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SOUTHFLORIDAGAYNEWS SOFLAGAYNEWS SFGN.COM 7.19.2017 • 1 NEWS international southFloridaGaynews.com

Chechnya. July 19, 2017 • volume 8 • issue 29 2520 n. Dixie highway • wilton Manors, Fl 33305 Phone: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943

Publisher • norm Kent [email protected]

chief executive offi cer • Pier Angelo Guidugli

associate Publisher / executive editor • Jason Parsley [email protected] editorial art Director • Brendon Lies [email protected] Designer • Max Kagno Digital content Director • Brittany Ferrendi [email protected] associate editor • Jillian Melero [email protected] copyeditor • Kerri Covington arts/entertainment editor • JW Arnold [email protected] social Media Manager • Tucker Berardi [email protected] neWspaper releases names of Food/travel editor • Rick Karlin Gazette news editor • Michael d'Oliveira hiv editor • Sean McShee murDereD Gay CheChens senior Photographer • J.R. Davis [email protected] Brittany Ferrendi senior Features correspondents Jesse Monteagudo • Tony Adams correspondents Dori Zinn • Andrea Richard • Donald Cavanaugh • Christiana Lilly • Denise Royal • ed up with a reportedly insincere shot in the night between January 25 and 26. Russian LGBT Network told International Sean McShee • Alex Adams • Gary Kramer • investigation on gay persecutions in Journalists were not able to locate any of the Business Times. The network has been David-Elijah Nahmod contributing columnists FChechnya, a Russian newspaper has persons, stating that anyone they questioned working on evacuating gay and bisexual Brian McNaught • Dana Rudolph • Wayne revealed a list of men who responded with “incredible Chechens from the country, helping at least Besen • Ric Reily • Steve Siler • Bil Browning were allegedly killed in a fear.” 40 so far. • Terri Schlichenmeyer associate Photographers gay purge. “as Far as They published the “As far as we know, the information in the Carina Mask • Pompano Bill • Steven Shires Novaya Gazeta, the names out of concern for Novaya Gazeta regarding 27 people being Russian publication that We KnoW, the the investigation, believing killed is true,” they said. “With regards to sales & Marketing fi rst broke the Chechnya it was not carried out with the sexual orientation of those killed, as far Director of sales & Marketing • Mike Trottier InFormatIon [email protected] story, published the names In the novaYa sincerity. as we know there are homosexual people in sales Manager • Justin Wyse of 27 perceived gay and “We are publishing these this list, but not all of them at all.” [email protected] bisexual men they believe gaZeta regardIng facts because the state The Gazeta gave the Investigative advertising sales associate • Edwin Neimann [email protected] were killed in Grozny on 27 people beIng represented by authorized Committee of Russia evidence of the victim’s sales assistant / classifi eds • Tim Higgins January 26. They were law enforcement agencies personal data and pointed to forensic [email protected] reportedly arrested in KIlled Is true.” did not leave us any evidence, insisting that their facts must be Distribution services • Rocky Bowell December 2016 and killed - Russian LGBT Network choice,” they MEMBERwrote. “That verifi ed. national advertising without any formal charges. is why we publish the list Chechen police and offi cials have denied Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 “According to our of those who, according the persecutions, including Chechen leader [email protected] information, the detainees were shot that to our information, were victims of the Ramzan Kadyrov. He told HBO, “This is accounting services by CG Bookkeeping night and were taken to various cemeteries, worst possible extrajudicial executions in nonsense. We don’t have those kinds of Printing by sun coast Press including Christian, and buried in hastily dug Grozny.“ people here. We don’t have any gays. If there graves,” the publication wrote, translated Not all of the men are necessarilyMEMBER gay, The are any, take them to Canada.” from Russian to English. The information comes from a source in the Interior Ministry. See the list of names in Russian on The murdered Chechens were reportedly of Novaya Gazeta’s website NovayaGazeta.ru. SFGNWINNER & 3 FLORIDA PRESS CLUB Awards And runner-up for MEMBER NLGJA Journalist of the Year our other PuBlicationS South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not Get yours, on racks now! represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN Associated Press should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law MEMBER offi ce, at [email protected]. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the Cover: suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. SFGN takes a dive into what makes our community tick -- and how you can get involved too. Copyright © 2017 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc.

2 • 7.19.2017 7.19.2017 • 3 Associated Press

texas ‘Bathroom Bill’ may shape 2018 Gop primary Campaigns

(AP) Though “bathroom bills” targeting transgender who don’t support the strict proposal that mimicked people fi zzled in deep-red states across the U.S., the a 2015 North Carolina law that sparked so much issue is still white hot in Texas, where the Legislature uproar and threats of costly boycotts that lawmakers is heading into special session prepared to revive it and there eventually rolled much of it back. No other state conservative groups are vowing revenge on Republican has approved such a law, despite similar bills being lawmakers who don’t approve it. introduced in nearly 20 states. Whether Texas eventually enacts a law requiring “To the extinct that someone chooses to lock arms transgender people to use public restrooms according with Joe Straus and promote his liberal agenda for the to their birth-certifi cate gender, the issue is looming state, and work with him to kill conservative legislation, large over Republican primaries set for March. Powerful we’re going to be looking for and back a primary business entities, from Apple to the NFL, oppose such challenger to that individual,” said Jared Woodfi ll, a a bill as discriminatory, but insurgent candidates have Houston attorney who is the group’s president. promised to brand lawmakers who dare reject it - or try Woodfi ll’s PAC donated nearly $2 million between to remain neutral in the face of so much outcry - as soft the 2010 and 2016 election cycles to 100-plus Texas on social issues dear to conservatives. legislative candidates and other conservative causes, The Conservative Republicans of Texas political and plans to spend lavishly to target moderate action committee says it’s ready to pounce on those Republicans up for election in 2018. Joe Straus, Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives.

The award carries a $10,000 cash prize. Finalists for the INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL Dayton Literary Peace Prize in fi ction and nonfi ction will be announced Sept. 13. ew Boy muppet in afghanistan promotes ay irish novelist Wins ohio literary Gender equality peace award INTERNATIONAL n(AP) Last year, Afghanistan’s version of “” G(AP) Irish novelist, journalist and essayist Colm Toibin introduced a little girl character aimed at inspiring girls in is this year’s winner of a lifetime achievement award that the deeply conservative Muslim nation. Now a new Muppet celebrates the power of literature to foster peace, social ay man Wins uK Court Battle for equal is joining the cast: her brother, who will show boys the justice and global understanding, organizers announced pension rights importance of respecting women. Thursday. G(AP) A gay British retiree has won a legal battle to secure Zeerak, whose name means “Smart” in Afghanistan’s two Dayton Literary Peace Prize offi cials named Toibin, whose the same occupational pension rights for his husband that a offi cial languages, is a 4-year-old boy who enjoys studying wide range of work has drawn from his native Ireland, his life wife would enjoy. and learning. He joins 6-year-old sister Zari, whose name as a gay man and his travels as an international journalist, Five judges at the Supreme Court, Britain’s highest court, means “Shimmering,” on Afghanistan’s version of the show, for the Richard C. Holbrooke Distinguished Achievement ruled that if John Walker died, his husband would be entitled “Baghch-e-SimSim,” or “Sesame Garden.” Award. It’s named for the late U.S. diplomat who brokered to a spouse’s pension, provided they stay married. Both Muppets wear traditional Afghan clothing - the the 1995 Bosnia peace accords reached in Ohio. The 66-year-old launched a discrimination lawsuit when baggy trousers and long embroidered shirt known as a Among his novels are “The Master,” depicting the life of the company he worked for said it would not pay out spouse shalwar kameez for him and colorful native dresses and a the famed writer Henry James; “Brooklyn,” a coming-of-age benefi ts because his pension plan predated 2005, when gay cream-colored hijab, or headscarf, for her. They join the rest story about an Irish immigrant later made into an Oscar- civil partnerships became legally recognized. of “Sesame Street’s” multi-cultural line-up, which includes nominated fi lm, and the recent “House of Names,” his The Court of Appeal ruled against Walker in 2015, but Muppets specially created for local versions of the program reimagining of a Greek tragedy. the Supreme Court overturned that decision Wednesday. in Bangladesh, Egypt and India. Dayton Literary Peace Prize Foundation co-chair Sharon The decision means that Walker’s partner will be entitled tox Massood Sanjer, the head of TOLO TV, which broadcasts the Rab said Toibin’s writings “remind us of shared humanity and spousal benefi ts of around 45,000 pounds ($57,800) a year - program in Afghanistan, said that after the overwhelmingly the possibility of reconciliation or simply of understanding, instead of about 1,000 pounds a year. positive response to Zari from both parents and children, which are the fi rst steps to making peace.” the goal was to create a boy character to emphasize the “Our (writers’) aim is to reach the reader’s imagination, have importance of gender equality and education in a country an eff ect on the nervous systems of other people,” Toibin, 62, where the vast majority of girls don’t go to school and the said in a statement in response to winning the award. literacy rate for women is among the lowest in the world. “Good sentences off er us a way to imagine life in all its “In a male-dominant country like Afghanistan, I think you strangeness and ambiguity and possibility, alert us to the have to do some lessons for the males to respect the females. power of the imagination to transform and transcend our So by bringing a male character to the show who respects a nature, off er us a blueprint not only for who we are but for female character, you teach the Afghan men that you have who we might be, who we might become,” he said. to respect your sister the same way as you do your brother,” Previous winners include Studs Terkel, Taylor Branch, Sanjer said. Gloria Steinem, and Elie Wiesel. Photo Credit: ChrisVTG Photography.

4 • 7.19.2017 NEWS national DC Creates GenDerfluiD Brittany Ferrendi

he comic book industry is no stranger to inclusivity. T DC Comics is introducing Doctor Endless, the company’s first genderfluid character in the new DC Universe, according to media news website Bleeding Cool. The character has black spiky hair with a white streak, light skin, black-and-white suit and a psychedelic rainbow-lapelled white trench coat. Doctor Endless will be unleashed in the first issue of : The Black Files comic book coming in August. Their goal is to track down rogue U.S. governmental operative Sebastian , teaming up with anti-heroes El Diablo, and Enchantress. They were inspired by The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman. DC is asking Gaiman Last year, DC Comics paired up with for approval to use Sandman references, but TDW Publishing to publish a 144-page will release the comic either way. Gaiman “Love is Love” comic book with proceeds himself wrote the first genderfluid character going toward victims of the Pulse nightclub in mainstream comics, a character named shooting that took the lives of 49 people. Desire.


7.19.2017 • 5 LGBTQIA bites By Jillian Melero l lesbian B Bisexual aG sessions unDer fire for CloseD-Door u.K. stuDy rates anXiety more liKely in speeCh to allianCe DefenDinG freeDom BiseXuals By 80 perCent (CNN) Attorney General Jeff Sessions (SFGN) In honor of Pride spoke to a self-described Christian religious month, the UK’s Offi ce for freedom advocacy group known for anti-gay National Statistics (ONS) stances Tuesday evening, and the Justice released a study on LGBT Department is keeping his remarks under residents which, in part, wraps. showed that bisexuals are 80 Sessions’ attendance at the closed-press percent more likely to report “Summit on Religious Liberty” hosted feeling anxious compared to by the Alliance Defending Freedom, was their straight fellow Brits. fi rst disclosed Tuesday morning -- but the Shannon Minter. The research marks the fi rst department has declined requests to release time that the ONS has measured his full remarks. LGBTQ rights organizations Alliance Defending Freedom -- which personal wellbeing by sexual blasted Sessions for attending the event. on its website says it is dedicated to identity, Pink News reported. “ADF is the most extreme anti-gay legal promoting religious freedom but is The study found that while and 25 percent more likely to describe themselves organization -- so extreme that it does not also known for having taken aggressive LGB people reported feeling less as unhappy compared to straight respondents. concede even that gay or transgender people anti-gay marriage stands -- is currently satisfi ed with their lives than No signifi cant highs or lows were found in the should be permitted to exist as such,” said embroiled in a high-profi le case that will their straight counterparts, data from heterosexual residents. While nearly Shannon Minter of the National Center for be heard by the Supreme Court next term. bisexuals were also 40 percent all LGB men and women reported having a below Lesbian Rights. “They are a truly destructive The group is representing a Colorado more likely to describe average quality of life and one-third of bisexuals force in our country, and it is appalling that baker who refused to make a wedding themselves as unhappy. reported high levels of anxiety. the attorney general of the United States cake for a same-sex couple, claiming that Gays and lesbians who About 300,000 people over the age of 16 between would lend them the imprimatur of his to do so would violate his right to religious responded were 50 percent more January 2013 and December 2015 were surveyed for offi ce.” liberty under the Constitution. likely to report feeling anxiety, this study.

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6 • 7.19.2017 LGBTQIA bites continued t transgender house Defeats BiD to BloCK pentaGon funDinG transGenDer surGeries

(CNN) The House on Thursday The pentagon. defeated a proposal that would have prevented the Pentagon from funding gender reassignment surgeries for service members. The amendment failed in a 209-214 vote, with 24 Republicans voting against it. The provision from Rep. Vicky Hartzler was an amendment to the National Defense delaying that decision for six months to Authorization Act to block the military study the issue further. from paying for gender reassignment But Mattis called Hartzler on Thursday surgery or hormone therapy for both to urge her to withdraw the amendment service members and their families. from the defense bill, according to two In 2016, then-Defense Secretary Ash senior congressional sources. A Pentagon Carter ended the ban on transgender offi cial declined to confi rm that the call people being able to serve openly in the occurred military. The amendment was one of the most Carter put in place a process to occur in politically charged of the 200 that were stages, and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis being considered in the House as it was facing a July 1 deadline on whether to debated the massive $696 billion defense allow new recruits who were transgender. authorization bill, which sets Pentagon At the urging of the military service policy and authorizes spending levels. leaders, Mattis announced that he was

7.19.2017 • 7 NEWS palm beach NEWS international VlaDimir putin’s Kremlin says reports of CheChen murDers unsuBstantiateD Brittany Ferrendi Photo Credit: Kremlin, Twitter.

ussian newspaper Novaya Gazeta released the names of 27 perceived gay and bisexual Rmen reportedly executed without trial in Chechnya. Russia’s Kremlin has reacted to these claims. Dmitry Peskov, spokesperson for Russian Photo By President Vladimir Putin, addressed the published J.r. daViS. list, saying “We have taken note” of the reports. to See Many Law enforcement and offi cials have denied More PhotoS, that gay men are being killed in Chechnya, with a The Gazeta fi rst broke the story of gay ViSit Sfgn on spokesperson once saying “You can’t detain and and bisexual men being detained and faceBook! harass someone who doesn’t exist in the republic.” persecuted and has been extensively Peskov addressed this, stating “We have covering the story since. They released similarly taken note of the denials of this the names of the 27 men to spark a sincere information by Chechen law enforcement bodies.” investigation. He closed his remarks by addressing the original “We are publishing these facts because source of the published names. the state represented by authorized law unDerWear proDuCes BiG “The information is of an anonymous character. enforcement agencies did not leave us any It’s unclear what the source of this information is,” choice,” the publication wrote. “That is why BuCKs for loCal Charity he said. “So this is all I can say for now.” we publish the list of those who, according The reported executions were said to take place to our information, were victims of the John McDonald on the night of January 25 in Grozny, Chechnya’s worst possible extrajudicial executions in capital. Grozny.”

