May 23, 2015 (Pages 2447-2580)

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May 23, 2015 (Pages 2447-2580) Pennsylvania Bulletin Volume 45 (2015) Repository 5-23-2015 May 23, 2015 (Pages 2447-2580) Pennsylvania Legislative Reference Bureau Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Pennsylvania Legislative Reference Bureau, "May 23, 2015 (Pages 2447-2580)" (2015). Volume 45 (2015). 21. This May is brought to you for free and open access by the Pennsylvania Bulletin Repository at Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Volume 45 (2015) by an authorized administrator of Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law Digital Repository. Volume 45 Number 21 Saturday, May 23, 2015 • Harrisburg, PA Pages 2447—2580 Agencies in this issue The Governor The Courts Delaware River Basin Commission Department of Agriculture Department of Banking and Securities Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs Department of Environmental Protection Department of General Services Department of Health Department of Transportation Fish and Boat Commission Independent Regulatory Review Commission Insurance Department Liquor Control Board Milk Marketing Board Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Philadelphia Parking Authority Philadelphia Regional Port Authority Public School Employee’s Retirement Board State Board of Auctioneer Examiners State Board of Nursing State Conservation Commission Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Detailed list of contents appears inside. Latest Pennsylvania Code Reporter (Master Transmittal Sheet): Pennsylvania Bulletin Pennsylvania No. 486, May 2015 TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY Attn: 800 Church Rd. W. 17055-3198 PA Mechanicsburg, FRY COMMUNICATIONS, INC. COMMUNICATIONS, FRY CUT ON DOTTED LINES AND ENCLOSE IN AN ENVELOPE CHANGE NOTICE/NEW SUBSCRIPTION If information on mailing label is incorrect, please email changes to [email protected] or mail to: mail or [email protected] to changes email please incorrect, is label mailing on information If (City) (State) (Zip Code) label) mailing on name above number digit (6 NUMBER CUSTOMER NAME INDIVIDUAL OF NAME—TITLE OFFICE ADDRESS (Number and Street) (City) (State) (Zip The Pennsylvania Bulletin is published weekly by Fry PENNSYLVANIA Communications, Inc. for the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- BULLETIN nia, Legislative Reference Bureau, 641 Main Capitol Build- (ISSN 0162-2137) ing, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120, under the policy supervision and direction of the Joint Committee on Docu- ments under 4 Pa.C.S. Part II (relating to publication and effectiveness of Commonwealth documents). The subscrip- tion rate is $82.00 per year, postpaid to points in the United States. Individual copies are $2.50. Checks for subscriptions and individual copies should be made payable to ‘‘Fry Communications, Inc.’’ Periodicals postage paid at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Postmaster send address changes to: Orders for subscriptions and other circulation matters FRY COMMUNICATIONS, Inc. should be sent to: Attn: Pennsylvania Bulletin 800 West Church Road Fry Communications, Inc. Attn: Pennsylvania Bulletin Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055-3198 800 West Church Road (717) 766-0211 ext. 2340 Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055-3198 (800) 334-1429 ext. 2340 (toll free, out-of-State) (800) 524-3232 ext. 2340 (toll free, in State) Copyright ௠ 2015 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Editorial preparation, composition, printing and distribution of the Pennsylvania Bulletin is effected on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by FRY COMMUNICATIONS, Inc., 800 West Church Road, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylva- nia 17055-3198. 2449 CONTENTS THE GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROGRAMS EXECUTIVE ORDERS Notices State Emergency Operations Plan .................2455 Pennsylvania Advisory Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse meeting..................................2487 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION THE COURTS Notices ALLEGHENY COUNTY RULES Applications, actions and special notices............2487 Local rule of judicial administration 1901—prompt Bid opportunity (2 documents) .....................2556 disposition of matters; termination of inactive Federal consistency under the Coastal Zone Man- agement Act; Spring Garden Street waterfront cases—civil division matters only; administrative rehabilitation project............................2557 doc. No. AD-2015-74-PJ .........................2464 Small Water Systems Technical Assistance Center JUDICIAL SYSTEM GENERAL PROVISIONS Board additional meeting........................2557 Amendments to rules of organization and procedure Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting cancella- tion ............................................2557 of the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; order No. 