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The Drug Conviction? UWM See Page 5 The Drug conviction? UWM see page 5 Volume 45, Number 12 The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee November 22, 2000 January meeting set to discuss neighborhood concerns Nathan Kostiuk problem feel with some policy Features Editor adjustments the neighborhood can be restored to its prior con­ The University of dition. Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Secondly, owner-occupan­ Department of University cy is rapidly on the decline, Relations has been keeping up causing residents to become its commitment to the residents active in curbing the problems and homeowners in the imme­ at their root. This inevitably diate area just south of the uni­ brings them to the university's : :• M versity. Sli!!:; doorstep. Residents of the area rough­ The proposal: What to do ly between Downer Ave. and about the future the Milwaukee River, and Kenwood Blvd. to Locust St. The draft plan proposed by were invited to UWM Oct. 23 the Department of University to further discuss the state of Relations under Assistant the neighborhood. Work has Chancellor Sandra Hoeh-Lyon been ongoing since the October was first held last June in for­ meeting. mal discussions and the work With what almost everyone carried over to the October meeting. at the meeting can agree was a Maryland Avenue, a point of contention for students and neighborhood dismal student turnout, resi­ Research is still being done residents. Post photo Tim Zwettler dents, scholars and administra­ in many of the areas of the plan tors rehashed the commitments accountable and want some that a fundamental change is This change has two impor­ and the working group will be they made to one another in a reparatory action. taking place. Absentee land­ tant facets. meeting again in January, to proposal dating back to June. Many of the homeowners lordism is on the rise, and there First, it is a recent problem. discuss the findings. There are It began when a local group have lived in the area for is a direct relationship between Residents use this to counter a number of actions that have called MICAH (Milwaukee decades and say they have that increase and the problems the 'if you don't like the noise, been discussed since the early Innercity Congregations Allied cohabitated with students in the residents are complaining you shouldn't live by the air­ months of the project. for Hope) brought to the UWM relative harmony until recently. about, said D'Amato. port' analogy unsympathetic There are a number of dif­ administration's attention that In previous interviews, the The problems range from students often give. The neigh­ ferent ways in the proposal to residents and homeowners feel borhood didn't always look district's Alderman, Michael students allegedly vandalizing See Neighborhood their neighborhood is deterio­ D'Amato who lives with fami­ property to chronic excessive like this say MICAH and oth­ rating. They hold the university ly in the defined area, has said noise. ers, and those working on the page 3 UW economic summit crucial for 'new Wisconsin economy' say officials Analisa Drew shifts in the growth and com­ "New Economy." past, the results of university ly voted for the act. He News Editor position of income are signifi­ At the forefront of the crit­ research were considered pub­ explained that he got a phone cantly changing Wisconsin's ics' concerns is the Bayh-Dole lic property. call from the president of the The first ever Wisconsin economic landscape, the sum­ Act and its effects on the role Leonard Minsky, author of University of Wisconsin, who Economic Summit, a high- mit says it will identify oppor­ of universities. They charge the essay "Dead Souls: The followed up by meeting him level statewide convention tunities and strategies for that through this act the univer­ Aftermath of Bayh-Dole" in for lunch and pressing him to designed to create a strategic strengthening Wisconsin's sities are no longer the centers the book Campus, Inc.: vote for the act," Minsky plan for the UW System in the place in the emerging global for public learning, which at Corporate Power in the Ivory writes. "New Economy," will be held economic framework, drawing one point stressed academic Tower, talks about the UW The UW president in Nov. 29-Dec. 1 at the Midwest upon partnerships and expert­ freedom and the openness and System's relation to this act. December of 1980, when the Express Center, located at 400 ise in the business community, common ownership of intellec­ "Bayh-Dole was passed act was passed, was Robert M. W. Wisconsin Ave. education, labor, and govern­ tual property. They charge that because powerful interests— O'Neil. The UW Board of Regents ment. universities are quickly becom­ the multinationals—success­ An interesting point to and the University of According to the summit's ing centers for corporate profit. fully concealed their eagerness some of the critics is that the Wisconsin System, in partner­ website, "The UW is a neutral, At the heart