housands of dollars were raised in model and asked the crowd to bid on the creative ways Monday evening for a garment. The winning bidder was awarded Tlocal HIV/AIDS charity. the underwear on stage with the model The benefi ciary, Tuesday’s Angels, scored undressing behind a towel and Adams often again with its annual “Bartenders, Boxers checking to see the transaction took place. and Briefs” night hosted by Georgie’s Alibi Antonio Edwards, aka Mr. Alibi, and Monkey Bar Wilton Manors. As of press time, Miss Kitty also worked in a sort of master offi cial estimates placed the haul between $8 of ceremonies role, but Adams had to take to $11,000. The money was collected through control after Kitty fainted twice. Adams said silent bidding of gift baskets, a raffl e ticket Kitty’s condition was not serious – just a lack drawing and live action underwear auction. of sugar. Don Clark, Alibi Monkey Bar Manager, said Trunks modeled by Alfredo and David from Tuesday’s Angels is a worthy charity. Rosie’s drew the top bid of $1,250. Rosie’s “Tuesday’s Angels is an outstanding later matched the bid donating $1,250 as well. example of the diff erence that people can John William “Pompano Bill” Calcaterra, a make in helping others,” said Clark. legendary photographer, took home the pair. Since 1993, the Fort Lauderdale based non- All in all, it was another big hit for Tuesday’s profi t has provided emergency assistance to Angels and the Alibi. men, women and children living with HIV/ “We’re very pleased,” said Chuck Nicholls, AIDS. No member of the organization is paid, Tuesday’s Angels Vice President. “To see all of Clark said. these bars come together is reassuring that we At Monday night’s underwear auction, belong to a phenomenal community.” local bars sent models onstage to showcase Nicholls praised the Alibi staff for their the newest fashion lines. Hunter’s Nightclub, co-operation. The nightclub was packed Progress Bar, Le Boy Tonight, Southern throughout the evening as people squeezed Nights, Monkey Business, Boardwalk, Rumors into tight spaces for a chance to witness the Bar & Grill, Scandal’s Saloon, Rosie’s and auction. Mona’s were all represented at the underwear “It’s always a bit chaotic,” Nicholls said. auction. On a sad note, the event was a reminder “I just read the book of Eli and it’s a short of the passing of local bartender Russell story,” quipped emcee Nikki Adams after Matheney. A picture of Matheney, who getting a glimpse at the plumbing of one of worked at Scandal’s Saloon, was placed on the Progress Bar models. stage where friends and winning bidders Adams, a longtime South Florida signed their condolences. Matheney was 41. entertainer, introduced each underwear

8 • 7.19.2017 FEATuRE pets The Biggest Heart

Beautiful Scarlett (ID 578372) is a 4 year old, 60 pound American bulldog/mastiff mix who is incredibly sweet, gives hugs and kisses and never stops wagging her tail. This gal is smart, treat motivated and loves Laser Hair Removal attention. She came Nose and Ears Combo $35 from another shelter in On any area treated by laser for hair removal, hair must be brown or black hopes of fi nding a forever home here in South Touch Up Tuesdays Florida, can you make Scarlett Dysport $75 OFF 90 or more units her wish come true? Filler Fridays Purchase any 2 Restylane syringes When you adopt from the Humane Society of Broward County all pets are spayed or neutered before going home. In & get the 3rd equal or lesser FREE! addition, they receive preliminary vaccinations, heartworm test for dogs over seven months, feline leukemia test for cats, Mention Promo Code MM17 for Savings. Above Pricing per session. a limited 10-day health care plan courtesy of VCA Animal Hospital, a bag of Purina ONE food and more. The adoption Expires 07/29/17 Look at our Website for more May Savings. fee for dogs over six months is $100 and felines over six months are $30. For more information call the shelter today at 954-989-3977 ext. 6. The Humane Society of Broward County is located at 2070 Griffi n Road, just a block west of I-95 and opens daily at 10:30 a.m. To see who else needs a home visit www.humanebroward.com

7.19.2017 • 9 ConviCtions publisher's editorial When Will there Be an openly Gay professional BaseBall player? Norm Kent [email protected]

ast week, South Florida and Miami Baseball has had its chances to change hosted Major League Baseball’s All Star its ways. Kevin McClatchy, the owner and LGame, the annual affair that celebrates CEO of the Pittsburgh Pirates from 1996 the best of the best. to 2007, came out in 2012, saying frequent It’s a game that features younger athletes homophobic slurs he heard in baseball growing up in the modern era, but it is circles had convinced him to keep his sexual enough of an event to bring back stars of the orientation a secret. past. This year the game celebrated former McClatchy, an heir to the Herald stars of the Latin community. For a lot of newspaper chain said at the time “You’re not these players, America represented a chance going to solve any problem until you start a at opportunity and fortune. Today, more and dialogue, and there’s no dialogue right now.” more of major league baseball’s athletes are MLB is trying. They launched a Diversity Hispanic players. Business Summit last year in Phoenix during It has been many years since Jackie Spring Training, and there is another one Robinson broke the color barrier, and this year in Orlando after the season ends. It became the first African American to play is a two-day event, which allows job seekers pro ball. and entrepreneurs the unique opportunity of MLB also has had historic breakthroughs meeting with MLB’s Clubs and sponsorship communities and social causes. There reached down and eyed my media pass, with Japanese, Asian, and Korean stars. partners. are celebrations for Mother’s Day, cancer reading South Florida Gay News, and smiled, Earlier this year, Pittsburgh Pirates shortstop Last year, the Chicago Cubs won a world victims, and salutes to holidays, veterans, “Well, that’s okay, the world’s a bigger place Gift Ngoepe made history championship. One of its and soldiers. MLB has inaugurated today.” when he became the first four owners is Laura M. commendable initiatives that recognize its He had no problem with that at all. So I African-born player in the Ricketts, a 50-year-old responsibility to, and opportunities in, inner quickly asked him, in the brief moment we MLB. lesbian who is also a board cities, along with ethnic heritages. had together, “If you could find a 350 hitting So when is a gay major It Is member of Lambda Legal and Over a dozen teams, including the Miami shortstop that could lead your team to a league player going to stIll an the Housing Opportunities Marlins, have held individual LGBT nights, pennant, would you really care who he slept make his debut? for Women organization. donating funds to HIV organizations. This with?” Major League Baseball IndIvIdual Ricketts’ ownership stake year the Marlins even contracted with SFGN And he said, “Hell, no.” It is that simple. has the LGBT community is uniquely noteworthy to actively promote the night, purchasing I firmly believe that is the way the world is stamped all over its decIsIon, because it makes her the first full page ads in our paper and using AHF’s today. I believe that is the way most of the name. Billy Bean, a openly gay owner of a major popular Impulse Group to populate the players would feel too, even if they teach former South Florida but major league franchise. program with a night out at the stadium. Bible class in the offseason. resident, and former There have been umpires To get to the next level, and really make The only real religion a pro athlete has is professional baseball league that have come out of the a powerful statement, MLB should have on the playing field. They play and pray to player, is an openly gay baseball closet contemporaneously the courage and make the commitment of win, whether they are young Latinos from man who is an MLB Vice with their tenure, and team endorsing a singular national night that the Dominican, or African Americans from President for Inclusion, can help executives at the highest integrates its support of LGBT diversity and Detroit. Or even if one happens to be a Bear Social Responsibility and level. No one does a better anti bullying efforts. Teams wearing a red from the Bronx. Diversity. push the job of covering these issues ribbon supportive of HIV causes would add a The first out modern gay baseball player Billy participates in than my colleague Cyd nice touch. It’s time for MLB to pave the way, will be someone who is not only confident of diversity seminars that envelope. Zeigler, whose features you and break down one more barrier. his identity, it will be a guy who can take two educate players in both the can and should regularly read At the All Star Game last week, I ran into strikes on the corner and then line a pitch to minor and major leaguers, on his website, Outsports. Jack McKeon, the former manager of the right field for a hit. Maybe it will be one you teaching respect for homosexuality, and com. You can see that for young athletes Florida Marlins. The octogenarian is now don’t make fun of because he can throw a running anti-bullying seminars. His book, and professionals at all levels, in multiple 86, and he was tanned, fit, and sporting his fastball 100 miles per hour. ‘Going the Other Way,’ was gut wrenching, sports, coming out is still no easy task. It is customary stogie. He remembered me as Whoever it is, I look forward to being revealing the brutally anti gay world of pro still an individual decision, but major league the WFTL announcer who used to interview able to interview him in the locker room not baseball years ago. His life today is testimony baseball can help push the envelope. him after the games. because of whom he sleeps with, but which to a new era at the highest levels. All season long, MLB embraces diverse He could not remember my name, but team he leads to a pennant.

10 • 7.19.2017 PAID content ConviCtions Jesse’s Journal Photo: Celebration of Friends, Facebook. SHOP WITH PRIDE WHAT: event benefiting the Pride center WHERE: Pride Factory 850 ne 13th st. Fort lauderdale, Fl 33304 (954) 463-6600 WHEN: Friday, July 21 from 10 am till 9 pm.

his Friday, July 21 Pride TFactory joins with HITS 97.3, Ruff Riders, Smirnoff Vodka and System Jo for the fi rst Shop a CeleBration of frienDs with Pride event. A portion of your Where Maturity Matters purchases at Pride Factory all day will benefi t the The Pride Center. Jesse Monteagudo Stop in from 5 pm - 8 pm for some additional fun. HITS 97.3 will be playing tunes. Free condoms and Celebration Of Friends” (ACOF) work hard to keep costs down while providing on site HIV testing courtesy of the is a semi-annual convention or as much entertainment as we can. While the Pride Center. Enjoy free samples celebration for mature men and their Ramada provides a free daily breakfast for “A of Smirnoff Flavored Vodka and admirers. This year’s Celebration (number 16) those staying overnight in the hotel and free will be held on the weekend of July 20-23 at shuttles to and from the airport, registered System Jo Flavored Lubes. Plus the Ramada Fort Lauderdale Oakland Park Inn, attendees will also receive a free daily lunch, a raffl e drawings to win Ruff Riders located at 3001 North Federal Highway. nightly free cocktail hour and free pool parties merchandise, Pride Factory gift “Tomcat” Pence, a former Marine and the and contests.” cards and other items. founder and president of A Celebration of Previous Celebrations featured celebrities like Friends, realized that “Maturity Matters,” even actor Ed Asner and former congressman Barney in the youth-oriented gay world. Thus there Frank. “This year’s Celebration,” Tomcat notes, should be a time and a place for maturity to “showcases Fort Lauderdale and our attendees be celebrated. Operating on a tight budget, themselves. While we realize that most people the fi rst Celebration was held in 2002 in New think that beauty pageants are only for young Orleans, where 100 men enjoyed each other men, we will have daily contests to get our guys and a wonderful weekend and raised $1,000 into the swing of things, as they walk the red for “Buzzy’s Boys” (at the time a non-profi t carpet around the pool. Our attendees enjoy and organization that benefi tted hospitalized participate in contests like our Fantasy Swimsuit children living with HIV). or Best Bootie contests, among others. Yet, the The next year, ACOF moved to Florida, one contest which attracts the most contestants where it has been ever since. Now fi fteen years and creates the most fun is our Senior Speedo later putting countless smiles on mature men Contest - Last year’s winner was 72 years young. from around the world, ACOF has raised over While we do not tolerate any public nudity, one $184,000 for various local charities, including of the most famous events at the Celebration is $10,000 raised last year for the Pride Center our nightly “Absolutely Positively NOT a Skinny and Tuesdays Angels. Dipping Pool Party” party. According to Tomcat, “we have quite an Men between 21 and 121 who are interested age diff erence in members who attend the in learning more about A Celebration Of Celebration. We have members who are 92 Friends should visit the ACOF website years young, as well as members who are 22 (CelebrationOfFriends.org). Full registration years old. The average age of attendees last and rooms at the Ramada are still available, as year was 60. We attract many men from small are day passes. Whether or not they attend for towns who do not have the opportunities to a day or for the weekend, mature men will fi nd enjoy the many freedoms we enjoy here in plenty to do, and plenty of men to do it with. South Florida. Our members work hard all year As Tomcat puts it, “if you are a mature man or long saving their pennies so they can attend someone who admires maturity, come join us. It the Celebration weekend, so our board tries to will change your life forever.”

Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and journalist. He has been an active member of South Florida's LGBT community for more than four decades and has served in various community organizations.

7.19.2017 • 11 COMMuNITY announcement Photos by Michael Murphy. MichaelMurphy.com

gay SoftBall league wraPS uP SeaSon Tim Martin SFAAA Chairman

omp, pageantry, purpose and a poignant touch were Sportsperson of the Year award for the job HE did in his fi rst Thomas Dee of the Supervillains as the C Division Newcomer on display as the South Florida gay softball league season as Hurricane Showdown director. of the Year. Todd Eller of Scandals Saloon was given the Pclosed its 22nd season recently with its End of Season Charters, who passed away a couple years ago, was specially created Pride Award for his contributions to SFAAA Ceremony. Moody’s best friend. during the recent Stonewall Pride parade. The South Florida Amateur Athletic Association Gym Bar Alive and Kicking was mentioned earlier in the The most emotional moment came during a presentation recognized its league season and playoff champions, ceremony for taking third place at last year’s Gay Softball honoring those with ties to the league who had passed inducted two Hall of Famers, honored its World Series in Austin, Texas. away in the last year. Nine people died since the last awards top newcomers, and awarded a handful The Ballbusters team packed a section ceremony, including three in the week leading up the event. of players for their contributions to the of the bar in support of their leader. Those who perished were Bob Dias, Randy Gillund, and league at the event held at Southern longtIme “I am humbled beyond words,” Moody Billy Gilliland -- all former league executives and SFAAA Nights on July 9. wrote on his Facebook page. Hall of Famers; former players Marshall Blackwell, Jr., Robert The league also took time to honor contrIbutors The Joe Pawlik Volunteer of the Falcon, Algiere Pabon, and Craig Wright; former Mills Pond those who have died in the past year with davId campbell Year award went to Josh Yeager of the Park and Piccolo Park umpire Beverly Lupo; and league an emotional tribute. Silverman Supervillains. Yeager stepped supporter/cheerleader/scorekeeper Gareth Chapman. Longtime contributors David Campbell and KennY up this past season, serving on both the The crowd hugged and the lights dimmed as Moody read and Kenny Silverman became the 44th SFAAA by-laws committee and ratings the names of the fallen. Then the room erupted with a cheer and 45th members of the SFAAA Hall of sIlverman became committee as well as assuming the of “Great game, guys!” to punctuate the moment. Fame. coaching role for a newly formed team, Also honored were all the teams heading to the NAGAAA Campbell, on his second stint as the the 44th and 45th the Sidekicks. World Series in September. The teams include the GYM Bar league secretary, was recognized for his members oF the “It was an honor to be recognized by Bombshells of the B Division; the GYM Bar Rebellion and longtime service, success on the fi eld the board of directors of the SFAAA,” Supervillains of the C Division; the Alibi Bombers and Rosie’s as a player and coach, and for his time sFaaa hall oF Yeager wrote on his Facebook page. Renegades of the D Division; and the Village Pub Code Blue as director of the league’s Thanksgiving Former league commissioner Abe and GYM Bar Hot Hitters of the Masters Division. weekend national softball tournament, Fame. Hasbun was presented the inaugural All seven teams will be competing for national the Hurricane Showdown. Hurricane Showdown Volunteer of the championships in the annual World Series during Labor Day “This award was long overdue,” said Year award for his longtime work with week in Portland, Oregon. SFAAA Chairman Tim Martin. the softball tournament. The award will be called the Abe Silverman, a local Realtor and SFAAA membership Hasbun Award in the future. The SFAAA begins its fall season on Sunday, Sept.18, at Mills Pond Park. coordinator, was feted for his time as a player, coach, league “Nothing says that you’re getting old more than when they executive and sponsor. name an award after you,” Hasbun wrote on Facebook. Registration and ratings are scheduled for Sunday, August 20, and Saturday, A highlight was when Michael Moody, coach of the Other annual awards went to Jessenia Perez of Rumor’s August 26. A mini tournament of all the World Series teams will be held Broward Ballbusters, was presented the Ed Charters Wolfpack as the D Division Newcomer of the Year, and Sunday, August 27, at Mills Pond.

