Telephone Directory /United States Department of State
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S/.2/: W UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ) 1 1 1 LOCAL CALLS Government phones are provided lor official use only and are not to be used for making personal calls COMMERCIAL CALLS EMERGENCY CALLS Bomb Threat or Other Threats Requiring Emergency Action Call: Dial 9. 21814 Main State— Police Office (FPS) Dial number. Annex 2 —Police Office (FPS) 21814 Other Annexes DC — Building Office or GSA Control Center 472-1 1 1 Other Annexes VA— Building Police Office or 557-9370 Emergency Medical Assistance: Mam State (8:45-5:30) 22700 SA-3 235-8720 USICA (9)724-9621 CALLS TO GOVERNMENT AGENCIES— Main State (after hours): call building guard 21814 Metropolitan Police (9) 626-2000 or (Emergency—91 1 Arlington Police 558-2222 Fire— Main State—Police Office - 21814 or use alarm box or call Fire Department 462-1616 Other Annexes DC — Building Police Office or Fire Department 462-1616 On Centrex (Zone A) Other Annexes Va— Building Police Office or Fire Department and Rescue Squad 527-8900 Dial 5-digit extension STATE WATCH OFFICERS or dial 100 for Information. Senior Watch Officer Operations Center 7516 63-21512 Zone A includes: Agency for International Officer, Communications 5440 63-21641 Development Arms Control and Watch Officer, Intelligence 65,10 63-22585 Disarmament Agency Department of Housing and Urban Development Security Command Center (24 hr.) 2435 63-22412 Department of State Federal Communications Commission HOW TO National Science Foundation Office of Personnel Management USE YOUR Securities and Exchange Commission U S. International Communication Agency TELEPHONE UNDER CENTREX TO REPORT PHONE TROUBLE On Centrex (other than Zone A) Dial 9-61 Dial 9. Dial first 2 digits of number shown in list below Transferring calls Dial 5-digit extension (or, for Information, dial number shown in list below). Depress switchhook briefly once. Ask operator to complete transfer. Air Force Systems Design Center 76 3-1000 Department of Defense 69 7-01 1 Executive Offices of the President 39 5-3000 Naval Medical Center 29 5-1000 Conference calls Naval Oceanographic Office 76 3-1000 Dial (9)472-1208 Naval Reconnaissance and Technical (more than 5 involved call (9) 245-3333) Support Center 76 3-1000 Give operator the details. Naval Research Laboratory 76 7-2000 U S. Capitol 22 4-3121 The White House 45 6-1414 White House Communications Agency 39 5-2000 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents U S. Government Printing Office Washington, D C 20402 LONG-DISTANCE CALLS HOW TO CALL NUMBERS IN THIS DIRECTORY FROM FTS (Federal Telecommunications System) is a Govern- ment network of leased long-distance circuits through OUTSIDE PHONES which you can make an official call to any phone in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. From public It MUST BE USED in lieu of commercial calls except in emer- For Washington numbers (extensions starling with 2): gencies or when placing toll calls of 50-cent initial rate or less during normal work hours. Dial 63 plus 5-digit extension. CALLS TO GOVERNMENT PHONES For Washington numbers (extensions starling with 3): Dial 52 plus 5-digit extension. Dial 8 plus 7-digit number. (Passport Office) For Washington numbers (extensions starting with 4) (Refer to FTS Users Guide for FTS phone numbers of U S. Government offices). Dial 25 plus 5-diglt extension. (On long-distance calls, dial area code 202 before Official calls while traveling dialing 25, 52 and 63.) For Virginia numbers (extensions starting with 5): Call the FTS operator (whose number is listed in the U.S. Government section of the local phone directory). Dial 23 plus 5-digit extension. For Virginia numbers (extensions starting with 7): Dial 55 plus 5-dlgit extension. (On long-distance calls, dial area code 703 before dialing 23 or 55.) For information: CALLS TO COMMERCIAL PHONES Dial 655-4000 (This is the information number as listed in the Metropolitan Washington Telephone Directory) Dial 8. Dial area code plus number. From Government agencies— On Centrex (Zone A) (To obtain non-FTS phone numbers, dial 9, then the area Dial 5-digit extension code of the city you are calling plus 555-1 212.) or 100 for information except Saturday and after hours dial 0. On Centrex (NOT Zone A) Collect calls to commercial phones For extensions starting with 2: Dial plus 5-digit extension. (When asked by a non-Government person to call 63 back collect) For extensions starting with 3 Dial 52 plus 5-digit extension. Do not use FTS system. For extensions starting with 5: 5-digit Listen for dial tone. Dial 23 plus extension. Dial 90 and place call with telephone com- extensions starting with 7: pany operator. For Dial 55 plus 5-digit extension. To call overseas from State-AID extensions or 655-4000 for information Dial 90 and give the operator details of (For information, see Section 1400.) your call plus your 7-digit number. GENERAL INFORMATION (Telephone Information— Dial 100) BUILDING GUARDS SA-3 rm 105 (9) 235-8720 Rosslyn Area (AID only) (Night only to 9:00 a - and weekends service 5:00 p m m 1 15 PP (9) 694-4265 Of 694-4545 fulltime except as noted) SA-10 1008 GSA 18 & F 183-6631 Guard Headquarters 21814 SA-1 2 rm. 540 (AID only) 20061 State Department Building Emergency After Office Hours Call Building Guard 22d & C St Main Entrance (Accidents Only) *(8:00 a m - 5:30 p.m.) 23461 Providence Hospital. 