INAZAWA NURSERIES OF JAPA. GrowefS of the Rare Japal TREHANE CAMELLIAS Large selection of interesting and rare Camellias. Wholesale, For 1990, we are pleased to offer the foU Retail, including mail order to most European countries ... Send • DAHLOHNEGA • SEI for our new catalogue which includes several new introductions. The Great Appearancel Pure v Dr. Homeyer's new yellow trumPE We are OPEN on weekdays throughout the year except between Japonica. Canary yellow, habit. , Medium, formal double. never i Christmas and New Year. Also weekends March to May. Bushy, Hardy. Rare and beautiful. J.'ftehane and Sons. The Camellia Nursery. Stapehlll Road. Hampreston. Wimborne. Dorset. England. BH21 mE Send Postage (U.P.U.) for new catalog. INAZAWA NURSERIES Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 7 Inazawa City, Alchi Prefecture Japan

Tel: (0587) 36-1101 • Fax: (0587) 36-1102 • T1x: 4513-3

NUCCIO'S NURSERIES INC. Growers of Rare Camellias and Azaleas * * * * * 3555 Chaney 1i'ail Ph. (213) 794..3833 P.O. Box 6160, Altadena, Ca. 91001, U.S.A. * * * * * Closed Wednesday & Thursday all year During the period from· June I-through December. we are closed on Sundays * * * * * Write for our FREE catalogue with new introductions for 1989~1990

Front Cover: Mrs. D. vv. Davis, 1CS Offical Flower Back Cover: Scenes from Maizuru, Japan, Upcoming 1990 Congress, Photo by Dr. Wm. L. Ackerman 1

International Camellia Journal No. 21 October 1989

An Official Publication ofthe International Camellia Society Directors and Officers - 1989-90

PRESIDENT Mr. Thomas H. Perkins, III, p.o. Box 750, Brookhaven, MS. 39601 VICE PRESIDENTS Mr. Eric Craig, 4 Lowther Park Avenue, Warrawee, NSW 2074, Australia Miss Cecily Perring, 47 Havelock Rd., Hastings, E. Sussex, TN34 IBQ Mr. William Stewart, 912 Roeder Way, Sacramento, CA. 95822 DIRECTORS Africa Mr. Leslie Riggall, Fern Valley, Igwababa Road, Kloof, 3600 Natal, S.A. Asia Mr. Yutaka Arai, 137-56 Yamaguchi, Thkorozawa-Shi, Saitama 359, Japan . Dr. Shumpei Vemoto, T560, 2-4-32, Veno-Higashi, Thyonako City, Osaka, Japan Australia· Dr. T. E. Pierson, p.o. Box 177, Hurstville, NSW2220 Dr. John Pedler, 8 Carter Street, Prospect, South Australia Australia 5082 Miss N. J. Swanson, 43 Wellington Road, East Lindfield, NSW 2070 France M. Jean Laborey, Ingenieur Horticole, 361 Rue Lecourbe, 75015 Paris M. Claude Thoby, Le Vieux Chemin, B.P.3 Route De Paris, 44470 Carquefou, France Gennany/Austria Dr. Klaus Hacklander, Zahnarzt. D/5500 'frier, Simeonstrasse, 5 Germany 2

Italy Dott. Ing. Antonio Sevesi, Piazzale Luigi Cadorna 6, 20123 Milan, Italy New Zealand Mr. Richard H. Clere, 8 Chesham Avenue, Thupo, N.Z. Portugal Sr. Jose Gil De Ferreira, Casa Do Casal, Refojos, 9780 Santo Tirso Spain DonJuan Armada Diez De Rivera, Paseo De La Castellana, 213-28046, Madrid United Kingdom Mrs. D. M. Freeman, The Lea Rig, Pelynt Looe, Cornwall PL 132LU Mr. H. John Thoby, Acorns, Chapel Lane, Bransford, Worcester, WR65JG Mrs. Joyce Wyndham, Ca'mellia Cottage,. Guestling, East Sussex, TW354ET U.S.A. Mr. Lewis Fetterman, P.O. Box 30.6, Clinton, N.C. 28328 Mr. Boyd McRee, 41 Winged Foot Drive, Conroe, TX. 77304 Mrs. H. S. (VI) Stone, 3060 Oleander St., Baton Rouge, LA. 70806 Other Regions Mr. G. Kranen-Koudekerkseweg 1694335 SN Middleburg, Netherlands Mrs. Mayda Reynolds, Westward, LA Marquanderie, St. Brelade, Jersey, Channel Islands '

INTERNATIONAL CAMELLIA REGISTRAR Mr. T. J. Savige, Hawksview, Wirlinga, NSW 2640, Australia SECRETARY Mr. Arthur Landry, 10522 Ferncliff Ave., Baton Rouge, LA. 70815 TREASURER Mr. Gregory E. Davis, 7815 Burgoyne, Houston, TX. 77063 AUDIWR Mr. John Movich, 3929 Williams Ave., Laverne, CA. 91750 MEMBERSHIP REGISTRAR Mr. Walter Krzymowski, 159 Pinewood Dr., Slidell, LA. 70458 EDIWR Mrs. Jean Comber, 105 Shasta Rd., Pensacola, FL. 32507 3 Contents Page A Message From The President Thomas H. Perkins, III 5 Note From The Editor Mrs. Jean Comber 6 Obituaries 7 I.C.S. Congress Japan CMaizurulKyoto) April 1990 9 1990 I.C.S. Congress Pre- and Post-Congress 'Iburs 10 Registration Form 11 'Ibur Itinerary 12 Proposed Daily Schedule for I.C.S. Congress 14 Notes From Eric Craig 15 Question and Answer 16 Minutes·First Meeting of Directors and Incorporator of I.C.S. 17 Annabelle Lundy Fetterman Educational Museum 19 New Zealand Camellia Society J.A. Hansen 20 Notes From Richard Clere, New Zealand 21 New Zealand 1990 Ray Lauridsen 21 .Channel Islands @o Western European Region Mrs. Mayda Reynolds 22 News From Germany and Austria Dr. Klaus Hacklander 23 News From Brittany Jean Michel Madec 24 Societe Bretonne Du Camellia 26 The Naples Conference/The Business of the Society Thomas H. Perkins, III 28 Magic Hours of Camellias in Galicia Santiago Sanchez 30 Novel New Format for Camellia Shows· Eric Craig 32 A Frenchman's Answer to American Friends Jean Laborey 33 Report on Royal Horticultural Shows: 1989 Joyce Wyndham 34 First Regional Camellia Society for France Eric Craig 35 Camellias in New Zealand Neville Haydon 36 Camellias ofJapan Leslie Riggall 38 Italian Camellia Scene Antonio Sevesi 42 The International Camellia Register Thomas J. Savige 44 A Visit to Southern Ireland John 'Iboby 48 Camellias in South Australia John Pedler 51 Annual Thtorium Art Landry 53 Blue, Green and Yellow Camellias Colleen @o Geoff Sherrington 57 Wabisukes and Their Roots Yoshiaki Andoh of Kobe 60 Chain Saw Pruning 1revor Lennard 62 Tha T. J. Savige 64 Tha-1rees in Yunnan, China 65 The Hybrids of Camellia Chrysantha Clifford R. Parks 76 Camellia Growth Cycles W. Y. Bennett 79 History @o Progress on Cold Hardiness with Camellias in N.E., U.S. Dr. William L. Ackerman 81 The Scourge of the Camellia World Bill Donnan 84 The Yellow Hour Glass Meyer Piet 87 1989 Camellia Registrations 'Ibm Savige 89 Income and Expenditure Account 90 Balance Sheet 91 Year Ended 31st December, 1988 92 U.S. Financial Report 93 Report of the Membership Registrar 93 I.C.S. Members' Subscription Rates and Membership Representatives 95 1989 tC.S. Membership 96 New Members of the I.C.S. 1989 97 4

Visit tOJersey Island by Thomas Perkins and party In April of1989. The ICS group Is pictured outside ofLa P1geonerle the home circa 1762 ofJohn and Marian Smith. From the left are PatJacobs, former President VI Lort-PhIIllps, CharlesJacobs, BUI and Betty Ann Perkins, Mayda Reynolds, Thomas and Jean Laborey ofParis, France and Director oncs. TheJacobs and the Perkins are all from Brookhaven, Miss.

Visit toJersey Island by Thomas Perkins and party In April of 1989. Shmvn with Thomas outside "Westward" the estate of Mrs. Mayda Reynolds are Mayda, Thomas and Mrs. Ann Bushell. Mayda Is the Director of theJersey Island area and Ann Is the Membership Represen­ tative of the Area. 5

A Message From The President

Un message du President

Un mensaje del Presidente

Un messaggio del Presidente

Botschaft des Priisidenten

Many thanks to the members who have sent to me their good wishes and offers ofhelp in the move ofthe Society's head­ quarters to America. As you might have read in the Mid-Year Newsletter I visited England and jersey and found almost electric enthusiasm for the Society. I had a chance to speak to them ofthe prospects for the future. I detect a new awakening in the appreciation ofour older camellia varieties in many ofour Regions. This fits in nicely with the up-coming publishing of the Check List of Camellias. I look at the increase in membership in countries such as Germany and South Africa and the formation of new Regional efforts such as the French in the Brittany section ofFrance as evidence ofthis new interest. In a recent conversation with Thm Savige I learned that he has finished the alphabet and is completing the biblio­ will probably need outside help to ac­ graphy and other headings. Thm has had complish our publishing goal. The Long­ extensive cooperation ofmany ofour ex­ wood Foundation which has already con­ perts in all Regions. He will shortly send tributed much to our work has indicated to us his choices of a committee to help that they would probably help when the him in the publishing and distribution viable project is presented to them. Per­ of his remarkable publication. He esti­ haps other 'frusts and Foundations in mates that the effort will be in two Europe andjapan would come along with volumes with a total of2500 pages. Short­ aid in the publishing and distribution. ly we should be able to determine the I am happy that this marvelous work costings ofthe twin volume work so that by Thm Savige will be issued during the we can take prepaid orders and deter­ American Watch. I hope everyone gets mine the size ofthe printing. Booksellers behind our project and that all local, have already made inquiries as to distri­ national societies, research institutions bution of our unique Check List. and individuals will want to possess the As can be determined from our finan­ books. I look forward to greeting those cial statements there are some funds who are able to travel to Maizuru japan available to initiate publication but we in Spring of 1990. 6

Note from The Editor

Noles du Redacteur en Chef

Nola de la redacci6n

Nota editorial<:

Anmerkungen der Redaktion

I have been very apprehensive taking thisjob after the greatjobJo Freeman has done in the past and the editors before her. It has been a big challenge and I hope that I measure up to it in some way. I could not have done this without the cooperation of the camellia friends all over the world. Thanks to all who have contributed to this issue. Special thanks to all. Let's start thinking about the next issue and please start sending me articles as you think of them or see interesting things in the camellia world. My deadlines this time varied-because ofmy inexperience but hopefully I can stick to one for the next issue. The deadline for the 1990 issue will be 15 July 1990. We are asking the authors of the ar­ ticles for the ICS 1990 Journal to please include a small picture to be included with the articles. Thanks for all the help and cooperation. 7






An International Loss


John Paton ofSydney, an accomplished His love of beauty in all the arts, Doctor of Dentistry, was an Australian especially in painting, sculpture, music who gained immense pleasure and and language, remained with him until cultural benefit from his membership of his last moments. the .International Camellia Society. He was frequently moved to express his Sad to say, he died most unexpectedly innermost feelings in poetry. After at­ just before Christmas 1988. tending the Sacramento Congress in 1983, Earlier that year, John and his wife the Australian Group's visit to Van­ Freddie had attended the lCS Congress at courver Island's Butchart islands drew Naples, Italy, where they greatly enjoyed these words from John Paton's pen: their reunion with camellia friends from How this peace-fill'd garden stills around the world. The throbbing of Life's deepest ills. The Patons' second-eldest son, Andrew, What a joy beyond compare. came down to Naples from Rome, where Th wander in the shining air he was teaching English, and had become Of that wondrous garden fair, engaged to a charming young Italian lady, Bathed in perfumed atmosphere. Antonella. Freddie andJohn Paton were amongst After the Naples Congress, John and the most enthusiastic of Australian Freddie, with the Australian Group, had supporters of lCS Congresses. a happy meeting with French lCS They accompanied the very first members at St Jean de Luz, and also met Australian Group Thur of lCS members, Spanish Director Juan Diez de Rivera which attended the January 1975 Armada at Madrid. American Camellia Society congress at The marriage of Andrew and Pensacola, Florida. Antonella drewJohn and Freddie back to After the Florida celebrations, the Italy in September last year, but on the Australians had the great pleasure of way home, John showed signs of being being invited to stay with Georgia unwell. camellia-lovers at Fort Valley, when Yet his death in his early 60s, not long visiting A.C.S. headquarters. after returning home, was a great shock John and Freddie were the guests of to his many friends, at home and The Peterson's, a Fort Valley pharmacist, overseas. who subsequently became Mayor ofFort 8

Dr. John Paton at Madrid, Spain, April 1988, after enjoying tour of the incomparable Prado Gallery with friends - lmmacuJada Alonso and Ana Espana, sister-In-law ofSpanish ICS DlredorJuan Diez de Rivera Armada, with Rowena Craig wife of ICS Vice President Eric Craig.

Valley, I'm told. It was a very, very happy Japanese, so his contribution to the objec­ occasion for the Patons; a gesture of tives ofthe IC5-especially "togetherness" hospitality the whole Australian Group of its members, were quite notable in will never forget. practical terms. Subsequently, the Patons attended other But all who had the good fortune to rcs Congresses at Nantes, France, in 1977 meet him realised that it needed no in­ Spain GJersey in 1981; Sacramento, USA, terpretation of language to know that in 1983; Sydney, Australia, in 1986; John Paton was everyone's concept of a Naples, Italy, in 1988. gentleman ... and a great I.C.S. John spoke French, Italian and some Ambassador. Eric Craig 9

ICS Congress Japan (MaizurulKyoto) April 3, 1990 - April 7, 1990

Congres lCS Japon (Maizuru/Kyolo) du 3 jusqu'au 7 avril 1990

Congreso - lCS Jap6n (Maizuru/Kyolo) 7 abril, 1990

Congresso lCS Giappone (Maizuru/Kyolo) dal 3 al 7 aprile, 1990

lCS Kongress in Japan (Maizuru/Kyolo), 3 April 1990 - 7 April 1990

GENERAL INFORMATION. Guilders, Italian Lira, Australian $ and The Secretariat: Austrian Shillings. Mr. Kunihiko Suzuki REGISTRATION FEES Department of Leisure Seibu Department Stores, Ltd. Y80,000 per participant (around $600) Sunshine City Bldg. Including: Accommodation 5 Ikebukuro, Thshima-ku nights and 5 breakfasts. JAPAN Congress sessions, with coffee/tea Phone: 03(989)-0111 breaks. Facsimile: 03(980)7885 'll'ansfer from Maizuru to Kyoto. Lunches Friday and Saturday Fullday tour to EXPO '90 in Osaka. Climate and Clothing Fullday Kyoto City tour. During the beginning part of April, Welcome Cocktail Reception, Kyoto/Maizuru weather is normally Thesday. pleasant, with temperatures ranging be­ Saturday night Farewell Banquet. tween 15 C(77 F). Light clothing plus a TRAVEL AGENCY jacket for certain evenings should suffice. Usually there is little rain. When at VIVRE INTERNATIONAL, INC. higher altitude, as in Nikko or Hakone, Foreign Thurist Department or on visits to northern Japan, lower 8-9 Sakuragaoke-machi temperatures will make warmer clothing Shibuya-ku, Thkyo 150 welcome. Formal evening attire need not JAPAN be worn at ICS functions. Phone: 03(770)2909 Thlex: j24840 VIVRTYO Currency Exchange and Payments Facsimile: 03(770)1740 All payment relative to ICSjAPAN and its events, such as registration, Pre/Post BRIEF INFORMATION ABOUT HOST CITIES. Thurs, must be remitted in japanese Yen only. MAIZURU: Maizuru is located at nor­ At present, you can exchange for Yen thern part ofKyoto Prefecture, facing the at any authorized exchange bank or japan Sea. The city is known as a trade major hotel in japan US$, Belgian Fr., port with Russia. This area used to be call­ Canadian $, Hong Kong $ (travellers ed Thnabe. In 1580, Fujitaka Hosokawa cheques only), UK £, French Fr., W. Ger­ built Thnabe Castle which was called many DM,. Swiss Fr., Danish Krone, Nor­ Maizuru Castle -literally means Dancing wegian Krone, Swedish Krone, Dutch Continued on Page 13 10


Pre- and Post-Congress Tours (Thntative Plan)

Pre-congress Thur Plan [stay]

I30th March (Fri) Arrival at NARITA [WKYO]

] 31st March (Sat) WKYO -> MIYAZAKI (Children's Land, Cactus Park) -> BEPPU [BEPPU]

I 1st April (SUD) BEPPU -> ASO (National Volcanic Park) -> KUMAMOW KUMAMOW Castle, Suizenji Park) [KUMAMOW]


1 3rd April ('fue) I FUKUOKA -> OSAKA -> MAIZURU [MAIZURU]

Post-congress Thur Plan

18th April (SUD) KYOW (Free) [KYOW]

19th April (MOD) KYOW (sight-seeing) [KYOTO]

I10th April ('fue) KYOW -> ODAWARA -> NINOMIYA (Camellia garden) -> KAMAKURA -> TOKYO [WKYO]

I11th April (Wed) I WKYO (Free) 11


* Please print or type.

Participant Name:

(Family Name) Mr.lMrs.lMiss (First Name)



Thlex (if available)

Facsimile (if available)


1. Registration Fee Y80,OOO x ( Y

2. Single Supplement Y20,OOO x ( Y

3. Pre-lbur Y145,OOO x ( Y

4. Single Supplement Y17,OOO x ( Y

5. PostThur Y158,OOO x ( Y

6. Single Supplement Y17,OOO x ( Y

lbtal amount of remittance y

Payment by ) Bank transfer to the account: ICC in MAIZURU. Account No. 1382444 Ikebukuro Branch (192). Bank THE DAI-ICHI KANGYO BANK, LTD. JAPAN

( ) Bank Check payable to "ICC in MAIZURU" 12




MAR. 29 KYOTO Individual check in your hotel. (THU) Accommodation at Kyoto Royal Hotel MAR. 30 KYOTO Breakfast at the hotel. (FRI) MOTOR COACH 08:00 'fransfer to Kyoto Station. LV KYOTO BULLET TRAIN 08:43 Leave Kyoto by bullet train. AR HIROSHIMA 10:45 Change train to local line to AR HIYAjIMA LOCAL TRAIN 11:31 get Hiyajima. Upon arrival, start sightseeing in Hiyajima. LV HIYAJIHA 16:47 Leave Hiyajima for Hiroshima. AR HIROSHIMA 17:14 Upon arrival, MOTOR COACH 'fransfer to your hotel. Accommodation at Hiroshima Grand Hotel. MAR. 31 HIROSHIMA Breakfast a(the hotel. (SAT) MOTOR COACH AM Halfday Hiroshima City 'Ibur. LV HIROSHIMA FERRY BOAT 15:00 Cruise Inland Sea to Hatsuyama. AR HATSUYAMA 16:00 Upon Arrival, the hotel. MOTOR COACH 'fransfer to your hotel. Hot springs tour to Dogo Onsen Spa is available in the evening. Accommodation at Haysuyama ANA Hotel. APR. 01 LV HATSUYAMA Breakfast at the hotel. (SUN) MOTOR COACH City tour of Haysuyama NIIHAMA Proceed to Hiihama. Visit TAKAMATSU Hirose Park and Busshin Thn­ pie. Drive to Thkamatsu, arriv­ ing in the evening. 'fransfer to your hotel. Accommodation at Thkamatsu Keio Plaza Hotel. APR. 02 TAKAMATSU Breakfast at the hotel. (MON) MOTOR COACH AM Halfday sightseeing, visit Ritsurin Park. LV TAKAMATSU PM Leave Thkamatsu by coach, through Seto Ohashi; the bridge over Inland Sea, for AROKAYAMA Okayama. 'fransfer to your hotel. Accommodation at Hotel New Okayama. APR. 03 OKAYAMA Breakfast at the hotel. (TUE) MOTOR COACH AM Visit Korakuen Garden. LV OKAYAMA BULLET TRAIN 13:30 Leave Okayama by bullet train. AR KYOTO 14:53 Change train at Kyoto. LV KYOTO TRAIN 15:30 Leave for Haizuru by local train. AR MAIZURU 17:37 Upon arrival, MOTOR COACH 'fransfer to your hotel. Continue ICS program 13 ICS Congress Japan just a one hour trip across the inland Sea Continued from Page 9. to Uno on Honshu by JR ferry, but now Crane - because its feature was so the Seto Ohashi Bridge allows for ]R's new graceful. When the city was formed by direct train services between Thkamatsu merging several towns in 1943, they and Okayama, as well as coach traffic. chose "Maizuru" as a name of city. The city is the home of Ritsurin-Koen Garden, renowned as one ofjapan's most KYOTO: Kyoto isJapan's fifth largest city beautiful gardens, Thkamatsu today is the with a population of somewhat more capital and cultural center of Kagawa than 1.5 million, and it holds a very Prefecture. special place in the hearts and minds of theJapanese people. The capital for more OKAYAMA: Okayama, a metropolis of than a thousand years (794-1868), Kyoto 570,000 is a principal city ofthe Chugoku has been the stage for much ofthe coun­ region, and the capital ofOkayama Prefec­ try's history. Modern Kyoto retains many ture. The city is known for its Bizen-yaki ofthe structures and much ofthe charm stoneware, cotton textiles, matting and of that area, and is today the home of peaches, and best-known as the location more than 200 Shinto shrine, 1,500 lof one of the three most celebrated Buddhist temples, and many other gardens in Japan, Korakuen. buildings of historical significance such KORAKUEN GARDEN: It was laid out at as Nijojo Castle. Kiyomizudera Thmple, the order of1Sunamasa Ikeda, the feudal Sanjusangendo Hall, Ryoanji Thmple and lord of the area, and was completed in the old Imperial Palace. 1700. It features several fields, ponds, waterfalls and tea pavilions, including one ABOUT CITIES ON ICS PRE.:fOUR that even has a stream flowing through it. The garden is famous for its vitas: its HIROSHIMA: Hiroshima was destroyed wide open spaces are a special treat in by the world's first atomic bomb on Japan. August 6, 1945, but the city has been completely rebuilt and is now the com­ ABOUT CITIES ON ICS POST-fOUR mercial center ofthe Chugoku Area. At the center ofthe city, the Peace-Memorial KANAZAWA: During the long Edo Park was created and is dedicated to Period (1603-1868), Kanazawa was the world peace. The park has the former Inc home ofJapan's second most powerful dustry Promotion Hall, called "Genbaku feudal family, the Maedas (The most Dome'. powerful was, ofcourse, the Thkugawa). MIYAJIMA: Some 20km (12 miles) west 1b avoid confrontations with the ofHiroshima lies the island ofMiyajima. Thkugawas, the Maedas stressed cultural The island, one ofthe three most scenic activities rather than military affairs. places inJapan. The Itsukushima Shrine Kutani pottery, Kaga Yuzen dyeing and on the island was established in 593. other crafts were developed to high MATSUYAMA: Matsuyama, with a standards here and they still flourish to­ population of428,000 is Shikoku's largest day. Kanazawa is a modern city, but its city. It is the capital ofEhime Prefecture, many historical and cultural sites still and its educational, cultural and commer­ testify to the area's unique historical cial center. Dogo Onsen Spa, located in the background. eastern part ofthe city, is one ofJapan's KENROKUEN GARDEN: Kenrokuen oldest hotsprings. Unlike many spas, this literally means "a refined garden incor­ one has a public bath house of extraor­ porating six different features." The dinary proportions, and has been fre­ Garden was originally built in the 1670's quented by many ofJapan's celebrities. by the fifth lord ofthe Maeda family. This The imperial family visited it in 1989 and Garden is popularly known as one of had a bath house of their very own Japan's three best gardens. From the top carved out of stone. parts of the Garden, visitors can com­ TAKAMATSU: Thkamatsu is Shikoku's mand a good view of the city, and can principal link to the main island of even see the Japan Sea in the distance. Honshu. Before the spring, 1988, it was KAMO: Kamo is located some 40km south 14



TUES REGISTRATION WELCOME APR RECEPTION 3 hosted by the Mayor of Maizuru City

WED 3 SESSIONS 1 SESSION APR STUDY TOUR 4 to Camellia Gardens in Maizuru Farm

THU 3 SESSIONS 1 SESSION APR MOVE TO 5 Kyoto via Obama and Lake Biva

FRI STUDY TOUR APR (EXPO '90 in Osaka) 6

SAT STUDY TOUR FAREWELL PARTY APR to Kyoto Botanical Garden)· Heian Shrine, 7 Kyoto Imperial Garden) etc.

Proposed Congress Period Thesday, 3rd to Saturday, 7th April, 1990

Proposed Congress Site Maizuru Convention Centre of Niigata. It is known as the home of the first ports in Japan to be opened to snow camellia (yuki-tsubaki). In the mid­ foreign trade after the fall of Thkugawa dle of April, the city celebrates Yuki­ Shogunate in 1868. It is now known for tsubaki Festival. As the post-tour is its chemical industry, based on oil and planned to meet the Festival duration, natural gas in the area. Miss Yuki-tsubaki may welcome you. OMIYA: Omiya, situated some 40km NIIGATA: The sprawling city ofNiigata, north ofThkyo, is known as home town the largest port on the Japan Sea coast, of dwarfed trees, Bonsai. Bonsai-mura is very industrialized. In 1964 a major (Bonsai village) is a unique place where submarine earthquake was followed by nursery owners moved after Thkyo's ear­ extensive flooding, as a result of which thquake in 1923 and established the many of Niigata's larger buildings are village. You can appreciate the traditional conspicuously new. Niigata was one of dwarfed-trees there. 15

Notes From Eric Craig, Australia

Notes d'Eric CRAIG, Auslralie

Notas de Eric Craig, Australia

Note d'Eric CRAIG, Australia

Anmerkungen von Eric Craig, Australien

The 1989 camellia-flowering season started about one month earlier than usual along Australia's eastern coast regions. Sasanquas have been in great bloom around Sydney, and yesterday r was able to take a good-sized boxful of gibbed japonicas to a friend in hospital. The month ofMarch registered 185mm of rain (about 7.5 inches) in the north­ western suburbs of Sydney, and yester­ day, April 1, we had a solid 89mm (3.6 inches), so our seasonal peak flowering period ofmid:June to mid-August should produce a wealth of good blooms. Sydney's First Camellia Show of the Season will take place onJune 17 and 18. One week later, on June 24 and 25, the historic home of Professor E G Waterhouse at Gordon, in Sydney, will host an Exhibition of Ikebana with camellias, and a companion exhibit of Eric Craig "Camelliana". This will be along the lines of an exhibit which was much admired at the Kyoto Botanic Garden during the 1980 rcs Congress. The Eryldene hopes to attract where he made time to contact Richard members ofSydney'sJapanese communi­ Clere, New zealand's rcs Director. Oppor­ ty to this twofold presentation. tunity was taken for Mr. Iimure to renew Sydney members of the rcs had the friendships with some of Australia's rcs pleasure of two visits from Japanese members who toured Japan in 1987, as members recently: Gorou rimure, well as to discuss Western Pacific relation­ formerly ICS Membership Representative ships and communications. In March we forJapan, and now Vice President ofthe welcomed Mrs. Kiyomi Shinoda ofThkyo Japan Camellia Society, spent several who was making her first overseas February days in the harbour-city journey. She was accompanied by her following a business visit to New Zealand, daughter, Fumika, who had been an 16 overseas exchange student and was past-president ofthe Australian Camellia making a return visit after graduating Research Society and now one of from University of Thkyo. Australia's rcs Directors, has offered to Australian members have made an en­ speak during the Congress. thusiastic response to information from Australia wishes to challenge all other Japan concerning the 1990 Congress at overseas regions for top participation Maizuru-Kyoto-Osaka. Dr. Thrry Pierson, numbers at Maizuru next year.

Question And Answer

Question et reponse

Pregunta y respuesta

Domande e riposta

Frage und Antwort

Wally Freshwater, a recent transplant to believe that the virus that causes from Ft. Valley, Ga., USA to shoopshire, varigation is in no way dehabilitating to England has suggested the rcs Camellia the plant it infects or obnoxious to those Journal carry a "Question and Answer" who see it. He asks if international column and has submitted the following camellia growers should be deprived of -,- Wally.wrote that after his move to the opportunity of seeing and growing England, he wrote for a Camellia Catalog for themselves the many beautiful to start his camellia collection at his new varieties that have been seen and enjoyed home. He ordered a Ville De Nantes and in the U.S.A. for many years. He also the nursery wrote that since Ville carried questions the U.S.A. show rules that state a virus, they tried to stay away from it. only one flower or bud on a stem. Wally writes that he has grown camellias Do you have any questions or answers? over 40 years and to the best of his Please submit them to the editor. knowledge, he has never had any reason 17

Minutes First Meeting Of Directors And Incorporator Of International Camellia Society, Inc.

