Cutting Edge 3Rd Edition Intermediate Wordlist

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Cutting Edge 3Rd Edition Intermediate Wordlist Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Intermediate Wordlist Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Intermediate Wordlist Part of Headword Page speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example Unit 1 Klassenkamerad, camarade de compagno di classmate 6 n [C] /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/ Klassen- She was a classmate at Fairfax High School. classe classe kameradin ausfüllen, riempire, complete 6 v [T] /kəmˈpliːt/ remplir Sixty-five people completed the questionnaire. vervollständigen completare course 6 n [C] /kɔːs/ Kurs cours corso Andy's doing a computer course. ausländisch, foreign 6 adj /ˈfɒrɪn/ étranger straniero She spoke with a foreign accent. fremd form 6 n [C] /fɔːm/ Formular formulaire formulario Fill in the form using black ink. apprendre à conoscere, get to know 6 v [T] /get tə nəʊ/ kennen lernen It's a chance for students to get to know each other. connaître incontrarsi greet 6 v [T] /griːt/ begrüßen saluer salutare The children came rushing out to greet me. journey 6 n [C] /ˈdʒɜːni/ Reise voyage viaggio She met some interesting people on her journey. gerade, vor just 6 adv /dʒəst/ juste appena, poco fa She's just got married. kurzem old 6 adj /əʊld/ alt vieux vecchio He's an old friend of my father's. tatsächlich, genau effettivamente, actually 7 adv /ˈæktʃuəli, -tʃəli/ en fait Actually he's 45. genommen infatti /əˈpɑːt frəm, apart from 7 prep abgesehen von excepté a parte Apart from the ending, it's a really good film. frɒm/ board 7 n [C] /bɔːd/ Tafel tableau lavagna The teacher wrote a few words on the board. colleague 7 n [C] /ˈkɒliːg/ Kollege, Kollegin collègue collega I like my colleagues at the bank. date of birth 7 n [C, U] /deɪt ɒv bɜːθ/ Geburtsdatum date de naissance data di nascita Please write down your date of birth. exactly 7 adv /ɪgˈzæktli/ genau exactement esattamente I know exactly where she lives. She gave a detailed explanation of how to use the explanation 7 n [C] /ˌekspləˈneɪʃən/ Erklärung explication dichiarazione computer. get 7 v [T] /get/ bekommen recevoir ricevere I got books for my birthday. gehen, andare, go 7 v [T] /gəʊ/ aller, se passer How did your course go? funktionieren funzionare hear 7 v [I, T] /hɪə/ hören entendre sentire Can you hear that noise? homework 7 n [U] /ˈhəʊmwɜːk/ Hausaufgabe devoirs compiti (a casa) Have you finished your maths homework? language 7 n [C] /ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ/ Sprache langue lingua, idioma Do you speak any foreign languages? Pearson Schweiz AG, 2013 Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Intermediate Wordlist Part of Headword Page speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example nice 7 adj /naɪs/ angenehm, schön agréable piacevole, bello Did you have a nice time? codice di postcode 7 n [C] /ˈpəʊstkəʊd/ Postleitzahl code postal avviamento Give your address, including the postcode. postale pronounce 7 v [T] /prəˈnaʊns/ aussprechen prononcer pronunciare How do you pronounce your name? spell 7 v [I, T] /spel/ buchstabieren épeler sillabare How do you spell 'necessary'? tell 7 v [T] /tel/ sagen, erzählen dire dire, raccontare Tell me your name again. acquaintance 8 n [C] /əˈkweɪntəns/ Bekannte connaissance conoscente My neighbours are acquaintances, not friends. far domanda, apply for 8 phr v /əˈplaɪ fɔː/ bewerben für postuler Rob's applied for a job in Canada. concorrere bester Freund, il mio migliore best friend 8 n [C] /ˌbest ˈfrend/ meilleur ami She was my best friend in college. beste Freundin amico boss 8 n [C] /bɒs/ Chef patron capo She asked her boss for the day off. cousin 8 n [C] /ˈkʌzən/ Cousin, Kusine cousin, cousine cugino Jane and I are cousins. dentist 8 n [C] /ˈdentɪst/ Zahnarzt dentiste dentista I'm going to the dentist this afternoon. /ɪmˈplɔɪ–iː, Angestellter, employé, employee 8 n [C] impiegato The government employees were very angry. ˌemplɔɪˈiː/ Angestellte employée ex-girlfriend 8 n [C] /eks ˈgɜːlfrend/ Ex-Freundin ex petite copine ex ragazza Steven is going out with my ex-girlfriend. Mitbewohner, coabitatore, You can’t have a party without asking your flatmate flatmate 8 n [C] /ˈflætmeɪt/ colocataire Mitbewohnerin coabitatrice) first. grandchild 8 n [C] /ˈgræntʃaɪld/ Enkel petit-enfant nipote She's visiting her son to see her new grandchild. grandparent 8 n [C] /ˈgrænˌpeərənt/ Großeltern grands-parents nonni My grandparents live in Kent. fratello consanguineo, He's my half-brother, from my mother's second half-brother 8 n [C] /ˈhɑːf ˌbrʌðə/ Halbbruder demi-frère fratello uterino, marriage. fratellastro My mother-in-law is like a mother to me as well as mother-in-law 8 n [C] /ˈmʌðər ɪn ˌlɔː/ Schwiegermutter belle-mère suocera my husband. Nachbar, neighbour 8 n [C] /ˈneɪbə/ voisin vicino My neighbours often look after the kids for me. Nachbarin niece 8 n [C] /niːs/ Nichte nièce nipote I'm buying a present for my niece. Verwandeter, relative 8 n [C] /ˈrelətɪv/ parent, parente