Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017


On January 6, 2017, the Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Parasat Institute for System Research and the Kazakhstan Political Science Association held a round table "Central Asia – 2017: New Trends and Scenarios" in . During the round table, director of the KazISS Erlan Karin presented an Overview of the 10 Most Important Events in Central Asia in 2017. In his speech, E. Karin noted that this review is a traditional analytical survey prepared by KazISS experts. According to expert estimates, a number of important events that will affect the prospects for economic and geopolitical development of Central Asian countries are expected in 2017. At the same time, 2017 will be a turning point in the demographic development of the region: it is anticipated that the population of Central Asia will exceed 70 million people. In addition, experts expect important internal political processes among external players. In particular, these are the preparation for the presidential elections in Russia, the XIX Congress of the Communist Party in China, the renewal of the US Government, the modernization of state governance in Turkey, as well as the presidential elections in Iran. According to analysts, all these processes will directly or indirectly affect the countries of Central Asia. Daniyar Kosnazarov, an analyst of the Quality Assurance and Strategic Analysis Department of Narkhoz University also attended the round table and spoke about the changing geopolitical paradigm through the prism of the parallel between the Middle East and Central Asia. Darmen Sadvakassov, a senior partner of the Center for Strategic Initiatives, shared his expert opinion on new challenges and opportunities for the economy of the region. Sociologist Serik Beissembayev presented his vision for new trends in the social development of Central Asian countries.

On January 9, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan presented the Review of the 10 Most Important Events in Central Asia in 2017, which are of key importance for the political and economic development, stability and security of the Central Asian countries. According to KazISS experts, the global commodity markets are expected to recover in 2017, which will lead to an improvement in the market conditions for the economies of the countries of the

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 region. Besides, China's economic influence in Central Asia will have a tendency to strengthen. The focus of attention was on the internal political processes in the countries of the region. In particular, the review includes the forecast of Uzbekistan's development within the first year of the new Government, as well as the expectations of the presidential elections in Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. Special attention was paid to the terrorist risks in Central Asia in the context of events in the Middle East and the persistence of instability in Afghanistan. Under the conditions of military and political instability, Afghanistan will remain in the focus of international attention of key external players, thereby updating the regional security agenda. An equally important point was the forecast of internal political processes among external players, in particular, Russia, China, the United States, Turkey, and Iran, and their impact on relations with the countries of the region. In addition, experts believe this year to face the demographic growth in the countries of Central Asia, as well as the development of information and communication technologies among the population. This year in Kazakhstan will be marked by key international events such as membership in the UN Security Council, the World University Games - 2017, EXPO - 2017, the SCO Summit and the 25th anniversary of the CICMA Initiative. According to analysts, 2017 will be an important stage in strengthening the international subjectivity of not only Kazakhstan but also the entire region.

On January 15, 2017, a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) was signed in Abu Dhabi within the official visit of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev to the United Arab Emirates. The document is aimed at establishing long-term relations between KazISS and ECSSR and provides for the exchange of expert opinions on topical issues of international relations, the implementation of joint analytical projects, expert meetings and other scientific events. The Memorandum was signed by Director of KazISS Erlan Karin on behalf of Kazakhstan and by General Director of ECSSR Jamal Sanad Al-Suwaidi on behalf of the United Arab Emirates. During the event, the head of ECSSR Jamal Sanad Al-Suwaidi mentioned: "Our Institute is very important to develop working contacts with "think tanks" of Kazakhstan and to enhance partnership relations of Kazakhstan and the UAE. I would like to emphasize that among the Central Asian research institutes, the KazISS is the first with which we have signed such an important document." In turn, director of the KazISS Erlan Karin said that "given the present international situation, think tanks need to build and strengthen relations in order to more thoroughly and objectively analyze the current agenda." The ECSSR was established on March 14, 1994 by the decision of President of the United Arab Emirates, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Currently, it is an authoritative scientific centre for the study and analysis of social, economic and political issues, primarily for the development of the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf countries.

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017

On January 15, 2017, Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Erlan Karin met with Cemil Kilinc, the Director for Research and Analysis of the International Centre Dedicated to Countering Violent Extremism "Hedayah", in Abu Dhabi. The Hedayah Center was established in December 2012 and is an independent international organization aimed at countering violent extremism in all its forms and manifestations. During the meeting, the experts discussed the prospects of bilateral cooperation, as well as topical issues of international and regional security. Discussing the issues of countering international terrorism, Cemil Kilink stressed that Kazakhstan makes a significant contribution to ensuring international security, and the initiatives of the Kazakh leader are relevant and timely. Cemil Kilink also supported the previously announced initiative of Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the UAE Kairat Lama Sharif to open a representative office of Hedayah in Kazakhstan. In turn, Erlan Karin noted that the opening of a regional representative office will contribute to closer cooperation with Kazakhstan's "think tanks". Following the meeting, the parties agreed to continue the expert dialogue and expressed interest in implementing joint research projects.

On January 20, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted an online conference "Prospects for the Syrian Negotiations in Astana". The discussion was attended by Deputy Director of KazISS Sanat Kushkumbayev, Director of the Institute of Diplomacy of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Anuar Ayazbekov, President of the Center for Analysis and Forecasting "Open World" Olzhas Suleimenov, Director of the Analytical Centre of the MGIMO Institute for International Studies (Moscow) Andrey Kazantsev, and expert of the Jamestown Foundation (Washington) Jacob Zenn. During the dialogue, the experts discussed the importance and role of the inter-Syrian negotiations and the prospects for resolving the Syrian crisis. According to analysts, the negotiations in Astana should be considered as one of the important stages in the development of the dialogue between the parties. The participation of key non-regional actors will give additional weight to the Astana negotiating platform. Experts believe that Kazakhstan, once again providing a platform for the settlement of the conflict, confirms its international image of a state striving to achieve global peace and harmony. The inter-Syrian negotiations will be the first event with the participation of Kazakhstan as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017

On January 26, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held an expert meeting with famous Kazakh researcher and Japanese scholar Batyrkhan Kurmanseit within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Kazakh-Japanese relations. In his speech, the expert described the history of Kazakh-Japanese relations, telling about the landmark events of December 1991, when Japan represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs recognized the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. B. Kurmanseit also focused on such key issues of bilateral cooperation as official development assistance, cooperation in the energy sector, and Japanese investments in the Kazakhstan economy. Besides, the participants of the meeting discussed the prospects for further Kazakh- Japanese cooperation and issues of expanding the areas of interaction.

On January 31, 2017, there was presented the Global Go To Think Tank Index Report of the University of Pennsylvania, an annual rating of world research and analytical centres. It is considered to be the most authoritative world rating of "think tanks". According to the results of the Global Go To Think Tank Index Report for 2016, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan entered the top 150 best "think tanks" in the world among 6 thousand analytical institutes and centres for the first time. Previously, the Institute was included in the global rating only within certain categories and areas. The ranking is compiled as part of the University of Pennsylvania's Think Tanks and Civil Society Research Program to recognize the achievements of think tanks and identify trends in their development around the world since 1989. The KazISS was also awarded in four more separate categories. According to the results of the rating in the category of top-100 research centres in the field of security, defence and foreign policy, the KazISS improved its position, rising to 95th place. Moreover, it rose to 56th place in the world in the list of the best state "think tanks". Following the ranking of the best analytical structures in Central Asia, the KazISS retained its position entering the top three.

On February 2, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held an expert forum "Modernization 3.0: a New Stage of economic and Political Development of Kazakhstan" in Astana. Opening the forum, KazISS Director Erlan Karin noted the importance of human capital in the context of global transformation, spoke about the role of ongoing political transformations and their significance in the development of the country. During the forum, the participants discussed the

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 main priorities of the third step of modernization announced in the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to experts, the third stage of modernization is a logical continuation of socio-economic and political transformations aimed at the sustainable development of Kazakhstan and shall contribute to the gradual transition of the country to a new technological paradigm. During the forum, Chief Researcher of KazISS Vyacheslav Dodonov, political scientists Marat Shibutov, Andrei Chebotarev, and Erlan Sairov, Director of the Institute of Diplomacy of Academy of Public Administration under the Anuar Ayazbekov, Deputy Director of the National School of Public Policy of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan Baurzhan Bokayev, Director of the Legislation Institute of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aslan Tukiyev, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of APEX Consult Danat Zhumin, founder of the Open Technologies Group Kairat Akhmetov, and expert of the Parasat Institute for System Research Manshuk Karimova presented their reports.

On February 22, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a working meeting with the senior managers of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Germany). The meeting was attended by Director of the Department for Central Asia and the South Caucasus of the Head Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Berlin Dietmar Dirmoser, Regional Director of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation for Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Henriette Kiefer and Head of the Representative Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Astana Zauresh Shutova. The KazISS was represented by Deputy Directors Botagoz Rakisheva and Sanat Kushkumbayev and Scientific Secretary of the KazISS Kazbek Issayev. The participants of the meeting discussed further plans for cooperation between the KazISS and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. It was noted that the long- term cooperation between the KazISS and the Foundation had a positive impact on the development of relations between the expert communities of Kazakhstan and Germany. The parties discussed the prospects for joint projects and agreed to develop the most effective algorithm for interaction in 2017-2018.

On February 24, 2017, the Central Communications Service hosted a discussion of the draft constitutional reform regarding the redistribution of powers between the branches of government, announced by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a special address to the people of Kazakhstan. The event was organized by the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Movement "Kazakhstan-2050". The discussion was attended by Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security Committee of the Majilis Maulen Ashimbayev, Chairman of the Board of the National movement "Kazakhstan-2050" Mukhtar Mankeyev, Director of the Legislation Institute of Kazakhstan Aslan Tukiyev, Executive Director of the Kazakhstan Union of Lawyers Dariga Kurmanova, Director of the Expert Institute of European Law and Human Rights

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017

Marat Bashimov, and Deputy Director of the KazISS Botagoz Rakisheva. Following the Order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zarema Shaukenova was appointed as the Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 28, 2017.

On March 1, 2017, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan officially introduced Zarema Shaukenova to the staff of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the new Director of the Institute. The event was attended by Head of the Department for Internal Policy of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aida Balayeva, former Director of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Erlan Karin (in February 2017 he was appointed as the Chairman of the Management Board of the Qazaqstan Radio and Television Corporation), the executive managers and employees of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Zarema Kaukenovna Shaukenova is a Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1987-1997, she worked as a psychologist, head of the Personnel Stabilization Bureau, head of the Social and Psychological Service of the Karaganda Iron and Steel Works (Temirtau). In 1997-2007, she was the Director of the CESSI-Kazakhstan Institute of Comparative Social Studies (Astana). In 2007-2010, she was the Dean of the Philosophy and Political Science Faculty in Al- Farabi Kazakh National University. From April 2010 to September 2011, she worked as a Deputy Director for Research at the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From September 2011 until the appointment to the position of the Director of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she was the head of the Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies Institute of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2014-2016, she was also the Vice-Rector for Integration of Education and Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. She was awarded letters of gratitude from President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev (2007, 2011); badges of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For Contribution to the Development of Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2003), "Y. Altynsarin" (2009), "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2014); jubilee medals "10 years of Astana" (2008), "Kazakhstan Republikasynyn tauelsizdigine 20 zhyl" (2011), "20 years of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan" (2015), "Kazakhstan Republikasynyn tauelsizdigine 25 zhyl" (2016), badge of the party "Belsendi kyzmeti ushin" (2015). Zarema Shaukenova was a winner of the state scientific scholarship for 2008-2010 for scientists and specialists who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2011, Zarema Shaukenova was awarded the title "Kazakstannyn enbek sinirgen kairatkeri" (Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan). She is a member of the National Commission for Women Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy under the President of Kazakhstan (since 2008), member of the Expert Council of the Commission on Human Rights under the President of Kazakhstan (since 2000), member of the Higher Scientific and Technical Commission under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 2011), member of the Political Council of Almaty Branch of Nur Otan Party (since 2008), Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Expert Council under the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (since 2011), chief editor of Sociology scientific and analytical cross-country journal

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017

(since 2007). In 2002-2011, she was the Executive Director of the Association of Sociologists of Kazakhstan. She is also an author of about 200 scientific publications, executive editor of the Sociology Textbook for colleges and universities (2005), co-author of the Anthology of World Sociology multivolume book in the framework of the Cultural Heritage program, and the head of the author's team of the "Modern Kazakhstan: Public Opinion" monograph (2011).

On March 10, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held an expert meeting to discuss the constitutional reform. The main speaker of the meeting was Anar Nuralykyzy Zhailganova, Majilis deputy of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Committee on Legislation and Judicial and Legal Reform. Anar Nuralykyzy has experience in the court system and the civil service. Over the years, she served as a judge of the Supreme Court and a member of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In her speech, Anar Nuralykyzy stressed the importance and timeliness of the reforms carried out in the country and also noted that the constitutional reform, first of all, was aimed at increasing the efficiency and responsibility of the executive branch, strengthening the control functions of the legislative branch and, in general, enhancing the stability of the check-and-balance system. She also announced and explained provisions of the law, which were not reflected in the draft document of the Working Group on the redistribution of powers between the branches of government. These constitutional innovations include issues of the constitutional consolidation of the role and significance of the Leader of the Nation, the value of interfaith harmony, the institution of the Commissioner for Human Rights, and others. Chairman of the Association of Departments of the APK A. Bashmakov, member of the Commission on Human Rights under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.Solovyeva, Executive Director of the Kazakhstan Union of Lawyers D. Kurmanova, Director of the Institute of State History of the Committee of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Ayagan, Director of the Center for Policy Analysis and Strategic Studies of the Nur Otan Party Yu. Kuchinskaya, Head of the Center for the Study of Interethnic And Interconfessional Research in the Central Asian Region of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.Sadvokassova, Head of the Economic Management Department of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ye. Abil, Deputy Director of the Institute of Legislation Zh.Tlembayeva, Professor of Civil and Environmental Law Department of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Ye. Nurgaliyeva, Head of the Sociology Department of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University N. Bajgabylov, Associate Professor of the Constitutional and Administrative Law Department of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the Academy of Justice of the Supreme Courtof the Republic of Kazakhstan T. Nurusheva, and Head of the Legal Analysis Department of the Center for Political Analysis and Strategic Studies of the Nur Otan Party R. Zhakupov participated in the discussion. The expert discussion was moderated by Director of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Z. Shaukenova. During the meeting, the experts reviewed the new powers of the Supreme Court, the functioning of the judicial system, as well as the local executive power, and noted the dynamics and scale of public discussion of the ongoing constitutional reform.

