• ;.,^ ^-^-v^Trr AUGUST 9, 1910 RAHWAY E W S.- HERA L D SEMI- PR IGE WEEKLY iijccnpnro mouot

CITY OP N. J. FRIDAY,; AUGUST J2, 1910. JUDGE RUNYON MAYOR FAILS TO ACT Full Particuirticularl s of I Umtiimonly By The Rthwty Reptk- Gmtotiag Middies ia Operation ii Rajkwi lku Chb at Meetiig Tkmdby ^ like Excise Violttioas, Hot Molested. Contest and List Launch RiSKS HO COMPEHSATIOW -Various-Part.*-of JC nm»m#w" i; ;J- somewhat sarprised when be learns of tbe riVer t|J the launch of 81 Toms the ^pfectlon of-bis old friends who WestikM Avene Sewer dmtact~- Mayer Howard was told on Tburs-~i passes thetn over without comment. and a complimentary dinner at Hal- have stood by * him so faiUqfolly dmy womluz of ten gzrobling macblfie« ET«TT lad in the city wbo frequents OslyTw« Bfis f«r W«rk , #f Hew sixer's csJe, Judge Rnnyon held a re- through many a campaign, and yet he to operation In the city. He discussed I the downtown districts knows where ception at the room* of tbe- RapublJ- Dmrne With Jersey BefsrsjsUry—rri##sjt rs in p could hardly bare expected anything ways and means for handling the dls- ' the gambling machines-can be found* can Clnb, on g^ ch as Casjs^t Jstfid* .i Twewty.tswr Hsws street^ which was differemvTbe News^HeraM~has pdlitt^ mgnxabU situation and promised a i and vrery owner kxiows th*m to be In well attended by that part of the or- ed out from week to week tbe teoon- Common Conncll met in speeiAl dedskrc in tbe afternoon. No decis- Alter Esmpe* " "r. " 1. amnizatloa which usually, takes an slstencfes of tbe Fowler position, and sion Tuesday evening. The object erf violation ot the law, Tb« Mayor has •I* rs. "Lincoln's Cook Book and a large dur- active part to things politicat The ion was reached. At 9 p. m. he stated One of the best pieces of capture ft is evident the' voters have reached the meeting was to award the admitted bis personal knowledge of work in tbe history of the Xew Jersey Judge made a short address, devoted the conclusion that they cannot ttet some of those who were oper- some of them and has taken no action. largely to the subject of-Kab way's one field avenue sewer-contract, prorldJng Reformatory at Rsbway has been amdidacy of Judge Ran- low, Martin, Valentine, Utdam/#+ Bart- ^^ M _ of the machines. Herald commeiidi to them a careful ruined for Life, bat if to prevent it uto tbe thick woods asd underbrush. yon tor Congress, which' resolntioti reading of ih^Jojnments wbicb-folknr ^ and Trembler Hot*one win be in operation tonight Mend must suffer, the violations may was adopted without a dissenting from tbe columns of tbe Elizabeth Tbm poUce department has been cog- Their escape was covered for a abort voice. Congressman Fowler will b* continue. LOce bis predecessor, be Sweet Pickles, per doz Be Steero Cubes 2 for 6c Times. - Vt <* tbe condition at all times, prefers to be s "good fellow" rather time by tbe tall torn near which they Babbitt Soap 14 .. 50c Tbe Kew York aad Sew Jersey Tele- ••# ns on liquor sale violations, H Square Milk, Can. 8cT phone Company asked tor pmrmisshm than a good Mayor were working. Tbe alarm was gives * Stuffed Olives, large bottle...... 12c Babbitt Nap Soap, 6 for. 25c to place four* poles on Riverside romd aad Superintendent Moore had a force Silver,Magnolia, Star, Vermont Milk. 10c of officers scosriag (fee xoods farar# - Queen Olives, large bottle... • • ^.L 17c Sal Soda, 4 lbs ...... 5c JUDGE PLATFORM. near tbe Almshonse, stetfass; that tbe Peerless, Van _Camps, Can...... :.... 9c consent of owners1 of aimUiug prop- MQTOK CYCLISTS PASS markably short time,_j Clothes Pins, 10 for .. lc aad they were still at largsv twt 1-2 lb. Chicken, Pan.. T ..... ~T7. 35c l Snider Beans, Large~Cfan 177 Large J$O ,tle Ammonia • - ..5c |plete to siosg I cttman Tremble/ stated that he bad tbroogb the dark aad raiay cnndlfln— Potted Ham, Tongue, Beet large cans. 10c District of Jersey: •dentine lino be *' Small Can ..8c P. & Gk Naptha Soap, 6 for 25c A* berttaUm I *B9;» e*ndl-. I JU wMckj«J«n«d for the city. If there was no tbe omcers cootinaed m*4r rfgfl oatft date tor the Bepublfcas aomig^ftoa for other tmder-IWarCtose Tnmigut Amid * aboot r o^clotk, wbea the saeapsa __'• small cans . 6c Boston Baked Beans, Large Can,, 10c Large Can Chloride Lime 10c la Coogrtss ttom tlSs 4ts- that tbe other ^l^ednesdsy w#re seas to emerge from th« brasJi Bix >ys Jet Oil, 3ottle . .8c trict. were willing that the teiejAone com* 1 California Peaches, Large Can...... 15c Already, in general way, I bare lati- law0 near Csrterec Rotchford waa capatrsd jys Royal Polish, Bottle,. _pany _ should proceed wtth. tbe work. T^ ^<«tfwU now in procrcsai lelpbia on the SSO-fldlsj i ua 8c mated the ppCT wbtcb gfamJgfamJll d rire bat his compajHoasv lapehack aad Half pound Can Sardines 20c Pineapple, Large Can 15c It is th? * <&-&* telepbase com- at 0t Mary's Cburvb, ok Central ave- which is being held asder the 3 L . Box jDuryeas Starch... 20c lo tbe wit of oty election, bat 1 beUere Utat Green* took- to the underbrush^ where Royans Sardines in Bouillion 12c Pears, Large Can, 2 for 25c tbe ettfscs* of tki» district are estfUsd to pany to strfiig'a service wire to tbenue, is one of the most successful af- of tbe Federation of A Corn Starch, 5c,6 for. 25c Castor woven? and on they were bidden for a time. Tbe ot<* kaow te dotAllitbe view* of a j^H fswdacs of ««r got P fair* of it* Had ever held in Bahway. cyclist*. Tbe cyclists dSrtttljr Fancy Mustard Sardines, Can . ..„,., .10c «p«e enrreat matters of mobile tmport**m. feat t^e BOM sbb«M fleers quickly sar the brush. Jelly eon,iUl Per Package 8cT Jelly Moulds FREE. d sccordUgly, I berewSta prrmr botk tespM t sadd UUh tmet* the popsitrlmupS grounds sxnroandlng die f maiataisias it as sjocb I en fahe vacatflTln case that at any tw» the deeorsud with lanterns! *• •*• *Wrt ~eoatrol~ of thevorabie path, for, after bsnilas; th# tbe tdBiinWIratl^ti of President xsft thoroflgb seeotd. ..••_- city sboald wsJtt to dispose of thelvbicb* to the evening, prera- m boshea la tbe dark aad fog. the otter* fa dotor wastever is possible to aid Mam I ast soqesUfledly fa fsvor of the gold found only Tapetiactr and secored ate. ID plaeuig such laws " ...andard- I am. bowever. Is fmvmf of sorb land opon which the poles were ID- sent a very 1 scene. Behind books ss sJtall fnlilll all " "" io oor earreoey system ss will dress, who aems to hare bee* tbe 1 talaed 4o the lsst Bepo& _ . coo* It easily adaptable Co the ever- A The matter was referred to thethe church belli in the spadoos platform. It was that platform wkleHMHhI vwfag - •.„• of business, ss well se tocity property committee leader ia tbe plan, eloded tbe dateers eommeoded Itself' to * greet msjorttr ct the reaniifsaanfa of BNMM changes fa ero* An application from George Arm- yard, numerous have heen under cover of the tog. made him way voters tbroushout the country st tbe Pres- strong for a position on the potke erected, around bleb are always to a railroad sad headed torPhiladel - idential election in VMS, and Co carry oat «, of thooght aad phia, Bat a reception waa awsiUsft Wv' •-• its provisions is to obey tbelr mandate* ighest aim _ force sm chanceman, was receired aad grouped I im heartily la favor of tbe coDaerra- a BepabUcaand aI f---- elected- , my bisshal; besl tb eai tom at- crowds him there and before night be waa ta tend faithfully all of tbe House; i referred to tbe PoUce Committee. -Hitting Until August i*jth. tloo of oor pnbllc lands and resourcessurce*. to fire my beat stady w a the babies," *g the I Bawaberger's .,, custody. Until August Congre*s is directly responsibl. ^,/^™«-*e. wto M ^theto giT^^y~besr st3y~toto everereryy ^ibUpublirc |j B. Jackson, the owner, petitioned people for tbe stewardshil p of tbese vast question; to deal fairly mod honesdt y witi h I Couadl to bare Warren avenue closed canes'* aad numerous other ractioosFr^r. ^ „ Thus, in the face of extreme dark- and Immensely rateable faoldlngs, end tra- i *23conslderatfo£Z3£S!n &.*™**of Congress * as*******d to mak ***e tb **e < from Jefferson to Madison avenoes?^ trad to keep things exceeratlons &T ptime Impoptace. fresbments in tbe far be allowed to acquire* teaseboid or tee la my bploloo a /fu/fuesfloe n In all - * irg»nnvTiis m tne fa vie with ncers and tbe other rounded la *, far* mm my y */rf^ty» AtmrfrmmA (» that nms through bis property, h*A never the j?Oier^ttraxttott^ g gw»4 "Fancy Japan Rice jntr-tbeieiij wltliuut gtvtngfor the"satttf of a gnided, p Tbe mat gw»-4 etf-eltrr«l|~wtthla twenty-fonr boors Carolina Rice Best Laundry Starch a foil and fair eqatralefl't. , lajrge-zninded, but no less reall, eeoneeon- ^ew-opeBcd-tir-die"piiMI& Tbe mat-' Vral favor. One of the most popular McManus Bros of their foolish adventore. Too maca I believe in snch Federal rejftAatloo of vtaj inn tbtbee mmnmsnammnacemesac tt of ouur nsOonsOl telr was referred to the Law Commit- corporations dotog an Interstate bnsiness appropriattous sad tee, Comit on thhe faifir groundsd U the - praise cannot be given to tbe work of as w baayd upon eqmlty and justice to all'ougUy approre the sctlon of our president I dancing, in the halL Tbe floor is an concerneaand in tbe honest and Impartial looking to this end, _and_ , i«f elected.« , —shallw State Beard Xpprmves Sewer Pfaun. Moatser Bros-, Tailors the- vigilant officers of the Reform- execution of al laws reiatlre thereto. I p ne/hls f ' excellent one and tbe music, consist- 11 atory aad tbe Philadelphia police of- likewise favor the framing and passage of do all" in ror power to help" COMermfc funhe/'hlms The following communication ing of tbe Martin orchestra, is of ex-X- Pollack ././.;.-.,-„ t 3 Lbs., 10c socb additional laws as shall remedy any Sf te^crai^ ** mf creceived from the State Board of fletais la the face of such adverse 2 lbs., lie Mettck k\ Co 6 lbs, 17c -fc~-—•—-in; -—--.. —- •—• S T^ii^ * id f ceeding high standard. t x beUer 1that~U>i» couatrr seeds- -Health: regulate the said corporations. * * greater spirit f TTo A good-^sixed crowd attended on 1 believe that tbe tariff upon Imports than Is at ^SSTpreraJen?! «*•'itofor of Rshwmy^ X Tuesday—the opening night. At 9George Miller's 8OBS. sboald be sufficient to -provide adequate it is hixh time for those wbT~^ Mr;—At a meetlag of the & P. HalUay vet through, tired and '•-Ji letemiea for tbe seeds ot the government, Board of Health of tbe atate of New o'clock things were in fall swing, at torn lorn of sleep, tbe He- and sboald, la^ addition thereto, as sclen- LiLi^ wlUe* tfeny tbe^io^ • *""' * t con ftttare; to cease dutrgfag ad terse opfakm* Soprano solos by blaed..'lnterests of. - prodtocex. Uthe coa and methods with corrsptioa is an cases, tbe extension of tbe sewerm of tkxrdtj | • •• • •'«# * their maples seat task vntil Granulated Sugar end the work IbeUe J e Rellly, of Newark, were well received. Rumford Baking Powder — j •• •• ^—•• M WAICVC that " ' esoV to stake tie «s>lfttaa^ the to be lo-| W. Setepi N. Y. State Pea Beans the sMtntxn of the Tariff Board, spppintcd better t aad tbe pwgiess of this noble of stahway, said extensi ns Mr. Edward X Fttxgmid to br the President -for the forpose, wQl as* land of oars tb•- e eomsson ~~ oimJL cated on Westfield avenoe aad JffJeffer- ' John Farrell eertaln asd compile such nets ats will best r r Ur at ~You Are serve as a. basts for any -future revision, Beepeetfany yovrs, -, were presented. and when their wort: t> sumdenqy com- .. _ —^-—W"" ~~ rs* made asd carried that the Ideal of so," aa4 "Jast REPUBUCAM OITTW TO PlalaaefcL K J-. said plans be approved soltfect to the Plaia Volksr Tbe evening's fan 1L GtUngjei , ROCKAWAY 2Qts.,15c notice beretoCore gives by tbe State tinned aatil midaigbt- OsbopACo Tbe oaby parade waa scheduled tor WiUaam Howard Jfc Boa The CiMoa Coxaty ReyMbUcaa Clab WO! ON THAT PLA (Contittned an Page Two,) but to S. J.Toaw --"- vqJaroraMe win bold its (From the Elizabeth Evening Times.) tmtfl way Beach i , PECULIAR PREDICAMENT. ing procrass wi Blue Tip Matches William N. Ronyon, who is oppos- will best conserve tbe combined Inter- beUa will sell Cm Cttj OoeiL Campbell's Chicken Soup ing Charles N. Fowler for the Con- ests of the producer, tbe eosnoner and owing to a sever* btth, at toot of East Jersey Large Boxes PURE LARD the worldnajnan*" That mlsht mean A yovns; asoa, living sot a .— 1# o'clock av ss. It fta a gressional nomination In tht« district, miles from the comer of Maple av fa tbe enunciated his platform at a meeting anything. I t alll dependd s on your point i of view. On a TARIFF platform like and Brvauxt street^ thinklBg to gat ia a J <* chfldren gathered to partake of the wfli 3 cans, 25c of the Downtown Republican Clnb last "tittl e extra sleep/ secured tLe eoaseat promised faa. Tbe baby parade too* that we can see Senators Aldrich, 16 for 20c iuisi. we can see senators Aldrlch* of a conductor nt Jersey Ctty V*Mce ml shout 2;»F the prints night-If Mr. Raayon wins the Wfth j Hale, Oammina and DoOItci, Cuaiup ^TgSt train an as Ibiiows: First prize, a Just the Thing for August Hot Weather. a m •i:;f-!t ^lbs,29e District nomination it will not be be-Clark, William Salxer, William X Bry-, •:&'B> Briefly what Mr. Rnnyon stands forail getting togetber aad drinking w and *ffwrt*tf f p" *iT*Tff^fy George Rlley; third prize, a child's Mason Jar Rubbers, doz. 6c. Electric Lighting Jars, Qts. doz 75c. Pints 70c. American may be set down thus: tbe health of the nation. On the to *T Walker. • ^Vanilla Wafers, Pretzels, Animal Crackers, Fancy mixed , per Pound, 10c. Drakes He wants to uphold T*it and tbeIFF, Rnnyon is ia were abovt fifty childrea ia I&ott Fxon. per Pound, 40c. Ring Raisin Cake, per Pound, 14c. Graham, Baronett, toe, aP kinds of beautiful and at*»or- last Republican National platform. attached to the train. His being presented. , Hg. 18c. He. favors conservation of- public coold be realized*, would abolish par- are receiving large auantities of Peaches, Tomatoes, Melons and Fresh Vegetables daily selling at Rock Bottom ties, would remove the "trusts* from them they Peaches fresh iirom the orchard of one of the largest growers in-Jersey,-and the-first-shipment-wil^soon be^Teadyr-^ We have made a contract for lands and resources. the field of political discussion, would Oseof the party He believes in Federal retaliation of ettmtn Between standpat Quiok Deliveries. Prompt and Courteous CJerks Always Glad ta corporations doing Interstate business. and insurgent; would almost bring Stocte He bellejjMytoa-|n^j "best conserve the combined interest Mr. Runyon has nothing to say on Beirmvd of the producer, the consumer and the tbe Payne-Aldrich - TARIFF, * that ia time to make a change of nee, stave rmce and pott ito which interests the country keenly. and return to his o3ce In Hew Tork~ kept the cfcttares •sscltag He believes In the gold standard. Senator Beverfdge has called it * XJ. That is aiL Granting that there is fraud. Commins labelled it a crime- THIEVES SOB A GAS BUHL la the ercatlsg the ft- some poeitlvity in bis opinions on Ronyon beUeree that the TARIFF *f •SS^^^BPSBSSBi^BSBS^B^^BSSaaS* ^BasaS^BSSF^BBr SJBBvW ,aB^BBSSBSBBJpaSBS^SSSHSWSSBBBBBB; these questions, which will be very m--'--z Board will compile such facts as will •r-fr difficult to grant in the case of hisbest serve for a basis of future re- hazy utterances on the TARIFF, he _ a to the larye aumber of vision. In other words, he Ss a faith anirlit* the seeks a nomination, by the advocacy of curlst on the TARIFF. Upon going to Che cellar to I policies on which men are tor tbe What has Mr. Runyon to say oapnt ta a> quarter lor the rans^at auj part agreed. Everybody be&erat : y: Csitnnnfsm? Nothing. per time, Mr. RnMneon found the m 1« * **»' •r:-r *' 'iTYf '1 out the pledges of tie"""HuH National is ia favor of ^snesi a system as shall until Platform are concerned. Everybody beat secure fairness and equal'rights into the believe* in sensible conservation; for ail members.*" The words axe Co he a everybody believes la the Federal pi*t» but the meaning r*£ulation of corporations doing Ranyon must interpret

** beilena: in a TARIFF.of kind that Mr. Rnayon w r

1 ^•..-••t - :' ••!-.<.

