0 0 $1,655 Distance: 5 0 0 0 $0 Red Rui: 4 0 0 0 $445 Course: 3 0 0 0 $0 CALLE DE ORO (L) 128 ( 71-3-5-10 ) 25.35% Los Alamitos Equine Sale 2018 $30,000 B.m.4 Corona Cartel - She Travels by Fishers Dash - Bred in Oklahoma by Stone Chase Stables Llc (Mar 15, 2017) 08Aug21 4 Rui ft 350Y twÄ :18½^^ :17ºº¸ 35 Mdn 18000 62-17 4 7 7¹£ -- 7¼¡ 7¾£ Belloc, Jr. J 128 fL 28.00 Fbls Crd Prty127¸¡ Fs Pwrflshdynsty126¸¡ Pltcl Csh V126¡ wbrk out,stdy'd,bumps 8 18Jul21 6 Rui ft 400Y nw :20½¶º :20¹½^ 35k Mcl 12500 69-44 7 3 5£ -- 5¸¢ 4¸¡ Belloc, Jr. J 128 fL 7.50 Cosmic Kiss126¨µ Fs Powerflashdynasty130¡ Cuervette126¶£ wbroke in badly 8 28Oct20 1 Zia ft 350Y cwÁÁ :18½¼¿ :18¹¹¿ 35 Mdn 14000 63-47 2 4 4¶ -- 4¶¢ 7¸ Ibarra F 128 bkL 16.50 Whole Lot of Gumbo126£ Jess Being Political126¡ Magnifico Jesse128¨µ empty 9 Previously trained by Alvarez Ramon A 2020 (as of 09/06): ( 56 7 3 5 0.13 ) 06Sep20 2 Alb ft 400Y nw :20¸¾» :19½¶º 3g Mdn 21000 74-54 5 3 3¡ -- 4¸¡ 4¹£ Barraza B C 126 ofkL 8.10 Kadillac Smooth128£ Dont Get No Betta128¶£ Diving Eagle126¶¢ lit the board, 9 Previously trained by Gonzalez Cynthia G 2019 (as of 10/19): ( 379 56 53 45 0.15 ) 19Oct19 9 Zia ft 350Y nw :18º¸¸ :18^¶¼ 2 Mdn 31000 73-52 7 7 9£ -- 9¶¡ 8¸¡ Becerra, Jr. S 124 bfkL10.30 Southrn Tres124«¬ The Corondo Kid124¡ Bv Lst Kiss124«¬ wbumps brk, stdy'd str 10 21Sep19 6 Zia ft 400Y cwÇ :20º¶¼ :19¾¿¼ 2 Ftr 8000 76-71 10 7 3¡ -- 4¶¡ 6¹¢ Becerra, Jr. S 124 bfkL22.00 Apolliticl Papa126¨µ Mr Perry Hock125¶£ Beeline Dash124£ wstumbled st, empty 10 Previously trained by Gonzalez Juan C 2019 (as of 06/22): ( 92 11 9 7 0.12 ) 22Jun19 4 Rui ft 350Y hwÉ :18¼¿» :18¶»¸ 2 k Mdn 7800 63-50 9 9 9¹ -- 8¹¢ 8¹£ Aldrete H 124 bfL 17.10 Triple H Cartel127«¬ Jess Paint Me Roses124¨µ Candys Hero126£ wbrk outwardly 10 25May19 3 Rui ft 350Y hwÁÅ :19¾½º :18¶^¿ 2 Ftr 8000 29--- 8 9 10»¢ -- 10½¡ 10¶¶¡Herrera R 124 bfL 21.20 nVolcom Fire126£ nAnalytix124£ Lady Arrow124¡ wtried to buck 10 Workout(s): 8 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.55b 20/20 27 Jun 21 Rui 330Y ft :18.10hg 7/8 8 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.95h 19/22 30 Jul 20 Alb 220Y ft :12.42hg 12/26 Owner: Gary Hoovestal and Yvonne (Dee) Hoovestal n/a 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 Silks: White, White Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Bret Vickery ( 33-0-2-4 ) 18.18% Life: 0 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 2 Oscar Andrade, Jr. Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 White POLLITICAL DYNASTY (L1) 126 ( 88-5-13-12 ) 34.09% B.g.3 Fdd Dynasty - Dunk Two Politicians by Apollitical Jess - Bred in Montana by Gary and Dee Hoovestal (Mar 12, 2018) Workout(s): 24 Aug 21 Rui 330Y ft :17.09hg 1/2 23 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.56hg 29/31 22 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.69hg 31/36 Owner: Richard E. Ford and Fred Sorenson 57.24 2021: 4 0 2 0 $5,500 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 8-1 Silks: Red, Black Horseshoe "F S bar brand" Black and Gold Diamond sleeves 2020: 9 0 4 1 $8,484 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Jimmy C. Collier ( 33-2-4-6 ) 36.36% Life: 16 0 6 1 $13,984 Distance: 11 0 5 0 $10,971 3 Jimmy Ray Coates Rui: 11 0 4 0 $8,292 Course: 8 0 3 0 $5,979 Blue FS POWERFLASHDYNASTY (L) 128 ( 131-19-7-23 ) 37.40% Sor.m.4 Fdd Dynasty - First Power Flash by First Moonflash - Bred in New Mexico by Richard Ervin Ford (Apr 03, 2017) 08Aug21 4 Rui ft 350Y twÄ :17¾^¸ :17ºº¸ 35 Mdn 18000 87-62 2 5 2¶¡ -- 2¸ 2¸¡ Aldrete H 126 bL 11.80 Fbls Crd Prty127¸¡ Fs Pwrflshdynsty126¸¡ Pltcl Csh V126¡ chased winner,no match 8 18Jul21 6 Rui ft 400Y nw :20º^» :20¹½^ 35k Mcl 12500 77-58 4 2 3¨µ -- 2¡ 2¨µ Marquez A 130 bL *2.10 Cosmic Kiss126¨µ Fs Powerflashdynasty130¡ Cuervette126¶£ game second 8 27Jun21 1 Rui ft 350Y twÉ :18º¹¶ :17½½¾ 35 Mdn 9000 69-44 2 8 7¸¢ -- 7¹¢ 7º¡ Marquez A 128 bL 7.60 Mr Rcy Prry126¡ Jss Lsn Hro126¶¢ nRnwy Tmptng128¡ wthrew head,bump,tight 8 06Jun21 1 Rui ft 350Y cwÁÀ :18¶¼¸ :17¼º¿ 35 Trl 6000 77-54 2 7 5¶¡ -- 5¸¡ 6¹¡ Marquez A 128 bL 4.00 High Plins Secret126¶¡ Lethal Chrome126¨µ Cap Maam Blue126¶¢ evenly, no bid 9 03Dec20 2 Zia ft 350Y cwÇ :17¿»¶ :17¾»¼ 35k Mcl 25000 87-63 10 5 5¶¢ -- 2¶ 2¡ Rivera A 126 bL 2.80 Shez Fst Lips126¡ Fs Powerflshdynsty126¡ Ma Cher Amio126¨© finished strong, 10 02Nov20 2 Zia ft 300Y cwÇ :16^¼¿ :16^^¶ 35 Mcl 15000 (20-15) 77-53 3 2 -- -- 2¡ 3¡ Rivera A 126 bL *1.00 Rlntlss Drms126¨© A Scotr Wth Ss128¡ Fs Pwrflshdynsty126«¬ chased, no extra 8 07Oct20 3 Zia ft 350Y hwÁÀ :18¸¸½ :18^º^ 35 Mdn 14000 79-58 2 2 3¡ -- 2¶ 2¶ Rivera A 126 bL 8.50 Frst Apll Mon126¶ Fs Powrflshdynsty126¡ Rnwy Tmptng128¨µ followed winner, 9 07Sep20 9 Rui ft 440Y hwÄ :22¸º^ :22¶¾¼ 35 Mdn 7000 76-66 7 1 1«¬ -- 2«¬ 4¡ Ortiz J E 127 bL 2.30 Swearengen128¨µ Mountain Rainbow128«¬ Bojangles Comin126¨© led, outkicked 9 28Aug2010 Rui ft 350Y cwÁ :17¿½½ :17¿¶¶ 35 Mcl 15000 81-72 6 2 2¶ -- 2¶ 2¡ Ortiz J E 128 bL 9.90 Ls Hombre128¡ Fs Powerflshdynasty128¶£ Mountain Rainbow128£ wveer in early 10 14Aug20 2 Rui ft 350Y cwÁ :17¿¾½ :17¿¶¼ 35k Mcl 15000 81-64 1 3 3¡ -- 3¡ 2¡ Tapia E 126 bL 6.40 Hgh Fshn Rtrns126¡ Fs Pwrflshdynsty126¶ A Rlntlss Ldy126¡ wbmpd brk,rally for 2nd 6 Workout(s): 20 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.75hg 17/29 10 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.59hg 23/46 31 Mar 21 Frn 220Y ft :11.90b 4/42 7 Aug 20 Rui 220Y ft :11.14h 2/22 Owner: Ruben Quiroga n/a 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 20-1 Silks: Red, Black "Martin Orona, Sr. "M/O" Racing Stables" Black Sleeves, Red Cuffs 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Martin Orona, Sr. ( 59-4-8-9 ) 35.59% Life: 0 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 4 Hector Aldrete Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Yellow TF ONE FAST EFFORT Ñ (L1) 128 ( 118-14-11-6 ) 26.27% Br.m.4 Tf Featured Effort - Hot for Reel by Real Runaway - Bred in New Mexico by Ruben Quiroga (Mar 26, 2017) Workout(s): 26 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :11.72b 2/9 31 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.24hg 45/49 18 Jul 21 Rui 330Y ft :17.30bg 2/4 Owner: Jack Manning 67.25 2021: 4 0 1 0 $10,302 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 2-1 Silks: White, White 'JM' on Maroon Block, Maroon Diamond sleeves 2020: 2 0 1 0 $3,304 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $1,004 Trainer: James J. Gonzales, II ( 63-15-12-7 ) 53.97% Life: 6 0 2 0 $13,606 Distance: 3 0 1 0 $9,962 5 Mario A. Delgado Rui: 3 0 1 0 $9,212 Course: 2 0 1 0 $8,958 Green SMOKING WAGON (L) (FH) 126 ( 76-21-9-9 ) 51.32% Br.g.3 Pyc Paint Your Wagon - Only I Rock by Rock Solid Jess - Bred in New Mexico by Jack Manning (Feb 13, 2018) 19Jun21 8 Rui ft 350Y twÁÁ :17¹½^ :17¸¾º 35 Fnl 96968 100-87 1 1 1«¬ -- 3¨µ 4£ Ramirez A 127 bfkL25.80 Indeed a Favorite126¨µ Painted Snowclouds126¨µ Beer Brat126¨µ bid, no kick 10 06Jun21 3 Rui ft 350Y cwÅ :17½^¾ :17¼»» 35 Trl 6000 90-75 2 2 2¡ -- 2¡ 2¡ Delgado M 126 bfkL 4.60 Kiss Ya Bye126¡ Smoking Wagon126¸ Mandi Lane128¨µ wbump foe brk 8 16Apr21 8 RP sys 350Y twÁÇ :17¼¿¾ :17º¼^ 3 Mdn 17100 85-64 7 5 4¶ -- 4¶¡ 4¶¡ Vega J 126 bfkL19.70 1067 Jess Cindy127¶ Fbulous Card Party124¡ Inkognito126¨© brk out,brushed,evenly 9 14Mar21 2 RP ft 330Y hwÁÉ :17¼^^ :17¶»» 3 Mdn 17100 65-47 2 5 8¶£ -- 8¹¢ 7¸£ Becerra, Jr. S 127 bfkL13.00 1061 Jss Mlly Brwn129¨© Hgh Bch Rtrns124¶ Pvs Mon Rvr124¨µwducked in,bumped rival 8 04Oct20 4 LS ft 330Y cwÉ :17¸¹» :17¶¾» 2 Mcl 10000 85-58 3 4 4¶ -- 4¶ 2¨µ Vega J 127 bfkL 6.70 Faint Whisper126¨µ Smoking Wagon127¡ Relentlessleigh124¡ strong finish 10 16Aug20 9 Rui ft 300Y cwÆ :16¶¹½ :15¿¼¶ 2 Mcl 15000 72-52 6 4 -- -- 5¶¢ 5¶¢* Delgado M 124 bfL 6.00 Ryl Crnd126«¬ Dobl Down On M124¡ Vlnt Horzon126¡ wbrushed, forced out,PL4th 9 Workout(s): 26 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.41b 7/9 20 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.78h 17/28 23 Feb 21 RP 250Y ft :14.01hg 49/141 28 Jan 21 Alb 220Y ft :11.97h 3/6 Owner: Zane Bobbitt 69.3 2021: 3 0 0 1 $950 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 12-1 Silks: Black, Red with Silver Owl on back and front chest diamonds on sleeves 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 2 0 0 1 $950 6 Trainer: Danya Z. Jegede ( 14-0-1-5 ) 42.86% Benito Jude Baca Life: 3 0 0 1 $950 Distance: 1 0 0 1 $950 Black Rui: 3 0 0 1 $950 Course: 1 0 0 1 $950 SHESA DRAGON Ñ (L) 126 ( 92-8-9-8 ) 27.17% Ruidoso New Mexico Bred QH Yearling 2019 $16,000 B.f.3 Zulu Dragon - Pyc Run N Gun by Pyc Paint Your Wagon - Bred in New Mexico by Jim and Michele Laird (Mar 10, 2018) 14Aug21 7 Rui sys 400Y twÆ :20¶»¶ :19¼½¹ 3 Dtr 4000 83-75 2 8 8¶¡ -- 8¸¡ 7¹¡ Garcia, Jr. N 126 bfL 29.80 Bad Monkey128¨© Painted Snowclouds126¶ Sullee126¶£ wbump, tight brk 9 01Aug21 3 Rui ft 330Y twÆ :17¸º¹ :16º¿º 3 k Mdn 13800 91-63 5 7 8¶¡ -- 7¹¡ 7»¢ Baca B J 127 bfL 8.10 Grt Hcks126¸£ Tnght Is th Nght128¨µ A Flsh of Coron126¡ wbump foe hard 2x brk 9 31May21 5 Rui wfs 350Y twÁÁ :17¿¶¶ :17¼¼¹ 35 l Mdn 9500 84-70 5 7 3¶ -- 3¶¡ 3¶£ Delgado M 126 bfL 6.80 Flash the Fire126¡ Cruse126¶¢ Shesa Dragon126¶¢wbit awkward brk 7 Workout(s): 18 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.21hg 9/50 30 Apr 21 Rui 220Y gd :11.50h 2/10 15 Jul 20 Frn 220Y ft :12.22b 2/25 a3 Jun 20 Frn 220Y ft :12b 1/26 09/04/2021 Race 2 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:41 PM RACE 2 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 14 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO RACE 2 CONTINUED Owner: Jardiel Pedroza 56.48 2021: 3 0 1 1 $3,395 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 9-2 Silks: White, Blue "VR" Blue Collar, Red Epaulets, Red Rockin S brand, Blue cuffs 2020: 5 0 0 0 $1,818 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 7 Trainer: Albert A. Valles ( 112-14-16-16 ) 41.07% Freddy Ibarra Life: 11 0 2 1 $11,044 Distance: 3 0 0 0 $1,001 Orange Rui: 2 0 1 1 $3,340 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 REGAL TALES (L) 128 ( 7-0-2-1 ) 42.86% Heritage Place Winter Mixed 2021 $8,500 Br.m.4 Wagon Tales - Regal Kate by A Regal Choice - Bred in Oklahoma by John Hudson (Mar 11, 2017) 13Aug21 7 Rui ft 300Y twÅ :15¼»¾ :15¹½½ 35 Mcl 15000 89-63 5 5 -- -- 4¶¡ 3¸ Ibarra F 133 L 8.90 Osberryfast128¶¡ Louisianapaintwagon128¡ Regal Tales133¡ up for show 8 30Jul21 5 Rui ft 300Y cwÄ :15¼¹¶ :15º¸¿ 35 Mcl 10000 90-71 10 4 -- -- 2¶ 2¶¡ Ibarra F 133 L 6.80 Jess Louisin Hero126¶¡ Regl Tles133¡ Sheza Hellcat B126¡ no match for winner 10 24Apr21 1 Srp ft 330Y twÅ :17¶¾¸ :16¼¸º 3gk Mcl 10000 88-41 5 6 5¸¢ -- 6¶£ 6¹¡ Cano P 128 bfL 3.40 Genuine Anson126¨µ Osbaldos Rain126¶¡ Jess Keep a Secret126¨© no final kick, 6 Previously trained by Charette-Hill Stacy 2020 (as of 08/28): ( 220 26 30 38 0.12 ) 28Aug20 2 Prm ft 350Y twÁÀ :18¹¹½ :18^¹º 3g Mcl 7500 (7.5-5) 74-52 4 4 3¨µ -- 4£ 4¸¢ Torres J 125 bfBL 4.00 My Solid Return127¡ Fstest Leder125¡ Jess Dina Fly127¶¢ wedgy, bobbled start 7 03Aug20 2 Prm ft 300Y twÁÀ :15¿¼» :15½¹¹ 3g Mcl 12500 78-52 3 8 -- -- 6¸¡ 5¸ Torres J 125 bfBL 3.10 Girl Paint127¨© Eye Fly With Eagles127«¬ Apollitical Prize125¨µ outrun 8 17Jul20 3 Prm ft 350Y hwÅ :18¹^¸ :18¸^^ 3g Mcl 12500 (12.5-10) 75-55 9 5 6¶ -- 6¶¡ 4£ Torres J 125 bfBL 1.90 Aint My Fult125«¬ Ey Fly With Egls127¨µ My Onetime Coron127¡ never menaced 9 29May20 8 RP ft 350Y twÅ :17¿¾½ :17½¼¼ 35 Mcl 20000 77-62 8 7 4¨µ -- 5£ 5¶¢ Torres J 125 bfL 15.20 1124 Thrgh th Fnc126£ Bp Dwn to Polcs124¨© Im Fncy Zorrto128«¬ never quit trying 9 15May20 4 RP ft 330Y cwÉ :17º¼½ :17¶º¼ 35k Mcl 20000 70-43 3 3 5¨µ -- 5¶¢ 5¶£ Garcia R H 124 bfL 10.70 1129 Our Silver Storm124«¬ Ms Lori Darlin124¨µ Bossyhawg128¨µ unable to sustain 9 25May19 4 RP ft 300Y hwÁÄ :15¾^¾ :15»¸¹ 2 l Mcl 20000 77-57 6 5 -- -- 5¶ 5¶£ Torres J 124 bfkL*2.40 Relentless Doll129£ Jm Lady Luck127¡ Doing the Deal127¡ bumped rival start 10 29Apr19 7 RP ft 300Y hwÁÅ :15¾¾¸ :15¾¸¾ 2 Mcl 20000 74-61 6 2 -- -- 2¡ 2¨µ Torres J 125 bfkL 5.00 1022 Miss Trainwreck127¨µ Regal Tales125£ La Capidel Capo128«¬ clear second 10 Workout(s): 20 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.34h 5/28 3 Apr 21 Alb 220Y ft :13.59hg 28/28 20 Mar 21 Alb 220Y ft :12.74h 30/35 26 Apr 20 RP 220Y ft :12.13bg 17/40 Owner: Vinewood Farms (George Lucas et al) 64 2021: 1 0 0 0 $900 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Pink, Blue Sash, Blue bars, Blue cuffs 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Juan M. Gonzalez ( 73-5-5-6 ) 21.92% Life: 1 0 0 0 $900 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 8 Carlos Antonio Guillen Chacon Rui: 1 0 0 0 $900 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Pink SPACE FORCE (L) 126 ( 13-0-1-2 ) 23.08% Br.g.3 Seperate Interest - Corona Kitten by Corona Cartel - Bred in California by Vinewood Farms (Apr 09, 2018) 15Aug21 4 Rui ft 300Y twÇ :15»¼¸ :15º½º 35 Mdn 18000 92-64 2 5 -- -- 4£ 4¡ Guillen Chacon C A 126 bL 12.60 Thyr B n Answer126¨µ Runwy Tempting128«¬ Cold Blooded Vixen126¨µ wbrk in bit 8 Workout(s): 8 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.07h 4/21 9 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.21hg 3/12 7 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.35hg 6/22 30 Sep 20 Zia 220Y ft :12.34bg 2/7 Owner: Juan M. Muniz, Jr. 64.1 2021: 4 0 1 1 $4,200 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 7-2 Silks: Aqua, Aqua Cap 2020: 4 0 1 1 $4,400 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 9 Trainer: Owner ( 5-0-1-0 ) 20.00% Adrian A. Ramos Life: 13 0 2 3 $10,494 Distance: 7 0 0 1 $2,349 Turquoise Rui: 4 0 1 0 $3,250 Course: 3 0 0 0 $650 LOUISIANAPAINTWAGON (L) 128 ( 124-19-18-17 ) 43.55% TQHA Yearling Sale 2018 $10,000 Br.g.4 The Louisiana Cartel - Pyc Paint Alis Wagon by Pyc Paint Your Wagon - Bred in Texas by Raedele Phipps (Feb 28, 2017) 13Aug21 7 Rui ft 300Y twÅ :15»¾¿ :15¹½½ 35 Mcl 15000 91-67 8 3 -- -- 2¶ 2¶¡ Castro R 128 bfL 5.70 Osberryfast128¶¡ Louisianapaintwagon128¡ Regal Tales133¡ followed winner 8 27Jun21 3 Rui ft 350Y twÁÇ :17¿½^ :17»½º 35 Mdn 9000 82-65 8 7 6¶¡ -- 5¸¢ 4¸£ Perez B 128 bfL 3.90 Me Cpone126¶¢ A Scooter With Sisu128¶ Jm Funky Cold Medin126¡ wbump foe brk 8 29May21 1 Srp ft 350Y hwÁÀ :17¿¸½ :17¼¶¹ 3g Mdn 20000 86-59 1 2 2¶ -- 2¶¡ 4¶£ Guerrero L A 130 bfL 13.20 Cc Lucky Strw128¶¡ Rt Sol Trn129¨µ Fntstco Drgon126¨© brk out,flattened late 10 30Apr21 1 Srp ft 350Y twÄ :18¶¼º :17¿¸^ 3g Mcl 10000 80-58 5 5 3¶ -- 3¶¡ 3¶¡ Martinez E S 128 bfL *1.50 Jess Lefty128¨µ Next Princess128¶¢ Louisinapaintwagon128¨µ lacked room late 9 10Nov20 4 Zia ft 350Y cwÁÀ :18¸¹¼ :18^»» 35 Mcl 25000 78-51 7 4 3¡ -- 3¶ 4¶ Perez B 126 bfL 6.00 Political Mayhem126¨µ Four Socks Suzy128£ Mi Reina Isabella126¨© good try 10 30May20 4 Rui ft 350Y hwÅ :18^º¿ :17¾¾¿ 35 Trl 4000 79-71 8 6 6¶ -- 6¶¢ 4¶¢ Olivas J 126 bfL 11.10 A Valiant Zoomer128¡ Pyc Lovestruck126¡ Bigg Jack126¨µ needed more late 8 07Mar20 2 Sun ft 400Y hwÆ :20¸¼º :20^¿¿ 3 Mcl 15000 70-74 1 4 2«¬ -- 2«¬ 2¶ Garcia, Jr. N 126 bfL *1.20 Gl Prty Girl128¶ Louisinpintwgon126¡ Fvorit Horizonte129¨© dueled, outfinished, 10 01Feb20 1 Sun ft 400Y cwÆ :19¾¹¿ :19½^½ 3 Mcl 15000 81-81 3 2 2«¬ -- 3¡ 3¶ Garcia, Jr. N 126 bfL 9.00 Geranium128£ Jess Call Meh129¨µ Louisianapaintwagon126¶ pushed in early 10 03Nov19 5 Zia ft 250Y hwÇ :13½½» :13»¼½ 2 Mcl 8000-c 75-58 3 2 -- -- 3¡ 3¶¢ Hernandez, Jr. R P 126 bL 3.40 Kings Or Else128¡ Geranium126£ Louisianapaintwagon126¡ fought gamely, 9 Claimed by Muniz, Jr.Juan M. from Armendariz, Elco and Ruiz, Omar Jr.for $8,000, Jacquez Hector R. - Trainer 21Sep19 4 Zia ft 400Y cwÅ :20¼^¶ :20¶¶¶ 2 Ftr 8000 71-62 3 7 7¶¡ -- 7¸¢ 7¹ Hernandez, Jr. R P 129 bfL 37.30 Portfolioh126¡ Dash for Glitter126¡ Woodbeacartel126¨µ wbit fractious 10 Workout(s): 14 Apr 21 Frn 220Y ft :12.43bg 20/55 23 Mar 21 Frn 220Y ft :12.19b 5/21 20 Oct 20 Zia 220Y ft :12.44bg 5/12 17 Aug 20 Rui 220Y ft :12h 4/12 Owner: Jose Aguilar Mendoza 57.99 2021: 5 0 1 0 $1,243 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 Silks: Purple, Purple Cap 2020: 3 0 0 0 $890 Off Track: 2 0 0 0 $90 10 Trainer: Eloy G. Navarro ( 74-4-3-10 ) 22.97% Raul Herrera Life: 8 0 1 0 $2,133 Distance: 2 0 0 0 $238 Purple Rui: 3 0 0 0 $0 Course: 1 0 0 0 $0 LETHAL STORM (L) 126 ( 58-6-3-9 ) 31.03% Los Alamitos Equine Sale 2019 $23,000 B.g.3 Volcom - Miss Lethal by Chicks Beduino - Bred in Texas by P K Thomas (Mar 10, 2018) 06Jun21 2 Rui ft 350Y hwÁ :18^¶½ :17»½¹ 35 Trl 6000 81-61 8 4 7¶ -- 7¶¡ 7¹¢ Belloc, Jr. J 126 bfL 25.70 Df Fabulous Jackie126¶¢ Jess Ravens Wood126¨µ Southpaw Bb128¡ no threat 9 30May21 2 Rui wfs 400Y cwÄ :20¼¶½ :19¼¹½ 3 Dtr 8000 72-48 7 7 9¸¡ -- 9¹¡ 9½¢ Belloc, Jr. J 126 bL 40.50 Shott Gun126¶ Valiantt126¨µ Apollitical Hero126¡ never in contention 9 05Mar21 1 Tup ft 350Y nw :18¶»¸ :17¿¼¼ 3 Mdn 5000 85-71 10 4 4¨µ -- 4¨µ 4¶ Belloc A 122 bL 14.80 Jess Packn Heat124£ Mae Capone122¨© Elbullseye122¨µ best of others, 10 14Jan21 1 Tup ft 300Y nw :16^»¶ :15¿¾¼ 3 Mdn 5000 79-60 3 2 -- -- 1«¬ 2¡ Belloc A 124 bL 5.30 Bar Fighten124¡ Lethal Storm124¨µ J M Sixes124¨© dueled, just missed, 8 05Jan21 1 Tup ft 300Y nw :16º¸½ :15½¹½ 3 Mdt 3500 66-42 1 3 -- -- 6¶£ 7º£ Belloc A 124 bL 6.80 Dddys Fly124¨µ Kellys First Moon124¨µ Df Fabulous Rouge124£ wstumbled break, 8 14Nov2010 Wrd sy 300Y cwÁÆ :15¾¹½ :15¼¹¹ 2 Mdn 13700 83-64 7 2 -- -- 8¸ 7¶¡ FonsecaSoto F 124 bL 6.20 Red White Egle124¨µ Eye My Fabulous Gal124«¬ Apollitical J Flash124¨µ evenly 10 18Oct2010 Wrd ft 250Y cwÁÅ :13¾º¾ :13»¸½ 2 Mdn 13700 72-56 8 6 -- -- 6¶¡ 4¸ Camacho K J 124 bL 12.20 Peves Big Hoss124£ Pollitical Cartel124¨µ All Red No Blue124¶ even bid 9 22Aug20 9 Rui ft 440Y twÈ :22»¼½ :21¼½» 2 Ftr 8000 69-50 5 4 9¸ -- 9º 9¼¢ Carrillo A 124 bL 35.10 Jess Painted124¡ One Beautiful Fire126¶¡ Carolina Czech126¨© wshifted in 10 Workout(s): 5 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :11.44h 3/21 8 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :11.94h 6/22 19 Feb 21 Tup 220Y ft :12.03h 11/20 a15 Dec 20 Tup 220Y gd :11.90h 1/7 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off Ñ - New Mexico Bred Equipment Change: Calle de Oro will race with Flipping Halter Off Equipment Change: Calle de Oro will race with Blinkers Off (FH) - Flipping Halter: Smoking Wagon Selections 5-9-7-8 09/04/2021 Race 2 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:41 PM

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 15 FOUR LOTS WITH 2 HOMES & BEAUTIFUL VIEWS FROM THIS ACREAGE LEVEL LOT AND EASY ACCESS GOOD TREE COVERAGE of Sierra Blanca, Inn of The Mountain Gods to this very attractive stucco home in Alto Two of the lots are vacant, and 2 of the lots Lake, Grindstone Lake and surrounding Village Country Club. Two car garage plus have 2 BR, 2 BA single-family residences on mountains. Almost 11 ¾ acres of land with golf cart garage. Mostly one level home them. Both homes are unfurnished and water, sewer, electric and natural gas except for few steps down into the game room. Furnished with few exceptions. The very nicely built and utilize a shared well available with good building sites and outside is a nice place for the fur children and septic system. Sellers could consider paved access. Amazing property! also. Paved drive, covered deck, metal viable trades and will also sell each home MLS #124849 roof and so much more. separately. See listing numbers #126907 & $599,500 | MLS #126272 #126908. $395,000 | MLS #125133 © 2021 BHH A liates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH A liates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway a liate. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Owners: This meeting conducted under the supervision HONORABLE MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM Johnny Trotter and the Narciso “Chicho” Flores NEW MEXICO RACING COMMISSION Sam Bregman - Chairman Estate of Stan Sigman David “Hossie” Sanchez - Vice-Chairman John Buffi ngton - Commissioner Operated by Ethan Linder Billy G. Smith - Commissioner All American Ruidoso Downs, LLC General Manager Ismail Trejo - Executive Director

STAFF Racing Officials Ron Walker - NMRC Steward Mike Mitchell - Head Outrider Curtis Hilling - Vice President of Finance Reese Howard - NMRC Steward Jeb Loney - Outrider Leonard Turano - Sr. VP of Operations Reuben Rivera - NMRC Steward Rex Cox - Stall Superintendent Kelly McReynolds - VP of Racing & Facilities Kelly McReynolds - Director of Racing/Starter Scooter Rippy - Paddock Judge/Identifi er Mario Fernandez - Slot Operations Manager Jamie Zamora - Racing Secretary Robert Fox- Announcer Tim Keithley - Director of Marketing Tony Dominguez - Asst. Racing Secretary Dr. Mark Ashby - Track Veterinarian Rick Thedford - Clerk of Scales Jake Rogers - Track Photographer Ron Burnum - Director of Corporate Security Trevor Stokes - Track Superintendent Darrell Winter - Track Chaplain Deano McTeigue - Mutuel Manager Anna Garcia - Racing Offi ce Secretary Amtote - Tote Provider Charles Wood - Systems Manager Brenda Buckner - Horseman’s Bookkeeper Roberts Communications Network - Uplink Nikki Harast - Reservations Manager Michael Ahrens - Head Clocker Trident Network Services - Video, Photo Finish, Timer Doris Alvarez - Nominations Secretary Wyatt Stinebaugh - Placing Judge True Center - Starting Gate Crystal Sifuentes - Executive Operations Assistant Robyne Draper - Placing Judge Sierra Blanca Motors - Gate Crew Truck Zack Stinebaugh - Program Coordinator EXACTA / TRIFECTA / .10 SUPERFECTA / 2ND LEG PICK 4 / 1ST Approx Post 12:52PM LEG .50 PICK 3

CLAIMING WIN PLACE SHOW 3 Purse $14,800 (Includes $1,750 from NMHBA Overnight Fund) FOR REGISTERED NEW MEXICO BRED THREE YEAR OLDS AND UPWARD WHICH HAVE NEVER WON TWO RACES. Three Year Olds, 121 Lbs; Older, 123 Lbs Claiming Price $5,000. Five And One Half Furlongs. Track Record: ROCKY GULCH (2),120 lbs; 1:02 (7-13-03) MAKE SELECTION BY PROGRAM NUMBER MORNING OWNER TRAINER JOCKEY LINE RACE REVIEW PAUL A. AND MICHELE SMITH PAUL A. SMITH Red, Red Cap 10 by Keithley's Korner JUAN 1 KEY TO THE CITY Ñ (L1) ***121 RIVAS Red Ch.g.3 Musaiter - City Veil by Gotham City (NM) $5,000 SMOOTH BLUES (#8) just raced last weekend so you ESTATE OF MARY ROBERTSON JACKIE E. RIDDLE Red, Blue Star, White "MR" White collar, Blue and White Stars 9/2 HECTOR worry that it's back too soon. Connections know what 2 MISSISSIPPI MUSIC Ñ (L) ***121 ALDRETE they're doing--let's get a last-minute paycheck. White Dk B/ Br.g.3 Monterey Jazz - Almost a Ten by Cee's Tizzy (NM) $5,000 FORD AND SORENSON RACING (RICHARD E. JIMMY C. COLLIER F S POSITRACK (#3) gets back to a more FORD ET AL) 6 Red, Black Horseshoe "F S" bar brand, Black and Gold Diamond Sleeves JIMMY appropriate distance today--the gelding is fit as a fiddle. 3 COATES Blue F S POSITRACK Ñ (L) ***123 $5,000 Tends to give up ground by racing wide. Dk B/ Br.g.4 Laugh Track - Grand Consequence by Grand Slam (NM) MARY W. BALCH CLIFFORD C. LAMBERT, SR. KEY TO THE CITY (#1) is a recent maiden winner so we Purple, white "V 7" brand, white collar, epaulets and cuffs 3 CHRISTIAN know he can do it at this level. Threw in a clunker last 4 NO DOUBT Ñ (L) ***118 RAMOS Yellow Dk B/ Br.g.4 Phone Home - Charleston Bound by Night Fright (NM) $5,000 time--you decide. TODD FOUST LUIS C. ROJERO Red, White "Rojero Racing" Black Running Horse, White Panel, White "Rojero" 7/2 LUIS Suggested Wager: $3 Win/Place/Show on 8 5 DOUBLEDOWN DREAMER Ñ (L) ***123 RODRIGUEZ Green Dk B/ Br.g.5 Western Gambler - Seal by Eddington (NM) $5,000 K-Bob's Selections KYLER LAMBERT AND BRAXTON LAMBERT CASEY T. LAMBERT Black, Pink "CTL" Pink Stripe, Black sleeves, Pink cuffs 12 Smooth Blues CERAPIO F S Positrack 6 MICKEYS GOLD Ñ (L) ***121 FIGUEROA Black B.g.3 Awesome Indian - Mickeys Last Dance by Precocity (NM) $5,000 Key to the City LAURA L. THOMPSON SARAH LYN VIGIL White, Black Quarters, Red and Black Indian Design, Black cuffs 15 CASEY 7 KABULL Ñ (L) ***123 CHAVEZ Orange Dk B/ Br.g.4 Laugh Track - Alley's Lady by In Excessive Bull (NM) $5,000 JANA TROTTER CASEY T. LAMBERT Black Tuxcedo, White and Red "JT" Red bow tie, White sleeves, Black cuff 4 KELSI 8 SMOOTH BLUES Ñ (L) ***121 PURCELL Pink Dk B/ Br.g.3 Monterey Jazz - Rodinia by Bluegrass Cat (NM) $5,000 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off; Ñ - Denotes New Mexico Bred. #6 & #8 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. PROBABLE FAVORITES: 4 - 5 - 8 - 2 K-BOB'S SELECTIONS BY TIM KEITHLEY

