
RED BANK REGISTER Ittueii Weekly. Enttr«d u S«cond-CU»* M*tt*r *t the Poit- VOLUME XLVI, NO. 24. otnce at Red Dank, N. J., under tb« Act of Miircli 3d, 167'J. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY^DECEMBER 19, 1923. $1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES 1 TO FOR STARVING CHILDREN. AN ISLAND IN THE RIVER. BLIND BUT HE STILL WORKS. SAYS SHE WAS SWINDLED. GIFT PARTY FOR BRIDE CONCERT CLEARS OVER $200. GOT YOUR LICENSE YET? WILL BURY CAR TRACKS, Stephen Schultz Buys a Loom and Fin* Performance at the High Starts a Rug Buiiness. School Auditorium Last Week. NEW ERA SOCIETY CLEARED DEEPENING OF CHANNEL MRS. EMMA MeCLEES BOUGHT SHOWER LAST WEEK FOR MRS. IF YOU HAVEN'T YOU'D BET- ANOTHER BROKEN LINK tH':] Stephen Schultz of Linden place The Woman's club of Red Bank $1,000 BY BIG PARTY. WOULD PROVIDE ONE. WORTHLESS STOCK. THEODORE MOSS. TER MOVE PRONTO. NEW TROLLEY PROJECT. ^ has gone blind, ilia eyesight be- Z. i presented a fine costume recital to The Monty Will be Sent to Germany Plain is to Form Island by Dumping came bad several months ago and it Sixty Friends Surprised Her I the music lovers of tho town and j There's Going to bo a Lot of Dis Middletown Township CommltUal for Suffering Children There— Dredged Material in River Near has gradually got 'worse until now j Her Out of $24,000—Two New ] al Her Home Tuesday Night of ! vicinity last Thursday right at the j appointed Autoitti If Car Owners Will Cover Tracks on Main Stf««| Mayor Miller Commend! Work of Railroad Bridge—Plan DUcutfed lie is totally unable to see. He hati i Yorker* ArrestedS as Result of I Last Week—Party Arranged by ' high school auditorium. The con-' Dont Apply in Greater Numbers at Belford With Cindnta—Te I«s*V& the New Era Society. • t Meeting Friday Night. bought a loom for making raK rugs • Clever Detective Work. j Miss Martina Healy. ceft was given by Miss Klcanor Than They Have Been Doing. prove Jitney Bus Route, . --^ and weaving carpets- and he has j The New Era society of Red A meeting to discuss the deepen- Mr.s. Emmu J. McClees of River-1 A surprise miscellaneous shower 1 Shaw and Fred Sheffield Child of started a rug and carpet business in | ] Autoista who have not got licenses Herman C. Sehlichtinir and Wf"| Bank will send $1,000 to Germany ing of the channel in the North bide drive in Middletown township, j was given on Tuesday night of last the Aeolian company. Two grand yet had belter got busy in the m-xtlawyer, Henry D. Brinlcy, were ' a building btu-k of his house. Miss : before Christmas for the benefit of Shrewsbury river was held in .J,)ie near llud Bank, was swindled out of I week" for Mrs. Thco'dore Moss o£ pianos wore used,,.one of them be- fcw days or thc.y v,(,r,tl.i(ll, „„ K(,w- fon, th'e Midflletown township COW*,*! Mary Springer, who is ronnevted j : •tawing t'hildrcn of that country. office of the Sigmund Eisner com- with the state commission for the i$24,000 ,and Charles Harmon qf i East Front street, who before her ing aplayer piano. The auditorium , years day, mittcc last Thursday nigbt »t tsMJ} ;i Ocean Grove was swindled out of. | marriage Miss 1'aulinc Lang, was filled and thc applause was fre- The society sent $400 to that coun- pany Friday night, The meeting blind, has been (jiving Mr. Schults j This is the word that comes from request of the. committee. Ml*^;^ $11,000, according to charges which ! Mrs. Moss i invited out to a din- quent and hearty. try last week and the balance will was attended by a committee repre- lessons in thin work and her pupil is ' ™, . ,.,,,. . ; Ed. vonKattengell'a on the corner Schlichting is the- owner of tH© ol»--; *c sent this week. senting those who are in favor of have resulted in the arrest of two j I in her absence the Th now very adept. Miss Springer The recital was divided into four jo f Monmouth sui.ct ,,„,, M ,„ „„.. Re(1 BllTlk and Keyport trolley lln«.^ the improvement and another com- 1 York men and which will prob- I guests arrived and decorated the parts This rp/mcy, was cleared by a sup- states that she has never taught any rts, representing four periods of nu wh ^^ an ^^ }-_: ;(ml t))cc ,)mmiltee hadhi m ,t fa ,; mittee representing property owners fer and dance Tuesday night of last »bly result in other arrests. There i house in pink and white. Upon re- American dress. !„ each part the c(.nsM .^ ; , o||(. f]oKQr lhan m,,(,tinr with r<,intion to improvta* 5 along the river who are opposed to one who scemiM anxious to is a possibility that tho victims will turning homo Mrs. Moss was. greeted performers wore the clothes which', week in the Kridcl building. There learn and never hud a pupil win were present about 360 persons, of the project. The committee in fa- gel their-money back, or a least get '. by her friends. She was the recipi- were in fashion at that period. Cos-.| owners show a rhange of attitudn Schlichting's trackn run through th# vor of. thi! project is composed of learned more quickly or efficiently. some of their money back. The al-1 ent of many gifts including linen, tumes such as these were worn at whom 200 had supper. The supper Mr. Schultz has been one of the there is goinpr to lie a lot of disap-'center of that street and It is ilH« Sigmund Eisner, Charles P. Irwin, leged swindlers are said to be silverware, cut glass and fancy ar- receptions in 1800, ] 850, 1880 and was prepared and served by thirty hardest working men in this section. pointed people. Putting off apply- • possible to improve the street WiWl4 Joseph Salz nml J. B. Pharo of Red wealthy. ticles. Music and singing were, en- the present time. The changes of women and it wus so fine that the At one time he was a farmer nt ing for a licen:^ is sure to result in i out making some change to th4 wamen were showered with compli- Bank, and Mayor C. E. F. Hctrjck It'was principally through clever joyed and a collation, was served. costume at the recital were quickly! a jam and peopln will have to stand I tracks. • ' . of Asbury Park. The property OWM- . Later he moved to Red made and there were no long waits; If.ents on their culinary skill. ! detective work by J. B. Rue of RedA large cake was cut and each guest ir. line for hours to get licenses, ' -After a long discussion Mlft ers' committee is composed of J. G. Bank and worked during the day- between the parts. | In connection with the affair a that the two arrests were received a piece. One of the pieces The manner of issuing licenses is i Schlichting said he would not obj€Ct •>. Timolatv-W. Strothevs Jones, Wil- time as janitor of various buildings.. ; ma(jc j»ort program was given and there One arrest took place about contained a ring, and it is said that Classical and popular songs were' very different from previous years.! if the committee jmt cinders on tffp liam B. Kihney, F. C. Earle and J,| Nights he worked at Child's bakery. was apccchmaldng. The speakers a month ago and the other was made the ring was a symbol to the guest sung by Mr. Child, who has a fine i Eacj.. h applicant for a license must, of the tracks. ThiVfiettled the mat* F. Collins. The chief objection on For years he kept up these long ilast Thursdays In both instances who received it 'that she. was to ho.:enor voice, while Miss Shaw and «vcre introduced by Carl Munch, the working hours and frequently he make; out his or her own application ; ter and the committeerhen told, yresidont of the society. One of the pnrt of some of the property ;: the, arrests were the result of Mr. married soon. Miss Laura Barrett of [had no more than four hours of 1 and to avoid delay each applicant' Frank Scott, supervisor of roads, -to the principal addresses waa made by ] owners aloni; thc river is that thc Uue's efforts. Maple avenue found the ring. The sic. Misa Shaw and Mr. Child out of every 24. He has n should bo informed on nil the ques-: get busy immediately with the cin* Mayor Archibald L. Miller. Ho said river frdnts ol their propctics will ' Mrs. McClees lost her $24,000 by shower waa arranged by Miss Mar- had given a concert in Red Bank tions w);ich it is necessary to answer i ders. Mr. Schlichling said that ii large family of children. tina Healy. the war was ovsr and that bygones hi. injured by the clumping of the j investing it in stock in a company a year or two ago and the large at- on these cards. This year's license j the spring he would tnko up th« tendance this year was due should bo byfroncs; that America dredged material along thc shores. The guestfi were Misses Beatrice n-! tracks and re-lay them on top of th« FROM NEWSBOY TO LAWYER. pally to the fine performance then should show its big heartenncBa and One of the plans diseus.sed Friday ^J^tco^i aU Rafferty, Bertha Donahue, Margaret formation, but there is one question ] road, as he expected to have gascn its sympathy for the unfortunate in night viou.ldt »mvide fur the dump- Samuel Sobel Passed the Bar Exam- accounts the Trix company was full Ryan, Laura Barrett, Catherine and overy land. The mayor stated that ing of ti« i&sdgcd matter in the ination Last Week. of tricks. Misa Sarah McClees, Mildred Fields, Marion Leddy, An^ia ho could not commend too strongly river, forW.ii,? an island just east of daughter of Mra, Emma McClees, Higgins, Grace and Agnes Hackett, the railroad bridge i ml extending Samuel Sobel, son of Louis Sobel says that some men who were try- Ella and Martina Healy, Anna the work which the New Era society jnd of; Linden place, is now full- payment down the river a col lidcrable dis- ing to sell stock in the company Dowd, Agnes Dwycr, Katherine are those which was. doing for the little- unfortun- l lid lights. The law regarding lenses \ $0,500. He stated that within »i tance. This island w aid be bulk- fledged lawyer. He passed the barstopped more than a year ago at theDTjyer, Helen Maloney, Dorothy oftenest. The classical music on ates of Germany nnd. that he was examination last week and next was changed last year. Anyone'-, week ha would pay the balance. Mr» proud there was such an organiza- headed and would be nverted into Smoke Shop, a_ Red Bank restaurant Mosa, Amelia McDerrnott, Gertrude the pianos, was appreciated, especial- week he will have his lvrst case- at conducted by Miss McClees. The O'Brien, Marie and Annie O'Con- ly by lovers of technical music, but who goes to tao license agency with i Schlichting had with him a tion at Red Bank doing humanitar- a public park. Chai 9 P. Irwin lenses not sanctioned.'by law i which he said waa a receipt for tkti was designated by the c mmittec to Newark, where he is associated with men wanted to sell stock in the con-!nor, Bertha Powers, Calista Powers, the popular songs were appreciated ian work. He declared that this was the law business of Simon M. Sceley. not get a license but will be sent~$9,5O0 whici h ho had paidi . No fB*# real Americanism.s The mayor got look into this plan and io consider corn to Miss McClees, but she re- , Mae Quigley, Adelaide Weller, Col- by everyone and drew the heartiest) By a coineider.L-e Mr. Sobel's oppon- lenses_ Thg to see it. other. plans for disposing of the p lette Quigley, Nellie Quigley, Bea- a big lot of applause. ent in this t ;ise will, be his lawi fused to buy, stating that she had commendation. Ot these populari^y"^V'jf^ej h app|icant m!ik'<,\ It was reported by Herbert dredged material. trice Valentine and Teresa Valen- Edward Ford was another npeak- teacher... no faith in the concern. Miss Mc- songs "The Battl« Hymn of the Re- out hi••a or he- r application- s will rc-'Postcn, one of the committee-men* ,er. He described the sulfcringi of Cloes says the men were dressed in tine, Mrs. Joseph Cooper, Mrs. public," which was sung with great quire more time than was the case' and by Howard W. Roberta, tlii, TRIBUTE TO MELV1N A. RICE. Next year Mr. ."ubel will take a thc children of Germany and so tho height of style and everything Frank Leslie, Mrs. John P. Gaul, force,and feeling, received a spon- last year when the applications were [ township clerk, that General WH-" special course at Columbia college. about them betokened prosperity. Jr., Mrs. Joseph Fix, Jr., Mrs. Frank taneous and tumultuous outburst of dramatic wove, his romuiUs that Silent Prayer Offered for Him atAfter he graduates from that col- made out by experts in this line.: Ham Barclay Parsons of Locust They drove to the restaurant in a Reilly, Mrs. Harry Jackson, Mrs. applause. : ninny eyes wore wet among his lis- Normal School Dedication. lege he will be entitled to practice For this reason it is more necessary Point was trying to get a jitney bu« teners. Judge Schoenloin of Long de luxe automobile, with a chauf- William Maloney, Mrs. Raymond Miss Shaw and Mr. Child-are wmithan ^eve r ^Befor^e that applicants route started between Atlantic High* At the recent dedication of theSlaw in New York state as well us in Branch was nnother speaker. Ger- feur dressed us a coachman. Phillips, Mrs. Edward McDonough, frienda of Misse, Edith^ ami Helen houl(j. Ret busy a ,t once. lands and Rumson, by way of Nava- nssbovo normal school ii very high New Jersey, Failing to do business with Miss Mrs. Aloysius Patterson, Mrs,! Hoenigman of Broad street and they j trade Brothcrd, a Long Branch girl j t.fiij'uto was paid to Melvin A. Hice For the past three years he has The license agency which ow-a8 • sink and Locust Point. It waa said McClcc3, the men drove the. George Rciss, Mrs. Royal E. Moss were entertained at the Hoenigman formerly at Matawan has been abol-;that General Parsons had offered-to six years of aKe, gave, an ^hihitionJ, Xeon;^0^0™ ^Vdeal'lif "the been studying at thc Newark law and Mrs. James Vanpelt of Red : home during their stay in Red Bank, of fancy dancing that evoked a >»(fj ) j { education, who school and at the same time working ished and this will sand about 3,000 | finance such a route if any jitney lot of applause. Recitations were stat0 )Oiir( 0 rrcther. They were more fortunate 'Bank; Mrs. Edward Corcoran and (Miss Helen Hoenigman is chairman wus overcome by thc heat last July in Mr. Seeley's office. He is 22 autoists to Hod Bank to get licenses, jbus owner would accept this propo- Riven by Mrs. Edmond Nestler and with her than they were with her I, Misses Rose, and Margaret Sullivan of the program committee of theLast year more than 11,000 li- '.aition. when ho was making visits to thoyeai*3 old and only a few years ago Woman's club. The recital was un- Herman Fanta. daughter and they sold stock to her :of Middletown; Mra. Edward T. j censes wcro issued at Red Bank and < The rommltteemen said, they- did state schools in the northern partii he was a Register newsboy. He is der tho general direction of the Several things wcro disposed of to the extent of $2-1,000. Mrs. Me- I Healy of New Monmouth, Mrs. the amount of money involved was '• not think it would be fair to William 5 of. New Jersey. lie hasnot yet; ways nnd means committee of the on tho co-oporntive plan. OUR was Clees told nobody about her invest- -Charles Evold of Freehold, Misa over 5100,000. The agency will bo ] McLaughlin to let General Parsons: i||| fully recovered nlthoiiRh .he has , school. For three years ho was a club, of which Mrs. William A. Pat- 1 a slumber robo with a ten-dollar ment until a few months ago .when ; Ethel VanWinckle of Long Branch, closed Snndays, Christmas and New | *> this. Mr. McLaughlin runa jit- -'" greatly improved, and he was not' member of the debating class of the terson is chairman, • hill nnd a million mnrk pinned she became suspicious that she had j Misa Nan Mahon of Fair Haven, Years. At present it is open from j no? busses between Red Bank and at the dedication of tha Glassboro j school and during that period bis been swindled. Shs went before thc j Misa Florence Snyder of Eaton- The net proceeds of the concert, to it. John Aul won this prize. Al- normal school. Tho speakers told team won the debating chami.ionahip eight o'clock in the morning until-i Keyport and Red Bank and High- fred Prakclt -won a watch nnd Willis grand jury and tiaclo a complaint i town, Miss Amelia Carton of Ev- mounting to upwjuda of $200, wW five o'clock in the afternoon. From \ binds, through Middletown town- , of Mr. Rice's great work in hnprov- each yenr. During the world war he and the caso was put in Mr. Rue's : erett, Misses Josephine and Helen go' into tho mortgage fund of tho sni Hc Williams won a pair of geese, ing tho schools of the state, and de-p™s a four-rtinute speaker for the December 2Gth to December 29th ' P- was at the meeting of tiW hands, i Lang of Shrewsbury, Mrs. Jolvn,club. the hours will he from eight o'clock ' committee last Thursday night. Mr. clarcd that his sickness was due to j war stamp nnd thrift saving stamp Mr. Rue went to New York and 'Madden of Tinton Falls, Miss War- VICTIM OF A FOOL TRICK. ' overwork for the welfare of the j campaigns, in the morning until eight o'clock i McLaughlin said ho. did not want to i luing around the office of the Trix ^ven deVevgnies of Brooklyn and NEWS FROM BOYHOOD HOME. at night. On December NUt tho •l)e mean or nasty and that he dfdA children of New Jersey. At one ; ot wn to LittU Fair Viow Boy Goes lo Host 1 CARS IN A COLLISION. co'v.paiiy. He was as full of tricks!Mrs. Aloysius Quinn and Miss Ann Fred J. Smock of Canada Keeps in agency will be open from uitiht " "l imply Hint the comihlb-v stugo of thi dedicatory oxorciyos as'the company and it wasn't long ' Shields of New Brunswick, lce na rl n0 ; ht t:0 pital With Blood Poisoning. ''the proceeding,! were halted and a Touch with Red Bank Affairs. o'clock in the morning until ten ! - '' " pi'imit another Cadill and Ford Come Together before he had evidence \vhich result- William Noonan, thc little son of silent prayer was offered for Mr. Fred J. Smock, the vice president o'clock at night. Six men are cm- bus route to be atnrteij. But he did at Street Corner. ed i"n an arrest. Posing as i. rural HEALTHY RED BANK. Michael Noonan of Fair View, is at Rice's recovery. and manager of the Anchor Cap and itfoye.t], thres to help applicants and Want to serve notice right then and dweller without guile, Mr. Rue made tlirec to n llta thc Spring I,nl:o hospital undergo- A Cadillac, ear driven by Mrs. Not a Singlo Contagious Disease Closure corporation of Toronto, " °it- the license csrdj. there that if they ditl a!low another ing treatment for blood poisoning John S. Applcgato of Maple avenue the Trix company think he wus go- route to he est'ihlh-hcd he would pull FINED ,AND HELD IN BAIL. ing to buy $10,000 worth of their tho Community. Canada, whose boyhood years and i ~~ "*"' " jn his log. William was at. school and a Ford louring.car driven by At tlie present time there IB not a whose years of early manhood were j HUNTING IN THE SOUTH. up stakos and quit his transporta- a few days ago nnd n boy stuck Th.ii Punishment Inflicted on a Red Leniy fatten of Bridge avenue col- stock. He spent several days at the tion business. Ho said he thought city doing this and after he had ex-single case of contagious disease at spent in Red Bank, renowed his sub- him with a pin. The boy who Banker in a Belford Court. lided last; Tluu-sday afternoon Jit thc scription to The Register last week. Dr. William M. Thompson is TalcinIg? it, was only fair to the committee tracted all the information ho could Red Bank and all the quarantine . M .I.'. v.._.: i 1 pricked Willinpi with tho. pin stuck Fred Jones of (!:inipbell's Junc- eornrr of Bridge avenue and Oak- signs of the board of health- are His letter said that in his onth'. Vncation. " jam! fair to himself that ho should land street. The Ford was going ho opened his coat nnd showed his opinion the pin through the tip end of the tion and Garrclt Evani of Red Bank stored away unused. The board is 'The Red Bank Register, in its Dr. William M. Thompson of East • make this statement. south on llridge avenue and thebadge. Thon 'he arrested a man : Bole of his f.hoc. He rained his foot had each other arrested last week as the board of education to make-up, its general appearance and Front street left town last Friday The committee-men assured Mr. Cadillac was going west on Oakland named Collins, one of the alleged of- like someone kicking and tho pin I thc result of an automobile collision. tlift Sheick te which a final touch of bright and wholesome for a hunting trip in the South. MVLaughliu that he need have no street. Mrs, Applcg.ite's machine j ficer "o7'thD'''cerearcoinpan>r'col-! ^ f' » made a slight 5-erntch in William's Both cars wore hndly dnmnjred and S u checriness, makes a perfect n will be gone about a month. His fear on this score that they would after bitting the Ford jumped trie!1;118 ™s released $7,500 bail. jplan to vaccinate children against flesh. From this injury blood poi- each, driver claimed, that the other paper."In publishiiig'Vlie'Views,' it j'^adquartera will bo at Sumtor, , no' permit any ^other route to be' According to the made j diphtheria. The vaccine- is reputed soning developed. William will have i wns to blame. Thc henrings were curbing and ran into the sido of reports fully and fairly, without South Carolina, and he will m:ik started. Mr. McLaughlin said Gen- the Richmond building on the cor-agains, t him heposed financial | to make children immune from diph- y excursions) from that place to tlie eral Parsons had tried to interest to loso a big lot of time from school i held before Justice Mc-osu of licl- thoria the rest of their lives. Tha color of personal or political bias nnd his folks will have to go to a big ford. The charges against Mr. nor. The front wheels and the axle |j vesljjjator and said he would gi best hunting grounds in that part him in running bunsos between At- • ;>ck Mrs. MeClecsV money for herLong Branch and Asbury Park and. without racial or religious pre~ lot of expense hcnvusc of the act of Jones were dismissed, but Mr. Evans on the Ford broken and tho of the country. He will have two or lantic Highlands and Rumson. if Mra. MCCICNI would give him board* of education have adopted judico. The copy of the paper a Smart Alec. did not fare so well. Oi\ one charge mudguard and bumper on the Cad- thrco days', hunting for deer, but that after earefully going over the twenty per cent of the $24,000 for tho Sheick test. which finds its welcome way into our he was fined $110 and on another he illac were bent. No one was hurt. hli principal hunting will bu formatter he* had refused Vo accept his services. Mrs., McCleca mado a homa and which is passed on to ALPHA KAPPA PI MEETING. was held in $200 hail for pie action j Tune In, Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, ; u quail ur.d wild Oenerul Pavpous'* offer. \ *r. Me-* Comfcinatton Sale. payment to Collins, hut she d>il not j and stand by whilo we tell you 'friends,is notonly 'rapartiai and f;°, f°.'_ of the grand jury. Ho paid his fine! and reliable in its news, but is lucid, vi turkey*. His partner iirhis hunting Lauglilin said he did not tntnk guch Chriitmns Party of tho Club lo be ''nduy, l)eceml'(.;r 121, HO head New- pay bin, tho full twenty per cent, where to buy good puro candy for a venture woulil be practical. Ha and got n bondsman tu go 1 is bail j York state mil.'h cows, Guernseys, ! After she mad U d in ot excursions will be Pr. A. Weinberg the payment she good little folk,-, and grown-ups", too. j °™. J "" ^''^]y *W*> «» , ; Held January 10th. and he was released. J Jerseys nnd IIol.it;.inx selected fro:u ' whl<>1 ocs m:lke ;i uf Sumter, who is an old-time friend said he was stciidily losing money hnd misgivings about him nnd sheOur best assortment of home made j \ « * "P PaP" '"" ' f n_ Th(,mn.on on his present routo and that he Tho Alpha Knppa Pi club of the ^..-—^.t~«» M tlie finest herds 1 found after sev- m ur 1 ls 1 Invited for Inspection! I oral weeks' travel. If you Wlint to ! refused to give any more money to chocolates is now 80 cents, and we,Cresting to rend and intended tor - "^i ^. .^_ . did not feel like making a largef. Methodist church met nt Mrs. n m have another delicious mixture, nil i people who want plain and truthful r \xr L j n j p Charles Rogers'^ on liergen place We invite everybody to inspect j see the finest lot of cattle ever ' ' homo made, at 60 cent". For tlm | news. 1 trust that vour paper will «-«r wrecked Beyond Kep.ir. investment. He said business wafl last Tliurtwlny night. Current books j new line of ChristniiM nnd New ; brought to Monmouth county, come J. Unrrison Pomeroy, an official ! U r Llltb w rs cards nul nt the same time fee this lot. duo to arrive next week. , , ^ . , , , holiday season, we have put in a continue to meot with the success it ' °y »"» of \N estsido ' gradually getting better and each were discussed nml Mrs. Klwood | !you mny nuvcliasi' cit'H fnr of tlu Iruc company, wns arreste.l , high irriule line of ready mails'choc-' |m!, onioved in thi> nast " , nviMuie met with an accident lust month the '.nsses were getting li. Ivinn nri'» iircvious, but his yourself. Also all daily and weekly there pit had. Mr. MeliauKhlin (mid tile year 1 i'L' I may he insp I'II .1 at \ Masterpiece, visit the Kit/. n',,taunint, 4;U Cook- cull fur your clothe,-,, clean, repair, j interest, in tlie ruse wns unabated, To Chriitmat Slictpprrt, newspapers, innj;n/ines, story Look-, my hnme on Syeaiiinif iivniiu1, he wns nnxiouH to servo Leonardo Evi>ry piano KOII! by A. 15. Dirlinn mmi avenue. Chicken waflle (lii)ner, pies:, or dye them and return them [lie took m'lion which resulted in thi 1 havi- a full lino uf huMi-ry cigars, eignrette^, toiiaec'o, pi|>es, Shi rwsliur>', Sat llld:l)r, Ili'tenihtr ami unly when it, win hupoiwiblfl to is a muiiiral nuiKterpieee, peramially 1 un- $ 1.(10. Luncheonette nnd biimiu..ia to ymi like new, all ready to wear Ia l vest of 1' swindling '. rwent , Imnd kerchiefs, men'a tit'K, ('undies, siufa, iee rrejim, novelties •J::IM1. Ui'j:'l, fruin ten d'eloek A. M.drive mi-r the r.inda wmild h« elirtl" selected from tho fuctorit's of the, ^ 1 men's luncheon dully. Table d'hote Cor tin coming holidaysy . Let us get [rM!irKI , „„,) ny • held in ' rilidK paper, towel net', boudoir of all kinds and -uveet cider hy tlie to finir ii'i-limk 1'. M., for the pur-iunte I.eonnrdo front his rout«, lit highest grade pinno innmifacturers. [ dinner, sell food . pliilter, iters aann plat. 1 Iltn(> ; 1 1 ni'(|iminti'd imw. Send your next dull ;, K - < bofikn, ciirdr«. gliis.i or gallon. Make it :i h .hit to POM of ennldin^ the taxpayer.; to i $•'1,1100 bail. I "'I 1 s:iid he hoped it would not b» n9(^A* Will give ftiithfill serviei! for genci - tlinnei AIHO a la carte service. suit, cunt, or dresrt to u : to be ' nmi «r,ils; n\>t>k my liiiii'n town. Von don't have In buylitn.Ui a^ains' his or her [miperty ..in y for him to Inie one trip through Bhop, Drill nnnnil place, Red Hank. ! Open until midnight. All meals 1 Leonardo ilnrinif the entlra winter. 1 1 * Dyer-i, li llrua I .Mreet, lied Hank. n-t fievh from tin- rtnii'ki' nil :-iji vi tittMiey, I'lUlVltH' anything nnd I'VtTybuilv is elt-unie nnd rniit'er informally wilh the a.-;- Phono rAilvertisement, honn cooked, t^iini in and try one. "I'leating a S[HM'ialty."- Advertise- , Imne.H removed, llnvoied will, Lanf M" H, :•:! Vvm\ \tifet, Ked nt'the Ki'd Hank Wititing rnoni, vi'ssor H* (D ihe rorreetues'i of t!i:' A delegation of Leonardo ri'lU — AdvertiHenicnl, ment. sew, Murnr, j jiir«"( niul cider, : llnnli. Ad\ iTtiiii'iiitnt, I Wr' \w.\\ fam- 1 , phice hv miido n public roml, Tht 1 tlvrbly eoukrd, so different, fron, Tin* pitrty »r prtii" . who stole I •('Impli-r 'J^f!, Law, If IS. o»t»to you'ro hinkinis lilnnit. Hi'n iciil--, siif|aH 10 I'i'iilM, nnd otlicr ily ruwn, dm to nrrivt* next werti, 1 11 eniumitleiimen mild thry would tn« 1 ti rdiiuii h:iin. Tlie mum hamthn-e "duniniyd " ffmintiuu pens from j Dirhan's Piano .Sliop. un first. Whilu HrolhiT.i, Whitti Hperitiltie.s an just, what yon will Also M'Ve.l-nl 1 fieri t rim* nn«t nl lier 1 Alfred drover, [Kpi'i't the ninil »ml tnku ncllon on vi' are nuw •Ilini: n\ er onr . otmter our display eu«e eiin i:et u real bon- Tin IniiM . de.nted to , eon itnieal ! ktruPt, Iti'd Iliink, (ipponile the post- require. (illicit Herilci- nnd fiatiH- (,'ooda, nil nt'ij; pui'lii* ruth' P'liilny, r Shrewsbury Towiii-lilp. 'tlio 1'iMiui'xt lit their next mnottn** 1 dull.-ir a |MHmd. A sclliiiK of high Ktiulc niniuK. (lul, ullli'n.—-Ailvi'i'tirtcmpnt. I'ni'tinii. Our Viritiniii enolied hum MI.SI, UCIH. TIIH'V aii rrul .'-Hied Ht l> lo jroinlne-!i I'diintuin pen by Adsi npi'cial I'lTe iK fur ('liii'itni;i« fin-l r three ihdlarn nud tlic, n" Ihe IUKII rent distiiel yet very 'on Thiirsduy nlirht, Heet-mbiir 27th, in uunderfill. Alperin'H Delicules- ('hrihtnum cnvvs nml nil ;uv m I Joseph ('. .Smith of Navenlnk sen. L'O llroad ntreel, Hrd Hank. -- Nrw VeiH'; hum nt 70 rent* en" burl, lo tile Alt Kruft ciinveiiientlv loenled. I'limo S'hnw- Nolicn lo Taxpayer), Lovely nwenleia, h|i»lll«e'-, silk In cuitir HIM- them. Our ln^l rlc rnniu and fte|inlr Simp, Driiiniiionil i Ilinintj ioni)deleil the a>-.e»> undi'rweiir, negligees', limiery and Advertineinent. mile for Mil!.'!. Juroh /ItttKiti, u pound ; hiilf n linn nl mi I'cnti n . .4ln'||ip|.. , Ailveiti; cmeiit. npi'ti for liwpi't'tlun by tlm tiiximyer mrrous to mention, priced moder- I'or Pruiiipt Oclivfiries on 1'rtils.y and Mle •I, Hnl llnnli. Adv tlireiUeiieil liy'iin llnllnii ami h» cull Tlun-.iliiy. Phone H77 «r I :iVM rineiit Ncili... ately, nt. the Itonc Shop. "'I llroad On mid iiftfi- Jnminry ^d, Hi'.U, Viiillnf Chlrtipoilnl, dti'eel, onpoHite Monninuth street, Ited llnnU. Kridiiy di'llverie., V :O0 Mora Nourtthing Tlmn I'ur R«nt. will climf from 1:011 tn 'J',00 1'. M, Or I'Mlll'ln Cinike diale V'11 nth, IHL'3, from iiin to four uVJui'k The permit, witii KrHiiUd tu him. lied HniiK, AdviM'tlHPmeul. nnd it:«n> A. M. nnd .1:0(1 I'. M, i'ili'e, jtropcrly miuin mi lli'iir.'inoy'.-i Miuki't, HI Moi.iuinilii n iji-cat body liuilder, Our Nu- i Six ronttH nnd hiith, KII« nnd idee for lunt-li. Kellvftle* 11:00 A. Mmak. i ujHuitutmentn liy tt'lep m" to I. M. j ,\» urtlinnnfr p»»»«il lt» thl»4 --^ • -^ l t: '. I' in » 'uiKine** 1 eutio: for pro- ttntl Ililio I*. M. One ilellvery nn nil inrae lo you when needed. Ali x L. MoClvrii, [I'UitditiK foe improving the roads oil Just nf R«mi»d«.r htreef. Adycrlinenient. linniil mayijiiniiiwi', i niuiwiunk' only fn'nli I'KHf.t, IH'HI fliilnd oil IIIKI K li-sioiial nfllcesi mwl living npnrt- ih»U(tay>>. lUitit) A. M. I'eWt* & h r'ntuiitiiwn "ltlii-M li trrn • Mr, MUUUKIIIIII'I htm rout*. TN lo hnvi> your flothi'K cleniii'd nml pill 1 l> 1 ciit urail0 npircft nm\ vlm'KHi'* i* «n nmiit over Wilbur'* Jnwclrv murv, i lloAnnll, trt Mmtimtuth ulret't. J'hoiio \u-jw V. M. iin»d 8:00 I . M. -.Ailvnj;. ! Amount n|!prn|)rl«Uil for tliU wt)rk ilUKilml nlinpn for I'hriatmil'i lit thei " "- i Iliond ntrcet, Apply nt 10 tout! JB7T.—-AiivrrtUrmgnt, jlinciiipnl. • - Ttou^h riding and nthrr niounti'd Idnnl fond, Auk for it by mmto If, M'l) mill the flrnt i'»i; (Tty Dry Oniiing Wmlm, II Me- : you want ih« bnni,. -AdvcrtUrtnent. l'i .in mru'l, Ilod Hank. Nuw'on j «•••• rhnnli* mrcrt, neiir llrond. Wlllliiln eii'iiln n! HIP Ited Hunk Annorv,' Dorcnun. .Ailvtirtliempnt. I WKII. Brolh.ri—R»sl EiltU. for 'I lie of tim 1 Il.dfonl, O.lrnv, iirnprlntiii . l'liuii* HIH-lt.— I Wi'illH'lidrty cvi'tlillK, Ileei-liilirr tltlh. | Nolle*, ii you hftr o(-lily itot*, fntrhr.M on Whlto Ilrothfm, Whlti ntrp*t, iip. t* ni lllAatiMtiit Ifrtm|f i iftdjIftiilO) A. M, Uit 4i04oUn It , MM. dny. 1<«UU Mtfldtl, tht pko' Honk, llourn fn>m two »tri»f* nvi miilicr In your town, OY«f Ylhf, John I-'rimklln, White din-.'I., rhuiin Red Hank |lixltl lli*i |io»ti>lAc«, Bttl Hank,- >i.» II«,I ii.nl> ki.w .i.,ii«.. linn.M»l. llhiiiii, - Kta llmiK .J4ni-W.—Atlver" UflMV. -Mm Silk ilen-lii* nt %'in will mutt* i\\ llsnk lfll-W ufllr* 1 bivfly Klft, litre hlmnitd And tiili.! *- Advci'tl»i'fflfntr ,tr«H, I'honi R«i luiK III in nr Anbury 1'atk •£ l 'A hen wlll'luy in «KI a c> Vlrtor night at b»lli, MiiUhU fur Mri-tt, ii|ipo«U«' MumiuiuUi ittnut,, Hlft«iii h»»l*di f('Uf»r«Wii n«i',i ft 8«rv«il WtdMidty* »nd H«tur- 1). WlkiiiTigo., lUd U»nk1-.Atly#r. Tuitlnn ». 14 Monmouth ilr«»t, R«d pr«(ftiiun**lt p»on|gp»opl«,, (IAn WhliftnliWhlteldl I!*it M*»li,—Ai|v«rUwin«iii> A f.ri.n.l Chrlsltntt Ol(|. nti, »t)om» 1 Imiiruvnintmtji, $40,00, Al»n •!*• Ynur phntugTRph bif_ Louis l(«a> "- '«iBtt>ii ajuiMi I ttt.l^i,«,«.««0Kt4a^ -^^^ Bunk 5DW,-A4virtlw. unit »1rjr»trjr, prt»i(prtvtlf». hall. ApplyApply ! •A hfth»n, will Uy aahh ;««I dnyy Iff feifil mroomm htttiinuu»«t (iloublsiIII ^ ill lmpni»#. »g,VrHmvm, Apply Vni&ttf. »n Whltt itr 4^t Hww •^^wirti#lift dC RED BANK REGTgTEB, DECEMBER 19,1923.

SMALL INSURANCE ON LOSS. TWO UNUSUAL OPERATIONS, Only $5,500 on the Old H«isht Brothers at Manaiquan Have New Homcttead »t Colfi HCLU. Bone Grafted to 5pine. Augustus SiilTi-1 of Newark, the Russell Miller of Manasquan un- owner of the l.Iawht lmmstnut pvop- derwent nn operation at a New York hospital last week, for the B A M E R E R " .Orty at Coifs Nwl., i^p.-cts t" l.uil.l 8 hou:-e on tl"- iplnce.io rvphice 1 lie transfer (if a piece of-his shin bone one vhich «"•>• c!ey«l by tire to bis spine. His brother,-Charles a'short time up). Tin- new liouso Miller, underwent a similar opera- ' will not be ns Inrge or us fnncy as tion at the Spring Lake hospital six the old homestead, which v;is one •weeks ago. Charles was injured in of the iim'st rxMi-plre of ancici.t Auguft when a large sipn fell on • architecture in the county. Mr. him nt Farrningdale. Russel was Boffel had insuram'f of only S5.;>00 injured while coupling freight cars ' on the homi-stead. Ho. spent more at Jersey City in October. The op- tlinn this amount in improving it erations were successful. anil.it was his intention to increase the iii.--ur.iice ait or the improve- ^Jla«t Councilor*' Election. ments were completed. Tlie IU'W At the last meeting of the past house, ns was the case with the old councilors' association of the Amer- ene, will he used , fo'r a-summer ican Mechanics' lodge of. Monmontb liome. • __ , . county last, wijek at Oceanport Ed- ward" Bennett of Adelphia was Manasquan's Christmai Cantata. chosen councilor to succeed Albert The Cliristma--- cantata of the Snyder, "Peter F. Ilodd, Jr., of West Jlanasciuan Me.thodin Sundxy- Grove was elected vice councilor, scliool will he riven Christmas -eve Pcilcr J. Gisleson of Red Bank sec- at the church. Amonp; those who rct.-iry, Harrison Shampanore of will take-part nrc Kenneth Van- Little Silver assistant-secretary and Brunt, Miss Edna Kinp, Louise Arn- John Katrier of Matawan trustee. old, William Nock, Kihel Clayton, Harold Lewis of Long Branch was Adele Frazee, Nile Garrison, Ed- admitted to the association. ward Cornelius Dorothy Butler, -William Rice, Hulibard Kdick, Vir- Let Luke Do It. , ginia Grcishiiier, Sarah Wolt and Lake Longhead is a bear for Louise Thomas. Mr?. George Toms, work. He tackles any and all kinds of jobs at filling the wants of the Mrs. Alfred 'nrBnw, Mrs. Kthel people every week and he'usually Clayton and Miss Lillian Freer are makes good.—'Advertisement. in •charge of the program.

Many on Honor List. The Eatontown public school had MARTINI & ROSSI a long list of pupils in November Noti'Alcoholic who were not absent nor late during that month. These pupils'sire: VERMOUTH First Krsil*-. Mi." fharlotta M. OITW. Bottled in Torino, Italy . teacher—Albert Patterson, William Ham- mond. Froilcrii- Ktilwiil. Cml VanWinckle, Norman Noo. Albert Nohn. lvt.'r JIai.za, Ernttt Kirtti. Adolnh 'DUSSIIIUM. Arthur Buy it by the Pijlterjon, K'jnicci Mulib. Mnrnurrt Sickles, caie— Dorothy Pnrkfr. .Mary r.illitt, Mumarrt ' Aumack, l^atipllg Kcnni. Ridph Tomnine, Always keep a llnry Tunsey. .!CSMP Bcnieckc:-, AHcf Cun- v-ay. bottle on the ice- Srrcimt c-.iilr. Mi-i Franc. Pnjdtr, r—delicate with the frosty grey that is platinum's greatesf beauty ori Voucher—Arthur Oitmvnvr. OarlM (Julnn, Serve it straight f .Vrrtnk Mtiila. .Tnin™ Bran, l.i'on Yim- v s . ambent with the subtle gradations of the gold cplor scale. Waldemar, Urunt, Keymirar EcUrl. Anini Hereunto. —and yon hare a Tlnrn Ailnim, Eileen O'Kccf.-. F.liialTth chains of 14k green gold arc featured at 16^.50. Others from 6.50 to 37-50. CufFlinks wrought 1 Jims', Hi-Ion Terry. Mary Khznbrlri 1'oU ..delicious appe- Jilt. TriHtnii Sample. tizer of 14k green gold and set with onyx sell for only 18.50. Others at 4 50 to 23.00. Stud sets Thirrl Erode, Miss Mn-sarrt I.. Vettcr. (rachir— Cyril Hurt, Otis llabli, Henry at 33.50 show mother o'pearl centers, platinum borders and green gold backs. Others at 14.00 Odell. Civile suMiiart. Timothy W'alrh, J'tn ^olan, Vnian Parker, Atrnei Quini), Dor- B. ALPERIN to 102.50. Scarf pins range from 2.50 to 30.00. Pen Knives of white gold at 9.00 have steel othy Stryker, Eieiyn AValiler. Fourth cnulc Mis. Mililrt-.l T..-U-. tcach- 20 Broad St., Red Bank. glades; others sell at 4.00 to 20.00. Bar pins of gold with platinum tops are set with a genuine' »r—Harry All-c.-. William O.nivay, Oliver sapphire and two pearls at 23.00. Others, at 6.50 to 32.00 Rings vary in price from 7.00 Dennis. Rursell Klcrim, William Nasrathnn, DELICATESSEN I'aul Itntti.' Krnn'th VnnlSrunt. William • AVolf Acnr^ Cetcrenve. Ca'hei-ine Daly, 'to 75.00 and bracelets of 10k gold cost j4.00..Others as high as 27.50.; . . *« Mary Ga.t.m; I,,., a Mnl.!.. Helen Olt, : rarnio Katti, Pormhy Samiilr. f liflh cva-ie. -Mr?. 0. M. Teller, tearher— SulEwirk Ayheil. RKharil Kemp, lto-.cof —scintillating with dancing shafts of cold, whitest light.-] S-orwm-d. Reh-rt MniiU. Ji'hn fuotk, Irv. THAT DULL ACHING. i,,c V»nBr»n:. Thi-nlore Wolf, Russell J Each piecc shows one- brilliant jewel or several smaller Wolce-'U, Kthe] Aprlev:ate. Josephine I h»r..T, Cornelia Dean,'Kulri llriinett, E>a Pont worry and complain about a diamonds set with a Ccllini-like artistry and skill. Rings at so small a price as 12.50—0^ so Wcrim. Porij \V,.lci.tt, fl ink Voir. Iluth lvul back. (Jot rid of it! For weak large "as i,495'.oo. Ear pins from 16.50 and advancing all the way to 615.00. Cuff links to' Eottl-r. kidney-;, lame and achy backs, your Sixth trade. *lr = . .trlut S Pansier, neighbors n-enmmond Doan's Pills. please a man at 23.00—or to delight him at 90.00. Scarf pins at 16.00 to 110.00. Flexible tenelier--i;rarc liiocks. lll^alteth Colmver. Read this statement: S,,,,afcrl C»-'. M i-:-\ ••• !>»';. Mil.lrel Bracelets beginning at 75.00 and going ail the way up to 775.00. And—besides all these— Nolan ll»!"n Tjvlo-, \n.i> S-»>H, H,,i|ii- Mrs. Ethvaril White. 78 Oakland ( unH l.latly! Terry. Ena Walrler. Hrulah street. Ited Bank, says: "Since I real stone necklaces at 1 3.50J0J 1 5.00 with matching!earrings marked "at io.op to 25.00," ; •lilloii. Helen anil Ktraitoth Wrlf. Clinrln used two or three boxes of Doan's Applecate, ,loh:i Hennett, llorl.<-rt (••'- i'ills 1 have enjoyed the bMt of —•"• V "" • ' "»"'"^'w- . truvr. Ilnriy Tlar-;|pr. II"'- Kmmons, l.ialth. 1 had kidney trouble as a 1 Uii^jell Vary. IlnrtiH MnHii WHITIMI Me. ilt of M cold which settled on most too tiny to he true, wafer-like in their th'inncssTor substantially KaiK, William l.an-ey, Cn.l Woir. my kidneys. My back ached Seventh Krar'e. Mill Ainv .1. JHrfiee. ''normal. 24.00" is a feature price on women's wrist watches of 14k white leaeher—Ruth rl-Vumnn. I.n -y Hope. "F'ina in' :i dull wa^ and 1| had a bearing liohert.. Kli.'llli-lh Tell. Ver.-l i, tlrai|:i, iknv:! pain niruss my back which ; gold fitted with dependable 16-jewel movements. Others, from 13.50 up to 350.00 for an David Haly.Jon.mc I'lronnii". K.lwnr.I Km- kept me feclinj; miserable, Often-I : mon*. Stanley lla-!. 11.' "<]•<]<: !,''\v',.., llils-found it diHictilt to stoop and when elaborate diamond-set platinum conceit. For the man, there is a 7-jewcl Elgin pocket watchj tll Stout, Alovmi'.e- M.ilh-:-. I e.(>t in a stooped poaition 1 could Ilitthth ^-rii.i', licl C>. rt--' lm:.l'. lia.h-r hardly nei, up. After using Doan'a in a gold filled case at 17.00 and many others priced at 8.75 to 250.00/ r'rfl Heal, H:i!ney Ilci!ii^, W.lfre.l Kem;>. tlic ]>ain» left my back and I have I.lewilljn Vntli-r^nn. t.e.he i-nmrle, Uuvfll had no return of theai."' <\ h Taylnr. M.ir.-ieriw niitienbirc. irma Mi,'- on svvcc m curvcs tnat rl!, MiMrnl '(••rr\\ K.l-.iL V.u.K.-ure,, The above statement was given ^ P S have retained thcir^a~ce1hrough-, "> Linrtiln BCr.inl, Sr: V. .1. IVi-ln-. ie»-l- July Nth, J'.HG, and on June ^5th, rr—Krj«l'7 Wpn'h, Il.|nr"'y Sehm.el:. & out generations, delicately chased, minutely etched, or hammered to Tlavid Crum-vel!. H,.wanl l-i-'or. Jtayri'-Mi.l I'.'-Jli. Mrs. White added: "My faith iii Doun'.- Pills is as strong as a1 pristine whiteness. Console sets, silver plated, sell at 14.50. Others range from 16.50 to 40W l:n!»ert.-.. AH^ci Vincent, Hitniptoti A.- ever. They certainly helped me tlr'WF, Pai.hlii- Taylor. H:Lla Il..l,erts. Kl- when \ had ornision to use them. in price or, if made of sterling silver, from 39.00 to Bo.oo. Casseroles in silver plate arc featured' mira MVia.', MIIVT A. liar. •"-'•:'he I.is- 1 always i^conimend Doan's for 1 ! ^nrslone, Ai nn C.l.rns, l'.elia. Thi'mle-n know one can depend upon them." at 5.00; other styles go as high as 16.50. Tea Sets at 16.50 are silver plated. Choosing is good Kr.-l Hes.!e r.-.ar.-. (iiV, nt all dealer'. Fo'ster-Mil- |up to 99.75. Sterling silver candlesticks are priced at 8.50, and on up to 50.00 while six-] burn Co., Mfrs., KtifTalo, N. Y. ]t pays to adviTti.-c in Thi- Rejrister. piece sterling silver salt and pepper sets range from 5.00 to 1 2.00 per set. Sherbet setsjroin, 119.00 to 42.00 and 26-picce silver plated.Flatware sets_at 10.00 to 32.75/ ,..-« *\I

TD/ZQ/D/P/'/~ tnat borrows the color and splendour of pfeciousstonesj1 * «_/ U cJ^the sheen of precious metals, the star-dust lustre of the' oriental pearl. There is an imitation ivory comb at 12.00 and others from 4.00 to 30.00* Strands of pearls sell at 3.50 to 50.00 while dainty meshbags are variously tagged at from 5.00 to 32.00. Bakclitc necklaces sell from 6.00 to 15.00 while, for men, there arc links can start with up to 4.00; scarf pins up to 2.00; dress sets at 3.75 to 9.00 and belt buckles at 2.75 to 8.00J

l^^^jy—sprinkled with beads, spotted with motifs of petite point e,..T ...,, oZ or tupped with dainty lihgree metal frames. Tiny,sparkling beads fashion -••4* a little envelope that sells fur 12,00, and others made by French women sell at 7.00 to' "25.00. Knitted beaded ha»s are market! at 15.00 to 55.00, while certain black silk vanity bags with a petite point embroidery motif sell for "from 10.no to 55.oo*And the filigree Tlml ilolUf or Iwo ynu m f««ilv .',1'F.NO rvrry v«.l< vill k««p up your |i»ym«ni!« in nor IHKISMAS CI.UI1. Join it «nrl topped bags made of beaver calf, or pin seal in pouch style sell, variously, for from 2.95 to 40.00' tinvi, $50 nr $100 i.r lno M ((h I i f ''' ivory and yet made of , ., none of these. ,They come in innny different styles, plain with the new What the Different Clubs will pay you. • knife edge,'or ornate with finely traced designs worked out in gold or colors, vSets of from INCREASING CLUBS <*<> l.VLN AMOUNT CLUBS three to ten and eleven pieces are priced at 25.00, -57.25 and 58.00. But if you prefer, we IN SO WIEKS (ForChrlilmii 1024) IN DO WIEK! (For ChrlltmM 1924) 1o Club pay* IP.75 ?M Club payi 112.60 have certain open stock patterns in imitation shell, ivory, and amber selling at 1.25 to 7,50 So Club p«yt %.">.fiO We Club payi 125,00 'per piccc^and^hc smart Dujhrry^design, in ivory,only, telling,up to 10.95'per, pieced 60 Club P»y» I B3.79 $1.00 Club payi 190.00 10o Club piyt %m.m 12.00 Club payi 1100,00 DIORIAtlNO CLUtt V.,00 Club payi »2M.OO SttMl'FUir Tou UK k*|ln with Ilii li'(«it 4iinll ttO.OO Club payi 1600.00 j 120,00 Club payi 11,000.09 ,» J (n< tfMTMW J«uf i»«llll «Mll WNk. I' 1 Cent* In, i*l • PMI Book »nJ Jn!n lh» Club toiUr. Brim 4 < •l»m AU, THE FAMILY anil h.». ihtm j«|n> * t! - i W* Will W.l.om. Ynu, , * 1 era OF RED BANK TRUST. VHDIR ITATE ftUmiVIMON RedBtnk, N. J. RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19,4923. TlfflHG~9CEflir GROVE. n? > ••/• - •-••-- ft CUT FLOWERS AND POTTED PLANTS TOWNSHIP ASSESSOR GETS HIS FOR ALL OCCASIONS ORDERS FROM STATE BOARD. All Property Not Used Exclusively , Boston Ferns from SO cents up. . for Religious Purpose* Must be Taxed—Much Pra»perty Has Es- FUNERAL WORK A SPECIALTY ; caped Taxation for S3 Years. In a'k'ttur to Assessor James A. WILLIAM MEARS, Florist Hance /j Hurry of Neptune township, thu M'nmouth county bi-ard of luxation Rumson, New Jersey Phone 361 ilircctc'd that all property owned by ihe Ocean ^row camp inciting as- , x/iution not actually and cxclusjva- Wishes Everybody ..,• used for religions purposes, in- vluding all parks and squares, the ij'..ich)iciiit and pavilions, must be a.-scssed. ! This is tlie first time that nn ns- ..usment has been ordered i.iLae'properties in the history of the You Can Cut Those ^Mounting Steam Hot Water Heat and ZMerry Christinas I association, covering a period of 03 Coal Witts 1 yi-ars, as these lands, have always OING away" wilh hiph fuel Hot Air Heat uecn tax exempt. The assessment on D hilla i.s largely a matter of hav- tlu-su lands alone, according t, pres- ing the right heater—cint: that is ent values, would be about $1,01)0, especially designed to get the niax- UOO. About 35 acres are included imum amount of heat from your Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty fuel. -3 and a in the parks, playgrounds, audito- The efficienev of the "Thatcher** rium and beachfront. Round Boiler has been demon- Tin Work in all its Branches The letter to Assessor Hurry strated in a remarkable way- 1*Y from the Monmouth county board careful competitive tests it has Job Work Promptly Attended To was as follows: shown its superior heating qualities bywrnMtniLtinK mure heat with "At the direction of the state Estimates Cheerfully Given "Your SEND FOR f less frequent coaling. board of taxes and assessments, the Warm In five series with a size for every Monmouth county board of taxation I'riend" CATALOG [ Happy and ^Prosperous need—Specified extensively by has made an investigation of the ex- architects. emptions heretofore allowed in your HOWARD FREY district to the Ocean Grove associa- Sanitary Plumber tion. This board advises you to as- TtilFQ HEATERS :c.s all property owned by the VOlilV & RANGES ,'L-can Grove association not aetual- Since 1850 MadCin Newark Sold Everywhere 74 Monmouth Street i. and exclusively used lor religious THATCHER FURNACE CO.,Thatcher Bulldlne. St. Frandj «nd Cconio Su..New-a k, N.I. purposes. Tim would indicate that New York Display Roorru: 133-135 West 35th Srrtel Nij Telephone 609 RED BANK, N. I. .ill parks and squares, the beach- l't'unt and the auditorium should be assessed. You will also adjust the inequality of land assessment at the north end and south end pavilion. The lot assessments in Ocean Grove are very low and should be in- creased and all , assessments in Ocean Grove and your entire dis- trict should be taken up very care- I fully by you and properly adjusted 'so that there will not be the in- hqualities in the assessment that has paused so much trouble in the past. Please give these matters your seri- I: qrs consideration and inform this board what action you wish to take, that this board can advise the That Delight the Feminine Heart s|ate board what progress is being n)ade by you in the above matters." The total assessment in Neptune township is now $8,000,000 and with the additional assessments this figure will likely be increased to al- most $10,000,000.

