CENSUS OF INDIA 20-01 SERIES-21 JHARKHAND PAPER 2 OF 2001 PROVISIONAL POPULATION TOTALS Rural-urban Distribution of Population SUDHIR KUMAR RAKESH Director of census operations, Jharkhand CONTENTS PARTICULARS PAGE NO. Preface v Acknowledgement w Figures at a Glance IX State Highlights • XI Introduction 3 ANALYSIS OF RESULT Urbanisation - Rural and Urban Composition 7 Sex ratio in Districts and Community Development Blocks 19 Literacy rates by Sex and Rural-Urban break up in Districts 23 and Community Development Blocks Cities having one million plus population 33 TABLES Table-l Population, child population in the age-group 0:-6 and literates 42 by residence and Sex - State, District, VA/CitylTown, 2001 Table-2 Population, child population in the age-group 0-6 and literates 54 by residence and Sex - State, District, Community Development Block, 2001 Table-3 Percentage decadal growth, percentage of child population in the _72 age-group 0-6 by residence and percentage of urban population to total population - State and District, 200 I Table-4 Sex ratio of population and sex ratio of child population in 75 the age-group 0-6 - State, District, Community Development Block, 2001 Table-5 Literacy rates by residence and Sex - State, District, Community 82 Development Block, 2001 Table-6 Population, percentage decadal growth 1991-2001, Sex ratio, Literacy by Sex - VAs, Cities and Towns by size class in the State, 2001 Appendix-I Population, child popUlation in the age-group 0-6 and literates ." 98 to Table-6 by Sex - Independent cities and Towns arranged in Alphabetical Order, 2001 Appendix-2 List of towns of 1991 declassified in 2001 and Towns of 1991 105 to Table-6 merged with other Towns in 2001 Table-7 Growth of urban population, 1981-2001 106 PAGE NO. STATEMENTS Statement-I Rural-Urban distribution of population - India and States/ 109 Union Territories, 2001 '- Statemedt-2 .' Number ofstatutoty and Census towns, 1991 and 2001 113 Statement-3 Ranking of districts by percentage of urban population 114 11991 and 2001 Statement-4 Trends iI!. urbanization, 1901-2001 115 MAPS Map showing Administrative Divisions of State, 2001 Census xiii Map Showing Administrative Divisions (C.D. Block) of State, 2001 census xv De~adal growth rate of rural population 1991-2001 119 Percentage decadal growth rate of urban population 1991-;WOl 121 Percentage of urban population 200 I· 123 Growth rate ofUAS1Cities 1991-2001 (Class I) 125 DIAGRAMS Distribution of rural-urban population 1901-2001 129 Percenta~e decadal growth in urban population, 1901-1911 to 1991-200 I 131 Distribution -of popUlation ofJ]As/Cities/Towns in different size classes 1901-2001 133 DistriBution of rural-urban population 2001 (Districts) 135 .~. PREFACE The secona phase of Census of India, 2001 viz., the population enumeration work was th th undertaken between 9 and 28 February, 2001 (both days inclusive) with a revisional round th from 1st to 5 March, 200 I. The reference date at which the snapshot of the population is taken, was 00.00 hours of 1st March, 2001. Maintaining the past tradition of releasing the population data on a provisional basis within a short time after the completion of population enumerati(;m, the provisional population figures were compiled at the Census Directorate based on various abstracts built up at different administrative levels such as the Enumeration block, RurallUrban Charge (Community Development Block/Town) and the District. The entire exercise of aggregation of provisional data up to the state level was completed within a very short span of time. On the basis of these abstracts, the provisional population figures of this state were released on 27th March, 2001 in the form of paper-I containing provisional figures with regard to Total 'population, Population in the age-group 0-6 and Literate population. The provisional population figures presented in paper-l were for State and District levels onl}'. The present paper-2 of 2001, which is second in the series of publications on provisional population tota)s, mainly includes provisional data on rural-urban distribution of popUlation and its characteristics, population totals for urban agglomerations and their constituents and totals for individual cities and towns. The provisional population of outgrowths have also been shown separately as constituents of urban agglomerations. Since the 'release of final population figures may hiKe sbme more time, it is hoped that the provisional data being presented in this paper would be usefui for the planners, g~vemment and non-government organisations and researchers etc. I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India and his team of dedicated officers for the able guidance and encouragement provided by them in giving final shape to this paper. I am personally grateful 'to ,officers and staff of my own directorate for all the strain they took in preparing this paper in the shortest possible time. It is only because of their untiring effort and dedication,that it has been possible to. bring out this paper within such a short span of time. Patna S.K. RAKESH The 25th August, 2001 Director of Census Operations, fuarkhand ACKNOWLEDGEMENT List of Officers/Officials involved in. preparation of Provisional Population Totals SJ. No.