.'•-.•'•••.— •".-'.:•-:••»:.-. •.*•?*-*'- % "f-^"--Vftif i^fe^^M? J—, i .1. ii* 1 1r^g^rwflf-*A •\


tihsr aocs=? wwr r» ntsx hays. already been received here from JELECTBIC FLASHER COH8IDEBATE. COWOL GROTS LETTER uninformed people, who seemed to think all this business Is to be con* Tho Northern California Power "How do you iell bad eggs?" queried RKHTS r ivcto, MEWCAJUU Washington, D. C August 1 ducted directly with the department Company has recently opened their the young housewife. GIFT 157 Grand There are a great many ex-Senators here. This Js not the case as this of- "I never told any," replied the fresh stir flcS has no authority to transact any new water power plant at Insklp, near races mm and Members who hang around the clerk, "hut if I had anything 227 «I. such business, as it must all be done , thereby adding 8,000 h, p. to through the local designated post- thwir lines. 2 rt potad influence in Congress and tbe —Christian Onardian. i» af 21*c5t JL30<£* CQQ31' aajTT»5-, feat, feat it mas ** «• yocr rnxmssat AmtrUm Ttkct Place There An- offices In the several states. All train* of the Burlington are now tfc«y fcat* act IVt^Aps it It tat not department*. One ex-Senator now lo- IMh to The census oftYce Is now having its lighted by electricity. COLOONIAL. at Low Prices b«e& 5ar ywir sds&d care th*? cated here is constantly alluded to astroubles, more than contemplated by v Soda a "conductor on the underground rall- (formally leads the world In tho law, and one of tbe most serious numnnr of electric furnaces used for Mrs. Oldbludde—"I hear that you 6ty one want* to*bory gifts of k-^ fc^ ^-^. ^-« do not 'roadt of Washington," meaning that 55ECCE & 5S&3QR. fjitP--, an* BTBROOKINS arises over the contest* between rival smelting, refining and canting pur- have very fln* Ctflontal furniture In high qualityf no matter for wbsf FLIGHTS his influence is great in governmental ocoasfon. A t the Hsrtdtgen obacco, cities and towns as to population. the house you rented/' he Hsrt J siad matters, ami his services are in de- <- Btore every want in antfefpfttodfftod , The famoun Flyer* In ffrlftat Many of these are Jealous of their lo- The Oonoral Electric Company dur- Mrs. Nowrlch— l don't know, TT(1 r>* ss.tc ie*» of Proprietor. mand in nearly all the important cal rivals, arid all sorts of schemes are In Diamond*, Watches, Jewel- eblnen, Fr*4 Ow«a§ In H!i Air- measures requiring favorable action. ing the year 1909 shipped 105,659 tons ma'am, but we've been to Colojrna, and ry,fliWerwAr«,Cut Glass and Art resorted to In order to maintain of H«ctrlcal apparatus from Its yarl- I never Haw any like it there."—Town Ware*, nur assortments are th# at ' uhlp Theso. men repudiated at home by ascendancy. Alroody protests are p their constituents abandon thoimtatos ? Topics. lt in town, qoalitles the *cv '.5 ti-? spar t^at tJxpm be coot«sjklatys stndis^ SCMC^ coming In objecting to the figures Th« telnphono Is tho most a»nl prlcen the lowest, (Special to Tho Nowa-Herald.) and come here to profit by tho pr*B-glvon by rival towns, and tho office In for %rMK* ( ;? to J£ ^s«ae «&r^ ai«fets: th«« is ao toot* tlgo of their former positions Thoy of all tho machines used by See the new adrertisemeat sf tbe N? it X\?v Oi^xaJS- If T^XJ Anbury Park, N, J., Augu»t 12.—Tho invoMtlgfttinK Homo of tho«o com- WRDDIKO RINOH-Ev- OT?" >cc: aro especially actiy« during tho «OM- man. Hahway National Bask slsewher* In fc Orir 5vz iB-ill lasi t greatest conquofit of tho air over wit- plnlntH. In Homo ln«tanc«B trains woro this Issue. 3-22gtf frysfxe, woiffht and width. If jvs te*i asxr sr n circiilatv tho fitato military department, all tho 1 up-to-daU .mcUiocU u«cd to flwoll-varJ- Clock Corner 17 ttfeft TritaihefH are en Far god fn to sub- rtioihborti' oT OVoXeglBlaTiIre and offtor ou» localities, If thOHo protontx aro to Humphreys' Spmolflom hare THERAHWAY stantial foos based on their supposed bo bolioved. cooatpjr ci ^»* partaculariy- I* •notablefl will attend the meet to- success. been u»ed by the paopl« Mrlth sot&9—sQ«wre is at day (Friday) to witness maneuvers satisfaction for morsv than 00 y H/lRTbCqCN ft a? $*« ** between the aeroplanes and a battal- One of the most valuable historical \mIiioapropel Firr pie to oInsurance Company Why will men make fun of women years. Medical Book sent free. CIMI prope c ion of soldiers. New Jersey Is alive documents in the country is tho orl- following , f^ihlon <*tHi7tg >ntf Apply to he possibility of war and proposes win or WOTrnngtonvswtitcirts"or then go around wearing stiff collars Wo, fcr X. J- fee too to take it^ps to have Its National record and among the archivss of tbe around jhetr ears when, it is_MfJji.tHa. 1 zzd Guard"we11~TCTWd~iir-ftvlatton. That Clerk's office ot Fairfax~COQnty; Tir^ v! shade? M olto, tf$ se Wrt«fnl— ast-Bcross-the^ PotomacrRlver, 4 TH*rth™.otOkXUiT— a** Admits JS rrrxt j tn»ctiees cauot aw tfefct tiwrr haw no small part on the battlefield today opposite this city. This will is in Sft tO T C«flSfr»*C<>M«. SfOMMd* is a, well recognized fact, and Gover- Washington's oWn handwriting and • T—iiMi#fc»i Wmomo*:- Wtuwlsfs SS ?T tie Coca- imrtie •y*4 of rv* satsocal are no Vtt^r than retarsi to was penned in 1799, the year he died. SS B. is beatw' ttat you sbc«U not V*MM3^T if opportunity for a military demonstrfe An order hag just been issued by, tbe IS Crtm*. Sip rooxuS oaC'wftat ih«pw^ tlon shall pass by without it being oi Judge of the judicial district in which JHEREGINA ss ^etssg by the V K then tJs«y may abt carry practical TBltte to the sdrte nHlitary Fairfax County !r situated, permitting IS >lytwHfr orismsiiUtfat— 9S IS F#v*r mmi kmm*, StelaH* , SSf f be ao nistafce; it «•* BBsg Car- • ao hif9L Keep t4r icoins the librarian ot Congress to photo- Ftertey aad Carr.« Tie six Rhode ; 1 IT m—, Wad or Wwifln#, Btm—l, Uurmi.SS 211. o«e may Cake the MM and Asbury Park's aviation program graph this will. It will not be removed >NEUMATIC IS C«i«ni»»l»SttMtf*rOdldl« VmA SS 'VI aa aaaaslt ia fcrelp it aK«c after Dunn * ias* s« xpoa fcy.a deiie- £*x It possible ttat ym* Bv* bereT' will be greater than the meets at Los r viU be Angeles, Atlantic City or Indianapolis* graphs must be made in the presence fl AflUMMvOpptMMd«DfSto«USrttaiaffr..>,.1lf 12.00 for . . 9.50 CLEANER •T Rlte*y 0lnm, Of«T»l, CAIMH SS ts> be SXF**M&** with his -vort like Five of the most celebrated aviators of Mr. Berwick, the expert who has t aicoe. developed through instruction by therestored the will, as far as possible, ss sj«rf«e« D«whty, fiunr—tiw i.ee 15.00 for . ... 10.OO tie rin ti> m»^^ plenty of .Wright brothers, Messrs. Brooiclns, La to its .original condition. Only four SS Vrimmrr iMMttoMN, WMUa$ s«4, s» t Ss Cfce oar Chappie, Hoxsey, Jobnstone and copies will be permitted to be made, S4 *mT*9V$r<*imfmdiHp**mf Sft If «o don't tail to fttUnd Our Midsummer SacrifUwSftl* of brasdhea rey crated ialv tbe ~*YOBTBU co Coffyn, are under contract to give a two for the Librarian of Congress and 77 Crtfcify fftfrssdlssiefrUw 7* 9 1 »re aoc onlr< Aft^r reMtin; o5 tbe acti-«s csf Ar dally program of extraordinary feat*. two for the County Clerk's office of SoM by Insiifir or NS« on r«e«4pi of prt««. * Tart*? ie re- oat of Six balloonist^ Including Miss Heed, Fairfax County, and no duplicates, BVMtMMr BOHIO, HSDlCtXS CO. Conwi Hen's Boys and Children s Cxr^aji «pok*—very simply, aadj airship. <*e are iarllaecl* to WUiiMl Md AM SCTAM0, M«IT AKrieh Ca .' coaapany ~ •say ?o ^HTT1^ of Newark, will take part In double prints or reproductions in any form of tfc* E nx J balloon ascensions every afternoon at will be permitted at any time. From uft? W whEt oflt ? TherB re WMk f are * -Wd yow ev*r b«ar of SCOB» HacK S6nrt66 to fin Fans 01 > »»%»» * " *J'» * « «> **- their 3 o'clock. On some ot the days there the nature of this order it appears -v. toOtisx noch bvt ura».«r wither ahead and Mrtalnly another 8T7IT DO YOU WANT . • • , will be balloon races for prizes, and that this particular county office has 11 xtWB llnc c n>t !S OOT Z3T9 ZSW I^Bb Oi lOc XKJV on other occasions as many as sixsort of a monopoly of this particular ' » * » &• •» <>«' pric4»-Iff an Jo- 7* xz. li.i LAI 5txjsiiparx^Ts can oiily ssarl Ratiiay and aeronaut* will drop from the heavens, instrument and propo*e» to keep It FIRE, ACCtBOT, HEALTH, LMWUTY, j^ure rwmsj o( ocean We are to conyert tbo b»Jano« of our SPRING STOCK &:•• • liar! liar!" a pftSaMe spec* brought safe to earth by Immense TntoCA tae Tho White House is undergoing It* AUTOMOBILE FUNERAt single parachutes. Johnny Mack, of usual summer renovations and most and PTERS Newark, one of the best known bal- of it Is closed to visitors. A few clorkg ANY KIND OF INSURANCE.? CUSTOM DEPARTMENT oa TBffHM li-e c* the six Rhode atid who war Trad-rmrayngaa"rds"a"re~BinT^rTduty, but SFYuV DO CALL AND 8EE ^otaiiforTair andd WVnier nno w on adftpJayw . YoIOUu ar» to his orders is. tone's aoe AUI 871RVI9S STItEET. they have little to Go. There is not a Inviwd to como in and loook them oveoverr. "» *-. •»• i - A groat feature at the recent Mon- * to notMed att*UJfeeax$y» and he r treal and Toronto meet*, will Rive a Cabinet ofidcer ID the city, and depart* for t*-* * i^s ^oastiraea Broad Stno daily demonstration of balloon stunts. mental buslnegg \n at a standstill. The & SON. NO. ^ UiiEAT 1S4IRVIWST,, RAHWAY sh* Se'tt-tarte xit the Another ntar feature will bo the air-PoBtofflce Department is still workhig ?i that is beartf is insurer to out details for the postal saving* CEORGE MILLER'S SONS "-SSSBL ship, or dirigible, manipulated by Fred Before Going Elsewhere 143 ^ c-rer T TELEPHONE IO-R, o OwenB, of Newark, who will sail out banks and hopo to have gome In- 35 Cherry St Rshwsy, N. J. over tho ocoan and along the coast stalled by October 1. Several deposit* 5a w: RAHWAV, IV. J. iiti> down \ two or thrno times before the meet. ^ r*'?rex •!>?" •v* • P^1'- pcsrtj Oweng 1ft a daring navigator. HIB re- th.-ey grttssy str 'Are r ci "s cent' trip from Belleville across New tie graftfca^ in* York City and disastrous landing in Brooklyn has not unnerved the lad in BEQR8E B. PRICE AMOS fl. TEflfllLl •nr door-var»ls; j Wm. H.CLOKE, »4 M<^<4 ««SCMINAflV iJftrrtfoek are far the least, and Captain Milliman, who built the Bhlp, proposes to send Owens 34 Went Milton Ave. It to m Sew is. ar^dE eftmtry stands % ^ «*» *" ^* ^.^ «° from Anbury Park to New York and For otf ta«s7 pro^^Tties." inrt be said that if , - Priced Terrill rcrcW coeafer with tbe 2 at ot AMrich ^Canaan for notiiaig:.—L«T*- back on Saturday morning, August 13, Plumbing, u Tf*fr OaamlfisJosB tise matter CSS3MM if the weather will permit PIIINTIII6LNDDECflBIIT«8 ob^wtedL OB zDOttos by That was mse ot tbe atast £saxtroos JAS. Me COLLU Among the special features of the cf pwaitieai ttsztrrr—t&e at- program1 will be a-day for amateurs. Steam Heating E8TIHATE5 FURHI8HEB OH WORK oa tbe lassrgenc Kxasas T— IMLL BlUWHESef tfi* SU3li£88 QUALITY tfc* SfcaA? Tree H. E. Denegar, secretary of the As- a rtai«z#ai ol tie - , Kansas City 14-120 HAW STREET, - - - RAHWAY, K J. bury Park Aero and Motor Club, under and Roofing, of Every De«ertpilofl. Whose auspices the big meet will be KpreHl attaatlo* i1r«a U fatorlcr REtTHT. Decora tin*. x TO held, has already closed arrangements RAHWAY, N. J. rr.ar. lhat the c^sef ibe of Cwia^TT than air machines. Their fate will be forT ? settled Saturday afternoon, August 20. * -r-nos* d tiifig for tfc^ Ptysicfaa—"An rigbt. ni giTe yoa and ECONOMY now a shoe clerk. Peppin has been stop tftat.""—Good to go crer tlte lists aad Uiat five years perfecting a three-plane -I-'--.*** Trith assessjsent uali -machine with-automatic-controlsTTlIir machine* is completed and will be that you can save money by buying the try CoaovrSJicaa TrcmbSey. who 9 moved.to the aviation field early next best goods when the price is ri#ht. s $3, $3.50, $4.00 week. Handsome silver cups at $100 «ach, will be given by the club to We Qnote every amateur aviator taking part SPE whose machine makes a flight of any 8AEDINE8, (Rainbow Brand) Urge, .I*' Small OLDEST GROCERY STORE distance.. Over $20,000 in cast- prizes GRAPE JUICE, medium, .22, small.. ,„...,;,,„ is offered by the club for new world's BICE,Best Garolina, .08, 8lbs ...St....,.,.. records, and this has tempted Broolc- TBIfiCUIT, ,09. 3 Pk«s t^ •.'...... *£& THE CITY KIPPERED" • CBTl . * • t ...... —-...... -, ..0 m,.-- -ins-to-make aar~effort-to—smash- biav COFFER: MrSrentJ7T«r5 Ib8T7r/.T7r.77;TV Pumpps asd Qxotds, Black or and style are these—that'? all own world's record for. altitude In an SALMON; tall can aeroplane. At Atlantic City last KALSTON BREAKFAST FOOD, 2 Pkia.,.; •••••••* w« need say. month, where Brookins and Curtiss SMOKED BLOATERS, Box...... „„.. FAR LL 1 11 8 OH were the principal attractions, the SSH^^^P ^ ' Aaaorted, •<», 3 Cans... ,25 Wright aviator, by a series of quick* COBH, Cranbury Brand, .09, 8 Cans..; diszy spiral turns, reached a distance of 6,500 feet from earth* This climb Fufl fine of fresh Fruits and V«qpetoNes in SMMOA s •p- 2k Choke Groceries Provisions into the sky will be repeated at Afl- SPECIALTY - Wfecoadoue this week our greatest Annual Sale of Shoes forlittl e Children bury Park, and perhaps surpassed, for UTT and Girls- ^Th««^s^woodeTfuny-wide variety of Tan ' ~ ^' —— ' ~Bfotfdfifirti the most daring and skill- and Pates* Leatner and White Canvas Low Shoes at from ful aviator in America' today and his & SON, are more apt to cause GRQCER3 pompadour hair than any of the so- 31 CHERRY ST., - RAHWAV THE ALWAYS BUSY called "dare devil" acts billed In four- n color posters by "The Greatest Snow on Earth," The other Wright aviators W fe are also daring navigators of the air, but are better known in the West than la the state of New Jersey. AsJmry 'Park is planning to enter- tain a crowd of pne hundred thousand No. 2 Mom Street people during the meet A canvass oi accommodations' has been made nfH Farnisk Yon the Municipal Information Bureau has Bittner Fitzpatrick annoonc -—AT--- COMPANY. RIGHT OTJT acconuBodatfons will positively be *mken care otJ TLe Aero and Motor 13O Gun Metal, Calf, Patent Leather,. Colt and Tan. Club has spent $20fiQO In iayldg out a Suit Case or MAI I Russi* Calf. aagniflcent aviatioo Held at Inter- ST. laken to accotnnuKJgte- 50,000 people. #2.75 [We Can Save You Our object in offering tfc so greatly Every facility, has heen made as per- panceein Ccbigh - RigMmMl -«nder price, is to reduce stock. fect as mind can concetvel I Money. Stomlmktm adv MMll Commencing Aug. £, and Continuing PEB8UA8IYE BBCJBI71TUCL menace -COAL- Bran Trimmed, Fiber Bound, Dnrtm Cammm 75e to £10, Two Straps, Iron Bottom, B Bekool Caiws, aadl The Captain of tbe Boys' Brigade tbe old rates on Until Aug. 20: —:AND:— Corners, Extra Strong,, » JKWk&i Boys' "Walk Orer" Tan Shoes, Reg. $3, at $2.25 was anxious to add ncrults to his 25c All Kason Materials* M HIM* ffc// • We will give a general gearing Sale of aU our need Omett, why company. Now, yoa lads," i& re- ..A' •iimum der his command; "I want each of yon £*£.;. , Wash DjW5ae»,4uinperDre»»e«, Ungerie Dress- BVKF WAflOHS, FEBTIIIIKn, to bring in two new members." There with others and be con- e«, Shirt Watets, i Pongee ^oa^i-ChiVlre|i'» were several ready promises, bat one C "little lad appeared to hesftate. ^What's • /;•. B Salt*, Undefwttu->=and, all other Wriie lor onr repreacntattv* to Ml A JYl ES JVl ^CLOTMIWC ^^inpiiefoii* to mention will be the coal OLLUJYT yonr dMcnUyr^Jasl^ the Captain, V~"*~ timWrpspOT feST\! on* boy

t.T'y1' -!_T-l-i^i.pt|t^ Ki-:;- \ w. ^ ! f| ! -".'• >.*'; "•*' ' " ' T' i ™ ' W 'V""' 'r

