Regionalism, Education, and Romanian Nationalism
Irina Livezeanu. Cultural Politics in Greater Romania: Regionalism, Nation Building, and Ethnic Struggle, 1918-1930. Ithaca, N.Y., and London: Cornell University Press, 1995. xx + 340 pp. $45.00, cloth, ISBN 978-0-8014-2445-8. Reviewed by Jim Niessen Published on HABSBURG (February, 1996) Studies of Romanian nationalism have fo‐ stantin Angelescu, in documenting the "cultural cused mostly on their leading ideologists and po‐ offensive" that sought to centralize, Romanianize, litical fgures, such as the historian Nicolae Iorga and expand the school system. and the founder of the Iron Guard, Corneliu Zelea Also prominent in Livezeanu's account is the Codreanu. It is well known that their movements voice of Transylvanian educator Onisifor Ghibu, arose in the university milieu: Professor Iorga's whose papers the author consulted in the home of before the First World War, and that of the stu‐ his son in Bucharest. As a member of Transylva‐ dent Codreanu in its aftermath. In contrast, the nia's Directing Council and then Professor of Edu‐ work under review places the nationalism of the cation at Cluj University, which he had helped Ro‐ interwar period solidly into the context of the manianize, Ghibu fulminated in his voluminous state's educational policy. Of even greater interest published and unpublished oeuvre on the need to for our readers, the author demonstrates that the advance Romanian culture through education, challenge of integrating Romania's new regions but also to respect local particularities in doing so. (Bukovina, Bessarabia, and Transylvania) deci‐ I would add that Ghibu's selective opposition to sively influenced educational policy and how stu‐ centralized, forced Romanianization reflected not dents responded.
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