For more information, follow the league at www.SFAASoftball.com For information on the Hurricane Showdown, check out www.HurricaneShowdown.net

12 • 7.19.2017 ConviCtions editorial Cartoon eDitorial Cartoon By andy marlette

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7.19.2017 • 13 social issue Introduction

Welcome to the social issue!

Groups, causes, and apps... for tackling the real issues

Tucker Berardi

he LGBT community has a than ever before, our community lot to be proud of — from is securing more rights and Tlegalizing same-sex marriage representation every day and we in the United States, to overcoming have been given the opportunity to tragedies like the Pulse massacre stand on a soap box and show the and combatting the hatred of those world what it means to be LGBT. who push back on the rights and But that also means we should lives of so many LGBT individuals — be presenting an image of love, in our country and across the globe. community and inclusivity that But amidst all of the good we incorporates all members of our have come to achieve over the years, community. there still remains much room for From the fight to ban the harmful improvement. The following pages practice of conversion therapy are filled with stories that deal with on gay, lesbian, bisexual and the LGBT community and beyond. transgender youth, to social media We need to continue to secure rights apps expanding opportunities to and equality, but we also need to discuss sexual health, to social ensure that we are treating our opportunities outside of bars and own LGBT family with the same clubs, these stories seek to start a inclusivity. discussion on where the community More youth are coming out goes from here.

14 • 7.19.2017 7.19.2017 • 15 social issue Technology

hornet gets healthy With neW keyboard Hornet Releases New Emoji Keyboard To Encourage Self Expression and Safety Tucker Berardi

ornet, one of many gay social apps known conversation about how that is represented, most for their hookup utility, is changing what words to use, will the community know Hface and moving toward health advocacy what you mean,” Garner said. “With all of these with their new emoji keyboard. health issues you cannot assume that everyone “While many people still fi nd it hard to talk knows what you mean. We want to be able to about sexual health, Hornet, the world’s premier give people a base knowledge, a starting point, gay social network, recently released the new and see where they take the conversation from Talkmoji keyboard, which is designed to make there.” communicating about sexual health even While the keyboard seeks to encourage easier,” Mark Umbach, VP of marketing fi rm discussions about health and safety, Garner MWW wrote. assures that the keyboard is fun and contains a Hornet helped to produce the keyboard, but number of fl ags, emoji, images and more to be when downloaded the Talkmoji keyboard can be used as a unique and fun form of expression. used in any application on Android and iPhone. “Something like this keyboard simply allows Alex Garner, Hornet’s Senior Health more options for people to [express themselves,]” Innovation Strategist told SFGN that the Garner said. “It’s fun, some of the emojis are silly, Talkmoji keyboard was an attempt to turn the and if it is something that people want to utilize, keyboard trend toward something benefi cial to it gives them more options to do so.” the LGBT community — an easy way to start Garner hopes that as the keyboard’s conversation on a number of health topics. popularity grows, the keyboard will be able to “There is a sort of keyboard trend that we expand. Hornet hopes to add more emoji, and know resonates with audiences — with the gay maybe explore gif responses and dynamic emoji audience in particular,” Garner said. “Part of alongside the current off ering. the thinking behind it was the understanding The team behind the keyboard is also up of how easily people communicate with [emoji] for suggestions, and the keyboard will update keyboards particularly on issues that might according to trends and events in the LGBT often be diffi cult to talk about.” community. For example, the keyboard has a One of the most prominent goals of Hornet’s number of LGBT pride fl ags for many groups new keyboard is to promote the discussion within the community, and Garner said the team of HIV status, not only positive and negative has had conversations about adding the “More but also more subcategory classifi cations — Color More Pride” fl ag. whether someone is on PrEP or ART, or if their All in all, Garner and Hornet hope this viral load is undetectable. keyboard will facilitate more forms of self- Garner pointed out that this keyboard may also expression and will keep users healthy, happy be used to explore topics people are unfamiliar and safe. with. Not everyone, according to Garner, is “Giving people plenty of options in terms familiar with terms like PrEP or undetectable. of self-expression is of critical importance, “We look at some HIV topics, there has particularly in our community where we strive been such social media attention around to express ourselves, affi rmatively declare who the undetectable issue, there is always a we are, express our gender,” Garner said.

Pictures Courtesy of Hornet and WMM PR The Talkmoji Keyboard is available on the App Store and Google Play.

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7.19.2017 • 17 social issue West Palm Beach Conversion Therapy Controversy opens community conversation

Tucker Berardi

he Palm Beach County Human plans to reintroduce the bill in the 2018 Rights Council (PBCHRC) has been legislative session. Tcampaigning in cities throughout Since a statewide ban has failed to be South Florida to ban the practice enacted, PBCHRC alongside advocacy of conversion therapy, a collection groups Southern Poverty Law Center of therapeutic methods aimed at and National Center for Lesbian Rights “correcting” or changing an individual’s has been enacting bans city by city, sexual orientation or gender identity. being met with minimal opposition in So far PBCHRC has been able to progressive South Florida. However, encourage city commissions to enact Wellington presented the first major such bans without opposition in many opposition, which may be an example of cities including Delray Beach, Lake what is to come as the ban propositions Worth, Miami Beach and Wilton Manors. travel to less progressive cities. However, on June 13 PBCHRC While the Wellington council presented to the Wellington Village ultimately voted in favor of the ban in council in order to enact a similar ban on a 4-1 vote, the decision was made more conversion therapy, only this time the difficult by the conflicting points given organization was met with significant by Needle, Hamilton and Pickup. opposition from two speakers against Hamilton at one point served as the the ban. president of the National Association for “A ban on conversion therapy on Research and Therapy of Homosexuality unwanted homosexual feelings or (NARTH). She stated during the gender dysphoria would, in fact, be commission that methods such as shock child abuse,” David Pickup, a licensed therapy were archaic and were not used marriage and family therapist told the in conversion therapy — referred to by commissioners. “How can you take away her and her colleagues as “reparative the rights of children and their parents therapy,” which conflicted with pro-ban to their freedom of speech?” messages from PBCHRC and Needle. In a forum-style debate in front of Conversion therapy has been used on the Wellington Village council, Pickup, LGBT patients for several decades, but joined by family therapist Julia Hamilton, the practice gained popularity in the late presented arguments against a ban on 20th century, when Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, conversion therapy opposite Rachel the co-founder of NARTH, popularized Needle, a state licensed psychologist the practice. who works with PBCHRC. In an email to SFGN Hamilton The attempt to ban conversion stated that no patients are forced into therapy city by city came after State conversion therapy on their own, but Senator Jeff Clemens introduced bills to seek treatment of their own free will. prohibit conversion therapy statewide “Professional therapy is [voluntary],” for the past two consecutive legislative Hamilton wrote. “Teenagers cannot be sessions, but the Florida Senate refused forced into changing against their will. to take action on either bill. Clemens That is not only unethical, but also Protest of NARTH conference in West Palm Beach, Florida, Nov 21 2009, where conference organizers claim to be able to “convert” gays to straight. Photo Credit: Daniel Tobias.

“minors are frequently forced into conversion therapy by parents Who find it impossible to accept the fact that their children identify as gay or lesbian.” - carly cass pbchrc vice president

18 • 7.19.2017 social issue West Palm Beach

state that children are would not be prohibited under a conversion impossible. Every therapist knows that the orientation or gender “from the harmed and distressed as therapy ban. Patients would still be allowed client, not the therapist, sets the goals for identity,” Scott McCoy, research We a result of the therapists to discuss a number of issues pertaining to therapy … clients determine the path for senior policy counsel for and therapy that they have their sexuality or identity, therapists would their lives.” the Southern Poverty Law do have, there undergone, and that said just be unable to administer therapy aimed PBCHRC Vice President Carly Cass Center said. “This bogus is enough therapists, not reparative at converting the sexuality of an underage disagrees and said in a statement that many practice is premised on the to shoW therapy, should be held LGBT individual. underage LGBT youths are administered lie that LGBTQ individuals accountable for such “Banning this type of ‘therapy’ does not conversion therapy against their will by have a ‘condition’ that including results. mean those individuals struggling with parents or guardians. needs to be cured. The qualitatively “If a licensed therapist their identity or orientation cannot seek “Minors are frequently forced into commission has sent a that is abusing a client, there therapy mental health services,” Needle conversion therapy by parents who find message to LGBTQ youth: are already laws in place to said. “Minors can still see a mental health it impossible to accept the fact that their ‘you are perfect the way you reparative or protect such clients. Those therapist, those therapists just can’t suggest children identify as gay or lesbian,” Cass are and do not need to be conversion therapists can be brought up they can ‘convert’ them or change their said. “This so-called therapy has been often ‘fixed.’’” therapy can on charges. Therapists do sexual attractions or orientation.” shown to be extremely harmful.” Apart from legality, the not use aversive techniques While there are mixed messages and Needle, a licensed psychologist and practice of conversion or lead to a — they use [talk] therapy. conflicting statements on both sides of the PBCHRC spokesperson shared a number reparative therapy has number of Shock treatments are only issue, both parties agreed that there is a of effects conversion therapy patients may been deemed harmful and performed in hospital shortage of data to pull conclusions on the experience, which include shame, guilt, ineffective by the American mental health settings by medical doctors practice of conversion therapy from. depression, decreased self-esteem, increased Psychological Association, issues in a for specific conditions, “The research [on conversion therapy] self-hatred, feelings of anger and betrayal, which adopted the minor.” such as depression, mania, is lacking and much of what does exist is loss of friends, social withdrawal, problems “Resolution on Appropriate etc. — NOT by counselors methodologically flawed,” Needle said. with sexual and emotional intimacy, Affirmative Responses to - rachel needle and therapists and NOT Much of the existing conclusions on hostility and blame toward parents, high risk Sexual Orientation Distress psychologist for unwanted homosexual conversion therapy are based on personal behaviors, confusion, self-harm, substance and Change Efforts” in attractions (sic).” testimonies or limited studies. The limited abuse and suicidal ideation. 2009. This resolution found Hamilton said that information available, however, does suggest “From the research we do have, there is that conversion therapy relied on anti-LGBT reparative therapy is not dangerous, but can that the practice of conversion therapy does enough to show including qualitatively that bigotry and a distortion of scientific data. be useful to address many issues apart from more harm than good. reparative or conversion therapy can lead “The American Psychological Association ‘fixing’ unwanted same-sex attractions or The Columbia Law School reviewed the to a number of mental health issues in a has linked conversion therapy to depression, gender dysphoria. existing studies on conversion therapy minor,” Needle said. “Attempting to change substance abuse, and even suicide, and “Therapy is aimed at resolving past and concluded that “there is no credible someone’s sexual orientation (or gender these risks are particularly acute for youth,” hurts if there are any past hurts,” Hamilton evidence that sexual orientation can be identity) can have a devastating impact on Carolyn Reyes, Youth Policy Counsel wrote. “Additionally, therapy might address changed through therapeutic intervention.” a minor. These change efforts are guided by and Coordinator of NCLR’s BornPerfect insecurities, feelings of inadequacy, This conclusion was drawn, as admitted people’s bias and judgments.” Campaign to end conversion therapy said. depression, anxiety, etc. seeking to help a by the Law School, from 47 studies that Hamilton and Pickup consider a ban on “We applaud the efforts to ensure that client become better connected to himself were, “limited by the difficulty of empirically reparative therapy not only to be a moral children are protected from these harms and or herself, more secure, more confident, less assessing a person’s sexual orientation.” infringement on the rights of parents and that their families aren’t duped by trusted depressed, etc.” Of the 47 studies, 12 found that conversion LGBT youth, but also pointed out that it professionals to whom they turn for support According to Needle, however, therapy therapy is ineffective or harmful, one presents a legal dilemma. during a vulnerable time.” dealing with those types of issues, or even showed that the practice could succeed, and “Cities do not have jurisdiction over According to Hamilton, all of these claims issues with sexuality or gender identity the remaining 34 studies failed to determine licensed therapists,” Dr. Hamilton wrote. an empirical conclusion. “The state of Florida licenses and regulates West Palm Beach. “Taken together,” the Law School reports. psychological and medical professionals “The overwhelming consensus among … the state of Florida has determined that psychologists and psychiatrists who have therapists are permitted to offer therapy studied conversion therapy or treated to minors with unwanted homosexual patients who are struggling with their sexual attractions, just as they can offer therapy to orientation is that therapeutic intervention anyone distressed about any life situation.” cannot change sexual orientation.” “The state has not passed this unlawful There is definitely a need to for more ban on therapy for minors,” Hamilton studies on the issue, even if to provide continued. “This ban is unconstitutional and solid evidence that conversion therapy did not even make it out of the committee in is, in fact, harmful to patients. In all of the Florida.” commission hearings, however, PBCHRC There have been several court challenges to has stated that the intention of the ban is not the constitutionality of banning conversion simply to discontinue a potentially harmful therapy, but all have failed. According to therapeutic practice but to support and PBCHRC, there have been four instances, protect each community’s youth population. the most recent taking place on May 1, 2017, “I think banning conversion therapy sends of the U.S. Supreme court declining to hear an important message to the general public challenges to the constitutionality laws and to the minors we are trying to protect banning conversion therapy for minors. — there is nothing wrong with your sexual “Conversion therapy is an extremely orientation or gender identity,” Needle said. dangerous and fraudulent practice that claims to change an individual’s sexual

7.19.2017 • 19 social issue National more color more pride Pride Flag Redesign Includes LGBT People of Color Tucker Berardi

“right off the bat, [this flag] has absolutely started a conversation, certainly in this city and beyond.”