Compte rendu des premieres reunions des directeurs et constitution en societe de l'International Camellia Society, Inc. Agenda de las primeras asembleas de directores y oficiales de la Sociedad Internacional de Camelias

Processo verbale delle riunioni di direttori e della costituzione della Societa Internazionale della camellia

Protokoll der ersten Sitzung von Direktoren und Korporation der internationalen Kamiliengesellschaft

The first meeting of the directors and poration. The Secretary was instructed to the incorporator ofInternational Camellia place them in the minute book of the Society, Inc. was held at Baton Rouge, LA, corporation. U.S.A. at 3 p.m. on the 7th dayofJanuary, The Chairman called for nominations 1989. for officers ofthe company. The follow­ A majority ofthe directors and the in­ ing officers were nominated and unani­ corporator were either present in person mously elected to serve in accordance or executed proxies. with the provisions of the bylaws: Thomas E. Perkins, III acted as tem­ porary Chairman and was unanimously President Thomas H. Perkins, III elected permanent Chairman as the first Post Office Box 750 I!-der of business. Arthur Landry acted Brookhaven, MS 39601 as Secretary. Vice-President William Stewart A certified copy of the Articles of In­ 912 Roeder Way corporation was read to the meeting, and Sacramento, CA 95822 thereupon, on motion duly made, the Vice-President Eric D. Craig following resolution· was unanimously 4Lowther Park Avenue adopted: Warrawee NSW 2074 RESOLVED, that the Articles of Australia Incorporation granted to the incor­ porator by the Secretary ofState of Vice-President Miss C. E. Perring Georgia, .dated the 2nd day of Watermill House August, 1988, be, and the same Watermill Lane hereby are adopted as the Articles Pett, E. Sussex of Incorporation of the Interna­ TN354HY tional Camellia Society, Inc. The United Kingdom secretary ofthis meeting is directed Secretary Arthur Landry to place a copy of the Articles of 10522 FerncliffAvenue Incorporation and the certificate of Baton Rouge, LA 70815 the Secretary of State in the front 1reasurer Gregory E. Davis of the minute book of the 7815 Burgoyne corporation. Houston, TX 77063 The Chairman then requested Mr. Gregory E. Davis to read a proposed set Discussion as to salaries to be paid to ofbylaws. Mr. Davis read the bylaws, sec­ officers ofthe corporation followed, and tion by section, and they were unani­ it was decided that no salaries would be mously adopted as the bylaws ofthe cor­ paid. 18

Mr. Davis pointed out that the officers are received. We have not yet received the of the corporation and the law firm ICS monies from England. President Watson, Spence, Lowe and Chambless in Perkins and 'freasurer Davis will continue Albany, Georgia had already taken in their efforts to get the treasury certain steps toward activating the cor­ transferred to the U.S.A. poration and in anticipation ofthe organi­ zation ofthe corporation. These prelimi­ JOURNAL PUBLICATION nary activities of the incorporator, G. A discussion was held on a publisher Stuart Watson, were reviewed in detail, for thejournal. The various bid proposals and it was then unanimously decided made by several publishers were dis­ that the corporation should ratify the cussed in detail. It was decided (motioned actions of the incorporator in the name by Davis, seconded by Stone) to print the of and on behalf of the corporation. 1989 journal with both covers in color The Chairman stated he felt the and to reduce the inside color pages to minutes of the meeting should show one-fourth that of the last two journals. when the corporation would begin doing Additional color pages can be added business, and, after discussion, it was before publication if finances permit. unanimously decided to begin business OTHER ITEMS as a corporation immediately. Other discussions included the Discussion ofa depository was the next possibility of publishing records by order ofbusiness and it was unanimously region for membership revenues and ex­ decided that Thxas Commerce Bank penses based on information furnished would be the depository for the corpora­ to the 'freasurer, G. Davis. It was agreed tion and that the President, Thomas H. that a supply is needed of invitations to Perkins, III, and or the treasurer, Gregory join the ICS. It was decided to proceed E. Davis, would be authorized to sign all with getting some stationery printed for checks and other documents in connec­ use by the officers of the society. tion with the bank account of the cor­ poration. The officers ofthe corporation Members Present: Thomas Perkins, Greg were instructed to execute on behalf of Davis, Vi Stone, jean Comber, EdVf the corporation the standard signature Mazzei, Boyd McRee, Art Landry . card and corporate resolution prepared Represented by Proxy: Leslie Riggail,john by the bank reflecting the action of the Pedler, Miss N.j. Swanson,jean Laborey, Board. The Secretary was instructed to Klause Hacklander, Richard Clere, Mrs. attach a copy of that resolution to the j. Wyndham, Mrs. Mayda Reynolds, minutes of this meeting. William Stewart, Eric Craig, G. Kranen, The President was authorized and Mrs. D. M. Freeman. directed to file the necessary informa­ There being no further business to tional tax returns. It was reported that G. come before the meeting, same was Stuart Watson, as registered agent for the corporation in Georgia, had already filed adjorned. the 1988 annual report with the Secretary of State of Georgia. Submitted: The President was directed to be responsible for all hiring and firing of any employee in the corporation, in­ Arthur Landry, Secretary cluding setting salaries for such employees, subject to approval of the Approved: Board. No employees were contemplated at this time. It was decided to authorize the payment ofbills incurred in connec­ Thomas H. Perkins, III, President tion with incorporation, etc. as revenues 19

Annabelle Lundy Fetterman Educational Museum

Musee educatif Annabelle Lundy FETTERMAN

Museo educacionaJ de Annabelle Lundy Fetterman

Museo educalivo Annabelle Lundy FETTERMAN

Annabelle Lundy Fettermann Bildungsmuseum

It was like a dream come true when the Boehm collection at the ACS Head­ beautiful Annabelle Lundy Fetterman quarters was the largest in the world. The Educational Museum was dedicated priceless porcelain are beautifully during the American Camellia Society displayed. An education program was Convention at headquarters on 8 April presented Saturday afternoon and the 1989. meeting was closed with a banquet in the The Fetterman Family gathered with beautiful new building. Everyone is so ex­ the ACS Members and friends for the cited about the new Annabelle Lundy dedication Saturday morning. The Fetterman Educational Museum. beautiful portrait of Annabelle was uJ1veiled and will adorn the new building. Mrs. Helen Boehm was the Below: dedication speaker and said that the Lew and Annabelle Fetterman 20

New Zealand Camellia Society

]. A. Hansen, New Zealand

Societe du Camellia de Nouvelle Zelande

Sociedad de Camelias - Nueva Zelanda

Societa della Camellia di Nuova Zelanda

Neuseelaender Kamiliengesellschaft \

From time to time overseas friends have time activities such as garden visits, visits expressed an interest in the activities of to other branches or weekend field trips. the New Zealand Camellia Society - how Not all branches hold a show each year; our branches operate; how we organise a few ofthem do hold regular shows of , our programmes, shows, conventions, etc. their own; several hold a show as part of It is important to remember that there a local horticultural show; a number have is only one Society in New Zealand, and displays only, in shopping malls; but although we now have 21 branches, all most branches hold some form ofpublic our members belong to that one Society display every year. and pay subscriptions direct to the Branches are encouraged to become National Body. The overall administration associated with colleges in their districts ofthe Society is under the control ofthe which have horticultural classes and to N.Z. Council, headed by the National take an active part in the school activities President. The Council is made up ofthe by supplying speakers on camellia cul­ officers of the Society, plus a represen­ ture and by planting camellias in school tative from each branch, plus 10 addi­ grounds, In some cases the branches pay tional councillors elected by members at the subscription to the N.Z.C.S. on behalf the Annual General Meeting. The Coun­ ofthe schools and invite the horticultural cil is therefore a large one, but it does teachers and the pupils to attend branch ensure that branches and individual meetings. Most areas also have some form members have a say in the decision of additional camellia plantings in the making and the policy ofthe N.Z. Society. grounds of hospitals, reserves, public Members are encouraged to join in the gardens, and so on. activities oftheir nearest branch, and all Once a year the Society holds a National branches organise their own affairs Show and Convention combined with the under the overall umbrella ofthe N.Z.C.S. Annual General Meeting. This gathering Branches arrange their own programmes is held in a. different centre each year and each branch operates in its own way with the local branch arranging the pro­ under its chairperson and officers. The gramme and hosting the event with the number arid type ofmeetings arranged assistance and gUidance of the National by each branch varies considerably. Some Council. The convention is very popular, branches find that it is necessary to hold with attendances normally in the region all meetings during the'day, and this of 350 to 500 members, and the shows seems to apply particularly where produce entries ofbetween 2000 and 3000 members are spread over a Wide area. blooms, the numbers being. largely Others find that evening meetings are dependant on the weather as the majori­ more popular, combined with several day ty ofblooms in New Zealand are grown 21 outside with little or no protection. many members frequently visit one The New Zealand Society enjoys one another. This is probably one of the big advantage due to the fact that New reasons why the New Zealand Camellia Zealand is a small country. With distances Society has gained such an enviable between centres being comparatively reputation for it's friendliness and good short, it is easier to maintain direct con­ fellowship. tact between branches and, as a result, Notes From Richard Clere, New Zealand

Notes de Richard CLERE, Novelle Ulande

Notas de Richard Clere - Nueva Zelanda

Note da Richard CLERE, Nuova Zelanda

Anmerkungen von Richard Clere, Neuseeland

In]une in New Zealand, camellias are So far it has been fairly mild and damp well into the flowering season. Thupo is and although snow fell on two days, but in the center ofthe North Island ofN.Z. no hard frosts that do so much damage and at a high altitude, consequently out­ to the blooms. door plants suffer some stress in winter. New Zealand 1990 Ray Lauridsen, New Zealand

Nouvelle Ulande 1990

Nueva Zelanda 1990

Nuova Zelanda, 1990

Neuseeland 1990

The National Camellia Show, Conven­ some of our best sheep and dairying tion & Seminar will be held in country as well as a trip to an area very Palmerston North N.Z. 25th - 27th typical of our backcountry areas. August, 1990. A warm welcome is ex­ A post tour ofgardens in New Zealand tended to Camellia Members from is being organised. This two-week tour overseas to join us in our 'Special Show.' will finally arrive in Auckland for a visit 1990 is New Zealand's Sesquicentennial to the "World Orchid Show" before your year. The Camellia Show is one ofthe offi­ departure. cial projects in the year of celebrations. Ifyou are interested would you please Palmerston North, with a population of contact Mrs. Blanche Lauridsen, Aranui 64,000, is centrally located in New Road, Rural Delivery No.5, Palmerston Zealand. Our visits to lovely gardens con­ North, NEW ZEALAND. taining camellias will take us through 22

Channel Islands Republic of Ireland & Western European Region. MRS. MAYDA REYNOLDS, JERSEY ISLANDS

Republique irlandaise d'isles de la Manche et Region Europe Occidentale

Isla Canal de la Republica de Irlanda y la regi6n de Europa occidental

Reppublica irlandese d'isole del Canale della Manica e Regione Europa Occidentale

Kanalinseln, Irische Republik, und Westeuropaeisches Gebiet

Our membership continues to increase Lecture with slides to the members ofthe and we are fortunate to have Mrs. Ann Guernsey branch ofthe NCCPG (National Bushell as our Membership Represen­ Council for the Conservation ofPlants and tative and Mrs. Vi Lort-Phillips, Past Gardens). About a hundred persons at­ President. We three and several of our tended this lecture on Camellias. Indeed, members also belong to the jersey much of our local interest in Camellias Gardening Club, the Garden History stems from the work ofMrs. LoM-Phillips Section ofthe Societejersiaise, the jersey who celebrated her 80th Birthday in Flower Club and the Royal jersey February by travelling to Australia for a Horticultural Society. Through these family reunion in Melbourne, touring associations we are able to communicate Belize and Guatemala en route and en­ our love ofthe Camellia and to encourage couraging friends there to grow more others to join the International Camellia Camellias. We are always pleased to Society. welcome overseas members and this year Last year, Ann Bushell and I attended we are greatly honoured to have our new the Naples Congress in March, the U.K. President, Thomas Perkins III with Bill Conference at Lyndhurst in April and and Betty-Ann Perkins, Chuck and Pat with Vi Lort-Phillips led a party of 34 jacobs. Also here is our French Director members to Rouen in May. M. jean Laborey and in March, our Ger­ Most ofus are busy in our gardens dur­ many/Austria Director, Dr. Klaus ing the summer months and our main Hacklander came to take photographs of meeting in jersey is in November when Camellias,jnjersey for a new book he is we discuss events of the year and the writing. health ofour Camellias and the next In­ Many gardens in the Channel Islands ternational Congress and U.K. meetings. were devastated by the 1987 Storm but In April this year, twelve Channel most ofour Camellias survived and after Island members took part in the U.K. tour a mild winter they have bloomed very in Ireland, centred in Waterford and well this year. We are therefore encour­ Cork. We visited many lovely gardens aged to plan a Camellia Show for Spring, and enjoyed the scenic tours and Irish 1990 and we hope members from other hospitality. parts of our region will join us. Also in April, Vi Lort-Phillips gave a 23

News From Germany And Austria


NouveIles d'AIlemagne et d'Autriche

Notidas de Alemania y Austria

Notizie di Germania e d'Austria

Meldungen aus Deutschland und Oesterreich

On March 18, about 50 members met into the treasury of ICS which is about at the Nursery of Mr. Peter Fischer in 80% ofthe dues. The remainder is needed Wingst. This meeting was held there for the newsletter and other materials. instead of Frankfurt because of the This has been an exciting year. From distances. Mr. Fischer and his wife the first 15 members ofthe ICS that met showed us their rich camellia treasures in September 1985, it has grown to 175 in the greenhouses and in the open, also people. This is a respectful beginning, their own cultivations of '']utta'' and also a beginning for around the world "Wingster Olymp". The newly laid recognition. In February 1986 we met in ground of the Japanese Garden was Frankfurt, 1987 we founded a botantical shown. This garden will show its full study guide in oberitalien state. In March charm in a few years. 1988, our members of the ICS Congress That evening 35 members met at the in Neapel attended a wonderful program. hotel. Dr. Hacklander greeted the At that spring time, we met in Wingst. members and the members exchanged The next meeting for our region will camellia experiences and knowledge. be in April 1990 in Locarno, possibly Dr. Hacklander stated that ·since 1986, with the opening ofthe show "Camellia Mr. Ra Dr. Baltes, 'frier, audits the ac­ A Locarno." Confirmed are some of the counts to this region and has approved visits to greenhouses ofthe state parks of the handling and spending ofthe money. Locarno and sightseeing tours to a few In March '89, 2,262-DM were deposited Italian gardens with good camellia stock. 24

News From Brittany


Nouvelles de Bretagne

Noticias de Bretana .\ .\ Notizie di Bretagna

Meldungen aus Bretagne

I never thought, about 12 years ago, touch with a program designed for my when I was trying to grow my first needs and taught by a master gardener. camellia cuttings in the shadow of an Mr. Plantiveau died prematurely in apple tree, that this magnificent shrub 1986, shortly after his retirement in would one day take me so far from my October of1984. I felt a deep sense ofper­ native Brittany to California, England, sonalloss for, although he was not quite New Zealand and Australia. Brittany is a friend yet, he had been very kind to me located at the western end of France. It in every way encouraging my nascent has 4 departments: to the east, IJille et passion. Vilaine; to the north, the north coast; to In the matter of camellias, in this the south, Le Morbihant; to the west, Le department offinistere, located at the end Finistere. The population is about 3 ofthe world, here is the situation: (1) The million inhabitants. The maritime old camellia bushes in our castle gardens climate - mild and humid and is perfect do not reveal their history, (2) The for camellia growing. nurserymen, very discreet, consider they These journeys have taken me, slowly alone possess the secret, (3) The retailers but surely from "white," "rose;' and for the most part tag them - "white" ­ "red" 'to the majesty of "chrysantha" "rose" - "red" and nothing more. which is understandable, but wh

never stopped encouraging me. When I demands that we keep it going. think ofSacramento, I think ofEric Craig, Since then, our annual presentation has Maurice Vervalle, Alain Stervinou and grown by leaps and bounds. We now re­ Jean Morel. Brighton brings to my mind quire 100 square meters of space for our Sir Alec Beattie and Peter Campbell. display. These events are very good for Remembering Jim and Dorothy Hansen establishing contacts and dialogs. They transports me to Waikanae and Sydney have also allowed us, without any great makes me dream ofthe beautiful nursery surprise, to measure the ignorance ofthe of Roger Nancarrow at Middle Dural. public in all matters concerning During those long voyages, my en­ camellias. Th remedy that situation, I thusiasm keeps growing. I get more presented the idea at the 87 festival to . determined. Back home, I try everything create a group of amateur camellia I have seen and learned concerning seed­ fanciers. Fifty peoplejoined. The follow­ lings, cuttings and of course the end to ing Nov. 22, I organized a meeting en­ all ends...,. the grafting. I do not even ask titled "The Camellia And The Amateur myself the question why do all of this? In The World!' Pictures and slides were For example to gather each season hun­ shown at that conference. In March '88 dreds ofseeds, to cull them, to sow them we visited the beautiful and rich nursery under different conditions in different belonging to our friend, Alain Stervinou beds in order to understand and even located at Gipronvel, north ofBrest. Face manipulate the germination. All this to face with a multitude of magnificent takes me one step further to another flowers, our group became even more en­ gratifying activity - that ofthe camellia thusiastic thus encouraging me to con­ bonsai. tinue my sacred mission. With the help During this time also, the nurserymen of a good and serious crew, we defined begin to organize and to show more in­ the aims, functions, statutes and interior terest in camellias and this especially here rules of our society. Even the member­ in the department of finistere which is ship card is not forgotten and we decided considered one of the most forward on the Celtic emblem, the famous triskel, thinking in Europe in agricultural and for its decoration. fishing matters. Now the seed catalogs Everything is ready on Dec. 11. Our grow thicker and one begins to see names society is born in the library of the like Hybrids, Reticulatas, Sasanquas and 'frevarez Castle. My secretary, Georges Le new Japonicas. Gall, signed up 40 new members. The The year 1983 is marked by a local statutes became official on Jan. 9, 1989, event ofgreat importance - the Domaine fifty years after the inception of her bit De 'frevarez, property of the Consul American sister. General ofFinistere, becomes the center­ The SBC is evidently present at the '89 piece for a camellia festival to be held festival; the Madec family is no longer yearly. The exhibitors are all mostly pro- ' alone. We now number 60, scattered in fessionals. The steering committee was 4 departments and even further. We have headed by Mademoiselle Barre. This four meetings a year, three at 'frevarez event has profoundly marked my career and the fourth a visit to a park or nursery as camellia amateur - Ms. Barre having or a private garden. It was with much asked for my help at the festival (and here pleasure that we made our first visit to I mu!!t introduce Denise, my wife). We the beautiful garden of Jean and showed slides taken at the Sacramento Jacqueline Morel at Larnor Place, near Congress. At the second festival we Lorient.They are faithful members ofthe showed all our work in progress, in the" ICS and our society. garden and in the hot·house (seedlings, The societe Bretonne Du Camellia could cuttings, grafts) as well as blooms. A not have come to existence without the room of 30 meters square was reserved presence ofthe international society and for us in the old horse stable ofthe castle we sincerely thank its past and present and we received in three afternoons a directors for their help and crowd of9000 visitors. The Madec fami­ encouragement. ly show was born and public interest Ifin the language offlowers, the corn­ 26

flower means delicacy, the Nastruium means the flame of love, etc. - then I prefer that ofthe camellia - steadfastness. It's good to be steadfast. On ending this story, I must think of my mother who in 1937, the year ofmy birth, planted a white camellia. This might have been an omen. Dear friends, I wish you much stead­ fastness and ifYQu ever visit our beautiful Brittany, set your sail to the west, we await you. We will visit "Eryldene" and together we will think of our founder E. G. Waterhouse.

Societe Bretonne Du Camellia


Societe bretonne du Camellia

Sociedad Bretona de la camelia

Societa britannica della camellia

Bretagner Kamiliengesellschaft

1b promote the love ofcamellias in our ing and painting. Encourage friendly region; to maintain and enlarge their exchanges. popularity, to make them better known. 1b develop and maintain friendly 1b propagate information - locally, na­ relations with foreign societies in the tionally, internationally. To teach framework of les. members how to identify camellias and 1b maintain good relations, to cooperate how to multiply and nurture them as with camellia professionals. well as how to utilize their beauty in the 1b take an inventory ofthe camellias in arts, such as landscaping, flower arrang­ Brittany; to start local historical research.

SEE PHaroS, FOLLOWING PAGE. 27 Societe Bretonne Du Camellia

Camellia Bonsai Display

MME. D. Madec, M. Andro, MME. Mahe, M. Madec, MME. Furic, M. & MME. Charles 28


The Business Of The Society


Le Congres Naples - Les Affaires de la Societe

Conferencia de Napoles - negocios de la sociedad

La Conferenza di Napoli -Gli Affari dellasocieta

Die Konferenz zu Neapel

Seldom has the business ofthe Society maintaining the quality of service to been reported to the membership. I think members. the time has come when a peek into the 2. The principal expense is theJournal guidance of the Society is warranted which, however, is recognized as a quali­ especially since the subscription rates ty publication whose· color section is have been raised again. At the Naples valued by members but economics must Conference the meeting ofthe Directors be found. was divided into two main sessions on 3. The size should be reduced to about separate evenings. This was caused by the 120 pages so that the weight with all in­ discovery that deficit operation of the serts will be less than 250 grams. Society was continuing from 1986 and 4. This reduction should be made large­ 1987. A committee was formed to look ly by including less news from the u.K. into the scale of dues return from the 5. Ifadvertising is confined to the back Regions. I am listing the approved com­ cover and inside covers it would save 50. mittee report which shows their recom­ The Editor must have therefore at least mendations and new dues schedule 1 page more than this amount to justify which is in operations at this time. advertising in the body of the Journal. The I.C.S. Board ofDirectors which met 6. 1tanslations should be the respon­ on Thesday, 22nd March, were concerIled sibility of the Regions. that the 1987 Accounts showed a deficit 7. Cheaper methods ofrapid transport ofL2908 and set up a committee to which to the Regions are to be investigated, in­ all Regions were invited to attend with a cluding the possibility of direct mailing delegate. to Japanese members. This Committee met on Thursday, 24th 8. It is recognised that the most expen­ March, ·1988 and submits the following sive copies of the Journal are the first recommendations to the Board for 1,000. Every effort should be made Approval. therefore to increase membership this 1. All Regions and The Executive will year and to hold it next year when the make all possible savings consistent with subscription rate rises. 29

9. After taking into account the differ­ but I think that most points ofcontrover­ ing requirements and differing capabili­ sy have been smoothed over since the ties ofeach Region, the following rates are meetings. recommended from 1st january, 1989: Other business ofthe two sessions in­ Husband cluded approval of the financial reports Single l Wife of1986 and 1987, and the approval ofthe Africa R13 R15 next Conference Venue of 1990 in America $13 $16 Maizuru, japan supported by the Asia Y2400 Y3300 japanese Camellia Society and a large Australia $12 $16 private sponsor, the Seibu Corporate France Fr80 Fr100 Group. The American Group had Germany/Austria DM30 DM35 previously asked for the Conference of Italy/Switzerland L20,000 L25,000 1990 to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana New Zealand $16 $17 but agreed to move its bid to 1992 as the Portugal E1000 E1200 japanese were anxious to have theirs in Spain F1300 P1500 conjunction with their World Class UK (j,:J Other Regions 8.50 11.00 Greenery Exhibition in the Kyoto-Osaka Area. 10. All Regions would encourage The Directors elected Thomas Perkins, members who wished to assist the Socie­ III as its new President and Eric Craig, ty by making donations to d? so. . Miss Cecily Perring and William Stewart 11. The Executive should reVIve the LIfe as Vice-Presidents. This election transfers Membership Reserve as a matter of the Executive to the U.S. Thisjournal in­ urgency. . cludes a listing ofthe Honorary Executive, 12. In addition, the President would like the current Directors and Membership all Regions to look into the possibilities Representatives approved by the Board. ofCommercial sponsorship which, apart The Board in previous meetings had from its obvious advantages, might pro­ assumed the responsibility ofpublishing vide a way ofincreasing our membership the Savige Check List of Camellias and in Communist countries such as East had voted to start funding it by using the Germany and China. Surplus generated by the Brighton Con­ Please look over these adopted recom­ ference. Continued deficits caused the mendations and help us apply them for Board to reconsider and halt the total the survival of the.Society. We cannot committment ofthese funds temporarily. continue deficit operation the Executive Delegates from South Africa proposed is attempting. to lower the cost of the a Conference in their area in the Autumn journal and other expenses. There were of 1993. Details will be presented at the a few agitated moments at the sessions Conference in japan for approval. ~ _~ .··t'··· i~ ... 1'& ..\. \le,,\c8 ' ~J: " -~.ron. fo'O­ . . . "'/ ",901.. 0. "'f\Of90ce9 '. ' ...... '--,)\. .... •. \)~" ~~ as ".,. , -

Magic Hours Of Camellias In Galicia


Heures magi

Horas magicas de camelias en Galicia

Ore magiche della camellia nella Galizia

Zauberhafte Stunden der Kamilien in Galizien

The incomparabl~Juan Pascau said that cold climates of Europe. Perhaps the ef­ a master artist might be able to blend col­ fect ofthe southern lights goes unnoticed ors so that Galicia appears in different in the works of the ancient Italian forms. There is one hue for the silent and masters? Or the leaden skies of Holland shady valleys, another for the tranquil in the paintings ofDutch interiors? Or in fields, the mountain ranges and the the essence ofZen, in the art ofIkebana, forests where the last native woodcocks the everpresent sensitivity to nature that fly. And, also, there are coastal zones, a permeates all aspects ofJapanese life? seacoast of serene and harmonious Here in Galicia where even a girl named estuaries in contrast to the cliffs and Rosalia came to realize as well as anyone promontories in the north. that we live bound to a thing "that lives How can one explain to someone who and is not seen", are we not aware that does not know us that this is a land of our existence is tied to our native region, subdued light and continual mists where to a deep feeling for the countryside and participants dressed as pagan witches and the the lush greenery of the roadsides? elfish little devils are compatible with Veneration oftrees and love offlowers Christian devotions and pilgrimages to is common to all lands of Breogan, shrines in which saints always have a perhaps because of the common thread kindly smile? Next to country homes are ofthe Celtic Druid culture, similar to the Roman arches and estates ofthe 18th cen­ Finnish "sampo" or to the "fu-sang" of tury, immersed in a dazzling and Chinese thought. This is well understood baroque vegetation through which still by us who harbor special afrection for the beats with a firm pulse a sense ofalmost ancient oak of Santa Margarita and who midieval existence. 1b a great degree in honor the camellia each May. Galicia one can talk about the ubiquitous In the 19th century, the renowned irony whereby the inhabitants, continual­ forestry engineer Rafael Areses left us an ly tempted by the call of the "great exhaustive collection of foreign species Winds", become pilgrims throughout the adapted to this land, enriching the world to live eternally longing for their previous compilation of Colmeiro and native land. botantical works. of Padre Sarmientro. There are intimate ties between the Again we celebrate the blooming human mind and nature which sur­ season of the delicate and impressive rounds us. And often, but not always, camellia, its happy ritual return to these are invisible. This is easily observed Mother Galicia, when we can spend when one examines the evolution of months enjoying its flowers. A torrent of Helenic culture in light ofthe climate of human emotion senses the deep and close Greece. Or 1eutonic mythology and the relationship, strange and also intimate, 31 between the diverse greenery of the In its expansive and affectionate adop­ countryside and the pleasing company of tive embrace by the land of Galicia, our camellias - next to a silo, to the homes where everything is dominated by har­ and footpaths ofthe villages, beside the monious ties with nature, the camellia is shadow of midieval stone ruins, in the an integral part ofthe landscape, an ex­ semi-abandoned cloisters of the large pression - perhaps the most beautiful of monasteries, around the castles, in the the entire year - ofthis old alliance with gardens of our cities. the eternal seasonal cycle. In the 18th century camellias arrived Here, where man is closely linked with in Europe from China and Japan. They the land, how could we not love the came disguised among the tea plants on camellia? Do we not love the pines of board clipper ships ofthe East India Com­ which Pondal sang? The forests of pany. It could hardly have been imagined chestnuts? The oakgroves? The rows of that camellias would make themselves at birches along the rivers? home with us and that each year, with This year Antonio Odriozola will not be much anticipation, we would celebrate with us. But his spirit, along with that this camellia festival in their honor. They of Cruz Gallestegui, Jose Pita, Carlos are our happiness in the long, gray, dull Valencia, Cunqueiro, Enriqueta Lopez­ days, a blend of color along the byways Ballesteros, Robert Gimpson, and so many of eternal and tranquil Galicia. others, will not be very far from the It is well known that the camellia is a Reticulatas and Alba Plenas. member ofthe family Theaceae, named These dawns with soft gray, diffused by Kameland catalogued by Linnaeus. Its light are excellent for arising early. Along shiny and evergreen leaves contrast with the roadways are camellia blooms dotted the flowers, white, red, pink, and with drops ofdew among the dark gold variegated and with some ofexotic colors of the mimosas. One feels he is par­ and varying forms. But how can it be said ticipating in the profound experience of that the camellia is part ofthe spirit and the Prophet Daniel as he viewed the landscape of Galicia? Glory of God through the Portals of Heaven. 32

Novel New Format For Camellia Shows

ERIC CRAIG, Australia

Format neuf des expositions de camellias

Nuevas planes originales para exposiciones de camelias

Nuovo formato per Ie esposizioni di camellie

Allerneuestes Formal fuer eine Kamilien·Schau

The camellia show held in April last Werner Fritschi, who headed the team year at Locarno, in southern Switzerland, of Swiss members responsible for the at the northern end of Lake Maggiore, new approach, said it had been greatly featured a surprising innovation for appreciated by Locarno people and easier inspection of blooms: visitors. Instead ofthe flowers sitting in cups or Whilst the innovation had been in­ vases on a flat table, they were presented tended as a surprise for ICS members in vases which were fitted onto upright from various countries, who were display boards. Standing erect on metal visiting Lake Maggiore as a post-eongress feet, the display boards were arranged tour-group after the Naples program, an either in straight rows, indented in pairs, overstretched luncheon that day led to or in curves. their non-arrival at Locarno. The great benefit of this unusual for­ Herr Fritschi and his colleagues hope mat was the positioning ofevery bloom that their photographs will encourage in the show at or about eye-level. other regions to try their idea, and will gladly supply any constructional details which may be required. 33

A Frenchman's Answer To American Friends who Wonder Why So Few New Strains Are Produced In France.


Reponse d'un Franc;ais aux amis americains

Respuesta de un frances a amigos americanos

Riposta d'un Francese agli amici americani

Anlwor! eines Franzosen auf die amerikanischen Freunde

This question was asked of me during the ICS Congress in Naples and the way I answered may be of interest to some: Several reasons, you will see, explain the very small number of new strains produced in France by homologation. First and foremost, our climate is not favorable to a good pollenization of the blooms, the temperature being often much too low at flowering time. Further, we do not raise camellias in greenhouses as do our English friends who, by doing so, have the necessary warmth for successful pollenization and producing novelty blooms. French horticulturists and amateurs alike have tried to introduce to France the many new camellias they have discovered during the ICS Congresses in the USA, Australia and Japan, but mainly they have oriented their efforts to things that U.S. and in Australia. We plant our Frenchmen deem more important: the camellias among other shrubs whose eradication of viruses and the selection flowering either precedes or prolongs ofplants which are more cold-resistant: their flowering season. as an example of the latter, I told my I also directed the attention of my audience that though we were unable to American audience to the fact that even cultivate a hybrid of the Camellia though the cote d'Azur has a Mediter­ Reticulata (not hardy enough here), we ranean climate, its soil, but for a small did marvellously well with the Camellia portion, is not acid enough; camellias Williamsii in France as well as in Great must be container-grown and protected Britain. from too much and too hot sun. We differ also from the amateurs of Another way of being different from America, New Zealand and Australia our overseas friends is that we do not use because, if I dare say it, we are more grafting as a mean to propagate; this, "gardeners" than they are; I mean that since we have no plants grown from nowhere in France will you see a garden seeds. Instead, the amateurs and the planted only in camellias as we saw in the professionals almost always use cuttings. 34

Lastly, we singularize ourselves by treated with giberelline since we have the showing the whole plants rather than cut good fortune of not being acquainted flowers, and as the Japanese do, by giv­ with petal blight.. ing preference in France to the mid-size bloom rather than the large one and, ('It) (1tanslator's note) I think here he means "simple" as an more and more to showing camellias opposite of "double" or "frillyJ~ with simple (*) flowers, the blooms never

Report On Royal Horticultural Shows: 1989.