. i./ : - ' •-. • . *• • ;- ' . f • •' l .'• \ "*•'•''' •'<•• ,-'•'•-''-•• • - ..•'• • ' \ ;' ' - . ..r - - "" ."' , • * * • -' • . •"'.. \,<

: 1 • ••• t\, •• -i" •-•••• • • • • •" .-•••• * ' • • ,-'• " - • • I :-' HFPALD, Pi&nAV. AUGUST 12, 1910 j£~ WIflfc Buiaii'A1. RVHWAY NEWS-HERALO. FRIDAY. AUOUST li, !»!• Cooper drew his revolver and fired Trolley Railway The rain was pelting •wlXtly two shots. One of the bullets took ef- Out upon the dreary street;- , VALUE » Afl we waited for the Board of Health fect in the forehead of the assailant folder. SHAKE OFWTEREST '!tfce and he dropped to the cement walk. GOQHIKY REWSPlPHtS, Caught oa a high trestle lust be- DELIGHTFUL to meet, PUBLIC SERVICE RAILWAY yond the Bergea tunnel Bear Old Fort. honesty and * - All UUb «»*** *•••»- --- —> The night was dark and.gloomy, The other fled.—News item In the Chi- has ready for distribution THAT TO COffiTOTEKS VMW^M ID pXCURSION us what the stripes on the barber wr that every last dead beat was 1 I max «*T tfcatt N. C, Miss Nellie Smith threw herself all they hold dearest, so firm and But the room was light and roomy, cago Daily Journal. an attractive folder of thirty' between the rails la front of a pas- siguify7 You see the pole witl grave--«tone dead. His mind As we waited for the Board of Health •Ix pag—s coatalatnr *"*** L. ] is being and* ta desired dtrtctSoas* la stripes and you know there is a barber w-.e of the lightness of their life that wandered far away to the time New Bruaswfck BOKHI of tie pr*para)tloB tarta e tortkcomias senger train aad escaped death. When EVEBY SUITOAY they never think for an instant of tbe c? ~Caamplon Corn Kster. Uo^TerUlnltTr to IU trollrr but here the A New York policeman has claimed * Brunswick battle oxer the when routrln New Jersey. Increases^ aad I ha*» ao hesitatioa ta gathered to pick up what they ex- the championship of the world as a sweet. CODICH v»ill be went frecapoi Commuters* saytac that, especially U Rahway. pected to be the young woman's man* and and all things corn eater. He was awarded the prize Individual coounaten BUsabeth* Sceltott aad tatvn&edtate gled body, they were told by- a muf- the bleeding for the As we waited for the Board of Healtn last week in tbe first of the season's application to points Join with New Brunswick aad fled voice beneath the engine that she way | der» » to meet corn-eating contests for devouring .Publicity D^eparimeat Un* of the IVaasytrmalsi who are was unhurt. The train waa backed up Doctor Brickell came soon after with these 3tetach*a ta preae&ti&f a united front, a sixty-one eara—except tbe c6bs-^in PUBLIC SERVICE the resuH o* the proceedta* will de and the young woman rescued, prac* Xtmim Itsvts WwtfWM SBatfays at ss bis happy three hours and five minutes. His is the figfet against the ticaUr unhurt. thatni yawn While we waited for the Board of RAILWAY decislT^ty adt«rs« to the claims the urn', death. ^J^STi SX'hai^ grow cold, the who swindled here, and name is William Arnstern, and be an increases* was asked Tap nim, ana "*»" » #-MM-i .™n« i« ,1 Unlaced by 1 Health to meet. Qoa* aa lu heels rVaasylxaala Railroad hare been blood from mm, nounces that be will challenge any making I do aot bellexe that the SUNDAY, AUG. 14 ounces noon by a News-Herald reporter they'd caper, he'd shout to Mr, Mix was in the corner; body in tbe world for a side bet of Peaasytvaala adraaces will exer^e- 'Just quench your thirst with $500. New Jersey and Xew Tork Ctty the approval of the Commit- Gerald—"I have never kissed a girl n Lambert, too, was In bis seat, ATLANTIC *• Ar-w«. waited for the Board of Health papers, that the Interstate Co—wee before." it all. i Cotamtesiopj_ had svspejMled p—^Itirg $ on a barber pole mean tbe red ribbon One of the prettiest spots to b« seep to meet. Geraidinc—"You have come to the bandages that barbers bound over the . ± ^^^ anywhere is the yard adjoining the | hearing tne kdrmaced rate* o* ts* WMAT sx wmn, *2.50 OTY 2.50 Thehm oi treatlng wh0 are While we gazed upon the sitter. New Tork. New Haven and Hartford wrong place; I'm aot running a Tnfai Icsrtt S«wsr«« wounds caused by bleeding people. neftreflt a£d barest to us with dis-' anywhere is we y»ru •«,».—. — In the door came Mr. Hitter, preparatory school,*—Town Topics, That's all. When they got through courtesy is one that clouds the sun- Rahway Water Works. A miniature While we waited'for the Board of Railroad, which vent Into effect on Wadnrorth (at the telephone)— 1 June 4, whOe declining to sqrpend the with a plethoric man, of full habit and ghlne of tooman y homeB, jf you are park has been laid out by Superin- Health to meet BINSON Hello! la this Main 39«7? New Jersey ratns which were orgl- Voice at the other end—Tea. Who had tapped him like a hard maple young and look for your prince, Just itendent Gage which, in, neatness and tree JnFsbruary, be was patched up teBt hJl> home conduct j>ono t be! beauty^ surpasses anything of its kind Soon fllHcuHflloDK sallied hotly, FORs- July 1. but which were-, upon the an- and bandaged OirulB arms,-legs «nd —g-uwga-jn your choice by what a youngJyet Been In Rahway. The walks are With opinions swift and fleet, : Wadsworth—Is Mr. Hammersley AH *') waited for the Board of Health pupation of the New Brunswick Board trunks looked like a mucb-^aTtewd ^an^ GOODS there? to meet,- to in and Attorney-General Wilson, held off Voice at. .i the other end—Yes. ICE CREAM in Ice leg. - , > e * ^1 IB in his- mother's- Hitting room. Do fences, "the grass Is gTcen and flower RAHVAY. N. t Tnlr you waat to talk to Mm? WP linvf n>m>ng us n fr'wM faHt""Tnot judge frim by;the way he can tip beds, In which^'purple .and red and Hpoke with reason, wlatica.' -TV & !£•» .maaiwr,^ jjj ia^IaaaaiZg *At£ Itii 1«F \ifllr I WS&t jtO • '—*•—*- *ii^'-Mm> anfi v<«iinThe wriver mfn^^, smootg harmoniouslyh an Havea iacreasea 1 Riser, in Chicago Record-^ toward the north, over which _sat!4_Hr. RxMom, **aad 1 -Hezaldr to old log years _ a perfect archway of trees hantf ar- is ta account lot ita _cur- »«.-*—_.„...„ not "good minutes seemed like hours. of «iti en xrfe Interstate Com* iuwn who Indulge in pleanure at the ,M.j, "was" torn down tistically. The »Superintendent* ~ de- r of Rahway, at OlilCOX Drug tho Lakeside Realty Company. Tnls serves much credit for the .work he AH we Kat upon our Beat, t" Commission, following the hear* expense of what ti^eir duty demands of y a part of the cabin has been one'of the sights or AVhilo we waited for the Board of —:BEG1NNING:— c£ a of July 12v decided not to suspend thera^ T>iere Is no lack of time for haB done. ..'*.•-. 1 much Interest'to the visitors-In our Health to meet, ts read hur- New Jersey rates but to initiate an Store pleasure and therethetc arec wayHB of en-|en-much Interest to tne Yi»uun>-iu w«. , iav~estigation thereof, tfce Coaziecticut Joyment for ayeryone; but in the long city, and much regr.etis expreaitfed be-, A. negro youth wag lying Buplbely Till tit Innt with plcanant greeting, Saturday, August 13th wo* WP were told there wo» no 'meeting, New is ta are ccain;uters thought they should have run the young man will find it neither cause pi it* destruction. 'onune bi Tuesdayn back i.n thAe larg middle ree do fautomobile Lalte »ve-! the advantage of a similar Investiga- pleasure nor profitable to win admlrsy- inent was made Tuesday5 by" was approaching* a t a fasMt <*rate of While we waited for the Board of —:AND END1NG:- Xacfc C5tr. Mor«« ^^otee^ias ii tlon for companionable quallUc-8 (from'^^-^ An agree of PMTW are tossed asi£* andtion, the N«w Haven increases being Health _.—wi-.^.aiiti*,, from ....w..u«i - .f RofiellTtnuMiAe foforra a gCBerageneral l speed directly at the prostrate form. . Health to meet ti oc££ttt of stxtT tee Idle# the ABBolute and the viciouji. tfloaIn f all ghopg Sunday8| bcgln. pa< tltrt MT^M, best tbere t^ a#v*r ;ook«d *£» the- only ones at all corresponding to A farmer jvho bappene.^ to be pass- ^* eoarttxy paper* which I* smaller those on the Pennsylvania. I was re- There is nothing new in all this—it is n\ A t 14< Tbe movemcnt ^g SOME OK THE POSTMAN'S Thursday, August 18th. C too (des7«erate a&d be -mrs TW tMtnc an old, old Btory-yet every day young , ing seized the youth fiyth e collar, to ackxowl«4ce that tbe Uait more «wsp*ct» is read carefallT tained by the Local Improvement be iQ under wayfo r Bome U|nCf but the Jerked him to his feet and pushed him ; tharoeg^T. Tbe oooxttrj is vmst-^ League of Sound .Beach, rooa. to Interior Decorations men are seen goingJx> the bad through arrangemenU were Juat completed, Any one who thinks that the pout* Your chance Tie 'prue wxi a solid that luxuriant hair of Tred €icke the allurements of so-called good-fel-, _. . . ,. . . _ « to safety barely In time. The rescued Preserving Ktone L Sctvmrtz, a neighbor o* Jy differ«Bt from tbe city in the per- ;make such an application in behalf of rich, yoathful color al* UPHOLSTERING and he boy rubbed bis eyen lazily, muttered a man of today ,has a picnic in his job, lowship, and tbe public teacher can-! ^ colored resident, of Rahway ! •tore and be convinced. tae Tfcsor. was secoskd. with forty-sonal r^ifciioc^ of its people. While In Connecticut commuters, and asked ways adds to their n a a a o r r r hardly audible "thank you" and con- let such, person shoulder a hundred tbe city one Is not expected to hare Fine Art in CABINET- not too often or too strongly admonish « f *^ t * ® reoe£v«d tweaty oollars la that an Investigation of the advanced Tbe Hair nay tinued on his way. He bad been asleep. pounds of mall, stacked over both Wire FaniB Hangers, each.. were tweaty-flT* can- e\«n a speaking acquaintance witL lhe_ N>*r Havsa rates be made by the golden, brown or 155 WORK:: :: :: :: the youth of the folly of such a course.; P^asjjje Thutsda/ on 10 qt Gray EnameledCovered when the Hair Speaking of advertising; There is Khouiders to tbe top of his head, and its aod BOM receiTOd any sert- man vbo lives ten feet away, in theCommission \t tbe same time in the . „ m, «.«,_. ! to BPIewood, the trolleys to Picton »otB, value 79c, «ale country ererroce know* everyone else \ becomes'gray, there ia no buslnesirthat .cfcnnot be Increased ntart out on a ftvsrto seven mile trip tajsxy £rosft the wholesale coo- :autumn. Thl Commission according- FURNITURE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Robinson ,beln g lftden morning and evenlng wlth and benefited by advertising. No class that must be made, every piece of mall Fibre launch Boxes in the whole community, and the pa- ly made an 4rder directing the New appearance of Main St. mn unnatural dUfignr- and son, Thomas W. Jr., have returned p,ckanlnDlJoel Clarkaone8 goin, g thaned lettecomingr carrier. . of advertising pays as well as a well 8 qt. Enameled Tea Kettles per which comes to the home filled; Haven to filAwith the Commission on OF SPECIAL DESIGN finishes his vacation Monday. The given to the right person, not an er- with items coQcerniac neighbors is a [ snent and ahandicapin from a grand :outing- of nearly a week, .,_, ^.^ fh x u written newspaper ad. There is noror allowable, quantities of mall to be value 75c, **ale -*.! Falk la Tat #f B^ltac 00. or before September 1, 1910,. its an*social and buaineaa life. Matt reuses Renovated and Made To Ord&r brief period of relaxatiothft letten r hac * been work v«« «ould do that would Tin Folding Lunch « * message of human Interest to every)swer, stati&g fully and in detail Its Wt hav« tht only Champlort Hair Plckerln the Cl t during which they visited Boston,' gathered en route, go through mud, Nard, iS years old, of 967 PbOK 171-01. -— • ————— *, i* used in boating, sailing, visiting and ^7Galvaniz Wash Tubs-NosY member of the family, and it receives ; reasons for the aforesaid advances remove all trace* of where ai» gueaU of Mr. Bayard Taylor cuperating generally. 1 you as great returns as to use thirty rain, dust, heat, sunshine and cloud, an intensive reading that no other Draperies and Slip Covors to Order. and family of that city, they were recuperating generally. 2 and 3t largo siren, value to Rolls ToiUt Psper, regulsr street. Eiix*t>ett, Ull tn * Tat of and any facts upon which it relies to pay hair aad restore it A delegation of orie hundred people nilnuteB time each day in the study of give everybody a cheery 'word, dodge :M given an auto trip of sixty-five miles, 08c. sale '••• 6 Kind oil aad water and was. almost publication Is «T«r glrcn, _.„ justify the reasonableness of the aew to its natural color. , - c.— jdub advertising, if you are In business. doga,Ji«t£iiJta_wJiaJLy^^ There are no better buyers of ad- { wta •aD tkte visiting Georgetownnnri , campinthe olgd Revolu- •caMed to death. No one was present rates established by said tariff and and tbe old stage route of a century ay night on) Mr. G«orge Worth, of Milton avenue, gege—t t- bac -bac kk, _to Ato you your r8t&rtln startin, , g placlace oe n Large iize Zinc Waiih Boardi OQ- Psper Holder -than thai the -political^ Uut-week -sold 40*^ hook_nnd_ladder K P tbe tte<-crf-the accident, bat It U and—more—agOi—^Albany—was next. the T'M train to apparatus to tbe Township of Linden '*** ™d then^Urt out-for the^nttt SieSeved that Nard lost his balance very people reacted by the country! swer this proceeding tfese t down for Is mot m dye. visited and a home trip made down tbe meeting in that place- 1 _ ^. HAA %M* trip over largely the same territory, toaabled la He roust hare seixednewspaper. Farmers and townspeople i hearing." That no suspension of the ^Tb* C4r* at tbt Hair river to New York by boat. Mr. Tay- $100. Mr. and this for day after day. month after Soap Dishes, r. i.» J0BBB6 PBOHPTLY ATfElDED TO ESTIMATES FURN1SHEI The man who owes a debt and per- for a sum believed to be Fall Fall Willow Clothet Bs«keut of the vat and palled, himself are responsive to good advertising, a jrates was made simply means that the r. a A« Cam. lor is an enthusiast on autoing, own- stB In spending money for luxuries . Worth won the apparatu last month and year after year. lsrge family «ize» value 08c, fact that has often bees demonstrated j New Haven increases will, in their AU •uaaiiim for he was found lying uncon- at ing and driving his own car. —.-4i*« mnn«v that does not be- when he bought a chance SJCfcms at the side. He was harried to in my own town. turn, be investigated by the Commis- 12 quart Iron Galvanized Pie Hates, 9 "Where are those speed-limit signs tbe AlexUn Hospital, where he is in a A prominent manufacturer of sion, the railroad meanwhile to DATIS PHARMACT, and why are they not put up?" is tbe long to him. Palls, value 25c, sale h "K JOHN B. EMBLETON done. . On a very pretty girl's saying to condition. The lower part hosiery^ in Milwaukee, not long ago, cry that comeB from the many people Leigh Hunt, "I am very sadyousee," Jelly QSaMea with tin tops, stated that the country newspaper bad Prof. Irving W. Story, his father, -~.r,- size Wooden Chopping «C his body was terribly burned, and who have to cross St. George avenue he replied, "Oh, no; you belong to the BowU, value 2Uc, gale each oOlag Hold blUtered hU head and given him better results in a definite a dozen times a day and each., timeEllas H. Story, and daughter. Miss Picture Frames way than any other medium he has Edith Story, returned Tuesday f«ejn a otner Jewish Sect! You are fair 1 as tt splashed over him. with fear and trembling. Petition after see." j«\ADE TO ORDER. used. He also stated that next year { ten days' visit In Clinton Corners, No, 7 Tin Wash Boilers, isle OQr PLUMBING petition has been made for them to be Mrs. L F. Wood, of Milton avenue, ;*<-• ". be is going to experiment with a cam- Be Left Tare* Wltows. Housmdn placed In position, but nothing- has N,^« Old Faabloned paign in the country press, placing the t been done. In case of an accident, Messrs. d the strangest cases of big-advertising through the retailers In j zDEALER IK 100 Hardwood Clothes Pins Q- sixes, pound cTtr known was brought to light would not the city be liable for dam- each town -where his line of goods is BEST LEHIGH VALLEY HEATING AND TINNING Ironing Wax, each 'WedSMsday by the death of James Kil- carried. ages? ing. They report an enjoyable trip Miss May McWhinney and Mr, Ken- 108 Main SL Wood Coat Hangers, each of Pituburg. He was a well- Mrs. Frederick Kolla, aged 78 years, Especially for reaching the farmer j thus far* neth McWnincey, of Grand street. In and respected resident of that whose husband In* days agone was a company with Mr. Jack Haviland, ... • -•' r'.~ .11.1 •. ..Ill' .•MMlJ.MWl.ll.': ••!— ,..——.. —..-l....»^, II J H,'l'«HI» M^S who noir has the money to buy any- j Several Rahway people were guests GENERAL JOBBING.! and also a prominent business carriage manufacturer, and his family thing he wants, and that prosperous 103 IRVING ST., RAHWAY, N. J. at the dance Friday night, which was and substantial lot of people who live Cor. Coach (ft Irvin ^g Streets, residents here, died in Media, Pa., the PREE DELIVERIES EVERYWHERE At his death his relatives were w given by the Misses Cuppia and Hoyt Done to Order Shocked and surprised to and that he is the small towns, is the country j ALL WORK GUARANTEED . TELEPHONE I4-J first of the week. Services over the of things can be made to grow by newspaper a good advertising medium. body were held in Rahway Cemetery at the Sewaren Land and Water Club. -Rfihpfl. Tear down the house of super- rires UTIEJI all within * —William Danner enjoyod a rid* In Certainly tho trade of thc^se people is ednesdayheaday, RRev. Mr. llunateger, pas* stition, and better mansions wil miles of one another. The chli- Church; Philadelphia and return the first of tMrd worth KOIDR after and their local pa- of the German Lutheran •hr~hAfl-bran4-a«w auto that. School CoTT"^ftlQPer Charles Car- acquainted for ftercnU years per. which reaches the most of them - -- vltbottt kuowle)> caase of his salvation be found service fe especially satisfactory. We make the caffs was In town yesterday with a beauti- Cqun^r^R^r^ West Grand street, are spending a gays_4_Per_Cent^l nterest ~-ful—tbree-year-dld—roan—that_J*_aj part-©! '•SKc' ta* teat of us troosers had Mr. and MSfMosea K. TurnerroMB V oa a protmdlag branch. He edges. beauty. Mr. Gibson raised the crea- tains. ture from a colt, and many a child Essex street, are entertaining Mr. and taatutd soon afterwards and now TRY OUR WORK. Mrs. Robert Turner, of Hartford, "Those who are saying that life is Ids attention of putting the One Dollar Will Open an Account would be pleased to get half the care not .worth living, should remember SPINACH on exhibition as a life-saw. Rabway $teaa Eawdry, and petting this same equine gets— Conn. — _-. that it ail depends upon the liver." The Surest and Safest Road to Success is a Savings Bank and expects. Mr, Henry Woodruff and family/ of Best Nixed T Ice Cream Salt A. T. CRAKE, Prop. . 36 Seminary avenue, are spending Thomas W. Robinson, Jr., is visiting m*T nays WMh SasJUw Account. Open one witk us. DO IT NOW!! There are two ways of spending a Washington the latter part of this 9c Bag 9 Can -'- ^: 6I-63-65 dollar. Tea can spend tt at botne, their vacation at Dlngman's Ferry. A nunber of small children Mr. J. Moore, of Hamilton street, week, flnistflng his vacation. a lawn party at Berertr. N. J-. gain' an easy conscience, make another was presented with a beautiful twelve- Miss May Bowler, from the Wart, suddenly a large snake ap- Campbell St. friend and perhaps get the dollar back, spent Tuesday visiting Mrs. C. E. tomorrow,-_-or you-send.lt, away, feel pound Uttle son Monday morning. In their midst All *©* AlioUs, of Milton avenue.- ; lusT to the hooM except "Sammr." who that you have sinnt^i, offend* tfce home Mr. and Mrs. WV C. Harrli&an and merchant and forever lose the dollar daughters Evelyn and Irene, are at Mrs. E. T. Meredith and Mrs. Abel it Dot quit* a rear old and unable to V. Sbotwell/of Elm avenue, are at Mr*. Beider. tbe child's mother. and the blessed influence for good to Aabury Park for two weeks. tb* outcry, seised a shovel and _ _jrpurself_and_ neighbor. -The Misses Loretta and Estelle Lake Mohonk, N, T. IIB to tbe baby's «*d*. 8b* found tbe The flag to be raised on the newSaUman, of Seminary avenue, are Mr. Jack HaviUnd, of Colonis, Is :Y Insist on Settling spending the latter part of the week In wttbla a few lacb«s of tbe tn-Have It Painted flagpole of the High School will be spending a week at Newark. ^:^ r \«> WMM VOOULC at tt and trytas your accounts with a check presented by Union Council No. 31,/School 'Commissioner Harry—D. SaMDitssiig ap tooch tt with its bands. Mrs. Ben- Jr., O. tJ. A. M., at the dedication of Some people are so big-headed that NOW instead of cash. Then you ind family,are enjoying a va- alar ftaaOy kiltod tbe snake, vblct the building; At the "~ "" at Edgerton Farm. when they have a headache It affect* ;c Can n^ore tnan six feet. The wear and tear on tbe boose yon QEORGE n.TRIE3C, will have both a record of of Union Council No. 55, I5c hare been tMnfcigy of painting for your payment and a receipt Liberty, will present a sous time become greater each day Hazelwood -Avenue, Near Main Street as well. Checks on the you lei tt co unpainted.' Think of tbe *n*- _*.•. I August in Ocean Grove. Cakes Soa iooks tod RAHWAY People ttto• newspaperB^ow^T-. Al*" WAo^ift treet. oast Bee Let me save it 1 use materials thai 5^ Mlw Id* . <» fiydrogen Peroxide wear well and look well— pleiwure and profit—or reminiscence at are as good as gold. You and thought, a file or even a few num- meeting Wood, of Milton can secure a book of them bers of such a paper would be to them by opening an account Wednesday at Sprint; Large - ;. ^^M Hjdrogen Peroxide u a there. You avoid lots of • _ BARLEY Atlantic^ -.fr antiseptic to hate around tbe Mason's Materials and trouble and dignify your 1 Keep it on hand for Cuu, M :, (Dutch Boy Painter trade mark.) business by their use. and Iniiaaunations; you can e Gea r tell iiow soon you may need U ! H. Blore. The purchased ground Is a Wallace B. Corieil, of ^^ ^M .. Daiigfatfully effective as a mouth, and pore Unseed oil- They are the Farm Took best. Eramtne Wall Paper aad c*t our «art of the original Erastns Woodnifl wenWt u at Orange Lake for this! ^ R. B. A*** t' .~^i and tooth wash, for killing W< aad avoiding disease. A splen* prioas before yon order. 5J5y. Tte n^r ygjS ^ *L '.___ rirT% at tto »the week-ead to SgrUg L«to MTB j g p ,,_,rr mid tuzfe; ft powerful aad harmless residence tor himself ,»nd,j ^^'ifeatotte two whets' yacatlot^ •2L family* ISe. I Pint; 35cPicu Brick RAHWAY. N. J Susie Pearce aad Miss Meek- are aTAstoory Park this week. AYenae. have started 4 w, w» — Eta«l Dans has sttfMtf ia to nothiDS finer ma4« for Fresh PiH Mil MURE • I . ^ A A%B«|^kJSi ^•M^UTA" 1111M Illy Ull thilKeI M^>*^*~ | — ' _' * *-- -—" St^^SljVl^ ' . - • AtffcJBJ VSJfeflT1 T|U| •T1JCIV W #^^***^^^^»- — -— *w ^~ ' I ^B , » ' ' ^Bv^l-^ •• . .' -' •* ^^^MBSS^H^ ^^^BBBBBBBBB^ki^'. \^^^^^^m**n^^^^^^^^^^*^m 8. J05E8, BS Mut vlBmllff YOnKerS* *<> I.-JHW. 1 * N©WbUrSjh» wkieClinSj-IO •>• »*•« I 'inn \ I Ti IHIM ."•'-•" :.r ^'\;'{ •*. r.r J.""^L:'T»* «Wf- •**jMtMMKm9 _ •- ^. •' • , ' •1~*' ;:;:'; ••:.'••"''••, .:v •'•••*••; '.-••X'"'' '.'-• • ' *-y^'•'• **!*'%'•'••'^'•-'*^fyr~ e'&'^ 17O MAIN ST. SAFETT DCPOSfT BOXES t IvUttlASteTKBttB- J TRAVELERS CHECKS. *•*• : -*?*•*•& T,'^fc-V-i^-.>- -, PAID< •> DEPOSITS. _•. ^

