This Project Was Financed in Part by a Grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development

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This Project Was Financed in Part by a Grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development This Project was financed in part by a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development Prepared By: Cummings & Smith, Inc. 8163 U.S. Highway 15 Montgomery, PA 17752 In Conjunction With the Tioga County Planning Commission and the Tioga County GIS Office TIOGA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mark L Hamilton, Chairman Erick J. Coolidge M. Sue Vogler Derek D. Williams, Chief Clerk Raymond E. Ginn Jr., Esq., Solicitor PLANNING COMMISSION Donald Norman, Chairman Steven A. Banos, Vice-chairman David Darby, Secretary Karl Kroeck Harold Brown Robert Decamp James A. Weaver Grant Gehman Joseph Welsh Kerry Gyekis, Tioga County Planning Director GIs MAPPING SERVICES Saskia Hovis, Tioga County GIS Coordinator Rob Schwarz, Tioga County GIS Department PLANNING CONSULTANT Douglas W. Hovey, Senior Planner Cummings & Smith, Inc. 8163 U.S. Highway 15, Montgomery, PA 17752 June, 2004 TIOGA COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN_- -*_ _- _- ._ .I __, TABLE OF CONTENTS htroduction cackground Information I Section I - Populqtionr Housing, Agricultural, Economic & Regional Tren vii TIOGA COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN List of Maps Map 1 Population Percent Change for Tioga County Municipalities 1950-2000 Map 2-1 Tioga County Existing Land Use Map 2-2 Tioga County Forest Cover Map 2-3 Tioga County Physiographic Regions Map 2-4 Tioga County Topographic Position Map 2-5 Tioga County Streams & Watersheds Map 2-5a Tioga County Major Watersheds and Stream Quality Map 2-6 Tioga County Hydrology Map 2-7 Tioga County Soil Map Map 2-8 Tioga County Soil Suitability for On-lot Sewage Disposal Map 2-9 Tioga County Wetlands Map 2-10 Tioga County Important Farmland Soils Map 2-11 Tioga County Geologic Map Map 2-12 Tioga County Development Limitations Map 2-13 Tioga County Agricultural Security Map 3-1 Tioga County Regional Location Map 4-1 County and Municipal Government Facilities, Community Centers Map 4-2 Tioga County Emergency Services Map 4-3 Tioga County Parks and Recreation Lands ... Vlll Map 4-4 Tioga County School Districts and Schools Map 4-5 Tioga County Utility System Services Areas Map 4-6 Tioga County Zip Code Regions and Post Offices Map 4-7 Tioga County Phone Exchanges Map 4-8 Citizen Surveys 2003 Map 6-1 AADT Traffic Volumes for Tioga County Tioga County Future Land Use Map Tioga County Highway Classification Plan Map PennDOT 12 Year Highway Program Map Tioga County Economic Development Infrastructure Tioga County Planning Regions ix TIOGA COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN List of Tables and Charts Table 1-1 Tioga County Business Patterns 1976 By Industry Table 1-2 Tioga County Business Patterns 2001 By Industry Code Table 1-3 Population Change 1990-2000 for Tioga County and Regional Counties Table 1-4 Age Profile For Tioga County, Regional Counties and Pennsylvania 1990-2000 Table 1-5 Income Profile For Tioga County, Regional Counties and Pennsylvania 1990- 2000 Table 1-6 Median Mortgage and Rent For Tioga County, Regional Counties and Pennsylvania 2000 Table 2-1 Existing Land Use Summary Table 4-1 Summary of Planning Surveys - 2003 Table 5-1 Major Revenue Sources Tioga County 1998-2002 Table 5-2 Major Expenditure Sources Tioga County 1998-2002 Table 5-3 Tioga County Revenue/Expenditure Summary 1986-2002 Table 5-4 Tioga County Per Capita Indicators 1986-2002 Table 5-5 Tioga County Millage and Tax History Table 6-1 Road Mileage Statistics - Tioga County Municipalities Table 6-2 Transportation Mode to Work Table 6-3 Travel Time to Work Table 6-4 Mean Travel Time To Work for Tioga County Municipalities Table 6-5 Journey to Work Destinations 2000 for Tioga County Residents X Table 6-6 Pl.ace of Residence 2000 For Persons Employed in Tioga County Table 6-7 2003-2014 Twelve Year Program for Tioga County Chart 1-1 Tioga County Population 18 10-2000 Chart 1-2 Tioga County Age Distribution 1990 & 2000 Chart 1-3 Tioga County Housing Units 1970-2000 Chart 1-4 Tioga County Housing By Tenure 2000 Chart 1-5 Tioga County Population Per Household 1970-2000 Chart 1-6 Age of Housing for Tioga County Chart 1-7 Tioga County Housing Values 2000 Chart 1-8 Mortgage and Selected Monthly Owner Costs Chart 1-9 Number of Farms Tioga County 1959 to 1997 Chart 1-10 Land In Farms Tioga County 1959-1997 Chart 1-11 Average Size of Farms Tioga County 1959-1997 Chart 1-12 Farm Size Distribution Tioga County 1997 Chart 1-13 Harvested Cropland Tioga County 1959-1997 Chart 1-14 Average Value of Land & Buildings Tioga County 1959 to 1997 Chart 1-15 Market Value of Products Sold All Farms Tioga County 1959- 1997 Chart 1-16 Per Farm Market Value of Products Sold Tioga County 1959- 1997 Chart 1-17 Labor Force Profile Chart 1-18 Labor Force By Industry Type Chart 1-19 