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017

On March 31, 2017, the Center for Political Analysis and Strategic Studies of the Nur Otan Party held a meeting of the Zerde Expert Club on the topic: Economic Mechanisms for Stimulating Technological Modernization and Innovation. The meeting was attended by Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zarema Shaukenova and Acting Head of the Economic Research Department Nailya Almukhamedova. The issues of transition to technological modernization, mechanisms for allocating innovation grants, as well as various approaches and methods of stimulating innovation in Kazakhstan were discussed within the framework of the meeting.

On April 5, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized an expert meeting on the topic: Constitutional Reform: a New Stage of Modernization. In her welcoming speech, KazISS Director Zarema Shaukenova stressed that this event is a continuation of a series of KazISS expert meetings dedicated to the discussion of the Constitutional Reform and modernization in general. She noted that one of the amendments was adopted in order to consolidate the status of the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) in the Constitution. According to it, a special legal regime in the financial sphere can be established in Astana in accordance with the constitutional law. The relevance of the AIFC is the inclusion in the global and regional context, as well as the creation of a new form of circulation of finance and capital. The speaker of the meeting was Managing Director of the Astana International Financial Center Sayasat Nurbek. Speaking about the plans and prospects for the development of the AIFC, the speaker noted that "Kazakhstan is taking quite unprecedented measures to attract potential participants in a large competitive environment. Companies Participating in the AIFC will have 50 years of the tax-free regime, which is a very long time, but it is necessary to attract investors." Majilis Deputy of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Pavel Kazantsev, famous public figure Aigul Solovyova, Director of the Eurasian Integration Institute Gani Nygymetov, Executive Director of the Kazakhstan Union of Lawyers Dariga Kurmanova, Associate Professor of the Academy of Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tolkyn Nurusheva, etc took part in the discussion. During the discussion, the participants announced that the constitutional reform is a continuation of a broad modernization program related to improving the investment climate, creating a healthy economic situation that determines the long-term development of the republic, as well as expanding and deepening business relations with the world community.

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017

The international round table "Eurasian Integration: Problematic Links and Points of Growth" was held in Moscow on April 12, 2017 with the participation of scientists and experts from the EAEU states. The event was organized by the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The round table was attended by Vyacheslav Dodonov, Chief Researcher of the KazISS, who made a report on the topic "Kazakhstan's Economy in the Context of Eurasian Integration: Trends and Interim Results". The report assessed the main results of Kazakhstan's cooperation with the EAEU countries in 2010-2016 in two key areas – mutual trade and attracting investment from partner countries, with an emphasis on the analysis of investment activity in the manufacturing industry, which is a priority for Kazakhstan. It was concluded that, in general, the results of Kazakhstan's membership in the EAEU in these areas were positive, since the trade turnover with partners in the EAEU was more intensive than with third countries, as well as the inflow of investments from the EAEU, which was at a faster pace and much more focused on the manufacturing industry than foreign investment in general.

On April 13, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held an expert meeting on the topic: "Orientation to the Future: Spiritual Renewal". In her opening remarks, Director of KazISS Zarema Shaukenova highlighted the importance of modernizing public consciousness during the implementation of key political and economic reforms. She emphasized the importance of the projects proposed by the Head of State for the modernization of public consciousness: the gradual transition of the to the Latin alphabet, the project "New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 New Textbooks in the Kazakh Language", the program "Tugan Zher", the projects "Spiritual Shrines of Kazakhstan", "Modern Kazakh Culture in the Global World", " 100 New Faces of Kazakhstan". The main speaker of the meeting was the Head of the Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Department of the Academy of Justice under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Tuleugali Burbayev, PhD. In his speech, the expert focused on the key provisions of the program article of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev's "View to the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness". He drew attention to the fact that currently, in order for Kazakhstan to achieve its strategic goal of becoming one of the 30 most developed countries in the world, every citizen of Kazakhstan needs to possess such qualities as competitiveness, pragmatism, while at the same time, preserving its national identity, adopt only the positive qualities of Western civilization. National Expert of the Commission on Human Rights under the President of Kazakhstan Aysana Sman, Director of the European Law and Human Rights Institute Marat Bashimov,

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017

Associate Professor of the Social Management Technologies Department of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Raushan Dzhussupova, expert of the Scientific Research Centre "Youth" Aydar Khamit, and others participated in the expert discussion of the article of the Head of State. During the discussion, the participants agreed that today there is a need for spiritual modernization in society, which implies the preservation of the national code and the openness of the consciousness of citizens to the values of the modern world.

On April 21, 2017, an expert discussion of "New Humanities: the Future is Happening in the Classroom" was held in Almaty, organized by the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan jointly with the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the meeting, the experts discussed the project "New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new Textbooks in the Kazakh Language" regarding social and humanitarian sciences, designated by the Head of State in the framework of the program article "View to the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness". Issues related to the criteria for selecting the best textbooks, as well as their status within the framework of educational standards and their relationship to academic freedom were considered during the expert discussion. In addition, the experts analyzed international experience, in particular, the National Institute of Textbooks (Germany), and identified possible risks and problems associated with translation. Irina Chernykh, the chief researcher of the KazISS, presented the report on "Modernization of Society: Issues of Formation of New Meanings" and noted that the project related to the translation of educational literature into the Kazakh language is extremely important since we can influence the formation of new meanings among young people through the translated literature used in the educational process. According to her, the development of the Kazakh language will also be carried out through the translation project, since the translation of fundamental, theoretical research in the field of humanities will also require the formation of new concepts in the state language. Summing up, moderator Zarema Shaukenova noted that "when selecting educational literature, we can adhere to several points: first, these are the most popular textbooks with an extremely late publication date; second, this is a cascade principle of selection - from a larger volume to a more selective and filtered list; third, we can make maximum use of the available book collections of our libraries; fourth, the credibility of authors and publishers who produce textbooks; fifth, to select textbooks, we should attract domestic teachers who know their subject well and have an idea of the range of advanced and popular literature. All this needs to be done now, because starting from 2018-2019, advanced social and humanitarian textbooks should be delivered to student audiences and school classes." The discussion was held with teachers of the leading universities of the country, representatives of the scientific community, and experts from the analytical sphere. The discussion was attended by Director of the Center for German Studies under the Al-Farabi KazNU Mara

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017

Gubaidullina, representative of the Border Cooperation Association Marat Shibutov, Vice-Rector of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Aktolkyn Kulsariyeva, Head of the Philosophy Department of the KazNU Gulzhikhan Nurysheva, Professor of the Religious Studies and Culturology Department of the KazNU Nagima Baytenova, chief researchers of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Natalya Seitakhmetova and Rustem Kadyrzhanov, chief scientific researches of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan Yuri Buluktayev and Lesya Karatayeva.

On April 21-23, 2017, South Kazakhstan Representative Office of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the Department of Internal Policy of South Kazakhstan Region held a series of meetings with local residents, akims of rural districts, members of rural akimats, local activists and media representatives to discuss the article of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev "View to the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness". During the meetings, head of the South Kazakhstan Representative Office of KazISS Bektay Ormanov informed local residents about the key tasks reflected in the program article of the Head of State. "The modernization of public consciousness poses fundamentally new challenges. First, there is a gradual transition of Kazakh alphabet to Latin. Second, the project "New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new Textbooks in the Kazakh Language" implemented in the social and humanitarian science. Third, the "Tugan zher" (Motherland) program will be adopted, which shall raise the challenge of preserving native land and build a country looking to the future. Fourth, the project named "Spiritual Values of Kazakhstan" or "Geography of the Sacred Places of Kazakhstan" will be developed in order to cultivate respect for national shrines in the public mind. Fifth, there the project of "Modern Kazakh Culture in a Global World" will be implemented to strengthen the competitiveness of the national culture. Sixth, in order to focus on the history of the achievements of our contemporaries, we will also implement the project of "100 New Names of Kazakhstan», noted B. Ormanov and called on the mayors of rural districts to conduct extensive explanatory work on these issues at the local level. Similar meetings were held in Sairam and Otyrar districts of South Kazakhstan Region, as well as in the city of Turkestan.

On April 24, 2017, the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy hosted a republican round table on the topic: "Formation of the Institution of the Presidency as the Most Important Element of the Political System of the Republic of Kazakhstan". The event was organized by the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy, Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan, Institute of History of State of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017

The round table was attended by representatives of research institutes and centers, experts, specialists in the field of political modernization and socio-political relations, teachers, undergraduates, and doctoral students of Kazakhstani universities. The moderator, Deputy Director of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy B. K. Zhumabekov, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. The speaker noted that on April 24, 1990 the post of President was established in order to ensure that future development of deep political and economic transformations implemented in the Republic, strengthening of the constitutional order, rights, freedoms and safety of citizens, improvement of the interaction of the supreme bodies of state power and administration. And N. A. Nazarbayev was elected to this post and fully implemented in practice all the goals for which the institution of the presidency was created in the country. Well-known public figures – Z. L. Fedotova and T. S. Suleimenov – professors of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Constitutional Council, Professor – V. A. Malinovsiky, Professor of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University N. P. Kalashnikova, and leading researcher of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy, Professor G. T. Telebayev made reports to the participants of the round table. The following issues were discussed: peculiarities of the modernization of the political system in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of constitutional amendments; analysis of the stabilizing role of the presidency in the processes of preservation of the culture of interethnic and interfaith harmony and consolidation of the Kazakhstan society; a study of foreign policy initiatives of the President as a factor of the further modernization of the political system of Kazakhstan and increase of its international status and credibility. Director and Deputy Director of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Z. K. Shaukenova and S. K. Kushkumbayev made the presentations: "Modernization of Public Consciousness: the Platform of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Leader of the Nation" and "Kazakhstan Initiatives for Central Asian Cooperation".

On April 27, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held an expert discussion on the topic: "Goals and Objectives of the Tugan zher program". During the meeting, the experts discussed the Tugan zher project, outlined in the program article of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev "View to the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness". The moderator of the meeting, Advisor to the Director of the KazISS under the President of Kazakhstan Berik Andygaliuly, focused on the timeliness and relevance of the Tugan zher program, which emphasizes the need for capacity development not only of cities but also the villages of Kazakhstan. To do this, the speaker proposed to create local history museums in each district and village in order to popularize the

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 history and culture of the small motherland. Various aspects and mechanisms of the project implementation and its impact on the spiritual modernization of Kazakhstan were also considered during the expert discussion. During the discussion, member of the National Commission for the Implementation of the Program for the Modernization of Public Consciousness under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Yerimbetov shared the results of the first meeting of the Commission, noting the high level of professionalism and competence of the body. At the same time, N. Yerimbetov elaborated on the need for the Tugan zher project. In his opinion, the success of its implementation depends on the personal responsibility of each citizen of Kazakhstan. The discussion was also attended by Director of the Institute of Political, Social and Historical Studies of the Astana International Research Center Kamal Burkhanov, Director of the Youth Research Center Talgat Kaliyev, Director of the International Center of Cultures and Religions Aidar Abuov, and representatives of the Institute of State History, the Center for Political Analysis and Strategic Studies of the Nur Otan Party, Public Agreement Institution, and L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

On May 1-3, 2017, Global Think Tank Summit IV was held in Yokohama (Japan). The event was organized by the University of Pennsylvania Research Program "Think Tanks and Civil Society" in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank Institute. The Summit was attended by over 100 representatives of leading foreign policy organizations from almost 70 countries, including executive managers and experts of the Brookings Institution (USA), the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB, Spain), "Al Jazeera" Research Centre (Qatar), Bruegel Analytical Centre (Belgium), Royal Institute of International Affairs (UK), Institute for International Political Studies (Italy), the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute for Political and International Studies of Iran (IPIS), and Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA). At the opening of the event, James McGann, Director of the University of Pennsylvania Research Program "Think Tanks and Civil Society", Naoyuki Yoshino, Director of the Asian Development Bank Institute, Fumiko Hayashi, Mayor of Yokohama, and Haruhiko Kurado, Chairman of the Bank of Japan, made introductory presentations. The summit included six sessions and three expert meetings. The main topic of discussion was the role of think tanks in achieving balanced growth in Asia and the world for sustainable development. At the invitation of the organizer, the forum was attended by scientific secretary of the KazISS Kazbek Issayev, chief researcher of the KazISS Alua Zholdybalina, Acting Head of the Foreign Policy and International Security Department of the KazISS Iskander Akylbayev. Within the framework of the trip, working meetings were also held with experts from the

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Japan Institute of International Relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, representatives of the Board of Trustees of the Nippon Foundation and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation.

On May 4, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted a working meeting of experts from the KazISS and the delegation of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan. The dialogue was attended by Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Afghanistan Tadamichi Yamamoto, Special Adviser Stephen Brooking, Special Assistant Hideo Ikebe, Political Affairs Officer Maciej Dachowski. The Kazakh side was presented by Deputy Director of the KazISS Sanat Kushkumbayev, Head of the UN Security Council of the Department for Interbational Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Afairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Azamat Kairolla, and researcher of the Foreign Policy and International Security Department of the KazISS Anastasiya Reshetnyak. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the process of peaceful settlement in Afghanistan, the role of the countries of the Central Asian region in this issue and Kazakhstan in particular. The discussion touched on the subject of determining the conditions for a successful peace settlement in Afghanistan. According to Tadamichi Yamamoto, the cooperation of the Afghan authorities with the countries of the region and integration of existing on-site facilities into regional infrastructure are critically important. The assessment of the role and place of the Taliban movement in the conflict settlement process, the internal structure and methods of this organization, and the role of external players became a difficult issue. Separately, the issue of DAISH's activation in Afghanistan and the problem of foreign fighters were discussed. Thus, Stephen Brooking noted that DAISH has the strongest positions in the east and south-east of Afghanistan. According to the UN mission, the number of militants of this organization in this part of the country is more than 1,500. In his opinion, certain concerns are raised by groups with close ties to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, which previously swore allegiance to DAISH. Sanat Kushkumbayev spoke about the work done as part of the international expert group to prepare a common document with proposals for the future international political status (neutrality) of Afghanistan. At the same time, the expert noted that the DAISH factor is probably also used as an instrument of information pressure in the AfPak zone, pointing out that the importance of this organization for Afghanistan is often overestimated. The sides demonstrated their deep conviction in the need to solve the Afghan problem by non-violent means with the participation of both global players and regional leaders. Afghanistan needs economic rehabilitation combined with political stabilization – this common position has become the basis for further expert dialogue.