- amber hikes executive director of philadelphia’s office of lgbt affair

uring a recent Pride Month kick-off in Philadelphia, policies at the local gay bars, according to CNN. the original rainbow flag who died in March — said that the the campaign More Color More Pride, a movement The city of Philadelphia has created this campaign and new flag should be taken as an independent symbol. Dto recognize nonwhite LGBT communities within flag to begin combating discrimination within its LGBT “I encourage it, and I think people who know Gilbert would,” the broader pride movement, unveiled a pride flag with an community. Beal told NBC news. “The only thing we would ask is that other additional black and brown stripe to represent LGBT people “I’m proud to join the LGBTQ community in the fight for people would not take it and put Gilbert’s name on it, because of color. justice, equality and stand in solidarity with all members of they didn’t do it in consultation with him, and he didn’t do it.” The original pride flag from Gilbert Baker had eight colors the LGBTQ community,” Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said. A spokeswoman for Philadelphia’s Office of LGBT Affairs — pink and turquoise alongside the six colors that make up The new flag has already sparked much conversation — said that the new flag should be seen to represent “additive the current design. Pink was removed because the dye was and argument — over the presumption that the original flag inclusion” and was not created to be a replacement to the difficult to obtain, and turquoise was removed thereafter to already included colors to represent diversity. existing flag. give the flag an even number of colors, the six we know now. “The Stonewall Riot … started on the backs of working-class Since its initial release, redesigns of the “More Color More Each of the current colors has its own symbolism: red for African American and Latino queers who patronized that bar,” Pride” flag have popped up online and at pride rallies that offer life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, Reverend Irene Monroe, founder of the National Black Justice a clearer breakaway from the original design. blue for art, and violet for the human spirit, according to Slate Coalition, a civil rights group said. “Those black and brown “The spirit of this flag is not a departure from the original News. LGBTQ people are not absent from the photos of that night but principles, but we hope that adding black and brown to our The black and brown stripes that the “More Color More have been bleached from its written history.” community’s strongest symbol will serve to recognize the Pride” campaign added to the flag represent people of color The Pew Research Center administered a survey in 2013 contributions people of color make every day in the LGBTQ+ in order to make the pride flag more inclusive. It is meant as that showed 34 percent of LGBT respondents identified as community,” the spokeswoman said in an email. a symbol for LGBT people of color, much how the trans and nonwhite. According to Hikes, the majority of critics to the Hikes said that since the flag’s unveiling, many LGBT groups bisexual flags represent their respective parts of the LGBT “More Color More Pride” flag were white gay men. across the nation have reached out to her and the Philadelphia community. “White people do not know what racism looks like, because Office of LGBT Affairs for permission to use the flag in marches The campaign was created by Philadelphia’s Office of LGBT that is not the definition of racism,” Hikes said. and pride events. Affairs and local advertising agency Tierney, and the flag was When this flag was unveiled as a symbol of racial equality in “The rainbow flag is the single most recognizable icon revealed at Philadelphia’s City Hall. a community that has not always been racially inclusive, Hikes for the LGBTQ community,” a video for the campaign says. “We’re proud to host this celebration for the community said there was an immediate response, both in support and in “It’s a symbol for everyone to rally around. Yet communities to come together not just for Pride, but also to reinforce criticism. across the country are divided. People of color have been our strides towards combatting discrimination within our “Right off the bat, [this flag] has absolutely started a marginalized, ignored, and even intentionally excluded.” community, honor the lives of our black and brown LGBTQ conversation, certainly in this city and beyond,” Hikes said. The video continues, “We say that we’re inclusive. We siblings, and uplift our shared commitment to diversity and Other iterations of the pride flag, such as the transgender celebrate it. Now it’s time to go further. To broaden the inclusion within our community,” Amber Hikes, the executive and bisexual flags, have received much less criticism. horizons of our community. To change our iconic symbol. It’s director of Philadelphia’s Office of LGBT Affairs, said. “The fact that two stripes have triggered the online and just a start, but it’s a start.” According to Hikes, Philadelphia is the first city to publicly offline responses that it has, it just proves that there is recognize racial discrimination within the LGBT community. entrenched racism and anti-blackness [in the community,” The city’s own Gayborhood has faced multiple instances of Philadelphia’s Black and Brown Workers Collective Abdul-Aliy racial discrimination within the past year — leaked video Muhammad said. “This is real, this is lived, and this is felt by For more information on the “More footage showed a nightclub owner using a racial slur, and us on a daily basis.” Color More Pride” flag and campaign, there have also been instances of discriminatory dress-code Charley Beal, a longtime friend of Baker — the designer of visit MoreColorMorePride.com.

20 • 7.19.2017 KEEP YOUR EYES ON South Florida Gay News




7.19.2017 • 21 social issue Boys With Boats

boys With boats goes national Local Chapter Quadruples in Membership in Six Months

Tucker Berardi

Photo courtesy Boys with Boats.

n January of this year we wrote an article there are many straight and lesbian couples on Boys With Boats, an aptly named social involved in the club and events. Igroup made up predominantly of gay men People with boats aren’t the only ones with boats and gay men who like boats. allowed to join, either. Anyone interested in At the time the group boasted just under boating or just wanting a break from the bar 600 members. In less than six months, the and club culture of the LGBT community are group’s membership has almost quadrupled, welcome to join a safe and welcoming social with members throughout their national atmosphere. chapters totaling just over 2,000 members. “We have members with kayaks and “It’s a great way to meet people outside of members with a 120-foot yacht,” Jeremy bars and sports leagues,” club founder Jeremy Pettus, the club’s founder told SFGN. “It Pettus told SFGN. “I am very proud of our doesn’t matter the size of your boat, we just club, I am very proud of our members.” want people to come and see who we are.” Boys with Boats started from Pettus’s Pettus continued, “We want to take the own restoration project on a boat he had younger guys out of bars and show them there purchased. He created a page on Facebook for is more to life than liquor and smoking. We men with boating knowledge to swap stories want to mentor people interested in boating, and advice, and ultimately to serve as a social to give them something meaningful.” outlet for gay men with a common interest. On the third Saturday of every month, What was initially a club of 15 members has Boys with Boats hosts a raft-up event where become a social force spanning multiple states a member chooses a location for the club’s with chapters in the Great Lakes and Atlanta, boats to anchor up to each other overnight. as well as multiple chapters in Florida, the The club also hosts meet and greets as well as largest chapter being in Fort Lauderdale with larger scale events. 1,420 members. On the fi rst Sunday of every month, “People have approached me saying that members come together for a meet and greet this club is fi lling a void,” Pettus said. “I told at Flip Flops Dockside Eatery. Other events them that the club was all about ‘you,’ I want can be found on their Facebook page or on the to hear ‘your’ story.” club’s website, boyswithboats.club. While the club is marketed as a group for For anyone interested in boating, or just gay guys, Pettus said that all are welcome. want to get involved and meet some guys, “Even though it’s Boys with Boats, we are Boys with Boats is always open to new faces. open to all,” he said. Pettus pointed out that

To fi nd out more about Boys with Boats, check their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/941083335987328/

22 • 7.19.2017 social issue Boys With Boats get Wet With the boys Take a look at a relax ed Fort Lauderdale gathering of Boys With Boats. On the fi rst Sunday of the month the club hosts a meet up at Flip Flops Dockside Eatery in Fort Lauderdale. Events can be found on their Facebook page or on the club’s website, BoysWithBoats.club.

Carina Mask

7.19.2017 • 23 social issue Technology Born This Way Foundation Studies cyber bullying of lgbt youth Tucker Berardi

new study from the Born This Way Foundation, an organization that supports and “Any effort to support the wellness and empowerment of young people has to start empowers youth, has detailed the realities of cyberbullying among LGBT youth in with understanding the challenges they face and the conditions they need to thrive,” Athe hopes of establishing more effective means of dealing with both online and Cynthia Germanotta, co-Founder and president of the Born This Way Foundation, said. offline harassment. “These findings from the survey are a reminder that every young person is unique and “We did a study examining cyberbullying and traditional bullying among diverse needs resources and support that meet their particular needs,” Germanotta continued. youth,” lead researcher Sue Swearer said. “We were interested in looking at experiences “This will only become more important as the digital landscape continues to evolve, of youth and young people across the world and with different gender identities and playing an even greater role in the lives of young people.” sexualities.” Swearer believes that telling kids to “put the phone down” in order to escape The study, released in 2017, included data from the Born Brave Experience Survey, cyberbullying is unrealistic in today’s society — technology and social media have administered by the foundation, of more than 8,500 young people between the ages become a primary means of communication, and cutting young people off from that of 13-25. The survey examined factors such as the relationship between traditional would dramatically limit their social opportunity. bullying and cyberbullying, particularly for LGBT youth. Instead, Swearer sees this research as an opportunity to educate professionals on how “Technology has undoubtedly connected lives worldwide,” the study reads. “However, to effectively advise youth subjected to both online and offline bullying. as with any social connection, the increasing availability and use of technology has also “For adults to be credible with kids, they need to work through strategies — who placed youth at-risk for unique and multiple forms of victimization.” to talk to, how to inoculate yourself in these experiences, this research is unpacking The study found that 77 percent of respondents who reported being experiences instead of making a broad statement,” Swearer said. “We bullied online also reported traditional forms of bullying offline. are better able to give advice to mental health professionals on how to Transgender individuals are particularly at risk — 52 percent of “the simplest go about this.” transgender respondents reported being cyberbullied compared to thing that We These findings can give professionals information on where bullying 22 percent of cisgender respondents and 28 percent of genderqueer can ask for vulnerabilities, such as online versus offline vulnerability, of different respondents. subsets of children lie — LGBT youth not only have different rates of The study also found that 28 percent of participants who identified as is to start bullying but different harassment experiences altogether and require a bisexual reported being cyberbullied versus 18 percent of heterosexual everyday different approach than their heterosexual and cisgender peers. participants and 21 percent of gay and lesbian respondents. being kind to In alignment with the Born This Way Foundation’s mission “Sexual minority participants … reported victimization through somebody, statement, the study hopes to “make the world a kinder and braver significantly more electronic sources,” the study reads. “Specifically, and thinking place” by further understanding the forms that bullying takes and gay and lesbian, bisexual, pansexual and queer participants reported how victims are affected differently, leading to more comprehensive higher numbers of victimization modalities when compared to about others strategies and solutions against bullying. heterosexual participants.” instead of “The simplest thing that we can ask for is to start everyday being The purpose of this study was not only to recognize patterns of themselves.” kind to somebody, and thinking about others instead of themselves,” cyberbullying and traditional bullying of LGBT youth, but also to Germanotta said. “We often don’t think of the impacts our actions develop strategies for parents and school administrators to effectively - cynthia germanotta have on other people and they can be very hurtful. It is so simple to address and eradicate the harassment. founder of change that.” born this Way foundation

24 • 7.19.2017 7.19.2017 • 25 social issue International trouncing trafficking Apps and services are combatting sex trafficking through technology and user policies

Ryan Lynch

ith human trafficking on the rise in Florida, several travel apps law enforcement officers and experts in their field, works to protect and tech startups are developing strategies to prevent people our community through collaboration with law enforcement, proactive “i have Wfrom being exploited. criminal risk mitigation, detailed investigations, and crime analysis,” cameras According to the Florida Department of Children and Families, Breit wrote. “Part of their mission is to proactively partner with there were 1,900 cases of human trafficking in the Sunshine State, an organizations and local authorities all over the world to help confront in my increase of 54 percent from last year. Nationally, the Polaris Project — a human trafficking.” property Washington D.C. organization that records the number of calls to the Users themselves are also securing their listings to make renters feel national trafficking hotline — reported that Florida has the third most safe. Peggy, an Airbnb renter since December 2015 in Fort Lauderdale, and alarm calls behind Texas and California. said that there is a risk to the listings but she does not see any trouble and my Room sharing service Airbnb already has a huge influence in Miami and takes measures to protect her property. and Fort Lauderdale, with nearly half of its 16,100 residences in those “I have cameras in my property and alarm and my customers know customers two areas. Benjamin Breit, a press secretary for Airbnb, says that while about it. My guests don’t have access to my home,” she said. “The room knoW the organization does not have any official policy, they work with is totally private, I have not heard any bad news so far doing Airbnb.” about it. outside groups to prevent people from being exploited. There are also apps that are beginning to combat the spread of the “We work with a number of organizations, including INTERPOL, crime. One such application is TraffickCam, an app available on Apple my guests the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the U.S. and Android devices that was created by researchers at Washington don’t have Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign to help train University in St. Louis and Exchange Initiative. employees on identification and prevention of trafficking,” Breit wrote The app allows for users to upload photos of their hotel room to a access to in an email. “We’re also constantly evaluating additional steps we can database. Those photos are later used to identify rooms that are seen in my home.” take in this area and will be working with Thorn to pilot their tool.” photos for prostitution and other sex listings to act on cases of potential Besides using Thorn — an organization that mainly works to prevent trafficking. child sex trafficking — and those national partnerships, Airbnb also has Even with over 157,156 hotels in its database and 120,532 users over - peggy a separate branch of its organization that is dedicated to assisting local Android and Apple, the app is just beginning its fight into Florida. But if airbnb host law enforcement in preventing and investigating trafficking incidents. it can stick around, TraffickCam, with the help of Airbnb, can target and “Our Law Enforcement Engagement team, which includes former work toward tackling human trafficking.

Miami Beach.

26 • 7.19.2017 7.19.2017 • 27 social issue Transgender connecting the community Transgender resource site Transsocial expands after humble beginnings Ryan Lynch

shley and Morgan Mayfaire co- health care treatments to peer mentoring, programs and working with LGBT political to resources on transgender issues and founded Transsocial.org last fall after which partners those who are transitioning action committee SAVE to learn more about processes, as they’ve already had people Anoticing the lack of a one-stop shop with someone who can help guide them advocating for the transgender community. reach out from places like the Keys, Tampa, for information on transitioning and other through the paperwork and processes. “I like to think we’ve build a bit more and Orlando. helpful sources. In that time, they’ve built “Our community has a lot of trauma,” community and collaboration,” Ashley “Well we do have some clients in Palm an operation that grew from a small website Morgan said. “They’ve dealt with trust issues, said. “I feel like the agencies are starting Beach and we try to link them with resources to a full-fledged charitable organization that and we’re the only organization that takes to open up to working together more and and we’ve been contacted from all over assists people mainly in both Broward and them red carpet style by the hand and goes we’ve definitely reached more of the trans Florida as well,” Ashley said. “We would Miami-Dade county. with them through each and every step.” community in Miami because there [were] definitely like to expand though because “There was some resources, but the real Besides those services, Transsocial also fewer resources in Miami than Broward.” there are a lot of communities in Florida that issue was that they weren’t all together,” curates a calendar of support group meetups For now, the couple continues to work don’t have the access to services that our Ashley Mayfaire said. “You could find this and hosts some for both people in the to give more people in the state access county has.” resource at this one agency and another community and allies. at another and there wasn’t any kind of “They’re meant to be fun, inclusive and a collaboration or cohesiveness within the safe space for everyone to get together, get Ashley (left) and Morgan Mayfaire (right), community, so that’s why we originally to know each other and network with other co-founders of TransSocial. started the website.” members of the community,” Ashley said. After the website went from 300 views “We also do an educational component to in November 2016 to over 1,000 views talk about current issues within the trans today, Ashley and Morgan, who live in Fort community and ways we can address them.” Lauderdale, turned their site into a brick- To assist people in affording those services and-mortar organization so that they can and going through the process, Transsocial help more people in finding services. The partners with several local organizations pair offer help with everything from name including the Broward Department of changes along with healthcare and mental Health, Pridelines in Miami, and Pride Fort Lauderdale. But, even with their partnerships, Ashley said coming by funding as a new charity is the biggest hurdle they have yet to clear. “the name “We have a lot of grants we’re applying for, but it’s very competitive and it’s hard changes as a fledgling non-profit to get your foot in the door,” she said. “It’s a lot about personal process for connections and we’re just trying to keep our one person heads above water as we help as many people as possible.” can cost over Most of the grant money that Transsocial $1,000, so applies for goes to helping offset the cost and fees of services like hormone therapy and We’re helping name changes. them With the “The name changes process for one person can cost over $1,000, so we’re helping them fees as Well as with the fees as well as accompanying them,” accompanying Ashley said. Besides expanding their services, them.” Transsocial is also looking to unify the transgender community and create more community leaders. Among their - ashley mayfaire accomplishments this past year was getting co-founder of transsocial Pridelines to include more adult transgender