12th & Varnum St NE 269-4000 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 a m 28466 (Eye Injuries) 22d & D St North Entrance Washington Hospital Center, *(7:00 - 8:00 a m., 5:45 - 9:00 p.m.) 23577 110 Irving St NW 541-6731 *(8:00 a m. - 5:45 p.m.) Mon-Fri 23598 *21 st St. Entrance (until 1:00 a m.) 23568 STATE WATCH OFFICERS *23d St Entrance 20301 'Code Room (Rm 5440) 20837 Senior Watch Officer Basement Garage Operations Center 7516 63-21512 *C St. Ramp Entrance 29021 Officer, Communications 5440 .63-21641 or 23551 *21 st St Ramp Entrance 21188 Watch Officer, Intelligence 6510 63-22585 *22 & D St. (North Ramp) 23431 Watch Officer. Security 2435 63-22412 State Annex *No. 2 (51 5-22d St. NW) 22941 SPECIAL TELEPHONE SERVICES No. 3 (1400 Key Blvd., Arl., Va.) (9) 235-8810-11 Telephone Information 100 No. 4 (8400 Terminal Rd„ Newington, Va (9) 339-6618 Chief Operator (9) 472-4834 No. 6 (1701 N. Ft Myer Dr. FTS code 8 Arl., Va.) (9) 235-1679, (9) 235-9458 Telephone Repairs 9-611 No. 7 (7958 Angus Court, Springfield, Va.) 445-2724, 451 -8288 (9) (9) Installations, Moves, and Disconnections No. 10(1717 H St. NW) Lobby 4 p.m. - 8 a.m 634-3285 To facilitate and expedite above services, forms should be 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sats., Suns., and Holidays 634-3285 prepared and forwarded to the offices indicated No. (1975 Florida Ave, NW) 20039 12 AID 274 SA-1 1 (Form AID5-7) No. 15(1800 N. Kent St., Arl., Va.) State 1493 (Form DS-1659) (9) 235-9262, (9)235-9319 No. 17 (1425 K St NW) (9) 523-4305, (9) 523-4383 Telephone Directory No 18 Rosslyn Plaza Bldg. C Compilation (1 601 N. Kent St„ Arl., Va.) (9) 235-8907 AID 274 SA-1 235-9820 Rosslyn Plaza Bldg. E 1 (9) State 1493 23636 (1621 N Kent St., Arl., Va.) (9) 235-9632 Editing 25171 GSA BUILDING MANAGERS Directory Changes (to be reported promptly— after installations, moves, and disconnections State Field Office rm. 1481 State have been made—to the offices indicated): AID 274 SA-1 (SF 146) State, SA-1 and SA-2 20186 1 Rosslyn Field Office rm. 126 Architect Bldg. State 1493 (Form DS-180) Distribution SA-3, SA-6, SA-7, SA-8, SA-1 1 . SA-14, SA-1 5, SA-16, SA-1 8 (9)694-4394 AID B-927 28410 State B-844F 22518 Lafayette Field Office rm. 350, 2000 K St. NW SA-10, SA-1 SA-1 (also IVIS 7, 9 ZIP and THIS) (9)653-6256 CODES Rock Creek Field Office Bldg 1 1 rm. 2016 The Department of State in Washington (with the 21 20 L St., NW SA-5, exception of the Passport Office) and letter SA-1 2 (9)254-3360 mail and packages 2 lbs. or less to Foreign Alexandria Field Office Service posts 20520 2461 Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria, Va. SA-4 557-0615 The Passport Office (Mail Stop No 35) 20524 Columbia Pike Field Office, 1032 FB2; Navy Annex "All U S Foreign Service Posts for packages Columbia Pike, SA-1 3 (9) 694-2177 over 2 lbs., magazines and newspapers 20521 IMMUNIZATION & HEALTH UNITS ACTION 20525 Agency for International Development (AID) 20523 Immunization Clinic rm 2313 23578 Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) 20527 (Inoculations) U S Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA) 20451 1776 Pa Ave., rm. 1163 (9) 724-9621 105 SA-3 (9)235-8720 U S International Communication Agency (USICA) 20547 Health Unit, rm 2313 29546 U S Mission to the United Nations (USUN) 10017 (Note: All State Annexes serviced by above health unit with the following exceptions) "To determine other zip codes call 245-4000 or consult your 'No answer call 21814 National Zip Code Directory Ill Organizational Directory Program and Management Services, Bureau for (SER) 515 DEPARTMENT OF STATE (Section 300): Program and Policy Coordination, Bureau for (PPC) 506 Administration, Bureau of (A) 325 Public Affairs, Office of (OPA) 509 African Affairs, Bureau of (AF) 314 Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Comptroller (M/COMP) 331 Office of (SDB) 505 Congressional Relations, Bureau of (H) 309 Technological Cooperation Planning Office, Consular Affairs, Bureau of (CA) 323 Institute for 503 Counselor of the Department (C) 306 Deputy Secretary, Office of the (D) 301 OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Bureau of (EA) 316 (OPIC) (Section 550) Economic Affairs, Under Secretary for (E) 303 Economic and Business Affairs, Bureau of (EB) 319 U.S.