Pro Memoria 1940-1945

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Pro Memoria 1940-1945 A REVIEW OF THE ROMANIANS WHO WERE PERSECUTED, EXILED OR DEPORTED FOR ETHNICAL REASONS PRO MEMORIA 1940-1945 A Selective Volume in English No. 1/ 2009 Including Articles, Portraits, Insets, Investigations and Documents Published in Romania During 2004-2008, and Signed by: Executive Bureau of F.N.R.P.E., Leading Council of A.J.R.C., B.I. Bălan, I. Bâtea, I. Bojan, V.I. Bunea, V. Cacoveanu, M. Carp, A. Coltor, I. Corneanu, I. Cîmpeanu, N. Décsei, C. Jecan, I. Lăcătuşu, V. Lechinţan, M. Mălai, A. S. Feştilă, H. Gyözö D. Horvath, Z. Millea, C. Mircioiu, C. Mustaţă, A. Păunescu, I. Longin Popescu, D. Reteşan, V.T. Suciu, I. Şandru, I. Şerdeanu, N. Şteiu, I. Tămaş, M. L. Tomuţa, V. Tutula, D. Ureche, E. Vescan, V. Vişinescu, Editorial Staff of the Newspaper „Graiul Sălajului”, Editorial Staff of the Review „Pro Memoria 1940-1945”. NAPOCA STAR PUBLISHING HOUSE CLUJ-NAPOCA 2009 1 CONTENTS EVENTS FROM THE LIFE OF THE REFUGEES’ ASSOCIATION „PRO MEMORIA 1940-1945” AND AFFILIATED ASSOCIATIONS Constantin MUSTAŢĂ: SELECTIONS FROM „MILLENNIUM III” BROADCAST BY RADIO CLUJ – 27.11.2003....................................................5 Doina RETEŞAN, Maria-Livia TOMUŢA, Corina JECAN: THE FIRST NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE ETHNIC PERSECUTED ROMANIANS’ FEDERATION „PRO MEMORIA 1940-19452”.................................................13 B. I. BĂLAN, M. MĂLAI, I. TĂMAŞ, E. VESCAN: FOR THE IMMORTALITY OF THE MARTYRS AND HEROES OF THE ROMANIAN NATION.........16 Sequences entitled: Pilgrimage to Ip and Treznea.........................................16 At Alba Iulia and Ţebea.................................................................................20 Requiem for the Never to Be Forgotten Martyrs in Turda.............................23 The Memorial House and Martyr’s Monuments at Moisei............................25 The Romanian Army’s Day...........................................................................28 Commemorative Activities at Sfântu Gheorghe............................................29 Commemorative Show: „Glory to the Heroes and Martyrs of the Romanian Nation” in Cluj-Napoca.....................................................32 Vasile BUNEA: IN MEMORY OF THE COLLECTIVE CRIMES AT MUREŞENII DE CÂMPIE.............................................................................35 Barbu I. BĂLAN: IN MEMORY OF THE POET IUSTIN ILIEŞIU (1900-1976)..............................................................................................................39 Executive Bureau of F.N.R.P.E: HUMANITARIAN CALL......................................44 LETTER OF PROTEST.........................................45 PORTRAITS AND INSETS Crişan MIRCIOIU: AT ONISIFOR GHIBU’S SIDE AGAINST CONCEDING TRANSYLVANIA...................................................46 Aurel COLTOR: HARRY MAIOROVICI..................................................................50 2 Constantin MUSTAŢĂ: WHEN RAOUL ŞORBAN, PATRIARCH OF OUR CULTURE, PASSED AWAY...............................................................52 Staff of the Newspaper „Graiul Sălajului”: DR. IOAN PUŞCAŞ – A PROFESSIONAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH..............................................58 Staff of the Magazine „Pro Memoria”: CRIŞAN MIRCIOIU AT 95.........................59 Marius MĂLAI: IN THE MEMORY OF THE REFUGEE MARIA POPESCU-POP.. .....................................................................................61 INVESTIGATIONS AND DOCUMENTS Matatias CARP: SĂRMAŞ – ONE OF THE MOST HORRIBLE FASCIST CRIMES (1)..........................................................................................63 Ioan LĂCĂTUŞU: NOTES ON ROMANIANS’ CALVARY IN COVASNA DURING HORTHYSTE OCCUPATION, AUTUMN 1940 (1)........................66 Valentin VIŞINESCU and Eugen VESCAN: AN APPEAL TO ALL INHABITANTS OF TRANSYLVANIA AND BANATE..................................68 Vasile TUTULA and Dinu URECHE: REFUGEES CROSSING THE BORDER AT COŞNA..................................................................................70 Nicolae ŞTEIU: THE AGITATED WEEK OF HUEDIN, SEPTEMBER, 9-16, 940........................................................................................73 Ioan CORNEANU and Nicolae DECSEI: ON THE JEWS’ HOLOCAUST IN NORTH-WEST TRANYSLVANIA DURING THE HORTHYSTE-FASCIST OCCUPATION..................................................77 Ioan BÂTEA: THE GOLGOTHA OF THOSE FROM SCĂRIŞOARA (1)...............80 Vasile LECHINŢAN: ARCHIVES DO SPEAK (1). (Declarations of the refugees Lazăr and Tufan).................................................81 Zeno MILLEA: AGAINST THE „MODERATE” AND „RADICAL” ROMANIAN SPIRIT IN THE HUNGARIAN PRESS (1)...........................86 Ioan BOJAN: THE INNER AND INTERNATIONAL FRAME OF THE LIBERATION OF NORTH-WEST TRANSYLVANIA