28 • 7.19.2017 7.19.2017 • 29 social issue Palm Beach

Women Looking to Meet Women can have a ‘blast’ in the palm beaches

Jillian Melero

ows go up at 9 a.m. sharp when you shoot others come to lots of different things. There are with the ladies of BLAST (Bi Lesbian and no dues to pay and pretty much every event is a upcoming events: BStraight Together) Archery Club. The one-time stand-alone thing - though some meet monthly meet up group usually shoot with monthly, such as the archery club,” BLAST co- compound bows, between 10 and 20 pounds of founder Toni Armstrong Jr. told SFGN. Social at Barrel of MonkS Brewing tension. And the indoor range at Gator Guns & Founded in 2008, the group has more than 1141 South Rogers Circle, Archery Center in West Palm Beach means bows 2700 members, mostly locals, but some snow- Boca Raton, FL go up rain or shine for target practice. birds and more than 1900 past meetups. 561-510-1253 BLAST Women of the Palm Beaches(WPB) The May meetup at Blue Front Bar & Grill, Saturday, July 22 4:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. describe themselves a social and professional one of SFGN’s 2015 reader’s choices for best Barrel of Monks Brewing in Boca Raton specializes in crafting Belgian style beers, networking group “for women, ladies, kings, restaurant in Palm Beach County, saw more than progressing in flavor profile and potency through light crisp singles, like the “Single lesbians, bisexual gals, girly-girls, butches, 60 attendees finding under the garden in Havana” a guava infused version of the house “Single in Bruges,” through dubbels, femmes, bois, transwomen, lesbian-feminist trellises, enjoying quiet conversation by the fire- tripels, and into full bodied quadrupels like the “Quadraphonic” with an occasional twist. womyn, questioning, aces/aros, and gay-friendly pit and listening to live music by the gazebo of Enjoy your Belgian ales perched at one of the high tops or relaxing on one of the couches in the tasting room. The brew house doesn’t serve their own bites, but it’s a popular spot straight feminists” on Meetup.com. the restaurant’s back patio and outdoor bar. for local food trucks and a food truck calendar is available on the BoMB website, www. The group “by for and about” women, hosts Whether you’re a woman interested in meeting BarrelofMonks.com. more than 200 social, political, cultural, or other locals, looking to take your wife out for outdoor events a year, making it SFGN’s reader’s drinks and dinner around town, discovering a For more information on this event call BLAST organizer choice for Best Social Group in 2015. Anyone new hobby, or practicing your favorite pastime, Cheryl at 561-758-8082 or email [email protected] who joins the group can plan an event as an the BLAST WPB Meetup calendar should have Peanut iSland Beach Party & organizer. you covered. For updates on these events and Snorkeling “Some women plug in for just one or two more, sign up at www.meetup.com/BLASTwpb discover.pbcgov.org/parks/Locations/Peanut-Island.aspx special interests -- poker, say, or kayaking, Peanut iSland water taxi or drum lessons, or anti-racism trainings, or For more about BLAST, contact Toni at 200 E. 13th St., Riviera Beach, FL women’s dances, or the pagan circle -- while [email protected] Sunday, July 23, 2017 Sunday, August 27, 2017 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

BLAST women, their kids, and female friends are invited for a day of picnicking, swimming, and snorkeling on Peanut Island (weather permitting.) Peanut Island Park is made up of 80 acres along the Intracoastal waterway, near the Lake Worth Inlet, in Riviera Beach. Reserved and limited camping is available in designated areas, a swimming area is guarded from 9:15 am - 4:45 p.m., seven days a week from Memorial Day until Palm Beach County public schools start in August.

For more information on this event email BLAST organizer Janis at [email protected]

BlaSt Mixer at Benny’S on the Beach bennysonthebeach.com 10 South Ocean Blvd., Lake Worth, FL Benny’s: 561-582-9001 Thursday, August 10, 2017 starting at 5:30 p.m.

This Meetup repeats on the 2nd Thursday of every 2 months Recurring dates are Oct. 12, Dec. 14, and Feb 8

Open since 1986, Benny’s is located on the Lake Worth Pier. The front bar and open-air patio will be open to BLAST members and first-timers with access to the pier and beach. Beer and well drinks will be two-for-one all night, with a bar menu and full dinner menu also available and special pricing for women with BLAST name tags. Metered parking is available in the lot.

For more information on this event, email BLAST organizer Susan at [email protected] BLAST Women team together for archery. Photo Credit: Toni Armstrong Jr., Facebook.

30 • 7.19.2017 7.19.2017 • 31 social issue Women’s Rights

Women’s March Organizers Rally for racial Justice and stricter gun laWs Jillian Melero

hey marched 17 miles in 105-degree heat, that later broke into a statement. The NRA has been criticized for remaining silent on the issue pouring storm, and 50 mph gusts of wind. But they rallied for two and accused of only defending white gun owners. Tdays. “In the NRA’s mission statement on their website, they say that “We are Women’s March organizers led hundreds of demonstrators on a they are one of the oldest civil rights organizations,” Mallory told the march from the headquarters of the National Rifle Association to the Huffington Post. “If that is, in fact, the case, if that is the history that not Justice Department Friday, July 14 to protest what they called the gun they want to claim, Philando Castile should be one of the first people lobby’s disregard for the lives of people of color, the Washington Post that they speak on behalf of. If you’re following in the tradition of the trying to reported. civil rights movement, Philando Castile is an example of exactly what stop gun “We are not trying to stop gun ownership,” said Carmen Perez, an it means to defend the civil rights of a person who has been violated by organizer of the Women’s March on Washington, outside the NRA. “We this country.” oWnership. are trying to stop the violence that comes with it.” The NRA responded by releasing a second video saying the left The demonstration was a response to a one minute recruitment video needed to “grow up” and stop protesting. We are released by the NRA last month that was criticized by some for provoking “I believe that Philando Castile had a right to bear arms and a right trying to fear and inciting violence. NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch narrates the to life, and that was brutally taken from him,” said Sydney Stewart, a video and comments that protest groups and demonstrators “bully and college student living in the District for the summer, the Post reported stop the terrorize the law-abiding until the only option left is for the police to do “That’s why I’m marching.” violence their jobs and stop the madness.” The first protest march from the NRA headquarters in Fairfax County Women’s March Founder Tamika Mallory, wrote an open letter to was the start of a two-day rally. The second rally was held Saturday that comes NRA executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, asking first, that the morning in front of the Justice Department. Protesters carried “Black video to be removed, second for an apology, and third that the NRA Lives Matter” signs and chanted “None of us are safe ‘til all of us are safe” With it.” defend the rights of Philando Castile as a legal gun owner, and indict the Bob Bland, another organizer of the Women’s March, told the Post the police officer who shot him. rally was meant to draw a connection between the NRA and the Justice - carmen perez Philando Castile, a black man, was shot by police officer Jeronimo Department, for failing to treat whites and minorities equally. an organizer of the Yanez during a traffic stop after informing Yanez that he was in legal “We’re marching to the DOJ because Jeff Sessions and the Department Women’s march on possession of a firearm. of Justice’s racist decisions over the years are putting people of color at Washington The NRA released a brief statement shortly after Castile’s death that direct impact,” she said. did not name him, and had indicated it would more fully address the “This is all part of the revolving door between the gun industry and police incident after the legal process but has yet to release another the halls of power in Washington.”

Photo courtesy Women’s March, Facebook.

32 • 7.19.2017

Volume 4 • Issue 13 wMgJuly 19, 2017 Wilton Manors Gazette Community Wilton Drive Gallery Owners Want Artsier Wilton Manors By Michael d’Oliveira

For a city that’s known as a gay people might know. destination, Tom Rossetti said there should “It doesn’t seem like it but there are a be much more public art. lot of people interested in art. I think the “It’s a gay community. It should be more neighborhood has the potential to have an artsy . . . Anything to make it look more art walk every month,” said da Fonseca. cultural.” Rossetti, owner of the Rossetti “We’re trying to make Wilton Drive an Fine Art gallery on Wilton Drive, said he’d art-related environment . . . to become like to see city offi cials do more to bring community where one gallery can help more public art here “to make it feel more another gallery. I could easily introduce artsy.” [customers] to other galleries In an eff ort to create if I don’t have something that more public art and “I thInK It’s fi ts their taste.” encourage tourism, Wilton He added that the Expo is Manors is working on a Important good for the galleries as well photo spot at Jaycee Park. as the bars and restaurants The goal is to create a to Introduce because it has the potential to space that people will want neW venues to bring more people to Wilton to take photos in front of Drive. and share on social media. people, have “That is something that But Rossetti and other them meet would benefi t everybody. Wilton Drive gallery We’re all here to make some the Wilton Drive Improvement District. He as more residential development occurs owners aren’t waiting for artIsts that money . . . but also I think it’s added that art is on an upswing in Wilton in and around the city, Delaney said it will the city to do something. important to introduce new Manors. increase the demand for art and possibly Last week, a meeting of are local.” venues to people, have them He pointed to the recent relocation of lead to more galleries. “I always say that gallery owners and others - Aster da Fonseca meet artists that are local. the South Florida Symphony Orchestra, new homes have naked walls that need was held to discuss the There are so many here.” from Downtown Fort Lauderdale to Wilton art.” possibility of extending the More galleries is also Drive, as an example of how the city is The newest gallery, Claudia Castillo Wilton Manors Arts & Entertainment Expo something that the current gallery owners becoming more artistic and cultural. Art Gallery, held its grand opening July season, currently held January to March, to would like to see. Gerard Delaney, executive director of 8. The owner, Claudia Castillo, said she something held every month. The Expo is “The more galleries, the better,” said the Broward Art Guild, said the city’s art chose Wilton Manors because she likes the an event where restaurants and businesses Rossetti. scene has developed greatly since it was diversity of the community. along Wilton Drive and Dixie Highway host More art and art galleries, is something reborn as a community with a large LGBT Maciel Cantelmo, co-owner of Gallery local artists who showcase their work. It Doug Blevins also favors. population. XO, said the city needs more than just an was originally known as the Art Walk. “I think it’s a very, very important part “There’s a lot more galleries. There’s increase in the number of art galleries. Aster da Fonseca, owner of the da of the future development of Wilton Drive. a sense of community and community It needs an art gallery that draws a lot of Fonseca Contemporanea gallery, said Right now, they’re overshadowed by the support. I think Wilton Manors is coming interest. “Something with more oomph.” there’s more interest in art here than some bars and restaurants,” said Blevins, chair of into its own from that standpoint.” And WMG • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1 • July 19, 2017 7.19.2017 • 33 Opinion Missed Connections M4M wMg

By Sal Torre JULY 19 2017 • VOLUME 4 • ISSUE 12 2520 N. DIXIE HIGHWAY • WILTON MANORS, FL 33305 PHONE: 954-530-4970 FAX: 954-530-7943

PUBLISHER • NORM KENT [email protected]

CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER • PIER ANGELO GUIDUGLI ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER / EXECUTIVE EDITOR • JASON PARSLEY [email protected] ASSOCIATE EDITOR • JILLIAN MELERO [email protected] COPYEDITOR • KERRI COVINGTON Editorial ART DIRECTOR • BRENDON LIES [email protected] DESIGNER • CHARLES PRATT DIGITAL CONTENT DIRECTOR • BRITTANY FERRENDI [email protected] NEWS EDITOR • MICHAEL D’OLIVEIRA Correspondents JOHN MCDONALD • JAMES OAKSUN Staff Photographers J.R. DAVIS • POMPANO BILL • STEVEN SHIRES Looking for the handsome gentleman playing darts at GYM Bar… but are part of a much larger picture, altering the usual processes Well, I guess it might be best to leave it at that, cause our new and expected norms. Sales & Marketing city motto going forward will be, “Whatever happens on The Drive, City Manager Leigh Ann Henderson, Finance Director Bob DIRECTOR OF SALES & MARKETING • MIKE TROTTIER stays on The Drive!” Mays, and their staff s presented a proposed budget for FY 17-18 [email protected] Looking back as I write this article, the unusual encounter should that represents a sound fi scal instrument guiding our municipal SALES MANAGER • JUSTIN WYSE [email protected] have been no surprise. All week I was struggling with a mood of government forward. In years past, many of the various department ADVERTISING SALES ASSOCIATE • EDWIN NEIMANN unease, a type of restlessness that happens when some kind of heads’ wish lists, usually with hefty price tags, where included [email protected] major change is on the horizon. It’s the type of change that is self- within the proposed budget, only to be trimmed out through the SALES ASSISTANT • TIM HIGGINS induced, a necessary change to alter the present course, something review process, sometimes with much drama and eff ort. [email protected] is no longer working, no longer off ering a sense of fulfi llment or This year, our elected offi cials made a strong statement early in ACCOUNTING SERVICES BY CG BOOKKEEPING purpose. the budget process, during the Goals and Objectives Workshops, NATIONAL ADVERTISING It’s usually not just one item, but rather a whole slew of things that there should be no growth in city staffi ng, that benefi ts RIVENDELL MEDIA 212-242-6863 [email protected] coming to a combustible state swirling inside my head. Employment, needed to be curtailed, and that leaner times are on the horizon. volunteer positions, education, current aff airs, home life, friends, City management listened and delivered a proposed budget to our fi nances, getting older, and so many other facets of my daily life fall committee that does just that with no additional full-time staffi ng, South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions out of sync and are in need of a major jolt to bring them all back into modest wage increases for our dedicated city staff , and very little expressed in columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not alignment. How big of a jolt or how life altering it may be is the big work for our committee. There will be some discussion and changes MEMBER presume the sexual orientation of individuals based on their names unknown in this equation. made by our City Commission as the process moves forward, but or pictorial representations. Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN Adding to this combustible mix was an upcoming week of dental I would be very surprised if much gets changed this time around. should be interpreted to be inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that appears in print and online, including work and city budget meetings. Wow, I made it through in pretty Our Police Department heads the list as the department with articles used in conjunction with the AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by good shape, avoiding the train wreck that could have derailed the largest slice of the pie, followed by Leisure Services. Public MEMBER the newspaper. Nothing published may be reprinted in whole or part with such dreadful items as a root canal, taxes, milage rates, and safety comes at a high price for all cities, especially lately with the without getting written consent from the Publisher, at his law offi ce, throbbing pain. After such a week, I should have been found need for additional safety measures, extensive training, and more at [email protected]. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the suitability of numbing it all away with a gin-induced state of inebriation. Luckily, administrative costs. advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. it ended with a wonderful encounter, a new interest in darts, and Wilton Manors can take pride in the great work done by our AssociatedMEMBER Press perhaps just a bit light headiness brought on by some very large Police Department. We can also take pride in our wonderful parks, shots of Herradura. recreational facilities, and programs that Leisure Services delivers Amazingly, the dreaded dental work was completed without the for all residents to enjoy. Our city has made a fi rm commitment to slightest pain, except for the bill, and the annual budget review making sure that public safety and quality of life are top priorities process was equally painless. Members of the Wilton Manors here in Wilton Manors. Budget Review Committee gather for a week in July for what seems Budgets off er road maps moving forward for the next fi scal year. Copyright © 2017 South FloridaMEMBER Gay News.com, Inc. like round-the-clock meetings to review the city’s proposed budget Covering our expenses today, planning for the future, and stashing for the upcoming fi scal year and then delivers a report to the Mayor away a rainy day fund for those unknown bumps in the road, such as and City Commissioners. unexpected dental bills, are all part of the process. Balancing those Having had the pleasure of serving on this committee for the factors along with interests of city staff , its residents, and elected past fi ve years, my apprehension for the usual battles over staffi ng, offi cials is not an easy task. Nobody knows exactly what lies ahead, wages, funding, expenditures, and capital expenses was high. To but our city government is making some pretty darn good choices to my delight and relief they did not materialize this year, just like the steer us in the right direction. anticipated grief over my dental work. Perhaps the swirling spiritual Those wise choices, along with unexpected encounters, are what powers that are kicking up dust this week are not only aff ecting me, makes life just better here … WMG • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