The present situation is said to bu the direct outcome of the attempt on; the part of Rev. M. V. McDuffie Negligees to have Mr. Hurry ousted*as town- ship assessor. One meeting was held last summer in the temple in Such lovely things as to make any woman gaze upon them with Ocean Grove by the consent ^f keen desire, and practical, as well, so that one has no excuse Frank B. Smith, superintendent of the Ocean Grove association. for not indulging. The charges preferred by the county board at the instance of Mr. Silk Shirts, $1.95 McDuffie against Assessor Hurry for altering the tax duplicates have been Bloomers and Step-ins, $2.75 broadened by the state board into a general investigation of the entire Voile Combination Step-ins and Slip-ons, $3.50 taxing situation in Neptune town- ship. As a result investigators from What Would Christmas the state bo..rd of taxing and assess- ments are making an examination into these conditions. The assessment list of. Neptune Be Without Music? township comprises over 1-,000 sep- arate assessments. NOW—thick and white and fleecy; candles* Hosiery KILLED BY AUTO. S twinkling their cheery, message of wel- We have not yet discovered the woman who really has enough silk hos- Long Branch Man Fatally Injured come; fragrant fir trees laden with bright balls While Crossing Street. iery, so we have augmented our stock with many new colors and designs, in and tinsel—and music—the sweet singing of Nicholas t'lavo of Long Branch silk and wool, all-silk and fine lisle. ' died nt the hospital at that place Always modestly priced, we are offering a Holiday Special of VanRaalte all the old-time Christmas carols. That is the Friday morning from injuries he re- ceived the night before when he was Silk Hosiery in all the wanted colors for • ,^ • ' .''."• real spirit of Christmas! struck by an automobile while cross- ing Broadway. Cnrmi'ii Ventresco, The Weaver piano is making this Christmas drive* of the automobile, was ar- reitcd and hold under bail en n a box of three pairs an especially happy one for hundreds of folks. charge of manslaughter. Mr. l-'lnvo suffered n broken leg and internal Moor guaranteed Silk Hpsieiy, $1.50 to $3.50 a pair Its full, rich beauty of tone is a constant delight. injuries. He was 118 years old and Sport Hose of Silk and Wool, from was n crossing watchman for the Its designs are exquisite in every detail of line Central railroad. H« leaves two and finish; its mechanism is as perfect as it is ons and two daughters. 98c up to $5.75 possible to make a piano. • Patrolmen's Association Election. New oniccM'si I'IPI'IIMI by the Loni! Branch iintvolmcn's hcncMilcnt asso- Make this your red-letter Christmas', too! ciation last week WIT*1 Ak'NHiine! Swnnson pi-i-sidrnt, William K'n\v.>- .When you buy a Weaver, you're making an lnml viro prrsiilcnt. <"ni-l lliihn rc- investment in happiness—an investment that coriiinK si'cn'tiiry, Flunk CimptT li- nniKlul sccirtai>, Antonio DoSiui- you'll never regret. You can own this beauti- tis trenmiri'r. Kivilcvick Wiirdrll, Jr., BcrKiiaiit-nt-iu-nin. Anron lfom sti'W- ful piano for just a small amount of money, nrd nml .lolm Mi-fonticll, Otto Heck- Willinm Wiililis Anriiii Inn« down. We would be glad to have you call and mid Uiclirinl llnwiiKiii Iruslci's. Hcv. Extremely cles-cv in shnpe, they achiove individuality in many becoming tilts, Willinm It. lilai-Kiiiiin was rt-dci'ti'il try the Weaver for yourself—and learn the chnpliiin of tin' ifsiH'iiitiiui. flares and droops. The newer huts of sntin, tall'etu ami novelty fabrics are truly easy terms on which you can buy one. These beautiful, but. the cold month.-; ahead will make a velvet or duvotyn hat equally Choir HnMi Party. terms will {buy, a Weaver upright* grand or Thn choir of- II"' V'irst Mrtliodlst appropriate, and these you can buy at a fraction of their former price. rhurch of Asluiry l'nflt ln.'lil .n player piano. « 1 Clirihtmin piuly a fi'W iiiKlit" K*' nt llm churcli. Mr«. Unini S. Krii tor wim in chiui!'' »f ll'« fHtprtaiii- mirit. Miss Ji'iuii'tlc Krliuppnn, Mij.-. Klsin lli-iiili'r$on, Ml«« Mnry Rnyl, William Jorclcn, I.crny Chntnhcrliiiii SWEATERS mid Merrill Tliump'tm rci'i'lvi-d gii|il plccp.«. Knmi'tlt MncM. TowncV > The weather played a mean prank on those who already possess tint warm winter KIT"" ' i A. B. DIRHAN iiycil Snntn CIIIIIK. of wool. But the wise pcivon always prepares for tomorrow. Drummond Place R«d Bank, N. J, "A P«p«r In Evurr Horns." • Surely, otu- winter in not yet bonun, but wlum it does come, you will be repaid for all your Tliiit'n llm miiltn nf tliu Roil Hunk forethought. A special Holiday OflVr of 2&',;,- reduction on all sweaters in uur Htoi^gpili en- able you to buy it few more gifts with the wiving. [Allcock WEAVE Fl PLASTERS The Pearl Shop * PlANbS 3^ Broad Street Red Bank, tf i. Giv« Lukt Lonjbwa tip Job of Supplying Your Wwt». RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19,1928,

more than enough .to pay all the THE RED BANK REGISTER. debts. Yet when the fees afid JOHN H. COOK, Editor and Publisher. charges and allowances for the re- j C. HANOE. ABtocioU Editt ceiversMp..\vert paid, the creditors: of the bankrupt got uniy seven I Busings MHiiHKtr: fonts on the dollar. This likewise! THOMAS IRVING MOWN. has nothing to do with, cither the Telephones:—Bed J)«nk IB. ciilB or [he, recent receivership of EeJ llnnk 1800. Ne^y Jersey. I mention 0»'?e thing? ' hero only as a set of wholly unrc-, lated incidents. ! TChe ttHirj *ltii-

A little Kair View boy is at the Lonjr "Branch hospital with Wood WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19, 1923. poisoning, hoi-ause another hoy | | fixed a pin in the toe of his own, Ulioc and then kicked with the pin; The Most Feminine of Gifts TOWN TALK. Gift Suggestions I the boy who now haa blood p>»ison- Here's a little story which was ir."' : ing. The boy who is poiM>ned will one of the NTe>v Jersey newspapers ; suffer a lot of pain, he will lose a lot a lew days ago which struck me as of time from school, and his parents Underthings of interesting. Maybe it will lie IV,- will he put to considerable expense. | in terentint; to other folks also. A firm This is the !e;\st that can happen had gone in the hands of a receiver. Perhaps sonu liinp; much more seri- The claims against the firm amount-1 oils than this \v i! 1 happen. Fine Glove Silk etl to $0,511.01. The receiver col- Household Linens : lected from the debts due to the It is illegal for a teacher to indict I Pillow Cues—Fruit-of-Loom hemmed,,stitched and- These aro "Gift" quality underthinjs—and only tha concern something over $1,600. The corpOra[ punishment in managing scalloped. Pillow Cases 45x36, $1.70 pair. bait is good enough to give—tha values costs of the receivership amounted pUpilS) hut tlH,rc ;s ,lothinK to pre- are most unusual. to over ?800. When thes. costs vent parents fro..m doing. : so. A. pond. Pillow Cases—Lace medallion set in pillow cases, had been paid there was left eld-fashioned application of '"strap pointed effects, lace trimmed, 45x36, plain and KEYSER SILK VESTS AND BLOOMERS--Heavy $700.33. Then the court granted oil and elbow grease" is the best hemstitched. $2.0d, $2.50, $3.50 pair. quality silk, in white and flesh. $2.98 and $3.98 '$400 to the receiver for his sen-ices kind of medicine to euro Smart MUNSING SILK RIBBED VESTS AND BLOOM- and $300 to the lawyer in the case. AIec3 of such, cruelty and to teach Larg« siit Jacquard Turkish Towels, color borders)) 1 ERS—Fine quality silk, in white, flesh and Out of the $1,800 which had been them common sense. This seems t ' $1.00 each. collected this left S3 cents to be di- be a case where a good sound'lick- Gift orchid $3.80 and $5.98 vided among the people to whom the ing seems sorely needed and nioM Hemstitched Pillow Ciaei and spokestitched 45x36, KAYSER LISLE UNION SUITS—Cut full, in white firm owed $9,511.01. This pave one folks would applaud a teacher who 45X38H. Utina or Pequot quality, 69c and 75c and flesh • $1.00 cent for each ?288 that the firm applied this remedy. • each. I ' owed. (Town Tajk continued on pago 20.) ; WOMEN'S SILK LIgLE VESTS—In band or bod- f * • • • All Linon Hemstitched 45x36 Pillow Cases, hand- ice top style. 89c each When I was "4 little boy and Suggestions drawn, beautiful quality, $3.98 pair. POISON RUM KILLS NINETEEN. ! \rent to school there was a storV| in WOMEN'S "POLLY" VESTS—In" either band top the. Third Reader about two cats County Physician Says 'So-Called t| White Tuxedo Eyelet Collar and Guff Sets, in boxes, Maline in all shades, 30 inches wide, for sashes and 36-, 45-, 54-inch Indian Head for embroidery use, or bodice top style. 59c each that had stolen a piece of cheese. Good Liquor is Poison. % $1.00 a set. fancy trimmings, 29c yard. 35c, 45c, 59c yard. They could not agree on a division PoisonoHS liquor has been the di- of the cheese so they engaged a rect cause of nineteen' deaths in Bromley Eyelet and Plain Linen Collar and Cuff Boudoir Caps of fine satin with pleated ribbon band-e monkey to act as judge and divide Monmouth county during the past Seti, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. ing. Other models of crepe de chine or satin. it. The monkey got a pair of scales year according to a report made by Colors: rose, pink, blue, lavender, orchid,.peach, and broke .the piece of cheese in Dr. Harvey \V. Hartman of Keyport, Ecru Lace Collar and Cuffs, with tucking and large maipe, 75c, $1.25 and $1.98. two. He put a piece of the cheese the county physician. Dr. Hartman butcher cuffs, $1.25 a box. in each side of the scales and one says that much of the stuff sold as v ' Other Satin Caps with crocheted .tops, all one color, proved heavier than the good liquor is nothing but slow poi- Large Lace Collars in ocm nml cream, for plain piece dresse*. $1.25 to $1.98. rose, pink, blue, maiac, lavender, $1.25. Mother' piece. He toolc bite son and that death and illness lurk ut of the heavier piece and when in the bottles of moonshine and* lie put it back it proved to he light- home brew concoctions. Other Collars and Cuffs of plain linen'and eyelet Bandeau^ of novelty ribbon and soft laces in dif- er than the other piece. . He took work, 59c and 69c, in Bromley and Tuxedo styles. ferent colors, $1.25 each,' a bite out of the other piece and It pays to advertise in The Register. Ecru Lace Vesteet, with collars and cufTs for dress- then this proved to be lighter than —Advertisement. Bar Pins in filigree or engraved designs, plain; also tie first piece. So he kept taking es, sweaters, etc., $1.00 and $1.25. set with rich colored stones, 75c, $1.25 to $2.98 ft bite out of first one piece and then each. . but of ,the other and when the Plain uace Vesteds with collar?, Bromley and Tux- cheese was almost entirely eaten up -edo styles, 69c each. Cuff Links, plain gold and colored stones, round or the two pieces balanced. Then he Public Sale octagon, in box, $1.00 and $1.25 set. , gravely told the two cats that as he —OF— Hair Bow Ribbons. Fancy and plain D-in. ribbons had ,st last made the two pieces of for hair bows and fancy work for'holidays, all Women's Cigarette Holders, short and long styles, in differ- eheese exactly even, what was left shades, 39c, 59c, 75c and $1.00 yard. Fox ent colors to choose from, 15s, 25c tnd 35c each. of the cheese belonged to him for Boudoir Sets having made the division. There- to be sold nt Three-Tone Ribbons i'or cashes. Colors in jade, Indestructible Pearl Necklaces nf lustrous graduat- upon he ate the two remaining rose, blue, etc. $1.50 yard. Silk Hosiery pieces and left the cats without any- W. D. Smock's Place, South Eaton- ed pearls in ercam or white, choker, S2-in. length, thing for themselves. town on Eatontown-Lakewood Narrow Moires for bindings, dresses, trimmings, 60-in. and 72-in. open length, $1.98 to $19.95 A Gift for Her Road, on each, g We have assembled most exceptional values in IIos girdles, etc. 19c, 22c ;md 39c yard. ' of standard quality for the early Christmas !xquisitely beautiful Ivory finished sets arc these, Of course there can be no pos- «rjopper. These hose are. so lovely and Monday, Dec. 24th Grey Coney Fur, 1 inches wide, for coats anil Whiting Davis Mesh Bags in different styles and including the ten most essential pieces—Hair Brush, sible connection between a story in dresses, $1.25 yard. . , even in texture. a Third Reader upwards of sixty Now sports walte up-^old ace sizes to choose^'rom, $2.95 to $25.00 each. Comb, Mirror, Clothes Brush, Puff Box, Hair Re- compels me to sell my pack of 15 I CADET SILK HOSE—$2.00 pair. ceiver, Button Hook, Nail File, Buffer and Shoe years ago and a receiver case fox hounds. Some extra fast, all-' AH-Ovcr Lace, lit! inches wide, in colors jade, New Jersey a few. days ago, but Children's Small Styte Meoh Bags in different styles Horn. There ia a- choice of four delightful decora- day runners; good rangers and rab- black, while, brown and tan, $2.98 yard, to rhoose from, oval or square, $1.25 to $3.98 oneh, A frood silk hose, full fashioned, perfect in •weive, somehow the two tilings may per- bit proof. In black and all the new Fall shades. tions. ;r| haps seem to some people to fit to- Also, some young dogs just start- gether. ing in, age 13 months, eligible to ! POINTEX SILK HOSIERY—$2.50 pair. • • • register, out of champions. i Pointex heels, in an all-silk medium weight, pure Twenty years ago or so a busi- Pull details'of quality and breed- thread silk hose, in black, brown, grey and tan. ness man in Red Bank couldn't col- ing1 at sale. A nice lot of well bred j lect money which was due to him fox hounds that you will not bo RIVOLI SILK HOSIERY—$2.50 pair. and so he couldn't pay his debts, afraid to run in any company. Especially Selected for One of the best black silk hose we carry. A mo3t A Gift of which amounted to about $000. His Sale will begin at 2 o'clock. desirable Christmas gift. Perfect in weave. All • affairs were put in the hands of n sizes. receiver. The receiver collected up- W. D. SMOCK Christmas Gifts ALL SILK CHIFFON HOSE—$2.88 pair. Silks wards of ?1,400. This was $500 j George H. Roberts, Auctioneer. The all-silk chiffon hose are well reinforced with Sale of Blouses $1.79 silk at the heels and toes. In black and grey. or Woolens HAND MADE BATISTE AND DIMITY Filet and Picot Lace Trimmed Shows Gloves Choice of Nine Models ''T '. Gifts Thoughtfulness Sheer batiste or fine dimity Mouses with daintiness BLACK CHIFFON TAFFETA—38 inches wide. eauuht in each fine hand stitch. The trimmings ate Splendid soft finish, will not cut. Special, $1.89 Offer Christmas Gift iilet or Irish picot. • Men Like yard. RADIUM SILK—30 inches wide. Colors: pink, Opportunities Our gents' furnishings department often timely flesh, copen, grey, tan, navy and black. Special .specials for Saturday. You will find a big list of f1.98 yard. Keystr Chamoisrttr Cloves, $1.00 \; $2.50 pair. gifts for men at wurth while savings. DRESS VELVETS—36 inches wide. Ilest qunlity, Everybody's ha;>py! Kid Cauntleti, lila.l, jjriy, tan nix! brown, $2.98 pr. A Variety of Timely Suggestions MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS fast pile, fast color, Lyons finish. Colors: brown, Shopping problems French Kid, 2-Buttun Style Glovei, Uluck, groy and 12.45 and $2.85 navy and black. Special, $2.79 yard. * tar.. $2.50 ji.-iir. Made of fine imported English broadcloth with Eolv-jd by cur Christmas double soft CU(TB. A very acceptable gift. In plain NEW PHARAOH PRINTED SILK CANTON Long Kid tilovei in bl.ick ami white, $6.50 pair. from Gift Csrt iicatcs. Gives white only. Regular $1.00 and $4.50. CREPE—40 Ini^.fs wide. Quite different from 'em a'chjncc to make their Children's Woolen Giumt!et>, $1.00 pair. ordinary printed Rilke. Special, $2.98 yard. MEN'S SILK STRIPE SHIRTS own selections. PAISLEY, ROUMANIAN «nd SERBIAN CREPE Children's Kid Mittem, fur tup, llncc lire'I, $1.00 $1.95 Things to wear. Sport- The Hand Bag and Leather DE CHINE—40 inches widi\ New designs, now Choosing one or more of these shirt* for gifts ill ing Goods. Luggage. mude ensy by the mnny beautiful patterns in neat colorings. Special $1.98 ynrd, M..J l)t,lri> IIMrrt Goods Department filk stripe effects, Regular $2.60. BLACK SATIN DUCHESSE—3d inches wr.l••. Mont ROGERS PICKT COMPANY MEN'S MADRAS SHIRTS ncceptabli gift for Christmas. Special, $1.98 yd. Utotdwsjr H*iaM !> mnda of fine woven mndrai in nest run, pink, yellow, green gold, blue, veil and tan. Bro»dwsy Cortrnl" I'lftli Avi. Bath Robes Kim!, loo, the wants to rrooive, There «re any stripe effects for dresa or business we«r, Itcgultr Special 98c ynrd. Bl •t Warren •• «>•» - iiumlur df pirni'li and envelope rtiodelj In Mile, $2.00 nnd $2.2B quality. N»w York Clly KIMOMA SILKS—Now deigns in Jnpnno*'.' efii-ct«. fancy lirocndi-*. duvptyna mid vnrioui Knthcm. Make Welcome Gifts . FOUR.INHAND TIES. Spaclal, $1.29 yard. $3.05 IK $15.00. SO., 7S«, $1.00 BROCADED CANTON CREPE—3(1 Inches wide. $4.95 to $9.95 Ties «r« alwayn nrcrpUtilc ai gifts nnd our display 1'apulnr new »llk for »troot or evening wear. MKN'S BILL BOOKS with solid gold mounting*. of tics in greater than iver, displaying the new Colors: navy, Kri'y, new tirown and blaik, Spe- A iWi'y, run', ccnuinr fii'iiyli rinili lntinjtini; KITectlvc mmleU In vnrlnui shipn «nd with con- patterns mul rulnri. { cial $2.29 yard. rnhn tir n ( Miiiiipi)\ fphr H n!\\n\H UT'let , i,• 11 on venient srrniiictmtiit of fulJi and pocket". From MEN'S DATH ROBES Jp i r CANTON CREPE—40 Imho wide. Leading alllc r WINTER \ *'hristini«c mnrr.mg. 1 ticrp air rhnki mul pluin $1,BO to $7.50. .-^ $4.»R fabric of today for «tre»t or evening wc»r. In colnm to chnoM t'rirn. Wide nilln rlMmn or (ilk 0n# of IIIKP balh rohr^ is «uro to li« enjoyed all ci,lor«, lncludlng#hlaek. Hpcclal »1.9» yord. curd trimmed •"•ill. ii miUihiiig curd girdle, Th«y «r« soft and warm »nd txceptlonslly wtll CHARM1U3E—40 Inch** wide. FmhtaiwbU IS HERE | madr. ahadri, also black. Flnr cluia fic«. Special, MEN'S PAJAMAS MEN'S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS •Lit yard. •2.00 MEN'S WORSTED JACKETS, , J/F \ Have Your Stoves and Heaters \ « 4 (or (1,00 11.00 SILK POPLINS—30 Inchci will*. Btautlful qual- lit.MI hnmlkim'hiefn, ln'mstitihcd htm«, full Mcit'n fancy otrlpt p.JamM, "Unlverlll" BlaVl. Theia nrr a fin* grid* of wool and very ity, Cotorm tan, brawn, bliu, ttavy, ro«e and \ REPAIRED qunlltj'. Our rrgular 12.50 anil |8.00 quality. for ChilitmM gift I, black. Sptclat •!• yard. NOW1 Samuel Swartz 14 WMrt FVont «tr««t JUd B.nV 618-J LONG BRANCH, N. J. RED BANK, REGISTER, DECEMBER 19, 1923.

STEINBACHS-The Great Christmas Gift Store

1 «

The Gift Role of ; Buy a Useful Gifts on the Club Plan Hand Bags Gift Worthy Luggage Bags that vnryfrom the most simple to the elab- What could be u more delightful ^rift for Christ- orate, bugs in nn infinite variety of styles, shapes Silk Umbrellas For those who travel continually or ooafisionally mas than a radio'.' It will not only mid much to the any article of luggage will be a welcome gift. and colors that HB holiday gifts leave little to be enjoyment of the holidays but will bo a source of en- desired. • •• V . $4.95 tertainment to the entire family during the lunff winter At $5.00 Full Size Wardrobe Trunk A most adaptable sort of -a gift for practically months. Beaded bag exquisitely designed, richly col-* of vulcanized fibre with reinforced corners and solid ored in draw string styles. Other bags f6 up. everyone for it's something that one can use the the year round. Gayly colored umbrellas such We carry only the finest sots on tho market. The hardware. Cretonne Ur.t'J a^*! coiii^)]£i;ely fitted. At $5.50 "as these will delight every feminine recipient and prices range from $20 for single, tube sets to $3.10 for" Special $28.50. A pleated black silk bae in pouch shape with prove bright rainy day friends. Covered with larger sets—with small extra charge for installation. . Suit Cases grey silk lining and attractive crystal catch. garnet or purple silk and topped with novel wood Traveling Bags handles with wrist strap, $-1.95, Others with ring Our convenient Club Plan enables you to secure, any of finest quality cowhide of fine walrus leather are At $12.00 handles from $7.50 up. Radio Set by a small initial payment. Further infor- leather. Fitted with wom- gifts that any man will ap- mation and demonstration given by our radio expert in en's white ivory toilet preciate. These are fitted Smart envelope under arm bag of finest Men's Silk Umbrellas of heavy black silk with crook articles and Moire silk with nbony toilet sets nt quality brown seal leather. Neatly silk lined. handles in plain or carved wood, $7.BO to $12.00. the Victrola Salon-—third floor. lined $27.50. $30.00. 7 i

Lamps That Radiate Christmas Slippers FOR THE CHILDREN Holiday Ctieer FELT CAVALIERS with padded sole and heel, novelty The fact that no home can have too many lamps tops B9c assures them of gift popularity whatever their style WOOL LEATHER SLIPPERS with warm lamb's wool Gold and Platinum Jewelry Smart Gift Ik or color. lining $2.9S. Set With Precious Stones BRIDGE LAMP—$22.00 . v. FOR DAD Equally as useful as attractive for this lamp is FELT EVERETT ROMEOS with leather sole and heel The gift of jewelry it one that endear* itself Blouses combined with handy ash tray. Its stand is wrought iron $2.50. —for daytime or evening present and shade tan parchment with neat conventional design. BROWN LEATHER SLIPPERS with leather sole and increasingly with the years. Rings, watches, heel $4.50. V necklaces, bracelets set with precious or semi- themselves obligingly to solve the TABLE LAMP—$20.00 IMITATION ALLIGATOR SKIN SLIPPERS with soft precious stones are here in a charming display feminine gift question—for no wom- The base gracefully shaped is black pottery and felt and wool lining $1.95. > • that offers the most suitable of holiday ramem- the shade that tops it of orange silk trimmed with an can ever have too many blouses. fringe and black chenille braid. \ FOR MOTHER br?.r.ces. Charming over hip styles are fash- QUILTED SAYIN BOUDOIR SLIPPERS nil colors- JUNIOR FLOOR LAMPv-$16.50 - pom-pom trimmed $2.75. Jewelry may now be purchased ioned of exquisite silks and taste- Artistically carved polychrome base with soft I WOOL LEATHER SLIPPERS with warm Iamb's wool on the Club Plan of deferred pay- fully beaded or embroidered. Prices harmonizing shade of georgette over silk with heavy lining $3.50. ments. Explanatory folder upon fringed edge. FELT COMFY SLIPPERS with padded sole and heel range from $5.95 up. 98e. request. " •


Console Sets 1/TM* &-. ' -1 •<" • Give -• "• " $8.00 * Something Electrital Gift Tips front the ' , > These frosted glass console sets in orange, A Toilet Set The vnry best Christmas gifts are eloctrienl appli- yellow or blue are charmingly decorative for ances for their useful ness will serve as a frequent hall or dining room and NH gifts will delight reminder of your thou^htfulm'sp. ' . Men's Shop every home lover who receives one. Is a Gift She'll Like EUctric Percolator with five cup capacity.nt $12.00. Nine men out of every ten prefer n gift that can. Other Hints from the Gift Shop he connected with comfort and leisure hours—for it Electric Toaster with reversible broad holder at $8.00. Candleitickt in artistic polychromn finish $14.00 pair. ^Whether it be ivory, torloise shell or ambor for is their Idea of a "real present." Electric Waffle Iron* in convenient two waffle size nr« Silrer Plated Platter with tret' nnd well, 1 <> in. $28.28. all are equally attractive nnd help materially in dress- Smoking Jackali in smart looking over- ing the buudoir, $18.00. Silver Bud Vaiei gracefully Miapcil are priced at $6 plaids are cord edged nnd frog trimmed. to $25.00. Electric Grill unu&ualhr bandy, complete with triiy A distinctive Ivory Set in neat PuBarry pat- 48.00. Priced from $7.50 to $15.00. , Flower Basket Door Stops, decorated in pastel shade"? $3.00. tern—complete with 5 jiici'ivi is $9.00. For A HOOVER CLEANER Bath Robei nf soft Demon flannel with the friend who bus idrciiily stnrtccpftn ivury Lion Statue Book Endi with bronze finish $8.00. is just tho Rift for mother mul may bp pur- (ilk cord mill button fitutclngs are set there, is a varied selection of separate ^ t hfiacd on our Cltib lM;m uf ensy pnyments. $10.00. Picture Frame, swinn stylo in dull (fold finish $1.50 pieces. Priced frnni 50c up: » Free homo demonstration.

ELEVENTH HOJLIR GIFT SERVICE The last wcok is the most important for tardy shoppers who (ind little gaps in the gift list at tho last moment. Those who have been caught "short" on the holiday market have but to remember this:

Tho RU'inbaeh Christmas Store has plenty of GIFTS THAT HOLIDAY SHOPPERS WILL WANT—and eleventh hour nervice th at many stores would be proud to claim at t\\c Santa Is Here! very start of Xmaw Hhoppin^. The Christmas service hero is at your Hervitv until the end, Of count avrry Illtls girl anil boy In Albury Pifk and neighboring town, will want to coma to Toy land ami ihalm hind* with Hint* Cltui. FURNITURE BictUM kt'i in buiy and h»i to many placit The Home Gift to vlilt h* can only lit him to grtit hi* llttli t hrl (lv «. liimill" il> '••• •"(.-».• ' I.,, . frUmli on {blunt*)* between 10:30 ,nd tlilO phiilHi the Importance at mnnv «m«ll p\t«u of fur* and w«t!) day* between 3:30 and 4itO, II* h«» MkltUrM •• iflflH -.Ihut will mltnttbar!j moat *tlr«cllV'. In mnln>gi»tiy unit Intuptntivf tA««.|te, * crown w—u b« luro to urtni moth»r or daddy with you, -, Our lihurat Club Plan »nitbl«. you to M«Uro UOf !?3 ttrtlel* of furnlturt urnm * umall Initial pty««K, i Pk Writ* for »|)Uh«(orV f»ldir. . , —V—-—• - »•- ' '• '"Wai »ium»*~

«4i*«M ** Six RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19, 1923. ROLL CALL AT LITTLE SILVER. home from Philadelphia, where he »•••••••*••••••••• spent three days.' Mr. Hunter-was A Bis; Day in thi Life of Embury n witness of the triple electrocution Methodist Church. in Sing Sing prison last week. The annual roll call of Emfiury T. II. Lane will leave tomorrow I OLD CHERRYTREE FARM MethodiBt church of I.ittlu Silver for Florida. Make This was held last Thursday afternoon Mi's. Charles Woolley is recover- APPLES SPRAY MATERIALS MACHINERY and night. It m'ttcii $17!i. The ing from sickness. .She recently re- [church has a membership of eighty turned from the Long Brunch hos- (of Unexcelled Merit). '" BEAN SPRAYERS STAYMAN WINESAP, ' i'.nil most of the members' writ iit pital. , • . "Lime Sulphur" ne for F.vcry Purpoie) j tlu> celebration. In.addition to the "Alternate of Lead," (0 Mrs. Elizabeth Parker is spending BEN DAVIS. I members many uthet' persons were "Black Leaf 40" Niagara Duster* a few days at iielni'ar, where the WHITE OHIO l'IPPIN. present, amonK.them In-iiis a num- attended the funeral of her brother-] A RADIO CHRISTMAS "Insecticide Soap," Bisaell Harrows ber of.former resiilmits of Little iu-law. ' | Potatocc Fresh Eggs "Sculecide" Silver who hnvii a friendly fei-liiii; "N. J. Dry Mix," / Fruit Grader* The Epwoith League .of the w for the church. JSjIiist of the visitors A RADIO IS A GIFT FOR ALL HONET Kay«o," Used Sprayers Methodist ehunh eleareel about $!tl) "Alortiie Sulphur" made donations at thV roll call. In at its Christmas bazar held-at the RELISHES, the afternoon addresses UTIO made Tiffany Pruncra church recently. The increased enjoyment and tile added - MARMALADES, "B T S-Dritomic" , by Iionu Branch1 and Anbury l'art "Niagara Duit Mixture!," | Spray Ho«e A bible class sociable was held SWEET C1DF.R, preachers and at ni^ht Rcvr James pleasure of entertaining when you can *'S'ulphur" { FiUingi—Repair* last Thursday al Mrs. Gerard Kn- TURE MAPLE SYRUP, "Kereeol" Dj'Jioma of Red Bunk was the speak- denback's. Boyce Guns " er. A fine- ilinner was served by the CANDY and 1OBACCO. Other Materials Not Litted I Frank Pedro has opened r. barber switch on the Radio makes'it a most suit- vonu'n of the cimrch. GOODRICH TIRES ACCESSORIES GAS and OIL shop in his store on Hay avenue. I able gift for your family. • Mr. and Mrs.a Richard- gdwlleV! HIGHLANDS NEWS. hnvo gone to Houston, Texas, where! Si t. Hendricfcson (Son they will spend the winter with their A GIFT CHILDREN ENJOY I Sons and Daughters of Liberty daughter. Clear J50 nt a Card Party. John .Mount of Fourth street i The world at 1-arge is more or less^of a mys- Hiddletown, N. J. Twinliffht council, Sons and aide to be out after being laid up Telephone 798-R. Daughters of Liberty, held a card with sickness several weeks. . tery to the children but when they have a party last Thursday ninht at the A new root lias been put on the Dealers In borough hall. .Mrs. Mabel Planeoh water works building nt Water, radio, enabling them to -get in touch with won first prize at euchre and Jliss Witch by Michael Morris. The FARMERS' SUPPLIES Mavjo'ric Qua.^t was awarded tirst building is in the Monmouth Hills! distant points, it brings to them a better prize at pinochle. Miss Valeria section and furnishes water for tin1 Smith won the non-player's pib.e. .summer residents. . ! understanding than they can get in any .Mrs. Dorothy Doll won a ip:i.f>0 £uld -Mrs. John Sampson is recovering i 1 ; piece and a lunchcpn set was wan from burns received a few days ago [ other way. "^ by Mrs. Alfred Diuist. About S'IO when a gas lamp exploded. Her face was cleared by the lodge. Amon^ ami body, were badly liurned. ' i other prizewinners were Jits, Ar- Mr. and Mrs. J. .SuUmnn have! MAKE THIS A RADIO CHRISTMAS N thur M. Robertson, Mrs. J. Cowden, gone to Tennessee, where they will j and choose from our assortment a radio Mrs. H. CrippS, Mrs. Cora Mount, spend the winter with their (laugh- j v Mrs. Ellen Kobhler, Miss Kiiima ter. ' I outfit, for those who have no radio in their Quast, Beatrice, Horan, Mrs. Hub- Mrs. Mary Carlo has sold hoi\ AT THE HENNESSEY MARKET bard, Harry Mayer, Henrietta John- property at Water Witch to a Ho-! home will appreciate one as a gift and those . ; 16 IVSonmouth Street. Phone 1377 son, Hattic Davis, George \V. Hardy, bokc-n party, who will take possesion j Mrs. Rose Mayer, Herman Quasi, of the property next month. •• i who have will be delighted with additional Mrs. .1. BischotT, Mrs. Daphin r'ra- Mrs. Willium Conklin is slowly zer, Mrs. .1. Ooneannon, Herman recovering from pneumonia. i attachments. • Sickcl, H. D. Quast, J. J. Hiinlfic, .Mrs. Florence ltobin.-on, Miss! DELIVERIES 9:OO A. M. AND 3:OO F». M. Mrs. Ambrose Liming;, Frank Par- 1 Kiitherine.Robinson and Mrs. Eliza- ker, Mrs. \V. IMioilfei anil August C. beth C'ottrell will spend the holidays Paragon . Western Electric Garod Quast. in Philadelphia. L. LaMarca is having a foliv-ropm Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plancon of Radio Corporation 2 lbs Cod, 25c. 3 to 4 lbs each addition built to his house. A bath New York have returned homo after will be put in. Harry Smith is do-spending a few days here. 2 lbs Pan Flounders, 25c ins; the work, A nutrition class has been formed SALES SERVICE Thomas Matthews has bought thi' at the publie school, where the. chil- Mrs. Kate Parker house, which was dren are told the proper food to eat 1 lb Medium Long Island Eels, 25c occupied by David Horton. Mr. and the other requirements to 9Ccure Ilorton has gone to Newark. good health. The children are ex- Mr. and Mrs. Anton Smith have ARTHUR V. GREGORY amined by Dr. J. L. OpCorman and gone to New York for the winter. their defects are discussed with the Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Wciscn- parents. Edylhe Silberblatt was the 67 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. Phone Thursday for Prompt Delivery Friday burgrer are spending the winter in gold star winner last week for hav- Florida. - ing gained three pounds. The aver- Ex-Chief Radio Electrician, U. S. Navy The ladies' auxiliary of the fire ag" weight gained by the class of department has given the company a thirteen is a pound and a quarter a '•* » VTTtftfiftfrtrfriiiiiin second (lash light. Each engine is week. The nutrition class will con- now equipped with a light. -Mrs. MONMOUTH COUNTV ORPHANS COURT (i pay bcr ilet)t^. and rt'i|iieBtlnE thu nid of dKtMcil nhoulil not lie Hold HI wilt bo suf. tinue tweutv weeks. Uclotirr Trim, A. 1). l'J'Jil. he rmirt iit thi- luiinisos, It in tliolulore lU'lont to pny her ilcbu, or llm resldut Ellen Kobhler made the presenta- In thfi mnUrr rl" the tslutu of T'nulei;* n-diTi.il tl'iit nil li.rsuns int thirty-fh^L ilay DntoJ November !2. A. D. 1928. • you find things you've lost and help Cimit. umiL-r onth, a Just null tint* a f J.uiuury. A. II. ninoir-im humlrtHl nnil madge. you get anything you want.—Ad- -«t:it^ il il'-litrt nf ; ittil I twc-nty-fuur nt 10:00 A. M.,'to' allow Herbert Hunter has relumed l nl. whereby it npim irs'thn.t Hi.' l>i-r- why a,, mucli ot 111* K.ii.l l»n.l% trnemvnta, Ro^tistcr advortisinc: is a .profit. vertisement. sluta nt sniil ilcc.-a ITI a iupilllioiiMit I liorciliUiinonU mill Irnj o:ttuto of tile atllJ i nMo invostnicnt.-T-Advi;rtisement.

for the liberal patronage extended to us, enabling our two stores to be recognized as leaders in their respective lines in this section of the state.

We also thank you for your co-operation which has made it pos- sible for our two stores to have enjoyed the greatest holiday business in our commercial career* '

Again we thank you, and wish you all the compliments of the season.

1 /

THE ART KRAFT SHOPPE THE STORE OF A THOUSAND ITEMS RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19, 1923.- . ' Page Sevefw No Child to b. ForgotUn. RUMSON NEWS. • It la said that the Community Community Party Chrutmu Night club of River Plaza has enlisted the in Victory Park; did of Sant» Claus and that on A community Christinas party STORCK OF COURSE I ChriBtmas day the old fellow will will be held at nix o'clock Christmas visit every home in the community night in Victory park, One of the and will leave a gift for each child big trees in the park will be illumi- between the ages of one and twelve nated -with electric lights and tho years.. •..—•^.--•m:-*-,^-*.-!,.-, ~r- residentrof th"*T)orifegh Witlieilther around the tree and sing ChriBtmas RIVER PLAZA NE\yS. carols. Music will be provided by ChriititiM Cheer in Bountiful Pro- the Victory "park band. portion* Arranged For. Raymond VVyel^off, James Finn and Norman "Hower started for The Community club will hold its Florida last week in an automobile; annual Christmas community party They expect to remain in the South on Mrs. Augustus Miller's lawn next all winter. A Musical Christinas Monday night. A tree lighted and On, Friday night of next week decorated will be on the lawn and there will be a dance in_Holy_Bosury Chrietmas carols will be sung. The hall. Schury's orchestra will pro- Woman's club will send food, candy vide the music. Never before In the history of this business Has there been such a and fruit to tho county poor at Frec- Part of the Strong residence on huld nnd Trenton in observance of tho Avenue of Two Rivers will be universal demand for musical instruments. Christmas. moved by Alfred*Hintelmann to The Five Hundred club will meet lot near tho Hintelmann store. Mr. The piano and the talking machine have always attracted the music 'Thursday, January 3d, at Miss Lonf. iintelmonn bought the Strong resi- Dorlaml's. dence some time ago. lover, but just now there seems to be a fast growing tendency towards Mrs, Henry Paasch nnd her son The Rumson fire company will and daughter spent Friday visiting ,old a" supper and a smoker on •at Mew York. Thursday night of next week at the purchasing an extra instrument "to.take with you." Mrs. Crawford, who occupies Mrs. lirehouse. A turkey will be disposed Augustus Miller's house, is improv- of on the co-uperative plan. To please the most exacting we have put in an extra large assort- ing from sickness. She returned ,MUs Jennie Kraemer, a teacher at home n few duys ago from a hos- school No. 2, is slowly improving ment of these smaller musical instruments, which in themselves make pital, where she was under treat- rom an operation for appendicitis. ment. Tha children of tho public school suitable Christmas gifts. Miss May Dougherty is sick with will lake part in a Christmas enter- Bore throat. tainment tomorrow night in The boy scouts will celebrate their high school'building. Mandolins, Banjo Ukuleles, Violins, first anniversary at the schoolhouse A dance was held last night at Friday night. They, will give dem- Red Men's hall. Chinese Fiddles, Guitars, Ukuleles, onstrations ot their work. James The. Presbyterian ladies' aid soci- Banjo Mandolins, Tenor Banjos, Drums, McPhW will provide music on n pi-ety has sent a box of clothing an I ano and an nddress will be mode jifts to a missionary and his family Accordion s, Banjos, " Bugles, by Frank H. Lloyd.supervising prin- at Marquettc, Michigan. cipal of the schools of Miudletown A number of\school children have . Tubephones Harmonicas, Post Horns^ township. The anniversary commit- been operated oiNftir.tonsil'trouble: tee consists of Henry C. Mecklem, A daughter was Etrtm last week at Edward- Scnttergood, John .McClain, the Long Branch hospital to Mrs. To the music lover who is desirous of having an instrument for per- Charles' W. Ritter, Addison S. San-Grant, who was formerly Miss Frei-, born and Warren Randolph. tag. ' ,. . sonal use, one that can be put in the pocket or tucked under the arm Mrs. Barton Patten has returned The Uumson fire company has from a visit at Hudson, New York, chosen llic following officers for the when going out for an evening of pleasure, we cheerfully suggest any of Mrs. Charles W. Hitter was n del-coming year: egate to a state convention of Re- Proaiilpnt—Jr>hn Grogan. Jr. Vice prflsiik-nt—Louia Hutch. the above. , publican women party workers at Secretary—JumeK Porter, Jr. Newark Friday. Treasurer—Willinm II. Hintelmnnn. Mr. .and Mrs. Leo Wickcrsham Chief—Arthur VmiDnint. Played singly or in harmony with other instruments they add much have returned from Indiana, where Trufttrefi—Unlmi'H- Kmmone, Mlchnel i Shun.'William Dowlon. Patrick Shc«, Rolj. • they spent' three months. crt Wilsnn. I to one's musical enjoyment. The Woman's club is arranging Fnir-miin hfiao wnpron—Hnrold BrnHnn. to hold a card party at Mrs. Frank Aflrtisttuits—Charles Tilton, Walter Neil- hauaer. Curtis's for the club members and Foremnn hool; and laihler—Harvpy .Til- As usual, our line of VICTOR and BRUNSWICK Talking Machines, their husbands. ton. The Community club has decided Fire IHIIKT—William Porter, Rayimiml as well as PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS and WELTE MIGNONS, is com- . not to hold a Christmas sale of V'ltorli^ Mifhael'Shefl. Itolmen Emmon?, Robert ..ilnon, William Murphy, Jr., Wil- fancy articles, as all the articles linm Diiu'tvn. ' | plete. Terms to suit your pocketbook. which it had on hand for the sale Foreman of houne—Alfred Brighton. Sr. } •were sold lnst week at a meeting at Mrs. Patrick Murphy ^underwent Mrs. George Brenker's. A Yule-tide an operation for nose trouble last party will be held by this club at the week at the Long Branch hospital. schoolhouse between Christmas and Policeman John McLaughlin has New Years. resumed his duties after a vacation Mrs. Copelanil Kell of Red Bank in New York state. He cvisited I STORCK OF COURSE npent last week with Mrs. Henry C. Sing Sing prison and sat in the elec- Mecklem. tric chair.


"HANDY POCKET TOBACCOS PACKS AH Popular Brands 10s Blackstone Londres.. UNITED CIGARS $1.20 Tuxedo Buckingham AH the leading brands Our reliable brands make buying Prince Albert Velvet 10s Orlando LondreB $1.00 in Boxes of 25 safe for the Ladies 10s Ricoro Corona ... 95c 1 Ib and i/o Ib Cans HAVANA AMERICAN $2.50 to $4.00 RICORO $1.88 to $3.75 FLOR DE MURIAS 2.50 to 7.00 ROMEO & JULIET 5.50 to 6.75 PANCHO ARANGO 2-94 to 7.00 LA CAROLINA PERFECTOS 6.75 RECOLLECTION 2.50 to 3.50 LA CORONA 6.00 to 13.00 CIGARETTES Complete New Stock of Vi SPENCER ARMS 2.50 to 3.50 PARTAGAS 5.50 and 6.75 In Holiday Wrappings TAKING SMOKECRAFT 2.50 to 3.50 ADMIRATION 3.00 to 4.00 ORLANDO 1.80 to 3.75 PREFERENCIA 3.00 and 3.50 All Popular Brands and DUBONNET 2.50 to 3.50 LADY CHURCHILL 1.88 BENEFACTOR INV. 1.88 LORD STIRLING PIPES PIPES &r»~i FOR THAT BOY CIGARS OF YdURS With or without Complete Line 1£«3a Philadelphia, Hand-Made CASES From 50c ^|HRRIsiSIIIPlMm^n..^ Stratford Watches ..$6,99 All Shapes To $16.00 ™IHEMIT f^ "i^m . in boxes of 25s and 50s Bristol Watches 1.33

KODAKS VI Red Top Fountain m PERFUMES and SETS Pens 1.00 CANDY Stationery ; 1—2—3—5 Ife Boxes j Pearl Handled Pen ... .. "Happiness 8n Every Box From 49c to $6.OO Knives 79c

SAVE YOUR RAZOR ^Candies * Cook's Leather Goods BLADES Pocketbooks, Billfolds, Card Cases A full line of high grade, both Imported and Twin Plex Stropped $5.00 " Received Fre»h Every Week 8 I PerfumcR, Toilet Waters Get triple life from your Also Page & Shaw'i, Whitman's, and Combination Sets. Sherry's and SchraffU. Gillctto blades From $6.00 to $27.50 S \V()(JJ)W(IKTII We Issue United Retail Candy Brownie Box Cameras White Ivory Sets OOTV'H IMHH KINS UIUAUO'H • Stores Coupons. for the Beginner VIVAIUior 85.25 to S3O.OO Ht'I'NI T'H niUJATK'tf Fun for the Children $2.50 to $4.50 CAI'I'I'S MKI.llA SPECIAL Barney Google ftrtd <4 "Happiness" I SptrkPlug 5 Ib Box Chocolates $2.50 $2.49 5 to Box Hard Candy .. $1.40 WHELAN-CASSIDY CO., IncVI . Broad and White Street! Formerly Cooper's Drug .Store * Red Bank, N. X

-*..'•.. . • * - r fragc Eighi RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19,1923. -__ HUNTING WITH FERRETS. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY, M Brud St, R.d Bank, IS. J. TIMOTHY R. HOUNlHAN Much Cams Killed in Thii Way inServices Sundar 11:10 A. M., 8:10 P. M. FRED JENNINGS Atlantic and Holmdel Townships. Suntlty-Bchool—9:35 A. M. Wednesday Evening Testimonial Meetings Contractor and Builder Never hns game been so thor-. —8:10 P. M. oughly killi-d off in Atlantic and Reading Room—W«dne?day« and Sundays SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING General Roofing Contractor from 2:J0 to 4:30 P. M. SCREEN AND STORM ENCLOSURES Combination Sale j Holmclel townshi]is its this year, ac- The public Is coliliiilly invited to visit 120 South St., Freehold, N. J. |i'ui fro nny- whvre. filnte, Slas nnd Tite RoaSng. on|ianrd to me for iale to* the high bidder, I will positively sell it my *|i! Dank and Freehold, these folks say, Phones' 170-11 and 1S8-W. Sales md Exchange Stables, '-* 'Y ''• but ivho may lutve gone to those X] places from New York or'other *t*' cities, have.used ferrets to [?et rab-i Opposite C. R. R. Station, Freehold, Ijllliits-which have "holed LID" a ml have ' X almost exterminated game thereat TOYS •j<; about?. Trained ferrets are very'i *£ efficient hunters , of rabbits • and I We Have An Extensive Line at Low prices. Friday,December 21,1923 •[•other game, but'it is| illegal to use X ; ferrets'in hunting in New Jersey, FOR GIRLS FOR BOYS AT I2;J0. P. M,, THE FOLLOWING.— ;£;.under a fine of $50. Much indig- !j! | nation is expre«Pd hy farmers and Drums * ; f £ others over this manner of wiping I Dolls "I Love You" 50 Head of Guernseys, Jerseys and Holsteins £ I out game. Iron Fire Engines A crooning fox- Doll Carriages trot played by The i Auto Kills Deer. Iron Hook and Ladders Columbians on l be compelled l<> The lioily of ii 200-pound buck Doll Cradles ; and we kimw wh KI-PW tin- r Kinil. .We iimptpil on tin Friction Toys Columbia Record m. Many of the; nrc fresh, so fresh day of Bait nnd frome I deer was found one morning last .-. week nsar Fnrmingdale hy Addison Doll Beds A-3989. "' Osborne. The deer had evidently Auto Busses of Ilir hichrst prailf vprnment tuberculin testeii. Thpy n[ the rik'lit M.-P. -il ind lhut milk** fcr ici. Curnp sro tlicm nny day !><•- been killed by an automobile short- Doll Bassinettes day nf suit. iVi; ill pnrc it rirht f* fail to solve the problem Thirteen new members joined the heventcenth dny of January. A, P. 1821, nt whifn time application will be made for American Mechanics' lodge of Long the allowance of cummiasiona and eounael Branch last week. They were Ray- mond Antonides, Raymond Bowman Dated December 8. A. T>. 192^. Thomas W. Cooper. Richard Cooper, 7 Broad Street Red Bank, H.J. EDITH B. FlSHF.n. Frederick Evans, Wilford Harvey, Luke Lonchead Is a quiet sort Earl Hooper, Paul T. Morehouse WELLER'S of fellow but every week l?e deliv- Robert Pierce, Raymond t'oole, Leo ers worth-while messages to over Townley, Frank F. Sherman and Al 35,000 people.—Advertisement. bert Woolley.