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•- -v *\HWAY NEWS-HERALO^ FRIDAY. AUGUST tt» ItU RAHWAY^EWS-MERALD. FRIDAY, AUQUST 12, 1910 LOCAL WEWS ITEMS. THE CHURCH 01 HIS TOWN. RUNAWAY ACCIDENT AN OPOSSUM CAME TO TOWN PETS' THAT ATTACK WO WEN AND CHILDREH NEWS-HEftflfeD ON MAIN STREET. Ike Bg Leaf Clotkiig Iiet Washington Oladden has long been Monday night W/B. Ditaar caught la many town* of this slzs woman's iTtry day the »«wspas«rs tell ef "pet* left that tote atteefce* a* % Trifle Out-oM*tc known as a fearless: preacher. He a 'possum that had sotight refuge on T clubs are nunwrotu, snd wbiU Jh«y jwritef an artiole In the August Cm- Tuesday afternoon at about 3:80 the stops of the V. M, X. A. buUdlngJ teg»LWeaM ef thty are otr- THETiitODERfrCUT IN CLOTHES srs turr on "The Municipal Church." Heo'clock considerable excitement was on Irving street A large crowd of Yesterday la Chleage a »alt4«f toleagiaf tea fllttm**, aides! toU s Uinly twu«nclsl In many ways. In wishes the Church to regain its pow«r 9 As exemplified at Mr utifcttiawist is exactly **»to- caused on lower Main street by the bor« and young men helped dislodge reeeri el fereetty by attacking aad ararly kiUlag a Itttte bey sis year* eU» 4at»* upHo-minute iu fact* as w* hav< the wry latest fttnau tovni and villages th« club In the community, as an Institution the animal from his hiding place, after running away of two mules attached The chlWs face aad feety were »erribly Ura—tweatyttree Mfftrate M*N m detigtu and style*, ;: :: :: , :: :: - been a special providence to many s dealing helpfully with the sick and to C. M. Bailey's meat wagon. The which a grand bunt was Id progress. weary mother or to th* woman of few the poor, so that Christ's ministry and driver was In the store of Robert Tho 'possum, which^was a young one weft aewa aai eaaterbe* »y the e>ct*rs at the heepMaL early advantage* and largs aspira- life shall be reproduced. Blacklock, of 2*2 Main street, when he and full of light, led a merry race This wae set the irst effease ef that partlealarly fertefeas farate. «• Draeger Cfte tailor tion*. In our great dtle* .women's "There can be no doubt that his re-notloed that the team bad - become down Irving street to Central avenue, a*i savagely Mtlea ether ehlMrea—bit his p«Ik»»aa ewaer ieetaret fctas* club* bave been the flnit to Institute lation to the poor and the friendless restless because of the long wait He back again past the Y. M. C. A. and on self "fead ef the leg" aad weald aet penal* tt to be s>streye4. social roformsland to call pubMc at- was the outstanding fact of that min- finished his business and, emerging to Elizabeth avenue, where a well- We tare aa ieaM that Chief rftowart, ef the Chleafft pettee, wfll audce tention to c#lng evils, Thty have istry/' says Dr. Gladden. from the store, approached the wagon dtr&cted kick by Mr, Ditmar put him It Ms tashms to attoad to this partfealarlr bratal 4ef aad ttabrato l tabooed Muperfldal and selflih »o- "We aft comparing the life of and attempted to ascend to the seat temporarily out of business. The ani- ewaer. • - " . •', clal ouatoms until such customs have mal was afterwards presented to Of- STOBE CLOSES SATURDAY AT 12 NOON. Church of today with the life of ItsJust as he placed bis foot on the step, The ease Is made werse by IBe fact that a pelkeaaa ewas UM 4ef— of otptfcl* uaW*» tto dUt*** become ob§olfrto. In home government Master. How does It compare In this a large automobile whlsxed by and the ficer Thompson. saM petlccwaa aarlag liraorrd the rsqnesU ef aethers la his aelgfcfcirtsrt

