On Thursday the 7th/20th of March 2014, Ms Randa Siksek and Ms Nadia George Karaa visited His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, in order to extend their thanks over the fact that He led the funeral service for the late Henrietta Siksek, who passed away on Saturday the 2nd/15th of March 2014, at the age of 96.

The late Henrietta Siksek was the founder of a very significant charitable project known as “Four Homes of Mercy” in Bethany. The foundation, of the Siksek family, provided shelter to thousands of elder people and children abandoned by their families, people suffering from incurable mental and other diseases. Today, the “Four Homes of Mercy” hosts approximately seventy residents.

During His meeting with Ms Randa Siksek, a relative of the late Henrietta Siksek, and Ms Nadia George Karaa, current Director of the “Homes”, His Beatitude praised the selfless and extensive charitable work of the late H. Siksek. In order to contribute to the continuation of this work, His Beatitude offered the amount of €10.000 to be deposited into a special bank account, its savings intended for the education of children residing at the foundation. Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina contributed 10.000 USD$ for the same purpose.

Extending her thanks, Ms Randa Simon Siksek offered His Beatitude a text from the Old and New Testaments published in three volumes by the Church of Russia in 1821. The volumes belonged to the late George Siksek, who translated the Great Horologion from Greek into Arabic. His Beatitude delivered the books to Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, who also serves as Librarian, for safekeeping.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://youtu.be/Yq1-xMfQWD8


The Patriarchate of Jerusalem informs the Managers of Pilgrimage Agencies and all pilgrims that, this year, the venerating baptismal in the Jordan river will be performed on Holy Wednesday, namely the 3rd/16th of April 2014, at 11:00 am. All those interested are invited to arrange their pilgrimage schedule on the basis of this information.

From the Secretariat-General


On Monday, the 4th/17th of March 2014, the memory of St Gerasimus of the Jordan was celebrated by the Patriarchate at the founded by him in the desert of the West Bank of the river Jordan.

The monastery was founded by Hosios Gerasimus in 451 AD, after he arrived to the Holy Land from his birthplace of in Asia Minor, and after having dwelt in and hermitages of with Hosios Euthymius the Great and Hosios Kyriakos the Recluse.

In this Monastery he brought together a crowd of and other recluses who approached him in quest of spiritual guidance.

St Gerasimus was a proponent of the dogma of the Fourth Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon, which established the teaching of one hypostasis in two natures for our Lord Jesus Christ, and condemned the notion of one nature embraced to this day by the Churches of the Copts, Armenians, Syrians and Ethiopians.

This particular Monastery, which has sustained a series of raids, hosts several inhabitants of , as well as pilgrims, in facilities founded by the Hegoumen, Archimandrite Chrysostomos. Here, on the morning of the aforementioned day, His Beatitude Theophilos arrived in the company of the Most Reverend Metropolitans Isychios of Kapitolias, and Kyriakos of Nazareth; the Elder Secretary-General, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina; the Secretary of the Holy and Sacred Synod, Archbishop Demetrius of Lydda; Archimandrite Ieronymus and other Hagiotaphite Hieromonks; the Archdeacon, f. Evlogios, and Hierodeacon f. Dionysius.

Following a warm welcome, His Beatitude led the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts with co-officiating priests and deacons, in the presence of a great crowd of pilgrims, hailing mostly of Cyprus, the Greek Consul-General to Jerusalem, Mr Georgios Zacharoudiakis and his esteemed wife.

To this pious congregation His Beatitude preached the Word of God in Greek.

After the divine Liturgy, a procession took place around the Monastery, followed by meatless lunch offered by Archimandrite Chrysostomos to the Patriarchal Retinue and the faithful.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://youtu.be/5LCC5on5Ir8


On Sunday the 3rd/16th of March 2014, Second Sunday of the Fasting Period, the Name Day of His Beatitude Theophilos, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem was celebrated by postponement. The 9th of March commemorates St Theophilos, one of the Holy Forty who suffered a martyr’s death in the year 320 AD during the reign of King Licinius, at the Lake of Sebaste in Pontus.

1. In the afternoon

The feast began at 2:00 pm with the reading of the Ninth Hour at the Monastic Church of Sts Constantine and Helen, followed by the progression of the Hagiotaphites to the All Holy Church of the Resurrection.

Following the welcoming, censing and veneration at the Holy Apokathelosis, and veneration at the Holy Sepulcher, the head of the feast, His Beatitude Theophilos, proceeded into the katholikon and rose to the Throne, in order to read the Preamble Hymn. The Head Cantor of the Church of the Resurrection, Archimandrite f. Aristovoulos, chanted while Prelates and members of the Holy and Sacred Synod went on to venerate at the Holy Golgotha, with deacons performing the censing along the sites of pilgrimage.