Party for Veleranl. A card party for the benefit oT disabled soldiers was held a fov nights afco at the Community room of tlie Belmar lihrary. Those in c' rgo o£ the party were Miss Lou isa Scudder, Miss Mavie Hcicy, Mrs. William Helm and Miss Ruth Fischer. CANDY CIGARS Buys Seashore Home. Dr. Max llurzoy of Xew York lia EALT1FUL pnekages of the highest OU will find here most of the well bought the Dr. Bruce S. Keato B t;r-Je products from America's best Y known, established brands of im- property at AHi'iihurst for ?2d,000 Inown C":uidy manufacturers, including ported and domestic Cigars in excellent The house has twelve rooms an emj frcthly p;ukn! >;ilt hoxes from our own smoking condition in a Rrent range of modern improvement?. Mr. Herzog factories at prices ranging from prices and most generally at a saving. who ia connected with the Xci .19c to $10.00 We recommend particularly the fol- York city board of health,.will mnk Allonhurst his permanent residence With Castles Delicious Quaint little packane? for the kiddies lowing of our private brands. to help decorate the Christmas tree or Clear Havana Cigar* Whiteiville's Firemen, till in the empty spaces in the stockings, 1 such PS Clin.'ii'iiii.1 Aninmls, Tirr* KiJJy In BOKI 0/ 25 The Whitesvillc. fire company ha Ice Cream elcLttd William Johnson presiden Poj'!, KandyKiMj'ic^, c.V. La Rosa Aromatica Itobert Kirke vice president, Alfre Little Bits from the East in 10 sizes. . . . from 2.25 to 9.00 Itcid treasurer. ,1. Harris seeretar' Aclil to tbe festive jftys nt the Happy Christmas day dinner a One of t!v* many Lii^(incti\'f ]MLI;I^I> rrc^li tiom HI Solano in 4 sizes, from 3.00 (0 7.00 T. l.oughlin foveman, C. Malsbui delicious dessert of Optics Ice Cream. It will be a crowning our s1'^ n ! icuny. Tile iltM'raliDn (in tlir love! and C. Deihl assistant foremen, , e : feature to the hip turkey feed. And a wholesome one. For Castles til i-vip:nMs,dv'Serf .aTi.! r.rrib.%-ymho!i-i'uiir [ T,r Mild Havana Blend Cigars Van\rit(! seii,-caiit-at-arms nnd ( Jce Cream is Ilcatliixcd, so it is pure and of the richest, crcamicM, mAt!); it L; p^ni.it'.iily ipptopr^itfi^vk.^cc li'i Patterson tru^Jce. tlhnitni.i'i. i ,ii»vl v\'\i ilsf* moH woujirrhil In ftaxrs 0/ 25 most flavory i|iiality. IVin^ .I Icathizccl it is easily digestible nnd ^ nseonir^-iit ot .i:hocohtc8, almond*, dues, ett. Flor de Murnt in 4 sires . 2.25 (0 .3.50 nn aid to digestion.' Let the youngsters have all they want. It is Firemen's Chriitmaa Party. . good for I hem. XV4 lbs. 1.50 2 lbs. 2.50I'.uiovn Invincible . . 2.00 A Chri?tmna party was given las tveek by tin1 members of the Occai Be sure it's C«>i1rs. IF it isn't Castles it isn't lleatliizcd. Your I'amilv Package of llomcrriiiid Domestic Sumatra Wrapped Cijpira nearest dealer will deliver a hrick of Castles finest ice cream, of Chocolates irove fire enrnpanies and the luxilinries. Mi^s lrei>e Gilbe Imlk ice cream, as you prefer, Many flavors to chouse from. Ask Our ChrWnn.n ^p<*ci;il. An u^nrtnicnr t.f ]C including the well-known the dealer. . dittcnnit^ 'n^rolalt*-. l.iicd with ~,, M. WB in charge of the entertainmen fll1'ln Major in 1 '•ires . , 1.25 to 2.88 program. About bun persons wen I.iyncs Pcrfnto . . ', 2.63 present and a number of gifts wen Su^ar Coated Almonds listributed. coming of Louis K 2.38 Purer Because v^in-m*1, .:'i>r:-il imd fhui>n-d pi r /Kc, liox 0/ 35, 2.45 imivit! ei)inedy s.tnr. Miss lln T.iKKctt*s Milk Chocolate i< nineteen yearn olil nnd In I'lor ill" Mural rrj;uliiirv -' for ?.'c In '] pound ben .... •n actinic for llic niuvict the |in •S/iri'wl Hi ? jm iOt, 10 J.'i ')Hc, IJux 0/ -J\ 2.45 year (ir sn. ORDER Bux t»f 6 i-akfs IIUIVM on ru^cin^blt £itf. La Ki«n Ar(»matica~rrj{«Iflrljf MC FROM Auto Hit. UicxtH't. T ;; Jnr W<, 10 far1.20 , Box of 35, 3.00 inn I" every An automobile driven hy ],(>«• YOUR ()/ (In* Family La Ilrwi<.ii'iK"iS-"irj[iiLi»Jif 10c • her of Anbury Piirk struck l.ni Prifniiic vrtj . . . i.OOtn 1O.PP \ /or 45i'i 10 jnr tide, Box of jo, 4.30 Me 1'mber u{ Asbury Turk wlii DEALER Ijmiii ni 61 lii-ii.treilFr-tfiunci ;,iO to llU'O Mr. l.'mliir win riilinir * hitycl j pii 1: Ivmoyj 1 <*Hft Sfls ! 4,'IH Major Majors regiilrtrly 10c ln>( weeli. The bicycle w TODAY fl |:lrcHvd!i",l 'toilet Sctl ' 7.4«> 5 fur 45c, ro fur H6c, Bot 0/50, 4.30 wricked, but Mr. Umbrr wns n ( ih»lp 1'clniU . •• 41.00M 5.00 All thf popular brandi of Tobuccoi In if' ' ' 1 H 1 Mv cV tiij;mi'!l Vt'.iK'lie« t^ f-.-m \AQ fon and tin* nt lubatontlal tavinui. A I Mim.iit Kixliks . . , l.TOto 21.3H A Far. Vf..rcim>n louninln ttm . 2.^0 M 10.00 large variety of genuine briar plpe» and A farewell party \vm givon n fr other smoker's »ccc«»oriei m»y be found ;vk/y M i.Mt^^tiy fir litFj'-yd Clnvil day* iido tu Mm. Hour aim llo Catn iititBlj!*" fur S>i-'Ui1oif tit dttV 2MH in a number of our larger atom. of llrnillcy Dnrh, wlio left thp n \t (jilletn U iithn Fjlcty Riiurt .9S ru S.)9 t! Mr Villmi I'filuiiiUtti , .7'-lu d, Welkin* BIHI Talking DetU ,96 10 2,'JH Kln.Ur»«rtffi Plsy Bill, . ,i% All the well kiw-n brands nf Cigarette*, ' KlII.J * B.ar. 5>lf(H(l Hiiv» Outfit! a , ' ,4') Many In special Holidiy boxei. You I'.lfiitli ( iiilin( tfniii • • I,l9an4z.w will find the brand he imokct, tt tc- A black liwr welfhlng U pmirtdi hlh.Hlc flit Itnn, 1V| m t Itn 1,9H duccd jnltc* w»« (linplnyrd In Csll'l mint Market it Hfpag llrant'h t*lt > >'i t> Orl|«tt't'.«lr«it> 7.19 ti(«r Wns M1I»I| liy >ili> «fi a hunilnf trip In Sopm VallU, AVfMflJf Brattitri I* Narjr, ttaward U. a»4 BJ*IB II. ll««t, i«m *i BdwlR C. Itaii of rrtihcU, tffefltt «'• k«th n Mrvt«« In th« MV». Mwln In in RUKUMA wittn whtU 60 Brand Street R.d Bank, N. J, Htmti II it yrtifat k*« »> * to. uwii" RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19, 1923. Page Nine WHITE WYANDOTTES WON. Eatontown Bird) Were tha Beit at National Washington Show. + At the recent national poultry show at Washington, White Wyan-1 dotte chickens owned by Charles U. Cleveland of Sunnybrook farm, Eat- ontown, won for their owner a silver cup offered Ijy President Coolulgu • for the best pen in the entire show \ and a silver cup offered for the best; young pen in the American clues in ! Spiling Out the show. Mr. Cleveland's entries won five first prizes and two second prizes. -, • m i m ? I MIDDLETOWN V1LLAQE NEWS.! Entire stock: oOicycles,- Tricycles,: Scooters^ Roller-Skates^ * 3 Community Club Cleared $60 by a Bridge Party Lait Week. Bicycle Tires and Supplies, must be sold at once The community club cleared $60 4 last week by n bridge party at Miss Emily Peacock's. The money will be. used to pay for the club's mov- ing picture outfit. u A children's Christmas service : A Good Chance to Get Your Christmas Presents will be held at Christ church Sunday! afternoon' at three o'clock. Com-| munion will he held at the church, Christmas morning at eleven o'clock.; Make your boy or girl happy with a bicycle, and for the Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Crispen havej gone to New York for the winter. little kiddies we have Tricycles, Scooters or Teddy Bikes. ( They are new residents here, having bought William Thompson's prop- 4- \)hefan on Buick: cars' erty on the Nutswamp road last 1 spring. They will return to Mid-! 4- aids materially in cooling the dletown in April or May. , 4 powerfolDuickValve-in-Head A concert and entertainment wa» Auto Shoes and Tubes held at the Baptist chapel Monday; motor. Qhe wide fanbek can m night for the benefit of the Com- munity club. ' | 4- be replaced-without removing Edith Hankins, daughter of Jo- •$25,000 stock of Auto Shoes and Tubes, as well as Auto 4 seph . Hankins, has recovered from 4 anypartof the mechanism tonsilitia. -> |f! Supplies, Wiill have to go at very low prices. 4 Mrs. Smith bS'Hazlet is a'tuest of Mrs. Alida Taylor. I 4- kherTeaenw The Baptist chuldren will have their Christmas entertainment to- Look over our stock and buy all you can afford to buy. It £uickisthe morrow night and the Reformed Sunday-school will have its enter- will certainly pay you. 4 Standard ^Comparison tainment Friday night. Miss Marie Conove* and Mrs. John West had charge of a special I missionary service at the Reformed church -Sunday might. Miss Van- >'» JChntlW Sport »oad»ttt 117$ Pelt, a returned missionary from Repairs MM Four P«. Sport Touitai I7H • tMI Brpuiham Sedan • • • • 121$ Arabia, was the speaker. She wore 1541 ttmx !>••. Coup« • • § • 198k an Arabian costume. • •-*-«» • We will still do repairing and overhauling on bicycles.. ^ Vouru FAIR VIEW NEWS. iVam, Kaadalarj » 035 Four PM*. Coup* • # • lS9f John F. Applegate Buya a Lot at a Get yourself a set of new tires or pedals, or whatever J tricMi f.o. b. Bnick tottotlfl tovernmtnt tail to ht added. Site for Hii Home. .John F. Applegate has bought a you need. lot on tha west side of Brighton avenue at Fairfield Gardens for $200. The lot is almost directly west of Obadiah llallenbake's house WE WIL.L, SAVE YOU REAL, MONEY 4- at trie comer of Brighton avenue + 4- ar.d DePauw street. The lot is H. Li. ZOBEL 40x150 feet. Mr. Applegato bought the lot as a site for a home. Monmouth County's Largest Automobile Distributor John Gunson, Jr., son of John Gunson, is improving from sickness, Mrs. Thomas Salmon and her MAHN'S BICYCLE EXCHANGE : daughter Margaret spent Saturday Red Bank, N. J. Sea Bright, N. J. ahd Sunday at New York, Robert Hankins bought a team of 27 East Front Street . Red Bank, New Jersey % Telephone 955 Telephone 90 horses last week. Frank Scott has a new Ford coupe. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Th ? RpgistcrV motto—"A paper in every home."—Advertisement.

•^"•~*~»~»~»~*~»~»~*~*~4~»~4~4~4~4~,»~»~»^^ WE HAVE MAILED TO THE MEMBERS OF1 OUR 1923 «'••• A'- CHRISTMAS CLUB 3 CHECKS AGGREGATING NEARLY $100,000:00

11 * • '•••«>' Our club this year is one of the largest we have ever operated, and has been most successful. Our dub is conducted upon the original CHRISTMAS CLAJQ plan, and is operated by the simple punch card system. Were you among the hundreds that were made happy by our Christmas Club? i If not, start at once in the club now forming, and thereby assure yourself of gotting a Christmas check next December, The Club for 1924 is now open with tne following classes: $12.50 IT COSTS YOU 25c a week for 50 weeks and receive check for If you do not fully NOTHING 50c a week for 50 weeks and receive check for 25.00 understand tha TO JOIN. Chriitmai Club1 $1.00 a week for 50 weeks and receive check for * 50.00 operation, call at our IT'S AN EASY bank and have it " WAY TO LEARN 2.00 a week for 50 weeks and receive check for , • 100.00 explained to you, TO SAVE. 5.00 a week for 50 weeks and receive check for 250.00

We cordially invite our present members and all our friends to participate in this convenient method of saving. Tine Second National Bank RED BANK, N. J. Total Resources Over * $6,500,000.00 lUargeiit and Strongest Bank In Monmouth ?age Ten RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19,1923.

Monmouth County Surrogates Offit*. TRUCK CHAUFFEUR >. BROTHERHOOD LADIES' NIGHT. damage dpne, to Lewis S. Thomp- In tht tnatUr of tha estate of Trevon* S. lon'i house on Erookdale farm ia Brower, d«e*»«*d- Flame from Lantern Set Fire to A Fins Musical Program Rendered ieoa 1933 ! Notice to creditors to preBent claims nearing completion. The job will BBdlnit tutate. Gasoline and Caused Injuri.s. at Rumion Last Week. be finished in about two weeks. The » PunuBtit to th^order of Jo»*rh L. Bon- fire occurred late last winter. •har. BUrrofato of the county of Mon- Dirclc Del.ion of }'ort Monmouth, "Ladies' night" was observed by mouth, made on tha eleventh day at Oc- who 13 employed by the Middletown the Presbyterian brotherhood of The addition to tho James Rowe tober 1B28, on the application of Mabel 'T. Brower and Clifford H. Ur.iwfr, otimin- trucking company, was badly burned Rumson Tuesday night of last week. house on Brookdale farm will be latratora of the rstate of Trcvone H. last Wednesday night. He was put- There was a large attendance and a completed in about two weeks. The Brower, dec#a.ed, notice Is hereby Riven work is being done at the expense to t»)« creditor! of laid deceased to ex- ting gasoline in a truck on Clifford fine musical program was given. ,H(bit to th« subscribers, administrators as Eastmond's place at Port Monmouth The musicale comprised piano solos of Harry Payne Whitney, whu leases aforesaid, their debta and demands against Carefully when the gasoline caught fire from by William Ward, a vocal duet by large part of the farm from Lewis the said estate, under oath, within B(X months from the dnte of the aforesaid the flame from a lantern which was Miss Gladys Woods and Mrs. Nina S. Thompson. Mr. Rowe is tho head order or they will be forever bnrred of near by.. Mr. DeLion was burned on Coyne, n piano trio by Mrs. George trainer for Mr. Whitney's Tacu their actiorii therefor ogain»t the aniil sub- Compounded lii.s arms and on other paints of his Ivins. Miss Woods and Mr. Ward, a horses. body while lie was trying to put out song by Richard and William Ward G. Harry Richdale is home from a CLIFFORD H. HHOWER. the fire. The Tort Monmouth fire- and the "the sailor's hornpipe" by visit at New York. Ladies', Misses' and Children's NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT men were called out and they quick- Charles Washburton. Refreshments Mrs. Margacet Bray of Eed Bank Estate of Ellen V. Peftsc. deceuaed, ly put out tho flames." A pile of and dancing followed the musical Notice IB hereby given that the accounts will move to this place to make her of th« subscriber, executor of the estate ITiiipty .crates "and barf Dig-caught program; - home-withMr3.-Joseph-W—Thomp- of Bald decoded, will be audited and stated lire and many of them were de- ky the Surrogate of the County of Mon- son. tnouth and reported for settlement to ths stroyed. Not much damage was Orphans Court of aaiil County, •« Thundoy, The careful compounding of pre- done to the truck. Mr. DeLion was LINCROFT NEWS. The Christmas entertainment of ; 8 Broad Street, Red Bank. N. J. th« third m iliat country to join him. have concrete put down on the NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT loved ones are sick. It was the first time the parlor was EsUte of Addi* Kinnsburr. deerasi'.i- county road through this place, ani used and the members of the society Nolle* )• hereby Biven that the accounts a petition will be circulated for this of tot mbswrlbari, eieeutore of the estate The best efforts of your doctor will go Boys' Trial Postponed. > were delightccT with its coziness and Here are gifts of util- of laid deoeaatd, will be audited and stated improvement. The residents of this comfort Hereafter the society will by tht Surrogate of the County of Mon- for naught if what he prescribes as not The trial of Caleb Uubbard and place are much incensed over a re- ity for eveiy member moutb and rtporUd for settlement to the meet at the chapel instead of at the Orphans Court of "'•* County, on Thursday, carefully followed to the last ftem. Hubert Iforman of Belma. on mark alleged to have been made by homes of members. Last Thursday the twenty-seventh day of December, A. D. irgc of manslaughter has been ja public official that the road in of the family. Things 192J, at which timp application will be the members made rugs for their made for tht allowance of commissions and We specialize in this work' and are pi>tpuned '.nth no date set. The 1 question "begins nowhere and ends annual fair. At the conclusion of of reliable quality counsel fees. ys are held for burning to death I nowhere." Lincroft folks say the Dated November 15th. A. n. 1928. worthy of your trust. the meeting tea and cakV. were HENRY McDF.IUtOTT, fhiirles Spindler and William Hub- road is much more important than served. • • • from makers of su- SIDNEY CHASEV. ard last August while playing In- many other roads which have been Mrs. Jacob Conover of Little Sil- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT dians. improved with concrete. perior wares. Estata of Fanny McCarter Baylis, de- ver spent Saturday mid Sunday with ceased. Mrs. Frank McCnrron underwent her daughter, Mrs. Henry A. Cono- Final account. SCHROEDER'S PHARMACY Notiea it hereby given that the accounts Christmas Party for 3,000. an operation last week at the Long vcr. o( tha subsoriber, executor of the estate of Branch hospital. She is improving. • aid d«eaased, will be. audited And stated by H. C. HUBBARD. Prop. Robert Sporo of Long Branch Paul Reid, who has been very to* Surrogate of the County of Monmouth gave a Christmas party to over A daughter was born to Mrs. Jo- sick, is improving. GIFTS FOR and rtported for settlement to the Orphans seph Mauser last week. ,.,•-- GIFTS FOR Court of Bald County, on Thursday, the 16 Broad Street Red Bank. N. J. | 3,00U , persons who are public Louis Walters has had his house tenth day of January. A. D. 1924. at charges at Welfare IsLind, New Mrs. George C. Richdale has repainted. William Slater, who lives MOTHER v which tlmt application will be made for turned from a visit at New York the allowance of commissions and counsel York, on Sunday. An entertain- with Mr. Walters, did the painting. FATHER A I • Telephone £46146. • Telephone 38. | and Brooklyn. fees. ment was provided and gifts were -—^' — —•...... Dated November !ith, A. D. 1923. Enameled Ware jtjfe% distributed. The work ol repairing thS fire It pays to advertise in the Register. Pocket Knives FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY. Hand Tools . i. Aluminum fe Tool Chests '••• Tin Ware Driving Gloves Food Choppers Ice Skates Pyrex Baking Ware Carving Sets Shears Hair Clippers Scissors Ice Creepers Bathroom Fixtures Game Traps . . : Table Cutlery r Fishing Rods Hollow Ware Z> , Game Bags Kitchen Necessities $14.00. 25-year White Gold caie $22.00. 25-year White Gold ca*« Ammunition Roasters , $50.00 1BK White Gold case, fine with fine IS jeweled movement. with 15 jeweled movement. ~ Hunting Vests Bulova 17 Ruby jeweled movement. Household ' Whisk Brooms Thermometers Cases FOR WE HAVE SERVED THE PUBLIC FAITHFULLY FOR OVER 37 YEARS. GIFTS FOR 1130.00. Very fine White Diamond $35.00. 17 jewel Bui ova movement. SISTER aat in 18K White Gold, 1-3 cl. 25-year White Gold caie. BROTHER Shears Foot Ball Goods ~? Scissors Pocket Cutlery Ice Skates Hand Tools L de la REUSSHLE Ice Skates Game Traps / GIFTS FOR Established 1886 Fishing Tackle THE KIDDIES 36 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. Fishing Rods Razors Roller Skates Our stocks of "GIFTS THAT LAST" are now complete and ready for your inspection. $13.65. New Haven eight-day, ioHd Hockey Sticks Ice Skates We want you to come in and look around and ask questions. You will not be pressed to buy I $12.80. "Blue Bird" IndeilructibU mahogany case. Guaranteed. r-we want you to know us and what we have to offer. Pearl., 14K White Gold clasp. We do not merely sell merchandise, but responsibility as well. Gifts bought here are of unquestioned quality. May we have the pleasure of a -visit from you? Robert Hance & Sons MONMOUTH'S LEADING JEWELER. 12 Broad St. Red Bank. N. J. GOLD JEWELRY DIAMONDS. GOLD JEWELRY

For Her. Rins« J25.00 lo $800.00 For Him. Witches $70.00 to $400.00 Watch Chains ., . ... .$10.50 to $30.00 Bar Pint Scurf Pins $10.50 to $75.00 $4.00 to $20.00 Tie Clasps $ 10.50 to $20.00 $5.00 to $60.09 Rings $5.00 to $40.00 Scarf Pioa ..!!.. $2.50 to $15.00 $14.00 Solid Gold Genii' Rinf -with Blue Bird P.arls Bar Pins $50.00 to $500.00 $8.50 to $50.00 Brooches $30.00 to $700.00 Rings $8.00 to $35.00 Brooches $3.00 to $30.00 Knives $8.00 to $18.00 La Vallieres Bracelets $133.00 to $300.00 fins White Sapphire. J6.00 to $25.00 La Vallieres i $25.00 to $150.00 Tie Claspa $4.00 to $7.00 Cuff Pins $2.50 to $10.00 Cuff Links $4.00 to $3S.0O Lingerie Clasps We specialize in making Diamond jew- ... $3.00 to $5.50 •Iry to order, or remodeling your own jew- Cigarette Holders $4.00 lo $12.00 Bracelet! 35 25 to $25.00 Cigar Cutters Earrings els. Designs and estimates will cheerfully ....•.$7.50 to $17.00 $2.09 Ti* Claip, fins green and $3.00 to $14.00 be submitted. wlitta gold front. FILLED JEWELRY FILLED JEWELRY WATCHES. For Him. For Her. Watches purchitied from RumiHe'i bavt Knives $2.00 to $8.00 been very thoroughly tcated and leavo our Watch Chains $2.25 to $8.00 . .: 7Sc to $5.00 hands ready to servo you. They ihoiim Tie Clasps 50c to $2.00 75c to $1.50 Cuff Links $2.00 lo $5.00 Cuff Pins keep the time we expect them to. If they Belt Uuckles $4.00 to $7.00 l.illfjeric CUip& 50c to $1.50 dont we want them back. 85c to *0-6O Pencils $2 50 lo $6.00 KiJira-tS Charms $2.00 to $4.50 Uarring. 75c to $8.00 75c to $4.00 Fountain Pens $1.50 to $10.00 Rar I'im Pocket Combs $4.00 to $5.00 Pencils ... SOc to $6.00 $3.00 to $5.00 WRIST WATCHES. Stud Sets $4,50 to $17.SO I'mintam i'ens .. . .$1.50 to $12.00 Fol>s $2.25 to $5.50 Rosary litad. .. . .$1.25 to $10.00 1ftU. White Gold $33.00 to $100.00 —. o— o o—O—~ 0—• llo.inc Boxes $3.25 lo $7.00 25 yr. W. G. Filled $10.50 to $30.00 $8.00. 10K .olid Gr..n Gold Pock. Convertible Watche* ....$12.00 lo $40.00 A NEW PLAN FOR Strap Watchei $15.00 to $50.00 IN SILVER • tltnlfo, with ruitleii itael bladas. For Him. IN SILVER Key Hints $1.35 to $3.00 $24.00. Heavy UK Crerm Gold, Cigarette, Case $3 50 lo $28.60 LAUNDRYi WORK For Her. GENTS' WATCHES. Sh ,.,„,; Sets $11.00 to $14.00 Black Onyx and one cut Diamond. 14 anil ia«. Solid Gold ..$42.00 to $200.00 Ash Trays $1.50 to $«.5O 1 Ila j , »IO.OO to $20.00 Smoking Set $400 to $11.00 25 yr. Cold Fillet! $25.00 to $80,00 Je»el Cases .12.50 to $12.50 Military IVushes $10 00 lo $24.00 . . ,$I.Lt5 to $10.00 20 yr. (".old Filled $12.00 to $23.00 JHRIF-TY-^ASH 1'iitiii. Finis I'ockct Knives $2,00 to $5,00 Iliush. C'nmh A Mill $12.50 to $:l.1.00 Hamilton, Gruru, Klein. Illinois. Wai- Wlilsk Brooms $1 50 to $4 50 Pictllie l.ncktts , . . . ..J2.25 to 10,00 tliani, Hulova, Depollier and dependable ?wlss Watches. Desk Clocks $8.00 lo $» 00 Dresser Clocks .. •. $0.00 to $11 00 • Tasks $20 00 to $25 00 Vanity Cases . .$2.00 to $18 00 Raior Strnna $5 00 lo $7.00 7c per lb. for Bundles 20 lbs. or Over I'encll .. . .$1.00 to $4.BO Manlcura Sals . . .. .$11.00 tn $in.OI> Match Salsa $2.00 to $9 00 Thlmltles 50c to |1.25 Shavinf Mui $7.00 la $10.00 lltulldn Sell . ,.$1.5D to 13.50 FOR THE HOME. Stissois . . .$2.00 to tn.OI) Peilume lloltUs .. SOc to $3.59 Silver Vases ....$2 50 lo $ISO(1 This ia Hie Wet Wash, with all the bed Salt 4 I'apiMr .Sets .. . .$2.00 lo $17.00 FOR CHILDREN. $40.00 Starling 31N.r pl.rc.d Silver Chests ..$12.75 In $11111.00 l!lni« $1 00 lo $10 OS 'and table linen (flat pieces) ironed, ready * Class Console Sels . .. . .$7.00 In $11 00 I'lll Sals $1.00 to $11.00 stdy*, KandUd banket. Tea (lalla $1.30 lo $4.tlO Knives $l."0 lo $3 00 MISCELLANEOUS. (aaseroles , , . .$0.00 to $11 00 $18.00 rUlinunt fumt Sctrf Pini, IWatrlet $2.50 to »« OO for use, and the perHon.il wearing apparel re- I and la Slicks . ...»i!.75 lo $25,00 Il»«,l $1.00 la $1«« Fine 11.ail HM:< .MIS III 510 01) Mrod Trays .. . , $4.00 to $22 00 i wlih Cut Diamond. I'ai luniei s l.lei u jc , . . . l',,i, il. $1 (III lo $2 BO turned damp, in separate package. ,,4< . %T.M\ tn JtO.OO Water Piuliiu. , . »l I mi I,, $1700 (••us $I.BO lo $4.00 ft y ll.il.lirl . t; :ir> tn %\;, oo VeKntnhU DUIII'S , , ,. ,$10.00 It, $111.00 An l.r, |,,|IM '--I. . % tfl oo in fd).on .... $4.ti(> to $H,l)t) llonk M.rks ... $1. no lo $1,111 »a,id»Mi lrays . .. Sell Tins $2,110 to $3JO Mi.II Miiiinit* Sets .. . . to 50 iu $in.7H Its Sals . . , $2:1.0K 0 tn $05 00 Tmvelini S«t .(12.IMI til |22»O Hitad llonrilt . . . .$ .7R to $10.00 11,1,1,1,1 7BC ta |l.00 Thus, for only a few cents more, our cua- ItKltv Itattils ,.,.,..,,, . 11 00 any cutnr I'lrkard (I,Ina $2.50 lo Jin (in l«r,,V IW..I. . .91 ftfl to tin 00 1.1.1. Mats , ROC to $7.00 tomei'Hcan have all the big heavy pieces com- k.l,,Af..| It'll!.,,. .. . $i .no to 9io,04> C.iay y lloat* •»<", tn $12.mi FOR BABY. l.iralliKr W.ll.ls . $2.rvo t<» 917 no l , . . ,»4.50 to $0500 K.v 1.in»i. .91 25 In $10 ( oloreil Glssswaia ,. $2 00 to $10,00 Knllf, Fork a «,,o.n $« «0 ta $7 00 pletely finmhed, leaving only the personal tarn,- t'umbi , %:'• no in 920 Cut l.l>. ,,. ,$* no to $tti (HT I hllil's ( up $300 l»»»0O I'.i, * IVmll »>ta .,.. . 92 no I.I In 'illv.i Howl .. . $a oo lo $.ln()O Illli Clasu $1,111 to $1 00 plecca to do at home. . ,.. , • <• , . Reading Classes .. vnt. i» »n Ira Tubs . , ,$10.tH) |o $14.00 I'm Set Jl.no lo $I.»O Rltihan Hsntolts ...... 91 i« t,i »4(M ('arvlnl flats , ...... »« no to $•) no HraiaUts 11.00 la $4 00 SI.Mk .Viisor .. i\ m in lion TMI Spoans. htif dot i . .$»"(! In $12.00 Haul , ,11.11(1 In $4 00 lovi Illrd I otkus , 91H0 In 9*?1 Omly J«r• . , Mno to Jn.no Spoons $2 00 (a $1 DO $14.00. H«T 14K Cold Send for Our Driver— Swan rl 9I0M to |1Jno Fi uit [)lih*l ...... $7 oo in $i«.oo l.ockels snd Chslns . ...,,..$21)0 If (400 T 3lf it*l Rlai, tit up with DltMMtl. Make Wtih Day Happy Other Service Plain. Wet-Waih. ^ Float-Ironed, Rough Dry, AIl-FinUhed. RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19,1923.

THOMAS, E. HARDY DEAD. Manaiquan Man Conducted Under- taking Bu«inei> 48 Yean. Thomas E. Hardy, who had Leon engaged in the undertaking busings I FOR CHRISTMAS -RANGER BICYCLES! FOR CHRISTMAS in Munasquan 48 years, died an •v Mondny niijht of last week at that A beautiful collie makes an ideal Christmas Gift When pur- pliire. ill his seventieth year. Ik' f lives a widow, a daughter and two cnased from the greatest collie kennel in the world. • » suns. The. children aro Clarence Hunly of Manasquan, formerly of We have won more prizes during 1923 than any other kennel Red Bank, Thomas H. Hardy in existence. Iiilm.-u- and Mrs. C. C. Marrimr of Nothing' would be more We have a large num- CuaU'hville, Pennsylvania. Tin; fu- ber of slightly used and This is the Home of the World's Greatest Collie neral was held Friday afternoon al . gratifying to that boy or tin1 Manasquan Methodist chmvh rebuilt bicycles that look Champion Bellhaven Starbat Stronghearl and WHS conducted by Uev. Edward girl than a Ranger—Si- like new. They would Mount and Kev. Elijah F. Heed. i cycle for Christmas. make a fine Christmas A few choice puppies and grown dogs for sale. TINTON FALLS NEWS. L__Maybe-you- would • like present for that school , For further particulars address: George Martin to Move from Tt boy or girl, and can be f 1J I. one. yourself to take an f Place to Somerville. had for a price that will George Martin, will) lias hein I, early morning ride in the f working Wellington1 Wilkins's farm surprise you. T the past few years, will move soon j country for exercise. BELLHAVEN COLLIE KENNELS T to Komerville and till the soil of a Select yours now'- while Y farm which he owns there. ) Note—wh^n you buy you have a number to Foot of Locust Avenue Red Bank, N. J. J. Henry Vining is hunting deer •f in the southern part of the state. I here you dpnt only save choose from. Telephone 667 Y Christmas will be celebrated with "• money, but you get real Write for the catalogue t an entertainment at the schoolhouse MRS. FLORENCE B. 1LCH, Owner' M. J. Kennedy, Manager t Friday afternoon. service. about the Easy Payment Plan Mr. and iTrs. George Cowley of on the Ranger Bicycle. Bet- Y Red Bank aixl Miss Alma Crawford $S-A We will take your old and Allen Crawford of this place ter yet, come around and talk were Sunday dinner Kuesta of Mr. •§ bicycle in trade. and Mrs. Wellington Wilkins. it over with us. IMMM i»MtMtMMMMHMMttt»i M HMwumi J. C. llankin.son and Calvin C. Cooper, who are engaged in busi- ness at Jersey City, spent Saturday At Manufacturers and Sunday at their homes hero. In letters received from Mr. and Prices. PCHEVROLET^ I Mrs. John Crawford, who recently went to West l^ilm Beach, Florida, for the. winter, they state that they like the place so well that they may live there permanently. They have CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS bought a bungalow at West Palm TO BE FOUND AT NOTICE TO MEN AND A NEW LOW COST FOR CLOSED Beach. THIS STORE YOUNG MEN Everett News. Coaster Wagons We are sole.a^r-:'.s in Mon- Rayniond Reid of Cranbury has Automobiles CAR COMFORT moved into Thcron McCampbelPs moutM County for Harley- house on the Center road instead of Scooters into Mrs. John B. Stilwagon's house Tot Bikes Davidson Motcicycle and as was reported. John Alexander, Velocipedes who lived on Riverside drive, has Evans Powercycles. ;j Chevrolet Touring Sedan moved into Mra. John B. Stilwa- MOTOR BIKES $650 gon's house. i' • >• -* . •*» All kinds of Bicycle and John £anlzinger is on the sick DELIVERED Give your children plenty of list. exercise and keep them in Motorcycle Accessories on Theodore Stihvell is now asso good health. Make them a ' hand at all times. Repair A Demonstration Will Prove the Merita of This ejatcd with his grandson, Stanley Stilwell, in "the management of; the present of one of the above Make the little tots Christ- work done "when promised. latter's store. named articles. mas a merry one by giving Exceptional Car Nearly every night Bernard A. Hickey has a house full of company. one of our Velocipedes. Me has the finest radio outfit in this neighborhood and folks like to go ORDER NOW F"OR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY there and . be entertained, Monmouth Motor Car Co. Mrs. John Sowden has had a now roof put on her hou.se. The work 12 Mechanic Street, Red Bank, N. J. Phone 1409 36 Maple Avenue was done by her son, Henry Kelly. GROVER PARKER Elwood Magee spent part of last Telephone 1313 IMWWHIMIIIIHtllMHIIWIIItHHMIHIHIMHIIIIWMIIIHllMWIIMHM week with friends at Red Bank. THIS "SIGN" WILL NEVER YOU! k FULL VALUE FOR EVERY DOLLAR YOU EARLY! THE SHOPPING CENTER OF MONMOUTH COUNTY SPEND IN RED BANK ! Early shopping has great rewards for you. Red Bank merchants are known far and wide Larger varieties for selection, no crowd to contend 1with and the relief of getting your Christmas shop- for the splendid values they offer. Thousands and thousands of people know hy experience that they ping off your mind well in advance of the day it- are sure of 100 cents' worth of value for every dol- RED BANE self. Why not lar spent with them. Do Your Christinas Shopping Early ?



The individual Stores and Shops in Red Bank, put under one roof, would make a department store equal to those in the laro-^t cities, You owe it to yourself to get acquainted with the large facilities, the reliability and the genuine service which the n,ed Bank merchants provide". SHOP EARLY! SHOP IN RED BANK! SHOP EARLY! t RED BANK BUSINESS MEN\S ASSOCIATION •• »4 • »t •' '••••••••••••••••••••••' Twelve RED BANKREGISTER, DECEMpRlji, 1923. Addition lo Schoolhouie. the benefit of the Reformed church Bida were received by tlie Long; last week was one of the best afT Branch board of education last week tended functions ever held in the for a four-room addition to the Lib-church. The amount cleafed is riot erty street school. The lowest bid yet known, as all the returns are received amounted to about l?t»8,- not in. The ladies' sewing club, 000. An appropriation of $60,000 which gave the affair, will hold a had been.voted for the new addition. meeting tomorrow and the profits Bida were received last May !"itwill be ascertained at that time. were rejected because of lirinj; A Christmas entertainment will above the appropriation. be held at the schoolhouse Friday DODGE BROTHERS Christmas Cheer afternoon. . * The town hall has been repainted HOLMDEL NEWS. by Walter D. Fields. MOTOR CAR Walter Lankennu's Car in an Acci- Emil Hofman has made many im- dent Near Here L»it Week. provements to the hoteWuiilding, where he makes a specialty of serv- An-automobile owned by Walter ing dinners for autoists. Value so pronounced thatjrm are justified Lankcnau of CentiuvUle and driven Mrs. Joseph LcfTerson lias re- for Mother by ||-man named Johnson skidded turned home from the LOUR Uranch in looking upon the purchase of a Dodge -and overturned.at Honry Conuver's hoppit:il7 The Christmas spirit radiates happiness because of corner last Wednesday. No onhoppit:ile 7 wlTrFThe wwas undeur uuval- "Broth ers Motor Car as tKe^souridest possible was hurt and the car was not dam-ment for a diflocated bone in her and pleasing one another. foot. Her injury vas caused by a investment in transportation. aged. Mr. Conover righted the au- Mother's plum puddings, cakes and pies are good. So are tomobile with his tractor ami the Five fire/'extinguishers have been trip was completed without further Child's. mishap. put in the schoolhouse. Not a dollar is added to the purchase price Mr. and Mrs. David S. Buck and Frank Matthew?, who hns been to support a free 'service policy; nor to their daughter I$na attended 'ii very sick with blood poisoning,, has It's nice to have mother make the pies, cakes, etc., but why birthday dinner party for Mrs. Wil- shown decided improvement the cover the costliness of numerous body or. past week. not think of the work you make her? Let mother enjoy this liam Matthews of Keyport en Tues- chassis types; nor to pay interest on bor- Christmas time and please the family by using Child's goodies day night of last week. Vanderburg Newi. rowed money; nor to maintain a multiple Mr. and Mrs. Alex L. McClees en- Charles lircnner has had a radio this year, thereby increasing the true'Ghristmas spirit. . tertained a number of friends at aput in his house. , organization of middlemen. dinner party Thursday night. The Monmouth county hunt club Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane of Tren- held a hunt through this section ton spent last Wednesday ami Saturday. Dodge Brothers finance themselves. They Thursday 'with Mr. and Mrs. David John New has recovered from S. Buck. sickness. sell directly through a single organization PIES Last week the Ely estate sold Mrs. Charles E. VanDorn, whose of dealers to you. They do not believe in three horses to (ieorfie Murdock of husband died a few weeks ago, will , PUMPKIN AND MINCE Fords, teams to George Richardson move to Freehold. charging in advance for service you may of Fair Haven and the United States Georjro mid Edward Hoey and two never need. •' They have developed re- Good old-fashioned deep ones, especially made for Christmas, metal refining company, and single, friends killed nine rabbits at Holm- horses to William Wheeler of Perth del one dav last week. markable economies, and a time-seasoned 50c 75c, $1.00 Amboy, Joseph Lovett of Hazlet product, by concentrating on standard and Koert Heyer and Raymond Crawford of this place. types. The Crawford's Corner card club Apdrew J. Hill met last week at Garrctt D. LonK- Paper Hanging Plum Puddings and Rich Fruit Cake street's. First prizes were won by These facts are reflected, not only in the Mrs, Chrincy. Holmes and John S. Painting and They contain plenty of fruit, cherries, nuts, that go to make Holmes and the consolation prizes Decorating price of the Car, but in the quality of a realChristmastreat. ' • • •> ••<••••• . , • went to Mrs, Jacob Wyckoff and Ed- • Experienced in all branches workmanship and materials that enter into ward Johnson. Miss Helen M. Mount has re- Estimates Furnisbed its construction. turned home from » visit to Mrs, 14 WORTHLEY STREET Thomas Hetherington of Hollis, FANCY CAKE Long Island, Red Bank, N. J. • i » Phone 1415 Red Bank Many new and tempting varieties from which to make your COLTS NECK NEWS. Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. choice. What more delectable gift than Child's Fancy Cakes in In tho rnrittor of t!u; estate of Uldcric Mill Hoey'i Pupil* Again Win the , Hcmer Mptliot. drcenscd. *~ a Handsome Christmas box? It's different. Attendance Banner. Notify to cipditor3 to present' claims FRANK VANSYCKLE ngninst cstnte. For the third straight month the Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. Don- ahay. surrogate of the County of Mon- Dodge Bros. Motor Vehicles' banner offered for the best at- mouth, mncU; on the twenty-fifth day of tendance at the public school has October. 1023, on the application of Ken- E. V, HUGHES, Mgr. 21. Mechanic St., Red Bank, ilnll T. Methot. Homer C. Methot unil . been won by the second and third Kutherine Lnui><: Mi'thnt, oxecutors of the grades. These pupils are taught by estate of Uldcric Homer Mellmt. deceased, Telephone 1296 nntico ii hereby given to the creditors of Miss J. Grace Hocy. nniti deceased to exhibit to the Rubscribei'R, ! FREEHOLD—E. E. DeCamp, Manager Phone 570 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crawford executors n* nforesnid. thfir ik'bts nnd lio- and their son Roy of Middletown mnnds nuninst the Baiil estato. tintlor oatli, J. W. CHILD & CO. within six mimths from tile date of the village, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Willis nfuresaui order, or they will be forever barred of their actions therefor uirninat and their son of Red Bank, andthe said subscribers. 10 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Mrs. Elias T. Jones of Belford vis- Dated Freehold. N. J.. Oelober 26, 1923. KKN'DAI.T, T. METHOT. ited Mrs; Asher Crawford last week. 11OMK11 C. METHOT, The chicken supper and fair for KATHER1.NK LOUISE METIIOT.