34 • 7.19.2017 2 • July 19, 2017 Business

City Will Revisit Medical The dispensary issue is the latest in the approved, Resnick said it was partly done city’s recent move to adopt a more accepting to ensure individuals don’t have their lives Marijuana Zoning policy towards marijuana. ruined by being caught in possession of a At the end of 2015, the commission minor amount of marijuana. “Something adopted a policy of decriminalizing very, very minor ruins lives,” he said. By Michael d’Oliveira marijuana use by creating a civil citation Commissioner Julie Carson said the program. Instead of being arrested, citation program would allow police to Last year, the Wilton Manors them the same as pharmacies. individuals found with less than 20 grams spend less time arresting off enders and Commission approved zoning restrictions At the July 11 meeting, commissioners of marijuana are given citations. The fi rst focus on more serious issues. for medical marijuana dispensaries in did not talk much about how they wanted off ense results in a $100 fi ne. Second-time And although no dispensary has opened anticipation of their legalization. No to respond to the new development by off enders are given a fi ne of $250 and $500 yet, Green Health – Marijuana Doctors, dispensaries are currently the legislature. But, in for a third. In addition to the fi ne, a third located 1749 NE 26 St., opened in March. located in the city but, if the past, commissioners off ense results in the off ender going through No marijuana is provided on premises and when they do open, have expressed a desire a mandatory substance abuse assessment. but doctors there do prescribe medical offi cials want to ensure “these are comIng to have dispensaries At the time the citation program was marijuana. WMG they are limited to certain in the city in order to businesses districts. and You need give residents access to “These are coming and to Zone them medical marijuana and you need to zone them beFore You can’t the benefi ts that come before you can’t control along with it, which where they’re located,” control Where includes the treatment of said Mayor Gary Resnick theY’re located.” glaucoma, restoring the last year. appetite of patients on As part of the city’s - Gary Resnick chemotherapy, and the regulations, no dispensary MAYOR OF WILTON MANORS reduction of seizures in can be within 1,000 feet of some individuals. a school, day care center, City Attorney Kerry house of worship, licensed rehabilitation Ezrol asked commissioners for more time facility, or another dispensary. But the to come up with an advisory opinion as law passed by the state legislature dictates to how they should proceed. “I’ve been that if local governments don’t ban struggling with this issue. I’d rather wait dispensaries they must zone and regulate to fi gure out a legal opinion,” Ezrol said.

3 • July 19, 2017 7.19.2017 • 35 Community Wilton Manors to Party with Police for National Night Out

By Michael d’Oliveira

When police offi cers show up to a “In 2015 our crime rate reached a 20- party, it’s usually not something the host year low. This year we are pleased to report Courtesy WMPD. had in mind. But on National Night Out, another decrease, which is undeniably due police attendance is the whole purpose. to the brave work of the Wilton Manors On Tuesday, Aug. 1, multiple Police Department in partnership with former Wilton Manors city manager. party. To sign up, email jbickhardt@wmpd. homeowners throughout the city will host our community of residents, visitors and Gallegos said that Kiwanis already org or call 954-390-2150. National Night Out parties. It’s an event business owners who remain committed supports the police department by Resident Betty Winslow is one of the organized to bring residents and police to keeping the city as safe as possible for providing a plaque and gift card to the organizers and biggest advocate of National offi cers together with the hope that the all to enjoy.” offi cer of the quarter and offi cer of the year. Night Out. two groups will communicate more and So far, the Wilton Manors Police “We’re a community-based organization “After volunteering 14 years with the work more closely together to help prevent Department [WMPD] has announced three that focuses on children and neighborhood Wilton Manors Police Department, one crime and improve neighborhood safety. National Night Out parties on its website safety. It’s a natural for us [to host] because of my favorite things to do is helping with Nationally, it’s the 34th Annual National – wiltonmanors.com/305/national-night- we do have a clubhouse.” National Night Out. I have met so many Night Out Crime and Drug Prevention. out. One of the parties will be hosted by He added that there will be plenty of wonderful people who are committed to WMPD Chief Paul O’Connell said the the Kiwanis Club of Wilton Manors from 6 tables and chairs at Kiwanis for police their community by hosting a NNO block “gatherings are all in the name of taking to 8 p.m. at its clubhouse, 2749 NE 14 Ave. offi cers and residents to sit next to each party. If there is one in your neighborhood, care of each other like a village.” Kiwanis members will be serving hot other and interact. “Which is really one of stop by, bring your lawn chair, a dish National Night returns as the WMPD dogs, hamburgers, and refreshments to the key elements of National Night Out.” to share, meet new people and meet recently-announced a 3 percent drop guests, and invite anyone who comes to But Kiwanis and the other party sites the member of the WMPD. Let the bad in crime from 2015 to 2016. It’s a drop bring a dish if they choose. “Well, we’ve listed on the WMPD website don’t have to guys know we do not want them in our O’Connell credited to his department and done it for a few years now,” said Joe be the end of the list. Other residents are neighborhood. I look forward to meeting its relationship with the community. Gallegos, president-elect of Kiwanis and encouraged to host a National Night Out you on Aug. 1. WMG

36 • 7.19.2017 4 • July 19, 2017 Business To Neon Or Not? Commissioners continue to debate sign regulations By Michael d’Oliveira

Confusion over proposed neon sign The confusion came over whether regulations caused commissioners to frontage included windows. delay the vote to implement them. “It’s not clear enough. I’m not sure At their July 11 meeting, commissioners if it should be contiguous or not. My discussed the neon sign regulations. understanding was [the ordinance meant] Currently, neon signs are prohibited by linear feet of window,” said Commissioner the city’s code but offi cials and business Julie Carson. “It should just be frontage,” owners agree they should be allowed. said Commissioner Scott Newton. “It It’s an issue the commission has been sounds to me like there is some lack of discussing since at least June of 2016. clarity,” said City Attorney Kerry Ezrol. Commissioners postponed a vote in After discussing, commissioners December. Mayor Gary Resnick even decided to give city staff members more joked about how long it’s taken the city. time to tweak the language. “The one Despite the current ban, business thing we got out of this back and forth owners already use neon signs as is we don’t understand what each other advertising but city offi cials have not mean,” Resnick said. enforced the regulations. In the past, City Manager Leigh Ann Henderson said commissioners have cited wanting to city staff would provide commissioners be business-friendly as a reason for with pictures of various storefronts to not strictly enforcing city regulations. help them decide how to regulate neon Business owner Nick Berry told signs. “The businesses in our city, there is commissioners last year that neon signs such a wide diff erentiation [of storefront were necessary to having a successful designs],” she said. business. Commissioners will vote on the neon At the July 11 meeting, Vice Mayor sign regulations but they will also vote Justin Flippen said he wants changes to separately on an overhaul of other the sign code to be “least burdensome on sections of the sign code in October. Ezrol business but still restrictive.” said the sign code was being looked at Under the proposed regulations, for consistency. “We don’t need to repeal owners would be limited to 1 illuminated everything.” sign every 10 feet of “frontage.” Each sign Flippen said he would rather vote on would be limited to a maximum size of 4 changes to the entire sign code all at once. square feet, with a maximum of 4 signs “I don’t like piecemealing sections of the per businesses. code.” WMG

• • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • •

5 • July 19, 2017 7.19.2017 • 37 Community Community Check out what’s happening Wilton Drive Around Town Shuttle To Continue By Michael d’Oliveira But does it end too early? Michael d’Oliveira Meeting Tonight to Discuss Block Grant Program A special meeting will be held at 6 p.m. tonight, July 19, in the Hagen Park Community Center, 2020 Wilton Drive, to discuss how the city should spend $65,000 in Community Development Block Grant Program money. Residents Wilton Drive are encouraged to attend and provide ideas. The money can be spent on capital projects to improve the Highland Estates and the west side of Andrews Avenue Shuttle Map south of the Middle River. WMG Park & Shuttle From These Stops

1 City Hall - Commission Chambers 5 2020 Wilton Drive 4 2 Bus Stop @ Shoppes of Wilton Manors 6 3 2276 Wilton Drive

2216 NE 11th Avenue 2 3 Back Entrance to 2309 Dixie Hwy Commission Meeting Cancelled 7 4 9th Avenue & Wilton Drive 2400 Wilton Drive/2400 NE 9th Avenue The Aug. 8 Wilton Manors Commission meeting has been cancelled. 5 NE 8th Terrace Parking Lot Commissioners will meet on Aug. 22. WMG 2524 NE 8th Terrace 1 6 7th Avenue & Wilton Drive 8 2295 Wilton Drive/2403 NE 7th Avenue

NE 22nd St & Wilton Drive - Zig Zag Bldg 7 2201 Wilton Drive/575 NE 22nd Street

Richardson Park 8 1970 Wilton Drive Mickel now has free WiFi Shuttle Stop Parking Lot Mickel Park is the fi rst public park in Wilton Manors to have free outdoor WiFi access. City offi cials plan to add free WiFi to all the city’s parks. The next park scheduled to get WiFi is Island City Park Preserve. “Our plan is to continue to Wilton Manors’ free Wilton Drive said the hours were insuffi cient. “Doesn’t upgrade one park each year,” wrote City Manager Leigh Ann Henderson in an shuttle service will be expanded and made stay out late enough,” wrote Graham email. WMG permanent. City Manager Leigh Ann Brunk. Henderson announced the expansion at The shuttle is funded by the city but the July 11 commission meeting and said offi cials are looking to the Broward that the hours for Friday and Saturday Metropolitan Planning Organization nights would be expanded. [MPO] to get grants to help pay for it. Buddha Bash Summer Concert Series Originally launched in March, the Henderson said those grant requests shuttle, which travels up and down would be addressed with the MPO at an Tonight, July 19, Slow Coast, a Miami-based Blues, Jazz and Rock n’ Roll Wilton Drive, was operated as part upcoming meeting. band, will perform from 8 to 10 p.m. at Funky Buddha Brewery, 1201 NE 38th St., of a 90-day pilot program to test Other changes could be to the shuttle Oakland Park. The Takers and Leavers, a Fort Lauderdale-based alternative rock public response and see if there was itself. Commissioner Scott Newton said and indie band, will perform on July 26. Both performances are free and part of enough ridership potential to make it a he talked to some residents about the the Buddha Bash Summer Concert Series.. WMG permanent program. It was initiated as a shuttle who said that some seniors had way to help alleviate some of the parking trouble getting into the vehicle. “Older problems along Wilton Drive. people have a diffi cult time.” He suggested Those who can’t fi nd parking spaces at that the city should possibly get another the city parking lots at the south end of type of shuttle. Wilton Drive can park at the north end of The shuttle has eight stops – City Hall/ the street and take the shuttle to where Hagen Park parking lot, the Shoppes they want to go. of Wilton Manors, behind the 2309 N. Henderson said ridership has grown Dixie Hwy. parking lot at 2216 NE 11 Ave., Andrews Avenue Bridge Resurfacing and city offi cials decided to keep the Northeast 9 Avenue and Wilton Drive, the The resurfacing of the bridge on the south end of Andrews Avenue, between shuttle in operation. Northeast 8 Terrace parking lot, Northeast Wilton Manors and Fort Lauderdale, is expected to be completed by Aug. 18. All Currently, the shuttle operates from 6 7 Avenue and Wilton Drive, Northeast 22 major roadway work will be completed during non-peak hours. WMG to 10 p.m. Thursdays to Sundays. Street and Wilton Drive, and Richardson On social media, some commentators Park. WMG

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • www.WMGAZETTE.com • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

38 • 7.19.2017 6 • July 19, 2017 COLuMN speak out

speaK SFGN Staff

SFGN’s “Speak OuT” is a weekly featureut giving a regular voice to South Florida LGBT leaders.

This week I asked the SFGN Speak OUT list to comment on a recent story in SFGN “Local Log Cabin Repubs Praise Trump; Blast Pride” where Vincent Foster, president of the Miami-Dade Log Cabin Republicans, said Pride Month events were “just acts and overt displays of sexual indulgence” with people “tossing condoms and lube out” and men in “assless chaps.” Foster added, “It’s debauchery. It really makes our community look terrible. I don’t think that it’s signifi cant at all that President Trump did not recognize Pride Month. As a gay conservative, I think Pride does more damage to our community than anything positive. It does nothing to promote our rights.” Below are some of their answers:

The basic rights achieved by LGBTQ people have been hard fought “for. While folx like Vincent Foster seem to know less about his own community then he does about what they part take in. The narrow minded analysis leads one to believe that he’s maybe never even ventured out into the LGBTQ Community.” — Gabriel Garcia-Vera, Community Activist/ Organizer

Vincent Foster needs to come out of the closet and do a reality “check. PrideFest is a time of celebration, a family reunion of sorts, and a festival that raises awareness for our youth, our seniors, and everyone in between. This year after Palm Beach Pride, Compass reigned in over 400 HIV tests, received an influx of about 80 new LGBT youth and 50-60 new LGBT elders that came into the center for services through our programs. Together at Pride festivals here and around the country, we can plug into the energy of the larger community and re- energize ourselves knowing that we are a part of the movement.” — Julie Seaver, COO of Compass

I don’t like debauchery either, but if celebrates our feeling of “freedom and pride, what the – do it. And if anything is called” debauchery” let the Log Cabin Republicans take a look at the debauchery of their president and the people he has chosen to work with…” — Ruth Berman, LGBT activist

Where do you even start with these people? Are they even still a “thing? I can honestly say I haven’t heard anything about them in a couple of years — which has been ideal. I hope we can restart that clock again.” — David Jobin, Executive Director of Our Fund

visit SFGN.com/SpeakOut to see more of this week’s responses. Send speaK an Email to [email protected] if you know of a LGBT community ut leader that should be or wants to be a part of this list.

7.19.2017 • 39 PHOTOS local A Look Back... poverello celebrates 30 Years On June 12, Poverello hosted an open house to celebrate its success since its doors opened 30 years ago. In that time, millions have been fed, clothed, and countless donations have been made to charities across Florida.

J.R. Davis

Below: Thomas Pietrogallo, CEO of Poverello (center) next to Kevin Clevenger, event manager (right).

to see many more photos, visit South florida gay news on facebook.

Above: A memorial for Father Bill, the founder of Poverello.