On May 4, 2017, an expert discussion on "Goals and Objectives of the "Spiritual Shrines of Kazakhstan program" ("Sacred Geography of Kazakhstan"), was organized and held by the South Kazakhstan Representative Office of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the meeting, the experts discussed the "Spiritual Shrines of Kazakhstan "("Sacred Geography of Kazakhstan") project that had been proposed in the

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 program article of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev "View to the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness". One of the main speakers of the meeting, Advisor to the Director of the KazISS under the President of Kazakhstan Berik Abdygaliuly stressed the relevance of the proposed project. The expert spoke about the need to promote the study of historical monuments and visits to the holy places of Kazakhstan, especially among young people. According to him, this project is one of the important components of preserving national identity. Experts also agreed that this project will promote the image of Kazakhstan at the international level not only due to the rich resources and significant foreign policy initiatives but also will make our rich culture and geography of landmarks recognizable. Head of the Internal Policy Department of South Kazakhstan Region Tolegen Bolatbek, poet Khanbibi Yessenkarakyzy, Professor of the Kazakhstan and World History Department of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute Sagyngali Fbubakirov, Head of the International Relations Department of Auezov South Kazakhstan State University Saken Mazhinbekov, and Department Head of the Center for Conservation, Restoration and Use of the Historical and Cultural Heritage of the South Kazakhstan Region of Akimat of the South Kazakhstan Region Khamit Tadzhiyev participated in the discussion.

On May 11-12, 2017, the XII Session of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Forum was held in Tashkent. The event was organized by the Institute of Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Forum was attended by representatives of research centres of the SCO member states, delegations of observer countries from Afghanistan, India, Iran, Pakistan, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Uzbekistan. At the opening of the event, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Anvar Nasyrov and Deputy Secretary-General of the SCO Wang Kaiwen made introductory reports. The XII session of the SCO Forum included three plenary sessions, where the issues of ensuring security and stability in the SCO space, priorities for further development in the field of trade, economic, transport, communication and investment cooperation, as well as prospects for expanding the Organization were discussed. Deputy Director Sanat Kushkumbayev and Scientific Secretary Kazbek Issayev took part in the Forum on behalf of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The SCO Forum was established in 2006 and is a permanent multilateral advisory, expert and research structure, an autonomous mechanism for scientific support of the SCO activities. Within the XII session of the SCO Forum, KazISS experts held working meetings with the newly appointed Director of the Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Vladimir Norov, as well as with the Vice-President of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Huang Zhen Wei.

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On May 18-19, 2017, the international conference "Eurasian Migration, Past and Future: Living Cross-Cultural Lives" was held at Nazarbayev University. The conference was interdisciplinary in nature and united the scientific interests of researchers studying migration processes from the positions of different disciplines and methodological approaches. The participants of the conference were specialists from Kazakhstan, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, and the USA, whose research interests are related to migration processes in Eurasia. The phenomenon of modern migration in Eurasia was considered through the prism of political science, anthropology, ethnology, cultural studies, history, economics, and demography. Various factors affecting the migration processes of the Eurasian space were analyzed: the main trends of modern labour migration, types of migration, migration factors, specifics of state migration policies of countries sending and receiving migrants, the phenomenon of xenophobia against migrants, etc. Within the framework of the conference, Irina Chernykh, the chief researcher of the KazISS, presented the results of research on ethnic immigration to Kazakhstan, its volume, specifics, dynamics, and models of adaptation of ethnic immigrants in the country. I. Chernykh carried out field research within the framework of the project "Basic Study of the Relationship between Climate Change, Emergencies and Migration in Kazakhstan", which was carried out with the support of the International Organization for Migration in 2016. When collecting sociological data, interviews were conducted with ethnic migrants, local population, employees of local authorities, representatives of NGOs and businesses in five focus areas of Kazakhstan (East Kazakhstan Region, South Kazakhstan Region, Mangystau Region, Kyzylorda Region, and Zhambyl Region).

On May 19, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized an expert meeting: "Modernization of the Kazakh Alphabet: Tools, Methods, Results" on the basis of "Gylym Ordasy" in Almaty. The expert meeting was attended by professors of leading universities of Kazakhstan, young specialists – doctoral students of Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics, Al Farabi Kazakh National University and other universities with a major in Philology, Literary Studies, as well as IT specialists and teachers of Almaty schools: teachers of the Kazakh, Russian, and English language in Kazakh schools. Director of the Institute of Linguistics A. Baitursynova, Doctor of Philology, Professor Yerden Kazhybek, Deputy Director, Candidate of Philological Sciences Anara Fazylzhan, Advisor to the Director of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, political scientist, social activist Aidos Sarym, chief researcher of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Natalya Seitakhmetova, Associate Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakhstan National University, film expert Oleg Boretskiy, Head of the Eastern Languages and Translation Studies Department of Abai Kazakhstan National Pedagogical University, MINPO academician Knyaz Mirzoyev, President of the Wikibilim Fund Nurbek Matzhani, Doctor of Philological Sciences, MINPO Academician Tanat Ayapov, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Nurgeldi Uali, chief researcher of Institute of Philosophy, Political

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Science and Religious Studies of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Rustem Kadyrzhanov, head of the Philosophy Department of Al-Farabi Kazakhstan National University, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Gulzhikhan Nurysheva, etc performed their reports during the meeting. An interesting, informative, scientific conversation took place there. Scientists gave convincing examples and found a deep argumentation of the issue under discussion. The famous film critic, philosopher, associate professor of al-Farabi Kazakh National University Oleg Boretskiy paraphrased Whorf's linguistic hypothesis, according to which "the language we speak determines the way we think", emphasizing that it is from the point of view of language reform that the creative mobility of the Kazakh language can be achieved and consciousness can be changed. Summing up the meeting, Director of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zarema Shaukenova stressed that the transition to the Latin alphabet is a thorough process consisting of several stages. The initial stage includes the studying of experience in foreign countries. This stage is being successfully implemented in Kazakhstan. A lot of work has been done, including by A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics, to study the reform of the alphabet in different countries, and now its results are becoming public. Scientists need to continue working in this direction. Another stage is the development of the alphabet itself. These stages will be followed by others – the publication of primary materials, such as textbooks for schools, universities, the publication of newspapers and magazines. The training of the new Kazakh graphics will begin. The especially necessary scientific publications and artistic works will be translated; the translation of classics of the Kazakh literature and the entire scientific and cultural heritage will be carried out gradually. In his programme article "Orientation to the Future: Spiritual Renewal", Head of the State N. A. Nazarbayev said: "The transition to the Latin alphabet also has its own deep historical logic. These are the features of the modern technological environment, the features of communication in the modern world, and the features of the scientific and educational process in the XXI century. Therefore, 2025 is not far off, and the Government needs to have a clear schedule for the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet." Modernization of the Kazakh alphabet requires not only serious linguistic and cultural work, but also careful organizational and informational training. In this regard, it is important to discuss the issues related to methods, tools, criteria, stages, and technologies of translating the alphabet into Latin, as well as to analyze the experience of different countries and to offer practical recommendations for the successful implementation of the task.

On May 22, 2017, Transformation of the Economy of Kazakhstan book was presented in Astana, the presentation of which was attended by Vyacheslav Dodonov, Chief Researcher of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The book was published by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and is a collection of articles by experts from Kazakhstan and Germany on the main sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan, the key problems of its development and the directions of foreign economic

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 cooperation with leading partners. Vyacheslav Dodonov prepared a scientific article "Prospects and Risks of the Eurasian Economic Union" for this collection, the main theses of which were outlined in his speech during the presentation.

On May 26, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan held an expert meeting where the "Modern Kazakh Culture in a Global World" project, proposed by Kazakhstan President in his article, "View to the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness", was discussed. During the meeting, the experts noted that today all the conditions for the successful development of culture as an integral part of the state social policy are being created in the country. Thus, the main speaker of the meeting – Rector of T. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts Bibigul Nusipzhanova emphasized in her speech that the sphere of culture and spirituality has always been and remains one of the most important areas of state policy, which forms the moral image of the Kazakh nation and strengthens the spirit of patriotism. "Over the years of independence, 234 museums were opened in Kazakhstan, including 6 republican, 31 state concert organizations, 52 theatres, more than 3 thousand libraries; 142 feature films and 285 documentaries were filmed. In total, from 1991 to 2015, 136 historical and cultural monuments were restored." noted B. Nusipzhanova. In this regard, in order to successfully promote modern culture, the expert suggested using information and communication technologies, since today the main information flows are concentrated on the Internet. The expert drew attention to the fact that the effectiveness of the formation and implementation of cultural policy in the modern world largely depends on the level of development of the information infrastructure of cultural activities. "It is possible to stimulate and popularize culture with the main tools of promotion through social networks: contests, sweepstakes, lotteries. This can be a drawing of tickets for a theater session or an invitation to an exhibition. Such a strategy has now become very popular in the vastness of social networks: awards, prizes and gifts, promotions, coupons, discounts. All these tools in the complex are an effective means of promoting a cultural product." Bibigul Nusipzhanova said. The discussion was attended by Deputy Director of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Botagoz Kaipova, Director of the Research Center "Youth" Talgat Kaliyev, honoured worker of culture of Kazakhstan Erlan Aituarov, Dean of the Art Faculty of the Kazakhstan National Univeristy of Art Ardak Yussupova, chief expert of the Sociological Studies Department of the Centre за Political Studies of the Nur Otan party Gulnara Shlymova, Chairman of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan Tokhtar Yermekov, Head of Science, Postgraduate Education and Strategic Development Department of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography Tursyngul Kabiyeva, Dean of the Social Sciences and Art Faculty of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography Zhanagul Sultanova, Dean of the Choreography Faculty of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography Gulnara Saitova, teacher of choreography of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography Aigul Kulbekova, head of TV Radio Journalism and Public Relations Department of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Ayazbi Beisenkulov and other local experts.

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On June 2, 2017, Astana hosted the XV Annual KazISS Conference on Security and Stability in Central Asia on the topic: "Central Asia in the Context of Global Transformation". The scientific event was organized by the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Representative Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Central Asia. Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Security of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Maulen Ashimbayev opened the conference. Zarema Shaukenova, Director of the KazISS, and Henriette Kiefer, Regional Director of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation for Central Asia, delivered greetings on behalf of the organizers. During the expert forum there were presentations of participants from Uzbekistan, China, Russia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan: Director of the Institute for Strategic and Advanced Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Vladimir Norov, Director of the Center for Analytical and Expert Support to Programmes and Projects of the Silk Road Muratbek Imanaliyev, special assistant to the Director of the Chinese Academy of Contemporary International Relations Du Yanzun, expert at the Centre for Strategic Studies under the President of Tajikistan Khakim Abdullo Rakhnamo, Director of Political Research and Development Organization (Afghanistan) Marian Safi. The Kazakh side was presented by Head of the Analytical Department of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerkin Tukumov, Director of the Institute for International and Regional Cooperation under the Kazakh-German University Bulat Sultanov, Director of the Institute of Asian Research Sultan Akimbekov, Director of the Research Institute "Public opinion" Botagoz Rakisheva, as well as KazISS experts Sanat Kushkumbayev, Konstantin Syroyezhkin, Irina Chernykh, and Lesya Karatayeva. The conference included three sessions: Towards the New Security Architecture: Decline of Old Paradigms and New Actors; Central Asia: between Objectness and Subjectivity; Central Asia: Social and Cultural Aspect of Perception. The participants of the expert forum discussed a wide range of issues related to contemporary state and prospects of regional security and stability in Central Asia: the role of Central Asian countries, Russia, China, USA, EU, the leading Asian States in the regional balance of power, the functioning and interaction of the CSTO, SCO, EEU, NATO and other international organizations in the region, and ways of the regional cooperation in this field. Since 2003, the annual KazISS conference on Security and Stability in Central Asia has become a significant dialogue platform, an intellectual bridge between the expert communities of Kazakhstan, Central Asian countries, as well as other Asian states, Europe and the United States. The participation of an authoritative pool of international and Kazakhstani researchers representing leading thought factories, research centres and universities has always given a new impetus to the discussions of key agendas in the field of international security and stability, and topical issues of the development of Central Asian societies. The platform of the annual KazISS conferences on security and stability in Central Asia has fulfilled its important role, making a tangible contribution to the expert and analytical discussion and support of the foreign policy of regional countries. Thus, in the format that has been implemented for many years, the XV KazISS Conference on the Security and Stability of Central Asia has become the final one. In the context of rapid global transformations, the KazISS will strive to continue to fulfil the mission of generating new ideas and creating appropriate dialogue platforms on topical issues of

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 development of Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries.

On June 6, 2017, an expert discussion on the topic "Modern Kazakhstan in Faces: Creators of the Country's Success" was held in Almaty organized by the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the discussion participants emphasized that the project is aimed to promote everyday heroism, people of the new formation, the mechanism of social mobility. However, experts have identified a set of questions, including the finalization of criteria for the selection of candidates and the procedure for the nomination of candidates. In her welcoming speech, Head of the Social and Economic Research Department of the KazISS Lyazat Nurkatova stressed the uniqueness of the "100 New Faces of Kazakhstan" project, designated by Head of State N. A. Nazarbayev in an article, "Orientation to the Future: Spiritual Renewal". "100 new faces" is a large-scale project. It is the story of 100 specific people from different regions of different ages and nationalities who have achieved success during the Independence Years of the country. The expert noted that the main task of this project is information support and popularization of outstanding contemporaries – creators of the success of modern Kazakhstan. The main speakers at the event were Sattar Mazhitov, General Director of the International Institute for Integration of Socio-Humanitarian Studies "Intellect Orda", Daniyar Ashimbayev, editor-in-chief of the biographical encyclopedia "Who is Who in Kazakhstan", and Aruzhan Sain, director of the "Voluntary Society "Mercy" charity foundation. As part of their presentations, the experts familiarized the audience with the existing experience of implementing such projects in Kazakhstan, for example, such as the biographical encyclopedia "Who is Who in Kazakhstan", the republican contest "Man in the History of the Twentieth Century, the annual national award "Altyn Zhurek", and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the criteria and tools for selecting applicants for these projects. The discussion was also attended by Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan in Almaty Kazbek Mamsurov, General Director of the Kazakhstan Representation Office of Synergy University Bauyrzhan Kassymbergebayev, Acting Director of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies (IFPR) of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Serik Nurmuratov, leading researcher of the IFPR Raushan Sultanova, artist of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan Kamilla Li, and chief researchers of the KazISS Irina Chernykh and Lesya Karatayeva.