<£i^«SK«»»»K«:««»!^«:^^-iist««?«y^iK«»iS«T»£^«y«i^»«^^s-9£^ The Highest Class Inlking Machine in the World. A Gift for the Family Superior Tone Quality For those planning to give, the host Sonora's superior tone quality has of all gifts—A Sonora—we know that no mistake will be made if the selection been the paramount factor in creating is made at "The Store of a Thousand the widespread demand for this dis- Items." tinctive instrument. More thoroughly insulated reproducer, all brass, correct- The utmost in value giving is rep- sented in our complete display of the ly proportioned tone arm and lami- Sonora models and prices are so low nated, all-wood amplifier—enables So- that buying what you need is easily nora to reproduce all recordings with' arranged. utmost fidelity, even to the smallest de- tail of interpretation. \


A GIFT THAT WILL SURELY PLEASE LOOK BELOW THE SURFACE . The vai'icd jileasures •which may come through the Compute Konorn yith other phonographs on tho gift of a Xonora add to its welcome as n (lift for most market. Do not lie satisfied with a superficial examination. anyone. Look below th« fuirfnce! Compare Sonora's interior cgn- fitruction feature* with others. There is no better innnncr Quality materials, quality Workmanship and the beft in which to discover it? far greater desirability. Ask us cliolKiiiiiK are ii'jirc'sciitod in ench model offered you hero. to help you mnlie these comparisons. We welcome HID opportunity of doirii; so. : After all, it is perform- Models include the ex- ance that counts! Given clusive Sonora bulge type perfect tone and attractive and many attractive per- appearance, your phono- graph, to create lasting iod styles. Also all tho (satisfaction, must include iirr wanted finishes to match the best motor obtainable. rv your furniture iSehume. SONORA MOTORS ARE »tr DEPENDABLE

Stylet in itock ranging from $60.00 to $350.00 Make your ChrUtmas selection of a Sonora Now. A small deposit will hold it for you Trubin's Exclusive Street, Red Bank,

•: \^- . K & , , I '..tt^lSMss BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER19,1933, Page TJhirteefl /VVVWVVvWWVvVVVWVWVVVVVVV^vVVVVVVVVVVVvVV\\Vv^ SHERIFF'S SALE. , F ITEMS OE NEWS.' By virtue vf a writ of fi. fa. to.m« . SlO(M| Careful Driven and Firit S. ETKINS in th-- Jift.-rrni.j|i'(lf find i|;,y. at tlip Court xfr vmrs tf»t. Sold everrwUcre or by Penonal NoUi, Sale, of Property, HoU-c, MI th* b: ill { bank and of the Farmers and fvler- •it IS-'Jc&l!;',,'" '-' 'y " Mnnmouib l'nr»u.int Vi llm onli:r nf Joseph U Poft- Plate Glass Insurane - - tlmB to .nako Iho train. ilia;',; •>iu'!' rcr!), dr'-.-u-u'd', notice tl hold, a student nurse at the Loni; 21 Monmouth St. '•r.-l.-' ^flv'ii U, th" <:rM)ih,M. of anifl de- Bran ch li ospiluT, is verupcratinj; snul mnj*. "a^'i lt(iund"'V on tl." i,',v\\\ liy viLitdf " - i.fi.rt":»i.]; I],*-,r "debt* *und rfe* from an attack at typhoid-pneu- U:t h'n, 9, on thp c-HBt hy i.it Nn. II, oi •narifli ni::iiri;t th.- nu'til oatat«, urnlec ottth, Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Suits i monia. )-,« ^ouVh Vy iiiii'i of Jchn II. Conlv, an witjiiu :,ix iii.mtlia [mm t!u dnta of th* n the weat- by Shrew*bmy avenue, oai ifnTtti-aifi rinltii-, or thoy will he (otev*f .Tho-Farmers' national bank of Al- l.A behiR forty-five ftet tlirre inchon in b.'Trcd nf their actions therefor aolriBt th« lentown lias littn appointed to re- and Overcoats—Men's Furnishings. width "on tho w«iit and olontr Khrowi-hliry tn'fi nuljs.-rilirr. nxcnilp, nnrl forty-nnft fi'Pt. (lirr.- inches i JJaU-J I'r«fhoM, N. J., October 11, 1921. ceive contributions from that sec- width a' ilii ea.Ht OTI nl'iiit; luf No, 11. an folanewcar! tion to the Hardini; Memorial fund. uh<- ir.iri'iTeri nml j'.ity frfl dc-.p. Monmnuih Cannty Surrogale'* Gfflcv. John DeBise o£ Long Branch is a B^iritf intrn'iffJ tn 1)« th« rnitft land an In tin; inaiUT in' th-f KdLate ol C, LeBtt/ member of the football team o£ the Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dresses. B.'iiji»tnln J." ParV.ii-. aivl S»rnh I- Pnrl.o ur.-> io present claim* battleship Idaho, which holds the hi-; vifr. fo Thnmua M. Jlownrd. and Ruth championship of tho. Pacific fleet. Howard, his wife, ortlf r ^T JoBepIi L- DOTI«- SnizM as the properly of Mrs. ThornH hfiy, suml-,i\'it in thfl hiibdcrllxT. ndministrator Doris Mclaughlin, daughter of si iifnrc-.aid. Micir ilchu and demands William McLaujjhlin of Huwell, fell TWO STORES a«iiiii*t O." i-rii-i c-itatp, nivi'T oath, within Luke Longhead Say*! nix munihn from m*>ping. over-night. Mr-likc finish. One quart will do for A birthday party was given a few moat cars. G$1.65 (for black). Get yours today. days ago to Etta Grccnberff of As- for. Some of these pictures have been awaiting call quite some time, bury Park in celebration of her SEACO/ PAINT & SUPPLY CO. twelfth birthday. others not quite so long, but all of them have been finished long enough Mrs. Matthew E. White of Free- Off Broad hold underwent an operation for appendicitis at a Trenton hospital for those who want them to have called for them long before this. .•*•.• 19 Mecfc St, Red Bank, N. J. last Wednesday. A cantata entitled "Mischievous WhoWIa nnd Retail Santa" will be given by the Mata- This advertisement is to give due notice that if these uncalled for 1 wan Methodist Sunday-school on UAKTER PAINTERS .Christmas eve. HEADQUARTERS Joseph I'in^iitov of Long Branch framed pictures are not claimed within thirty days from date of this sailed last wueU to visit his old home in Italy. He will be away about notice they will be sold at public auction. , " three months. Tho county library lias installed four branch libraries in Manalap;>n CHARLES R. D. FOXWELL township and books in the English- town library. About ?S0 was cleared by the Red Cross drive at Kftglishtown. Miss Laurinda C. Ecid was chairman of the drive. Trading as FOXWELL'S The Manasquan high school bas- ketball team last'weck defeated the Point Pleasant team by a score of 36 to 31. Monmouth Street Red Bank, N. J. • INTEOIUH SERVICE' Joseph Vf. Merrick and J. Edgar Wilson of Allentown have recently had radio outfits inHallod in their homes. Miss Elizabeth Smock of Freehold had her tonsils and adenoids re- moved at a Trenton hospital lust New bw Prices week. Miss Helen Voorhecs of Matawan, a student at Newark normal school, is practice tenchinp at Elizabeth- on Stdefeaker port. Robert Hance & Sons A (laughter was burn U\K( Thurs- day at the J:li-lit"wn 4.50,6.00,8.75,9.00 5.75,6.00,6.50 portant savings. hir* iiiMifht ;i nrw OhcvriilH automo- Wheelbarrows . . . 60c 4.50, 5.00, 6.00 bile. Games 25c up It is a Studebakety not to wait for any par- A (InnitliliT WHS linrn IIIMI weI. in 1 Rockers Pedestals Mr. !. I'Muin t• (hnoii (if Anbury 1'iuk. Di»hes . 25c up ticular time to anncfower prices but to give tho (rofitihiied on next jmiji.t Tea Set», I'nncy 11.25, 16.00, 19.75 2,50,3.75,4.50 customer the advaiof manufacturing savings Pianos 75c up 9-piece Set 7^0 as soon as they becflfective. Drums '50c up Cctlnr ClieU Cvndle Sticks These savings ar^ted in the new low prices Rockers 75c up Chocolate Set, Fancy 12.50,14.95,20.00 7.picceHct 5,00 50c, 75c, 1.00 of all Studebaker Ctars. Phone—or call-for Gilbert Toy* a demonstration. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Gate Leg Table 1.00, 2.00, ;5.00 up 1.35,1.50 each of Bamboo Tables, in Mahogany Stuffed Animals Tnbouicites nnd 24.50 SPECIAL Tenderness 25c to 6.00 Foot Stools Table Lumps with and 50c, 75c, 90c Child's Desk and Chair Silk Shadet Alertness And All KimW of Largo Toy* 1,00, 1.50, 2.00 3.00 10.50 13.50 T»mpor*ry Office; 39 Worthlvy Street HOMER THOT, W MONMOUTH **D iANK> Ni ,, Phono RfldB»nkt)H5-R We have a stock of Toys and Gifts for all. . r • ** JM«ph H. Wait, Mgr. Imn W, Frtncit TKI3 28 ASEBAKER YEAR Only 5 more shopping lays to Xmas. Mftla (Mtt,WClinton 4 ve. Nk N J Fourteen' RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19,1923. HAAAAAAAkkkkkLAAAAAAAAAAkkkkkk.AAAAAAkkkkkAkkAAA.AA BRIEF ITEMS OF MCU7C j and was built -at a cost of over ! Held in $500 Ba.il. (Continued froifl last page.) Raymond Schwans of Asbury Automobile Insurance Miss Eva M, Garlough of Water- Park, who is being held in $500 bail own, New York, a teacher at the for the action of the grand jury on (ALL FORM8) Ocean Grove public school, linsac- a charge of assault and battery on neptcd ...n position to teach girls' |his fiithcr-in-lnw, Thomas Mulcahy, Electrical work at Batavia, New York, when lms withdrawn a 'similar charge J. H. Gregory & Son .he new hiijh schooichopl is built there, made by him against Mr. Mulcahy. 67 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. Tbe Knf.'Ik-htoWn Presbyterian. Keyport Loiet to Atbury Park. Sunday-school \yi 11 hold its Christ- | The Kcyport—high school basket Telephone 474 mas entertainment Friday ni^ht. I I'iil! team was defeated last week by Gifts will be sent to the mi?Humiry ! Gifts 1 the Asbury''Park high school team CUARAtfTCCO WQrker, J, N. Carmine, at l.uramu , ly ii score"of 3D to 12, The Asbury Wyoming. Park second team was defeated' by SATISFACTION A. R. Chinery, sexton uf th1e emetery at West Lonj:: llramh, (he Commercial team of Keyport the I oiind live rattlesnakes. wlnli<~~dii,'- rame night by a score of '-2 to 20: r I *ink a s'ave latt lvffk. One uf ihe i Deer Meat at Hoipita]. ' GETTING- U nake^ was two t'cot loiij;. I The staff of the Lon^1 Branch hos- We Wake Up I IS NOT AS IMPORTANT The Englishtown Methodist church ' pit.il and most of the patients were Percolators Icari'd ait'iut ^tilii nt it? iiai'.ar and 1 served with venison last Thursday. Early upper held last week at the church, j The deer had been killed out of Flashlights' complete with battery iliss Anna Uuniett's cla?s cleared : season nml was found by Game and we get up early. Morn- • $11 with a 'fishing booth. ' AVnvden Pavison of Ashury Park, John .1. WntEOn of Tuli_di>- has , who gave it to the hospital. Little Chef Stove ing, noon and niglib we're busy been encraged t) have chargi' uf the on the job. fall us up st any landscape work at Cliff wood lU'aeh, Big Demand for'Apples. Boudoir Lamps $4.25, $6.50, 1 time. IVt'r '?.:• rapid transit .vhich is being devekpod by Mui - .1. W. Dobbins and son Robert of ris'ey & Walker. Aiielrhia are enjoying a big demand Toasters . .„:.... — $4.00, 6.00 transfer men uf this town. Mrs. John H. Appi^gatc of F.on^ for tfleir apples and have been mak- Ours is a step-lively-and-chargc Branch left last week to join her ing shipments to New York and to Electric Irons ...... $4.50, $5.00, $5.75 7.50 moderately business. husband at Fort Worth, Florida,, several of the southern states. .The ,vhere he is engaged in the real cs- greatest demand this year is for the .ate business. St.iyman Winesap. Adjustable Lights 4.50 Rev. Charles Ererett, formerly Old Employee Laid Off. pastor of the'Belmar Presbyterian Frederick W. Stanford, •who has Curling Irons $1.98, $3.50 4.00 church, expects to £0 to Austin, worked at the Pennsylvania rail- Burdge & Russell Texas, this week, where he will visit road station at Farmingdale for 40 M.cianic Street, his son. nearly L'5 years, was laid off last Christmas Tree Outfits RED BANK, N. J. Furmaii Harvey of Elberon killed week. Mr. Stanford was offered a Elect! al Fixtures T«l«pboB« 894 a fox st Wayside Monday of last job in the freight station but Te- week. The fox was chased by three fuscd to take it. over six' hours before it was killed. • Bradley Beach Chriitmas Tree. The third annual community Scenei from Shakespeare. Christmas tree under the direction Pupils of the English classes of of the Bradley Beach glee club will the Lonp Branch high school gai^c lie lighted next Monday night from H. S. Allen fiva scenes from » Shakespearean six until seven o'clock. Kvery child plays last week. The committee in at Bradley Beach will get a box of charge of the performance consisted candy and a toy. Electrical Contractor of Herbert Rothstein, John Grandin etti, John Hugg and David §lumo- Pl&m tor Masonic Temple. Read What They Say witz, Plans drawn for the proposed 10 White Street Red Bank, N. Masonic, temple at Long Branch Developing New Tract. were .presented for inspection last Rhone 339 About Ringpak The Robinson tract, comprising week. The building will- cost about over forty acres of land, lias been $100,000 and a fund of $30,000 is "I have now bad RINGPAK in my car for five months. It put. on the market and will be de- now on hand toward -the temple. is running perfectly and polls Ukc a new motor."—S. Bates veloped by Stewart H. Applcby and (Continued on next page.) Wilson. James H. Turner of Asbury Park. "RINGPAK was installed in my car one month ago. Since The developers plan an eijrhtcpn- then the increase in mileage amounts to, from 10.5 to 13,6 or 3.1 hole golf course on ten acres of the HENDRICKSON APPLEGATE miles more per gallon of gasoline used; also oil, t gallon per 100 land. miles has been reduced to one quart per hundred mites."—C. P. Jenser. ,•; Freehold's Christmas Celebration. lYeehold'5 community Christmas "1 installed a set of RINOPAK in my 1919Ford on May 10th; celebration will be held in the 1923. Since that time the car has not been in the shop for Strand theater next Sunday after- repairs, whereas before RINGPAK was installed, it gave con- siderable trouble."—W. J. Mclntire. noon. No tree will be set up this year but a growing tree will he "In addition to the saving m operating cost it has saved me planted this winter to serve in fu- Merry Christmas at least $75.00 which would have been necessary for reboring ture Christmas celebrations. cylinders and installing new pistons in the rings."—L.R.Smoak. t "RINGPAK has eliminated pumping of oa which kept spark Grand Officers. plugs dirty. I now get about eight hundred (800) tniles per Henry Wingert was re-elected gallon of on instead of two hundred (209) miles, u formerly."— commander of the Long Branch post D. M. Simpson. . ^ of the Grand Army last week. To All! Brazil Hyers was chosen senior vice commander, William Lippineott jun- PutfRINGPAK in your engine and experience ior vice commander and William W. real engine efficiency. We quote above a few Silkivorth adjutant. of many endorsements received from owners. Children Hit by Auto. Jean Ford and Saul Maxcnherg of Froneau were struck by an automo- Red Bank's oldest established furniture and rdware Get all your engine bile while playing near their home has to give you and last week. The Rirl -was injured so save gasoline and badly she was taken to the Lon« store, contains just now hundreds of articles svible for oil and ezperience Branch hospital. The boy was not seriously hurt. a new delight in Christmas; giving to man, woman and child. motoring. Let us Good Fitting at Long Branch. Fishing from the Long Branch pack the rings with pier has been unusually good the FINGP past few weeks, and almost every Below you will find a few Gift Suggestions for Christmas thfan be night the pier is crowded with fish- ermen from nil parts of the state, The main catch has been whiting had at this store. —DISTRIBUTOR— and ling. E. BRASS AUTO SUPPLY Co., Inc. Held for Robbing Auto, Richard Conway <>f Newark wns ! Davenports Percolators Alumin(Ware 30-T32 Albany St. New Brunswick, N. J. arrested nt Asbury Park last week '. after ho hud removed ?omc packages from an iiiRpmohile parked in the , AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATIONS street. He was sent to the county ! Couches Electric Lamps Desk a Chairs jail to uwait the action of the grand ABSECON Monmouth Junction jury. Bartletl GaragF H. Renk & Son End Tables Electric Irons Doll C ages White Hone New Convent Dedicated. ALLENHURST NEWARK The nev/ convent at Hclmar, built Franklin Motor Co., Ini in connect! ,u with St. KosoV Catho- Fancy Rockers Carving Sets Sleighs Vandprvort & Taich 336 Central Aye. lic church,.was dedicated on Sunday. 537 Main llrtet The building has thirty moms with NEW BRUNSWICK nccommodntinns for eighteen sisters Willow Rockers Ladies' Writing ASBURY PARK Fred HicW, Inc., Childrcj Maclc'i Auto Repair Station 22 French Street 521 Main #trert Godwin Er<>«., S3 OIlTer St. ATLANTIC CITY American Auto Co. Globe-Wernecke '• Desks obiles fietehpr** Ford Repair Miop 6A French Street Auj Minouri Ac Arctic Avenue Of AnRciii Broi., Jeriey Ate, For , Standard Auto Supply Co. Book Cases Cedar Chests ENGL1SHTOWN 21!) Frrnrh Street Columj Engliihtown G*rag« Brllof. (.»,..Br, Eciwjirrl LvJimon, 9N. Albany Slreet Itrll &. Berg, lfl Burn.I St. Tire Service Hoosier Card Tables Eoi le Forme.ly W. L. Mount OCEANVILLE TELEPHONE 72 R FREEHOLD Oieanville (tmrnga Kitchen Cabinets Boy Scout Axes Colurrj Cyclet Papon'* Gfttasj* tArvt York Boulevurd Dur Service car is .,44 South SirfM Sewing Tables" Boy Scout Knives HELMETTA OLD BRIDGE — always ready. Colunj Central Service 5t«tinn HIGHLAND PARK PERTH AMBOY -' Smoking Stands Pocket Knives !^ jrcle . I . VJ,,, «,ye«U. -»' Steam Vulcaniang Pef: N, llruniwlck Art, TrUnrlo tiara'irt Garaga Thnmsi Strati ' MIGHT PHONE 1209-W MANTOLOKING Manloioklnf Cara|« OH DrMg* Turnrllm . < METUCHEN SOMERVILLE I Malucb.n Auia A Garaga Ca, Hendricksoti & Applegj La Grand* AT*. Catafa D»«Uy Brat,, Mala Slr««l ; MORRISTOWN TOMS RIVER : East Front St., Near Broad. Tel. 26. tank, N. J. rr.»«ll« Maltr Car Ca. Hvm Y«t4 Oataia ' 79 M«ra»l tlrwl T*p)» Rim M»UK Car C..I Prak« Inspection—Your Protection DELIVERY •••••••••••« HHNDRIOK9ON RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19,1923. j. c. * a A. p TUSH. ought a six-room houie at Lake- lave requested the electric Hght and B«nV, N. t. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. rood last week, Tha week before power company there to remove ft»E«ft&£$£$£$^^ I ' T«h Conn. lis ton Max bought a house, at their poles from Main street and I WILUAM E. FOSTER, (Continued from laat page.) ewop$ which he sold withihra place their wires ii. underground COUNSILLOE AT,LAW. A Ford touring car hai been conduits. , 'N«w Turk, < N.w Jm«, few days at « profit .10 Broadway, AtltsUi HlfMwll, Handing In the yard of A. 0. Fish- War Veteran Dead. Dilcountdo Early Payeri. •N. Y.OHy. W.'J. er at Freehold since November John .Erickson of Horner,slown, a The Long Branch commissioners M. F,, TETLEY, 28th, when it was left-there by a reteran of the Civil war, died re- will grant a discount of one-half of NOTARY PUBLIC ' young man who claimed he was out •n4 COMMISSIONER Of DEEDS, iently at the age of 83 years. Mr. one per cent to property owners , Trtley'. Nawi Stand. £ gasoline. It is believed the car paying their street paving assess- f Bread Btrt.t, R.d P»nli, N, J. is a stolen one. Erickson served in several of the important battles in the Civil War ments within the six months' grace PR. HAROLD J. STOKES, period. DENTAL SURGEON. BI| Danes at Casino. but escaped injury. SJcct.ior to Dr. Frank Lit. About 800 persons last week at- . , 0i Broai Strwt. EUntr Building, Lon( Branch CoupU Marrisd. Prizes for Canned Fruit. u I ' Room* 4. E and 0. tended the dance given by tha Mon- Miss Mao M. White and- William Mrs. C. N. Hulick of Allentown Ofllw Hour. 1:10 to 6:00 o'clock, rnouth county telephone society at Tll.phon. »02-W. I, Pierce of Long Branch were mar- won several prizes at the county the Anbury Park casino. Those in ried on Sunday of last week by Uev, farm exhibit at Asbury Park with feEOROE M«C. TAYLOR, C. E. iharge of the dance were L. W. ••• OONBUI/TIXQ ENGINEER, W. Elwell Lake.. The attendants her canned vegetables and fruits., WVIli SN0W1BB and SURVEYOR, Paul, Fred Havens, Peter Kopf and were.Misj Harriet Minton and John «wtor PUo«. Bed I)«nk. JI^ A. A. Elker. Won Ptrize with Pigeon*. Kenneth Pierce. Captain K. B. Lawton of Camp Let Flowers Say VQUIU1MN N 4 PARSONS. illS AT LAW7 Vail won-first prise at the News JUNBKt Red Sank. The new bridge across Shark river BilMlng_~Jln . Theodore HcndrickBon, Frank S. poultry show last Week for the best J»hn J. QalllB. Tfatodort D. Paraoni. >t Belmar wa* formally accepted by 1 Blain, Alvin Burke and Alvin Hcn- homing pigeon In the show, JOHN S. APPLEGATE & SON, the freeholders lust Wednesday. drickson of Freehold killed five jaclc I ' OOUNSBLI.ORS AT ' LAW. Adelphia Man Dead. "Merry Christmas" Th=| bridge was built .by.tho Penn on Building. Broad Strict, abbits last Wednesday. They William C. Barkalow of Adelphia KBD BANK. N. J. bridge company , of Beaver Falls, started six of tho big rabbits but Pa., and was opened to traffic last died from general debility a few gLSON * SMOCK, ne escaped. days ago. He was 78 years old and COUNSELLORS AT tAW. September. RED BANK, N. J. Want Poloi Removed. leaves no near relatives. ! 10 E«lt Flront Strtet. ' Adelphia Woman Operated On. TpHE glorious Christmas Flowers and Decorations have filled our store with the The Asbury Pork commissioners (Continued on next page.) I ALSTON BEEKMAN, Mrs. Rita Phillips of Adelphia un- 1 Spirit of Yiiletide. And to you and your friends we extend a cordial invitation OODNSEIXOB AT LAW. derwent an operation at the Spring 10 Brand El, RED BANK. N. J. Lake hospital last week for the re- to visit our Display in the magnificence of its Holiday beauty^ DR. W. M. THOMPSON, ,_ DBNTAL 8UB0E0N, moval of a growth from her nose I Id Han Bank BulTlUw. Bad BanV, N. J, which had been affecting her sight ~ i aAaMnbtand. Bouri 8-5. and causing her to Buffer severe ORGE 0. COOPER, 1 OZVZXf X14QU4BSB. headache. !.,. : laaeesaat to Daorr* Ooop.r.C. K. taratm BoDdlai, BED BANK. N. J. Now Loan Atioeiation Officers. How can old shabby GIFT SUGGESTIONS ItEokcE a ROKERTST. The Freehold building and loan: woodwork mosteas- I 0RA00ATI AUCTIONEER, association has elected Charles H. Gorgeous Baskets of Blooming Plants—Cyclamen, |7<4I>T*> or tnat SIMV. F»rro Sain, ?or Butcher president, Julius Dittma •otuJ Ttm^rty. *»•» Monnouth, N. J. Poinsettias, Begonias and many other*. T»l«phun« MldiUatown 870-M, vice president, Rulon A. Applcgnte and lustrous again? ICEOROB ic ALLEN, jr., c. E., mu secretary, Elmer C. Hall treaiurer Combinations of Blooming and Ornamental Plants •CEORCB P. RANDOLPH, C. E. and Max Flnegold counsel. Iptva ENontEsma AND SURVEYORS. in Baskets. •l"M Sr"»Tg»r««t. R.d Bank. N. J. Auto Hits Trolley. An automobile driven by Laru Gift Boxes and Baskets of Cut Flowers—Roses, Anderson of Manasquan ran inti ANDERSON BROS. a trolley car at Seagirt Tuesday oJ Carnations and Seasonable Flowers. last week and wag partly damaged THE Corsage Bouquets of Roses, Sweet Peas, etc. Five people were in the automobile Local and and they all escaped injury. Ornamental Plants and Winter Berried Plants. Firemen'« Auxiliary EUction. Unusual Wreaths and Holiday Decorations. Distance The West Long Branch firemen' AUTHORIZED AGENT auxiliary has elected Mrs. William RED BANK HARDWARE STORE O'Farrell president, Mrs. William 75 Monmouth Street Red Bank, N. J, If.. Moving -:.»• Dennis vice president, Mrs. Sidney ROBERT DONOVAN, Prop. Phone 936 Throckmorton secretary and Mrs, \ CHRISTMAS TREES and GREENS Mortimer Thome treasurer. FIREPROOF VANS Hold on Theft Charge. We have a nice assortment of Wreaths, of Holly, Pine, Laurel, Moss, Box and Mag- William Joyce of Neptune Cit; nolia Leaves. Laurel and Pina Roping, Mistletoe and Loose Holly. was arrcEtcd last week charged witl ANDERSON BROS., robbing the Avon railroad station EARLY ORDERING WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. . ' Joyce had a number o£ tickets ii RED BANK hia pocket but he claims he bough Office) Opp. R. R. Depot them from a colored man.. , Phone 704 Auto Injurei Fire. Albert Robbing of Allentown W. W. Kennedy & Sons drove his automobile into a group of persons who had gathered to see thi Our unquestioned inteirrily of purpose and performance as- result of an automobile accident lai , sure.? you that your finances will be respected if you employ us to 41 Broad Street, Red Bank OdelU direct a funeral. Our methods ore modern, our conduct is courteous week; Five Of the persons were in, and our equipment has caused us to be rated as a really efficient jured but not seriously. undertaking organization. We hnve business connection in other Members Florists' Telegraph Association Auto Collision at Matawan. .cities. M. hjffavthchest Automobiles driven by Alvin Ell M son of Matawan and Louis Rich JuurDresmiy mond of Freehold collided at Mat /cm/! occasions awan Tuesday of last week. Botf automobiles were damaged but th FUNERAL DIRECTOR drivers escaped injury. ASK YOUdBARBER/ HOME for SERVICES"-60 E.FRONTStROT St.. RED B Inraiting in Real Eitate. . PHONE: DAY6-NIGHT. RED BANK 557 Louis Finegold of Freehol AUTOAMBULANCCSERVICE.-CHAIRS&TABLES forALL OCCASIONS


Our 1924 Christmas Club Is Now Open Make youf 1924 Christmas a merry one by joining our; club. i If you have not been, a member let us demonstrate what a wonderful satisfaction it is to receive a check the first of A CHRISTMAS APPEAL next December. I If you have been a member, increase your class this year and receive a larger check next December. Just a few days more and Old Santa himself will be with us. Our Christmas Club plans are very simple, very brief, Oh, how the kiddies will rejoice for St. Nicholas never forgets the good little void of complications, yet within the means of every man, boys and girls—that is, the boys and girls where their papas and mamas have plenty woman or child who chooses to put aside at stipulated times of ready change—but oh, what a difference there is in the homes where there are during the year a small sum for Christmas use a year from now. They are divided as follows: also good children but no money to make a Happy Christmas one of reality. Class 25— .25 each week Total $ 12.50 And here's where you come in. Right in your town now are children that will Class 50— .50 " " " 25.00 not have a Merry Christmas unless you co-operate with the efforts of, Independent m Class 100—1.00 " " " 50.00 Engine Company. Class 200—2.00 " " " 100.00 The annual Christmas Tree festival of Independent Engine Company for the Class—Any amount each week. children of Red Bank will be held at the Palace Theatre Christmas morning and We will be pleased to enroll those wishing to subscriba you are invited to be with the firemen and the kiddies at this celebration. to any of tjfiese classes. ,,;,, 1,,,J In order to make the festival a rousing success it is necessary for us to ask thoso who are willing to help make Christmas a merry one for those who «re needy to 1 chip in a little towards this fund. Some worthy grown-ups also arc to be helped if THE the charitable folks of Red Bank will link arms with the firemen. BROAD STREET I No matter what you care to give it will be gratefully received. Send your remit- -tance to Raymond Boyd, Wallace street, Retf Bank, N J., who will acknowledge tame in the name of the company. /' > NATIONAL BANK Dont sit down to your holiday table feeling thr. you could have made iomeon« RED BANK. NEWtXERSEf? •Its happy but did not P. S. Help keep tha pot a boiling. Several Chrittmat pott haVe been placed In convenient tpott in the commercial district of Red Bank and at you pan them drop in a coin or two—the «cho of your contribution will be heard throughout thli section Christmas day. ii J f. Page Sixteen RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19,1923. •At BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. (Continued from last page:) Elizabeth Buttcrficld of Long Branch was held for the grand jury j D! last week by Kecorder Loo J. War- j wick on a.charge of forging a check j £or*25. •• • ' " j School Play Ha. 75 Pupils in Cut. ! Seventy-live, pupils of the Mnta- I van school will take part in a FINKELSTEIN'S fChristnyis play this afternoon and ! tonight in the high school auditor- A Message From The I ium. Rochester Clothes Shop, Inc. David H. Wilson of Asbury Park liitxl from a complication of diseases 12 West Front Street >• Red Bank, N. J. Busiest Shop in Asbury Park. lust week. He was seventy years uM and leaves n widow and two •" children. Three sisters also survive him. We are heartily in sympathy with the sentimental side of More Buildingat Long Bnnch. Christmas, but we are convinced, from years of close observation, Forty-six building .permits aggre- 20 & REDUCTION SALE 20 gating ?115,755 were granted at that the giving of practical things, such as WEARING APPAREL, Long Branch last month. In Octo- brings as much, if not more, real appreciation to the recipient, and ber the permits amounted to $71, I a good deal more satisfaction to the giver, than more showy ar- 'Oil Gifts for Soldier.' Home. ticles of less intrinsic value. Gift buyers will find this store stocked The parent-teachers' association SUITS AND OVERCOATS with hundreds of articles suitable for Yuletide Gifts. of Long Branch will send Christmas t;ifts to the soldiers" convalescent home at Toms River. NOW GOING ON! Ordered to Support Hit Family. Morning Shopping is Advised. Frank Pease of Keyport was or- j red by Judge Lawrence last week j to pay $15,a week toward the sup- $22.50 Suits and Overcoats, 20 Off«$ 18.00 port of his family. Victim of Pneumonia. Right in the Heart of the Season, When You Need Clothing the Most 195 B\oadway- Joseph Fevrara, three-year-old OTHER SHOPS: son o£ Antonio Ferrara of Bradley Long Beach, died of pneumonia a few $60 Suits and Overcoats. 20 0ff-$48 Asbury Park days ago. Freehold Branch . Church Get! $704. The Manasquan Baptist church Hart Schaff ner & Marx and Our Rochester Make are Included in '"Pricei Leii Than Eltev/herc" cleared $704 at its bazar and fair held last week by the women of the . * * . • This Reduction Sale. church. Legion to Get $300 Yearly. The auxiliary of the Asbury Park 1 $35.00 Suits and Overcoats, 201 0ff»$28.00 American legion .will donate $800 yearly to the American Legion post there. . ,/' i OVERSTOCKED OVERSTOCKED "^ OVERSTOCKED Death of Matawan Child. Extra.— Special — Bargains Extra — Special — Bargains Extra — Special — Bargains ' The three-year-old son of Anna Xntural Wool Shirts and Drawers and Richard Walling of Matawan Outing Flannel Work Shirts, grey and Khnki Riding Breeches, $3.00 kind, nil $1.50 kind, $1.19 garment khaki, 51.25 quality ...... 89c died last Wednesday. Glastenbury Wool Shirts and Drawers sizes ,.,.'..$1.98 $1.45 garment To elbao out Kne» Pants, oil sizes, $1.00 Root's Tivoli Shirts and Drawers and $2.00 kind at ...ut;.,,l.i,$l.qo $1.50 garment OVERSTOCKED Men's Good Make Overalls . .^,^.,$1,00 $3.50 Guaranteed all wool, $2.85 garment Men's Fleece Lined Shirts nnd Drawers Extra -— Special — Bargains 75c garment OVERSTOCKED Hi^ Medium Weight Union Suits 1 lot Cotton Sweaters «5c to $1.95 ive Sensible 95c garment Boys' Sweater Coats and Slip-Overs with Extra — Special — Bargains Heavyweight Bast Ribbed Union SuiU . collars, $3.00 and $1.00 kind $2.00 ?10.00 Men's Sheep Lined Coats at $7.85 • $1.85 nnd $2.50. , _,__ $13.50 Men's Shcdp Lined Coats nt $9.80 for $10.50 Men's Sheep Lined Coats at $12.85 OVERSTOCKED ?8.00 Uoys' Sheep Lined Coats at $B.90 Extra — Special — Bargains OVERSTOCKED 'W $12.00 Boys' Dog Skin Lined at.., $7.30 The Finest selection of S7.60 iind S8.5O Extra— Special — Bargains Silk Shirts . $5.00 and $6.00 One lot o£ Silk Shirts, all sizes Daniel Boono Wool Pants, 30 ounces to OVERSTOCKED 'vm$& $2.7S to $4.00 yard, reg. price $0.50, now. ; . ., .$4.85 Genuine Madras Shirts, $2.00 and $2.BO Extra — Special — Bargains A Great Offer That Will Interest Xmas Shoppers. quality ...$1.65 Army Pants, $3.50 and $1.00 quality, U. S. Kubbci1 Co. Men's Mackinaws, SO Biidsall Flannel Shirts, gray, blue and now $2.83 fancy flannel, best iiiiito; §2.50, ii.00 Ounce all wool cloth, guaranteed wnter A Gift for Every Member of the Family. nnd 3.r>0 quality will (jo nt... .$1.85, $3.00 and 9-1.50 Corduruy Pants, Standard m-oof, f.10.00 EHrWnt $5.95 $2.25 and $3.00. make ' $2.35 to $3.00 $13,HO Men's nil wool Mackinaws $7.50 ?5.00 Blue Flannel Shirts at $3.25 Including extra sizes—16, 'IS, CO. Boys' Mnckinaws, belt all around, sizos One lot Army Shirts $2,65 12 to 18 at $6.93 Floor Lamps $16.50 to $75.00 .$2.00 Cotton Work Pants ..$1.48 Bridge Lamps - 15.00 to 40.00 $19.50 Overcoats, 20", Off--$ 15.60 Table Lamps 29.00 to 32.00 Gonsole Mirror - 7.25 to 25.00 Telephone Sets 17.25 to 25.00 Holiday Boxes FVee with All Purchases Smoking Cabinets 9.50 to 17.00 Smoking Stands .98 to 7.50 $70 Suits and Overcoats, 20"- Off--$56 Sofa Pillows 2.75 to 4.50 Candlesticks, pair - 1.65 • THE PLAIN TRUTH ^ End Tables - 6.00 1;o 18.00 A 20 per cent reduction sale at this time of the year is so unusual it requires an explana- Console Sets - * 4.50 tion. The plain truth is that the unseasonable weather has so affected business in our line Solid Mahog. Sewing that we find ourselves much overstocked and we are in need of cash. Hence this big reduction in prices at just the time of the year when price reductions mean so much.' Cabinets 8.75 to 25.00 . \- With the savings this sale offers you in suits, overcoats or men's furnishings your Christ- Children's Rockers 3.25 to 6.00 mas money will go that much further, enabling you to buy an extra Christmas to make some- Odd Chairs and Rockers 9.00 to 50.00 one happy. At the same time you will have your new suit or overcoat while it's still in style and Book Ends - 3.95 will have the benefit of wearing it for the holiday season. ' Cedar Chests, large size 12.75 to 40.00 DONT WAIT! BUY NOW! Mahogany Pedestals - 4.00 V 'iki- silt- oiVoiv. you the greatest opportunity of all ttWjcar to buy clothing right in the Ntrt Bowls - - 2.25 to 3.50 heart of the season at prices that as a rule prevail only at the cloi^e of a season. Dont wait Doll Carriages - 4.50 to 18.00 until the annual clearance sale period at the end of the winter season. Buy what you need in the clothing line at this sale and have the benefit of nearly a whole,season's wear. MANY OTHER USEFUL GIFTS In conducting this sale now we are sacrificing the best month of the year. But we must reduce our stock and are making our price reductions now instead of at the end of the sea- son as is the usual custom. Here is your opportunity of buying seasonable goods at heretofore unheard of prices at Beautiful 3-Piece Upholstered Suites, Coverings of this season of tin; year. For example, thin is what this sale means to you: Tapestry, Mohair and Velour. A If25 suit or overcoat with a 2,(1 per cent reduction brings the price down to $20; a $19.50 T suit or overcoat with 20 per cent oil makes the selling price $15.(50. i An early selection ia advisable. Dont delay. Come today and have a better choice, aa Prices Cut to Move at Once the stock wont last long at these prices. $159 to $300 $75 Overcoats, 20 Off-$60 All These Gifts Are Marked Down to Move at Once OVERSTOCKED OVERSTOCKED OVERSTOCKED Extra — Special — Bargains Extra — Special — Bargains Extra ~ Special — Bargain! lloyn' Hint* nt llnlf I'rlrr, mm Mini two A !MK« lot of Hllk Nrnrfu, $!t.r.O, •lull, 4.HO mill HOI! i|iinllty, your clu,i.n,|i.li» punts, nifi'K 8 tn 17 yv""\ in.oo to 10,00 OMO lot of 1'ltii' Hruifn, SI ufl Mini at 50c Mtn'n Outlm *'l«nn»l I'ajumni f llnyn' Kulibor Oont And lint, cinnpli>l« I'r^ftlfltmt HuftftaFulein In llolldny IIOXPI 40« outfit ,.,,.,. * |B,00 wniichl, 12.60 qurfty ...,,'.,.,,||,U GLOBE FURNISHING CO. n«y»' m.00 Outlrtf I'luriml i'.Jsm.i at OVERSTOCKED OVERSTOCKED EAST FRONT STREET RED BANK, N. J; Extra —- Special — Bargains II,If. Extra — Special — Bargains FVBO l.mlirn' nml Oiinti' Dmbr«ltmi ot gn-nlly Wool Muffl«r» mtkt • I««ttn| Chrlitrnw Phono laflO Ddlvpry ll»th Kr,llrli r«. 11,60 Wool Muffl«r, all ctilun IS« Merry Christmas To AIL .<**.-* . *' A * I *'*$65 Overcoats, 2O« OM»$52 •••»•••••••••••••»»•»••••••••»••»•••••••••»••• M H > ••»• .M. *el.<*a*a**T**&i **Z>mW1/t •SS^. RED BANK Issuid Weekly, Entered at Becond-Clsn Matter it the Post- VOLUME XLVI, NO. 24. office it Bed Sank, N. J, under tha Act o{, Much 3.1, 1S79. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1923. 0 $1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES 17 TO

