Near East University the Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of International Relations

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Near East University the Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of International Relations NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MASTER THESIS TURKEY–ISRAELI RELATIONS DURING THE JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENT PARTY PERIOD (2002-2015) BAHROOZ JAAFAR JABBAR 20135600 NICOSIA (2016) NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MASTER THESIS TURKEY–ISRAELI RELATIONS DURING THE JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENT PARTY PERIOD (2002-2015) BAHROOZ JAAFAR JABBAR 20135600 SUPERVISOR: Ali Dayıoğlu NICOSIA (2016) NEAREAST UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES International Relations Master Program Thesis Defense TURKEY–ISRAELI RELATIONS DURING THE JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENT PARTY PERIOD (2002-2015) We certify the thesis is satisfactory for the award of Degree of Master of INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Prepared by: BAHROOZ JAAFAR JABBAR Examining Committee in Charge Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Dayıoğlu Near East University Thesis Supervisor Department of International Relations Asst. Prof. Dr. Sinan Evcan Cyprus International University, Department of International Relations Dr. İlksoy Aslım Near East University, Department of International Relations Approval of the Graduate School of Social Science Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sağsan Director i Özet Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP) Dönemi Türkiye-İsrail İlişkileri (2002-2015) Hazırlayan: Bahrooz jaafar jabbar Ocak 2016 1923 yılında Türkiye cumhuriyeti ilan edilmeden önce Araplar ve Yahudiler Osmanlı İmparatorluğu yönetiminde bir arada yaşamaktaydılar. 1916‟da Sykes Picot Anlaşması ile Yahudilerin birçoğu Filistin topraklarına göç etmişlerdir. 1917‟deki Balfour Deklerasyonu ile Britanya, Filistin toprakları üzerinde bir Yahudi yurdunun kurulmasına karar vermiş, İkinci Dünya Savaşının ardından da 1948‟de Filistin toprakları üzerinde bağımsız bir İsrail devleti kurulmuştur. Türkiye, 1949 yılında İsrail‟i tanımıştır. Böylece, nüfusu ağırlıklı olarak Müslümanlardan oluşan bir devlet ilk kez İsrail‟I tanımıştır. 1949‟dan 2002 yıına kadat Türkiye- İsrail ilişkileri çalkantılı dönemler geçirdikten sonra Türkiye‟de 2002 yılıyla birlikte başlayan Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP) dönemine gelinmiştir. AKP, kendisini, muhafazakâr-demokrat olarak tanımlamakla birlikte, İslami kökenleri bulunan bir partidir. Dolayısıyla, ilk bakışta Türkiye-İsrail ilişkilerinin „sorunlu‟ olabileceği düşünülebilir. Buna ilaveten, AKP gücünü yükselttikçe 'derin ve stratejik' siyaset çerçevesinde Orta Doğu'da merkezi bir güç olmayı hedefleiğini söylemek gerekmektedir. Bu politikasından dolayı AKP Hükümetleri Türkiye‟nin „dünyası‟ dışındaki sorunları çözmeye yönelmişlerdir. Türkiye‟nin bu politikası Türkiye-İsrail ilişkilerine de yansımıştır. Her ne kadar Türkiye ve İsrail istihbarat, ekonomi, politika ve ticaret anlamında 1990'lardan 2008'e kadar „stratejik ortaklık‟ ilişkisi sürdürmüşlerse de, 2008‟den özellikle de 2010‟dan sonra ikili ilişkilerde ciddi bir gerileme yaşanmıştır. Dolayısıyla, tüm bu gelişmeler çerçevesinde tezin amacı Türkiye‟deki AKP iktidarı döneminde Türkiye-İsrail ilişkilerini tüm yönleriyle ele almak, ikili ilişkilerdeki iniş-çıkışları nedenleri ve sonuçlarıyla tarışmaktır. Anahtar kelimeler: Orta Doğu; Türkiye; İsrail; Arap Dünyası; İslam; İkili İlişkiler; Stratejik Derinlik; Dış Politika. ii ABSTRACT Turkey – Israel Relations: During the Justice and Development Party Period (2002-2015) Prepared by: BAHROOZ JAAFAR JABBAR JANUARY, 2016. This research attempts to understand the Turkey-Israel relations during the rule of AKP (2002-2005). It analyses the internal, regional and the foreign policies of both countries as well as the Arab world. Also, this operation tackles the existing historical and bilateral relations and asks many questions about the nature of the current and future relations between both countries. In the light of and prior to the creation of Modern Turkish state in 1923 both Arabs and Jews coexisted during the reign of the Ottoman Empire. Then in the framework of the Sykes-Picot agreement in 1916 the majority of Jewish people immigrated to the Homeland and then Britain supported the creation of a Jewish state in the Balfour Declaration. Now one century after those agreements the AKP has won the election for the fourth time in June 2015. AKP considers itself as a democratic- conservative party with an Islamic background. After 2010 the political and diplomatic relations have declined between Israel and Turkey due to AKP support for Palestine. This research employs a qualitative method and a theoretical, conceptual approach of international relations theories known as the balance of powers and seeks to understand and explain the dynamic regional changes and transformations as well as the political, economical, and military relations of Turkey and Israel. Keywords: Middle East; Turkey; Israel; Arab World; Bilateral Relations; Strategic Depth; Foreign Policy. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to show my acknowledgement to all my lecturers in the School of Social Sciences, International Relations Department at Near East University. Nevertheless, I would like to show my gratitude to the entire academic and the non academic staff of the University who collaborated in our persistence. Special and sincere thanks to my thesis supervisor Assoc Professor, Dr. Ali Dayıoğlu, who contributed in abundance of efforts to advocate me to add more to the previous scientific attempts. He was a tremendous mentor at all the stages of this thesis. Words cannot express how grateful I am to the well-known politician and diplomatic figure of the Kurdish people Dr. Barham Salih, who encouraged me and enchanted me towards my goal to gain this master‟s degree. I will be a loyal citizen of my country. In the same spirit, I would like to demonstrate my gratefulness to my elder brother Mr. Jalali Sam Agha – “the white man” for his support, I do owe everyone who taught me a word throughout my life. Almighty God says in the Holy Koran “If you give thanks by accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allah, I will give you more “of My Blessings”. The most sacred effort is the attempt to gain and explore knowledge. Until the day I die, I will never forget about anybody who helped me. Last but not the least; I would like to thank my siblings and relatives for their tolerance during my course of study in which I was a burden on them. Continuation of life is the continuation of endeavor. iv Table of Contents ÖZET .............................................................................................................................................. i ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................ iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................... viii INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 1 Statement of the Problem ............................................................................................................ 3 Aim of the Research….……………………………….…………………………………….......3 Questions of the Research ........................................................................................................... 4 Scope and limitations of the research .......................................................................................... 4 Timeframe to the research ........................................................................................................... 5 Methodology...………………………………………………………………………………… 5 Literature Review ........................................................................................................................ 6 CHAPTER ONE: HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE TURKISH-ISRAELI RELATIONS UNTIL 2002 ....................................................................................................... 10 1.1. Developments from 1923 to the Establishment of Israel (1948)...……………………… 10 1.2. Turkey-Israel Relations: From Recognition (1949) to the End of the Cold War .............. 11 1.2.1. Political Relations ........................................................................................................ 11 The Baghdad Pact (1955)…….…………………………………………………..12 The Suez Crisis………...…………….…………………………………………. 12 Turkey and the Arab- Israeli war- 1967………………………………………… 14 War of 1973…………………………………………………………….………..15 Turkey and the PLO……………………………………………………….……..15 Camp David Peace Agreement 1978-1979……………………….……………..16 1.2.2. Economic Relations ..................................................................................................... 17 Water partnership Square.…………………………….………………….…….17 The Great Anatolian Project "GAP"…………………………………………..18 v 1.3. Bilateral Relations between 1989 and 2002 ....................................................................... 19 1.3.1. Political Relations ........................................................................................................ 19 1.3.2. Economic Relations ..................................................................................................... 20 1.3.3. Military Relations ........................................................................................................ 22 1.3.4. Cultural Relations .......................................................................................................
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