DOUBLE Divmend DAYS! Jet Hits 124 Dead; 84 Americans
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JTUDAY, m a r c h 4^ 1968 Average DaOy Net Press Rim The Weather PAGE TWBIfPT ‘e iiattrlffater Owning i|m Ki ' For the Wedc Ended Graduel clearing today, high Febnuury 19,1996 In 40a; cloudy colder tonight, M9aa Carol A n n a Oryk, Nutmeg Alumnae Group of low 80-35; sunny, breec^ to daughter o f Atty. and Mrs. An Gamma Sigma Sigma, national 14,582 morrow, hlg^ near 40. - About Town thony J. Gryk of 37 Academy service sorority, will meet Sun Delegates Chosen St, recently played in "In the day at 3 p.m. at the home of Manchester—‘ 4/City of Village Charm HartfthidCounty Dental As- Shadow of the Glen,” a one-act' Miss Nancy Anderson, 696 Farm ■iBtants SSSfety and G reats play, at a play festi'V*d at Bos ington Ave., Wett Hartford. To GOP Conventions 85 East Center St. VOL. LXXXV, NO. 131 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION—CONNECTICUT LIFE) Ch e s t e r , c o n n ., Sa t u r d a y , m a r c h 5, i966 (Classified Advertising on Page 6) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Hartford Dental Hygenist As ton OoUege. She is a graduate Easter baskets will be prepared sociation have a Joint meet of Mt. S t Joseph Academy, for a needy family, and pen The Republican Town Committee last night elected At Soimmt St. ing Mondiiy St 7:30 at the Ann West Hartfyjcd, and Is majoring nants will be made for Nu diap* delegates and alternates to the June 17-18 GOP State S t Y5STOA, Hartford. A "Good in secondary education at Bos ter at the University of Con Conventidn, the June 25 First Congressional District WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIAL Gromning" demonstration will ton College School of EJduca- necticut, Storrs. Convention, the June 27 Hartford County (Sheriff) be given after a business meet tion.., Convention, and the June 30 -------- ^-------------------------------------- Blizzard ing. Menrhere may bring guests. r ____ All Brownies, Girl Scouts w d Fourth Senatorial District Con- Henry Michalak, Demuel Members of the Senior Citi Scout leaders of South Mtthodist Mrti. Jane B. Cheney, cKrec- ventlon. Miller, Hoyt Stllson, Mrs. Kay zen’s bowling team will go to Church are reminded to meet State OonvenUon delegates Thompson, Mrs. Ann MeMlllan, 1.79 Jet Hits bor of aWWren’B Museum, West FREESIA ’ Bristol Monday to bowl with with Mrs. William Hooker, Sun ■■ •' ' - ''i * are; Francis P. DellaFera, Mrs. p^ed Peck. Robert Reault, Alex^ Cripples Hartford, wiM ^>eak Tuesday Bristol Senior Citizens at Bris day at 10:30 a.m. in front of the Saunda Taylor, Robert Stavnit- at 8 p.m. at a meeting of the ander Penny and Atty. Paul OPEN TILL 9 PtM. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY tol Ten Pin Danes. A bu.s will church. The group will march sky, Wilber Little, Donald Gen- Marte. SdstertuxKl of Temple Beth Sho- lea've the Parkade Danes Mon into church together. ovesl, Vincent Genovesi, M. Ad Jom at the temple. Her topic day at 11:15 a.m. and take its ler Dobkin, Atty. Thomas Bai- wm be "The Ekxilogy of the regular route to pick up bowl The Rev. Douglas Theuner, Big Area Ancient Near Bast.” Her lec ers. The bus will return to the vicar of St. George’s Episcopal Educators Speak ture will be supplem ent with Parkade Danes and leave from Church, Bolton, will conduct a Alternates are-. Herman Heck, l^ T ^ A FARGO, N. D. (A P )— A 124 Dead; 84 Americans samples pertaining tio me dur- there at noon for Bristol. service Sunday at 8:16. a.m. on Mrs. Mildred Schaller, Mrs. A O J V e e n e y K I A deadly blend bf heavy snow ii^ the pre-BiblicaE times. Re Guest Preacher Marion Mercer, Mrs. Rosalind freshments wtM be served after radio station WINF. The pro C. B. Charles and screaming winds began The Rev. J. Stanton Conover, gram is sponsored by the Man Quish, Miss Elinor Hashim, Three Manchesteir educators GOING to relax its paralyzing grip the program. Mrs. Harold pastor of Bolton Congregational The Rev. Dr. Thorsten Gus- .Mrs. Ernestine Brown, Mrs. Eli- will «peak Tuesday at 8 p.m. Kraxiz is chairman of the meet chester Ministers Association. frttenO * Hdtnificent on a vast section of the Church, will conduct a service tafson, former pastor of Eman- nor Magnano, Fred Peck, Har- at a meeting of Keeney St. AT State News ing. north central United States Sunday at 6:40 a.m. at the The annual ‘‘change of Com uel Lutheran Church, will ^ .Turkington and Atty. ppA in the school audi- 4 Day Second Crash in Area; chapel of Manchester Memorial AUCTION today. Sunset Retoekah Dodge will mand” dinner-dancV of the U.S. Hospital. The service is spon preach Sunday at the 9 and Congressional District Con- ^ of the The Weather