Runyon, Mi»« Elsie IJey, Miss Elea- DINNER AT HIGHLANDS. BUDGET NOT EXCEEDED. MUSIC OF CHRISTMASTIDL nor Pharo, Mra. Ivy Hattcrsby and IN WALKED A KLANSMAN. PARTY FOR NEWSBOYS. WANTED TO DIEAT HOME. AN OLD NAVIGATOR GON&I Kiss Grace Allen sopranos; Mrs. Business Men's Association Enter- __ ' 0 i •' ' X f Kate Ross, Mrs. Lcona Kurtz, Mrs. ! FANTASTIC FIGURE AT SAL- ! REGISTER NEWSIES TO AT. TOWN WILL HAVrf SMALL BAL- THE OLD OLD STORY TO BE Lined at D.rby House. -. BRADEVELT WOMAN STRICKEN ' CAPT. JOSEPH F. LAKE CALLED? ' Louise Compton and Miss Natuli'i ANCE AT ENb, OF YEAR. TOLD IN SONG. VATION ARMY SERVICE. TEND PALACE THEATER. fifty men attended the dinneri IN RED BANK STORE. TnO HI secretary and Dr. J. J. Rowland sjst:,nce will be given and there will be selec- on it. A nurse was procured a short time before death. His fam+, 11 few appropriations had been program. Santa Onus will be on l.oys will be on hand for this annual treasurer. George W. Hardy, fr ..' social service office and ily was at his bedside when h# tions on the violin and cornet. Rev. The'Klansman knelt in prayer m ,ll(,a) slightly exceeded but that other ap- the job and hc will give out candy In addition to seeing the Thomas Cilleran, Rev. Hurry P. later Dr. Harvey W. Young arrived.: passed away. propriation's had balances which and oranges. The entertainment G» W. Craig will preach. front of the altar and handed mi en- 'motion picture program each boy Grim, Charles Waters, Dr. J. J. vclope containing $31 to Capt. Ilar- Realizing that' the end of her life I Capt. Luke was born at more than offset thc deficits. If Mr. committee consists of Miss Elizabeth will get ajiox of candy and a big, j Rowland, Harry N. Johnson and S, was near, Mrs. Emmons requested ; town and he was a son of '. Clayton is correct this will be tho Franklin chairman, Mrs. Hurry Snif- ALBERT L. IVINS HONQRED. cld Watson of the Salvation Army, sweet orange. One of the acts will Silberbtatt were appointed directors. who was in charge of the service.' that she be taken home because she 'and John Lake. He was a boat eni" first time in a number of years that fen ami Mrs. Elizabeth Kstelle. particularly to the children. Among those present were Harry wanted to die there. -She passed ginecr and during the civil war ha Red Banker Hend. County F.sh and : H,, s;llll the money was a Christmas |Th farmcr ;5 Di Dier wh0 Hubbard, M. K. Shale, Otto Gaut- nny board of commissioners in this The' following • musical program m jiv away soon after she was taken into was in service on a, revenue cutter< i GomI . rs an eA Associationa vmr\t*\n ¥triw% . . gif*^ir*t- frof ^ns%-mi thI Vn ei\ mervi M n an*i >id ri wome\\ r\n\ .i»ni memTYl/im -. * . .* ^ — - town has not spent more than tho will be rendered next Sunday at thc clown in the New York Hip- j schy, G. \V. Hardy, J.'C. Neils, J. her home. Kor n number of ycars he was era* Albert I., lvins of Red Bank was hers of the Keansbur^and Belford , • ^lrorae anumbcl. of yca:arsr . Sat- McGarry, T. H. Lane, Rennic budget of expense's provided for. Presbyterian church under the di- Mrs. Emmons was f)9 years old ployed on thc old Jesse Hoyt of ihq elected president of the Monmouth realm of the klan. dipt. Watson U1.d h.ls llcc,n miled " Brown, William Fehlhnbcr, G. V. The mayor and council will riiejjt rection of Mrs. Warren Smock, the Register and had lived at Brudevelt ;.!"j years. Sandy Hook line. For 23 yeara hi county fish ami game association at accepted the gift and gave an ex- Johnson, J. R. Ahern, Leslie Blair, nt noon on New Years day to rc-organist: __ day" in observance of the newsboys' Besides her husband and >.nn, she was chief engineer of the watac the annual meeting held at Asbury plnnation of this acceptance. He party. S. Brevala, Isaac Mount, Charles! .organize. It is expected thut "all MORNING. | Park Saturday. Mr. lvins is a noted aaid he might be criticised for ac- leaves a sister, Mrs. William Curley,. works at Long Branch. Later tho present appointive officials of Quartet—M Ins llilUJn OnMry noprnno, Edward Wesel and Edward Fix Greenfield, M. Goldberg, Harry Frn-|ani:1 a brother, George liastedo,; was an engineer on tho Patten Mr*. Jnplliii Claytofl contrnltn, Willinm marksman and since lie was a boy ; cepting the money and that some have made thc best showing in their zer, S. Silberblatt, Fred Bedlc, j . ij_ f i . the town will get their jobs for an- tenor aiul I'runk CunMin IIIISH. has been an enthusiastic liunter.,| folks might say it was "tainted both of ri eeno Tne uncra w l5 steamboat line. His last position be* sales during the past year and they „...Georg. e. Jenkinson„, ,, Jr.. ,. J J"''n Bahr,: i , j., afternoon at the other term nnd that they will be I from tho .realms of Glory," Jrving L. Reed of Aslmry Park was money." He said that in reply to he d v( stcr v fore retirement was thut of en« Nciilllnlrer. ) wilt got special prizes for their ef- confirmed by the council without elected first vice president, Dr. 0. C; this charge he would quote thc ginecr of the stcambolit Albcrtina. opposition from anyone except pos- "Cradled in n mnnKcr," Schnccker. forts. "SinK, O Heavens." Murzo. Bognr.lus of Keyport second'vice i words of the late General William capacity eight sibly J. Birdsall Phnro. This is gen- A short time ago a request was president, Benjamin Fincke of Fair Booth, the founder of the Salvation et d of walking made by Miss Bessie Green, attend- Poppenburg John Patton, James "^ ______. ' ^, ^^^ erally taken for granted and the Q,linti.|.—Mlm Oiikley, Minn II*n T)nro. Haven third'vice president, William I Army. General Booth, when criti- me very old, mu», Mm. Clnylim. Mr.. Willlama anil Mr. ance officer of the Red Bank schools, Martin and H. 1'. Merrmger. , . ,^ „., ,*„ .. ' .- , ,._ ... only matter that is causing specula- Tanscy of Red lln'nk secretary nnd fised for receiving money from sa- nIcrDIEDi rlFROnMu STRA-NCETI)M ' MALA&Y. it was not uTiusual for him to walfc tion is who Mayor Archibald L. Conldill. that no boy be allowed to sell papers Cantata "Christ ChilJ." C. II. llanlry. Robert Ci. Poole of liclmar trea- loon keepers, replied that if this _ _ "V.""", . . , from Red Bank to Long Branch and Miller will appoint on the council unless he was at least ten years of BADLY CUT BY FALL, The following musical program sul.er money was tainted the Salvation Gas Gangrene Ends the Life of i committees. age. The Register agreeably com- tam will be given at the 10:40 o'clock Methods'of increasing the supply Army would wash it clean in the plied with this request, but in doing John S. Oake. Suffered Pa!nful In- J""""'*!!! "' ^"l""; u' ^. Lake was a widower, hfa The meeting Monday night was juries Last Wednesday. Trooper \\. ham Henry Marsnall wifo ha^g med about five yeanj rr.n3S Christmas day at St. James's of rabbits in the county were dis- tears of widows and orphans. The so .had to forfeit giving papers to the shortest held this year. It lasted mone i stato po! CD dlud Wt dncs church under the direction of Mrs. cussedI and it was the opinion that; y donated by the Klan will be several boys who, while they were lnhn !> " - HactureJ weeks ago. Six daughters survlvtt choir. The financial report of the associa- At the service at Port Konmouth ister boys much older. These boys Wednesday. One side of his face Monday night a week ago whou hc Capt. Lake. They are Mrs. Hart)?- sewers on Clinton nvenuc, Worthley Kyrip—A. nrrrn. next Friday night a former circus ninrln—J. I,. Ilntlmnp. tion disclosed a prosperous condi- arc expected to be with the other was cut to the bone and his ear fell from his motorcycle near Mid-: \y. Reynolds of Red Bank, Mrsi street, Marion street and Harrison clown will tell of his conversion and Credo—J. L. Hattman. ' tion. • ' \ newsboys Saturday afternoon and a hung by a shred of flesh. He was dletown, but it was not this injury ; George Hall and Mrs. Joseph Ke». avenue. Sewers will also be put Offertory nolo—"Ave Maria"—A. K. do some circus stunts, among which also cut on his scalp, chest which caused his death. Gas gan- ]cr.o f Long Branch ^Vlra. J M Mc# down on River street from Tilton Roscwip. H. Rnymond Phillips. will be playingpi trombone with his bully good time is looked for by not DANCED FOR PRIZES. which developed from a Intvrc of Eelmar, Mrs. Meta L.Vani avenue to the river and on the New- KnnctuB—A. Drers. sllght scra Note Qf New ^^an( j Mr^ ^ ^ feet. On Friday night of next week enly the boys themselves, but also stitcheback. s Drto. closeB. H' .th Garrisoe cut in hitoos kface six. man Springs road from Shrewsbury IlcnedictUB—A. Drcrs, by the circulation department of life. This is a baffling and unusual; Wearing of Hempstead, Long Island: AtrncB Dei—A. Drers, Festivities in a Keyport Factory the Salvation Army Sunday-school Mr. Oakes has been laid up since his avenue to the river. Hall Last Week. of Perth Amboy will give a free |j The Register under whose direction ailment which was ouite nrevalent' ~n~~l"? V --"••i--~—• "Silent Night." the event takes place. iaiifalflll H. lie e pmnlovp,! hv iho PoH 11• • prevalent Capt. Lake also leaves a sister «nd Jitney bussos will 'be inspected to The members of the choir are Amid Christmas decorations, Christmas entertainment at the mis- ] employed by the Red among soldiers serving overseas dur- L brotner Ml., Ge'onre Howland and ascertain if they arc provided with Mrs. Edward Tv McDonough, Mrs. large number of persons danced at sion. Santa Claus will be on hand ? NOW PUBLIC PROPERTY. Banpartiallk watey recoverer compand froy anm da han injurs jusyt inrarg et ha t the, „presen war but timet whic. hWithi is verny a |-Th 3rLa^lX Silver rear doors in workable condition. i 1 * Theodore Moss, Mrs. Aloysius Pat-j the factory hall of the Williams-! nnd he will distribute gifts. He will j to his eye, caused by a piece of con- _ . * . ' ThAIIIc . funeraLUMVIU I wi1TIIuI bUeV hcI lltl\d l tomorrottV/lll Mra. Laura F, Hance sent a let- f. . f terson, Misses Catherine Fields, Travis compmiy at Keyport last Fri-jalso present gifts from young men I World War Monument at Little Sil- crete striking him in the eye while few hours after thc first symptoms \a tt halfna] .paspastt twtw00 o o.docdockk aat t Mrg ter complaining about curbing be- day night. A prize masquerade re-1 to their sweethearts. It is said that [ Veronica and Alicp Doherty, Mary d iht A i d 1 t thi tht It i id tht [ ver Given to the Borough. employed by the company. the entire system is powoned and _, Reynolds's. Rev. W. Rolland RW ing put down wrongly in front of death soon follows. The fracture Morris, Anna Lang and AnnA Hfa Ilofff - suited in awards of a five-dollar; a considerable number of young The monument for world war ver will preach the sermon. Buriar her property on Oakland street. mann, John Aul, II. Raymond Phil- gold piece to Miss Ethel Bernard j men of Port Monmouth and vicinity j of the skull was a slight one and un- wili l be made at.West Long Branch.- Robert Pierce, superintendent of i, , , r. i ^, . e i veterans in the public square at WON STRING OF PEARLS. til a few hours before the end the lips, Robert Morris, James Ladiso, and Miss Hazel Collins, and in J streets, said thc curbing was not put an have asked Santa Claus to act for , fl h .fla^0,8 and doctors felt confident that the John Ilolian and Joseph Koch. Miss award of a two and a half dollar thorn mthii regard A Sunday- same location^ve been Fair Haven Woman Winner of DIED AT DAUGHTER'S HOME. down wrongly. The matter was re- Alice Doherty and James Ladiso gold piece to Mrs. Harry Brown, j school will be started at, the mission. trooper would recover. turned over to the borough authori- Guessing Contest at Reussille's. 1 1 ferred to the street committee of will be violin accompanists. Miss Annabcllo Heyer and Bermit Mr. Marshall was 24 years old Arthur G. Bates of Berlin Plao * the council. ties. They are now public proper- Mrs. Elsie VanBrunt of Fair Ha- and he served with distinction over- Died Friday in His 86th Year. ' Red Bank council of the DeVoe won a balloon contest and a NEW HOUSE SOLD. The transfer was made last ven won a string of Bluebird pearls, A. T. Burden and A. I,. iGustin of Columbus will hold n Christmas I prize of $2. llackctt'llackett's orchestrorchestraa Il ' "y ' i A i fsi ' '„, seas dur.ng the late war. Hc was a | A11)Crt Grow Bati!3 aged 8E g worth $i!5 in a pearl guessing con- member of the Red Bank lodge of; died last Friday morning from'*' ,.nt a letter combining .bout ip.rty for the children of St. James'= i provided the music; E. W. Cllrtin j L-un-.nW Reed Buy. South Street week by the Lit SUv< » numen test at Reussille's jewelry store on Residence for $15,800. association. The monument was Elks. He lived at Alfred Grover 5 complication of diseases at the hollie water collecting on the cprnor of| church tomorrow night at St. was in charge of the nfTair and his | built with money subscribed by Broad street. Mr. Reussille had Washington and Wallace streets af- James's hall. ussistants wero William Miller, Fred Louman W. Reed of East Orange, at Shrewsbury and his was the first of hi3 daughter, Mrs, Thoraas Voot. Little Silver folks. More money 100 pearls in a case in his show death to occur in the state police | ^ ter every storm. The letter was re- Special services will be held next Kinhafer atid Harry Brown. These i who has been living for some time window and of thc group 99 were his of Bergcn Utti with whom 7 was raised than was required and The state police were not in good ;htt( 1 made his home t])(, fifte ferred to the street committee. ] Sunday at the Bnptist church. At men arc known as the Happy Four. [ past in the Carl Dietz house on part of the excess money was used Bluebird pearls and one was a gen- oiuumru pearis ana one was a gen- reputc throughout this section when "ear7 Complaint us made about the eleven o'clock in the morning in ad- i i Riverside avenue, has bought the for two welcome home celebra- Bates was born in Vejw condition of the streets on thedition to tho regular service there ; LITERARY CLUB MEETS. Mrs. A. J. Hague hovfte on the west uin..e pearl. . The person picking out ' hhe camcamee hcr(herfelag last t spring, ,bu but th hc ewa was s; '•»""• 28 years he was station tions. There was still a balance of tthh e genuine pearl wo n the string of i ™°"^ Drummond tract in West Red Bank. be a service for the junior con- sido of South street for $15,800. $8 nn/l this was turned over to the on e of the cleancs...t and. best mcn in , agent at the Susquehanna railroatt pearls. Mrs. VanBrunt, Miss Irma ! tn(, The streets there arc so bud that gregation. The topic will he "Wise A-heits Club Entertained at Home ' The sale of the property was made mayor and council last week. Since service and there is a general :statio n at Hackensaek, now part of after heavy stormn the truck which Men." The sermon topic for the of Mrs. Frank Sniffen. J)y Henry F. Hylin. Thelot is5Gxl81 VonGlahrt and Mrs. Norman Hoyt of the monument was put up Elias S. Red Bank, Miss Margaret Emery of Burial was thcEri c railroad. IIe retirad ^ is used to collect garbage cant make regular rmrning service will he The A-heits literary club met last feet. The house is large and it has made ' Saturday morning at Belle- Black has been looking after it and Rirmson and Miss Evelyn Euler of number of years ago. The funeral collections because, it gets mired. "Morning to Noonday." Baptism Friday night at Mrs. Frank Sniffen's seven rooms, bathroom, largo pan- ville. . ' has hoisted and lowered the flag. Belford each guessed correctly, and was held Sunday afternoon at fodr Schenck S. Thompson, chairman of will be administered Sunday night. on Monroe avenue. An interesting try and all improvements. Mr. Reed Mr. Black received no compensation in drawing to decide the tie Mrs. RODE HIS LAST RACE. o'clock at the house and was corl* the street committee, said cinders The pastor will preach on "Room Christmas program was given by will move in his new home early in for his services. He was one of thc ducted by Rev. Robert MacKellar. for Christ" The Sunday-school VanBrunt was the winner. •would be put on the street. Willinm the men of the club. The program January. He is connected with the Charles R. Johnson Had Ridden \ Burial was made Monday by B. K. Christmas exercises wilt be held S. W. Straus company of New York, most active movers in raising money H. R. White, chairman of the gar- consisted of readings.and'vocnl and FLORISTS ELECT OFFICERS. Many Race Horses to Victory. j Mount & Son in New York cemeterJI bage committee, said that within a next Tuesday night. A quartet instrumental duets. Vocal duets •• firm of security brokers. 'fo r thc m»"um™t' comprising Mrs. J. W. Ileini, Mrs, Charles R. Johnson, formerly of |at Hackensnck. few d,ays a truck lighter than the were rendered by Rev. James Dyke- > The house was built by Mrs. Ha- New Officials Chosen by County Eatontown, died Sunday, December', Bcsl(lcs Mrs- Voorhis, Mr. Bates Charles Humrichousc, Eugene Ma-j mn and Frank Sniffen, while duets , gue for her own ficcupancy but she TO ARIZONA BY AUTO. Horticultural Society. one now in ur-e would he employed Sll\, of double pneumonia at New k'avcs four 'laughters and two soiu?., gee and A. T. Davis, directed by ! on the mnmlolin and guitar were recently bought the Boynton prop- to collect garbage, as well a^ the 1- . ~- - ~ ml bcln•^-"•fwj Mra>r&A«.l» VU<.'—Frank E.liriKUni. horses in this country. The body of Klmirn, New York. ' children, values to $12.f>0 at '.!BWilil.-i mere. " Mrs. Charles Ducrkcs of Wcstsido ker, at Globe, Arizona, where they ]''innncinl necreuirj -Willinm Dowlen. ' was sent to Eatontown anil the fu- cents to $8.1)5. Women's pure linen nrrnnn "Joyouj re»l, Ye Christ. Treasurer—William Turner, neral was held Sunday at tho Pine Boy Dies in Hoipital. CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY ', avenue has received word of tho nr- jare staying with Mrs. Parker's son, 1 handkerchiefs at, 15 cents to $1.50. j llrlli, Coiimlis. • », , , ill t; r*iiiy IIIU tv i I'orreRpumlintf Bi'eietaij —I'prcy Hk-ks. Anllu-m. "Ami Tlisro Were Khcphoris." They made the trip Ilrook Methodist church. fiurial Hcnjamin Woodson, son of Mrifc Hind's and White & WyckolT's fa- Every thiip "All Set" for Santa Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klaus, nnd their Kxeeutive committee—i'cter Mulviliill, ! Ashfiml. in nn automobile. Mrs. I'arkcr and .lames Kenncily, Alfml Crillittu, W. II.was made at Pine Brook. Susie Woodson of Hillside, near At- mous stationery in fancy holiday F.VENINO. Claus nt the Palace Theater. dauirhler Lillian, of Keiinshui'),'. Iiouirlass pliin to return to Little Walte, Charles Rice. lantic Highlands, tlied of kidney boxes at 1!5 cents to $.'!.f>0. Popular Anthrm, "Clo to Oo.l llinh." Wil- At nine o'clock Christinas morn- They report n very culm and smooth copyright books, to please all ages, ln.,1. 1 1 Silver by rail in February. Miss Red Bunk Infant Dead. trouble a few days ago at thc Long r in^ Simla Claim will In- ul. tin l*al- piissuiri . Mr. and Mrs. Kla.is con- at 7.> cents r:ii-h. Paris inspire! Antlioni, "O Niiilit of Holy M.rmnry," 1 Hulse- -VanKcuren. Iininch Imspitul. He was eight acu tlii'atcr tn tlistrilnilr jrifis tn 1 Parker .'nui Stanley P.'irker will rc- John (leroni, infant son of Frank hnnilsome leather hmd hnirs, !f.',.!'X Wll»on. thu't. thi' Sea Hreezo cotta^' at Lucile Hulse uf New Tork years, old and had been at the hos- •IVnnr mil Slur .if Hie Orient," Shrl- chiMivu. ImKjH'inli'nt lire t-niupany m.'iin West until spriiifr, when they Uoriini of ltd Hank, died Friday to ?(>.!)X. Women's, full fashioned Keansliun; in the summer nnd each will start buck for Little Silver i,, I and Midvin K. ViiiiKcun-n of Kntnii- pital sincK Scplember. The funeral pure silk "linnl-m" h- i\ ;it J 1.1)5 li-y. has nri'Jinjreii for (his and has in-winter sdjmirn t.i nrnmul.'i. ninht. Mr. Ceiiini has eiuht other Anthrrn, "Thoro WIMT h," Mnr- the nulomoliile which they uyod to !'«™ "ere married Saturday after- wan held Sunday from the St. Paul's per pair. Wnn.i n'.; It if !;ii| gloves, ! vittul tlio child ren (o 1H- on hand. children. The funeral was held 'Ko to Arizona. noon at the Presbyterian parsonage Haiuisl church and burial wna mad* ?'•!.!>!) grade, nl .vl.ii:. per pair. ! Cmit rilmtion.'i for (his annual : Stolen Car Found. Sunday with Kcv. Nicholas Soriano Vllilippinc Imml iiiilniMib'iril gown.-i, A upoeinl musical service -»ill be I ««^» u' Shrewsbury by Kcv. llwi^bt I.. in charge, i'.urial was made in Mt.in I'rystal Strenm cemetury at Navft* 'CliristnuiH trnit l*ir the children now I A new Columbiri roadster, owned $1.!I5. Oli'bnitod "Mnrtex" fancy held t'hristmnH morning nt Trinily Gift to a B«ty. I Parsons. , Olivet cemeterv. Sillk nfnnunt. to aluuit. ^f)OO. Puts to col- ;liy I'miik Kulil of Walliu'o tlrci't, towels, in holiday bnNi's, !l!t cents tii church nt quarter In eleven o'eloek. (i I The membein of thi' Woman's ' ..^ JJ yi.tt'.t. KxtTptioiml values in wo- The sei'iiion will lie preached by liM't money for ih [lai'tv arc af •wan Ktiilcii frum in fronl nf the 75th Ye K Pure Candy is a Food. i 'eluh of liivcr I'lnza paid n 'isit to Died in Hi Atlantic Hithland men's dro--.'s, fonts, fins and Kcv. •Hohert MlicKcllar. Tin- fol-street corners. At the P'irly llu ri' Klniml theater Hatur.lay nitrht. The lnfo t Do.id. If ymir arc iliscriniinnUiiir at >tl 1 Mr.;. Worth Ciintiiiijrlinm of Heil Mrs. Kachel Scultlinrpe. widow •wcatci . A. tinl/. & Co., lii'd Bank, lowing muiical program will be will In ni'ivinj* pirtimv. nnd music jnext mniiiiiic; a .sUite trnupei' founil Joseph I!. Well*, live Week, old, you surely slnnild he nliout youp Hun*-•*•••k* lma i Ii. weeiri^iki IanI nidl f^lkftiRiive, *ma l'l|»V*isilver I^ CharleI»^»..*.sP iyi«*i-'---ij--HcllHliotpe| , die..--~d. --._..Sunda,._^y, --— | *-f i % *] > il 1 .. • L . Wrf^ll'JJli lll'l r— Advcrtiscmi'iil, given: Itv mi ori'lit'stra. (hi' car ahainlniii'il near the Little k son fX WclU of Atlantic High- confectionery. Ynur stomnch d»» Imliy ypiiim to Mrs. ('iiiiiiinKhiiin'|i ] Ihe home nf her iliuicbtcr, Mrs. Kd- 11 i,, ''•:,. i. . i,-.-;,!,..,' p g l 1 1 Thu fu- iiiiiii.l. tfonil food. Thercfora yau I'l in-r*4lniuil Iiynil], "I'liin.1, AT Yr 'Silver I'tiilriiiid .'•.tatiuli. The tnobi :..!•„..i i !.,„.. fir.... .1. it „.! AI..I,. ..r I...... l»...,...I. CI... \ * '"in < "'l- iMnt ,, Miss lil.'ia R, llcilich aiuioiinccs Cnnily fnr Clirislninii. i ward AbeU of I.nni; Hraiub. She must select pure candy, tha kind r'nlllirul." in thi' .'i sing, hut nothing infant dailKhtor, Klizribeth Mary neral wan held Sunday afternoon I.IH.1. iivi-i* i MI r ;. I .»ik nt (bri^in.-is . n' wen' mis ('uiiiiiiiKhniii. I vmr-i old. that yuu (.ret at Hesse's leu crenm thn\. n I'IUSS in iwitionul, cb:n;uter, liHniil. •nllirni, "linvlur in II.n 11 T.iilny." Mis. ('iiuningliiim i and the burial w;i% mink in Mt. Oli- cl:;e iv;i,i taken. pi.rlo" nnd n'ii mom. LIIIIK'H CHISM claHsic and hulironin diuicing lias .Ily M..I.', "llnw II. autlful here nvur biivi- tin* hinri'-^t nl^ck in Tor • Light Lunch Chaili'.i VV. ,IDIII"I will hi'itiii Mnii- ily.—Advertisement. 4:45 1', M. to fiVlfi I1. M., nt tIn-In in Ihe Mii'.iil.ni .' Ml>a Klllhrrll « V«u- thi1 vicinity. Special pi ices !n SUIK ' try Hesse's ice cieam,pnrlor. In ad- day bin daily men-cnger -ervin tn dition tn ice cream, Rodn ami mil- Shooting Match at Mithlfotown. l'nr one mom or an entire Child building, HI Hniad i't ' i J ilny i'l'hiiol' IIIHI I'lnirclici. llelivrr. N,;w V,,,k. Orders b ft III. III. KlU' hollM', Candy Canei and Htik.li, Bank. »Adv*'rliscnient. '...' Mm. leii iniide. Ite.l Hunk I'liiuly Kit. li'ctionei'y, (lie u:mil nrllcle", there A nliiiutiii|» match for pri/.es of illume, (Hobo hotel, KIIHVH llroiid ou will Iliul my prici'i fo papid' We niaku thom. fjulit ill our own can be secured nl jiractiejillv i\ min- rhi'li, Hit llnmil • 11 ,< !, Iteil 'llank, J;I, chickinN. diick'i, tutkcy'i nnd street phnrinacy. Kniekerbliekcr iiK us low its is cuiisiBti'iit wlt'l ' kitchen tn 1111 your nriler. I'hiimi Ul lli-.'r.«liimf. "Oil IJIIIf Timii ,,r IILUII.. Ute'rt nolice KnU|i.t, finnihviclli1';, Mil-I Ask Molher und (.rsinlni. Alm.it It. Ill'III." 't'elephuiH' I!! U. Ailvel'l ii-i'lllellt, I phnrmiicy or nt. the Sliition plmt- work, full Mil and let me en-; to us tmluy for your Chrlttmu .Ililii, pastry, cto. A Uoiidi'rful menu I*Kcs' e will lie held ('Inislmnft morn* They know ljuiii's cnnily. It's r ncy •ceive prompt iill.ntion. llmiite on any work yoyu ure jit«i»U* iiei'ils, Wo hiive tho host ntock of 1 Thu choir will roni|>ris(! M^H, oT woinili'i'fiin l food at nuidi'iatii "; at ten oYliick m Mis, Susanna *i> IIIIVI' h^i'ti tin' fori'moa! fonft 't urn in Wnlii.lr Drli .I, ,,m Opl'liril. o | } ninil iiltr. Ailveli i?>rincnt. ilmii'. ,K4cll<', Intcrinr IH'e- I'iimldy iIn tliiwno , Speciap pl prlcl i to llennettV, W.IIUN mi the Nut-Prices th|» vicinity fur miuiy yi'iiri. Mow Ili'iiry Kchanclt, Mi».i Jimephine Meal', wrvnl Xinm li-.uil A. M. l'i price* (it | rreain parlor, i '•• "'' orator; ppapep r hiin^iiie;^;, pplain mid Huiiilay-»chnolii nnd I'liurchn. llntj being Kolil it Ih-KMr'M i.-r crct.ni par- Weeks, Mr«. Percy lli'iiiu-tt, Mr 111:0(1 P, M. ;;piM:il Imii'lii'i put up llmnd "tlc t,, pnpppi .iti> Meelianir |nwnmp tiul, near M i.ldlctown. Shi)|)|i«ri, Atlpntionl ileeoratlvl e piiintillv,'ii . dUOdU'e nn;l Hunk Cntidy Kiti'livii. Oil lor mill ten room, Bioml Klirrl, o|i- (', H. Itnm'Krnnl, Mi^t Knthei inc lor |>nrlir:i and liuHne'i pn.|i|e. All street, Adverli.cini'Ml Wbile tin ynur °-.!ioppinjr trip in •hup, Ii4 Mi'cliutili: street, Ki'd Miiiik. b i>ut. Til.phnni) Itt'd Bunk pimitii Mi'i'lmnit: ntrci'l. AiiM'itist'- Vniilli'iint, Mlssi'i 1 .JIIIni anil Mil lu>mi> ciKiliiii); ',1'rvi'd. .Innic L. Woii.li Smart Shop.•. Kcd Hunk drop in lles^e'ii ice ereiim • - Ailvcitiaciiietit, --Ai|vfrti«nmunt, lc« Crmni for Ihn Holiday Tahlx. irnnt. ilri'd Ilmri'lt, MisH D.-rolhy Mi.nin, Wnnleil, pr"|l)ielor, Itn Hlit'i'tt-r- Ml) MnnnKiuth -.Ireel, nnnminci's a pmbir, llioiul Mrcct, uppunltr Me- With ymir lioliiliiy menu you will Now T«« Room, ~m •'S*-- -• • * bill',' itviMine, Idil Hunk. Phone fills, eeiul ]»••'• hull,lay mil,, for Kiiilnv. ,-haiile »ticcl, rlk'lil ill the IIVIH!IU">I I.lively swcuteid, I'leuie", |||W Mln.'i Kntlicriiui Wi'il, Mis. Miiry Mirely wiuit Ke erenm at your fnni- mi vlnlti'il the ti'ii r Kinlol|ih (iani AiKi'iliii-iiiiMit. silk Imnlery in hlack, di'ilrict, mul etijny Mime rcfri'iih- HUH iiiiili/rivcur, noKlliri'i'ii, luinlrry urid Prcdiiioi'i', Cliiirlci T. Hull, Percy • at nrul nil other ^v•»i' 1 md nt IHrlwinV I'inno i Do You Wunt Raiulli? Mnnrt in cottmi yr woo , .iindwlfli, n flip "i" «•«•«•»—. n bit o( '•••M'M I- you nuijt, II thu to nienli.ia, |tric»d ino^tA Plirks, Jr,, mid Knrl DeVcnly. Of com nn yuu do, \V(i want thrm (incur Jloiii', Jr.'s, piirlorn. l'lnrn AIL, iiiiiiMinll cruiip nf Mihul, Well w,. can serve you lm. ', !!!!!""•-_*'"* MU'M 'll*'"' tl». nii'ly, in, thn UOKII Hhup, VII Iliu»4 fihowroom, |)rumm«nd jilnrc. ATIII Inn, Let's jret t(ijri>thi"r on thnl yinir order with un luirly. We aii- hhm*ei, l'A'!'nih£, nftfrnoon mnnncr in which they urn «eivi"l tlm rnproilucInK jtlunn ihormighlv Tuinorriiw iiinht thii Mi'lliiiili»l nnd : mi.linleiv, Adverllnt'imwit, ••ii.e', niipunitt' Monmuiith itrvtfi ynunit p.'iip|i''« union will hnhi H prnpfrty mutter. Wn nr« llnlliig »ure you prompt motor delivery, uport drcssci, liiilii'n' and %t will surely pleiinf, Hlijlit in ttu< lied ifutiK.--'AtlvertitiAiTioni. I'tplnliiRil. Rvntyonc wi'lr"nu>,— Ad- 'IVIephnnt' Ki'd Hunk .'ir,.1.J,--Ail- hi'iirt of"town, llrond Mri'dl, ii|i|m- t ChrlMmni jniilv, A Chilnlmiii |inr- IHoiieiy fur wile nr for runt. May mpn'K liiiiiilkcrt'lilclH In llnun nirl ttt wi- lint ymim? WhlU nnilhtrn, 0|i. it Hwiss Hiiliiblv liuxcit fur ulft». while viu "'^" Mk'niHl'v-AiIviirtlieniiiit. ty fur tin' |itlmnry rlnin «ill In' hi'lil Just 'Around ill* Cornvr, [jinltc Oil' pnntiilllpii, White «trp#t, AtlvnrtbemrnlAiJviii'tlaemi'iU. wall ur whll* you itti yuur •huppttitr. I i *" „, "*i*" "* Umi«h r|illii« »mi other Thut'* whern you will I'm usI'fliln. y iifti'iniKin, Suii'l y iniuiiiin; Hi'il Ilimk. - Ailv«rtlm!m«nt. (rui< innnrtmtint of ilniuty 9I ClirUtmim nnllii'inn will lie n ndcr.'l -•--••«—— UrB|ll) mw ttcpntrhiir Rhop M. . , « J""; „ , ••\vn\f nt Ihw ll-a llnnW low. Whltn ulrcut, JunL ulT IIIHIIII, ... f«f gift KIVIIHJ, iirkfil mrtiU'i'- ClirlilwiChrlilrtian. Gr>alln>.Gnallnaa, Urmtil, tironrlelnr, 2H Wftt Krnnl '|x ll"-V11 'J *'"'k ',"''' »"" t>"1'" Wi-ilnimlny i-vuninir, llmm rippoilto ttin ponlofllce, Lint Mjlr \lml»lw Yuar t» mir. \ g roam. tl« wru to gut tho right I11'1'"1 „"'. "T H|;"V|!|' ,' 'll(l - Ailviirilimieiii. in for aulck nctlnn. White llnith- R«tl Hunk,—Ailv«rll««m«rit, n Town," Sunday «l»ht the tlmli- will ThuritaThurtay evmilnif, I)ec*mbor 20th, m««y frlcnd» «ml *urtomm of (hK: hl*ce--~.Ailvi>tt!in-m«iil. hy A ll, Hrlinn, I'luiio Sliuwruniri, i • "•••- - cri.—AnvertliiineBt. lender th« ennlBtn of, "The Kirn lll!:lll.!:ii, undrr illrertliin (if MIM M KthrKl l R«nl, Ucmnift itiioili, with the promlne nf I ——--»••»-"•— Hnininioiiil pluce. I'lumt I'vd Ihink WliWMnllirwnt promt Chrl.trnm" by 3, Whltnty ('namim, M lliliin, Ailmlwlen 30 m (ile hpr * Mir of (i:.r. | vvnrtliy ChrtntmM npnttmr-iit, four rt»«v«rfdIh* («m «ti i M.ll»f«.-tl«.give youn fowr« thlmv» »pru ,.«l . inn| »miv. pti'ntnitr.plti I* »m. MU»\*U wit hMsndnl Chtl.t, . --• AilvrriLftnnii, ;-.m.l f\tt, ».n4 your j.6 illk attickliijM fot ('hrlndnn , Tim mimbsri of tho rholr ntt< • Flyer 1 ho/ t roinim mid bulb, nil iniprnvementt, jrivnvo o yjiia,ymr« " AtrtitHAurnU* fo(urr "ihthV t',i»ra'"«httnhi» (lVt.r Wlirlnri-Cnxhlv •i"tt KM- I'inl.h.d. VKiir wvll, »a,no to Vi.T,., Th* Himrti't i-omprNlnif Mr*, Kviv I'lny- Applv in KIWI l''rtint «tri>»t, New. Co., Mr, nnd Mm. ('. V. IUm»«y. in,U , WI.H. .tmA. l'h , , limm. M, ItnsfIt . Hhup, lit llroml Mrr«l, oii(m- tint idprntia, Mn, (irnci' KIIIK cmi* jr-'ljf Wil»l«l. ulropl, •li« MunmuutMm h ttrttt, lUd Hank. - tcuJtS, Sumui-I Hirvcy tunnr mil llauie muit ntv« Uti runni* unit P Ailv»iil»tm»nt tiiithi with ». Iwfl.fur K>r«K« »mi A Blu. Mit*b«* MUM . Wlsm.r. Silk it«p i{M«M «t wff-ilfi,'- W»ll for Ui* Oytltr 9«M«r i* nftd, it the 4»y» J«M*ry ilth««*Aivtrt(MiHBt, g ""I • »l"ct, ; It m» M »4virilM it (tot GOOD TIMES COMING FOR NEW Fron MONMOUTH CHILDREN. Howard W. Roberts Lends an Acre of Natural Grove for This Pur- pose—Ushers' Union Clears'Off ths Brush and Plows the Land.. The Ushers'.'I'uion of the New Monmouth Ituptist.church, through A I the generosity of 'Howard W. Rob- erts, will smm hnvn a playground ! for the chihlren of tint village. Al- though New Mnnmouth is a rural community, there is scarcely a place in the community where youngsters| can indulge in outdoor snorts during the spring nml summer.1 Nearly every piece oif land in the neighbor*' hood is cultivated. A few nights ago the Ushers' Union met at I.'. Wesley Codding- ton's and discussed the need of a playground. Mr. Roberts owns an acre of land back of the church, which is a natural grove. He offered to lend the land for a playground and the Ushers' Union accepted the offer. A few days Inter the mem- bers of the union, a dozen or more strong, gathered on the lot to clear away the brush and tindorgrowth on it and to make it suitable for a playground. Mr. Coddington had his tractor nt the grove and after the clcariifg process was completed he plowed the land with his ma- chine. Many hands made light work • and it did not take the men long to completethe job. In the spring playground apfiar- - atus will be bought and placed in i he grove. The acre of land will also be used for picnics and for ath- letic meets. Won a Prize Waltz. . Over 300 persons attended a dance given last Thursday night at lied Men's hall at Kumsort. Miss „ Grace Cross and Charles VnnKelst - 3 : of Red liank wun the prize waltz. * io: Music was provided by Snyder's or- • chi'stra. Christmas Horse Race. | Joseirfi Kirby's horse Jewel and Dan Sherman's Christy will have a match race at ^ Atlantic avenue, Branchport, Christmas afternoon. There will also be a running race and two other class races.

Made $15 at a Cake Sale. The Independent firemen's auxili- ary of Red Bank made ?15 at a jcako sale last Saturday. Mrs. | Charles Bennett was in charge of i the sale. I •»«•« Card of Thanks. We take, this means of thanking our many friends for their many acts of kindness during the sickness and in our bereavement in the loss of our dear mother. Also Mr Sut- phin and Mr. Hogate; also the lodge. We also wish to thank those who se.nL flowers or assisted in any way Mr. and Mrs. George Ha'lscy and Family —Advertisement. Card of Thanks. We take this means of thanking our many friends and neighbors for their kindness in our bereavement We especially thank the firemen and Foresters and those who sent flow- ers. William K. Murphy Harriett 11. Murphy —Advertisement. DEATHS. LAKE.—Jo-ruli I'. ljil;<\ ilii-d Hominy nftrrtirtrm ni Ihp Imrm- of lii'i HnUk'M.T. Mr*. H. W. llcynolils, :.'J Ea.-t l'Yout MICH. Hi'il Hank, N. .1. KIIIIITIII •mitri »t >ii» latp rmiilmrr, Thurad.iy nftprnnun m 2 :'\» oVlrrk. Kflfi. out further 'iu",':iro. Int«rin.'iit nt W'-it l...ni; Itrmirtl rnm-lery. IN MEM0R1AM. In lovlnu .n-ninry ..f mir wif.-, ilnuuliir-r nn.l «i«t,.r. Nollif l'rn*l,-y. vlin dicl Ho- i-i'riihrr L'lllh. l'.llS. ,, No onp know* ti'tw nurlfl wr nust h*r, No nm- I:now. vhiit liitlt-r ruin

Life h(19 tHM cr bi'i'n Hie pnnn1, 1 IIKIINMU) I KAWI.KV. 'IllllMAS IXINAIII'K AND I'AMtl.Y. RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19,1923. ••¥ Page