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 17 APPROX. POST:12:52PM Exacta / Trifecta / .10 Superfecta / 2nd Leg Pick 4 / 1st Leg .50 Pick 3 Win Place Show No. 3 Ñ CLAIMING $5,000 Scan for Equibase Racing Information Purse $14,800. (Includes $1,750 from NMHBA Overnight Fund) For Registered New Mexico Bred Three Year Olds and Upward Which Have Never Won Two Races. Three Year Olds, 121 Lbs; Older, 123 Lbs Claiming Price $5,000. Five And One Half Furlongs Track Record: Rocky Gulch (2) 120 lbs. 1:02 (7-13-03) Program# Odds Pace Speed Weight Jockey Class Owner: Paul A. and Michele Smith 36.48 2021: 3 1 0 0 $4,605 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 10-1 Silks: Red, Red Cap 2020: 3 0 0 0 $300 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Paul A. Smith ( 43-4-4-3 ) 25.58% Life: 6 1 0 0 $4,905 Distance: 3 0 0 0 $104 1 Juan Carlos Rivas Rui: 3 1 0 0 $4,605 Course: 1 0 0 0 $104 Red $5,000 KEY TO THE CITY Ñ (L1) 121 ( 72-3-5-2 ) 13.89% Ch.g.3 Musaiter - City Veil by Gotham City - Bred in New Mexico by Robert Driggers & DelRae Driggers (May 04, 2018) 17Jul21 8 Rui ft 6f :22^¹ :44¹¼ 1:10¼¶ 3glClm 7500nw2/L 75-48 11 3 1¶¡ 2¶¡ 4º 9¾£ Amparan F 121 b 15.50 Hnry On the Run123¶¢ Hot Chrlie123«¬ Risky Revenge118¸¡ pace,3w turn,faded 11 27Jun21 6 Rui ft 6f :22º¶ :46¶º 1:13»^ 35 Mcl 10000 (10-7.5) 72-41 5 2 1¡ 1¹ 1¼ 1»£ Chavez C R 120 b *1.00 Key to the City120»£ Sun Treder123¶£ Wild Firewter120¼£ pace,3p,in hand late 6 05Jun21 9 Rui ft 5K :22¹¹ :45»¹ 1:05¸º 35 Mcl 10000 (10-6.5) 54-24 6 3 2«¬ 3¶ 6¾ 6¶¹¡ Bobroff J 120 b 14.70 W F Rip Tide120¨µ Smooth Blues120¶ Dixie Jen122»¡ vie btw,3-5w trn,empty 7 21Dec20 8 Zia ft 6f :21¾¾ :45¸¹ 1:10¾^ 2 l Mcl 10000 40-34 3 7 8» 5º 5¼¡ 5½¢ Chavez C R 120 b 23.20 Fred120¹ Farmer Fred R F120¹£ Anxious Indian120¨µ passed tired rivals 11 03Dec20 5 Zia ft 5K :22^¿ :45½¶ 1:05¶¼ 2 l Mcl 10000 56-38 4 4 4¸ 6¹ 7º£ 8º¡ Chavez C R 120 b 9.70 Lincoln County Kid120¶ Fred120¨µ Whiskey Laugh Cat120¡ between, faded 11 28Oct20 7 Zia ft 5K :22º½ :46¿¶ 1:06»¿ 2 l Msw 18000 77-31 2 8 1¶ 1«¬ 5¹¡ 8¾£ Chavez C R 120 b 75.40 Benjamin Who120¨© Cheese Tray120¨µ Alvis120¹¡ set pace, gave way 10 Workout(s): 20 Jun 21 Rui 5F ft 1:01.20b 3/4 25 May 21 Rui 3F ft :38.80b 12/14 9 May 21 Rui 4F ft :49b 1/2 1 May 21 Rui 3F ft :36b 3/16 Owner: Estate of Mary Robertson 32.1 2021: 2 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 9-2 Silks: Red, Blue Star, White "MR" White collar, Blue and White Stars 2020: 3 1 0 0 $5,205 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Jackie E. Riddle ( 40-6-4-1 ) 27.50% Life: 5 1 0 0 $5,205 Distance: 4 1 0 0 $4,920 2 Hector Aldrete Rui: 5 1 0 0 $5,205 Course: 4 1 0 0 $4,920 White $5,000 MISSISSIPPI MUSIC Ñ (L) 121 ( 118-14-11-6 ) 26.27% Dk B/ Br.g.3 Monterey Jazz - Almost a Ten by Cee's Tizzy - Bred in New Mexico by William Robertson & Mary Robertson (Apr 18, 2018) 15Aug21 8 Rui ft 5K :22¹^ :45¸½ 1:04¼¹ 3glAlw 25300nw2/L 45-34 1 7 6¸£ 5¹£ 7¾¡ 8¶¼¡ Amparan F 121 bL 21.30 Near Genius123¡ My Storm Warrior122¶¢ Hot Charlie123¶¢ inside-2wide, empty 8 31Jul21 5 Rui ft 5K :21¼º :44¸¾ 1:03¼º 3glAlw 21000nw2/L 72-19 4 5 1¡ 3¨µ 7½¡ 10¸^£Guerra R 121 bL 36.80 One Mrk121¸ Troubleonthetrck121¸¡ Desert Reward123¹¡ contested pace inside 10 Previously trained by Lambert Casey T 2020 (as of 08/29): ( 227 43 29 33 0.19 ) 29Aug20 1 Rui ft 5K :22¹¸ :45¹¿ 1:04º¸ 2 l Msw 8200 47-55 4 1 1¶¡ 1¶¡ 1¹ 1¸¡ Rodriguez L H 120 bL 12.30 Mississippi Music120¸¡ Sarge120¸¢ Smooth Blues120¶¢ 2-3path,held,kept task 5 24Jul20 8 Rui mys 5K :22^¾ :46^¹ 1:06½¶ 2 l Trl 4000 70--- 7 9 3¶ 3¸ 8¾¡ 9¸¸£ Fuentes, Jr. M T 120 bL 23.30 Digger's Gold120£ Right Jb120¶£ My Storm Wrrior120¶¡ wstep slow,chased 5path 9 11Jul20 11 Rui ft 5f :22¶¿ :45½¶ :58^½2 l Msw 9500 30-33 6 9 6¹¢ 6¹¢ 5» 5¶^¢ Fuentes, Jr. M T 120 L 12.70 Comic Hot Toddy120¾ Fred120«¬ Smooth Blues120¶ wbmpd around brk,5w trn 9 Workout(s): 27 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :49.20b 8/27 23 Jul 21 Rui 5F ft 1:03b 5/6 6 Jul 21 Rui 5F ft 1:00.60b 2/7 20 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :50.60b 14/15 Owner: Ford and Sorenson Racing (Richard E. Ford et al) 51.55 2021: 4 0 0 2 $2,956 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Red, Black Horseshoe "F S" bar brand, Black and Gold Diamond Sleeves 2020: 7 0 0 1 $2,904 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Jimmy C. Collier ( 33-2-4-6 ) 36.36% Life: 19 1 0 3 $16,880 Distance: 7 1 0 1 $9,599 3 Jimmy Ray Coates Rui: 9 1 0 2 $9,570 Course: 6 1 0 1 $7,649 Blue $5,000 F S POSITRACK Ñ (L) 123 ( 131-19-7-23 ) 37.40% Dk B/ Br.g.4 Laugh Track - Grand Consequence by Grand Slam - Bred in New Mexico by Mike Abraham (Jan 04, 2017) 07Aug21 8 Rui ft 7K :23¼¶ :47º½ 1:34^½3glClm 12500nw2/L 67-52 6 1 3¸ 3º 4º 4¾ Coates J R 123 bL 4.80 Risky Revenge118«¬ Attila's Flag123¹¡ Pub121º¡ 3-4w turns, no rally 6 27Jun21 2 Rui ft 5K :22¶¿ :45¼^ 1:04»º 3glClm 5000nw2/L 49-57 5 2 2¶¡ 2¶ 2¶ 3¹¡ Coates J R 123 bL 3.60 W F Rip Tide120¹ No Doubt118¡ F S Positrack123¡ w3-4w,pause near 1/16 7 13Jun21 7 Rui ft 5K :21¾¼ :44¾¹ 1:04½º 3glClm 5000nw2/L 57-44 5 4 3¡ 3¸ 4¶ 4¹¢ Coates J R 123 bL 2.70 Champito123¨© Dan Who120¹ Lopin Joe120¨µ insd,switched out 4wd 10 05Jun21 8 Rui ft 870Y nw :47^¶» :46¶^¸3g Clm 5000 (7.5-5)nw3/L ---66 5 2 4¸¡ -- 4¹¡ 3¼¡ Rodriguez L H 128 bL 4.30 nCnt Affrd Nt T128¼¡ nSlt Fr128¼¡ F S Postrck128¹£ 2-3w turn,no headway 6 22Dec20 5 Zia ft 6f :21¿^ :44¹^ 1:09º» 3glAlw 25000nw2/L 75-55 2 4 2«¬ 2¶ 8»£ 8½¢ Ramos C 116» bL 16.70 Strwbrry Whisky121¶£ Hnnssy's Squirt123¨µ Comet Cusey123¨µ pressed, faded 8 14Dec2010 Zia ft 6f :21¾¶ :44º¾ 1:09¸¹ 3glClm 10000nw3/L 62-51 5 4 5¹ 5¹¡ 7¼¢ 9¶¶¡ Coates J R 121 bL 33.60 Storm Byou123º¡ Courg N Ordr123¨µ Seven Silver Coins121¨µ 7-w, never fired 9 28Oct2010 Zia ft 5f :22¸¼ :45¿¸ :58º½ 3glClm 12500nw2/L 68-63 6 3 5¹¢ 5¸¡ 5º 3¸¡ Gomez E P 121 bL 8.60 Livinit123¶£ Black Eyed Bandit121£ F S Positrack121¡ steady effort, up 3rd 8 14Aug20 7 Rui ft 5K :22¹^ :45^½ 1:03¹¹ 3glAlw 11787nw3/L 49-49 4 2 2«¬ 3¡ 5» 5¿¡ Amparan F 119 bL 17.50 Rebounder123¡ Jim Edd Who121¶¡ Deck Humor120£ brief foot insd-2p,wkn 6 25May2010 Rui ft 5K :23^¼ :45¾¶ 1:04¿» 3glAlw 14955nw2/L 52-45 7 2 1«¬ 1«¬ 6¼ 8¶» Purcell K 118 bL 33.40 Evacuee118»¢ Stormin Fast123¶ Daddy What If122¹¢ wbumps brk,prompt 3-4w 9 07Mar20 9 Sun ft 6K :22½¿ :45»^ 1:16¾¿ 3 l Alw 32300cnd 72-39 3 7 4¸¡ 7½¢ 7¶½ 7¶¿ Tohill K S 122 bL 6.00 Desert Danger122¸¡ More Action122¸¢ Henry On the Run122¹ retreated 7 Workout(s): 27 May 21 Rui 3F ft :37.80b 1/1 6 May 21 Rui 3F ft :39b 2/4 22 Apr 21 Rui 3F ft :36.40b 2/4 8 Dec 20 Zia 4F ft :49.50b 12/24 Owner: Mary W. Balch 56.43 2021: 5 0 3 0 $6,889 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 3-1 Silks: Purple, white "V 7" brand, white collar, epaulets and cuffs 2020: 9 0 1 2 $3,999 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Clifford C. Lambert, Sr. ( 46-2-4-5 ) 23.91% Life: 18 1 4 3 $18,261 Distance: 10 1 2 3 $12,286 4 Christian Ramos Rui: 16 1 4 3 $17,618 Course: 10 1 2 3 $12,286 Yellow $5,000 NO DOUBT Ñ (L) 118» ( 98-8-12-12 ) 32.65% Dk B/ Br.g.4 Phone Home - Charleston Bound by Night Fright - Bred in New Mexico by Mary W. Balch (Jan 26, 2017) 06Aug21 3 Rui ft 4K :21½» :45¹¾ :51¿º 3glClm 5000nw2/L 71-58 1 6 2«¬ -- 2¶ 2¶ Perez M A 123 L *2.20 Irish Rhyme121¶ No Doubt123¸¡ Infinite Crown126¹wbmpd early,duel inside 8 17Jul21 8 Rui ft 6f :22^¹ :44¹¼ 1:10¼¶ 3glClm 7500nw2/L 64-56 6 11 4¶£ 5¸£ 5º¢ 6º£ Gomez E P 123 L 15.20 Hnry On th Run123¶¢ Hot Chrli123«¬ Risky Rvng118¸¡ urged,chase 2-3w,empty 11 27Jun21 2 Rui ft 5K :22¶¿ :45¼^ 1:04»º 3glClm 5000nw2/L 59-58 6 1 1¶¡ 1¶ 1¶ 2¹ Ramos C 118» L 3.20 W F Rip Tide120¹ No Doubt118¡ F S Positrack123¡ pace off rail,held 2nd 7 20Jun21 2 Rui ft 5K :22¹¶ :45¼¶ 1:04¹¶ 3g Clm 7500 (7.5-5)nw2/L 54-67 6 2 1¡ 1¶¡ 1¡ 2¡ Ramos C 118» L *1.50 Mr. Fearless123¡ No Doubt118¡ Ilikerollin120¸¢ pace 2w, outkicked 6 05Jun21 10 Rui ft 6f :22^¿ :44¾¶ 1:12º¼ 3glClm 10000nw2/L 86-42 6 2 1¶ 2¡ 2¡ 5¼¡ Baca M L 123 L 9.40 Buc Srbi118¶£ Zesty Jzzmn120¸¢ Risky Revenge120«¬ wpace,3-4w trn,bmpd 1/8 7 03Nov20 5 Zia ft 6f :22¼½ :45¼¿ 1:10½¸ 3g l Clm 7500nw2/L 37-61 4 10 8¹¢ 6» 6¹ 4¹¡ Ramos C 118» L 7.60 Strike a Storm123¨µ Sacatone121¸¢ Eye Forty123¶ inside,not enough late 11 12Oct20 6 Zia ft 6f :22¼¾ :45¾¼ 1:11¸¾ 3g Clm 7500nw2/L 51-53 1 8 5£ 2«¬ 1¸ 4¸¢ Ramos C 119» L 6.00 Me and Jack123¶£ Pacific Ocean121¡ Behold's Hottie121«¬ brief lead, faded 12 07Sep20 5 Rui ft 5K :21¾¼ :44¹¿ 1:03¼» 3glClm 5000nw2/L 51-61 4 4 4¸ 4¹¡ 5¹¡ 3¶£ Chavez C R 118 L 4.80 Drinkin Fire Water118£ Indian Dragon122¶ No Doubt118¶w4path turn,bump 1/16 8 28Aug20 6 Rui ft 5K :22¹^ :45^º 1:03½» 3g Clm 7500 (7.5-5)nw2/L 55-59 4 7 1«¬ 1«¬ 2¶ 3»¢ Rivas J C 123 L 22.00 Bumblebee122» Airedale118¨µ No Doubt123¨µ urged,insd-2p,lost 2nd 8 15Aug20 6 Rui ft 7K :23¾¹ :47¸º 1:33¼¹ 3g Clm 7500 (7.5-5)nw2/L 23-45 5 6 4¼¡ 4¶¸ 5½ 7½£ Rodriguez L H 118 L 8.40 Gold Note122¨µ Rio Cutie120¹ Tractor Man122¶ wbumps brk,2-3p,no bid 7 Workout(s): 27 Aug 21 Rui 3F ft :36.40b 3/9 20 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :51b 17/24 31 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :48.80b 10/33 18 Jun 21 Rui 3F ft :36.40b 3/10 Owner: Todd Foust 44.5 2021: 1 0 0 0 $740 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 7-2 Silks: Red, White "Rojero Racing" Black Running Horse, White Panel, White "Rojero" 2020: 5 1 0 1 $9,110 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Luis C. Rojero ( 44-8-8-9 ) 56.82% Life: 6 1 0 1 $9,850 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $220 5 Luis H. Rodriguez Rui: 5 0 0 1 $1,930 Course: 1 0 0 0 $220 Green $5,000 DOUBLEDOWN DREAMER Ñ (L) 123 ( 79-8-9-18 ) 44.30% Dk B/ Br.g.5 Western Gambler - Seal by Eddington - Bred in New Mexico by Michael Stinson (Feb 02, 2016) 06Aug21 3 Rui ft 4K :21½» :45¹¾ :51¿º 3glClm 5000nw2/L 60-42 6 2 6¹£ -- 4¼ 4¼¡ Rodriguez L H 123 bL 8.20 Irish Rhyme121¶ No Doubt123¸¡ Infinite Crown126¹wstdy,alter 3/8,6w turn 8 07Aug20 7 Rui ft 6f :22¶^ :45^½ 1:10¼¼ 3g Clm 7500 (7.5-5)nw2/L 72-55 7 6 6¸ 7¸£ 5» 5¾ Rodriguez L H 122 bfL 9.70 Cowboy Toby120¸ Bumblebee122¹£ Eternal Kingdom122¡ outside, 7-6wide turn 7 19Jul20 4 Rui ft 6f :21½½ :44¹^ 1:10¼¿ 3glClm 7500nw2/L 74-35 1 8 4¶¡ 4¹¡ 6¼¢ 8¶¶* Rodriguez L H 122 bL 3.40 Wsky Crown118£ No Dobt118¨µ Indn Drgon122¸¢ chase ins,3w 1/8,empty,PL7th 12 21Jun20 4 Rui ft 6f :22»¸ :45¸½ 1:10»¹ 3g Clm 15000 (15-10)nw2/L 54-54 8 5 1«¬ 1¡ 2¡ 3¸£ Rodriguez L H 122 bL 7.70 Blu Boy Who122¡ Brons Boy122¸¢ Doubldown Dremer122¶ 3-2wide turn,yielded 8 25May20 6 Rui ft 5K :22¿» :45¿¹ 1:05¸¾ 3g Clm 7500 (7.5-5)nw2/L 50-46 6 7 2¶ 2«¬ 3» 5¶¸¡ Laviolette S 122 bL 19.00 Imputed122º¡ My Boy Zayn122º¢ Enroute122¸¢ bid 3w btw turn,empty 10 10Mar20 2 Sun ft 5f :23 :47»» 1:00¿º 3glMcl 10000 22-38 5 6 6¼ 5» 3º 1¨µ Romero A V 119» b 9.70 Doubledown Dremer119¨µ Binghm's Flsh122¶ Dulits124¸¡ 5w-turn,angled in1/16 6 Workout(s): 30 Jul 21 Rui 3F ft :37hg 8/17 6 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :47.80b 8/62 15 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :49.80b 23/40 31 May 21 Rui 3F gd :36b 3/8 09/04/2021 Race 3 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:45 PM RACE 3 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 18 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO RACE 3 CONTINUED Owner: Kyler Lambert and Braxton Lambert 40.75 2021: 2 0 0 0 $576 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 12-1 Silks: Black, Pink "CTL" Pink Stripe, Black sleeves, Pink cuffs 2020: 4 1 2 0 $6,648 Off Track: 1 0 1 0 $1,437 Clm Prc Trainer: Casey T. Lambert ( 114-22-23-17 ) 54.39% Life: 6 1 2 0 $7,224 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 6 Cerapio Figueroa Rui: 6 1 2 0 $7,224 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Black $5,000 MICKEYS GOLD Ñ (L) 121 ( 7-0-1-3 ) 57.14% B.g.3 Awesome Indian - Mickeys Last Dance by Precocity - Bred in New Mexico by Jay Taylor & Paulette Taylor (Apr 20, 2018) 07Aug21 8 Rui ft 7K :23¼¶ :47º½ 1:34^½3glClm 12500nw2/L 64-36 2 5 4¸¡ 4»¡ 6¾¡ 6¶½¡ Purcell K 121 bL 4.10 Risky Revenge118«¬ Attila's Flag123¹¡ Pub121º¡ 2path turns, tired 6 05Jun21 10 Rui ft 6f :22^¿ :44¾¶ 1:12º¼ 3glClm 10000nw2/L 61-36 3 4 7¹£ 6¼¢ 5»¡ 6¿ Sigala A 120 bL 5.50 Buca Sarabi118¶£ Zesty Jazzman120¸¢ Risky Revenge120«¬ 2-3w turn, no rally 7 05Sep20 1 Rui ft 5f :22½º :46¹¼ :59¶¼ 2 l Mcl 7500 18-48 4 3 5¸¡ 4¸¡ 4¶¡ 1¨µ Enriquez I D 120 bL 2.30 Mickeys Gold120¨µ Lopin Joe120£ W F Rip Tide120«¬ 3-4w,edged past late 5 16Aug20 3 Rui ft 5f :22½º :46º½ :59^» 2 Mcl 10000 (10-7.5) 27-45 6 2 4£ 3¨µ 1«¬ 2£ Juarez, Jr. A J 120 bL *.90 Ilikerollin120£ Mickeys Gold120»£ Whiskey Lugh Cat120¸£ 5w turn, second best 7 01Aug20 2 Rui gd 5f :22½» :46¾¶ :59¶¾ 2 Mcl 15000 (15-10) 26-48 7 3 3¸ 3¶ 1«¬ 2¶£ Enriquez I D 120 bL *1.90 Smoothng Iron121¶£ Mickys Gold120¿¢ Frmr Frd R F120¶¢ wbmpd brk,5w,2nd best 7 19Jun20 4 Rui ft 4K :22¶¿ :46»¾ :53¸» 2 l Msw 9500 31-36 1 7 6»£ -- 5º¡ 6º¡ Enriquez I D 120 bL 8.40 Dan Who120¸ Whiskey Laugh Cat120£ Alvis120¡ switched out,4pth turn 8 Workout(s): 20 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :48.20b 4/24 30 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :52.60b 37/37 16 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :51.20b 17/35 6 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :48.60b 17/62 Owner: Laura L. Thompson 29.5 2021: 4 1 0 0 $5,445 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 Silks: White, Black Quarters, Red and Black Indian Design, Black cuffs 2020: 5 0 1 1 $2,259 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Sarah Lyn Vigil ( 2-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Life: 9 1 1 1 $7,704 Distance: 4 0 0 1 $873 7 Casey R. Chavez Rui: 9 1 1 1 $7,704 Course: 4 0 0 1 $873 Orange $5,000 KABULL Ñ (L) 123 ( 87-11-6-9 ) 29.89% Dk B/ Br.g.4 Laugh Track - Alley's Lady by In Excessive Bull - Bred in New Mexico by W. L. Mooring & Dee Mooring (Apr 04, 2017) 30Jul21 11 Rui ft 870Y nw :47»¼½ :45¿½^ 3glClm 10000nw2/L ---47 3 6 7¾¡ -- 8½¡ 7¶¶¢ Chavez C R 128 bL 23.40 Mountin Rinbow128¼£ Little Quintons128¨µ Talk to Her128¶ wbumped sideways brk 8 27Jun21 2 Rui ft 5K :22¶¿ :45¼^ 1:04»º 3glClm 5000nw2/L 22-27 1 7 7»¡ 7» 7½ 7¶»£ Chavez C R 123 bL 28.70 W F Rip Tide120¹ No Doubt118¡ F S Positrack123¡ inside, no threat 7 Previously trained by Burtt Sarah L 2021 (as of 06/13): ( 2 1 0 0 0.50 ) 13Jun21 7 Rui ft 5K :21¾¼ :44¾¹ 1:04½º 3glClm 5000nw2/L 23-12 4 10 9»£ 9½ 10¶^ 10¶¼¢Chavez C R 123 bL 12.00 Champito123¨© Dan Who120¹ Lopin Joe120¨µ inside-2path,no threat 10 31May21 2 Rui ft 870Y nw :47½¼¿ :47½¼¿ 35 Mdn 7500 ---64 5 4 3¼ -- 3¸¡ 1¡ Chavez C R 128 bL 4.80 Kabull128¡ Jez Gone Streakin128¸£ Mp Jade128¹¡ shift in,insd bid,game 6 07Sep20 2 Rui ft 5K :22º¶ :45¼¶ 1:04½» 35 l Mcl 5000 43-30 1 2 1¶ 1¸ 2¶¡ 3½£ Chavez C R 118 bL 5.70 Benito Chico118º£ Elusive Accounting123¹ Kabull118¹¢ pace inside,weakened 6 28Aug20 2 Rui ft 4K :22^¾ :45½¶ :51¿º 35 l Mcl 5000 46-26 4 4 2«¬ -- 3¸ 2» Chavez C R 118 bL 5.00 Sacatone120» Kabull118¨µ Stacking Rocks123¡ duel 3w,fought for 2nd 7 16Aug20 7 Rui ft 6f :22^¾ :45½¶ 1:12¶¿ 35 Mcl 15000 (15-10) 63-38 3 5 3¹¡ 3¡ 3¸ 5¼£ Chavez C R 118 bL 35.30 Tsting th Wtrs119¸ Bttlfildmrshl122¶ Drifters Choice118¸£ mild rail bid,flattene 7 18Jul20 11 Rui ft 5K :21½½ :44¾» 1:03¼¼ 35 l Mcl 6500 58-22 10 4 2¶ 2¶ 3¼ 5¶¼¢ Chavez C R 118 bL 69.30 Blue Bees120¶¶¡ Moro Man120¸ Chet Who118£ outside,5-3w turn,wknd 10 28Jun20 4 Rui ft 5f :22¸¸ :45¿» :59º¶ 35 Mcl 6500 (6.5-5) 28-8 2 7 5º¢ 6¼ 6¿ 7¶¹£ Chavez C R 118 bL 23.10 Dibolical Turn120¶¢ Blazing Thunder122¸ Sixth Gear119£ wfractious gate,insd-2p 8 Workout(s): a17 Aug 21 Rui 3F gd :37b 1/6 20 May 21 Rui 3F ft :37.60bg 3/10 2 May 21 Rui 3F ft :42.80b 9/10 10 Aug 20 Rui 4F ft :49.40b 4/12 Owner: Jana Trotter 45.41 2021: 4 1 3 0 $13,090 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 4-1 Silks: Black Tuxcedo, White and Red "JT" Red bow tie, White sleeves, Black cuff 2020: 9 0 0 3 $8,055 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $200 Clm Prc Trainer: Casey T. Lambert ( 114-22-23-17 ) 54.39% Life: 13 1 3 3 $21,145 Distance: 9 0 3 2 $11,775 8 Kelsi Purcell Rui: 9 1 3 2 $17,955 Course: 6 0 3 1 $8,785 Pink $5,000 SMOOTH BLUES Ñ (L) 121 ( 72-23-17-7 ) 65.28% Dk B/ Br.g.3 Monterey Jazz - Rodinia by Bluegrass Cat - Bred in New Mexico by Dr. Patricia Davis (Mar 31, 2018) 13Aug21 8 Rui ft 6f :22¹¹ :45»¸ 1:11¸¸ 35 l Mcl 5000 63-63 8 2 2¡ 2«¬ 1¶¡ 1¼¡ Purcell K 121 L *.50 Smooth Blus121¼¡ Poof H's Gon124¸£ It's Ovr Dud121¶¢ press,3w,kept to task 8 17Jul21 7 Rui ft 5K :22¹¸ :45¶½ 1:04½» 35 l Mcl 6500 41-48 4 4 3¨µ 4¸ 3¸¡ 2¶ Baca M L 121 L *.80 Rel Em In121¶ Smooth Blus121¸£ Poof H's Gone125¶¢ eased off,insd-2w,game 9 19Jun21 9 Rui ft 5K :22¶¿ :45º¿ 1:04^¾ 35 l Mcl 10000 28-50 5 3 5¸£ 5¹¡ 2¸ 2¹¡ Baca M L 120 L *1.10 Irish Rhym120¹¡ Smooth Blues120¸ It's Over Dude120¶£ wbmpd brk,shift 5w turn 8 05Jun21 9 Rui ft 5K :22¹¹ :45»¹ 1:05¸º 35 Mcl 10000 (10-6.5) 55-57 7 1 1«¬ 1¡ 1¶¡ 2¨µ Baca M L 120 L 5.50 W F Rip Tide120¨µ Smooth Blues120¶ Dixie Jen122»¡ outside,4-2w,caught 7 Previously trained by Lambert Clifford C Sr.2020 (as of 12/21): ( 133 8 10 21 0.06 ) 21Dec20 8 Zia ft 6f :21¾¾ :45¸¹ 1:10¾^ 2 l Mcl 10000 53-27 9 4 6¹ 7» 6½ 6¶^¡ Ramos C 116» L 17.00 Fred120¹ Farmer Fred R F120¹£ Anxious Indian120¨µ 7-w, no rally 11 Previously trained by Lambert Casey T 2020 (as of 11/02): ( 308 57 45 42 0.19 ) 02Nov20 5 Zia ft 5K :22¹º :45¼½ 1:05¶¿ 2 l Mcl 10000 50-2 1 6 5¸ 8¾¡ 8¶» 7¸¶¢ Guerra R 120 L 1.80 Lopin Joe120¶£ Bright Way120¶¡ Latenite Gold120¸ wchecked repeatedly, 9 05Oct20 8 Zia ft 5K :22^¹ :45¹º 1:04¸¾ 2 l Msw 18000 57-45 4 4 4¸ 6¹ 6» 5½ Gomez E P 120 bL 3.80 Sarge120º¢ Watford120¡ Alvis120¶£ between, empty 7 16Sep20 1 Alb ft 5K :22¼¹ :45º¾ 1:05¶¾ 2 l Msw 24500 43-42 10 5 3¸¡ 3¸ 3½¡ 3¾¡ Sigala A 120 bL *2.20 Chmp Sprt120¹¢ Pstmnfortyght120»¢ Smooth Bls120«¬ between, flattened out 12 29Aug20 1 Rui ft 5K :22¹¸ :45¹¿ 1:04º¸ 2 l Msw 8200 30-43 3 4 3¸¡ 2¶¡ 2¹ 3º£ Enriquez I D 120 bL *.50 Mississippi Music120¸¡ Sarge120¸¢ Smooth Blues120¶¢ 3-4w turn,drft bit str 5 16Aug20 8 Rui ft 5K :21¾¾ :44¼¹ 1:04¸^ 2 l Stk - RGrnSnrFtB - 135k 36-42 2 7 7»¡ 7½¡ 7¾£ 6¶^¢ Amparan F 120 bL 39.60 Delbert Too120£ Digger's Gold120£ Cheese Tray121¶wbad stumble st,insd-2p 7 Workout(s): 9 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :53.60b 26/26 24 May 21 Rui 4F ft :50.60b 11/21 14 May 21 Rui 4F ft :52.80b 11/15 3 May 21 Rui 4F ft :55.80b 5/5 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off Ñ - New Mexico Bred #6 & #8 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. Selections 4-5-8-2 09/04/2021 Race 3 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:45 PM

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MAIDEN CLAIMING WIN PLACE SHOW 4 Purse $11,300 FOR MAIDENS, THREE, FOUR, AND FIVE YEARS OLD. Three Year Olds, 126 Lbs; Older, 128 Lbs Claiming Price $5,000. New Mexico Bred Claiming Price $7,500. 870 Yards. MAKE SELECTION BY PROGRAM NUMBER MORNING OWNER TRAINER JOCKEY LINE DONNA MCARTHUR OWNER Maroon, white "McArthur DM Racing Stables" white sleeves, Maroon Diamonds 10 Track Record: WASCALLYWITTLEWABBIT; :44.438 (8-01-21) CHRISTIAN RACE REVIEW 1 CORA BELLE Ñ (L) ***128 RAMOS Red Ch.f.3 Mr. Harry O - Spybrook by Trust N Luck (NM) $7,500 by Keithley's Korner B4 FARMS, LLC. (LORI OWENS ET AL) TODD W. FINCHER White, White Cap 5/2 CERAPIO LOVING MY STORM (#8) should race cleanly on the 2 HIGH ROLLIN CANDY (FH) (L) ***126 FIGUEROA White Sor.f.3 High Rate of Return - Roll On Candy Wagon by Pyc Paint Your Wagon (OK) $5,000 outside should there be any traffic issues. Plenty of CLYDE WOERNER BRADLEY C. BOLEN Maroon, White "B" 3 previous local outs so the gelding appears fit and ready. ALEJANDRO 3 JEZ GONE STREAKIN Ñ (L) ***126 MEDINA JEZ GONE STREAKIN (#3) has shown early speed with Blue B.m.5 Gone to the Mountain - Streak for Us Jessep by Mr Jess Perry (NM) $7,500 JORGE DIAZ, JR. GUADALUPE MUNOZ, JR. limited success at 870-yards. Should contend with a clean Gold, Green Blocks, White "AA" Green Stripes on sleeves 15 HECTOR trip--race is wide-open. 4 INDY'S CHINOOK Ñ (L) ***126 ALDRETE Yellow Dk B/ Br.g.3 Indy Express - Snowdrop by Beau Genius (NM) $7,500 HIGH ROLLIN CANDY (#2) disappointed as the favorite in OSCAR MUNOZ JAVIER MONTOYA Green, Green Cap 5 last two races. Trusting the connections for improvement. JAIME 5 EL ONCE Ñ (LX) ***128 LEOS Suggested Wager: $3 Win/Place/Show on 8 Green Br.g.4 Curlys Fortune - R Trava Ganza(TB) by Red's Honor(TB) (NM) $7,500 L M SMITH LAND AND CATTLE CO. (LOWELL M. JOEL H. MARR 6 SMITH ET AL) K-Bob's Selections Black, Black Cap ANGEL 6 MARQUEZ Loving My Storm Black WHISKEY STRAIT Ñ (L) ***126 $7,500 Jez Gone Streakin Ch.g.3 Monterey Jazz - Mjdontlosemynumber by Abajo (NM) JOE L. HONESTO OWNER High Rollin Candy Orange, Orange Cap 15 JOSE 7 DON RAMON (LX) ***128 CHAVEZ Orange B.g.5 Giant's Causeway - Chive Blossom by Unbridled's Song (NY) $5,000 MAXINE LOPEZ GUADALUPE MUNOZ, JR. Red, White and Black "Munoz" White sleeves, Black Stripe 4 MARIA 8 LOVING MY STORM Ñ (L) ***128 BACA Pink Br.g.4 Gen Stormin'norman(TB) - My Loving Saint by Bay Head King(TB) (NM) $7,500 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off; Ñ - Denotes New Mexico Bred. Equipment Change: El Once will race with Blinkers Off #4 & #8 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. PROBABLE FAVORITES: 2 - 3 - 8 - 5 K-BOB'S SELECTIONS BY TIM KEITHLEY

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 21 APPROX. POST:1:18PM Exacta / Trifecta / .10 Superfecta / 2nd Leg Pick 3 / 3rd Leg Pick 4 4 Win Place Show No. QUARTER HORSE MAIDEN CLAIMING $5,000 Scan for Equibase Racing Information Purse $11,300. For Maidens, Three, Four, and Five Years Old. Three Year Olds, 126 Lbs; Older, 128 Lbs Claiming Price $5,000. New Mexico Bred Claiming Price $7,500. 870 Yards Track Record: Twotimesthefly (3) 121 lbs. :44.496(8-24-03) Program# Odds Speed Index Speed Weight Jockey Class Owner: Donna McArthur 3 2021: 1 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 10-1 Silks: Maroon, white "McArthur DM Racing Stables" white sleeves, Maroon Diamonds 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Owner ( 49-2-5-3 ) 20.41% Life: 1 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 1 Christian Ramos Rui: 1 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Red $7,500 CORA BELLE (TB) Ñ (L) 128 ( 98-8-12-12 ) 32.65% Ch.f.3 Mr. Harry O - Spybrook by Trust N Luck - Bred in New Mexico by Donna Wilken McArthur (Mar 01, 2018) 18Jun21 9 Rui ft 5K :22º¶ :45¾^ 1:04º^ 35kl Mcl 6500 -3 1 6 8¿ 8¶^ 7¶¸ 7¸^¡ Rivas J C 125 L 13.90 Carmon's Dance120º¢ Attacking Girl117¸¢ Run Like Kate125¼ inside, no threat 8 Workout(s): 24 Aug 21 Rui 5F ft 1:01hg 2/3 10 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :48.80b 6/22 3 Aug 21 Rui 3F ft :37.40b 2/8 6 Jul 21 Rui 3F ft :35.80b 3/18 Owner: B4 Farms, LLC. (Lori Owens et al) 55 2021: 2 0 0 1 $1,380 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 5-2 Silks: White, White Cap 2020: 3 0 0 0 $624 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 2 Clm Prc Trainer: Todd W. Fincher ( 100-26-22-18 ) 66.00% Cerapio Figueroa Life: 5 0 0 1 $2,004 Distance: 1 0 0 1 $1,180 White $5,000 Rui: 4 0 0 1 $1,804 Course: 1 0 0 1 $1,180 HIGH ROLLIN CANDY (L) (FH) 126 ( 7-0-1-3 ) 57.14% Ruidoso Select Yearling Sale 2019 $87,000 Sor.f.3 High Rate of Return - Roll On Candy Wagon by Pyc Paint Your Wagon - Bred in Oklahoma by Pv Quarter Horse Farms Llc (Jan 30, 2018) 07Aug21 7 Rui ft 870Y nw :47¹º^ :46º»¼ 35 Mcl 7500 (10-7.5) 75-53 7 2 2¡ -- 3¶¡ 3¼¢ Gomez E P 126 bkL *1.60 Ddds Suprstr128¹ Jz Gon Strkn128¹¢ Hgh Rolln Cndy126¶£ outside,3wide,empty 7 29May21 4 Srp ft 350Y hwÁÀ :18^»º :17¼^½3k Mdn 20000 83-55 4 7 8£ -- 5¶£ 6¸£ Coates J R 126 bkL *2.30 Gry Intrst Gtz129«¬ Whos Kissin My Hocks126£ Jss Milk Mony126£ flattened out 10 02Aug20 5 Rui ft 400Y cwÅ :20½¸º :20¸¹¶ 2 Mdn 7125 69-53 3 8 8¶ -- 7¸¡ 5¹¡ Aceves R 127 bkL 7.40 On Slick Dlight127¶£ Bourbn By124¨µ A Polliticl Phoebe127¡ wtraffic, altered out 9 03Jul20 3 Rui ft 400Y hwÈ :20½¸¼ :20º^½ 2 Ftr 8000 69-63 1 8 6¶ -- 7¶¡ 7¸¢ Ramos A A 126 bL 15.90 Corons Walk126«¬ Separate Sentence124¨© A Dash of Sign126¨µ wbroke inwardly 10 06Jun20 5 Rui ft 300Y hwÁÄ :16¸¶^ :15½¼¿ 2 Mdn 8190 69-58 8 3 -- -- 5¸¢ 5¹* Ramirez, Jr. R 126 bL *2.20 On Fbulous Cndy124¶ Jsstiflying124¶ Docs Fvorit Wve124¨µ wbumped break,PL4th 9 Workout(s): 24 Aug 21 Rui 660Y ft :36b 2/4 1 Aug 21 Rui 440Y ft :25.75b 1/1 20 Jul 21 Rui 660Y ft :36.22b 2/3 6 Jul 21 Rui 660Y ft :37.08b 5/9 Owner: Clyde Woerner 53.77 2021: 4 0 2 0 $5,426 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 3-1 Silks: Maroon, White "B" 2020: 3 0 1 0 $1,800 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Bradley C. Bolen (Albert S. Franco) ( 86-6-6-11 ) 26.74% Life: 9 0 4 0 $8,396 Distance: 3 0 2 0 $5,086 3 Alejandro Medina Rui: 5 0 3 0 $6,586 Course: 2 0 2 0 $4,786 Blue $7,500 JEZ GONE STREAKIN Ñ (L) 126 ( 65-3-4-8 ) 23.08% B.m.5 Gone to the Mountain - Streak for Us Jessep by Mr Jess Perry - Bred in New Mexico by Clyde Woerner (Mar 14, 2016) 07Aug21 7 Rui ft 870Y nw :46¾¼¿ :46º»¼ 35 Mcl 10000 (10-7.5) 81-62 3 1 1¡ -- 1¡ 2¹ Amparan F 128 bL 3.90 Ddds Sprstr128¹ Jz Gn Strkn128¹¢ Hgh Rolln Cndy126¶£ wreluctant,2w,no match 7 31May21 2 Rui ft 870Y nw :47¾»» :47½¼¿ 35 Mdn 7500 69-62 4 2 2º -- 2¸ 2¡ Leyva J 128 bL 4.20 Kabull128¡ Jez Gone Streakin128¸£ Mp Jade128¹¡ shft 3-4w turn,kept on 6 21May21 4 Srp ft 870Y nwÂÀ :48¶¶¸ :47º¿¸ 3g Mcl 10000 69-52 6 1 1¶¡ -- 1¶ 4¹£ Leyva J 128 bfL 3.90 Amy's Honey128¡ Mister Grey130¸¡ Floss N Dab128£ 3-w, tired 8 08Apr21 1 RP ft 440Y hwÁÄ :23º¾¸ :22»¾¸ 35 Mcl 6250 50-19 5 6 7º¢ -- 7º£ 7»¢ Leyva J 126 bL 7.10 1249 Amricnn Egl129¶ My First Prize Leen127«¬ Mircles Vike126¸ whopped,bumped hard 8 30Aug20 4 Rui ft 350Y cwÇ :18¸¹º :18¶º¸ 35 l Mdn 9000 74-58 3 2 5£ -- 3¡ 2£ Leyva J 128 bL 20.40 Red Bandana Dwm128£ Jez Gone Streakin128¨µ Shamelesss126«¬ game second 7 26Jun20 7 Rui ft 400Y cwÁÁ :20½»¼ :20^¼¼ 35 l Mdn 10500 68-51 10 6 6¶£ -- 7¹ 7º£ Medina A 128 bL 62.00 Cardonal128¶ Jess Now128¶ Final Thoughts126¨µwreluctant to load 10 05Jun20 9 Rui wf 400Y cwÄ :21^º¿ :20º¶¸ 35 l Mcl 6500 61-34 4 9 9¸ -- 9¹ 9º¢ Medina A 128 bL 18.40 Mountain Party128¡ Queen of Thrones126£ Mr P A126¨µ wslight bobble brk 10 01Nov19 8 LS ft 550Y hwÅ :28º»¶ :28¶»¶ 3g Mcl 5000 81-45 5 5 5¸¢ -- 4¹ 2¸ Medina A 125 bfL 9.30 1192 Sntns Runwy125¸ Jz Gon Strkin125¡ Rturn to Order128¡ bumped start,no match 9 11Oct19 9 LS ft 300Y twÈ :16¿¶¼ :15¼½½ 3g Mcl 5000 47--- 1 9 -- -- 9¹¡ 9½¡ Vazquez J M 125 bfL 18.30 1174 Chief Lark125¶¢ Miss Lluvia128«¬ Roll On Candy Cat128¨µ wducked in start 10 Workout(s): 17 Jul 21 Rui 660Y ft :37.50b 2/2 15 May 21 Rui 660Y ft :37.28b 3/4 2 May 21 Rui 660Y ft :38.24b 1/1 17 Mar 21 Rmt 220Y ft :11.84h 11/18 Owner: Jorge Diaz, Jr. 10 2021: 1 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 Silks: Gold, Green Blocks, White "AA" Green Stripes on sleeves 2020: 1 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Guadalupe Munoz, Jr. ( 37-1-6-4 ) 29.73% Life: 2 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 4 Hector Aldrete Rui: 1 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Yellow $7,500 INDY'S CHINOOK (TB) Ñ (L) 126 ( 118-14-11-6 ) 26.27% Dk B/ Br.g.3 Indy Express - Snowdrop by Beau Genius - Bred in New Mexico by Matthew Smith, Colt Wetterman & Rebecca Wetterman (Apr 19, 2018) 13Aug21 8 Rui ft 6f :22¹¹ :45»¸ 1:11¸¸ 35 l Mcl 5000 -10 1 5 6¹¢ 6¶¶ 7¶º 7¸¹£ Ramos C 116» bfL 22.90 Smooth Blues121¼¡ Poof He's Gone124¸£ It's Over Dude121¶¢ inside, no threat 8 Previously trained by Ascencio Arnulfo Jr.2020 (as of 12/22): ( 61 3 3 7 0.05 ) 22Dec20 9 Zia ft 6f :21½º :44½¸ 1:10½½ 2 l Msw 22000 --- 6 8 9¸¸ ------Chavez C R 120 bL 27.00 Ima Saint Too120¡ B a Champion120¶¡ Alvis120¸weased, walked off 9 Workout(s): 31 Jul 21 Rui 5F ft 1:03.80b 11/12 20 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :53.60b 53/54 9 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :51.60b 19/26 25 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :51.80b 19/20 Owner: Oscar Munoz 38.3 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 5-1 Silks: Green, Green Cap 2020: 2 0 0 0 $325 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Javier Montoya ( 12-2-2-5 ) 75.00% Life: 3 0 0 0 $325 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $325 5 Jaime Parga Leos Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Green $7,500 EL ONCE Ñ (LX) 128 ( 63-7-6-9 ) 34.92% Br.g.4 Curlys Fortune - R Trava Ganza(TB) by Red's Honor(TB) - Bred in New Mexico by Oscar Munoz (May 11, 2017) Previously trained by Gutierrez Taurino 2020 (as of 12/23): ( 51 5 2 4 0.10 ) 23Dec20 1 Zia ft 870Y nw :47º¶¼ :46º»¿ 35 Mcl 7500 (7.5-5) 78-31 2 3 3¸¡ -- 3º 4»¡ Perez B 126 bL 13.10 Super Moonflash126¨© Redd Metal128º¢ Franks Dehere126¶¢ 6-w, empty 7 Previously trained by Marquez Jesus E 2019: ( 15 2 0 2 0.13 ) 07Mar20 2 Sun ft 400Y hwÆ :20¾^¼ :20^¿¿ 3 Mcl 15000 56-50 7 9 9¹ -- 8»¢ 9º£ Ramos A A 127 bL 15.80 Gala Party Girl128¶ Louisianapaintwagon126¡ Favorite Horizonte129¨© no rally 10 15Dec19 3 Zia ft 330Y hwÃÅ :18¹¸º :17º¿¸ 2 Mcl 15000 56-34 6 6 7¶ -- 9¸ 10º¡ Estrada M 129 L 10.10 Louielouieloui124¶¢ Apolliticl B Girl124¨© Tempting Money124¡ wfractious parade 10 Workout(s): 18 Aug 21 Frn 660Y ft :39.99b 1/1 7 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.46hg 10/24 25 May 21 Rui 330Y ft :18.07hg 3/9 9 Dec 20 Zia 660Y ft :37.41b 1/1 Owner: L M Smith Land and Cattle Co. (Lowell M. Smith et al) n/a 2021: 1 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Black, Black Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Joel H. Marr (J. Clay Sparks) ( 47-4-7-4 ) 31.91% Life: 1 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 6 Angel Marquez Rui: 1 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Black $7,500 WHISKEY STRAIT (TB) Ñ (L) 126 ( 71-3-5-10 ) 25.35% Ch.g.3 Monterey Jazz - Mjdontlosemynumber by Abajo - Bred in New Mexico by L. M. Smith Land & Cattle Co. (Apr 06, 2018) 06Aug21 5 Rui ft 6f :22¹^ :45¶¼ 1:11¸¶ 35 l Msw 20000 --- 7 4 4¸ 5¾¡ 7¶º 7¸¼ Marquez A 124 bL 12.50 B Chmpion121¨µ Right Jb121¸¢ Coming Abstraction116¸¢ wforced out st,4p,tired 7 Workout(s): 24 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :52.20b 20/25 30 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :50.60hg 22/37 23 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :48.20b 12/45 13 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :48hg 2/37 09/04/2021 Race 4 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:48 PM RACE 4 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