40 • 7.19.2017 LIFESTYLE books

‘someBoDythe life, Death anD leGaCy of to freDDie loVe merCury’ by Matt Richards & Mark Langthorne

Terri Schlichenmeyer c.2016, Weldon Owen ast year was a particularly $24.95 / $33.95 Canada rough one. Every time you open a newspaper 440 pages orl turned on the computer or TV, it seemed as though someone – a Hollywood actor, singer, or stage performer you liked – had its name to Queen; both began attracting died. Even now, whether it was six months, attention in the U.K. Meanwhile, Mercury a year or, as in “Somebody to Love” by Matt fell in love with someone whom he Richards & Mark Langthorne, more than a considered his “common-law wife.” decade, you still miss them. She, too, seemed to have no idea that he Farrokh Bulsara was born in India in slept with men, which might not have the fall of 1946 to Parsee followers of the mattered much anyhow: Mercury had led a prophet Zoroaster, facts he tried to hide it as “hedonistic” life for years and that was just a young man. For reasons he didn’t belabor, Freddie being Freddie. Bulsara claimed that he was “Persian” and But then, possibly some time in 1982, he seldom discussed his relatively privileged was infected with the HIV virus… childhood. He even changed his name to At nearly 400 pages, sans notes, Freddie. “Somebody to Love” is one of those books Known as a shy boy and famously that might have been enhanced by being ashamed of his prominent front teeth, shortened by a third. Freddie was nevertheless so in love with Authors Matt Richards & Mark music that he helped form his fi rst band Langthorne did an exhaustive job with the in 1958, in part to “impress the girls.” As biography of Queen front man, Freddie soon as he was old enough, he moved to Mercury, but that’s not all: this is also a London, where he became a hanger-on surprising biography of the AIDS epidemic, for two popular local bands, one of which beginning more than a century ago. That’s eventually hired him as a lead singer. often imagined, since exact circumstances Freddie, say the authors, loved to put on a are unknown but, while it makes for an show. fascinating tale, it stretches too slowly, At around this time, he also fell deeply gets too breathy, and loses its punch. Even in love with a woman, though he “was Mercury’s career seemed a mess here; struggling to come to terms with whether readers get names and dates in a bounce- he was straight, gay or bisexual.” Indeed, around narrative on a story-loop. despite social mores and legalities of the There’s merit in this book – early sections time, he was also undoubtedly sleeping on the beginning of AIDS and the beginning with men, but he “had no intention of and end of Mercury’s life are all stellar – but coming out… even if in truth he had felt able much of the middle part is pretty ho-hum. to.” In the end, for fans, ‘Somebody to Love” By mid-1970, Freddie changed his may still be worth a try. Others may fi nd this surname, while his latest band changed book to be a rough one.

7.19.2017 • 41 LIFESTYLE food

Courtesy Backfl ip Beach Bar & Kitchen.

Doin’ a BaCKflip for summer Rick Karlin Check out these must haves

BackfliP Beach Bar & kitchen other newS to fliP oVer at the Plunge hotel avant is set to open in August in cheesecake and whipped cream. The 4660 El Mar Dr. downtown Delray at 25 NE. Second Ave. shareable shake is available for $15.95. For Lauderdale By The Sea The new restaurant takes its inspiration more information, call 561-672-7301 or visit 754-312-5775 from the guerrilla public art movement that JuniorsCheeseCake.com. took place in lower Manhattan during the PlungeBeachHotel.com early 1980’s. Avant will not feature pictures SuViche will celebrate Peruvian of food spray-painted on to your plate, as heritage from July 23-30 with food and the artists of the time would have done, drink specials in honor of National Pisco but will off er a globally-inspired menu of Day and Peruvian Independence Day. Plunge Beach Hotel recently opened at The signature burger featured two small plates, large plates, shared plates and The festivities kick-off on Sunday, July 23 the north end of El Mar Dr. in Lauderdale-By- perfectly prepared patties layered with house-made deserts, along with creative (National Pisco Day) with buy one, get one The-Sea and the Backfl ip Beach Bar & cheese and bacon and topped with pico de cocktails, beers and wine. Prices will range free deals on pisco sours and chilcanos at kitchen is already becoming a favorite among gallo. Yum! There are also a spicy chicken, from $6 - $30. For more information call the Las Olas and Wynwood locations. Both locals. It is perhaps the ultimate laid-back steak or a catch of the day sandwiches if 561-921-8687 or visit Society8.com. locations will also feature live music. The beach bar, serving local brews and rum-fueled you’re looking for something lighter, try restaurants will also off er a special Peruvian cocktails that would make Hemingway smile. one of the three salad options. Best of all Brooklyn water Bagel has added tiradito for Peruvian Independence Day Its fresh juice-infused drinks have just the right the price point is quite reasonable, cocktails a Reuben sandwich and a Caesar salad (July 28). A tiradito is made with raw fi sh amount of kick (many of which can also be are around ten bucks, the menu items all to its lunch menu. The Reuben ($8.99) served sashimi-style, served chilled in a ordered sans alcohol). Check out the Sharkbait; less than $20. Backfl ip is open 11 a.m. until is made with corned beef, Swiss cheese spicy sauce. SuViche’s special Peruvian vodka with raspberry puree and ginger beer, 10 p.m. and sauerkraut on light rye bread with a Flag tiradito is prepared with wild-caught the Tweet Me Ishmael with coconut rum and If you prefer to watch the sun come up, the choice of spicy mustard or thousand island white fi sh topped with a crema de rocoto, mango puree or an Aperol Fizz. hotel’s coff ee shop, Bean & Barnacle, opens dressing. The Caesar salad ($6.99) is made signature sauce, garnished with cilantro As you sit back and listen to the waves, dig at 6:30 a.m. and serves fresh-brewed Wells with romaine and grated asiago cheese and fresh Peruvian corn. Visit www. into one of the six versions of street tacos, coff ee, pastries and breakfast sandwiches. and topped with Caesar dressing and suviche.com or call 954-656-3663. a salad, burger or a big basket of the fried In the afternoon, they switch to sandwiches Brooklyn Water Bagel croutons. Until July yucca planks with queso dipping sauce. The and other savory selections. If your sweet 31, guests who purchase a Reuben or Caesar Smith & wollensky is celebrating fi sh of the day was grouper on our visit and tooth strikes, they off er a selection of gelato, will receive a free regular size coff ee or summer with the return of a wine and in the pair of tacos, served in a choice of candy and other sweet treats! The casual full- signature iced coff ee with coff ee ice cubes. appetizer pairing special. The summertime fl our or corn tortillas, perfectly grilled fi sh service restaurant, Octopus, is set to open off ering showcases wines by The Calling was topped with a bit of fresh slaw salsa and later this summer. Junior’s in Boca Raton’s Mizner Park along with two of Smith & Wollensky’s lime on the side. The pork belly version was a has added “The New Yorker,” a Gotham- most popular starters. Available through tad less successful. The pork, cut too thickly, Backfl ip will host the kick-off party for The sixth annual sized milkshake/cheesecake mash-up the end of August, diners will be off ered was a bit tough and rubbery. Grilled chicken, Bug-Fest-By-The-Sea, which celebrates hunting season to its permanent menu. The dessert is a complimentary rib-eye carpaccio or tuna steak or a caulifl ower and chickpea versions for Florida lobster, on Tuesday, July 25 at 7 p.m. For more strawberry shake rimmed with vanilla tartare for every two glasses of The Calling’s are other options. information go to bugfestbythesea.com. frosting and graham crackers and Dutton Ranch Chardonnay or Russian River topped with an entire slice of strawberry Valley Pinot Noir ordered.

42 • 7.19.2017 7.19.2017 • 43 FOR THE SFGWEEK OF JULY 20 - JULYN 25, ITES2017 WWW.SFGN.COM

J.W. Arnold [email protected] THU 7/20 Get Felt Up at Empire Stage THEATER Fathom Events broadcasts the Britain’s National Theater production of Tony Kushner’s powerful AIDS-era play, “Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes, Part One: Millennium” at theaters across the country tonight at 7 p.m. Nathan Lane, Andrew Garfield James McArdle and Russell Tovey star. “Part Two: Perestroika” will be screened in theaters next Thursday, July 27. For tickets, go to FathomEvents.com. FRI 7/21 FILM It’s summer and thousands of New York City gays make the routine weekend trek to Fire Island to escape the heat. The World AIDS Museum, 1201 NE 26th St. in Wilton Manors, presents a screening of “When Ocean Meets Sky,” THEATER a colorful documentary about the Fire Thursday 7/20 Island Pines from its founding 65 years “Fifty Shades of Felt,” a hilarious puppet parody of a certain “mommy porn” novel and fi lm, opens tonight at Empire Stage, ago through the height of the AIDS 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale, and runs through Aug. 20. Warning: Contains puppet nudity and sexual situations. crisis and to the present. Screening is Seriously, you’re not on “Sesame Street” or even “Avenue Q,” because they’re kinky, too. The play is sure to be a hit with both free, but $5 donation appreciated. Info at WorldAIDSMuseum.org. straight and gay audiences. Tickets are $35 at RonnieLarsen.com. Courtesy Empire Stage. SAT 7/22 SUN 7/23 MON 7/24 TUE 7/25 FESTIVAL THEATER THEATER FILM Drink up! The Palm Beach Summer Don’t miss the world premiere Every Monday through Aug. 28, the If you’ve already seen “Wonder Beer Fest is being held today at the production of “Impressions” by Michael Theatre League of South Florida’s Woman,” “Despicable Me 3” and “War South Florida Fairgrounds, 9067 Leeds at the Abyss Theatre, 2304 Summer Theatre Fest presents staged for the Planet of the Apes,” then escape Southern Blvd. in West Palm Beach. N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors, readings of new plays at local theaters. the summer heat at the local Cineplex Enjoy finely fermented beverages through Aug. 6. Leeds, a multiple Tonight, Outre Theatre Co. performs tonight and check out the summer’s latest from nearly 40 local breweries at two Carbonell Award winner, literally Bob Lind’s “The Big Island” at 7:30 sci-fi blockbuster, “Valerian and the City sessions, 12 – 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 – 9 brings art to life in this series of vignettes p.m. Don’t miss this opportunity to see of a Thousand Planters,” from director p.m. Also, sample craft donuts and ice inspired by the famous paintings by a new work in progress. Many of the (“The Fifth Element,” “Lucy”). creams and dance to the silent disco. Impressionist masters Degas, Monet plays featured in the Summer Theatre Once again, the future of the human Tickets are $45 general admission, $75 and Renoir and starring three of South Fest receive professional productions race is threatened in this imaginative, V.I.P. and $10 for designated drivers at Florida’s most accomplished actresses. at professional regional theaters. Info at effects-laden epic. Check local listings PalmBeachSummerBeerFest.com. Tickets at PigsDoFlyProductions.com. SouthFloridaTheatre.com. for theaters and showtimes.

44 • 7.19.2017 7.19.2017 • 45 A&E fi l m

Vincent J. roth, center, stars as the fi rst gay superhero in “Surge of LGBT Radio & Podcasts Power: revenge of the Sequel,” an indie fi lm screening at florida Supercon on July 29. Photo Courtesy Florida Supercon.

News, commentary, interviews, entertainment Saturday 7PM-8PM on Hosted by Tom Hantzarides with • Congressman Mark Foley for first BiG sCreen Gay superhero 850AM WFTL commentary and insight • News by South Florida Gay News Streaming live on • Pop Culture, Entertainment with Comes to floriDa superCon in seQuel www.850WFTL.com, or by downloading the 850 WFTL • “Faithful & Fabulous”Dana Munsonwith Rev. Dr. Lea Brown J.W. Arnold mobile app “Aiming to inform, empower, and activate our diverse community” ig budget sequels are a given for miscellaneous celebrities pop in and we did superhero franchises like Spider Man, that with ‘Surge’.” Facebook.com/getoutsouthflorida BIron Man and , but the (“Star Trek”), Lou Ferrigno Instagram: @getoutsflradio • Twitter: @GetOutSF world’s fi rst “out” gay superhero, Surge, is (“The Incredible Hulk”) and (Lois For more information e-mail: fi nally returning to the big screen after a 13- Lane, “The Adventures of Superman”) were [email protected] year hiatus. among the 20 stars to appear and, when Roth Audiences at Florida Supercon will get a approached them to return for the sequel, look at the fi nal version of “Surge of Power: they were quick to recruit their friends. Revenge of the Sequel” on July 29 at 1:30 p.m. “Revenge of the Sequel” boasts 50 celebrity Music of Mendelssohn, Vivaldi, Surge, a mild-mannered attorney who cameos, including Jack Larson (, Ravel, Vaughan Williams, Piazzolla gains superpowers to fi ght homophobia and “The Adventures of Superman”), Linda Blair and more! bullying, is the creation of Vincent J. Roth. (“The Exorcist”), Gil Gerard (“Buck Rogers”), Roth, also a corporate attorney by day and Robert Picardo (“Star Trek: Voyager”), For additional cosplay fan, wrote, produced and starred in comedian Bruce Vilanch and Las Vegas female dates and both indie fi lms. impersonator and producer Frank Marino. subscription sales “I grew up with the ‘Super Friends’ on Work on the sequel began in 2008, but “life visit: Saturday morning cartoons and loved got in the way,” said Roth. He began fi lming www.sota.org (superheroes),” recalled Roth. “For myself, as scenes in bits and starts before production 954.335.7002 SATURDAY, JULY 22, 2017 • 7:00 PM a boy, not even pre-gay, I hadn’t developed “rebooted” three years ago. After several Broward Center for the Performing Arts a gay identity. There’s an escapism (to focus groups and public screenings—and Amaturo Theater superheroes): the ugly duckling to beautiful subsequent tweaks—the fi nal version of the Fort Lauderdale swan thing, an ordinary person transforming fi lm is headed to Fort Lauderdale. Tickets $20 | $35 | VIP $60 (VIP includes post-reception) into the extraordinary, colorful costumes, The movie industry friends who advised champions standing up for the underdogs. Roth “every superhero fi lm should have a SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 2017 • 7:00 pm That’s why people get enamored with them, sequel” have already been encouraging him to Florida Atlantic University Theater there’s someone looking out for you.” make “Surge” a trilogy and he’s certainly kept Boca Raton The fi rst fi lm, completed in 2004 and that possibility open in the script. He’s also Tickets $20 | VIP $45 (VIP includes premier seating & featured on the festival circuit, received a developing “Big City Chronicles,” an internet post-reception) limited national distribution (including a variety show off ering fans short webisodes, 2-CONCERT SATURDAY SERIES SUBSCRIPTION run at the Classic Gateway Theatre in Fort behind-the-scenes documentaries and cast starts at $30 per person Lauderdale in 2006). “Surge” quickly became interviews. a cult favorite for its celebrity cameos. “It’s a way to keep fans engaged during “It’s become part of our shtick,” explained those in-between times,” he said, while he THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2017 • 7:30 pm Roth. “With the fi rst fi lm, it was a spoof negotiates a commercial distribution deal for Pompano Beach Cultural Center with the campy fl avor of the old Adam West the sequel. “My hope is to expand the (Surge) 954.545.7800 | www.ccpompano.org ‘Batman’ TV show. He would have some world even further.” Tickets $20 | $35 cabaret seating with refreshments “Surge of Power: reVenge of the SeQuel” will Be Screened on Saturday, July 29 at 1:30 P.M. at florida SuPercon, July 27 – 30 at the Broward county conVention center, 1950 eiSenhower aVe. in fort lauderdale.

James Laird For a schedule and tickets, go to FloridaSupercon.com. driaL Foundation For more information about the fi lm, visit SurgeOfPower.org.

The Italian Cultural Society of the Palm Beaches ~ Mission ~ “to preserve and promote Italian culture through education, art and music” 2015 Woman of the Year 46 • 7.19.2017

Senator Maria Lorts Sachs

For her dedicated mission to preserve Italian Culture in the State of Florida.