JOYCE WYNDHAM, United Kingdom

Rapport des Expositions royales d'horticulture: 1989

Informe de exposiciones horticulturales reales 1989

Rapporto sulle esposizioni reali d'orticultura

Bericht ueber die koeniglichen Gartenschaus 1989

This will be the eleventh year I have members of the I.C.S. Contributions in­ presented displays at the two shows in cluded fine sprays ofInspiration, Golden March and April of each year. Spangles, and Elegans, and a magnificient These two shows are an important fac­ arrangement of Margaret Davis with tor in the promotion and advertising of Cornish Snow were received with much the I.C.S. Visitors attending from many admiration and many photographs. My countries make themselves known at the thanks to my helpers for the display stand, are interested and new members which was awarded the Flora Silver are made. Medal. Camellia exhibitors know that it is a The second show in April suffered worrying timebefore a show, in that the from lack ofblooms as they were nearly blooms are ready and at their best. At the finished, but with a more formal display R.H.S. shows we have to rely on contribu­ incorporating pillars encircled with moss tions of camellias from various sources, and camellias, and a large central ar­ and these are not known until the very rangement ofmixed blooms made a very last day before the show opens. Before the attractive show. One ofthe camellias on judging takes place on the first morning, display was a new bloom named after there is a rush to assemble blooms given Robert Strauss, the late owner of at the last minute, and to make sure the Stonehurst, causing much interest, but labelling is correct and in place before the still to be registered. With the assistance judges come around. of helpers to whom I am indebted for In March ofthis year, after a very mild their hard work, and the flowers from winter we were presented with very fine the nurseries and members ofthe I.C.S., camellias from such famous gardens as we were awarded the Banksian Silver Windsor, Stonehurst, Chatsworth, and Medal. 35

First Regional Camellia Society For France

ERIC CRAIG, Australia

Premiere societe regionale pour la France

Primera sociedad regional de camelias para Francia

Prima societa regionale della camellia per la Francia

Die erste regionale Kamiliengesellschaft fuer Frankreich

The influence of the International the beauty of camellias through the ef­ Camellia Society has resulted in formation forts ofMjean Laborey,the organisational of the first regional Camellia Society in ICS Director for France, and consequent" France: ly attended ICS Congresses at Sacramen­ It is LA SOCIETE BRETONNE DU to, USA, and Sydney, Australia. They also CAMELLIA, and was launched on 11 met with Australian members ofthe ICS December 1988. Its President, M jean­ in France, following the 1988 Naples Michel Madec of Brest, has advised me Congress. that the Camellia Society ofBrittany has M Madec has written to say that the an initial membership of35 persons. His Camellia Society of Brittany has been wife, Denise Madec, is the secretary ofthe modelled on the Australian Camellia society, which, to my knowledge, is the Research Society. Its formation is highly first and only Camellia Society in France. newsworthy from the international view­ As with the United Kingdom, France point, I believe, and therefore suggest the does not yet have a national camellia background story should come from M society - as has America, Australia, Madec himself, rather than second-hand japan, Italy and New Zealand. from me. Mr. and Mrs. Madec were attracted to 36 Camellias In New Zealand


Camellias en Nouvelle zelande

Camelias en Nueva Zelanda

Le Camellie nella Nuova Zelanda

Kamilien in Neuseeland

Camellias continue to be a standard in­ gredient of the New Zealand garden. A trade publication last year listed more than 50 nurseries now producing camellias. Nearly all ofthese nurseries are growing a limited range of well known varieties as part of a general offering of shrubs and trees for sale to garden cen­ tres, but in total the annual production must total several hundred thousand to service our population of three million. As a specialist grower, selling direct to the public, I have a much wider range, Neville Hayden and must continually try to assess any shifts in public preferences, so that we will always be striking cuttings for plants 2. SPECIES This section is being that we are reasonably likely to sell in 3 expanded as we can obtain new species, years time. In a country where home and I am pleased to report that many of gardeners have such a wide selection of our Botanical Gardens are now estab­ plant material, both flowering and lishing large collections ofthe species as foliage, which will grow with relative we can make them available. 'fransno­ ease, preferences - or fashions - in plants koensis is easily our most popular species, probably change more quickly than in and our display plants are looked at with more difficult conditions. astonishment by the many who think of Most ofour sales are to home gardeners camellias only asjaponicas and sasanquas. with little detailed knowledge ofcamellia In Australia last year I had the oppor­ varieties or growth habits. Our catalogue tunity to see different clones of several is designed for their benefit rather than species which have only recently become for the experts, and is divided into available to us. The leaf variations sections headed; between clones of the same species was 1. JAPONICAS AND HYBRIDS OF a surprise, and will merit a great deal of SIMILAR APPEARANCE This includes future study, firstly to establish which the saluensis hybrids, and also any may be the best clones in their own right registered reticulata hybrids such as as garden plants, and secondly which if Black Lace and Betty Ridley which lean any will show superior potential as heavily towards the japonica part oftheir hybridising parents. pedigree in appearance and performance. 3. HYBRIDS BASED ON THE SMALL 37

LEAFED SPECIES This is the most rapid­ Sasanqua Compacta, White Doves Benten ly expanding section of our catalogue, and the new Domoto seedling Dwarf and covers the range ofvery free flower­ Shishi. ing hybrids which have appeared main­ White japonicas continue to be very ly in the last ten years. Apart from the popular in New Zealand, even though flowering habit, this group has added our windy growing conditions make it new dimensions to the variety of plant difficult to obtain unmarked flowers. At types that can be grown. We have the the other end ofthe colour scale, Mr. Os compact pitardii group, so useful for Blumhardt's black red Night Rider has smaller gardens, the slender up right become instantly accepted as a top varie­ types such as Spring Festival and Cinna­ ty, the bronze to very dark green leaves mon Cindy, through to the tall Wirlingas setting off the flower perfectly. with their. graceful arching branches. The Chrysantha plants which we have This variation in plant appearance is now had for several years continue to encouraging gardeners to include more frustrate. A few more flowers than camellias in the very mixed shrubberies previously are appearing, but some very which generally constitute a New large plants have yet to have any flowers. Zealand garden. My first three plants ofChrysantha Hu 4. RETICULATAS AND LARGE Thyama on the other hand have set pairs FLOWERED RETICULATA HYBRIDS My ofbuds down the main stem on second nursery would account for a considerable year grafts. percentage of the production of these, I can think ofoilly two pOSSible reasons because the wholesale nurseries do not for such a varied response. find it practical or profitable to produce 1. That Hu Thyama is an older seedling grafted plants. Even so they are the which has reached full flowering maturi­ smallest section ofour production, which ty, while the seedlings germinated about is strange considering how well and 1980 and cut and recut for several years spectacularly they grow and flower here. thereafter for propagating material are 5. SASANQUAS After years of neglect still in a semi juvenile state. these are again receiving the attention Or 2.·That Hu Thyama with its nar­ they deserve for their autumn display. rower leafis adapting more easily to our Recent articles published in America climate than the larger leafed seedlings. have classified· sasanquas as very prone Ifthis proves to be the case will we have to dieback, but I feel that this must vary any chance of flowering Euphlebia? entirely according to climatic conditions. Leaves on the first two year old graft After· growing many tho~sands here I measured 22cm by 11.5cm. have yet to seea dieback canker on one, I still favour the first possibility, noting although we are familiar with the pro­ that the Hu Thyama plants start growing blem on weaker varieties ofother species. at the same unusual times - main growth With the increasedinterest in the small run autumn - as the other seedlings, but flowered hybrids, something had to lose have still set their buds with apparent in popularity, and for the present it isthe ease. Only time will give the answer. large floweredjaponicas which have lost ground. Only exceptionally beautiful Operating from Auckland, N.Z.'s largestcity varieties such as Elegans Champagne Neville Haydon occupies a unique place in the seem to be wanted in this category. camellia scene in the country. As a camellia As I have written in other publications, specialist/nurseryman, with world wide con­ our customers ask continually for plants nections, it is to him that camellia enthusiasts turn in ourquest for new releases. A former which will not grow very tall. We con­ accountant in an industry concerned with tinue our search for good new varieties Camellia Sinensis, he spent 18 years in the tea of this type. Any logical search for trade. He grew camellias for a hobby for 15 camellias will start with Nuccio's years before giving up his accountancy to start catalogue, and I have been very grateful commercial production ofhis chosen flower. to obtain from it in recent years several .His expertise has assisted I.C.S. and the excellent slower growing plants - Mini N.Z.C.S. in many ways and his knowledge as Mint, Reigyoku, Rosaeflora Cascade, a Senior Judge has been invaluable. 38


Camellias au Japon

Camelias de Jap6n

Le Camellie nel Giappone

Kamilien in Japan

As the next Congress ofthe I.C.S. will "Otome" (misnamed "Pink Perfection" in be held injapan, some advance informa­ America, and "Frau Minna Seidel" in tion on the camellias of that country Europe) or "Bokuhan" ("Tinsie" in Amer­ should be helpful to many delegates from ica), they are already popular, but overseas. It may be useful to know of "Hanafiiki" is more uncommon, with some varieties to seek out, with a view large globular pink buds, opening to an to collecting scions or arranging for them unusual cup-shaped soft pink flower. to be sent from japan after the Congress. That very adaptable plant in all climates Although at first glance it might seem and situations ''Akashigata'' ("Lady more appropriate for ajapanese member Clare") is pOP1!lar, but I prefer the varie­ to write such an article, this is not so, gated form "Oniji", because sometimes because japanese taste in flowers and the white variegation is beautifully plants is quite different from Western moired, an improvement on mere taste. With this in mind I propose to deal splashes of white. Having a weeping only with varieties which I believe would tendency, they would both be good for be attractive to non-japanese camellia large· baskets or window boxes, or to growers. grow down a wall or a steep bank. I have some beautiful and/or interesting japanese camellias in my own collection "Akebono" is a lovely single with large and would like to recommend these from blush pink flowers. Flowering early, it experience. makes an elegant plantwithout pruning. "ShuchUka" is actually the type of "Ezonishiki" is a white camellia with small, delicate and somewhat informal pink and red stripes, having an open flower which appeals to japanese taste, funnel-shaped flower, good in all but I am sure I should recommend this climates. In 1831 Dr. Siebold brought one. I have admired it ever since I first "Ezonishiki" to Antwerp, where it was saw it in the private garden of Koichiro misnamed "'Iricolor", and another ofhis Wada, an internationally famous introductions was a camellia re-named nurseryman of Yokohama, about thirty "Donckelarii". I believe that this now years ago. It is the rarest of all camellia famous variety was "Masayoshi", and I types, a picotee which always flowers would like to obtainthisfrom japan, and true to type. It was many years later that test this theory by growing them I acquired this charming variety from together. another japanese friend, and it is a "Hagoromo" ("Magnoliiflora") is a miniature semi-double to peony-form blush-pink medium sized semi-double white with a red margin. with waxy petals. It has a quiet touch of There is no need for me to recommend class, (thejapaneseword is "Shibui") dif­ 39

invited to smell. I said I liked the fragrance and would like to grow it, but thought no more of it. Later just as my bus was leaving for the harbour a japanese gentleman came running to my window and handed the "Koshi" plant to me. It is easy to understand that I am looking forward to the japanese Congress next year. "Ringo-tsubaki" (meaning "Apple camellia") is the japanese name for c. japonica var. macrocarpa, which is a subspecies originating from Okinawa, and bearing very large fruits like red ap­ ples. The manner in which I acquired the seed is an amusing story ofanother Con­ gress. A japanese delegate was allowed to bring in a fruit to the Congress on the Leslie Riggall condition that it was destroyed im­ mediately after his speech. Seeing an op­ ficult to define, and has been a favourite portunity, I offered to destroy it for him. for at least three centuries. It was unbelievably hard, and took half­ "Iwane Shibori" is a brilliant red an-hour to destroy little by little with my variegated with white, whereas "Kitizo pen knife. All that remained were six Shibori" is a striking white splashed with small seeds, which went to two other pink and red. In my japanese collection countries, so the undertaking to these two always attract attention and are completely dispose of the fruit was recommended. carried out. "Kakure-Iso" has wine coloured single "Momozono-nishiki" is a semi-double flowers with a clear white border to each with soft pink flowers finely streaked all petal. japanese flower names are often over with red. "Soshi Arai" is similar and obscure and highly imaginative. This I prefer the latter variety, because the name means, "Rock under crushing variegation is very delicate and pretty. waves". Perhaps the person who named "Murasaki-tsubaki" (meaning Purple it visualised a dark rock and a stormy sea camellia) is a formal double for those who flinging white foam over it. like to include flowers with a purple tinge Another with an imaginative name is in their collection. For me, the more "Kokinran", which means, "Ancient colours the better. "Shibori" added to a Golden Brocade". A large semi-double or name means "variegated", and there is a peony form, it has white petals spotted variegated form of this one. and striped with red, and rich orange­ There are other camellias with a bluish yellow anthers. cast but I know them only from photo­ "Koohi" has single crimson flowers graphs, which cannot be relied upon for with a decidedly blue cast and sweet colour. "Sumizome" seems worthy of fragrance. This one would be a must if mention, a purplish-crimson formal dou­ some optimist decided to try to breed a ble with incurved petals, white 'juraku" fragrant blue camellia. I will never forget seems to be a real beauty, a striking single the way I acquired this variety. At the last with wide overlapping blush-lavender I.C.S. Congress in japan we visited petals emphasised by a distinct lavender­ Oshima, an island famous for its camellias pink border around each petal. south of Thkio Bay. We had a most en­ "Shikibu" is a variety which would ap­ joyable japanese style barbecue, where peal to both japanese and Western we sat each side of a long table and growers. It is a miniature red anemone­ cooked the food on a grill running down form with red petaloids edged white. the middle of the table. By the window "Shiragiku" (the name derives from was a pot plant of "Koshi" which I was "Shiro" (White) and "Kiku" (Chrysan­ 40 themum) has no special quality.· Mi&­ One of my Rigos which I consider to named "Purity'~ it appeals to those who be worth growing is "Nioi-fubuki". All like a formal white. There are not many the single medium-sized wavy-petalled formal doubles iu Japan, where singles flowers are scented, and occasionally we are much preferred, including many get a really pretty one. with very small flowers. Mention must be made ofthe "black" "Shun-shokko is a semi-double to for­ camellias (actually black-red), which I mal double with soft pink petals shading enjoy almost as much as any camellias. to white at the centre. For those who like Of these the best known is "Kuro­ soft pink flowers "Furoan" is a charming Thabaki", and I have others such as single with wavy petals which open "Eiraku" (or "Heiraku") and "Kon wide. For a single white, I would recom­ Wabisuke", and a very black one which mend the superb "Yukimi-no-sakazuki". was named C. iodina. It is the colour of "Thuzure-nishiki" is a beautifully shaped iodine but this name does not seem to be semi-double with wavy brilliant red used now. The pigments which comprise petals, variegated white. these flowers include deep purple, and There is a current fashion for Higo (pro­ therefore these might be used to work for nounced "Heengaw") camellias in some a blue camellia. LesJury ofNew Zealand quarters: These are wide-open singles, claimed that he got a blue camellia from often misshapen, with a prominent boss another "black" camellia, "Fuyajo", but of stamens, often flaring in a quite un­ it died from neglect. "Eiraku" seeds well natural manner. They were also a great and even produces natural seedlings fashion during the era ofthe Samurai, the under the plant, so perhaps the optimist ancient knights ofJapan. But I am cynical mentioned earlier should put "Koshi" where fashions are concerned, and as pollen on this one, and later bring in a with ladies' fashions, I do not enthuse fragrant white such as C. rusticana over flowers which do not appear to me "Mizuyoshi''. to be elegant or well formed. The two TheJapanese appreciate camellias with serious faults characteristic ofmany Rigos unusual foliage and, Japan is the best are the flaring ofthe stamens to a degree country to look for these. "Benten" has which is completely out ofproportion to leaves variegated yellow, but it is slow the flower, and misshapen petals which growing and not for impatient or elder­ look equally unnatural. ly people. Perhaps the best of these is An example is "Osaraku", which in "Reigyoku". The patch of colour in the Japan was considered the most beautiful middle of each leaf is pink at first and in past centuries. 1b western taste few of later changes to light yellow. "Myojo" is the flowers produced are acceptable, excellent in this group, showing more especially as the misshapen petals are too and deeper yellow. This is one I have small for the large cluster ofstamens. But wanted for a long time. Another is there are some Higo varieties which "Mangetsu", which should not be con­ should be attractive to non:Japanese fused with the white Rigo with the same growers, and the first I ever·possessed name. There are many more foliage­ was the early-flowering large pink Higo variegated camellias in Japan and one "Dewatairin", which in England was wonders whether they are related to each known as "Hatsu Sakura" in those days. other, as so many have similar small red It travelled with me to Portugal, and later flowers. to South Africa, and has performed Other foliage plants which I find in­ equally well in three different climqtes. triguing and attractive are the fishtail­ Japanese camellias have the great vittue leafed camellias. I have three, "Kingyo ofadapting to a wide range of climates. tsubaki", which differs from that de­ "Kumagai" is a large dark red Higo picted in Macaboy's colour dictionary, with a good form and attractive stamens. and may be the one he regards as "Quer­ "Mikunicno-homare" is reasonably well cifolia", "Nishiki-sakana", which has the proportioned but less attractive than most pronounced division of the leaf­ "Kumagai" because the stamens are too ends, and myfavourite, a fishtail I found widely spaced. in an old family nursery in Guernsey, one 41 of the Channel Islands between Britain Among the star-shaped flowers are and France. This was imported from "Koshi-no-yosooi", the blush-coloured japan so many years ago that the record round petals arranged in six rays, and was lost, and the nursery no longer ''Ayatori'', another formal double with six propagated it. rays of pink petals. Among these which I am very anxious "Kasugano" I know only from a to acquire is, "Shokko-nishiki". I saw this photograph, but I surely would like to for the first time in the Higo collection grow it. The large white moired-red dou­ at Kumamoto Castle. It was outstanding ble flower appears to have waved waxy and I cannot understand why no nursery­ petals and looks very distinguished. man is distributing this one. One needs "Uzushio" is another which I know to be careful in collecting it, because there only from two photographs, one of a are two other varieties with the same large bush and the other a flower and name. One is a white, striped deep pink two pretty.buds. A large plant carries single closely resembling "Ezonishiki", thousands of flowers in astonishing and the other is a poorly shaped Rigo profusion, each one like a soft pink rose. single white with a few pink stripes. The There are a thousand more interesting "Shokko-nishiki" I am recommending forms of Camellia japonica in its native has a large wide-open red moired white land, and of course there are the sasan­ flower, with beautiful golden stamens not quas and rusticanas, (Yuki-tsubaki) which too exaggerated. are the "snow camellias" which lie com­ "Kujaku-tsubaki" ("Peacock camellia" ­ pletely buried in snow in northernjapan, from a resemblance to the closed tail ofa and which open their flowers immediate­ peacock), is very different. The semi­ ly as the melting snow uncovers them. cascading growth and narrow drooping But I think I have given enough ex­ leaves and flowers give a willowy effect. amples to arouse keen interest in. any We have top-grafted this variety onto a lover of camellias, and I urge every sasanqua to achieve the best effect. member who can possibly do so, to seize Another unusual camellia is "Unryu", the coming opportunity of seeing the in which all the stems Zigzag, changing fascinating camellias ofjapan. direction literally at every leaf. The beautiful fruits like red plums are a bonus. 42

Italian Camellia Scene


Situation du camellia en Italie

Eseena italiana de camelias

Situazione altuale della camellia in I1alia

Zur Situation der Kamilien in I1alien

beginning of this century. Thward 1950 it was ascertained that camellias were completely neglected, many uprooted and only those hidden in the far corners of the gardens were saved. In the zones that I knew more about, those of Lago Maggiore, every area was most favorable for camellia cultivation, as for soil, climate, preCipitation, etc., etc. Therefore, I began to search for camellia plants. Unfortunately, the variety at my disposal was very few in comparison to those I had come to know about through literary discussions of the Americans, Australians, English, Japanese and others. I began to import certain varieties known. I organized, with other friends, a display of camellias which was a notable success. In 1965, I founded the Italian Camellia Society and organized a showing ofcamellias at Cannero Riviera which resulted very successful. From this With the appearance ofthe camellia in period a rapid growth and interest the West around the end ofthe year 1700, developed in Italy. From the first im­ Italy assumes an important place in the ported camellias, scions were secured cultivation of this plant. which resulted in hundreds of camellia With the camellias of Caserta, second plants. Some 10 years later worldwide to that of Berlese, one-half of those pro­ varieties were imported into the country. duced were sent to all of Europe-those What is the actual situation? camellias from Sacco to Milano, those The number of camellia strains has from Saltarelli, Franchetti, Luzzatti to been growing and from there even the Firenze, and those cultivated above the cultivation ofcamellias has been greatly region of Lago Maggiore by the Rovelli expanded. In Italy the zone where today brothers. we f"md the most camellias are: that ofthe Thwards midway of the last century, area around Lago Maggiore, that around the interest in camellias lessened and Lago d'Orta, that around the central part almost disappeared completely up to the of Lago di Como in Thscana, especially 43 around the Lucca area. Even in Southern CAMELLIA PERSONALITIES IN ITALY Italy there are camellias, but for the most Th list the Italian camelliophiles would part they are not of the new varieties. truly not be an easy task. There are some Around Lago Maggiore important col­ who develop their hobby almost in secret lections of camellias have been carried and with certain evasiveness. Therefore, out, suffice it to cite that of Villa Anelli I have to content myself to pointing out di Oggebbio, that of the floriculture of only some ofthem. I ask you to pardon Lago Maggiore belonging to Giovanni Pif­ me iffor the moment I forget the names faretti. Around Lago d'Orta, and precisely ofsome ofthem, however, they also have at Orta, I saw the Villa Motta. where an contributed in the rekindling ofinterest important camellia garden is being in camellias. created. Around Lago di Como, especial­ I will begin mentioning the spouses ly in the upper part, there is being Giovanni and Marta Piffaretti, who have planted many camellia gardens. In the a large floriculture at Cerro di Laveno villas around Lucca they are caring for Mombello, and who are specialists in the old camellias, of which there are' camellia cultivation. In general, the rela­ many, and in the other villas there have tion between the amateur camelliophile also planted new varieties. and the professional are not pleasant. In Campania, especially in the villas There is an exception in the case of the around Vesuvius, and around the Amalfi Piffaretti spouses. They are always ready coast, the old camellias are objects ofpar­ to place their blossoms grown in their ticular care, andthey are planting again. hothouse at our disposal and they have There will be camellias, but it will take all ofthe up-to-date studies made in]apan some 10 years for them because the and United States. strains are those of Lago Maggiore. In The spouses Mirella and professor order to ascertain how the interest in Mario Motta have at some time been oc­ camellias has spread, some professional cupied with camellias. In the park of floriculturists have imported plants from their villa in Orta, above Lago d'Orta, abroad. very near Lago Maggiore, they have a few Many visitors who are enthusiastic see­ old camellias. They have remained out of ing the different varieties ofour camellias action, so to speak, and now they have exhibited, quickly buy a plant, but after begun the planting ofa new variety. And, some year or so, and with the passing of too, they have succeeded in having their enthusiasm, they abandon this hundreds of specimens, and have the marvelous hobby. It's a bitter factthat 10 intention to have a good deal more in percent ofthose who truly continue to in­ cultivation. terest themselves in this flower do not Around Lago di Como, at Gravedona, always go deeply into its study. Another Dr. Giuseppe Motti has, for more than 15 great deficiency ofthe Italian camellia is years, organized a camellia exhibit. At that of not creating new varieties, Gravedona, in his garden, he and his something on the contrary was very friends have planted hundreds of Widespread in the past century. camellias. Even the hybrids in which the English, In Thscana, the awakening of interest Australians, Americans, New Zealanders for camellias had begun in some years, have made great strides, the Italian however, it is progressing rapidly, camellias have remained more or less especially in the Lucca region where pro­ static. However, we must recognize that fessor Giorgio de Meo and his grandson, today every variety ofcamellias is known Dr. Guido Cattolica, have restored the by its own name, contrary to what oc­ camellias of Villa Borrini, and they are curred some 20 years or so ago. making great plantings of the most I believe that the future ofthe camellias modern camellias while they work to in Italy will be brilliant, because the uncover, in the villas of the area, old gardens require a modest amount ofcare, varieties that were thought to have and this is an advantage because of the disappeared, and they reproduce them. present-day cost of labor. We recall professor Osvaldo Buosi di 44

'freviso, who has secured from New at the opportune time hereby preserving Zealand half of his camellia strains and the variety. now has obtainedhis own related plants. And even it always recalls that around Besides, Signor Luigi 1erranova was the Lago Maggiore, Signora Mary Caroni who first in Italy to have successfully caused has always been very active in prodding the Chrysantha camellia to bloom in the farmers of Canton Ticino to par­ 1986, We cannot forget that between the ticipate in the exhibition who, she "camellia personalities" those who are herself, cultivated many varieties of very modest with camellias when these camellias. were completely forgotten. In Rome, Dr. Mario· Del Sera has We also recall the floriculturist Mario dedicated much ofhis free time towards Carmine di Cannero Riviera who, when the study ofcamellias. It was a surprise finished with the work which he now' at the beginning of the Italian Camellia does, would go to the Lago Maggiore Society to fmd in him a very precious search for. the old camellias source of news concerning the Italian from which he obtained layers ofshoots camellias. so that he would later sift through them

The International Camellia Register

THOMAS]. SAVIGE, Australia

Le Registre international du camellia

Registro de Camelia Internacional

II registro internazionale della camellia

Verzeichnis der internationalen Kamilien

When I received a note from Thomas the international exchange of plant Perkins, our new President ofthe Inter­ mqterial and all the activity that goes national Camellia Society,. asking for all with it, is strongly evidenced by the article about the "International Camellia amount of time and concern that has Register" that would "clearly bring out been put into this reqUirement, par­ why we (the ICS.) should be squarely ticularly over the last 50 years by so many behind me". This has caused me to sit eminent scientific and lay persons. down and re-appraise the whole venture. At a certain stage in the development This re-appraisal has made me more of horticulture, it became plain that convinced than ever, ofthe considerable cultivar names should be closely con­ desirability ofthere being available to all trolled. This eventually lead to the "In­ gardeners, botanists, horticulturalists, ternational Code of Nomenclature for horticultural writers and, in fact, every­ Cultivated plants" being formulated by one who uses fancy plant Cultivar names, a section cifthe "International Union for a·reference ofinternational standard and Biological Sciences". This document, origin, to refer to for concise information familiarly known as the "Horticultural on the names and history of each valid Code", was first introduced in 1953. It has cultivar ofa plant Genus. That this is gone through a number ofchanges and desirable and necessary, for uniform and modifications, leading to its present form proper cataloging, as well as to clearly published in 1980. fpecify plant cultivars,particularly for This Code has caused the formation of 45 a number of"International Registration considerable volume of data in extracts, Authorities for various plant Genus of photocopies andslides. It also lead to the horticultural merit, with the conse­ formation ofthe "International Camellia quence that plant names in these-Genus Society", based on the panel of interna­ have become more stable and accurate. tional experts formed to assist Ralph with In the case of the Genus Camellia, its his task, then to this society being en­ development as plants of horticultural trusted with the task of International merit probably started long before the Registration Authority for the Genus 16th Century as there is first evidence in Camellia, and finally to my acceptance of that century of cultivar names being the office of International Register. given to camelliasin China, and, shortly According to the "Horticultural Code" afterwards, in Japan. The early hor­ it is incumbent upon the Registration ticultural forms were from the larger Authority of a Genus to publish and flowered species, such as Cjaponica, maintain an International Register ofthe C.reticulata and C.sasanqua. There was cultivar names and histories oftheGenus little, .if any, deliberate interspecific concerned. At the time it was thought hybridization, although rare examples that all that had to be done was to knock may have been culled from the wild. a heap of data into shape and publish, Then the Western World discovered the but, after 6 years of dealing with it on a camellia and, from 1800-1900 AD, literally daily basis, it has become far more than thousands ofcultivars were produced and that, as material has continued to flow in, named. They soon spread to all parts of much of it from Chinese and Japanese the globe suitable for their culture. There sources, and an amount on the old Euro­ then followed, in the Western World, a peanvarieties. There also have been period of hiatus on camellia culture for hundreds of new registrations and the a period of about 40 years. This lead to development of interspecific hybrids in consequent loss ofidentity, so that, when a big way from the dozens of camellia they became popular again, their species becoming available. nomenclature was in a state oftotal con­ The influx of material on the old fusion. Thus, from about 1935 to 1955 varieties is slowing down and further there occurred a sorting out period, evidence is mostly on orthographic varia­ when many lists and catalogues were tions ofnames published, but the amount published, such as Vanderbilt's "Camellia ofnew oriental material is growing con­ Research" and Fendig's "American siderably. However, what is becoming Camellia Catalogue", endeavouring to more and more evident is the poor stabilize camellia nomenclature. There nomenclature that still occurs in nursery was great activity in this area ofcamellia catalogues and other publications. In culture for some time, but it finally some quite modern lists there is up to 8% quietened down, due largely to various incorrectly spelt names and what some national camellia societies being formed catalogue can do with Japanese names and, in the English speaking world, to the defies belief. Rare are the nurseries like regular publication of the Southern Nuccio's ofCalifornia, Camellia Lodge and California Camellia Society's "Camellia Camellia Grove of Australia, .Camellia Nomenclature". Haven ofNew Zealand and lrehanes of However nomenclature has never been England, in whose catalogues it is rare to cleaned up on an international level, for find an error. Some ofthe worst examples example oriental cultivars were largely occur in publications including list of disregarded, so that some confusion in cultivar names from garden collections. nomenclature still remained. This led to The author has taken down the badly the funding of a grant for international pronounced names or copied misspelt research into camellia nomenclature in names from plant labels or garden lists 1958, by the Longwood Foundation of and published them without adequate America, acting through the L. H. Bailey checking. Reference to an international Hortoriurn, Cornell University. From this list of valid names would reduce this to eventuated 5 years ofdedicated work by a minimum. Ralph Philbrick and the amassing of a In the selection·of new names the 46

Register would prevent duplication. Most difficult to pronounce, or having an of the National Registration Authorities undesirable connotation, etc. Such refer their lists ofnew registrationsto me synonym should be properly approved before publication, and duplicate names by the registration authority and in­ are not uncommon in these lists. 1b cluded in the Register. As it stands this render this problem minimal without a use ofsynonyms has caused some confu­ International Registration List would sion when plants are exchanged interna­ mean each registration authority would tionally, particularly when the recipients need to employ, on an almost full time are unaware ofany nomenclature history. basis, a person to research all hor­ Finally let me say that my purpose is ticultural literature where camellia to produce an International Camellia names are mentioned, catalogues from Register which will be a list ofall names nurseries the world over and all Camellia and varietal histories that have been Society publications, and record them in located from the catalogues and literature a retrievable form, so that they would from every country where camellias are have' as complete a reference file as grown and from all source that have been possible. located, back to the "Bencao Gangmu", A further purpose ofthe Register is to (Materia Medica with commentaries) of straighten out the various synonyms that Li Shizhen, 1590 and up to the latest remain in popular use. It is common for registrations of1990. This would then be different camellia growing areas to retain a bench mark, or point of reference for the use ofsynonyms for various reasons, the future. The sourcing and listing of and this is particularly so in America modern cultivars is a snap compared where many Chinese, Japanese and old with dredging through mountains ofold European varieties are more commonly papers, book and publications, extract of known by their local synonyms than which have gone into the Register, and their prior valid name. This is permissi­ I would wish a repeat ofthe task on no ble where original names are unsuitable one. for commercial purposes, due to being 47

The International Camellia Register


Le Registre international du camellia

Registro de Camelia Internacional

II registro internazionale della camellia

Verzeichn:is der internationalen Kamilien

We at headquarters have just received We shall have to set up a Register word that the work on the International Publication Fund and appeal to founda­ Camellia Register has been completed. As tions in the U.S., U.K. and]apan for help. you know this massive undertaking has We also have to appeal to Camellia been done by our past President, Thm Societies, various libraries and research Savige. It is our duty to see to the institutions and individuals for pre­ publication of this important botanical, publication pledges to see to the world­ horticultural and historical record. The wide distribution. We hope to have a Society has voted to support Thm Savige's printing of 2000 sets and at a price that work. The Society has also voted to pro­ most of us can and will afford. vide from our excess funds of the We expect our members and societies 'Treasury to begin publication. We are in to bring this up and generate the vital the process of securing bids on the support. Remember that this Register has 2-volume, 2500 page work from as many evolved from a check-list ofnomenclature printers as possible in the U.S., U.K., into a historical record with details on the Australia and perhaps Hong Kong and cultivars of Camellia around the globe. Singapore. We are under the promise of Yes, we will need help in the coming further aid from the Bailey Hortatorium year! and the Longwood Foundation to complete this Register. 48