22 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO RACE 4 CONTINUED Owner: Joe L. Honesto 11.6 2021: 1 0 0 0 $100 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 Silks: Orange, Orange Cap 2020: 3 0 0 0 $271 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Owner ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Life: 13 0 0 1 $2,501 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 7 Jose Chavez Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Orange $5,000 DON RAMON (TB) (LX) 128 ( 5-0-0-0 ) 0.00% B.g.5 Giant's Causeway - Chive Blossom by Unbridled's Song - Bred in New York by Sequel Thoroughbreds & Bloom Racing Stable (Feb 19, 2016) 15May21 9 LS ft 6K :22»^ :45¸¸ 1:16½¹ 3g Msw 34000 --- 3 7 7¿¢ 7¶¿ 7¹¼ 7½» Boulanger B C 124 bL 58.50 923 Say It Ain't Soni121½ Five Dreams121½¢ Summer Splash124º showed little 7 Previously trained by Pena Miguel A 2020 (as of 08/19): ( 47 7 5 7 0.15 ) 19Aug20 3 Arp ft 7f :23½¹ :47¹^ 1:25»º 3g Mcl 10000 -42 7 2 2«¬ 2¶ 5¶¶ 5¶¼¡ Aguilar D 124 bBL 22.60 Zoe's Papa Cee124» Papa Sugar120½ Tombi117¡ up close 2pth tired 7 Previously trained by Alire Mike R 2020 (as of 07/21): ( 13 0 0 1 0.00 ) 21Jul20 2 Arp ft 5K :22¸¼ :45½^ 1:05¶¸ 3g Msw 9700 --- 5 1 6¼£ 6¾¢ 6¶½ 6¹¹ Luark M T 124 bL 40.10 Colordo Cndy124¸¢ Mn of Fw Words121º Bckshot Pt117¸ popped gate drop back 6 Previously trained by Corral Julio 2020 (as of 06/23): ( 14 2 1 1 0.14 ) 23Jun20 1 Arp ft 6f :23^º :47^¶ 1:12¾¸ 3g Mcl 5000 -2 3 1 1«¬ 3¸ 6¶¹ 6¸¿£ Rodriguez L R 124 bBL 26.20 Tre124¶£ Montana Jack124º¡ Vonster120»¡ spd 2path tired 8 Previously trained by Treto Roberto 2019 (as of 08/05): ( 63 9 7 8 0.14 ) 05Aug19 7 Arp ft 5f :22½» :46¿^ 1:00¸½ 3g Mcl 5000 -12 3 5 6¼¡ 6»¡ 5¾ 5¿ Morales A 120 bBL 24.30 Arenado120¨© Shot Caller121¡ Color Me Behold120»¢ passed tired foe 6 27Jul19 8 Arp ft 6f :22»» :45¿¾ 1:10½^ 3g Str 5000cnd --- 1 4 4¼¡ 4¶¼ 4¸» 4¹¾¡ Carpio R J 120 bBL 15.50 Gee Whiz Who124¶ Silis124¶¸¢ Warrens Puppy Love119¸»¢ trailed no factor 4 15Jul19 6 Arp ft 4K :23^º :47¸¾ :53¿¹ 3g Mcl 5000 -11 5 2 7»¡ -- 8¾¢ 6¾ Aguilar D 120 bBL 8.80 Skies Are Grey119¡ Shot Caller121¶£ Smokin Wildcat124¹ dropped back quickly 8 24Jun19 5 Arp ft 4K :23¸¹ :47¸½ :54¹º 3g Mcl 5000 -25 4 3 3¸ -- 3» 3¾¡ Figueroa C 120 bBL 10.90 Moonski Mon119º¢ Racquetman121º¢ Don Ramon120¶£ two path no rally 6 Previously trained by Campuzano Lorenzo 2019 (as of 06/01): ( 40 5 3 4 0.13 ) 01Jun19 1 Arp ft 6f -- 1:14¹¶ 3g Mcl 5000 --- 4 1 1¶¡ 1¡ 6¾¡ 6¸¸¡ Figueroa C 120 bBL 11.70 Grandpa's Ranger120¶£ Mike Bayes120¸¢ Big Larry124¨µ spd off rail stopped 6 25May19 6 Srp ft 4K :22¶½ :46¸¾ :52¾¸ 3g Mcl 7500 --- 8 5 6º -- 9½¢ 10¶½£Perez M A 120 bL 23.30 Wassup Bro120¸£ Bluff Runner123£ Cordes120¹¢ no threat 10 Workout(s): 27 Aug 21 Rui 3F ft :37.60h 6/9 29 Apr 21 Rui 4F my :53b 1/1 23 Apr 21 Rui 4F ft :53.80b 1/1 8 Aug 20 Arp 3F ft :36.60b 3/8 Owner: Maxine Lopez 43.01 2021: 4 0 1 1 $6,458 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 4-1 Silks: Red, White and Black "Munoz" White sleeves, Black Stripe 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Guadalupe Munoz, Jr. ( 37-1-6-4 ) 29.73% Life: 7 0 1 1 $6,662 Distance: 4 0 1 1 $6,458 8 Maria L. Baca Rui: 5 0 1 1 $6,662 Course: 4 0 1 1 $6,458 Pink $7,500 LOVING MY STORM Ñ (L) 128 ( 46-2-10-3 ) 32.61% Br.g.4 Gen Stormin'norman(TB) - My Loving Saint by Bay Head King(TB) - Bred in New Mexico by Damian S Onsurez (Apr 09, 2017) 27Aug21 2 Rui ft 870Y nw :46»¹¹ :46¸¾¾ 35 Mdn 18000 85-62 3 4 2¸¡ -- 2¸¡ 2¶£ Figueroa C 128 bfL 13.50 Df Fbls Frc126¶£ Lvng My Strm128¾ Ths Cndy Mn Cn126¶¢ chased winner 2wide 8 07Aug21 7 Rui ft 870Y nw :47»½º :46º»¼ 35 Mcl 10000 (10-7.5) 73-48 4 6 4º¡ -- 4» 4¾ Marquez A 129 bfL 15.00 Dddis Suprstr128¹ Jez Gone Strekin128¹¢ High Rollin Cndy126¶£ 2wide, no rally 7 03Jul21 1 Rui ft 870Y nw :48¿¶¶ :46¸¹¶ 35 Mdn 9000 57-18 7 4 6¼¢ -- 6¿ 6¶¿* Marquez A 128 bfL 11.30 Frst Ftrd frt128¸ Dsh Pst Thm128¼¡ Ddds Sprstr128º£ wfractious behind gate,PL5th 7 13Jun21 1 Rui ft 870Y nw :47¹¸½ :46¹^¼ 35 Mdn 9000 75-54 3 3 3º -- 3» 3½¢ Marquez A 131 bfL 12.20 Clrd Frr Tkff126¼¡ Floss N Db128£ Lovng My Storm131º¢ chase 3-4p,lost place 6 05Oct19 4 Zia ft 400Y cwÆ :21^¸¼ :20¹¹¹ 2 l Ftr 8000 61-46 2 6 9¶¢ -- 9¹ 9º Guillen Chacon C A 125 bL 72.40 Osbaldo Lady127¨µ Big Daddy Too124¶ Jess a Dasher128¨µ no factor 9 21Sep19 1 Zia ft 350Y cwÅ :19¶¸º :18¶»º 2 l Mdn 36000 53-27 1 9 9¸ -- 9¹£ 9»¡ Guillen Chacon C A 128 bL 36.10 Crown N Royl Gl124¡ Jess Getwy125£ Dm Jessie Jane126¡ wduck in brk, stdy str 10 25Aug19 4 Rui ft 300Y nw :16º¾¼ :15¾¾¾ 2 Mcl 15000 60-26 3 6 -- -- 5¸¢ 5º¢ GarciaLuna F 126 bL 15.70 Freshness124¨µ My First Love V124¡ nAp Rev126¹¡wbobbled after brk 6 Workout(s): 4 Jun 21 Rui 660Y ft :36.18hg 3/4 29 May 21 Rui 660Y ft :35.72b 1/2 20 May 21 Rui 660Y ft :38.25b 3/3 15 Dec 20 Zia 660Y ft :36.15b 2/3 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off Ñ - New Mexico Bred Equipment Change: El Once will race with Blinkers Off (FH) - Flipping Halter: High Rollin Candy #4 & #8 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. Selections 2-3-8-5 09/04/2021 Race 4 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:48 PM

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MAIDEN WIN PLACE SHOW 5 Purse $20,000 (Includes $2,000 from NMHBA Overnight Fund) FOR REGISTERED NEW MEXICO BRED MAIDENS, FILLIES AND MARES THREE, FOUR, AND FIVE YEARS OLD. Three Year Olds, 121 Lbs; Older, 123 Lbs. Six Furlongs. MAKE SELECTION BY PROGRAM NUMBER MORNING OWNER TRAINER JOCKEY LINE Track Record: HOLD ME ONLY (5),120 lbs; 1:08.71 (6-12-21) BOB MATNEY LUIS C. ROJERO Red, Black Diamonds on Sleeves, Dice on Front, Brand with "Matney Racing on 12 RACE REVIEW Back LUIS by Keithley's Korner 1 TEXANA Ñ (L) ***123 RODRIGUEZ Red Gr/ro.f.4 Attila's Storm - Ambers Pride by Desert God (NM) RODNEY KINSEY JOEL H. MARR CAUGHT STEALING (#8) is still searching for her maiden Red, White "Rafter 3 " White sleeves, Red Stripes 6 MIGUEL win? Note she's been favored four-of-five starts. Like the 2 SPECIAL PRIDE Ñ (L) ***121 FUENTES, JR. White Ch.f.3 Punctuate - Special Flag by Avenue of Flags (NM) rider switch; it happens today. P & J RACING, LTD. (PAMELA WILLIAMS ET AL) JACKIE E. RIDDLE Silver, Red side Panels, black epaulets, Red "P/J" Black Sleeves 15 HECTOR SEVENTH HENNESSY (#7) is at the right distance and 3 OUR ISLAND GIRL Ñ (L1) ***121 ALDRETE level of play to get the job done. Let's box these two just in Blue Ch.f.3 Laugh Track - Carson City Red by Lord Carson (NM) STEPHEN R. BROWN AND CLAYTON C. JACK JOEL H. MARR case. Orange, white Diamond, orange "B" orange Sleeves, white Diamonds & cuffs 8 CASEY TEXANA (#1) just raced last weekend so she's back pretty 4 TEE SHOT DOLLY Ñ (LX) ***123 CHAVEZ Yellow Ch.f.4 Chipshot - Wildcat Doll by Wildcat Heir (NM) quickly. Prefer top pick. BOB MATNEY LUIS C. ROJERO Red, Black Diamonds on Sleeves, Dice on Front, Brand with "Matney Racing on 4 Back CHRISTIAN Suggested Wager: $5 Win/Place on 8 and $2 Exacta box 5 SMOOTH FIREWATER Ñ (L1) ***121 RAMOS 7/8 Green Dk B/ Br.f.3 Indian Firewater - Ms. Glacken by Smoke Glacken (NM) PAUL A. SMITH AND ROBIN A. HOOD JR. PAUL A. SMITH Black, Black Cap 20 JIMMY K-Bob's Selections 6 VALLEY VERDE Ñ ***121 COATES Caught Stealing Black B.f.3 Marking - Capo Valley by Benchmark (NM) Seventh Hennessy W. DAVIS AND LISA MOORE CASEY T. LAMBERT White, black " L" red "D" black trim, red collar, red & black Chevrons 3 Texana KELSI 7 SEVENTH HENNESSY Ñ (L) ***121 PURCELL Orange Dk B/ Br.f.3 Marking - Hennessy Road by Roll Hennessy Roll (NM) SCOTT BRYANT AND JOE DEE BROOKS TODD W. FINCHER White, Royal Blue Shamrock, White "J " Royal Blue Bars on sleeves 9/5 TRACY 8 CAUGHT STEALING Ñ (L) ***121 HEBERT K-BOBS FIRESTARTER PROMO Pink B.f.3 Marking - Warning Track by Grand Slam (NM) L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off; Ñ - Denotes New Mexico Bred. Equipment Change: Special Pride will race with Blinkers On #1 & #5 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. #2 & #4 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. PROBABLE FAVORITES: 8 - 7 - 5 - 2



EMAIL:______K-BOBS.COM | 157 US-70, RUIDOSO, NM | 575-378-0025

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 25 APPROX. POST:1:44PM Exacta / Trifecta / .10 Superfecta / 3rd Leg Pick 3 / 4th Leg Pick 4 Win Place Show No. 5 Ñ MAIDEN Scan for Equibase Racing Information Purse $20,000. (Includes $2,000 from NMHBA Overnight Fund) For Registered New Mexico Bred Maidens, Fillies And Mares Three, Four, and Five Years Old. Three Year Olds, 121 Lbs; Older, 123 Lbs. Six Furlongs Track Record: Hold Me Only (5) 120 lbs. 1:08.71 (6-12-21) Program# Odds Pace Speed Weight Jockey Class Owner: Bob Matney 30.23 2021: 4 0 0 2 $3,792 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 12-1 Silks: Red, Black Diamonds on Sleeves, Dice on Front, Brand with "Matney Racing on Back 2020: 1 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $1,000 Trainer: Luis C. Rojero ( 44-8-8-9 ) 56.82% Life: 5 0 0 2 $3,792 Distance: 4 0 0 1 $2,280 1 Luis H. Rodriguez Rui: 4 0 0 2 $3,792 Course: 3 0 0 1 $2,280 Red TEXANA Ñ (L) 123 ( 79-8-9-18 ) 44.30% Gr/ro.f.4 Attila's Storm - Ambers Pride by Desert God - Bred in New Mexico by Fred Alexander & Linda Alexander (Mar 27, 2017) 27Aug2110 Rui ft 6f :22¶¿ :45º¶ 1:12¶¶ 3gk Mcl 10000-c 61-33 6 4 2«¬ 2¶¡ 3¶¡ 3¹¡ Ramos C 118» fL 2.90 Inglenook123¶¡ Blue Luna Who121¸ Texana118¸¡ btw,2-3w turn,no extra 7 Claimed by Matney Bob from Aldavaz, Sr Jaime G. for $10,000, Aldavaz, Sr.Jaime G. - Trainer 14Aug21 9 Rui sys 6f :22º¶ :45¿¸ 1:13¸¶ 35kl Msw 20000 83-39 2 5 3¨µ 2¶ 3¸¡ 4¾¢ Rodriguez L H 123 fL 11.90 Mdnght Spcl T121»¢ Cght Stlng121¶¡ Svnth Hnnssy121¶¡ vied inside, 2-3w turn 7 24Jul21 2 Rui ft 5K :21¸^ :44^¼ 1:04^¾ 35k Msw 12000 28-40 3 5 5¾¡ 4¿ 4¼ 3¾ Rodriguez L H 123 fL 9.50 New Years Girl116¸¡ Overtide121»¡ Texana123¨µ inside,along for show 7 26Jun21 4 Rui ft 6f :22¹^ :45¿¸ 1:11¾¼ 35k Mcl 15000 (15-10) 13-19 2 7 7¼£ 9¶¶ 9¶¸ 7¶¶¡ Sigala A 123 fL 37.90 Sara's Memories120¨µ Inglenook123º Ms Highspeed123¡win tight early,5p turn 10 Previously trained by Hone Bart G 2020 (as of 12/15): ( 118 17 16 19 0.14 ) 15Dec2010 Zia ft 6f :22¶¶ :45»¼ 1:10»¿ 35kl Msw 22000 25-5 11 8 11½£ 12¶¸ 11¶½ 11¸½¡Guerra R 121 L 10.40 Rational d'Oro121¼ Thatgirl'sonfire121º£ Marilyn Moneyroll121£ no threat 12 Workout(s): 12 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :51.40b 22/24 18 May 21 Rui 4F ft :54.60hg 47/47 4 May 21 Rui 3F ft :39.80b 27/30 7 Dec 20 Zia 5F ft 1:03.12b 4/5 Owner: Rodney Kinsey 34.5 2021: 2 0 0 0 $840 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Red, White "Rafter 3 " White sleeves, Red Stripes 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $600 Trainer: Joel H. Marr (J. Clay Sparks) ( 47-4-7-4 ) 31.91% Life: 2 0 0 0 $840 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $600 2 Miguel T.Fuentes, Jr. Rui: 2 0 0 0 $840 Course: 1 0 0 0 $600 White SPECIAL PRIDE Ñ (L) 121 ( 24-0-6-3 ) 37.50% Ch.f.3 Punctuate - Special Flag by Avenue of Flags - Bred in New Mexico by Cleber J. Massey (Feb 06, 2018) 14Aug21 9 Rui sys 6f :22º¶ :45¿¸ 1:13¸¶ 35kl Msw 20000 67-30 6 1 6¸£ 6¾¡ 5¿ 5¶¸¢ Chavez C R 121 hL 6.70 Midnight Spcil T121»¢ Cught Stling121¶¡ Svnth Hnnssy121¶¡ 6-5w turn, evenly 7 24Jul21 2 Rui ft 5K :21¸^ :44^¼ 1:04^¾ 35k Msw 12000 21-39 6 7 6¿¡ 6¶^ 6½¡ 6¾¡ Amparan F 121 hL 3.40 New Years Girl116¸¡ Overtide121»¡ Texana123¨µ 4-5wide turn, no rally 7 Workout(s): 27 Aug 21 Rui 3F ft :36.40b 3/9 7 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :50.80b 9/13 17 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :49.80b 15/34 9 Jul 21 Rui 5F ft 1:00.60b 5/10 Owner: P & J Racing, Ltd. (Pamela Williams et al) 13 2021: 2 0 0 0 $722 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 Silks: Silver, Red side Panels, black epaulets, Red "P/J" Black Sleeves 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $400 Trainer: Jackie E. Riddle ( 40-6-4-1 ) 27.50% Life: 2 0 0 0 $722 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $400 3 Hector Aldrete Rui: 2 0 0 0 $722 Course: 1 0 0 0 $400 Blue OUR ISLAND GIRL Ñ (L1) 121 ( 118-14-11-6 ) 26.27% Ch.f.3 Laugh Track - Carson City Red by Lord Carson - Bred in New Mexico by Mike Abraham (Jan 23, 2018) 14Aug21 9 Rui sys 6f :22º¶ :45¿¸ 1:13¸¶ 35kl Msw 20000 63-2 7 4 7¹¢ 7¿ 6¶¶ 6¸º£ Rivas J C 126 19.30 Mdnght Spcl T121»¢ Cught Stling121¶¡ Svnth Hnnssy121¶¡ shift in past 3/8,rail 7 30Jul21 12 Rui ft 5K :22^¾ :45^¼ 1:03¿¿ 3 kl Msw 16100 36-24 3 8 6¹¢ 6º¢ 7¶¶ 6¶¾¡ Sterling D L 121 b 20.10 Pnctl Alrm121¼£ Cght Stlng121¶ Shouldbencowgl121¶¢ wbmpd brk,insd,came out 8 Workout(s): 28 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :50.40b 8/12 20 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :48b 10/54 10 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :49hg 18/38 25 Jun 21 Rui 5F ft 1:03hg 4/5 Owner: Stephen R. Brown and Clayton C. Jack 34.95 2021: 3 0 1 0 $2,445 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 8-1 Silks: Orange, white Diamond, orange "B" orange Sleeves, white Diamonds & cuffs 2020: 3 0 0 3 $2,152 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Joel H. Marr (J. Clay Sparks) ( 47-4-7-4 ) 31.91% Life: 7 0 1 3 $4,597 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 4 Casey R. Chavez Rui: 4 0 1 1 $3,097 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Yellow TEE SHOT DOLLY Ñ (LX) 123 ( 87-11-6-9 ) 29.89% Ch.f.4 Chipshot - Wildcat Doll by Wildcat Heir - Bred in New Mexico by Stephen R. Brown (Apr 15, 2017) 13Aug21 6 Rui ft 5K :22º¶ :45¿¸ 1:05¹¿ 35kl Mcl 5000 37-22 3 5 4£ 4¶¡ 3º¡ 4¿¡ Chavez C R 123 2L *1.80 My Crzy Sstr121» Lughng Rocktt121¹£ Attckng Girl116£ wstumbled brk,5-4w turn 5 27Jun21 5 Rui ft 5K :22º¶ :45¾¹ 1:05^¾ 35k Mcl 10000 (10-6.5) 49-41 7 1 2«¬ 2«¬ 2¹ 4½ Fuentes, Jr. M T 123 2L 1.60 Urge120»¡ Eyejust Tookcharge123¶¢ Zippin by U123¨µ brk out,btw,2-3w turn 10 11Jun21 10 Rui ft 5K :21¿¿ :44¿¼ 1:04¹¹ 35kl Mcl 10000 52-45 7 1 2«¬ 1«¬ 1¡ 2¹£ Fuentes, Jr. M T 123 2L *1.20 Feisty Foxey123¹£ Tee Shot Dolly123» W F L Venda123£ duel insd/2p, 2nd best 9 02Dec20 7 Zia ft 5K :22¾^ :46¾¹ 1:05½¼ 35kl Mcl 7500 36-46 9 2 4¶£ 3¶¡ 3¶¡ 3¨µ Fuentes, Jr. M T 121 bL *1.40 Escapabull121«¬ Ritzy Storm121«¬ Tee Shot Dolly121¸¡ closing, game 3rd 9 02Nov2010 Zia ft 5K :22¹¸ :45¼¹ 1:04¼½ 35kl Mcl 7500 57-44 7 3 3¶ 3¶¡ 3¶ 3¹¢ Fuentes, Jr. M T 121 bL 7.90 Our Ntiv Angl121¡ Sh'svrsoclver121¸£ Tee Shot Dolly121¨µ in close, bid,hung, 11 04Sep20 5 Rui ft 5K :22¹^ :45¸½ 1:05»^ 35kl Mcl 7500 27-36 6 5 4¹ 3º¡ 3º¡ 3¶¢ Fuentes, Jr. M T 118 bL 4.80 Bobbi Bby Run118¶ W F L Venda122¨µ Tee Shot Dolly118¹ 2-3w,outfinished 2nd 8 30Sep19 3 Zia ft 5K :22¼^ :46¹º 1:05¹¸ 2 kl Mcl 10000 23-8 3 6 7¸¢ 8½ 8¿¡ 7¶½¡ Fuentes, Jr. M T 120 bL 15.40 Navarones Legend120º Succesful Sky120¹ Dixie Chip120¡ no rally 9 Workout(s): 31 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :49b 11/33 23 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :48.20b 12/45 13 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :52.80b 32/37 6 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :49.40b 7/14 Owner: Bob Matney n/a 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 4-1 Silks: Red, Black Diamonds on Sleeves, Dice on Front, Brand with "Matney Racing on Back 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Luis C. Rojero ( 44-8-8-9 ) 56.82% Life: 0 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 5 Christian Ramos Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Green SMOOTH FIREWATER Ñ (L1) 121 ( 98-8-12-12 ) 32.65% Dk B/ Br.f.3 Indian Firewater - Ms. Glacken by Smoke Glacken - Bred in New Mexico by Susie Prather (Jan 08, 2018) Workout(s): 17 Aug 21 Rui 2F gd :24.60hg 1/1 31 Jul 21 Rui 3F ft :36.80b 2/14 6 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :48.40b 13/62 8 Jun 21 Rui 3F ft :38.40b 6/7 Owner: Paul A. Smith and Robin A. Hood Jr. n/a 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 20-1 Silks: Black, Black Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Paul A. Smith ( 43-4-4-3 ) 25.58% Life: 0 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 6 Jimmy Ray Coates Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Black VALLEY VERDE Ñ 121 ( 131-19-7-23 ) 37.40% B.f.3 Marking - Capo Valley by Benchmark - Bred in New Mexico by Hood Ranch LLC (Jan 27, 2018) Workout(s): 17 Aug 21 Rui 4F gd :52hg 18/23 9 Aug 21 Rui 5F ft 1:04.50b 4/5 30 Jul 21 Rui 3F ft :38.20hg 14/17 17 Jul 21 Rui 3F ft :35.40b 5/15 09/04/2021 Race 5 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:52 PM RACE 5 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

26 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO RACE 5 CONTINUED Owner: W. Davis and Lisa Moore 40.66 2021: 3 0 1 1 $4,705 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 3-1 Silks: White, black " L" red "D" black trim, red collar, red & black Chevrons 2020: 5 0 0 2 $4,618 Off Track: 1 0 0 1 $2,000 Trainer: Casey T. Lambert ( 114-22-23-17 ) 54.39% Life: 8 0 1 3 $9,323 Distance: 1 0 0 1 $2,000 7 Kelsi Purcell Rui: 6 0 1 3 $9,323 Course: 1 0 0 1 $2,000 Orange SEVENTH HENNESSY Ñ (L) 121 ( 72-23-17-7 ) 65.28% Dk B/ Br.f.3 Marking - Hennessy Road by Roll Hennessy Roll - Bred in New Mexico by Lisa Moore & Davis Moore (Jan 10, 2018) 14Aug21 9 Rui sys 6f :22º¶ :45¿¸ 1:13¸¶ 35kl Msw 20000 85-42 4 7 1«¬ 4¹ 4¹¡ 3¼£ Purcell K 121 bL 2.80 Mdnght Spcl T121»¢ Cught Stling121¶¡ Svnth Hnnssy121¶¡ vied btw, 4-3w turn 7 30Jul21 12 Rui ft 5K :22^¾ :45^¼ 1:03¿¿ 3 kl Msw 16100 40-47 8 6 5¸£ 5¸£ 3¹¡ 4¿ Purcell K 121 bL 1.80 Pnctl Alrm121¼£ Cught Stlng121¶ Shouldbencowgl121¶¢ wbump foe brk,4-3p turn 8 13Jun21 6 Rui ft 5K :21¼º :44»^ 1:04º¶ 35kl Msw 9500 69-39 1 7 3¨µ 4¸¡ 2º¡ 2½¢ Purcell K 120 bL 3.30 Quest123½¢ Seventh Hennessy120£ Max a Million Rss120» vied inside, no match 7 13Sep20 7 Alb ft 5K :22¾º :45¸½ 1:04¿» 2 kl Msw 24500 8-26 1 12 11¼¡ 11¶¶ 10¶¹ 9¶¼¢ Amparan F 120 bL 30.40 Flower N Bloom120¨µ Jessica Lee120¼ Line Call120¶£ inside, never fired 12 26Aug20 4 Alb ft 5f :23¼¶ :47¹º :59½^ 2 kl Msw 24500 16-30 5 7 3¨µ 7º¢ 7¼ 7½¢ Amparan F 120 bL *2.00 Indian Secret120¶£ I'll Be Dip120¶£ K J's Mark120¨µ 5-w, faded 9 12Jul20 11 Rui ft 5f :21¿½ :45¾¸ :58¾» 2 kl Msw 9500 60-47 1 6 3¡ 2«¬ 3¨µ 3¶¡ Fuentes, Jr. M T 120 bL 1.80 Rgtim Rythm121£ Indin Scrt120£ Seventh Hennessy120¨µ inside,kept on for 3rd 7 20Jun20 10 Rui ft 5f :21»¹ :44½¸ :58^½2 l Stk - MtnTopFutB - 163k 70-48 7 7 6¹ 6»£ 7½¡ 6¿¡ Fuentes, Jr. M T 117 bL 27.50 Fill the Bill117¨µ My Storm Warrior120£ One Mark120¸¢ wthrew head st,4-5p trn 9 06Jun20 2 Rui ft 5f :22¹¸ :45»º :58¹» 2 l Trl 4000 19-54 3 8 5¼ 4¼¡ 4¼ 3»¡ Fuentes, Jr. M T 119 bL 9.10 Bully Baby120¡ One Mark120» Seventh Hennessy119¡wreared start,2-3p turn 8 Workout(s): 28 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :51.40b 11/12 16 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :52.40b 27/35 6 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :49b 22/62 26 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :49.80b 12/25 Owner: Scott Bryant and Joe Dee Brooks 43.6 2021: 3 0 2 0 $7,505 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 9-5 Silks: White, Royal Blue Shamrock, White "J " Royal Blue Bars on sleeves 2020: 2 0 0 2 $2,807 Off Track: 2 0 1 1 $4,400 Trainer: Todd W. Fincher ( 100-26-22-18 ) 66.00% Life: 5 0 2 2 $10,312 Distance: 1 0 1 0 $4,000 8 Tracy J. Hebert Rui: 5 0 2 2 $10,312 Course: 1 0 1 0 $4,000 Pink CAUGHT STEALING Ñ (L) 121 ( 64-18-15-8 ) 64.06% B.f.3 Marking - Warning Track by Grand Slam - Bred in New Mexico by R. D. Hubbard (Jan 18, 2018) 14Aug21 9 Rui sys 6f :22º¶ :45¿¸ 1:13¸¶ 35kl Msw 20000 70-46 3 2 5¸¢ 3¸ 2¸¡ 2»¢ Guerra R 121 bL *.70 Mdnght Spcl T121»¢ Cught Stlng121¶¡ Svnth Hnnssy121¶¡ 3-4w turn, no match 7 30Jul21 12 Rui ft 5K :22^¾ :45^¼ 1:03¿¿ 3 kl Msw 16100 58-52 5 3 2«¬ 2«¬ 2¶¡ 2¼£ Guerra R 121 bL *1.40 Pnctl Alrm121¼£ Cght Stlng121¶ Sholdbencowgl121¶¢ vied btw,4-3w,no match 8 13Jun21 6 Rui ft 5K :21¼º :44»^ 1:04º¶ 35kl Msw 9500 69-24 2 2 2«¬ 3¸¡ 3»¡ 5¶¹¡ Arboleda A 120 bL *.30 Questa123½¢ Seventh Hennessy120£ Max a Million Rss120» vied btw, gave way 7 24Jul20 6 Rui sys 5K :22¶¿ :45¹^ 1:05»¹ 2 kl Trl 4000 64-56 3 3 3¸ 3¶¡ 3¶¡ 3¹ Juarez, Jr. A J 120 bL 6.60 Fill th Bill120¡ Comic Hot Toddy120¸¡ Cught Stling120¸£ wbob brk,4w trn,no kick 7 06Jun20 1 Rui ft 5f -- :59º¸ 2 l Trl 4000 ---49 3 5 3¸ 5¶¢ 2¡ 3¶ Juarez, Jr. A J 119 bL *1.00 Jornlero120¶ My Storm Warrior120«¬ Caught Stealing119¸£ wbrk in,4-5w,lost 2nd 7 Workout(s): 20 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :47.40b 5/54 a9 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :47.20b 1/26 27 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :51.80b 10/11 4 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :48b 5/59 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off Ñ - New Mexico Bred Equipment Change: Special Pride will race with Blinkers On #1 & #5 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. #2 & #4 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. Selections 8-7-5-2 09/04/2021 Race 5 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:52 PM

Triple Crown Contenders

Sunday, September 5 Monday, September 6 Empressum Jess Savin Candy $929,225 $3 Million All American Derby All American Futurity Ruidoso Downs Race Track & Casino is a Responsible Gaming Property. For more information call 800-572-1142.

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 27 BILL PIPPIN 575-937-1 1 78 DIXIE BROWN 575-937-1049 ERIKA PERRY 575-937-5390 RYE RICHARDSON 575-430-0777 JULIE GILLILAND 575-686-8920 NICK CORTESE 575-760-3818 JOYCE ROULSTON 575-686-8782 DONDA RICHARDSON 575-937-1056 KELI COX 575-937-4616 EXACTA / TRIFECTA / .10 SUPERFECTA / 1ST LEG .50 PICK 3 Approx Post 2:10PM

MAIDEN CLAIMING WIN PLACE SHOW 6 Purse $13,000 FOR MAIDENS, THREE YEARS OLD. Weight, 126 Lbs Claiming Price $15,000. 300 Yards. MAKE SELECTION BY PROGRAM NUMBER MORNING OWNER TRAINER JOCKEY LINE GARY HOOVESTAL AND YVONNE (DEE) BRET VICKERY HOOVESTAL 15 Red, Red Cap MARIO Track Record: DISTANT FURY (3),124 lbs; :14.93 (7-26-13) 1 DELGADO RACE REVIEW Red CAPTAINS FURY (FH) (L) ***126 $15,000 Sor.f.3 Captain Courage - Fury of Cupid by Furyofthewind (MT) by Keithley's Korner MGV PARTNERSHIP ELADIO MENCHACA White, White Cap 8 JUAN 2 HE IS ALREADY GONE (L) ***126 RIVAS POLITICAL CASH V (#8) goes back to the drawing board White Br.g.3 Coronado Cartel - Runaway Brooke by Brookstone Bay (TX) $15,000 following limited success. Thinking the colt is better than JUAN D. TORRES OWNER White, red Horseshoe, red "J/T red collar, red sleeves, white cuffs 15 record indicates. ADRIAN 3 VENICE JEWEL Ñ (L1) ***126 RAMOS CANELA AR (#6) has nothing to show for two season Blue Sor.f.3 Comanche Moon - Sixaruns Jewel by First Down Jewel (NM) $15,000 RICARDO SALDIVAR PARGA ALBERT A. VALLES starts expect an interesting bullet work last week. Odds Yellow, Yellow Cap 9/2 SERGIO are worth consideration 4 FIRST PAINTED HERO (FH) (L) ***126 BECERRA, JR. Yellow Br.g.3 Valiant Hero - First Painted Sign by Pyc Paint Your Wagon (OK) $15,000 FIRST PAINTED HERO (#4) should fare better today GUILLERMO LICANO RONALD A. CONSTANT Green, Green Cap 3 NOE with reduced level of play--there are plenty of excuses for 5 LUNA COQUETA Ñ (L) ***126 GARCIA, JR. many of these horses. Not many left to use. Green Sor.f.3 Chicks Regard - Tres Diamond Dash by Tres Seis (NM) $15,000 JORGE DIAZ ALFREDO GOMEZ Suggested Wager: $1 Exacta box 4/6/8 and $3 Win/Place Black, Black Cap 6 KEVIN on 8 6 CANELA AR Ñ (FH) (L) ***126 ENRIQUEZ-ARENIVAS Black Gr.f.3 Undaunted - Call Me Blazin by Chicks a Blazin (NM) $15,000 REED LAND AND CATTLE CO. LLC GERALD W. REED K-Bob's Selections Pink, blue Quarters, Yellow Diamond, blue "RLC" pink and blue Quarter sleeves 4 JUAN Political Cash V 7 HOT CANDY MAN (L) ***126 PULIDO Canela Ar Orange Br.g.3 Jess Good Candy - I No Shes a Hot Mess by Louisiana Senator (OK) $15,000 First Painted Hero VALERIANO RACING STABLES, LLC. (SAMUEL TOBY KEETON VALERIANO ET AL) 6 Red, Black "Valeriano Racing Stables" black cuffs on Red sleeves OSCAR 8 ANDRADE, JR. Pink POLITICAL CASH V (L) ***126 $15,000 Sor.c.3 Apollitical Jess - Lady Tenaya by Sixarun (CA) MARIO MORENO GUADALUPE MUNOZ, JR. Aqua, Aqua Cap 30 REYES 9 SC GRACES LIGHTNING (FH) ***126 GOMEZ Turquoise Sor.f.3 High Rate of Return - Just Beachy by Brimmerton (OK) $15,000 ALONZO R. BRITO BRADLEY C. BOLEN Purple, Purple Cap 10 JOEL 10 GOL WINNER (L1) ***126 QUIROZ Purple B.f.3 Gone to the Mountain - Easily a Gol by Gol (NM) $15,000 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off; Ñ - Denotes New Mexico Bred. Equipment Change: He Is Already Gone will race with Flipping Halter Off Equipment Change: Captains Fury,Canela Ar will race with Flipping Halter On K-BOB'S SELECTIONS PROBABLE FAVORITES: 5 - 7 - 4 - 6 BY TIM KEITHLEY

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 29 APPROX. POST:2:10PM Exacta / Trifecta / .10 Superfecta / 1st Leg .50 Pick 3 6 Win Place Show No. QUARTER HORSE MAIDEN CLAIMING $15,000 Scan for Equibase Racing Information Purse $13,000. For Maidens, Three Years Old. Weight, 126 Lbs Claiming Price $15,000. 300 Yards Track Record: Distant Fury (3) 124 lbs. :14.938 (7-26-13) Program# Odds Speed Index Speed Weight Jockey Class Owner: Gary Hoovestal and Yvonne (Dee) Hoovestal 16 2021: 2 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 Silks: Red, Red Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Bret Vickery ( 33-0-2-4 ) 18.18% Life: 2 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 1 Mario A. Delgado Rui: 2 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Red $15,000 CAPTAINS FURY (L) (FH) 126 ( 76-21-9-9 ) 51.32% Sor.f.3 Captain Courage - Fury of Cupid by Furyofthewind - Bred in Montana by Gary and Dee Hoovestal (Mar 21, 2018) 08Aug21 4 Rui ft 350Y twÄ :19¶¸¸ :17ºº¸ 35 Mdn 18000 49--- 5 8 8º£ -- 8¾¡ 8¶¶£ Andrade, Jr. O 126 bfL 28.30 Fbls Crd Prty127¸¡ Fs Pwrflshdynsty126¸¡ Pltcl Csh V126¡wthrew head,off slow 8 23Jul21 3 Rui ft 350Y hwÉ :18¼¶¾ :17½½¶ 3 k Mdn 12000 64-32 3 4 8¸ -- 7¹¡ 7¼ Ortiz J E 126 bfL 55.20 Cp Mam Blue126¡ Ivorys Special Jess128¶¢ Cold Blooded Vixen126¶ no menace 10 Workout(s): 6 Jul 21 Rui 330Y ft :17.99hg 5/5 5 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.02hg 20/22 Owner: MGV Partnership 8.5 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 8-1 Silks: White, White Cap 2020: 2 0 0 0 $140 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Eladio Menchaca ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Life: 2 0 0 0 $140 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 2 Juan Carlos Rivas Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 White $15,000 HE IS ALREADY GONE (L) 126 ( 72-3-5-2 ) 13.89% Br.g.3 Coronado Cartel - Runaway Brooke by Brookstone Bay - Bred in Texas by Randy or Sandy Coleman (Apr 03, 2018) Previously trained by Wood G. B 2020 (as of 07/17): ( 248 32 33 31 0.13 ) 17Jul20 7 Ret ft 330Y hwÁ :18½»¼ :17¼^º 2 Mdn 19000 44--- 3 1 6¶¢ -- 8º¡ 8½¢ Espinosa P C 124 bfkL 2.30 Jss God Strk124«¬ Nsm Flyng Jnny124¡ Ekg Js Jttn wy126¶¡ wbumped,no factor 8 09May20 6 RP ft 350Y twÅ :18¿¶¶ :17¼½^ 2 Ftr 15000 50-17 1 8 8¸ -- 10½¢ 10½¡ Ramirez R 124 bfkL13.80 1215 Instygator126¹¢ One for Venation124«¬ My Louisiana Girl128¨µ hugged rail 10 Workout(s): 13 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.47hg 17/18 31 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.18h 26/49 24 Jun 20 Ret 250Y ft :13.77bg 16/68 25 Apr 20 RP 220Y ft :12.46hg 27/46 Owner: Juan D. Torres n/a 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 Silks: White, red Horseshoe, red "J/T red collar, red sleeves, white cuffs 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Owner ( 33-4-2-2 ) 24.24% Life: 0 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 3 Adrian A. Ramos Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Blue $15,000 VENICE JEWEL Ñ (L1) 126 ( 124-19-18-17 ) 43.55% Sor.f.3 Comanche Moon - Sixaruns Jewel by First Down Jewel - Bred in New Mexico by Randy L &/ Linda H Schalla (Feb 25, 2018) Workout(s): 11 Aug 21 Frn 220Y ft :12.51bg 6/13 4 Aug 21 Frn 220Y ft :12.51b 13/24 18 Aug 20 Rui 220Y ft :13.31hg 21/26 2 Aug 20 Rui 220Y ft :12.60hg 16/19 Owner: Ricardo Saldivar Parga 50.15 2021: 2 0 0 0 $660 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 9-2 Silks: Yellow, Yellow Cap 2020: 2 0 0 0 $855 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 4 Clm Prc Trainer: Albert A. Valles ( 112-14-16-16 ) 41.07% Sergio Becerra, Jr. Life: 4 0 0 0 $1,515 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $300 Yellow $15,000 Rui: 2 0 0 0 $660 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 FIRST PAINTED HERO (L) (FH) 126 ( 121-12-21-19 ) 42.98% Ruidoso Select Yearling Sale 2019 $40,000 Br.g.3 Valiant Hero - First Painted Sign by Pyc Paint Your Wagon - Bred in Oklahoma by The Mixer Ranch (Mar 11, 2018) 08Aug21 2 Rui ft 350Y twÇ :17¾»¹ :17»º¹ 35 Mdn 18000 86-52 8 2 6¡ -- 6¶¢ 5¸¡ Becerra, Jr. S 126 bkL 6.30 A Scooter With Sisu128¨µ Landrum Lane126£ Johna126£ no mishap 8 06Jun21 2 Rui ft 350Y hwÁ :17¿¼º :17»½¹ 35 Trl 6000 83-65 1 2 3¡ -- 6¶¢ 6¸£ Becerra, Jr. S 126 bfkL 7.00 Df Fabulous Jackie126¶¢ Jess Ravens Wood126¨µ Southpaw Bb128¡ evenly 9 Previously trained by Joiner Justin W 2020 (as of 11/01): ( 12 1 5 0 0.08 ) 01Nov20 6 LA ft 330Y nw :17½¿¹ :16¿¹¾ 2 Mdn 7500 63-37 4 4 4¸£ -- 4»¢ 4¼¢ Valenzuela R A 126 bL 14.30 Gowdy125¶¢ Ctalina Rocket121¹¡ Remember Me Love128¶¡ woff slow, no factor 5 16Oct20 7 LA ft 300Y nw :16¸¶º :15¹½¶ 2 Mdn 8000 67-42 6 6 -- -- 6» 6º£ Valenzuela R A 126 bL 25.20 Doc Lamb124«¬ London Toby124¸ Cute Lil Candy Girl125¶wbore out start 6 Workout(s): 11 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.44hg 26/82 28 Apr 21 Frn 220Y ft :12.20b 2/22 26 Sep 20 LA 220Y ft :12.80hg 10/15 25 Aug 20 Rui 220Y ft :12.81hg 8/12 Owner: Guillermo Licano 56 2021: 1 0 0 0 $550 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 3-1 Silks: Green, Green Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Ronald A. Constant ( 23-2-1-7 ) 43.48% Life: 1 0 0 0 $550 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $550 5 Noe Garcia, Jr. Rui: 1 0 0 0 $550 Course: 1 0 0 0 $550 Green $15,000 LUNA COQUETA Ñ (L) 126 ( 133-21-22-12 ) 41.35% Sor.f.3 Chicks Regard - Tres Diamond Dash by Tres Seis - Bred in New Mexico by Don S Apodaca (Mar 29, 2018) 30Jul21 1 Rui ft 300Y cwÅ :15¾¿¹ :15¼¶¿ 35 l Mcl 5000-c 81-56 1 6 -- -- 4¶ 4¸ Garcia, Jr. N 126 bL 3.90 Babe Theory128¶ Baby Julia131¡ Etta Oak128¡ no mishap 7 Claimed by Licano Guillermo from Brashear Dennis O. for $5,000, Danley Fred I. - Trainer Workout(s): 20 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.50hg 11/28 13 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.74hg 26/43 a22 Aug 20 Alb 220Y ft :12.42hg 1/6 15 Aug 20 Alb 220Y ft :14hg 14/14 Owner: Jorge Diaz 49 2021: 2 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Black, Black Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Alfredo Gomez ( 16-0-2-2 ) 25.00% Life: 2 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $0 6 Kevin Enriquez-Arenivas Rui: 2 0 0 0 $0 Course: 1 0 0 0 $0 Black $15,000 CANELA AR Ñ (L) (FH) 126 ( 36-1-2-1 ) 11.11% Gr.f.3 Undaunted - Call Me Blazin by Chicks a Blazin - Bred in New Mexico by Astorga Racing Llc (May 01, 2018) 26Jun21 2 Rui ft 300Y tw :15¿¸¸ :15»¾¿ 3 kl Mdn 11000 80-52 6 7 -- -- 8¶ 8¸¡ EnriquezArenivas K 126 bfk 30.70 Touch of a Dragon126¨µ Classy Jesse126«¬ Ezze Off126¨µ wbump brk, shift out 9 05Jun21 4 Rui ft 350Y hwÁÀ :18¼»¶ :17¼½¶ 3 l Dtr 6000 63-46 7 6 8¸ -- 8º 9½¢ Leyva J 126 bfkL19.20 Chicky Chicky Ki126¶ Jssies Allstr126¶¡ Egle Empress126¡ wfractious,veered out 9 Workout(s): a27 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :11h 1/11 11 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.91h 64/82 a21 Apr 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.60hg 1/7 19 Oct 20 Zia 220Y ft :12.42bg 4/7 Owner: Reed Land and Cattle Co. LLC 47.24 2021: 4 0 1 0 $3,966 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 4-1 Silks: Pink, blue Quarters, Yellow Diamond, blue "RLC" pink and blue Quarter sleeves 2020: 5 0 1 0 $2,635 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $90 Clm Prc Trainer: Gerald W. Reed ( 51-4-4-5 ) 25.49% Life: 9 0 2 0 $6,601 Distance: 2 0 0 0 $340 7 Juan Pulido Rui: 4 0 1 0 $2,000 Course: 1 0 0 0 $0 Orange $15,000 HOT CANDY MAN (L) 126 ( 68-17-5-10 ) 47.06% Br.g.3 Jess Good Candy - I No Shes a Hot Mess by Louisiana Senator - Bred in Oklahoma by Reed Land & Cattle Co Llc (Mar 20, 2018) 13Aug21 7 Rui ft 300Y twÅ :16¿¶^ :15¹½½ 35 Mcl 15000 47--- 4 8 -- -- 8¿£ 8¶^£ Pulido J 126 bL *1.70 Osberryfast128¶¡ Louisianapaintwagon128¡ Regal Tales133¡ wreared start 8 30May21 8 RP ft 250Y hwÁÀ :13º¼º :13º^½ 35 Mcl 15000 81-70 7 7 -- -- 3¡ 2¨µ Pulido J 124 bL *1.90 1177 Vf Rd Srprs 3124¨µ Hot Cndy Mn124¨µ Ey My Fblos Gl124¶ wmoved out, 2nd best 9 15Apr21 5 RP my 350Y twÇ :18¶»¼ :17¾½¾ 3 Mcl 20000 72-52 5 4 6£ -- 5¶ 6¶£ Flores J A 126 bL 10.00 1131 All Night Hro129£ Celtic Pgentry125«¬ Rel Grteful128¨µ bumped start,no finish 10 13Mar21 6 RP ft 330Y hwÁ :17º¸½ :16¾¿¶ 35 Mdn 16100 70-43 6 8 8¸ -- 8¹¢ 8¹¢ Flores J A 126 bL 9.50 You Rock My Hocks124¶¢ Lindt126¨µ Koolnmacho126¨µ never a factor 9 25Oct2011 Wrd ft 400Y twÈ :20¼¶» :19¿º½ 2 Ftr 5000 77-59 1 2 4£ -- 4¸¡ 4º¡ Samaniego A R 124 bL 16.70 Seven124¶¡ Charlenas Relentless124¸¢ Srd Lota Wow124£ even effort 6 22Aug20 3 Rui ft 440Y twÇ :22¸º½ :21º¸¶ 2 Ftr 8000 76-64 6 7 8¸ -- 7¹¡ 7»£* Flores J A 126 bL 57.20 Aplltcl Gld124¶¢ Msscndymontn124¶ Corondos Chck127¶£ wforced in early,PL6th 10 03Jul20 7 Rui ft 400Y twÁÀ :20¹¶¿ :20^¾¹ 2 Ftr 8000 79-72 5 5 5¡ -- 5£ 5¶¡ Becerra, Jr. S 124 bL 11.50 Fly the Coup124¨µ Big Cash Cartel124¡ Badntessahabit124¨µ wforced in bit late 9 22May20 6 Rui ft 350Y hwÁà :18¹^^ :18¶º^ 2 Ftr 8000 72-78 3 3 3¨µ -- 2¡ 2¶¢ Flores J A 125 bL 7.70 Eyema Eagle126¶¢ Hot Candy Man125«¬ Flash Riley126¨© no match, held place 9 19Apr20 6 RP ft 300Y twÁÁ :16^¾¿ :15º¹¿ 2 Mdn 12300 68-43 8 8 -- -- 8¶ 7º Flores J A 127 bL 23.70 1146 Teller Ill Return125£ Coronados Lady125¡ Kasens Shadow128«¬ late interest 10 Workout(s): 17 Aug 21 Rui 220Y gd :12.35hg 3/7 19 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :11.99h 10/47 7 May 21 RP 220Y ft :12.06h 3/11 25 Feb 21 RP 220Y ft :11.72hg 34/167 09/04/2021 Race 6 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:55 PM RACE 6 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