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On June 11, 2017, at the invitation of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Kim Dae-sik, Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zarema Shaukenova and Deputy Director Sanat Kushkumbayev took part in the grand opening of the Korean pavilion at EXPO-2017 in Astana. The thematic concept of the Korean pavilion at the EXPO was called "Future Energy, Smart Life". The aim is to get acquainted with the potential and perfection of Korean technologies by demonstrating advanced developments in the field of new sources of renewable energy and its conservation.

On June 15-16, 2017, the capital hosted the anniversary Astana Economic Forum (AEF), the main theme of which was "New Energy - New Economy". The event was organized by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Institute of Economic Research, and Kazakhstan Foundation for Economic Initiatives. Within the framework of AEF-2017, more than 20 panel sessions were held, including the Plenary Session with the participation of the Head of State and the world's leading experts and scientists in the field of economics. Experts of the KazISS Director Z. Shaukenova, Deputy Director M. Zhumagulov, Head of Socio-Economic Research Department L. Nurkatova, chief researcher V. Dodonov and researcher A. Alshanskaya took part in the session "Managing Opportunities: Global Challenges of Leadership", organized by the Kazakh Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption, the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan and the Regional Hub of Civil Service. The speakers were representatives of research centers, international organizations and well-known statesmen. Among them – Rector of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Vladimir Mau, Partner of Francis Maude Associates LLP (UK) Lord Maud, Director for International Leadership Development at the US Federal Institute (FEI), US Office of Personnel Management Fletcher Hanymund, Global project management analyst, Professor Hiroshi Tanaka (Japan), General Director of the Institute of Diplomacy of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry "Rio Branco" Jose Estanislau do Amaral Souza Neto, Director of the Institute of Defense Research and Analysis of India (IDSA) Jayant Prasad and others. During the discussion, the speakers shared their expert opinions on the role of institutional and personal leadership in the field of public service in the context of global challenges, improving the efficiency of the state apparatus through the introduction of new approaches to personnel management, such as project management and digitalization of public services, as well as a new interpretation of such concepts as competitiveness and responsibility.

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On June 15, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a meeting with the General Directorof the Institute for Defense Research and Analysis of India (IDSA) Jayant Prasad. The meeting was held within the framework of the Astana Economic Forum. During the discussion, director of the KazISS Zarema Shaukenova spoke about the new priority areas of the Institute's activities in key research areas: foreign and domestic policy, economic security. In turn, Jayant Prasad spoke about the areas of research that IDSA specializes in: research in the field of defense, security and international relations, focusing in detail on the analysis of security threats in cyberspace and in space. During the discussion, KazISS experts exchanged views with their Indian counterpart on current issues of international security in South and Central Asia, discussed the terrorist threats in Afghanistan and the Middle East, in particular the DAISH factor. An agreement was reached to intensify cooperation between the KazISS and IDSA in the field of joint scientific research, participation in planned expert meetings, conferences, and exchange of scientific publications.

On June 24, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a meeting with experts in the field of new technologies to discuss the development of the information and communication industry in Kazakhstan. The meeting was held at the Eurasian Media Forum during the Digital Revolution session, which was attended by Artur Saudabayev, a researcher at Nazarbayev University, Matej Michalko, General Director of the DECENT Foundation (Switzerland), and Tyler Smith, a geophysicist and consulting director at Consesys (USA). Meirat Omarov, Head of the Foreign Policy and International Security Department, and researchers Anastasiya Reshetnyak, Adilkhan Gadilshiyev, Anna Alshanskaya, Kymbat Nurgaliyeva, and Baltabay Syzdykov from the KazISS participated in the meeting. In recent years, Central Asia has seen an increase in the share of the population that uses the Internet and social networks. Since 2010, their number has increased by 2 times – from 14.5 to 29.9 million people. In 2017, the positive trend is expected to continue: at least 30 million people, or 45% of the region's population, will become Internet users. On the one hand, the use of the Internet as a tool for effective communication carries certain opportunities. Citizens' access to public services, information, and education is being simplified. On the other hand, this phenomenon brings new challenges to the social system and governments around the world should take into account the new realities. Kazakhstan is at a fairly high level in many indicators. For example, e-government has been successfully operating in the republic since 2006, and its services are currently used by about 5 million citizens of the country. Within the framework of the state programs "Digital Kazakhstan" and "Information Kazakhstan – 2020", legislation is being improved, the level of computer literacy is being increased, and information and communication technologies are being introduced into the

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 public administration system. During the expert meeting, the logic of the development of information technologies and their implementation in the life of Kazakhstan's society were discussed.

On June 28-29, 2017, the 2nd Annual Conference of the Non-Governmental Forum of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICMA) was held in Beijing, the key agenda of which was "The 25th Anniversary of the CICMA: Towards Asian Security and Development". The event was organized by the Chinese People's Institute of International Affairs (CPIFA) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. Within the framework of the conference, 8 panel sessions were held covering a wide range of topical issues in the field of security in Asia, expanding regional cooperation mechanisms along the Silk Road, strengthening cybersecurity and countering asymmetric threats, as well as the challenges of climate change. KazISS experts Deputy Director Sanat Kushkumbayev and Senior Researcher of the Foreign Policy and International Security Department Iskander Akylbayev spoke during the panel sessions on the topic: "Security in Asia: Assessments and Prospects" and "Development of Regional Integration and the Role of the CICMA Non-Governmental Forum". The Forum was attended by over 200 representatives of leading international think tanks, research institutes, non-governmental organizations, and the media, as well as diplomats and prominent political figures.

The XV Congress of the European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS) was held in Bishkek on June 30 – July 2, 2017. This event is held every two years and each time in cooperation with one of the leading universities in Central Asia or Europe. The Expert Forum brings together leading researchers of Central Asia from Europe, the United States and the region itself and is the largest interdisciplinary scientific platform. The Congress was attended by Deputy Director of the KazISS Sanat Kushkumbayev and chief researcher of the Institute Irina Chernykh. At the session, S. Kushkumbayev made a report "From the Integration of experts to the Integration of the Region" and noted the key trends in the research of foreign policy and international relations in Central Asia, various factors and concepts of external region formation. The forum was attended by about 400 scientists and researchers from Central Asia, Europe and the United States, representing various scientific schools and areas of the social and humanitarian sphere.

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On July 5, 2017, on the eve of the Day of the Capital, the Kazakhstan Institute for strategic studies under the President of Kazakhstan jointly with the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducted an expert discussion: "Step towards the Future: from the Modernization of the Territory to the Modernization of the Nation." Within the framework of the expert meeting, the conditions and opportunities, prerequisites and existing barriers for creating a new model of consciousness and thinking based on the territorial, socio- political, socio-demographic, economic and cultural development of the largest cities of Kazakhstan – its current and former capitals – were discussed. The meeting was moderated by director of the KazISS Zarema Shaukenova and director of the IFPR Akhan Bizhanov. The discussion was attended by leading experts in the field of urban studies, experts of research institutes, political scientists, including Chairman of the Public Council of Almaty Rakhman Alshanov, leading researcher of the IFPR Raushan Sartayeva, Professor Magbat Spanov, architect Kuralai Ibragimova, Head of the Political Science Department of the IFPR Mukhtarbek Shaikemelev, and chief researchers of the KazISS Irina Chernykh, Yuri Buluktayev, and Lesya Karatayeva.

On July 18, 2017, the Internal Policy Department of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a seminar meeting in Almaty to discuss the main provisions of program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "View to the Future: modernization of Public Consciousness" with the participation of heads and senior staff for the regional governments. The seminar was chaired by Head of the Internal Policy Department of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aida Balayeva and Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Head of the APK Secretariat of the Presidential Administration of Kazakhstan Darkhan Mynbay. The event was attended by Deputy Director of the KazISS Sanat Kushkumbayev, who in his speech focused on the conceptual theses of the program article of the President of Kazakhstan. In particular, it was noted that technological progress without spiritual understanding and fulfillment can become growth without development. In this context, the role of history, philosophy, political science, sociology, cultural studies, and the whole complex of social and humanitarian knowledge in the modernization of public consciousness was emphasized. The discussion was attended by Darhan Kydyrali - President of the Board of the Republican newspaper "Yegemen Kazakhstan, Berik Abdygaliuly - Head of the research centre "Sacred Kazakhstan", Yerden Kazhybek - Director of A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguisticsof the Ministry of Eduction and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Talgat Kaliyev - Director of the research centre "Youth".

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On July 31, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held an expert meeting with representatives of the National Institute for Defense Studies of Japan (NIDS). The meeting was attended by senior NIDS researchers Akimoto Shigeki, Yamazoe Hiroshi, NIDS researcher Masuda Masayuki, and First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in Kazakhstan Toyoda Takeshi. The Kazakh side was represented by senior researcher of the Foreign Policy and International Security Department (FPISD) of the KazISS Iskander Akylbayev, researchers of the FPISD Kymbat Nurgaliyeva and Adilkhan Gadelshiyev, Director of the Center for International Security and Policy Alimzhan Akhmetov. During the meeting, a wide range of issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation was touched upon, the need to strengthen partnerships at the regional and sub-regional levels, and deepen cooperation on the basis of previously reached agreements between Astana and Tokyo was noted. The parties exchanged views on the main principles and directions of Kazakhstan's foreign policy activities, as well as topical issues of global and regional security. At the end of the meeting, they expressed their interest in continuing such expert meetings in the future and exchanging views on issues of mutual interest.

On August 11, 2017, Tashkent hosted the international conference "Central Asia is the Main Priority of Uzbekistan's Foreign Policy", which was attended by more than 100 representatives of Central Asian countries and other interested states. The forum was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Information and Analytical Center for International Relations, the UNDP office and the office of the OSCE Project Coordinator in Tashkent. The Forum was held at a high level: the welcoming speech was delivered by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. Kamilov, head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia P. Draganov, UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP Permanent Representative in Uzbekistan H.Fraser, Acting OSCE Project Coordinator in Tashkent H. Im. The conference was also attended by deputies of the Senate and the Oliy Majlis, representatives of ministries and departments of the Republic of Uzbekistan, authoritative experts and diplomats from all Central Asian countries. The conference was attended by chief researcher of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan I. Chernykh, who made a conceptual justification of the need to strengthen the subjectivity of the Central Asia region in the format of all five countries of the region. The expert pointed out that for more than 25 years, the Central Asian countries have established themselves as states and demonstrated their subjectivity. They have been recognized by the international community as sovereign and independent states; they have established territorial borders and ensure their control, as well as security within them; they have defined national interests, implemented the institutionalization of statehood; implemented structural reforms in the field of politics, economy, social relations, etc. Thus, it can be argued that the modern states of Central Asia have taken

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 place as subjects of international politics. New factors of global politics, transformations taking place in the countries of Central Asia actualize the search for a new regional subjectivity. The time has come for the formation of effective formats and mechanisms for regional cooperation through multilateral structures. Many speakers of the forum repeatedly suggested that the development of regional cooperation should be based on good-neighbourly, friendly and mutually beneficial relations with its immediate neighbours, trust, understanding and reasonable pragmatism, and rapid solutions to the accumulated problems. The participants expressed confidence that many of the ideas and proposals on strengthening and expanding cooperation in Central Asia would be put into practice in the work of the international conference on ensuring security and sustainable development in Central Asia, which Uzbekistan plans to hold under the auspices of the United Nations in November 2017 in Samarkand.

On August 23, 2017, a round table on the "Sustainable Development of the Green Economy and Promotion of Energy and Political Ideas after EXPO 2017" was held in Astana. The scientific event was organized by the Representative Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Germany) in Kazakhstan. The round table was attended by Arman Kashkinbekov, General Director of the Renewable Energy Association of Kazakhstan, Saltanat Rakhimbekova, Chairman of the Management Board of the G-Global Coalition for Green Economy and Development, Thomas Helm, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Representative Office in Kazakhstan, Irina Hetch, representative of the Goethe-Institut, and Baltabay Syzdykov, expert of the KazISS. The participants' presentations were devoted to the current state and prospects of renewable energy in Kazakhstan, the development of the green economy concept and the Green Bridge partnership program, the experience of the German Federal Government in supporting energy efficiency and climate protection, the implementation of the Urban Corners project - a mobile application that thematizes environmental and energy-saving hubs of the city, and also contributes to raising the environmental awareness of young people and their interest in the topic of environmental protection. This round table was part of the research report of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in expanding the dialogue on the development and support of sustainable development of renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan within the framework of the project "Information Campaign and Dialogue Platform on the Renewable Energy Sources in Kazakhstan". The project is implemented jointly with the Institute of Hanover, Germany.

On August 24-26, 2017, the annual business event "Eurasian Week", organized by the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), was held in Astana within the framework of Expo-2017 with the support of the heads of government of the participating countries. The event was attended by entrepreneurs, representatives of business associations, development institutes, government agencies and research centres. The topic of discussion at the forum was the

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 development of export and investment potential, the free movement of goods, services, capital, labour, and the integration of information flows in the EAEU space. Anna Alshanskaya, an expert of the KazISS, took part in the Main Plenary Session "Competitiveness in a Changing World: New Models, Technologies, and Forms of Management". The speakers were Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev, Chairman of the EEC Board Tigran Sarkisyan, First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government Igor Shuvalov, Minister of International Economic Integration and Reforms of Armenia Vache Gabriyelyan, President of the International Road Union (IRU) Christian Labro and Head of the Central and Eastern Europe region, Microsoft Philippe Rogge. During the discussion, the speakers noted the need to create conditions for removing barriers and restrictions in the common market of the EAEU, discussed global challenges and further development of Eurasian integration.