A Visit To Southern Ireland

JOHN TOOBY, United Kingdom

Visite en Irlande du Sud

Una visita al sur de Irlanda

Une visita in Irlanda del sud

Besuch in Suedirland

The 1989 Garden Thur arranged by the DooI. Thgether with a small farm and British and Channel Island Directors and nursery, the property extends to 120 acres Members ofthe I.C.S. was set in Southern (48 ha.) ofwhich the garden accounts for Ireland and lasted a week, April 20th. to perhaps half. His laid out on a large scale 26th., instead ofthe usual four days. The on a moderately acid soil (pH .5.6) on a abiding memories of the tour are of a sloping site running down to the River series of splendid gardens, each one of Suir, part of it in woodland under a them different, but each delightful in its canopy of oak trees. Since 1965, Mr. own way; ofelegant 18th. and 19th. cen­ Congreve has carried out replanting on tury houses where our hosts dispensed a grand scale with Buddlejas, Cleroden­ generous hospitality; and between the drons, Hebes and Hydrangeas following gardens, miles ofemerald green country­ on for summer effect, but Rhododen­ side enlivened by large patches ofrichly drons and Camellias stand out, and in­ fragrant golden gorse. deed the Camellia collection is one ofthe Unfortunately for us, the winter had best in the British Isles. Of those still been unusually mild and many camellias flowering, 'Elizabeth Rothschild' was still had finished flowering or were practical­ doing well with single pale pink flowers; ly over. However we saw enough to 'Elegans' had a few blooms and 'Freedom realise that the Irish have soils and Bell' lived up to its name with a fme show climate very suitable for Camellias and of red flowers. A group of 'Mattie Cole' we saw many fine plants. still held some of its lovely single pink About 40 ofus, including a couple from flowers, with flared stamens, Higo­ The Netherlands and another from New fashion. 'Bowen Bryant', 'Charles Colbert' Zealand, started from Waterford, where and 'Alexander Hunter' were still looking some looked in at the home ofWaterford good while 'Elsie Jury' and 'R. L. Crystal, whose beautiful hand-crafted Wheeler' still retained a few good models are still made in the traditional flowers. way. After a superb lunch in the house, we The whole of Friday was spent .at were welcomed by Mr. Congreve, who ; this has been described had flown in from London to meet us. as one ofthe three best gardens in Europe Then, refreshed, we returned to the - and who am I to disagree? Our host, Mr. garden to see more fine plants. 'Inspira­ Ambrose Congreve, has given the proper­ tion' - the best ofall for the garden and ty to the Irish nation, subject to his use for cutting, we were told - and 'Don­ during his lifetime. He was unable to be ckelaeri' were admired, as was~oshua with us until lunchtime so we were taken Youtz' with some nice white flowers, round by the Director ofthe Garden, Mr. though others were somewhat marked. 49

Nearby 'Crinkles' was looking good near Camellias. Amongst them we noticed a a plant ofthe excellent South American plant of C. tsaii about 8 ft. (2.5 m.) high Myrtus lechleriana, so much more ftee­ and several forms ofC. saluenensis in dif­ flowering than M. luma and apparently ferent shades ofpink but all standing up hardier too. Further on, 'Royalty' was well to the weather. Most Camellias were coming to the end of its season but still over but 'Brigadoon', 'Jupiter', 'Donation' making a good show; 'Joseph Pfingstl' and 'St. Ewe' all looked good, and a young was near the end too, but had some fine plant of 'Anticipation' held several perfect formal double flowers; the Irish summers flowers. are cool and a number of camellias pro­ After tea in the house, we returned to duce flowers with a different form to the hotel, where we learned that the what they do even in England. In central flowers - mainly camellias ofcourse - had and northern Ireland, as also in Scotland, been arranged by members ofthe Water­ few forms ofC. japonica produce enough ford Flower Club which includes both flower buds to be worth growing, while Protestants and Roman Catholics; they many hybrids flower freely. One such is were going on to arrange a Flower 'Leonard Messel', with very large flowers Festival at the Protestant Church with the of a good, almost salmon pink, which proceeds to be divided between the two was doing well at Mount Congreve. denominations. It was nice to know that On Saturday morning we went to the religious harmony is possible in Ireland. John F. Kennedy Arboretum at Campile. Next day, Sunday, we drove to Glount­ This has been developed as a memorial haune near Cork, our first call being at to the late President Kennedy. It extends , the Irish home of the to 623 acres (252 ha.) and is sited about Duke ofDevonshire. As we approached, four miles (6 km.) from the Kennedy we saw a splendid Magnolia, perhaps 60 family's ancestral home. The first shelter ft. (18 m.) high, probably ofhybrid origin belts were planted in 1966 and the first and covered with ruby-red flowers. This trees two years later. The soils vary was in the Lower Garden, which is the somewhat, with the pH ranging from 6.2 spring garden and includes a good collec­ to 7. The site slopes gently towards the tion of camellias, mostly forms of C. x south so the main problem in growing williamsii, planted by the present Duke Camellias is providing shelter from wind. and which were doing well. In the A few plants ofC.japonica planted close absence of the Duke, we were taken to the buildings near the entrance were round by the Agent, Mr. Peter Barber. looking less well than the examples ofC. The soil of the Upper Garden is near cuspidata (a very tight-growing form), C. neutral so it has been developed as a sum~ saluenensis and C. reticulata lower down. mer garden devoted to herbaceous plants These were in an open site and the with a sprinkling ofshrubs. The far side C. reticulata seemed to dislike their is bounded by a high wall, part ofthe old exposure to wind. ramparts. From here we walked through After lunch in the Cafeteria we went the courtyard - with two fine trees ofthe on to , the garden of I.C.S. New Zealand Sophora tetraptera is full members Col. and Mrs. David Price; they flower - to the castle, where we enjoyed came to Ireland 40 years ago, when the coffee and light refreshments. The castle garden consisted of two apple trees and had been remodelled in the mid 19th cen­ half an acre of potatoes. After rehabili­ tury byJoseph Paxton for the 6th. Duke, tating the old garden they turned their and commands fine views over the valley attention to a boggy area in the corner of the River Suir. of a field just below, and found them­ After lunch at Ballyvolane House, selves excavating a 7th. or 8th. century which has been adapted for use as a mill-pond - which is now a feature- and delightful hotel and restaurant, we went below it flows a small stream which now on to the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Brian runs through a little valley with tribu­ Cross at Glanmire. In contrast to the taries fed from springs. All is now well others, this is a relatively young garden planted with a varied collection of trees with very varied planting and an em­ and shrubs - including some very nice phasis on alpine and rock-garden plants. 50

Ofthe Camellias, 'Donation' was looking several large bushes ofwhich were laden good, while a plant of 'Mary Phoebe with flowers and scenting the air for Thylor' about 4 ft. (1.3 m.) high held a few yards around. Several Camellias were still nice flowers; 'Margaret Davis', about the flowering here, 'Anticipation', 'ElsieJury' same height, was carrying one last love­ and 'Edith Linton' being outstanding as ly flower. jupiter', about 8 ft. (2.5 m.) had was a large bush labelled 'Anemoniflora a good display, but 'Inspiration' had near­ Alba'. A collection from Portugal was ly finished and 'Francie L? had no flowers planted in 1961, but the labels had been left. Mr. Cross, who took us round, had lost and the only one that we could iden­ been particularly helpful in making ar­ tify with anything like certainty was rangements for our visit as had our next 'Portuense' with variegated leaves. Our host, another I.C.S. member, his New Zealand friends were happy to neighbour Finbarr Dowdall who had recognise seyeral New Zealand trees, planted the sides of a dingle with which thrive here due to the mild camellias. These, too, had mostly finished climate. flowering after a good display earlier on. The weather held again on Thesday Rosemary Dowdall then invited us into when we went to Glengarriffat the head the house for a welcome cup of tea etc. of Bantry Bay, where we had coffee And so we came to Ashbourne House before embarking on the ferryboat to Hotel nearby, with camellias in the take us to Ilnacullin the fabulous Italian garden, including a tea-plant, C. sinensis. Garden on Garnish Island made in the That evening we visited one ofthe Cork early years ofthis century by Harold Peto schools to join the Cork Men's Flower for members of the Bryce family, and Club to hear an excellent lecture given by now the property ofthe Irish state. Here one ofour party,Jennifer 1tehane ofthe we had our picnic lunch and spent a 'll:'ehane Nurseries, on Camellias and delightful afternoon wandering around, Camellia growing. led by the head gardener Mr. Finbarr Monday was another lovely day and we O'Sullivan. 'Donation' was about over but started by visiting Annesgrove at Castle­ jupiter' was still flowering well, as was townroche, the home of Mr. and Mrs. a nice striped one called 'York and Lan­ Grove-Annesley. This is a large old caster'. On the other side of the garden garden, through the bottom of which close to the jetty 'Captain Rawes' was runs a small river, which is bordered by flowering well against a wall and there generous plantings ofPrimulas, Podger­ were still a few flowers left on 'Lionhead' sias, Irises etc. The garden is mostly on nearby. 'Elizabeth Rothschild' was also a limestone soil, with a pH ofabout 7, but doing well and a young plent of C. tsaH a peaty area marks the line of an old looked promising. watercourse. Part ofthis was planted with That evening we had a fascinating lec­ Rhododendrons etc. about 1902 and these ture by Dr. Charles Nelson, the Director have been added to since. As in some of ofGlasnevin Botanic Gardens, , on the other gardens most ofthe Camellias the flowers ofthe Burren, illustrated by had finished flowering but 'Bow Bells' some very fine· slides. The Burren is an was still giving a good display, with extensive area of limestone pavement flowers that stood up well to wind and close to the coast ofCounty Clare which weather. There is a wealth of fine old at first sight looks very barren, but on trees here and other plants of interest. closer. inspection is seen to hold a rich After a splendid buffet lunch in the flora and a number ofinteresting plants. house, presided over by Mrs. Grove­ On Wednesday the weather started to Annesley, we rejoined our bus for the change as we drove to Killarney and it drive to Fota. This is an outstanding was raining when the bus arrived at garden, which has recently come into the in the Killarney National ownership ofUniversity College, Cork. It Park. Some of the party went to the stands on an island in Cork Harbour and greenhouses, and others to the house contains a marvellous collection of with its fine 18th. century furniture and specimen trees and shrubs. Here again we cellars converted into craft workshops. A 'Were impressed with Myrius lechleriana, few enthusiasts braved the elements to 51 the camellias, quite recently planted in after a disastrous fire some years back. woodland in groups of six or so of each Unfortunately the camellias were prac­ cultivar. Quite exceptionally for this part tically over and the highlight was a group of Ireland there had been a frost the of very large plants of Rhododendron previous night and few good flowers grande, Rh. macabeanum, and Rh. were to be found. sinogrande all of them in full flower. After lunch we went on by Kenmare It is ironic that on my last visit to and part of the "Ring of Kerry" to southern Ireland (in late May) there were Rossdohan on an island in Kenmare River many more camellias in flower then than reached by a lane too narrow for buses on this trip in late April, due to the and by a bridge over the sea. The unusually mild weather ofJanuary and weather had now cleared and we ertioyed February, but the fine plants and fresh wonderful views over Kenmare River as plantings that we saw suggest that we wandered through groves of tree­ camellias will become increasingly ferns, cordylines, eucalyptus and other popular in that country. exotics to the house, now an empty shell

Camellias In South Australia

JOHN PEDLER, Australia

Camellias en Australie du Sud

Camelias en el sur de Australia

Le CameUie in Australia del sud

Kamilien in Sued-Australien

Australia has had a very varied weather pattern in the first four months of 1989 with floods in Brisbane and Sydney, good rains in Melbourne, but a terrible drought in Adelaide. Ifwe do not receive any rain for the next week (and it seems very unlikely that we will) it will be the worst drought we have experienced for 100 years. Naturally this has caused some problems for us with our camellias and has necessitated constant watering, espe­ cially important inJanuary and February when flower bud formation is occurring. Our water supply contains a very high salt content, as much of the water is drawn from the River Murray where the salt content increases steadily as the river flows down from the snow fields ofNew South Wales to its outlet to the sea at Goolwa in South Australia. I, therefore, have installed a large number of rain water tanks and I use this by watering can for all my camellia watering. This is 52

Nan Pickering (registered 1979-C.PJ. Pickering, Oldgate, South Australia) necessary as I live on a limestone hill and which has recently been found by our all plants are in pots or tubs. In spite of Hills Branch of the A.C.R.SJ are all pro­ the necessary high levels of energy out­ minent in our gardens. We are a little put which hand watering causes, flower backward in growing the newer bud setting was quite good. At present American varieties, I'm afraid, although (mid to late April) the Sasanquas are in they are usually well represented on our full bloom and making a very fine show­ show benches. Our gardens are mostly ing. Yuletide, Setsugekka, Plantation Pink filled with the older formal and informal and Betsy Baker are giving me nice doubles - the Hovey's Contessa Lavinia splashes of colour in the garden and a Maggi, Emperor of Russia (and its couple ofseedlings grown from seed col­ variegated form), Grand Sultan, Grand lected in David Feathers' garden many Slam, Guilio Nuccio, Hana Fuki, Helenor, years ago are good flowers - a single dark all the named Waterhouse varieties, La pink and a pure white. Pace Rubra, Leviathan, Maroon and Gold, The first japonicas are just showing col­ Brushfield's Yellow and Gweneth Morey our and will soon be in bloom. Earliest (probably the same camellia) Paolina varieties with us are Wildfire, Spencers Maggi, Prince Frederick William, Red En­ Pink, Debutante and Speciosissima. These sign, R. L. Wheeler, Red Red Rose, Rosea are old varieties, taking almost full sun, Superba, Sawada's Dream, The Czar, Tif­ and are very prolific bloomers. South fany, Thm Knudsen, Thmorrow and all its Australia generally is well known for its sports, Virginia Franco and all its sports formal double camellias. These seem to and zambo are very commonly seen in do better in our climate than in any other our gardens. We are rather more garden­ part ofAustralia. Great Eastern is another variety minded, I think, than our early-flowering garden variety which American friends and don't tend so does particularly well. The Reticulatas much towards the large show bench also do well. Elegans and all its sports, blooms. However, we get as much Dainty Maiden, Aspasia and all its sports, satisfaction and love ofthe beauty ofour Alba plena, Fimbriata, Dona Herzilia de camellias I'm sure as all our camellia Frietas Magalhaes (and a very attractive friends in other parts ofthe world seem sport with prominent white markings to do. 53

Annual Thtorium


Colloque international

Thtorium anual

Colloquia annuale

jaehrliche Studiengruppe

In 1980, the Baton Rouge Camellia Socie­ TIMING ty established a local workshop on We have our Thtoriwn each year on the camellia culture and decided to call it a second Sunday of February from 2 to 5 "Thtorium" as a unique identifier. The p.m. at the Baton Rouge Garden Center. workshop has become an annual project We have found that scheduling the of the Society and has been most suc­ Thtorium for the middle ofFebruary ap­ cessful in promoting local interest in pears to be an ideal time to have the camellias and obtaining new members. workshop in Baton Rouge. It is in the mid­ This article is provided to share our ex­ dle of the normal grafting season, the periences and procedures with other flowers are usually at their peak bloom­ groups who might want to have similar ing season, and the interest from our workshops in their areas to increase in­ camellia show in January is still strong. terest in camellias and sign up new H is also a good time to plant or transplant members for their local organization or new plants and the local nurseries usually the International Camellia Society. have some plants in stock. The combina­ tion of the show being held in mid­ January and the Thtorium being held in mid-February seems to work well for us. LOCATION Garden Clubs in Baton Rouge are very fortunate to have available for their use the Baton Rouge Garden Center. The building contains about 3000 square feet and has kitchen facilities, an ample sup­ ply of folding tables and chairs and a large parking lot. H is located near the geographic center ofthe community and is convenient to get to from any section of town. We have had the workshop in the same location each year and this facilitates repeat visits and our publicity each year. A membership covered dish lunch has been held at the last six workshops. These lunches have been found to be a very effective way to get together, review 54 the flower show we had inJanuary, share among the visitors while others are experiences and enjoy ourselves. After conducting the demonstrations. the IW1ch, we arrange the Garden Center for the various activities planned for the fLOWER DISPLAY workshop. We provide an informal display of a representative number ofblooms so ~hat PUBLICITY visitors can get an idea of the varIety available, forms, colors, etc. We try to A very essential element to the success have a bloom available for as many ofthe of a workshop is the nature and extent grafting scions as we can. This ~ay the of good publicity. We advise the local individual can select the camelha they newspapers of the event and provide a like by looking at the bloom, take one of descriptive notice for their calendar of the scions to a member to graft and be coming events. We also send press re­ assured that the resulting plant will be leases to the local cable television bulletin a variety which they like. Many visitors board and the educational television com­ have brought with them a list ofvarieties munity event notices. Radio stations are which they liked at our show inJanuary, also sent releases describing the work­ noted on the back ofour show schedule. shop and are asked to help us publicize One year, when our regular January the event. show was cancelled due to hard freezes, Another very important aspect ofour we had a flower show with judging of publicity is the printing ofa descriptive the blooms on display. This was ap­ circular in advance of our flower show preciated very much by our visitors, but in January for distribution to visitors at it does require additional work by the our show. Club members circulate among members. visitors at the show and point out that the emphasis at the show is on enjoying the Baton Rouge CameIIla Society Member blooms. Emphasis at the Thtorium is on Mattie Duvle (R) demonstrates cultural practices, grafting, and specific grafting to a visitor problem solving or individual questions. We urge all who are interested in learn­ ing more about camellias to take the cir­ cular home and keep it as a reminder of the Thtorium. The publicity in the papers, television, radio etc. prior to the Thtorium serves as additional reminders. Our experience is that most of our Thtorium visitors had fOW1d out about the Thtorium at our show in mid-January through the members and circular.

RECEPTION We have a reception desk at the en­ trance where we greet the visitors, register them for a door prize (a nice grafted plant), give them a brief idea of what's available and perhaps identify a specific interest the person might have. The Garden Center is arranged so that the visitor can browse by the flower display, the ICS Membership table, demonstra­ tions ofair layering, rooted cutting propa­ gation, grafting demonstration, and the plant sale. We also have coffee and snacks for their enjoyment. Members wear iden­ tifying name tags and some circulate 55

DEMONSTRATIONS Baton Rouge Camellia Society Thtorium Member A. M. Talbot (R) Most of the visitors are interested in described the process of grafting to grafting and we have several members interested visitors conducting grafting demonstrations at the same time and continuously as long as there is interest or as long as the Wlder­ stock lasts. We will demonstrate grafting procedures is reproduced in advance and on the visitor's own Wlderstock ifhe has copies are made available to our visitors brought it or we use some of our own in addition to the individual discussions understock. We obtain about 50 (one­ or demonstrations. gallon size) sasanqua understock for use Demonstrations include use of plant in the grafting and request a donation material and actual plants whenever pos­ from the visitor to cover the cost of the sible. Specific cultural requirements and understock. The visitor then takes the seasonal timing ofthe procedures are de­ new graft home, with written instruc­ scribed. For example, air layering in this tions on how to care for it. The name and area seems to be most effective when telephone number ofthe member doing done in March and April when the sap the grafting is provided so that questions starts to flow well. They are then reo can be answered later. Other demonstra­ moved from the parent plant in late tions proceed at the same time as the August or September and potted up in grafting. Air layering techniques, gib­ good soil. They should be kept out of bing procedures and propagation by cut­ direct SWl and watered frequently for tings and seeds are included. Unknown several weeks while new roots are form­ blooms brought in by visitors are iden­ ing and the new plant gets over the shock tified by our members. Members also ofbeing removed from the parent plant. help with identification ofdiseased limbs, After about two months, they can be leaves, plants, etc. brought by visitors. treated as any other container plant. Questions or problems are answered by members in small groups or individual­ MEMBERSHIP ly. Descriptive material on the various A table is set up for local society, leS, 56 and ACS memberships. Publications are them for $5.00 each. This low price en­ displayed, questions answered, dues col­ courages beginners to try one or more lected, etc. The advantages of member­ plants at a very low initial investment. ship inthe local society are emphasized, We hope to develop some future growers copies are available ofpast issues of the (and potential club members) in this way. local member newsletter' and Member Printed handout material on basic Handbook,' and the enthusiastic help of camellia culture practices is given to each local members is described. Publications purchaser to improve his chances of a ofthe ACS and ICS are on display and ad­ successful planting. vantages ofmembership and publications are presented. ACS and ICS Membership SUMMARY application blanks are.given to prospec­ The annual workshop produced each tive members. A new member packet is year by the Baton Rouge camellia Society given to all new local society members has become our'most successful com­ (includes past issues ofthe newsletter, munity service.project in promoting in­ Handbook with membership list, meet­ terest in Camellias. The enthusiastic hard ing dates, area show dates, etc., and work ofour dedicated local society mem­ several fact sheets on camellias). Copies bers is a key to our success. Publicizing of the current issue of SCCS Camellia the Thtorium atour camellia flower show Nomenclature are available for sale to in January is another key factor. Other interested attendees. clubs who are interested in developing a similar program should concentrate on PLANT SALE these elements: hardworking local mem-­ We have obtained starter camellia bers, good location and facility, and good japonica plants for the past two years for publicity, including individual circulars sale at the Thtorium. We purchased a distributed at a show before the work­ group of rooted cutting plants in one­ shop. Interested clubs or ICS members are gallon size pots from a wholesale nursery. welcome to contact the author or any The plants were well-branched with other Baton Rouge Camellia Society numerous buds and we were able to sell member for more information.

~., 57

Blue, Green and Yellow Camellias


Camellias bleus, verts et jaunes

Camelias azules, verdes, y amarillas

Camellie blu, verdi, e gialle

Blaue, gruene, und gelbe Kamilien

Five years ago, there was much specula­ a natural weatherproofing which pro­ tion in Camellia circles about the potential tects their internal chemistry from out­ impact ofthe yellow-flowered C. chrysan­ side influences. (It is the passage of ox­ tha. Thday, in spite ofintense hybridising ygen through this protection· which efort, it remains true that most Camellia causes blooms to go brown). blooms are white, pink and red. There We wished to react this internal are some rare, yellow-flowered species chemistry with an alkali, in this case am­ which seem reluctant to impart their monium hydroxide. Several solvents were colour to hybrids with other Camellia tested, with ordinary ether (deithyl ether) species. being most satisfactory, acting in a few There is a group of Camellias which seconds. are, to some extent, yellow. The group in­ Equal parts ofether and 20% ammonia cludes the japonicas 'Brushfield's Yellow', solution were placed ina wide-necked 'Gwenneth Morey','Elegans Champagne' glassjar. The quantity ofliquid used and and the hybrid 'Jury's Yellow'. its composition is not critical. The bloom Another departure from common col­ was dipped in the solution and shaken for ours is typified by the reddish-purple of a few seconds, until colour change was the japonica 'D. Herzilia de Freitas observed. Magalhaes' here named 'D. Herzilia' for Thereafter, browning of the blooms short. The colour of this cultivar and was rapid. In a few minutes they started several others can vary from deep red to to become ugly. Blooms treated by this purple for reasons commonly attributed method are not suitable for exhibition, to soil acidity. nor should they be. It is well-known that the chemicals For this preliminary report, about forty which are the pigments ofmany flowers blooms were tested in the course of an are responsive to acidity or pH changes hour. As many species and hybrids as when studied inthe test-tube.]ust as the were available were tested. The work was litmus paper used in laboratories changes done at Sydney's Camellia Grove Nursery from red in acid to blue in alkali, we in mid-May of1989. At this time ofyear, assumed that the dominant pigment in C.sasanqua is blooming well, the earlier blooms of'0. Herzilia' was sensitive to pH CJaponica are starting to bloom, but there inside the flower itself. Accordingly, we are few C. reticulata. It is intended to do sought a simple way to chemically more testing in August to catch the modify the pigments inside the bloom. reticulata peak. METHOD We used fresh-eut whole blooms ofnor­ RESULTS mal, mature Camellias. Such blooms have The table with this report summarises 58 Colour Changes to some Camellia Blooms Caused by Strong Alkali. normal colour alkaline colour

C.JAPONICA Lovelight white white Nuccio's Gem white white Dixie Knight Supreme red, white varieg blue, white varieg Betty Foy Sanders pink, red stripe blue, dark blue stripe Wildfire deep red deep blue Moshio deep red deep blue Great Eastern rose red deep blue Frances Butler deep coral rose deep blue Lady Clare deep pink deep blue Laurie Bray soft pink mid blue Debutante light pink blue/grey D. Herzilia de Freitas Magalhaes red/purple deep blue/grey Bokuhan (Tinsie) red, cream centre blue, yellow centre Mrs. D. W. Davis Descanso pale pink pale pink, yellow centre Elegans Champagne white, cream centre white, yellow centre Brushfield's Yellow white, cream centre white, yellow centre MISCELLANEOUS HYBRIDS Snow Drop (pitardii x fraternal pale pink-pink bright yellow-green Donation (saluenensis x japonica) orchid pink mid green Freedom Bell (parentage unstated) bright red deep blue Tiptoe yaponica x williamsii) Silver-cherry pink grey-blue Wynne Rayner (parentage unstated) lavender pink apple green W irlinga Belle soft pink grey-blue (rosaflora x williamsii seedling) C. RETICULATA (AND RETICULATA HYBRIDS) Shot Silk (Yunnan reticulata) pale pink green-grey Lois Shinault orchid pink ·lettuce green ('Crimson Robe' x granthamiana) Vi Henderson red deep blue-black ('Crimson Robe' seedling) Betty Ridley pink blue-green yaponica x {sasanqua x reticulata)) Massee Lane pink pale blue-green (seedling of (saluenensis x reticulata)) C. SASANQUA Mine-no-yuki white lemon yellow Setsugekka white lemon yellow Pure Silk white/pink yellow Edna Butler silver pink apple green Plantation Pink pink light green Jennifer Susan pale pink greenish yellow Bonanza deep red greenish black HYBRIDS WITH C. SASANQUA Dream Girl (sasanqua x reticulata) salmon pink apple green C. HIEMALIS Hiryu (Australian) rose pink greenish black C. VERNALIS Star Above Star White/pink greenish yellow Egao deep rose pale green/blue C. ROSAEFLORA Rosaeflora pink pale green C. CUSPIDATA Spring Festival (cuspidata seedling) light pink/pink yelloW C. LUTCHUENSIS Lutchuensis white yellow C. SINENSIS Sinensis (variety unknown) white pale yellow C.CHRYSANTHA (variety unknown) yellow bright yellow 59 the preliminary results. Each main assist in the classification of species, the species is now commented upon. simple test described might be a useful accessory. It is not likely to give definitive CAMELLIA JAPONICA indications of missing parentage or There were two broad classes of wrongly-assigned parentage, but it might behaviour. provide a useful screening method to In one class, white blooms remained highlight cultivars or species ofinterest white, pink blooms turned to light blue for more detailed studies. and red blooms turned dark blue. The more detailed studies usually in­ Variegated and striped blooms gave the volve extraction ofpigments, separation impression that one main pigment ac­ and purification of them and measure­ counted for their colour variations, the ment oftheir properties, such as light ab­ pigment being at different concentrations sorption spectra. This can be tedious and at different places in the bloom. We did expensive, so a screening method may be not observe the light parts ofa variegated of benefit. bloom turning a different hue to the dark The bright yellow petaloids of parts. 'Brushfield's Yellow' and 'Elegans Cham­ The other class of behaviour, on our pagne' when treated this way, plus the limited results to date, seemed to affect unexpected (to us) appearance of yellow some blooms ofthe elegans form. 1Jpical­ in white C. sasanqua and C.lutchuensis, ly, the guard petals retained their original lead to speculation about paths to the colour, but the central petaloids turned highly-sought yellow Camellia. It is insuf­ yellow (see table for examples). The ficient to grow these cultivars in alkaline yellow colour was very bright and it gave soil and to hope for good, yellow blooms. us the impression that it was a pigment, The more likely result is a sick plant with and not a residual colour ofthe structure poor blooms - or a dead one. Our limited ofthe bloom after it had been leached by experiments at infusion of ammonium the strong chemicals used. hydroxide via the stem ofthe developing CAMELLIA SASANQUA bud have led to bud drop before maturi­ The results give the impression that ty, but our efforts·were rudimentary. more than one type of pigment is in­ In the longer term, there may be scope volved as one moves from one sasanqua for genetic engineering to change the cultivar to the next. acidity of the fluids within the blooms The normally white "Setsugekka' and during bud development. It might also 'Mine-No-Yuki' turned bright yellow. be found that the buds do not develop at 'Jennifer Susan', white fringed pink, these new acidities, because ofeffects on became greenish yellow. Progressively other biochemical reactions. darker pinks to reds gave light to dark However, it seems tantalising that such green changes. attractive blooms can be made, somewhat synthetically and somewhat fleetingly. MISCELLANEOUS HYBRIDS Are we.but a drop of alkali from a Saluenensis parentage may impart a breakthrough in Camellia colours? green alkaline colour. On the other hand, 'Freedom Bell' gave a deep blue resemb­ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ling the red japonica response. We thank Camellia Grove Nursery for their kindness and patience in donating MISCELLANEOUS SPECIES test blooms and coping with the strong All ofthose tested gave a marked colour odours of ether and ammonia. change with alkali. C. lutchuensis gave a The authors are not botanists and are good yellow, C. sinensis and C. cuspidata not well-read on the science of flower a pale yellow. The few C. reticulata tested pigments. We acknowledge that other here gave startling colour changes. work of s similar type may have been reported without our knowledge. In any DISCUSSION event, we hope that this note will 1b the extent that the chemistry of stimulate correspondence, which we are colour pigments in Camellia blooms can pleased to enter into. 60