30 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO RACE 6 CONTINUED Owner: Valeriano Racing Stables, LLC. (Samuel Valeriano et al) 54 2021: 4 0 0 2 $2,555 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Red, Black "Valeriano Racing Stables" black cuffs on Red sleeves 2020: 5 0 1 0 $2,184 Off Track: 2 0 0 0 $80 8 Clm Prc Trainer: Toby Keeton ( 57-5-6-8 ) 33.33% Oscar Andrade, Jr. Life: 9 0 1 2 $4,739 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 Pink $15,000 Rui: 8 0 1 2 $4,297 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 POLITICAL CASH V (L) 126 ( 88-5-13-12 ) 34.09% Heritage Place Winter Mixed 2019 $70,000 Sor.c.3 Apollitical Jess - Lady Tenaya by Sixarun - Bred in California by John Andreini (Apr 02, 2018) 08Aug21 4 Rui ft 350Y twÄ :18¶¼¾ :17ºº¸ 35 Mdn 18000 77-44 3 3 3¸ -- 3¹¡ 3» Coates J R 126 bL 8.60 Fbls Crd Prty127¸¡ Fs Pwrflshdynsty126¸¡ Pltcl Csh V126¡ wbob brk,drft out early 8 11Jul21 10 Rui sys 440Y cw :22¹½¹ :21»¸¿ 3 Dtr 8000 73-48 3 7 7¶ -- 8¹ 8¼ Silva A 127 bL 36.20 Xf Wingman126¨µ Fundimental126¶ Incredible Hocks B126£ wbump brk 9 27Jun21 1 Rui ft 350Y twÉ :18^¸» :17½½¾ 35 Mdn 9000 81-65 8 4 5¶¢ -- 4¶¢ 3¶£ Silva A 126 bL 8.50 Mr Rcy Perry126¡ Jess Louisina Hero126¶¢ nRunaway Tempting128¡ good try 8 30May21 4 Rui wfs 400Y twÇ :20¹¾¾ :19»º¸ 3 Dtr 8000 78-53 8 6 7¸ -- 5¹¢ 6¼ Garcia, Jr. N 126 bfL 38.50 Seprte Sentence126¨µ Cyber Mondy126¶¡ Apolliticlfstprize126¶¢ needed more 9 Previously trained by Arrossa Monty 2020 (as of 08/21): ( 272 56 52 37 0.21 ) 21Aug20 9 Rui ft 440Y cwÄ :22º¹¿ :21½¿¶ 2 Ftr 8000 72-63 4 8 9¸ -- 9¹¡ 9»* Calderon F 124 bkL 23.60 Jess Speechless124¨µ Tall Timbers126«¬ Lethal Glory125¡ wbump foe brk,PL8th 10 08Aug20 5 Rui ft 400Y hwÅ :20¼¼¾ :20¶ºº 2 Mdn 7125 70-45 5 8 7¶¡ -- 7¸¢ 6¹¡ Calderon F 124 bL 3.50 Blck Egle Tank124¨µ Humphrey Pennyworth124¡ Corona Pipeline126¶£ wbump brk 10 04Jul20 10 Rui ft 400Y cwÅ :20º¾¾ :19¿^¿ 2 Ftr 8000 75-62 9 3 7¶£ -- 7¸£ 7º Baca B J 126 bL 7.40 Dulce Sin Tch126¡ Apolliticl Daizies126¶¢ Kj Daisy Duke126¨© wcarried out bit str 10 23May20 3 Rui ft 350Y hwÁÅ :18¹»¶ :18¸¾¼ 2 Ftr 8000 71-75 2 1 2«¬ -- 2«¬ 2¡ Flores J A 126 bkL *1.50 Ec Fama124¡ Political Cash V126¶ Jjs Call126¡ no match, 2nd best 8 08May2010 RP ft 350Y twÇ :18¹¸½ :17½¶¿ 2 Ftr 15000 67-47 6 6 6¡ -- 6¶£ 5¹£ Flores J A 126 bkL 4.40 1020 Whistle Stop Cafe124¨µ Apollitical Bird124¶£ Suntan Tales125¶ late interest 8 Workout(s): 2 May 21 RP 220Y ft :12.72b 20/28 9 Apr 21 RP 220Y ft :12.43b 12/25 19 Mar 21 RP 220Y ft :11.80b 20/76 22 Apr 20 RP 250Y my :13.92hg 22/38 Owner: Mario Moreno 32.9 2021: 3 0 0 0 $520 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 30-1 Silks: Aqua, Aqua Cap 2020: 1 0 0 0 $340 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Guadalupe Munoz, Jr. ( 37-1-6-4 ) 29.73% Life: 4 0 0 0 $860 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $340 9 Reyes Gomez Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turquoise $15,000 SC GRACES LIGHTNING (FH) 126 ( 15-0-2-0 ) 13.33% Sor.f.3 High Rate of Return - Just Beachy by Brimmerton - Bred in Oklahoma by Second Chance Racing Llc (Feb 25, 2018) Previously trained by Hardy Edward R 2021 (as of 05/28): ( 40 5 2 3 0.13 ) 28May2112 RP ft 440Y cwÅ :22¿¶º :21½¾¸ 35 Mdn 20600 63-34 3 10 7¡ -- 8¸¡ 10¼£ Martinez L S 126 bfk 47.90 1103 Jess Bit of Cndy124«¬ Ktes Bowtie126£ Ashleys Rocket Man124¶£ failed to fire 10 30Apr21 2 RP ft 400Y cwÆ :21¸¸¸ :20»¸¼ 35 Mdn 16100 52-24 7 9 9¶¡ -- 9¹ 9º Martinez L S 126 bfkL42.00 1092 Rocket Queen V124¨© Watah Wagon127¨µ Celtic Pagentry125¨µ wfrcd to alt path 9 10Apr21 3 RP ft 350Y twÁÁ :18¶¼º :17½º¼ 3 l Mdn 22600 72-55 7 6 7¶£ -- 7¶£ 6¸¡ Navarrete, Jr. E A 125 bfkL52.50 1078 Pcksddl Sentor126¨µ Rocket Queen V124¶ Koolnmcho125£ brushed early, no bid 10 Previously trained by Eddy John D 2020 (as of 04/25): ( 1 0 0 0 0.00 ) 25Apr20 8 RP ft 300Y twÁÄ :17º¿¸ :15¼º¾ 2 Mdn 12300 21--- 2 9 -- -- 10½¡ 10¶¶¡Suarez Ricardo I 126 bfL 20.20 1057 Zooming de Cpo125«¬ Wyngnutt124¨µ Pcksddle Sentor126¨© wlate to leave gate 10 Workout(s): 17 Aug 21 Rui 330Y gd :18.15h 2/2 28 Mar 21 RP 220Y ft :11.35b 2/45 9 Mar 21 RP 220Y ft :12.26hg 12/35 8 Apr 20 RP 250Y ft :13.89hg 28/61 Owner: Alonzo R. Brito n/a 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 10-1 Silks: Purple, Purple Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Bradley C. Bolen (Albert S. Franco) ( 86-6-6-11 ) 26.74% Life: 0 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 10 Joel Quiroz Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Purple $15,000 GOL WINNER (L1) 126 ( 2-0-0-0 ) 0.00% B.f.3 Gone to the Mountain - Easily a Gol by Gol - Bred in New Mexico by Clyde Woerner (Feb 26, 2018) Workout(s): a21 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.65h 1/3 13 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.18hg 14/18 13 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.05h 7/21 16 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.84h 11/13 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off Ñ - New Mexico Bred Equipment Change: He Is Already Gone will race with Flipping Halter Off Equipment Change: Captains Fury,Canela Ar will race with Flipping Halter On (FH) - Flipping Halter: Captains Fury,First Painted Hero, Canela Ar,Sc Graces Lightning Selections 5-7-4-6 09/04/2021 Race 6 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:55 PM

NEW MOBILE APP! RUIBET.COM Password: AllAmerican SCAN QR CODE WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE CAMERA App is only available when onsite at Ruidoso Downs Race Track



Premium Choice Cuts Freshest Seafood Exceptional Wines Full Bar Live Music WALK-INS WELCOME RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED TO-GO ORDER ONLINE! 575-258-3325 EXACTA / TRIFECTA / .10 SUPERFECTA / 2ND LEG PICK 3 Approx Post 2:36PM

CLAIMING WIN PLACE SHOW 7 Purse $16,300 (Includes $1,750 from NMHBA Overnight Fund) FOR REGISTERED NEW MEXICO BRED FILLIES AND MARES THREE YEARS OLD AND UPWARD WHICH HAVE NEVER WON TWO RACES. Three Year Olds, 121 Lbs; Older, 123 Lbs Claiming Price $7,500. Five Furlongs. Track Record: LOVES BONUS (7),122 lbs; :55.94 (7-25-09) MAKE SELECTION BY PROGRAM NUMBER MORNING OWNER TRAINER JOCKEY LINE RACE REVIEW JANA TROTTER CASEY T. LAMBERT Black Tuxcedo, White and Red "JT" Red bow tie, White sleeves, Black cuff 5/2 by Keithley's Korner KELSI 1 ARRANGED VOWS Ñ (L) ***121 PURCELL Red Ch.f.3 Diabolical - Renewed Vows by Attila's Storm (NM) $7,500 ARRANGED VOWS (#1) was a nice maiden winner last CLIFFORD C. LAMBERT SR. AND CHRISCLIFFORD C. LAMBERT, SR. JENDRUSCH 6 time out. Time to do it again--like that they've been patient Pink, White "CL" White Sash, White sleeves, Pink Bars and Cuffs JIMMY 2 COATES with the filly. White FEISTY HALO Ñ (L) ***123 $7,500 Ch.m.5 Squall - Marie's Fast Halo by Sunny's Halo (NM) QUEEN OF HOLLYWOOD (#4) tried a hook race last time C. DONNELL ECHOLS JOEL H. MARR Teal, Silver and Black Diamond, "TLF" brand, black Diamond sleeves 7/2 CASEY without success; this is a more appropriate distance. Likely 3 SPEED SEAL Ñ (L) ***121 CHAVEZ on the improve. Blue Ch.f.3 Punctuate - Seal by Eddington (NM) $7,500 JANA TROTTER CASEY T. LAMBERT SPEED SEAL (#3) was a maiden winner at Zia last fall. Black Tuxcedo, White and Red "JT" Red bow tie, White sleeves, Black cuff 9/2 CERAPIO Making first attempt of the summer and probably needs 4 QUEEN OF HOLLYWOOD Ñ (L) ***121 FIGUEROA Yellow Ch.f.3 Attila's Storm - Faked Out by Gone Hollywood (NM) $7,500 the race--works are good. JOE DEE BROOKS, SCOTT BRYANT AND TODD W. FINCHER 6 NORMAN W. ALLEN Suggested Wager: $1 Exacta box 1/2/3/4 and $3 Teal, Black and Silver Diamond "TF" brand, Black Diamond sleeves CHRISTIAN 5 RAMOS Win/Place on 1 Green THE PACESETTER Ñ (L) ***116 $7,500 Ch.f.3 Mr. Gold Mover - Bekat Bekat by Lawyer Ron (NM) NOE AMAYA AND GUADALUPE MUNOZ, JR.GUADALUPE MUNOZ, JR. K-Bob's Selections Red, White & Black "Munoz" White sleeves, Black Stripes 15 MARIA Arranged Vows 6 INDIAN SECRET Ñ (L) ***121 BACA Queen of Hollywood Black Dk B/ Br.f.3 Indian Firewater - Secret Shadow by Officer (NM) $7,500 DON A. AND CHOYA YOUNG DON A. YOUNG Speed Seal Lime Green, black Chevron "DY-" brand, white sleeves, black Chevrons 4 LUIS 7 SWINGIN DOORS Ñ ***123 RODRIGUEZ Orange Dk B/ Br.m.5 Mesa Sunrise - Farrari Stone by Birdstone (NM) $7,500 JEANEATTE YOUNG DON A. YOUNG Pink, Pink Cap 20 JUAN 8 CLUBHOUSE PARTY Ñ ***123 RIVAS Pink Ch.m.7 Jeffries Bay - Clubhouse Banter by Hennessy (NM) $7,500 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off; Ñ - Denotes New Mexico Bred. Equipment Change: Speed Seal will race with Blinkers On #1 & #4 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. #7 & #8 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. PROBABLE FAVORITES: 1 - 3 - 7 - 4 K-BOB'S SELECTIONS BY TIM KEITHLEY

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 35 APPROX. POST:2:36PM Exacta / Trifecta / .10 Superfecta / 2nd Leg Pick 3 Win Place Show No. 7 Ñ CLAIMING $7,500 Scan for Equibase Racing Information Purse $16,300. (Includes $1,750 from NMHBA Overnight Fund) For Registered New Mexico Bred Fillies And Mares Three Years Old and Upward Which Have Never Won Two Races. Three Year Olds, 121 Lbs; Older, 123 Lbs Claiming Price $7,500. Five Furlongs Track Record: Loves Bonus (7) 122 lbs. :55.94 (7-25-09) Program# Odds Pace Speed Weight Jockey Class Owner: Jana Trotter 48 2021: 1 1 0 0 $4,380 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 5-2 Silks: Black Tuxcedo, White and Red "JT" Red bow tie, White sleeves, Black cuff 2020: 1 0 0 0 $540 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Casey T. Lambert ( 114-22-23-17 ) 54.39% Life: 2 1 0 0 $4,920 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 1 Kelsi Purcell Rui: 1 1 0 0 $4,380 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Red $7,500 ARRANGED VOWS Ñ (L) 121 ( 72-23-17-7 ) 65.28% Ch.f.3 Diabolical - Renewed Vows by Attila's Storm - Bred in New Mexico by R. D. Hubbard (Jan 18, 2018) 11Jun21 8 Rui ft 5K :22¶^ :45¸¾ 1:04¼º 35kl Mcl 10000 31-50 2 7 4¸¡ 2¡ 2«¬ 1¡ Purcell K 120 bL *1.40 Arrngd Vows120¡ Lughing Rocktt120¹¡ Cindys Chim123¸¢ wawk brk,btw 5/16,duel 8 09Dec20 7 Zia ft 5K :22^½ :45¶¸ 1:04^¶ 2 kl Msw 18000 36-46 5 6 6»£ 6¼¡ 5½¡ 5¿£ Ramos C 117» bL 9.90 Indin Firblossom120£ Tylor Rin120¼¢ Dsertrose Oftexs120¶¢ passed tired rivals 8 Workout(s): 6 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :53.20b 10/10 20 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :51b 49/54 9 Jul 21 Rui 3F ft :41.80b 5/5 25 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :55b 20/20 Owner: Clifford C. Lambert Sr. and Chris Jendrusch 39.69 2021: 5 0 1 2 $3,660 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Pink, White "CL" White Sash, White sleeves, Pink Bars and Cuffs 2020: 11 0 1 2 $5,198 Off Track: 1 0 1 0 $1,720 Clm Prc Trainer: Clifford C. Lambert, Sr. ( 46-2-4-5 ) 23.91% Life: 24 1 3 6 $46,712 Distance: 2 0 0 1 $1,050 2 Jimmy Ray Coates Rui: 11 0 1 4 $5,592 Course: 1 0 0 1 $684 White $7,500 FEISTY HALO Ñ (L) 123 ( 131-19-7-23 ) 37.40% Ch.m.5 Squall - Marie's Fast Halo by Sunny's Halo - Bred in New Mexico by Tom Williams & W. T. Stradley (Feb 18, 2016) 06Aug21 8 Rui ft 7K :24¸½ :48ºº 1:34¹¾ 3gk Clm 7500 (7.5-5)nw2/L 31-13 4 2 4¸¡ 5¹¢ 6¿¡ 7¸º£ Perez M A 123 L 13.70 Sara's Memories121¡ Olive County123» Kandi Spun121¹ 3-5w turns, no rally 7 18Jul21 3 Rui ft 5K :21¿¾ :44¿º 1:05¸^ 3gkl Clm 5000nw2/L 46-43 7 1 3¸ 4¸¡ 3¹¡ 3¸ Gomez E P 123 L 3.80 Carmon's Dance121¶¡ Indian Secret121¡ Feisty Halo123¶£ 5w turn, slow gain 7 04Jul21 6 Rui mys 5K :22¹» :45½½ 1:05¸º 3gkl Clm 5000nw2/L 25-46 1 3 6¹£ 6¹¡ 3¸ 2¸¡ Gomez E P 123 L 10.60 Ritzy Storm123¸¡ Feisty Halo123¨µ The Pacesetter120£ 2-3p turn,up for place 7 18Jun21 6 Rui ft 5K :22¶¿ :44½¸ 1:04»¸ 3gkl Clm 5000nw2/L 29-50 8 2 7¸¢ 5¹¡ 3¹¡ 3¨µ Ramos C 118» L 11.90 Bobb Bby Rn123¨µ Qen of Hollywood120«¬ Fsty Hlo118¸¡ 4-3w,gaining,missed 8 13Jun21 7 Rui ft 5K :21¾¼ :44¾¹ 1:04½º 3glClm 5000nw2/L 3-23 1 9 10¾£ 10¶^ 9¿ 9¶¶£ Hebert T J 118 L 31.50 Champito123¨© Dan Who120¹ Lopin Joe120¨µ off inside, 3path turn 10 04Nov20 7 Zia ft 6f :21¼¹ :44¼¿ 1:10¿¾ 3gkl Clm 7500nw2/L 56-41 11 1 6¼¡ 7¾¡ 6¼¡ 5¶^¢ Ramos C 118» L 25.40 Minnie Me Ha121¸¡ Hot N Perty123¡ Devon's Choice121¸¢ 6w into lane, no rally 12 07Oct20 6 Zia ft 5K :21½¿ :44¿¾ 1:04ºº 3gkl Clm 7500nw2/L 28-34 6 6 10¾ 9¶^ 7¶¶ 6¶^¡ Fuentes, Jr. M T 123 L 8.50 Nbody Knows Who121¨µ Stv's Bb Doll123¡ Dvon's Choc121½£ 3-w, never fired 12 06Sep2010 Rui ft 5K :22»¸ :45^» 1:03½» 3gk Clm 7500 (7.5-5)nw2/L 15-46 3 4 7¸£ 6¶£ 5»¡ 3»¢ Chavez C R 122 L 11.60 Lucky Flash120¸£ Sell Baby Sell118¸¡ Feisty Halo122¶¡ 2path, improved inside 7 29Aug20 6 Rui ft 5K :21½» :44»^ 1:04^¾3gk Clm 7500 (7.5-5)nw2/L 35-48 3 4 5»¢ 4¼ 4¼ 4º£ Gomez R 124 L 7.30 Ldy Sunst118¹¡ W Outt Here120£ Thought I'dmissyou123¡ rail-2path, no extra 7 16Aug20 2 Rui ft 5f :22º¶ :45¼^ :58¸¿ 3gkl Clm 5000nw2/L 23-55 1 3 6¹ 6¸£ 3¶¡ 3¶¢ Fuentes, Jr. M T 122 L 12.30 Red Or Green118¡ Sell Baby Sell118£ Feisty Halo122¶ insd-2p turn,4w upper 6 Workout(s): 20 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :53.80b 22/24 8 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :55b 16/16 1 Jun 21 Rui 4F gd :53.20b 3/5 25 May 21 Rui 4F ft :50.40b 32/53 Owner: C. Donnell Echols 48 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 7-2 Silks: Teal, Silver and Black Diamond, "TLF" brand, black Diamond sleeves 2020: 1 1 0 0 $4,800 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Joel H. Marr (J. Clay Sparks) ( 47-4-7-4 ) 31.91% Life: 1 1 0 0 $4,800 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 3 Casey R. Chavez Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Blue $7,500 SPEED SEAL Ñ (L) 121 ( 87-11-6-9 ) 29.89% Ch.f.3 Punctuate - Seal by Eddington - Bred in New Mexico by Donnell Echols (Apr 24, 2018) 02Dec20 6 Zia ft 5K :22»¾ :46¾¼ 1:05½^ 2 kl Mcl 10000 45-48 7 3 3¶¡ 3¶¡ 1«¬ 1¨µ Fuentes L A 120 hL 6.80 Speed Seal120¨µ Band of Glory120¸ Jeanne Ina Bottle120¹¡ dueled, prevailed 11 Workout(s): a27 Aug 21 Rui 5F ft 1:04.60b 1/6 17 Aug 21 Rui 4F gd :50.40b 12/23 8 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :48.60b 8/20 30 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :52hg 34/37 Owner: Jana Trotter 42.5 2021: 2 0 1 0 $2,510 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 9-2 Silks: Black Tuxcedo, White and Red "JT" Red bow tie, White sleeves, Black cuff 2020: 2 1 0 0 $3,940 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $80 Clm Prc Trainer: Casey T. Lambert ( 114-22-23-17 ) 54.39% Life: 4 1 1 0 $6,450 Distance: 1 1 0 0 $3,860 4 Cerapio Figueroa Rui: 4 1 1 0 $6,450 Course: 1 1 0 0 $3,860 Yellow $7,500 QUEEN OF HOLLYWOOD Ñ (L) 121 ( 7-0-1-3 ) 57.14% Ch.f.3 Attila's Storm - Faked Out by Gone Hollywood - Bred in New Mexico by R D Hubbard (Mar 08, 2018) 30Jul21 11 Rui ft 870Y nw :47¶¶¹ :45¿½^ 3glClm 10000nw2/L ---56 1 5 6»¡ -- 6¼ 4¾ Amparan F 126 bL *2.00 Mountin Rinbow128¼£ Little Quintons128¨µ Tlk to Her128¶ wbump brk,shift 3w turn 8 18Jun21 6 Rui ft 5K :22¶¿ :44½¸ 1:04»¸ 3gkl Clm 5000nw2/L 44-50 5 1 1«¬ 2¡ 2¡ 2¨µ Fuentes, Jr. M T 120 bL 6.10 Bobb Bby Rn123¨µ Qen of Hollywood120«¬ Fsty Hlo118¸¡ off rail,duel ins,game 8 04Sep20 4 Rui ft 5f :22¾º :47^º :59»¸ 2 kl Mcl 7500 24-35 5 2 1¸ 1¶ 1¶¡ 1¹¢ Fuentes, Jr. M T 120 bL 4.90 Qen f Hollywood120¹¢ Brndstyld120¸¢ All Stmd Up120¹£ 2path turn,held sway 5 24Jul20 6 Rui sys 5K :22¶¿ :45¹^ 1:05»¹ 2 kl Trl 4000 27-11 2 5 5½¡ 5¾¡ 5¶¹ 6¸¶¡ Enriquez I D 120 bL 17.50 Fill th Bill120¡ Comic Hot Toddy120¸¡ Cught Steling120¸£ 2path, dropped back 7 Workout(s): 24 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :50.80b 12/25 13 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :49.20b 3/6 16 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :49.20b 6/35 6 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :53.20b 59/62 Owner: Joe Dee Brooks, Scott Bryant and Norman W. Allen 39.9 2021: 3 0 0 1 $1,394 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Teal, Black and Silver Diamond "TF" brand, Black Diamond sleeves 2020: 5 1 0 1 $9,912 Off Track: 1 0 0 1 $860 Clm Prc Trainer: Todd W. Fincher ( 100-26-22-18 ) 66.00% Life: 8 1 0 2 $11,306 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 5 Christian Ramos Rui: 6 1 0 2 $9,916 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Green $7,500 THE PACESETTER Ñ (L) 116» ( 98-8-12-12 ) 32.65% Ch.f.3 Mr. Gold Mover - Bekat Bekat by Lawyer Ron - Bred in New Mexico by Fred Alexander (Feb 09, 2018) 06Aug21 8 Rui ft 7K :24¸½ :48ºº 1:34¹¾ 3gk Clm 7500 (7.5-5)nw2/L 41-37 3 7 3¶ 3¡ 4»¡ 5¶¶¢ Guerra R 121 bL 4.40 Sara's Memories121¡ Olive County123» Kandi Spun121¹ outside,3-4w,weakened 7 04Jul21 6 Rui mys 5K :22¹» :45½½ 1:05¸º 3gkl Clm 5000nw2/L 28-46 4 5 5¹¢ 5¸ 2¶¡ 3¸£ Baca M L 120 bL *1.60 Ritzy Storm123¸¡ Feisty Hlo123¨µ The Pacesetter120£ whard bump brk,3-4w trn 7 12Jun21 7 Rui ft 5K :21¼¼ :44½» 1:03¾^ 3gk Clm 15000 (15-10)nw2/L 18-41 5 3 8¼£ 7¼£ 6»¡ 6½¡ Baca M L 120 bL 10.00 Little Samurai120¸£ Band of Glory120¸¢ Hensleys Run123¶¢ 3w turn, evenly 10 14Dec20 6 Zia ft 1ÇÀ :47¼¿ 1:12»½ 1:43¿¾ 2 l Stk - StvPrathr - 50k 54-28 4 3¸ 7¹ 7½£ 5¶^ 6¸¶£ Hebert T J 122 bL 21.70 Sarge122¸¡ Pub122¶¡ Coming Abstraction122¶£ finished early 7 20Oct20 7 Zia ft 5K :22º¹ :45¾¶ 1:03¿¶ 2 kl Alw 20000nw2/L 45-28 4 3 3¶¡ 2¶¡ 3¹ 6¶¸ Laviolette S 120 bL 4.10 Sassy Gal122¹¡ Destiny Who120¨µ Ragtime Rythm120¸ stalked,3-4w btw turn 7 16Aug20 6 Rui ft 5K :21½» :44»^ 1:03¿½ 2 kl Stk - RGrnSnrtFB - 134k 15-40 2 8 8¿¢ 8¶^ 7¿¡ 7¶¶¢ Juarez, Jr. A J 120 bL 12.10 Comic Hot Toddy120» Atill I Chim120¸£ Bully Bby120£ woff slow&bmp,2p,4w 1/8 8 24Jul20 2 Rui ft 5K :22¶¿ :45¿¸ 1:05¶¾ 2 kl Trl 4000 60-43 5 3 2¡ 3¨µ 3¶¡ 3º¡ Laviolette S 120 bL *2.00 Atill I Chime120¡ Speedy Wildct120º The Pcesetter120¹£ press,3-4w,no match 8 30May20 6 Rui ft 4K :22º¶ :47^» :53»^ 2 kl Msw 10190 42-45 3 2 3¡ -- 1¶ 1£ Laviolette S 120 bL *.80 The Pcesetter120£ Fire Fling120¸¡ Rio Sand Dancer120£ wbrk out,3-4w turn,held 7 Workout(s): a22 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :49b 1/4 25 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :50b 7/15 27 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :50.40b 6/11 4 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :48.20b 11/59 09/04/2021 Race 7 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:58 PM RACE 7 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

36 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO RACE 7 CONTINUED Owner: Noe Amaya and Guadalupe Munoz, Jr. 32.03 2021: 5 0 1 1 $3,582 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 Silks: Red, White & Black "Munoz" White sleeves, Black Stripes 2020: 4 1 1 0 $17,200 Off Track: 2 0 0 1 $860 Clm Prc Trainer: Guadalupe Munoz, Jr. ( 37-1-6-4 ) 29.73% Life: 9 1 2 1 $20,782 Distance: 2 1 1 0 $16,600 6 Maria L. Baca Rui: 6 0 2 1 $5,382 Course: 1 0 1 0 $1,900 Black $7,500 INDIAN SECRET Ñ (L) 121 ( 46-2-10-3 ) 32.61% Dk B/ Br.f.3 Indian Firewater - Secret Shadow by Officer - Bred in New Mexico by Mike H. Carson (Jan 20, 2018) 30Jul21 10 Rui ft 4K :21¿¸ :45¸º :51¼¿ 3gk Clm 5000nw2/L 58-29 7 5 4¸¡ -- 5» 5¿ Baca M L 121 bL 5.10 Lur Belle123¶£ Im Coming Over121£ Blue Xchange121¹¡ wbump foe brk,5-7w turn 8 18Jul21 3 Rui ft 5K :21¿¾ :44¿º 1:05¸^ 3gkl Clm 5000nw2/L 45-45 3 5 4¸ 1«¬ 2¡ 2¶¡ Baca M L 121 bL 8.80 Crmon's Dance121¶¡ Indian Secret121¡ Feisty Halo123¶£ shift in,prompt inside 7 04Jul21 4 Rui mys 5K :22^¾ :45º¿ 1:05¿º 3gkl Clm 5000nw2/L 50-25 3 2 3¶¡ 3¶¡ 3º 3½ Baca M L 120 bL 3.00 Miss Lubbock115º¡ Zonna124¸¡ Indian Secret120¨© switched out,4wd turn 7 Previously trained by Barton Dallas J 2021 (as of 06/13): ( 2 0 0 0 0.00 ) 13Jun21 7 Rui ft 5K :21¾¼ :44¾¹ 1:04½º 3glClm 5000nw2/L 61-37 7 5 1«¬ 1«¬ 3¡ 6¼¢ Baca M L 115 bL 14.60 Champito123¨© Dan Who120¹ Lopin Joe120¨µwbmpd brk,btw,2w,empty 10 Previously trained by Hone Bart G 2020: ( 124 18 16 21 0.15 ) 10Mar21 10 Tup ft 6f :21¼¶ :44¶¼ 1:12^¾3gk Clm 8500 (10-8.5)nw2/L 115--- 2 4 1«¬ 11¶¶ 11¸¸ 11¹¹ Enriquez I D 118 bL 32.70 Our Lizzy Lou125¨µ Red Nova125¨µ Sayward125¹ inside, retreated 11 Previously trained by Barton Dallas J 2020 (as of 10/20): ( 45 7 12 4 0.16 ) 20Oct20 7 Zia ft 5K :22º¹ :45¾¶ 1:03¿¶ 2 kl Alw 20000nw2/L 41-31 6 1 4¸ 3¸ 5º£ 5¶^£ Enriquez I D 120 bL 26.90 Sassy Gal122¹¡ Destiny Who120¨µ Ragtime Rythm120¸wbrk out,outside,4-5wd 7 26Aug20 4 Alb ft 5f :23¼¶ :47¹º :59½^ 2 kl Msw 24500 15-50 6 4 4¨µ 2«¬ 1¹ 1¶£ Fuentes L A 120 bL 16.50 Indian Secret120¶£ I'll Be Dip120¶£ K J's Mark120¨µ opened up, held 9 24Jul20 6 Rui sys 5K :22¶¿ :45¹^ 1:05»¹ 2 kl Trl 4000 14--- 6 7 7¿¡ 7¶¶ 7¶» 7¸½ Fuentes L A 120 bL 7.30 Fill th Bill120¡ Comic Hot Toddy120¸¡ Cught Steling120¸£ wreared start,4wd turn 7 12Jul20 11 Rui ft 5f :21¿½ :45¾¸ :58¾» 2 kl Msw 9500 53-49 6 4 5¶£ 4¶¢ 1«¬ 2£ Laviolette S 120 bL 9.00 Rgtim Rythm121£ Indin Scrt120£ Seventh Hennessy120¨µ 6-5w,bid,outfinished 7 Workout(s): 26 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :48.20b 3/25 4 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :48.60b 14/59 25 May 21 Rui 4F ft :51.80hg 44/53 18 May 21 Rui 3F ft :38.40b 26/36 Owner: Don A. and Choya Young 47.5 2021: 2 1 0 0 $4,551 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 4-1 Silks: Lime Green, black Chevron "DY-" brand, white sleeves, black Chevrons 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $231 Clm Prc Trainer: Don A. Young ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Life: 2 1 0 0 $4,551 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 7 Luis H. Rodriguez Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Orange $7,500 SWINGIN DOORS Ñ 123 ( 79-8-9-18 ) 44.30% Dk B/ Br.m.5 Mesa Sunrise - Farrari Stone by Birdstone - Bred in New Mexico by Don Young & Choya Young (Mar 31, 2016) 16Apr21 8 Fon mys 6f :24¸^ :49¸^ 1:16¸^ 3gk Alw 7700nw2/L 80-33 4 2 2¶ 5º¡ 5¶¶ 5¶º Ramos A B 124 bB 3.90 Cline Time124º¢ Gotta Go Bo123¡ Dixie Chip124»¡ inside, shorten stride 8 02Apr21 5 Fon ft 6f :24º^ :48¼^ 1:16º^ 3gk Msw 7200 80-62 2 3 1¶ 1¹ 1º 1¶£ Herman E 129 bB 36.70 Swingin Doors129¶£ Mgic in Ht124¨µ Lsting Influence124» shook free, held safe 10 Workout(s): 10 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :48.80b 6/22 a26 Mar 21 Fon 4F gd :48bg 1/9 9 Mar 21 Fon 3F ft :38.60b 5/6 10 Dec 20 Zia 5F ft 1:03.10bg 10/12 Owner: Jeaneatte Young 39.05 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 20-1 Silks: Pink, Pink Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $250 Clm Prc Trainer: Don A. Young ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Life: 17 1 0 2 $11,100 Distance: 3 0 0 0 $610 8 Juan Carlos Rivas Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Pink $7,500 CLUBHOUSE PARTY Ñ 123 ( 72-3-5-2 ) 13.89% Ch.m.7 Jeffries Bay - Clubhouse Banter by Hennessy - Bred in New Mexico by Don Young & Choya Young (Apr 09, 2014) 09Dec19 6 Zia ft 6f :22¼¸ :45¹¿ 1:12»º 3gkl Clm 5000nw2/L 59-44 2 7 1«¬ 1«¬ 2«¬ 3¸¡ Chavez C R 123 50.50 Com Hom Chnc123¡ Shspcknpnchs121¸ Clbhos Prty123¶¡ vied insd,yielded late 10 19Nov19 1 Zia ft 5f :22»^ :46¶º :59^¼3gk Clm 6250nw2/L 43-47 6 7 6¹¡ 7º£ 5½ 5¾¡ Chavez C R 124 105.90 Ice Pop122¼¢ Referee124¶¢ Diamante Appeal122£ 3-w, no rally 8 04Nov19 8 Zia ft 5K :22»» :46¹¶ 1:06ºº 3gk Clm 6250 (6.25-5)nw2/L 52-35 9 7 4£ 4¸¢ 7º£ 7¼¢ Chavez C R 123 77.20 What a Surprise123¸ Speed Bump121¶ Pretty Hussar121¡ 5-w, empty 10 12Feb19 5 Sun ft 5K :22¶¸ :45¼¶ 1:04¼¼ 4gkl Clm 5000nw2/L 36-19 2 7 4º 7»£ 9¶¸ 9¶¹£ Sigala A 124 66.40 Allaboutthat Bull122¹£ McAdoo124¸ Cant Hide My Crazy122¨µ inside, gave way 11 20Jan19 2 Sun ft 6f :22»º :45º» 1:11¹¶ 4gkl Clm 7500nw2/L 63-13 1 9 1¡ 2¶ 8¶¶ 9¶¿ Sigala A 124 68.10 Drnk M Hnnssy122¶¡ Wytghm117¸¢ Hollywood Bobb122¡ rush,led 5/8-3/8,tired 9 01Jan19 9 Sun ft 5K :22¸¹ :45¾» 1:05¶¶ 4gkl Clm 5000nw2/L 64-38 9 6 3¡ 2¡ 5º¡ 7½ Bobroff J 123 86.30 Comics Cshwy121¨µ Sh Cn Roll123¶¢ Double Storm123¸¢ w5w btw trn,lug out str 11 03Dec18 5 Zia ft 5K :22»¾ :45¾º 1:03¾½ 3gkl Clm 15000nw2/L 15-29 7 5 5¹¡ 5º 7¾£ 6¶º£ Chavez C R 123 61.50 Gone Shoppin121£ Comics Cashway121¹¡ Flaxy Lady121º¢ retreated 7 30Oct18 3 Zia ft 5K :22¿» :46½» 1:04»¹ 3gkl Clm 5000nw2/L 14-48 8 6 4º 4¸ 4» 5¶^ Villanueva J C 123 10.20 Gamer Am I121½ She Can Roll123¶£ Modjeska Heat123¶ 8-w, empty 8 14Apr18 3 Sun ft 5f :23¶¹ :46¶¾ :57½¹ 3gkl Clm 5000nw2/L ---38 5 8 8¾¢ 8º¡ 7¼ 7¿£ Jaime R 123 14.30 Good Golly Tamale111¸¡ Western Style121¸¡ Country Touch123£ vanned off 8 27Mar18 7 Sun ft 5K :22¶¼ :45¿¾ 1:05¹º 3gkl Clm 7500 (7.5-5)nw2/L 63-50 6 4 2¶ 4¹ 2¶ 4¸¢ Jaime R 123 44.50 Lil Gabby123¨© Lavishleigh Wild123¡ Country Touch122¶£ pressed, tired 11 Workout(s): 24 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :50.20b 8/25 14 Aug 21 Rui 4F gd :50bg 4/10 22 Oct 19 Zia 4F ft :50.34bg 28/32 12 Oct 19 Zia 3F ft :37.53b 2/5 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off Ñ - New Mexico Bred Equipment Change: Speed Seal will race with Blinkers On #1 & #4 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. #7 & #8 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. Selections 1-3-7-4 09/04/2021 Race 7 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:06:58 PM

NEW MOBILE APP! RUIBET.COM Password: AllAmerican SCAN QR CODE WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE CAMERA App is only available when onsite at Ruidoso Downs Race Track

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 37 This ‘’Palm Springs’’ style gated home is in a pristine Agua Fria location with beautiful panoramic RHONDA views and is close to the racetrack. It was featured in the movie, Tiger by the Tail, starring Christopher ROMACK-BURNS George and Tippi Hedren. The home was also on the cover of the magazine, Architectural Digest, in 1968. It has excellent panoramic views and offers privacy in a park style setting. It surrounds 575-937-3000 a courtyard with a heated pool and provides several areas for entertaining and relaxation. Other features include, granite countertops, new flooring, 17 full length windows, 5 sliding glass doors, [email protected] and 4 fireplaces. MLS #: 127044 | $775,000 EXACTA / TRIFECTA / .10 SUPERFECTA / 3RD LEG PICK 3 / 1ST Approx Post 3:02PM LEG .50$ PICK 5

