DOUBLE Divmend DAYS! Jet Hits 124 Dead; 84 Americans
JTUDAY, m a r c h 4^ 1968 Average DaOy Net Press Rim The Weather PAGE TWBIfPT ‘e iiattrlffater Owning i|m Ki ' For the Wedc Ended Graduel clearing today, high Febnuury 19,1996 In 40a; cloudy colder tonight, M9aa Carol A n n a Oryk, Nutmeg Alumnae Group of low 80-35; sunny, breec^ to daughter o f Atty. and Mrs. An Gamma Sigma Sigma, national 14,582 morrow, hlg^ near 40. - About Town thony J. Gryk of 37 Academy service sorority, will meet Sun Delegates Chosen St, recently played in "In the day at 3 p.m. at the home of Manchester—‘ 4/City of Village Charm HartfthidCounty Dental As- Shadow of the Glen,” a one-act' Miss Nancy Anderson, 696 Farm ■iBtants SSSfety and G reats play, at a play festi'V*d at Bos ington Ave., Wett Hartford. To GOP Conventions 85 East Center St. VOL. LXXXV, NO. 131 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION—CONNECTICUT LIFE) Ch e s t e r , c o n n ., Sa t u r d a y , m a r c h 5, i966 (Classified Advertising on Page 6) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Hartford Dental Hygenist As ton OoUege. She is a graduate Easter baskets will be prepared sociation have a Joint meet of Mt. S t Joseph Academy, for a needy family, and pen The Republican Town Committee last night elected At Soimmt St. ing Mondiiy St 7:30 at the Ann West Hartfyjcd, and Is majoring nants will be made for Nu diap* delegates and alternates to the June 17-18 GOP State S t Y5STOA, Hartford.
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