- Name Designation 1. Sri Phool Singh Joint Director 2~ Sri M.M.A.Beg Deputy Director 3. Sr{S~K. Sinha Deputy Director 4. Sri K.K.Verma As~istant Director 5. SriM. Guria Research Officer (Map) 6. Sri B.K.Shrivastava Printing Officer 7. Sri P.M. Prasad Statistical Investigator Gr. I C.T.U. SECTION 8. Sri T.N.Rukhaiyar Statistical Investigator Gr. II 9. Sri K.N.P. Shrivastava Statistical Investigator Gr. II 10. Sri Ganesh Pd. Singh Statistical Investigator Gr. II 11. Sri'S:K. Singh Statistical Investigator Gr. II 12. Sri M.K.P. Sharma Statistical Investigator Gr. III 13. Sri Shyam Pd. Singh Statistical Invejitigator Gr. III 14. Sri Shailendra Kr. Sinha Statistical Investigator Gr. III 15. Smt. Bina Kujui Sr. Compiler 16. Smt. Usha Kumari Sr. Compiler 17. Sri Kishori Sharan Compiler 18. Sri Birendra Pd. Singh Compiler 19. Sri Rajiv Kr. Sinha Compiler 20. Sri Deepak Kr. Mishra Compiler 21. Sri G. K. Labh Compiler 22. Sri Ashok Kr. Sharma'. Compiler 23. !Sri Amar Chandra Sinha Compiler 24. Smt. Rojalia Kujur COIhpiler 25. Sri Sheo Balak Prasad Compiler 26. Sri Ashish Kr. Singh Compiler 27. 8mt. Puja Shrivastava Assistant Compiler COMPUTER CELL 28. Sri Anup Kr. Verma D.E.O."J3" 29. Sri S.S.Srivastava D.E.O."B" 30. Sri N.K.Srivastav D.E.O."B" CONFIDENTIAL SECTION 31. Sri Suresh Ravidas Confidential Assistant 32. Sri Md. Ashraful Hoda L.D.C. MAP SECTION 33. Sri Indra Kant Mishra Sr. Drawing Assistant 34. Sri Ratan Kr. Roy Draftsman 35. Sri M. N. Khan Draftsman vii CENSUS OF INDIA - 2001 FIGURES AT A GLANCE JHARKHAND I) Total Population Persons Males Females T 26,909-,428 .13,861,277. 13,048,151 R 20,922,731 10,660,430 10,262,301 U 5,986,697 3,200,847 2,785,850 II) Decadal Population Absolute Percentage Growth 1991-2001 T 5,065,517 23.19 R 3,720,047 21.62 U 1,345,470 '28.99 III) Average annuli exponential T 2.09- growth rate 1~91-2001 R 1.96 U 2.55 IV) Area in sq. km.* T 79,714.00 R' 77,921.57 U 1,792.43 Population Density T 338 .(Persons per Km.2) R 269 U 3,340 VI) Sex Ratio T 941 (Females per 1000 males) R 963 1\ 870 VII) Child Population in the Persons Males Females Age-group 0-6 (with per- T 4,796,188 2;440,025 -2,356,163 centage to Total/Rural! (17.82) (17.60) (18.06) Urban population in R .3,988,111 2,021,518' 1,966,593"- parenthesis) (19.06) (18.96) (19.16) U 808,077 418,507 389,570 (13.50) (13.07) (13.98) VIII) LiteracyRate 'Persons Males Female'S" T 54.13 67.94 39.38 R 46.26, 61.57 30.33 U 79.86 87.73 70.71 * Provisional ix STATE HIGHLIGHTS - 2001 CENSUS 1. Number of Divisions 4 2. Number of Districts 18 3. Number of Subdivisions 33 4. Number of C.D.Blocks 210 5. Number. of Urban Agglomerations 11 6. Number of Cities (Population Ilakh and above) 7 7. Number of Towns 152 I) Statutory Towns 44 II) 'Census Towns (N~n-Statutory) 108 8. Nmber ofUAs/ I 10 UAs Towns by size class II 1 UAl5 Towns III 22 Towns IV 20 Towns V 29 Towns VI 8 Towns 9. Most Populous Town - Ranch!. M.Corp. (Ranchi) 846,454 Least Populous Town- Mugma CT (Dhanbad) 2,978 10. Town with highest decadal growth - Kailudih CT (Dhanbad) 106.37 Town with lowest decadal growth - -!Jalkundra CT (Hazaribag) -39.16 11. Most densely populated Town - Daltonganj M (Palamu) 20,669 Least densely populated Town - Deorikalan CT (Palamu) 422 12. Town having highest Sex ratio - Jhinkpani CT (pash. Singhbhum) 968 TOWJl having lowest Sex-ratio Meru CT (Hazaribag) 507 13. Town having highest Literacy rate- Kalikapur CT(Pash. Singhbhum) 96.36 Town having lowest Literacy rate- .Paratdih CT (Giridih)" 53.87 14. Town having highest Female Literacy ratt- Kalikapur CT (Pash. SinghbhumJ 9r.88- Town having lowest Female Literacy rate- Paratdih CT(Giridih) 40.91 15. C.D. Block having highest Sex ratio- Barkatha (Hazaribag) 1,130 C.D.Block having lowest Sex ratio-Jharia-cum-Jorapokhar-cum-Sindri (Dhanbad) 837 Xl 16. C.D.BIQck having highest Literacy rate- Kanke (Ranchi) 81.48 - C.D.Block having lowest Literacy rate: Litipara (Pakaur) 24.28 17.
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