to gtv* «mjs*ort to of paxty ^IviftloM or afttetlou Open Friday Erehin*tt Uutll IOP.M.| . and the training "of children they long respect? Is It giving an equal propor- anltpals, becoming frightened, sudden- to keep the dot ckalaed •>: * about tto Ago struck the keynote of a grand tion of Its ministry to social service? ly started. The driver was thrown to HEALTH BOARD LACKS QUORUM as aa* chorus of reform which will becomW the sick and the poor and the de-the ground, and had the team not Of coarse, this partlralar balltfof wIU new be killed—the >«0 ef more and more harmonious a# the ta TvM^Kv. Oakv ami aa wa* atoptel rvoraUr la l>ax^r, wtoa fc*a ta« old spised In our American cities think swerved toward the middle of the road gentle polletmas will net prevent that As for Polfeeaua Hani*, tto beet years roll by. Out of tbe solfkb "ego" the wheels would undoubtedly have Tho Board of Health failed to hold party Uck»t& itt* thopoocaly «*ef4t«l H U w* tt«cwaary ta Raavay that of the churches of these cities in the a meriting or transact any business Interests of the forte demand his trial aad dtonlssaL His baIU#f ta4 they have evolved the progrottnlve same way that the same kind ot peo- passed over bis body^ The man already hltt*n auotbrr boy mo*t savagrly aal bad aetoally attacked a baby aa ta**t*aifeat ticitxK *a• alt* svapaei- U the pcoat* of Rahway cmld rts* to tits oT rwat dtiseawatp were voting for him every week. be represented In It* It* dfaim,to the THE METftTOKE PABTT. icks Koole, 78 years old, a former aaettor Is blaiself gallty ef that aet It woeid m*aa mor* for to fttsre prosperity than ytaia* else cooceiv* There are two thousand voters In philanthropic leadership of the com- resident of Rahway, was burled In the Tto ewaer ef a daagems toast Is galtty el ttot iee/s tfiaus, aai - w yr.Vxatfcna «f ay ta* ctty, fer fcfltaa; «f wanted 4o«a* for Rahway voting for the News-Herald sbeaM to treated at gaOtj. able. munity would not be disputed. Independent Republicans and Inde- Rsbway Cemetery* The deceased was M far all |wlce a week. The thinking people of What Or. Ofcjtfen Is here pleading pendent .Democrats combined,in Penn- formerly well known In this city and T# say ttot every *»f Is aatttle4 to eae bit**—tto preseat the city understand that to be well In* for is that ot which John Raskin felt sylvania to found the Keystone party bad many friends here. She was an Is shaaieless aad stofM. As well say that a crfaalaal Is satftlit to Mi e n* la aMHIea, ferbM tto reaailaf at large ef A!TT D00 U9L1M of th* rmpottathOtty^ Tto N+w4i«?*ld ts ready to oad«rtAktt the TOters of the Fttth District was not aecured for a atms, aad there moat 1-4 to 1-3 Less 1,600 sermons, most of them by posed the state capitol graft mCVKKLY MUHIID. A new waier bed is now being built PETER TTLLMAPT CLERK OP that iiU-mtlt to tto atttaate ct»4 of tto city *v«a thoosh th«r« to something worth while, in the Job of Concreaaman to justify such ex- scholars and many of them by earnest For Lieutenant-Governor they named Tto laws, tto rlfbts #f ettlseas aad tto safety ef chDtrea are %aers4 In a field adjoining the Water Works. men, that I now solemnly state that I BOARD OP FREEHOLDER* ••JS to to a temporary tmimrr It to tmporartty tetarioos to Pttts- peases. Sthley, of Peaaaylvaniaw was able to spend on an average of $4 for The laying of pipes and other re- D. Clarence Gibboney. a Republican, by tbe 4sll-tttae>4 levers ef iava#» lets. every voter of his district to secure a aomtnatioa. It ta not yet knowa never heard one preacher deal faith- of Philadelphia, who has long been a The Union County Board of Klec- There sbeald aet to aay aaisat—eat er icf—«t large la a eMf • ta avtaftclaal aCatrs cxpoa«d to peblit gas«. It pairs on the corner of Main street and fully with the quarrel between God whether or not Fowler considers it worth that figure* but &ts campaign has Than* Regular. East Milton avenue have been finished thorn in the aide of the corrupt gang- tlofis met at the courthouse In Elita- CaU earry aaf spread disease, ilstirb tto slek aad tto well at algfti m tto R*pah»caa party to hav* th« ctt»fereda«aa and Mammon."—Collier's, sters of that city. Vets la a elty are u aiteb eat ef ftaee as wetvee we«M to. Ttof Its 1f«Whr* oMtaNtt«d opoft taroashemt th* k«&fth and bnodth of th« begaa early aad wiU doubtless end late; The figures covering his polttical and now the comer is being cleaned beth this week! Former Assemblyman expenses complete will make Interesting reading—later Special orices on good FURS, 1-4 to 1-3 less The new organisation is a state af- Peter Till man, of Milton avenue, Rah- are a eeastoat aeaaee to ehtldrea, tbej keep alive tto 4rta4fal byir»« h«t tecs aay oe« 4ar* to anew that the erll coadlUoas la either caa« fair exclusively. It was called Into ptobla. ;!.'•"• * Messrs. S. Mar go rum, Kills Price, AS EAST TO WBITE A LIE AS TO way, was elected as clerk to fill the ooatiaa* vlthoat «xposar»? U UMn aay other proc«a« of poxiftca^ than vrill prevail in regular season, embodying being because of tho boss-ridden con- vacancy caused b* the _ death of .8. A heavy yearly ia» »a rrrry 4*w aae! eat, IBID#BI thaa that of o^catas the craft spots ap to the pahUc cm** and As the antkounceaient of Rahway • population Is expected from day to every element of approved style or design by Bam McNlchols and George Wilson TELL IT, dition of both the old parties. tlea ef tferj sieb aalaal faagbt at Urge Baaiasile4—Itosc are pnlha spent last week camping on Staten Rusllng Ryno. The other offices re- of waaahiat? If "A Low of Rahway" had the courts to day the prise contest la now dlsooattaoed. As soon as final figures are the leading fashion designers of Paris, London The Republican state convention, at mained unchanged. laary deauusels ef eeaimea sease, - received announcement will be made of the winners of the various News- Inland, but were unfortunate in hav- Senator Plait, in his autobiography Is a#t tto life ef ea* eiild were l»pertaat taaa we uvee pcUtah. his enmtnuptcmttoa ta foU and T^ply to 11 bud weather most of the In the August Mcciure's, tells bow nam«d a nonetlty for Governor. HER KEMPOHJIIBIMTY.' dsfs aad eato la all tto ettlet^lalaftely laere iMpertaat ttaa steUy, BsV ft to *ar that tiw proprietor of tft* X«w*-Htrald has quite an amount Mr, Bauer's automobile broke down Colonel Strong broke his election 4&*tr "Last August the Payne tariff bill M We eonnot emphasize tod strongly the need of In front of the old Quaker school- pledges. opportunity, endeavored to secure the Susannah/' asked the preacher, after be &ad acquired tbe newspaper property and had an- Wnilam & Gladstone, of Gngland, became effective. Under the Payne op(x>sed to income taxes* because exercising great care when selecting FURS so house Thursday afternoon. This is the "In the winter of 1894," bo says, nomination of Berry as their candi- It came her turn to answer the it» policy; that he bat faith that Raairaj will uitUaaltlj be toe Mil moot of the products of the Pttittp- he said, they made a nation of that one will secure essential quality and fin- first accident unstained since the pur- "while Mayer-elect Strong wa« mak-date. usual question in such cases, "do you r«3d«ttal aaborb of New York and that he «tiU holds to his | pines are admitted to this country liars. The Outlook thinks that tbls Is ish in so important a.garment) Chose of the auto* ing up bis cabinet, there came an Irre- Their purpose was defeated by thetake this man to be your wedded bus- thai issproroaeat can only be expected by tearing: loose from free of duty. In the five months end- too strong a statement. Why Is tt? Mr. Gcorgo Blacklock, of Main sistible demand for a change in tbe corrupt alliance existing between the band, for better or for worse " JUmattxv and practice* and adopting th« modern progre**iT* method* ing March 31, ldUV the exports of this The man in the.street knows that not street, who is touring In Scotland, has chalrmanshfp of the Republican Republican and Democratic machines. "Jes' as he Is, pahson/' she Inter- At this store one can select with the assurance County Committee. Though the com- Irs agrseaUs to mss» Mi ocfcer'steak* P*1UM* When Senator Ke*n> intere«u conflict with the country to the Islands Increased H»- only Income "taxes but almost ev*»ry gent a number of beautiful postals to In accordance with the understanding rupted; "Jes' as he Is.' Ef be glU any £00,000 over the value of the exports other form of taxation has just this that nothing is. skimped in order to grind the hlrf numerous friends in Rahway, bined power of the Incoming muni- bettah Ah'll kftow de gfcod Lawd's yes tefe SMS tried Ikea yts Sftterms of Rahvar the New»-HenUd wtll ajire aa much publicity as possible cipal administration was arrayed between the bosses of the two parties la the flve-month period ending March effect—that though a man be abso- price down to the ultimate loss of-satisfaction_ Thursday the gutters on Lake ave- the Democrat* named as their candi- gwlne to take 'Im; an' ef he ftoUan y •# ether Unlive. All to that tact, as there U no other process by which the people can be made 31, 1909, and our imports from the; against us, we finally! succeeded In rodacers Bshwsy aata l*#ss M sal*, what the underground schetce* are and be awakened In time to lutely truthful upon every other sub- to our customers. nue, on the outskirts of Rahway, were date a man ot the frame, caliber as thewusser, w'y, Ah'U tend to 'Ira mywelf." Philippines doubled In the recent flve-j ject he will underestimate the value j electing Mr. Edward Lauterbach over —-Youth'i Companion? ' it tfeeir coasvmunattoav Let "A Uover of Rahway" wake up and take cleaned,- the gratis, weeds, etc., be-William Brookfield by a small plu- Republican nominee. month period as compared with that a of his .propertv when the assessor tween the stones being removed. The convention was held In Wither- ia cine tnsprortroeot—the Hi mi nation of two-thirds of Its sror shops rear earlier. The caln In Imports comes around. By jind by men will The Keystone of oar sirccess in AUGUST rality. That gave me and my friends Mr, Herbert Barton, of film avenue, more absolute control of tbe Newspoon Hall, Philadelphia, named.after Ctfce greatest detriment, and the most costly of Its present shameful condi- from the Islands was t$»0*0k000. To \ begin to seo U at the-only tax that SALES for the past 13 years has been set Is enjoying a vacation at Harrlsburg. York County organization than at any John Wltherspoon, one of the New ajflpa.) Let -A Lover of Rab*ar" tell what he has dared to do to better the The Silent Partner this seems to show ca¬ b* shlitcMl, the only tax that I rather to a maximum of high finish style at a Jersey signers of the Declaration of the beneficence of free trade, but, ot should bo imposed, is the tax upon Returning he -will Journey through time since I was made the state leader cmdJtScot* which are odtoua Vitd which are daily preventing new residents minimum of profit.to ourselves aud manufactur- Buffalo and Niagara Falls. of tbe party.- Independence, Its platform and the here- II telling the truth about the conditions which sur- course, there are some people who land values. This single tax is not a speeches of the leaders were 'filled '{*$& will be able to show that free trade ers in order to operate a buying furore other- os U a menace to the city, then It U high Uzne something should be dream. It is being applied c Living ought to be cheap In Min- "That Strong deliberately repudi- with the spirit that animated Wlther- had nothing whatever to do with our fully in certain Oinidian cities wise impossible in a season ahead of actual wear. neapolis, where the good housewife ated his contract was shown when, to caaage the situation. Will "A Lover of Rahway" please come for- selling four and a half millions more spoon, They voiced a new declaration would you believe me if I say that can boil the city water and the result after his appointments were an- of Independence—independence from to the Filipinos We always were con- there is at least one big city In Canada U a first-class Irish stew. nounced, Lauterbach, as chairman of NEWARK'S STORE BEAUTIFUL trary" a corrupt political tyranny worse in whose single tax rate is about four The macadamizing of lower Jaques the County Committee, offered a for-many respects than that of George the Selection Made Now He avenue la almost finished/ X -few "maT~ protestTanU flung In Strong's wui look k>nc and Mtmestlv for th« Advocate to endorse mills on tne dollar." face the written evidences of his per- Third and his Ministers, it* editorial policy of th* mtzabrti* Journal In connection with As- more touches here and there and the When Cannon turns loose on his aominaxions. AnUcipatlni; that the Advocate roax-agaitl JUDGE RDNYON work will be concluded. " critics they say be Is senile. Regard- December me^tReasonablePepositr Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stendicke, of "Strong ha-ba-ed and retorted; less of whether be is lighter wrong, shall take the liberty of performing the pleasant duty our- % "'Well, I can write a He as easily '•«• At the eoacloikw of a long dissertation, filled with good advice to (Continued from First Page.) Prospective Tonant--.* No, I*ni afraid Seventy-first street, New York, are any man goaded as he has been for P-V.L this flat would be too small. I might guests of Miss Mary Andelflnger, an 1 can tell one. I am Independent the past, few years would spit flre once ** to keep off the crass, the Journal says: posing Joe Cannon or not? The ut-want to grow a beard.'*—Ufe, .Union street — of you now, you know/ In a while. ~t>wtstde the city the vacancy caused by the stepping out of the terance is shifty and evasive. 70T to 721 "The CUBS words that Lauterbach If ever an Independent political Newark Hiss Hose Crab%pple and Percy then applied to Strong would burn of Sir. Pierce Is naturally attracting attention. Several as- Here are the other things in Mr, alost reforms must come gradually. Cakes bave been married in Minne- movement deserved success this does. have bet* feetrd from already, and it seems uncertain Why not start the prohibition propa- ii FUIwij i«l VlcJniti Hill Orders RIM One may search the country over and Kuayoa-V-platform;-— —- spoils. They ought to start a family "Strong, like Hayes and Hughes, tbe htffc water mark la candidacies has been reached. Fr*e- M ga&da by. stopping the manufacture of NewarkJTroHgy CuraPaaa- Our Door. tree. fall to find so corrupt a political ma- l am opposed to any legislation whiskey, brandy and alcohol? Surely fellows that wore of Springfield, aad Dr. J. Edward Row*, of We have for women all the respect I? chine aas that whicw h dominates the which may be designed to favor the ao one claims that these three-have hU to faad tbe race. Kltaer Mr. Xeisel or Dr. Rowe In the world—but some of their hats \^L^ ^I iRepublican party in Pennsylvania, 9 f the coaaty taltafally aad iatelUg decent man might vote with a clear who Lave its welfare at heart to draw- price are the first consideration. If you" want reliable goods Rahway, are enjoying a month's va- be difficult to harmonise with that' conscience and without losing bis self- wrt -r- inspiration from the glorious past; to for lowest prices. TRY US first. We offer the most attrac- cation fat and near Boston. kind ot a tone. respect. Fowler circulates, illustrating the man- look forward hopefully aad with con- tive Bargains of anybody in our line of business. • The Irving street A. C. defeated the Every friend of honest government of Speaker Gannon, gives one a fair con- fidence to tbe future ;to cease charg- Hamilton Street Club 5 to 3 at bo#- When when yon have a friend that aad of decent polities will hope for aka Fowler is held by Fowler. He seems easily ing adverse opinions and methods frali Thursday afternoon.. your conscience won't let you pattern' the sneceee of the Keystone party, vflnvr wfeta> he haw hJtett with ttie other with corruption in all cases, aad ta- Mr. M. Whelan, of Irving street, U after cut bis acquaintance on the bias, I Newark News. tor a crust. (It is notable that the crusts stead to make the uplifting, the bet- ALS FRID and entertaining Mr. Robert Whelan, of Fowler* ooastttuettta.) If ever a Congressman has terment and the progress of this aobSe Montpelier, Vermont in Waahtagtoa to self-clortftcattoa. the while neglecting land of ours the common purpose of tmt lfiss Myrtle Fagens, of T

with the • r-' U lit •••* •; right away. M^M'i^MMbiM^^M^^^s.

3PBBSSK* j^^^f^P^^^JI^^By^^C^^^^^y^^^^^^^^^^BF^^jfliyjff^^fJjft^ai^^a^^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a

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-t* " ' . ' : -.••"--••• • • • - " , ••'.•.- —••••-.. .*••-• '.."•••..•, [ ' » • • • • l • " : £••-•• '-'•••:irtf$n R\HWAY-NEWS=HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST RAHWAY NEWS-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12. 1910