RUBBER PLANT FOR SALE. WANTED. 4 Make, Your Christmas Table Complete DEAD ANIMALS. UPHOLSTERING. FOR SALE AT RIVER PLAZA. WE WANT TO DROAUCASI „, Nlc> blv healthy plant, for »l< r«i»on- A wooden rocklnv cradle; mutt be rea* w^th nuts, fruit, litfs Bind dates from i'rate'a 11. Connors, remover of *leu.r] animals.. Upholiiterirm and rejinisbinif* of all kinds Eight lots. 25x100, one plot 100x200. the fact that the bint liuit tiutsffl WANT ADVERTISEMENTS. able. Herman Bitiau, pbon« 2S-W. Bad anable. Addrcsa Cradle, drawer M, Red fruit store, liroad street, near Mechanic •SLi v\>P"* W«ysl.le S4O-F-16. of furniture. Frank Howard, '121 West Can be bought for I8D0 for quick sale. dates, oranices, cilery ml « . '« FOR SALE. FARM TO LEASE ON SHARES. • t floor; Ve slid Imlh; all im- reside. •lr.:i-M, Hid Hank. 76-F-31, Keaniburs. " taincd at PrBte-'ft Illond »lr it PIANO FOR SALE. . FOR REtrr. Heating »to»e, IIJ.OO. At "the Sertha Kenniiy farm. 1(0 acre.; lucateil at provementn. ApVly 6 Hiv Lie avenue, lied I FOR SALE. TELEPHONE RED BANK 306-M. Dank 1217. Fart of private huusa on Brbwn place to r Holmilfl. enquire Mra. I.. A. Kinney, Uank. I Pl.no for sale. 1100. 7 Braid itr.tt, amulet party. Address M.> drawsr M, Red arn Shop, 20 West Front strset, Red i fur collar or neck piece, taken . You can save money byy gBettingK yyour " VICTROLA~rOU 3A1 E BtayB.nk. lank. ; Hulmdel, N. J., phone 3, Holrndrl. t; price 510. A nice ChristmaB Chris s s and wreaths at the old A Brumwie.;t cnblnet vo ti.iu ii Bank. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. reliable "H. R1TZAU, FOR SALE. SWEATERS KNITTED. Is room,, nil improvement..—. or. ItivtrL- I >'\" fnr someone. Cull lit S Kemu ave. tand. Free delivery. Kridei & 11 sell for »r,« with al«ul rtmover of'deid animals. Ked Back, T«le- HOUSE FOR R£NT. Men's, women's and childrm.^ sweaters Possession February 1st. I iii mblress liox 207. Fair Haver,, N. J. Co., corner Broail and Front streets. Red ; roe,,H< • ju^t liki phan« 26-W. At River Plaie; »lx room., electric light. A 1021 Elirln coupe. in-A-1 condition knitted. Apply Woman'" Exchange, it, t a bargain. ' Call K. II. white, 352-J, leu. Apply woman u lixciuuige, 4Jj • (._II i i>jr,. i-!'j Weit Front jtreet. Red FOUND. (.°hri»tmas.|tirt. fun lir Hell » ir » C( I.uke Uordaycfelk, Weit front atreit, Jtlver prsiile avenue. R.-il Hank, pl»'n__1422. [jinij " ~". PIANOS AND" PLAYERS. limy eveniiii,-, except tut ii nt I'errlurls YOUNG P'GS FOR SALE. !_»-„, - ' iyport, N. J. Linoleum riiK ffjun.l on State Highway. Ifi W.-!iti.|d" iiy. nue Hi I i ink Six weeks old. Mldilletown Dairy Farm, FLAT FOR KENT Owner niny have the some by proving We sell, buy, exchatjKe, rent, tune, re- HOUSE FOR RENT. at 20 Mechanic' street, three: morns and | FOR SALE AT RUMSON. pair, electrically clean, varniiri nnd polish Mlddla.iwn. JN. J. , CAR FOR SALE. , Five rooms and buth, all improvements. oiilde house renting for il.-. Can be property nnd imyintr for advertisement. SALESMfN W\M D lMtlr, all improvements. Inuuiuiri n of J. 1. j A. N. l/reiuiKC i'Ai First street, Keyport, pianos of all makes. A. B. Dirhan's Pl.nu ' HOUSEKEEPER WISHES POSITION A 1022 Caae touring car, excellent condl. iswald Ward, care Mrs. George. M. Dexter, ,-ht for S^.liOO. Cliurles J. Hears, Showroom n-ml Repair Shop, Drummond for houi house of >•'! tlon: unusual value. Telephone Red Bank .umson, N. J. .-' e | rcn elate and insurance, Uuimon, N. J., | _jL. PJBCe^Jted^Jlan^. Phone Q33. food products: blir motit' v b tls mfl^ in ' email family. Addrusa Housekeeper, 433-M. ', c HAY—HAY—H under our new „. Ihn t i i I nri ^ 9W' drawer M.-iteu' Uank. TOY POODLE FOR SALE, u qy buy always FLAT FOR RENT. Ten weekk s ofiNlobAy poodledl: ld A hiVuc stock of fine EW LAID'ECGS FOR SALE. Seven ro.iin^, rno'lern improvements'- on CLERKS. dy FIVE ROOMS TO RENT. LOT FOR SALE. tin lianil. 1'rices lower than lirevuil on the Eight.en years up; 1120-5188 month. inK 6:00 to 7 ;U0 W II\ al Improvements available, on Hance road, lea Christmas preTem. Call 1(3 Catherine nn^J. N. Hance, feed djralrr, Red llnnk. W t.e,l, customer* for *trtill> fresh rlommi.itli street; also storo, will lie ready •.30 • mmilli. ull * WaihlnEton street. treet, Hed Bank. Inid ei.:s. Delivered nnywlii-re between irst pan. of c'lmiiiK week. Call 126 For government position; eipirienci! un. huit'linir. ll.,d Rnnli Red Bank. l'hon« I73-J. near East Front street.' Call Red Bank ' '"CHRISTMAS TREES. ,. "" necessary. I'or free list positions write R. 740-H. • \ CARS FOR SALE. | Fair Iluvin mid lied Ilank. Addrcn P. O. ihrcw»|,,uy avenue. Apply to^Jolm DiFI- Terry (former Civil Service examiner), 106-ACRF FAPM I Ot SALF Two carloads of good liulsivni CliristmiiB c HOMER PIPELESS FURNACES. Bulck tourinrf car and t'Drd suburban, Hos; Ii:t4, Jte.t Bunk. .n4 Btrrl:ter buililinir, Washington, D. n. Twtlv.- ro-ini hnuir M Hi im iov~rn n*«f WANTED, CHAUFFEUR , trees for sale; wholenulc only. HsciKalupi lull oiitlniililini ^ t r lit r n'e- ort U Call at Mortcnson i Co., rhon. 236, At- and wife, or housekeeper and man. Apply n sood condition. Apply Tansey's Express, llros., Wharf avenue, Ited Hunk. l'lione FOR""RENT,~- "TELEPHbNE~RE"D"BAN"K"~306-M^ lantic HlRhlands.ifiir prices. I-'airJUven^ N. J. Furiiisbt'd hou-e, i-ix rooms and bath, K)R RENT. ~ Beautiful Jilll... to liw f'l ' Mrs. Hendrlckson, 103 East Front attest, ChrislinnYou •.-•is n tr".'«":,n-„,-,, moned wreathy by s at the old „ Si* rooms snd bath, gas and elcctrie;-! „„„ refuel nnd mnk, your ov, n t rfjj. «! «125 WILL BUY Hed Bank. HELP WANTED. ull ininrovemiMilB: with KiiliiKf : on River- fine Bidr uvcuue... I'hone lled.JJnnk.B4l). Im- reliable i-'rind l-rio delivery • Kridtl £ busine«» location for professional of- n,.nth in fnmiii the riii e i' «ell i • L HI, 4] fiaxon-roadster in-excellent-condition.--John Joma-o.ne-t.i-rir.il out-old-apple-and pear FLOWERING PLANTS Co., cormr Iir,,;i.l and Frunt streets, Red In "" un<1 1TvI"n« npartmenls; over Wilbur'j l.llal & K.m.-i hull. II I II ink r, R " Corimell. Hiirhlnntls, N. J. ' HOUSE FOR RENT ', rees and saw them up for wood. A. Niel- • nil «ll1>1ildi> of Ijerry »>.d riillaxi'-pliihls mediute pnnKoriskiu. cy < on Peters place.; newly painted and dei k r ipn. llszlct, N. J. mo'lcratu trici-s nt I'lorulhui nt l'l-.w , "~ FURNISHED ROOM""" Si". - . ' L_ F«Tt l.VontTtVcet °l:led"Bank Newton Do,'."- I' WHv"pA«K YOUR CAR 0Uf3 QE t\ BUILDING FOR SALE. -ated. Inqu^jS Trubln's, bn llroad atreet, FORRENT^ Shop, 8 Wallace blreet, Red Hunk, or plml j for rent; nil improvements, steam heat; SAY IT W11TH FLOWERS rrius' " . "" i n u,r. , in ^th^e ^^^ndi!'• ^^Wi ^In ^u ^idnt ^ y ^ ^ _ ^ j Bjlldlnn iqs20 (ret, cheap, lnqulra 217 Miitiihle for one or two person*, gentle- mut ? A nicely furnislio.1 room with all Im-133a. rHELP WANTED, MALE. when you vvnnt t., i,ny "Merry Christmas" i ^ '.f,ur well h"rite,l i ir Our ehnrf* „ Braneh avenue, lied Hunk. 23-ACRE FARM FOR SALE provements: riot water heal. 27 Washing- men preferred. 17 Washington street, Red to a relative nr friend. Always fresh and HENS FOR SALE. • Ismail. Drive in on I tiki nn oh- ••». S " ' CARROTS ~FbR'~8AT£ on Red Uank»Everett road; no build- n Htreet, Ked Dunk. Plumber >und helper wuiileil nt once; Knnli, phone K05-W. ' • at short.-1 notice at Fl.,r;ilhur*t i Flower Seven Ancnna henrt. one black; through Open day and nir hi Ur r.» «,uto if «. \ Jtcndy work.. Good pay. Aclilreps Frank V.'allaci; street, Ite.l Bank, phone mouRinK, ju«t beitinninK to liiy: Isst yearV , i .. Gl,,|,,. r,,urt »,nd M , ' line street A i A few barrels of carrots for sui«. Harry ings. Good chicken and fruit farm. Price A. Stratlon, 80 Weequahic avtnui', Hewark, TENT WANTED. ni \n\r utroet 1 4 S3.000. K. M. Haley & Son, phone lie FURNISHED ROOMS. pullets. Good renson for sellinn. Jh.OD ! !)„„!, Ju,t |d,,v, v,,Ui h n and our door* * L. Ryder, Keypurt It. !•'. D. Two furnished room9 for rent; all im.N^,J. _ Have you n tent in utornKe thut you Hank tad-It. wish to bed, S3.00. Phone Rcil Hat* 7C2-W. Call between You i-aii ~;ivd moiH'y l.y K'-'tlint: your TOR SAI 1 I at ths Second National bank. Chauffeur, married, wants position Mra. T. Connors. White .road, Upper ijroud 11:00 nnd «:0O V. M. Christinas trees and wreaths at the old, Twelve RtiUKi cic iihk hhnci lmmm«rl«i» ' BUGGY FOR SALF.7 anything: .good mechanic. James Whyte, ible. boudoir, floor and hri'lRa Ismps be- street. Shrewsbury, N. J., buck of BUM IDEAL PIPELESS FURNACES reliable slnntl. 1 ree delivery. Kridei & i WINDOW CLEANING. avn, Sinirfr ««nni' nnd in just befttt tank. installed, cumpk'te; SBO up, dependln&r ol Co., corner Broad' and Front atreeta, Re.l We make a spcciulty of cleaning win ovL-rhiuili'd; Und rwm I tjpri!in«, golntt t carpenters and Jobbers; repair work of all GARAGES. delivery. George Leslie, 215 Cheatnut dencei,; also general ollicc cleaning. Rate Can be seen nt Hamilton avnue, Hrovenft * TWENTY GEESE I SALE! FOR SALE. Any kind or price can be built by lid- LOST. kinds at reu.onable prices, l'oetoince ad- street, Nutlcy, N. J. Canv «aiiiK hook lo.n between, Bradley Park. Inquire at Leururdo poatofnc*! Ht Elizabeth Cnllalian, I Hill, B. F.dress Il«d Bank. . • Two male cocker spaniel pups .two and monilB & Sickels, the carpenters nnd. build- Washington street. Red Hank. phon LRbi ' P. Atlantic Hlnhlunds, N. . a half months old. Apply nt Silver Brook ers. 8-1 McLaren atreet, lied Dunk. I'hone STODDARD-DAYTON 40 H. P. ueaclpuod Iti-d Hank last Thursday. Find- 654-M. FLAT TO LET. STOKE. Farm, Ji^uewsbury, N. .1. 721-R. ennir.0. tine for motor boat: two nearly ir return t,, J. A. .Morton, 40:1 McCabc HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE. Front half of store to rent; $1B pel new vm-uiim cup tiron nnd lubes. 37x4 ri.. lvenue. Bradley Bench. N. J., and receive DO YOU WANT RESULTS? Thinl floor. 17 Broad street. Inquire I'M PUTTINGrirOTMONMOU'TH ROW BOATS FOR SALE. Munu Atitoinnttp liiri: in"t Ri)rt'ast plcturw, ""WANTED. custom hatching about first of February. o the tlrst buyer. Apply Geork-e. .Seaman, u r BOSTON BULL FOR SALE. UEHOLSTERING. Makes no «s. opposite postoflice, White. 'abinet typ<-.vri(rT cl'-etrir futures; nl'O • OFFICES TO LET. tic Highlands 307. - For fireplace or .in stove lengths. De- FOR RENT,' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. I*'runt street. Red Uank, phone, shop 30'J-J; i-ra. White Ureet, Red Uank. opposite ' ! Bank. Vl W W M livered anywhere. J. B. Cnrton, Everett. Nine room house, nil improvements: Second floor, 17 Broad street. Inquire -^iikneo i&rj-M, Hed Uank. • golt ;oitr-e. Athiu'. It, Hance & Sonn. Ited Ilank. . HOSPITAL BASKETS N. J. Phone Mldriletown 7»6-F-S.II0. Plu.nr- 400-M, Bed Bunk. FOFl~s"ALE~Af A BARGAIN. ! by woman by day or week. Call or write Forty Indltin Runner ducke. $1.25 circulurs. American Iluu Manufactory•y,. 2'JG | wmiimill"' ' "s re.iair.Ml' . AKent... fur Maste. r car- mentu, near depot on Cheatnul t street; cm ply1 , one -ivhi n will ti, :- !'• •'' • in li-rn'jk New seven room housi, on 1'arkor ave- Ve_rpiont i.trcet, Brooklyn, N. Y. 2114 Mechanic atreet. Iteil Bnnk. piece. Louis liertle, Main Htreet, Belfor, PEDIGREED GUERNSEY BULL. nue. Maiiaauuu'n. N. J. Part can remain on I hureior ei.al siivrnir ileviv,.. Fits any tar- . 1)0 r,.ntcd furnished or unfurnished; im- • pluee In i:..od ui-l.-r. :'•• - '' M l.urllricTS, " ' LIVE ' N. .P., Kooh's cottage. Peiliurcpd C.uornsey hull for Bcrvice. Ap- mortttiiKc. Inquire. Joseph F. Morton, Bay- " "CELERY AND GRAPE FRUIT.-. ";'"'• -12 Leit-hlon uvcuuc, lied Bank,- mediate, possession. U. W. Martin, real ' 21 Tower Hill iivmi". H- I r.-nk. ply to Superintendent Shore Acros, Littlo tate, 210 East Front street, tteu1 Bark,., , WOMAN'S LXCHANGE. cattle, calves, hogs and poultry wanted. FOR SALE. Silver. N. J. Phone Rod llnnk 155. head, N. J. Vour holiday table mint have them. Middle aged man'a regulation black clotl WOOD FOR SALE. phnnp U3H, __ .__ _ __\ Wo ran help you out witii thnt Inst mln- BOARDER"WANTEb Why not get them fresh from Pratc'« All oak : will .s )| by ffji-d or it _____ overcoat; large size; worn only a fei DOLL CARRIAGES FOR SALE. nt 87 Mnple avenue, Ited Hank; a .very fruit store.' Broail wlroet. near Mechanic four foot | FOR SALE ALONG STATE ROAD. ute Kift. hun-l painted n«.vclt U-*. hand- HOUSE FOR RENT Two inrKe size doll carriages foe sale; lenKths ?]0 ur fur uratf,- 86 A forty-,fo\ir-ncrc farm, twelve acres of j nisi tie tnwrls, luncheon «(•*', l>r: '!j-r*> oovori, , ted Hank. Apply tlmes._Ued_llank __1-M. nice room; uteam heated nnd ull improve- street? Phone Red Ilank 1211. IPliRthK, $[(; _),n pililiR. K. II. .Tonee, CharleChesliius Lewi.t , utreotphone, 242Ited. RoHankd Hank. . both in excellent condition. Harry Patter- ments; excellent meals;, terms reasonable. .pplrs. sixteen var.Rt.t*. K»0 pcanh trrcs. ! sweat'-r:*. linceHp. handki>rc]il<>f i. ' boUriolr h SECOND-HAND CLOTHES BOUGHT. son. 220 Mnple avenue. Red Hank. NIP, ,'>Ljik, N. J., JIIHMIU 24S-J, Atlantic :rane vinojanls, -eleven room huuse. liarn cups. #rifH fnr bnhies, lmnut.iful dulhi, hunt! Men's only; must be in good cunditloi Garage, near. TURKEYS FOR SALE. 1 BOARDER WANTED table u*f • lirffditiB ^-toclc. Price reason- Hi«liifl!n!s, N. .1. :1 usvial outl)iii!dinK.i; price S2S.O00. , In a private fnmily; Inrtrii pk'iisnnt room. Call &t I. Kcrber'u, lriK. nlonmauth Htreel Your Chrlstmas^WiirNot be Merry Very fine you HE turkeys for ar-.le. for 1 1 led Uank, pliohe 8*( 2-J. unless you hnvc some Kood fruit or nuts. Mrs*. A. P. Bennett. Vun-ifirburg, WOMEN REPRESENTATIVES WANTED" I I'honp' 7"i-F-»l, Kcansburg. C. L. Luker, nn:. dresses. Our ri'i -' an; Til t reanon-* Inquire nt 38 I'ctera_pjiici!. Ited tlnok at S2.98 will mnkt' a lovely Rift; lnce Whole or !..,:•,. lini", sell hilk midflrwear 1 Bflfonl. N. J. iihli'. Com" nnd set? fm yd r.u'if. Onen Phone your order at once to I'rate'u fruit trimmed and taiioreii. At the; Rose Sliop, N. J., Phone Holmdcl TA-l'-lli. LEM SUTPHEN, WANtEDTPdUCtrDOG", store. Red Bank, 1217. nml piny safe. flirccl frfrni< n fn.-tr, • nithintier, Kupi.l ' LADIES' - . ATTENTION! i, phone Red paper hamthiK nnil dceoratlnir. 22 Wa«h- 'emale, or collie; good stock; cheap. Fhonfl 13 llruad street. Red Dank, opposite Mon- FORSALE. ^^ ~'~~ p mtK doratlnK. 22 Was Whito AiiRora baby carriage robe, al- firllcr, hn-i;u cmnn us, doliKhLAil work. Elite Beauty Shop. Manicuring „,,„„,_ jjank MU2. ingto i23. Red Bunk. Charles Dresser, 118 West BORO AUTO STORAGE, mouth Htreet. Apply ni- wi-ilu ] alrcet. Reil __ank__IMione054J. •"ront street, Hed Hank. * Mechanic street and (ilobe Court. Will ust new; cheap; also hoy'a Krajf uvcrcuat, (Juyv, Levy Uldg., pooing, ticnlp treatments with ht BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. HOUSU E FOFRR RENTR . store your car by the hour, day, week, NOT1CE TO CAR OWNERS. M 1G: reasonable. Apply R. L. Doiiffhty, Elizabeth. N. J. ray: buhbini?, curlinK, dyeinu ond We wnlit nn c-.taMisln;'! nt'.vfl or hanf« Seven rooms and bathbh ; niill Improvements I . TJNERAITDESTGNS month nr year. Day nnd niftht service. You can now have your car thoroughly I'fiirl street. Fftir Haven, N. J. MONEY" TffrXo AN7 hleachiiiK hair. Open evenings by apwan- * dealer in yuiir vicinity m n' man Apply 19 Drummond place. Red Hank. of all descriptions at shortest notice, wanned and cleaned at the Boro Auto puintnu'iit. 33 Waverly place, Hed Banlt. cnpaMo of Helling ntul. orK-'mixinsr rrow to FURNITURE FOR SALE." StoraKc, Glube Court and Mechanic street. CELERY AND GRAPE FRUIT. On bond nnd . eBtnte in BOY'S BICYCLE FOR SALE. r'loralhurat Flower shop, S Wallace street, Red Ha-ik - ^i. ly nt atitns of S,'»00 to i j,'1101,1,*-' •'•"•M- iKnulltj new .oil bumiut: device for litatlnff lied Bank, or phone 1:138. Oak dininu room table, buffet nnd serv- Red Bunk. Your hoH.lny tablo munt Imvc them. (J stuvy^, ranircs nnd furnaccit. Hi'; flrmnnd, Eluhtten-inch frame. uood orderr. C na table. Cieeland. Lnke avenue. Fair Why not k'ft them fresh from Prate's s;iO,0D0. Apply .Idl)!i A. Lovuly. counsdor- 1 888-J88J , or nt 20_Unin nti- R-l, Redd Hank. ANDREW J. HILL. Haven, N, J., phone Red Bank 701.M. MEMORIAL WREATHS fruit Htore, Urnm) strvet, nt'iir Mechanic lU-law, Smrth Amboy, N. J., phone iSouth a fine place to store your car for any i 'I'" to fuel I'ituation. \\V havo aound Paper hanging and decorating; interior and ectnetery baakclw of artificial folingc Amlifiy 131-M. period of time; open day and nicht; just j businoss propotutiun fm- rii/lit pnvty and FOR SALE CHEAP. CHICKEN FARMS FOR SALE. treet? Phone Hed Hank 1217. " Four burner KIIS titove nnd smnll hun- ami nterfur paintiiiK- 14 Worthier street, nnd flowern on display at Floralhurst FOR SALE/ ii block from Uronri street; plenty of room : will nllot «xclu-iivo lerriti-i-y. Oil flurnei? Hrd Dank. Phone 141G. I have chicken fartm, with acres one J-'iower ehop. 8 Wallace aircct. Red Bank, FOR SALE." for fithcr indoor or,outilo. S7. Kii'tnulown, N. .1. Lween ti :00 aiid S;00 1'. M., Phont- Red FARM FOR SALE. ?3,500 tfar.h. halnnce nn I-;n<[ term mort"» ton avenue, Red IJanlt. Mechanic «trect and Globe Court. Will 1 A h I I r Seventy-ons-acre farm, twelve room aiCP, or easy inst'ilnienis; ai.\ty-«ix acrVt* WJRE WHEECSEIIVICE. ' itore your car by th« hour, day, week, trimmed nnd tailored . At the Ilnsc Shop LLOYD FRANCIS, CHICKENS WANTEb. 7a Urond street, Red Bank, . osite Mon- HYLIN'S INSURANCE SERVICE. house; I'loctric, toilet and hath, hot nnd • FOVI T ro*im fnrtnhiiuge, hnrse burn wlta Wire wheels rebuilt. John II, nien 4"» month or year. Day and nitcht nervlce. mouth street. Central contractor nnd builder. Porch en- L water: usual outbuildings; less than ! «.'QKonliou^r. tnolhmis« an 1 cruvwhcd aW Will pay the highest market ,prlces for closures : jobbing promptly attended to: Knr your iiilditia lal insuriincc think of I '" West Front street^Iled Flunk. I'luuie.72-11. live chickens. H'.> North Broadway, Long STOVE FOR SALE. DOUBLE"HOUSE FOR"SALE. Hylin. Hett than unrr/. It's too ! u' iles to Broad street. Red Bank; i t. hod : fi^rtitizT * torch mi'.o. nrenmtnoda* MASON CONTRACTOR. Branch, N."J., phon« 1B0O. ______Vale Oak, double heater. No. 315; pood With nil improvements": -pood location Estimates cheerfully furnished. E PIANO FOR SALE;1 condition; reasonable. M ra. John Ryan, and Rood investment. Henry F. Hylin. Boyer, SB Hector plncc, Red Bank. Phone Brandberry pinno in Rood condition; Church and Allen streets, Rumson N. J. renltor, room 2. Register buildini:. I'hone must be seen to be appreciated. Apply 6 Christmas tree* and Holly Wreath^ 713, Red Hank. 1'IGS FOR SALE. Riverside avenue. Red Bank. . Plenty of them at the Hunt price at HOUS E~W AN T ED; Three monllm old; price'no a pair. Mld- Prate's fruit Btnre, Broad titroet, nenr Me- Make Your ChristmaaTabla Complet. to purchase, i-hoitp. two-family house; east dletown Stock Fnrm, Thomas S. Held, Ited chanic street. Red Ilnnk, phonp 1217. of railroad; need not lie in t'lrsl-clnni Bank. with nuts, fruit, flirs and dates from Prate's fruit store. Broad street, near Mechanle FOR RENt. dition. Cnsb. L. M. Murtin. :i'.l Arthur NOTICE'TO TRAPPF.RS. street, Red Bank, phone 1217. Four-room apartment, all Improvements; place, Red Hunk. licit irradinK nin] most money also store on Main rosd. Apply Finkcl- FOR Al rtmpnt; light FOR SALE. " Ro back to tho foi bo ows thd ' WINDOW CLASS. S A FOR SALE AT REPORT. New house, six rooms, modern irapVove- money. Loans money to farme E l N J All sliet carried In stock. Glailnu don« U l bo Cottase, eontaininR six rooms and bath, merits: excellent loc.-ition nn East Front j bond and Piorteaee at olj P.T cent interpit V" " " at reasonable prices. Fhone 79-J. Hitler's, H6uSE¥"F0R"sALE7TORf~MbNM0UTH~. enn. I Tes"'" kitclion iaai:L. and laundry tubs, hot and street. 'The pric? is riitht. Can be boURht | to pa>; ofT mortprairos, debt*, buy stock. MAKE HER HAPPY Wears il . | rnnke improvements, etc. If your farm 13 •with a Universal vacuum cleaner for Monmouth, N. J. Caleb L. Luker, Bel- N. J. ph nc 301. nse. Price M,111)0. part cash. Caleb L. \V. Martin, real estate. '2-10 East Front ; i" Morimoyth county nml sou w:uit n loan., FOR RENt. pay. Fnr "Him It U Dime," spn.l full nd- spe Christinru. r,:i, Vori l-.Tiv.-nwurlli. Kan-iii!'. NF.WLYWF.DS' OPPORTUNITY. FOR SALE. — - I pntinty. S-nd fL>r circuhsr. H-nrv C. Wade, ~ ELECTRIC TllAiN""FOR~SALC^ Front wtreet, Newton Doremus. Boy's or girl's three-wheel bicycle for tnhle» for the holiJay jeayoii. Whoicsalri If ynu nre irnin^ to \'.:ir,t. romiij, fur- Karminir75. Inst Weilncs.liiy iiftrcuniMi on Umii.l street can huv fmniturc and have four roniii- r a MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT Apply nt IPS Catherine street. Red Bank. '' ; ' Cash i.r inar.llmcnk " Mo'ne refunded if dilTerent- -n .tMhii H;a for all kinds of leskinK ronfs can be had nr in oii.i oF the .-turcu on Iir.iai! street. soaabli'; lully furni ilicil. Adiircs It lla> ither SUITABLE I OP. LIGHfHOUSEKEEPINCi from Kdmnnds A RickrK S4 McLaren HAT PIN LOST. OGDEN McCLASKEY, C'nnliiinnil.ilresi una.ls. Mrs. Knui-ne r»t- " j heater dors not work. White blul e rateti ripbt n, t&A.A Two- [•nt withn nil improve.impn ' Hat pin lost on corner of Prospect ave- slrtjr roofer; tin roofs coated nnd made .Irnwcr M. lied D.mll. o name I I'oniliiiiatifiii yiis-fcal raiiKi ments: or four room.-.. 18 street. Red Hank. Phone 721-R. ticht. ChimncyB repnirc.l. Routine mn- trrs.Hi^ ,•„•: l.inilen plare. Ueil Bank. _ _ Sl?0. and fot-Rntten. Civ Wnll«ce »trecf, U trCOl If fm l r "OWN YOUK OWN HOME. C.__M(Tritt. Itrad!(.•>' Bench, N. J. friuncl ii dozen rhtiice tliiSiliii tubi'i-i*. in tin RedBnnk^ BOYS AND GIRLS GLASS HEADQUARTERS."" DUI3 AIIU uau. r ",rrl """' !''""" " 'J ""' " ^ " al for mil.-. 133 Hml»on nvenio. Rod 1 can PIUIV,- you how. i'hice ntw heuses assortment of rare nnd bt-aviliful ci>lnr-ntfs, Dunk, phone '100-J. _ All siiea of sinl;l« ami double- ntrr-mrth "FAMILY"LAUNDRY WORK. O.' F." HfCC enioy skatinir: nil al7.es: also men's and toJB Prospect avenue and receive reward. in K"o.l locutions uiih all itiHirovcitifnls 5 I that will brine V"-i Knitd'tilly to in \i as ladieV tububirs and hockeys. C. H. En CHICKEN FARM WANTED. wlmlnw BhiKS. riate Klnbs winiMiii'l.U our cim K > bnutrlit ,n oasy |.-nn^. Henry'F. Family wash, wet, nut, ex coed in? Plumhinc. Jientimr and tlnnlnj In all Any size. Also lintmling luiusea, holel« WHITE WOMAN" WANTED KPeciulty. Millerlu Ilnnlwaro Co.. 3.1 West L t pounds, 75 cent!*; roujih dry wash, ti centa \ thry blo.^om >•••«: fcl One branches. It Wesl.lilo avenue, Rtrl Bank, nln. fist Hrnnd street. Red Bfink^ to do IL small weekly wash nt In.me: will Hylin, realtor. rnom 1!. !t,vi;ter building FOR RENt". it) farms nf nil kinds. Hen7.en, m lionutiful h. ' i 'ay (rift \w\, po*t- phone 1215. _ _ rarrtinelH. 118 Nnamni street. New York. brinir wnsh to the house anil call fnr it. plu.il.- 'i 13, Roil Hank. •-, ironeil. 7 cents pc-r poun'l. Hantl ironing P*'<> to any Ril.tr?->-^ ?I.7f.; hnlf -loaon, House at 10 Pctera place, newly deeor- Reply, sjivinK nam» and nildreas, Rex, DANDY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.""" f desired. Jersey Coast Launrlry. West tt.OO. Mr?. Jnnv* CITIX.ENS"B"ulLbTNG~AND~LOASr EROW.\ AND Ul.UE STONE FOR SALE. 1 .1. Cu'tr.-l!. Dahlia .ited; all conveniences. Apply 17 Peters DONT RIDE " ilrnwer M, Hed Bnnk. Klfclrii- tiuMtcis, ciirllnit lrnn~, wntne - -y - - Dal. Farm, WP^I l,.,r .nan niiiiioy to loan for the purchase of place, or phone 1128. Red Bank. ith a hroltPii wiinlnhiolii. Rrintr your esr About M0 loads of lirown stkrte nnd _ HrnnrVi. N. J 'homes. Apply at The Second National FOR SALE, icii^, tn'.ilc Blnvt^, rct-coliil.il;,, heaters, him- stone for lirr-phces or. walls. -tPnll at Front street, Ked Ilank, phope '20 •re nnd ]nt UM tmt in a new plntn irliisn. I'liml.iirT flnnr. tnl.lo nnd Viri.luo lamps. C. HOUSE BOAT FOR SALE. ban];. Ited Hunk. FOR SALE CHEAP. Parlor Bint", rca»onnlil": nlsn Indies' jjolb. • h TI} lmlli l H-intr wrrckei DENNIS & WHITING. ' 1,arga window frame* nnd floors wltll illcr'w. 3^ West Front Btrrc_t. Rcil Tinnk. jIT^Emiis, Ct Br.in.l street. Re.l Hank. lililiB is 1 1: will Hoi limit, L'Ox.i: over nil: 16x40 ROOM FOR RENT. compl'-t." ridiii!: luiliil; t*i/.i' Hi. Apply Mrs. sell l.y In; Apply rorniT Urnail street hniine; four bedroom*, large livinir room, Pnintint; ami pji[* 21T.-M. Katontnwn. Lit f l f t ih I)i rt; •, * Sot. in.' maliinK tknl'* (JDOtl Apply Rnis M-. CJavt...n, 102 Anbury ave- We are In n position to buy all kinds nuns tl i.-tf Iln.l lin-r a with thos.: unii.l mie, Orean Grove. N. I. Phon* 2fi77. 1-106. APARTMENT FOR' RENT. of rsw furs at the highest market price. llp-t'.-datr' mndt'rn apurtment, furn!sh«d POULTRY BOUGHT AND SOLD. "' hue!; wlx •at ni kiM tliat voll make. lions* Phone or call Entontown 2183-11. Alive or tresh drfiHHcd rhickenn bniiRht unld. Phone KransburK 67-F-4. P. 0. ; ORANGES, BANANAS, APPLES. ph..r , S Hi. •1 liiink :.ivl not sumo. You FOR RENT. V or iiiifurnlnlipd. Apply 25 Drummon. »nld: will ray hrit, prlcct. ,T. Tinker, Riverside nvi-ini.- himap. ci^-ht rooms ami* FIREWOOD. ,nlriri.. Ilnl Hunk. " TWO ROOMS'FOR RENT. Box_l22, Hrlford, K. J. I •\\Vve Ki»t plenty ,if t*ipm, nnd nt (he Ill " lirst ni; Light, well heated; In library building, 14 scluinie^ntrret. Rp.l Hnnli. Phone 10W2-J. ripht price. Mu mat.IT ^lint ymi want ill rartijfc; on Y.nr.t front atreot. six rooms.. Dry wnml, ut GOLD FISH ANDCANARIES. 11 improvemrn.i: nov4?rnl other ^ix uns- f.,r *»•» _„_ . Went I-'ront street. Rcil Bank. Shrewalmry, formerly Boi-ilen'n ntore. C. ll.k u Auto StomRo. '.lobe Court and Mechanic 1 and gold fish. Come and mnke your selec- i'.l...ii, {7.00 in n.'.v lulls, n fivo nn.l two i ,CSBiun I), W. Martin, rea....l. o'Ute.-.....-,, ..--1.0 "'" strcpt. Ited Mnilk. TYPEWRITER BARCA1N. Korden, 13^ Mnrrin nvcnuc". Lonff tion. W. W. Kennedy & Son*, lloriatc. 41 MONEV FOUND. — •I rhil.rs Xmns^fiimL I-inilpr j K ,t Front sln-ct. Ilc.l Honk. plum.. UJH. ' I1'™1" 4f.:l-K. noil Hunk. T,. C. Soilth, lair- model, line condition: iineh^N. .T., phonp R70-H, I-omr nraneh. Tlrnnd street. Ked Ilank. A Bum nf nionpy in lulls was found on kindly n FORDFOR" SALE! aacritVe ««B. Charle» Dres.er. US Welt "ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS White street. Owner cull .it (1i Company's Hi, .1. TEAM OF YOUNG HORSES. Ford coupf, 1V2Z. $^00; lock wheel and — FOR EXCHANGE. ^~ APPLES FOR CHRISTMAS. Front street, phone «23. Retl Bank. nil kind* can be done by Etlmonds & Four to nix Rhode I*Innd R*d roosters, oHii-e. 7rt MitnmiHith str.ot five cfr.l UrM: oxtrns. II. T. Kly, Re.l iilontify nn.l payfor this ailve Vtiriity: Ddid.m.; ,;un!ity : cunrflnttecll n«nl< phon» llOS-J. WANTED. . iickels, the carpenters and buildern, at ain exphanpo for the name. Gnod stork. v Ilouaewoiker and cook for small family •easonablc price. Phono Hed Hunk 721-R. Call nt Atlantic Ui;:hhinils lfi-J, RUjierin- extra fah,-y ; prico : 5:1.11.1 n bn-.ihel hampir. .RED BANK GLASS WpRKS. at Kcynort. Apply by letter KlvinB refer- ten.lent fur J. M. ltilber. IT yi.ur wlmlnw n\n't \» Lrnhrn. lot u« ~ ~CiVE~HlM" " I.oi-ul iU.livi.Ty. Tin. AleMimli'r Orelmnla, ence. Address fi IlroBilway|_Key^iort. ^ pair nt Nentpr Johnson's North Star FOR SALE CHEAP. c e ; c put It In for you. 15 White street, lied ,nte* for. Chritttman. Mcn'n Bizps frorn , ZXirxM^- ':• "i: l-XJ^lif'!;..;^;!^-,.,,,;!^.i! - ^\^ -' —^'«-'- -«> **«*• U'li'phi.ne l!«.l Hank li.l-J. Ban.k. jihonr 14BI-J. ' "YouFc1TrIslmai~WlirNol "be Msn-y to 12. C. Ii. Ennltt, Cl Drond street. Red Tliree-rmrner ^n? plato und hix-foot tube, nl T unleaH you have some Rood fruit or nuts. (ink. thrpf.' onclonod wash stitntln nnd t.hrfe pitrn- Helfor.l, N. .1.. phi.nr h.-nnsliur,: 7r,-F-:U. LET us ,)E y0UR CARDER." [ BARGAIN' IN USED CARS. HOUSES TO RENT. " ~" I'hone your order at once to Prate', fruit rr and bowl sets. Mrn. Wnller Mills, Min- SWEET CIDER. Personal annrnnmrc ilenem!* mnre on1 Mnxw.'ll seJnn 5U.i. C'lifvrolrt 'oailjter RED BANK GL ASSV/ORKsT Furnl»hnd anil unrurnlaheil. I!»y H. Rtil- ton l.nno. Fair Hnvt-n. N. J. Ur ur j.i»« nnd have., them r.llo.l ton- rniin. re&l.estrite mid irisuranee. state hlRh- »lnr... Bedjlank, 1217. ond play »af«. It Mian iipr.ii the ciunlity nf Jl 10, Overland tmirlni'. sport moiM. *l7!i ; G!a*< contraL-tnr.^ Win.i.iw. plntf. mlr. BLINDS FOR SALE. Single porrrlain wn.Muh anH plumWnB I A REAL CHRISTMAS BARGAIN." with jiun i.ler riirht I,™ the- mill . your eli-th.-s. way. Kntontown, N. J. lor, t.Mie.l, Kloroatine nml c,,l,,r,,l c|,sl. Einhteen Kreeo window Mlnni". newly PCs: also other plumhinir materials. Ao- l,ArK? phiyor pint... with cabinet t.enc at S.'.-,ent. a „!!«,. HnIl,t' Lunch. State ; i,,,,,w how" 'to \:\"r,.'" <>';;r..lii,'''"s,c'n,' : "^"il^'l^nTto™Tim- Ifto ' All" ™i " "orner llroa.l street ami Lcroy plnc«. ' ' • Wimlsln.-Iil< our Bin-Lilly, 15 Whits) ROOMS FOR RENT! minted; price J18 for lot. Charles Tay- y /or sale; rocently liino.l anil in Kood lllBhway. KoyP.irl,-N. J., ,,h..,L- 1K7-J. | Nnlional Ilank huil.Iinrr. urstnirs. < "XvUi•<• 'ler John Kle"'p '•«1 Main Two ooniipctlnjr fundahoil rooms; will or. 33 Willow street. Kair HavtrOt* J. led Hank. ilition. ('nil evenincs. Apply M. I,. Brown. CHAIRS AND [lASKCTS REPAIRED. i POSITION WANTED str.-et, near Church mrcet ' Kvinshurir, slrvot, I!>. : I!.in!., r'ln.. I I .1,1. rent Blnirly or loirpthrr. Apply 180 Kant SPECIAL. !2 Marion street. Ked llunli. Mi..lorn nn.l nnti.iu,. I'hair l.i.ltoras re-j at anvtMnir hy youn • man nflor a -afl nil N. J. Front street, tied llnnk. CHOUSE FOR RENT. Furnl«iried'. iniprovenientH: irara^e. Bar- Nine-cup elpctrio nhuiiinum percolators INVESTORS WANTED. [ F FLOOR CONTRACiCa. ' TURNIPS FOR "SALE^ deir no money fnr rent. Couple preferred. r ChrlstmnB. Jfi.Tii; nunrnnteed twn Star mill Diirant franchise beiiip incor- 11 •«r». At O. It. Ennls'a. 61 Hrt.».l street. Kli.ors lui.l nml «cr;,|,..,l; ol.l lluuis fin. Tin white turriipH, 3fir per iinahet or II Address X.. hoxBrr.-l. ('liarlei D. Corlles, South Christmaa Trees and Holly Wrsathi. 1"-""' '" f>"nrnnutli sl.nt. llt.I Hank. |,u...n,,.,-. AW,, t.i wo-k rnlire ilnv nil u! ' ilanrrr from freojinr—iv'-, v,,ur rnr will etreet, Knlonto^n, N. J. Plenty ..f them at tie rtehl price at SKYLIGHT FOR SALE. Dnrnnt, dinwor HI. Hod llnnk. CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, nexl >v. .-1-. phono lleil Hank 1143 | start easy th.-so coi.l rti..:-iiliik-». We areA.:i-nt for oil liiit.l-. it ilnoriiiK'. A. L«*u Mnplo avenue. K.porl viirk. 1 ' ATTENTION I ' ~ rate's fruit store, Hroad street, near Me- Four hip skyK^ht fin- PBIC cl.e.sp; ilie POSITION WANTED Frank Sole. proprietor, 71 Monnioiilhl ' HF.MSTITrHING." , open ilav anil til|(hl. ll.ir,. Auto Storni'o. Mon.l, plume iVI.ury I .nl, :i -,|i. ine Oot lsy nine foot, with K1H««. Tnn l.o .•ill I imo i. lliM.ll.lark in If you sre lonktro: tor n (roo( hmd homee- chanic street, lied Hank, phone 1217. Bt caretaker nn estnte. fun Hive Rood rrf. 1...|..M[ uork-1 M,.vi.-Mt ,si,l(. i.i-.itiiv/ l-'ol.l mil =ii 1- . In.-. Clohe Curt nnil Mrrhanii- ^trrit. 1U.I ol.ed , enl Bo to Mlmllin's' jd dlnlnil t room, eon at job. corner llriiiKl' stroot anil I.eroy erences. Wns cnrttnk.r of Old Tennrnl ..lam-..hip . «F.vorytnin:t .-ill (imo,r . now HiMill.liicI.at Ihe k lorainl at-Ivor I;,,,,,,,,,, ,.'i,,i,i,,,. plaiLV-mn.-hin.. |lmil.. Just Mow your horn an.l our joor.. LANDSCA1E VI Wrilli re street. Roil Hank FORD SEDAN FOR SALE. .lace, lied Ilanlv. . cemetery for Ion years. Address Oorrce "SAY"SAY ITT WITH FLOWERS.FLOWERS." " nt thihlorvo llari'l. v ISI,,,,,I I,i nn,inl Ilrun.noveltiel sireets fo. r .iilHe,e! open IJSF FI FCTRICITY U»IWJl,rU t UH.tl.L,r.I.It. A lt'Ul model, fully equipped. Can be I'runini, mlllJ i ' l M.keYnur Christmas Tsble" CtonTpTiu~ een any liluK I'ritc very reasonable. Ad- b6XRD Aiviri ROOM; Otis Tlinmpson. New Monmoiilh. N. J. Mothlinr cnulil he more ii|.|in,|iriale ami P'Uik. nvor ^>hro,.,l,r'» n'mrmney. \V,. will wire y,',u,"i,iM(iirnl.h fli- ' " "' i'»l"-ri.-ii>-. ,1 null ln»jln«, witb nuts, fruit, figs and dates from Prste's ertlser. Lock H.m 25, llillblamla. N._X. Larei room. HIIUBI.1I. for yt.umr rnnrrie.I CLOVER m.OSSOM MONEY. inthini: -ii wclennie as llowor;; n lioi|,iot or F.XPI-'ItT IIPMOI ST'".RING " k! lunw. also npplinnei"i. with t'welv,. m.mthi layinij mil of iMoumln, Itir.e ir small. All. fruit store, llrond skreet. near Mechanic iupl»» or two liuslness men or women: slfles. ...» of lilt fl.iwera from VV. VV. honno. y & Oversl,i,r«,l furiiituie. .-iKliinii.. slip rov.l I" P"V. K'lUal payment., no inleresl. nil vice KIMMI aa t.i what uh.-i, »nl how 10 l HOLIDAY SPECIALS. Nature's lienltll fond; delicious on vilIIIl also furnisfiiruinh Vioai.il.board,. Apply 20 Wallace panenke^. l.roml. A relief for Ihrmit nf ,i.n« »i II »u,eiy rnrry liii|.miiel,« II Ii S Prate's frultfflliiri', Blond street, n-ar Mr. UI. Ennla, r.l lln.nd «lrect. llert Inlel. ti. I.uVifr. IMfonl. N. J., iihoM o.. eiirm-r Hmml an.l iron! sloot,. Ite.l I .n,,, ,,„ ,.,,,,, M,||,,,., r,.„„.,„ v ,le- C.U.; .erneo. Unlit ami heavy work: „ .., ., , „ . .,.„ ArPI.F.S FOR SAI.F. InWe anil rliulrs; live lieul v.iiul cluiirs. | I tit ti t ne« In rlerlcal work wants position ill T.-K-Sl. Hesnslnirn. llnnk. inslilloil , ono ami a half or six linr-i- power: no i nl ilrop.lioail u Inrre rill-, some nielures nn.l linen. Cnn 1 About .My liirrrli of IWII Dni'ls apple.. lank or nince. Ailnresa Clerical, drfwe AUTO TOPS FOR SALE. II a |.sili o to 1.token ntm.; perfectly harmless. Two T.. A. I'lirlou. "nk (ilen fnrm. Nul-wnmp RED BANK GLASS WORKS. l.e seen nl l.liierofl Inn. I.lnerofl. N. .1. in A.I nr.lcr frmn SI', to I27.ll. E«ctl M. Hed Ilank. We m»kn r. BfeHsllv of oln" I ops for Sec, il lumil niltonii.l.ile ,.;.• fnr in-: tnki- en f tl 1I,.|1II,K of corn or urin.l- in.MI inn curry it iiinuhere. Heforc linyinii vo*d Red Umik. rim:,,- Mlddletown FORI> COUI'F. IIAUOAIN. one |jiinrmit..^il lile >I.I... I'lin SlnM? FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. 'urnllurr, tallies, slilebosnls. chllTonlers k' on < nml roiliMi'rs, like now. f, nle | Inir of IM.-IIII e«n .lay in tl.e weel.. nn ein-.llio .,.,< K,l,,ar Ailsms for full 111- 7rifi.F-,l<. With nil Improvements ; nenr station ao ml chl»» eli.srts. 15 White street, lleil A l'.l'J'J relfslnrler. flectr.e liirhl.. lie. ,t tlo oi'ihiu Aulo 'lull ( ompiinv. f. .1 t.i Pit i..i>. Kalnntiiwn, N. J., It. I-'. II. Nn. Shell, Onr.tu 'Woo,'-. Jr. intent, i'l M«s> WANTFI). II lmn linen; belween Hector place nn [Innk. i.lii.ne Miil'.T. monntsl.l.. rlnn. shock ill.'... l.rr« : snerlllrp Imiiii: ntr.-i-t. nlT llr.uol st, t, Heil I'l,AVI I! l's\N() FOR SAI.K. I. ln.« 1.'.:.. ni.iutliy^..|. l!,.il Hnnk. Smnll doll enrrlnu... nl-.. « sinsll sldjh: .loiiiiioulli «treet. Apply 0J Shrowslmr *•->:'.'.. 'loli,ill,no n:':l, Il.-il limit. Chsrles Small Mil in../ nn. la nl l.lner piano, GO1.1I I ISM "AVI>" CANARIES. Orcuser, in We. I l.ionl Mr.'ot. H.nl Itnlil). WANTF.l). must I,,. Ir, no., I eomillion: reasonable. ivenne. lle.l Ilank. \V« tuiw hnvn n Hi... sturk of runnrles TF.I.F.I'HONF. RED HANK IKIli M l.,..i.-L nml mu „• mil. iiriml I iierfeel; White msti nml wife, without rhihlloli: SAVETOUR OLD CARPETS. Mrs. J. ('., 1 :;r» Merhnnle slreel, Red Ilank, rmvAii'. NURSINC IIOMK. " "FANCY lUSKETSbi" FRUIT" .nil K..M H>h. Ci.ine mill mnUe y..iir ^«!ec- ,.,,.. 57,1,. mi ,, .II ...|i f..,. (:i;,n I,, .p,;,-!, on n f i nit farm: mull oiiKl l.o ..M.ot!i.|ii'cil phone I HI .,f. 1 There's nolhiiiir no ncecptable hy elthei Inn. W. W. Kenni'ily A Kon., lliiri.t™. 41 Invallils, chronici. rlieiinmt if', mnilylle.. In-,, ami wie.itlr. I.IIVII A It llhl.ii,rr I'iiino St..mu,...„, anil know hnw to run lordiou tui.-lor, wo. ~ HOUSE FOR HF.NT. from your ,.hl iircli ami mu« 3«nil youna or old as a pnitly basket nf frei II.on.I slrei'l. llo.l llnilll. llnMe stnd. Free .lelnen tin- old I llruiinii .iii-l |li .. i.li ..,„ It.'.I Hank Mil. nmli inuat lie willinir lo iln Kenersl ruiu.e. Mil roonin. was and water , ,, t eleetrle linriir; owner nurse: fl.'i nnil un. Ml-.n , lid Hi .a.I nnd l'r..,il li.Mtsl for clrliilar anil fuli purtleulKit f|ujt, K hoiiifht at I'ratn'. fruit "lure I Kri.lel I AN OPPORTUNITY work: rnom an.l Imanl tiiovldeil. Mu.l Imie Al'ARTMFNT FOR RENT. ^lollli, II. Hiiil^i.ii ^t....l, !V....h.i!,l, N. .1. lil-hu- >s^ |,.r im.nlli. ll.oiv I', llvlln, (III be tliibt. I'houe ltnl Ilank 12IJ. Ilank. rH llnl n\x rf.r.ins sn.l Imlh; tttenm hrnt : nil ". ! f.r Iho i i,-1.1 inio oi' MiMitim vim wi.ul.l iToml reference.. Apply to Ilm l'.S, R. II., VVeirflelil Itiin all,I Cnrtivt tlimilae 0a,,' reslli.r, iiiiiin '.', Iteal.ter l.t.11,1 inK. rhiine TEI.KIMIUNF. KF.n'llANK notl-M. """ Nn. '.I. heyiuiH, N. J, SILK STEP-INS '"• irtnflsrn titiprov..hienls; litcsti-.l nt. 11" Mon- IIKOKF.N WINDOW? ko t.. m, luilll „ I,,,....'. M ilh, HIhoX t 1,'otusliir lu-.i. piintl-t Milv l anil 3LJ1 Weirllell mri.it. IIrc.ol.lyn, N V >t C.tlH will make a lovely Blfl; Is miilllh nlm-l, Heil Hank. Am.lr S, Sfiitrl- You rail >nv.- molier l.v Ki'lllm- your fall It.-d llanli TIJ mil Imie ,'it • |..| :IL\ I 'id feet. Cnti l.n pur- " AWNINO AND CARPF.T CLEANING." WOMAN WANTF.D. rlmmrd and tailored. At the Rose Hhop, larit, owner, Ml tiu-ini*.'s. In,-,..I. -I-- i.n.I d.M Hi !,.• MI.no in nnt. Im P. Klilrry. A«nlnii«, hual covers nml riirtalnv r«r- Womnn or i-l'l ..".ited to n.sUt with 7n llrond nlirt't, ll«.l llsnk, .'Pposlt* Men- telinl.le .In,,] r i ,•.. iloliierv. Kri.l.'l H eh. MAYTAG ELEC'in'C WAS:.Si TOR SAI.F.. N' ,1 pi'ts anil ruirs clenueil. scoureil ainl sin.".I: llllrlim work ; i.i.i I l"i,,' irnod ref, I ,. ri.rner llmn.l nn.l li.h! ..lii'il'. Ilr,I ll> Mi :::i Wrt fi nth .Ir i-t. I'OCKLIIIODK LOST. innVtrrss«s rslliivnle.) anil mail^ to uriler, ttotiil p-)inu thin i RtlWff Apply st l:il Hud on nvi-nile. flume ltnl U>1P. ]'r*U'i Unio l.'reehi.lil. N. .1. •I. If ll-ml, I ,o.le. iilen-r. rellirn lo Miss M> ' Ye., we he-v P Ilieiil, us Well ss sll other fruit *tnr#, }lriilr .Txlitili.nl I mity liil Illi-rn wllll t'nlel. I llurnlliv Col'iinr ill liolillHTK's "lore, llroail "~ " IIKl.tOII ~" Ons IhoussJol Itn.. Norwsv mnnle tree. I. l'»,.nlv, It.., ,,..!, M J., iilionr Rum.on fruit •tine, III..a.I slieel. !i»»i Meehanln A1TI.KA FOR CHRI1HTMAS, kor, (Irlfoiil, N. J , plume Vf.-l-'.^l Mieel. llo.l llnnk, ''nlr rNillslors, intiituiis.nl., hooils, etre.'l, II...I linn),, iilou,* HIT. n any niinntllr il"lif.l. will .1.11 ••. an.I Ismps, .lo nil mnlsl wmk VIi. sell a lur. V«iiclv: 1-1'lh'lfiu* ; (pmlity: Biiwrntit^ci )l«r.t If remilreil. llsoriis Ivlim. ll™.'» 1 rOMRINATION SALE, 'I'Rdl'FHTY ON STATI . HOAI). rsilUlor r a Font for III Ml Hint !• • »i\tn fmiry; ,,rh-»: |»L0» it lnulicl hum.if road. Plioi.s n.il llsnk Slll-ll. LOOK. 1'iiibn, I'e.'einl.ei' '.'I. 11''.'^, nt rnv «ul.|e» n. se%rii.ri.oui •lin-.-o hoii.e. ii..re ef rue fnrms oulr lionvveomh raillntor that .lonl fr«.»t«. We Ln.iil .IHIvcry. 'VUr Alr..n.Ur Orchnnl . ttmi. I i.ni'pW. Itillfh I'll rirsslnnr- ami older mske. of II... All the l»ttr. Invited. Mliidllu's, I» Wal- repslr».l MI.! nfftni.lieil; antlnue. a M "- Choile» Diem, nulit : term, rim be unite. I'aleh leksiiiialils urlc«s. ll*.| Hsnk Atitn Ha.ll* I.OAY. "'""' 'Islty: «stlmsl»s ehrRiftilly uivrn. ainaer ss»iiii in,,, i,ii,.. O'.i,., tt 111 West I mill Mi lleil Ilank. Klin I.. Itilfolil, N, J.. lilmna Ifi-l'-ill, *i.:>>i>io.| r.itit the ri'iiO henU.. If yml ar* •tnr WurkK, |U Ws.l hint stt..t, IUI Kv*-t«Knrp t>»iul! |r>-t y*«Ur.lp»v nn tUr-i rts.s work: liioitfrMtit |>rl.«.. .!, J. 1 ,L, r.;':i llsnl. I'lii.ne 1171, AIMM.F-S I "It -IMTI, I.Hwren Inuil ilrfi-t nml Wnltn U Ifnlni. ss-.ni*. l'r«i.liol,l, M .1. Ii,l..n.|»l il.iril ni||< IhU «nle FOR HINT, 1.RA.1F, ON FON SAI t. Variety ; lloll , . ;,,, . nuiiinnls utivct. I tiulfr pt»«iif> lotfiiti to Wit tin I OR SAI.K, ion MALI, AT I.ONII IIKANCH. RFADY IOH tlFNT llllltl 1II.K STKI-IN5 Minima lili'irioi'rni.h, with teeoni ml.lnnl, Ju.l finl.heil tip.lo.lists I Hllfomlii linnlnn * Sltia fsuey; twice 4!! i,n rt lol.lief baltii Wll.: i K Morhnnlr ilf^l. U*:oi), Mel'atlrr alul l,',i-sl delivery. The Alr^iidcr Or.hai IFOR SALE OR 'KXCIIANCt, lilmme.l sn.l tailors.!. At Ihe It.,.,. Miop, t«: r-l"l f.i>«'.':it; |.mn«i. for twn r l.nolwooil II'SIT, ..IT Ketiip a»«.mii»: lot Jr, IKIIU, (ti M. in.in ill- .(,.,'. ronm Inlile. i'» »n«.in Sli.l sl.lel.oar.l. IIr ee fin,1.0(1 API>I> I'hailo J, MmMe, !f.n\lfiO live fmni*., wHlewwl r vnsvn, , llIv.tl av>m>., lair ll«v>n,, N J , "f bl 1e!ei,ho,,e |t«,l llanlt 4^t>-J. (Ivftlnin), nuxUl 00, ];i!«, i>*-rf*rf rm 71 llroail .lr..t. It..I Ilank, i.pmislts Moil- • II. I',ill's Nerk, N. J. Phono |.| il Ii. •ls*b eemsnt |ioreh«« ami steps, ah*et feb l ,•, Hi,mso,i, N J,if V toilet Kevvss aat Mrs OIIANOKS, I1ANANA1, APITM. .IIIU.ii; will it\\ fur r.'U". <>r "H,n|,«. f, infill I h Mrf.t Ill-.l'!. r Att.l |ttti*l Iriierli.r ilernfsllons, ntien fire. Inrtfir cur. Illuilif, V»\r |l«v*n, N. J., >>• , - rt.iiiwi..v , plln d We've not plenty of ttiein, and nt the TRLKpftONK Him DANK Jon M and Uee, sis ruem., l.atht pientjr nf slti" FOR SALE. rlilit |.'l-. Un mutter wl.sl i»" >ml In iwi-.-n M»Mr-ft rout) unit Nfltptnrc »VM»C, MAKK A CLEAN /on oi' IT, HAY ANI> CORN fQR SALE, „„ ni.ii.io IMr II... -II V, 1,1 uotit jo* it.imi.hi.yi, ?m r«.t i»n. (, ill Im Hie I.nil,l.i. „.! || «| 1'isl You ran SHVI. ntnnsy lilf iiittllnN ynwr Wlillx nllenillna II,e inatine. i,r , Alf.illo Inn. hsleil nf Inu.' ! r run f-oR MLIE, 'hrl'tm** Irist mil n»r#«tlli ftt lh« nl'l |)f) YiUiH rillUIIMA* Ireet, Nssr Yortt eltf, fhona (]rnm«rrir Ilr.is.I "tii'l lied Ilank. libone 12\1. ymt sho|i|iinif liavs ymir I'ar lhnrniii*ril* iltmlftv illvrred nnywhersyr, , VVrlln Vi'l|l|o'< sreinil.lai.il fu.iilliif" .lor* tfl* sl«ri t hlVr> tgn 111' (e.,1 I^.M «'<•->• -I'l t>| sllnliU slalul. I rt. ,|.li,.rr, Krl.ltl * wsshpil nil.! rlpsrteil At Hi* Horn Ailtn i ear; h<-"ll i|tislltyl | tlvllvsrvillll Situ '* III'AITH Hvr. roit sAi.r. I'II , eornsr llios.l irnl front «IT«I., It"I We hilt S<4*iH t- .ell «e Prl'V | Una firlr<* II ff,-\ Ii CM<-|<, C.int*t fcti'l At* ih< Htorsirp, illntm court ninl lirrliiiiilc Aim M, II. liilllln, III mill elt, N. J., if f«ni.v ilufnl ulfl" fif l'hr|.tm«« Ws WHAT Hkmn iMHWTMA'I'l.lff '..I .. (: Coven.I with s-l.e.In. sl.onl HID (,--t trtol Woithfry, r.-tnliPittiM aveflu*, Or#nn llsnk Iteil llsnk, II, V, I)., Nn. " Ihatl a t».llr« ilor tlie d-s •*.»> bs. ••! Iha f»r rttil »*n mt IMt, hs«« t .., Illctudthif elbows Ktlil four tio.'i- in sUn fmnUtl hnmei finm Ulrhrrt lo tli*ll. »if»rt, N. J. Trln.iiH,,, (•;„t..n 1 >• wt< 91M3-W 1.1-ACRK FARM rO* IAI.K. " ru«Ni,iiiKn ROOM rflRKKNT. ..urn nt ino.l..'i!« pilci* HU «t,ff»smirr whole vVnilil lnltiln«* H.,»,.,.)...M m.Uf •ilrsHls* »fp*i*Mt f'i.fr)« in tt Ilr. Ii. V»ni'uils Wsrmr, ,7« Fn.l 1 i..nl CfitfitiV AND QRArK rRUlf. fhfufeitftr srlrt I»r«n4er( Rl«ly>isju Pftfrl* tetme II..I flunk fl UK ,l tleM In to'l If I.it»is«ls4. V*H fr«m frala' 7t OTHIN'N11 MA»AI ISt., flHfrls atnl Atreitsles, A fww •»#'#ptb ij«l ttotufr. f«J Ml»t«, tf ruRNisiiri) ROOM roH RKNT, rtrnriiivrl iflini htrilln. r"r*H II, hft1>*i anrl ffiill farm. Owner irittfiK •*»>, I'tie, altrltl WW..!.iii"otli .lr..ti ID,110 p.r r «e»k: titni 'thin ts to Kf>l .eleete.1 frtilt •tort, limitil »ir##t, nt*t M«h»ft! fi NMl«t>!! « |H»lr»fi»i« efftt hr'f#illnhllB llsnk fjirtf* ftonl ruilin, rnrrifrirtably furril.Hsrli -irt'tT Vhnm !.#<{ Hunk Hit. •ttlictl r niiifflfmi Al >• »mii|«. nsrfrt •i.ymini.'lit ('•lull alsl o will Hir#n»**f«rl H^ririsU, Ktltrm »**= suitable f«r l«n re-nrilsi all lmpm*emenlsi phohr H...I lUtlk r.'0-lt. nu», ttril Rank. ell seiiuitl leeal e.i« irnl li't "r ftlh#l >« nrllMolnk, N. J, (ifl.e rensmiallf. Aff\t •» it W«ll«»« fH,lCH3NKI«ttiANKJi«Mr ~" "| >ARM con »AI.R:••---" rll't» lli.nl fotttel III. il •lirwul sinntt. rnss'iislrln ilvtir frtMtlNKKI Itssl InMttutti ill ImpftiVf1 l'«nlnsl rnllrt'ijl «l«n>.li ffwlinsjl N i, " ihr»CANCn tttllnsV »A«K*IT s kpefitlin» OV rnuit.U by »llr>*" 'r llahl* >l«rd. rn, a.iir.rr. Ktia.l «.l »rt>si irark, rqsl IM, «||I i.ll f«r ll I • ml .rV t rust IM, «||I i.ll for • I nnf. I'rlei. 11,01)0 .|||,,,,|, ,|o»V. Von iil"n!«iirs*msi ii lin.nfirilin.nfin, fMitilAiml|i. (B I'lmrle* 3, t* t4«l«f v.i.lhil or fiid SS!! • pr.ttr )iuk«l nf froati eortnl MrHtl and runt iltisls, half. HfATrr) OArtAtll' t.mllaiun, lit r...t rr*fl Mwsirs, tsal eslttlt 4int Ir 'flip limn Atilti HliifHH** hu* Ifi*it#t1«*f Hit fruit, U twUlUlMM HI frati'l Isull slot. II »lr».t. Rtll »*ti i-rr.f f. M. M>l«r * "»", N, J.. fiticnst' Ml. Kill In iiiititt.. PPh«nh » Rail Dank 1117. fl.il llsrik fj• 9.H llB.!»»fln!e hmllnw llt»Ki III |h»lf l»!»« IMI* ron »AU AT'I «lous" »»t»«e Hunt F"tf nt k»f» lit m hM flnita im ilSTIKtii Hn rlftftii«f M«f ffelftlrit SDii f^Uf ftp s.11^ ilsfl fMf t* ik* ttiitilfiit «J(Jtflillh i in II**'. /{"T-. *rf>i T*oS|s, T.'II'IMIIJ**,'*

? - J I Page . RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19,1923. ly as. some of his predeces- ter what rotten . deals they put THE RED BANK REGISTER. sors. The otherreason is that the through-the people will "stand by JOHN H. COOK* Editor »nd FublUher. governing board is divided, both the, party" and "vote right." : GBOBGC C. HANCE, AttocUt* Editor. Republicans and Democrats having * • # representation. >- Especially is this true in munici- TH0MA8 IRVING BROWN. pal affairs. For this reason the peo- ple of Rod Bank, whether by good I l«pbon«» s -Red B»nk IS. This is not satisfactory to jwrti- Red Bit.k 1300. — j.-an Republicans nor to partisan- fortune' or by design, have done well ; Entertd «t th« pomtoffic* at Red Bank, not to place either party in complete ' Pemocrattvbut whether' it happened control. The tirst fruits of the by 'accident or by the intelligence .change in this town from one-party j Subscription Frlccc: of the people at the polls, it> is a A Merry Christmas clnmimition arc .^een in the fact that | Ont ytar .... .$1.50 good thing for the town. Nothing Six month* ,. 7S -tshe appropriation? will not be ex- Tbn« month*; produces evil ami incompetent rule cix'ded thjs year, as well as by other more quickly and in greater propor- developments in the government of WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19, 1D23. tions than blind partisan devotion which can see - only £ood in onethe town. The present town offi- ! a Happy New Year party and only evil in the other. It cials, regardless of their political la- TOWN TALK. _is this partisan devotion which is the bels, have earned the wish of a mainstay of rorrupr pnlilicai hossi-?. Merry Christmas and a Happy New (Continued from Page 4.) They know that.when partisanship Year for them from ;ill the taxpay- Howard W. Roberts has done a rules above every other considera- * fine thing for the children of New tion, they are safe; because no mat- To All Our Friends and Patrons. Monmouih in giving the use of a It pays toiiidvertise in The Register. natural grove comprising an acre of land for a'playground. The ushers' union of the New Monmouth Bap- tist church has al»o done a meri- torius act in equipping the grove for a playground. New Monmouth, COAL! COAL! We feel that with those good wishes should like many other rural communities; IMMEDIATE DELIVERY had no suitable place for children to play before Mr. Roberts and the Reading Anthracite, Fresh Mined, Well go our heartfelt thanks for the good will/that ushers' union took this action. Screened. Egg, Stove, Nut, has been shown us, which has made this estab- There wont be any play super- visor •with a fancy salary to teach $16.00 per Ton lishment the foremost house for footwear in the- children how to play at this playground. Yet it is safe to say Deliveries to Rumson, Fair Haven, Highlands. that the children will have as good Monmouth County. , a time and will be as safe as though some official with a high sounding title directed their a>nuse- ments and made them play along G. W. Elliott & Co. "scientific lines." Every community Telephone 14 SEA BRIGHT, N. J. could without large expense have a playground of this kind and each /\.\A/vAAAAAAAAAAA^ community should have one. It is the birthright of every child to have a place to play. SAVE A TON OF COAL ALBERT S. MILLER At the conclusion of the meeting on every five you burn ay. using "Shoes That Satisfy" of the Red Bank commissioners Monday night Harry B. Clayton, chairman of the finance committee of the council, stated that the town FYR-AID 18 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. would end the year with a small balance. If Councilman Clayton is correct in this statement Mayor Combustion Increaser *A Archibald L. Miller and his col- A 50c package makes enough solution to leagues on the governing board of treat one ton of coal. the town have handed a worth-while LESS ASH, LESS SMOKE, LESS SHAKING, LESS Christmas gift to Red. Bank. Thi3 CLINKERS, LESS SOOT, LESS COAL TO will be the first time in several HANDLE, LESS' COAL TO BUY. years that the town budget of ex- penses has not been overrun. Send in this coupon today and begin to save • * * u Coal at once. The principal reason why there is a balance this year instead of _ LIN-TER CO. deficit as in previous years, is that P. O. Box 310, Red Ban k, N. J. the town has been run on lines more Send me by mail C. 0. D. one 50c package of non-partisan than at any' time since FYR-AID subject to your guarantee. the administration of the late Hor- Name .. ace P. Cook. This has been due to Street . . Town two causes. Ore of these causes is The Christmas Store that Mayor Miller is not so intense- with Practical and Inexpensive Christmas Gifts.

Toys From Toyland Dolls That Will Please Our Toyland is in full bloom, with all. kinds games, drums, fire World's finest imported dolls. •;••.•• A--. :.. engines, iron trains, hook and Here they are dressed and un- ladder, tool chests, tea sets, laun- dressed, small and large, sleep- MERRY ' dry sets, bears, horses, tele- ing and walking, aa well as ma- phones, stoves, books, ten pins, ma and baby dolls, at prices that rocking horses, kiddy cars, black CHRISTMAS boards, chairs, rockers, pianos, will please and make wonderful and plenty of friction toys. gifts. and Priced from 25c to $7.50 Priced from 50c to $4.98 A HAPPY Useful Gift Suggestions:

NEW YEAR Handkerchiefs 29c to $1.25 Fancy Plates 85c to $1.25 Woolen Gloves ... .$1.49 to $1.98 Boudoir Caps 65c to 98c Sweaters $4.98 to $7.49 Children's Bath Robes $1.98 to 4.98 Waists $1.98 to $2.25 TO ALL, Gloves 59c to $1.25 Infants' Knitted Sets $1.98 to $2.98 Hand Bags $1.49 to $4.98 Undershirts .. 98c to $1.98 i Pettibloomers 98c Teddy Bear Sets .. .$5.98 to $6.49 Silk Hose 98c to 3.49 is the Tea Aprons t .59c to 98c Misses' Scarf and Cap Seta. .$3.98 Camisoles ... 98c to $1.98 Towel Sets $1.25 to $1.98 Infants' Dresses ...... 98c to $1.98 Writing Paper 25c to $1.98 Embroidered Cases 49c Knitted Cape» $3.25 Neckwear . 69c to $1.25 Table Cloth Sets .. .$1.25 to $1.98 Children's Hand Bags 25c Season's greetings Undermuslin 98c to $1.98 Bolster Sets $5.98 Children's Golf Hose 49c to $1.25 Philippine Wear . .$2.25 to $3.49 Angora Scarfs $2.25 to $3.98 Infants' Sweaters . .$1.69 to $3.98 Beads 49 Curtains $1.25 to $2.98 Children's Woolen Hose 49c to 85c C Men's Ties 75c to $1.25 Silk Gowns ...... $5.98 to $7.98 Bed Spreads $1.89 to $5.98 from the Men's Suspenders 98c Fancy Towels 39c to 75c Silk Chemises .... .$3.49 to $5.98 Men's Handkerchiefs ...... 85c Table Covers ... $1.25 to $1.98 Ivory Sets ... ,.t... .$2.98 to $4.98 Men's Silk Hose 98c Blankets $2.98 to $15.00 OFFICERS Ivory Novelties .. .„ .. .49c to 79c Golf Stockings 98c to $1.98 Laced Pillow Case* ,...... 49c and Wishing All Our Patrons a Merry Christmas DIRECTORS and a Happy New Year. J of the

W« Art Open W* Art Open EVENINQS Until EVENTNQB Until Red Bank Trust Company Christmas. Cardon\ * Red Bank, New Jersey Under Sute Supervision rr *^ BANK BEGISTER, DECEMBER 19,1923, , Page! Twenty.Qnt

PERSONAL. WEDDINGS, last Wednesday to George W. puck* elew of Manasquan. The attendants Miss Alice Conover of Mlddletown Conovar—Rue. Iwcre Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Pa reel W Cement, Sand township wa» operated on for ade- The wedding of Miss' Grace t Ked Bank. After a wedding trip noids and tormil trouble last -week and Gravel den Conover, daughter of Mr. and Wo Florida Mr. and Mrs. Rutkelew C\NIII[S HIR mi «t the Sprint? Lake hospital. Mrs. William B. Conover'of Middle- wilt live at Asbury .Park. Mr. Huck- Miss Dorothy and Florence Buck town township, and Jacob Berjjcn* ele-w is a salesman for tin.- real es- Sold at Lowest Prices Bean Sprayers of Freehold were recent duests of Hue', Jr., son of Mr. und Mrs. Jacob tate firm of Morrissey & Walker of MADE BY HOFFMIRE SISTERS TRICE OF BLOCKS. 1 Plain block. 18c Mr.' and Mrs. William Deniso of 11. Rue of West Front Direct, Ked Newark. Ho was formerly tin- Hull 12c ONE FOR EVERY PURPOSE .Washington street. Jianll, took place Saturday after- Chocolates, Glacje Nuts & Fruits, Milk Chocolate Bock fnte '. 2 1o ployed as nn automobile salesman by Hal? 1-. lac Matthew W. Greig, superin- noon at: Tjrinity .church. Kcv. Rob- Edward •VonKaUniigi-H of lieJ Santa Claus, Butter Scotch and Clear f.n-U 28c tendent of the Slgmund Eisner fac- ert AlacKcllar performed the cere- Bunk. Chimney b!',ek 5f,e i, tory at Red Bank, and Mrs. Greig mony in the presence of a numljer Candies in Forms. Sanil, PIT II.T <3.no i I of relatives and intimate friends. •White—Hurley. .Gravi-1, I.IT Ion ' ,H., H'.. run I • Few IVtyi Left for Homes. A Nonr-Sucli—Add a little filler 15c No. 2 /Z can 42c World war veterans who have not MIRROR SCOPE ^T to this if you wish. No. 1 can. . . .28c filed their utato bonus elnim;* bml For Claied Cur • pkg. 15c YOUR CRANBERRY Bean Orchard Sprayer hotter do so at once if they want SAUCE IS READY THE FASCINATING J' the bonus. If they dp not fiiv their Price $1.39 up 300 Gallon Tanks for Large Orchards A K""d .size jar all lilted with APRICOT J rlnims before New Yearn day it will + SEASONING 1 1 A old lit no ('van IK IT j," Siuia , wlKnify that they want no bonus anil oUSEl'Ul, Al.l< YKAH K(U!\1) 1 • " ""' l""iltry M'li.Miuini; V.-ii-Ui'il liy I);,- Uel M.mtc V »' X ni'lMlid i.i ill "Itidi'n Hnx" 24c |iriip!c in rich : \llip. ^^ they will tret nntliinrr- The Jlf'l ROSE PUMP Crom ofllre nt lid llniad street nf- No. 2\2 cnn . . 29c 4. 1 lOaiy tn OpiratM CHOCOLATE CREAM m'» jtKHiMtniu'4 to vetermw in making + READY PUMPKIN DROPS TOO (Hit honua claimrt, Price $1.85 JL A litijM- ('nn snlul and dry, Another Excellent jfr Y n-^ilv U>v the pii'. Knr 1 ift Lcr randy tli:m you Wi'llld l'\|H'<'t i'ol' tin1 Iliuilry. PLUM PUDDING 1 Recovering From n Broken Jawbone i.unrr ON THIS • 15c I'ul up i'. Hie \;il imllil Hi'.- ^ Mlrlmel Ki'llv <>f 1'Vir View, wlio ', 23c U) 1 EVER-READY + ~ NIBBLE NUT hna brt'ii lni !" wink in a d-w • It/ft welt Miinu'il. Von inhhlc LIKE THEM & 25c A Mzes in each typi . officers nt Us regular mrrtliut !»• IMIHT, BOYCE MOTOMETER SUN-MAID Finis 25c night lit thi' IxirniiKli hull. Oilier 30x3'/a cl .. . 10.75 Manufactured l>y Bt-iviiflSprny Pump Co. maUi'tn of |ni|)»rlniiri' will be tuki'ii RAISINS Quarts 49c 'Hi.. 31x4 .. .. . ,. . 18.95 Price $3.50 up * San Jo»e, Cnl. Laming, Mich. up mid nil Ilin nieinlirii me tx- .New ITII|I MITIII'II ur fH'i'illrutt THK GOOD KIND PLUM PUDDING ptict''d to hv firesrnil. 32x4 .., , 19.60 niul Distributed in Nortlior/i Jcriey by VOIJK KltlKN'll'S ('Alt NKF.DH OK GRAPEFRUIT ni« 11 ;i . KM II.>lit mi mid 33x4 ...20.10 pkg. 15c Un*t*rw»nt Tamil Operation*. A. C. SPARK SLUGS Tlml i-' I'lin-fiillv nilliv .ilril 34x4 ...20.65 FIGS liitviiu; it thin ,n mill liniij Mo, 1 cnn ,.-, •. 30c Ml«« Hutu Dwycr ot F«lr Haven Price 29c up Vrry jiiu'j.. Individual can. 12c < mid Mill (irrtnuld Wright of Llttlaj ...,25.65 I J. C. Hendrickson & Son Bllviir imilerwtint «p*ntlan» tot t<»n« '"" '"""" 15c 4 for 25c •II tnillblo Ult Wl'ek At Wmiilley WHAT LOOKS MORE Middletown New lu)«i)H«l ,t l.lltU SlUer. Dr. Hnni. Get U at MAHNS He Has It! MIXED NUTS TABLE CIDER TEMPTING uel llmiMiimi unit Dr. Irvlnf K. Lav- (trnlmm HHW (Tiip Mlxnd N'litu, HWIM'I Hlld |HI1'|I lit II CilIM' Dt'iiloitt hi 27 Enit Front Street Red Bonk, N. J. 1 kfl'.iin Ilin pi,;'.. cU (irrformtil th« opcrmlow, 0 kiiuli In "in , /FARMERS' SUPPLIES r Store i« Hard to ... . 29c lb Gallon Jug 45c No. 2 can 27c ,-»l , t •' 1«"T ••'!(•» -..' I .1 * iv«ry boini."—Ad»«tlieraenu . Page Twenty-Two RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19,1923.