On August 25, 2017, the international scientific and practical conference "Modernization 3.0: Spiritual Renewal" was held in Astana. Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zarema Shaukenova took part in its work, making a report on "Spiritual Renewal: from Modernization Expectations to Changing Public Consciousness". In her speech, the director of the KazISS notes that Kazakhstanis have a request for modernization in terms of strengthening their own national development path. It is necessary to have adequate responses to these modernization expectations. These answers are given by the Head of State in his program article. Z. Shaukenova emphasized that "Spiritual Renewal" is the specific steps from the modernization expectations to changes in the public consciousness. First, we are updating our entire national field of symbols, spaces, opinions, and institutions. That is, we consolidate the accumulated material world, including our art, culture, and sacred places. We collect our national treasure, thereby increasing the value of ourselves. Everything that secures a sense of identity inside of us, a material platform for our national development. Everything that gives us the sense of a coordinate point, a sense of perception in time and space. Secondly, the "Spiritual Renewal" program outlines a generational vanguard that will move the country and ensure the continuity of the past and future. The "100 New Faces" project is created to do this. In fact, this is a project that, in the process of finding and selecting new heroes, should create a reserve for all industries and regions, which will be used for further promotion. This approach fits within the framework of the meritocratic model. Third, Spiritual Renewal is a change to the text mode of the nation. It is known that each epoch has its own texts, methods and principles of visualizing thoughts and images. We live in an era of total digitalization. More than 80% of the population has access to the Internet and social networks. The dominant language here is English, based on Latin graphics. In this regard, in order to be included in the global context, we need to change the model of character transmission. Fourth, one of the important components of Spiritual Renewal is the priority of the enlightenment paradigm and the formation of culture according to universal principles and signs of modernity. In Kazakhstan, three major streams of consciousness collide – post-communist, market-liberal, and conservative-national. Overcoming the collision of these types of consciousness is possible by moving into the postmodernization period. AIFC, EXPO, Nazarbayev University - this is a transition to the future, these are vivid examples of postmodernization projects. Fifth, it is a change in the political atmosphere and environment. The modernization, Spiritual Renewal, is a factor in the formation of feedbacks and communication channels that

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 would help to establish contact between government agencies and the non-governmental sector. There are no ready-made recipes here. Therefore, in any case, we need to determine our own path. Modernization means a radical change in the principles and practices of life. It is important that the changes are focused on the end result.

On August 28, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held an expert meeting on the topic: "The Role of Law Enforcement Agencies in Ensuring the Constitutional Rights of Citizens of Kazakhstan". Experts of the meeting were Director of the Institute of European law and Human Rights M. Bashimov, Rector of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor N. Turetskiy, member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Civil Society A. Solovyova, Director of the Department of Legal Protection of Entrepreneurs of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" O. Savelenko, Chairman of the First Anti-Corruption Media- Center T Baigulov, member of the Commission on Human Rights under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Sman, Scientific Secretary of the Academy of Justice of the Supreme Court A. Kanatov, leading researcher of the Institute of Legislation F. Rakhmitov, and representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor's Office of Astana. One of the main principles specified in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan as its Basic Law, which primarily meets the interests of the state and its citizens, is to ensure legal protection and guarantee security. The activities of law enforcement agencies are directly related to the implementation of the norms prescribed in the second section of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Man and Citizen". In this regard, an expert meeting was aimed at discussing the main problems in the work of the law-enforcement system, the solution of which will contribute, on the one hand, to the improvement of its efficiency, and on the other hand, to the raise of the level of public confidence in law enforcement in general. On the eve of the Constitution Day, the expert meeting allowed to discuss promising directions for the development of the legal protection system within the framework of the implementation of the "National Plan – 100 Scientific Steps".

On August 30, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan held an expert meeting "Gender Criteria and Family Values are an Important Component of the Modernization of Public Consciousness" with the participation of members of the Russian delegation attending the International Women's Forum "Women for the Energy of the Future" in the framework of the International exhibition EXPO-2017. The representative Russian delegation from all regions of the Russian Federation was headed by Yekaterina Lakhova, a member of the Federation

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Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Union of Women of Russia. The meeting was held in the framework of the round table "Women's Solidarity in the Modern World", organized by the National Commission for Women's Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy under the President of Kazakhstan and the Republican Women's Council. Among the participants, there were well-known Kazakh women politicians B. S. Aytimova, S. Zh. Dzhamalgambetova, N. A. Kayupova, A. B. Samakova, Ye. I. Tarassenko, Z. L. Fedotova, S. I. Ferkho, and others. In her speech, Director of the KazISS, member of the National Commission on Women's Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zarema Shaukenova stressed that today Kazakhstan is going through a very important process of spiritual and cultural modernization. It is aimed at changing our internal component, adaptation and convergence with the outside world. The Head of State outlined his vision of this process in his program article "Viewto the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness". Changing the mentality is a key issue, without which we will not be able to solve the main issue of achieving the goal of joining the top 30 developed countries of the world. Achieving this goal is possible only through innovation, the development of a creative and adaptive society. At the same time, gender criteria and family values are one of the important components of the main path of modernization of public consciousness. In Kazakhstan, much attention is paid to strengthening spiritual and moral values in society. The Family Day, the National Competition "Mereili Otbasy" were established, the institution of the Commissioner for Children's Rights was introduced. The Marriage and Family Code contains provisions aimed at strengthening the institution of the family. In 2016, the implementation of the ten-year Gender Equality Strategy was successfully completed. Since this year, the implementation of the Concept of Family and Gender Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030, in which gender priorities are combined with family policy, has been launched. This was the result of a consistent focus of state policy on the development of family values. At the same time, we have to solve a number of major problems that lie not on the surface, but are connected with our inner world." In turn, the Russian experts showed a good awareness of the program article of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev, noting the high relevance and depth of its ideas.

On September 6-8, 2017, the 25th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum was held in Prague (Czech Republic) on the topic: "Greening the Economy and Building Partnerships for Security in the OSCE Region". The forum was attended by Deputy Director of the KazISS Marat Zhumagulov. The participants of the event noted that during its existence, the OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum has proved its effectiveness in multilateral debates, encouraging the implementation of measures to effectively stimulate the economy, protect the environment and strengthen partnerships. During the "Increasing Interconnectedness and Promoting Economic and Environmental Cooperation in the Interests of Regional Security" session, M. Zhumagulov made a report on the topic: "Kazakhstan in the Implementation of Three Dimensions: Economy – Energy – Ecology". In his speech,

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Zhumagulov focused on the active position of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the transition to a "green economy" until 2050. He voiced the importance of the international significance of the EXPO-2017 "Future Energy" held in Kazakhstan, and its impact on the development of innovative green technologies in the field of economic and environmental cooperation in the interests of ensuring the efficient use of resources, renewable energy and energy security.

On September 11, 2017, the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan held parliamentary hearings "On the Introduction of a Single Standard for the Alphabet of the State Language in Latin Script". The Parliamentary hearings were attended by MPs, members of Government, drafters of the alphabet – scientists of A. Baitursynov Institute of linguistics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Sh. Shayakhmetov Republican Coordinating-Methodical Centre of Language Development, rectors of universities, academic and cultural figures, scientists and experts, representatives of public organizations and mass media. Chairman of the Majilis N. Nigmatulin named the main factors of the overall process of transition of Kazakh alphabet to Latin and emphasized the focus of reform on improving the global competitiveness of Kazakhstan, the accelerated integration into world scientific-educational, technology and communications space. A balanced and thorough approach to the transition to the Latin alphabet was noted, as well as the systematic and consistent nature of all the work done and upcoming. Modernization of the Kazakh language is necessary to reveal its full potential – not only as a means of communication but also as a powerful factor of spiritual revival and strengthening of national identity. The transition to the Latin alphabet is primarily aimed at reforming the Kazakh alphabet and spelling rules, which shall allow establishing a correspondence between the phonetics of the language and its graphics. The introduction of the Latin alphabet is intended only to solve the internal issues of the development of the state language. The Russian language as a world language, which has strong cultural and historical roots in our country, will continue to play an important role in the life of the Kazakh society. Among the important factors mentioned is the systematic and phased nature of the ongoing reform. The complex of interrelated activities is aimed at the training of teachers, training of various groups of the population, the development of educational and methodological materials, the translation of office work and information space into Latin, and so on. All civil society institutions are invited to discuss a single standard for the alphabet of the state language in Latin script. The parliamentary hearings in the Mazhilis were attended by director of the KazISS Zarema Shaukenova and chief researcher of the KazISS Irina Chernykh, who made a report on the significance of changing the alphabet and the approach to solving this problem. The report highlighted that the transition of the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin script starts in our country in accordance with President's instructions, voiced in an article, "View to the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness" and the significance of the transition to the Latin alphabet; its goals and objectives should be considered in the context of the entire "Spiritual Renewal" program, and, above all, through the prism of the six parameters of Kazakhstan of the XXI century, which the President identified in the conceptual part of the article.

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In her speech, I. Chernykh noted that the Kazakh language, like any other, is a living organism that is constantly being modernized in the process of the social development, and at the same time, the language development is conscious and purposeful – when professional linguists, reacting to the modernization of society, raise the question of the need to reform the language, making it more functional and convenient for use. In this context, it is quite natural to change the Kazakh language for its more effective functioning. Currently, the modernization of the state language meets the principles of modernization of public consciousness. The transition to the Latin script, as the key direction of this modernization, is dictated by pragmatic tasks – to make society more open, competitive, a more effective tool for acquiring and accumulating knowledge. In this regard, the chosen instrumentalist approach to language reform seems to be fundamentally correct. It involves the consideration of this issue purely in the scientific dimension, and it is no coincidence that professional linguists are involved in the work on the new alphabet. According to Kazakh linguists, the state language needs modernization, which should cover both the issues of word formation and its graphic component. The situation when the number of letters exceeds the number of sounds makes it difficult to learn and use the language. Therefore, the transition to Latin graphics, which establishes a correspondence between the phonetics of the language and its graphics, is aimed at solving the issues of the development of the state language. The new alphabet must meet the criteria of pragmatism, that is, maximum ease of use, openness, and ease of learning. At the same time, it must also comply with the principle of preserving national identity, which means careful and thoughtful attitude to the choice of graphic representation of each specific sound of the Kazakh language. Compliance with all these criteria makes the adoption of the presented version of the alphabet fully justified, from the point of view of the instrumentalist approach.

On September 13, 2017, the Institute of World Economy and Politics under the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy hosted the "EXPO-2017. Prospects for a Green Economy" conference. The conference discussed the results of the international exhibition EXPO-2017, which completed its work in Astana, and its impact on the prospects for the development of the green economy in Kazakhstan. The conference was attended by representatives of scientific and expert organizations, the diplomatic corps, business and associations of legal entities working in the field of green energy. The discussion at the end of the plenary session was attended by KazISS expert, chief Researcher Vyacheslav Dodonov, who noted that the existing programs for the development of green energy in Kazakhstan and, in particular, plans to increase the share of renewable energy sources in the energy balance (up to 3 % by 2020 and up to 10 % by 2030) are ambitious and need to provide additional development impulses. Thus, achieving the target of 3 % of the volume of generation by renewable energy facilities (solar, wind, bio - and small hydropower) by 2020 means almost a five-fold increase in three years, despite the fact that in the previous five years this figure increased by about 20 %. Thus, the achievement of the planned indicators is possible with a sharp jump in the installed

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 capacity of renewable energy in Kazakhstan on the basis of a significant increase in government incentives and private investment, the role of which in the development of green energy may increase after EXPO-2017.

On September 21, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted the International Seminar "EXPO- 2017: Economy. Energy. Ecology". At the seminar, presentations were made by Reiner Hertz, Executive Director of the "Mineral Resources for Development" Program of the German Society for International Cooperation, Kanat Ospanov, Head of the Strategic Research Department of the Center for Political Analysis and Strategic Studies of the Nur Otan Party, Arman Kashkinbekov, General Director of the Renewable Energy Association of Kazakhstan, Vyacheslav Dodonov, Chief Researcher of the KazISS, and Lyazzat Nurkatova, Head of the Socio-Political Research Department of the KazISS, who acted as the moderator of the seminar. In her welcoming speech, Director of the KazISS Zarema Shaukenova noted that Kazakhstan had achieved the main goal of EXPO-2017 – the exhibition has become an important platform for demonstrating the achievements of technological capabilities of humankind in the field of renewable energy and energy of the future. On September 19, at a meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the application of the developments presented at EXPO-2017 was discussed. Kazakhstan companies have already expressed their interest in the introduction of 68 technologies, which will undoubtedly serve as an impetus for the accelerated development of the country's industries and spheres of economy. In general, the International Exhibition EXPO-2017 emphasized the importance of creating a sustainable economic model based on safe energy and "green" technologies. Reiner Hertz noted several of the most significant achievements of the EXPO-2017 and the declared theme "Future Energy" in his speech. They relate to various fields: research, economic, industrial, social, and others. Thus, the energy efficiency of the industrial sector significantly increases the competitiveness of companies. Currently, the construction of energy-efficient houses is relevant in the private sector. He also drew attention to the topic of skilled labour, which could support and further develop new technologies. The expert noted that the exhibition was visited by a large number of people, especially children and young people. He stressed that the use of new technologies should be applied in the educational system of Kazakhstan. Green economy and green technologies should be part of educational programs. In the field of tourism, EXPO-2017 has created new ideas for tourism to attract visitors to Kazakhstan. The presentation of Kanat Ospanov on the topic: "EXPO-2017 as the Start of Modernization 3.0" covered all the main areas of work and achievements of EXPO-2017, which were supported by interesting statistical data. The expert particularly focused on two important aspects. First, the economic effect of the EXPO-2017 exhibition in Astana, which was to increase

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 the aggregate demand in the economy of Kazakhstan and create tangible and intangible assets that can generate income for Kazakhstan. Secondly, the strategic effect of the EXPO-2017 exhibition. Thus, the national brand of Kazakhstan, as a leading country in Central Asia, has been seriously strengthened. One of the main results: the exhibition contributed to the modernization of the public consciousness of Kazakhstanis, the interest of young people in technology. EXPO-2017 has become a kind of a "demonstration lesson" on new technologies for the whole country. Report by Arman Kashkinbekov on the topic: "EXPO and Its Role in the Development of the Green Energy Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan" aroused great interest among the participants of the seminar. It covered current topics of the energy industry. In his presentation, the speaker noted that investments in renewable projects have increased over the past 10 years. Significant growth is observed in the developing countries of Southeast Asia, China, and Latin America. The expert noted that Kazakhstan has a huge potential in the production of renewable energy sources: solar and wind energy resources. At the same time, the expert outlined a set of problematic issues in the field of renewable energy. Speech by Vyacheslav Dodonov on the topic: "Prospects for Green Energy in Kazakhstan" was devoted to the implementation of the EXPO principles and ideas in Kazakhstan. It was noted that elements of the green economy and, in particular, energy will be gradually introduced in Kazakhstan and become more widespread, including with the use of technologies presented at EXPO-2017. The discussion was actively supported by Manager of the Promotion and Tourism Department of NC "EXPO-2017" JSC Yernur Kenzhebekov, Director of the Expert Institute of European Law and Human Rights Marat Bashimov, Head of the "Development and Implementation of Competencies for State Trainees of the Republic of Kazakhstan" project Eduard Zakharchenko, Professor of the Ecology Department of L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Doctor of Biological Sciences Murat Nurushev.