He pays considerable taxes himself, LOCAT1HG BREAKS Df TELE- r ATXHT* gXCOBB* AW* MLB. U you have not sent **«r resMrwal- THE We Are Headquarters For SOME UGHT ON THE not ^wholly on property acquired In DAVY, A GRAPH WIRES. subscriptlon be sure to forward lt< ]f# Attrawy W—Vmtn AlUwtt the' newspaper business In Monroe, prompt!?' See special offer elsewhere) §S>00 People Read Nevus-Herald Ads. REXALL STORE BUSINESS and, consequently, does not aid hi get- OF ELECTRICITY. When a telegraph wire Is broken or Send model or sketch with a de-In this issue. Papers are discontinued 11 scription of your Invention for FREE ting them,without cost to himself. He damaged, say, several hundred miles except to paid in-adrance subscribers* A4s are Inicrted la this department at a Ont-a-Word and repeated at oncfefelf the regtlar chare* hit ns a4 will U constantly working for a bigger and away, how does the operator, sitting search of the patent office records. Wo D. MathewB, In Monroe, Wash,, Ofr December 17, 1778, at Penxance, free books with all information. for !«•• tha» flftaea C«BU. Lodge JioUcei at tgp of coinmn are j>nblLihe4 it J»T dollara per__rnar. roe and a better developed^ In,his office, know e rtr) In Cornwall, England, was born to a All communications confidential- more thickly settled neighboring accident occurred T FULLER it FULLER, AND FOR ALL Publishing a newspaper is a busl- country, beter schools and better wood-carver, a boy destined to be one The explanation is simple. It re- Solicitors of PatenU, RELIEF Im HOT WEATHER PHARMACY 18 that a man may never stop learn- means of communication and trans- of the world's greatest demists. His quires, as every one knows, consider- gtf Washington* rx C Good Advertisers Recognize the Value of a Good Advertising Medium. EASTHAN CAflERAS ig. He may learn to be a grocer or portation. He Is not doing this merely early years were chiefly marked by anable force to send electricity through THE BIQ and PHOTO SUPPLIES dry goods merchant or a black- for his health. He has made and I*extraordinary memory and a great a wire. Tfce longer the wire, the » i. :. iltb, and after a few years' experi- making as much clear profit In a year passion for poetry and fiction; bugreatert , of course, must be the force RAHWAY LODGE No. 26. A. O. U. W., ice he can continue doing the same as the average country printer, with upon becoming apprenticed to a sur- required. This force of resistance is ICE CREAM. WANTED BOOKKEEPER and stenog- 0. MlBTDf, geon and apothecary at Penzance, he H. L. LAM PH EAR i rapher anxious to secure a business meets In Q. 1 R Hall second and DRUG STORE [ng over and over again—if in thereasonable intelligence and .willing- measured In units, called by electri- fourth Thursday ertnings of «aeh ter two classes, restocking hi* ness to work, can expect to make. He set himself a most pretentious course cians "ohms." Let us suppose that a For strictly pur« and fresh loe experience and save the expense and Piano and Organ butnetor* of study, including religion, politics, •roam aad candles you havs to so to month at 8 o'clock. W. I* TOMS, B«o- slves and selling more goods a)ways charges for his work what it is worth wire between a New York office and a Planing and Saw Mill PEN NY WASH time lost In travel to New York, 146-148 Main St philosophy, mathematics and physics. point 200 miles away has broken •1km New York Candy Kitchen. You ' Hours easy for energetic and ambl- retary. dltf P.O. Box 48. [a fixed advance over the cost which —not what the cheapest printer in the All Klndtof Timber, Lumber, Door» knows is necessary in order to af- Shortly afterwards, Davy's ac- somewhere. The telegrapher knows 8a*fa, Bllods, Olua, BracketiL Vt\n- believe In advertisements, but .. Uous worker. Salary commensurate Bl«ht at the e«d «f state will do it for. A recent personal M Mala Street, Bahway, IT. CHtrry ltr««t him profit enough to cover his investigation of the Job printing plants quaintance with Gregory Watt, son of that when the wire was intact there dowFr%met, Columns, Trim, Mould- It andjudce for yourself. Nothing with services rendered. Address In P0RCHASINO AGENT—Orders in Nsw IO|(S,0tC Any Mttl« girl can do your waablnjc mixh totter at any price. mse, bis cojit of living and a rea- of 8nohomis1i and Everett showed that the famous Inventor, James Watt, led was required enough force to over- EfttiiDftte* OITBD it Short Holies OD PCNNYWASH and have th« clothes on own hand, with full particulars. R. E. York promptly ..and carefully at* RAHWAY, N. J. kble profit; if in the latter, learn- he was getting on the average for his to his Introduction to Dr. Beddoes, a come, say, 2,800 ohms to produce a ill kind* or Building ftUterUU*. the line at ft A. M. AH lb« time and NSW YORK CANDY KITCHEN. D., caro NowB-Horald. Xi unded to. Orders can t» lett at HIEB A ARMSTRONG, strength uaod In rubbing tared. All tbe 18% Cherry Street We do Developing, Printing and Enlarg- what it is worth to shoe a horse Jobwork a little more than was being position In whose pneumatic institu- current, or 14 ohms per mile. He now Residence Office 171 Mel* 5on the business tion, evolved a new theory of volcanic port oi the Public Schools, the sum of fice Closes at 1 O'clock on Saturdays'* managed, house renting agent Rah- box of LET 178 Laxatlre Tablets. Try ness—that alone—It takes all his time nine thousand dollars. ton atroet Rahway, N. J. 4-22gtf >restfl of his home town. and attention—and,asks the friendly origins, investigated the'eauae of ac- for sale at News-Herald office. way, N. J. ap21tf them thoroughly. If you are not well COCOANUT KISSES 9c lb cidents in coal mines—fire damp—and • Passed August 2, 1910, pleased with them send the empty publisher of a country news- consideration and business of such LIT ITS Laxative Tablets are the PEANUT BRITTLE.'. 9c lb »er is entitled to just as much re- people in this portion of Snohomlsh developed the Davy safety lamp, one STEWART B. MOFFETT, aWt booause they coataim AJeia de- box to New York Drug Corporation, of the most valuable of-all. scientific 216 Bast Twenty-fourth street. New »ct—to the*-privilege of having his County as bellevq it worth while to President of Common Council. of griping qualities). Cascarla liness recognized as a dignified inventions. In recognition Davy was Attest: BoyntoflCos properly developed Oascara bark, York, and they will Immediately send support and aid in its growth and de- made a baronet and in 1820 elected baok your money. S-22ot? iree of livelihood—as is accorded velopment toward the end of enabling CHAS. H. LAMBERT, Bailaslocaa that prevents pain, Hyd- heads of other business enter- president of the Royal Society. City Clerk. aad Nux Tonlca tkat tone up IRVING it to become a really good newspaper, Fresh-Air BITTNBR, FITZPATRICK ft CO. IRVING ss in the same community. It Isthat will be a growing benefit and In 1829 he died, aged fifty-one, at Approved August 3, 1910. bowels curias constipation and •wn fault if he is net—If he hon* Geneva, and was given a pablle fttn- WILLIAM HOWA if-Ua-recurreacei-and-Podo- handle the-only^-ebal—(^Blghbi which will be printed in a plant tnat direct from the L. V. R. R. at Picton, devotes his efforts to furthering will be a credit to the community. eral with highest honors. 8-2w Mayor. c-fiyllla that sUrs tke sluggish liver best interests of his community •M snakes you feel well. Your drag- and all mason materials, farming lm- piementa, dump wagons, fertlUxers, mgn his newspaper and supplies GASOLENE.ELECTRIC CABS SUP- It* ttem. It OMU. S-I2ctf A Lett* For Sale, Fvr Rent, Situation etc deol6otf (patrons with a good product of his PLANT STEAM TRAINS. have a deserved reputation. Thousands are - presses at rates equivalent with fiO REWARD for the apprehension In use all over the United States. Are .the ITaated* Help Wanted or other kind of IF YOU WANT A CARRIAGE quick to they can get the same work done Some of the more congested- dis- FOR and conviction of the party that catch a train or keep an engagement, r men in the printing business, best, heating apparatus possible to make. polsonod my dog. advertising la these columns may call Dunn ft Ruddy by telephone. Hack doing just what they are doing— tricts along the Southern Railway will They hcaj where others fall—give best satisfaction PRED GAR] be relieved by gasolene-electric cars bitaf yoa most vaexpeeted returns. service to all parts of Rahway. and Ing his paper, his advertising ei*S*lS-2t Clark Township. vicinity. Horses and carriages also :e and his job printing at prices which will be operated in place of the Send for descriptive circulars. The CeBt^-'Weri Department ef the for an afternoon drive. It will give him a fair return for his eef. Veal, Mutton, Lamb old steam trains. During the month PICTURE FRAMES of all kinds ir and energy and ability, over and ¥•• .made to order. Window gluing. Kews-Herali Is attracting cemmeat •* STRETCH TOUR PUltSB, that is we a reasonable interest on his in-the steam • passenger service in the All First Class Dealers. Summer Specialtie Greenville territory will be replaced SAUSAGEAND BOLOGNA '•,' - * J Mall orders attended to. Joseph all sides, which means that it Is being make the money go as far as possi- Itment and a fund with which to Badiewlch, 108 Main street, Rahway, ble by trading at Lehman's. For itinually keep replacing his wear- with regular gas-electric motor-car H. J. 53-3-9-2t earefally read each week. Try It year* groceries and meats they are leaders, for Picnic Parties and those who expect to go Camping. out plant service. ' OF HIGHEST QUALITY %nd prices are right . . 4-26gtf Some time ago the Southern Rail- 'self ami learn its effectiveness* We are in a position to supply you with everything: i Id you ever hear of a country OPEN FRIDAYEVKNING—CLO8B8ATUBDAY at NOO5 Advertising In the Newa-Herald 1$ our line at an exceedingly low price. ;r getting rich? If not, it is be-way Company experimented with the •-i-. form. Good goods are offered by THE HARDWARE STORE of H. Rob- most of them, .even while prac- new gas-electric car produced by the merchant* and all ads. are in In son, on Main street, is showing ig good business' methods in theGeneral Electric Company and this food company. some wonderful bargains. Get ac- Lunch Tongue, 1 pound tufted Olives -| r O» r\f\ tuct of their businesses, do notexperiment has proven go successful quainted and you will become an Can > 20c Larffe Bot ID OL Z\)C support enough locally to make that a number of the cars will be a CttRL WANTS PLACE In a small fam- habitual visitor. . 4-22gtf Armour Vienna Sausage operated for short line service. R.J. TOMS, »£ Hf Queen Olives, l>arge feross volume of business sufficient TELBPHONB 3(-J, TBLEPHONE !(•! ily to help In general housework; Can.: 10c Bot , 17c How any profits to come out after The gas-electric car is virtually a •heme preferred to high salary. SIGNS .FOR 'SALE—"House to Let," Deviled Ham, Can Queen Olives, Small fixed charges are allowed for andpower station and an electric car in POULTRY AND GAME IN SEASON. Address M. K.. care News-Herald. "Boarding House for Sale/' "Store 15c Bottle 10c •aUng expenses paid. . one with a space set aside for bag- __\ _v- 8-12»2t _to_ J^t»!LJ'RpQnia_t(^iiet^-ilYe_cents f-Rtrostr-Beef,—1—ponnd-—-f"r— Sweet and SburPIcTcels, froitt-^nd-is—located^a MILLER'S MAIN STREET SHOE New York* Newark, BUiabett and lecal san do Job work for so "little" and powerful gasolene engine which drives 60AHDKR8—160 Seminary avenuo; each, at News-Herald office. gtf Can IOC Per Bottle 8T0RS U «ne of the most attractive papers and magaslnes and period!* advertising space for next to aan electric generator. The elec- MAMKET. HALS BY 6 BANK S gentlemen preferred; all improve- eals delivered at your residence with- ANYONE, anywhere, can start a mail Sweet Pickels, Per Doz- tricity generated in this way Is used In the ataU and the service and prices en doesn't know what he Is talking ments. Reference* oxpected. KK-8-12-2t out extra charge. Agent for Spalding order business at home. No canvass- Sardines, American, Can 5c it—does not know and never will to drive the electric motors beneath are equally Interesting. If you have sporting goods and fMay Manton pat* ing. Be your own boss. Send for free Sardines, Imported, 3 Sweet Mixed ; Piekels, the car. The car is operated with a Per Quart his own business so as to be FOR SALE—Baby Grand Piano; not investigated It would be well to doterns. Also cigars, stationery, school booklet Tells how. Heacock, A4815, Cans T. to make ' a success of it Andsimple controller handle with ajl the SIDE BY SIDE SALE OF SAMPLE Fischer, mahogany case. Inquire H. ao. 4-19gtf supplies, toys and candles. Prices Locknort, N. T. 4-19ctf Sardines, Boat Race, r%/\ 15c. Cake Milk Choco- im unities like successful busi- ease and convenience of the common Ittdsay, 93 Maple, avenue. 49-8-12 lowcr tilJm 8iane K00*11 _?*? *?. P?1 late,.-... ,,...„ (f-whether-they are newspapers, street — car; ~ It cannot T>e stopped, chased elsewhere. Henry Lltt, 115 ART NSUfiDLHWORK PRIZE CON* Sardines, Skinned and tg firms or banks. slowed down acelerated or reversed STORAGE OF FURNITURE at lowTO LETT—Two connecting rooms, or lOc. Cake Milk Choco- Make a proper comparison! Our goods SIDE BY SIDE three, suitable for two or three Main street, successor to A. Cohen. TEST*—See regular advertisement Boneless, Can 30c late le editor of this paper is conduct- without starting and stopping the Inquire of J. M. Brookfleld, gasoline engine. A car of this type is with others; quality, value and price in thebalanoe. teachers; gas, all conveniences; best in this issue. For further particulars Franco-American Soups a business that he takes a pride Brass Beds Haaelwood avenue. 8-55-tf location; three minutes from High or intelligent person may earn $100 call on Mrs. S. S. Evans, 158 Hamil- 3 Cans id to which he devotes his best ef- capable of making a large number of Steero Cubes, Box of 12 short stops and still maintaining It* Twice a year—io Pcbrraiy and July—they have m fomilwe ex* Lincoln School. Address "Local," monthly corresponding for newspa- ton street 6-17tf Steero Cubes 2 for 5c, 12 for the benefit of the town and Not price alone, or quality alone, but BOTH TOGETHER does your subscription eje- pers. No canvassing. Send for par- •undlng country and his readers, schedule. The new cars will carry 50 position in the 'Grand Central Palace/' 43d St. and Lexington 8M special offer for renewals care News-Herald. 46*8-16 for Campbell's Soups 3 Cans ticulars. Press Syndicate, B491?, WHEN TOUR HOUSE NEEDS a coat not altogether egotism that en- passengers and their baggage at a Isn't it well worth yonr while to ghre thought and time to Are., New York* The various manufacturers bring their prod- m subscriptions. Lockport N. Y. 4-19ctf Game, Pates F* and A. speed of forty miles an hour. acts here for the iupection of resident and visiting buyers. ENGELMAN'S ARE GIVING special of paint outside or new papering in- Can.... him to say that he la publishing Large Can Snider Beans Me it as good a paper as is issued SUCH a comparison before you buy your Summer needs? After thfc exposition is over, instead ofsending the staple* tack TO RENT—Six rooms; gu; side call on H. C. Brunt for prices and •aluea in gents' furnishings this WANTED—Young man to learn me- advice. 60 Hilton avenue. ~ gtf Potted Beef, F. and A. Medium Can Snider town in the state of equaLelze Signs: VThifl Office JCIOMS at 12 to their factories, the mannCscUtrets dispose of them to theh»rjn water. »l«. George C. Oliver. week. At the game time the ladies chanical trade; must have best ref- Lt is a fact It is brought am>ut O'clock on Saturdays" mad "This Of- Grand street 51-«-9-2t Can Beans YouTI find it so, EVBEY need at AHY price consistent retail and wholesale fornitnre houses In and about New YorC will also get all that's coming to them erences and be mechanically inclined. LOW PRICES on storage of fur The Best Canned Meat for tgh the exercise of as good busi- fice CloMt *t 1 O'clock on Saturdays" We were ioftanatethis season in securing the entire txpotftfcm Atlas Welding Works, 252 Grand nitur* call or address J. M. Brook- Sandwiches. methods as he has been enabled •with dependable wear, IT PLANT8 FOR OAJ-E—Tele- is the line of bargains. street 47-8-13 Small Can Snider Beans display of a prominent brass bed concern. This big porchase call 12&-W. F. W. Mershon, Held, 84 B. Haselwood avenue, Rah- luife of country weeklies and has been placed on sale in our bed mod bedding department at way. Telephone 239-W. 6-21c26t dailies in an experience of twenty m street 50-S-»-2t PEOPLE ARE FINDING OUT that SALE, W,000—Finest property ALL KINDS OF- Clean-Up flale pretty nearly half price. Being exposition "show pieces," the they can.save money and also have for the price in Rahway; satisfac- 8. P. HALIDAY, men's-outfltter, can ;ond-hand plow. ha.r- their preecripttana compounded accu- tory terms; Urge lot; fruit. *M lit you out from tot> to ^oe. He in- have been handling this make 0? brass bed for msny^yesfs aad U oollar. hame. Address X. Rah- sowers; no agents. Address JL R. T^ hand In hand-with the support rately, with the best drugs obtainable vites a comparison of his goods and led it Unless the paper Is good IOJVR 14 we can vouchfor it absolutely. Plain and Satin finish. Some Kew»-Uerald. at Davis' Drug Store. 106 and 148 Main eare News-Herald, g prices to others. Citron Mar e iper that is subscribed for gen- beds are a triim shopworn, but you will hardly be /Me to notice street per - ~ P' ~ Angel the -blemishes r - AND ROOM-Ntccly furnished IF YOU NEED help the -Let Us" LAI- ly and paid for—it is not regard- M EN'S OJU1FJTTIJI The Rafcway Savings Institution business men as being "worthy and hom*-Hke; pleasant A MID-SUMMER CLEARING is going attve Tablets at all dragglata. iffl ys four per cent interest (he high- iga. 16 Clinton at S-I2*2t till the bilL If yon try them oaoo you est rate paid by any savings bank In ^£Z- 14c luch support in the way of adver- otf at Engelman'a store, on Main If he does not get their busi- street, and merchandise is sold at ex-will be coBTtnoed. S-ltetf the state. Open an account in your UNEEDA , Per Pkg ^ ttttle reeelpe book IMUM by the home Institution. etc at fair prices. It can not be made S goods mad up- tremely low prices. We advise you newspaper. It takes money to Company should be In every all to take advantage. 44a-g MEATS OP QUAUTT, combined with BARONET GRAHAM and SOCIAL TEAS, Pkg! 8c to-the-ml*nte mtylem, in mil la Bahwaj. prompt service, make Wlmzner* BISHOPS GROCERY prices are in- newspaper—Just how much no leather*, mi grmtly reduced market an attractive place to trade teresting, mud his proinst service THE FAMOUS 541 WJ knows until he gets a good taste prlc*mto make rmom for Fall Id chain and small topax FOR SALE—Edison phonograph, with 1M Main street. gtf possibly even more Interesting than business, good*. CCORONY* IUEARLDIESS SUM 64 records and two horns; also oak bis prices. 4*12gtf running the newspaper there Is reward If returned to 82 Creamery BUTTER o4C Utffes $3.00 mm* $&JO Oxfbr* avenue, 59-$-i2-2t bedstead, spring and mattre**. For VACUUM CLK4NKR8 TO HIRS at te man whom the editor can tiFHCIEKCY V0MF0RT. terra* cmll 72 Cherry «tr*eL mmA 9mmpmt in Taa, pstem $LM per day; machines delivered SWITCHES. PUFFS, etc, made from id that is—himself. His paper Leather, Gun STC iPOR THESE HOT DAV PRICB8 PAID for old gold, and called for. O. M. FrteM. Hasel- combings. IL Ar Runyon, 57 Albert Irroi^that merely reflects what Metal a»d d SALESLADY WANTED to help out wood avenue. Telephone 44*V. gtf Rolph's street, Rahway. . . _ jGctf tg on in his community. Per- every Saturday from HE until 10 prefudice, bias or feeling of any $2.50 p : 'T'HESE are to W found p. m.. at B. Engelman's. ISO Main JAMES A. DALT. the up-row* grocer. GIRL WANTKD—Neat sewln? girl lust be kept oat of its columns in Patent La*- FOR SALE—About fifteen street N , 44b-g calls your attention. In this Issue, wanted at one*. Apply 155 Main publisher can hope to retain the Kid; nge 7 William 1st be absolutely fair and lmpar- street; six room*, bath and all ta-J. C. MELICK ft CO.. clothing out- WHEN IN HBXX> ml lumber, shingles Itt eotttniftsnare open ToiairTdf I Strsp Rsmps* in I tea hurry and save TO LET at 44 Harrison street Inquire 185 Main street fitter*, are offering inducements in or other roofing consult Ayres, id tie discussion of matters of Tic! Kid, Tan add Pat. Leather, of Mr* F. L. Grave*. 1* Elm . " g-2-tf trunks and dress suit cases. Elizabeth avenue. gtf it and its efforts most be de- Sixes 6 to 11; $L25 S + time and money. equally to the benefit of all— values; this sale, should all cook witn GAS, WILL SEiX 12,600 mortgrnge on basis IF TOU WANT A BOND William THE SERVICE at Wllcox's Drug ssistance or support of the 2 ducks; $1 reward investor, 6 p*r cent Address H. Wright, agent 8vrety Store is prompt and the location It the editor is honest, he can to 110 8t George arena*, Co. 131 Central novlHf it i-19gtf TWO THONES-275- rj C »- lp at times trampttng on some in Tan Calf. Patenl Leather toes, but the courtesy should be and Gun Metal; CTBUCPHONfi OPERATORS WANTEDCABBAGE AND CELKBT PLANTS torWANTED—scholars tor the piano. ed him of beiiwtiif that <* Is and •4JOO valoei; €| WHY NOT itteadant for Invalid. Mr*. Apply Merck 4 Co. Warehouse. , 171 West Qrand = r his own~persoaai~ Bbodlmtl6r at B. flUterf 4* Pulton at 6*4*U-2t street 4-ttgtt t of the community. X s; , wh# stoply tries Rahway Gas Light Co tf You Have Job Printing Requiririg Prompt fK&J";. L Jn J 1 k *" ' • ' « * ^ ' ' ' - _ ', ' ^a' » " *. - "'•' t"" "», ''^" ""' <*' "**2" * t ' ' ' "*• ^ ' "..'-' ' " ' 4 • ' • -* '"*"' 1 '"»'"*- * } ' " ' ^ V '• ] . • 'fc. V . -*T *• "- V . ' ' ' ^ •' ' _"* ... m \' ' - W * ' ' b* , ' ^ ' . ' •/*''" "•,*'•'*'' (" * H**^ "t " r „»*•*

; ;: y *' i '' " • ' '! ' y'' '