Wabisukes And Their Roots


Les Wabisukes et leurs racines

wabisukes y sus rakes

I Wabisukes e lOrD radici

wabisukes und deren Wurzel

The Wabisukes seem to capture the (syn. C. uraku Kitamura) on the under­ heart of the tea-ceremony artists and standing that 'Uraku' too, belongs to many Japanese because of its modest C. wabisuke (1970). blooming shyly in the coldness of early The plant ofhis so called 'Uraku' grows spring away from the brilliant perform­ without arousing peoples attention to say ance of common Camellias. Herein lies nothing of record and legend of the the philosophyoftaking life simply and Thmple, at the gate-side in the Gassinin quietly as the most desirable and ideal temple in Kyoto besides the lbjiin temple. way to live. This state of mind might This 'Uraku Thubaki', the lesser one is size communicate with world of"Plain living and oldness was designated by himself and high thinking" of Wordsworth after a historical connection that the (1770-1850), Gassinin temple was located near the The oldest plant of'Wabisuke' existing ancient site of"Urakusai ada", one ofthe inJapan is found in the Daitokuji temple prominent master of Sado, an art of tea in Kyoto, and is estimated to be around ceremony. 400 years old. I can not find any persuative reason to It is in Sannojo Ito's "Kadan Chikin Sho" place C. wabisuke on the same level with 1695 where 'Wabisuke' first appeared in C. japonica etc. Horticulturly speaking,I a record describing as "Rose red, mottled think that it is nothing but a hybrid White, small, tublar form, another name which origin had been vague for a long 'Kocho'''. Apart from this, there is an old years. plant of 'Throkaja' popularly had been 'Throkaja' first appeared in Jukyu Ito's called 'Wabisuke' or 'Momoiro (pink) "Honzo Hanamakiye" 1739 describing Wabisuke' in the lbjiin temple of Kyoto. that "Pot form, medium, single, Light An identification tag declaring it a 'Uraku Purple, early. They say that it is a spring Thubaki' has been set up since around call as it blooms from mid January o.S. 1960. This change arosed from the very good for flower arrangement." achievements ofDr. Shiro Kitamura who As mentioned in "The Enigma of gave the name of 'Uraku' (1952) to Throkaja", International Camellia, October 'Throkaja'. Previously, when informations 1978, I have assumed that this unusual on Camellias in China were insufficient Camellia was imported from China in the all types of Wabisuke were classified in early 15th century or so and that the Thea reticulata by Dr. lbmitaro Makino name of 'Wabisuke' possibly originated (1910). Dr. Kitamura assorted them in the in the Chinese "Wei-bi-su-hua" meaning peculiar species, C. wabisukeand the purplish flower with subtle fragrance C. uraku. Later on, he revised the latter or the small scented flower with blue to C. wabisuke f. (rosea) Makino Kitamura tint. The ovary of the flower is thickly 61 sericeous which character shows it names of the traditional varieties are as C. japonica and presumably C. saluenen­ follows: sis hybrid. Ifthis is the pure dual cross­ 'Throkaja' syn. another 'Wabisuke' ing, 'Throkaja' might be the oldest 'Momoiro Wabisuke' Cx williamsii. 'Uraku', 'Uraku­ I happened to notice that there was a tsubaki' Camellia plant which was quite similar 'Yangfeicha (China) to 'Throkaja' among those transplanted to Judith (U.S.) the Shanghai Botanical Garden being 'Wabisuke' syn. 'Kocho' 'Kocho under preparation for opening in 1979. Wabi~uke' This Camellia is called 'Yangfei' (name of 'Shibori Wabisuke' a beautiful Empress of the 8th century) 'Shiro Wabisuke' sports 'Hina Wabisuke' in China. They say that old plants ofthis syn. 'Akizaki Pink Camellia type are not seldum in central Wabisuke' China. In Wangxiangjin's "Qunfangpu", 'Aka Wabisuke' sim. 'Owari Wabisuke' an old Chinese gardening book 1621, the 'Beni Wabisuke' syn. 'Kanzaki Aka 'Yangfeicha' is described as "Single, Wabisuke' (in Kansai) blooms early and Rose Pink". It seems to 'Sukiya' sim. 'MikawaWabisuke' be a plain, moreover an exact description 'Hatsukari' syn. 'Sukiya Wabisuke' for this flower. I suppose it must be the 'Showa Wabisuke' original plant of 'Throkaja' in Japan. 'Saotome' (U.S.) The definite condition for producing 'Apple Blossom' (U.S.) flowers ofabnormality, the retrogression 'Little Princess' (Aus.) of genital organ as well sometimes sets sports 'Fukurin germinative seeds should the parents be wabisuke' a .hybrid of C. japonica with a certain 'Shibenashi syn. 'Nyogogashima' species in a limited scope, furthermore it Wabisuke' sim. 'Shinkuri' being possible to backcross with C. (Note) Syn. and sim. are indicated only japonica. It is not too much to say that the the important ones. roots of the Wabisuke are in 'Throkaja' and that whole Wabisukes have devel­ .~ In recent years, many new seedlings oped from 'Throkaja'. Actually, some of with the name of Wabisuke have ap­ Fi and F2 of 'Throkaja' suggest this peared. Some ofthem were grown from assumption. the seeds raised by the hybridizers and The only thing that lies at my mind is the other more often found by chance in the fact that no Camellia similar to the a temple, private backyard and thicket. Wabisukes was ever produced, I hear, The following list of the new face of from either Fi or F2 of accurate C x Wabisukes include some old ones which williamsii. Therefor, it is highly possible parentage are vague. It also shows some that 'Throkaja' might be a product of representative names only. multiple cross in ancient China, including Putative 'Hime Wabisuke' some other species such as C. kissi or Wabisuke: 'Eishoji Wabisuke' C. pitardii for instance, with C x william­ 'Sagami Wabisuke' sii as its dominant basis. 'Gomangoku' Mototaka Ono identifiedthe old Chinese 'Throkaja' Fi: 'Uraku '64' Camellia of'Hailiucha' with Wabisuke in 'Kotobuki Wabisuke' his work "Honzo Komoku Keimo" 1803, 'Azuma Wabisuke' but there is at present some unreason­ 'Throkaja' F2: 'Funatsu-shibenashi' ableness in the comprehension. The 'Ogawa Wabisuke' ground of the Japanese legent that 'Katsura Wabisuke' 'Wabisuke' ('Kocho') was introduced from Wabishin-tsubaki CC. japonica having Korea is based on the Chinese description underdeveloped stamens): that there are plenty 'Hailiucha' in Korea. 'Ichiko Wabisuke' We have a lot of confusion in the 'Sado Wabisuke' Wabisukes from old times. Adjusted 'Thnrinji Gakko' 62

Pseudo Wabisuke (C. japonica with the It will be natural course ofinference to name of Wabisuke); have an idea that a, group of true 'Kon Wabisuke' Wabisukes have never imported from 'Kuro Wabisuke' China or Korea, but propagated from the 'Koiaka Wabisuke' sole Camellia around us. The name ofthis interesting parent is the very 'Throkaja'.

Chain Saw Pruning

TREVOR LENNARD - 'Ie Puke, New Zealand

J1elagage 11 la sde articuIee

El podar can sierra de cadena

II taglio a motosega

Wie man mit Kettensaege beschneidet

New Zealand is probably the most As it was easier to cut her down than to favored country in the world for grow­ dig her out, a compromise was reached ing camellias or indeed most other plants. and Elsie was reduced to about 2 feet. The A well distributed rainfall ofsome 70 to result-vigorous growth and vastly im­ 80 inches a year, few frosts, a free drain­ proved flowering and everybody happy. ing soil and you have all the ingredients Our Gullio Nuccio cutting grown was for luxuriant growth. another good example. It had outgrown Our problem is what to do with our its space. A sucker had grown from the trees when they have outgrown the base so the whole tree was cut off at garden space available. Last year we ground level. Thday we have a very good, bought a small chain saw and now we are well shaped tree and we can reach all the able to. do some drastic pruning. flowers. Just inside our garden gate is growing With our experience to date, we now a reticulata, Limelight, a N.Z. cultivar. have no hesitation in drastically pruning Planted in 1972, the tree was some 15 feet camellias. I would make one plea, as we high and 12 feet wide. Last October (N.Z. prune in the spring the spores of Spring) we reduced it to 3 feet and waited. Glomerella Cinqualata are floating around Four months later the new growth was about this time, so to prevent dieback, most prolific and approximately 36inches cover the cut surfaces. We either use a long and is still growing rapidly. Some water base paint with a heaping table­ judicial thinning of the shoots is being spoon of Benlate to a gallon ofpaint. Or done and we would expect flowers again a mixture of powdered clay plus 25 to in 18 months time. 30% green manure and a little water plus Some of our other trees have been 1 tablespoon Benlate to a gallon of mix­ pruned differently. We cut back half of ture. Captan can be addedbut as we keep the tree to about 2 feet, the front halfwill the mixture for sometime, we prefer only be done the following year. This way we Benlate. This mixture does not smell and lost little flowering, but have a lot of is very manageable. It is now used for all beautiful new growth. Our ElsieJury has cut surfaces when grafting. Healing and never been a vigorous plant, the leaves callusing has been very good. were always yellow and the flowers poor. What to do with the large amount of The edict was given 'that plant must go.' branches? It makes beautiful fire wood 63 for our wood burning space heater. Cut to or better than the fish smoked from in the spring and stored under cover, the the N.Z. favored native titree wood (lep­ wood is completely dry by the winter. tosfermum). Use dry camellia wood to The smaller branches are stacked and cut keep the fire going and some green wood for kindling. to produce smoke. We have several wood turning friends One last thought. The best time for who are very interested in the larger drastic pruning is undoubtedly early pieces. Camellia wood has very high spring (October in N.Z,). An experiment density and doesn't split. Many attractive in U.S.A. by Dr. Luther Baxter on when ornaments can be made so don't waste to prune showed quite definitely early camellia wood. Another use for camellia spring pruning was best, followed by wood would be in the smoke house. Have summer pruning. Autumn pruning was just smoked a batch of fish with really not recommended. New Zealand would excellent results. The product was equal agree with this experiment. 64 TEA TJ. SAVIGE Widing, N.S.W. Australia

11 te


This is by way of being a short in­ This section was, in turn divided into four troduction to the following article which series: Series I, Quinque1ocu1aris; Series is a translation by Professor Wang Dajun, II, Pentasty1ae; Series III, Gymnogynae; Honorary Director of the Shanghai and Series VI, Sinenses. Botanic Gardens, ofthe original publica­ In Series I Chang placed, C.quin­ tion in Chinese of17 new Camellia species que1ocu1aris, C.kwangsiensis and and one new variety in the Camellia C.tachangensis. In the new work, "New subsection Thea, resulting from the in­ Species and New Varieties of'lea-1rees in vestigation by the 'lea Research Institutes Yunnan China", Thn Yong-ji et a1. (1983) ofthe Chinese Acadamy and the Yunnan added: C.kwangnanica, C.grandibrateata, Acadamy of Biological Sciences from and C.remotiserrata. 1981-1983 and published in the "'lea In Section II Chang placed C.pentasy1ae, Research Journal" of 1983. C.crassico1umna, C.taliensis, C.irrawa­ Thea was first mentioned by Kaempfer diensis and C.crispula. 1b these were in his "Amoenatatum Exoticarum", 1712 added by 11m et al.: C.makuanica, C.haan­ and by Linnaeus in "Species Plantarum", iensis, C.rotundata, C.multip1ex, 1753 as Thea sinensiS. Since then various C.atrothea. botanists have given names to different In. Series III, Chang placed C.gym­ forms such as 'lea bohea, Thea viridis, Thea Oloosa, Thea stricta, Thea cantonen­ nogyna, C.costa, C.yangkiangensis, and sis etc. but these are now all regarded as C.leptophylla and the new species added synonyms for Camellia sinensis var. to this by 11m et a1. are: C.dehungensis, sinensis or China tea. C.gymnogynoides, C.mang1kaensis, and Robert Sweet was perhaps first to use C.parvisepa1oides. the generic term Camellia in place of In Series VI, Chang included, Thea in "Hortus Suburbannus Landin­ C.pubicosta, C.augustifolia, C.sinensis var. nensis", 1818 although the name Thea sinensis, C.sinensis var. assamica, C.sinen­ continued to be used, on and off, untill sis var. pubiJimba, C.sinensis var. Thea macrophylla (Siebold), Makino in wa1denae, C.tangchensis, C.ptilophylla, "The Journal ofJapanese Botany", 1918. and. C.parvesepa1a. The new species However the name Thea as a Section of added to this Section by Thn et a1. are the Genus Camellia was first used by C.multisepala, C.po1yneura, C.purpurea, Dyer in 1874 and Sealy, in ''A Revision of C.yunkiangica, C.arborescens and the Genus Camellia", accepted this divi­ C.assamica var. kucha. sion, and included in it the species­ Chang Hung-ta in ''A Thxonomy ofthe rawadiensis, C.p!1bicosta, C.gracilipes, Genus Camellia", (1981) had treated and C.taliensis whileC.sinensis was C.assamica as C.sinensis var. assamica divided into two varietas, vat. sinensis (Mast.) Kitamura. Apparently it has been and var. assamica. upgraded to a species in the case of In 1981, Chang Hung Th revised the C.assamica var. kucha. It had been heirachy ofthe Genus Camellia into Sub­ classified as Thea assamica by Masters in genus, Sections and Series. He nominated the 'journal of Agricultural et Horti­ Sub-genus Thea and the Section Thea. cultural Society, India", 3:63, 1844. 65


. Thn Yong-ji Chen Bing-huan Yu Fu-lian ('lea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences) Wang Hai-si Wang Ping-cheng. ('lea Research Institue, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences) Summary.

Nouvellesespeces et nouvelles varietes d'arbres a the

Nueva especies y variedades de arbole de te

Nuove sped e varieta d'alberi a te

Neue Spezien und neue Varietaet von Thebaeumen in Yunnan, China

According to Professor Chang Hung-ta's ''A Thxonomy of the Genus Camellia" (1981), the beveragial tea-trees of the Genus Camellia were classified in Subgenus Thea (L.) Chang and Section Thea (L.) Dyer. Until the beginning of 1981, there were 17 species and 3 varieties ofCamellia sinensis (L.) a.Kuntze that had been classified in Section Thea. Amongst them, only Camellia pubicosta Merr. has l1IJ :tl!.~Ca,"./IIa grandlbra Vii. I Co",.IIi. g'a"cI;~'••;••I. ChoOE. T, Y. Wo, .p•••~. originated in the south-western and I. A po,l or lbo b,n

abundantly pubescent, scales purplish veins 8-12 pairs, glabrous, shallowly and and pubescent. Flower terminal or obtusely serrate, teeth separation 3-5 mm; axillary, white, 4.1-5.3 em in diameter; petioles glabrous; buds extraordinarily pedicels 6-7 mm long, 3 mm thick, densely tomentose, scales abundantly glabrous; bracts 2-4, large, 6-7 mm long, pubescent in the middle. Flowers sometimes persistent, moderately pubes­ terminal or axillary, cream white, 4.5-6.5 cent; sepals 5, exterior glabrous, interior em in diameter; pedicels 7-11 mm long, pubescent, 5 mm long. obovate; petals 7-9; about 4 mm thick, sparsely pubescent; ovaries 5-locular, glabrous; styles 1.5-1.6 bracts 2-3, persistent or semi-persistent; em long, sparsely pubescent, apices sepals 5, exterior extraordinarily densely 4-5-cleft for V4 their length, sparsely pubsescent, 6-7 mmlong, sub-orbicular; pubescent, styles as tall as, or taller than petals 9-11, 3 cm long, obovate, the stamens. Capsules elliptic or oblate, abundantly pubescent, nearly free at about 3 em in diameter; fruit pedicels bases; stamens glabrous, nearly adnate; thick. Seeds globose or elliptic, about 1.7 ovaries 5-locular, glabrous; styles 1.6-2.1 em in diameter. Peak flowering period cm long, sparsely pubescent, apices October. 5-cleft for V4 their length, taller than or Yunnan: Yunxian, Chafang, Majie, as tall as the stamens Capsules sub­ \Lijiacun, elevation 1805 meters, 18 Oct. globose or oblate, abdut 4 em in diameter, 1981. YJ. Thng, F.L. Yu, P.S. Wang, A10001. pericarps 3-6 mm thick, scabrous; fruit The main differences from C.kwang­pear-shaped or semi-globose, about 1.7 siensis are that the bracts are larger, more cm in diameter. Peak flowering period numerous, sepals shorter, branchlets and from October to November. leaf petioles pubescent. Yunnan: Kwangnanxian, Zhujie, Maoyi, Huanguodaging, elevation 1790 meters, 26 Oct., 1982, RH. Chen, A20001, A20002. Same Xian Prefecture, Geyong, Jiulongshan, elevation 1865 meters, Nabei, elevation 1550 meters, 27 Oct. 1982, H.S. Wang, A20006, A20007, A20008, A20009. The leaves collected for tea making by the local people. . The differences from C.kwangsiensis Chang are that the bracts are semi­ m2 t lfl1t ComtlUo A,"Q~gn.iJf~.·"'g&'E. VI. C, .p: •••• persistent, the sepals smaller, exterior 1. i.tR::-.,j~l}:f,,·t. tt.oW 2••t 3• •Ut• .'If.A;f,,n.u ",.rr-/N:{"tc.U. 5.* .(2'l) extraordinarily densely pubescent and FIe. 1 Com",U. AIII.agna.rco Cha.l. Vi. C••p: •••. l. A put of tho brn.b, [t.f ud fl."., b.a 1. ~IO"lr pericarp thinner. The differences from 3. Flor.l ,bool, ..1'11 ••d .t,l, ,. 0 ••,.., ud"J,I. $. FI~1l C.quinquelocularis Chang et Liang are that the sepals are larger, more 2 Camellia kwangnanica Chang. W.C., abundantly pubescent, petals fewer and sp.nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. pericarp thicker. Thea Dyer, Ser. Quinque10cularis Chang. . Species C.kwangsiensi Chang sub­ similis, a qua differt bracteis interdum persistentibus sepalis minoribus et densius pubescentibus, pericarpio tenuiore, a C.quinqueloculari Chang et Liang differt sepalis majoribus pubescent­ ibus, petalis paucioribus, pericarpio crassiori. 'free 3-6 meters tall, erect, branching sparse, branchlets glabrous. Leaves m3 '.If;'$C.II1.lIIo'r,lrll,,...rrol. Chuc. Y. \'I', .p. 00'0, 1. ~l;},-.,ljI:lN',,"t• .tc.~ 2•. .fc. So. ,fZlt ••)J:{".ft.iJ. elliptic or long-elliptic, 13-19 em long x 4. "1-J}:fp:jt,ij: .',2' U I'll. 3 Com,/lio ••lI1oli,.,,Cbu•• Y.. "Y., ", .0-, 5-7 em wide, apices acuminate or caudate, I A p..t .r Ih b'llI.b. 1001 lad flown bud _ ~. Flpwn bases cuneate, leaves thick and soft, lateral ,: VlolIl ,b.ol, ..l,~ ..4 Ilyle '4.·0.1,.., ~1rlS'1l't1... (2<1) 67

3. Camellia remotiserrata Chang. YW.*, A species C.crassicolumna Chang sp. nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. affinis, a qua differt petiolis brevioribus, Thea.. Dyer, Ser. Quinquelocularis sepalis minoribus, petalis pluribus. Chang. A tree or small tree, 2.3-17 meters tall, A C.tachangensi ES. Zhang differt gem­ crown 1.7-6.4 meters in diameter, erect, mis densius pubescentibus, remotiser­ branching moderate, branchlets glabrous. ratus 5-7 mm, stylis apice (3-4)-5-fidis. Leaves lancelate, long-elliptic or elliptic, A small tree, 3.5 meters tall, crown 1.8 10-22.3 cm long x 4.1-7.9 cm wide, apices meters in diameter, erect, branching acuminate or acuminate obtuse, bases sparse. Leaves long-elliptic, 12.5-16 cm cuneate, both sides of mid-veins sparsely long x 5.2-5.8 cm wide, apices caudate, pubescent, lateral veins 9-14 pairs, bases cuneate, mid-veins and under­ margins shallowly and sharply serrate, surfa~es glabrous, lateral veins 11-12 pairs, teeth separation 3-5 mm. Leaves soft, margms shallowly and sparsely serrate, . upper surfaces flat or. slightly elevated; teeth separation 5-7 mm; petioles 5-11 petioles 7-11 mm long, sparsely pubscent; mm long; buds extraordinarily abun­ buds densely tomentose, scales pubes­ dantly tomentose, midribs of scales cent. Flowers terminal or axillary, cream abundantly pubescent. Flowers terminal white, 5.2-6.5 cm diameter; pedicels 6-9 or axillary, white, 4.5-6 cm in diameter' . mm long, glabrous; bracts 2-3, sometimes pedicels, 8-17 mm long, glabrous; bract~ persistent; sepals 4-5, exterior pubescent, 2-3, early deciduous; sepals 5, exterior interior abundantly pubescent, 4-7 mm glabrous, interior pubescent, 5-10 mm long, elliptic or sub-orbicular; petals 8-13, long, elliptic; petals 8-11,2.3-3.3 cm long, 1.8-2.6 cm long, abundantly pubescent; long-elliptic; ovaries glabrous; styles stamens nearly adnate, glabrous; ovaries (3)-4-5-cleft, glabrous, 1.5:1 cm long, cleft 5.-locular, extraordinarily densely tomen­ for V4 - V3 their length, as tall as the tose; styles 1.5-2.3 cm long, apices stamens, a few styles being taller. Cap­ 4-5-ckleft for V3 their length, abundantly sules and seed not seen. Peak flowering pubescent, slightly taller than, or as tall period early October. as the stamens. Capsules globose or Yun~an: Weixinxian, ]iuchengnaan, oblate, 3.1-3.7 cm in diamter, pericarp 4-7 elevatIon 1170 meters, 11 Oct. 1983, F.L. mm thick; columellas 2 cm long, 1.3 cm Yu, P.S. Wang, A35005. Collected for tea thick, 5-angular. Seeds pear-shaped, deep making locally. brown or brown, 1.4-1.6 cm in diameter. The differences from C.tachangensis Peak flowering period late October. ES. Zhang are that the buds' are more Yunnan: Maguanxian, Bazhai, abundantly tomentose, leafteeth separa­ Xizhuxiazhai, elevation 1660 meters, 16 tions remoter, (5-7 mm), styles variously Oct. 1982, YJ. 11m, P.S. Wang, A17002; cleft (3)-4-5-cleft. same locality, Guolinqing, Qiashang, elevation 1720 meters, 17 oct. 1982, YJ. 11m, P.S. Wang, A17003: Wenshanxian, Xiaojie, Laojunshan, the fork of a road between Maobazi and Yaorendi, elevation 2110 meters, 10 Oct. 1982, Y.S. 11m, P.S. Wang, A16001, A16002; Same Prefecture, Xiaojie, Yaodian, Lanbayaqing, 21 Oct. 1982, Y.S. 11m, P.S. Wang, A16005; Gwangnanxian, Zhetus, Geyong, ]iulongshan, elevation 1865 meters, 27 Oct I!l 4 !!)*~ Co",rlliu "'.~~.",•• Cb",,~. T. w', .p. 0.>', 1. UIf:--4(I~..r"..t, tc.~. 2. 4C. 3~ .cUt, ·~J1..r.. tUi 1982, H.S. Wang, A20005. For tea making 4. -1'lH"-u':!k 5. tc.~ 6. '" 7. '#..* (2.1) locally. Fla:. I C.",.III.,,,,.Auonr•• Ch.... !.,.T. W o, .p. U'. . j. A port, .Hbo b,•...:b, lut ..d flo .... ~"~ I. 1'10....' 3; 1'10161 It is similar to C.crassicolumna Chang, IboOl, ,.IYl< •• ~ .lrl. l. 0.ar1 .ad ,I1S"" 5. rol.l B. F.ail 7. Frull .... (Zon . except that calyxes are smaller, the leaf petioles shorter and the petals more 4. Camellia makuanicaChang. T.W.*, sp. numerous. nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. Thea Dyer, Ser. Pentastylae Chang. 68

Yunping forest, elevation 2220 meters, 14 Nov. 1982, H.S. Wang, RH. Chen, A2205. For tea making locally. The differences from C.crassiocolumna Chang are that the petals are more in number, fruits are larger, oblate, col­ umellas shorter and coccuses thinner. The differences from C.crispula Chang are mainly that the leaves are thicker, 1115 -&£~ Camollia hGOnI'c~"'. CbUI. W. C, .p, ~..... 1. R,}.-IIl~:fp·t. «''i' 2. «. 3. :jH~~ ""1t:(~U!l; sepals sparsely pubescent, fruit larger 4~ 4Z.. s. ?t~Ql;~ (211) and columellas thicker. Fit. s C..",dU.. bo"n,'ond. Chol. W. C, '1'. an. I. A 1"'1 of the bruth, lo.l ..d flo.... bud 2.FI"..,r ·2', Flonl ,boot, ..I,>: ..d otl.... t. reid $, O.h;"Fal (!Ii\. '{21U.

5. Camellia haaniensis Chang. W.C., sp. nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. Thea Dyer, Ser. Pentastylae Chang.

A C.crassiocolumnaChang petalis pluribus, fructibus majoribus compress­ globosa, columnella breviore, valvis

tenuibus differt, a C.crispula Chang foliis III 6 1Il~a;.co ... "l/ofo'"n"'o'o Chug. T. Wo, .p. OOY. 1. R~-lfI~:(.. ·~ 2• .it 3. 1H~. -Stn,fpl!u. (. ~ (2'1) crassis, sepalis spares puberulis, fructibus Fli. G Co","U.. rol'lndola,Chaol. T. W·, '1'. OOY. • 1. A 1'",1 L,lub ..d l..f 2. Flo.... 3. Flo,a! majoribus, columnella crass differt. .boot, col1" ..d "11. •• F,ul' (201) A tree 17 meters tall, erect, branching moderate, branchlets glabrous. Leaves elliptic or ovate, coriaceous, 13.3-18.1 em 6. Camellia rotundata Chang. T:\V.*, sp. long x 5.8-8 em wide, apices acuminate nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. Thea or audate, bases cuneate, both sides of Dyer, .Ser. Pentastylae. mid-veins sparsely pubescent, lateral A speciebus Ser. Pentastylae ramulis veins 8-11 pairs, margins shallowly and pubescentibus, basi foliorum rotundatis, sharply serrate, teeth separation 2-3.3 margine superiore serrata subtus in­ mm; petioles 7-10 mm long, glabrous; cospicuis, stylis basi pubescentibus, buds and scales puescent. Flowers ter­ sepalis extus et intus puberulis. minal or axillary, white, 4.5-6 em in A tree 7.8 meters tall, crown 3.8 meters diameter; pedicels about 9 mm long, 3 in diameter, trunk 42 em in diameter, mm thick, glabrous; bracts 2, early erect, branching comparatively dense, deciduous; sepals 5, exterior sparsely branchlets pubescent. Leaves ovate, pubescent, interior pubescent, about 9 12.7-16.4 em long x 6.3-7.8 em wide, mm long, elliptic or reniform; petals apices acumen-obtuse or acuminate, base 10-11, 2 em long, obovate, abundantly sub-orbicular, coriaceous, both sides of pubescent, nearly basally adnate; stamens mid-veins pubescent, lateral veins 8-13 glabrous, nearly adnate; ovaries 5-locular, pairs, lower halfofmargins entire, upper abundantly Pu'b.escent; styles 1.7-1.8 em halfshallowly and sparsely serrate, teeth long, abundantly pubescent, apices 5-cleft separation 5-7 mm; petioles 7-11 mm for V3 - 2/5 their length, taller than the long, pubescent; buds and scales abun­ stamens. Capsules large, 5.5-6.5 em in dantly pubescent. Flowers terminal or diameter, oblate, pericarps about 7 mm axillary, 4.5-6.3 em in diameter, white; thick; fruit pedicels 9 mm thick; col­ pedicels 8 mm long, pubescent; bracts umellas 9 mm long, 9 mm thick, 2-3, early deciduous; sepals 5, 5 mm long, 5-angular; coccuses 8-10 mm long, 2 mm elliptic, exterior and interior abundantly thick. Seeds mainly globose, a few pear­ pUbescent; petals 9-10, pubescent, 2.8 em shaped 1.6-1.8 em in diameter; persistent long, bases nearly adnate; ovaries calyzes 1.2 em in diameter. Peak flower­ 5-locular, abundantly pubescent; styles i ing period October. 1.2-1.5 em long, bases abundantly pubes­ I .. Yunnan: Jinpingxian, Hanitian, inside cent, apices 4-5-cleft for 1/5 their length, 69 taller than stamens. Capsules triangular, few axillary, white, 5.7-7.2 cm in quad-globose or sub-globose, averaging 3 diameter; pedicels 5-6 mm long, glabrous; cm in diameter, pericap 2.5 mm thick; bracts 1-2, early deciduous; sepals 5, fruit pedicels 11 mm long, 5 mm thick; exterior glabrous; interior pubescent and columellas 1.4 cm long, 1.1 cm in ciliate, 5 mm long, sub-orbicular; petals diameter, 4-angular. Seeds globose or 13-16, 2.8 cm long, goabrous, nearly semi-globose, 1.5 cm in diameter; calyxes adnate; stamens glabrous, nearly adnate; persistent, 1.2 cm in diameter. Peak ovaries 5-locular, extraordinarily flowering period October. abundantly tomentose; styles 1.6-2 cm Yunnan: Honghexian, Langdi, Yuan­ long, bases abundantly pubescent, apices fanxiazhai, elevation 1850 meters, 5 Nov. (4)-5-cleft for V4 their length, taller than 1982, YJ. 'Thn, P.S. Wang, A240001. For stamens. Capsules unseen. Peak flower­ local tea-making. ing period mid- and late October. The differences from other spp. ofSer. Yunnan: Wenshanxian, Xiaojie, Laojun­ Pentastylae are that the branches are shan, Erhegou, Duonongshu Forest, wild pubescent, the bases of the leaves plants, elevation 2210 meters, 20 Oct. rounder, the lower halfofthe leafmargin 1982, YJ. 'Thn, P.S. Wang, A16003. is entire, the bases of the styles The differences from C.pentastyla abundantly pubescent and both interior Chang are that flowers are larger, petals and exterior of calyxes abundantly more in number (13-16), styles longer, pubescent. apical cleft shallower. The differences from C.irrawadiensis Burua are that flowers are larger, petals more numerous, bases of styles abundantly pubescent.

