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Cambrideg University Press 978-1-107-00242-5 - War, Strategy, and Military Effectiveness Williamson Murray Index More information Index Abraham, Plains of, 109, 177 Ardennes Forest, 149, 151, 250–252 Adolphus, Gustavus, 87–89, 104 Armies, U.S. air power Third Army, 77 nuclear weapons and, 266 Arnold, General Henry, 241, 263 theories of, 58, 232–235, 252–254, 262, Athens, 24–25, 53–56, 132 266 Atlantic, Battle of the, 127, 131, 229, Aix-la-Chapelle, 176 301–302, 304 Albania, 124 atomic bomb, 311, 317 Alexander the Great, 33 Auschwitz, 311 Alma, Battle of, 184 Austerlitz, Battle of, 14n2, 46 Al-Radi, Nuha, 276–277 Australia, 130 Al Qaeda, 17n15, 36 Austrian Empire, 116, 133, 185, 187–188 Alsace Lorraine, 202 Austrian Succession, War of, 108, 134, 175 Angell, Norman, 26 Austro-Hungarian Empire, 183, 193, Afghanistan, 7, 13 212–213 Airborne Warning and Control System Austro-Prussian War. See Seven Weeks’ (AWACS), 268 War American Civil War French Revolution and Industrial Balkans, 20n23 Revolution, fusion of, and, battle space dominance, 4, 30, 68–69 169–170, 182, 193 BARBAROSSA, Operation planning and, 113–115, 135, 146 Hitler and, 123, 205–206 principles of war and, 73–74 logistics and, 150, 221, 315 American Independence, War of, 110, 134, Luftwaffe and, 226 177 Moscow, advance on, 222, 315 Amherst, General Jeffrey, 109 planning and, 90, 210–211 Anglo-German Naval Treaty of 1935, red teaming and, 150, 160 286n13 Roosevelt and, 129 Annapolis. See United States Naval war crimes and, 313, 315 Academy Wehrmacht and, 150, 160 An Nasariyah, 92n32
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