The service of Vespers followed, in the presence of pious nuns and pilgrims.

1. On the day of the feast

On the morning of the feast, at 7:00 am, the Patriarchal Retinue proceeded from the Central Monastery to the All Holy Church of the Resurrection.

Upon His entrance to the Church, the Patriarch venerated at the Holy Apokathelosis and the Holy Sepulcher before entering the Katholikon.

Subsequently, His Beatitude, the Prelates and Priests put on their Prelatic and Hieratic garments in the Holy Bema.

After each took their place in the nave, the Divine Liturgy began, led by His Beatitude from the Navel of the Earth.

The festive Divine Liturgy of St Basil was officiated by His Beatitude Theophilos, with co-officiating Hagiotaphite Prelates: the Most Reverend Metropolitans of Nazareth and Kapitolias, Kyriakos and Isychios; their Eminences, Archbishop Theophanes of Gerasa, Damaskinos of Joppe, Dorotheos of Avila, Aristarchos of Constantina, Theophylaktos of Jordan, Theodosios of Sebaste, Demetrius of Lydda, Makarios of Qatar and Philoumenos of Pella. Alco co-officiating were four Bishops visiting from the Patriarchate of Moscow, namely: the Right Reverend Clement of Krasnoslobotsk; Diodorus of Melekes; Methodios of Almetievsk; and Nicephorus of Otrantni; and the Most Reverend Metropolitan Vincent of Ploiesti, visiting from the Patriarchate of Romania after the restoration of ecclesiastical communion. Also present were numerous Hieromonks visiting from the Orthodox Churches of Greece, Russia and Romania. The Head Cantor of the Church of the Resurrection chanted, whereas a great crowd of Orthodox faithful from Greece, Russia and Romania participated in piety.

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, the Lord’s people proceeded to receive Communion.

At the conclusion of the service, Doxology began in celebration of the Patriarch’s feast day, in the presence of the Greek Consul General to Jerusalem, Mr Georgios Zacharoudiakis.

At the Patriarchate, the Elder Secretary-General addressed His Beatitude, followed by Mr Zacharoudiakis.

Other addresses were made by the Prelates as well as by f. Farah Danbour on behalf of the Arab-speaking flock of St James Cathedral in Jerusalem; Professor Panayiotis Antoniades on behalf of the Patriarchal School of St Sion, and Mr Nicolaos Sarris on behalf of St Demetrius School.

In His reply speech, His Beatitude extended thanks to all present.

The spiritual joy of the feast was supplemented by tangible joy in the form of festive meatless lunch.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://youtu.be/goBA_1__UvU httpv://youtu.be/PkK4edHShGM httpv://youtu.be/VO_w2r8kmzE httpv://youtu.be/LQk5encXJi0 ISRAELI MINISTER OF TOURISM VISITS PATRIARCHATE

On Tuesday the 26th of February/11th of March 2014, the Israeli Minister of Tourism, Mr Landau Uzi, accompanied by associates of his, visited the Patriarchate. The Honourable Minister was received by His Beatitude Theophilos, our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem, in the presence of Hagiotaphite Fathers.

In the context of this visit, His Beatitude thanked the Minister for his Ministry’s approval of the request to supply water to the Monastery of Mount Tabor, and referred to the matter of the unhindered access of pilgrims to the Church of the Resurrection; to the Ceremony of the Holy Light on Easter Saturday; and to the anticipated visit of the Pope and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, next May.

In his response, the Minister assured His Beatitude that the Ministry of Tourism proposes to unreservedly help and support the Patriarchate both as regards these and other issues.

To commemorate the visit, gifts were exchanged between His Beatitude and the Minister.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://youtu.be/17VF7lPSaOI SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY AT THE PHANAR

On Sunday, the 24th of February/ 9th of March 2014, the Sunday of the Orthodoxy, a Joint Panegyrical Liturgy was held in the Church of St George at the Phanar, by participants in the Pan- Orthodox Synaxis. His Beatitude Irinej, Patriarch of Serbia, led the Matins, with His All Holiness Bartholomew, Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch, leading the Divine Liturgy. Concelebrating, were Prelates from the Ecumenical Patriarchate and Prelates accompanying the Primates, in the presence of a great crowd from Constantinople as well as pilgrims hailing from Greece, Russia, Romania and Georgia.