FACTS JUMKTf M165£Tt8X» tare. Waste IA every branch of WHAT THB JCB8EY FK0GIOS81TE WHAT OHE MAX THOTK&. AN ORDINANCE WWl U iOn be ieS re d ^JISi ? T Sf " TOTE WILL BE- "Almos'Almost erVr> msgwine iiowmdays pole ot a good permanent bar I CENSUS SHOWS Riit^r of J &=**. Cta r«= «««« Kim for tkis can lift 5 to 7 timeo It* own PRIZE more criminallevery day. The *»- hai ^ u^pnSE of prtnUnTa I ft te * f Every ten years the government of dsrd of comfort csnnot rise unUl TO what extent the Progressive Re- prftyer of mme ^ind on ^ back of tb 1 t0 WE LOAN MONEY the United States conn* and autoes *"? J ^a^ J° ^jS^ {?%£** pabUcsns In New Jersey will control the frontispiece—where nobody will or fci* s A st3p^l can. bold m tMt lt the people of this country and then %£{£& *^* ** " y* *° the nomination* in tbe September pri- notice It There have been prayers for in suspeaaioa a up to twenty Embroidery Contest That is what the census of 1*00 maties Is yet to be seen* Tbe RegTi- IT ORDAIXSD re» up* u studied party—managers* If they have ap- The auern The Money Problem JOT tire V^I ita own. Cold anybodi cra head in Umethat it'i» Ume to take t)»e nextjlt Hereafter U oyo are wise you will I preben«lon«, do not express them, j Partner baa nofrontispiece, so it A MAN- ft core of 1 «quare tnch ax«a, cam ing more and more popular every day. Qet aco^y of the ge—^t _,w«your .A censu—„-s iinformationfMfnead the M t • did toft's** and de for. • > porta it'hi p«rfectlr to go *| ." teral coqntles this connaence may uvso. O Lord, we thank Thee for in- The earth Is a great magnet* having the opposition collapsed. in Essex and Hudson counties in thefltilllng ia the* hearts of our servants, upon th« exptratkm of tiie a north pole situated in the region of -| out hitting Bgaln-«Dd .gain—until | mtapiacedpas, ta *On thee fac samt eshoul confidencd be notede was. SOLUTION. i! : •OTTHUW PITTEWS110 MBUCATIOIS now out for July ing% them. the members of the legislature, the * term for which th«y Hudson's &*?% British North America, great batUe baa been victorious j He weat to tlie AMERICAN LOAN CO., pot tb« and on Sale here. It coflts the people about ten mil- . a,n-an j fervent desire to finish their labors at money he needed, paid bis creditors la full. He now has and two south poles within the Ant- g a the earliest possible moment compati- Section Z~ That there shall ho i$-Arctic Circle. Watch for ftanoun<»eaK»iit of oxhtbitfon of flnish<>e« voted Regular every islature has done nothing, for if It had AMERICAN LOAN CO., " cubic yard there were eight bar year will give their votes to Progres* j- be issued for the _t*rcp -tinres-Ujticle. n naiillon dollars to the people *••-* '- -' big—in war, done -anything the .cost..jvou_ld_have esbcir weighing I THEflRT NEEDLLWORK SHOE give canoldates lrr ttoe TJrrmaries. - Abeen greater than we could bear. We 208 BROAD STREET,J|L IZABCTft acdoos aa* rwar and shall be returned to the ttmes-te&-iBllltoo-doUars.to..tbe.pfiople. __No atunt^aatJaj'.eaHjr big—in war, lavish use of money will have no ef- HO17R01 S to 6. 9AT17«LDAvrtJMXII« * JP* *•• woulif andy onl considerably study~thce numbe- reportsr .of them iount business—ha persistent hammers ever bee, hammern done, withfcam-- thank Tbee, O Lord, for seeing to it ******** from tt* ately upon the expirattaa of tfet term 1153 Hamilton St. - - Rlway, N. J. The last Important thing determined mer, again—and again—an01 the re-fect upon this class of voters.—New* that our servants are men of little PHONE 14L ark Stan wit, for a certainty, bad they been Tattered Timothy—"I hare been f ._ PI by the census is the number of people slsUnce was overcome.—System. shrewder men they would have ceased sss there shall be returned to aald officer In the country on a certain date. The upon the return of said bade* the sum traenpin* four jnears, ma'am, an' It's all quarreling among themselves long that tho rtnrtnnt xpost Important question that tbe cen- enough U> have sold the iUte-to Mr, one dollar aa hci sns answers IB "HOW IS the weaHfe-of said special officer at tbe time of hUmended valktn" at the"beat exercise.** Morgan. We are thankful, O ljord, Mr*. Prtm—--Well, the doctors are this country distributed?" By com- that most of our servants forgot what appointment. paring the most recent reports with Section X That Special Police Of- right. Walk ak»ng^—Tit-Blta. bills they had introduced and did not those of preceding census we set a seek to pass them, and we pray Thee what can I do for you to-ficers appointed in conformity wrm fairly accurate answer to the ques- day.^ Tbe oft* to whexn the question this ordinance shall not be considered I. W. THORN* that the next legislature may be tion whether or not this republic -*•"• E eralie tbe tssaa* aW the esfkatk equally forgetful, equally witless,.and directed. tsstaaUy turned and left as members of the Police Department, as4 fttlate eratagfeuly tbeattt, fc*t Tbe rtbe store—aa action which any talr- may at any time without notice oi endure. equally anxious to sdjourn. Amen ~ FETTER of yes&r&Mj who s*r%r • minted pcjaoa woold comnws^d. opportunity to be beard, have his MONUMENTS For the past ten years men of all permit tbe inakari abstlite fwed— to peisasml ctea&S • KmxUr ds&e. as I was walking by aappointment revoked by the Police SLATE a n d SLAG ROOFING grades of intelligence have been talk- «f tetslftaee. Yet when we smggest Coanndtte* of the Coscu&oa Ooonct:, US HEADSTONES ing and writing of the "amazing fee ratWaal tkte* to 4€ with jealras rigflaaee. It Is tbe Meal to companion. Wednesday, Aug. 10 >ast w* have paid eaoagn for it. ^^^ ^ould not be toler- who shall refuse or neglect to return Every DescriDtic Yet all these years the government p^ltkal stated BUB* bat Is nbjeet U me •ifcer VEGETABLE MARKET who doubts tbat asaertloft Soch Slate over Old Shingle Roof a Specialty. prf»clple •• the v eomftrt, virtae mmi welfare ef the El. A dtyu oftentimes Judged by the badge received by him or them reports were denying every prosperity fally conxtneed upon standard of Ita individual citizens, immediately upon the termination of utterance and showing to every intel- ««BUB«aity. Abs#late ~aers*nal freedom Is tap#s« y cwtof tbenew^|gb ^ere is a class of men In Rah- the term for which he or they were ligent man who would take the trouble slble. It Is tbe irean of the anarchist «ly. andlf appointed, or who shall act or atterr.pt THOS. JARDINE & SON to read, tbat in 1900 the agricultural TELEPHONE 272 W. UJ-bred and low-natured as to Wherever there Is a law, and law Is necessary f#r $ $•< 7SCIRV1N6 STREET. I The to act as a special police officer, or CSTAtUSHCO wealth produced in this country was ror ^ .^ oar very exlstesee, there are checks aa4 limitations CITY -wonte.-tbe who shall show or wear a special po- only $391 per worker, the manufac- «s perstnal liberty. Ia faeit every law of 6oi aa€ 10 be |mffer ta tte en no: i**\ th« touch ol water. [htm - Whcn tte !ittIe Prince may require. NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL to afford a piano. If the total wealth flammable materials within the fire Units ef the except :o thHr fac«a and hands, from : eleven his grandfather asked him what Section 6. That all ordinances or produced in 1900 hdd been evenly di- city. We deky the »portaman the right of killing tte l&tt-er part of October to the first, he was studying in his history lesson, parts of ordinances conflicting Day Hctiool i 174 Fulton St. vided not a single soul in* the United game ont of season. We deny the right of marriage of MAT—a fire months' interval at i and was told, "Oh, all 'about Perkin the provisions of this ordinance, be 1 (INew York City States would have been able to live in whhost license and prescribed eemnony. We deny and the same are hereby repealed. Fo p least. This U the chief reason why! Warbedc** The King asked. "VTho \L SIGNS FOR SALE Hou.et.Lrt "°»~ I . decent cqnifort, for mind you the |721 the nte of firearms within tbe limits of an Incor- Passed August 2,1910. . In two ran; LLB. In three years- Hlfb worth of wealth per worker means and numerous other virulent! was Perkin War beck 7" and the lad re- •caadarda. Send for catalognCk AT THE Boarding. Store to Let porated city. We deny man the right to carry con- reap «ucb harvest* among [ plied. "~He pretended that be was the STEWART B. MOFFETT, _, . . _„ Rooms to Lot far less than that when It has to be he cealed weapons,' We deny tbe right of man af- of these camps. j son of a king. But he wasn't; was President of Common Council. News-Herald Office divided with those who cannot vork. Lately l have noticed in &everal pa- j tt« son of respectable parents."'—Ht- Attest: The census of 1900 took cognizance Hktcd with certain contagion* diseases to mingle ^= articles on the subject of a pub-; Bits, CHAS. H. LAMBERT. of a little over sixteen million families with his fellows. Wby4 them, shesld we not In per- lie b&th that you suggested In your; ______City Clerk. in this country. The total wealth pro- fect hsraieay with our Institutions and the fnda* Approved August 3, 1310. duced tfcat year-divided among all-the yrizl of iulr ^fss a substicote fort Trala C«t» Off Hair, mental principles of onr goremment eilmlsaie the WILLIAM HOWARD. families would have given each family proposed soldiers' monument 11j Charles Lewis, of GrantwoodGrantwood, , XX .* JP., greatest plagae spet In «sr soeial orfaafsst* £-42w Maytfr. |lt153 each or a little over $225 for gUd to note rbat you consider thejin attcmpUng to board a fast moving each individual* counting* as the cen- \ —GoTeraor Hay, of WasUagton. public poo! to be of greater service tOjtr^ at Tarrytown, slipped and fell. A state highway will soon be built, Annual August Sale sus did, about live persons to a family. tbe oommunity-«t-larffe than the •ol-j Hl8 riKht arm wascu tof fM d hl8 hetLd starting at Atlantic Highlands and So in 1900 this country instead of >• iflcmbtedly, but there is still something whceu of the car clipped off a part of Asbury Park, etc After reaching the actually produced hardly enough to *!«• of which we stand in greater need ] Q^J,. , nU It wag a close gnave- Dut atter citT lt wU1 meet -^f>ftAT4y^<>inttiA ?nyi fefid^Jts JDhabl- thaten tarten^ rmhltr r^chiar pool., anin d,u whic ^ h woare-uM ^. ty iri^TSr; u-tli h ' that^ ^ retain, to U,e ocean "front at tants even If a strictly per capita as a bath In our own hona**, and * ' ' --division hart _begp^jnade,_ But though_ will cot need a public bath. Give the average Income per worker was xis running water in our houses and $438 in 1900, the country's wealth was Its accompanying coavenlecce«, and not divided equally among all the peo- Pr •v 7ou will have accomplished some- ple. In North and South Carolina for •S'- thing of real value. instance the average earning capacity M BBBfijgr-^awfl H. C. BRUNT Through numerous streets in Rah- was $196. Every Southern state fell way there are no water mains. The BBsd^*^ f far r below the .average- The highest 3Y JOBS •gfif" ' AFND BSKEt>* - only way to get water is by a jmmp in average earning capacities were $788 '••& ••••••& the backyard, or water carried from a in Montana and $704 in Arizona. neighbor** yard. Surely tbe labor of 2 i n c h Colonial This Bed is worth • • t That making a living was a diffi- •">!. H carryisg tbe water, not to mention the posts, finest lac- cult proposition in 1900 is indicated mk dil&ctilty of beating it, is not oondo- 15.00 r e gularly, GOOD PAY. -~^*w water laid by their property. In most S. MILLER PLAYER two censuses fifty ^years apart. Iff 1850 the sverase^wage of factory Fourth Street Yard, Plainfidd, Fridays 9 to ro A. If. were deprived of like conveniences In workers was $247 s Tear, and the A simple explanation of the Player Piano life and who pr* too selfish and MMN 119 STREP— average value of mannfartnrftrt wealth. Westfield Junction, Fridays, 10:30 to 11 A. M. lUd to see any ooe else enjoy per capita vas,$4?8 less than twice es of wtvlco tbty were denied* v 39a George St., New Bnmswick, Saturdays 1 to 2 P. M. that gives you the cofT'ectbasi^ for tbe malntcfkance of which DRESSERS: what it was in I860; trot the avenge] would Cbeft be compelled to CHIFFONIERS: product per capita was $171. or more! tS IT WOT A FACT THAT PAOeft*CSKI OB ANY OTttER PlAMST PLAYS TWB M Is Holding A Special Solid Golden Oak, French beveled Golden Oak Chiffonier, 5 large SUITE CHAIRS: than four times the average fifty r par tbeir sbare. Tbey contend that mirror. August Sale price £ /7C drawers. August Sale pri^e Q ff(J DOWftWASD STROKE OPCTtte PIANO KEY T DO YOU KNOW WfUT «• what vm* 9006 unougfr for their Golden Oak. cane seat, gloes years ago. n finish. August Sale price.... TOUCHING DOWN Of* THE KEY ? tatters is food enough for them* and Though average wages seem to have «T- Same with beveled mirror doubled they hare actually fallen In not s imp whether by their act Golden Oak, fnU swell front, 42 Rocker to match. Aug- 1 CA August Sale price &mIO ' purchasing power. The average work- they are caosinx others to suffer or inch case. Aoirust Sale price {% *7C ust Sale ;rice let/V IS tT NOT A FACT THAT NO OTIteR POINT OF CONTACT 0M A PLAYEft PIANO IS GoldenFolishedOak^shaped or oval Mahogany or Oak Finish*** c*nj er produces four times as much as the mot. They *rt unable to »M# or art • u.ia beveled mirror, full swell top; large average worker fifty years ago, b*t In* excerr THAT WHICH THE HUMAN RWOEB* WOULD HATIHUULV too 4tili-bea4ed to s4tnlt, that by per- Clearing Out Sale and roomy. August Sale Q QQseat, paneled back. August 1 AtL stead* of getting four times as much •JitwtJy rcfuslftt to hav« these in* Selected Quartered Oak, highly price y^OD Sale price at I»*1U poJUhed ; large beveled mirror, ser- Rocker to match. August <% AA for his labor he gets only twice as IT IS A FACT that the Apollo is the only PUyer Piano in m made they are not oaty Of Summer Styles of pentine top. August Sale t itln* their own property, but Selected Qaartered Oak, beveled Sale price £«UU much in money .as the worker In which the pneumatic finger touches down on the piano key jut as a mil athtr property which happens to price mirror, serpentine top, wood trim- 1850. Somebody gets the remainder. mings, highly polishedpo . | J rA Bird's Eye Maple, Tuna or dark But if there was produced only llTt be so nnfortuaate as to lie In their lm* Tana Mabocanv, DaHc Maliogany. August Sale price14*0V Mahogany and Golden Oak, shai the piano. (Please give us credit forhein g blessed with intelUgen. matflatc vicinity. August Sale price0V cane seat, beautifully fin- f { worth of manufactured wealth per in* and Bird's Eye Maplp e Drabser*. 42 Bird's Eye Maple,Tuna Mahogany ished. August Sale price dividual In 1900, and some people con- BROS know that if we expect to sell yon an Apollo Piano at the price an ^ Is tt Just that a whole street should SHO ioefe rery llatest C A and Dark Mahogany Chif- ]I7 AA sumed thousands of dollars worth the to safer for one man's ob- Aovost 8aJ« price oniem. August Sale price 11 • W Rocker to match. Aug- bring, we most have your confidence. . Now we would hardly take -_. 0boul4 a vhole street be 3.50, learned from the • straacer who cocne* to town with now . . is that this country most not only do BEST WORK AT REASONABLE the Idea of baying property suddenly $2.50 FURNITURE something to mitigate the terrible tah* GIVE US A TRIAL. = c, = CLARK ">d cost prices. be*oldai to tlw AWrttrn is no water In the ptroata* He but tt must also produce AH ©ot linger la Bahway b«t wm -' Manttfactaring •sanst he

L".Ti? i nt-Jm - '-•'•' •'•".^-•. .-I,... ;«^ ''^ti^'iii'-f iiVi'u* -^;'L'.fvji'j-VLLy ai:i /'' t ^-^^.v^vj IjSPf^p^ W$^^ ^^^P^Pf^^^PPi^P^^