W 1 j ~*CQ,"oIUo "'u/liplu Ck3QI. 'T ••\1'., .p. QO., t. ~.ll:'-4Jl}};f.>·t~ fc.-i} 2. «. 3. ~+t. '"~,(.. ;!:ti ~ • .:r J.},(.. :rc.u 5. «'-If/' (211) FI,.7 C....,/JI....."/lipl,,, ChooJ. 'I'. Woo >p.-1I0't I. A put.C th br.ocb, I..r aDd Clo bud z. Fl..... I. FI",.I'~GOt••011" ••d"ll,l. ~. Ur.'1 •• ~ 0111. ~. Pcl.t (I'll 7. Camellia multiplex Chang. T.W.*, sp. nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. Thea Dyer, Ser. Pentastylae Chang. A C.pentastyla Chang differt foliis opacis, floribus majoribus, petalis 8. Camellia atrothea Chang. W.C., sp. pluribus 13-16, stylis longioribus, a­nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. Thea rawadiensi Burua differt petalis Dyer, Ser. Pentasylae Chang. majoribus et pluribus, stylis puberulis. A C.crassicolumna Chang nervis A tree 16 meters tall, crown 3 meters lateralibus pluribus 11-13 jugis, petalis in diameter, erect, branching sparsely, pluribus 11-14 pericarpio et columnello branchlets glabrous. Leaves long-elliptic, tenuiore differt. 10.3-12.4cm long x 3.9-4.7 cm wide, A tree 13 meters tall, erect, branching apices acuminate or acute, bases cuneate, sparse, branchlets glabrous. Leaves cor­ both sides of mid-veins sparsely pub­ iaceous, elliptic or long-elliptic, 16-18 cm escent, lateral veins 9-10 pairs, upper long x 5.7-6.1 cm wide, apices acuminate surfaces flat, comparatively soft, margins or caudate, bases cuneate or sub-orbicular, sharply serrate, with nipples, teeth upper surfaces flat, mid-veins protruding separation 3-5mm; petioles 7-11 mm with both sides sparsely pubescent, long, glabrous; buds abundantly tomen­ lateral veins 11-13 pairs; petioles 6-8 mm tose, scales pubescent in the centre, long, glabrous; buds and scales margins glabrous. Flowers terminal, a abundantly pubescent. Flowers terminal 70 or axillary, white, 5-7.3 cm in diameter; abundantly pubescent. Leaves elliptic or pedicels 8~10 mm long, 4 mm thick, long-elliptic, 13:6-17 cm long x 5.4-6.7 cm abundantly pubescent; bracts 2-4, early wide, apices acuminate or acute, bases deciduous, a few persistent; sepals 5, both cuneate, a few semi-orbicular, mid-veins exterior and interior abundantly pub­ abundantly pubescent, lateral veins 9-15 escent, 5-7 mm long, elliptic; petals 11-14, pairs, under surfaces pubescent, upper 1.8 cm long, obovate, pubescent; stamens surfaces flat or slightly elevated, leaves glabrous; ovaries 5-locular, abundantly comparatively soft, margins teethsepara­ pubescent; styles 1.8-1.9 cm long, abun­ tions 2-3.5 mm; petioles pubescent or dantly pubescent, apices 5-cleft shallow­ abundantly pubescent, 6-9 mm long; ly for 1/5 their length, taller than the buds extraordinarily abundantly tomen­ stamens. Capsules sub-globose, 4.4 cm in tose, scales abundantly pubescent. diameter, pericarps 5 mm thick; fruit Flowers terminal or axillary, greenish pedicels 1.2 cm long, 5 mm thick, club­ white, 3.1-5 cm in diameter; pedicels like; columellas 1.3 cm long, 10 mm thick glabrous, 5-9 mm long; bracts 2-3, early 4-5-angular; coccuses elliptic, 10 mm deciduous; sepals 5, 3-4 mm long, exterior long, 2 mm thick. Seeds sub-globose, glabrous, interior abundantly sericeous; 1.6-1.8 cm in diameter; calyxes persistent, petals 5-8, glabrous or sparsely pubescent; 1.2 cm in diameter. Peak flowering period stamens glabrous; ovaries 3-locular, from October to November. glabrous; styles glabrous, 10-13.5 mm Yunnan: Pingbianxian, Guzubei, inside long, apices 5-c1eft for 115 -116 their length, bamboo thicket, wild plants, elevation as tall as, or taller than the stamens. Cap­ 1900 meters, 17 Nov. 1982, H.S. Wang, sules tri-globose, 2.8-3.3 em in diameter. B.H. Chen, YJ. Yang, A21002. Not utilized. Peak flowering period November. The differences from C.crassicolumna Yunnan: Manglaxian, Yiwu, Manluo, Chang are that the lateral veins and petals Luoshuidong, elevation 1430 meters, 4 are more numerous, pericarps thinner Dec. 1982, YJ. Thn, P.S. Wang, A31005; and columellas smaller. Mangla, Xiangming, Manzhuang, lea Plantation at Yanlanguocun, elevation 1040 meters, YJ. Thn, P.S. Wang, A31001; Channing, Wenguan, Lianxi, Poshitou, elevation 1988 meters, 4 Nov. 1981, YJ. Thn, F.L. Yu, P.S. Wang, A03014; Ruili, Dengjia, Longdaomanzhai, elevation 1100 meters, 26 Oct. 1981, H.S. Wang, B.S. Chen, A05005. The differences from C.sisensis (L.) O. Kuntze and C.assamica (Mast.) Chang are

m9 ~U"1li- Cam.llla mon"lo.n,i., CbUI T. W', .~. lillY, that the ovaries are glabrous. The dif­ 1. R~-4jl1},f,,·t, rc.* 2. if. 3. rc.~t.. ~Jl:f"«:'U ference from C.dehungensis Chang. W.C. ~. -t~:f"rc:.U 5. «-Ill 6. ~ (211) Fig. $ Com.II,'. "'onglo.n..•• ChUI. T. W', ,p._III1'. are that the branchlets, buds, leafpetioles I. Aputor_lhob"lIoh,I••rud 11o",.. hod J. Floy" 3. Floul.bool, uly" ..d >lyle 4. Ourl IOd ol11, and under surface of the leaves tomen- . s. P.l.1 6. Fruit (2'11 tose. Grown for tea-making. 9. Camellia manglaensis Chang. T.W*, sp. Nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. Thea Dyer, Ser. Gymnogynae Chang. Species C. sinensi (L.) O. Kuntze et C.assamica (Mast.) Chang subsimilis, a quibus differt ovariis glabris, a C.dehungensis Chang, W.C., differt remulis, gemmis et costis petiolique puberulis. . 001(1 ~«I:fl"1f:.Co",-''''o l'O'~ifCpolorJ.~Cbllll. W. c,.p. 1I0r. A tree or small tree, 4-11.7 meters tall, I. ~"'"";"'.4\I~~,,·t, «.W 2. «:. 3. « 4~ :(p«:'U 4. +4:f,,«.tl 5. *- (2·1) crown 3.6-6.2 meters in diameter, semi­ FIJ. 10 CUff/lrO p.rvillporo,,

10. Camellia parvisepaloides Chang. W.C, sp. nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. Thea Dyer, Ser. Gymnogynae Chang. S. C.sinensi (L.) Kuntze differt sepalis minoribus, ovariis glabris, petalis 9-11 pluribus, a species C.parvisepala Chang ovariis glabris, a C.dehungensis Chang et W.C, Foliis minoribus, gemmis pubescen­ tibus, petalis pluribus recedit. A tree 9 meters tall, semi-spreading, mn ~i:~CG",.I/lG d.hun#.n,j, Chal. W. c.:, 1p. 1I0~. 1. ~t"-fIIR-·;fl>~. «.;f z. it 3. «'~l.. 1'&,f,,«.a branching moderate, branchlets sparse­ ~. it* 5. i1. (211) FI!. 11 Com,lII" J.hunpnl(', Cblli. W. c, .p. DO'. I. A , ..t.d I~. brIO''', I.d ."d rlO.'1 ~"

1983, H.S. Wang, B.H. Chen, X.M. Lin, A38006; Same prefecture, Niuzhai, Baolongdadiwan, elevation 1045 meters, 17 Oct. 1983, H.S. Wang, B.H. Chen, X.M. Lin, A38003; Same Prefecture, Xinhua, Baiyan, elevation 920-950 meters, 17 Oct. 1983, H.S.Wang, RH. Chen, X.M. Lin, A3808; Daguanxian, Qinglongzhaizhi, elevation 1160 meters, 11 Oct. 1983, B.H. !!I 12 «t;/llt,Co.."Ua 911rnnogyno;«u CboOI. W. 0,lr. OOY. Chen, H.S. Wang, X.M. Lin, A36005, 1. Rf.!-~~lI',,·t~ ~f 2. ,rc. 3.«.tt·~ "Jl ("it.U 4. T~~it.u 5.:f, (21]) A36006; Suijiangxian, Banli, behind FI~. Ii Co..,lIie gllmrlogllnoiJn C~&DC. W.- C,' .p. oOf. I. A parI altb. brucb. and 110.... bud ~. Flo..... J.Flo,ol Chen's house at Zhongxin, elevation 1200 'bool, e.l,,, •• d 1111. ..0..., ..<1 'l11. 5. F,uit (1'1) meters, 8 Oct. 1983, H.S. Wang, B.H. Chen, X.M. Lin, A37003; Zhenxiong-xian, San­ 12. Camellia gymnogynoides Chang. shu, Dabao, on raised border of paddy W.C, sp. nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, fields, river valleys and gullies, elevation Sect, Thea Dyer, Ser. Gymnogynae 1025 meters, 5 Oct. 1983, F.L. Yu, P.S. Chang. Wang, A34002; Weixinxian, Jiucheng, Species C.gymnogyna Chang affinis, a Tianpeng, small elevated plains besides qua differt petalis (7-11), pedicellis riverlets and sandy banks, elevation, 1000 tenuioribus, pericarpio tenuiore, nervis meters, 10 Oct. 1983, F.L. Yu, P.S. Wang, lateralibus pluribus, a C.arborescens A35002; Same Prefecture, Jiucheng, Chang. YW.*, ovaviis glabris differt. Maan, elevation, 1100 meters, 10 Oct. A tree 4-17 meters tall, crown 2.5-6 1983, F.L. Yu, P.S. Wang, A35007. Used meters in diameter, trunk 14-90 cm in locally for tea-making. diameter,.erect, branching comparative­ It is similar to C.gymnogyna Chang, ex­ ly sparse, branchlets sparsely pubescent. cept that the petals are morenumerous Leaves thick and crisp, long-elliptic or (7-11), pedicelsslenderer, pericarps thin­ elliptic, 10-20 cm long x 5-8 cm wide, ner and veins more in number. The dif­ apices caudate or acuminate, bases ferences from C.arborescens Chang. YW*. cuneate, both sides of mid-veins pubes­ is mainly that the ovaries are glabrous. cent or sparsely pubescent, under sur­ faces glabrous, lateral veins 8-13 pairs, margins shallowly and sparsely serrate, teeth separation 3-7 mm; petioles 6-12 mm long, glabrous; buds extraordinari­ ly abundantly tomentosej midribs of scales abundantly pubescent. Flowers ter­ min81 or axillary, white, 4-6.6 cm in diameter; pedicels 6-15 mm long, glabrous; bracts 2-4, early deciduous; HIlS I" ~ Co",r!Ud ",,,irilfpol"·Cbu.; '\ wo, I;> ••••• sepals (4)-5-(6), exterior glabrous, 6-7 mm 1. U~-~~:fp~~ tt... 2. '«0 S~ (tf~:. ,1f.·A":f!>iitit 4. Ilt (211) long, sub-orbicular; petals 7-11, 2-3.5 cm Flc. n Cu"II,'o .."ll1zop./. Cb"••• T, "\V."-'P'··""': 1. A. pl.l of lbo b,•••b.' I•.il ud bod .z.:Flo..... long, bases nearly adnate, glabrous; J. Floral.•bool, 0.1,,, .. <1 ,t,l, t. Fr.ll (Z.·II stamens glabrous, nearly adnate; ovaries 3-locular, glabrous; styles 1.2-2 cm long, 13. Camellia multisepala Chang. T.W*, sp. nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. apices 3-cleft for. V4 - 1/5 their length, glabrous, as tall as or taller than the Thea dyer, Ser. Sinenses Chang. stamens. Capsules tri-globose, 3-3.5 cm in Species C.ptilophylla Chang subsimilis, diameter, pericarps 1 mm thick; fruit a qua differt foliis lanceolatis, floribus ax­ pedicels 1-2 cm long, 2-3. mm thick, col­ illaris, petalis glabris, sepalis minoribus umellas 10-16 mm long. Peak flowering circ. 3 mm longis et pluribus (8). period mid and late October. A small tree 2.7 meters tall, crown 1 Yunnan: Yanjinxian, Xinglongerp­ meter in diameter, erect, branching ingshan, inside secondary forest ofCun­ sparse, branchlets abundantly pubescent. ninghamias, elevation 980 meters, 17 Oct. Leaves lanceolate, 8.6-11.3 cm long x 73

2.9-3.5 cm wide, apices acuminate, bases 2-3 mm; petioles 5-10 mm long, sparsely cuneate, under surfaces and mid-veins pubescent; buds extraordinarily abun­ abundantly pubescent, lateral veins 8-12 dantly tomentose, scales abundantly pairs, margins shallowly and sharply ser­ pubescent. Flowers terminal or axillary, rate, teeth separation 2-2.5 mm; petioles greenish white, 4.8-6.1 cm in diameter; abundantly pubescent, 4-8 mm long; pedicels 9 mm long, glabrous; bracts 2, buds extraordinarily abundantly tomen­ early deciduous; sepals 5, exterior tose, scales abundantly pubescent. glabrous, interior abundantly pubescent, Flowers terminal or axillary, greenish 6 mm long, elliptic; petals 6-8, 2.3 cm white; bracts 2-3, early deciduous; sepals long, glabrous; ovaries 3-locular, extraor­ 8, 3 mm long and also wide, orbicular, ex­ dinarily abundantly tomentose; styles terior glabrous, interior pubescent; petals glabrous, 12 mm long, apices 3-(4)-c1eft 6, glabrous; ovaries 3-locular, abun­ for 113 their length, shorter than the dantlypubescent; styles 9 mm long, stamens. Capsules triangular, elliptic, glabrous, apices 3-cleft for 1/5 their length, 2.8-4.3 cm in diameter. Peak flowering shorte than the stamens. Capsules tri­ period',mid-November. globose, globose or elliptic. Seeds globose Yunnan: Luchunxian, Qimaba, or semi-globose. Mayicun, elevation 1400 meters, 18 Nov. Yunnan: Manglexian, Xiangming, Man­ 1982, YJ. Thn, P.S. Wang, A26001, A26002, zhuang, Yanlan, elevation, 1050 meters, A26003. 3 Dec. 1982, YJ. Thn, P.S. Wang, A31002. The differences from C.assamica (Mast.) It is similar to c.ptilophylla Chang, ex­ Chang are that the lateral veins are more cept that the leaves are lanceolate, flowers numerous (13-19 pairs), and the flowers axillary, petals glabrous, calyxes small (3 larger. Used locally for tea-making. Fine mm only), and sepals more numerous, up quality. to 8. Used locally for tea-making.

I ~)'};:~ .:(?ii l,';>::, ~~~r;.\i "t,_ ... ~. e1I. 1iIlS *~(J... Cdm,(Uo p."p.r•• CblOl."'W. C, IP. 110•• ttf,o_·~/t:f,t·t tt~> ~:g91>1£.u. I!IU 1 !f.~·CG"'d/(.. pO/lin..... Cb ...c. T. "N.••.•p. ""', 1. •. T. ,:rc.. 3. I, .f.l.~-.tJl~lfvpt~ itof 2,:it 3. itt.~ "IJlfl..n.-ii .t. -f,J}:(,,:jt'u; S. t (21n ~. -f,J}:f,tfC.6. 5. «'/11' 6. ~6Hflij (2'1) I'll. 15 C...... III. pur".....• C~ ..~. W. C,!lp. ,DO"" I. A p.,t o( I". b'-G.b. ltd •.• ~ IJow"lh~_ ,,2' -Plolt):r FJe. II COIII,fUa p"r~n,uro Cbul'. T,_Wo, ." ollY. 1I. Flarol.llaol, colt" od 1I,le .\1, OUrJ-••4,ol,lc \~. Fruit n'lI I. A put III lh brn~b. r..' uof llower bud 2. Flower s. Floral.bool, ~11" nd ,I,.. I. O•." ..d 1111, ,. Plitt •• S,.1l0. of lh r,wll n'l) 15. Camellia purpurea Chang. W.C, sp. 14. Camellia polyneura Chang, T.W*, sp. nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. Thea nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. Thea Dyer, Ser. Sinenses Chang. dyer, Ser. Sinenses Chang. A speciebus C.assamica (Mast.) Chang A C.assamica (Mast.) Chang multiner­ petalis pluribus 11, floribus et fructibus vis 13-19 jugis, floribus majoribus differt. majoribus, pericarpio purpureo differt. A tree 6.3-15.3 meters tall, crown 3.8-5 A tree or small tree 3-4 meters or more meters in diameter, branching moderate tall, erect branching sparsely, branchlets or comparatively dense, branchlets glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, thick and sparsely pubescent. Leaves long-ellipticor crisp,elliptic, 15.8-20.4 cm long x 6.6-7.9 lancelate, 14.9-23.7 cm long x 5.5-9.2 cm cm wide, upper surfaces strongly wide, apices acuminate or caudate, bases elevcited, apices caudate, bases cuneate, cuneate, a few sub-orbicular, leaves soft, mid-veins and under surfaces glabrous, mid-veins and· under surfaces sparsely lateral veins 12-14 pairs at right angle to pubescent, lateral veins 13-19 pairs, up­ mid-veins, margins shallowly and sharp­ per surfaces elevated or slightly elevated, ly serrate, teeth separation 2.5-3 mm; margins densely serrate, teeth separation petioles glabrous, lateral veins 12-14pairs 74 at right angle to mid-veins, margins A tree or small tree, 2.3-9.7 meters tall, shallowly and sharply serrate, teeth crown 1.55-5 meters in diameter, trunk separation 2.5-3 mm; petioles glabrous, 15-48 cm in diameter, semi-spreading, 5-15 mm long; buds and scales abundant­ moderate branching. Branchlets abun­ ly pubescent. Flowers terminal or ax­ dantly pubescent. Leaves membraneous, illary, white,4.5-5.7 cm in diameter; elliptic, 9-16 cm long x ~7 cm wide, pedicels glabrous, 9 mm long; bracts 2, apices acuminate, bases cuneate, both early deciduous; sepals 5, exterior sparse­ sides ofmid-veins abundantly pubescent, ly pubescent, interior abundantly lateral veins 8-14 pairs, under surfaces sericeous, 9 mm long, sub-orbicular; abundantly pubescent, margins Petals 11, 2.2 cm long, glabrous; stamens moderately serrate, teeth separation 2.5-3 sparsely pubescent; ovaries 3-locular, mm; petioles, 5-8 mm long, pubescent or abundantly pubescent, 1.5"1.7 cm long, abundantly pubescent; buds extraor­ apices 3-cleft for 1/5 their length; much dinarily abundantly tomentose, scales taller than the stamens. Capsules abundantly pubescent. Flowers terminal triangular or oblate, 4.1-5.7 cm in or axillary, greenish white, ~5.5 em in diameter, pericarp in 2 colours, green and diameter; pedicels 7-12 mm long, 2 mm egg-plant purple, 4 mm thick; pedicels thick, sparsely pubescent; bracts 2-4, 2-'2.5 cm long, 4 mm thick; columellas 1.8 abundantly pubescent; sepals 5, exterior cm long, 8 mm thick, triangular; coc­ abundantly pubescent, ~5 mm long, cuses elliptic, 1.5 cm long, 2 mm wide. elliptic; petals 6-10, 2.3-3.2 cm long, Seeds pear-shaped or triangular, 2 cm in glabrous, nearly basally adnate; stamens diameter; Calyzes persistent, 1.9 cm in glabrous, nearly adnate; ovaries 3-locular, diameter. December is peak flowering. pubescent; styles 8-14 mm long; 3-cleft for Yunnan: Pingbianxian, Yupingzhen, 1/5 - 3A1 their length, as tall as, or shorter Hongqi, virgin forest near .reservior, than the stamens. Capsules triangular, elevation 1500 meters, 8 Nov. 1982, H.S. apices protruding, 3-4 cm in diameter, Wang, RH. Chen, A21003. Wild plants in pericarps 1.5-4 mm thick; fruit pedice1s large numbers. Not utilized. 2-'3 mm thick; 10-13 mm long; columellas The differences from C.assamica (Mast.) 10-14 mm long, 7-11 mm thick, Chang Clre that the number ofpetals are triangular. Seeds globose or elliptic; per­ almost double, flowers are larger, fruits sistant calyxes, 8-15 mm in diameter. Fine larger, pericarps thicker and the egg­ for tea-making. plant purple colour. The differences from C.asSamica (Mast.) Chang are that the· petals are more numerous, the exterior ofthe calyxes are abundantly pubescent and the branchlets abundantly pubescent, and the dif­ ferences from var. pubilimba Chang are that the flowers are larger and the pedicels longer. Yunnan:-Yuanjiangxian, Yangjie, eleva­ tion 1755 meters, 4 Nov. 1983, H.S. Wang, RH. Chen, A44005; Same Prefecture, 8116 Il~'t:- CG,"i/liG'lIunA~GriDlcG ChUI. W. c; 'p. GOY, h ~U't-~~,f.o·t rc.... 2',.rc. 3: £ott, rfA-""«.tl Nanuo, Zhujie, elevation 1750 meters, 4 4.;1t 5.ft-f (2'1) Pl•• lG C",n,mal!unAfono'co Chao•• W. C, Ip. "",. Nov. 1983, H.S. Wang, RH. Chen, A44006, 1. A I'Il'I: or !ho braoch, I..r la4 110.... bud i. 'Flliw.r ~. Floral 'lboot,obl7 ..d11rl. t. F.... U 'II. Sltd (3,1) A44007; Xinpingxian, Zhelong, Emaowafangzhai, elevation, 1710, 10 Nov. 16. Camellia yunkiangica Chang. W.C, 1983, H.S. Wang, RH. Chen, A45004, sp. nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. A45005. Thea Ser. Sinenses Chang. A C.assamica (Mast.) Chang· differt 17. Camellia arborescens Chang. Y.w*, ramulis densius pubescentibus, petalis sp. nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, Sect. pluribus, sepalis densius pubescentibus; Thea Dyer, Ser. Sinenses Chang. a C.sinensi var. pubilimba Chang differt A C.sinensi (L.) Kuntze differt floribus floribus majoribus pedicellis longioribus. majoribus, petalis pluribus, species C.pur­ 75

Niuzhai, Xinhua, elevation 900 meters, 17 Oct. 1983, H.S. Wang, B.H. Chen, A38007. Used for tea making. The differences from C.sinensis (L.) Kuntze are that the flowers are larger, petals more numerous; from C.purpurea Chang, W.C. are that calyxes are glabrous, fruits smaller and pericarp thinner.

1!l11 ~N~ C~m.llil> ~rbor""~J Cb"l.. Y. W', .p. 110'; I. R~-~1i',f,,-"t ·rc.f 2. «; . 3. rc.~t., .tf:,ll.,f"rc.#. 4. -f)},f"fc.:ti 5. IJ,. (211) Fli. 17 C~Illrl/(~ orboru~,". Cbl~l. Y. W', .p. 110'. 1. A p..t 01 tho blurb, 1..f 'od rlo••r b~d I. 'Flo.,! 3. Flo••1 .bo.t, ••11:< .ad .1110 ~. 0'''1 ...d 1(11. 6. Frull (I,l) purea Chang et W.C. differt sepalis glabris, fructibus minoribus, pericarpio tenuiore. A tree or small tree 2-5 meters tall, trunk 15-38 cm in diameter, erect, DUB· ,*$ C~Ill.lIia a"~IllI.o n" b'h Cb'.I. W. c.. 'or. 00'0. moderate branching or sparse, branchlets I. l.t~-"fI~I,."". «-'if 2, «. '3. :rc.~t., ~t.f .. :ic.ti 4. -fJ~brc.;ji 5, «.~ 6. J1,. (2'1) sparsely pubescent. Leaves elliptic or Fli. 18 COlll./I', ....Ill,'O ..... t.,b. Cb'.I. W. C, .... 110•• I. ,A f.JI.I .~. br•••b, 10.1 ••d 110." bud 2. Flo..... long-elliptic, 10-15 cm long, 4-7 cm wide, ~. Fl.,.. l.bool, ••11x ••d 11,1< •• 0'''1 ••d .111. apices acuminate, a few caudate, bases s; p.I.1 6. F••II (2'l/ cuneate, both sides of the mid-veins 18. Camellia assamica var. kucha Chang. sparsely pubescent or glabrous, lateral W.C, var. Nov. Subgen. Thea Chang, veins 8-10 pairs, margins comparatively Sect. Thea Dyer, Ser. Sinenses Chang. obtusely serrate, teeth separation 3-4 mm, A type habitu arboribus, ramulis sparse petioles glabrous, 7-11 mm long; buds and pubescentibus, nervis lateralibus pluribus scales abundantly pubescent. Flowers ter­ pericarpio 2-3 mm crasso differt. minal or axillary, white, 4.5-6 cm in 'Iree 8 meters tall, erect, branching diameter; pedicels 9-13 mm long, sparse, branchlets sparsely pubescent. glabrous; bracts 2, early deciduous; sepals Leaves long-elliptic or elliptic, 21-25 cm 5, exterior glabrous, interior abundant­ long, x 7.7-9.5 cm wide, apices acuminate ly pubescent, 6 mm long, obovate; petals or caudate, bases cuneate, a few roundish, 7-11,2.4-3.1 cm long, nearly basally ad­ both sides of mid-veins sparsely pubes­ nate; stamens glabrous, 3-deft for 114 - 1/3 cent, lateral veins 11-14 pairs, under sur­ their length, as tall as the stamens. Cap­ faces sparsely pubescent, margins sules· tri-globose, 3-4 cm in diameter, shallowly serrate; petioles sparsely pubes­ pericarps 1 mm thick; fruit pedicels 7-14 cent, 6-10 mm long; buds extraordinari­ mm long, .2-3 mm thick, triangular; coc­ ly abundantly tometose, scales pubescent. cuses 1.2 cm long, elliptic. Seeds sub­ Flowers temrinal or axillary, greenish globose, 1.3-1.4 em in diameter; persistant white, 3.5-4.5 cm in diameter; sepals 5, calyxes 9-14 mm in diameter. peak exterior glabrous, 5-7 mm long, sub­ flowering period mid- and late October. orbicular; petals 5-6, 1.2 cm long, obovate; Yunnan: Weixinxian, Jiucheng, stamens glabrous, nearly adnate; ovaries Tianpeng, Shanheba, elevation 1000 3-locular, abundantly pubescent; styles meters, inside forest, 10 Oct. 1983, F.L. Yu, 1.3 cm long, taller than the stamens, P.S. wang, A35003; Same Prefecture, Maan apices 3-cleft for Y4 their length. Capsules tea plantation, elevation 1170 meters, 11 triangular, pericarps 2-3 mm thick, Oct. 1983, F.L. Yu, P.S. Wang, A35004, scabrous; fruit pedicels 10 mm long, dub­ A35006, A35008; Daguanxian, like, 2.5 mm thick; columellas 1.5-1.7 mm Qinglongzhai, elevation 1190 meters, 11 long, 7 mm thick, triangular; coccuses 10 Oct. 1983, H.S. Wang, B.H. Chen, A36003, mm long, elliptic, 2 mm thick. Seeds sub­ A36005; Yanjinxian, Niuzhai, globose, 1.7-1.8 cm in diameter. peak Baolongdadiwan, elevation 1043 meters, flowering period December. 16 Oct. 1983, H.S. Wang, B.H. Chen, Yunnan: Jinpingxian, Thngchang, A38004, A38005; Same Prefecture, Yaoshan, inside sparse wood at Hanizhai, 76

elevation 1371 meters, 1 Nov. 1982, H.S. thicker and the very bitter flavour. Wang, RH. Chen, YJ. Yang, A22003. Very bitter flavour, not utilized. Note: The abbreviation of nominators It IS a new variety, and the differences are: from C.assamica(Mast.) Chang are that T. (Tclll, Yongji), W. (Wang, Hai-si), C. branchlets are sparsely pubescent, lateral (Chen, Binghuan), Y. (Yu Fu-lian), veins are more numerous, pericarp W*.(Wang, Ping-sheng).

The Hybrids of Camellia Chrysantha


Les hybrides de camellia chrysantha

Hbridos de camelia crisanta

Gli ibridi della camellia chrysantha

Hybriden der Kamilien Chrysantha

From the time Camellia chrysantha was (pigments responsible for certain flower, discovered, camellia growers and fanciers fruit and leafcolors in many plants). The have written volumes on the prospects of two different classes ofpigments interact yellow garden camellias, but to date the to produce the yellow color in the petals results ofthe numerous attempts to carry of C. chrysantha, and it is difficult to out breeding programs with the yellow determine which component is more camellia have not been encouraging. The important. first publication on C. chrysantha Nothing is known about the in­ hybrids (G. reticulata x C. chrysanta) was heritance ofthe two components ofpetal by Xia (1984), in which he reported that color in C. chrysantha, but there is the interspecific hybrids had colors growing evidence that some of the similar to the C. reticulata parent, and C. chrysantha color determining genes yellow pigmentation did not transfer to are completely recessive (inactive) in com­ the hybrid offspring. In a personal com­ binations with other species. Dr. Shunpei munication (cited by Parks and Scogin, Uemoto first observed this in studying 1987), Dr. Shunpei Uemoto of Kyushu the hybrid between 'Hatsu-yuki' and University, Japan stated that a hybrid C. chrysantha, previously mentioned, between 'Hatsu-yuki' and C. chrysanta which has none ofthe yellow flavonoids had slightly yellow petals, but lacked the characteristic of the yellow-flowered yellow favonoid pigmentation character­ parent. In order to further investigate the istic ofC. chrysanta. Other breeders have possible transfer ofthe yellow flavonoids pointed outin conversation that while a to hybrids, we chromatographically trace ofyellow can be seen in the petals separated the pigments of 4 individual of some hybrids with a C. chrysantha hybrids. We selected the two individuals parent, no truly yellow-flowered off­ with the most yellow petal pigmentation spring have yet been obtained. from several hybrid progrenies, and a As Dr. Ron Scogin and I discussed in photograph ofthe petal coloration ofone 1987, there are two components ofyellow ofthese is pictured in Figure 1. For com­ coloration in Camellia chrysantha. One is parison we also selected a hybrid with the yellow flavonoid, quercimeritrin, and only a visible trace ofyellow and another the other is yellow-colored carotenoids with no visible yellow color at all. A 77 strain of C. reticulata was also run for comparison. The results were very straight-forward. No hybrid, with or without visible yellow pigmentation in the petals contained even a trace of the yellow flavonoid pigment quercimeritrin, so abundant in the flowers of the C. chrysantha parent. The results from a very large number of studies done on a great range ofplant species indicate that the flavonoid constituents ofboth parents are usually transferred to the F, offspring; so the complete absence of the C. chrysantha yellow flavonoids in its F, hybrids is unusual. However, this extreme recessive behavior, while rare, has been documented in other plants. Since some of the first-generation hybrids with C. chrysantha do contain a small, but clearly detectable yellow color­ ation (see Figure 1), it is clear that a small amount of the carotenoid pigment is transferred to interspecific hybrids. So far, C. chrysantha has been extensively hybridized with C. reticulata and C. pitardii and much less extensively with C. japonica; however, among all of the hybrids that have been produced from these crosses, at best, only traces ofyellow color show in the hybrid offspring. Both of the seedlings with noticeable yellow color in our hybrid progenies were pro­ duced from the same C. reticu1ata parent. This result suggests that some individuals will serve as better parents than others b. Rear view of the flower in producing yellow offspring; never­ theless, there was no trace of yellow Figure 1. Petals color details of a hybrid flavonoid even in the two best seedlings. between C. reticulata and C. chrysantha. What are the implications of these results? Where do we go from here? It progeny; however such hybrids, even if seems unlikely that it will be possible to yellow, may not be horticulturally obtain good yellow coloration in F, superior to the C. chrysantha parent. hybrids between C. chrysantha and the Nevertheless, these crosses should be common large-flowered Camellia species, tried. C. reticulata and C.japonica. While it is The F, hybrids between C. reticulata always possible that someone will have and C. chrysantha range in growth from the rare good luck ofhitting upon a good very weak to vigorous. Since they are combination by chance and obtaining a expected to be unbalanced tetraploids, it yellow hybrid, the probability of this is is unlikely that they will be seed fertile; low since no trace ofyellow flavonoid has however, some do produce a lot ofpollen, been observed in any hybrid offspring. and we might be surprised at their Since dominance patterns often change fertility. It is probable that they could be in combinations with different species, it used as pollen parents in crosses with fer­ is possible that combinations between tile stocks ofa variety ofspecies, but one C. chrysantha and different Camellia would expect the yellow trait to remain species may yet yield yellow-flowered recessive in crosses of the hybrids to 78 either c. reticulata or C. japonica. Last euphlebia]), and vigorous hybrid seed­ season I did try to cross some of the lings were easily obtained. The inter­ C. reticulata x C. chrysailtha hybrids to chrysantha hybrid should be fertile, and C.japonica, and while I did obtain a few either it or C. chrysantha var. seeds with embryos, none germinated. macrophylla might serve as a better Intercrossing the hybrids to each other parent than C. chrysantha var. chrysan­ should produce some progeny tha. As pointed out previously, these homozygous for the C. chrysantha questions can only be answered by "yellow-flavonoid" gene, and these experiment. It is too early to make any individuals should produce yellow comment whatsoever about species not flowers, but unfortunately, it is unlikely available for research, but if a yellow­ there will be adequate fertility to do this. flowered species with pigments different However, we must try because in from C. chrysantha can be located, it Camellia hybrids we often find fertile might be a better breeding parent. individuals where they are not expected. There are two other approaches that Thus, despite the small chance ofsuccess, can be explored in the effort to develop we should cross the available C. chry­ yellow-flowered garden carilellias that we santha hybrids with their parent species discussed in the earlier article (Parks and and each other. Scogin, 1987), but I will mention them The other obvious cross to try with the again here. The attempt to develop a C. chrysantha hybrids is the backcross to yellow-flowered C.japonica by intercross­ C. chrysantha itself. With dose of the ing cultivars which have a trace ofyellow yellow determining genes in both the pigmentation in the flowers has been hybrid and the C. chrysantha parents, explored by a number of workers, the possibility ofyellow individuals in the particularly Dr. Walter Homeyer. He has backcross progency from C. chrysantha progressed to the degree that he has selec­ is much greater. Also the backcross tions which have a marked yellow cast, approach opens up the possibility of and the best ofthese he has named and combining the yellow of C. chrysantha introduced as 'Dahlohnega'. Continued with the improved floral traits of the intercrossing ofthese "yellow"japonicas C. reticulata grandparent. As collectors and crossing them with C. chrysantha, have larger and larger specimens of ifthat is possible, will gradually produce C. chrysantha available for crossing ex­ hybrids with yellower flowers. It is here periments, this approach should become that the use of C. chrysantha might be a reality. of greatest use because some of its Next we must incorporate other yellow­ hybrids do pick up carotenoid pigment flowered Camellia species into our from C. chrysantha, and apparantly breeding programs. This is something of carotenoid is the type ofpigment in the a problem because most ofthese species petals ofthe yellowerjaponicas. There is are not available for use; but, we must the possibility that an additive effect assume that these will become available might be observed in the combination of one by one. Camellia euphlebia the C. chrysantha and the C. japonica (0. chrysantha var. macrophylla) is cartenoid pigments. available, yet as far as I know, its use as Another "long shot" that I consider a hybrizing parent for the development worth pursuing is the possible use ofthe ofyellow-flowered hybrids has not been species Camellia yunnanensis. This is a explored. It seems to be very closely white-flowered species, but the petals related to C. chrysantha var. chrysantha, usually have some bright yellow streaks but while its petal coloration is a little radiating out from the deep yellow more intense than var. chrysantha, it will filiments. It occurs to me that hybrids only be possible to determine its perfor­ with this species might pick up general mance as a parent by attempting to make yellow pigmentation from the streak and experimental hybrids. Last year I filiment color patterns, as hybrid inter­ hybridized the two forms ofC. chrysan­ actions ofthis sort have been observed in tha (C. chrysantha var. chrysanta x [(C. other plant groups. At first I used C. yun­ chrysantha var. macrophylla = C. nanensis as the female parent in the 79 attempt to make hybrids, and I only Further, the available F1 hybrids of obtained hollow seeds; but more recently, C. chrysantha should be intercrossed and I tried C. japonica as the seed parent in crossed with other species and their combinations with G.lYunnanensis and parents, particularly the C. chrysantha obtained healthy seedlings which are parent. Furthermore, we must make progressing nicely. If this approach has every effort to use new species in cross­ any merit, it likely will be useful in ing programs as they become available, making combinations with the yellowish and finally we should continue to explore japonicas since the amount ofcolor that the possibilities ofthe faint yellow color­ can be obtained from C. yunnanensis will ation sometimes apparent in the flowers not be great. of our most common Camellia species, In summary, I have commented on the Camellia japonica. first discouraging results that have been obtained in the efforts to breed yellow LITERATURE CITED hybrids using C. chrysantha. But, I have Parks, C. R., and Ron Scogin. 1987. The elusive also listed a number of approaches that yellow camellia: results from breeding and pigment analysis. American Camellia should also be tried before we completely Society Yearbook: 31-38. give up on C. chrysantha as the yellow­ donating parent in Camellia hybrids. We Xia Lifang. 1984. Seedling breeding with must try to cross C. chrysantha with Camellia chrysantha. International Camellia every other available Camellia species. Journal. 16: 18-20. Camellia Growth Cycles (How to Grow the Big One)