On September 20-21, 2017, the Third International Conference on Modern Aspects of the Management of Non-Governmental Organizations was held in Beijing. The event was organized by the Institute of Eurasia of the Chinese Academy of Modern International Relations. Madina Nurgaliyeva, Head of the KazISS Representative Office in Almaty, spoke at the panel discussion "Management of Non-Governmental Organizations: Legislation, Administration, Law Enforcement and International Cooperation", where she focused on the experience and specifics of interaction between the state and NGOs in Kazakhstan. The conference was also attended by experts from China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Belarus and South-East Asian countries, who shared their experience in regulating the sphere of NGOs in their countries. An exchange of views and experience took place. The conference participants also expressed interest in the modernization of public consciousness taking place in Kazakhstan and

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 how the non-governmental sector is involved in this process. In particular, questions were asked about the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet. Experts from individual countries shared their experience in translating the alphabet into Latin script in their countries, noting that Kazakhstan is working systematically on this issue. It was particularly noted that the public of the country actively participates in the discussion of this important issue. At the final meeting, the experts came to the conclusion that there is a need for international cooperation in the development of the NGO sector.

The International Forum of Scientists and Experts "Modern Multi-Ethnic State: National Models and Development Strategies", dedicated to the study of the modernization of public consciousness, was held in Astana on September 28, 2017. The event was organized by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (APK), the Scientific and Expert Council of the APK, and the Republican State Institution "Kogamdyk kelisim" under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zarema Shaukenova made a report at the plenary session on the topic: "Modernization of Public Consciousness and New Kazakhstan Patriotism". In her speech, Z. Shaukenova noted that the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan takes an active part in every project of public consciousness modernization. At the same time, the role of the APK as an authoritative public institution is special. Thus, a large project of "100 New Faces" is being implemented within the framework of the program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Orientation to the Future: Spiritual Renewal". This is a project focused on finding the heroes of our time. These are professionals in their field – networkers, programmers, information security specialists, criminologists, farmers, pilots, teachers, athletes, leaders of the non-governmental sector, human rights activists, new wave writers, artists, designers, specialists in the field of urbanism, people of creativity and culture, and many others. It is those who make a real contribution to social and economic development, to the fact that society flourishes. The implementation of all areas of modernization of public consciousness, outlined in the program article of the President, is gaining tremendous momentum. Systematic step-by-step work on the translation of the Kazakh language into the Latin script has been started. The Parliament of the country began the work of the new session with Parliamentary hearings on this issue. This is not just a technical issue. The transition to the Latin alphabet is a response to the expectations of modern Kazakh youth. In our country, after a series of booms in the 2000s (automobile, housing, consumer, demographic booms), the relevance of education has increased dramatically. Social capital is very important. The Assembly of People of Kazakhstan pays great attention to working with young people, and ethnocultural centres have their own youth organizations. When we talk about the role of the APK in the modernization of public consciousness, today it is necessary to make efforts to unite all its youth organizations, so that there could be synergy, communication and social integration. This is part of the ethno-politics. After all, the youth wing of the APK is a new wave of Kazakhstani patriotism. It has a great potential for the modernization of public consciousness. At the end of her speech, Z. Shaukenova noted the words of Elbasy in the Strategy

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Kazakhstan-2050 about the new Kazakh patriotism as the basis for the success of our multinational and multi-confessional society. Our main goal in this direction is simple and clear: we must preserve and strengthen public harmony. This is an immutable condition of our existence as a state, as a society, as a nation. The conference was attended by representatives of state structures, members of the APK, experts from Belarus, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Uzbekistan, scientists from research institutes, teachers, etc. The experts discussed the role of the APK Institute in the modernization of public consciousness and its mechanisms, the values of a multi-ethnic society, the peculiarities of national and civil identity.

On September 29, 2017, an expert meeting was held in Shymkent to discuss the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin script. This event was organized by the Department of Internal Policy of the South Kazakhstan region together with the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the expert meeting, the participants shared their opinions on the gradual introduction of the Latin alphabet, and also discussed possible options and forms of the adopted alphabet. The meeting was attended by Head of Social and Political Research Department of the KazISS Alua Zholdybalina, Deputy Head of the Internal Policy Department of Kazakhstan of the South Kazakhstan Region Madiyar Alipov, Head of the Representative office of the KazISS in the South Kazakhstan Region Bektay Ormanov, public person Markhabat Baigut, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Dean of the Philology Faculty of M. O. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University Bolatbek Tileuberdiyev, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Dean of the Philology and History Faculty of the South-Kazakhstan Pedagogical Institute Nariman Nurpeisov, and researcher of the KazISS Slyamzhar Akhmetzharov. The advantages of the Latin alphabet in the process of integration of Kazakhstan into the world scientific environment, the positive effect of the Latin alphabet on building bilateral relations with the Turkic-speaking countries, as well as the adaptability of the younger generation to the upcoming changes in the alphabet were discussed during the meeting. In addition, the experts discussed the international experience of the introduction of the Latin alphabet, the basic principles regarding the designation of specific sounds of various peoples that are not present in the Latin alphabet.

On September 30, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) and the Association of Sociologists of Kazakhstan (ASK) held an international scientific and practical conference "EXPO-2017: Kazakhstan's Modernization Breakthrough" Before the conference, the participants visited the Center for Green Technologies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which implements innovative projects on "green energy" using various energy production technologies. Director of the KazISS under the President of Kazakhstan Zarema Shaukenova, rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Galimkair Mutanov, and Deputy of Mazhilis of Parliament of Kazakhstan, Vice-President of the ASK Serik Seidumanov spoke salutatory words

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 on behalf of the organizers of the conference. In her speech, Zarema Shaukenova noted that we are building a postmodern project by building Kazakhstan of the future. In this regard, Astana is a prototype of such a future. We are creating a powerful, highly urban center. And it becomes the centre of social, cultural and political modernization of the vast region. It attracts the best resources and capital from all over the world. There is an increased interest in investing. Not only monetary, but also human, resource-based. This is a very ambitious task, but it turns out to be feasible if you look at the project that we were able to implement – "EXPO- 2017". Galimkair Mutanov noted that the EXPO-2017 exhibition was a driver of the country's economic development, having a positive multiplier effect on it. It gave a solid impetus to the development of infrastructure, the creation of new jobs, small and medium-sized businesses in the capital and surrounding regions, primarily in the field of public services, hotel business and domestic tourism. Serik Seidumanov drew attention in his speech to the application of the developments presented at the EXPO. For example, it is known that Kazakh companies have already expressed their interest in the introduction of new technologies, which would undoubtedly serve as an impetus for the accelerated development of industries and sectors of the economy. The acquired knowledge will contribute to the implementation of the Third Modernization of Kazakhstan. It is the new model of economic growth that will ensure the country's global competitiveness. Plenary reports were made by Director of the Policy Analysis and Strategic Studies Center of the "Nur Otan" party Yulia Kuchinskaya, Professor of Istanbul University Arslan Mekhmet, Chairman of the Management Board of Delta Engineering LLP Andrey Kolyada, Director of the Ecology Research Institute of Al-Farabi KazNU Aizhan Skakova, and chief researchers of the KazISS under the President of Kazakhstan Yuri Buluktayev and Vyacheslav Dodonov. During the conference, the experts discussed the economic, social and cultural impact of EXPO-2017 on the modernization process in Kazakhstan, the role of socio-humanitarian sciences in solving national problems and other important issues related to the further development of the Kazakh economy.

On October 12, 2017, an expert meeting was held in Uralsk to discuss the program article of Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev on the modernization of public consciousness "Orientation to the Future: Spiritual Renewal". This expert meeting was organized by the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Akimat of the West Kazakhstan region. The meeting was attended by akim of West Kazakhstan region Altay Kulginov, Head of the Social and Political Research Department of the KazISS Alua Zholdybaina, chief researcher of the

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KazISS Berik Abdygaliuly, Deputy Chairman of the ANK in West Kazakhstan region Gaysa Kapakov, President of the "Akzhol" Foundation for the Science and Education Development Murat Sydykov, veteran of work, local historian Zhaisan Akbay, political scientist Sultanbek Sultangaliyev and other representatives of academia, non-governmental sector and government organizations. During the meeting, the key issues of the program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan were discussed. Experts noted the positive role of such concepts as "Tugan Zher" (Motherland) and "Spiritual Shrines of Kazakhstan" for the growth of national and patriotic feelings of Kazakhstanis and the development of cultural tourism. The participants of the meeting also discussed the implementation of these programs in the context of the regions and separately noted the importance of supporting humanitarian education for the development of the cultural intelligentsia of Kazakhstan. A separate part of the speeches was devoted to the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin script. The participants noted the importance of the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin script in the context of global digitalization, as well as the need for this initiative for the full integration of Kazakhstan into the world scientific and technological community. In addition, speakers stressed the importance of a thorough discussion of the transition of Kazakh language to Latin and appreciated the last version of the alphabet, which was finalized taking into account comments and suggestions from the public. As a result of the expert meeting, suggestions and recommendations were made regarding the implementation of "Spiritual Renewal" in the regions of the country, in particular, on the example of West Kazakhstan region.

On October 13-14, 2017, the Sixth Round of the International Conference "Herat Security Dialogue", organized by the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies, was held in Herat, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The event was attended by politicians, scientists and researchers from 17 countries, representatives of diplomatic missions, as well as heads of interested ministries and departments of Afghanistan. Within the framework of the conference, thematic panels were held on the following issues: maintaining civil security on the territory of Afghanistan, the interaction of states in the global war against terrorism, building democratic institutions in former conflict zones, as well as other areas. One of the main topics of the conference was the new US strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia. During the discussion, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Afghanistan for Policy and Strategy Tamim Asi noted that, despite criticism from a number of Afghan and international politicians of the American strategy, the US policy in the region is primarily aimed at ensuring the security and protection of the Afghan population. In turn, the representative of NATO, James Armstrong, noted that the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghan territory could lead to a "vacuum" that would instantly be filled by members of international terrorist organizations. KazISS expert Slyamzhar Akhmetzharov, who took part in the "Democratic State and Society: the Future of Democracy" panel, noted the importance of establishing a two-way relationship between the state and society through the construction of consultative institutions,

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primarily including representatives of civil society. In general, the sixth round of the international conference "Herat Security Dialogue" once again brought together representatives of academic and political spheres from various countries and became an effective platform for discussing the development of the region. According to the participants, such conferences certainly have an impact on the process of making international decisions on the settlement of the political situation in Afghanistan.

On 16 October 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan held a meeting with experts of the Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Institute (REECAI) and the Institute of West Asia and Africa of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). The meeting was attended by Xiao Bin, Chief Researcher of the Strategy Department of the REECAI CASS, Tang Zhichao, Senior Researcher and Head of the Middle East Department at the Institute for West Asia and Africa, and Li Zhonghai, researcher of the REECAI CASS. Deputy Director Sanat Kushkumbayev, Head of the Foreign Policy and International Security Department (FPISD) Meirat Omarov, as well as researcher of the FPISD Kymbat Nurgaliyeva took part in the meeting on the part of the KazISS. Issues of political, economic and humanitarian cooperation between Kazakhstan and China were discussed, the prospects of cooperation between Kazakhstan and China in the field of regional security, including within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, were touched upon during the meeting. Following the meeting, the parties noted the importance of strengthening the Kazakh- Chinese cooperation in the research field.

On October 26, 2017, an expert meeting with Professor Gregory Gleason, Professor of the George Marshall European Center for Security Studies, was held at the KazISS Representative Office in Almaty. The meeting was attended by Head of the Representative Office Madina Nurgaliyeva and senior researcher Gulnara Mukhatayeva. During the meeting, the parties discussed topical issues related to ensuring security in Central Asia, resolving the situation in Syria, as well as assessing the importance of the Astana platform and the upcoming 7th round of negotiations on the settlement of the Syrian conflict on October 30-31, 2017. The participants of the meeting also focused on the assessment of the situation in Afghanistan, as well as problems related to transnational organized crime. Another aspect of the

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 discussion was an overview of the economic situation, including an assessment of the role and prospects of the dollar as a world currency. The parties also discussed prospects and identified a number of topical issues for further cooperation between the KazISS and the George Marshall European Center for Security Studies.

On October 28, 2017, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MGIMO) hosted an international scientific-practical conference "Kazakhstan and Russia: 25 years of friendship and strategic partnership", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The conference was attended by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Russia Imangali Tasmagambetov, Rector of MGIMO Anatoly Torkunov, State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Galymzhan Koishybayev, Head of the Presidential Administration for Interregional and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Vladimir Chernov, and senior officials of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The expert community of the two countries was represented by Andrey Kazantsev, Director of the Center for Research on Central Asia and Afghanistan at the MGIMO Institute of International Studies, Sultan Akimbekov, Editor-in-Chief of the "Center of Asia" journal, Ivan Safranchuk, leading researcher at the Center for Research on Central Asia and Afghanistan at the MGIMO Institute of International Studies, Alexey Frolov, Deputy Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo FA, and Baubek Somzhurek, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Innovation at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. On behalf of the KazISS, the conference was attended by chief researcher, Doctor of Economics Vyacheslav Dodonov, who made a report on the topic "Trends and Factors of Economic Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia", where he highlighted the dynamics and features of bilateral cooperation in such areas as mutual trade, investment and entrepreneurship.