FMftAY, AUGUST 12, 1910

LKAL A GOOD DOCTOR AND SEMI- PRICE A GOOD DRUGGIST WEEKLY how weiithe JOE t^lOBt PTMOCKAT. WHICH FOHMERLT IBSOmBED THB HEW JEB8ET ADYOCATK, KStHJfTflBUB PTIM8. bott eflbcU are Mt at naoght if a e pnaep vt the saitat guarantee that tmy AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE IN OP THE CITY OF RAHWAY saa vtefees them to be. MEACHEM'S PHARMACY, RAHWAY- N. J. TUESDAT, AUGUST )6, 1910. WMiMN4tt3. THE CAMPERS TALL MAN RECORD HAVE RETURNED FOR RAHWAY. Bin«iivi Saturday morning nine merry It has been claimed that In a certain HAMMOCKS AND youngsters returned to Rahway after section of this city there are more tall Tit* Sftwt pratho&^r CROQUET-SETS a ten for*' sojourn at the Y, M. C. A. men than can be found In any similar matdt Boys' Camp at Lake Wawayanda- i Never before has there been such a section In the state. This claim Is based on the assertion that within a ? seotte 09 it*! C It» worth vaxl* hmn* comfortable. A HAMMOCK is delegation present from Rabway, and Record Crowd Present on ye boys returned with Four Tracks Near Steel Denials and Protestations radius of one hundred yards from.the Fifth Contest PrettiestOne such glowing accounts of fun and ad- corner of Bryant Htrcet and Maple The designs this ornamenUl, decidedly at- Closing Night venture. This season was a record Works Blocked Do No—t Improv — e^^~ Th^i er« are the borne* of ten &•••'• men.sj^c feet tall and over Or, O. L, an investment that will pay for itself many limes over. It boys bfdng enrolled from various sec- tions of the state. The; program .of in- Ortonvvbo has latelyjtaxtcd practice for better than medteine. MANY HANDSOME PRIZES struction and play, as outlined by MANS HAND IS CRUSHED MONEY SPENT LAST YEAR on Bryant street, 1* the tallest of the RtHWAY, SECOND PUCE Charles T. Kilborne, chairman of the tall, Thft Doctor in six feet four Final BAC* to Bt SaUd SaUrisy art, BDmTT. Tiua from a Lawn Festival ffowt EnjbjaMe and state committee, was an extensive onet Accident Happfn^d Thl* Afternoon omml*»foner Ilugftr* Produce* inrhf** in height and weighs two hun- variety antican sarelr suit you. It inclnd^d talks on travel and nature* ViUioogli Bently Beat to* Ittpkf Hnccenntnl Erent fa JU*tory of Local When Train Wan Xear Junction— Ffffun-* to -Show That Adroratr dred anft forty-flvf? pounds. Mr. I- O. »tudy, among the speaker* being H. Heearrd, Xtxt HmturiMf* didrck—One Thoonand Two Hun- U. A. K. Meet at Atlantic City sod Should Inrtfttlsrat* Matttnt a LlUlr Bunn, who ralnr?* the bar to the height B. .Kunuaell, state geologist, and Com' Will Be dred Dollar* Btalfstd—All Attrac* modore Longfellow, of the United Other InU'restlnit Item* of Loral —Jumping at f?oncla»lon* Poor Ar* of nix feet two Inches, in the nearest r«ar Aacr las feeea Craa^ has &tw*r$ taJtea tlonW LLn>era]Ijr Patronised, States Volunteer Life-Saving Corps, ' Hen*. .„.. competitor for tall man honors. Mr. The Dcntly yacht won tbe fifth con* The athletic and aquatic ctmtmt* were has a cooi vucii to say The three days' lawn festival, held Kighteen large steel cam, filled to Denials, protestation* and atat**- Bunn \» followed by Mr Edward in the series of dory race* Satur- exceedingly popular among the boys* day afternoon and, in doinj so. cai>- y $ s to Ixelp aloo« mat* on the ground* surrounding Bt Mary'« their capacity witlr soft coal, were menu to the contrary, notwithstand- ta th* Irv dtp&rtneat, *atl ia K«x*rally oa«» of th* first to T.R ROBERTS. In the track and field meet Pateffcon ing. Rah way'a main street* are In aLuther, Mr Joneph North and Mrtured the beautiful silver cup offered Church, on Central avenue, cloned secured first place with 60 points. wrecked on the Pennsylvania Railroad Jamea A, Luther, who are all-six feet to the club securing thfr greatest num- oa hasti at a ar^ and ta« last to l^*x^. He t&s purchase! Wat tracks opposite the Steel Works this disgraceful condition. Main strwrt. in Friday night in a veritable maze of Orange was second with 41 and Mont- front of former Mayor Holmes' offi'jw, one or over Mr R. B. Alloth, Mr. A.ber of points. . ^ r maA mttHK» pr^peiij at Cuapeeil street and Elm (Tuesday; afternoon. Sixteen of the a ttonw t» W pttxsd glory, A record crowd wan in attend- clalr third with V*. For Rahway has thr*>a d^preffftions in It of two toH. Chamberlain, Mr Henry C. Car- The race was held In the waters ot 19-21 CteryStreet - - Rahway,N*J. Elmer Armstrong, of Westfle-ld ave- car» were derailed and five of them Staten Island Sound, near Tottenvill#, ance and the people, young and old, inches and two to four feet in man, of Bryant street, Mr. F, W. nue, ..won-JM;coDl_Dlace_iii_the_Jiiith ??I?LJ!:Dd_^k^_ k?l the terrific 1m- and wag nndrr the anspicen of tfet iump, wttlr a- leap of* five feet two pact The train was going at a fast tween there and the Second Presby- Charles N. Forrest^ of Commerce Bently Manor Association. The court* ing. Every attraction wan in full inches, Ralph Crane, of Seminary rate of speed toward New York, when street, constitute the "six-footers." was a triangular one, three Utaem reoeatijy vac&aerf fey ti* avenue, got second place in the flfty- terian Church. Fulton street Is oad az swing. Throughout tbe closing hours the axle on one of the middle cars sud- enough. Pierce street is a disgrace Nor lit this all, Mr Luther Wagner, a around, consisting of a contest. Th* * Tfcer* ant US bc$* ta tbe T.3LC yard dash; second in the hop, step denly snapped* The car overturned, former Rahwayan now residing In stretch was a particularly loos caatp at Wawmjaa*** several off tiM the "wheel of fortune" was suran- d Jump, and third in the running to a civilized cltjr, A load of bay wan toey fcas aa and so sudden was the accident that np*et and a prominent reufdent of Water bury. Conn., is expected to visit one and of a distance sufficient to gtTv froon Rabway. an a£Sr« aad w^eO a rounded by the usual Interested band, broad Jump. Blue, red and yellow rib- five other cars crashed together and aato£ vfQ Rone bo«r wtth Utttr RSO* Rahway nearly thrown from his zskr>the Messrs, Luther tbls month. The each boat every possible chance to do the Ice cream tables were filled unin- bons were given to the first three In followed its example, A brakeman, visitor is said to be six feet four Its best work. A fair southeast br*e» foa. frottc aad riage Saturday because of th" *t*r. terruptedly, and the various other at- each event In the aquatics Montclair who, unfortunately, was on one of the Inches tall and mar be a contestant blew throughout the afurnoon Com.rrwj ta* ran-iiaaee of took first place with 66 point*. llzdge~ holes, the missing ston*, t\n la t»tt«neteck tractions drew an especially large wrecked cars, had his left band of the sewer coverings and the abom- for Dr Orton'* laurels. Moreover, although not a* brisk as the r KH crushed io^-pulp—Drsr-Holmes-and-J-fcJ h.~ Lokens, of 8t Quo rge sailors-desired, tbe wind was^ood and C&r'isrtau- 6s i* «c tbe aost sfcsaty Is are pictures of number of spectatbrs7 Everyone was ~* | *" wag"MeoTRTWitb 4& able conriftidns that strangers notice TEA , M *. — A i-4 w M *.. Elizabeth third with 38 points. For Randolph gave tbe Injured man first and wonder at avenue. Is seriously thinking of mov-favored no particular contestant - -,- ta tte cfcy. Leafy frvcs t tbe onr oae hundred aad fcsuj- resolved to enjoy himself, and the ^ ^ ^ » n^nirinq ^olntn r: aid, after which he was %emt tn Aiu» iMtsito aad tsi ^*—^ cases boy» aad tes*cfrer» gathered h y t n pleasures were wafting to be enjoyed. hospital In Elizabeth. Two tracks on avenue next to the borne of Mr an Important one, owing to the fact LTe co a aa arc* OTOT tbe tae Oscar Garthwaite, who receive! third WHAT THE HTREETft The dance hall, particularly In theprize in the Jive for form, an1 Ualpb the road are blocked and traffic io Hughes, Should tbls plan be followed that If Bently crossed the line In tbm :u :; TOBAPFEI, lected by experts wi early evening, fairly rang with the Crane, who came in second in the 75-New York win probably be delayed for LAW YEA3T out three more "six-footers/' Mr Oeo. lead she would win the cup, whteli oW raiK wi with tte sicfct is w«Q wort* a few hours. The wrecking train and d of a music and gayety, couple after couple yard swim. The Rahway boys present L. Lukens, Mr Reginald Lukens and was on exhibition In the window of a lot oa had years of experienced crew arrived JU % o'clock. In reply to the article published la Mr Arthur Pennington will Join the William Howard's store, ^Page 7 tun way ftoat, Graham world mows naught. Th'61^an^fl-oftC013NTY"REPtJBtlCAN tvcnr^oftp ,Pag< % oce side and narrowly escaped hlttins Nabisco ting by ta* Messrs. Jloasman, grad- }• Cfearfec IL Schtodt of 1*1 Monroe awarded to' Mrs, Fitzgerald, purchaser dog's death. Just to show that his of-_mothers, wires and sisters never David A, Long Pag* % a telegraph pole- As stated in the The Great Atlantic and Pacific ually forged ahead until It had asv S. street, has tfeen eatertatnlac bis News-Herald a few weeks ago. this of ticket No. 2, A handsomely bound fer is a genuine one, Mr. Garbanat; would have known, nor could have OBTINmSATURDAY brother. Mr. Hermaa Schranttt. of Jer- 8c 8c set of Dickens was won by R. &L Lang, appeared this morning at the office of done so had It not been for the mes- Tea Company g, aad throofbottt the seeead Mr. aad Mrs. Harry P" Ry*o and the so-caUed series of Jokes should be tbe Republicans of Union County was city, Mrs. Williams, of Newark, and claimed. Lacey wbo, in dressing a wound or Rabway Gas Ught Co ...Page % around tbe coarse it was a ^nip J dasgbter are at tbetr cottace In Oceaa punished. Mrs, T. Sullivan, of Rahway, were praying by the bedside of a dying sol- beld at Rockaway Beach Saturday. T. A. Roarke it Bro Pag* < tnck" contest between these two boats —Mrs. i. W. Harriman has cone tfr Laundry Soap Tbe trip was made in the steamer JSweet Chocolate awarded a cut-glass pitcber~and a pic- dier boy never asked him thecolor of A. L- Smith*.0.00. 000.V*** 1 Upon rounding the turn for QUI C K Minneapolis to visit her son-in-law ture of Cecelia respectively. Thomas 21STB1RTHDAY PARTY. his uniform, whether "Butternut" or Isabel and was a vtry successful one. bowersr, the snp«rSor spc<4 aad family Mr aad Mra Wmrry Among the prominenfpoliticians pres- W. Robinson was the lucky winner of As Enjoyable Affair at Widen Host "Blue." All honor to one who de- the Bcatljr boat became «tidMt, «*tert»tKtag a Jr., acctunpented by Mrs. Harry 6 Cakes for 22c 5c Cake a gas lamp, and J. J. Coffey, the pos- serves, io be honored, ent were: State Treasurer Danfrl 8. , Flupatxick Co-. Pa«s» * slowly but surely sh« polte£ Beeeirtd Many Pretty ct towm teffng tbe past i WOscsu Sr^ wbo will remain tor some sessor of a beautiful and useful carv- Voorhees, John Blair, said to be an from Che local craft Great A slight panoramic mix-up of facts %M* W ffC^fi 0*00000**000 00000000 AS^V • tlae, Mrs. Harrlnms will probably ing set. The other winners were: branees* - ^ aspirant tor Congressman Fowler's which in thm nrxapUp*, tad bswtt be gosuB aboot a smth. Mr. Wilson Is with 3 lbs. and figures with the "biter bitten" position, and Census Supervisor Louis HotzsoSo 4 McHaans., .Pas» • Fruk Htggtsm, lormtrtj of Railway Father Leo, of Newark, a gilt clock; Mr. Joseph Dunn, of Oliver streH, seems to he the groundwork of a po- lowing directly belfttod the wen known aad well Mked tn Rabway, *m»< AJb FmM*0*0*000* 0*00*0000000 • ^W^ * YWdag hfts 10 0 Stamps Mrs. John Walker, a fancy pin celebrated bis twenty-first birthday lice record this morning. A colored V, Hosgland. Senator Keaa and Con- passed Rahway oa thm s«oad hU native dtj, aad bis many Meads BestM.&J Coffee, 30c Ib. Keyes 4 8on Pag» t Mrs. A. VL cushion; Miss Evelyn Grahill, a hand- Saturday evening In the most enjoy- man, William Weilmore, came to gressman Fowler were both on the and tbe boats sp«d dowa ck# are rejotdac orer tbe manner t* able manner possible. Many young ship. Surrounding the Senator on one stretch IB thm pretU««t net bt tfc» •*-; which be Is ~maUnc good" la tbe 1 Ib. CAN ARMOURS' SO stamps kerchief case; Miss Anna Clark, a ^Wef Wright to^haveJWatson Phillips PRIME RIB ROAST frien6s"from RaLway, - Newark arrested for assault with a knife. side of the .boat-were rt«a. Try as ate might tto tUtmrnM:. PRINT UNO ! CeSe Schmidt, of West, as we ail know be should. with each Pound lace handkerchief; Miss Agnes Mc- are f HAM LOAF Nally, a doll; Miss Mary Toomey, a New York gathered at his home and Phillips was arrested but stated mod while friends and workers of the In*Davis dory coald not regain th* loct J wjth MH.M. PrtAke^ef Tbe delegates chosen to represent Best Tea 60c Ib. 16c Lb. cut-glass dish, and Mrs. T. J. McGuIre spent several happy hours to- the tune proved that while in a convival place surgenu were in the Congressman's aad the flnislt ihM was Leave Yocr Order with | lass KstaBe Edgar, of Woodbrtdge UsJon County at tbe biennial cosrrea- a berry i>late. of much merry music. All kinds of with a party of friends Wellmore came company. Politics were thoroughly f Bentfy first; Great Kills, SO Stamps with half pound. discussed, bat no boom for A guberna- Rahway Savings Instfostloa, &o*t Is estfettalabftg a Crtead trosn Uoo of tbe Amdent Order HlbenOans The baseball outfit was won bygames took up the first part of thein and pick up a fuss. Seeing Well- t Jtobway third. Tbe start was torial candidate was exploded. Among Fidelity Tnwt Co,. * -... 0000 e OVt Of tOVE. are: County president, Patrick Mc- 30 Stamps PRIHE RIB ROAST Master Carl Andelfinger, of Westfleld evening, after which refreshments more start to draw a gun from bis American Loan 3:5t P- m., the flrst boat isMtts* St Cne, of Rabway; coonty recordtag FRANCO-AMERICAN those present from Rabw*y were: •j Mr. Jet* GarthwaJte of Craad street. srith eseh pound BLADE END avenue, the result being is follows: were served. At about elevet* o'clock pocket, Phillips knocked him down Keal Estate aad twenty mlttates ssd thirty Thoouui J. Brennan. of TOflATO SOUP ail gathered around the plane and aad » ring on his linger ettt Well- Oftrfd Armstrong, William H, Wright, L pmn of kis Ts^sthnt to Best M.&J. Coffee 30c \b Carl Andelfiagerr 540.votes; Ed. Me- 1 M^Bm... .. Qisabetli; covnty ***** secretary. spent another hour in singles aJl themore's face. Wellmore was found by XMTid IL Ramsey, Dr. William H. was Iftyrftr* seconds bebted tim Oty. Mahon, 285 votes, and Alvin Connelly m* mw \jVnLWj • 000000000000000000 S Joseph Anderson. The convention QcCan the chief to have a gun in his pocket. Madison, William IL Randolph, SUas aer, mad the third 6orr , of lama 30 Stamps 13c Lb. 265 votes. The silver cup, given to popular songs. At 12 o'clock the The PntdastlalCo ,.. t win take place ta St Joseph's Hall, at the most popular baby, was awarded guests departed after showering npon Phillips was discharged and Wellmore K- Toms and John Buckley. twenty-six seconds later Is at Ooeaa Point. PsxersotL with each pound 7 BLUE LABEL CATSUPi CHOPPED STEAK to baby Van Marter, who also won/the Mr. Dunn many congratulations of thefined $25. sonbtr two. Bat day. The. host was the recipient of r . •• forty^tr J Thorsday was t^fldrea's Day" at"~ Wiuum"Tr"OT>bnnell. Jtv of Grand Choice Tea 50c Ib. first prize in the baby parade Thurs- O. O. Reed, whose house was burg- many valuable gifts, which be now TO OIL crnr STREETS Tb* points scorsd by CM' Boyatos asd Lawreace streets, U spending Ms 18c 1-argc Bot. 15 Stamps with half pound. I2c day. The, result of this contest was as larized a few weeks since and who, has a remembrance of *he joyous oc- nviv ifvywtmmwmt** * 00 i boats are as follows i Tacattai at Waahtegbm. D. C OB Us follows: Baby Van Marter, 3,446; through the good work of Chief of Po- casion. Among the gifts wets: n fancy It Is proposed to do away with retom be will spend a few days visit- BLUE LABEL CATSUP! 20 Stamps baby Fox, 3,209; baby Scnmaellng, 2,- lice George Wright secured the retain w*f. a; Rarttas, 17; signet ring and a dlamoul stlckrin. sprinkling the trolley tracks aad ser-Dam A Roddy, Ur«fy.»»-•.. i v •*•:- ~ n lag Mr. Steren J. Devtaeys. of Mar- with each pound J BEEF 595; baby "Luckhurst, 1,939; baby of a gold watch, is coniWent that they GffwtUUs. II; 8sw«w berth* P&. Mr. OitoeneU expects to Sbealde, 1,245; baby McGongb, 1,135; Those present were: J£r. Ifavld Me-" ersl streets and thotongbUrtt with ^h^W^^Bv ^^^^^0 ^^^00 9^000 ^0 MVHi^^B 0 0 0 0 t . In stfte « the fact 12 Best Mara Coffee 25c Ib Fresh or Corned have_€laes sufficient to warrant the water throughout tb£ city sad •obtftJ- $* H* J—irtngs Co**00000*0m00 t bt present at tbe asto aad horse Small Bottle baby Reilly, 1,108; baby Titus, 1,044. Quaid, Miss Kitty Matth3wsv Mr. KJch- rvprsssst&Mr Dsatly 7O Stamp* wijh 3 pounds, searching of certain apartments, and nxte otl for the porpos*. The streets mrBVB&SMP~\^O* • • • * ••* 0000 0000 0 radttf at Belmost Park, in Marberth. This feature was the most popular ard Avery. Miss Matthews, Miss perhaps of arresting two suspected a*vtai^tt 4**rr Frederick U Miatel starts today for , aad avenues to be thus treated hare IraC Ayrta AND f WALTER BAKER'S 20 Stamps 6«Lb. one of the festival and attracted mucn Mary Boylan, Mr. Jerry Matthew*, participants In the robbery* Chief of tbs Rshwsy craft %m. Orange Lake, S. Y-. where be will lo- with each pound attention. been designated as follows; TroD«y M%» MmUinm*0000000000000000 COCOA Miss Myrtle Sullivan, Mr. Phillip Boy- Wright would be glad to act, bet the traeka from Westileld aveiroe down Rafcwvy Steftftt LsMBfrT-'**" UM nsala testsyast it cate at the Rocky Glen Cottage for Good Tea 40c Ib. CHUCK ROAST The financial end of the affair was Ian, Miss Hannah Matthews, Mr. andparties aad the plunder are out ot ten days. He will meet Mr. W&J- Grand street to Irving street to MU- •cm* I I8c Can 1O Stamps with half pound. also a great success, about $1,200 Mrs. Thomas Sullivan, of Rahway, town, and Rshwsy has no fond.for Uce R. Coriell and the remaisder of Ura avenoe to Hazetwood avejeu«; Ww MV0W9 00 000*0000000000 13c Lb. being realized. John Shea, Miss Mary Murphy, Mr. such a proceeding, consequently be Is Seminary arenae from 8t Oeors« Drafce^s Collect ,**w -•. vacation peripd will be passed uy GINGER SNAPS 10 Stamps Edward Shea and Miss Julia Sharp, of powerless to act 1A the matter.-. A fine line of . going to Albany before retara- avenoe to Irvine street, £3m «T«nne Ka irtar—, all colon, with each pound AN AUGUST PICNIC. Sew York, Mr. Edward Harris and A cordial Invitation has been issued 8.&Aknforfft lug borne. SALT PORK Miss Nellie McMasua, of Newark. from St. George avenue to Irving Best Rio Coffee 20c Ib. by tbe First M. E- Church for all whostreet; Milton aveno* from 8c O*orve tars mi Bwtldsrs>^ A beautiful pcwUi received frono *O Stamps with 3 Pound have no servteea'ia their own church avenue to Main street; Jaqoes arentw former President of tbe Board of 16c Lb. An exceedingly pleasant picnic to SURPRISE PARTY. CLOTH BOUND BOOKS, by sUn SHREDDED WHEAT Salt" Air Park was "enjoyed by' sTrifem-" daring the aezt two^reekv-to attend from MUtoo aresw to tl» Jnctfcm; 0 0 000 0m 009*»T4Mh* E^ac^itan G. L. Klrchgasaer stales 10 Stamps CooBMree street from umm »WM^ • utborL^A^h 10c that Mr KlrehgaftBer aad party are BISCUIT ber.of young people of Upper Rahway Mrs. CeHa Leonard, of 207 West with each package CALIFORNIA HAMS Saturday afternoon. The day waGrans d street, was pleasantly sur- [heOUwtTttV At hOBBd to Main strMC It te estimated that located on Signal HOt Lake Placid, Prayer meeting a* usual at the B*p- REPUBLIC AN CANDIDATES N T. The altitnde Is 5,680 feet. White Oats' 10c spent in ramblings and'other adven- prised last Thursday evening wbe* a gallons of oil vffl be needed. A New Assortment of ToVJ 14c Lb. turesome pastimes, refreshments being number of her friends gathered unex- tist Church tomorrow Every- Tb« amoant of water eoMumcd for Master WUUam Haffennma, of West served, games played' and the hoars pectedly at her home In celebration of body who has s> desire to come wfn be tfefts mnm terrttofy is A aotic* to tte Cnusd street, his returned from * quickly and pleasantly passed. Among her birthday. A pleasant evening was gladly welcomed, straagera or other- NOTHING OVER fOe visit with relatives Is Booth Jersey. those present were: May Armstrong, spent in playing games and numerous wise. Services begin at S o^eloek. last- Mrs. A. J. Hattday, of L, L: Irene and Mayother dlf*ralOM 1&S srtfmt half an hoor* Mr. «N| Mrs. is entertaining Mrs. Albert JLockwood, of flreenpnhit. Brooklyn;. served. Jiy. th* Bar la t«rlda Westerrelt and childrea* of Miss Julia Sanderson, of East Orange; after which the W. MITGHELI Miss Cbarlotle Cowmas, • Grace Belly, of Marlon. N. J.; Elsie ing Mrs, Leonard of , . .,r"O Wood, of. Port Chester, RL. Y.; Edna, of the day . Among 17 Chary Ing relatives Is tbe Gladys aatf Florence Whttrtwd, Bdna m;***:

'•'.r •' v. fitt^^sia^^&yi&