The Holy Republic and Its Kings
THE HOLY REPUBLIC AND ITS PRINCES : The Habsburg Pact of Kingship and the Political Theology of the City in Sixteenth Century Segovia Seonghek Kang PhD Student, Department of History Project Preliminaries • Problematization: In the historiography of the Golden Age Spain, how does one account for the coexisting phenomena of expanding central royal authority, and the salience of the participatory, republican political culture? • Parameters: mid-late sixteenth century Segovia, networks of urban Alcázar (royal castle) of elites & administration, civic religiosity, state ideology & political Segovia & stained-glass culture, rebellions and political negotiation seal of the Crown of Castile in the • Keywords: early modern Castile, Habsburg Spain, political throne room theology, republicanism, School of Salamanca, Comunidades of Castile • Historiography: • Maravall, José Antonio, Las comunidades de Castilla: una primera revolución moderna (1963), Martínez Gil, Fernando, La ciudad inquieta: Toledo comunera, 1520-1522 (1993) • Nader, Helen, Liberty in Absolutist Spain: The Hasburg Sale of Towns, 1516- 1700 (1990), Thompson, I. A. A., Crown and Cortes: Government, Institutions and Representation in Early-Modern Castile (1993) • Sources: • National archives: Archivo Histórico Nacional, Archivo de Real Chancillería de Valladolid, Biblioteca Nacional de España • Municipal archives: Archivo Municipal de Segovia, Archivo de la Catedral de Segovia • Printed manuscripts The Place and the Period: The Sixteenth Century Segovia • About 15,000 population, 3rd
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