The Liberal Movement in Spain: from the Constitution of Cádiz to the Broadsword of Pavía
The liberal movement in Spain: from the Constitution of Cádiz to the broadsword of Pavía. Part II Monthly Strategy Report April 2017 Alejandro Vidal Crespo Director of Market Strategies Monthly Strategy Report. April 2017 The liberal movement in Spain: from the Constitution of Cádiz to the broadsword of Pavía. Part II We left off last month with the betrayal of Ferdinand VII who, with support from the Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis and the Duke of Angouleme, reinstated the old absolutist regime in 1823 and repealed all vestiges of liberalism in Spain. At the time, the key liberal leaders, including Mendizábal, left Spain for London in an effort to flee the reprisals of the absolutists who, for example, hanged Rafael de Riego, defender of Malaga, in Madrid’s Plaza de la Cebada. The liberals organised in London, where Mendizábal primarily engaged in business, remaining there until the Revolution of 1830, when France’s absolute monarchy was overthrown in favour of a parliamentary alternative, the July Monarchy, with Louis Philippe I on the throne. Like many other Spanish liberals, Mendizábal then moved to Paris, where he financed liberal uprisings in Spain, like that of the unsuccessful Espoz y Mina. He also took part in the Portuguese civil war, supporting and financing the cause of the liberals in favour of Queen Maria II of Portugal. First from London and later from Paris, Mendizábal supported and financed liberal movements wherever possible owing to his good relationship with British financiers. Meanwhile, the absolutist contingent in Spain was far from inactive. In 1830, Ferdinand VII was still childless and in failing health.
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