Springfield Franconia ❖ Kingstowne ❖ Newington Page 8 Classified, Page 16 Classified, ❖ An End To Sports, Page 12 ❖ Homelessness? Nurse Practitioner Lori McLean, a member of the Fairfax County 10-Year Mission, Page 3 Calendar, Page 7 Health Department, reaches out to the homeless community to get homeless individuals and families connected with Fairfax County’s Community Health Care Network. She travels with basic first aid supplies to pro- vide on-the-spot assistance to anyone who might request services. One of her ‘regular’ clients Al gives her a hug and thanks for the over the counter pain medicine she has given him at his request. PERMIT #86 PERMIT Martinsburg, WV Martinsburg, PAID U.S. Postage U.S. PRSRT STD PRSRT Photo by Deb Cobb/The Connection Photo www.ConnectionNewspapers.comAugust 18-24, 2011 online at www.connectionnewspapers.comSpringfield Connection ❖ August 18-24, 2011 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Springfield Connection ❖ August 18-24, 2011 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Springfield Connection Editor Michael O’Connell 10-Year Mission 703-778-9416 or
[email protected] Can Fairfax End Homelessness? Making Fairfax County A Plan dedicates resources, The Connection energy, services to its examines Fairfax 10-year mission. plan to prevent, Photos by Photos end homelessness. By Victoria Ross The Connection Deb Cobb t seems like a naïve goal. Poverty n Fairfax County, approximately one Ihas been around forever, and the in every 700 people is homeless. homeless, no matter how pros- IThat’s less than 1 percent of the 1 /The Connection perous a nation or a county might be, million people who live in a county seem to be omnipresent.