Il Circolo’s 39th Annual Gala March 8, 2015 The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach

For details on the Annual Gala and all other Il Circolo Events, visit IlCircoloPalmBeach.org A&E music

the original Village People cowboy, randy Jones, will perform and greet fans CoWBoy reminisCes aBout VillaGe people Career at florida Supercon. J.W. Arnold

t’s been 40 years since the Village People chuckled, referencing the popularity of girls, but I’m telling you, the little gay boys read began their meteoric rise up the disco costumes and role-playing at comic and sci-fi them, too,” he said. “Those were great days. Icharts, ultimately earning a permanent conventions such as Florida Supercon. There was an appeal of sexuality. We were place in American pop culture history. Even though there was an intended gay young in our twenties, cute, had smiles and we Randy Jones was the cowboy in the colorful subtext to their characters—not all the band were alive.” group that included singers dressed as a biker, members were gay—the hints were often lost Jones frequently meets gay fans who harbored construction worker, American Indian, soldier on fans in middle America. those secret crushes. They tell him of the and cop. Together, they recorded chart-topping “I don’t want to say it was genius, but part Village People posters that hung on their doors hits “Macho Man,” “Go West,” “In the Navy” of the well-crafted plan was that we appealed and some even got their hands on a playful, and, of course, “Y.M.C.A.,” songs that remain to these various audiences and they felt like homoerotic “Playgirl” magazine spread. popular with gay and straight audiences alike. we were representing them,” Jones said. “The The singer would eventually perform Jones will sing many of the band’s iconic hits, American cowboy image is the most solid, theatrically on stage and record several solo along with tracks from his solo albums, and dependable, most representative of America… albums, including “Hard Times,” which is greet fans at Florida Supercon, July 27 – 30 at Everybody loves cowboys. I was raised on Roy available now on iTunes and other digital the Broward County Convention Center in Fort Rogers, the Lone Ranger, John Wayne, Clint retailers. He’s appeared in film—he particularly Lauderdale. Eastwood, ‘Wagon Train.’ I realized the cowboy loves the horror genre—and has a new book, “I was the only person in the Village People was the safest, most irresistible image.” “Macho Man: The Disco Era and Gay America’s who lived in the (Greenwich) Village, and I still For three years during the height of the disco Coming Out.” do,” said Jones in a telephone phone interview. era, the Village People appeared on national Looking back on his busy career, Jones said, He created the character of the “cowboy,” television nearly once a week, performing for “I have no regrets and I’ve never been bored a but it really wasn’t acting, Jones said. The North millions of fans across the country. The group day in my life. I always have a calendar and a Carolina native wore blue jeans and boots on also was featured on the covers of “16,” “Super schedule and, if I find myself with some time Randy Jones will appear at the Florida the streets of New York City during the post- Teen” and “Teen Beat” magazines, alongside to myself, I adore using that time to write my Supercon, July 27 – 30, at the Broward Stonewall era when many gay men began teen heartthrobs Shaun Cassidy and Rex Smith. thoughts or do things with myself. Ever since I County Convention Center, 1950 Eisenhower reclaiming the masculine image and dressing in Jones and his colleagues became overnight was a child, I’ve been able to entertain myself Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. For a schedule and leather, jeans and cut-off shirts. sensations—and inspired many secret crushes. and I think that’s helped me become an artist tickets, go to FloridaSupercon.com. “We didn’t call it cosplay then,” Jones “Those magazines were intended for little that can entertain other people.”

7.19.2017 • 47 Datebook July 19 - July 26 Theater broward county Christiana Lilly [email protected] cirque du soleil: ovo Through July 23 at the BB&T Center, One Panther Parkway in Sunrise. The troupe returns to South Florida with their newest top picks production, taking the audience into the world of an ecosystem that is greeted by a mysterious egg. Tickets $25 and up. Call 800- 50 shades of Felt 745-3000 or visit TheBBTCenter.com. July 20 to Aug. 20 at Empire Stage, 1140 N. Flagler Drive in Fort * 1984 by George orwell Lauderdale. A puppet parody of the Through July 30 at the Pompano Beach Friday night erotic novels. Tickets $35. Call 954- Cultural Center, 50 W. Atlantic Blvd. in sound waves. 826-8790 or visit RonnieLarsen.com. Pompano Beach. A stage adaptation of the Courtesy of Friday Night Sound Waves. famed novel by Orwell, taking place in a Bad Jews world under government surveillence and July 21 to Aug. 13 at Main Street manipulation. Tickets $39 and up. Call 954- Players, 6766 Main Street in Miami 839-9578 or visit CCPompano.org. palm beach county miami-dade county Lakes. Three cousins come together after the death of their grandfather, Big Bright star sense and sensibility slava’s snow show a Holocaust survivor. Tickets July 20 to Aug. 20 at Andrews Living Arts, Through July 22 at FAU’s Studio One Theatre, Through Aug. 6 at the Adrienne Arsht Center, $30. Call 305-558-3737 or visit 23 NE Fifth St. in Fort Lauderdale. Eager to 777 Glades Road in Boca Raton. Kate Hamill in Miami. Slava Polunin’s clowns return to MainStreetPlayers.com. become a Broadway star, Chris Harder moves presents her play based on the Jane Austin the center for a show fi lled with lots, and to New York City but fi nds himself in the novel. Tickets $25. Call 800-564-9539 or visit lots, of snow.Tickets $30 to $75. Call or visit saturday night Fever gay porn industry. Tickets $35 to $45. Visit fauevents.com. ArshtCenter.org. Through July 23 at the Lake Worth RonnieLarsen.com. Playhouse, 713 Lake Ave. in Lake sweeney todd: the Demon outdoor Music series Worth. The musical adaptation of Friday night sound waves Barber of Fleet street Third Thursdays at the Perez Art Museum the fi lm chronicling Tony and his Music series Through Aug. 6 at Palm Beach Dramaworks, Miami, 101 W. Flagler St. in Miami. Come friends’ journey through the disco Fridays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at The 201 Clematis St. in West Palm Beach. After out for live music from DJs and musicians by era. Tickets $23 to 38. Call 561-586- Hub, Las Olas Boulevard and A1A in Fort being sent to Australia for a crime he did not the bay. Drink specials available. Free with 6410 or visit LakeWorthPlayhouse. Lauderdale. Enjoy live, outdoor music commit, the barber Sweeney Todd returns museum admission. Call 305-375-3000 or visit org. spanning genres and tributes every Friday home and kills his clients, determined to PAMM.org. evening through November. Free. Visit fi nally get to the judge who gave him the FridayNightSoundWaves.com sentence. Tickets $67. Call 561.514.4042 or the Big show visit PalmBeachDramaworks.org. Fridays and Saturdays at 9 p.m. at Just the * Denotes new listing Funny Theater, 3119 Coral Way in Miami. Free Friday concerts A collection of comedy mixing the likes of Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Delray Beach improvisation and sketches. Tickets $12. Call Center for the Arts, 51 N. Swinton Ave. in 305-693-8669 or visit JustTheFunny.com. Delray Beach. Enjoy live music from the comfort of your picnic blanket or lawn chair every week, for free! Returns in October. Call 561-243-7922 or visit DelrayArts.org.

48 • 7.19.2017 7.19.2017 • 49 Datebook Community broWard support PENIS ENLARGEMENTdiscover a new you servIces Christiana Lilly GenDer BenDer youth [email protected] GrouP Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at SunServe Campus, 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale. A group for LGBT youth 13 to top pIcKs 21 to discuss gender, gender expression, Media rebels and binary systems, friendship, family and renegades: taking control whatever else comes up! Free. Visit over our own Media SunServeYouth.com July 20 at 7 to 9 p.m. at Stonewall National Museum - Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 PFlaG Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. An Tuesdays in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs exploration of how LGBT media and and Southwest Ranches. A support group activists changed public opinion of the for parents of LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. community. Suggested donation $5. Visit SunServeYouth.com for dates and Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall- locations. Museum.org. sunserve youth GrouP - Non-Surgical - No Scalpels Kitsch and Kulture Tuesdays and Thursdays in Fort Lauderdale, - Minimally Invasive - No Stitches Through Aug. 30 at The Box Gallery, 811 Southwest Ranches, Coral Springs and - In-Office Procedure - Minimal Downtime Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach. A Hollywood. A support group and night - No General Anesthesia - PERMANENT RESULTS look at the transition period of kitsch of fun for LGBT youth 13 to 21. Free. Visit culture in South Florida from 1960 to SunServeYouth.com for dates and times. 1990. Free. Call 786-521-1199 or visit TheBoxGallery.info. survivor suPPort First and third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 LIMITED TIME SPECIAL OFFER hiv support Group p.m. at the Broward Health Imperial Point Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at South Hospital cafeteria, 6401 N. Federal Highway Beach AIDS Project, 1234 Washington in Fort Lauderdale. Find support from TREATMENT TREATMENT Ave. Ste. 200 in Miami Beach. A support counselors and peers who have lost loved Ne group for those who are HIV positive. ones to suicide. Call the Florida Initiative o SPECIAL twoSPECIAL Free. Call 305-535-4733, ext. 301 or email $ $ for Suicide Prevention at 954-384-0344 or 4,900 8,500 [email protected]. visit FISPOnline.org. Easy Financing broward county

RENOWNED COSMETIC SURGEON * aarP Driver safety classroom Free. Call 954-463-9005, ext. 306 or email course [email protected]. Dr. Victor Loria July 20 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the has performed more than 3,000 of this revolutionary male Pride Center, 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton school supply Drive enhancement procedure, currently only being performed at his Manors. Learn driving safety strategies. You Through Aug. 26 at the Pride Center, 2040 N. might get a discount on your car insurance for Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. Support medical centers. This minimally invasive penis enlargement procedure taking the class! Bring a lunch, driver’s license, Broward County students and drop off increases flaccid length and can give you up to 100% MORE GIRTH. and AARP card. Cost $15 for AARP members, school supplies or monetary donations at the $20 for nonmembers. Call 954-943-0648 to center. All 954-463-9008, ext. 108 or email register. womenwithpride@pridecenterfl orida.org.

Glln happy hour * outwrite: lGBtQ authors From July 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. at G Bar, 2031 Wilton the special collection LORIA MEDICAL Drive in Wilton Manors. Enjoy two-for-one Through Sept. 3 at the Stonewall National MIAMI I NEW YORK drinks, appetizers, and networking with the Museum - Wilton Manors Gallery, 2157 Wilton Gay and Lesbian Lawyers Network. Visit GLLN. Drive in Wilton Manors. With more than org. 27,000 items in its collection, the museum has CALL FOR A CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION acquired rare and historic books from authors 877-375-6742 I 877-DR-LORIA I [email protected] couples speak-a-Palooza Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Gertrude Stein, competition and more. Call 954-763-8565 or visit Stonewall- July 20 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Pride Center, Museum.org. Visit our website to see and hear what our clients are saying. 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. The Newlywed Game and Dating Game to life coaching www.LoriaMedical.com discuss HIV statuses, PrEP, safe sex, and more. Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at

50 • 7.19.2017 July 19 - July 26 Latinos Salud Clubhouse, 2300 Wilton Drive in The summertime fete returns with sushi rolls, community. Free. Call 561-775-5900 or visit will lead classes on learning the foundations of Wilton Manors. Get one-on-one life coaching drumming by Fushu Daiko, tours, and more. MCCPalmBeach.org. Buddhism. Call 786-529-7137. from certifi ed CRCS coaches. For guys living Admission $15. Call 561-495-0233 or visit with HIV, their partners, and anyone who Morikami.org. yoga in the Garden identifi es as transgender. Free. Call 954-765- miami-dade county Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m. and Saturdays 6239 or visit LatinosSalud.org. transcendence at 11:30 a.m. at the Miami Beach Botanical Meets at Compass GLCC, 201 N. Dixie Highway arsht center Farmers Market Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive in rest your Mind in Lake Worth. A closed transgender youth Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Parker and Miami Beach. Hit the mat for an indoor yoga Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Kadampa Meditation support group for teens ages 12 to 19. For more Vann Thomson Plaza for the Arts, 1300 practice overlooking the garden. Tickets $10 Center, 241 W Prospect Road Ste. B in Fort information, email [email protected]. Biscayne Blvd. in Miami. Purchase fresh Wednesdays, $15 Saturdays. Call 305-673-7256 Lauderdale. Start your week with relaxing food from local farmers, including fruits, or visit MBGarden.org. meditation to center yourself. Free. Visit Zumba Fitness vegetables, meats, prepared foods, as well as MeditateinFortLauderdale.org. Mondays at 6 p.m. at Compass GLCC, 201 N. chefs, live music, and cooking demonstrations. transsocial saturdays Dixie Highway in Lake Worth. Get moving with Tickets $45 to $75. Free. Visit ArshtCenter.org/ Saturdays from noon to 3 p.m. at Pridelines, Man2Man Discussion a certifi cated Zumba instructor for an infusion en/Visit/Dining. 6360 NE Fourth Court in Miami. Come hang Mondays 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Pride Center, of exercise and dance moves. Donation of $5 or out with others for a movie, snacks, and 2040 N. Dixie Highway in Wilton Manors. A more. Call 561-324-1626 or visit CompassGLCC. yoga discussion every Saturday. Visit TransSocial. weekly informal discussion group among gay com. Tuesdays from 6 to 7:15 p.m. at Jose Marti Park, org. men of all backgrounds. Contact John Beuscher 362 SW Fourth Ave. in Miami. Yogis 18 and at 954-319-4292 or email johnnybushwick@ sober sisters older of all levels are invited to a practice lead aol.com. Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at Lambda North, 18 S. by a certifi ed instructor. Bring your own yoga key west Let’s Be J St. in Lake Worth. A support and discussion mat, water, and towel. Free. Call 305-358-7550 palm beach county group for female recovering alcoholics. Visit or visit BayfrontParkMiami.com/Yoga.html. aqua idol LambdaNorth.net. Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Aqua Key Book study West, 711 Duval St. in Key West. Support your sushi & stroll out of the closet, into the light Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Drolma local artists and vote for your favorite! Benefi ts Aug. 11 and Sept. 8 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at MCC Kadampa Buddhist Center, 1273 Coral Way in Waterfront Playhouse. Call 305-294-0555 or the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, of the Palm Beaches, 4857 Northlake Blvd. Miami. Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Norbu, visit AquaKeyWest.com. 4000 Morikami Park Road in Delray Beach. in Palm Beach Gardens. AA for the LGBT Blunt. * Denotes new listing IF YOU NEED LEGAL HELP, WE CAN HELP. Let’s Be Blunt.Let’s Be IF YOU NEED LEGAL HELP, Blunt.WE CAN HELP. IF YOU NEED TheLEGAL Law HELP, Offi ces of WENorm CAN HELP. Kent & Russell Cormican

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MiDDle river terrace 1/1 - 1/1 Corner unit with private patio, clean, updated kitchen/bath, terrazzo/tile. Near all. Sorry no pets. 1st/L/S $1,075. Glenn Lawson REMAX Experience by the Sea 954-295-8616 real estate - new construction uniteD realty GrouP - Building in Wilton Manors, Fort Lauderdale Beach, Coconut Creek, Lauderdale Lakes and Hollywood. Starting in the 200's, 2 & 3 Bedrooms, 1 & 2 Garages available with building incentives. Call for details Michael 561-703-5533 or email [email protected] for more info.

7.19.2017 • 55