United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,867,260 Cameron Et Al
United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,867,260 Cameron et al. [45] Date of Patent: Sep. 19, 1989 [54] ALL-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLE POWER TRAIN OTHER PUBLICATIONS vw Golf Syncro, VISCODRIVE. [75] Inventors: Dugald Cameron, Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich.; Karl Friedrich, Primary Examiner-Mitchell J'. Hill Leibnitz, Austria; Rudolf Zmugg; Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Edward P. Barthel Peter Resele, both of Graz, Austria [57] ABSTRACT [73] Assignee: Chrysler Motors Corporation, A drive line assembly and mounting arrangement for Highland Park, Mich. converting a front engine front wheel drive vehicle to an on-demand four wheel drive system. The vehicle [211 Appl. No.: 266,462 rear axle is adapted to be selectively driven by means of a viscous ?uid coupling positioned intermediate a for [22] Filed: Nov. 2, 1988 ward angled universal-joint drive line assembly and a rear torque tube enclosed longitudinal propeller shaft [30] Foreign Application Priority Data assembly. An overrunning clutch is rigidly connected Dec. 15, 1987 [AT] Austria ............................... ,. 3296/87 intermediate a forwardly extending neck portion of the rear axle drive housing and the torque tube de?nes a [51] Int. Cl.“ ..................... .. B60K 17/35; B60K 23/04 composite torque tube structure. The overrunning [52] US. Cl. .. 180/360; 180/233; clutch is adapted to be locked for a transmission of 180/248; 180/249; 180/380 torque during normal driving. The rear axle drive hous [58] Field of Search ............ .. 180/248, 249, 233, 73.1, ing is sprung from the frame by a pair of transversely 180/75.1, 75.2, 88; 248/635, 634 aligned isolation mounts while the composite torque tube is resiliently secured by a bracket support adjacent [56] References Cited its forward end.
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