During this Joint Liturgy, His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch delivered the following Message, issued by all Primates participating in the Pan-Orthodox Synod:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Through the grace of God, the Primates of the Most Holy Autocephalous Orthodox Churches, to the Orthodox faithful throughout the world, all of our Christian brothers and sisters as well as every person of goodwill: we extend God’s blessing and our greeting of love and peace.

“We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our , remembering before our God and Father your work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thess. 1.2-3)

1. Having convened by the grace of our compassionate God, at the invitation of the Archbishop of Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, at the Phanar, from March 6-9, 2014; having deliberated in fraternal love on matters concerning our Holy Church today; and concelebrating in the Patriarchal Church of St. George on the glorious occasion of the Sunday of Orthodoxy, we address you with these words of love, peace and consolation.

Inasmuch as our One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Orthodox Church dwells in the world, it also experiences the challenges of every age. Faithful to Holy Tradition, the Church of Christ is in constant dialogue with every period of time, suffering with human beings and sharing their anguish. For “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and to the ages” (Heb. 13.8).

The trials and challenges of history are especially acute in our days, and Orthodox Christians cannot remain uninvolved or indifferent to them. This is why we have assembled “together in one place” (Acts 2.1) in order to reflect on the problems and temptations facing humanity today. “There is fighting without and fear within.” (2 Cor. 7.5) These Apostolic words are also valid for the Church today.

2. In reflecting upon people’s suffering throughout the world, we express our support for the martyrdom and our admiration for the witness of Christians in the Middle East, Africa, and other parts of the world. We call to mind their dual martyrdom: for their faith as well as for the safeguarding of their historical relationship with people of other religious conviction. We denounce the lack of peace and stability, which is prompting Christians to abandon the land where our Lord Jesus Christ was born and whence the Good News spread to the entire world.

Our sympathy extends to all victims of the tragedy in Syria. We condemn every form of terrorism and defamation of religion. The kidnapping of Metropolitans Paul and Youhanna, other clergymen as well as the nuns of St. Thecla Convent in Maaloula remains an open wound, and we demand their immediate liberation.

We appeal to all involved for the immediate cessation of military action, liberation of captives, and establishment of peace in the region through dialogue. Christians in the Middle East are a leaven of peace. Peace for all people also means peace for Christians. We support the Patriarchate of Antioch in its spiritual and humanitarian ministry, as well as its efforts for reconstruction and the resettlement of all refugees.

3. We fervently pray for peaceful negotiation and prayerful reconciliation in the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. We denounce the threats of violent occupation of sacred monasteries and churches, and pray for the return of our brothers presently outside of ecclesiastical communion into the Holy Church.

4. A fundamental threat to justice and peace – both locally and globally – is the global economic crisis. The ramifications of this are evident on all layers in society, where such values as personal integrity, fraternal solidarity and justice are often wanting. The origins of this crisis are not merely financial. They are moral and spiritual in character. Instead of conforming to the worldly idols of power, greed and hedonism, we emphasize our vocation to transform the world by embracing the principles of justice, peace, and love.

As a result of self-centeredness and abuse of power, many people undermine the sacredness of the human person, neglecting to see the face of God in the least of our brothers and sisters (cf. Matt. 25.40,45). Many remain indifferent to the poverty, suffering and violence that plague humanity.

5. The Church is called to articulate its prophetic word. We express our genuine concern about local and global trends that undermine and erode the principles of faith, the dignity of the human person, the institution of marriage, and the gift of creation.

We stress the undisputed sanctity of human life from inception until natural death. We recognize marriage as the union of man and woman that reflects the union between Christ and His Church. Our vocation is to preserve the natural environment as stewards and not proprietors of creation. In this period of Great Lent, we exhort our clergy and laity to observe a spirit of repentance, to experience purity of heart, humility and forgiveness, bearing witness to the timeless teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ in society.

6. This Synaxis of Primates is a blessed occasion for us to reinforce our unity through communion and cooperation. We affirm our commitment to the paramount importance of synodality for the unity of the Church. We affirm the words of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, that “the name of the Church signifies unity and concord, not division.” Our heart is set on the long-awaited Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church in order to witness to its unity as well as to its responsibility and care for the contemporary world.

The Synaxis agreed that the preparatory work to the Synod should be intensified. A special Inter-Orthodox Committee will work from September 2014 until Holy Easter of 2015, followed by a Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Conference to be convened in the first half of 2015. All decisions at the Synod and in the preparatory stages are made by consensus. The Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church will be convened by the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople in 2016, unless something unexpected occurs. The Synod will be presided by the Ecumenical Patriarch. His brother Primates of the other Orthodox Autocephalous Churches will be seated at his right and at his left.