On November 10-11, 2017, the International Conference on Security and Sustainable Development in Central Asia "Central Asia: One Past and Common Future, Cooperation for Sustainable Development and Mutual Prosperity" was held in Samarkand (Uzbekistan). This forum was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (RCPCA) and the Regional Office for Central Asia of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The conference was held under the auspices of the United Nations and was announced in the speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the 72nd session of the UN General

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Assembly in New York (September 12, 2017). This forum had a high status of representation – it was attended by heads of international organizations such as the UN, OSCE, EU, SCO, CIS, Foreign Ministers of Central Asian countries, delegations of Afghanistan, the United States, European states, Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Japan, South Korea, Ukraine, including both state and public figures, as well as representatives of the academic and analytical communities. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev delivered a welcoming speech at the plenary session, outlining the priorities and principles of the foreign policy of modern Uzbekistan, confirming that Central Asia is a strategic priority. The conference discussed issues of ensuring regional stability and security, cooperation in the field of water use and ecology, the development of regional cooperation in Central Asia, the assistance of the international community to the countries of the region in countering modern security challenges and ensuring sustainable development. The forum participants confirmed the need to strengthen the central role of the UN in the fight against security challenges and threats in the region. The importance of effective use of the tools of preventive diplomacy was emphasized. At the same time, a decisive role in ensuring the stability of the region belongs to the states of the region and lies in their stable adherence to the principle of bilateral and multilateral negotiations and consultations based on consensus, equality, and respect for each other's interests. The conference noted positive developments in the settlement of border disputes between the countries of the region, the delimitation and demarcation of state borders. In this context, the signed documents were of high importance: Agreement between Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan on the Demarcation of the Kazakh- Turkmen state border, Agreement between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan on Kyrgyz-Uzbek state border and Agreement between Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan on the point where the borders of three States cross. The forum delegates supported the practice of holding regular meetings of the foreign ministers of the Central Asian countries to discuss topical issues of the region's development, as well as expanding contacts between other ministries and departments of the region's countries, strengthening cross-border cooperation, including through the active involvement of public organizations, youth movements, research and analytical centres, universities, cultural and creative associations, NGOs and other structures. The key issues for discussion were also the implementation of joint measures of the countries of the region to counter radicalization and violent extremism and, in this context, preventive work among young people; the problems of combating illegal trade and smuggling of drugs and prosecutors; the implementation of joint measures in the field of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, ensuring nuclear safety, eliminating radioactive waste, etc. The conference was attended by chief researchers of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Irina Chernykh and Lesya Karatayeva.

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On November 10, 2017, the International Conference "The Impact of Geopolitical Changes on the Future of the Turkic Council" was held in Baku. The Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan was an organizer of the scientific event. The conference was attended by Secretary General of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States Ramil Hasanov, Deputy Head of Foreign Policy Department of the presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan Arastu Habibbayli, Deputy Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-Speaking States Kurshad Sariarslan, Director of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan Republic Farhad Mamadov, Deputy Director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies of the Kyrgyz Republic Nuradil Baydoletov, Head of the External Policy Department at the Center for Strategic Studies under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Turkish Republic Sidem Koksal, senior officials of the Secretariat of the Turkic Council, International Foundation of Turkic Culture and Heritage of the Turkic Academy, and experts of leading research institutions. On behalf of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the conference was attended by Acting Deputy Director Kazbek Issayev, who made a report on the topic: "The Influence of the Geopolitical Situation in Central Asia on the Development of Cooperation between the Turkic-Speaking States". At the end of the conference, the 4th meeting of the official institutes and centers for strategic studies of the member states of the Turkic Council was held, where the main directions and prospects for the implementation of joint projects were discussed.

On November 16, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted the presentation of the "Zh. Kh. Dzhunussova. Scientist. Political scientist. Personality" book, dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Zhanylzhan Khassymovna Dzhunussova. The event was attended by deputies of the Majilis of the Kazakh Parliament, representatives of state bodies, prominent public figures, professors of L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan, as well as leading experts from research institutes. In her opening speech, director of the KazISS Zarema Shaukenova noted that, being one of the first doctors of political science in the country, Zh. Dzhunussova made a significant contribution to the development of Kazakhstan's political science. The KazISS, having supported the initiative of her colleagues and students, prepared a book dedicated to the memory of Zh. Dzhunussova for publication. The book includes a bibliography, selected works, and recollections of Zhanylzhan Kassymovna. In her scientific articles and speeches, she paid special attention to the processes of modernization of Kazakhstan's society, the study of political parties, etc. The scientist generously shared her thoughts with young specialists – political scientists, philosophers, and sociologists – working as a teacher in the universities of the republic for many

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 years and having trained dozens of doctors and candidates of sciences. At the presentation, a new generation of KazISS employees was presented – young analysts prepared speeches on the current works of Zh. Kh. Dzhunussova. Anna Alshanskaya, a researcher at the Social and Economic Research Department, chose the well-known report of Zhanylzhan Khassymovna at an international conference in 2003. In it, she said that "Urbanization in Kazakhstan has an enclave and extensive character. Urbanization changes the social structure of cities, their demographic and cultural appearance makes it difficult to translate democratic culture, its norms and values into the environment of new urban and rural migrants." And at present, the topic of urbanization remains complex and relevant for discussion. Researcher of the Social and Economic Research Department Gulnaz Kassimova focused in her speech on Zh. Dzhunussova's report "Political Modernization of Kazakhstan in the New Decade" prepared in 2010. In it, based on the analysis of the international experience of other countries, the professor actualizes and uses the concept of "modernization of the internal environment" as a factor of strength and stability of the democratization of the political system. Researcher of the Foreign Policy and International Security Department Kymbat Nurgaliyeva noted the high level of Professor Zh. Dzhunussova's proficiency in English that allowed her to prepare scientific articles in English, as well as to become the owner of prestigious international grants. Zhanylzhan Khassymovna made a huge contribution to the training of Kazakhstan's diplomats and specialists in the field of international relations as a mentor and curator of students of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. K. Nurgaliyeva was a student of the lectures by Professor Zh. Dzhunussova. At the presentation, she quoted an article by Zhanylzhan Khassymovna on the topic "Kazakhstan's Political Transformation Since 1991". Researcher of the Social and Economic Research Department Baltabay Syzdykov noted the activities of Zh. Kh. Dzhunussova in the international political sphere. So, since 2008, Zhanylzhan Kassymovna took an active part in the OSCE Mission for monitoring the presidential elections in such countries as Armenia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. The most important tasks of her activities included the analysis of the political situation and monitoring of election campaigns, the formation of results in the form of extensive reports. A number of works are dedicated to this topic, including the "ODIHR/OSCE Election Observation Missions in the light of Kazakhstan's OSCE Chairmanship (Experience of a Long-Term Observer)". Researcher of the Social and Political Research Department Slyamzhar Akhmetzharov noted that in her publications, Zhanylzhan Khassymovna emphasized the great importance of national values and national ideology, which are especially relevant during the crisis. In recent years, the activities of Zh. Kh. Dzhunussova have been closely associated with the work in the Scientific and Expert Council of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. She performed at many of its venues. Among these presentations of the scientist, S. Akhmetzhanov dwelled on the work: "Kazakhstan and Singapore: Modernization of Inter-Ethnic Relations". The speeches of the young employees of the KazISS were warmly received by the audience, creating a special atmosphere for the presentation of the book, which were then continued by colleagues and friends of Zhanylzhan Khassymovna. Director of the Republican Information Center for the Study of Historical Materials, Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Meruert Abusseitova noted that the works of

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Zh. Dzhunussova were of a holistic and conceptual nature and made a huge contribution to the development of scientific and political thought. Head of the Department of L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Economics Anatoly Bashmakov noted not only her professional qualities as a well-known scientist and political expert in Kazakhstan but also universal properties such as intelligence, open-mindedness, exceptional hard work and human simplicity, harmony of professional and moral values in her personality. Speaking about the great contribution of Professor Zh. Dzhunussova contribution to the Kazakh political science, Director of the Institute of Political, Social and Historical Studies, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Kamal Burkhanov noted that she was a pioneer in political comparative studies. Concluding the event, Zarema Shaukenova thanked all those who took part in the preparation for the publication and presentation of the book, for respecting the memory of the famous political scientist and wonderful person Zhanylzhan Khassymovna Dzhunussova.

On November 23, 2017, the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted the opening of the historical-documentary and book exhibitions "From Kazakhstan-2030 to Kazakhstan-2050: a Strategic Breakthrough of the Successful State", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Development Program of Kazakhstan until 2030. The event was organized by the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan and the Institute of State History of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the opening ceremony, Director of the National Academic Library Umutkan Munalbayeva, Director of the Institute of State History of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ayagan Burkitbai, Acting Deputy Director of the KazISS Kazbek Issaev, and Deputy Director of the Archive of the President of Kazakhstan Kairat Alimgazinov presented a welcoming speech. In his speech, Kazbek Issayev noted that the "Kazakhstan-2030" Strategy had become a well-established structure and an effective plan for achieving economic growth and strengthening the political stability of Kazakhstan. This exhibition, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the strategic "Kazakhstan-2030" Program, will undoubtedly make a significant contribution to the historical understanding of the successful state reforms. Within the framework of the exhibition, the leading experts of the KazISS made reports on significant positive changes that have occurred in Kazakhstan since 1997. Chief Researcher Vyacheslav Dodonov focused the attention of the participants of the event on the micro- and macroeconomic indicators of the country over the past 20 years. In particular, he spoke about the development of infrastructure, long-term partnership to attract technology and capital, further strategy for the use of energy resources and other equally important aspects of the economy. Head of the International Studies Department Meirat Omarov considered the foreign policy aspects of strengthening national security and its integration with regional and global security systems outlined in the "Kazakhstan - 2030" Strategy. The speaker noted that these tasks have been completely fulfilled, the country's foreign policy has led to the fact that Kazakhstan now

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 consists of various systems of collective security, which allow it to observe the balance of interests of the leading powers of the world on its territory, thereby providing the basis for the strength of the national security of our state. Slyamzhar Akhmetzharov, a researcher at the Social and Political Research Department, spoke about public councils – a unique dialogue platform that allowed for the open expression of the opinion of civil society on various issues. Back in 1997, the "Kazakhstan-2030" Strategy included the need to strengthen the responsibility of state bodies. Public councils are the very institution that fulfills the task set by the President. Thus, public councils have found their rightful place in the system of public administration. At the end of the event head of the Department for Organization and use of documents of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bolegen Kassenov told about the original exhibits. Unique archival materials reflecting the main stages of the adoption and implementation of the "Kazakhstan-2030" Strategy, as well as book publications covering the documentary film of the history of Independent Kazakhstan, were presented.

On November 24, 2017, the presentation of the key thematic blocks "N. A. Nazarbayev – Modernization of Public Consciousness " and "N. A. Nazarbayev – Eurasian Integration Processes: Prospects for Modernization" that are a part of the sociological research: "Analysis of Social and Cultural Processes in the context of the Third Modernization of Kazakhstan" and "Expert and Analytical Support of Some Measures of State Communication Policy in the Conditions of Modernization of Modern Kazakhstan" was held in Astana. The presentation was attended by Director of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zarema Shaukenova, Director of the Kazakhstan Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University Alexander Sidorovich, Head of the Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Anatoly Bashmakov, Director of the Center for Political Analysis and Strategic Studies of the "Nur Otan" party Yuliya Kuchinskaya, and member of the Scientific and Expert Council of the APK Nursulu Shaimerdenova. Giving a welcoming speech, Rector of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Erlan Sydykov noted that the high support of Kazakhstanis for the program article "Orientation to the Future: Spiritual Renewal" and integration processes within the EAEU clearly demonstrated the success of the long-term course conducted by Elbasy in the domestic and foreign policy of the country. The Rector also focused on ENU research projects and opportunities for the scientific design for young people. Director of the Eurasian Integration Institute Gani Nygymetov presented the first block "N. A. Nazarbayev – Modernization of Public Consciousness where he said that it was no coincidence that the presentation of the research results was held on the eve of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as the issues of modernization of public consciousness and Eurasian integration are inextricably linked with the fundamental strategy of Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev.

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The research results demonstrate the formation of a mass segment of the population in society that is open to change. In the vanguard of this group are townsmen, young people, and people with higher education. In addition, the speaker noted that there is a consensus in the society between mass and elite groups of the population in recognizing the importance of the main directions of social and cultural modernization of the Kazakhstan society, since they meet the needs in the field of spiritual and personal development, increasing competitiveness, and preserving the important cultural heritage of the people. The second block of research "N. A. Nazarbayev – Eurasian Integration Processes: Prospects for Modernization" was presented by Natalia Kalashnikova, Deputy Director of the Eurasian Integration Institute. According to her, the analysis of the data showed that the Kazakh society has a high level of support for the country's participation in the Eurasian Integration Project, the initiative of which belongs to President of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev. In addition, the assessments of well-known world politicians and top sociological centres about the outstanding role of the integration policy of Nursultan Nazarbayev in the Eurasian space and the CIS were demonstrated. The event was attended by over 80 representatives of central and regional government agencies, research organizations, the scientific and expert and sociological community, and the media. In particular, representatives of the Internal Policy Departments of the regions and the cities of Astana and Almaty took part in the work.