Total Wage Earning Employees 1964-2001 xi Chart 1-20 Tioga County Total Annual Wages 1964-200 1 Chart 1-21 Total Wage Paying Establishments Tioga County 1964-200 1 Chart 1-22 Regional Population Growth 1990-2000 Chart 1-23 Population With Bachelor’s Degree or Higher For Regional Counties 2000 Chart 1-24 Population With High School Diploma For Regional Counties 2000 Chart 1-25 Regional Minority Population 2000 Chart 1-26 Median Per Capita Income For Regional Counties 2000 Chart 1-27 Median Family Income For Regional Counties 2000 Chart 1-28 Poverty Status 1999 For Families Chart 1-29 Unemployment Rate 2000 Chart 1-30 Median Home Value 2000 Chart 1-3 1 Seasonal Dwelling Units 2000 - Number Chart 1-32 Seasonal Dwelling Units 2000 - Percent of Total Units Chart 1-33 Growth In Employment 1989-200 1 Chart 1-34 Percentage Growth In Total Wages 1989-200 1 Chart 1-35 Change in Number of Employers 1989-200 1 Chart 1-36 Wages Per Employee 2001 Chart 4- 1 Time Lived In Region Chart 4-2 Primary Occupation Chart 4-3 Areas of Concern Chart 4-4 Priorities for Planning Our Future Chart 4-5 Service Rating .. x11 Chart 6- 1 Means of Transportation to Work - Tioga County - 2000 Chart 6-2 Travel Time to Work - Tioga County - 2000 Census ... Xlll Introduction The Tioea County Comprehensive Plan - Background Act 170 of 1988 amended the Municipalities Planning Code to require counties which have not prepared comprehensive plans to do so within three years of February 21, 1989. It was with this mandate in mind that the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) offered grant funds to Tioga County in 2001 to undertake the preparation of its first complete comprehensive plan. While there were some portions of plans undertaken in the 1970’s, this project is the first complete comprehensive plan undertaken by the County. Approximately 75% of the funding is from the Pennsylvania’s Growing Greener initiative. In addition local match of in-kind services and cash hnds were provided by Tioga County. Another factor which contributed to advancement of the project was the establishment of the Tioga County Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Department. The Department was created in 2001 with three major responsibilities including: 1) the 91 1 re-addressing project, 2) new tax maps and 3) geographic information data base for Tioga County. The GIS mapping support provided to the comprehensive plan was an invaluable asset to the effort. A strong interest in community planning in Tioga County was felt perhaps due to the anticipated impacts of upgrading Route 15 to interstate (1-99) highway standards through northern Pennsylvania. Other identified community issues included concerns about the ongoing growth of housing in rural areas and the changing face of agriculture in the County. As a result three comprehensive plan projects were eventually approved including: The Lower Tioga River Valley Comprehensive Plan, Mansfield Area Economic Study, which evolved into the Mansfield Borough, Richmond Township and Covington Township Comprehensive Plan and the Tioga County Comprehensive Plan. Included within the County Comprehensive Plan is a subtask to prepare a Comprehensive Plan for the Northeast Tioga County municipalities of Jackson, Rutland and Sullivan Townships and Roseville Borough. Each of these multi-municipal planning documents have more detail from a local perspective and are available for use at the community level. A Comprehensive Plan is a policy statement and is not an enforceable Ordinance or regulation The Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan is a planning document, including text, charts, graphs and maps, adopted by the County Commissioners as a policy guideline to decisions regarding the physical development of a county over a 10-20 year period. It is considered as a tool or mechanism through which a County identifies its goals and objectives for the future and establishes practical strategies to achieve those goals. It is meant for use by the Commissioners, County staff, municipal officials and other government agencies, authorities, private citizens and the business community. A Plan provides a framework for county decisions relating to land use, housing, transportation, community facilities and utilities and other community-related issues. Comprehensive Municipal Planning is an orderly process or activity through which a county attempts to correct present problems or issues, and address its future development. This report will collect, compile and analyze data relevant to the past, present and future of Tioga County. Legal Status of the County Commehensive Plan Any Comprehensive Plan is a policy statement and is not an enforceable Ordinance or regulation. However, the Municipalities Planning Code does require, after the adoption of a County Comprehensive Plan, that a review opportunity be granted to the county planning agency by the Commissioners before it takes action on certain types of activities.
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