Official Gazette Government Of· Gqa,Daman and Diu
:Panafr; l1tllNovemher, 1971 IKartika 20. 1893) ··SERIESI·No,-3l ! :~ i I I i OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF· GQA,DAMAN AND DIU -OJ 0 GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN ,.,' Prqvidi,q tliat, AND DIU (~)tlJe maximuni<;lge limit specified in the Schedule in' resp<!ct of .direct recruitm~nt Special Departmem may be relaxed i~ the case of' candid~tes \ belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Sche Notification duled Tribes and' other 3pecial categories in OSD/RRVS/19/,Ta accordance with the orders issued by the In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso Central Government from time to time; and to Article 309 of the Constitution, read with the (b) no lIIaie candidate, who has more than one Government of' India, Ministry of Home· Affairs wife living and no female candidate, who Notification No. F.1/29/68-GP dated the 29th June bas married a person having already a wife 1968, the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu is living, shall be eligible for appoitltm~nt, pleased to make the .foHowing rules regulating ·the . unless the Government, after having been Recruitment of persons to Class I postg:in·the River satisfied that there are special grounds for Navigation Department under the Government of doing so,exempts any such CMldidate from Goa, Daman and Diu. the operation of this rule. 1. Short title. - These rules may be, called Goa o. Power. to relax, _ Where the Administrator is Administration, Ports .officer, Class I Gazetted pos,t of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient SO Recruitment Rules, 1971. to do, he may, by order, for reasons to he recorded in writing and in consultation with the Union Public 2.
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