On November 27, 2017, Astana hosted the International Parliamentary Conference "Kazakhstan's Model of Modernization in the New Global Reality", dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conference was attended by the heads of the Parliaments of Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Hungary and other countries, representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Kazakhstan, heads and representatives of international organizations, heads of state bodies of Kazakhstan, as well as Kazakh experts and scientists. Chairman of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Nigmatulin addressed the participants of the conference with a greeting. The plenary session was moderated by Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Security of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Maulen Ashimbayev. Plenary reports were made by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan , Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Sergey Neverov, Deputy Chairman of the Grand National Assembly of Turkish Republic Aydin Ahmet, Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria Valeri Zhablyanov, Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly of Hungary Tamás Schneider, Deputy Chairman of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan Valeh Aleskerov, and resident coordinator of the United Nations in Kazakhstan Norimasa Shimomura. Two sessions – "Innovations. Digitalization. Green Economy. Drivers of a New Model of Economic Growth" and "Modernization of Public Consciousness as a Factor of national success" were held within the framework of the conference

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Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zarema Shaukenova made a report on "Changing Together with the World, Preserving National Identity" at a session dedicated to the modernization of public consciousness. The attention of the conference participants was also drawn to the initiatives of the President of Kazakhstan on global nuclear disarmament, the fight against extremism and terrorism, the formation of a regional security zone in Central Asia, and Kazakhstan's peacekeeping efforts to end hostilities between the warring parties in Syria. The exchange of views showed that the role of the Leader of the Nation, Nursultan Nazarbayev, is of great interest to the international community.

On December 4, 2017, Astana hosted the Republican Forum dedicated to improving the effectiveness of the Councils of Public Consent of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. The forum was attended by Chairman of the Trade Unions Federation of Kazakhstan B. Abdirayim, members of Kazakhstan Parliament, members of councils of public consent of the ANK at all levels, as well as representatives of state bodies and scientific expert community. The forum participants discussed topical issues of ensuring the active participation of the members of the Councils of Public Consent of the APK in solving national tasks, exchanged experience and positive practices of these councils, and also discussed the effectiveness of the participation of the Councils of Public Consent of the APK in the implementation of the Spiritual Renewal program. During the foresight session "Improving the Activities of Councils of Public Consent of the ANK", expert of the KazISS Slyamzhar Akhmetzharov made a report on the results of a study conducted by the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakstan "Public Councils in Kazakhstan: Main Trends of development". The expert also focused on the similarities and differences between the institutions of the Councils of Public Consent of the APK and the Public Councils established under state bodies.

On December 8, 2017, the presentation of the collective monographs "Social Modernization of Kazakhstan" and "Communication Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Current State and Prospects of Development" was held in Almaty on the basis of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The monographs were published by the Institute of Eurasian Integration together with L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. The monographs include the results of a comprehensive sociological study in the context of the Spiritual Renewal program, conducted in 2017. The event was attended by representatives of the scientific and expert community and state bodies, authors of monographs and reviewers, representatives of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, and journalists. Moderator and key speaker, presenting the monograph, was Deputy Director of the Eurasian Integration Institute, member of the National Commission for the Implementation of the Program of Modernization of Public Consciousness under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Natalya Kalashnikova. In her speech, head

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 of the KazISS Representative Office in Almaty Madina Nurgaliyeva noted a balanced combination of theoretical and applied aspects, visualization of sociological data, modernization of approaches to work – experts of various specializations were a part of the author's team.

On December 11, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a meeting with Matthew Rojansky, Director of the Kennan Institute, and Robert Daly, Director of the Kissinger Institute for China and US Studies at the Woodrow Wilson International Research Center. Director Zarema Shaukenova and Deputy Director Sanat Kushkumbayev took part in the meeting from the KazISS. The main topic of the dialogue was international relations in Central Asia and prospects for regional development. Traditionally, the issue of Afghanistan was raised. In addition, American experts were interested in the positions and policies of key actors in the region – Russia and China, especially in the framework of integration and infrastructure projects, such as the EAEU and the "One Belt, One Road" project. The social and economic development of Kazakhstan was also in the focus of the interests of foreign researchers. Matthew Rojansky highly appreciated the Bolashak program, noting that such an educational policy shows that the country's leadership has a strategic approach to training personnel and specialists. The parties agreed to intensify bilateral scientific and expert cooperation.

On December 13, 2017, the round table "From Kazakhstan-2030 to Kazakhstan - 2050: a Strategic Breakthrough of the Successful State" was held in Almaty, dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Kazakhstan Development Program until 2030. The event was organized by the Archive of the President of Kazakhstan and the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan. The event was a continuation of the close cooperation between the two structures. Opening the event, Director of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Boris Dzhaparov stressed that the "Kazakhstan-2030" Strategy was a "road map" for building Independence. This can be clearly seen in the provisions of the document, where the logic of building a professional state with a market economy was based on a safe and stable foundation. Head of the Representative Office of the KazISS in Almaty Madina Nurgaliyeva outlined the key achievements of Kazakhstan in the political, social and economic areas and emphasized the importance of the process of social modernization of consciousness in the context of the formation of everyday behavioural practices of Kazakhstanis. The report of Deputy Director of the Archive K. Sh. Alimgazinov was focused on the importance of continuity

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017 of strategic documents. In particular, the speaker recalled that the main results of the "Kazakhstan- 2030" program were summed up by President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev on December 14, 2012, during his speech with the program document of "Kazakhstan-2050. Strategic Course of the Successful State". The reporter drew attention to the fact that the first stage of the "Kazakhstan - 2030" program laid the basis for the implementation of all tenets of the Strategy and created the conditions for sustainable economic development, modernization of government structures and reform of the social sector. The round table was accompanied by a historical and documentary exhibition, where unique archival materials were presented in chronological order, reflecting the main stages of adoption and implementation of the "Kazakhstan-2030" Strategy in the history of Independent Kazakhstan.

On December 14, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan held a working meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to Kazakhstan Michael Brodskiy. Director Zarema Shaukenova, Acting Deputy Director Kazbek Issayev and researcher of the International Studies Department Anastasiya Reshetnyak took part in the event on behalf of the KazISS. The director of KazISS acquainted the guest with the activities of the Institute as a state analytical institution, told about the main directions of foreign and domestic policy of Kazakhstan, the successes and prospects of sustainable development in the political and economic spheres of the Kazakh society. The main problems and prospects for the development of Central Asia, the relations of the countries of the region with key world players, global trends and their impact on regional development were also discussed within the framework of the meeting. The parties expressed interest in expanding cooperation between the KazISS and Israeli think tanks.

On December 15, 2017, Astana hosted the presentation of the book of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev's "Era of Independence". The book of the Head of State, written in the genre of historical journalism, highlights the stages of building a sovereign Kazakhstan from the moment of its foundation to the present day. The key principles, mechanisms and driving forces of the "Kazakhstan Model" of development, three waves of modernization of the country, which focus on the issues of dismantling the totalitarian system and building a market economy, early entry into the top 50 competitive countries of the world are presented in the book. The history of independent Kazakhstan is revealed in the following sections of the book: "The Birth of the State. The First Modernization of Kazakhstan (1991-1995)"; " The Great

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Overcoming. Start of the Second Modernization of Kazakhstan (1996-1999)"; "On a Steep Rise. The Second Modernization of Kazakhstan (2000-early 2010s)"; "A Successful State. The Third Modernization of Kazakhstan (2010s)". In the introduction to the book "Era of Independence", President N. A. Nazarbayev noted: "Only free, independent, educated and responsible citizens can build a strong and prosperous state, those who understand what path the country has taken and what opens up before it. I am sure that the book will help to better learn and understand the glorious history of the first decades of our Motherland – independent Kazakhstan, to feel proud of the country again and join the ranks of the builders of its future." The presentation was attended by prominent state and public figures, representatives of the scientific and pedagogical community of the republic. First Deputy Chairman of the "Nur Otan" party Mukhtar Kul-Muhammed, Deputy Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Babakumarov, Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the APK of the Presidential Administration Leonid Prokopenko, Deputy of the Senate of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Zhumagulov, Chairman of the Management Board of "Egemen Kazakhstan" Darkhan Kydyrali, Rector of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Erlan Sydykov, and Deputy Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for strategic studies under the President of Kazakhstan Sanat Kushkumbayev performed their speeches during the presentation. In his report, S. Kushkumbayev noted that the book of the Head of State, written in a lively narrative style, presents all three stages of modernization, which are not coincidentally synchronized with the foreign policy achievements of our country. The expert also highlighted the most striking foreign policy achievements of Kazakhstan, which are reflected in the book of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev "Era of Independence".

On December 20, 2017, the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted a meeting with experts from the Japan Association for Trade with Russia and New Independent States (ROTOBO). Deputy Director Sanat Kushkumbayev, Chief Researcher Vyacheslav Dodonov and Researcher Anastasiya Reshetnyak took part in the event on behalf of the KazISS. The topic of discussion was the economic development of the oil-producing countries of the Caspian region and the diversification of their economies, as well as economic cooperation of Kazakhstan with its Asian partners. As it was noted by V. Dodonov, the most promising areas for foreign investment in the Republic of Kazakhstan were the manufacturing industry and the production of final products. One of the key advantages for investing in Kazakhstan's production is the presence of a sales market that is not limited to Kazakhstan, but covers all the states of the EAEU. For her part, Director of the Institute of Economic Research of Russia and the CIS Miki Wajima noted that Kazakhstan is the most successful example in overcoming dependence on oil and gas among the Caspian states of the CIS. It was stressed that Japan is interested in cooperation and investment in the economy of Kazakhstan.

Chronicle of the Main Events of the Institute in 2017

On December 21, 2017, the Central Communications Service hosted the presentation of the book "Nursultan Nazarbayev – Orientation to the Future: Spiritual Renewal (articles, interviews, speeches, expert comments and reference and analytical materials)", prepared by the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event was attended by the authors of the book materials, representatives of government agencies, research institutes, as well as the media. Program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev "Orientation to the Future: Spiritual Renewal" aroused great interest and was widely discussed both in Kazakhstan and abroad. The book contains articles, interviews, speeches of well-known political and public figures, representatives of the scientific and analytical community of the republic and foreign countries. The publication also includes reference, analytical and methodological materials prepared by the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the key areas of the article of the Head of State. In her speech, director of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zarema Shaukenova noted the significance, content and scale of the tasks set in the program article "Orientation to the Future: Spiritual Renewal". It was emphasized that the document is already embroidered into the historical chronicle of Kazakhstan. According to leading researcher of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Gaziz Telebayev, the presented book was published in due time, as now the society is in the process of deep understanding of the program article of the Head of State "Orientation to the Future: Spiritual Renewal". In this regard, a scientific approach to its study is especially required. The speaker drew attention to the articles published in the book by famous Kazakh philosophers: A. Aytaly, Zh. Abdildina and R. Abdildina that marked the moral and spiritual values of the society in the context of Spiritual Renewal. Expert, political scientist Sayasat Nurbek noted the relevance of the program article of the Head of State "Orientation to the Future: Spiritual Renewal" in the light of recent research in the field of modernization theory and institutional economics. Today, one of the key tasks of modernization is the identification and formation of "promodernization" values, getting rid of the psychology of dependency, paternalism, creating a progressive business culture, motivation for success, and mobility. Director of the Political Analysis and Strategic Studies Center of the Nur Otan Party, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Yuliya Kuchinskaya noted that the presented book is of particular value as a source for foresight research and for assessing possible future scenarios. The book contains reflections on the development of Kazakhstan's society in the context of systemic modernization of domestic and foreign experts. In this context, the article of Director of the Institute of Regional Problems (Russia) Dmitriy Zhuravlev, which reflects the ideas of modernization, tradition, and development, is of certain interest. Alua Zholdybalina, Head of the Social and Political Studies Department of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, focused on the peculiarities of the cultural

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modernization process. She also noted that the importance and significance of culture in the implementation of Spiritual Renewal was presented in an interview by KazISS employees – M. Nurgaliyeva, Y. Buluktayev, L. Karatayeva, as well as by Russian political scientist A. Kazantsev and expert Yu. Kofner, Doctor of Political Science A. Bizhanov, Professor A. Derbisali, Deputy Chairman of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan V. Bozhko.

On December 28, 2017, an extended meeting of the Academic Council was held at the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Director of the Institute Zarema Shaukenova made a report on the work done by the KazISS in 2017. The meeting was attended by the staff of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Astana, the employees of the Representative Office of the Institute in Almaty (by means of the Internet connection), as well as representative of the KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in South Kazakhstan region Bektai Ormanov. The activities of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2017 were aimed at preparing and providing the country's management bodies with the necessary forecast-analytical and scientific-informational materials in the field of domestic policy, socio-economic processes, and foreign policy strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the reporting period, the KazISS held 40 scientific and organizational events, including 20 expert discussions and meetings, 8 round tables, 5 international conferences, 2 book presentations and 1 public report of the KazISS, 1 international seminar, 1 press briefing for foreign journalists, 1 protocol event (signing ceremony of the memorandum of cooperation), 1 historical- documentary and book exhibition. 22 books and periodicals have been prepared, including 3 author's monographs, 4 collections of scientific papers and conference materials, 3 information and analytical brochures, 12 issues of KazISS scientific journals: the scientific and analytical journal "Kogam zhane Dauir", the scientific journal "Kazakhstan-Spectrum", the Quarterly Analytical Review "Central Asia's Affairs". In 2017, the KazISS employees published 97 scientific and analytical materials, including 54 works in KazISS publications, 21 works in other Kazakhstani publications, and 22 works in foreign scientific journals and collections. 226 reports were prepared and announced at various conferences, expert forums, seminars, and round tables. 181 reports were presented within the framework of Kazakhstan's scientific events, while 45 reports were announced at conferences organized by foreign scientific and analytical centres. During the reporting period, KazISS experts made 480 appearances in the media, including 99 in print publications, 102 on television and radio, and 279 in electronic media.

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In order to expand and develop international scientific relations, explain the main provisions of the domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the priorities of Kazakhstan in the field of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, the employees of the KazISS held 30 meetings with representatives of foreign embassies, international organizations, foreign research and analytical centres in 2017. In 2017, the KazISS accepted 14 students and undergraduates of Nazarbayev University, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for professional, pre-graduate practical training and internships in accordance with the agreements on cooperation with higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the Academic Council, the Institute's employees were awarded the KazISS Certificates of Honour. In particular, chief researcher Vyacheslav Dodonov, senior researcher of the Foreign Policy and International Security Department Anastasiya Reshetnyak, senior researcher of the Social and Political Research Department Zhanara Sankhayeva, researcher of the Social and Economic Research Department Baltabay Syzdykov, and chief expert Berikzhan Lespek were awarded the certificates of honour of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the record into the employment book. At the end of the meeting, KazISS Director Zarema Shaukenova thanked the team for the work done in 2017, congratulated all employees on the upcoming New Year and wished them good health, happiness, well-being and success in implementing the tasks and plans for 2018.