of the Bayh- for its passage by hiding UW System Trust Fund owned ship with hundreds of individu­ yet essential partner" for build­ Dole Act is something called behind the very willing and $1.25 million in Kimberly als and businesses across the ing Wisconsin's future econo­ "technology transfer." As one very much more respectable Clark Corporation stock in state, are sponsoring the event. my. commentator defined it, "the university presidents who lob­ 1997. Jay Smith, speaker at the The three-day summit will be Some people, however, transfer of research results to bied on their behalf. The con­ summit and president of the the culmination of regional hardly think the university is a the commercial sector." What it gress that passed the act scarce­ board of regents for the UW activities occurring across neutral partner. does essentially is allow corpo­ ly understood its implications System, is CEO of JLS Wisconsin in the past few Besides members of the rate control of new patents and and few congressmen or sena­ Investment Group. He has also months. UW System Board of Regents inventions created through uni­ tors had knowledgeable staff to served on the board of directors Claiming that the globaliza­ having great monetary interest versity-based, publicly funded explain it to them," writes for Marshal & Ilsey Bank in tion of markets, the influence in some of the companies that research. This means that tax­ Minsky. addition to holding a great deal and penetration of technology, will be present at the summit, payer money is being used for "One senator, a longtime See Summit critics are questioning the role free research and development opponent of this kind of give­ projected trends in worker paae 2 availability, and significant the university is to play in the for these companies. In the away, was asked why he final­ November 22, 2000 NEWS The UWM Post Summit from Tommy Thompson's campaign administrators and professors. According to Ajita to more than $1 billion. page 1 funds, according to state Presenting and speaking Talwalker, Student Association Cisco Systems is the world­ records. will be numerous CEOs and president at UWM, the UW wide leader in networking for of monetary interest in the The summit will be built representatives from large cor­ campuses have each offered the Internet, and is the fastest bank. Regent Toby Markovich around seven key topics: porations, including Cisco scholarships to a couple of stu­ growing company in the histo­ in 1997 owned more than • Building Quality Jobs Systems, Johnson Wax, dent leaders at each campus. ry of the computer industry. Its $50,000 in Kimberly Clark • Enlarging Venture Kimberly Clark Corporation, Talwalker expressed a wish, market capitalization of more Corporation stock. Regent Jose Capital Investment Marshal & Ilsley Corporation, however, that more students than $300 billion makes it the Olivieri was a representative of • Improving the JLS Investment Group, could attend the summit. third highest valued company S.C. Johnson & Son as of June Regulatory Climate Integrated Systems Group, "They should have offered in the world. 1998. Regent Jo Anne Brandes • Educating the Workforce Silicon Logic Engineering, a discount rate for students," Cisco was also one of the has worked extensively for • Improving Wisconsin's S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc, said Talwalker. main corporate sponsors for the S.C. Johnson & Son and owned Fiscal Future and Alliant Energy, Blue Cross & Keynote speakers include Seattle meeting of the World more than $50,000 worth of Entrepreneurial Climate Blue Shield United of Wisconsin native John P. Trade Organization in stock in the company as of • Enhancing Key Wisconsin, Harley Davidson Morgridge, chairman of the November of 1999. 1997. Regent Fred Mohs has Infrastructures Motor Company, Madison Gas board of Cisco Systems and a To register please call (414) served on the Madison Gas & • Building a Distinctive & Electric, and many others. graduate of the University of 227-3200, or register online Electric Company's board of Brand/Image to Position One voice representing work­ Wisconsin-Madison. He will and visit the summit's website ers' issues will be David directors. Wisconsin as a Technology and address "New Economy" chal­ at: /sum- Newby, president of the All of these companies will Fast-Growing Jobs Leader. lenges and opportunities faced mit/index.htm The cost'is $149 Wisconsin State AFL-CIO. by Wisconsin. Morgridge, who per person. have speaking representatives Thompson and other elect­ will speak Dec. 1, joined Cisco at the summit. In addition, ed representatives will speak at The UW System offered a in 1988 as president and CEO. many members on the board of the summit. Also speaking will few student scholarships for During his tenure, the compa­ regents have contributed thou­ be UWM Chancellor Nancy the summit, which has a rather ny's sales grew from $5 million sands of dollars to Governor Zimpher, as well as other steep admission price of $149.
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