Cycles de croissance du camellia

Ciclos de crecimiento en camelias

Cicli di crescita di camellie

Entwicklungsgaenge der Kamilien

When one plans ahead it is usually to new stems, leaves and buds. All possible to accomplish feats that are growth in stem length, formation ofnew amazing. Camellia flower exhibitors quite growth, and flower buds and leaves often observe that a few growers seem to originate in this way from the previous consistently produce' premium quality season's terminal growth bud. Secondly, flowers year after year. This is an exam­ after cells are produced they increase in ple of planning ahead, or it could be, size up to 20 or more times than original understanding the growth patterns ofthe length or volume. Third, once cells have Camellia. gained their maximum size they It would be helpful in understanding specialize and mature. However, cells what is going on in a plant ifthe actual forming different plant parts are ac­ cell activity was examined over a year's tivated in different ways and at different time. Growth in woody plants can be times. For example, growth buds are com­ divided into three phases. First, cell divi­ pleted by cell division in September and sion produces new cells that contribute October, but the cells don't enlarge and 80

Camellia Growth Cycles and Nutrition Pormation Cell Enlargement Growth Buds May - October April ­ June (Pollowing year) Plower Buds May - August September - March Times to Act Pertilizer Pebruary ­ June August - September Water At all times, especially during flowering. Thb~e. ~. Combined growth activities are coordinated with the timing of fertilIzIng and watering.

mature into stems and leaves until the swelling the cell to a size 20 or more times following March and April. The em­ its ~riginal size. T~is can happen over a bryonic stem and leaf parts have been penod ofhours as In flower opening, or formed several months before the final days, as growth buds develop into stems growth spurt. and expanded leaves. Remember that Plower buds are stimulated to form as most of the.cells and embryo parts are day length increases during May. By the present in well formed buds. Cell expan­ first part ofJuly, the very small flower sion, and some cell division for finishing buds can be seen developing at the stem touches, is the major event occuring tips. The major number of embryonic during these growth explosions. So the plant required maximum water avail~ble. parts are present in some Camellia Even high humidity around the leaves culivars by August. Plower buds ofother a~d flowers is helpful during this expan­ cultivars continue to develop on into SIOn, helpful in stimulating greatest cell October. A comment here on a different e~pansi?n; therefore, helpful in topic: The variable flower bud growth stImulatmg greatest flower size! rates .may' expl~in the failure of gib­ There seems to be a cummulative effect berellIc aCId to stImulate early flowering over time with good nutrition and plen­ ofsome cultivars. Buds apparently must ty ofwater. A vigorous plant already has be at some stage of maturity before more ~ells and "growth potential" the responding fo gibb treatment. followmg year. Keeping up the vigor growth into the picture with should increase quality ofgrowth over a fertIlIzers and water is a way to consider season or two until a maximum efficien­ the year-round care ofthese plants. Nutri­ ofg;owth is achieved. At this point the tion should be available before the cell 0/ bIg wmners are being produced. division and other growth activities In order to envision growth cycles and begin. Early spring application should the needs for fertilizers and water a table m~. nutrition available. Another ap­ has been included. Times are suggested plIcatIOn would be ofvalue later on inthe summer. (See table.) that best fit North Plorida Gulf Coast climatic conditions. Daylength considera­ Water is of greatest importance in tions as well as climatic changes will have growt? cycles, especially when cells are enlargIng Cell enlargement as mentioned to be allowed for as latitude decreases or above consists ofa rapid uptake ofwater, increases. 81

History & Progress On Cold Hardiness With Camellias In Northeastern United States


Histoire et progres en resistance au froid au Nord-est des Etats-Unis

Historia y progreso en resistencia al frio con camelias en el noreste de Estados Unidos

Storia e progresso nella resistenza al freddo con camellie negli Stati Uniti del nord-est

Geschichte und Fortschritte in der Widerstandsfaehigkeit der Kamilien bei Kaelte im nordoestlichen Thil der USA

The metropolitan area ofWashington, Camellia growers in the Washington­ DC has always been considered to be the Baltimore area, since the early 1980's, marginal northern fringe of the u.s. have been resorting to the use of Micro­ Camellia belt. Here, it is required not only foam(l) to protect their plants, until we that growers know good camellia culture, can develop truly cold hardy strains that but that they also must have some gamb­ will withstand our winters without ling spirit. In the years before the 1980s protection. (the decade of the 'great freezes'), we New sources of cold-hardiness were were more concerned with leafburn and needed. Even those C. japonica cultivars the occasional loss of some branches. long thought to be our most hardy Rarely would any of our japonica or (Kumasaka, Bernice Boddy, Governor sasanqua cultivars be killed outright. At Mouton, Lady Clare, Pink Perfection, etc.) the time, the 1960's and early 1970's, we were devastated. The National Arbore­ were actually growing some of the tum's once outstanding camellia collec­ reticulata hybrids without too much trou­ tion was reduced to a few sprouting ble. Our friends to the south occasionally stumps. There was a single exception, a spoke of cold hardiness, but they were specimen of C. oleifera introduced from referring to flower bud injury; damage northern China in 1948. It came through to the plants themselves was almost all the .past winters completely un­ unheard of. harmed. This was to be our new source It was in 1970 that I introduced my first of cold hardiness. Fortunately, I had a cold-hardy camellia 'Frost Queen: a series of48 hybrids from crosses involv­ c. japonica seedling selection. It was fol­ ing this particular C. oleirera, made in lowed by 'Frost Queen Pink' and 'Frost 1969. These were planted out during the Queen Red: all of which stood up well spring of 1979 for testing. From this over a series ofwinters compared to other group, two selections, 'Frost Prince' and japonicas. 'Frost Princess; were made in 1981. Our whole concept of cold hardiness Also in 1979, a series of 1,800 inter­ changed following the wintersof1977-78 specific hybrids involving C. oleifera and 1978-79. Ofthe nationally recognized crosses with various sasanqua and camellia collection ofover 900 specimens hiemalis cultivars were developed. This at the U.s. National Arboretum, most was followed in subsequent years C. sasanquas were killed that first winter, and thejaponicas very badly injured. The IMicrofoam _DuPont trade name for 1/4" thick plastic foam insulation blanket. Comes in rolls 6' wide by 120' long, and second winter finished offthe rest, with costs approximately $0.600 per running foot. but few exceptions. 82

(1980-85) by 1,200 more oleifera hybrids, but here involving such other species as C. vernalis, C x Williamsii and C.japonica. Beginning in 1982, and following each year since, these hybrids have been planted out for field testing at 14 locations in four northeastern states and the District ofColumbia. Annual evaluations on plant condition regarding winter damage were made which was followed by flowering records as the plants matlITed. Details about this procedlU'e were reported in a previous ICS articlez. Selections were made ofhybrids which have come through the past five winters without injury during which time tem­ peratures have ranged from -20°C to -27°C, depending upon the location. DlIT­ ing 1987 and 1988, six selections were named, registered with the American Camellia Soceity, and propagational materials distributed to a group ofeight nlITserymen for increase and sale to the public. Progress toward the development of truly cold hardy fall flowering hybrids has far exceeded my grandest expecta­ tions. I believe we now have a rather Figure 2. 'Winter's Hope', C. oJeifera x respectable group of cultivars that pro­ 'Frost Princess'. vide a good representation of various flower forms and colors. These include Descriptions ofthe six cuItivar releases white, shell pink, lavender pink, single, are as follows: semi-double, peony, anemone form, and 1. 'Snow Flurry' - C. oJeifera x 'Frost formal double. Princess (C. hiemaJis x C. oJeiferaJ. The above-mentioned hybrids are the Flowers 2-3/4", white, peony form, 12 result ofcrosses involving C. oJeifera with petals, 18 petaloids. Oct.-Nov. (Figure 1). either C. sasanqua, C. hiemaJis, or C. ver­ 2. 'Winter's Hope' - C. oJeifera x 'Frost nalis, and perhaps more importantly, se­ Princess' (G. hiemaJis x C. oJeiferaJ. cond generation backcrosses. The Fz's in­ Flowers 3-3/4", white, semi-double, 12 volve 'Frost Prince' and 'Frost Princess,' petals. Oct.-Nov. (Figure 2). themselves C. oJeifera x C. hiemaJis 3. 'Winter's Charm' - C. sasanqua hybrids, backcrossed with C. oJeifera. 'Thkara-awase' x C. oJeifera. Flowers 3-112" Thus, three-quarters of their makeup is lavender pink, peony form, 14 petals, 14 C. oJeifera germ plasm and only one­ petaloids. Oct.-Nov. (Figure 3). quarter C. hiemalis. As might be ex­ 4. 'Winter's Star - 'Frost Prince' pected, most of these hybrids possessed ('Shishigashira x C. oJeiferaJ x C. hiemalis rather poor quality single flowers. 'Showa-no-Sakae'. Flowers 3-114", lavender However, among the large number of pink, single, 6 petals. Oct.-Nov. (FiglU'e 4). seedlings evaluated, there were several, 5. 'Winter's Rose' - C. oJeifera x such as 'Snow FllITry,' 'Winter's Hope', C. hiemaJis 'Otome'. Flowers 2", shell and 'Polar Ice', that possess commercial pink, formal double, 28 petals. Oct.-Nov. quality blooms. (Figure 5). , 6. 'Polar Ice' - 'Frost Princess' x Ackerman, W L. 1986. Cold Hardiness Studies with C. oJeifera. Flowers 3-112", white, Camellias in Northeastern United States. International camellia Journal 18:84-89. anemone form, 12 petals, 89 petaloids. Oct.-Nov. (Figure 6). 83

Figure 6. 'Polar Ice: 'Frost Princess' x C. oIeifera. were being field tested. This delayed the field testing for several years. ThUS, C. oIeifera hybrids, including C. x Williamsii and c.japonica, have been out for tests three winters now, with temperatures down to -21°C. This low temperature was ofrather briefduration so one must consider that past two winters as being relatively mild and pro­ viding little survival information. Perhaps prematurely, I went ahead and registered 'Pink Icicle', a C. x Williamsii x C. oIeifera cross. Although it still looks good to me, I continue to have some nag­ ging doubts about its ability to withstand a really severe winter Oike the episode of January 1985 when temperatures went to -27°C). As a result of self doubts, I have withheld naming any other spring flowering types until I can convince myself that they will stand up over the long haul. At the present time, there are four in particular, that look good, have very nice commercial quality flowers, and are among those field tested for three years. I would like to see these subjected to at least one severe winter before Figure 5. 'Winter's Rose', C. oIeifera x progressing further with them. C. hiemaIis 'Dtome'. Following a completely separate ap­ Progress on cold-hardy spring bloom­ proach to cold-hardy spring blooming ing hybrids has been much slower and camellias is the testing and evaluation of more complicated than that of the fall wild forms of C. japonica collected in blooming forms. 1b start with, crosses Korea by Barry Yinger, formerly of the between C. oIeifera and C. x Williamsii U.S. National Arboretum. Seed and cut­ and C.japonica are more difficult to pro­ tings were collected from a series of duce. Thus, one must take considerably islands off the west coast ofKorea at the more caution in placing them out for field northern-most limits ofthe natural range testing. Here, it appeared prudent to of this species. Plants in this region are replicate each precious hybrid and hold subjected to frigid weather conditions at least one representative of each cross from westerly winds across the Yellow under protection while its propagations Sea from Manchuria. Thus, they should 84 show considerable cold hardiness. a wide range of condition from those However, as island communities, they showing no physical injury, to others in would also be subject to the modifying close proximity which had been killed to conditions typical of most maritime en-· ground level. It will probably take several vironments. Although conditions may more winters, including one or more get very cold, the open water of the severe ones, before any valid selections Yellow Sea would be expected to modify will be possible. Assuming a number of any abrupt changes in temperature. Also, truly cold-hardy selections can be made, winds traveling over such a wide expanse these will then form the parental founda­ of water would normally be heavily tion for a breeding program. Since the moisture laden. Winter conditions in the flowers are basically the pinkish-red wild Northeastern U.S. would differ in two type singles, they willneed to be used to main aspects from these Korean islands: develop hybrids that possess commercial (1) We do have very abrupt changes in quality flowers while retaining the cold­ temperatures. A graphic example was hardy characteristics. I am at present col­ that experienced in many areas the third laborating with the National Arboretum week in January 1985. (2) We do have on this project. periods of very low humidity and ex­ As I have mentioned many times cessive drying winds during some winter before, breeding new characteristics in­ periods. Here, plants may be killed from to any woody ornamental, including desiccation rather than the accompany­ camellias, is not a short-term project. It ing low temperatures. takes many years and a great deal ofpa­ During the spring of 1987, a group of tience. It is only for those who have the several thousand seedlings from the fortitude and endurance to stick withit, Korean collection were planted out in a that any real degree of success will be test block at the Arboretum. A review of attained. these during the summer of1988 showed

The Scourge Of The Camellia World


Le fleau du monde du camellia

Azote del mundo de camelias

II flagello del mondo della camellia

Die Plage der Kamilienwelt

Who has not heard of AIDS - the will, right here in our camellia hobby. It acronym for Aquired ·Imune Disability is called, for want of a better term ­ Syndrome? AIDS is a virus which, so far, VARIGATION. It is a virus which, in seems to be incurable and which has set some respects, isjust as deadly, just as in­ the medical and social world on it's ear. curable, and perhaps, just as threatening Thday there is a great hue and cry aimed to the camellia world as AIDS is to the at getting rid ofthis virus. Thns ofmoney human racel and wagon loads ofheart ache will be ex­ What is this virus and what does it do pended before this scourage to mankind to our camellia cultivars? Everyone is brought to heel. Well, dear reader, I knows that it causes varigation in the maintain that we have an Aquired Imune leaves of plants and also in the color of Disability Syndrome, an ''AIDS'' if you the blooms, but let's set the record 85 straight. Varigation in camellia leaves and Ifa scion is grafted onto a virus infected in the color ofthe blooms may be traced under stock the scion may become in­ to several different causes. It may be fected with the virus. If a virus infected genetic or hereditary and originate from scion is grafted onto healthy under stock the seed. Examples of this would be the under stock may become infected. 'Hikaru-Genju' or as we call it 'Herme'; Furthermore, it has been shown that 'lama-no-ura'; 'Betty Sheffield'; and virus infected grafts are much slower 'Aspasia Macarthur' to name a few. It may growing and more subject to death ofthe be a chimera caused by two different scion. kinds ofgemetic cells originating in the Ifyou have read this far you are going growing plant and producing tissue of to come to the conclusion that I am different colors. Examples would be against all varigated flowers. Heyl I like mutants such as any of the 'Elegans' some ofthe varigated flowersl 'Adolphe family or 'Jean Clere'; 'Betty's Beauty'; AudussQn Special' is on my "Thn Best" 'Thmorrow Park Hill' and hundreds of liStl All that I am trying to do is call at­ other sports. However, what I am talking tention to the danger posed by this virus. about is a virus, an infectuous chlorosis, I submit, that if we are not careful, we a disease brought on by the presence of here in the United States OfAmerica are one or more virus strains which destroys going to find ourselves in danger ofhav­ the chlorophyll in the plant leaves. Ex­ ing nothing but virus infected plantsl amples ofthis area: 'Adolphe Audusson Some ofthe other camellia growing areas Special'; 'King Lear'; 'Eleanor Martin of the World are not as inamored with Supreme' etc. While one or more ofthese virus varigation as we are. England; factors can cause varigation in the leaves France; New Zealand; and Australia all or in the flowers of camellia plants, it is regard virus infected plants as being sick the virus which presents the danger and plants and they discourage the importa­ it is this virus which we are so concerned tion of any of them. France destroys all about. virus infected camellias. New Zealand Virus· infection is indicated by a will not allow virus varigated scions to be yellowish green mottling ofall or part of mailed into the country. If there is any the leaf. There may be only a few light varigation in the leaves the scion will be yellow spots or dots or, in others, a large destroyed. England does not allow virus part or all of the leaf may be yellow. infected plants to be exhibited at the When all of the leaf is yellow all of the Chelsea Show. chlorophyll is absent. Thus the "Manufac­ One could maintain that virus infection turing Eliment" of the plant, the has been with us since the camellia hob­ "Chemical Bond" between sunlight and by was first introduced into the Western enzimes in the leaves is no longer there. World. This is true. Many Chinese and It's kinda like turning off the electric Japonese introductions have been shown current and the plant is going to suffer. that their varigation was virus induced. Early on camellia hobbyists did not The C. japonica 'Donckelarii' which came know what caused the yellowing of the to Europe in 1834 is thought to have virus. leaves and the mottling color of the 'Cornealean', one of the best ofthe Yun­ flowers. However, an interesting article nan C reticulatashas a virus induced was published in the 1946 American varigation. The cultivars have been Camellia Society Yearbook which de­ around for a long time. Why should we scribed this virus and it's dangers. The worry about virus? The worry comes article is entitled "Yellow Mottle Leaf, A from the fact that the virus is so easily Virus Disease Of Camellia" by J. A; spread. The worry comes from the fact Milbroth and F. P. McWharter. These that so many hobbyists are out to researchers proved that the varigations in "varigate" each and every new camellia leaves and flowers could be caused by a bloom that is registeredl The worry virus, and, more importantly, that the comes from the fact that all one has to do virus could be transferred from one plant to spread the virus is to go out into his to another by bringing affected cells in camellia patch and cut a few blooms for contact with healthy ones as in grafting. the next camellia ShOWI If the hobbyist 86 should cut a bloom from a virus infected tremely careful in handling camellias to plant and then cut the next bloom from be sure that we do not infect health a healthy plant he runs the risk ofinfec­ plants. Why should we induce this ting the healthy plant. Large camellia disease in all of our camellias? Why do nurseries are finding it difficult to keep we rush to be the first to virus each new healthy plants from becoming infected camellia cultivar when it is introduced? with the virus. How long has it been Why infect a white camellia? Why try to since you have seen a non-infected infect a sweep pea color camellia? Or a ~dolphe Audusson'? This cultivar, in it's blush pink one? Some "varigation freaks" healthy condition has a beautiful dark are making the attempt. Why not use a dusty red bloom with darker red veins. little common sense? Here are some rules It is a knock-out! Yet it is so easy to which should be followed by all camellia become virus infected that all one sees is hobbyists: the ~dolphe Audusson Special'. This (1) Never cut the root tip ofa new seed­ virus infected cultivar is so vulnerable ling with contaminated shears. that it is used widely as an "infectirig (2) Grafting shears and grafting knives agent" in trying to get varigation in other should all be dis-infected to prevent the cultivars. Here in California 'Adolphe spread of the camellia virus. Audusson Special' is used almost ex­ (3) Use two pair ofshears when cutting clusively to infect other cultivars. In the blooms for a camellia snow. One pair East and the SouthEast 'King Lear' (or as should be dis-infected for cutting healthy they say in the Carolinas - 'King Leah') is camellia blooms. The other shears could used as the infecting agent in attempting be used to cut varigated blooms. to get varigation. (4) Dis-infect your pruning shears Some camellia cultivars such as, 'Blood before using them to prune your bushes. of China', 'Kramer's Supreme' and ''Ie Ifwe all used.a little care we can guard Deum' are difficult to virus. On the other against the spread of this virus and we hand, C. sasanquas are the most easy can all be assured that we will have species to become infected with the virus. healthy, disease-free camellias. It occurs to me that we should be ex­ 87

The Yellow Hour Glass

MEYER PIET, California, U.S.A.

Le sablier jaune

£1 reloj de arena amarillo

n clessidra giallo

Das gelbe Stundenglas

For those that have not read our articles Wilson, plant pathologist encouraged me in the SCCS Review for the past 15 years to continue this program. or so, I would like you to know that Lee On March of1980 we received a single Gaeta and Meyer Piet have been actively seed ofYellow Flower Camellia Chrysan­ devoting a great deal of our time in an tha through the generosity of my good attempt to produce yellow camellia flow­ friend Yoshiaki Andoh ofJapan. Lee and ers. We started about 15 years ago, cross­ I successfully germinated it and started ing and back-crossing the]aponicas that grafts on good grafting understock. had some yellow color such as Brushfield About this time the SCCS had a "fund" Yellow, Botanuki, Lee's Yellow, Ki-Karata raiser going for the Camellia Nomencla­ etc. We then embarked on the difficult ture, so Lee. and I soon had about 150 program ofhybridizing, one phase used plants of our original Chrysantha seed camellia species Granthamiana as the growing in the green house. (130 plants mother plant. Because it is extremely dif­ were donated to SCCS and raised about ficult to set seed on the Granthamiana $4,000.00.) I took a picture ofabout 6 new species or it's hybrids (they are all very seedlings ofChrysantha with one ofmy poor seed setters), we redoubled our ef­ "Mystery plants" amongst the group and fort with the simple logic that what we it was impOSSible to tell one new plant were looking for in yellow color was ex· from the other. This was an interesting tremely difficult to obtain, so why expect early observation that gave us a small "easy" results. I might add that Grantha­ hint that perhaps we were heading in the miana has some "yellow" streaks in the correct direction. I, then, did a foolish back of it's white petals. . thing, which was to let up on my effort In about 1976 or 13 years ago, we had ofcrossing my mystery plants for about the "bright" idea ofusing another species two seasons since all ofthe camellia talk offlower as the pollen parent. This flower at this time centered around the new has bright yeUow and orange flowers. seedlings ofChrysantha. When I finally After two seasons and hundreds of at· 1 realized this I wrote to a camellia friend tempts to pollinate without success, we and told him that with the introduction finally had a cross that "took" and re- ' of Yellow Chrysantha I had probably §ylt~d in i! viable seed th!lt we w~re able made a big mistake by not concentrating to graft. The following seaons we con­ on my original program ofcontinuing to tinued to be successful adding a few new cross my "Mystery Plants". It's fortunate, seeds each year to our special collection, but all too often we take the path ofleast which we called our mystery plants resistance when the real opportunity (Granthamiana mother plant - pollen may lie in a different direction, but plant not disclosed). The late Hody requires much more hard work. BB

Well, as you all know, Lee and I were ferent seeds using Olympic Gold as the the first to bloom our seedling of mother plant, that have not bloomed. Chrysantha in the United States, on In all cases the leaves or plants are February 1, 1984. We named it Olympic definitely different. We have high ex­ Gold. Since then, we have seen many pectations that yellow does exist in (hundreds) of pink, red and white off­ these offsprings, but we must be springs using Olympic Gold Pollen. patient, hopefully will see results in Let me try and bring you up-to-date on another two years. what we have accomplished as we closed 5. Our effort using yellow pollen from the 1989 season. our mystery plant has finally pro­ duced a 3 1/2" sulphur yellow single 1. By continuing to back cross "Olympic flower. These parents were second or Gold" pollen seedlings, using those third generation plants. The original that show signs of yellow, we now first generation crosses were made in have several flowers that are white or 1976, the seeds picked in 1977 or 12 pink with signs of yellow or yellow years ago. When several different stripes in the flower color. At the pre­ plants bloomed white flowers, we sent time we have one or two seed wisely back-crossed them and finally pods that are back-crosses using saw' our yellow flower. yellow striped flowers with the mother plant "Olympic Gold" pollen. In addition to the above 5 items, we These seed pods have an excellent have many many other interesting chance of producing a yellow flower. crosses that could produce a yellow 2. Our crosses of Yellow Caste japonicas flower. The Granthamiana - Ville de (this work was started about 15 years Nantes X Olympic Gold seedlings, there ago), has produced a small21/2/1 semi­ are several different ones, have the most double light yellow flower. It has beautiful japonica-Chrysantha leaves that -, bloomed for 3 or 4 seasons. you have ever seen. The plants are slow \ 3. Our crosses of Yellow Caste japonicas growers, therefore next November­ when polinated by Olympic Gold have December Lee and I plan to graft them produced a 2 1/2" inch peony flower on to large camellia understock and grow with the same basic color and shape them outside the green house on root ofKi-Thubaki, a slide that Andoh sent stock already established in the ground. to me of a picture of a yellow petal We grafted two such plants last season japonica dated about 1832. and they look beautiful, already reaching 4. Our first cross where the seed parent two feet or more in height. was Olympic Gold and the pollen Continuing further we have hundreds parent a Salunensis x Chinese Chry­ ofseedlings of-Olympic Gold pollen that santha pollen (one ofthree plants we we did not graft, but show the Chrysan­ developed.using yellow· pollen from tha type leafthat will probably bloom in China). The leaf of this plant is dif­ the next few years. In addition we have ferent than Olympic Gold. Lee and I all types of back-crosses, many with at expected a different flower but the least one part "Yellow Flower" in it's flower turned out to be almost iden­ heritage. tical to that ofOlympic Gold. Since we Lee and I plan to continue our work know the parents we both feel that and hopefully will come up with the next season we must try and set seed yellow-orange flower we are looking for. on this new plant. We will have plen­ It is not easy, but ifyou are the type of ty ofplants since we grafted up about person that likes to explore new ideas for a dozen plants well before we ever saw plant development this just might be the flower. We still have about 10 dif~ your Cup of 'lea - join us! 89

1989 Camellia Registrations

TOM SAVIGE, Australia

Enregislrements de camellias 1989

Registros de camelias, 1989

Registrazioni di camellie 1989

1989 Kamilienregistrierung

NO. 17. C.x. williamsii cv. 'Porthpean Originated by Maurice Petherick Esq., Porthpean House St. Austell, P126 6AX, United Kingdom Applicant Mrs. C. Petherick 'fredeague. Porthpean St. Austell United Kingdom

Flower;; Semidouble, Fuchsine Pink, (RHS.CC. Red Group, 55A-B) with 14 fluted petals, veined in the manner of 'Donation' but ofa deeper color; with a centre column of stamens and petaloids; anthers yellow, filaments salmon pink, petaloids same colour as petals. Size 10.5 CM across. Flowers fall complete. Blooms mid season. Buds pointed, pale green. Leaves: Ovate, flat with a matt surface, 13 cm long x 6.5 cm wide; petioles 10-15 mm long. Plant growth is upright and medium in rate. Original plant 8 years old. 90


31/12/88 31/12/87 NaTE £ $TT,S £ $TT's* £ f. INCOME Subscriptions 1 3259 5312 5260 Sale of: Ties 98 Notelets 65 Advertising 100 163 292 Sundries 60 98 93 Refund re Naples Congress 262 427 Deposit account interest 968 1578 1795 Less U.K. Corporation tax 86 140 882 1438 660 1135

4563 7438 6943

EXPENDITURE Printing, stationery, postage &0 telephone 397 647 455 Room hire 42 68 18 Journal: Printing 5381 8771 6140 Postage 1572 2562 6140 Membership lists 672 Membership forms 144 Subscription envelopes 146 238 Accountancy including underprovision for V.A.T. in previous year 260 424 200 I.C.S. Register expense ---­7798 12711 360 9852



92 YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1988 NOTES: 1 Subscriptions: other income has been separated from subscription income where the information is available and subscriptions received have been stated net of expenses as follows: Note Subscriptions Expenses Net Remittance £ £ £ Africa 200 200 Australia (a) France 433 433 Germany and Austria (b) Italy 161 161 Japan (b) New Zealand 332 85 247 Spain (b) United Kingdom (c) 1312 1312 U.S.A. 1118 212 906 £3259

N.B. It has not been possible to verify the subscription income or to reconcile it with the membership register. (a) The Australian subscriptions amounting to £790-15 have been remitted directly to America and do not appear in these accounts. (b) No subscriptions have been received for 1988 from Germany and Austria, Japan or Spain. (c) No details have been seen for the amount of£312 received from the United Kingdom which is believed to include sales of ties and notelets. 2 Sundry debtors comprise: £ U.K. and Western European Region (1987) 688 U.K. and Western European Region (1988) 1312


This amount has been received since 31st December, 1988. 3 Bank: Deposits totalling A$2402 (£1151 approximately) which are held in a Special Congress Bank Account in Australia towards the nomenclative pulica­ tion costs, have not been included in the Balance Sheet. 4 Sundry creditors comprise: £ Reynolds &> Co. ­ Accountancy 230 Quintrells Subscription envelopes 146 L. Riggall Postage costs re journal 32 J. Freeman Expenses 106

514 93

5 Stocks: Stocks of311 packets ofnotelets, approximate value £27 and 55 Society ties approximate value £206 are held and have not been included in the accounts.

