Friday 30 September 2011 Fighting Scots edge Rams in SEC opener See story on 3B 163RD EDITION OUR 128TH YEAR WE PRINT ON 100% RECYCleD NEWSPRINT The Voice of Scotland County | Established 1882 | | 50 Cents IN THIS Funeral home investigated EDITION “... McGreachy Mary Katherine Murphy According to the Board of Fu- ment signed in July. never certified
[email protected] neral Service, McGeachy has Additionally, “McGeachy STAFF REpoRTER been operating S&L without was registered as a trainee in his traineeship being properly licensed to do funeral directing from Aug. S&L Funeral Home in Maxton as complete.” so. 1, 2002 to Aug. 1, 2004. Mc- may be undergoing a change in “Kelvin McGeachy is presi- Geachy never certified his management after the North dent of the corporation own- traineeship as complete.” — Board of Carolina Board of Funeral Ser- ing S&L and has never been The board exposed the activ- vice mandated that CEO Kelvin Funerals licensed by the Board to prac- ity conducted at S&L by plac- Services McGeachy relinquish his role in tice funeral directing, funeral ing an agent posing as a client the daily operations of the busi- service, or embalming,” the ness. board said in a consent judg- SEE FUNERAL PAGE 2A New barbershop UNITED WAY SERIES opens doors NCDOT Page 8A to offer DKG Chapter workshop holds Mary Katherine Murphy meeting
[email protected] STAFF REpoRTER Page 2B The NC Department of Transporta- tion will inform the public next month Fighting about a proposed project to improve safety at the intersection of U.S.