!_. CHRISTMAS GREENS.,,, tcrnopn. A pleasant afternoon wai ter V. Walling and Miu Anna spenfand refreshments were served Cowles were Perth Amhoy visitors! It It Becoming Difficult to Get the by the hostess. Games were played on Wednesday. . . : Greens Hereabouts. and prizes were won by Mrs. Tim- Robert N. Seeley of Port Mon- othy Walling and Mrs. Russell CENTERV1LLE NEWS. mouth and John Otliorn of Belford Smith. Among those present were A Crash That Will Be Heard Throughout the State Fupili of Thii Placa Win Holmdcl ore winding up their Christmas Mrs. Samuel H. Walling, Mrs. Frank Tovsmhip Attendance Banner. P. Sproul mid daughter Enid. Miss ' JTreen-JVusine-s., They Imve live T'he Iloimdel township attend- j Anna Cowios, Mrs. Timothy Wal- ' persons~j>mpl•>.'. as it wa? last* year. .Airs. Kuss'll Sprague, Mrs. Shinn man. and Mr.-. Armstrong of Parlir.. Mrs. A Christmas entertainment will A Cloudburst of A Thunderstorm' HAZLET NEWS. I.eroy Clark will entertain the club be held at the schoolhouse tomor- row night at half-past seven o'clock. Slashing Prices OF MERCHANDISE of Great Values at the next meeting. Hunters from This Place After Deer Miss Charlotte E. Wilson of Port Mrs. Ernest K. Pese.ux and Bon in Snuth Jersey. Monmouth, the helping teacher, an;.!' Malcolm \V. were N>»' York visitors That will rotk our entire building, tearing to pieces prices that will leave th'Q public awed and Mr. .and Mrs. Ar.gelo MVVehuer on Saturday. Miss Klisalicth Woodward visited gasping at the turn of thisLgreat event—the biggest, boldest, most daring sale ever attempted. the school at this place Monday, and children Allan M. ir.i! Kalherine. Miss Gu.-sie .Sherman of Brooklyn Mrs. C. P. Wille'y is very sick. ft. have returned h'.me at'U'r a.vi.-qt was a week-end guest of Miss Fran- PRICES SMASHED TO SM5THEREENS UNMERCIFULLY with Mr. ami Mrs, JI. Cameron Burn ces, Lassor. - . John Potosky, Jr., son of John of Chavk'~ton, South. Carolina. .Mrs. Thomas Ralhhone and Mrs! f'btoskey, is laid up with a,broken Mrs. Kthel A. Covl

;, The Big Doors Will Swing Open When Our Sale Starts li] 1BJB Ml fl CHRISTMAS CHEER! This Thursday. December 20, at 9 a. m. Tho happy spirit of Christmas is here. And think how much of the season's jo'y depends on'the Christmas Dinner: It's a wonderful feast—lil'T—th/foods mu«t be juit right! BIG.VARIETY The CuWin Will Rise And There Will Be Thousands DEAR OLD SANTA CLAUS To insure satisfaction trade at our nearest store. The certainty of real Quality awaits OF USEFUL PRESENTS AND IS HERE you there, and at prices that are particularly attractive. BEAUTIFUL GIFTS HAPPY, AS USUAL FOR EVERY MAN, WOMAN Quality considered, Your Money Goes Further at ar. American Store than elsewhere! HE IS HERE TO JOIN US AND CiHILD Our Stores Will Be Closed Christmas Diy THAT WILL PLEASE TJ1EM ••AT THIS IT IS GROWING VERY GREAT SALE Open late the night before to better serve you! NEAR CHRISTMAS IN MAKING YOU We extend to'all of our many patrons, faithful employees, and business friends, our LEST THE VERY THING HAPPY heartiest wishes for a very Happy Christmas. YOU NEED WILL BE GONE Make Your Dollar Go Three Ways DON'T MISS THIS BUY NOW AND SAVE Sweet Juicy Qranges do, J9c Red Ripe ft MONEY CHANCE :25c • Cranberries 10c Dont Wait—Dont Think—Dont Hesitate—Buy Now! Buy at Orange Headquarters! i For Christmas—with Turkey! Boys' Sheepskin Coats Ree- $9so, to go at,..$7.95 v E GG S doz 37c Rosenwasser U. S. Army Every Egg Guaranteed High-Grade B..tY«..ow Onions 3 lbs. 10c ASCO, Mince Meat * 22c Men's Hose , 7c SHIRTS Very Healthful! Delicious Home Flavor! SHOES Men's All Wool Hose 39c Re 120 t0 at Value $5.00 Value $5.50 Boys' Suits e- $ °. e° ...... $6.49 Re 10 00 t0 at To Go at FRUIT CAKE - Lt $1-00 To Go at .Boys' Mackinaws s- $ - ' «? ...... $5.95 CHRISTMAS CANDIES i Princess Chocolates .Sib box $2.19 (! Hershcy's Kiasei . .: 2^ tb box 99c Men's Sheepskin Coats Reg-$14.50, to at $9.95 Princess Bon Bont .5 Sb box $2.19 j Chrlstmr.3 Hard Candy 2 tb pkgs. 45c | i.75 g o $2.29 Assorted Chocolates .5 1b box $1.89 Princess Hard Filled Puro Candies . . 1b tin 39c ' ASCO Caramels .3 tb box $1.10 Goldt:i Crown Candy Fig. tb 27c [ Princess Chocolates , ...... lb box 39c 'Sutjareil Jordan Almonds tb 39c • Sweethome Chocolates \h box 39c .i Chocolate Straws tb tin 39c Look—Compare—See—Values that cold type could never describe—Come Early as the Early Bird Catches the Worm Gold Seal 5-ft 12-tb C Family FLOUR bag 22' bag 49 50 Dozen Men's and Ladies' Hose Will Be Given Away Free ASCO Baking Powder, «» 5c, 10c, 20c To the First Customers Entering Our Store FREE CHRISTMAS BAKING NEEDS! ASCO Golden Pumpkin big can 14c ASCO Smyrna Figs pkg 15c READ PRICES BELOW-HUNDREDS MORE California Seeded Raisins pkg 12c California Seedless Raisins . pkg 12c Boys' Drummer Hose to go at Men's Fine Working Tanl? Men's Jambo Sweaters, rep. $7, to JJO-nt Boys' Flannel KhirU tu Bu Paper Shell Almonds Tb 30c Fancy California Walnuts lb 30c 25c and 29c $2.95 89c Best Mixed Nuts lb 23c $1.65 Men's Silk Hose, rci;. ¥1.00, to go at Brown Sugar Tb 9V2c Heavy Working Leather CIIOVP?, rep, 80c Confectioner';1. Sugar . . . tb pkg 13c -* To £0 at Men's jAU Wool Pants, rop. ?.', to go nt 44c Men's Itihlied' Union Suits, ref. ?-'.OO., ASCO Ground Spices can 5c 48c $2.75 To po ;it All Wool Firemen's Shirts, leg. $7.50. $1.29 Quality We're Proud Of! New Breeches, all wonl. Rci;. $fi.00, to Jerkins. To go nt To nn :'t K0 nt $4.49 VICTOR BREAD $3.49 $3.49 Men's All Wool fn-nrls, rep;. $2, to go nt Men's Handkerchiefs to go nt Boys' Sweaters to go at 89c New Breeches, corduroy, rop, $5,00, to Extra Big Wrapped Loaf K° nt 4c $1.69 .' . Hoys' Wnists to go at I Bread Supreme ' $3.29It' Child Union Suits, rcg. $1.50, ID KO nt 44c (Victor Raisin Bread lo"f 10c Victor Whole Wheat 10c Men's Khnki I'anlc, rcg. $2,r>0, to go at 1 l>clk'i(.u« .Healthful! f, ;ill leather, Tf ^. $•''. to j;n nt 98c 98c II. S. Pen Jneket, TCK. ?1B, t') sro »t MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY TODAY! $2.79 Boy»' KiKM' Print?, to 'K« nt : w trim Men's Corduroy l'ants, ren, $3, to go at $9.95 j lived? 89c 2 lonv. Vietnr lirrad Neckwear, fill;, rcg. $l.n(i, to go nt ' . $2.95 I |ikfi. (.old Sxnl ()•!• Men'?, Indies' and ('liililrcn'a 1 ii»K T.r Tnblc Salt 39c All T.enllii r ('onto, mn, $2.*i, to (to al nt I.esn Than Cost. 1 run ASCO Ev»|i. Milk Men's I>rfss*S1ilrh, rvg. $2.tin, \n RO nt I |ikr;, ASCO Corn Slurcli 1 inn I5i: ASCO Tum«tci« Ihiechcr, rcolnimed; wnnlen. To go lit $15.95 1 \iVv,. ASCO Hurkwlif.t 79c~ Men's Knliliur Hoots At ft Sacrifice. 1 rim ASCO Syrup ', $1.29 li. Whitt I'otatori llies' Fancy Sliirpirs to go for Men's Finp Urcss Shirts in lini' inn- a Ilia. Yi-llnw Onion Mi-n'i Scout Heavy Working Sho«l. 1 run Klli- C»lif. P.«tli.i tefirih Idx f'i.00, to t<» nt. 1 mil ASCO Pork mill H.nri ^kin Vi'»t« to 79c To go *t i, II. ASCO T.» , $1.95 I Inn ;i!lf Aiiurtrd ChocolaUi... $2 $3.79 1 12v Chip HAjkrl , . . Men'* «ml Hoyj' Cnpi. Tr go below cn»t. S1.95 Army I". l\ I'nilttwwir, Id'jt. SI, I!ay«' Tun KIIOCB, ng. JS.d.'i, to go at To gn at Particularly Appropriate For ChrUtmiii Morning! . Men's Henvy Ovurdla n'* Kxlra I'in« lll«h Top lluntlnit ASCO COFFEE lb. 29c $2.49 79c 98c Hhoca, TO-RO lit * I.OM. You'll Tftite the Difference ! Dont Forget Name, bate and Place ASCO Evaporated MILK '»»"" 10c

ASCO TEAS t I1* j Klllarn.r "** J. M. Panack Army and Navy Store > •Ml-fylfiit. Dilfiliililp ll!rH( Tli... l'ri(»i EffttU** In Our Hr4 l«nh aur.». 37 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. KEL) HAnK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19, 1923. JPage


Some Victor Records for Dad Christmas Records A Little Bit of Heaven McKee THB Victor Records for Lovers of Instrumental Where the River Shannon Flows (Violin, 'Co lo and Piano). 17898 .79 Valse Hilda Clyde Doerr 1 Saxanola Clyde Doerr 19028 .78 Kohala March (Hawaiian GuiUr.) the Whole World Loves t My Old Kenducky Home (Male Chorus. Gluck 74488 1.6Q Honolulu March (Hawaiian Guitars) No. Size Price Noel (Holy Night) (Christmas Song) In French Caruso Ballet Mutlo (Fault) Victor Symphony Orch. A Wee Deoch an Doris . Lauder Sancita Maria (Holy Mary) In French Caruso 6029 12 2.00 65120 1.50 Ballet Muaio (Fault) Victor Symphony Oreh. 35720 Bonny Maggie Tanson Lauder Stille Nauht, heilige Nacht (Silent Night, Holy Night) Jul Victor Mixed Chorus 35811 129 Blue Danube Waltz Sousa's Band Gctrman ' ' 'a Culp Songs of the Past—Parts 1 and 2 Pryor'e Band 35289 Southern Roiea Waltz Wiegenlied (Cradle Song) In German (Piano ace.) Julia Culp 666 f 10 1.50 Song to Hawaii Louise and Ferera 8ilsnt Night, Holy Night (Christmas Hymn) Gluck-Reimers Louise and Ferera 19069 .75 ' Artlsfe Lift Waltz Marimba Band Hawaiian Hula Medley Marimba Band 35557 American Airs (Medley) Dor Tni»nenbaum (The Christmas Tree) In German Elman 84903 1.00 Gluck-Reimers 3014 10 .2.00 Passepied (Violin) . " ' •, >, Victor Concert Orch. Slavonic Dance No. 1 Cantique de Noel (O Holy Night) In French Marcel Journet Marie Cahill Slavonic Dane* No. 2 Victor Concert Orch. 35719 1.25 v 6179 12 2.00 In a Shoe Store . O Salutafis . In Latin . Marcel Journet j^ejiu Marie Cahill 45390 1.00 The Symphony Concert Cradle Song (Moiart) Gluck 64590 1.00 Adeste Fideko (with Male Chorus) In Latin McCormack Lost Chord McCormack 6208 . 12 2.00 Stick In the Mud : ) Duncan Sisters 8erenade (Schubert) Elmar Jssus de Nazareth (Jesus of Nazareth) In French Pol Plancon The Argentines, Portuguese andd Greeks Duncan Sisters 19113 .75 Elman 6095 2.00 Humoresqua (Dvorak) Noel (Holy" Night) In French Pol Plancon 6248 12 2.00 On the Road to Mandalay Reinald Werrenrath Adeste Fideles (Oh Come, All Ye Faithful) Schumann-Heink Philadelphia Orch. 74691 Danny Deever Reirjald Werrenrath 6360 2.00 .Young Prince and Young Princess Nearer My'God to Theo Schumann-Hcink 829 10 1.50 Vision of Salome—Walti (Accordion) Pietro Stillo Nacht, heilige Nacht (Silent Night) In German , Kiss of Spring—Waltz . Pietro 19133 .75 • _ • Schumann-Heink Vom Himmcll hoch (Christmas Hymn) In German Entr'acte—Gavotte Victor String Orch. . ' Schumann-Heink 6281 12 2.00 In the. Mill Victor String Orch. 19143 .75 Holy Night—Canttique de Noel ('Cello obligato ). Evan Williams ' ,. Lead, Kindly Light Evan Williams 859. 10 1.50 Star of Bethlehem (Christmas Song) Evan Williams Open the Gates of the Temple Evan Williams 6320 12 2.00 Holy Night (Adam) ' Lucy Isabella Marsh,. * Silent Night, HVIy Night (Gruber) Trinity Choir' 45145 10 1.00 Virgin's Lullaby (fi'om "The Coming of the King") Buck Alcock An Old.Sacred Lullaby "' Kline-Murphy 45257 10 1.00 Babea In Toyland—March of the Toys Herbert's Orchestra Naughty' Marietta—Intermezzo Herbert's Orchestra 55054 12 1.50 Christmas Day In the Workhouse Robert Hilliard Scenes from "A Rool There Was" Robert Hilliard 55100 12 1.50 Babea In Toyland—Tilpe Military Ball Herbert's Orchestra Badinage (Herbert1) Herbert's Orchestra 55104 12 1.50 Adeste Fideles (Oh Conjie, All Ye Faithful) Westminster Chimes Lead Kindly Light iind Nearer My God to Thee Some'Victor Records for Mother Westminster Chimes 16053 10 .75 v ••• Holy Night (Noel) (Adam) Lewis James Carry Me Back to Old Virginny (with M.;!c Chorus) Gluck Hosanna (Easter Stwig) Lewis James 16060. 10 .75 ' Old Black Joe (with Male Chorus) Alma Gluck Oh Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) Criterion Quartet 240 Home Over There, The Peerless Quartet 16197 10 .75 My Laddie Alma Gluck Silent Night (Gruber) Hayden Quartet Such a Li'l Fellow Alma Gluck ' 885 1.59 Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown Criterion Quartet 16286 10 .75 Lord Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing (Organ ace.) Trinity Chimes Ol1 Car'lina ' Galli • Cure! Latest Records for those Fond of^Dancing The Coming of the Yeiar (Organ ace.) Trinity Chimes 16825 10 .75 Old Folks at Horns Galli •Curd 828 1,50 Christmas Morning at Clanccy's (Irish Specialty) Steve Porter Clancey's Wooden Wedkting (Irish Song) Steve Porter 16936 10 .75 Humoresque ' ' . • Mischa Elman Serenade . Mischa Elman 2.00 Just a Girl That Men Forgot—Walti The Troubadours Oh Come, All Ye Faithful (3) Joy to the World Victor Concert Orchestra In Love With Love (Fox-Trot) Paul Whiteman Orch. Bible Reading—Luke 2 (2) A Christmas Carol Harry Humphrey 18086 10 .75 Paul Whiteman Orch. 19187 Raggedy Ann (Fox-Trot) Silent Night, Holy Night (Gruber) Violin-Flute-Harp Neapolitan Trio Christmas Hymns (Selection) Harp Lapitino 18389 10 .75 Santa Claus Tells of Mother Goose Land—Part 1 Gilbert Girard •'• . Santa Claus Tells of Mother Goose Land—Part 2 ' ' , Gilbert Girard 18953 10 .75 Watchman, Tell Us of the Night With Organ and Chimes Trinity Male Choir 18958 Christians, Awake (Byrom-Wainwright) . Trinity Malo Choir 10 .75 8tar of Bethlehem Harry Macdonough Savour, When Night Involves the Sky Trinity Choir 35055 12 125 Yule-Tide (Christmas Fantasia) Pryar's Band "Christians, Awake"—"It Came Upon the Midnight Clear"— "Babe of Bothlohem"—"Country Dance"—"Auld Lang Syne" Nazareth (Christmas Song) Frank Croxton 35261 12 1.25 Old Favorites AH Will Enjoy In a Clock Store (Doscriptivo Fantasie) Victor Orchestra A Hunt in tho Forest Victor Orchestra 35324 12 125 Ring Out, Wild Bells '. Percy Hcmus Oh, ComVAII Ye Faithful Trinity Choir Christmas Light, Behold Pcerlcsi Quartet 35335- 12 1.25 Joy to the World Trinity Choir 16998 . .75 Jest 'Fore Christmas Cora Mol Patten Angela From the Roalms of Glory Trinity Choir The Doll's Wooing (2) The Sugar Plum Tree (Field) • Oh, Little Town of Bcthlcliem 175 • > Cora Mel Patten 35350 12 . Trinity Choir 35594 Specially Selected Records for Lovers of Opera I Hear You Calling Me 1.00 While Shepherds Watched Victor Oratorio Chorus McCormack 94120 It Came Upon tho Midnight Clear Victor Oratorio Chorus 30412 12 Good-Bye (Tosti) 1.50 Last Rose of Summer and Evening Star ('Cello) Bourdon 1(813 .7S The Night Before Christmas Cora Mel p.itten Evan Williams 74550 The Ginger Bread Boy Goorgone Faulkner 35418 Adeste Fideles (with Chorus and Chimes) 1.60 12 1.25 McCormack 74438 Prison Scene (Faust) 1 Victor Opera Co. Sorooae—Part 1—"Marlsy's Ghost" (Monologue arranood from Murphy Werrenrsth 45182 1.00 Silent Night 1.25 Rah, Mlmi (Bohemo) » "A Christmas Carol") (Dickens) William Sterling Battis Gluck-R» iiera, 87544 Serooge—Part 2—"The Ghost of Christmas Past" B.nttis Qalll-Curoi 64741 1.00 35566 1.25 Marriage of Figaro Scrooge—Part 3—"The Ghost of Christmas Present" n.ittis tor Opera Co. Scrooge—Part 4—"The Ghoit of Christmas to Come" Bnttis 12 1.25 Sextette—Luclei Victor Opera Co. 55089 1.50 Angela from the Realms of Glory Trinity Choir Quartette—RigoleUo Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem Trinity Choir erbert Orch. 33594 12 1.25 Bridal March Sacred Songs—No. 1 ("Holy Night"—"Face to Fice"—"One Sweetly Wedding March arbert Orch. 59048 1.30 Solemn Thought"—"Palms"—"Hoaanna")— Madame Butterfly Galll-Curci 74SI2 1.S0 • • . ., » ,„„ , . Victor Mixed Chorus Sacred Songs—No. 2 ("Babylon"—"Flee at a Bird"—"There la a Green Hill Far Away"—"Holy City"—"Star of Bethlehem",) Victor Mixoci Chorus 35613 12 - 1.28 Wictrola Homes Tusting's Are Happiest— Special Children's Records for Christmas 11 Monmoulh Street A Daw Drop itih n-Gilchritt) ^) R.nn on-j (Smith) riu,,b.tl, Wheeler Mather Goose—No. 1 (1) "Ho, Hi,Id ,i iM.lk1 i:t ^'Little Bo Peep" (3) "Twinkle, Twicikl-" I,I ' L'ttlo .l.ick Humer" (5) "Rid* a Cock Hone" ' Ll,<,ibeth Wheeler 17004 10 .78 Three Billy Oeats Qruff ("Popular Tnloi ol tl , Whtilir •Ing a Song of Blxpmei (2) I Lnv», '.Itti* */ ()) Qeerole. •Iruttln' Hue* Raw Hsndsrsen Porgle (4) Puny Cat (6) Fsait ot «ni«rni Wh«l«r 11071 .71 Rota HeneUrssrt 11117 .Tl Low-Down Paae and a few records puts this Victrola Adett< 'idelti (Portugal) Bell Solo ('.'I Tint- Flnt Nnw«l) Trsdl- Kesp Yourtslf Together »w»«l Papa. Llsilt MIIM tlonal) Oboe 6elo (i) Niiatelh iConnud) Violin Sola I D*n'l Let Ne On* Msn Worry Ms |mi LeWl* 1|tM .71 Victor Orch. in your homo in time for Christmas. Rgek-a-ly*, Bahy (Vlelln «nl,.i I?) 0v,i..t >ml Li,« (SUrnby) Love Mi • • (Violin Bolo) (31 LulUtiy ifliAlims) (Violin Seta) . Ptttmae Nlvtr lluss Gsrlruat iaofiftri 1IIH ,71 Join our Victrola Club now! Ono V>«l*r Oc»h, 19 M I'm Irak* PMIIM Wllh Yeu * R«M Hintfuwt Cinderella (Calry Ttlt) dally HsmUn RHM M dollar mikes you a member. , J«tk tnd the luntttlk (H\ti T«!«) ktlly MirnUrv, tt Patre Twenty-Four RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19, 1923.

PUPILS' JUDGING CONTESTS Fire at Aibury Park. I collision at Asbury Park a tevr days (lays ago following an operation at Phone 1225 "We Deliver" Bay Ave. near Miller St. lm tajscd dam icr or nbout::'8°- The cars were badly damaged. a New Ygrk hospital. She was 62 ReiulU of St«t<- Comp?tit)oni Not _.,. to the SI iff lmildinp; on I years old and loaves two {laughters. Christinas Shopping With No Regrets at "\ct MJIU Known Lo MUM <-iit«.t it Vslmn l'nk ^inilay, "S Branch Real Citato Board. | • • 1 m • „—__ WILLIAM O'BRIEN T lie K ill ( tK miii d ilistic mui 11 nc 1 lu In IM • il inilfL' was The; I.oils Hranch leal cslativ Gold Football for Neptune. ROSENBLUM & S1LBERBLATT jmUiiu < s i th Ni \ JLI I \ ^uthud IN the lmm.ii'- hafm-s' board was nrpmhed Monday nfter- Neptune liifh school, winner of ll X M 111 ML 11 < I' ' I "'>- '^ mum whiih uiiliin 1 . 111 «f the noon with ,1. llaroU I'lani^aii jiresi-; (he: state i|Uerscholastic football " Highlands, New Jersey g Hi Ill-will 1 l\ ] (II \ t 1 (111 II MEANS M 11 111 1h 1 ii ii 1, nil vnirlrdcnt, V.. Stewart lii>t vice president, !(.hanlpiorsllip tlli, y(>llri-lms n'.cciwil nuaucl Mi1 U 11 t \ n tuwn-lup u luni- lo s if -in mill t sloek. Arthur IIi.lt.-««>n.> I-.TOIHI vice presi-;,, go[a plat(;(1 r,.B;,iaflon slze ioot. "TOYS AND GIFTS OF THE BETTER KIND" ^-i \ 11 il repii ( n llu ll.nii- . mt-nn Mll.unl .a ,k-:it, P'-n:.M S. linwiC secretary, .1. jhM fr(lm theA Cu Spaldin^ c Mechanical Trainj . . . . . 1.00 up I Handkjerchiefa, In boxei . . . .59c up HIGH GRADE SERVICE t*, to nulgi li\ * \ \ lO I ! IUl.ll 1 1 I1 I lit (Wl, Heil^en uva.sinx, Isaac ;pany. The football will remain in Doll Bauinetlei . . . . . 2.50 | Men's Neckwear, in boxes .. 59c up i-tl I k 1 \ ( I' 1\ 1 hi \ hail a ciiairmaii ol legislative committee \i ij agu I the' permanent possession of theExprcftl Wagon...... 3.75 up Arm & Sock Carter Sets 59c Approved and Improved tlHL illl 0 N\ lli- o i! tht. '-titi •and H. M. Menke chairman of ad- ; school wiiiiiiinr it three times. Deiki & Chain . ..8.00 set Mufflers 1.00 f-iim 1 ' i - li t <. ind nn et I / Planning New Golf Course. ••. i^ory committee. Heating Plumbing Roofing Boxing Glove* . .4.56 ci tiptions im "mi Seeks Divorce nt Sixly. Piano . . ..1.00 up Boudoir Caps* in boxes 59c Water Systems Copper Work Illl' (Oltl l- ih 1 - mm bni 1 li p 1 ti'.l hy Load of Liquor Seized. v lu i pnu Lilt Herman I.utter of SpYinir Lake, ...50c up Crib Blankets (Special) ...75c pr. sn I ci i!cJ. 1 ml oh! _,lf and' Menili I'- of 1'n- ii>:i?t nuuril Drum* . . . . .• Earthen and Iron Pipe i in II'II^I "', a.m'd sixty years, has'hrou^lit suit ..,59c up Women's Comfy Slippers ....1.00 <.u nt i i i untiv ilub t n\ n 1 1 ol at I.on- boa; Wheelbarrow*...... K t'ur divorce against his'wife, I'mnm We Handle the American Radiator Company's an 1 t'i 1 n i i 1 '' " > ' Andrew 1 i m 1 r a i-.''W lead of mi\.',u liiploi .las'. WriliHi-day China Diihes . .1.00 setMen's Wool Vests S.00 win u i | ,il II Mi i Hi l.r.lter of .Newark, age 511. ThRee d Chair. £•- Rockerio . 1 .On e«. Boon' Sheepskin Coats ...... 9.00 ARCOLA HEATING SYSTEMS tow II 1 ] ! ' •- wt 1' lit] couple were married two years ajroi -•••- - l;ir..!ei! til.- I.JU.M- liwuie their esrape • Tree Ornaments at Half Price ' Rndio Boot. ...3.00 up Jlendii I n I II mu \ I .Mill RED BANK: and SEA. BRIGHT Pordi m Colluion . '" -^*-^ • 1BI1 {_, r i \, \ M i nu mil It pays, to advertise in The Register. Pnjamas Bathrobes .Sweai'tara Gloves Hosiery M mlii« "\i • ui L I in i i Mil 11 oniollll nnu 1 '.y I.i.,jJ Ainury Park Woman Dead. . r|i nni I* ol Nil w inn 1 iv i ii g' ' 01 \ lut\ 1'irl lid .lni-,n Mrs. Lena Cri.-po, wife of Charles; bi-ott i N 11 if B tile\ BtTih wire in a • Crifpo of A.shury Park, died a few of Inn \ i I' 1 ' (,i n i n ' ( hi1 ful I " n II Mi i II I » n i il IIHIMMIIMI HMMHI IMMIII Illllll *** 1 i M inn hill 1 r' t 1 I 11 i II li i 1 i I i \ '1 Mi lm hill -A ii.iil 1'.;'.iv.ilV:.- ; f Cuiiuluii's JuiK'i," ::ii.l liAlns: Wri^V.t ni Hop- ping'? C:-o ,ir;r. Th.'y 111:1.li> flu> Xmas Rug Sale! trip in anfnmoliil.'s o\vii"r,d (I. Jl. I.cn'- What will make a finer Christmas present sellf Mr. l.npsc!! '; the ngrirulhi'-.-il than a nice Axminster or Wilton Velvet Rug? ilistvui'tor ai til- i'.:j;h schonl. r Cops Receive Rum Runners. j W e have them in the'very latest colors and Sprir.g Luke cxp''vicnced il^ first j patterns from £45.00 to $55.00 in size 9x12.. rum lanilinc; inridi'iit early Sur.dny morninfr wlion a l.uat c;pTy:nir 44 cases' of whiskoy and i-hnnipagnc Also five bales of cheaper Axminster rugs came aslmrc near the Northend pa- from $24.50 to $35.00 in 9x12 size. vilion. \Vaiii:;j,' l.n" the boat v.'cre Chief A. .1. RPAVII ff Sprinir Lake A lot of Brussels and Velvet rugs from and Fcverjil oniooiv-. nndor'l.U'toi.tivc Charloa 0. Davenpiirl. Thomas FORI $15.00 to $19.50. and L. Haymes Wolcott of Bradley Beach, u"ho were, in the boat, were Also a great scattering of small nigs which arrested and placed under ?3,(!00 make good useful Christmas presents. These rugs are all absolutely perfect and will guaran- Matawan Man Ends Life. 'W. Sc'ifi- Nivi^nn, a. Matawan pvo- \ tee a saving of 25'"» on every purchase. cer, l;illel,i. His ,v.Tife died uliout .two vizirs a^'O and R. since that time ht'h

Christmas days are clays of good cljeer, when families father 'round the blazing hearth and make merry, as at no other time during the entire year! Nothing can make your home more cozy and cheerful for this great occasion than new furniture which can be selected and made as gifts to the whole family. And here at this store you can choose from our entire and wonderfully IhristiMS complete stock of furniture at ne,w low prices. Come ar ' ' •; Christmas gifts of furniture and help make Christmas in your home the merriest one in years! t

J. TABLE AND FLOOR LAMPS are always TEA WAGONS. Here is a gift that is par- acceptable and we have received a great ship- ticularly good and one that will give years of • ment of the very newest designs. They are satisfaction. all reduced 25c,{' in price. California'Walnuts Brajil Nula Soft Shell Almonds Mixed Nuts X SPINET DESKS are one of the very finest SMOKING STANDS make a big hit with a gifts you could make to a .woman, whether man who smokes and we are featuring some she be wife, mother, sister or daughter. specially gfrr l one:-. None Such Mince Meat/** 15* A*P Mince Meat ^ 11* Grape Fruity 8* Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries * • 2 Choice of Our Entire Holiday Stock at this Big Discount •CONSOLE TABLES AND MIRRORS make splendid gifts and add wonderfully, to the attractiveness of hall, reception room or some odd comer of the living room. SEWING CABINETS. We are featuring the Priscilla style of sewing cabinet at $5.95. We have other style*including the Martha Washington >=olid mahogany cabinet to choose from. iOcl3tlonic Peaches ^;'£ C LUXURIOUS LIVING ROOM SUITES with comfortable spring edge scats, loose spring .cushions, spring arms and backs v JELLO ph- 1O that provide the last word in comfort! Upholstered either in wonderful quality of mohair, tapestry or velour. Think how Sunmaki Raisins 5ccJiiSl5 " FIGS Smyrna layer rfy- • the whole family would en.jny one of these suites in your home Christmas Day! Ali B

L«t Luk. Do It. WALL PAPER hoBpital to undergo an operation for b.e given at the Navesink school- the New Monmouth Baptist Sunday- spend Christmas with their son, J, B. appendicitis. house tomorrow night. . ' school wijl be held Friday night. Luke Longhead is a bear for A Complete Line in WaU Papering, NEWS FRQM MIDDLETOWN Oberle. Real Estate and Insuraoce Work. He tackles any and all The fourth quarterly ^conference The Christmas entertainment of Mrs. Cook of Aibury Park f» a; Miss Annie Lehman i» recovering PAUL REVERE kinds of jobs at filling tho wants of Painting & Decoftting ' NEW MONMOUTH LADIES" AID of the Navesink and Oceanic Meth- the Navisink Methodist Sunday- guest of Mrs. William Grandbrook from influenza. tho people &very week and he E>tim»t«i Chatrfulljr Given HOLD BANQUET. odist churches will be held,at Oce- school will be hckl Sunday morn- of Leonardo. " Muthias Lehman is working for 56 Braid St., Red B.nk, N. J- usually makes gooa.——Advertise- anic Monday nignt. ng;. ... ment. H. ADLER Adrian VanDarling, son of Mm. Capt. Antonius Gibson. Phono 0G8 Eisner Building \in W. Front Si. Phone 581-W olin H, Grantham of Nave Ashton Sickles and William Ap- Mr. and Mr?. Ernest E. Knudsen Henry VanDarlingr of Leonardo, is Allen White of Belford has re- 1 Cured of Blood Poisoning.^ yr * ' plegateof Navesink spent Saturday of Point i'fciKint, formerly of Leon- very sick. , covered from tonnilitis. ford Peoplo to Winter in Florida hunting at Earncgat. . They got aardo, spent .Sunday with Leonardo HolmeB Quackenbush of Navesink —Barn Dance. big lot of game. friends. , . bought a Ford automobile last week. "A Paper in Every H-jme." One hundred and thirty persons Donald MacLeod of Belford is The. Leonardo Baptist Sunday- . Assessor Edward . E. Sftyder That's the motto of The Register njoyed tho annual banquet last home from New York military school will eilcljrate Christmas with Navesink has a new automobile. and it means your advertisement Thursday night of the ladies'uid so- in The Register will .ring th« academy for the holidays. an entertainment Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Oberle of maximum in returns.—Advertise- iety of the New Monmouth Baptist A Christmas entertainment will The Christmas entertainment of hurcli. Each member of the sod Leonardo will go to Jersey City to ment. 4 ty was privileged to have a guest at the banquet: Mrs. J. Henry Walling was in charge of the affair. •John II. Grantliam, an aged resi- dent of Navesink, returned home ured last week from a. Staten Is- I Useful Gifts land hospital, where he was under BUY YOOR A ".'* treatment for blood poisoning in his foot. His ailment developed from .—at— cut made while he was trimming •4 a nail on his toe. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johnson o[ Belford and Mr. and Mrs. J. 10. CHROEDER' Johnson of Ocean City, formerly of Belford, will leave next week in au- XMAS RADIO NOW! PHARMACY S tomobiles for St. Petersburg, Flori- s da, where they will spend the rest of the winter. ? An old fashioned barn dance will Only 4 Days Left for Christmas Buying be held on Friday night of next week at the Leonardo liigh school We have made our selection this year with the auditorium by the alumni associa- tion. Aprons will be worn by the thought of having our display contain the newest, yet young women and overalls by the inexpensive, articles for useful and appropriate Holi- young men. 'day remembrances. * The ladies' aid society of the Bel- ford Methodist church is arranging We are Featuring a very choice. selection of for a masquerade sociable early in January. The Belford Methodist of Imported and Domestic Perfumes and an exception- Sunday-School on Christmas eve will ally fine assortment of High Grade Stationery neatly, (rive the enntata entitled "The Night packed in attractive boxes for gift giving. Before Christmas." Rev. Charles M. Hogate, pastor of Buy Your Radio in Red Bank's Only Exclusive Radio Store the Belford Methodist church Our holiday assortment will also include Toilet preached at Keyport Sunday night 'Articles, Confectionery, Etc. Frank H. Lloyd, supervising princi- Give them a Radio for Xmas and Installation will be Made pal of the schools of Middletown W Our stock has been carefully selected and you can j township,' spoke at the Belfon + be fully assured that your gifts, if purchased here, will church. FREE OF CHARGE be of the highest quality and at veiy satisfactory prices. Daniel Hendrickson, tackle on the Leonardo football team j and the W team's captain, received honorable mention from the state school* ath- COMPLETE SETS PARTS REPAIRS letic association in the jece'nt selec- Schroeder's Pharmacy tion of the best footbfill players in Eltablilhed 1870 the state. VJ> Profit by Our Twenty Years of Experience Mrs. Daniel Wilson of Keanshurg,. H. C. HUBBARD, Proprietor. who has been very sick,- is improv- ing. She is at the homeof her sis- 4 Telephone 146 . or :.'. Telephone 38 ter, Mrs. Thomas Casler of Port RADIO SUPPLIES J Mnnmouth. 16 Broad Street " . • ' ' "' Red Bank, N. J. The work of improving the road from Stone Church to Highlands is AND SERVICE nearly finished. The road will be open for traffic next week. R. S. JOHNSON, Proprietor The Tuesday afternoon Five Hun- dred club of Leonardo met last week at Mrs. Charier; Kieflfcr's and joyed a luncheon. «J RADIO 2 10 WHITE STREET, Opp. Postoffice TELEPHONE I.H 14444144444444144144, Mrs. H. R. Leonard of Leonardo has been taken to the Long Branch

An Automobile Free at 's Market I am going to give away a New Ford Sedan Absolutely Free to the Lucky One. It Will Not Cost You Anything. I am going to give it to the Lucky One on Saturday Night, March 1st, 1924 The conditions are as follows: Every time you make a purchase at my store, beginning- Thursday morning of this week, December 20th. you will be entitled to a chance on the car. The more purchases you make the more chances you have of getting the New Sedan. I have one of the Finest Stocks of Groceries possible to obtain, including Fresh Fruits and Vege- tables of all kinds. I have also the finest Christmas Trees, Wreaths, Holly and Mistletoe that can be found in Red Bank. Stop in and Look Over my Stock and you will be convinced. GEORGE BUTTER BRAY 8 EAST FRONT STREET RED BANK, N. J. Page Twenty-Sfc RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19,1923. ation, an office ho had "held ten charge of Beach Park. Henry T. house the following officers were &^£3&3&?»3&2&^^ NEWS FROM KEYPORT. years. Hopkins has been elected general elected: An exempt firemen's certificate chairman, A. A. Philo finance <«o'm- President—F. Palmer Armttronff* HOOK AND LAPDER COMPANY has been granted to Fred B. Van-,, , Vice president—W. Stephen Wolliet. Brakle. rnjttee, D. E. Mahoney purchasing Secretary—-W. H. Bildcrbaek. ELECTS^FFICERS. committee, George S. Hyer, music Treasurer—Uo>(i F. Armstrong. W.' II, Bryne( Sr., and William District Trustee—Arthur S. VanBunVlrlt. Appropriation °f $2,000 A.ked to committee, Mrs. W. H. HitchcoW, TrusteeB—I*oui's Stultz, Jr., Harry West, CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Hopkins have been appointed spe- '•..- —AT * Stop Rum Running H«re—East- cial marshals without pay. illuminating committee, Mrs. C. M,Dr. Fred C. Oc'len. Dr. H. W. llartman, Britton chairman hospitality com- Joseph D. Hcdle, Uun C. Garrison, Thomai ern Star. Lodge Holdi Annual The Keyport laundry company L. Smith. mittee, and Mrs. Charles S. Jenks Election. ^ has closed its plant on Broad street. Mr. ,and Mra. Jack Connell have The hook and ladder company lias Miss Jane Walker of WesUield chairman publicity committee. Mayor Thomas L. Smith has been left for Florida, where they will elected Charles Maurer. president, spent a couple of days lust week spend the winter. Edward D. Hyrne vice president, with r.lr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Yan-.appointed.chairman of the Harding C&RDRUQ Jesse Hcyci secretary, Albert Van- Buskirk. Memorial fund for this borough. It pays tosadvertise in The Register. derbilt trustee, Willinm P. Morris Fred Walling is having a garage At the meeting of the Kiwanis Advertisement. ^ 15 Broad Street representative to firemen's relief as- erected on his property on South cluh last Tuesday at the Mansion Red Bank, N. J. sociation, Harry M. Auriiack fpr.e- Atlantic street. man, Edward Snyder and Robert Joseph Hyer has'purchased--a lot Burns assistant foremen, H. Sea-on YanPonV street from Frank Iiy- Will Save You Many Dollars

1 Christmas Suggestions * • • brook Sclianok engineer, Arthur S. or. ' i •• VanBuskirk assistant engineer uml Mr>. Norma Hall of Red Bank "Gifts of Utillty"-Hardware. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF* Earl Cltiney janitor. was the recent guest of Mr. and At last week's council meeting it Mrs. Gifford li. Aumack. was request'd that $2,000 be appro- Charles J. Lehn has purchased a FOR FATHER FOR BROTHER priated to hue men for patrol duty Combs and Brushes Tudor Ford sedan. Flashlights Boy Scout Axes Manicuring Sets along the unurfront to arrest rum The borough is putting a coat of Flashlight Batteries runners. Nu decision was made but gravel oil South Atlantic street. Boy Scout Knives Ivory Sets 4 j Stationery a resolution will be introduced at John Anderson, fine of the propri- Lunch Kits J the next meeting. etors of the Palace lunch, wagon, Pocket Knives Coaster Wagons . Perfumes '$' •' Golden chapter of the Order of will leave the first of the year for Fountain Pens Eastern Star has chosen Mrs. Emma Snraiiac Lake, where,he will spend Safety Razors "Flexible Flyer" Sleds Hermann worthy matron, George some time for the benefit of his Razor Blades Toilet Waters Imported and Domestic Honn worthy patron, Mrs. Haze health. Tool Chests "Fire Fly" Sleds Schildnocht associate matron, Mrs Mrs. H. Scabrook Schanck spent Shaving Sets Face Powder and Sachet Nellie Hutchinson conductress, Mrs several days last week at Washing- A "Diston" Saw Flashlights Eva White assistant conductress ton, D. Q. A "Stanley" Plane Ice Skates Safety Razors , Toilet Sets y Mrs. Maude VanGiesnn secretary Ladies' night was observed Thurs- Miller Falls Braces f and Mrs. Lcttie Birch treasurer. day at the Reformed church housg Auger Bit Set Lunch Kits Mirrors - Compacts The members of the First Baptist by the MenJs dub. A pleasinK pro- I church elected the folloivinp officers gram was jvesente*; followed by re- Stilson Wrench Roller Skates Numerous Other Holiday Articles Now on B'. play at Our Store. last week: s*1 freshment- \rj\ dancing. Deacons—J. P. Browcr, E. D. Petteys. The New Jersey motors company Thomas J. HnpkinH, Henry V. Walling. FOR MOTHER FOR SISTER Richajd Lsy'ton. •* making preparations for an ex- Special-With Every Purchase, 5 ciWof halm Olive Soap for 25c Deaconcanes—Mra. Vadin Curtia, Miss hibit in the motor boat show at New Bissell's Carpet Lunch Kits Augusta WyckolT, Mra. T. S. Coe, Mrs. York from January 4th to 12th. Sweepers Thoman J. Hopkins. ,Hrs. J. P. Broiver and The company plans to have twelve Pocket Flashlights Chocolate Candies in Attractive Boxes for Christinas Mrs. Minnie A. Brown. motors on exhibition and has leased Carving Sets Clerk—F. Frank Stanhope. "Flexible Flyer" Sleds Financial secretaries—George F. White,' a large space. Coffee Mills W. Frank Stanhope. Miss Gertrude Pearson, daughter "Fire Fly" Sleds Envelope clerk—Georffe Birch. Jr. of Mr., and Mr?. Isaac Pearson, has O'Gedar Mops Music committee—Mrs. W. F. Stanhope Ice Skates Page & Shaw Park & Tilford and Mias Ek-nnor VanBrakle. been elected to the Lambda Tau. Food Choppers Auditors—Ernest F. Dunham r.nd An- honorary romance language' frater- Percolators Roller Skates gelo M. Webster. nity, ai'd 1'i Lambda Theta, honor- Whitman's Schrafft's Superintendent of Sunday.achool-rjTrioni- ary pedigogical society of Syracuse 85 J. Hopkins university. First assistant euperintendent—Henry BE A S. P. U. G. Huyler's San-Man's V. Walling. John Wallace is making a trip to Second assistant superintendent—George Society Prevention Useless Giving f W. Porter. California. He is working his way Precentor—George W. Porter. and when last heard from was in Society Promotion Useful Giving \ Secretary—W. D. Cowan. Chicago. Keyport residents contributed Mrs. William " \Va$rneiv of Long $587.75 to the Red Cross campaign. Branch was the recent guest of her. EAT TURKEY FOR CHRISTMAS A son lias been born to Mrs. E. sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Camp. With each Dollar Purchase we will give VERY SPECIAL "V. Wells, wife of R. V. Wells, prin- Mrs. Mathilde ISchlegel spent, a cipal of Union public school. couple of days last week at New a free chance on a Turkey to be drawn Alarm Clocks, guaranteed for one yeaif. Regular Mrs. Harry West is a patient at York city with friends. for at the Palace theatre, Saturday, De- the Long Branch hospital. Dr. Fred C. Ogden has installed a cember 22d, at 8:40 P. M. $2.00 value ....Jppecial $1.39 A daughter has been horn to radio receiving set in his residence. Mrs. Samuel D. Walker. John Schaefer is havang a house There were eleven marriages built on Broad street. "For Miles Around We Deliver the Goods" four births and four deaths in Key- Lieut. Col. Clyde Winterton of port last month. Jersey City visited his mother, Mrs. Brown & Langan are huilding a Lizzie Winterton, over the week- real estate office on Broad street. end. Miller's Hardware Co. Six new street ligntgjwill'bo put Keyport will have a community 33 West Front Street • Red Bank, N. J. up in the borough. Christmas tree this year at Beach Fred B. VanBrakle has resigned Park. The affair is being arranged Open Evenings 'Till 8:Q0 O'Clock as trustee of the free library associ- by the Recreation hoard, which has

HENRY CAMPBELL, President JACOB STEINBACH JDAN1EL S. ELY, Vice-Pres. EDWIN R. COtfOVER, Cashiet Broadway, Long Branch, N. J.

Merry Christmas!

The Christmas Store of We hope this happy holiday season, ushering out the old year, 1923, finds you looking ahead with cbn- 1 1 a Million Gifts. fidence to many good things to come. We shall be glad if your activities in the New Year offer many opportunities for you to use the services of the Broad Street National Bank—whose officers wish' you again a very Merry Christmas and all success in The Week Before Christmas 1924. Our 1924 Christmas Club is now open. is always a very busy veok; for, no matter how carefully one may have planned Jn advance there are, inevitably, some purchases to be made "at the last minute." Of course, it is wiser to be "forehanded" when one can; nevertheless, in this vast store of V . Jacob Steinbach'a there are PO many beautiful thin^, so many useful thinps, so many desirable THE things, that even the late comers can be fairly certain of KoinR away satisfied with their selections. There are Four Selling Flours- and all of them are filled with attractive merchan- BROAD STREET dise iif special appeal for Holiday tfift giving. 1 NATIONAL BANK NOTE:—We will deliver all articles purchased at this store free of charge direct to your homo, no matter where you live, in time for Christmas. RED BANK, NEW JERSEY A Merry Christmas is My Wish to All.