6 subscriptions received from life members have been included as income. As at 30thJune, 1988, the Society had 90 life members. At 31st December, 1988, there is a liability to provide future services for these members for which there will be no receipts.

The committee has decided to provide the sum of£3240 against thisfuture com­ mitment. In the absence ofany details concerning the dates when the subscrip­ tions were paid or the age ofthe life members it is not possible to comment on the adequacy or otherwise of the amount carried forward.

7 The Society is committed to the production ofan International Camellia Register and funds to finance this have been set aside in a bUl)iness reserve bank account, although the total cost is unknown.

The Register, which is being compiled in Australia, may attract a grant from an American horticultural institution.


(1) 'Thx-exempt status has been received for the les in the USA

(2) Membership Receipts - US Dollars For 1988 Subscriptions Subscriptions Expenses Net Remittances

Australia ? ? 1429 .Germany 1617 406 1210 Spain 354 54 300 Japan 1747 534 1213 4152

For 1989 Subscriptions New Zealand 569 62 507 Italy 276 276 USA 2127 122 2005 2788

(3) Current Assets Bank Account (drawing 5.5% interest) 8214 Time Deposit (drawing 9.0% interest) 25,030 $ 33,244 94

Report of the Membership Registrar


Compte rendu du responsable des Membres

Informe del Secretario del Registro de Sodos

Relazione del.segretario del registro dei sod

Bericht des Mitglierdschaftregistrars

Subscriptions fall due on the first of etc. A more specific request will be sent ( January each year. The'Board ofDirectors to membership representatives by this has set the subscription rates for 1990, membership registrar in the spring of noted elsewhere in this journal, the same 1990. as for 1989. I too am asking that each member Membership representatives are asked endeavor to seek camellia lovers to join to report by the first ofJune, the names the International Camellia Society in and addresses ofall members with a nota­ 1990. tion for new members, single, family, life, 95

ICS Members' Subscription Rates in 1989 and Membership Representatives to whom payable:

AFRICA (R 13.00, or Husband and Wife R 15.00) Mr. Leslie Riggall, Fern Valley, Igwababa Road, Kloot; 3610 Natal, S.A.

ASIA (Y 2400, or Husband and Wife Y 3300) Mr. Hiroshi Thushi, 33F Sunshine Bldg., 3-1-1, Higashi Ikebukuro, Thshima-Ku, Thkyo 170, Japan

AUSTRALIA ($ 12, or Husband and Wife $ 16) Miss N. J. Swanson, 43 Wellington Road, East Lindfield, NSW 2070

FRANCE (80.00 Frs, or Husband and Wife 100.00 Frs) M. Claude Thoby, Le Vieux Grand Chemin, B. P. 3 Rue de Paris, 44470 Carquefou

GERMANY (30.00 DM, or Husband and Wife 35.00 DM) Herr Dr. Klaus Hacklander, Simeonstrasse 5, D5500, 'Irier

ITALY (L. 20,000, or Husband and Wife L. 25,0(0) Arch. Franco Giorgetta, Via Fiori Chiari, 8-20121, Milano

NEW ZEALAND ($ 16.00, or Husband and Wife $ 17.00) Mr. R. H. Clere, 8 Chesham Avenue, Thupo

PORTUGAL (E 1000, or Husband and Wife E 1200) Senhora Clara de Seabra, Praceta Prof. Egas Moniz, 167-4° Esq, 4100 Porto

SPAIN (P. 1300, orHusband and Wife P. 1500) DonJuan Armada Diez de Rivera, Paseo de la Castellana 213-4°, 28046, Madrid

UNITED KINGDOM 0> ISLE OF MAN £ 8.50, or Husband and Wife £ 11) Mr. Geoffrey Yates, Stagshaw, Amblesied, Cumbria, LA220HE

CHANNEL ISLANDS 0> REPUBLIC OR IRELAND with BELGIUM, DENMARK, FINLAND, MALTA, NETHERLANDS, and OTHER REGIONS as.50, or Hus­ band and Wife £11.00) Mrs. Ann Bushell, Lower Hall, Rue de la Pompe, Augres, 'Irinity, Jersey, C. 1. via U. K.

UNITED STATES ($ 13, or Husband and Wife $ 16) Mrs. Edith Mazzei, 1486 Yosemite Circle, Con<;ord, California 94521

Annual subscriptions fall due on the 1st January each year, and Members are re­ quested to pay them to the appropriate Membership Representative before the 1st June at latest, or to notify their wish to discontinue membership. 96

1989 I.e.s. MEMBERSHIP

AS OF JUNE 30, 1989

Life Ordinary New Thtal Members Single Family Single Family Members • Argentina 1 1 • Australia 12 8 2 126 79 296 • Austria 3 7 7 • Belgium 1 2 5 • Canada 1 1 • Channel Islands 3 8 43 23 97 • China 1 2 3 • Denmark 4 4 • Finland 1 1 1 • France 7 65 11 87 • Germany 27 110 21 152 • Hong Kong 2 2 • Isle of Man 1 1 • Italy 5 1 17 2 22 • Japan 25 19 1 192. 213 • Korea 2 2 • Malta 1 1 • Netherlands 1 1 3 • New Zealand 4 3 2 25 39 110 • Portugal 2 4 12 28 • Republic of Ireland 1 8 4 17 • South Africa 6 10 10 2 24 • Spain 1 1 32 2 35 • Switzerland 3 3 9 • United Kingdom 29 27 217 63 370 • U.S.A. 16 9 1 89 58 216 • Zimbabwe 1 1 3 • Luxembourg 1 1 • Germany DDR 2 4 1 6 • Swaziland 1 1 2

• TOTAL 144 107 7 968 322 1719

At the time of going to press, returns had not been received from some membership representatives so previous year figures were used. 97

New Members of the International Camellia Society 1989

At the Brighton Congress in 1985, the CHANNEL ISLANDS New Members Board of Directors decided that a com­ ALLAN, Mrs. Betty M., Lapetite Seigneurie, St. Fierre Du Bois, plete list ofmembers ofthe Society would Guernsey BROMLEY, Mr. {}P Mrs. P. G., La Chesnai, St. Lawrence,Jersey only be published every third year. A full BURKHARUf, Mrs. Joan Mary, Le Filage De Haut, Rue De La list had been published in the Journal in Bataille, St. Saviour, Guernsey BUSWELL, L.C.C. {}P The Hon. Mrs., Le Petit Feugerel, Rue Du 1984 and again in 1987. This year only the Feugerel, St. John, Jersey names and addresses of new members DE LA MARE, Lady, Havre De Grace, Rue De Fontaine, 'Irinity, and changes are being published. Jersey FATTORINI, Mr, &> Mrs. Joseph, Saumarez Lodge, Queen's In view ofthe fact that changes in the Road, St. Peter Port, Guernsey Executive are likely to occur after inter­ MACMICHAEL, Dr. Ann C., Les Ruettes, St. Lawrence,Jersey MARRYAT, Mr. R. A. {}P Mrs. D. W., La ChantereUe, Vaus Du vals of three years, or multiples ofthree Varclin, St. Martin, Guernsey years, the next full list of members will MILLER, Mr. {}P Mrs. David Antony, Le Jaonniere, Bouillon Road, St. Andrew, Guernsey be published next year and thereafter PRESTWICH, Mr. {}P Mrs, J. R., Bras De Fer, 'Irinity, Jersey triennially. RAZZAK, Dr. David {}P Elizabeth, Bas Sejour, Ruette Des Fries Cobo, Guernsey At the time ofgoing to press, only the SETH-SMITH, Brian {}P Jennifer, Les Merriennes, St. Martin, following new members and corrections Guernsey STEVENS, Mrs. Joan Patricia, Brackens, Park Estate, St. have been received. Brelade, Jersey THOM, Mrs. M. M., 6 Dene Court, Route Orange, St. Brelade, Jersey AUSTRALIA WAITE, Mrs. Claire H., Le Port, St. Pierre Du Bois, Guernsey New Members WILLIAMS, Mrs. Elizabeth, Otterington, La Rue Cauchee, St. BATTY; Mr. &> Mrs. Leslie, "Mornmist" Kangaroo Valley, NSW Martin, Guernsey 2577 WILSON, Miss D.C.G., Queen's Hotel, Queen's Road, St. Helier, CRAIG, Dr. {b:J Mrs. 'led, 31 Murriverie Rd., Nth. Bondi NSW Jersey 2026 DONNELLY, Mr. {}P Mrs. R., 18 Browning Rd., Thrramurra Changes And Corrections NSW 2074 JAMISON, Dr. &> Mrs. D., C.1. - Rejoined EATHER, Mr. {}P Mrs. Roland, 73 Rose Ave., Wheeler Hts" REYNOLDS, Mrs. M. G., C.1. - From Single to Life NSW 2098 BUSHELL, Mrs. Ann, C.1. - From Single to Life EUNSON, Mrs. Pat, 24 Thdor Pl., St. Yves, NSW 2075 ROXBURGH, Air Vice Marshall, C.1. - Moved U.K. HOLT, Mrs. Thelma, 70 Alexandra Cres, Bayview NSW 2104 TRENCHARD, Mrs. V., C.1. ~ Deceased JONES, Mr. &> Mrs, Ray, "Glen Cush," Belbora Via Gloucester CONINCK, Mr. &> Mrs. M. De, Belgium - From Single to Couple NSW U22 KILPATRICK, Mr. &> Mrs. L., 10 Wren PI, Lugarno NSW 2UO FINLAND MICHELMORE, Mr.J. M., 43 Ivy St., Indooroopilly Qld., 4008 New Members POLLOCK, Mr. &> Mrs. lao, 25 Burdekin Cres., St. Yves NSW VAL'IDNEN, Mrs. Sirkka, Lemmentie 3, 21530 Paimio, Finland 2075 SMITH, Mr. &> Mrs. Doug, Azalea Glen, Darkwood Rd., Thora, GERMANY AND AUSTRIA NSW U54 New Members WARD, Mrs. Nancy, 9 Loquat Valley Rd., Bayview, NSW 2104 SCHWENK, Herr Peter, Parnemannweg 10, 1000 Berlin 22 BELITZ, Frau Ruth, Kotthaushang 16, 4300 Essen 16 Changes and Corrections MAIR, Herr Peter, Am Knanenberg 18, 8950 Kaufbeuren BLACKLEY, Mr. &> Mrs. J. H., P. O. Box 78, Hawker Act 2614 HECHTELHAMMER, Herr Dr. Peter, Haupstr.38, CH 8832 PATON,· Mrs. F..,. Unit 30 Hadley Wood, 578 Pacific Hwy., Wollerau Killam NSW 2071 WYSS, Frau Dr. Gabriela, Artherstr. 29, CH 63AA ZUG ACRS TASMANIA BRANCH, C/O Mrs. P. W. Fredriksen, 563 WAGNER, Herr Michael, Danzigerstr. 81, 6368 Bad Vilbel Sandy Bay Rd., Sandy Bay TAS 7005 SCHIRRA, Herr Josef, 1m Waldtal 10, 5500 'Irier ACRS VICTORIA BRANCH, C/O Mr. F. Hawkins, K 1 TROSSEN, HerrJoe, 25, Rue De Strassen, L 2555 Luxembourg Laureence Grove, Riverwood E. VIC 3135 DEMMING, Herr Wilhelm, Bismarckstr.80, 4047 HUGHES, Mr. &> Mrs. M., 2 McKays Rd., Lang'Warrin, VIC 3910 Dormagen 11 NEWMAN &> SON PTY LTD., C. F., P. O. Box 10, St. Agnes, HEYNITZ, Frau Marta, 1m Wiesengrund 3, 7859 Efringen 6 S. A. 5097 WAGNER, Frau Anneliese, R. Breitcheid-Str.6, D0R272A, O'SHEA, Mrs. D. P., Unit 6, 99 Darling Pt. R., Darling Point Sternberg NSW 2027 RECKNAGEL, Herr Werner &> Frau, Auf Der Gest 38, 4100 ROBERTS, Mrs, M., 7/6 Coonanbarra Rd., Wahroonga NSW Duisburg 74 2076 WAGNER, Herr Dr. Norbert &> Frau, Panoramastr. 65, ·6200 WESTBROOK, Mr. M, 16 Milton Rd., 'IlIrramurra NSW 2074 Wiesbaden WITHERS, Dr. {}P Mrs. R., 23 Melissa St., Donvale, VIC 3111 JOPE, Herr Gottfried, Leipziger Str. 40/41, DOR 7101 FREW; Mrs. A. A. - Deceased Hartmannsdorf HAMIL1DN, Mr. N. C. - Deceased HOLBE-BERGER, Frau Margarete, Munchnerstr.9A, 8047 RIDDLE, Mr. &> Mrs. J. G. - Resigned Karlsfeld SCOTT, Mr. J. T. - Resigned ZICKGRAF, Frau Ingrid, Ganghoferstr. 21, 6700 Ludwigshafen SHEPHERD, Mr. F. W. - Resigned KROGER, Frau Barbara, Forstmannstr. lA, 4300 Essen 16 S'IDREY, Mrs. Joan - Resigned LINDEN, Herr Walter &> Frau, Steinauerstr.59, 4010 Hilden 98

ULMER, Frau Ingeborg, Parasolstr.3, 7000 Stuttgart YOKOUCHI SMIGERU, 5-ll-30 Higashiyama-Cho Kasugai-Shi KRAFT, Frau Marge, Am Kirchberg 8" Z391 GROB-SOLT 486 Aichi GAUSMANN-GLAUBER'f, Fra'u Ing'e, Sonnbornstr.32, 4000 Dusseldorf 1Z Change of Addre... _ HAASE, Frau BIke, Schutzenweg 11, 2900 Oldenburg . UEMOIO, Dr. Shumpei Ii>' Mrs. C., T5GO, 2-4-32, Ueno--Higashi, LlNTHE, Herr Dr. Hubert (jp Frau, Maschweg 7, 'Ibyonako City, Osaka, Japan 333A Helmstedt MULLER, Herr Peter, Substr.22, DOR, 9271 Callenberg NEW ZEALAND MULLER, Herr Herbert, Hawstr.2, 5500 Trier New Members AMTHOR, Herr Gert (jp Frau, Waldweg 18,2000 Oststeinbek ABRAHAM, Mrs. D., 19 Jick.ell St., Palmerston, North Z HANSEN, Mr. fJJ" Mrs. E., 4G9A 'Ie Moana Rd., Waikanae MULLER, Herr Hans], (jp Frau, Wolfsmuhlstr. 15, LEWIS, Mr. O. j., c/o Post Office, Maungakaramea 8164 Hausham NEILSON, Mrs. E., 44 Churchill Rd., Thuranga LUTHER, Frau Ingrid, Am Theirshaf 40, 4358 Haltern OHRNBERGER, Herr Dieter, Kommandantenstr.58, Change. of Addre•• tooo Berlin BARRY, Mr. R., 10GB Govett Ave. 1 New Plymouth ROLFE, Mr. b Mrs. J. N., 18 Courant Place, Manukau City Changes ,;" Corrections SILCOX, Mr. b Mrs. L. R., 408 Devon St.~.West, New Plymouth HOLZBAUER, Herr, Dr. Alois YOUNG, Mr. b Mrs. D., 105 Pohutukawa Ave., Whakatane HORSCH, Benediktinerstr.45 RAU, Frau Steinberger Other Change. /1> Correction. STELTER, Brebber Z6 BERG, Mrs.]. (Deceased) EUROPEAN BAMBOO SOCIETY, Staudenweg Z, BODLEY, Mr. E. (Single) 87n Marktheidenfeld BARRY, Mr. R. (Family) NEAL, V. E. (Family) IRELAND SIR RICHARD /1> LADY KEANE, , Cappoquin PORTUGAL Co. Waterford ~ Rejoined New Members Cardoso, Mr. b Mrs. Leandro R.,Jose R., Migueis, 23 4435 Rio ITALY Tinto New Members MEIRELES, Maria Armanda, Casa Do Campo, 4890 Celorico JASONIJ Martini Eugenia, Via Valdrighi 19, 4100 Modena De Basto CARONI, Mary, Via Solaria, CH6648 Minusio SPOLINI DOTT. ARTURO, Via Regina Levante, ZZ015 Changes and Corrections Gr~vedona . PIMENTA, Mr. Ii>' Mrs. Fernando - Family NAI OLEARI DOTT. ANGELO, Via Dell 'QIlSO 16, ZOlZl "",i\ Milano SPAIN VBRCELLONI, Arch. Virgilio b Wife, Piazzetta Giordano, New Members 2.-Z01Z1 Milano PURCALLAS GUTIERREZ-MOYANO, Enrique, Real 79-1, GALDI, Alberto, Corso Umberto 1, 1 80034, Marigliano La "Coruna PRINA, Pesa DOIT, Giancario, Via Camilla Norcio 4 J I 13050 Pettinengo Change. of Addre•• WALDER, Dott. Manfred, Villa La Palma, CH6G53, Verscio ALVAREZ, Caseos Fernandez, Jaime, Las Huertas 39-3 B, Majadahonda, 28020, Madrid Changes and Corrections CURT, Fernandez De La Mora, Maria Dolores, Ferraz GG-3 SEVBSU DITT1Ing. Antonio, Via Salvini lbmmoso 2-20121 Ul008, Madrid Milano - Change to Life Membership HERNANDEZ OTBRO, Jose Maria, Algirofe 29, Galdar, Las Palmas JAPAN ~LES-COVELO GARCIA, Francisco De1Viveros Y jardines New Members S.A., Avda. Sami! 74, AP5148 Vigo, Pontevedra AMEGI, 8-21, 1, Chome, Matsuzoro, 950 Niigata SAMARTIN BIENZOBAS, Luis Alberta, Victor Said Armeato FUjIITA, Kyoko, 1-9-15 Sengen·Cho, 203 Hogashi Kurume 28-7 D, Pontevedra HARA MASAHIK01 Mitsui-Nourin, 2-1-17, 42G Fujieda IBI SHIROU, 3-5-12 Yukawa, Kokuraminami~Ku, 800~02 Kita Changes t;:I Corrections Kyushuu-Shi MACIMEIRA TEijEIRO, Federico, Jose Antonio 6-1 Notaria, ITSUGE AKIHIRO, 4-31 Nishimizu-Cho, Kokuraminami-Ku 32003,Orense 80Z Kitakyuushyu-Shi MACIMEIRA LARE, jose Diego, Pazo De 'Ibrre De Lama, KANAMARU KAZUO, 571 Kibe-Cho, 563 Ikeda Ribera Del Sor, El Barquera, La Corusa KATOU, Hideyo, 13-5153 Furumachi~Douri, 951 Nilgata KURISU HElroU, Mitotsubaki-En, Z007 Motyoshida SWAZILAND MATSUSHITA FUMIKO,-l-11--8 Konahama, Suminoe-Ku, 559 New Member

Ousaka BERTRAM, Mr. b Mrs. GUY1 P. 0. Box 24, MbaneJ Swaziland MATSUI KENICHI, U14 Fukayoski, Susano-8hi, 410-11 -Shizouka UNrrED KINGDOM MICHISHITA NOBUKO, Nakayama Chuzou, 786 Kawajri, New Members Yachio~Cho, Yuuki-Qun-Ibaragi BROMLEY, Davidj., 8 Gravel Road, Bromley Common, Kent ONO SHIROU, Z-15-Z Thshida, Nerima-Ku, Thkyo BURKELL, Douglas, 48 Church Rd., Branshott, Liphook, OUSAWA roSHIO, 2050 Mugikura, Kitakawabe Kita·Saitama­ Hants, GU30, 7SH 349~12 Saitama BYK, Mrs. M. A., 21 Sulivan Rd'1 London, SWG 30T SHIBATA HATSUMI, 2.-9-10 Komai, Komae-Shi ZOlThkyo CLIFFORD, The Han. Mrs. R., Timewell House, Mobebath, SATON1 Yoshihiro, 2-3 Yayoi-Cho, lbkuyama-Shi 745 Tiverton, Devon Yumaguchi DAYTON, Mrs. A.J., 17 Carlisle St., Soho Square, London, SUZUKI HIDED, Ul-36 sakuta-Cho, Kumagaya-8hi 360 saitama WIV6E SUZUKlHElHACHIROU, 4-Z8-8 sekimachikita, Nerima-Ku 177 ESCHER-KNIGHT, G. A., 7 Spa Close, Hockley, Essex SS5 4AY Thkyo FRESH~ATER, W. F., 1 Pen·Y-Brynn WaY1 Newport, Salop, TABUCHI TOSHIHlTO, Z-32.-Z7-115 Minamikarasuyama TF107ER Setagaya Ku, Thkyo FRY, Mrs. D. E., Church Barn, Drimpton, Beaminster, Dorset TSUYAMA NAO, 3-10-10 Kohimata, Burkyo-Ku, 11Z Thkyo D783RD UESUGI HIDEKO, 2.-5-6 llIutsujiigaoka, Chita-Shi 617 Kyoto GILBERT, B'. C., 272 Ferne Park Rd., Crouch End, London, YASAKA SHIGED, l-:W-Z Kamishakujii, Nerima-Ku 177 Thkyo NW8 YAMAGUCHI TADAO, lO-n Araya, llIurugi"Cho, Ishikawai- GORDON, Cumming, A. R., Woodstock, West Way, Gun Ishikawa Chichester, West Sussex, P019 3PW 99

HORNE, Mrs, Pamela M., Russet Eaves, Lime Ave., Duffield, MILNE-WATSON, Lady Mary (Resigned) Derby, DEG 4DR MOLE, Mr. Eric S. (Resigned) HUDSON, T. C., 'Itegrehan, Par, Cornwall MYATT, The Ref. Philip B. (Resigned) J9NES, M., CIO Penheale Nurseries, Egloskerry Launceston, PRESLEE, Mr. Richard J. (Resigned) Cornwall, PL15 BRX PRIDEAUX, Mr. &> Mrs. Michael (Resigned) LANNING, Mrs. T. R. C., 15 Blythwood Rd., Pinner, SHAW, Mr. &> Mrs. F. H. (Resigned) Middlesex, HA5 3QD STANKLER, Dr. &> Mrs. L. (Family) LOWRY, Dr. J., Eden Crest, 23 Mowhan Rd., Markethill Co. STEEL, Mrs. Margaret H. (Resigned) Armagh, Northern Ireland BTGO lRQ TREHANE. Mrs. David (Deceased) MILES, Mrs. Margaret, 'Itewollack, St. Mawes. 'Iruro, Cornwall, TR2 5AD UNITED STATES NEWTON, Mrs. 0. A., 25 Crestway, Roehampton London, New Members SW155DB CIARAVELLA, Mrs. James M., 6734 Pontchartran Blvd., PENROSE. C. D. D., Chygowlin, Killiow, Kea, 'IrlU'O, Cornwall. New Orleans, LA. 70124 TR3 GAG DILS, Mrs. Marian, 724 E. Alpine St .• Altamonte Springs, FL. PRANGE, W. W., Jr., 103 Gloucester Court, Kew Rd., Kew 32701 Gardens, Richmond, Surrey, TN9 3DZ DUTRO, Mr. Jack, 518 Silverado Dr., Lafayette. CA. 94549 ROLLINSON, P. W., 1 Birch Close, Cannington, Bridgewater. FINNELL, Mr. &> Mrs. J. C., 5404 Centerwood Rd., Little Somerset, TA5 2HX Rock, AR. 72207 ROXBURGH, Air Vice Marshal H. L.• 6 Steppes Hill, Langton JACOBS, Mr. ~ Mrs. Charles, 525 Becker St., Brookhaven, MS. Matravers, Swange, Dorset BH19 3ET 39601 SHERRINGTON, Barnard, 14A Main St., Elrig, New Stewart. LONG, Mr. Frank, 8710 Elmdale Place, Thmpa, FL. 33637 Wigtownshire, Scotland, DG8 6RD MANGHAM, Mr. will G., 177 E. Riveroaks Dr., Baton Rouge. STANLEY, Mrs. J. 0., 7 The Warren, Summersdale, Chichester LA. 70815-4056 West Sussex, P019 4YB MARCY, Mr. Lynn R., 5701 N. Morgan Lane, Chattanooga, TN. THOMPSON, Mrs. M. G., 33 Old Sheed Ave., Stoke Bishop, 37415 Bristol, BS9 lSD MIZELL, Mr. ~ Mrs. Maddox, 929 Elmeer Ave., Metairie, LA. TITCHMARSH, H. E., 5 Wellington Close, St. John's Park, 70005 Harwarden, CIwyd, ·CH5 3SE PERKINS, Mr. Wm. W., P.o. Box 856, Brookhaven, MS. 39601 TORDOFF, F. S., 8 Abberbtlry Rd., Iffley, Oxford, OX4 4BS STONE, Mr. &> Mrs. Harry, 2314 Broadmoor PI., Gulfport, MS. TOY, Mrs. W., 10 Coppice Rd., Lordswood, Chatham, Kent 39501 ME55RJ WADDELL, Rev. Donald ~ Constance, 150 N.W. Skyline Dr., Fayetteville, AR. 72701 Change of Address YOUNG, Mr. James, Rt. 2, Box 216, Lithia, FL. 33547 BUTE, The Marquess of - Change to Mount Stuart C. A. B. INTERNATIONAL, P. O. Box 100, Wallingford Oxon, Change of Address OXlO 8DF GRAN'!; Mr. b Mrs. James, do 6179 Lone Pine Rd., sebastapol, EVANS, Mrs. Linda, 27 Allens Lane, Pelsall, Walsall, West CA. 95472 Midlands, WS3 -ijR MACKALL, Mr. b Mrs. Benjamin, 7973 Valle Vista, MATTHEWS, John, 32 Orange Rd., Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Cucamonga, CA. 91730 Northern Ireland, BT42 2DX PALMER. Mr. Fred A., Jr., Riverton Place. P.O. Box 1000, REEVES, Mr. ~ Mrs. A. 0.,6 Wingletye Rd., BlU'gess Hill, West Gonzales, LA. 70707 Sussex REDO, Mr. Wm. C., P.O. Box 124, Fork Union. VA. 23055 WELCH, Mr. ~ Mrs. H.J., 'Ireetops. Buzzacott Lane, Combe SCHEIBER~Dr. b Mrs. C. David, 110 Lakeside Dr., Ft. Valley, Martin, Ilfracombe, Devon, EX34 ONL GA. 31030 STROUD, Mr. &> Mrs. Robert A. 2 Oakgrove Way, Slidell, LA. Changes and Corrections 70458 BRABIN,.Mr. &> Mrs. C. E.J. (Change to Family) BOWSKILL, Mr. H. C. (Deceased) other Changes and Corrections CHAPMAN, Mrs. Mary A. (Resigned) ASHUYCKIAN, Mrs. Irene (Haig Deceased) - Single CLARK, Mrs. Ann M. (Resigned) BERRIDGE, Mrs. H. L. (Dr. H. L. Deceased) - Single COOKE, Col. D. A. R. B. (Deceased) CARROLL, Dr. &> Mrs. Emil - Joint DOMAR, Mrs. U. M. (Deceased) GRODEN, Mrs. Helen - Single EWART, Mr. E. (Resigned) PINHEIRO, Mrs. Mary Jo - Single GREDLEY, Mrs. L. S. (Resigned) RANDALL, Mr. &> Mrs. Jas. M. - Joint HICKMAN, Mr. 1\ N. (Resigned) SMITH, E. Hulyn - Single MASON, Mr. &> Mrs. A.J. (Resigned)

Errata Page 17, 3rd Paragraph, 4th line ­ should read: A Vice Chairman of the Jersey Flower Club, not Vice President. Page 3 of Colour Section: The captions for C. 'Mrs. Charles Cobb' and C. 'Wokan' should be transposed. . , ~~ N_o_t_e_s _ Member of the InternatIonal Camellia Society, INAZAWA American Camellia Socloty, NURSERIES OF JAPAN and the Growers of the Rare Japanese Camellia Soclets Itallana della !\MELLIAS camelis. ld rare Camellias. Wholesale, For 1990, we are pleased to offer the following varieties of the Camellia plants: st European countries ... Send • DAHLOHNEGA I.SENNEN FUJI MURASAKI

Ides several new introductions. The Great Appearancel Pure viole~ purple, medium sized single, Dr. Homeyer's new yellow trumpet form. Vigorous and bUSy growl ~hout the year except between Japonica. Canary yellow, habit. An excellent color you have Medium, formal double. never seen like this. 0, weekends March to May. Bushy, Hardy. Rare and e Camellia Nursery. beautiful. )me. Dorset. England. BH21 7NE Send Postage (U.P.U.) for new catalog. INAZAWA NURSERIES Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 7 Inazawa City. Alchl Prefecture Japan

Tel: (0587) 36-1101 • Fax: (0587) 36·1102 • Tlx: 4573-333 INAZAW J

~SERIES INC. teUias and Azaleas * * Ph. (213) 794.. 3833 la, Ca. 91001, U.S.A. * * Thursday all year lecember, we are closed on Sundays

EE* catalogue * ns for 1989~ 1990

Flower Upcoming 1990 Congress,. an

...... ~;, COLOUR 1 'WINNER'S CIRCLE' Retic hybrid. Very loose salmon pink semi-double to loose peony form M.L. First bloomed 1981. Developed and propogated by Nuccio's Nurseries. Released 1984.

COLOUR 2 'BETTY'S BEAUTY' C. japonica Sport of 'Betty Sheffield'. Developed by Franklin B. Moore at The Hungtington Gardens 1975. Propagated and released by Nuccio's Nurseries 1985.

Photo by Bill Donnan Colour separations courtesy of Nuccio's Nurseries COLOUR 3 'CHERRIES JUBILEE'

Chance seedling C. japonica. Burgundy red with white petaloids. Medium to large semi-double to loose peony. Developed and released by Nuccio's Nurseries 1987.


Non-retic hybrid Saluenensis x japonica. Small formal light pink shading to deeper pink at edge. Compact growth early to medium. First bloomed 1981, released 1985. Developed and released by Nuccio's Nurseries.

Photo by Bill Donnan COLOUR 5 'SPRING FORMAU

c. japonica seedling of 'Kumasaka' 117956. Deep pink, medium formal double with pointed petals. Vigorous compact growth blooms late. Developed and propagated by Nuccio's Nurseries. Released 1986.

Photo by Bill Donnan Colour separations courtesy of Nuccio's Nurseries COLOUR 6 'PRIMA BALLERINA' Chance C. japonica seedling. Developed by Nuccio's Nurseries. Released 1987.

Photo by Bill Donnan Colour separations courtesy of Nuccio's Nurseries COLOUR 7 NUCCIO'S 1983