7. Inseparably interconnected with unity is mission. The Church does not live for itself but is obliged to witness to and share God’s gifts with those near and afar. Participating in the Divine Eucharist and praying for the oikoumene, we are called to continue this liturgy after the liturgy, sharing the gifts of truth and love with all humankind, in accordance with the Lord’s last commandment and assurance: “Go ye, and make disciples of all nations . . . And lo, I shall be with you until the end of the ages” (Matt. 28.19-20).

8. We live in a world where multiculturalism and pluralism are inevitable realities, which are constantly changing. We are conscious of the fact that no issue in our time can be considered or resolved without reference to the global, that any polarization between the local and the ecumenical only leads to distortion of the Orthodox way of thinking.

Therefore, even in the face of voices of dissension, segregation, and division, we are determined to proclaim the message of Orthodoxy. We acknowledge that dialogue is always better than conflict. Withdrawal and isolationism are never options. We reaffirm our obligation at all times to be open in our contact with “the other”: with other people and other cultures, as well as with other Christians and people of other faiths.

9. Above and beyond all challenges, we proclaim the good news of a God, who “so loved the world” that He “dwelt among us.” Thus, we Orthodox remain full of hope. Despite all tensions, we nevertheless dare to hope in the “almighty God, who is and who was and who is to come” (Rev. 1.8) For we remember that the last word – the word of joy, love, and life – belongs to Him, to whom is due all glory, honor and worship to the ages of ages. Amen.

At the Phanar, the 8th of March, 2014

+ Bartholomew of Constantinople

+ Theodoros of Alexandria + Silouan in Buenos Aires

(representing His Beatitude Patriarch John of Antioch)

+ Theophilos of Jerusalem

+ Kirill of Moscow

+ Irinej of Serbia

+ Daniel of Romania

+ Neophyte of Bulgaria

+ Ilia of Georgia

+ Chrysostomos of Cyprus

+ Ieronymos of Athens

+ Sawa of Warsaw

+ Anastasios of Tirana

From the Secretariat-General


On Sunday the 24th of February/9th of March 2014, the Patriarchate celebrated the Sunday of the Orthodoxy, commemorating the restoration of the by pious emperors Michael and Theodora, following one and a half centuries of persecutions by the iconoclasts.

1. From the evening At 2.00 pm, the 9th Hour was read at the Monastic Church of Sts Constantine and Helen, followed by a procession to the All- Holy Church of the Resurrection.

Vespers was led by the Patriarchal Commissioner, His Eminence Isychios of Kapitolias, with concelebrating Archpriests in the Holy Bema and Hagiotaphite Archimandrites and deacons dressed in celebratory attire. The Head Cantor of the Church of the Resurrection, Archimandrite Aristovoulos, chanted with the Patriarchal School Choir in the presence of several faithful, locals and pilgrims alike.

1. On the day of the feast

At 7:00 am, on Sunday the 24th of February/9th of March 2014, the Hagiotaphite Retinue proceeded via Christian street, to the All-Holy Church of the Resurrection.

The Divine Liturgy was led by the Patriarchal Commissioner, His Eminence Isychios of Kapitolias. Co-officiating were Hagiotaphite Prelates, Theodosios of Sevastia and Demetrios of Lydda, Hagiotaphite hieromonks, as well as visiting hieromonks and presbyters from other Orthodox Churches, in the presence of Ms Aspasia Mitsi, representing the Consulate General of Greece to Jerusalem. A great crowd from Jerusalem attended the service, as well as pilgrims from Orthodox countries.

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, a procession began with Prelates and priests carrying the holy icons, walking thrice around the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulcher and the sites of pilgrimage, before concluding opposite the Holy Aedicula.

The service was broadcast live from the Patriarchate of Jerusalem Online Radio Station.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://youtu.be/be1exkOsL2I httpv://youtu.be/Oem-ZXo5FO0


On Saturday the 23rd of February/8th of March 2014, the proceedings of the Synaxis of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches continued in the Church of St George, at the Phanar.

During this session, their Holinesses the Primates and their Attendants reviewed and completed the Proceedings Report, drafted by the Preparatory Committee and pertaining to:

I. The decisions

The most important decision is that the Great and Holy Synod of the Orthodoxy will be convened in Constantinople in 2016, and presided by the Ecumenical Patriarch. Each Church will be represented by twenty Bishops. Decisions will be made by consensus on the matters promoted for resolution, after these will have been reviewed by the Inter-Orthodox Preparatory Committee in June 2014. The main among these matters are:

1. The Orthodox Church and the Ecumenical movement 2. The relations of the Orthodox Church with the rest of the Christian world 3. The contribution of the Orthodox Church to the promotion of peace, justice and love among peoples and the elimination of racial and other discriminations

The matters pertaining to “Autocephaly in the Orthodox Church and the manner in which it is proclaimed” and the “Diptychs” shall be referred to the Holy and Great Synod, if the Preparatory Committee shall reach an agreement on them. If not, the Synod shall be convened without looking into these two matters.