Bureau called It meet Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd Coast- Guard AijJftllary Flotilla Estate AueUai Prelate Uses sored by the institutions and 10:30 a.m. services at the ventlon delegates are: Louis meeting is “ Manchester’s Test- one of the most savage blizzards Fellows HaH. Tliere will be a at Manchester will be held to- IT DATALOQUE In recorded history. Cause Still Unknown chaplaincy committee of the morriWV at 6:30 p.m. at Flano’s church. The church, dedicated Champeau, Vincent Diana, Mrs. t^g Program, from Klndergar- quiz game after a business from mmy premmMi With blinding snow and 'winds meeting. Mrs. Ernest Oox ts Manchester Council of Churches. Restaurant, Bolton.' March 1, 1881, is celebrating Mary Doll, Mrs. Lillian Holway, through Grade 12.” Taped Talk GOTEMBA, Japan (AP)—A British passenger jet The event is open to the public. Slth anniversarv Sunday Eugene Montany, Paul Dodge, Speakers are Miss EJthel ttlales ineluJmg clocked at over 100 miles per chairman of refreahments. its 8 5 ^ anniversary . Sunday ^ principal of Waddell hour in some areas, It moved mysteriously burst into flame and smoke over Mt. Fuji Mrs. Lawrence Decker Jr., ELSA MAXWELL and will have a mortgage burn- Crandall. Mrs. Grace School; Mrs. Alba L. Hotkow- with punisihing slowness noirth- At Synagogue today and crashed on the sacred mountain’s slopes, kill president of Junior Century JOHN SIMMONS Ing ceremony for its parish perry and Roger Bagley. ski, guidance teacher at Ben- (IMDMar •( fhnnMiN CMittt eastward from western South ing all 124 aboard. Club, and Mrs. Michael Tobin, building which was completed Alternates are; George Kan- net Junior High School, and Dakota to northeastern Min STAMFORD (AP) — Among them were 84 Ameri 12,389-foot Mt. Fuji reached • vice president, will attend a "Tha Hi i m Im m Ctllttfltir in 1952. One of Pastor Gustaf- Donald Kuehl, Mrs. Esther Harry Maldment, guidance nesota. Richard Cardinal Cushing cans — 76 in a single tour group nearly 70 miles an hour at noon Early Spring Fruit 'n Vegetables Are Here! Junior state board meeting of An Estate Dirtel from son’s final acts while serving pif.’i,ip= Mrs Gloria Benson teacher at Manchester- High sponsored by the Thermo King and by 3 p.m. 86 miles an hour PLUMS OR NECTARINES .......... -doz. 6 9 ^ the Connecticut State Federa Butnot Airts, Argeutinn Behind It lay scores of com- couldn’t get to Temple Si the church was to officiate at o^^-rborrZ; w m Z lo rZ ’, School. mimities so partdyzed Oorp., a refrigeration firm of with gusts likely Wgher. tion Off Women’s Club tomorrow REMOVED TO THE nai for an interfaith serv WATERMELON .......................................... lb- 10< ! the burning of the mortgage of j^gojj Miller Lawrence Riker, Refreshments will be served looked like ghost towns. Minneapolis, Minn. One Japanese witness said he at the South Meriden House, ice so he sent his voice in CANTALOUPES ............ ........... ... .each 4 9 e the main church building March Ronald’ Jacobs and Mrs.' after the program. There were three kno' The British Overseas Airways saw the plane flying straight up McINTOSH APPLES .......... 6 lb. Avg. bag 40^ Meriden, and a president's coun HOLIDAY INN OF NERIDEN stead. / Corp. plane had a crew of 11. then a wing broke off, he said, 6, 1944. Irma Lawrence. INTERSECTION OF WILBUR CROSS PABKWAT^ all in Minnesota, The Roman Catholic arch cil meeting Tuesday at DePas- A native of Worcester, Mass., Hartford County Convention ’ It was the second major plane and the jetliner plummeted AND INTERSTATE 91 — MERIDEN,,CONN. persons were missi: bishop had been invited by quale’s Restaurant on the Berlin and a graduate of Upsala Col- ^ ew a tes are; Ralph Maher, crash in the Tokyo area in less trailing smoke, Bose, D’AnJou Pears, Navel Oranges, White, rtnk jorlty In North Dakota, 'where Rabbi Samuel Silver of the Re Grapefruit, Nectarines, Plums, Watermelons, Straw ■ipke. lege. East ^ an ge, N.J., and Bennett, Otto Herr- than 24 hours and the third in a SALE DATES March 5th T h m g h M the storm’s form Jewish synagogue to take Mt. Fuji is 86 miles west berries, Cantaloupes, Honeyde*s, Grapes, Pineapples, Augustana Theolo^cal Semi- ^ Borman, Everett Thomas and Ellen Quinn est. rnontlt, with a death toll of more southwest of Tokyo. Manchester Veterans Council , featuring ] part in a service on the eve Umes. APPLES FRESH FROM THE COOLERS. — naiy. Rock Island. Ill Dr. Crockett, will sing In the 4th £ ^ was the Idizzard (AP Photofax) than 300. »■ The crash brought the death Macs, Red Delicious, Cortlands, Spies, Wlnesaps, Rus will meet Monday at 8 p.m. of the sabbath, but the weather ■What caused the crash was t 'ToT a Merrill Anderson, Earle Rohan.