parente He’s staying with relatives. Verwandte silly 8 adj /ˈsɪli/ dumm stupide stupido, ignorante He's being silly again. Sozialarbeiter, - social worker 8 n [C] /ˈsəʊʃəl ˌwɜːkə/ travailleur social assistente sociale He became a social worker after leaving college. pädagoge My stepmother has always treated me like her own stepmother 8 n [C] /ˈstepmʌðə/ Stiefmutter belle-mère matrigna daughter. Pearson Schweiz AG, 2013 Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Intermediate Wordlist Part of Headword Page speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example stranger 8 n [C] /ˈstreɪndʒə/ Fremder, Fremde étranger straniero Don't get in a car with a stranger. étudiant, studente, student 8 n [C] /ˈstjuːdənt/ Student, Studenin He loves being a student. étudiante studentessa sunglasses 8 n [C] /ˈsʌnˌglɑːsɪz/ Sonnenbrille lunettes de soleil occhiali da sole Only film stars wear sunglasses in winter. addestramento, eine Ausbildung poursuivre une train 8 v [I] /treɪn/ formazione She trained to be a nurse for four years. machen formation professionale Freizeit-, leger, When he got home from work, he changed into casual casual 9 adj /ˈkæʒuəl/ décontracté casual lässig clothes. fantastic 9 adj /fænˈtæstɪk/ fantastisch fantastique fantastico You look fantastic. gewinnen, raggiungere, gain 9 v [T] /geɪn/ prendre, gagner The baby has gained weight this week. erlangen ingrassare get up 9 phr v /get ʌp/ aufstehen se lever alzarsi I get up later at weekends. go grey 9 phrase /gəʊ greɪ/ ergrauen grisailler incanutire My father went grey in his forties. hate 9 v [T] /heɪt hassen détester odiare I've always hated tomatoes. lose 9 v [T] /luːz/ verlieren perdre perdere You’re looking slim. Have you lost weight? (sich) kennen incontrarsi, meet 9 v [I, T] /miːt/ se rencontrer We first met at a party. lernen conoscere Musiker, musicien, musician 9 n [C] /mjuːˈzɪʃən/ musicista Steve's a jazz musician. Musikerin musicienne avere in plan 9 v [I, T] /plæn/ vorhaben, planen envisager programma, Where do you plan to go on holiday? progettare play 9 v [I, T] /pleɪ/ spielen jouer giocare, suonare I'm learning to play the piano. eine Grimasse pull a face 9 phrase /pʊl ə feɪs/ grimacer fare le boccacce Roy took one bite and pulled a face. ziehen She wore a smart black suit to the office. | smart new smart 9 adj /smɑːt/ schick, elegant chic chic, elegante, offices smoke 9 v [I, T] /sməʊk/ rauchen fumer fumare He smokes a pipe. particolare, special 9 adj /ˈspeʃəl/ besonderer, e, es spécial I want to do something special for my birthday. speciale suit 9 n [C] /suːt, sjuːt/ Anzug costume vestito I wear a suit to work. weight 9 n [C, U] /weɪt/ Gewicht poids peso I’m trying to lose weight. entsprechend, conformemente according to 10 prep /əˈkɔːdɪŋ tə, tʊ/ selon According to our records she hasn’t paid her bill. gemäß a, secondo addict 10 n [C] /ˈædɪkt/ Süchtige/r fou/folle de fanatico I'm a coffee addict; I can't last a day without coffee. Pearson Schweiz AG, 2013 Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Intermediate Wordlist Part of Headword Page speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example advice 10 n [U] /ədˈvaɪs/ Ratschlag conseils consiglio Can you give me some advice about buying a house? gran quantità di, amount of 10 n [C] /əˈmaʊnt ɒv/ Menge an quantité I was surprised at the amount of work I had to do. gran numero di sich apologise 10 v [T] /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/ s'excuser scusarsi He apologised for being late. entschuldigen athlete 10 n [C] /ˈæθliːt/ Sportler athlète sportivo Only eight athletes can run in this race. believe 10 v [T] /bəˈliːv/ glauben croire credere Do you believe his story? bright 10 adj /braɪt/ fröhlich enjoué, gai allegro She sounded bright on the phone. sich concentrate 10 v [I] /ˈkɒnsəntreɪt/ se concentrer concentrarsi With all this noise, it’s hard to concentrate. konzentrieren constantly 10 adv /ˈkɒnstəntli/ ständig constamment costantemente The English language is constantly changing. cook 10 v [I, T] /kʊk/ kochen cuisiner cucinare It's your turn to cook dinner. damage 10 n [U] /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ Schaden ravage danno The damage to his reputation was considerable. depressing 10 adj /dɪˈpresɪŋ/ deprimierend déprimant deprimente It was a very depressing book. digital native 10 n [C] /ˈdɪdʒətl ˈneɪtɪv/ Digital Native Digital Native digital native Most younger workers are digital natives. persona early bird 10 n [C] /ˈɜːli bɜːd/ Frühaufsteher/in lève-tôt She's an early bird – up at 6 a.m. every day. mattiniera ugualmente, allo Diet and exercise are equally important in maintaining equally 10 adv /ˈiːkwəli/ gleichermaßen tout autant stesso modo good health. The tourist industry is an essential part of the Spanish essential 10 adj /ɪˈsenʃəl/ wesentlich essentiel essenziale economy. exercise 10 v [I, T] /ˈeksəsaɪz/ trainieren s'entraîner allenare He exercises intensively at the gym. expert 10 n [C] /ˈekspɜːt/ Experte, Expertin expert, experte esperto She's an expert on ancient Egyptian art.
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