RED BANK REGISTER Ittueii Weekly. Enttr«d u S«cond-CU»* M*tt*r *t the Poit- VOLUME XLVI, NO. 24. otnce at Red Dank, N. J., under tb« Act of Miircli 3d, 167'J. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY^DECEMBER 19, 1923. $1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES 1 TO FOR STARVING CHILDREN. AN ISLAND IN THE RIVER. BLIND BUT HE STILL WORKS. SAYS SHE WAS SWINDLED. GIFT PARTY FOR BRIDE CONCERT CLEARS OVER $200. GOT YOUR LICENSE YET? WILL BURY CAR TRACKS, Stephen Schultz Buys a Loom and Fin* Performance at the High Starts a Rug Buiiness. School Auditorium Last Week. NEW ERA SOCIETY CLEARED DEEPENING OF CHANNEL MRS. EMMA MeCLEES BOUGHT SHOWER LAST WEEK FOR MRS. IF YOU HAVEN'T YOU'D BET- ANOTHER BROKEN LINK tH':] Stephen Schultz of Linden place The Woman's club of Red Bank $1,000 BY BIG PARTY. WOULD PROVIDE ONE. WORTHLESS STOCK. THEODORE MOSS. TER MOVE PRONTO. NEW TROLLEY PROJECT. ^ has gone blind, ilia eyesight be- Z. i presented a fine costume recital to The Monty Will be Sent to Germany Plain is to Form Island by Dumping came bad several months ago and it Sixty Friends Surprised Her I the music lovers of tho town and j There's Going to bo a Lot of Dis Middletown Township CommltUal for Suffering Children There— Dredged Material in River Near has gradually got 'worse until now j Her Out of $24,000—Two New ] al Her Home Tuesday Night of ! vicinity last Thursday right at the j appointed Autoitti If Car Owners Will Cover Tracks on Main Stf««| Mayor Miller Commend! Work of Railroad Bridge—Plan DUcutfed lie is totally unable to see. He hati i Yorker* ArrestedS as Result of I Last Week—Party Arranged by ' high school auditorium. The con-' Dont Apply in Greater Numbers at Belford With Cindnta—Te I«s*V& the New Era Society. • t Meeting Friday Night. bought a loom for making raK rugs • Clever Detective Work. j Miss Martina Healy. ceft was given by Miss Klcanor Than They Have Been Doing. prove Jitney Bus Route, . --^ and weaving carpets- and he has j The New Era society of Red A meeting to discuss the deepen- Mr.s. Emmu J. McClees of River-1 A surprise miscellaneous shower 1 Shaw and Fred Sheffield Child of started a rug and carpet business in | ] Autoista who have not got licenses Herman C. Sehlichtinir and Wf"| Bank will send $1,000 to Germany ing of the channel in the North bide drive in Middletown township, j was given on Tuesday night of last the Aeolian company. Two grand yet had belter got busy in the m-xtlawyer, Henry D. Brinlcy, were ' a building btu-k of his house. Miss : before Christmas for the benefit of Shrewsbury river was held in .J,)ie near llud Bank, was swindled out of I week" for Mrs. Thco'dore Moss o£ pianos wore used,,.one of them be- fcw days or thc.y v,(,r,tl.i(ll, „„ K(,w- fon, th'e Midflletown township COW*,*! Mary Springer, who is ronnevted j : •tawing t'hildrcn of that country. office of the Sigmund Eisner com- with the state commission for the i$24,000 ,and Charles Harmon qf i East Front street, who before her ing aplayer piano. The auditorium , years day, mittcc last Thursday nigbt »t tsMJ} ;i Ocean Grove was swindled out of. | marriage Miss 1'aulinc Lang, was filled and thc applause was fre- The society sent $400 to that coun- pany Friday night, The meeting blind, has been (jiving Mr. Schults j This is the word that comes from request of the. committee. Ml*^;^ $11,000, according to charges which ! Mrs. Moss i invited out to a din- quent and hearty. try last week and the balance will was attended by a committee repre- lessons in thin work and her pupil is ' ™, . ,.,,,. ; Ed. vonKattengell'a on the corner Schlichting is the- owner of tH© ol»--; *c sent this week. senting those who are in favor of have resulted in the arrest of two j I in her absence the Th now very adept. Miss Springer The recital was divided into four jo f Monmouth sui.ct ,,„,, M ,„ „„.. Re(1 BllTlk and Keyport trolley lln«.^ the improvement and another com- 1 York men and which will prob- I guests arrived and decorated the parts This rp/mcy, was cleared by a sup- states that she has never taught any rts, representing four periods of nu wh ^^ an ^^ }-_: ;(ml t))cc ,)mmiltee hadhi m ,t fa ,; mittee representing property owners fer and dance Tuesday night of last »bly result in other arrests. There i house in pink and white. Upon re- American dress. !„ each part the c(.nsM .