Store Open Evenings. tmmu r. tuntw. tomtom* Wit

—. - •*•-•*• . -J.'.f.-•!••»•'*••' RED BANK KKGlS'l'KK, UECEMBhlR ly, 19213. Page Twenty-Seven -3

THREE HOUSES ENTERED. from the candy, making a net •W • • »' •• • tal of »51.31. *t LlttU SUrtr StoU Mtjor Borden Ltsttar, a atudent at Pen- H*r»y'i Fruit Cake. Ington, apont the week-end with Thieves broke into Mayor J. El- is mother, Mrs. C. F. McDonald. ood Harvey's houeo at Little Sil- Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. English r lust Wednesday night and stole nd family of Red Bank visited the fruit cake. They took it to Do- atter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- yte p. Leffcrsan't house to eat it, ami E. Mount, on Thursday of last idently thinking that no one waB eek. , . t home at the Lefferson houne. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. EHo» Lutoa spent was home and he heard ie week-end With their son at he intruders. He came downstairs, ilizabcth. \ ut before he got there the thieves Dr. and MrB. A. T. Applcgate en- lade a hasty exit, leaving the cake ertained at dinner on Friday even- ehind them. They had cut the cake g Mr. and Mrs. James Applegatc, to four'pieeei. They ransacked • r. and Mrs, Lewis 0. Hoffman, Mr. esk in Mr, Loffcrson's house, ljut ,nd Mrs. William E. Mount, Mrs. they got was0 a few postage i. G, Craig, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mc- imps. Orlando Avati'a house was onuld and Borden Luster. roknn Into the same night and Charles Nowack au.d Austin Van- /f*~"w ome food was stolen. Some one1 icythe of Cranbury started for prowling around Charles lorida last week. tfoore's house last Thursday night Miss Anna Burtt Was the guest of (lisa Estelle Carr on Thursday'. Yon knowwhlchjoa >ut Mr. Moore frightened the man Special would rather bet way. The branch libraries have been Special ;tnrted in John M. Laird's'stoN for Christinas Then why not eqnip ho general use of the public and in Christmas today and be forera ENGLJSHTOWN NEWS. free from the d«laya, he Tt-nnent school for the use of Orange \\ worrie* and expense Mils Ann*'Burtt Has a Party on the children; in Mrs, W. A. Kin- Candy ot cold weather Her Nineteenth Birthdty, ney's home and in the school at Mil- Sale drtrtnft? ' Miss Anna Burtt was surprised hurst, at Mrs..Kenneth Johnson'B at Sale « It keep* ths heat Ml Friday evening in celebration of Manalapan for general use and in Buy some of these tinder the hood; er nintteorith birthday. The gueBti the Bergen's Mills school. SANTA CLAUSI therefore the engine were the Misses Madclyn Aumack Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burtt and candies and Ell up the tt ikl Irtello Carr, Pauline Hulse, Edna son 6£ Freehold spent Sunday with Please Note:' Kiddies' Stockings Emmons, Virginia Evanson, Kathlyn the former's mother, Mrs. Cornelius '. > / Voorhees, Iris Griggs, Olive Dayis, Burtt. , • • Stodcupthe kiddles V CANDIES eanctto Davis, Marion Rhodes, Mrs. Jack Hirschmann and sons / Madeline Woerner, Ethel Sutphen of Red Bank spent liist week yisit- ^stxkingswith' Choc Drops f Freehold; Lucy Perrine, Revcr ng Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hirschmann Savrtelle,. Adelaide Keyes, Claire and Mr. and Mrs. A, Noe., ORANGES W - lb. 23C Spachner, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Urias Reid and daughter had-as X2!or23c Soden, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burtt their guests on Saturday Mr. and Jelly Squares Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Lestor Ervia ol Mrs. Wilson Appleg&te and family. - in ajc Tcnnen'i, George Aumack, Brand Charles H. Sanford is having Davis, William Perrine, Charlet some repairs made to the Sanford Lafayette Mixed Finn, Milton Carr, Harold Wood Memorial,church*. lb 13< ward, Forman Rhodes, Weale Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Bortner en- GRAPE FRUIT - . -- . Evanson and Mrs. Foster Ervin oi tertained on Wednesday evening Dr. ^ ConSectar oons f Englishtown; Miss Margaret Arm and Mrs. A. T. Applegate' and Mr. - > i/ lb. Pkg. Xjc strong of East Freehold, Mrs. Mabe and Mrs. William -E. Mount •^^ V 2 Burtt of A'sbury Park, Mrs. Laur; Mrs.' 3. 0. Burtt, . Miss Anna Wlntcrfront U poatttr* and Assorted Hulse, Miss Olive HijJse of Brook Burtt, Elliott Soden and Chester i «r^' ^^ automatic in action. Noth- lyn, Misses Jane Perrmc, Elsie Reid, Burtt motored to Brooklyn on Sat- tJ! VI Chocolates ing to remember. The en- 1 gine heat apuu and cloaca Margaret Christie, Katharine Loker- urday and were accompanied homo _N.BlC Package Sib. box $1.49 the ahutters, keeping cnghM , Earl Stratton, Orman Tilton by Mrs. Laura Hulse and Miss Olive ' ~i "j - f at highest efficiency, v Milton Cole, Judscm Cole, Reubi Hulse. Festfnoi Anola © Wt wuM U*» to mptmht) Christie, C. M. Perrina and Da The Sunday-school Christmas en- Keyes of Jamesburg. tertainment of the Presbyterian NaMsco 8c Mrs. Charles Okerson and daugh- church will be given Friday night. Choc Graham Heinz Mince ter Louise visited her sister, Mrs The- Christmas entertainment of Meat Kelly & Company Wilson Applegate, last Wednesday, the San ford Memorial Sunday- Crackers' 39c Miss Adelaide Keyes spent' th school will be held next Monday ; ' 5 I lb."can SOC "" "Quality «nd Servica" * week-end with her niece, Mis9 Cha night. _ . _ lotte Appleget of Hopewell. '•• llb.Jar!43c AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT For Sale or Rent The Christian Endeavor society 8 East Front Strait, wants are quickly filled if you. give Make a realized $16.31 from the conundru the job to Luke Longhead.—Ad- Finest grade 4 supper last Friday and the Junlo RED BANK, N. J. vertisement. 'creamery REAL MINCE PIE this Christmas BUTTER Nofaettercan bebou^it. 1 Del Monte 3-DAY SALE ''^K (* Asparagus ZVjfl. 35C Finest Ceylon V.-4 or Mixed Del Montev Thursday, Friday, Saturday, TEA Asparagus tips is 35c Dec. 20th, 21st, 22nd. tea; I AT CURRANTS. CITRON-Glace ,?» Wasteless-Best Grade Vostizza 25C Seeded © Seedless Monmouth Street Men's Shop RAISINS Try these for fine v1 '•• 28 Monmouth Street, cooking 14c 'V Just Around the Corner From Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. Lemon and •v/ Orange Peel, lb: 35c Plum Pudding Richardson 6) Robbins I Men's All-Wool * 1. . 4 ^ -Vl .'^i/ KC- 3OC-55C 1 >' I Suits and Overcoats $25.00 > Stuffed Queen Olivet § Boys' 2 Pants Suits •) 'i XOOL 3Sc ','**Vc Christmas I Boys' Sheep Lined Plain Queen Service Coats and Overcoats $8.95 Olivet ^ /}> at the 10 oz. I9C ^*; 1^: 633 V Men's $2.50 and $3.00 ff "LAC ' ' 1V*» .^. s »~ ^^ "Ml::d>«atesT» Orange I Silk Stripe and Madras Shirts •pi.yJ suvc Hildlcks Cider % k and t "Men's Silk Ties, )1l» D<|X.*it OB I Ut 49C Peas fry These jEfi Green 65c .DATES Stores | Elsewhere $1.00 t, Dromedary aoc «*" | Men's Wool Union Suits $1.95 Ml The United States, Mk .JZ Stores System hns | Boys' Union Suits 4Nats for your, A< nuuk every effort to • Chrism w Dinner fl^1" offer for salt at this | Men's and Boys' Brushed tfO J 1 imr ninny it ami suit- Walnuts Budded nhlr for ii Chrt'ttmns r » Wool Sweaters and Slip Overs Y**•' - ,4lb. 39« dinner'iil prices for Mixed Nuts brlow your cjtjxjcta- sj Wa Alse Carry a Complata %lne of Man's and Boys' tiorm. We lire thus I HATS AND CAPS. fulfilling our desire to serve' you economi« ff CNRItTMAt QIFtS BOXED FREE OF CHARGE. i/i/fl csll/Wth'thc Cneit wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm**n***mwm**mmmmmmm*m zzz,~ . »•*•» Beit Wishes for a Merry Christmas • • mmmmmmmmmmmi' Jl -, RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19, 1923: SCHOOL FAIR AT LEONARDO, president of the exempt firemen's high achool held a card part last comprise! Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' association. Fred Linden, H. DFrida. y night at the'' community Stryker, Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Faru- About *4bO Wai Clearod at That Little and George Stryker are onhouse. The proceeds will be used to ola, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jennings, Place L.lt Wetk. the finance committee. build a memorial to the soldiers who Mr. and Mrs. John Mulligan and Gros« receipts of $660 and The auxiliary of the Grand Army served in the war. Davul Tumnn. . profits of $450 or more were the will hold its annual encampment at Mrs. Harold TJhrlg Is spending the A sale- of toys, baskets, benches, financial outcome pf a fair held at this place the third week in June; winter at Lakewood, flower stands, needlework and trays :hc Middlctown township high school Col. S. T. Champion recently repre- A card party will be held tomor- was held Monday and yesterday by ust Friday for the benefit of the-sented this place at a meeting of row night by the Hose company at Miss Anna McDonough'a manual senior class of the school and the the Grand Army at Trenton. Invi- Its firehouse on Monmouth avenue. training class of the high school: Our Season's Greetings athletic-association. Various kinds tations to hold -the mneting here The company will hold a series of William Maxson of Chapel Hill is of. food cooked by the pupils and a were sent by the Community club, parties during, the winter and theemployed by George Conover. great jvariety of fancy goods made Citizens' committee and the mayor proceeds will be used to buy new by the pupils were sold at the fair. and council. uniforms for the members. The > Whether you want to buy, sell, rent or find, Luke Longhead can Most of the grades contributed to The Alumni association of the committee in charge of the affair help you.rr—Advertisement. tne succebs of the fair in this way, but other grades resorted to other methods to raise money. One grade gave a moving picture show, two grades used their ropms for1 dancing We Wish Om Friends and one grade gave a minstrel show. ATLANTIC LANDS NEWS. Police Department to Mike GifU to Poor and Children .on Chriltmal. The police department has ar- ranged to hold a moving picture show at the Atlantic theater for the A Merry Christmas children of the borough. "Red Rid- McCutcheorfs ing Hood" will be shown. A number of baskets have been filled by the "The Greatest Treasure House of Linens in Ame/ica* policemen for the poor families of Fifth Avenue, 34th and 33d Streets, N. Y. this place. Each basket contains enough food for a family of six. . . Established 1855 and may, the New Year bring to them and to,bm' conimunitv joy and "•->; ••• department raised the ..ist Munmer'nt dances. . iiliam Mount, a milk dealer, is happiness untold. liaving n stucco garage built at the fear of his house on Center avenue. Gifts you treasure-^ m Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler of We thank our many friends..for their wonderful co-operatio.ii and Lakewood are spending a few days •f here with friends, we wish to assure them that we shall ever strive to merit the confi- M. Mortenson has sold a pipeless ^McCutcheon Handkerchiefs heater to the ladies' aid society of the Rumson Methodist church. dence shown in this community store. . Samuel Labovitz and family have Tucked away in sachets, down at the very bottom of moved into the Posten building. almost every woman's handkerchief box, is a pile of Frederick Katz of this place has moved his office from Brooklyn to exquisite handkerchiefs that she treasures. She uses 29 Broadway, New York. A house owned by Walter Keyes them only on state occasions. Perhaps some of them f Avenue B caught fire last week from a bonfire in the rear of the have an edge of cobwebby lace, others may depend house. The damage was slight and upon the fineness of the linen for this honor. But the firo wns .put out by hand ex- tinguishers. beauty*in some guise makes them gifts she, hoards. Mrs. M. Conboy is suffering from Chamber: armacy an injured leg received last week in Gift Handkerchiefs from The Linen Store are" always worthy an automobile accident at Rumson. of being treasured thus. And this is true whether they are The Presbyterian Sunday-school "The Family Drug Store" will hold its Christmas entertain- simply hemstitched or are adorned with rare lace and dainty ment Friday night at half-past sev- handwork. For McCutcheon Handkerchiefs are selected in the en o'clock. markets abroad with the same painstaking care you bestow Broad St. and Linden Place Telephone 1431 Red Bank, N. J. A Christmas entertainment will be held at the high school Friday. upon your own choice here. Malcolm DeVesty of Peddie and ALEXANDER B. CHAMBERS, Registered Pharmacist, Owner and Proprietor Klisha Camp of Princeton are home Furthermore, the nation-wide reputation this establishment for the holidays. The firemen's relief association bears as a treasure house of fine linens adds to the distinction SODA CIGARS CONFECTIONERY has elected Patrick Howland presi- of every Gift Handkerchief. And McCutcheon prices are always dent, William Dowd of the hose company vice president, Percy as moderate as the superior quality of the merchandise permits. PURE DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS • Coutts of the hook and ladder com- pany secretary and collector, and '^:gh&%£*&£;Z£ W£&&Z£l%£-&Zl%&x& Harry Posten of the Robert Mantell company treasurer. Mr. Howland is I

Hearty Christmas Greeting! CALENDARS AND CARDS for the New Ycnr may be found in I great variety and unsurpassable leauty at the Art Kraft Shoppe, j>ok where you will, you cannot do The Holiday Season affords an opportunity toexpress- again the pleasure we jotter than nt this store. All thv [lew ideas in cards and calendar?, in derive from our banking relations with the ;nany folks in Monmouth County and many colors. ^ . ij' r.'.V. elsewhere, arid we .wish for each and every one THE ART KRAFT SHOPPE Broad Street, Opp. Monmouth Red Bank, N. 3. NOTICE 01' SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT ' Unti- of Dwlulit M. llir»h, ui-it-ine'l. Nut Ire I* lurt'tiy kivim tlnit thi? at- A Merry CHristmas and a Happy rounU of lln> HUhirrilirr. tni»tr? of the all- <>r Nltill llflM'H'lMl, Will I)l> Mlllllttfl I ntnhtl l.y tlir tfmroKnU »f lli<- Cminlr . M..I Ill an.I >..|.i.!l.,,l fur mttlcmi'llt In til? Oilitimu Court of Klii'l County, «n Thtlrmlay. Win twi'lily-foiirtli ilny uf J»nil- iry, A, It, r,rj1, itt whliti Itmf njiplkiitliin vlll lio ninili' fi.f Ihr allimincr »( rnmmlf and Prosperous New Year. ino. >ml -••! f"- Uiitml Uminlitr Ililli. A. n. I9J». MA 111" IN VddKI. ELECTION NOTICt. Tlia anniml m-rlinK i>f itie i'"liry Milera • f lh« Shrrw«liuiy Mutunl Hr« lo.iir>i\f. . p«n> IIr K,il,,nlii»!i N''« Jpmry, will

m liilil «t Hi" l..;,|.m. '•' AH,,.I I, Hmlth, Ji'PAnii'irt. Nnw Jrr«i-y, Mmuliiy afUrmtfln, Itnuarr Ilh. \ni. al l«n 12 "111 n'rlnik, % 'itr th» nlfrlliin of ulevrn illrpcUira faf 931 ami tl'" lt«o"«ftl"ii "I aurh nth.r

""' l>r°t"llENH'Y*Jliu"MB.

'cmilwr ITIh. I«SS. • i IOTICK Of »tT11.*.MKNT Or ACCOUNT lUI* «l M«r> /,lr«l«r, ilrraainl. The Officers and Directors of Noll«> Ii hurahr »l>'n that thi aefounta if lha #Mhl«flt»f, a««eulor ft th» v»lata nf lalil dXfaMil, will l>« «ulll"l and .t.tfl hr Ik* Rurreialt of Iha t'mlinlr of Mnnmoulli mil p»»utlnl fur Mlllinunl lo Iha iirnhaat Jnurt nf l»M Countx. »» !hiunl«r, IM laMh ilar «f Jannatr, A, Ii, KM, at vkiak Ima anllraUnn •«! k» marta tut !«• al. walwa of «amml««liin. anil nmii"! f>»" UaK'l Nm.«ifc« Mtk. A, II •""' NOTICE Or"lltTUCMKNT Or AtxniiN? Kilal* »f YIUHH HUM. Inmlonl J'M" Kfnl>rnl •(•>il»< «lll li« amlllxl akil ilalnl kr III* ««»»«(. i.f ih. IVMHI. *f The Second National Bank »tMI»«lk tlcl t.|».»l..| fM^aalllafaiBt U

"" '' ,hT»k""llm«* awllta3i.il will kt RED BANK, NEW JERSEY. i»a «f aa


« t 1 RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 19, 1923. Page Twqnty-Nine $~J*$*^*^4~Jt^J*J~J~$M>*^^ What would like for c? #' w jThe ever-present problem this season o'f'thV Christmas? year is—What shall I give? It is to help you solve this problem in a satisfactory and easy manner that the merchants of Red Bank Kave.talten more than usual care in choosing the offerings presented .on this page.

f • . If possible malce an early trip to these stores, and let the many suggestions in each one, in addi- tion to those listed here, aid you in completing your

list with the least effort. 0 All these stores open evenings until Christmas.

^ *


•••- t Good Things to Eat Jewelry for Gifts t (The one big event of the day is the Christmas Din- ner, so you want it to be as near perfect as pos- Choosing Jewelry ^for Gifts is a sensible and t sible. One of the first things to do then, is to Christmas Poultry come here to choose your Groceries. practical way of answering all Gift problems. Everyone likes Jewelry—when purchased here it Specials to be found here: The crowning dish on the table Christmas Day I is "The Gift That Lasts." , Sugar *0£c lb. Sweet Cider, 40c per gal. is the Turkey, so why not assure yourself and * Old Fashioned Baldwin Apples, $1.00 per basket. This is the headquarters for the Elgin, Howard, your guests a real treat by ordering .it from us?j 'All kinds of Christmas Candies at special prices. • 'All kinds of Nuts", Grapes, Oranges, Figs, Dates, iWaltham, Hamilton, Illinois, South Bend, Bulova t Plum Puddings, Celery and Lettuce. and all other high grade watches. ARNONE BROS. Y Christmas Trees at Special-Prices; Order Now. f Full Line of Diamonds and.Solid Gold Jewelry. [Telephone 1353 t Vl Free Delivery. t We Deliver ECONOMY GROCERY CO. EAGLE JEWELRY SHOP 228 Shrewsbury Ave. .;; , Red Bank I: 104 Shrewsbury Ave. Red Bank Telephone 1131 13 East Front St., opposite Globe Hotel, Red Banlc t T Before You Buy Your Christmas Suggestions Free! Free! t Perfume in Gift Skates for All Gifts for the Car Christmas Candy MAMA DOLL $ Bottles Skating is an out-of-door With eyeiy dollar purchase at •> T Fixing up the Car as a means come in and look over our this store you will receive freG of T Perfume is one of the most sport that is enjoyed alike by of remembering the owner is a stock which is the largest in charge a share on a large "Ideal delightful Gifts you could the young and the old. this vicinity. Mama and Crying Doll." Win certain way to make it a most this doll and make the little one ? give. Added pleasure is certain if Merry Christmas for him. Special Prices to Sunday- Shaving Sets happy on Christmas. It will be the "Skates are received as a Schools and Churches. given away on Monday, Decem- We offer a pleasing array of Our stock covers everything Manicuring Set* ber 24th, at this store at 2:30 Gift. Let us show yon what choice Hudnut's Perfumes in needed for an automobile. WE DELIVER %> Holiday Stationery o'clock in the afternoon. t beautiful Gift Bottles. we have at Come in and look it over. Full line of Ladies', Gents and T Telephone Your Order to All Kinds of Candy Children's Clothing. "Also a T Red Bank 43-R Christmas Toys ' complete line of shoes for the en- Chambers Pharmacy TRUBIN'S EMPIRE GARAGE tire family. % You are sure to find what you . 85 Broad Street The Store of a Thousand Items 21 East Front St. Red Bank Red Bank Candy JOHN DIFIORE want hero. f Telephone 1431 58 Broad St. Red Bank • Telephone 209 Kitchen 126 Shrewsbury Avenue •>• •T Red* Bank, N. J. S. HOFFMAN'S 69 Broad Street Red Bank i Op«n EvttunK* and Sundays 146 Monmouth St. Red Bank

Stoves a Practical Gift An Electrical Xmas A Radio Christinas Nothing could please the housewife more than a new stove for Christmas. You will be sure to Choosing a Gift in this store is n simple matter, Each year, as people realize the advantage and please her if you pel one of my stoves. 1 for those who have no Radio will appreciate pleasure of making Electrical Gifts, our Christ- one as a Rift, and those who have will bo de- Ful) line of all kinds of ranges, coal stoves, gas mas business increases. If you have never given lighted with additional attachments. stoveb and oil stoves. In fact, any kind of a anything Electrical, try it this year. ' stove that you want we have. ARTHUR V. GREGORY, GEORGE A. HOGAN 67 Broad Street Red Bank SAMUEL SWARTZ Electrical Contractor and Dealer 68 Broad Street ' Red Banlc Ex-Chief Radio Electrician, U, 8. Navy 14 West Front St., near Broad Red Bank Telephone 389 ; We Deliver. Telephone 61C Page Thirty 'RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER i9,1923. I , H— r~ — — * MONMOUTH AT THE TOP. This Count; Leadi in Loan AtMcU- titan Buatneai. Records of the building and loan division of the New eJrsey depart- WE ARE CELEBRATING ment of banking and insurance in- dicate that the building and loan as- The Opening of Our New 10.000 Foot Addition to Present Store, which sets in Monniouth county now amount to atout ?17,000,000 and Gives Us Over 50,000 Feet Floor Space; that more than 25,000 members are enrolled in the various associations ' fi BY OFFERING, HUNDREDS OF in the county. In roportion to pop- ulation Monmouth county is well in Matched Diningi Bed Room and Living', Room Sets, Odd Pieces, Wonderful the lead over other sections of the Broadway and Third Avenue, Long Branch state in the amount of its building Lamps, Oriental -Rugs, Soljd MahoganySPieces—Holiday Gifts suitable for every and loan assets. Monniouth county member of the family. " i • has 24 associations in operation. FRESH. KILLED 10 Per Cent, 20 Per Gent, 33 1-3 Per Cent and 50 Per Cent Below Value. Death of Veteran. Peter I. Vanl'elt of Matawan died We want you to visit our store, even if you have no intention of buying. We Jersey and Maryland Turkeys recently at the age of 87 years. want you to see 50,000 feet of floor, space stocked with the largest, finest and Mr. VatiPelt was a veteran -of the Civil war and was a mason by trade. lowest priced lines of Furniture and Floor Coverings ever shown in Monmouth He leaves 1. widow and four chil- County. The very special prices being quoted now on Living Room, Dining 2,5Q0 Turkeys OOc dren. Room and Bed Room. Furniture are the lowest you have seen in ten years, and SHREWSBURY NEWS. we firmly believe you will not duplicate within the next ten years to come, any/ Truck' Owned by Martin Marx Rum such quality goods at present prices. * On Sale at s4O in a Ditch. 1 The Tresbyterian Sunday-school 100 DINING ROOM SUITER 33 1-3 Per Cent to Fifty Per Cent Off wil hold its Christmas enterfainnient Sunday at half-past four "5'cloek at Purchase one of these wonderfuf" suites and* if you think after 30 days you the chapel. Homer VanWee will be in charge o£ the music and singing. haven't secured the greatest bargain in the country, and saved at least $50, Old songs and carols will be sung by to $100, we will refund your money. the Sunday-school children. Joseph Schick of'fcatontown has 50 KARENS FAMOUS LIVING ROOM SUITES the contract to do the plumbing in Paul'Stillman's bungalow on Broad Covered in Tapestries, Mohair's, Silk Velours., Cut Velours. Reductions range.- street.' , Martin Marx has bought a new from $35.00 to $75.00 for this particular lot. ^ . • Chandler-cuupe. A Ford truck owned by Martin SPECIAL—3-Piece Suites Covered in Finest Quality Chases MoKair, Marx and driven by Stephen Eey- v£ I nolds ran in a ditch Saturday on In Taupe, Blue, Browns, etc;, in combinations with finest quality yelour back's 'jffi! the Marx property opposite the fire- to. match, worth $198.00, for $169.50. • ' ' vi^ house. The truck is used to carry '«•• cattle and a cow was in the truck ,x;;^'"ht'n" the accident pecurred, The OtKer MoHair Suites as LOMT as $149.50 .jp: wheels of the truck became looked ri,' when turning and before the ma- guarantee prompt, safe and careful delivery on all purchases intended '«^ chine' could be stopped it ran into ,rk . the" ditch. for Christmas. , ' fi£\ I». C. DeCoppet is beautifying his This Store Open Evenings Until Christmas ,^b property by having silver and Nor- V:i , way maple trees set out on the drive '*& ! around the lake. Red Bank Steam Dye Works fc ! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jackson, of ; .*& I Manasquan spent last Thursday fA» I with Miss Bessie Gaskill. •ft Mrs.'C. M. Patterson' is having k, •' •WisHes You T^jl the chimneys remodeled on -the ,-5&j house dceupied by W. C. Bunn. P> I Earl Thompson has quit his posi- | tion at the Shrewsbury dairy com- A MERRY CHRISTMAS t pany. Kdward. Obre is now em- 'Ss ployed by the dairy companj'. Rj Michael Saijurton has quit hU Job "SS at "W. P. Brown's and is now work- MAX LJEOIM ^ ing for Mrs. C. C. Peck. "«S The Shrewsbury coal company Te UERSEY ?J ceived three carloads of rut anc KEYPORJ 'i^ stove coal last week & PRICES GUARANTEED! — • > It pays to advertise in The Register.

For the Crowning Treat Only 4 Days More Before Xmas w of the Christmas Let Us Help You Complete Your List. >^_ Festivities CASTLES ICE CREAM

you've eaten your fill of tlie oysters, tur-, key, sweet potatoes and all the other good things —then let a brick of Castles Delicious Ice Cream crown the feast. Castles Ice Cream is not only tHe finest ke cream made, but it is purest and most easily di- gested, Heathization redoubles the purity of ice Hundreds of Surprise Gift Ideas cream nnd makes it easier to assimilate. It also % aids the digestion of the other rich foods. Let the Thousands of the "Regular" Cliss children have all they want. It is good for them. Your denier has Castles Ice Ceam in bricks or Candiei Dresser Sets Baby Scales bulk. The bricks are of plain flavors, or in n fine Cameras Boudoir Sets Toilet Sets combination of flavors, All your favorite flavws Cigars Baby Sets Manicure Sets in bulk ice cream, . ' Cigarette Holders Safety Razors Military Bruihes '• Castles Ice Cream is made of the purest', richest Perfumes cream, sugar, fruits, nuts nnd true flavors. It Is Christinas Cards Hair Brushes Pasteurized, then Heathized, as « double protec- Mirrors Jack Knives' Tooth Bruikes ' tion of purity* Leather Goods Scissor Sets Combi Vi.j Be sure your dealer; gives you Castles. U it Fountain Pens Sewing Sets Recoi'd* '" isn't Castles it isn't Heathized, Stationery 'Cut Glass Phonograph* NOTE—To »vold dliappolntmenti, lie mr« Electric Article! «nd order early from your dealer. He will glidly dflivtr the brick or tmlk ice eretm you deilre at |h» hour you w*nt it, Knickerbocker Pharmacy! Purer Because Heathized Broad and Monmouthi Streets * Red Bank, Nsw J«rs«f ORDER -X^ Registered Pharmsclit In Constant Attendance ' FROM YOUR PURE DRUGS CONFECTIONERY SODA WATER DEALER C1C4PS CIGARETTES u Ml, iW, 110 MVWWK vPIRTH AMMW V flftP , DECEMBER T9, TS23," Surrogate Donahay Burned. RED BANK, N. J. Surrogate Joseph L. Donahay of EGAN'S Adelphia ha« been" laid up a inv I Sell Reft Estate Charles Lewis s from burns he.suffered through on explosion oi gusoline. Mr. Dona. I Rent Cottages - Auto Vans and Express WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Now th'tit mnving lime Is near 1 am ay liad told an employee to clean a prepared to do fourncxt Diovlnj of furni- DEALER IN PRACTICAL I Write Insurance tur«, pianos nr buBgaKo to all Darts of tnnk with gasoline. He was Inspect- ity or cuuntfy, in the largest paililcl van» ing the job and whilq doinp so light- n He'l Ilntlk. Hrfi.re ytm havft jour next ed a cigarette. The gasoline fumes Monmouth County Farms Tiovlne dorio, v,rit«, .end or call for the tnly reliable furniture mrivi»r» in town, and LUMBER look lire and Mr. Donahay was Bet m/ priced r,n ynur next job. All kiiifln ;umed on thci face and hands. C heavy nr l:t;nt Irurking uone Bt btior' HOLIDAY GIFTS lotico. Coll or !.>]ilrL.ss Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass W. A. Hopping J. T, EQAN 11 WALL STREET, RED BANK and Builders' Hardware. OCEANPORT NEWS. Truex Building BROAD ST. Reaidenca Phone 292-R 1 Ughting Fixture. VM Toaaterf Xmas Tree Lights Many Prize Winpera at Fir.man't RED BANK, N. J. Office Phono B39-R RED BANK, N. J. Euchre Party and Danco, 10 WHARF AVENUE Sweepers Percolators Waffle Irons The entertainment committee ot Lamp Appliances tho tyire company held a euchro par- When -we lay "correct- Lamp* and Shades Coffee Urns ^ ty and danco in the firchouse lust ly _ fitted" we not only Friday night. About 150 persona mean - "properly adjust- Ever-Ready Flashlighti Curling Irons Radio Supplies were present. Those who won The Old Reliable Headquarters ed, but also fitted to prizes at euchre Were William Wag- FOR your • personality"—.do- jElectrloal iTraina Heater. Automobile Sundries ner of West End, first priio, a that improve your' twelve-pound ham, donated by Ea'r appearance. , J Wolcott, tho Oceanport grocer; Mrs. j William Haywood of this place, sec- Christmas Trees and Wreaths jond prize, a boudoir cap, donated by Miss Sarah. McCreery of this place j Charles Champlin, a basket of po- Save Money by Getting Our Prices. W. A. WIRTH tatoes,'1 donated by Sidney Beera; OPTOMETRIST Iver-Johnson Bicycles arid Velocipedes, Mrs, Edward Berry, a boXjOf cigars, iegiiter Building,! donated by John P. Gau.1; Mrs. Special Prices For Churches RED BANK. Fairy Velocipedes, Pedie Cars, Scooters, Etc. Woolley, a basket of candy, donated Telephone SB by Mrs. John Marrow; Sidney Beers, FREE DELIVERY a canister »etj Mrs. A. Malone of Ked Bank, a case of soft drinks, donated by Edward Berry; Mrs. John Silver, half a dozen glasses, donated by Mrs, Mary E,. Hall; Mrs. Edward Champlin, a nut cracker KRIDELS MARKET set, donated by Mrs, William Hay- Skate* Shot Guns •*" wood; Arthur Wagner of West End, a strrrrof bacon, donated by Green's Broad and Front Streets Red Bank, N, J. Punching Bags market of Long BraneJi; Mis3 Nellie Worthloy, a halt a dozen glasses, Telephone Hockey Stick. Boxing Gloves donated by Mrs, Kenneth' West; Blom Billings, an altitude gauge, donated by Terry Martin o£ Long Branch; Mrs. Louis Millar, a cake, donated by J'olm P. Gaul; Harry Brakeslcy, a cake, .donated by A. C. H. ENNIS Kadlec of Long Branch; Mrs. Doug- las Riddle, a jar of p'enrs, donated 64 Broad Street by Mrs. Louis Millar; Captain Ben- jamin Eldridge, a pair of garters, RED BANK . NEW JERSEY donated by Whitney .Conrow; John Chambers, two bath towels, donated A Gift That Wins Approval by Charles Billings; Mrs, Terry Telephone 199-M Martin of Long Branch, a necktie, donated by Charles Billings; Ken- A Whatever Gift you may choose for a man, there is no neth West, a thermometer, donated other thing that will please him so well as a new Suit. by Terry Martin of Long Branch and Harry Burns of Avon, i And this store is especially well equipped to aid you brushed wool cap, donated by Alex- ander Borass. Mrs. Henry Lulken in choosing a Suit that will please him. won the door prize, a box of candy, donated by Albert Tillotson. Miss Our display o£ high quality Art Clothing hand-tailored Anna Garrigan won the consolation MAKE THIS A t prize, a brushed wool cap, donated garments will win his immediate approval, and the privi- T by Alexander Borass. *\|ege of choosing a Suit for his Christmas gift will be more Y than appreciated. Y The firemen voted to have a letter Chevrolet Christmas! of thanks sent to Daniel Sullivan You will find at this store, which is just a step from Y j^for giving them permission to store T I*their fire truck in his garage during Broad street on Monmouth street, a full line of Suits, Over- Y • the euchre party and dance. coats, Shirts, Neckties, Underwear and Sweaters. .In fact j The persons who have been visit everything that a man needs. The All-Year Car For Every Family. f , ing pantries of residents here hav Y ; not been seen nor heard of the pas Y I week. It will pay you to do your Christmas Shopping at this Y | Itobert Eckert, who is employe Store. *- • ' • | by tho Pennsylvania railroad « Y i l'ittsburg, arrived at this place on /..CHEVROLET, Y Monthly to spend the holidays with t liis parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Eckert. S ETKINS Miss Nellie Worthlcy has re- Chevrolet Is leading In the great Chevrolet assembly plants enable turned from Newark, where she } 2 STORES 2 shift of public demand to closed us to make prompt deliveries of Y spent i'uiir days with friends and 21 Monmouth Street Near Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. the much wanted closed cars. Y relatives. cars because this company has Mrs. Thomas Rives, wife of Cap- 166 Monmouth Street Near Depot Red Bank, N. J. the world's largest facilities for As soon as you realize that your T tain. Thomas Kivcs of Gump Vail, manufacturing hlfeh-grade closed transportation requirements de- Y led Saturday for Alabama, where bodies and Is therefore able mand the year 'round, all leather she will stay with her parents until spring. NOTE:—Everything for the well dressed woman can be to offer sedans, coupes and closed car, see Chevrolet first and Daniel D. McGraw of New York 6edanette8 at prices within easy learn how fully we can meet your I fpent Saturday and Sunday with found at my store at 166 Monmouth street, near Depot. reach of the average American requirements at the lowest cost Harry VmiSchoick. obtainable In a modern, high- Y Edward Berry is recovering from family. Y a heavy eold. Six large body plants adjoining grade closed automobile. (ieralil Meyer h having a garage built on his property on Oceanport :l avenue. Mrs. Henry Lulken spent Monday Two-Pan. RoadKer . . «31« J at New York. Flve-Paaa. Tourlna . . 535 *^ Two-Pau. Utility Coupa 6B« ^ GcnrRH Woodward, whs is em- Four-Paw. SodancttB . 850 • ployed by the I.rhiirh Valley rail- FlT*-raM. S«ilan . . . W>0 4> road, spent the wivl; end with his Light nellreiry . . . »10 >. pannls, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wood- ||| PRACTICAL GIFTwS || f Commndil Chanl* . 4» • ward. UlllllT Ejjrt.i Truck (.1 iU 575 •?• AH Pr(c« t. o. b. Flint. Mich. • Tbi' children nf the public school | will tfivii their Christmas enleiUiin- % Make the White Shoe Co. Headquarters for Gift Selections | nient at the fchruillmuM' on Kriilay i afternoon. Si honl will he closed & A wonderful display of Gaily Colored Christmas Slippers, Hosiery, Zipper jtmm Friday till Wednesday, .lanu- ! nry LM. ••• Boots, Arctics, and Shoes for Men, Women and Children, Y Mrs. Mary K. Hall spent Thursday t with relatives at. A'.lmry 1'ark, A A Christmas Gift from the White Shoe Company is a token of high regard. Y f\ , __. -,.„ ' ._ Y ' FAIR HAVEN NEWS. Y D«yiJ tlardnnlirook, Mii»in(( Two ? B«y», Found 111 in Homo. A Christmas gift from the White Shoe Co. is David Iliirdenliriiok, whu lives alune in n linu.-cbuiit., wan I'uunil un- a true token of quality—one that will acord ut- I'llllM'ious I'lilluy lli({|it ill lilt1 llUUSO- IHI.II hy I'llwuml Hiuilli and ilnrvey most satisfaction to the receiver and retlect the little. IlT^fih -iui* had mU.sod him : iiieo liuit Wednesday night mid th« church, A ors. tFlain or fancy Christ- Monmouth Motor Car Co. »tonm hcAiinK plant !« lielnir In. I tlaltid in ihu olmrch by Mnvld Urn- mas boxes given free. \ natt, Maple Avenue Red Bank, N. J, Y MIM Horlmra Whvt>-(it Uotioktri T h»'i b.nii vlsitlnf Mt», Klwood T Smith * X M«A1ll»t»r. MaaMauIti Cimtf l<4rr*itw'< OMta, „ In vmnlr-vlllr In Bii«toft, wHn , wlmlnlilfatKr M ih town over Iho wnk Phil, (KM iti MI. th> w.iur •( tV. MI*)* «t hhn It. llnit lh> llurxunH nf U>ll< '•—•--, Aunt**. hrtilef h»s lentt In* 9 BROAD RED BANK M*4*4 la DiDinn ll«fiiu»h Clftk ml*., h« «•> t .ftpditaM la W«lltk« .1,1 •mitti MIMIKK l"» «n at Iwlnn •llHla, •\r>, l>f t th.lr 111 L«wli Hmltlt'* h»tl>o, ill J«hH It. PMraalK whn U « Your Store—Everybody • Store iiMJ* •• IW At th& Ijityt tUattih in>»li!tnl, «eft« •'II.. I* Open Evenings Until ChrUtma* )n ibt Page Tfflrty-Twd BED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER; 19, 1923,' *f HIS FRIENDS SURPRISED WM. afternoon. The school will be have moved to the house bet\yeeii°ing tn have meetings at the firehouse Branch hospital, where she under / __ ..,, -,n closed next week for the holiday va- this place and Shrewsbury which instead of at the schoolhouse. The went an operation for appendicitis. Festivities and Many Gifts at Harry cation. • ° Mr. Chasey bought a abort time ago firemen are agreeable to the pro- The Methodists will hold their HAVE YOU W. Sofield't Home. Lewis Herry is re-decorating the from the Wnllbrhigc estate. posed change. ' • fourth quarterly conference Monday When'Harry W. Sofiehl of Tin- interior of his house. Chickenpox is prevalent and Edward Worthlcy has bought a night Headache? ton Falls returned home last Friday Mrs. Mary Elgrim has returned many children me out of school, Chevrolet automobile with which to The Woman's e!ub will have e TRAN from Bed Bank he found » big gath- from a visit to relatives at Freehold. Mr. and Mrs. Leo.S. Osfleld of Do your Eyss burn or itdbj) curry mail between the postofflce Christmas party and entertainment ering of relatives anil friends to Andrew Roberts, Sidney Hodas, Providence, Rhoilr Islaml, h;A'e been Do ahoy Iral tired or st»liA4T 1 and railroad Station. Thursday afternoon of next week in reet him and a lnrge' clothes Edna VauKeuren and Margaret Til- Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Asa 10. Fury. Thirty-five Am<>r,ir;m Mechanics its rooms. 11 s^Vhnva your syst axammedl THEATRE hamper piled high with effts. Fri- ton represented the Eatontown attended sen ice nt the Methodist your glsssss may nsed • .changa. day was Harry's fifteenth birthday. George Millward has a new auto- Phone eS8 RED BANK, IN. J. school in an arithmetic, contest at LITTLE SILVER NEWS. church Sunday night. The lodgomobile. STIL.ES & CO. Dancing and games were enjoyed, Philadelphia Ey. Specialist! BURJIS-SCHAFFER AMUSEMENT CO. Asbury l'ark Saturday. They did will elect officers iiext Monday The Wenonah society will . meet and refreshments of tnniiwiches, not win any prizes, but they won Borough Meeting to be Held at night. ~^2nd_N»rional Bank Bldf.,. Room 26 MstlnM Dallrl 3.00 P. M. S.turJ.yi 2:30 P. M. cake and coffee we're .served. Friday night of next week nt the EVENINGS—Continuous 7ilB to 10:45 P.M. honorable mention. Firehouse Instead of Schonlhoiiae. Miss .Jennie -Wortlilcy has rehom- e of Mrs. C.^V. Shropshire of Every Wednesday Hours 1 to B p.m. The guests were Mrs. Earl Fisher William Taylor will open his new The borough officials arc arrang- turned home cured from the Long lied iiank. • • of Washington, Oliver Joffrey of pool room and bowling alleys to- Eatontovn, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph morrow in his new building on We Extend To All Francis and Paul Rcilison of \\".ay- Broad street. He has named the side. Miss Laura Martin, Lawrence'" place "Taylor's ArcTade." OUR BEST WISHES Flannigan, JUr. and Mrs. Homer At the township committee meet- for .,..•• Martin, Homer Martin, Jr.,. nrni ing lust Wednesday night a delega- James Martin of SummorlieM; Hur- tion of colored folks asked that THEATRE ry Jobes of Red Bank, Hiss Ella Co- Richardson avenue be made a public vert, George and Charles Covert street and be1 provided with elec- A Merry Christmas and Jesse Parker of Allenwood; Mr. tricity,gas and water. Another del- RedJBank, N. J. and Mrs. George Herbert, Mr. and egation of colored folks asked for Mrs. Leroy Sofield, Norman, Alfred electricity, gas and water in the Wednesday, December 19th and Clifford Solield, Mr. mid Mrs. Maxwell district. A-etJon on all the William Drew and ' Jliss Hulen requests was deferred;,. Miller of Avon; David, Veronica and TODAY !—WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19th—TODAY! Bernardette Emmons, -Marie Hiimm, Basketball games at Crescent hall Francis O'Brien, . James Curley, last Wednesday night resulted in a MAR1AM COOPER "A Pauper Millionaire" Jesse Powers, Cyril Lawes, .Eobevt victory for the Daredevils of this place over the Olympics of Liong in with an all star cast Sagurton, Edward Nestler, Fliza- GASTON GLASS "Daughters of fcM%JBB5B beth Porter, Mr. and Mrs. William Branch and in defeats for the other A Light Comedy Drama Porter and 'George Obre of Shrews- wo Eatontown teams by two Camp Comedy—Spat Family in "Roughing It" Scenic bury; and Kathryn McCue, Isabelle /ail aggregations. Tonight there and Ruth Colemnn, Ruth, Ethel and ill be games here against Long Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 20, 21. 22 Elsie Dryer, Jennie Cornell, Marie branch teams. ^__ REAL, VAUDEVILLE ' _" " Scott, Flossie and Walter England, Mrs. Chester McWilliams of Ro- Thursday, December 20th Constance and Dorothy Reed, Jane ienhayn, New Jersey, spent part of By Popular Request ^ Soltcs, Jennie and Gladys Spring- ast week with Mrs. Earl Joline. ' World's Famous Clown. 5 Years at steen, Mrs. Harry Coleman, Misses Constable James Rowland spent May and Evangelinc Martin, Mr. art of last week at Boston, where DIERS New York Hippodrome. ELINOR GLYN'S and Mrs. George Martin and Doro- e arrested a man who was wanted Romance of Two Continents thy, Clark and Franklin Martin qf >y the authorities. OTHER BIG ACTS, AND— Tinton Falls. Garrett Chasey and his family Colleen Moore, Alice Lake, Tully Marshall, Johnnie Walker, EATONTOWN NEWS. White Star Taxi Service Kate Price, Creighton Hale, "6 DAYS" Mrs. B. D, Wolcott Suffers Broken Telephones IN THE GREAT STAGE SUCCESS — Hip in a Fall. 747 ana 506 An opportunity is afforded all those who did not Bee this charm- ing romance when it played here before. Hope weather condi- Mrs. B. D. Wplcott tripped'and tions will be better this time. fell last week and her.hip was brok- en. She is 82 years old. Hearts of Broadway" KINOGRAMS Comedy—"THEIR LOVE GROWS COLD" The Presbyterian Sunday-school NOTE:—Saturday's matinee .will be known as Register Day, because* of the Christmas party for the Register newsboys. All will celebrate Christmas tomorrow children can take advantage of this matinee at reduced prices'. Tickets will be given to the school children and a ticket ami Friday, December 21st | night. IS cents will admit a child to the performance. Special program for the kiddies. ' A taxicab owned by Fred Reevey and a. truck owned by the Gulf re- fining company collided Sunday on Tuesday, Wednesday, December 24, 25, 26 the corner of- Main and Lewis MONTE BLUE streets. No one was hurt, but the Three Full Shows on Xmas Day, 2:30, 6:30 and 8:35. taxicab was damaged. John William Elgrim has re- GRAND HOLIDAY BILL — opened his barber shop a£te. having and MARY ALDEN been laid up part of last week with —IN— a heavy cold. Mrs. Collins of Lewis street is on YOU'LL FIND US IN ' the sick list. THE PHONE BOOK GALLERINI SISTERS William Aumack, son of Edward When you want a taxi or auto for . Vaudeville's Greatest Lady Musicians. Aumack, was bitten in the face last any purpose, just ring up 747 and "The TenlsJ Attah" week by his dog "Shep." The your car will Be there for you in n wound was cauterized. short time. " We aim to give not From the Novel by Charles A. Logue ; Wesley Watkins has had his house only fast but good service at rea- KENNEDY & DAVIS CHAS. HOWARD & CO. LEWIS & BROWN Thrilling in action, magnificent settings and a romance that keeps wired for electricity. you breathless with expectancy. sonable rates. Engage i;s for that CLEVER Comedy Sensation NIFTY NIMBLE The Christmas entertainment of Christmas trip or visit. Snub Pollard In "THE GREEN CAT" FABLES the Baptist Sunday-school will be COMEDIENNE "AT THE DRUG STORE" STEPPERS held Sunday night. Under New Management Ira Wolcott has had an addition CHARLES BOTTAGARO, Prop. Saturday, December 22d built to his garage. Formerly Brasch Bros. AND THE WORLD'S SENSATION SATURDAY SPECIAL , Raymond Brown is employed by the Gulf refining company. Cars for All Occasions A Christmas entertainment wi OPEN DAY AND NIGHT EVA NOVAK and be given at the schoolhouse Frida Office: Red Bank, N. J., Opp. Depot CULLEN LANDIS Dont Let Your Battery "Dtrtlar Devils" Freeze! A swift moving melodrama thrilling in action—exciting with Your Battery Cant Freeze If It Is Fully Charged romimci;—Westvm sittings ot the great oil fields. Fisher's Cartoon—"OUT OF THE INK WELL"! 12th Round of Fighting Bipod Stories > BUT . . WHICH ONK DOES HE MARKY? A discharged battery will freeze at ordinary winter temperatures and once frozen is usually SPECIAL HOLIDAY BILL worthless. Monday, December 24th A battery is more apt to become discharged A Romance of THE CHEAT MYSTERY DRAMA in winter became it receives less current than in Paris and the summer and has to give out twice as much. She Masqoeradet ' African veldt If you intend to drive this winter let us tell Where men and women of you how to insure satisfactoiy operation of your every race—dar. devils As a Man «ll, fearless, ad battery and electrical system. —gather to staks tholr for Love! Kit dollar, their lives for If you plan to lay up your car we will store tll» untold riches of th« your battery under proper conditions or tell you Rich, heiiutiful, n lady ofnohle diamond mines- bin) Leavenworth Case how to care for it yourself! TO GAMBLE I by Aii!iii Knihrnni' (iinn -with Tiivp up Tirr nnmc; sTie cut TO DRINK! Now is the time to prevent battery trouble lir-r Imir and put cm hoots. TO FLIRTI MARTHA MANSFIELD, SEEN A OWEN TO LIVE! and WILFRED LYTELL and expense next spring. Our storage charges Slin qiiil the Imhionable Pari man Among A photnplny t'hnt v.'H 1;»TJI you i.n nlgr thvnujrh tIto entire are reasonable. the roughest mm of South perfortimiu'*?. Afri Our advice costs you nothing. Come in. Wai this a womaW or KINOGRAMS Cmc-dy--"FELIX IN HOLLYWOOD" To save I In- nnf s!iu lo»od A man the de.poiUr held? T1IKN Foil 1IDM1. AXI) 1 II,h TIM'. NTOCKIMJS man hell bent for clritructlon by wny i.f nnuthrr woman's 8 HOUR SERVICE falsity, anil I'onjola—drink. Tuesday and Wednesday on battery charging. This wonderful outfit re- December 25th and 26th charges run-down batteries perfectly in 6 to 8 man you hours. It saves you time, and at least 5()c on kits mo," icnlal batteries. Batteries left before 10 A. M. The Silent Command arc ready, fully charged, by (5 1'. M. the same day. - WITH Edmund Lowe, Alma Tell, Betty Jewel, Martha Mansfield, Bela WELJiS Lugusi, Florence Martin Highly mdurioil liy Throdarr Kwnomll, Jr. and C.«n. John SERVICE STATION J, Pvrihlnf. , A PICTURE YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS " > Red Bunk's Leading Service Station KviTV HKW»nii|ttir frnhi rnn«t (o innul linn iirnlxcil HIM pi. tun- I,, ihe nkloi with erUhuti>iit> itut.n«-mi>iit. (fnli.>i| .sintri N,,\y Al»ntit> nncl tVllu' HKII HIM IMMI to imikr Ihh |ir'iclin-ll LLOYD In "I DO" Red Bank, N. J. For thf Rtit of the Holiday BUI You Have; Thurtday, 27th—Tom Mix in "Soft Boiled," Auiomlivc Electrician Crank Case Service Friday, 28U»—"Ths Mtn From BrodneyV by GtOrf* Burr McCutcheon. S»turd^-"B»nki of tht Wb vStrviceCaf ^ Phone 1023 DONT MISS THIS GREAT CHRISTMAS TREAT! • ««#• •««## »«*«««•• t *•«««»•*•****«*••*« ft ••Mt«t