ALLOWANCE WIN PLACE SHOW 8 Purse $25,300 (Includes $2,500 from NMHBA Overnight Fund) FOR REGISTERED NEW MEXICO BRED THREE YEAR OLDS AND UPWARD WHICH HAVE NEVER WON TWO RACES. Three Year Olds, 126 Lbs; Older, 128 Lbs. 350 Yards. MAKE SELECTION BY PROGRAM NUMBER MORNING OWNER TRAINER JOCKEY LINE Track Record: PLANET HOLLAND (5),124 lbs; :17 (7-1-06) JIMMY VASQUEZ, SCOTT BRANSON AND ALBERT A. VALLES RACE REVIEW LIONEL CARRASCO ONSUREZ 10 Red, White "R Alvarez Racing" "RA" White collar, White sleeves, Red cuffs ADRIAN by Keithley's Korner 1 RAMOS Red EMBER MOON Ñ (FH) (L) ***126 Br.f.3 First Moonflash - Episode of Fire by Walk Thru Fire (NM) THOMAS CALDER AND CANDY EZZELL JAMES J. GONZALES, II ROLL BIG RIVER (#6) was a finalist in the Zia Derby so Blue, White "Ezzee Racing" white sleeves, blue cuffs 6 MARIO we know the gelding is above-average in talent. Speed 2 LIONESSE Ñ (FH) (L) ***128 DELGADO figures are superior. White Br.m.4 Winners Version - Lionett by Metallic Lion (NM) BRENDA OLIVAS RODNEY C. RICHARDS Dk. Green, Black "R Cross R" Gold Chevron, Black Stripe and cuffs 15 FLEET FRANCIS (#8) had a little traffic issue last time so JOSE should race improved with a clean trip. Rider Pulido is 3 EFFORTS ON THE BANK Ñ (FH) (L) ***128 ORTIZ Blue Sor.m.5 Substantial Effort - Native Banker by Strait to the Bank (NM) having a good summer. URBANO CERVANTES ESTEBAN RAMIREZ Yellow, Yellow Cap 15 HECTOR LIONESSE (#2) simply can't seem to get a clean trip out of 4 LA BELLA JULIA Ñ (L) ***126 ALDRETE the gate. Watch out when she does--tends to make her Yellow B.f.3 Mr Special Cartel - Julia James by Jesse James Jr (NM) J. PATRICIA GONZALEZ JUAN M. GONZALEZ own issues. Blue, White "JG""Gonzalez Racing Co.Juan M.Gonzalez" White Stripe on sleeves 8 DAMIAN 5 SOUTHPAW BB Ñ (L) ***126 CORRAL Suggested Wager: $5 Win/Place on 6 and $1 Exacta box Green Gr.g.3 One Handsome Man - Down Rite Fast by Fdd Dynasty (NM) 2/6/8 TWIN SPIRES FARM (MELISSA HUSSEY ET AL) JACKIE E. RIDDLE Red, white Lightning Bolt, white sleeves, black Diamonds 6 JUAN K-Bob's Selections 6 ROLL BIG RIVER Ñ (FH) (L) ***126 RIVAS Black Br.g.3 Rock Solid Jess - Fabulous Brook by Brookstone Bay (NM) Roll Big River MANUEL M. ARAGON HARVEY BAEZA Fleet Francis White, Red and Black Diamonds white CEN, Red and Black bars and cuffs 30 ANGEL Lionesse 7 MY LAST BULLET Ñ (L) ***128 MARQUEZ Orange B.g.4 Tres Seis Nueve - Covert Girl by Covert (NM) WENDY LYNNE INGERSOLL DEE KEENER Pink, Pink Cap 4 JUAN 8 FLEET FRANCIS Ñ (FH) (L) ***126 PULIDO Pink Sor.f.3 Zulu Dragon - Fleeting Touch by Tres Seis (NM) LA FELIZ MONTANA RANCH, LLC. (JAVIER JUAN D. TORRES RODRIGUEZ ET AL) 9/2 Navy Blue, Silver "J/R" Silver Panel, Navy Blue Diamonds FELIPE 9 GARCIA-LUNA Turquoise CARTELS MOON Ñ (FH) (L) ***126 Br.f.3 First Moonflash - Corona Kelly by Corona Cartel (NM) TOM CLOSE A. MARK BROWN Purple, Purple Cap 3 OSCAR 10 SASSY DADDY Ñ (L) ***126 ANDRADE, JR. Purple B.g.3 Big Daddy Cartel - Frosty Dreams by Legendary Dreamer (NM) K-BOB'S SELECTIONS L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off; Ñ - Denotes New Mexico Bred. Equipment Change: Cartels Moon will race with Flipping Halter On BY TIM KEITHLEY PROBABLE FAVORITES: 10 - 8 - 9 - 2

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 39 APPROX. POST:3:02PM Exacta / Trifecta / .10 Superfecta / 3rd Leg Pick 3 / 1st Leg .50$ Pick 5 Win Place Show No. 8 Ñ QUARTER HORSE ALLOWANCE Scan for Equibase Racing Information Purse $25,300. (Includes $2,500 from NMHBA Overnight Fund) For Registered New Mexico Bred Three Year Olds and Upward Which Have Never Won Two Races. Three Year Olds, 126 Lbs; Older, 128 Lbs. 350 Yards Track Record: Planet Holland (5) 124 lbs. :17.006(7-1-06) Program# Odds Speed Index Speed Weight Jockey Class Owner: Jimmy Vasquez, Scott Branson and Lionel Carrasco Onsurez 66.05 2021: 4 0 0 0 $760 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 10-1 Silks: Red, White "R Alvarez Racing" "RA" White collar, White sleeves, Red cuffs 2020: 5 1 1 0 $15,230 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $340 1 Trainer: Albert A. Valles ( 112-14-16-16 ) 41.07% Adrian A. Ramos Life: 9 1 1 0 $15,990 Distance: 5 1 0 0 $11,460 Red Rui: 4 0 0 0 $500 Course: 2 0 0 0 $260 EMBER MOON Ñ (L) (FH) 126 ( 124-19-18-17 ) 43.55% Ruidoso New Mexico Bred QH Yearling 2019 $27,000 Br.f.3 First Moonflash - Episode of Fire by Walk Thru Fire - Bred in New Mexico by Donna McPherson/Mike Abraham (Feb 03, 2018) 22Aug21 1 Rui ft 440Y hwÉ :21¿½¶ :21½º¿ 3 k Dtr 8000 82-71 3 6 7¶¡ -- 6¶¡ 5¶£ Ramos A A 126 bkL 35.50 Charcoal Broiler126¨© In My Heart127¨µ Kiss Me Suzy126¶¢ no menace 8 17Jul21 3 Rui ft 400Y hwÅ :20º¿¼ :20¶»¾ 3 l Dtr 6000 75-58 4 6 5¶¢ -- 6¶£ 7¸¡ Ramos A A 126 kL 4.10 Fmous Clyde126¨µ nFbulous Fion126¶ nIndin Wr Pint126¶ wslight bob,bmpd brk 9 Previously trained by Sedillo Tony E 2021 (as of 06/05): ( 43 6 1 0 0.14 ) 05Jun21 5 Rui ft 350Y hwÇ :18¶¸¸ :17¾^¹3 l Dtr 6000 78-71 4 8 7¶¡ -- 6¶£ 5¸¢ Leos J P 126 kL 27.70 Winnr Tks It All126¨µ Mr Money Bggs126«¬ Hollyn Bootie126£ wlight bumps early 8 15Apr21 11 RP my 440Y twÅ :22^»¼ :21»¸¼ 3g Alw 19000nw2/L 83-65 2 10 8¸¢ -- 7¸£ 7¹¢ AguirreErives C 125 kL 15.60 1185 Beer Brat126£ Fdd Princess124£ Seissita126¨µ off bit slow, bumped 10 09Nov20 7 Zia ft 350Y cw :18¼¹½ :17¿¿^ 2 l Stk - NMCLSCJUV - 16k 67-51 7 9 9¸ -- 8¹ 9º¢ Dominguez S G 124 kL 11.00 Run Potion124¨µ El Chevo124¡ Fly On Down124¨© wbumped hard brk 10 19Oct20 4 Zia ft 350Y cw :18^¸» :17½¼¹ 2 l Ftr 10000 85-79 8 9 9¶¡ -- 5¶£ 5¶£ Sigala A 124 kL 4.10 Bigg Dee124¨µ Dragon On Ice124¨© Out N Gone124£ wdrifted in 9 06Oct20 4 Zia ft 350Y cwÁ :17½¼¸ :17½¼¸ 2 l Mdn 18000 92-71 10 5 3¨µ -- 1«¬ 1¡ Sigala A 124 kL *.90 Ember Moon124¡ Moon Girl On Fire124¶ Hotty Tottie124¨© broke in, best 10 Workout(s): 24 May 21 Rui 330Y ft :17.18hg 2/11 10 May 21 Rui 330Y ft :17.36hg 2/9 27 Mar 21 RP 300Y ft :16.20h 1/1 12 Mar 21 RP 440Y ft :23.41hg 2/2 Owner: Thomas Calder and Candy Ezzell 64.08 2021: 3 0 0 1 $3,340 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Blue, White "Ezzee Racing" white sleeves, blue cuffs 2020: 8 1 1 1 $11,437 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: James J. Gonzales, II ( 63-15-12-7 ) 53.97% Life: 12 1 1 2 $14,777 Distance: 4 0 0 2 $4,496 2 Mario A. Delgado Rui: 4 0 0 2 $4,156 Course: 3 0 0 2 $4,156 White LIONESSE Ñ (L) (FH) 128 ( 76-21-9-9 ) 51.32% Br.m.4 Winners Version - Lionett by Metallic Lion - Bred in New Mexico by Ezze Racing (Mar 24, 2017) 13Aug21 9 Rui ft 350Y twÆ :17»½½ :17»¶½ 3g Alw 22800nw2/L 94-80 5 3 1«¬ -- 2«¬ 3¡ Delgado M 128 hfkL 3.50 Jess Call Meh128¨µ All Red No Blue126¨µ Lionesse128¨µ bid, outkicked 9 26Jun21 7 Rui ft 350Y twÁÁ :17½¶¿ :17º½¼ 3glAlw 14400nw2/L 90-71 7 3 3¡ -- 4¶¢ 4¶£ Delgado M 128 hfkL 19.50 Hollyn Bootie126¶ Famous Clyde126¨µ Devils Cut126¡ wbit fractious,brk in 10 08Apr21 11 RP ft 350Y hwÁà :18¹¾¾ :17º¼½ 3g Alw 19000nw2/L 66-51 3 7 6¶¡ -- 7¹¡ 8»£ Delgado M 126 hfkL 54.20 1072 Din to B Hero124¸¢ Mgill Pek125¶ My Midnight Cndy124«¬ stumbled start,no bid 11 21Nov2011 LS ft 330Y nw :17»º¾ :16¾¿¶ 3gk Alw 21000nw1/x 75-36 4 6 7¶ -- 10¸ 11¹£ Ramirez R 126 bfkL 3.60 Mrmlde Cndy128¡ Fortlezza126«¬ Silk for My Hero V126¡ wfractious gate, bumps 11 20Oct20 3 Zia ft 400Y cwÄ :20º¼¶ :19½^¿3 l Dtr 10000 76-53 2 9 7¶¡ -- 8¸¢ 10º¡ Delgado M 126 bfL 37.20 Anakena126£ Amandas Flashy126¨µ First Flashin126¨µwawkward brk 10 20Sep20 7 Alb ft 400Y cwÅ :19¾¿^ :19»½¹ 3 l NMBRDRSDBY -252k 84-79 6 3 3¶ -- 6¶¡ 7¸ Delgado M 126 bfL 23.80 Donelli126£ nDon Chuy C128£ nDark Moon126£ no final kick, 10 29Aug20 1 Alb ft 400Y nw :19¿¸¼ :19¿¸¼ 3 l Dtr 7000 83-75 2 4 1«¬ -- 1«¬ 1¨© Delgado M 126 bfkL18.00 nLionesse126¨© nFinnley129¨© Mischka Cartel126£ stiff drive, 8 Workout(s): 21 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.50h 10/23 19 Mar 21 RP 220Y ft :13.30h 76/76 23 Feb 21 RP 250Y ft :13.84hg 16/141 28 Jan 21 Alb 220Y ft :11.90h 2/6 Owner: Brenda Olivas 55.5 2021: 1 0 1 0 $2,740 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 Silks: Dk. Green, Black "R Cross R" Gold Chevron, Black Stripe and cuffs 2020: 6 1 0 3 $9,671 Off Track: 1 0 0 1 $2,360 Trainer: Rodney C. Richards ( 4-0-1-0 ) 25.00% Life: 15 1 1 3 $16,510 Distance: 7 1 1 1 $9,682 3 Jose Enrique Ortiz Rui: 4 0 1 1 $4,392 Course: 3 0 1 1 $4,090 Blue EFFORTS ON THE BANK Ñ (L) (FH) 128 ( 126-13-12-11 ) 28.57% Sor.m.5 Substantial Effort - Native Banker by Strait to the Bank - Bred in New Mexico by Miguel Rubio (Mar 10, 2016) 24Jul21 12 Rui ft 350Y hwÁÁ :18¶¹¸ :18^¼¿ 3glClm 10000nw2/L 78-64 10 1 1«¬ -- 2«¬ 2¡ Sigala A 128 bkL 13.40 Jmes Gng Boss128¡ Efforts On the Bnk128¡ Cartel for Reel128¨µ bid, 2nd best 10 10Nov20 2 Zia ft 350Y cwÁÀ :18¸½¸ :18¸½¸ 35 l Mcl 7500 77-50 9 3 3¨µ -- 2«¬ 1¨µ Sigala A 128 bkL 3.10 Efforts On the Bank128¨µ La Fiera Cartel126¨µ Tf Pacquiao126¶ driving, up late 10 30Aug20 4 Rui ft 350Y cwÇ :18¸¼½ :18¶º¸ 35 l Mdn 9000 73-56 1 4 2¡ -- 2¡ 4¶ Hernandez A 128 bkL *2.00 Red Bandana Dwm128£ Jez Gone Streakin128¨µ Shamelesss126«¬ wlight bump brk 7 15Aug20 1 Rui ft 350Y cwÅ :17¿½¸ :17»½¹ 35 l Mdn 9000 81-54 3 6 3¡ -- 3¶¡ 3¸£ Hernandez A 128 bkL 8.20 Md Twnty Twnty126¨µ M N Bbby McGe126¸¡ Effrts n th Bnk128£ wslight bobble brk 9 07Aug20 5 Rui ft 400Y hwÈ :20º¿¹ :20¸¿¶ 35 l Mdn 10075 75-64 6 3 4¶ -- 6¶¢ 6¶¡* Hernandez A 128 bkL 19.00 Jvys Brwn Sgr126¡ Bg Wn Glss126¨µ Blcks Smgglr126¨µ wslight bob, brush brk,PL5th 10 13Mar20 1 Sun my 330Y hwÁÀ :17º¶¿ :17¸¶¸ 4 l Mdn 23600 85-47 3 3 3¶ -- 3¶¡ 3¶¢ Hernandez A 128 bkL 13.10 Gttin Money128£ Deklbs Signture128¡ Efforts On the Bnk128¡ close throughout 7 21Feb20 1 Sun ft 330Y cwÇ :17^¿¼ :16¾½¼ 4 Mcl 10000 95-52 9 5 5¶¢ -- 3¶ 3¶¡ Hernandez A 128 bkL 30.90 Lil Denim128¶¡ Aquilasroyalfastdash128«¬ Efforts On the Bank128«¬ willingly 10 Workout(s): 11 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.78bg 16/16 31 May 21 Rui 220Y gd :11.67h 6/27 a11 Oct 20 Zia 220Y ft :12.63b 1/3 a20 Jul 20 Rui 220Y ft :11.59h 1/8 Owner: Urbano Cervantes 47.97 2021: 4 1 0 0 $12,575 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 Silks: Yellow, Yellow Cap 2020: 5 0 1 1 $3,250 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Esteban Ramirez ( 6-2-0-0 ) 33.33% Life: 9 1 1 1 $15,825 Distance: 3 1 1 1 $14,700 4 Hector Aldrete Rui: 5 1 0 0 $12,400 Course: 1 1 0 0 $12,000 Yellow LA BELLA JULIA Ñ (L) 126 ( 118-14-11-6 ) 26.27% B.f.3 Mr Special Cartel - Julia James by Jesse James Jr - Bred in New Mexico by Urbano Cervantes (Feb 14, 2018) 27Aug21 1 Rui ft 350Y hwÁ :17¿¿º :17¿¿º 35 l Mdn 20000 82-67 8 1 1¡ -- 1¡ 1£ Ramos C 126 bL 23.20 L Bll Juli126£ Chmukos Ten Jr128¨µ Jesses Frst Pot Gold129£ driving, held well 10 15Aug21 2 Rui ft 400Y twÉ :20¶»¾ :19¾¿¸ 3 l Mdn 20000 83-65 2 1 3¨µ -- 5£ 6¶£ Aldrete H 126 bL 28.80 Southpaw Bb126¡ Daddys Fanatic131¡ Jp Grano de Oro126¨µ no late kick 8 18Jul21 6 Rui ft 400Y nw :21¹º» :20¹½^ 35k Mcl 12500 54-16 5 6 6¶£ -- 8º 8½ Aguilar E 131 bfL 2.70 Cosmic Kiss126¨µ Fs Powerflashdynasty130¡ Cuervette126¶£ no factor 8 01May21 6 Srp ft 330Y twÆ :16¾^¾ :16»¼» 3 l Mdn 17500 101-69 4 6 2«¬ -- 6¶£ 6¶¡ Ruiz J D 128 bfL 8.50 Bit by the Badger129¨µ Money Flashin129£ Blue Riband129¨µ outrun, 10 02Nov20 3 Zia ft 350Y cwà :18¹½¸ :18¶¼½ 2 l Mcl 15000 75-49 8 3 4£ -- 3¶ 3¶¢ Barraza B C 124 bfL *1.40 Big Storm Cartel128¶ Truest124¨µ La Bella Julia124¡ good try 9 12Oct20 1 Zia ft 350Y nw :18^¸º :17¾¼» 2 l Mcl 15000 85-51 7 1 3¨µ -- 2¡ 2¶ Barraza B C 129 bfL 25.30 El Comandante124¶ La Bella Julia129¨µ Bit by the Badger124¨µ fought gamely, 10 18Sep20 1 Alb ft 400Y hwÅ :20º¸¹ :19¾¾^ 2 Mcl 10000 71-48 10 4 3¡ -- 5¶£ 5¹£* Estrada M 130 bfL 7.50 Chicky Chicky Ki124¸¡ Blu Night128¶ El Nuvo Profet124«¬ best of others,,PL4th 10 Workout(s): 19 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.87hg 37/47 30 May 21 Srp 220Y ft :12.46h 2/3 22 Apr 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.72hg 4/17 14 Apr 21 Frn 220Y ft :12.48bg 24/55 Owner: J. Patricia Gonzalez 69.81 2021: 4 1 0 1 $13,792 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 8-1 Silks: Blue, White "JG""Gonzalez Racing Co.Juan M.Gonzalez" White Stripe on sleeves 2020: 2 0 1 0 $4,400 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Juan M. Gonzalez ( 73-5-5-6 ) 21.92% Life: 6 1 1 1 $18,192 Distance: 3 0 1 1 $5,000 5 Damian Corral Rui: 4 1 0 1 $13,792 Course: 1 0 0 1 $600 Green SOUTHPAW BB Ñ (L) 126 ( 42-2-3-1 ) 14.29% Gr.g.3 One Handsome Man - Down Rite Fast by Fdd Dynasty - Bred in New Mexico by Ralph Vincent/Beverly Bourguet (Mar 08, 2018) 27Aug21 9 Rui ft 400Y hw :20¶¿¶ :19¿»» 3glAlw 25300nw2/L 82-66 7 5 3¡ -- 4¶¢ 4¶£ Corral D 126 L 12.90 Jm Christy126¶¡ Fs Maxximillian126¨© Ripp126¨µ wslight bobble brk 9 15Aug21 2 Rui ft 400Y twÉ :19¾¿¸ :19¾¿¸ 3 l Mdn 20000 90-76 7 2 1«¬ -- 1¡ 1¡ Corral D 126 L *1.20 Southpaw Bb126¡ Daddys Fanatic131¡ Jp Grano de Oro126¨µ driving, best 8 17Jul21 4 Rui ft 400Y cwÆ :20¸¸º :19½¶¸ 3 l Dtr 6000 82-69 7 5 5¶¡ -- 5¸¡ 5¹£ Marquez A 130 L 31.70 Fanncee126¶ Roll Big River126¨© Leading Cartel126¨µ wbroke in, bumped foe 9 06Jun21 2 Rui ft 350Y hwÁ :17½¿º :17»½¹ 35 Trl 6000 87-76 4 7 4£ -- 3¶ 3¶¡ Marquez A 128 L 8.10 Df Fabulous Jackie126¶¢ Jess Ravens Wood126¨µ Southpaw Bb128¡ shifted in 9 22Dec20 1 Zia ft 350Y cwÂÀ :18^¸» :18^¸¸ 2 l Mdn 22000 85-73 10 4 2¡ -- 2«¬ 2¨© Rivas J C 127 kL 4.20 Surfz Up124¨© Southpaw Bb127¶ Jess Milk Money124¨µ finished strong, 10 19Oct20 4 Zia ft 350Y cw :18ºº¶ :17½¼¹ 2 l Ftr 10000 73-58 5 7 7¶ -- 8¸ 9º¢ Guillen Chacon C A 124 bkL 26.50 Bigg Dee124¨µ Dragon On Ice124¨© Out N Gone124£ wbump brk,bmp,chk'd str 9 Workout(s): 27 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :11.58h 4/19 18 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.03h 44/50 27 Apr 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.61hg 6/12 a14 Apr 21 Frn 220Y ft :11.88b 1/55 09/04/2021 Race 8 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:07:03 PM RACE 8 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

40 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO RACE 8 CONTINUED Owner: Twin Spires Farm (Melissa Hussey et al) 70.77 2021: 4 0 1 0 $8,265 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Red, white Lightning Bolt, white sleeves, black Diamonds 2020: 5 1 0 2 $12,520 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 6 Trainer: Jackie E. Riddle ( 40-6-4-1 ) 27.50% Juan Carlos Rivas Life: 9 1 1 2 $20,785 Distance: 7 1 0 2 $12,820 Black Rui: 7 0 1 2 $9,485 Course: 5 0 0 2 $1,520 ROLL BIG RIVER Ñ (L) (FH) 126 ( 72-3-5-2 ) 13.89% Ruidoso New Mexico Bred QH Yearling 2019 $6,200 Br.g.3 Rock Solid Jess - Fabulous Brook by Brookstone Bay - Bred in New Mexico by Randy L &/ Linda H Schalla (Mar 12, 2018) 31Jul21 10 Rui ft 400Y cwà :19¾½^ :19¼^º3 l ZIA DERBY -203k 91-86 1 7 7¶ -- 7¶ 7¸¢ Rivas J C 128 bkL 43.40 Bigg Dee126¨© Fanncee126¨µ Hollyn Bootie126£ no rally 9 17Jul21 4 Rui ft 400Y cwÆ :19¾º¶ :19½¶¸ 3 l Dtr 6000 91-86 2 3 3¶ -- 3¶ 2¶ Rivas J C 126 bkL 39.60 Fanncee126¶ Roll Big River126¨© Leading Cartel126¨µ nod for place 9 26Jun21 7 Rui ft 350Y twÁÁ :18^º¸ :17º½¼ 3glAlw 14400nw2/L 80-55 5 10 8¸ -- 8¹ 8º¢ Aldrete H 126 bkL 11.20 Hollyn Bootie126¶ Famous Clyde126¨µ Devils Cut126¡ wbounced around brk 10 05Jun21 3 Rui ft 350Y hwÁÀ :18¸¸¿ :18¶¹½ 3 l Dtr 6000 75-68 6 3 5¶¢ -- 4£ 4¡ Aldrete H 126 bkL 2.60 Cartels Moon126¨µ Western Sandman126¨µ Vmr Cantador126«¬ lit the board 8 09Nov20 1 Zia ft 350Y cwÂÀ :18¸^¿ :18¸^¿ 2 l Mdn 18000 79-72 2 1 1¡ -- 1¶ 1¶ Aldrete H 124 bkL 5.10 Roll Big River124¶ Super Jesse128¨© Lofty Expectations124¨µ driving, clear 10 19Oct20 6 Zia ft 350Y cw :18¶»¶ :18¶¶¶ 2 l Ftr 10000 81-73 8 4 4£ -- 4¨µ 4¨µ Aldrete H 124 bkL 8.20 El Chvo124¨© Run Potion129¨µ Blzinberryberryfst124¨© wbumped after brk,game 10 28Aug20 1 Rui ft 350Y cw :17¿¸¹ :17½¹¾ 2 l Mdn 8200 83-71 6 5 4¶ -- 3¶¡ 3¶¢ Rivas J C 124 bkL 5.40 Mr Money Baggs124£ Cruse124¡ Roll Big River124£ brk out brush foe 8 Workout(s): 24 Aug 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.07h 3/17 21 May 21 Rui 330Y ft :17.56hg 4/15 8 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :11.78h 2/22 12 Mar 21 Ret 220Y ft :12b 1/1 Owner: Manuel M. Aragon 32.8 2021: 1 0 0 0 $450 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 30-1 Silks: White, Red and Black Diamonds white CEN, Red and Black bars and cuffs 2020: 4 1 0 1 $4,832 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Harvey Baeza ( 36-3-0-3 ) 16.67% Life: 6 1 0 1 $5,282 Distance: 3 1 0 1 $5,182 7 Angel Marquez Rui: 3 1 0 1 $5,182 Course: 3 1 0 1 $5,182 Orange MY LAST BULLET Ñ (L) 128 ( 71-3-5-10 ) 25.35% B.g.4 Tres Seis Nueve - Covert Girl by Covert - Bred in New Mexico by Manuel Aragon (Jan 25, 2017) 23Jul21 5 Rui ft 350Y hwÇ :18¹¹^ :18^º¹ 3g Clm 7500 (7.5-5)nw2/L 72-45 8 3 5¡ -- 5£ 5¶£* Ramirez E 128 bL 14.00 Gala Party Girl128¨µ Relentless Dreams128¡ Cartel Kip128¶ no mishap,PL4th 8 11Oct20 9 LS ft 400Y hwÁ :21»»¶ :20¹¶¶ 3g Clm 10000nw2/L 50-17 1 8 10¹ -- 9º¢ 10½¢ Villatoro N 126 bL 25.80 Jess a Lota126¶ Im Giorgina131¨µ Onefamousstreakinash128¨µwducked in start 11 04Sep20 7 LS ft 440Y hwÅ :23¶^¼ :22º½º 3g Clm 7500nw2/L 61-33 9 8 8¸¡ -- 9¹¡ 9¹£ Tapia E 126 bL 13.90 Doc Pepper128¶¢ nCaptain Key126¡ nP Y Ceeya126¡ ducked out start 9 16Aug20 5 Rui ft 350Y cwÄ :18¶¸¿ :18¶¸¿ 35 l Mcl 10000 77-61 6 6 3¨µ -- 1«¬ 1«¬ Tapia E 126 bL 7.40 My Lst Bllt126«¬ Mountn Rnbow128¨µ Cyns Im Fstr Thn U126£ wbump brk, driving 10 08Aug20 6 Rui ft 350Y hwÅ :18¸º½ :17¿¹» 35 l Mcl 6500 74-48 7 5 5£ -- 3¶¡ 3¸¢ Tapia E 126 bL 19.60 Yerbanis126¶¢ Exes and Os128¶ My Last Bullet126£ captured show 10 Previously trained by Casillas Alfredo M 2019 (as of 11/02): ( 39 2 6 0 0.05 ) 02Nov19 7 Zia ft 330Y hwÆ :18¾º¹ :17^¸¾ 2 l Mdn 36000 40--- 1 8 8£ -- 10º£ 10¶^£Herrera R 124 b 25.90 First Flashin124¶£ Jess a Dasher124¡ Cyns Im Fastr Than U124«¬ tired, 10 Workout(s): 25 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.44hg 26/30 12 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.44hg 5/13 28 Jul 20 Rui 220Y ft :12.81hg 25/37 6 Jul 20 Rui 220Y ft :12.85hg 31/34 Owner: Wendy Lynne Ingersoll 60.97 2021: 6 1 0 1 $12,914 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 4-1 Silks: Pink, Pink Cap 2020: 2 0 1 0 $3,600 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Dee Keener ( 12-1-1-2 ) 33.33% Life: 8 1 1 1 $16,514 Distance: 7 0 1 1 $7,124 8 Juan Pulido Rui: 2 0 0 1 $3,004 Course: 2 0 0 1 $3,004 Pink FLEET FRANCIS Ñ (L) (FH) 126 ( 68-17-5-10 ) 47.06% Sor.f.3 Zulu Dragon - Fleeting Touch by Tres Seis - Bred in New Mexico by 21 Partnership (Mar 21, 2018) 07Aug2110 Rui ft 350Y cwÈ :17¾¶» :17½½¸ 3 l Alw 25300nw2/L 87-78 1 6 4£ -- 3¡ 4¡* Pulido J 126 bkL 14.60 Cruse126¨© Touch of a Dragon126¨µ Run Potion126«¬ good try,PL3rd 9 23Jul21 10 Rui ft 350Y hwÁÁ :18¸»» :17¼¸¼ 3g Alw 15800nw2/L 74-52 8 4 5¶£ -- 5¹ 5º¡ Pulido J 126 bkL 9.00 Hes Back128¶¡ Md Twenty Twenty128¶£ Swearengen128¡ wbothered foes brk 9 20May2110 RP ft 350Y cwÇ :18^¿¾ :17½¸º 3g Alw 24320nw2/L 74-59 6 9 9¶¡ -- 8¸¡ 6¸¢ Flores J A 124 bfkL14.10 1136 Kiss Me Suzy124¡ Gone Ja124¶¡ Summon125¨©wbumpd hard at brk 12 25Apr21 12 RP ft 330Y hwÁÈ :17º¸¼ :17º¸¼ 35 Mdn 16100 70-62 8 5 2«¬ -- 2«¬ 1«¬ Flores J A 126 bfkL 5.90 1133 Fleet Francis126«¬ Saltys Good Candy124¨µ Kissmet129£ rider change helped 10 26Mar21 12 RP ft 350Y hwÁà :18¹º¹ :17¿¸¹ 3 Mdn 17100 67-59 8 5 4¶ -- 4¸ 7¸¡ Nieto P H 124 bfkL 5.00 1151 Df Fabulous Jackie124¨© Fallout124¸ Hard Work124«¬ wbobbled,hopped start 10 07Mar21 6 RP ft 350Y hwÁÁ :18º¹¶ :17¿¿¶ 3 Dtr 10000 64-57 5 10 9¶¡ -- 8¸£ 8¸¢ Nieto P H 124 bfkL54.50 1158 Luminositi126¨µ Shaking the Moon124«¬ Vf American Cartel125¨© wbroke in the air 10 Previously trained by Weeder Tim 2020 (as of 12/02): ( 19 2 3 2 0.11 ) 02Dec20 3 Zia ft 350Y cwÁÅ :17¿»¹ :17»¿½ 2 l Mdn 18000 87-65 4 4 5£ -- 2¶ 2¸ Nieto P H 124 bL 28.70 Cdens Money Mker124¸ Fleet Frncis124«¬ New Jesse Yes124¡ followed winner, 10 Workout(s): 25 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.50hg 16/30 27 Feb 21 RP 220Y ft :12.81hg 110/134 7 Feb 21 RP 250Y ft :14.24hg 68/115 5 Nov 20 Zia 220Y ft :12.28bg 3/6 Owner: La Feliz Montana Ranch, LLC. (Javier Rodriguez et al) 64.75 2021: 2 1 0 0 $3,720 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 9-2 Silks: Navy Blue, Silver "J/R" Silver Panel, Navy Blue Diamonds 2020: 5 0 0 1 $1,700 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 9 Trainer: Juan D. Torres ( 33-4-2-2 ) 24.24% Felipe Garcia-Luna Life: 7 1 0 1 $5,420 Distance: 5 1 0 1 $5,100 Turquoise Rui: 5 1 0 1 $4,320 Course: 3 1 0 1 $4,000 CARTELS MOON Ñ (L) (FH) 126 ( 32-0-1-1 ) 6.25% Ruidoso New Mexico Bred QH Yearling 2019 $15,000 Br.f.3 First Moonflash - Corona Kelly by Corona Cartel - Bred in New Mexico by Mike Abraham (Jan 25, 2018) Previously trained by Rodriguez Manuel R 2021 (as of 07/17): ( 109 10 11 21 0.09 ) 17Jul21 6 Rui ft 400Y hwÆ :20¹¼» :19½º¸ 3 l Dtr 6000 78-65 7 4 8¸ -- 7¹ 7º¡* Martinez L 126 bkL 35.50 Eagles and Dragons126£ Hollyn Bootie126¶ Surfz Up126¶¢ no threat,PL6th 9 05Jun21 3 Rui ft 350Y hwÁÀ :18¶¹½ :18¶¹½ 3 l Dtr 6000 78-72 1 1 1¡ -- 1¡ 1¨µ Martinez L 126 bkL 9.00 Cartels Moon126¨µ Western Sandman126¨µ Vmr Cantador126«¬ led, held 8 02Dec20 3 Zia ft 350Y cwÁÅ :18^¹¹ :17»¿½ 2 l Mdn 18000 84-61 2 5 2¡ -- 3¶ 4¸¡ Martinez L 124 bL *1.80 Cdens Money Maker124¸ Fleet Francis124«¬ New Jesse Yes124¡ gave way late, 10 19Oct20 5 Zia ft 350Y cw :18¶¾¸ :17¾¹^ 2 l Ftr 10000 80-71 3 6 5¶¢ -- 5¶¢ 6¸ Martinez F 124 bL 20.10 Affinity Egle128¡ Cannelloni124¨µ Jeg Trainyourdragon124¡ wbump brk, no rally 9 Previously trained by Meraz Jose E 2020 (as of 08/09): ( 88 10 12 6 0.11 ) 09Aug2010 Rui ft 350Y twà :18¹¼¿ :17½¹¶ 2 l Mdn 9125 70-43 3 5 5¶¢ -- 5¸£ 5º¡* Martinez F 126 bL *2.10 Rcj Mjor Crtl124¸¢ A Simple Sendoff124¶ Noche Blnc124¡ wbrk outwardly,DQ8th 9 10Jul20 8 Rui ft 400Y nw :20»¶¶ :19¿¾½ 2 l Ftr 4000 74-61 8 3 3¶ -- 4¶£ 4¹£ Martinez F 124 bL 7.30 Wodys Gld127¸¢ Flsh M t th Mon126¶¢ Ol Town Rod127¨µ wbobbled,brush foe brk 9 29May20 4 Rui ft 350Y twÇ :18¸^» :18^¿¿ 2 l Ftr 4000 75-72 6 2 2¶ -- 3¶ 3£ Herrera R 124 bL 4.50 Winner Tkes It All124¨© Flash Me to the Moon126£ Cartels Moon124«¬ good try 8 Workout(s): 5 Jul 21 Rui 220Y gd :12.21h 3/21 18 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.45hg 18/50 14 Apr 21 Frn 220Y ft :12.42b 18/55 30 Sep 20 Frn 220Y ft :12.56b 5/12 Owner: Tom Close 74.48 2021: 4 1 1 1 $9,125 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 3-1 Silks: Purple, Purple Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 1 1 0 0 $6,600 Trainer: A. Mark Brown ( 7-1-0-1 ) 28.57% Life: 4 1 1 1 $9,125 Distance: 3 1 0 1 $8,465 10 Oscar Andrade, Jr. Rui: 3 1 0 1 $8,465 Course: 3 1 0 1 $8,465 Purple SASSY DADDY Ñ (L) 126 ( 88-5-13-12 ) 34.09% B.g.3 Big Daddy Cartel - Frosty Dreams by Legendary Dreamer - Bred in New Mexico by Mark And/Or Peggy Brown (Feb 13, 2018) 07Aug2110 Rui ft 350Y cwÈ :17¿^¿ :17½½¸ 3 l Alw 25300nw2/L 84-73 8 4 7¸¢ -- 7¶£ 5¶¢* Andrade, Jr. O 126 bfL 3.10 Cruse126¨© Touch of a Dragon126¨µ Run Potion126«¬ improved,PL4th 9 02Jul21 4 Rui my 350Y twÁÀ :17¼¿¸ :17¼¿¸ 3 l Mdn 11000 90-81 1 7 2¡ -- 1«¬ 1¶ Dominguez S G 126 bfL *1.00 Sassy Daddy126¶ Sissy One128¶ Big Vines126¨µ drove clear 10 06Jun21 5 Rui ft 350Y hwÇ :17½»¶ :17¼¾¶ 35 Trl 6000 89-75 1 3 1«¬ -- 3¨µ 3¡ Andrade, Jr. O 126 bfL 12.30 Jess Pckn Het126¨µ Peves Im Eagle Too126¨µ Sassy Daddy126¶£ bid, outkicked 9 Previously trained by Hadley Jordan 2021 (as of 05/01): ( 10 2 1 1 0.20 ) 01May21 6 Wbr ft 300Y nw :15¾¶¹ :15¾^½3g Mdn 2200 90-66 1 1 -- -- 1«¬ 2¨© Lusk T 124 bfBL Apolliticl Azurfme124¨© Sssy Daddy124¨µ Mojito Wagon124£ caught just missed 7 Workout(s): 23 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.03h 3/9 5 Apr 21 Wbr 300Y ft :15.60bg 1/2 24 Mar 21 Wbr 220Y ft :13.60bg 7/7 18 May 20 Rui 220Y ft :12.49hg 9/25 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off Ñ - New Mexico Bred Equipment Change: Cartels Moon will race with Flipping Halter On (FH) - Flipping Halter: Ember Moon, Lionesse, Efforts On the Bank, Roll Big River,Fleet Francis, Cartels Moon Selections 10-8-9-2 09/04/2021 Race 8 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:07:03 PM


NOW! 30 1 2 EXACTA / TRIFECTA / .10 SUPERFECTA / 1ST LEG .50 PICK 4 / Approx Post 3:28PM 2ND LEG PICK 5

ALLOWANCE WIN PLACE SHOW 9 Purse $29,700 Johnnie & Jimmy Jamison Memorial Race RACE DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF JOHNNIE AND JIMMY JAMISON Track Record: ROCKY GULCH (2),120 lbs; 1:02 (7-13-03) (Includes $2,500 from NMHBA Overnight Fund) FOR REGISTERED NEW MEXICO BRED THREE YEAR OLDS AND UPWARD WHICH HAVE RACE REVIEW NOT WON A RACE IN 2021. Three Year Olds, 121 Lbs; Older, 123 Lbs. Five And One Half by Keithley's Korner Furlongs. MAKE SELECTION BY PROGRAM NUMBER MORNING OWNER TRAINER JOCKEY LINE HUSTLE UP (#4) returns to the track after nearly a BOB MATNEY LUIS C. ROJERO Red, Black Diamonds on Sleeves, Dice on Front, Brand with "Matney Racing on 12 two-year layoff. Obviously there were physical issues Back ANGEL involved with the layoff but recent works have been 1 AUSSIE YOU LATER Ñ (L) ***123 MARQUEZ Red Gr/ro.g.6 Stellar Rain - Quiet Queenie by Prince of Fame (NM) outstanding. Trusting the connections--the horse will sail C. DONNELL ECHOLS JOEL H. MARR Turquoise, white "E" bar brand, white bars on sleeves 10 or fail. MIGUEL 2 HESA PROSPECTOR Ñ (L) ***123 FUENTES, JR. COURAGE N ORDER (#3) just raced in a $100k stakes White B.g.5 Abstraction - Al's Time by Thatsusintheolbean (NM) BOB MATNEY LUIS C. ROJERO event in ABQ. Here's a class dip today and the gelding is Red, Black Diamonds on Sleeves, Dice on Front, Brand with "Matney Racing on 6 Back LUIS fit and ready. 3 COURAGE N ORDER Ñ (L) ***123 RODRIGUEZ Blue Dk B/ Br.g.5 Western Gambler - Colors of Pompeii by Tricky Creek (NM) HESA PROSPECTOR (#2) is the rabbit out of the DALE F.TAYLOR RACING LLC, B.J. MCQUEEN & TODD W. FINCHER SUZANNE KIRBY 2 bunch--come catch him. Note a win in two starts at this Black, Yellow, Red & Blue Chevrons, Yellow, Red & Blue Epaulets TRACY 4 HEBERT distance. Yellow HUSTLE UP Ñ (L) ***123 Dk B/ Br.g.5 Abstraction - Speedin Excess by In Excess (IRE) (NM) Suggested Wager: $3 Win/Place on 4 and $1 Exacta box TED RUSHING, LEE OWENS, B4 FARMS LLC, TODD W. FINCHER 8/5 BEAUX DAVIS AND DALE ALAN DOBY 2/3/4 Teal, Black and Silver Diamond "TLF" brand, Black Diamond sleeves CHRISTIAN 5 RAMOS Green FRANCHISE TAGGED Ñ (L) ***118 K-Bob's Selections B.g.4 Attila's Storm - Streakin Excess by In Excess (IRE) (NM) J. KIRK AND JUDY ROBISON JOEL H. MARR Hustle Up Black, Black Cap 10 CASEY Courage N Order 6 DIABOLICAL RULER Ñ (L) ***123 CHAVEZ Hesa Prospector Black Ch.g.5 Diabolical - West Ruler by Tribal Rule (NM) ROBERT & DEL RAE DRIGGERS & BEN LEE SIMON J. BUECHLER IVEY 5 Blue and White Quaters, Blue "Bar Y" brand, White Bars JIMMY 7 COATES Orange NO PASA NADA Ñ (L) ***123 B.g.5 Attila's Storm - Charlotte's Drone by B. G.'s Drone (NM) L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off; Ñ - Denotes New Mexico Bred. #1 & #3 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. #2 & #6 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. #4 & #5 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. PROBABLE FAVORITES: 5 - 4 - 7 - 3


RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 43 APPROX. POST:3:28PM Exacta / Trifecta / .10 Superfecta / 1st Leg .50 Pick 4 / 2nd Leg Pick 5 Win Place Show No. 9 Ñ ALLOWANCE Johnnie & Jimmy Jamison Memorial Race RACE DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF JOHNNIE AND JIMMY JAMISON Scan for Equibase Racing Information Purse $29,700. (Includes $2,500 from NMHBA Overnight Fund) For Registered New Mexico Bred Three Year Olds and Upward Which Have Not Won A Race In 2021. Three Year Olds, 121 Lbs; Older, 123 Lbs. Five And One Half Furlongs Track Record: Rocky Gulch (2) 120 lbs. 1:02 (7-13-03) Program# Odds Pace Speed Weight Jockey Class Owner: Bob Matney 54.15 2021: 3 0 0 1 $1,430 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 12-1 Silks: Red, Black Diamonds on Sleeves, Dice on Front, Brand with "Matney Racing on Back 2020: 6 1 0 1 $7,140 Off Track: 5 0 1 3 $5,770 Trainer: Luis C. Rojero ( 44-8-8-9 ) 56.82% Life: 36 4 4 8 $51,028 Distance: 14 3 3 1 $25,761 1 Angel Marquez Rui: 7 1 0 2 $8,398 Course: 2 1 0 0 $5,797 Red AUSSIE YOU LATER Ñ (L) 123 ( 71-3-5-10 ) 25.35% Gr/ro.g.6 Stellar Rain - Quiet Queenie by Prince of Fame - Bred in New Mexico by William Tandy Walker & Debra Ann Walker (Feb 22, 2015) 14Aug21 8 Rui sys 6f :22¹» :45¼º 1:12º¼ 3g Clm 7500 (7.5-5)nw1/9m 86-55 5 1 3¨µ 3¡ 5¹¡ 6»£ Marquez A 128 bL 4.40 Bortstein123¶¡ Almost a Storm123¡ Blue Boy Who123¸¢ vied,3w btw,empty 7 25Jul21 7 Rui sys 6f :21¾¼ :45¶¼ 1:12¼¹ 3glClm 5000cnd 105-68 3 4 3¶ 3¶¡ 3¶ 3¶¡ Sigala A 125 bL 9.30 Silnt Zenon123£ Full of Drive123£ Aussie You Lter125¶¡ 2path turn,no headway 6 18Jun21 2 Rui ft 870Y nw :46»¾º :44º»¸ 3g Clm 10000 (10-7.5) ---38 3 6 7¶¶ -- 7¶¹ 7¶»¡ Rodriguez L H 128 bL 13.60 My Bucket Is Full128¸£ Regards Miracle128¹¢ Caminetto128£ wbumps break 8 09Dec20 8 Zia ft 5K :21¾¶ :45¶º 1:03¼¸ 3g l Clm 5000 80-41 10 2 4£ 3¡ 8»£ 9¶º Guerra R 123 bL 32.60 Hermano123«¬ Leading Prospect123£ Another Brother123¡ 7-w, empty 10 13Oct20 8 Zia ft 6f :22¸^ :44¾¸ 1:09¿¿ 3glClm 7500nw2/6m 67-47 12 1 5¡ 1«¬ 6¹¢ 10¶^¡Gomez E P 123 bL 20.00 Southern Fire123¶£ Hermano123¨µ Tatanka Tracks123¡ 8-w, tired 12 07Aug20 9 Rui ft 5f :21½¾ :45º¶ :57¿¿ 3glClm 7500 56-59 3 5 3¹ 5º 6¹¡ 5º Amparan F 122 bfL 7.50 A Zenon Nite121£ Kris Who123¡ Silent Zenon122£ chased,3-2path turn 7 17Jul20 9 Rui ft 5K :21¿½ :44º^ 1:03¾^ 3g Clm 7500 (7.5-5)cnd 59-66 8 3 3¡ 2«¬ 2¡ 1¨µ Gomez E P 119 bL 3.90 Auss You Ltr119¨µ Ldng Prospct120¨µ Amor N Psion120¸¡ 4w turn,led 1/16,held 9 20Jun20 6 Rui ft 6f :22º¶ :44¼¶ 1:10º¹ 3glClm 7500cnd 77-78 8 8 1«¬ 2¶ 3¸ 3¶¢ Rodriguez L H 119 bL 16.70 Mister Kowen119¡ Quien Es114£ Aussie You Later119¸ press btw,4wide turn 12 08Feb20 8 Sun ft 5f :22¸¼ :45¼¶ :57¾¶ 4glClm 6250cnd 68-48 3 2 6¶¡ 5¸¡ 6¿ 6¿¡ Amparan F 124 b 11.50 R H Express124¸ Get Er Done124¶£ Mr. Silver Express124¶ 8-w, never fired 6 29Dec19 8 Sun ft 6f :22¼º :45¿¹ 1:10¿½ 3glClm 5000cnd 61-47 5 4 2¡ 2«¬ 8º¡ 9¾¢ Rodriguez L H 124 bL 4.00 Back Seat Thrills124¸¢ You and Who124¨© Beau Wizer Image121¶£ 4-w, tired 10 Workout(s): 19 Jul 21 Rui 5F ft 1:02.60b 3/4 25 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :47.40b 3/20 a30 May 21 Rui 4F ft :47.60b 1/11 a17 May 21 Rui 3F ft :35.80b 1/14 Owner: C. Donnell Echols 70.8 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 10-1 Silks: Turquoise, white "E" bar brand, white bars on sleeves 2020: 4 1 1 2 $12,513 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Joel H. Marr (J. Clay Sparks) ( 47-4-7-4 ) 31.91% Life: 10 3 1 2 $60,038 Distance: 2 1 0 0 $21,125 2 Miguel T.Fuentes, Jr. Rui: 3 1 0 2 $9,835 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 White HESA PROSPECTOR Ñ (L) 123 ( 24-0-6-3 ) 37.50% B.g.5 Abstraction - Al's Time by Thatsusintheolbean - Bred in New Mexico by Donnell Echols (Mar 08, 2016) 04Sep20 8 Rui ft 6f :22º¶ :45½^ 1:09¿¿ 3g l Alw 11787nw3/L 73-82 5 1 1¡ 1¶ 1¶¡ 1¨µ Fuentes L A 122 hL 1.90 Hs Prospector122¨µ Stormin Fst120¸ Frnchise Tgged120¼£ 2w turn,clear,lasted 6 09Aug20 8 Rui ft 6f :22^¿ :44¾» 1:10»» 3g Alw 10925nw3/L 82-65 6 3 1¡ 1«¬ 1«¬ 3¹ Amparan F 122 hL *1.30 Brng All Offrs122£ Blw My Mnd122¸¢ Hs Prospctor122¶¢ btw,3-2w turn,yielded 7 20Jun20 8 Rui ft 7K :23¼¹ :47^½ 1:31¿¸ 3g Alw 11000nw1/x 86-84 3 3 1¶ 1¡ 1¡ 3¹ Fuentes L A 122 hL 5.00 Clvchrd122¶¢ M G Ms Vctry Rn122¶£ Hs Prspctor122£ pace,2-3path,weakened 8 02Feb20 9 Sun ft 6f :22¹½ :45^¶ 1:10¶» 3g Clm 12500cnd 62-62 3 2 1¡ 1«¬ 1¡ 2¸ Fuentes L A 124 L *1.30 Quincy Exprss124¸ Hes Prospector124¨µ Rte the Git124£ pressured, grudgingly 8 16Dec19 8 Zia ft 6f :22¹¹ :44½¸ 1:10¶^ 3glAlw 41000nw2/x 62-53 6 4 3¸ 3¸¡ 5¾ 8¶»¢ Fuentes L A 118 bL 4.50 Jet N G120¶£ Diabolical Ruler118»¡ Western Warning120¨µ chased 4w, faded 8 02Feb19 7 Sun ft 1m :46º¾ 1:11»» 1:39¸¶ 3 l Stk - RdHdmnMile - 85k 100-53 5 1¶ 2¡ 2¶¡ 3º 5¶^¢ Fuentes, Jr. M T 122 bL 10.90 Hustle Up122»¡ Sunscreen122¡ Quite Peace122¡ pace, weakened 10 06Jan19 9 Sun ft 6f :22¶¹ :44¿º 1:09»¾ 3 l Stk - 4RvrsJnDrB - 85k 88-61 1 2 1«¬ 1«¬ 3¸ 5¶¸ Fuentes, Jr. M T 122 bL 6.20 Roll On Diabolical122¼ Stoney Who122¨µ Sunscreen122¸£ pace, faded 7 18Dec18 4 Zia ft 1m :47^¹ 1:12¶º 1:39»¾ 2 l Alw 35500nw2/L 96-75 2 1¶¡ 1º¡ 1¶ 1¶¡ 1¶¡ Fuentes, Jr. M T 120 bL *.70 Hesa Prospector120¶¡ Waylay120½ Trust N Prayer120¾¢ widened 1/2, held foe 6 06Nov1810 Zia ft 5K :22^¹ :45¹^ 1:04½¹ 2 l Msw 32500 70-62 11 6 1¡ 1¶ 1» 1»¡ Fuentes, Jr. M T 120 bL *1.10 Hes Prospector120»¡ Dom Right120¸¢ Oakes Crossing120¹ cleared, kept to task 12 09Oct18 4 Zia ft 5K :22¶» :45¸^ 1:03¿º 2 l Msw 32500 68-49 1 7 2«¬ 1«¬ 2¹ 4¶¶¡ Fuentes, Jr. M T 120 bL 8.80 Amor N Pasion120¸ Comic Hot Rod120¾ Bashful Bob120¶¡ duel inside, gave way 9 Workout(s): 14 Aug 21 Rui 5F gd 1:00.80b 1/2 a30 Jul 21 Rui 5F ft 1:00.20b 1/11 23 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :50b 30/45 9 Jul 21 Rui 5F ft 1:01.80b 7/10 Owner: Bob Matney 74.06 2021: 5 0 1 1 $14,458 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Red, Black Diamonds on Sleeves, Dice on Front, Brand with "Matney Racing on Back 2020: 5 1 2 1 $18,323 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $1,550 Trainer: Luis C. Rojero ( 44-8-8-9 ) 56.82% Life: 14 2 5 2 $53,871 Distance: 4 0 1 0 $13,399 3 Luis H. Rodriguez Rui: 6 0 1 2 $15,396 Course: 2 0 1 0 $11,550 Blue COURAGE N ORDER Ñ (L) 123 ( 79-8-9-18 ) 44.30% Dk B/ Br.g.5 Western Gambler - Colors of Pompeii by Tricky Creek - Bred in New Mexico by Terry Bill Adams (May 02, 2016) 21Aug21 3 Alb ft 5K :21½º :43¿» 1:02¾½ 3glStk - CsyDarnell - 100k 71-85 1 4 7º 7»£ 6¹£ 6º¡ Rodriguez L H 121 bL 15.40 Goldn Bnd121¡ Whredoesthecshgo121¨µ Hollywood Henry124¶¡ inside, no rally 7 14Aug21 5 Rui sys 5K :22¶^ :45^¼ 1:04¶^ 3glAlw 31000nw2/9m 40-71 4 7 6»¢ 6¼ 4º£ 4»¡ Rodriguez L H 123 bL 3.20 Del Mar Summer123¨µ Stormin Fast128¡ Cerveza123º£ 6w turn, mildly 7 31Jul21 9 Rui ft 5K :21¸^ :43º¶ 1:02¹¹ 3glStk - SeraBlnca - 50k 61-75 4 6 8º¢ 8½ 8½ 2»£ Rodriguez L H 123 bL 36.70 Hollywood Hnry123»£ Corg N Ordr123¶£ Goldn Bnd123¨µ settled,2w,up for 2nd 12 20Jun21 7 Rui ft 6f :22¶¿ :44¸¾ 1:09¸¸ 3glAlw 15000nw3/L 62-76 2 5 2¡ 1«¬ 3¶ 3¹ Rodriguez L H 123 bL 6.90 Stormin Fst125¸¡ Frnchis Tgged123¡ Courge N Order123¹ vied 2w btwn, kept on 8 12Jun21 9 Rui ft 6f :21¿½ :44¹¿ 1:08½¶ 3glAlw 13600cnd 62-70 3 5 2¶ 4¸¡ 4¸¡ 5¼¡ Rodriguez L H 120 bL 5.10 Hold Me Only120¨µ Del Mr Summer120¹£ Stormin Fst121¡ wlight bmp brk,chase 2p 7 14Dec2010 Zia ft 6f :21¾¶ :44º¾ 1:09¸¹ 3glClm 10000nw3/L 69-67 4 7 3¸ 2¡ 2¶ 2º¡ Laviolette S 123 bL *1.60 Storm Byou123º¡ Courge N Order123¨µ Seven Silver Coins121¨µ 4-w, 2nd best 9 26Oct20 9 Zia ft 6f :22º½ :45º» 1:09º½ 3g Clm 15000 (15-10)nw3/L 44-74 4 2 5¸¢ 2¶ 2¶¡ 2¶ Laviolette S 123 bL *1.90 Blow My Mind123¶ Courg N Ordr123º Tsting th Wters121¹ wsteadied backstretch, 8 12Oct20 9 Zia ft 6f :21¼¿ :44¹¿ 1:09¿» 3glAlw 20000nw2/L 70-76 4 3 7¹£ 7¼ 3¶¡ 1¶¢ Laviolette S 123 bL 8.30 Courg N Order123¶¢ Bby Shmu121¡ Infinite Optimism121¹¢ closing, edged clear 10 19Sep20 7 Alb ft 5K :21¼º :45^» 1:02½½ 3glAlw 28300nw1/x 62-69 3 5 8º¡ 9¶^ 7¶¹ 5¾¡ Sigala A 124 bL 27.00 Lariat122¼¡ Mr. Silver Express124¶¡ Flying Phantom124¨µ 5-w, never fired 10 05Sep20 7 Rui ft 6f :22»¸ :45¹¾ 1:10¶^ 3glAlw 10980nw2/L 65-65 1 4 2«¬ 1«¬ 2¶ 3»£ Rodriguez L H 122 bL 7.30 Hold Me Only122º£ Chmpito122¶ Courge N Order122¹£ urged,insd-2p,weakened 5 Workout(s): 20 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :48.20b 13/54 10 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :48.40b 13/38 5 Jun 21 Rui 5F ft 1:02.60b 10/14 17 May 21 Rui 5F ft 1:02hg 2/7 Owner: Dale F.Taylor Racing LLC, B.J. McQueen & Suzanne Kirby 70.65 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 2-1 Silks: Black, Yellow, Red & Blue Chevrons, Yellow, Red & Blue Epaulets 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Todd W. Fincher ( 100-26-22-18 ) 66.00% Life: 14 10 0 0 $536,143 Distance: 3 1 0 0 $9,006 4 Tracy J. Hebert Rui: 5 3 0 0 $72,750 Course: 3 1 0 0 $9,006 Yellow HUSTLE UP Ñ (L) 123 ( 64-18-15-8 ) 64.06% Dk B/ Br.g.5 Abstraction - Speedin Excess by In Excess (IRE) - Bred in New Mexico by Brad King & Fincher Todd (Mar 31, 2016) 27Oct19 10 Zia ft 1m -- 1:41^^ 3g l Stk - NMClasicCp - 185k ---87 10 1¸ 1¹ 1¶¡ 1¸ 1£ Chirinos R 120 L *1.30 Hustle Up120£ Blazing Navarone123¶£ Thunder Dome120¸ off rail, clear, held 11 31Aug19 3 Alb ft 1m :46»½ 1:36¼½ 3 l Stk - CsnDwnTDby - 90k 93-84 5 1¶¡ 1¸¡ 1¹¡ 1» 1»¢ Chirinos R 120 L 2.00 Hustle Up120»¢ Quite Peace119»£ Sunscreen120£ drew off, easy winner 10 28Jul19 8 Rui ft 5K :21¿½ :45¹¾ 1:04¸^ 3 l Stk - RoadRnnrH - 50k 78-39 4 5 1¡ 1¡ 6½ 8¶¿¡ Chirinos R 122 2L *1.00 My Bonerges121»£ No Pasa Nada120¶¡ Slewacide Squad117¶£ pace, gave way 8 24Mar19 11 Sun ft 1N :45¼¹ 1:09¼¹ 1:46¿º 3 Stk - SunDrbyG3 - 800k 99-67 3 3¶ 2«¬ 2¡ 5¾¡ 7¶¿£ Laviolette S 122 2L 14.90 Cttng Hmor122¨µ Anothrtwstft122»£ Mucho Gusto122¶¡ 3w early,press,weaken 9 24Feb19 9 Sun ft 1B :47¹º 1:11^¿ 1:42¹¶ 3 Stk - MineBrDbyB - 100k 93-94 5 1¸ 1¶¡ 1¶¡ 1¹ 1¶ Laviolette S 121 2L 2.50 Hustle Up121¶ Wicked Indeed121¹ Walker Stalker121¶£ wrank early,clear,held 9 02Feb19 7 Sun ft 1m :46º¾ 1:11»» 1:39¸¶ 3 l Stk - RdHdmnMile - 85k 101-70 4 2¶ 1¡ 1¶¡ 1º 1»¡ Contreras L 122 L *.50 Hustle Up122»¡ Sunscreen122¡ Quite Peace122¡ drew off, easy winner 10 10Dec18 9 Zia ft 1ÇÀ :46º¹ 1:11¼¿ 1:44»º 2 l Stk - StvPrathrB - 145k 101-66 6 1¶¡ 1¸¡ 1¸¡ 1º¡ 1¹ Laviolette S 122 L 4.80 Hustle Up122¹ Sunscreen118£ Catch Ten118¹£ off rail,kick clr,held 8 04Nov18 4 Zia ft 6f :21¼½ :43½» 1:09¿¿ 2 l Stk - NMCCpJvChB - 140k 80-73 6 5 1¶ 2¡ 2¶ 4¸£ Laviolette S 120 L 4.60 Diabolical Ruler120£ Amor N Pasion120¶¡ Sunscreen120¡ pace,inside,weakened 12 03Sep18 9 Rui ft 5K :21»º :44¸¾ 1:03¿½ 2 l Stk - RGrnSnrFtB - 110k 91-69 3 4 3¨µ 1¶ 2¸ 4»£ Hebert T J 120 bL *.70 Sunscreen120£ Comic Hot Rod120» Dibolical Ruler120«¬ inside/2path, weakened 9 11Aug18 3 Rui ft 5K :22¹^ :45¾¹ 1:05¹^ 2 l Trl 4000 62-64 5 2 1¡ 1¸ 1º 1¿ Hebert T J 120 bL *.05 Hustle Up120¿ Showtime Express120¨µ Off the Wagon120¡ easily, never asked 6 Workout(s): a24 Aug 21 Rui 5F ft 1:00.40b 1/3 13 Aug 21 Rui 5F ft 1:00b 2/5 3 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :48.80b 4/12 23 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :48b 10/45 09/04/2021 Race 9 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:07:08 PM RACE 9 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

44 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO RACE 9 CONTINUED Owner: Ted Rushing, Lee Owens, B4 Farms LLC, Beaux Davis and Dale Alan Doby 71.7 2021: 2 0 1 0 $5,500 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 8-5 Silks: Teal, Black and Silver Diamond "TLF" brand, Black Diamond sleeves 2020: 7 0 4 2 $40,557 Off Track: 2 0 0 0 $2,580 Trainer: Todd W. Fincher ( 100-26-22-18 ) 66.00% Life: 14 2 5 4 $106,537 Distance: 5 1 1 0 $30,880 5 Christian Ramos Rui: 6 0 2 1 $11,987 Course: 3 0 0 0 $5,080 Green FRANCHISE TAGGED Ñ (L) 118» ( 98-8-12-12 ) 32.65% B.g.4 Attila's Storm - Streakin Excess by In Excess (IRE) - Bred in New Mexico by Brad King & Todd Fincher (Apr 07, 2017) 31Jul21 9 Rui ft 5K :21¸^ :43º¶ 1:02¹¹ 3glStk - SeraBlnca - 50k 69-70 8 4 5¹¢ 4º 3»¡ 4½£ Arboleda A 123 bL 14.40 Hllywood Hnry123»£ Corg N Ordr123¶£ Goldn Bnd123¨µ wbmp st,3-4w trn,6w 1/8 12 20Jun21 7 Rui ft 6f :22¶¿ :44¸¾ 1:09¸¸ 3glAlw 15000nw3/L 59-77 6 1 3¶ 2«¬ 2¡ 2¸¡ Hebert T J 123 bL *1.10 Stormin Fst125¸¡ Frnchis Tggd123¡ Courg N Order123¹ attend 3w,bid,no match 8 21Dec20 5 Zia ft 6K :23½^ :46¶¶ 1:15»^ 3g l Alw 26000nw3/L 52-66 7 4 3¶ 4¶£ 2¹ 2»¢ Laviolette S 121 bL *.30 Daux123»¢ Franchise Tagged121¹ Charlie Comanch121¶ no match, 2nd best 7 11Nov20 9 Zia ft 6f :20¿^ :43¶½ 1:07½^ 3 l Stk - NMCpDbyCB - 50k 82-78 9 2 6º¢ 4¸ 2¸¡ 3» Laviolette S 119 bL 4.50 Lariat119º¢ West Dawn119£ Franchise Tagged119º¢ 5wide bid, hung late 11 06Oct20 9 Zia ft 5K :22^½ :44»¹ 1:02¶¾ 3glAlw 21000nw3/L 59-80 4 1 2¡ 2¶ 2¶ 2¸ Laviolette S 121 bL *2.10 Lariat121¸ Franchise Tagged121» Daux123¶¢ no match, 2nd best 11 04Sep20 8 Rui ft 6f :22º¶ :45½^ 1:09¿¿ 3glAlw 11787nw3/L 70-77 1 4 2¡ 2¶ 2¶¡ 3¸¢ Enriquez I D 120 bL *1.50 Hs Prospctor122¨µ Stormin Fst120¸ Frnchise Tgged120¼£ pressed inside,no kick 6 26Jul20 6 Rui gds 5K :22^¾ :45^» 1:04¶¿ 3 l Stk - RoadRnnrH - 50k 62-62 3 7 6¶¡ 6¹ 3¹ 4º¢ Laviolette S 121 bL 4.80 Cervez121¸¡ Effort N Results122¡ Shame On Powers121¶¢ wbump brk,stdy,inside 10 11Jul20 9 Rui ft 6f :22¶¿ :45^» 1:09º¹ 3g Alw 11000nw1/x 73-68 5 5 1«¬ 2«¬ 3¹ 2¼¢ Laviolette S 120 bL *1.60 Leatherneck118¼¢ Franchise Tagged120¡ Dakota122¨© wbmpd brk,2w,regain 2nd 8 05Jan20 9 Sun ft 6f :22¹¾ :45»¼ 1:11¶¼ 3 l Stk - 4RvrsJnDr - 100k 82-73 7 8 2«¬ 1«¬ 1«¬ 2¡ Laviolette S 121 bL 4.30 Ancient Land121¡ Franchise Tagged121£ Stormin Fast123¹ 5-w, just missed 11 18Dec19 7 Zia ft 6f :22¸¹ :44º¼ 1:10^¼2 l Alw 51000 60-73 6 2 3¡ 1«¬ 1«¬ 1¡ Laviolette S 119 bL *.90 nFrnchise Tagged119¡ nWest Dawn120¡ nDom Julio118º 3w bid, shared win 7 Workout(s): 27 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :49.60b 12/27 16 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :50.20b 9/19 23 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :48.80b 17/45 13 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :50.40b 22/37 Owner: J. Kirk And Judy Robison 68.6 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 10-1 Silks: Black, Black Cap 2020: 4 1 1 0 $23,754 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $1,000 Trainer: Joel H. Marr (J. Clay Sparks) ( 47-4-7-4 ) 31.91% Life: 16 3 3 3 $159,659 Distance: 6 2 1 2 $57,441 6 Casey R. Chavez Rui: 8 0 2 3 $23,249 Course: 4 0 1 2 $18,081 Black DIABOLICAL RULER Ñ (L) 123 ( 87-11-6-9 ) 29.89% Ch.g.5 Diabolical - West Ruler by Tribal Rule - Bred in New Mexico by J. Kirk Robison & Judy Robison (Mar 17, 2016) 11Nov20 7 Zia ft 6f :21¾^ :43º¿ 1:07½½ 3g l Stk - NMSprint - 50k 63-54 5 7 4¶¡ 4¹ 8¾£ 8¶»¢ Sterling D L 120 bL 15.30 Whrdosthcshgo120¸¢ Golden Bnd120£ My Indin Wrrior118º¢ stalked, gave way, 8 04Sep20 2 Rui ft 5f :21½» :44º¶ :56¶¶ 3g Alw 11400cnd 45-81 3 2 3¸¡ 2¶ 2¡ 2¶¡ Fuentes L A 119 bL 3.00 Hollywood Hnry119¶¡ Dibolicl Rulr119º¡ Supr Swiss123¸¢ 3wd,mild bid,no match 5 26Jul20 1 Rui mys 870Y nw :46º^¼ :45^¾¿ 3glZIA870CHAM -50k ---70 1 7 7¿ -- 7¿ 6¿¡ Amparan F 127 bL 11.20 Wscllywittlwbbit129¸¡ Rgrds Mircl128¸¡ Hollywood Hnry128¶£ inside, 3wide 1/4 7 11Jan20 9 Sun ft 5K :22¸¶ :45»» 1:04º¶ 4g l Alw 33100nw3/L 83-75 6 1 3¨µ 2«¬ 1«¬ 1¨µ Tohill K S 122 bL *1.00 Dibolicl Ruler122¨µ Del Mr Summer124¨µ Tyger Tennessee122¡ drifted out, held 10 16Dec19 8 Zia ft 6f :22¹¹ :44½¸ 1:10¶^ 3glAlw 41000nw2/x 75-83 3 2 1¶ 1¸ 1¶¡ 2¶£ Fuentes, Jr. M T 118 bL *1.80 Jet N G120¶£ Diabolical Ruler118»¡ Western Warning120¨µ clear, reeled in late 8 27Oct19 5 Zia ft 6f :22¾º :46¹¹ 1:11»º 3 l Stk - NMCpDbyCB - 145k 72-67 4 4 5¶¢ 6¶£ 5¹ 5¼£ Fuentes, Jr. M T 122 bL 17.80 Slewacide Squad122¨µ My Boanerges125¹£ Storm On122¡ btw,ease back,5p str 11 31Aug19 3 Rui ft 6f -- 1:10¿½ 3glAoc 15000nw2/x-N ---76 4 3 2«¬ 2«¬ 2«¬ 3¸ Fuentes, Jr. M T 119 bL 2.20 Diabolical King122¡ No Pasa Nada120¶¡ Diabolical Ruler119»¡ 3w bid, flattened 5 28Jul19 8 Rui ft 5K :21¿½ :45¹¾ 1:04¸^ 3 l Stk - RoadRnnrH - 50k 68-64 2 6 3¶¡ 3¸ 4» 4¿ Juarez, Jr. A J 119 bL 13.00 My Bonerges121»£ No Ps Nd120¶¡ Slewcide Squad117¶£ wbmpd brk,insd,no rally 8 Previously trained by Dominguez Henry 2019 (as of 05/18): ( 175 33 33 26 0.19 ) 18May19 8 Rui ft 5K :21¼º :44¶¾ 1:03½» 3glAlw 15700nw2/x 81-70 1 5 1¡ 1¡ 2¡ 3» Hebert T J 120 bL 2.60 Four Str Saint122º¡ Del Mar Summer122¡ Diabolical Ruler120¡ winsd, bit tight 1/8 6 06Jan19 9 Sun ft 6f :22¶¹ :44¿º 1:09»¾ 3 l Stk - 4RvrsJnDrB - 85k 63-49 7 5 6¹£ 4¸¡ 6¾¢ 7¶½¢ Contreras L 122 bL 2.10 Roll On Diabolical122¼ Stoney Who122¨µ Sunscreen122¸£ 7-w, flattened out 7 Workout(s): 27 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :49.20b 8/27 16 Aug 21 Rui 5F ft 1:04.40b 3/3 2 Aug 21 Rui 5F ft 1:04b 4/4 25 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :50.20b 8/15 Owner: Robert & Del Rae Driggers & Ben Lee Ivey 64.8 2021: 2 0 0 0 $620 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 5-1 Silks: Blue and White Quaters, Blue "Bar Y" brand, White Bars 2020: 9 1 1 2 $44,350 Off Track: 3 0 1 0 $4,560 Trainer: Simon J. Buechler ( 22-2-3-3 ) 36.36% Life: 23 4 6 2 $171,939 Distance: 9 1 2 1 $43,598 7 Jimmy Ray Coates Rui: 7 0 3 1 $18,332 Course: 6 0 2 1 $15,098 Orange NO PASA NADA Ñ (L) 123 ( 131-19-7-23 ) 37.40% B.g.5 Attila's Storm - Charlotte's Drone by B. G.'s Drone - Bred in New Mexico by Robert Driggers & Del Rae Driggers (Mar 26, 2016) 14Aug21 5 Rui sys 5K :22¶^ :45^¼ 1:04¶^ 3glAlw 31000nw2/9m 47-63 3 5 5º¢ 5»£ 5»£ 6¿ Ramos C 123 fL 10.70 Del Mar Summer123¨µ Stormin Fast128¡ Cerveza123º£ 5path turn, no rally 7 31Jul21 9 Rui ft 5K :21¸^ :43º¶ 1:02¹¹ 3glStk - SeraBlnca - 50k 51-52 10 8 9»£ 9½¡ 9¶^ 11¶» Baca M L 123 bfL 27.30 Hollywood Hnry123»£ Corg N Ordr123¶£ Goldn Bnd123¨µ 4-5wide turn, no rally 12 11Nov20 7 Zia ft 6f :21¾^ :43º¿ 1:07½½ 3g l Stk - NMSprint - 50k 59-63 8 2 7¸¢ 5¹ 5¼¡ 6¶¶¢ Hebert T J 120 bL 12.80 Whrdosthcshgo120¸¢ Goldn Bnd120£ My Indin Wrrior118º¢ 6wide bid, weakened, 8 21Oct20 8 Zia ft 6f :21¾¶ :43¿º 1:08»¶ 3glAlw 22500cnd 66-72 2 4 5¹ 5¸ 2¹ 3¾¢ Hebert T J 123 bL 5.70 Wheredoesthecshgo123¾ Del Mar Summer123¨µ No Pasa Nada123¡ along for 3rd 9 13Sep20 9 Alb ft 7f :22¿¾ :45º¿ 1:22¾^ 3glStk - ODMcDnldB - 100k 86-80 10 4 4£ 3¨µ 2¶¡ 4¸¢ Hebert T J 124 bL 8.10 Thunder Dome124¨µ Sunscreen124£ Wheredoesthecashgo124¶¢ 5-w, faded 11 16Aug20 9 Alb ft 5K :22»¸ :44¿º 1:03¹¶ 3glStk - CsyDarnell - 100k 36-69 3 7 9º 7º£ 7¿¡ 5½£ Reyes F 121 bL 23.20 Rig Time124¶ Wheredoesthecashgo121»¡ Del Mar Summer121¶ 8-w, mild rally 9 26Jul20 5 Rui gds 5K :21»¹ :43½¹ 1:02^^ 3glStk - SeraBlncaH - 50k 64-60 7 8 9º¢ 8¼ 5¿ 8¶¾¢ Reyes F 122 bL 4.60 Rig Tim124¹¡ Whrdoesthecshgo120¹¡ Del Mr Summer120» angled rail 3/8, empty 10 28Jun20 9 Rui ft 5K :21¹¸ :43¶¿ 1:02ºº 3glAlw 14200cnd 71-84 5 5 5¹¢ 5» 3º 3¸ Reyes F 120 bfL 5.30 Wheredoesthecshgo119¶¢ Cerveza117£ No Pasa Nada120¹ 5w turn, steady gain 9 18Feb20 9 Sun ft 6f :21¹¼ :43½» 1:09¼¹ 4glAoc 20000cnd-N 76-82 6 2 3» 3¡ 1¶¡ 1¶¡ Eikleberry R 124 bL 3.70 No Pasa Nada124¶¡ Perty Dirty Dude124£ Citizen Geller124½¡ 6-w, edged clear 7 26Jan20 8 Sun ft 6K :22½¿ :45¶¶ 1:15»½ 4glStk - JnLJamisnH - 100k 53-78 2 7 8º£ 7»£ 4»¡ 4¾£ Arrieta F 122 bL 20.30 Rig Time123º Jet N G123¸£ Shining Source123¸ 8-w, flattened out 8 Workout(s): 20 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :49.20b 24/54 13 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :49.80b 17/37 6 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :49b 22/62 27 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :50.40b 6/11 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off Ñ - New Mexico Bred #1 & #3 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. #2 & #6 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. #4 & #5 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. Selections 5-4-7-3 09/04/2021 Race 9 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:07:08 PM

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ALLOWANCE WIN PLACE SHOW 10 Purse $22,800 FOR THREE YEAR OLDS AND UPWARD WHICH HAVE NEVER WON TWO RACES OR WHICH HAVE NOT WON A RACE IN 2021. Three Year Olds, 126 Lbs; Older, 128 Lbs. 870 Yards. MAKE SELECTION BY PROGRAM NUMBER MORNING OWNER TRAINER JOCKEY LINE JUAN E. POBLANO J. DANNY URISTA Green, Blk. Running Horse, Yellow "El Pizzero Racing Team" Yellow Chevrons & 6 Track Record: WASCALLYWITTLEWABBIT; :44.438 (8-01-21) cuffs JIMMY COATES RACE REVIEW 1 BOKSA CRICKETS (L) ***128 by Keithley's Korner Red Sor.g.4 Boknaai - Shakem Up Cricket by Royal Shake Em (TX) TONY E. SEDILLO AND DALE BOYDSTON TONY E. SEDILLO Maroon, White "TS" brand, White sleeves, Maroon Stars 5 CERAPIO ONE HECKUVA KISS (#7) won an 870-yard race by ten 2 INDIAN WAR PAINT Ñ (L) ***126 FIGUEROA White B.g.3 Shame On Charlie(TB) - Paint Your Pootie by Pyc Paint Your Wagon (NM) lengths last time? Like his chances again--needs a quick A.. RANDALL GEISELMAN TODD W. FINCHER Teal , Silver Diamond, Black "TLF" brand, black Diamond sleeves 4/5 break from the outside. CHRISTIAN 3 STARLITE EAGLE (L) ***128 RAMOS MIGHTY OAKS MAGIC (#5) has the gate speed for this Blue Gr.g.5 One Famous Eagle - Starlite Delight by Separatist (OK) JUAN D. TORRES OWNER distance. Would need to hang on in the stretch--we'd White, red Horseshoe, red "J/T red collar, red sleeves, white cuffs 10 FELIPE better box 'em. 4 DOC PEPPER (L) ***128 GARCIA-LUNA Yellow Sor.g.7 Favorite Cartel - Ashada by Hawkinson (CA) INDIAN WAR PAINT (#2) tries a hook race for the first FRANCISCO J. MAGANA EFRAIN BUENO Green, Green Cap 10 time. Always interested in what trainer Sedillo is LUIS 5 MIGHTY OAKS MAGIC (L) ***128 RODRIGUEZ doing--he's a smart conditioner. Green Ch.g.6 Justin Phillip - Contrition by Pulpit (KY) DANIEL APODACA IVAN TAFOYA Suggested Wager: $1 Exacta box 2/5/7 and $3 Win/Place White, White Cap 20 HECTOR on 7 6 GUSHER Ñ (L) ***126 ALDRETE Black B.g.3 Attila's Storm - Stormin Brigade by Gen Stormin'norman (NM) DEBRA M. GOTOVAC BRADLEY C. BOLEN K-Bob's Selections Turquoise, pink Diamond "G" front pink Diamonds, Turquoise sleeves, Pink cuffs 6 ALEJANDRO One Heckuva Kiss 7 ONE HECKUVA KISS (FH) (L) ***126 MEDINA Mighty Oaks Magic Orange Sor.c.3 Kiss My Hocks - Go You Must by Meter Me Gone (TX) Indian War Paint L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off; Ñ - Denotes New Mexico Bred. PROBABLE FAVORITES: 3 - 2 - 1 - 7


RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 47 APPROX. POST:3:54PM Exacta / Trifecta / .10 Superfecta / 2nd Leg Pick 4 / 1st Leg .50 Pick 3 / 3rd Leg Pick 5 10 Win Place Show No. QUARTER HORSE ALLOWANCE Scan for Equibase Racing Information Purse $22,800. For Three Year Olds and Upward Which Have Never Won Two Races or Which Have Not Won A Race In 2021. Three Year Olds, 126 Lbs; Older, 128 Lbs. 870 Yards Track Record: Twotimesthefly (3) 121 lbs. :44.496(8-24-03) Program# Odds Speed Index Speed Weight Jockey Class Owner: Juan E. Poblano 50.15 2021: 1 1 0 0 $7,808 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Green, Blk. Running Horse, Yellow "El Pizzero Racing Team" Yellow Chevrons & cuffs 2020: 4 0 0 0 $1,257 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 1 Trainer: J. Danny Urista ( 5-1-0-0 ) 20.00% Jimmy Ray Coates Life: 7 1 0 0 $9,680 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 Red Rui: 4 1 0 0 $8,276 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 BOKSA CRICKETS (L) 128 ( 131-19-7-23 ) 37.40% TQHA Yearling Sale 2018 $4,000 Sor.g.4 Boknaai - Shakem Up Cricket by Royal Shake Em - Bred in Texas by Mary Denson (Jan 18, 2017) 13Aug21 5 Rui ft 550Y twÉ :27¶^¾ :27¶^¾ 35 Mcl 10000 97-68 3 1 1¶ -- 1¶¡ 1¶£ Leos J P 128 bL 11.50 Boks Crickts128¶£ Flsh Me to the Moon126¡ Chick Kisser126¸¡ drifted out, clear 5 Previously trained by Soto Salvador R 2020 (as of 11/01): ( 55 7 4 8 0.13 ) 01Nov2011 LS ft 250Y cwÆ :13½¿¹ :13¼¼¾ 3g Mcl 10000 73-42 11 2 -- -- 2¡ 4£ Garcia, Jr. N 126 bfL 3.60 Tollan128«¬ Imnothotimspicy128¡ Zina Brady126«¬ solid effort 12 14Aug20 9 Rui ft 350Y cwÄ :18¹¾^ :17¾º» 35 Mcl 10000 (15-10) 70-45 5 5 4¶¡ -- 5¸¢ 5¹£ GarciaLuna F 126 bL 4.80 Rvrend Jmes126¡ Bbe Theory126¶£ Politicl Pop Pop128¨µ wfalse brk,hop in,drift 7 12Jun20 2 Rui ft 350Y hwÁÀ :18»¾º :18¹»¹ 35 Mcl 6500 (7.5-6.5) 64-41 6 4 5¶¢ -- 6¶¡ 5¶£ GarciaLuna F 130 bfL 4.70 Myrt On th Move128¨µ Rypchord126¨µ Ester Version130¶¢ wbumps brk, altered in 10 Previously trained by Urista J. Danny 2019: ( 41 1 1 3 0.02 ) 07Feb20 3 Sun ft 300Y cwÅ :15¼¹» :15¸¸¶ 3 Mdn 19600 77-52 6 7 -- -- 7º 7¹ Garcia P O 126 bfL 12.70 Fmously Hasty126£ Taormina129¡ Good Reason Tolove V126¨µ even throughout 10 Previously trained by Ponce Josue 2019 (as of 11/03): ( 263 73 42 37 0.28 ) 03Nov19 6 Wrd ft 250Y cwÁÄ :13»¾¿ :13º¸» 2 Mcl 10000 83-63 1 4 -- -- 4¨µ 4¶ Flores J A 126 bfL 2.00 Travelin Friends124¡ Rypchord125¡ Send Success129¨© lacked late response 10 Previously trained by Keeton Toby 2019 (as of 05/17): ( 11 2 2 1 0.18 ) 17May19 1 Rui ft 350Y hwÃÀ :19»º¿ :18½¾¸ 2 Trl 4000 38-30 4 3 4¶¢ -- 5¹¢ 5» Alvarez J A 127 bfL 8.20 Apollitical B Birdie124¨© Rrelentless124¹ Triple H Cartel126¶¢ wbrk out bump foe 5 Workout(s): 31 Jul 21 Rui 660Y ft :42.20b 4/4 7 Jul 21 Frn 220Y ft :12.92bg 14/17 27 Oct 20 LS 220Y wf :11.44b 1/1 6 Jul 20 Rui 220Y ft :12.42hg 15/34 Owner: Tony E. Sedillo and Dale Boydston 65.1 2021: 4 0 2 0 $3,581 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 5-1 Silks: Maroon, White "TS" brand, White sleeves, Maroon Stars 2020: 3 1 0 0 $12,800 Off Track: 1 1 0 0 $12,600 Trainer: Tony E. Sedillo ( 62-4-3-9 ) 25.81% Life: 7 1 2 0 $16,381 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 2 Cerapio Figueroa Rui: 4 0 2 0 $3,581 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 White INDIAN WAR PAINT Ñ (L) 126 ( 7-0-1-3 ) 57.14% B.g.3 Shame On Charlie(TB) - Paint Your Pootie by Pyc Paint Your Wagon - Bred in New Mexico by Dwight Freeman (Feb 19, 2018) 07Aug2110 Rui ft 350Y cwÈ :18¶¾¶ :17½½¸ 3 l Alw 25300nw2/L 76-59 6 9 9¹ -- 8¹¢ 7¹¢* Sigala A 126 bL 19.00 Cruse126¨© Touch of a Dragon126¨µ Run Potion126«¬ wbmpd & stdy'd brk,PL6th 9 17Jul21 3 Rui ft 400Y hwÅ :20¶¾º :20¶»¾ 3 l Dtr 6000 83-72 1 4 3¡ -- 3¡ 2¨µ Sigala A 126 bL 16.40 Famous Clyde126¨µ nFabulous Fiona126¶ nIndian War Paint126¶ kept on well 9 27Jun21 8 Rui ft 400Y twÁ :20¶¸¾ :19»¸½ 3glAlw 15000nw3/L 84-67 6 2 6¹ -- 5¹¢ 4º¡ Sigala A 126 bL 20.60 Cristom126¶£ Flash the Corona128¨µ Crown N Royal Gal128¸¡ no menace 7 12Jun21 5 Rui ft 300Y twÇ :15»º½ :15º¿¶ 3glClm 10000nw2/L-c 93-67 2 2 -- -- 2¡ 2¡ Sigala A 126 bL 6.60 Rubyshvinghotflsh128¡ nEye Found It128¨µ nIndian War Paint126¨µ kept on 10 Claimed by Sedillo, Tony E. and Boydston, Dale from Freeman Dwight for $10,000, Constant Ronald A. - Trainer Previously trained by Marcom Roy L Jr.2020 (as of 10/19): ( 60 5 7 7 0.08 ) 19Oct20 1 Zia ft 350Y cw :18¸¶¿ :17½¼» 2 l Ftr 10000 79-69 4 7 6¶¢ -- 6¸¢ 6¸¡ Coates J R 124 L 30.80 Mr Mony Bggs124¨µ Icy Morning Breze124¶ Shez Fst Jesse124¶ wdrift in mid-str 10 06Oct20 3 Zia ft 350Y cwÁ :18¸½¿ :17½¿º 2 l Alw 20000nw2/L 77-45 3 10 9¶¢ -- 8¸£ 8¹ Coates J R 124 L 9.70 Mr Money Baggs124¨µ Ell Valentino128£ Fs Maxximillian124¨µ faded, 10 13Mar20 5 Sun my 300Y cwÁÁ :15¾º^ :15¾º^ 2 l Mdn 21000 71-71 4 2 -- -- 2«¬ 1«¬ Dominguez S G 128 L 4.60 Indian War Paint128«¬ Eagles Dragon126£ Miss Tizy124¡ dueled, best, 7 Workout(s): 27 Aug 21 Rui 660Y ft :35.56b 1/1 27 Jul 21 Rui 660Y gd :37.22b 1/1 25 Jul 21 Rui 660Y ft :37.47b 3/4 5 Jun 21 Rui 330Y ft :18.10h 5/5 Owner: A.. Randall Geiselman 82.75 2021: 1 0 1 0 $2,618 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 4-5 Silks: Teal , Silver Diamond, Black "TLF" brand, black Diamond sleeves 2020: 6 4 0 1 $36,480 Off Track: 3 1 1 0 $9,218 Trainer: Todd W. Fincher ( 100-26-22-18 ) 66.00% Life: 19 5 4 2 $60,088 Distance: 9 4 2 1 $46,688 3 Christian Ramos Rui: 9 1 1 2 $9,188 Course: 2 0 1 1 $3,548 Blue STARLITE EAGLE (L) 128 ( 98-8-12-12 ) 32.65% Gr.g.5 One Famous Eagle - Starlite Delight by Separatist - Bred in Oklahoma by Eaves Horses Family Ltd Part (Mar 22, 2016) 02Jul21 9 Rui gd 870Y nw :45º½¶ :45^½¹ 3g Alw 11900cnd 97-77 1 4 1«¬ -- 2¡ 2¸£ Arboleda A 128 bL 1.50 Madewell128¸£ Starlite Eagle128½¢ Famous Rock Star128¶» duel inside winner 4 16Dec20 1 Zia ft 870Y nw :45º¼¾ :45º¼¾ 3g Alw 20000nw1/x 101-90 3 7 3¹ -- 2¡ 1¸¢ Gomez E P 128 bL *.40 Starlite Eagle128¸¢ You Buy I Fly V126¸ Cupids Fast Arrow126¸¢ inside, best 7 02Nov20 1 Zia ft 870Y nw :45^¶¼ :45^¶¼ 3g Clm 12500 (15-12.5) 106-94 3 3 2¸ -- 1¡ 1¶ Gomez E P 128 bL *1.30 Strlite Eagle128¶ Lode the Gold128¹¢ Linda Tee Fire128¹£ inside bid,clear,held 8 30Aug20 1 Alb ft 870Y nw :44¿¼¾ :44¿¼¾ 3g Clm 10000nw3/L 108-80 6 6 4¶¢ -- 1«¬ 1¶¢ Gomez E P 128 bL 1.60 Starlite Eagle128¶¢ Crossfirst128¡ Myfavoritewaytofly128¨µ 6-w, best 7 26Jun20 1 Rui ft 870Y nw :46»½º :45¾»¿ 3g Clm 15000 (20-15)nw3/L 86-77 1 8 7»¡ -- 5» 3» Juarez, Jr. A J 128 bL *.80 Bestest128º Heza Eagle128¶ Starlite Eagle128¸ wpoor start, inside 8 13Mar20 2 Sun my 870Y nw :46¸¸¾ :46¸¸¾ 4g Clm 10000nw2/L 92-90 3 3 3¸¡ -- 1¡ 1¼£ Amaya D R 128 bL *.80 Strlit Egl128¼£ A Sprte Secret130£ Coron de Vdo128¨µ stalked4w,bid1/8,handy 8 31Jan20 4 Sun ft 870Y nw :46¼¶^ :45¼¸¹ 4g Alw 24600cnd 88-74 7 8 3¸ -- 3¸¡ 4»¡ Amaya D R 128 bL 12.90 Trumpets Calling128¹ Silver City Lights128¸ El Red133¡ 5w-turn, evenly 8 30Nov19 2 Zia ft 870Y nw :48»¿¶ :47¹½¾ 3g Alw 33000nw1/x 64-51 5 6 4¸¡ -- 4» 5½¢ Melancon J 124 bL *1.20 Mann Child124¡ Slr Midnight Hit128¶£ Moonflash Cat124¨µ 8-w, tired 8 28Sep19 1 Zia ft 870Y nw :46¹¾¶ :45½¶º 3g Alw 33000nw1/x 89-84 2 4 4» -- 3¸¡ 2º Melancon J 125 bL 1.90 Flight Force127º Strlite Eagle125¶£ Move Over Rover125¶¡ no match, 2nd best 7 18Aug19 7 Rui ft 440Y hwÄ :22¸»¹ :21¼¹» 3 Dtr 8000 75-68 9 8 9¸¡ -- 6¹¡ 6º¡ Jensen C 126 bL 36.80 Sera Jess Fine V126£ Fast Prize Drew126£ Five Bar Stoli126¨µ wbmpd into foe brk 10 Workout(s): 16 Aug 21 Rui 660Y ft :35.46b 1/1 1 Aug 21 Rui 660Y ft :35.97b 2/2 23 Jul 21 Rui 440Y ft :25.88b 1/1 18 Jun 21 Rui 660Y ft :33.75b 1/1 Owner: Juan D. Torres 59.75 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 10-1 Silks: White, red Horseshoe, red "J/T red collar, red sleeves, white cuffs 2020: 6 1 2 1 $16,657 Off Track: 3 1 0 1 $4,898 4 Trainer: Owner ( 33-4-2-2 ) 24.24% Felipe Garcia-Luna Life: 20 2 4 4 $30,116 Distance: 1 0 0 1 $1,849 Yellow Rui: 4 0 0 1 $640 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 DOC PEPPER (L) 128 ( 32-0-1-1 ) 6.25% Heritage Place September Yearling Sale 2015 $33,000 Sor.g.7 Favorite Cartel - Ashada by Hawkinson - Bred in California by S Burns/E Criswell/F Draper (Jan 17, 2014) Previously trained by Mendez Frank 2020 (as of 11/21): ( 54 1 6 7 0.02 ) 21Nov20 9 LS ft 440Y nw :22½^» :21¿¹^ 3g Clm 10000nw3/L 70-51 4 6 6¶ -- 8¶¡ 8º£ Ramirez R 128 bL 9.20 Aside the Ksh128¶¢ Jess Lota126£ Jess C Me Zoom128¶¢ broke in, bumped foe 12 01Nov20 6 LS ft 550Y cwÆ :28^½º :27½¸½ 3g Clm 5000nw3/L 87-60 8 3 3¶ -- 2¶ 2¸ Calderon F 128 bL *1.10 Dak Attak128¸ Doc Pepper128¡ Mighty Valentino128¡ no mishap,no match 10 11Oct20 6 LS ft 550Y hwÁ :27¿¸¾ :27½½¾ 3g Clm 10000nw3/L 90-66 5 5 5¶¢ -- 4£ 4£ Ramirez, Jr. F R 131 bL 8.00 Jessies Jett128¨µ Jess C Me Zoom128¡ The Kings Horse129«¬ bumped start 11 03Oct20 5 LS ft 870Y hwÈ :47¼ºº :46¶¾^ 3g Clm 10000nw3/L 76-60 3 1 1¡ -- 2º 3¿ Ramirez, Jr. F R 130 bL 4.70 Mgical Jesse128¾¢ Lota Twister128£ Doc Pepper130¸¢ broke out,4-3path,wknd 7 Previously trained by Muniz Jorge L 2020 (as of 09/04): ( 17 3 1 0 0.18 ) 04Sep20 7 LS ft 440Y hwÅ :22º½º :22º½º 3g Clm 7500nw2/L 75-58 5 4 3¨µ -- 2«¬ 1¶¢ Ramirez, Jr. F R 128 bL 3.90 Doc Pepper128¶¢ nCptain Key126¡ nP Y Ceeya126¡ exchanged bumps start 9 Previously trained by Ramos Jesse E 2019: ( 12 1 1 1 0.08 ) 07Feb20 2 Sun ft 440Y twÈ :21¿¸¹ :21¿¶¾ 4g Clm 12500nw2/L 82-69 9 6 5¶¢ -- 2«¬ 2¨© Barraza M 129 bfL 6.80 Iiwii128¨© Doc Pepper129¡ Twelve Percent128¨µ broke out, willing 9 30Nov19 5 Zia ft 440Y cwÈ :23^^½ :22¾^¹3g Clm 5000nw2/L 66-54 6 4 4£ -- 4£ 4¶¢ Barraza M 128 bfL 6.10 Amalia Marie126¨µ The Magic Hero V125¶ Sweet Streakin Jesse127¨© good try, 9 17May18 6 RP ft 440Y nw :22¸¼» :21¼¿½ 3g Clm 7500nw2/L 77-50 6 5 6¸¢ -- 6º¢ 5¹£ Lujan E 126 bfL 3.90 1145 Cptn Trck124¨µ Stlldntnednbdy126£ Swet t th Wr126¶¡ bore out, bumped twice 10 05Apr18 4 RP ft 550Y hwÈ :27½^» :27¼¿¼ 3g Clm 10000nw2/L 85-68 6 4 2¡ -- 2«¬ 2¨©* Lujan E 126 bfL 6.60 1155 Chckn Frmr125¨© Dc Pppr126¨µ Cj Rockn Mss126¶ brushed st,just missed,DQ10th 10 23Feb18 2 Sun ft 350Y twÇ :17¿^½ :17»»¼ 3g Clm 10000nw2/L 78-69 1 5 8¶ -- 7¸¢ 6¸¢ Cordova O 126 bfL 8.50 Sandys Hero122£ Gizmo Jones126¨µ Fast Prize Kyla126£ evenly 10 Workout(s): 11 Aug 21 Frn 220Y ft :12.63bg 7/13 4 Aug 21 Frn 220Y ft :12.33b 6/24 a20 May 21 Rui 660Y ft :34.96b 1/3 15 Apr 21 RP 660Y my :36.38b 1/1 09/04/2021 Race 10 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:07:11 PM RACE 10 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

