CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1658 HON
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E1658 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2008 Require the Office the Office of Workers’ sight of Radiation Protection Program at the fornia. After attending Mt. San Antonio Col- Compensation Programs to directly pay serv- Rocky Flats field office and has few if any lege, Mr. Craig transferred to Fresno State ice providers for personal care services and peers in terms of his understanding of the College and graduated with a major in busi- transportation to assist low-income claimants problems addressed by the bill. In particular, ness and psychology. While at Fresno State who cannot afford to cover the cost of nec- the bill reflects these aspects of Rocky Flats he taught dance classes at the Arthur Murray essary medical and transportation expenses history: dance studio. Upon graduating from Fresno and wait for reimbursement from the govern- Many worker exposures were unmonitored State he joined the Arthur Murray dance stu- ment. over the plant’s history. For some estimated dio and before long owned several franchises Require claims examiners to provide written doses were assigned, and radiation exposures and served on its board of directors. notice to claimants who file under either Part for many others are missing. As a result, there At the age of 22 years old he was stationed B or Part E of potential monetary or medical are at best incomplete records and many inac- in San Diego serving in the U.S. Navy. During compensation for which they may be eligible. curacies in the exposure records that do exist. the same time he became friends with Hal Require DOL to provide a list of physicians No lung counter for detecting and meas- King, who introduced him to horseracing. King qualified to perform medical and impairment uring plutonium and americium in the lungs would later become Sid’s business partner, screenings from independent medical associa- existed at Rocky Flats until the late 1960’s. trainer and racing manager until he died in tions and institutions of higher education. Without this equipment the very insoluble 1991. Sid’s love for horses led to him owning Prohibit the Departments of Energy (DOE) oxide forms of plutonium cannot be detected a number of successful thoroughbreds. In and Labor from destroying original documents and a large number of workers had inhalation 1995 Sid and his wife Jenny purchased a 237- related to any DOE facility that might reason- exposures that went undetected and acre thoroughbred horse-racing stable in Ran- ably be expected to be used by workers in unmeasured. cho Santa Fe. Several of their thoroughbreds support of filing claims under EEOICPA. Exposure to neutron radiation was not mon- raced in the Belmont Stakes and the Kentucky And, section 11 of the bill would revise the itored until the late 1950’s and most of those Derby, and one set a Del Mar track record for part of the EEOICPA law that specifies which measurements through 1970 have been found 11⁄4 mile. covered workers are part of what the law des- to be in error. In some areas of the plant the After moving to Australia with his wife Jenny ignates as the ‘‘Special Exposure Cohort.’’ neutron doses were as much as 2 to 10 times in 1982 they started Jenny Craig International, The revision would extend this ‘‘special ex- as great as the gamma doses received by the successful weight-loss program which posure cohort’’ status to Department of Energy workers but only gamma doses were re- went public on the New York Stock Exchange employees, Department of Energy contractor corded. after only two years. At the height of their ca- employees, or atomic weapons employees— As a result of these and other shortcomings, reers, Sid and Jenny oversaw more than 650 all terms defined by the current law—who some Rocky Flats workers have been denied Jenny Craig centers in the United States, Can- worked at the Rocky Flats site, in Colorado, compensation under the Act despite having ada, Australia and New Zealand. Twenty-three for at least 250 days prior to January 1, 2006. worked with tons of plutonium and having years and 4 million dieters later, they eventu- The result would be to help provide the known exposures leading to serious health ef- ally sold the Jenny Craig centers to Nestle. Act’s benefits to any of those workers who fects. In 1992 Mr. Craig returned to his alma contracted a radiation-linked cancer specified Madam Speaker, since early in my tenure in mater and made a significant donation to the in the Act after beginning employment at Congress I have worked to make good on Fresno State School of Business, which was Rocky Flats. promises of a fairer deal for the nuclear-weap- renamed in his honor to the Sid Craig School As the law now stands, before a Rocky ons workers who helped America win the Cold of Business. In 1993, Fresno State President Flats worker suffering from a covered cancer War. That was why enactment and improve- John Welty also gave him an honorary degree can receive benefits, it must be established ment of the compensation Act has been one of doctorate for his contributions to the univer- that the cancer is as likely as not to have re- of my top priorities. I saw this as a very impor- sity, his commitment to others and its stu- sulted from on-the-job exposure to radiation. tant matter for our country—and especially for dents. And to this day, the community of Fres- That sounds like a reasonable requirement many Coloradans because our State is home no credits Sid and Jenny Craig’s generosity and it would be appropriate for Rocky Flats if to the Rocky Flats site, which for decades was for helping the Sid Craig School of Business we had adequate documentation of radiation a key part of the nuclear-weapons complex. become one of the top 100 business schools exposures for the years when it was producing Now the site’s military mission has ended in the country. Mr. Craig was known for his nuclear-weapons components as well as for and the last of the Rocky Flats workers have philanthropist style with business, his gen- the more recent time when DOE and its con- completed the job of cleaning it up for closure. erosity and for his passion for horseracing. tractors have been working to clean it up and And just as they worked to take care of the Sid Craig will be remembered by many for prepare it for closure. site, we in Congress need to take care of his success in business, his generous philan- However, in fact there were serious short- them and the others who worked there in the thropy, and for his passion for horseracing. I comings in the monitoring of Rocky Flats past, and do a better job of taking care of am honored and humbled to join his family in workers’ radiation exposures and in the nec- those who have worked at other sites as well. celebrating the life of this amazing man. His essary recordkeeping—to say nothing of the That was the purpose of the compensation presence will be missed in our community and slowness of the current administrative process act. I am very proud that I was able to help by many others whose lives he so graciously for making the required determinations con- achieve its enactment, but I am also aware touched. cerning links between exposure and employ- that it is not perfect. The bill being introduced f ment. today will not remedy all the shortcomings of So there is a risk that a significant number the current law, but it will make it better. TRIBUTE TO LOUISE L. FRANCES- CONI ON HER RETIREMENT of Rocky Flats workers who should be able to f benefit from the Act will not obtain its benefits in a timely manner or will be denied them en- A TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF HON. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS tirely. SIDNEY HARVEY CRAIG OF ARIZONA The bill would prevent this miscarriage of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES justice, by recognizing that Rocky Flats work- HON. JIM COSTA Thursday, July 31, 2008 ers have been plagued by the same kinds of OF CALIFORNIA administrative problems that entangled work- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. GIFFORDS. Madam Speaker, I rise ers at some other locations—administrative today to pay tribute and great respect to Lou- problems that were addressed through inclu- Thursday, July 31, 2008 ise L. Francesconi, as she retires after 33 sion in the Act of the provisions related to the Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to years of service to our great Nation as the ‘‘Special Exposure Cohort.’’ pay tribute to the life of a special man, Sidney President of Raytheon Missile Systems in Tuc- My understating of the need for this bill Harvey Craig of Santa Fe, California, who re- son, Arizona. came from meeting with Rocky Flats workers cently passed away at the age of 76 years Ms. Francesconi is retiring from this position and their representatives and by consulting old. He leaves behind his loving wife Jenny, 5 after leading the world’s largest missile com- experts. I have particularly benefited from the children and 13 grandchildren. pany, with sales of $5B and nearly 13,000 em- great experience and expertise of Dr. Robert Mr. Craig, affectionately known as Sid, was ployees, which for years has helped guarantee Bistline. Dr. Bistline has served as Program born on March 22, 1932 in Vancouver, British our Nation’s security and interests worldwide.