2020-07-09 GAC MS DRAFT Meeting Minutes
GOVERNOR’S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON MOTORCYCLE SAFETY DRAFT Thursday, July 9, 2020, Meeting Minutes Transportation Safety Division Teleconference Meeting Public Access: 503-934-3605 Pin: 637306 Members Present: Chris Henry, Don Hamon, CJ Strauss, Cathy Steele, Graham Munsell (via phone only), Ethan Lodwig (via phone only), Debbie Weber Members Absent: Peter Russell Staff: Jeff Greiner, Troy Costales, Traci Pearl, Alycen Ozawa Liaisons/Guests: Cassie Bay (ODOT Driver and Motor Vehicles), Sgt. Jason Lindland (Oregon State Police), Sgt. Bret Barnum (Portland Police Bureau), Aria Minu-Sepehr (Team Oregon) I. Welcome and Introductions Chair Chris Henry called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Chair Henry introduced Troy Costales. Mr. Costales announced meeting instructions for members, liaisons, and guests. Roll call of introductions. II. Approval of Minutes for Previous Meetings (February and April) Chair Henry called for a review of the February 6, 2020 meeting minutes. MOTION: Mr. Munsell moved to approve the GAC-MS meeting minutes of February 6, 2020 as presented. Ms. Weber seconded. Call for vote; unanimous. Motion passed. Chair Henry called for a review of the April 16, 2020 meeting minutes. Mr. Hamon moved to approve the GAC-MS meeting minutes of April 16, 2020 as presented. Ms. Weber seconded. Call for vote; unanimous. Motion passed. III. Chair and Committee Member Reports Chair Report Chair Henry attended the OTSC meeting on July 8, 2020. The Team Oregon tuition increase recommendations by the GAC-MS and Transportation Safety Division (TSD) were presented to the members. The OTSC had unanimous approval of the Team Oregon tuition increase. There were questions as to why there were dissenting votes and an explanation was given that they do not write opposition reports.
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