48 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO RACE 10 CONTINUED Owner: Francisco J. Magana 59.9 2021: 6 0 1 2 $5,449 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 10-1 Silks: Green, Green Cap 2020: 4 1 0 0 $3,070 Off Track: 9 3 0 0 $11,905 Trainer: Efrain Bueno ( 14-2-2-3 ) 50.00% Life: 32 5 2 2 $24,947 Distance: 3 0 0 0 $629 5 Luis H. Rodriguez Rui: 5 0 1 2 $4,909 Course: 1 0 0 0 $249 Green MIGHTY OAKS MAGIC (TB) (L) 128 ( 79-8-9-18 ) 44.30% Ch.g.6 Justin Phillip - Contrition by Pulpit - Bred in Kentucky by University of Kentucky (Apr 13, 2015) 27Aug21 4 Rui ft 4K :22¾^ :46¸¶ :52¾¾ 3g Clm 5000cnd -58 3 2 5¸ -- 3¹¡ 3¹¡ Rodriguez L H 123 L *1.70 Cminetto123¸£ Smrt Spree123£ Mighty Oks Magic123¨µ wstdy 3/8,came out 3/16 7 14Aug2111 Rui sys 6f :21¾¼ :45^» 1:11»¸ 3g Clm 5000 (7.5-5)nw1/9m -56 4 2 1«¬ 1¸ 1¡ 4¶¶ Rodriguez L H 123 fL *1.70 Catch Ten123º£ Song of Laura123¹£ E Bar Gold123¸¡ duel outside,2w,empty 6 01Aug21 4 Rui ft 5f :21»¹ :44½¹ :56¿¿ 3g Clm 5000cnd -70 6 2 2«¬ 1¶¡ 1¶ 3¹£ Rodriguez L H 123 L 2.20 Vlntn Dvn123¶ Jim Edd Who123¸£ Mighty Oks Mgic123¼¡ duel outside,2-3w,wknd 7 03Jul21 2 Rui ft 5f :21¼¼ :44½º :57¼» 3g Clm 5000nw1/6m -70 10 1 1¡ 1¸¡ 1¸ 2¶¢ Perez M A 123 L 3.00 Sdny's Hop123¶¢ Mghty Oks Mgc123¸¡ Silnt Znon123¸¡ pace,3p,clear,outfnshd 10 18Jun21 2 Rui ft 870Y nw :45º¹¾ :44º»¸ 3g Clm 7500 (10-7.5) 97-62 7 5 5¹ -- 5» 5½¢ Chavez C R 128 L 16.80 My Buckt Is Full128¸£ Regrds Mircle128¹¢ Cminetto128£ wforced in brk,5wd turn 8 28May21 6 Srp ft 4K :21½¿ :46^¸ :52¿¾ 3g Clm 5000cnd -60 6 1 1«¬ -- 2¶ 4¹ Chavez C R 124 L 6.00 Follow the Facts126¶£ Forgotaboutme124£ Wissam124¡ vied outside,gave way 6 Previously trained by Rushton Stacey 2020 (as of 08/12): ( 31 5 4 4 0.16 ) 12Aug20 3 Arp ft 5K :22¹^ :45¹^ 1:04»¹ 3g Clm 2500cnd -75 4 1 1¶ 1¸¡ 1¹ 1¹ Chapa R 124 BL 5.00 Mghty ks Mgc124¹ Indy's tlw124¹¡ Cld Snck Thrty124¡ spd drw clr turn handy 7 03Aug20 4 Arp ft 5K :21º¹ :44¾» 1:04¼º 3g Clm 3200cnd -53 2 6 6»¡ 5¹¡ 5¼ 5¾¢* Chapa R 124 BL 12.50 On Key124¸¢ Crfty's Lst121º£ Cdillc Chrome124¡ wbumped str lost stride,PL4th 8 15Jul20 6 Arp gd 6f -- 1:12^¶3g Clm 2500cnd -29 10 3 3¨µ 3¨µ 11¶¸ 11¶º£McNeil B 124 BL 15.10 Indy's Outlw124¨µ Jimbo's Biz124¹ Wr Egl's Rturn124¸¢ three wide speed tired 11 30Jun20 6 Arp ft 4K :22»^ :45¿½ :52º¶ 3g Clm 2500cnd -52 10 6 5¶¡ -- 6¼ 6½£ Lopez K 124 BL 8.80 College Party124¹£ Sum Candy124¶¢ Silis124¶£ w4wd trip tight stretch 10 Workout(s): a7 Aug 21 Rui 5F ft :58.40b 1 /4 a26 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :45b 1/25 a6 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :45.20b 1/14 a1 May 21 Rui 3F ft :33.80h 1/16 Owner: Daniel Apodaca 51.55 2021: 3 0 0 0 $3,970 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 20-1 Silks: White, White Cap 2020: 3 1 0 0 $4,716 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Trainer: Ivan Tafoya ( 40-3-4-4 ) 27.50% Life: 6 1 0 0 $8,686 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $1,510 6 Hector Aldrete Rui: 1 0 0 0 $80 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Black GUSHER (TB) Ñ (L) 126 ( 118-14-11-6 ) 26.27% B.g.3 Attila's Storm - Stormin Brigade by Gen Stormin'norman - Bred in New Mexico by Jane Wiggins (Apr 03, 2018) 25Aug21 1 Alb ft 5K :22¸¿ :45¹½ 1:05¾¸ 3g Clm 15000nw2/L -49 5 1 3¡ 2¶¡ 3¡ 4¹¡ Medellin A 122 bL 6.80 Smoothing Iron122£ Western Smoke124¶¢ Tino House124¶¡ wbobbled brk,3w turn 6 15Aug21 1 Alb ft 870Y nw :46¸º¹ :45¹¼¶ 3g Alw 30200nw2/L 77-61 6 7 6¶£ -- 7¾ 4»£ Medellin A 126 bfL 9.00 Cleared Furr Takeoff129¹ Dream Artist128¸£ Jets Movin On133«¬ 8-w, no rally 8 14May21 8 Srp ft 4K :22¶¿ :45¿¶ :52^¼3g Alw 42500nw2/L -59 5 3 3¨µ -- 4¼¡ 4¿¢ EnriquezArenivas K 121 bfL 20.40 Perfect Fanny124«¬ Flying Phantom124¹¡ Rocky Bar Six124»£ up close, faded 8 Previously trained by Duarte Javier 2020 (as of 10/20): ( 30 3 3 8 0.10 ) 20Oct20 6 Zia ft 5K -- 1:05¸¾ 2 Mcl 10000 -47 3 2 1«¬ 2«¬ 1¶ 1¸ Coates J R 122 bfL 2.30 Gusher122¸ W F Rip Tide122¹ Whiskey Laugh Cat120¸ pace,vied insd-2p,held 7 14Oct20 5 Zia ft 5K :22^½ :45¹¾ 1:04º¿ 2 Msw 14000 -39 2 3 3¡ 4¹ 5» 6¶¶ Coates J R 120 bfL 37.70 Caucus Rules120¹ Jonathan Who120º¡ Indian Nights120¶ between, faded 12 Previously trained by Fincher Todd W 2020 (as of 06/06): ( 112 27 24 20 0.24 ) 06Jun20 1 Rui ft 5f -- :59º¸ 2 l Trl 4000 -26 7 3 7º£ 7¾£ 7½¡ 6¿¡ Sigala A 123 bL 5.20 Jornlero120¶ My Storm Warrior120«¬ Caught Stealing119¸£ wbrk in,4p turn,6w str 7 Workout(s): 5 Aug 21 Alb 3F ft :37.60hg 2/3 1 Aug 21 Alb 3F ft :42h 12/12 4 May 21 Alb 4F my :52h 2/2 7 Apr 21 Alb 4F ft :49h 6/9 Owner: Debra M. Gotovac 55.83 2021: 3 1 0 0 $7,380 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Turquoise, pink Diamond "G" front pink Diamonds, Turquoise sleeves, Pink cuffs 2020: 6 0 0 0 $425 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 7 Trainer: Bradley C. Bolen (Albert S. Franco) ( 86-6-6-11 ) 26.74% Alejandro Medina Life: 9 1 0 0 $7,805 Distance: 2 1 0 0 $7,380 Orange Rui: 8 1 0 0 $7,755 Course: 2 1 0 0 $7,380 ONE HECKUVA KISS (L) (FH) 126 ( 65-3-4-8 ) 23.08% Ruidoso Select Yearling Sale 2019 $36,000 Sor.c.3 Kiss My Hocks - Go You Must by Meter Me Gone - Bred in Texas by Bullard Farms (Mar 21, 2018) 18Jul21 2 Rui ft 870Y nw :46¶½¾ :46¶½¾ 35 Mdn 12000 89-71 6 4 1¶¡ -- 1º 1¶^¢ Amparan F 126 bkL *2.30 On Hckv Kss126¶^¢ Chclt Brnl128¨µ Gn Cntng Down130«¬ quick to lead,drew off 8 13Jun21 1 Rui ft 870Y nw :48^ºº :46¹^¼ 35 Mdn 9000 67-40 5 1 2«¬ -- 2¸¡ 6¶¸¢ Medina A 126 bkL 2.10 Clrd Frr Tkff126¼¡ Flss N Db128£ Lovng My Storm131º¢ duel insd wnr,gave way 6 30May21 9 Rui fts 400Y twÉ :20^¿¼ :19»¸¿ 3 Dtr 8000 85-59 7 6 8¸¡ -- 8¹¡ 8º¢ Medina A 126 bkL 32.70 Vlint Strs126¨µ Bv Georgy Girl126«¬ B Cuse Im a Hero126¶¢ wbumped into foe brk 8 07Nov20 4 LS ft 440Y hwÄ :22¼¸¾ :21¾»» 2 Mdn 20000 72-58 4 6 7¸¡ -- 7¹¡ 6º¡ Medina A 125 bL 23.10 Sprt Sntnc124¡ Dshing Corondo124£ Drinks Aftr Work125¸¢ broke in, out-kicked 10 07Sep20 4 Rui ft 350Y hwÉ :18¹¼½ :17¿¿¸ 2 Mdn 6200 70-51 9 10 10¶£ -- 9¸ 9¸¡ Medina A 126 bfkL24.80 Rlntlss Mmory126£ Me Cpone124¨© Dremers Secret126¨© wawkward brk,shift out 10 22Aug20 3 Rui ft 440Y twÇ :22¸¿» :21º¸¶ 2 Ftr 8000 75-62 1 8 7¶£ -- 8¹¡ 8¼* Medina A 126 bfL 47.30 Apolltcl Gold124¶¢ Msscndymountin124¶ Corondos Chick127¶£ no menace,PL7th 10 19Jul20 3 Rui ft 350Y cw :18¹¹¾ :17¿^½ 2 Mdn 7500 71-46 4 7 5£ -- 5¶¡ 4¹¢ Medina A 126 bfL 37.90 Hateful Rhetoric124¶ Relentless Memory126¶¢ Astico129¶ needed more late 10 04Jul20 5 Rui ft 400Y tw :20ºº¼ :19½¶½ 2 Ftr 8000 76-62 3 5 8¶ -- 7¸£ 7» Medina A 124 bfL 45.20 Whistl Stop Cfe124¶£ One Egles Delight124£ Indeed Fvorite127¡ wbit tight early 8 22May20 4 Rui ft 350Y hwÁà :18¾¸» :17¿¿^ 2 Ftr 8000 57-51 6 10 9¸ -- 9º¢ 9¼¢ Medina A 124 bfL 27.40 Apolliticl Redflsh124¸¡ Dsha Girl126¨µ American Hero124¡ woff slow & brush foe 10 Workout(s): 12 Aug 21 Rui 660Y ft :34.30h 1/1 a6 Jun 21 Rui 660Y ft :35.90b 1/3 15 May 21 Rui 660Y ft :38.22b 4 /4 a4 May 21 Rui 330Y ft :17.04hg 1/13 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off Ñ - New Mexico Bred (FH) - Flipping Halter: One Heckuva Kiss Selections 3-2-1-7 09/04/2021 Race 10 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:07:11 PM

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RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 49 The Ruidoso Jockey Club Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to the health, well-being, education, spiritual and emotional needs of the Ruidoso Downs horse racing community and their families. Members of the track family include: • Ruidoso Jockey Club employees and their families • Ruidoso Downs Racetrack employees and their families • Back Track employees and their families • Associated relationships of the horse racing industry

A 501(c)3 public charity founded in RUIDOSO JOCKEY CLUB 2015, the foundation engages in non- FOUNDATION, INC profit fundraising activities for charitable, educational and hospitable purposes. In 1703 SUDDERTH DRIVE #444 the first five years, over $350,000 was RUIDOSO, NM 88345 raised and over $200,000 in scholarships has been distributed to 83 students. WWW.RJCFINC.ORG


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721 Mechem Drive • Ruidoso, NM 88345 • (575) 257-4014 this store is part of the United Family 1ST HALF LATE DAILY DOUBLE / EXACTA / TRIFECTA / .10 Approx Post 4:20PM SUPERFECTA /3RD LEG PICK 4 /2ND LEG PICK 3 / 4TH LEG PICK 5 11 WIN PLACE SHOW JESS BURNER STAKES $50,000 Estimated (Includes $30,000 added from the NMHBA) Track Record: Empressum, :19.149 (Includes $30,000 from NMHBA Overnight Fund) 4 YEAR OLDS AND OLDER. Weight 128 lbs. $100 to nominate and $400 to start. Preferred by RACE REVIEW money earned in 2020-2021. Nominations close Thursday August 26, 2021 by 12:00 NOON. (If you by Keithley's Korner fail to start for any reason, fees will be forfeited). 400 Yards. MAKE SELECTION BY PROGRAM NUMBER MORNING OWNER TRAINER JOCKEY LINE NO MIRES A LA LUNA (#3) was a nice winner W. L. AND DESIREE MOORING, MIKE ABRAHAM S. TREY WOOD AND RANDY EASTBURG 4 mid-summer and comes back looking for another picture. White, Red and Blue "B/W" Red and Blue Chevrons on sleeves TANNER 1 THEDFORD Note most of this gelding's success has come on the Red FLASHING MOOLAH Ñ (FH) (L) ***128 mountain. Gr.g.4 First Moonflash - Chicks Chamisa by Chicks a Blazin (NM) ANTONIO D. GOMEZ JORGE L. HERNANDEZ Red, White "Milargo Racing Stables" White Brand, White sleeves, Blue Diamonds 6 FLASHING MOOLAH (#1) was defeated by the top pick JOSE 2 DIAMOND AND A HALF Ñ (L) ***128 ORTIZ last time. Has enough talent to turn the tables--it's White Br.m.5 First Moonflash - Cuz Shez Famous by One Famous Eagle (NM) between these two. BYRON R. WOODARD MARC E. JUNGERS White, Blue Star, white "TE" brand, Blue "Actiflex" blue cuffs on sleeves 3 LUCAS PERRYS REGARD (#6) is capable of the upset but would 3 NO MIRES A LA LUNA Ñ (L) ***128 CONSTANTIN Blue B.g.5 First Moonflash - Dont Looke Ethel by Genuine Strawfly (NM) need to pick up the pace late. It's possible. MANUEL V. RODRIGUEZ RICHARD D. SEDILLO Blue with white sleeves "No Regrets" on back 12 JUAN Suggested Wager: $3 Exacta box 1/3 and $3 Win/Place 4 SIX PACK FAME Ñ (FH) (L) ***128 RIVAS on 3 Yellow Sor.g.4 Jesse James Jr - Sandys Fame by Dash Ta Fame (NM) REX WELLS JAMES J. GONZALES, II White, Red "J/G" Red Collar, Red Chevrons and cuffs 7/2 K-Bob's Selections MARIO No Mires a La Luna 5 COLBY JAMES Ñ (L) ***128 DELGADO Green Sor.g.4 Jesse James Jr - Sandy June Bug by Blushing Bug (NM) Flashing Moolah SOUTH TEXAS LONGHORN, LLC (TEDDY CASEY T. LAMBERT Perrys Regard ARZAVY ET AL) 8 Red, Turquoise "Z" brand, Turquoise framed Panels FRANCISCO 6 CALDERON Black PERRYS REGARD Ñ (FH) (L) ***128 Gr.g.4 Chicks Regard - Ms Perry Mason by Mr Jess Perry (NM) KENNETH L. & CHERIE E. WALLIN TONY E. SEDILLO Maroon, White "TS" brand, White sleeves, Maroon Stars 5 CERAPIO 7 MAGNA MOON Ñ (FH) (L) ***128 FIGUEROA Orange Br.g.5 First Moonflash - Bhb Mighty by Mr Jess Perry (NM) JESUS T. CARRASCO JAIME G. ALDAVAZ, SR. Pink, Pink Cap 10 ADRIAN 8 DON CHUY C Ñ (FH) (L) ***128 RAMOS Pink Br.h.4 First Moonflash - Jess Say Bye Bye by Spit Curl Jess (NM) L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off; Ñ - Denotes New Mexico Bred. Equipment Change: Flashing Moolah will race with Flipping Halter On PROBABLE FAVORITES: 3 - 5 - 1 - 7 K-BOB'S SELECTIONS BY TIM KEITHLEY

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 53 APPROX. POST:4:20PM 1st Half Late Daily Double / Exacta / Trifecta / .10 Superfecta /3rd Leg Pick 4 /2nd Leg Pick 3 / 4th Leg Pick 5 Win Place Show No. 11 Ñ QUARTER HORSE STAKES JESS BURNER STAKES $50,000 Estimated Scan for Equibase (Includes $30,000 added from the NMHBA) Racing Information (Includes $30,000 from NMHBA Overnight Fund) Purse $50,000. 4 YEAR OLDS AND OLDER. Weight 128 lbs. $100 to nominate and $400 to start. Preferred by money earned in 2020-2021. Nominations close Thursday August 26, 2021 by 12:00 NOON. (If you fail to start for any reason, fees will be forfeited). 400 Yards Track Record: Unavailable Program# Odds Speed Index Speed Weight Jockey Class Owner: W. L. and Desiree Mooring, Mike Abraham and Randy Eastburg 86.55 2021: 3 2 0 0 $21,818 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 4-1 Silks: White, Red and Blue "B/W" Red and Blue Chevrons on sleeves 2020: 4 2 0 0 $29,596 Off Track: 2 1 0 0 $24,302 Trainer: S. Trey Wood ( 205-27-24-29 ) 39.02% Life: 9 4 1 0 $62,526 Distance: 5 2 1 0 $42,548 1 Tanner Thedford Rui: 7 2 1 0 $39,974 Course: 4 1 1 0 $30,158 Red FLASHING MOOLAH Ñ (L) (FH) 128 ( 116-20-14-18 ) 44.83% Gr.g.4 First Moonflash - Chicks Chamisa by Chicks a Blazin - Bred in New Mexico by Mike Abraham (Feb 04, 2017) 31Jul21 8 Rui ft 400Y cw :19¼½¶ :19»¼¹ 3glStk - ZIA HDCP - 40k 95-94 10 5 5¡ -- 5£ 4£ Thedford T 128 bfkL 3.10 No Mires L Lun128¡ Mrcus Medallion128«¬ Effortless Candy Cat128«¬ wbrk out bit 10 04Jul21 9 Rui mys 550Y hwÇ :27º¶» :27º¶» 3g Alw 13300nw4/L 92-91 6 6 1«¬ -- 1¡ 1«¬ Thedford T 128 bkL *.30 Flshing Moolh128«¬ Exhalted Spirit128£ Jm Fear Factor128£ driving, just lasted 7 19Mar21 9 RP ft 550Y twÄ :27¶»¿ :27¶»¿ 3g Ocl 20000nw1/3m-N 95-84 1 6 1¶ -- 1¸ 1¸¢ Thedford T 127 bfkL *.90 1264 Flshng Moolh127¸¢ Sgnw Crek126«¬ Snsts Coron Grl126¡ drew off unchallenged 7 Previously trained by Wood G. B 2020 (as of 11/22): ( 417 58 54 49 0.14 ) 22Nov20 9 LS ft 400Y twÅ :19¿½¿ :19¿½¿ 3g Alw 21000nw1/x 89-87 5 12 8¶ -- 4¨µ 1«¬ Ramirez R 126 bfkL 6.80 Flshing Moolh126«¬ Lovthwyyourun126¨µ Turbo Mg126¨© whop break, broke slow 12 23Aug2013 Rui ft 440Y cwÆ :21¾¸¿ :21¹¼½ 3 Dtr 8000 85-83 6 7 7¡ -- 6¶£ 6¹¢ Thedford T 126 bfkL 7.90 Jess Sumokin Hot126¶ Elm Creek Khrome126¨µ Hes Back126¶ evenly, no bid 10 25Jul20 9 Rui mys 400Y cwÇ :20^¸¼ :19¾¾» 3 l ZIA DERBY -183k 86-90 4 5 5¡ -- 5¡ 4¶ Thedford T 126 bkL 8.10 Mister Riptide126¨µ Close to Crazy126¨µ Donelli126¡ good try 10 11Jul20 6 Rui ft 400Y tw :19¾¿¾ :19¾¿¾ 3 l Dtr 4000 90-84 3 6 2«¬ -- 1¡ 1£ Ramirez R 126 bfkL 2.40 Flashing Moolah126£ Bigg Jack127¡ Shes More126¶£ wbrushed brk,drove past 7 Previously trained by Joiner Michael W 2019 (as of 07/12): ( 179 13 16 18 0.07 ) 12Jul19 6 Rui ft 400Y twÁÀ :19¾^½ :19¼¶º 2 l Ftr 4000 91-87 4 9 6¶£ -- 3¸ 2¶¡ Flores J A 126 bkL 29.90 Six Pack Fame124¶¡ Flashing Moolah126«¬ Blu Sunset126¨µ woff slow, rallied 9 Workout(s): a13 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :11.19h 1/21 26 Feb 21 RP 220Y ft :11.20h 3/117 20 Oct 20 LS 220Y ft :12.15b 11/24 27 Jun 20 Rui 220Y ft :12.01h 3/23 Owner: Antonio D. Gomez 82.26 2021: 5 1 0 1 $23,751 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Red, White "Milargo Racing Stables" White Brand, White sleeves, Blue Diamonds 2020: 8 3 1 2 $96,985 Off Track: 2 0 1 0 $3,001 Trainer: Jorge L. Hernandez ( 1-1-0-0 ) 100.00% Life: 22 7 3 4 $165,299 Distance: 7 2 1 0 $66,684 2 Jose Enrique Ortiz Rui: 6 3 1 0 $34,501 Course: 2 0 0 0 $0 White DIAMOND AND A HALF Ñ (L) 128 ( 126-13-12-11 ) 28.57% Br.m.5 First Moonflash - Cuz Shez Famous by One Famous Eagle - Bred in New Mexico by Mark & Annette McCloy (Jan 25, 2016) 20Aug21 9 Alb ft 400Y twÁÁ :19»¼¶ :19¸¼¾ 3gk Stk - BALOONCTYS - 55k 94-83 9 1 9¸ -- 4£ 4¶£ Ortiz J E 128 bfL 5.90 Tommys Dimond126¶¢ Ct Dddys Lil Girl128«¬ Rpublic Ann126¡ improved position, 10 26Jun21 9 Rui ft 350Y twÁÁ :17¸¾» :17¸¾» 3gkl Stk - RITADANLYS - 25k 103-96 6 1 1«¬ -- 1«¬ 1¨µ Ramirez, Jr. R 128 bfL 7.60 Diamond and a Half128¨µ Amandas Flashy128¨µ Tina Katarina126¡ wdrift bit, held 10 29May21 9 RP ft 400Y cwÅ :20¸»½ :19¼¿» 3gk Stk - JUNOREQSTS - 128k 76-62 4 9 9¡ -- 9¸ 11¹ Martinez, Jr. J 126 bfL 21.00 1152 Cat Daddys Lil Girl126¨µ Macs Lady M126«¬ Paint Me Tres124«¬ failed to fire 11 17Apr21 9 RP ft 350Y twÅ :17¿½½ :17¹½¾ 3gk Stk - EASYDATE S - 75k 77-66 2 8 10¶£ -- 10¹ 9¹¡ Thedford T 127 bfL 14.10 1146 Ct Daddys Lil Girl126«¬ Ratification126¡ Hh Gailforce126«¬ wawkward st, bumped 11 20Mar21 9 RP ft 350Y hwÁÁ :17¾º¸ :17½¾» 3gk Stk - DECKETTA S - 50k 81-79 5 3 2«¬ -- 2«¬ 3¨µ Thedford T 127 bfL 3.00 1154 Hh Gilforce126¨© Macs Lady M126¨µ Diamond and a Half127¨µ battled, outkicked 9 07Dec20 4 Zia ft 400Y cwÄ :19¸»¿ :19¸»¿ 3gkl Stk - NMF&MCHAMP - 30k 107-10610 3 2¡ -- 2«¬ 1¨© Thedford T 128 bfL 2.50 Diamond and a Half128¨© Famous Julia128¨© Girl With a Plan126¸ strong rally, 10 09Nov20 6 Zia ft 350Y cwÂÀ :17¾¸¶ :17¼^¹3gkl Stk - NMCLSCDSTF - 27k 90-91 6 7 4£ -- 2¶ 3¶¡ Baca B J 128 bfL *1.80 Fmous Jul128¶¢ Hollywoodcrown128¨µ Dmond nd Hlf128¶ wbobbled outwardly brk 10 25Oct20 9 LS ft 440Y cwÈ :21¾¼¿ :21º¹¹ 3g Stk - REFRTRSTK - 200k 89-89 10 3 3¡ -- 5¸¡ 5¸£ Thedford T 128 bfL 71.30 Valiant Tiberias128«¬ Dexxter128¡ Jordan Eagle128¶ jostled start,outkickd 12 Workout(s): 10 Mar 21 Frn 220Y ft :12.28b 10/32 14 Oct 20 Frn 220Y ft :12.50b 5/14 27 May 20 Frn 220Y ft :12.25b 5/21 29 Jan 20 Frn 220Y ft :12.71bg 5/12 Owner: Byron R. Woodard 82.85 2021: 4 2 0 0 $36,034 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 3-1 Silks: White, Blue Star, white "TE" brand, Blue "Actiflex" blue cuffs on sleeves 2020: 7 1 1 0 $45,804 Off Track: 4 1 1 1 $47,166 Trainer: Marc E. Jungers ( 29-3-3-3 ) 31.03% Life: 24 5 5 2 $484,065 Distance: 8 2 2 0 $131,249 3 Lucas Constantin Rui: 15 3 4 2 $444,946 Course: 6 2 2 0 $130,334 Blue NO MIRES A LA LUNA Ñ (L) 128 ( 27-3-3-3 ) 33.33% B.g.5 First Moonflash - Dont Looke Ethel by Genuine Strawfly - Bred in New Mexico by Byron R Woodard (Feb 24, 2016) 31Jul21 8 Rui ft 400Y cw :19»¼¹ :19»¼¹ 3glStk - ZIA HDCP - 40k 98-99 7 1 1«¬ -- 1¡ 1¡ Constantin L 128 bL 11.10 No Mirs L Lun128¡ Mrcus Mdllion128«¬ Effortlss Cndy Ct128«¬ driving, held well 10 Previously trained by Danley Fred I 2021 (as of 05/01): ( 33 8 3 6 0.24 ) 01May21 8 RP ft 400Y hwÉ :20»^¾ :19¾¸º 3g Stk - LEO STK - 100k 70-70 4 5 6¶¢ -- 5¸£ 7º¢* Flores J A 126 bfL 17.70 1191 Jss My Hocks126¨© Dnjr127¸¡ Mi Amor Scrto126«¬ wshied in,knckd sideway,DQ8th 8 10Apr21 9 RP ft 350Y nw :17»¾¿ :17»¾¿ 3g Ocl 50000nw1/y/x-N 88-89 9 1 1«¬ -- 1¡ 1£ Flores J A 126 bfL 3.00 1213 No Mirs L Lun126£ Kowboy Jim127¨µ Winter Brook126¡ led at once,edged away 9 26Mar21 11 RP ft 350Y hwÁÄ :18»¿º :17¾ºº 3g Ocl 35000nw4/L-N 60-47 2 8 8º -- 8»¢ 8º£* Ortiz J E 129 bfL 3.90 1231 Tc N Dl126¶¢ Sthrnstylmssn126¨© Hr Strm n n126¨© wsandwiched,shuffled,PL7th 8 15Dec20 5 Zia ft 400Y cwÂÅ :19¾¸¼ :19»¾½ 3glAlw 27500cnd 92-80 2 6 3¡ -- 4¶ 5¶¡ Sterling D L 128 bfL *.90 Whene Version128«¬ Perrys Regard127¨© Freedom Flash128£ wthrew head start, 10 09Nov20 8 Zia ft 440Y cwÃÀ :22^¾¾ :22^¾¾ 3glNMCLSCPCHM -30k 87-95 5 2 2«¬ -- 1«¬ 1¨µ Becerra, Jr. S 128 bfL 5.20 No Mires L Lun128¨µ Jess Satin Flash128¶ Marcus Medallion128¨µ driving, best 10 Previously trained by Crawford Clinton 2020 (as of 09/20): ( 489 46 49 62 0.09 ) 20Sep2010 Alb ft 440Y cwÅ :21¼»¶ :21^¾º 3g ALBFALLCHP -300k 89-86 8 10 10¶£ -- 10¸¡ 10º Calderon F 129 bfkL63.20 Danjer130¨µ Eagles Fly Higher129£ Apollitical Pence129¨© no final kick, 10 06Sep20 8 Rui ft 440Y cwÄ :21¹¿¿ :21¸»¶ 3g Stk - ALLAMGLDCP - 125k 95-91 6 4 4¨µ -- 4£ 4¶ Calderon F 125 bfkL48.30 Dexxter129¨µ Danjer128¡ Valiant Tiberias130¨µ wbump both sides brk 8 Workout(s): 8 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.35b 17/20 20 Mar 21 RP 330Y ft :18.11h 4/4 6 Mar 21 RP 330Y ft :17.10h 2/3 27 Feb 21 RP 220Y ft :11.98h 47/134 Owner: Manuel V. Rodriguez 63.86 2021: 2 0 0 0 $544 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 12-1 Silks: Blue with white sleeves "No Regrets" on back 2020: 6 0 1 0 $13,410 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $0 4 Trainer: Richard D. Sedillo ( 24-0-2-1 ) 12.50% Juan Carlos Rivas Life: 14 2 2 2 $108,258 Distance: 6 1 1 1 $58,906 Yellow Rui: 7 2 0 1 $48,765 Course: 3 1 0 1 $45,821 SIX PACK FAME Ñ (L) (FH) 128 ( 72-3-5-2 ) 13.89% Ruidoso Select Yearling Sale 2018 $26,000 Sor.g.4 Jesse James Jr - Sandys Fame by Dash Ta Fame - Bred in New Mexico by Mj Farms (Jan 22, 2017) 27Aug21 7 Rui ft 350Y cwÄ :18¹¸º :17»ºº 3g Alw 27200nw1/y 72-44 1 6 6¶¡ -- 6¸£ 6»¡ Silva A 128 kL 26.20 Kowboy Jim128¨µ Senor Frogs128¨µ Be Quiet128¡wbit fractious 7 14Aug2110 Rui sys 350Y twÈ :18¹¸^ :17¶¿º 3g Alw 23900nw3/L 72-38 8 10 10¹¡ -- 10»¡ 10¾ Ortiz J E 128 L 33.70 Hes Bck128¨µ Gold Diggers Avenger128¶ Ms Lori Drlin128¶ woff slowly, lost path 10 Previously trained by Torres Juan D 2020 (as of 12/15): ( 9 1 0 1 0.11 ) 15Dec20 3 Zia ft 350Y cwÂÅ :17¿¸^ :17»¼¼ 3g l Alw 26000nw3/L 88-68 7 10 5¶¢ -- 6¸ 7¸* Becerra, Jr. S 128 fL 6.00 Fireball Flash128¶¢ Lewandosky128¨µ Splish Splash Flash126¨µ outrun,,PL6th 10 Previously trained by Ibarra Sergio 2020 (as of 08/23): ( 111 15 7 8 0.14 ) 23Aug20 7 Rui ft 440Y twÇ :22¶¾¾ :21º¹º 3 Dtr 8000 77-64 3 10 8¶ -- 8¸£ 9»¢ Valenzuela R A 126 fL 35.20 Cers Final Try126£ Kleptomaniac126¨µ Hock You126¶¢ wbump brk 10 11Jul20 5 Rui ft 400Y twÈ :20¼»¹ :19¾¸» 3 l Dtr 4000 71-48 8 8 9£ -- 9¹¡ 9¼ Ramirez E 126 fL 2.30 Stominado126¡ Colby James126«¬ Dark Moon127£wfractious,bump brk 10 Previously trained by Mendoza Ramon 2019: ( 129 13 18 8 0.10 ) 15Feb20 4 Sun ft 400Y twÁÄ :19º¸½ :19¹¾º 3 l Stk - NMHBA STKS - 100k 91-101 3 2 2«¬ -- 2«¬ 3¨µ* Becerra, Jr. S 126 fL 7.70 Frst Non Moon126¨© Jss Ftrd Grl129¨µ Sx Pck Fm126¨µ close throughout,DQ10th 10 Previously trained by Muela Jose L 2019: ( 218 38 35 22 0.17 ) 25Jan20 4 Sun ft 400Y twÇ :19½¹¼ :19¹½º 3 l Stk - SHUE FLY S - 226k 83-80 5 7 7¶ -- 6¸¡ 5¸¡ Becerra, Jr. S 126 fL 10.60 Champagne Room126¨µ Donelli127£ Jess Tequila Talkin126¡ bumped both sides 10 03Jan20 1 Sun ft 400Y cwÈ :19¾¼» :19¼½¿ 3 l Str 80-91 4 1 2«¬ -- 2¶ 2¶¢ Becerra, Jr. S 126 fL 3.80 Donelli127¶¢ Six Pack Fame126¸£ Runner Chick126¨µ fought gamely, 9 Workout(s): 30 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :11.75h 10/54 8 Jul 21 Rui 330Y ft :18.25b 5/8 a27 Jun 21 Rui 330Y ft :16.94hg 1/8 a14 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :10.49h 1/34 09/04/2021 Race 11 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:07:15 PM RACE 11 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