II. The Message

The text was compiled by the Coordinating Committee and was submitted for completion and approval to the Plenary Session of the Primates’ Synaxis.

The review of the Message by the Plenary Session of the Primates’ Synaxis took place during Saturday’s morning and afternoon Sessions, and concluded with its approval, to be followed by its announcement during the Divine Liturgy of the Sunday of the Orthodoxy, namely the 24th of February/9th of March 2014.

On Saturday at noon, the Primates visited the Monastery of the Life-Giving Spring at Baloukli, resting place for the Patriarchs of Constantinople. There, a memorial was held for the repose of their souls, followed by lunch hosted by His Eminence Gennadios, Metropolitan of Sasima, the Monastery’s Spiritual Leader.

In the afternoon of the same day, His All Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, hosted an official dinner in honour of the Primates, their attendants and local guests at the Hilton Hotel, where the Delegates have been staying.


During the proceedings of the afternoon of Thursday, the 21st of February/6th of March 2013, namely the first day of the Pan- Orthodox Synaxis, the Primates discussed the location of the Great Synod in Constantinople and in the Church of St Irene, where the Second Ecumenical Synod was convened. The decision- making process, by consensus or majority, was also discussed.

Deliberations on the aforementioned matters as well as on the matter of the number of Primates from each Church, continued during the second day of the Synaxis’ proceedings, namely on Friday the 22nd of February/7th of March 2014, in the course of its morning session. The afternoon session was dedicated to the service of the Akathist Hymn, that is the First Stasis of the Salutations of Theotokos, in the church of the Great Archangels, officiated by His Beatitude Theodore II, Patriarch of Alexandria.

On the evening of the same day, the members of the Pan- Orthodox Synaxis were hosted to dinner at the Community Hall of the District of the Bosphorous, under the pastoral supervision of His Eminence Irinaios, Metropolitan of Myriofyton and Peristasis.

During the aforementioned dinner, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, addressed the Primates with this speech: https://en.jerusalem-patriarchate.info/2014/03/07/4877

This concluded the proceedings of the second day of the Pan- Orthodox Synaxis in Constantinople, namely Friday the 22nd of February/7th of March 2014. From the Secretariat-General


Constantinople, March 7TH, 2014

Your All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I,

Venerable Patriarchs and Archbishops,

Primates of the Holy Orthodox Churches,

Your Eminence Metropolitan Eireneos of Myriophyton and Peristasis,

Beloved brothers in Christ,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The gift of the grace of God is truly great for Us to be present here with you in the Queen of cities, the city of Constantine the Great, the city where the Ecumenical Synods took place, and to be extended hospitality in the embrace of the Great Church of Christ at the brotherly invitation of Our beloved brother in Christ, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.

It is also truly great that We, as representatives of Our flocks, which have been entrusted to Us, overcame obstacles, surpassed impediments, and have disregarded differences between Us, not giving them attention whatsoever. We have gathered here, all together, in the same place so that we can confess Our undisputed Orthodox faith in love and in the union of peace, especially today with the service of the Akathyst Hymn, which was chanted for the first time in this city, and on the upcoming Sunday of Orthodoxy, in Our declaration proclaiming the holy icons as a confirmation of the salvific truth, i.e. the Incarnation of the Son and Word of God by the Holy Spirit and through the Ever-Virgin Mary, our Lord and God Jesus Christ.

Therefore, We are grateful to God for His gift to Us; Our calling to be children of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church of Christ, as well as participants of this Synaxis. We are aware of the responsibility that has been placed on Our shoulders. Let Us prepare ourselves in and humility, and giving the honor to the others for the Holy and Great Synod of Orthodoxy, so that through it, We may confess the reason of life to both Our flocks and to the world, for the salvation of all people and for the glory of Our Triune God.

Therefore, we warmly thank His-All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for his Abrahamic hospitality in the tents of the Great Church of Christ. We would also like to thank His Eminence Metropolitan Eireneos of Myriophyton and Peristasis, as well as the President of the Community Hall, Mr. Georgios Papaliaris, for the offering of this dinner, and to all those who assisted in the harmonious function of this Pan-Orthodox Synaxis.

Thank you.

His Beatitude


Patriarch of Jerusalem