FROM HUNGARIAN OCCUPATION. CONSEQUENCES OF COMMUNIST RUSSIAN MILITARY ADMINISTRATION IN NORTH-WEST TRANSYLVANIA..................................................................................................87 Viorel CACOVEANU: OPEN LETTER TO MR. SÜTŐ ANDRAS...........................95 3 OPINIONS Ioan CÎMPEANU: GERMAN-ITALIAN INVESTIGATION IN TRANSYLVANIA UNDER HORTHYSTE OCCUPATION....................100 Vasile T. SUCIU: VICTIMS OF THE REVOLUTION IN THE SZECKLER LAND................................................................................101 Ioan LĂCĂTUŞU: OPINIONS CONCERNING THE AUTONOMY OF THE SZECKLER LAND...............................................................................103 Ion Longin POPESCU: A DIALOGUE WITH VASILE LECHINŢAN AN ABSURD DECISION OF THE ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT…….....105 Barbu I. BĂLAN: A FALSE PLEADING ABOUT THE CHURCH AND HUMAN RIGHTS......................................................................................108 Ilie ŞANDRU: HUNGARIAN IMPUDENCE............................................................110 Ioan ŞERDEANU: DUZSÁRDY’S FOLLOWERS (1).............................................112 Aurel S. FEŞTILĂ: FACTS AND EVENTS FROM THE YEARS OF HORTHYSTE OCCUPATION (1940-1944)...............................................113 Alexandru BENEA: A TRANSIENT HELL (by Mircea Mol-Ilarian).......................114 HORVATH Dezső: WASS ALBERT – A TRUE PORTRAIT – ..............................115 Adrian PĂUNESCU: THE POLITICAL RASCAL MARKÓ AGAIN ATTACKS ROMANIA....................................................................................... 116 Hajdu GYŐZŐ: LEADERS OF ROMANIAN MAGYAR DEMOCRATIC UNION WITHOUT THE MASK OF LKOYALITY AND OF EUROPEANISM..................................................121 Note: Staff of the Magazine „Pro Memoria”: • Adress: Bulevardul Eroilor Nr. 2, Cluj-Napoca, 400129, Romania 4 EVENTS FROM THE LIFE OF THE REFUGEES’ ASSOCIATION „PRO MEMORIA 1940-1945” AND AFFILIATED ASSOCIATIONS SELECTIONS FROM „MILLENNIUM III” BROADCAST BY RADIO CLUJ – 27.11.2003 (Abstract from No. 1/2004, pp. 79-90) CONSTANTIN MUSTAŢĂ: Dear listeners and distinguished guests, I hope that till 10 p.m., when our transmissions comes to an end, we’ll be able to build up an interesting discussion about a former troubled epoch, an epoch that brought about a lot of sufferings to the people who lived in Transylvania. For a start, I’d ask my guests here to introduce themselves to the listeners: A.B. – Alexandru Benea, Chairman of the Refugees’ Association in district Cluj; B.B – Barbu Bălan, Vice-Chairman of the Refugees’ Association in district Cluj (Now Executive Chairman of F.N.R.P.E., n.r.). I.C. – Ioan Cîmpeanu, Vice-Chairman of the same Association. C.M.: In the following minutes, we’ll try to evoke times that passed, times that can be forgiven, but never forgotten. Professor Cîmpeanu, I begin with you because, besides other activities, you also write books. You lived those times being closer to them, your hair is whiter than ours .This is why I wish you from the very beginning « Many Happy Returns of the Day! » I.C.: Thank you very much. C.M.: How did you perceive the moment of the Vienna Diktat? I.C.: That moment was rather difficult for the Romanian people. First, I was a child of 11-12 years then and I just couldn’t realize the importance of the events my parents, my neighbours, the people I knew were talking about, the international events as well as their turn in 1940. I couldn’t conceive, because of the way I was brought up in school, that Romania could lose a part of her territory, or that we could lose Cluj, to be thrown in the streets, to take refuge because of some people we hadn’t known, and especially because of their rough behaviour. When I was a child, I had both Hungarian and Romanian friends; we used to play together, we worked together. Still, the news about the diktat came like a flash of lightening, in August 30, 1940. As I heard my parents commenting upon the official statement on the radio, I didn’t realize what would happen. I did it 2 or 3 days later, when some Hungarians had already come to Cluj from Hungary, and the Hungarian children who were outdoors no longer knew me. Both my friends and my neighbours wouldn’t play with me. They were not aggressive, but told the others to be, forcing us, the Romanians, not to leave the yard any longer. Our parents lost their jobs immediately. Under these circumstances, having neither passports and means of transport nor a place where to go, we resorted to some relatives in the former district 5 Someş, today district Bistriţa-Năsăud, where from one of my uncles came to take us by cart. From all that we had gathered in our life, we piled on that cart what we could; we piled some crowded suitcases next to us (my father, mother, my sister and I).
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