54 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO RACE 11 CONTINUED Owner: Rex Wells 84.7 2021: 3 1 0 1 $36,908 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 7-2 Silks: White, Red "J/G" Red Collar, Red Chevrons and cuffs 2020: 5 1 1 1 $35,832 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $4,119 5 Trainer: James J. Gonzales, II ( 63-15-12-7 ) 53.97% Mario A. Delgado Life: 14 6 3 2 $401,695 Distance: 9 3 2 1 $151,250 Green Rui: 7 3 2 0 $258,907 Course: 5 1 2 0 $86,677 COLBY JAMES Ñ (L) 128 ( 76-21-9-9 ) 51.32% Ruidoso New Mexico Bred QH Yearling 2018 $15,000 Sor.g.4 Jesse James Jr - Sandy June Bug by Blushing Bug - Bred in New Mexico by Mj Farms (Feb 22, 2017) 31Jul21 8 Rui ft 400Y cw :19¼¾» :19»¼¹ 3glStk - ZIA HDCP - 40k 95-93 2 9 4¨µ -- 4£ 5£ Delgado M 128 bfL *1.70 No Mires L Lun128¡ Mrcus Medllion128«¬ Effortless Cndy Ct128«¬ wlight brush brk 10 16May21 9 Srp ft 400Y hwÁÄ :19¸¼½ :19¸¼½ 3glStk - JMDRAKESTK - 56k 112-99 2 4 1¶ -- 1¶ 1¡ Delgado M 128 bfL 3.90 Colby Jms128¡ Whn Vrsion128¨µ Burn One Down for Me128¨µ speed all the way, 7 08Apr21 10 RP ft 350Y hwÁ :17¾¼¸ :17½¹½ 3g Ocl 20000nw2/x-N 81-77 1 7 6¶¢ -- 4£ 3¡ Delgado M 126 bfL *1.30 1321 Rolling Along126¡ Jestagoodoldboy126«¬ Colby James126«¬ good effort inside 9 09Nov20 9 Zia ft 400Y cwÂÅ :19¿º» :19½¿^ 3 l NMCLASDBY -248k 89-94 8 10 9¶£ -- 5¶¢ 3£ Delgado M 126 bfL 2.40 Girl With Plan126¡ Amandas Flashy126¨µ Colby James126¡ wrepeated bumps brk 10 20Oct20 2 Zia ft 400Y cwÅ :19º½» :19º½» 3 l Dtr 10000 102-96 1 1 1¡ -- 1¶ 1¶¢ Delgado M 126 bfL 9.20 Colby James126¶¢ Donelli126¶£ First Neon Moon126«¬wbrk in bit, driving 9 29Aug20 3 Alb ft 400Y hwÆ :20¶¶¾ :19¾º¿ 3 l Dtr 7000 79-70 2 6 6¶ -- 6¶ 6¶£ Becerra, Jr. S 126 bfkL*2.40 Jess Getaway126¨µ Don Chuy C126¨µ Anakena126¶ no final kick, 8 25Jul20 9 Rui mys 400Y cwÇ :21¸¸¾ :19¾¾» 3 l ZIA DERBY -183k 56-37 2 9 10¸¢ -- 10»¡ 10¿¡ Becerra, Jr. S 126 bfkL10.30 Mister Riptide126¨µ Close to Crazy126¨µ Donelli126¡ wshift in/out early 10 11Jul20 5 Rui ft 400Y twÈ :19¾¿^ :19¾¸» 3 l Dtr 4000 90-82 6 6 4¨µ -- 3¡ 2¡ Becerra, Jr. S 126 bfkL*2.20 Stominado126¡ Colby James126«¬ Dark Moon127£ wbmpd brk, gained place 10 Workout(s): 8 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :11.94h 8/20 13 Mar 21 RP 220Y ft :11.80h 16/61 23 Feb 21 RP 220Y ft :13.18h 55/62 30 Sep 20 LS 220Y ft :12.12b 4/16 Owner: South Texas Longhorn, LLC (Teddy Arzavy et al) 82.3 2021: 5 0 2 0 $9,897 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 8-1 Silks: Red, Turquoise "Z" brand, Turquoise framed Panels 2020: 8 2 2 1 $46,111 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 6 Trainer: Casey T. Lambert ( 114-22-23-17 ) 54.39% Francisco Calderon Life: 20 4 5 2 $82,094 Distance: 12 2 4 1 $56,740 Black Rui: 8 2 2 0 $20,207 Course: 5 1 1 0 $10,014 PERRYS REGARD Ñ (L) (FH) 128 ( 157-31-28-16 ) 47.77% Ruidoso New Mexico Bred QH Yearling 2018 $60,000 Gr.g.4 Chicks Regard - Ms Perry Mason by Mr Jess Perry - Bred in New Mexico by Mike Abraham (Feb 03, 2017) 08Aug21 5 Rui ft 550Y twÆ :26½¸¾ :26¼½¾ 3g Alw 28500nw2/x 105-87 5 1 1«¬ -- 1«¬ 2¨µ Calderon F 128 bkL 2.30 Ratatattat128¨µ Perrys Regard128¡ First Apollo Moon128£ bid, outfinished 7 31Jul21 8 Rui ft 400Y cw :19¾¾¾ :19»¼¹ 3glStk - ZIA HDCP - 40k 90-85 8 4 8¶ -- 7¶¡ 7¸¢ Calderon F 128 bkL 22.20 No Mires L Lun128¡ Mrcus Medllion128«¬ Effortless Cndy Cat128«¬ needed more 10 13Jun21 5 Rui ft 400Y hwÁÄ :20¸¼¾ :20¶º¸ 3g Alw 10400nw2/x 81-79 8 5 7¶ -- 4¶ 2¶ Sigala A 128 bkL 6.60 Apolliticl Hro126¶ Prrys Rgrd128¨© First Neon Moon128¡ wfractious,up for place 8 05Feb21 1 Tup ft 350Y nw :17½½º :17¼¶½ 3g Fnl 12500 96-86 3 3 2«¬ -- 5¡ 6¶ Medellin A 126 bL 19.70 Chicks Fayvorite126¨© Be Quiet126¨µ Apollitical Papa126«¬ bid, tired, 10 15Jan21 2 Tup ft 250Y nw :14^¸» :13¸»¹ 3g Fnl 12500 71-54 8 10 -- -- 10¼¢ 10» Medellin A 126 bkL 4.20 Hs Paul Walker126¡ Senor Frogs126¡ First Lady Perry126¨µ wreared at start, 10 15Dec20 5 Zia ft 400Y cwÂÅ :19¼^¶ :19»¾½ 3glAlw 27500cnd 98-90 1 1 1¡ -- 1«¬ 2«¬ Sigala A 127 bkL 4.30 Whene Version128«¬ Perrys Regrd127¨© Freedom Flsh128£ dueled, just missed, 10 09Nov20 9 Zia ft 400Y cwÂÅ :20^¹½ :19½¿^ 3 l NMCLASDBY -248k 87-90 1 6 7¡ -- 6¶¢ 5¶¢* Sigala A 126 bkL 14.20 Girl With a Plan126¡ Amandas Flashy126¨µ Colby James126¡ wbrushes late,PL4th 10 20Oct20 4 Zia ft 400Y cwà :19¾¿¹ :19¾¹º 3 l Dtr 10000 90-77 2 2 2¡ -- 2¡ 2¨µ Sigala A 126 bkL 3.40 Girl With Pln131¨µ Perrys Regrd126«¬ Javys Brown Sugar126¶ fought for place 9 Workout(s): 16 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.44h 2/3 6 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.44h 7/15 25 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :11.87h 2/14 11 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.99h 67/82 Owner: Kenneth L. & Cherie E. Wallin 76.55 2021: 5 2 1 0 $26,020 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 5-1 Silks: Maroon, White "TS" brand, White sleeves, Maroon Stars 2020: 9 3 1 0 $21,296 Off Track: 2 0 0 0 $80 7 Trainer: Tony E. Sedillo ( 62-4-3-9 ) 25.81% Cerapio Figueroa Life: 28 6 2 4 $58,828 Distance: 8 1 1 1 $8,074 Orange Rui: 13 3 1 2 $24,478 Course: 4 0 1 0 $2,029 MAGNA MOON Ñ (L) (FH) 128 ( 7-0-1-3 ) 57.14% Heritage Place Winter Mixed 2017 $28,000 Br.g.5 First Moonflash - Bhb Mighty by Mr Jess Perry - Bred in New Mexico by P K Thomas (Mar 05, 2016) 08Aug21 8 Rui ft 300Y cwÁ :15¸¼¼ :15¶¸^ 3glAlw 39700 103-91 8 5 -- -- 5¶¢ 5¶ Delgado M 128 kL 5.70 Famous Julia128¡ nU Got the Look128¨© nBig Big Love128¨© needed more 9 25Jun21 9 Rui ft 350Y hwÁÁ :17¼»º :17¼»º 3g Alw 11900nw2/x 91-82 7 4 2«¬ -- 1«¬ 1¨µ Delgado M 128 kL 4.60 Magna Moon128¨µ Contender126¨µ Speed Dynasty126£ driving, prevailed 8 Previously trained by Sedillo Richard D 2021 (as of 04/10): ( 9 1 2 0 0.11 ) 10Apr21 5 RP ft 330Y twÇ :16½¼^ :16½¼^ 3g Sta 10000 90-81 1 10 6£ -- 2«¬ 1¨µ AguirreErives C 126 kL 10.80 1218 Magna Moon126¨µ Corona Relentless124«¬ Asteroyd126¨µ determined finish 12 25Mar21 8 RP ft 330Y nw :16¾¼¾ :16¾¸¹ 3g Clm 15000 87-79 8 4 4¨µ -- 4¨µ 2¨µ Alvarez J A 129 kL 12.20 1219 Presidential Embrace126¨µ Magna Moon129«¬ Bojangled126«¬ broke in, fired 9 09Mar21 5 RP ft 250Y hwÂÄ :14^¸¶ :13½^^ 3g Sta 10000 59-52 7 8 -- -- 8¹ 8¸ Garcia, Jr. N 126 bkL 10.90 1222 Crson Cty Trn126¡ Ms Lor Drln126¨µ Vlint Tmptrss125¨© wacted up,off very slow 9 Previously trained by Sedillo Tony E 2020 (as of 12/07): ( 181 35 17 25 0.19 ) 07Dec20 2 Zia ft 400Y cwà :19¼¸¿ :19¼¸¿ 3g Clm 10000 (10-7.5) 97-80 7 2 4¨µ -- 2«¬ 1¨© Sigala A 128 bkL 13.20 Magna Moon128¨© Big Daddy Rf128¡ Comin to Your Town128¡ stiff drive, 10 02Nov20 4 Zia ft 300Y cwÇ :16¼¼¹ :15¿½¹ 3g Clm 10000 (10-7.5) 57-18 4 8 -- -- 8¹ 8º¢ Sigala A 128 bL 2.10 Comin to Your Town128£ Streak N Cartel128¨© Revvy128¨µ wfractious, hit gate 8 24Oct2010 LS ft 250Y hwÁ :13º¿¹ :13¹^¾3g Clm 10000 85-64 1 11 -- -- 11¸¢ 5¶¢ Thedford T 128 bL *2.40 Lota Cac128¨µ Una Mas Stoli126«¬ Jj Carters Cartel Jr126£ bumped start 12 Workout(s): 17 Jun 21 Rui 330Y ft :16.90h 1/2 20 May 21 Rui 220Y ft :11.23h 2/29 25 Feb 21 RP 330Y ft :17.60h 9/9 6 Feb 21 RP 220Y ft :13.30h 54/56 Owner: Jesus T. Carrasco 77.55 2021: 1 1 0 0 $21,815 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 10-1 Silks: Pink, Pink Cap 2020: 9 0 3 0 $45,575 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 8 Trainer: Jaime G. Aldavaz, Sr. ( 30-1-4-7 ) 40.00% Adrian A. Ramos Life: 16 3 4 0 $109,990 Distance: 14 3 3 0 $99,790 Pink Rui: 5 2 0 0 $32,808 Course: 4 2 0 0 $32,808 DON CHUY C Ñ (L) (FH) 128 ( 124-19-18-17 ) 43.55% Ruidoso New Mexico Bred QH Yearling 2018 $10,000 Br.h.4 First Moonflash - Jess Say Bye Bye by Spit Curl Jess - Bred in New Mexico by Mike Abraham (Apr 20, 2017) 15Aug21 5 Alb ft 400Y nw :19»¼º :19»¼º 3g Alw 30900nw3/L 94-86 8 7 3¨µ -- 1¡ 1£ Ramos A A 128 bfkL 3.00 Don Chuy C128£ Man of Faith128¨µ Flying Afar128¡ sharp effort, 10 23Dec20 5 Zia ft 400Y cwÂÀ :20¶¶¹ :19¶¸¸ 3g Alw 26650 85-58 5 8 10»¡ -- 10¼ 10¼ Leos J P 126 fkL 11.30 Marcus Medallion128¨µ Bella Faccia128¨µ Budderlicous128¨µ in close, faded, 10 04Nov20 4 Zia ft 400Y cwÆ :19¼¿» :19»½¼ 3glAlw 21000nw3/L 95-87 9 2 3¨µ -- 2¡ 2£ Leos J P 126 fkL 3.70 Burn One Down for Me126£ Don Chuy C126£ Boy With Cash126¶£ second best 10 Previously trained by Valeriano Joel M Jr.2020 (as of 10/20): ( 47 8 5 3 0.17 ) 20Oct20 4 Zia ft 400Y cwà :20¸¹¼ :19¾¹º 3 l Dtr 10000 82-62 3 3 5¶¢ -- 5¶£ 7¸¡ Ramirez E 126 fkL *1.60 Girl With a Plan131¨µ Perrys Regard126«¬ Javys Brown Sugar126¶ no late bid 9 20Sep20 7 Alb ft 400Y cwÅ :19¼¼½ :19»½¹ 3 l NMBRDRSDBY -252k 90-89 10 8 7¶¡ -- 3¶ 2£ Ramirez E 128 fkL 3.70 Donelli126£ nDon Chuy C128£ nDark Moon126£ game effort, 10 29Aug20 3 Alb ft 400Y hwÆ :19¾¾¶ :19¾º¿ 3 l Dtr 7000 84-81 5 3 5¡ -- 2«¬ 2¨µ Ramirez E 126 fkL 3.50 Jess Getaway126¨µ Don Chuy C126¨µ Anakena126¶ drifted in, 2nd best 8 31Jul20 9 Rui ft 400Y twÇ :19¿¿^ :19¾½º 3g Alw 10925nw3/L 87-77 7 6 5£ -- 5£ 5£ Ramirez E 126 fkL 6.10 High Triver128¨µ Franklin Road129¨µ Single Minded126¨µ wlight bump brk 9 11Jul20 4 Rui ft 400Y cwà :20¶»¼ :19¼¼¾ 3 l Dtr 4000 83-74 7 8 8¶¡ -- 7¸¢ 7¹¢* Garcia P O 127 fkL 8.80 Donlli126¨µ Clos to Crzy126¶ First Neon Moon126¶¢ wbmps btw brk,in tight,PL6th 8 Workout(s): 10 Jul 21 Rui 220Y ft :12.40bg 1/1 18 Jun 21 Rui 220Y ft :13.50h 20/24 14 Jun 20 Rui 220Y ft :12.51hg 13/26 6 May 20 Frn 220Y ft :12.35b 3/7 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off Ñ - New Mexico Bred Equipment Change: Flashing Moolah will race with Flipping Halter On (FH) - Flipping Halter: Flashing Moolah, Six Pack Fame, Perrys Regard, Magna Moon, Don Chuy C Selections 3-5-1-7 09/04/2021 Race 11 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:07:15 PM


NEW MOBILE APP! RUIBET.COM Password: AllAmerican SCAN QR CODE WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE CAMERA App is only available when onsite at Ruidoso Downs Race Track

SEARS HOMETOWN STORE 26142 US Highway 70 Ruidoso Downs, NM 575-378-4700 Regular Fitness Classes Include: + BodyPump Weight Training + BodyFlow Yoga + Water AEROBICS + Zumba Three Month Summer Membership Only $165 per Person | 415 Wingfield | 575-257-4900 2ND HALF LATE DAILY DOUBLE / EXACTA / TRIFECTA / .10 Approx Post 4:46PM SUPERFECTA / 4TH LEG PICK 4 / 3RD LEG PICK 3 / 5TH LEG PICK 5 MAIDEN CLAIMING WIN PLACE SHOW 12 Purse $12,800 FOR MAIDENS, FILLIES AND MARES THREE, FOUR, AND FIVE YEARS OLD. Three Year Olds, 121 Lbs; Older, 123 Lbs Claiming Price $10,000. Five And One Half Furlongs. MAKE SELECTION BY PROGRAM NUMBER MORNING OWNER TRAINER JOCKEY LINE CHOYA YOUNG DON A. YOUNG Lime Green, black Chevron DY- brand, white sleeves, black Chevrons 6 Track Record: ROCKY GULCH (2),120 lbs; 1:02 (7-13-03) LUIS RODRIGUEZ RACE REVIEW 1 HIGH ON LIFE ***123 by Keithley's Korner Red Ch.m.5 To Honor and Serve - Dixie Waltz by Dixieland Band (KY) $10,000 ROBERT VAN CROWELL AND NORMA BLAZERROBERT VAN CROWELL White, White Cap 10 TRACY CLOSING TIME CUTIE (#6) had a nice debut race last 2 FLAMING BESITOS Ñ (L) ***121 HEBERT White Ch.f.3 Laugh Track - Besitos by Greatness (NM) $10,000 month. Have to credit rider Purcell with having an MANUEL DURAN, JR, ALBERT GOMEZ AND JUAN R. MERAZ DELORES DURAN 20 incredible summer--she's been a thrill to watch. Blue, Blue Cap JIMMY 3 COATES FLAMING BESITOS (#2) appears to have some Blue DE FELINA'S SONG Ñ (L) ***123 $10,000 Ch.m.5 Indy Express - De Shoshauna by Unbridled's Song (NM) speed--there have been issues around the turns. Better J. KYLE MARKEY AND DALE ALAN DOBY ROBERT VAN CROWELL Yellow, Yellow Cap 6 than record indicates. HECTOR 4 EYEJUST TOOKCHARGE (L) ***123 ALDRETE DE FELINA'S SONG (#3) has offered every excuse--not Yellow B.f.4 Will Take Charge - Eye to Victory by Eye of the Tiger (KY) $10,000 DEBRA MCCOMAS AND PAUL A. SMITH PAUL A. SMITH many left to use. Green, Green Cap 10 CASEY 5 BAJA RATTLE (L) ***121 CHAVEZ Suggested Wager: $5 Win on 6 and $2 Exacta box 2/6 Green B.f.3 Rattlesnake Bridge - Baja Oklahoma by Lion Heart (FL) $10,000 CHAMPION RACING STABLE (R CUNDIFF ET AL)CASEYT. LAMBERT K-Bob's Selections White, Dk. Green Star, White "C" Dk. Green Stars on Sleeves 4/5 KELSI Closing Time Cutie 6 CLOSING TIME CUTIE (L) ***121 PURCELL Flaming Besitos Black B.f.3 Maclean's Music - Lasamanamama by Sabre d'Argent (MD) $10,000 DUANE FREEMAN TONY E. SEDILLO De Felina's Song Maroon, white "TS" brand, white sleeves, maroon Stars 5 CERAPIO 7 BISCUIT'S DREAM Ñ (L1) ***121 FIGUEROA Orange Dk B/ Br.f.3 Marking - Wild Cover by Offlee Wild (NM) $10,000 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off; Ñ - Denotes New Mexico Bred. #2 & #4 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. PROBABLE FAVORITES: 6 - 7 - 1 - 4


RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 59 APPROX. POST:4:46PM 2nd Half Late Daily Double / Exacta / Trifecta / .10 Superfecta / 4th Leg Pick 4 / 3rd Leg Pick 3 / 5th Leg Pick 5 12 Win Place Show No. MAIDEN CLAIMING $10,000 Scan for Equibase Racing Information Purse $12,800. For Maidens, Fillies And Mares Three, Four, and Five Years Old. Three Year Olds, 121 Lbs; Older, 123 Lbs Claiming Price $10,000. Five And One Half Furlongs Track Record: Rocky Gulch (2) 120 lbs. 1:02 (7-13-03) Program# Odds Pace Speed Weight Jockey Class Owner: Choya Young 8 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Lime Green, black Chevron DY- brand, white sleeves, black Chevrons 2020: 1 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Don A. Young ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Life: 1 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 1 0 0 0 $0 1 Luis H. Rodriguez Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Red $10,000 HIGH ON LIFE 123 ( 79-8-9-18 ) 44.30% Ch.m.5 To Honor and Serve - Dixie Waltz by Dixieland Band - Bred in Kentucky by Michael David Wilson (May 03, 2016) 08Dec20 5 Zia ft 5K :22½» :46¹¼ 1:04¿^ 35k Mcl 25000 3-8 5 7 8»£ 8¼¢ 8¶^ 8¶¾ Bobroff J 123 b 35.70 Zoe's Goldlady121¡ Quandary121¨© Heavenly Arch121¸¡ 4-w, no factor 8 Workout(s): 17 Aug 21 Rui 4F gd :53.22bg 22/23 a2 Aug 21 Rui 3F ft :37.20b 1/4 3 Nov 20 Zia 4F ft :52.13b 32/32 9 Oct 20 Zia 4F ft :49bg 6/14 Owner: Robert Van Crowell and Norma Blazer 11 2021: 3 0 0 0 $994 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 10-1 Silks: White, White Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 1 0 0 0 $600 Clm Prc Trainer: Robert Van Crowell ( 31-2-4-4 ) 32.26% Life: 3 0 0 0 $994 Distance: 2 0 0 0 $760 2 Tracy J. Hebert Rui: 3 0 0 0 $994 Course: 2 0 0 0 $760 White $10,000 FLAMING BESITOS Ñ (L) 121 ( 64-18-15-8 ) 64.06% Ch.f.3 Laugh Track - Besitos by Greatness - Bred in New Mexico by Mike Abraham (Mar 27, 2018) 06Aug21 1 Rui ft 5f :22¶¿ :45º¿ :57¿¼ 35k Mcl 5000 30--- 7 4 1¡ 5¹£ 6¶¶ 6¸¶£ Sigala A 126 L 13.70 Nobl Miss116¶¢ Closing Tim Cutie121¼¡ Tiz My Hour123¼ outside,4-5w turn,wknd 7 25Jul21 11 Rui sys 5K :22º¸ :46¹¿ 1:07½¸ 35k Mcl 7500 (7.5-5) 68-20 1 3 2«¬ 1«¬ 2¶ 4½¡ Aldrete H 121 L 14.10 Unbridled Div121¡ Attcking Girl121¹¢ Sssy Queenie118¹£ prompt insd-3p,empty 6 18Jun21 9 Rui ft 5K :22º¶ :45¾^ 1:04º^ 35kl Mcl 6500 ---13 2 5 7¼ 7¾ 6¶¶ 6¶¼¢ Coates J R 120 L 16.70 Crmon's Dnce120º¢ Attacking Girl117¸¢ Run Like Kate125¼ 3-5wide turn, mildly 8 Workout(s): 16 Jul 21 Rui 3F ft :37b 10/20 12 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :49.60hg 17/24 4 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :51.20hg 50/59 29 May 21 Rui 3F ft :36.20b 3/7 Owner: Manuel Duran, Jr, Albert Gomez and Delores Duran 17.75 2021: 2 0 0 0 $360 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 20-1 Silks: Blue, Blue Cap 2020: 2 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Juan R. Meraz ( 5-0-0-0 ) 0.00% Life: 7 0 1 0 $6,045 Distance: 4 0 1 0 $5,685 3 Jimmy Ray Coates Rui: 2 0 0 0 $360 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Blue $10,000 DE FELINA'S SONG Ñ (L) 123 ( 131-19-7-23 ) 37.40% Ch.m.5 Indy Express - De Shoshauna by Unbridled's Song - Bred in New Mexico by Double Eagle Ranch Inc (Mar 26, 2016) 08Aug21 3 Rui ft 5f :22¶¿ :45¶¼ :57º¶ 35k Msw 18000 23-5 6 3 6¹£ 6¾¡ 6¶¸ 6¸»¡ Coates J R 123 bL 31.40 Unique Babe121£ Itz the Ditz121¶^¡ Zippin by U123¡ 5-6wide, no factor 7 18Jul21 2 Rui ft 870Y nw :48¾¸¼ :46¶½¾ 35 Mdn 12000 ---18 8 8 7¶¸ -- 7¶¹ 7¶¾£ Aldrete H 128 bL 21.90 On Hckv Kss126¶^¢ Chclt Brnl128¨µ Gn Contng Down130«¬ 3-6w turn, no threat 8 16Dec2011 Zia ft 5K :22¶º :45½¾ 1:04¾¸ 35k Mcl 7500 (7.5-5) 49-23 1 4 2¸ 2¸ 3¸¡ 10¶^£Perez M A 123 bL 39.20 Now Playing121¶ Run and Tell Dat121¨µ Zipzapzoom121¶¢ off rail, tired 11 02Nov2010 Zia ft 5K :22¹¸ :45¼¹ 1:04¼½ 35kl Mcl 7500 57--- 4 9 2¶ 5¹¢ 10¶» 11º½¡Coates J R 123 bL 49.10 Or Ntv Angl121¡ Sh'svrsoclvr121¸£ Te Shot Dolly121¨µ stopped,not urged late 11 Previously trained by Hone Bart G 2019 (as of 10/01): ( 94 15 17 10 0.16 ) 01Oct19 4 Zia ft 6f :22¶¾ :45¸¶ 1:11»¼ 3gkl Msw 36000 51--- 3 5 4º¢ 4¾ 9¶» 9¹¸ Negron L 121 bL 5.60 Trickessy121»£ Creekwater Punch121»£ Santita S S121£ between, faded 10 07Aug19 6 Alb ft 5K :23¸¾ :46¸» 1:06¶» 3glMsw 20300 23-54 8 2 6¸£ 6º 1¶ 2¶ Gonzalez E 117 bL 6.00 Offensive120¶ De Felina's Song117¨µ Kiss My Vaquero127º brief lead, 2nd best 8 Previously trained by Archuleta Adam 2018 (as of 10/08): ( 102 12 10 13 0.12 ) 08Oct18 3 Zia ft 5K :22º½ :46¸½ 1:06¹¸ 2 kl Msw 32500 46-42 2 4 5¸¡ 5¸£ 5¸£ 4¹¢ Medellin A 120 bfL 18.00 Sofia's Gift120«¬ Baby Lets Rock120£ Feisty Halo120¸¡ ask 3/8, shifted 5w 8 Workout(s): 11 Jun 21 Rui 3F ft :38hg 5/6 20 May 21 Rui 3F ft :38.20b 7/10 24 Nov 20 Zia 5F ft 1:02.21bg 8/12 21 Oct 20 Zia 3F ft :37.31b 4/5 Owner: J. Kyle Markey and Dale Alan Doby 36.05 2021: 3 0 1 0 $2,179 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 Silks: Yellow, Yellow Cap 2020: 3 0 0 0 $446 Off Track: 2 0 0 0 $770 Clm Prc Trainer: Robert Van Crowell ( 31-2-4-4 ) 32.26% Life: 6 0 1 0 $2,625 Distance: 2 0 1 0 $1,516 4 Hector Aldrete Rui: 6 0 1 0 $2,625 Course: 2 0 1 0 $1,516 Yellow $10,000 EYEJUST TOOKCHARGE (L) 123 ( 118-14-11-6 ) 26.27% B.f.4 Will Take Charge - Eye to Victory by Eye of the Tiger - Bred in Kentucky by John D. Gunther & Cudney Stables (Apr 29, 2017) 06Aug21 6 Rui ft 7K :24^» :48¾¾ 1:34¸¾ 35k Mcl 5000 33-31 7 5 5¸£ 6¹¢ 4¼¡ 5¶¸¢ Aldrete H 123 bL 6.50 Run Like Kte121¸£ Partyatthecapital123»¡ Ms. Lea123¸£ 6-5w 1st turn,insd 2nd 8 25Jul21 4 Rui sys 6f :23^½ :46¶º 1:13¹¸ 35k Mcl 5000 (7.5-5) 63-49 3 3 2«¬ 2¡ 2¸ 4¼ Aldrete H 123 bL 5.20 Itsgoodtobking121¸ Tiz My Hour123¶¢ Prtytthcpitl123¸£ duel 3w,ask 3/8,empty 5 27Jun21 5 Rui ft 5K :22º¶ :45¾¹ 1:05^¾ 35k Mcl 6500 (10-6.5) 4-44 8 10 10½ 10¾£ 5¼¡ 2»¡ Aldrete H 123 bL 33.40 Urge120»¡ Eyejust Tookcharge123¶¢ Zippin by U123¨µ wstdy brk,weaved in/out 10 01Aug20 7 Rui ft 5K :22º¶ :45¿¸ 1:06¹¾ 35k Mcl 6500 (10-6.5) ---30 3 6 7¶^ 7¶¶ 6¿ 4» Laviolette S 120 bL 20.20 Acclimted Song122¹¢ Rm Who120¶¢ W F La Venada122¡ 2path turn,missed show 7 12Jul20 4 Rui wfs 6f :22^¿ :44½º 1:10¸¸ 35k Msw 8500 6-11 8 6 5½¡ 7¶º 8¶¼ 6¶½£ Chavez C R 118 bL 51.30 Ind Wilks118¨© Run'n Down Drm122¹£ Ms Bucksnort120¿£ wstep slow brk,5wd turn 8 19Jun20 11 Rui ft 6f :22¹^ :44¸¾ 1:10º¹ 35k Mcl 10000 (15-10) 5-20 6 8 8¿¡ 8¶» 9¶» 7¸¶¡ Chavez C R 118 bL 41.60 Lucky Flash122£ India Wilkes119¶^¢ Senorita Tapit122¶¢ wdwelt st, 3-6path turn 9 Workout(s): 16 Jul 21 Rui 3F ft :36.20b 3/20 19 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :49hg 8/19 a12 Jun 21 Rui 3F ft :35.60b 1/7 3 Nov 20 Zia 4F ft :50.25bg 29/32 Owner: Debra McComas and Paul A. Smith 7.4 4 2021: 4 0 0 0 $848 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 10-1 Silks: Green, Green Cap 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Paul A. Smith ( 43-4-4-3 ) 25.58% Life: 4 0 0 0 $848 Distance: 2 0 0 0 $768 5 Casey R. Chavez Rui: 1 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Green $10,000 BAJA RATTLE (L) 121 ( 87-11-6-9 ) 29.89% B.f.3 Rattlesnake Bridge - Baja Oklahoma by Lion Heart - Bred in Florida by Dream Walkin' Farms, Inc. (Feb 01, 2018) 26Jun21 4 Rui ft 6f :22¹^ :45¿¸ 1:11¾¼ 35k Mcl 10000 (15-10) 12--- 8 10 8½ 10¶¹ 10¶½ 10¸»£Medina A 120 bL 72.40 Sara's Memories120¨µ Inglenook123º Ms Highspeed123¡ wbobbled brk,6p turn 10 26May21 2 Wrd ft 5K :22¹¿ :46¸º 1:04¿¸ 3gk Mcl 7500 77-10 9 2 4£ 8¸¡ 9½ 10¶¿¡Cruz R 116» bL 25.30 Lndry Kyl124¸£ Tiz Sight124¹¢ Goddess of Wonder124¶¢ 7 wide upper stretch, 11 12May21 2 Wrd ft 5f :22½¼ :46»½ :58ºº 3gk Mcl 7500 32-14 8 3 3¶ 5¶¢ 5½¡ 6¶¾¢ Cruz R 116» bL 28.20 Nothin But Clss121¾£ Goddss of Wondr124¹£ Met Ldy118¶¡ 5wd 1/8, weakened, 8 20Apr21 4 Wrd fts 5K :23¿¿ :48º¹ 1:07¿¸ 3gk Mcl 15000 38-5 4 2 3¶¡ 3¸¡ 4»¡ 4¶¿ Dauzat J 123 bL 10.20 Including Elli124¼£ Hrpers Vision122¹ Orphn Angie124¿¢ alertly, chsd, weakend 6 Workout(s): 11 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :50.60b 14/22 7 Jun 21 Rui 4F ft :50b 8/14 2 May 21 Wrd 4F ft :49.97h 3/9 5 Apr 21 Wrd 3F ft :37.81hg 3/8 Owner: Champion Racing Stable (R Cundiff et al) 43 2021: 1 0 1 0 $2,340 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 4-5 Silks: White, Dk. Green Star, White "C" Dk. Green Stars on Sleeves 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Casey T. Lambert ( 114-22-23-17 ) 54.39% Life: 1 0 1 0 $2,340 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 6 Kelsi Purcell Rui: 1 0 1 0 $2,340 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Black $10,000 CLOSING TIME CUTIE (L) 121 ( 72-23-17-7 ) 65.28% B.f.3 Maclean's Music - Lasamanamama by Sabre d'Argent - Bred in Maryland by Dr. & Mrs. A. Leonard Pineau (Apr 30, 2018) 06Aug21 1 Rui ft 5f :22¶¿ :45º¿ :57¿¼ 35k Mcl 5000 19-43 1 6 4¶¡ 1«¬ 2¶ 2¶¢ Purcell K 121 L 1.70 Noble Miss116¶¢ Closing Time Cutie121¼¡ Tiz My Hour123¼ inside,brief lead turn 7 Workout(s): 20 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :55.80b 24/24 30 Jul 21 Rui 3F ft :36.20b 4/17 20 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :48.80b 21/54 9 Jul 21 Rui 4F ft :50.60hg 14/26 09/04/2021 Race 12 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:07:17 PM RACE 12 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

60 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO RACE 12 CONTINUED Owner: Duane Freeman n/a 2021: 0 0 0 0 $0 Turf: 0 0 0 0 $0 5-1 Silks: Maroon, white "TS" brand, white sleeves, maroon Stars 2020: 0 0 0 0 $0 Off Track: 0 0 0 0 $0 Clm Prc Trainer: Tony E. Sedillo ( 62-4-3-9 ) 25.81% Life: 0 0 0 0 $0 Distance: 0 0 0 0 $0 7 Cerapio Figueroa Rui: 0 0 0 0 $0 Course: 0 0 0 0 $0 Orange $10,000 BISCUIT'S DREAM Ñ (L1) 121 ( 7-0-1-3 ) 57.14% Dk B/ Br.f.3 Marking - Wild Cover by Offlee Wild - Bred in New Mexico by Yellow Dog Ranch (Apr 08, 2018) Workout(s): 20 Aug 21 Rui 5F ft 1:03b 2/3 10 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :50hg 11/22 3 Aug 21 Rui 4F ft :49hg 6/12 27 Jul 21 Rui 3F gd :37.20b 1/2 L - Lasix; L1 - First Time Lasix; LX - Lasix Off Ñ - New Mexico Bred #2 & #4 WILL RACE IN SEPARATE INTERESTS. Selections 6-7-1-4 09/04/2021 Race 12 Printed on 8/29/2021 at 0:07:17 PM


Jockey of Trainer of Groom of Barn of the Week: the Week: the Week: the Week: JESUS MONTY JAVIER RIVERO LUIS C. AYALA ARROSSA (CASEY LAMBERT BARN) ROJERO

RACERUIDOSO.COM ú 61 This charming house sits on a lot with Kokopelli in the back yard and on #4 green at Alto Lakes across the street. It has new gas line ran to the kitchen for change over and all new plumbing. It has a sauna for your relaxation after a long day of golf, This home has amazing lighting, on one level on over Renovated facilities! a half an acre. New career programs! MLS #: 126739 | $499,000 What you learn here TRACI MITCHELL DIANNA GANDY-GOFF can get you there! Realtor Realtor ______Possibilities. Elevated. 432-349-3277 575-370-9909 [email protected] [email protected] Eastern New Mexico University Ruidoso Branch Community College Ruidoso Downs Race Track Chapel Service at 10:25 Sunday

(East of Billy the Kid Casino Parking Lot)

Chaplain Prayer garden Darrell Winter open dawn to 575-808-0790 dusk. Drive or walking path.

 

 NEW MOBILE APP! RUIBET.COM  Password: AllAmerican  SCAN QR CODE WITH YOUR  SMARTPHONE CAMERA  App is only available when onsite at Ruidoso Downs Race Track

 R ESTEBAN RAMIREZ Trainers In today La Bella Julia, Race 8, PP 4 of 10 GERALD W. REED Saturday, September 4, 2021 Hot Candy Man, Race 6, PP 7 of 10 ú RODNEY C. RICHARDS Efforts On the Bank, Race 8, PP 3 of 10 JACKIE E. RIDDLE A J Mississippi Music, Race 3, PP 2 of 8 JAIME G. ALDAVAZ, SR. DANYA Z. JEGEDE Our Island Girl, Race 5, PP 3 of 8 Don Chuy C, Race 11, PP 8 of 8 Shesa Dragon, Race 2, PP 6 of 10 Roll Big River, Race 8, PP 6 of 10 MONTY ARROSSA MARC E. JUNGERS MIKE ROBBINS Eye Pyc, Race 1, PP 2 of 10 No Mires a La Luna, Race 11, PP 3 of 8 Namgis Kissinmischka, Race 1, PP 9 of 10 LUIS C. ROJERO B K Doubledown Dreamer, Race 3, PP 5 of 8 HARVEY BAEZA DEE KEENER Texana, Race 5, PP 1 of 8 One Bodacious Eagle, Race 1, PP 8 of 10 Fleet Francis, Race 8, PP 8 of 10 Smooth Firewater, Race 5, PP 5 of 8 Aussie You Later, Race 9, PP 1 of 7 My Last Bullet, Race 8, PP 7 of 10 TOBY KEETON Courage N Order, Race 9, PP 3 of 7 BRADLEY C. BOLEN Political Cash V, Race 6, PP 8 of 10 Jez Gone Streakin, Race 4, PP 3 of 8 S Gol Winner, Race 6, PP 10 of 10 L One Heckuva Kiss, Race 10, PP 7 of 7 CASEY T. LAMBERT RANDY L. SCHALLA Tres Damas, Race 1, PP 6 of 10 MARK BROWN Mickeys Gold, Race 3, PP 6 of 8 Sassy Daddy, Race 8, PP 10 of 10 Smooth Blues, Race 3, PP 8 of 8 RICHARD D. SEDILLO Six Pack Fame, Race 11, PP 4 of 8 SIMON J. BUECHLER Seventh Hennessy, Race 5, PP 7 of 8 No Pasa Nada, Race 9, PP 7 of 7 Arranged Vows, Race 7, PP 1 of 8 TONY E. SEDILLO Texassizedbizooms, Race 1, PP 1 of 10 EFRAIN BUENO Queen of Hollywood, Race 7, PP 4 of 8 Indian War Paint, Race 10, PP 2 of 7 Mighty Oaks Magic, Race 10, PP 5 of 7 Perrys Regard, Race 11, PP 6 of 8 Closing Time Cutie, Race 12, PP 6 of 7 Magna Moon, Race 11, PP 7 of 8 C CLIFFORD C. LAMBERT, SR. Biscuit's Dream, Race 12, PP 7 of 7 PAUL A. SMITH JIMMY C. COLLIER No Doubt, Race 3, PP 4 of 8 Key to the City, Race 3, PP 1 of 8 Fs Powerflashdynasty, Race 2, PP 3 of 10 Feisty Halo, Race 7, PP 2 of 8 Valley Verde, Race 5, PP 6 of 8 F S Positrack, Race 3, PP 3 of 8 M Baja Rattle, Race 12, PP 5 of 7 RONALD A. CONSTANT JOHN A. STINEBAUGH Luna Coqueta, Race 6, PP 5 of 10 JOEL H. MARR Whiskey Strait, Race 4, PP 6 of 8 One Racy Lady, Race 1, PP 7 of 10 ROBERT VAN CROWELL Special Pride, Race 5, PP 2 of 8 Flaming Besitos, Race 12, PP 2 of 7 T Tee Shot Dolly, Race 5, PP 4 of 8 Eyejust Tookcharge, Race 12, PP 4 of 7 Speed Seal, Race 7, PP 3 of 8 IVAN TAFOYA Hesa Prospector, Race 9, PP 2 of 7 Gusher, Race 10, PP 6 of 7 D Diabolical Ruler, Race 9, PP 6 of 7 JUAN D. TORRES FRED I. DANLEY DONNA MCARTHUR Venice Jewel, Race 6, PP 3 of 10 Honey Budder, Race 1, PP 3 of 10 Cora Belle, Race 4, PP 1 of 8 Cartels Moon, Race 8, PP 9 of 10 F ELADIO MENCHACA Doc Pepper, Race 10, PP 4 of 7 He Is Already Gone, Race 6, PP 2 of 10 U TODD W. FINCHER JUAN MERAZ High Rollin Candy, Race 4, PP 2 of 8 De Felina's Song, Race 12, PP 3 of 7 J. DANNY URISTA Boksa Crickets, Race 10, PP 1 of 7 Caught Stealing, Race 5, PP 8 of 8 JAVIER MONTOYA The Pacesetter, Race 7, PP 5 of 8 El Once, Race 4, PP 5 of 8 Hustle Up, Race 9, PP 4 of 7 V JUAN MUNIZ, JR. Franchise Tagged, Race 9, PP 5 of 7 Louisianapaintwagon, Race 2, PP 9 of 10 ALBERT VALLES Starlite Eagle, Race 10, PP 3 of 7 Taste of Diamonds, Race 1, PP 5 of 10 GUADALUPE MUNOZ, JR. Regal Tales, Race 2, PP 7 of 10 Calle de Oro, Race 2, PP 1 of 10 G First Painted Hero, Race 6, PP 4 of 10 Indy's Chinook, Race 4, PP 4 of 8 Ember Moon, Race 8, PP 1 of 10 ALFREDO GOMEZ Loving My Storm, Race 4, PP 8 of 8 Canela Ar, Race 6, PP 6 of 10 Sc Graces Lightning, Race 6, PP 9 of 10 BRET VICKERY JAMES J. GONZALES, II Indian Secret, Race 7, PP 6 of 8 Courageous Tammy V, Race 1, PP 10 of 10 Smoking Wagon, Race 2, PP 5 of 10 Pollitical Dynasty, Race 2, PP 2 of 10 Lionesse, Race 8, PP 2 of 10 N Captains Fury, Race 6, PP 1 of 10 Colby James, Race 11, PP 5 of 8 ELOY G. NAVARRO SARAH LYN VIGIL JUAN M. GONZALEZ Lethal Storm, Race 2, PP 10 of 10 Kabull, Race 3, PP 7 of 8 Space Force, Race 2, PP 8 of 10 Southpaw Bb, Race 8, PP 5 of 10 O W JASON L. OLMSTEAD TREY WOOD H She Will B Famous, Race 1, PP 4 of 10 Flashing Moolah, Race 11, PP 1 of 8 JORGE LUIS HERNANDEZ MARTIN ORONA, SR. Diamond and a Half, Race 11, PP 2 of 8 Tf One Fast Effort, Race 2, PP 4 of 10 Y JOE L. HONESTO DON A. YOUNG Don Ramon, Race 4, PP 7 of 8 Swingin Doors, Race 7, PP 7 of 8 Clubhouse Party, Race 7, PP 8 of 8 High On Life, Race 12, PP 1 of 7 101 Total In Today 64 û RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE TRACK & CASINO Dine on the 3rD floor after the races