^ ; , o||(. f]oKQr lhan m,,(,tinr with r<,intion to improvta* 5 along the river who are opposed to one who scemiM anxious to is a possibility that tho victims will turning homo Mrs. Moss was. greeted performers wore the clothes which', week in the Kridcl building. There learn and never hud a pupil win were present about 360 persons, of the project. The committee in fa- gel their-money back, or a least get '. by her friends. She was the recipi- were in fashion at that period. Cos-.| owners show a rhange of attitudn Schlichting's trackn run through th# vor of. thi! project is composed of learned more quickly or efficiently. some of their money back. The al-1 ent of many gifts including linen, tumes such as these were worn at whom 200 had supper. The supper Mr. Schultz has been one of the there is goinpr to lie a lot of disap-'center of that street and It is ilH« Sigmund Eisner, Charles P. Irwin, leged swindlers are said to be silverware, cut glass and fancy ar- receptions in 1800, ] 850, 1880 and was prepared and served by thirty hardest working men in this section. pointed people. Putting off apply- • possible to improve the street WiWl4 Joseph Salz nml J. B. Pharo of Red wealthy. ticles. Music and singing were, en- the present time. The changes of women and it wus so fine that the At one time he was a farmer nt ing for a licen:^ is sure to result in i out making some change to th4 wamen were showered with compli- Bank, and Mayor C. E. F. Hctrjck It'was principally through clever joyed and a collation, was served. costume at the recital were quickly! a jam and peopln will have to stand I tracks. • ' . of Asbury Park. The property OWM- Phalanx. Later he moved to Red made and there were no long waits; If.ents on their culinary skill. ! detective work by J. B. Rue of RedA large cake was cut and each guest ir. line for hours to get licenses, ' -After a long discussion Mlft ers' committee is composed of J. G. Bank and worked during the day- between the parts. | In connection with the affair a that the two arrests were received a piece. One of the pieces The manner of issuing licenses is i Schlichting said he would not obj€Ct •>. Timolatv-W. Strothevs Jones, Wil- time as janitor of various buildings.. ; ma(jc j»ort program was given and there One arrest took place about contained a ring, and it is said that Classical and popular songs were' very different from previous years.! if the committee jmt cinders on tffp liam B. Kihney, F. C. Earle and J,| Nights he worked at Child's bakery. was apccchmaldng. The speakers a month ago and the other was made the ring was a symbol to the guest sung by Mr. Child, who has a fine i Eacj.. h applicant for a license must, of the tracks. ThiVfiettled the mat* F. Collins. The chief objection on For years he kept up these long ilast Thursdays In both instances who received it 'that she. was to ho.:enor voice, while Miss Shaw and «vcre introduced by Carl Munch, the working hours and frequently he make; out his or her own application ; ter and the committeerhen told, yresidont of the society. One of the pnrt of some of the property ;: the, arrests were the result of Mr. married soon. Miss Laura Barrett of [had no more than four hours of 1 and to avoid delay each applicant' Frank Scott, supervisor of roads, -to the principal addresses waa made by ] owners aloni; thc river is that thc Uue's efforts. Maple avenue found the ring. The sic. Misa Shaw and Mr. Child out of every 24. He has n should bo informed on nil the ques-: get busy immediately with the cin* Mayor Archibald L. Miller. Ho said river frdnts ol their propctics will ' Mrs. McClees lost her $24,000 by shower waa arranged by Miss Mar- had given a concert in Red Bank tions w);ich it is necessary to answer i ders. Mr. Schlichling said that ii large family of children. tina Healy. the war was ovsr and that bygones hi. injured by the clumping of the j investing it in stock in a company a year or two ago and the large at- on these cards. This year's license j the spring he would tnko up th« tendance this year was due should bo byfroncs; that America dredged material along thc shores. The guestfi were Misses Beatrice n-! tracks and re-lay them on top of th« FROM NEWSBOY TO LAWYER. pally to the fine performance then should show its big heartenncBa and One of the plans diseus.sed Friday ^J^tco^i aU Rafferty, Bertha Donahue, Margaret formation, but there is one question ] road, as he expected to have gascn its sympathy for the unfortunate in night viou.ldt »mvide fur the dump- Samuel Sobel Passed the Bar Exam- accounts the Trix company was full Ryan, Laura Barrett, Catherine and overy land.
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