77 ......................2457 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES LOCAL COURT RULES Notices Lease office space to the Commonwealth ...........2558 Northampton County Administrative order 2015-1; family law rule DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1915.19: co-parent education program; C-48-CV- Notices 2015-3645 ......................................2464 Applications for exception: Administrative order 2015-3; C-48CV2015-2333 .....2465 Geisinger Medical Center, Geisinger Outpatient Surgery—Woodbine ...........................2558 PHILADELPHIA RULES Twin Rivers Endoscopy Center...................2558 Adoption of a compliance program for the Philadel- UPMC Hamot ..................................2558 phia Municipal Court Traffic Division; administra- Laboratories approved to determine blood alcohol tive doc. No. 01 of 2015 .........................2461 content under The Clinical Laboratory Act, the Vehicle Code, the Fish and Boat Code and the RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE Game and Wildlife Code; corrective update to Order amending Rules 1920.17, 1920.31, 1920.33, 2014 notice .....................................2559 1920.42, 1920.54, 1920.55-2, 1920.71, 1920.72 and Long-term care nursing facilities; request for excep- 1920.75 of the Rules of Civil Procedure; No. 622 tion ............................................2559 civil procedural rules doc. .......................2457 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Notices Automated Red Light Enforcement Transportation EXECUTIVE AND INDEPENDENT Enhancement Grants Program applications.......2560 Contemplated sale of land no longer needed for AGENCIES transportation purposes (2 documents) ...........2560 DELAWARE RIVER BASIN COMMISSION FISH AND BOAT COMMISSION Notices Notices Public hearing and business meeting...............2480 Addition to list of Class A wild trout waters ........2560 Classification of wild trout streams; additions to DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE list.............................................2561 Notices INDEPENDENT REGULATORY REVIEW Fertilizer nutrient values..........................2484 COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF BANKING AND SECURITIES Notices Notices Notice of comments issued ........................2561 Actions on applications............................2486 Notice of filing of final rulemakings ................2562 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL INSURANCE DEPARTMENT RESOURCES Notices Application for approval to acquire control of Home- Notices stead Insurance Company .......................2563 Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Highmark, Inc.; proposed rate increase for several Council meeting ................................2487 LTC forms (2 documents)........................2563 Available Online at PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 45, NO. 21, MAY 23, 2015 2450 Insurance coverages or risks eligible for export by PHILADELPHIA REGIONAL PORT AUTHORITY the Insurance Commissioner.....................2563 Notices MedAmerica Insurance Company; proposed rate in- crease for several LTC forms ....................2564 Request for bids ..................................2578 Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau; work- PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEE’S RETIREMENT ers’ compensation rule filing; revised appeals BOARD procedure and separate payroll records def- inition .........................................2564 Notices Review procedure hearings; cancellation or refusal Hearing scheduled ................................2578 of insurance ....................................2564 STATE BOARD OF AUCTIONEER EXAMINERS LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD Rules and Regulations Proposed Rulemaking Schedule of fees ..................................2466 Discount pricing practices .........................2478 Posting requirements for extension ................2479 STATE BOARD OF NURSING MILK MARKETING BOARD Notices Notices Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs v. Kimberly Jo Hurley, LPN; file No. 14-51-08784; Sunshine meeting calendar for fiscal year 2015-2016 ......................................2565 doc. No. 1547-51-2014 ...........................2578 PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION STATE CONSERVATION COMMISSION Rules and Regulations Notices Household goods in use carriers and property carri- Action on odor management plans for concentrated ers.............................................2468 animal operations and concentrated animal feed- ing operations and volunteers complying with the Notices Commonwealth’s Facility Odor Management Pro- Service of notice of motor carrier applications.......2566 gram...........................................2578 Service of notice of motor carrier formal complaints . 2566 PHILADELPHIA PARKING AUTHORITY THADDEUS STEVENS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Notices
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