March 06,1882
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A Fraud. THE PBE88. The minor is current that votes for Charles THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS__ MISCELLANEOUS__ J. for will be circulated at the Chapman Mayor Published every day (Sundays excepted,) by MONDAY 6. MORNING, MARCH the polls to-day by persons who will pretend PORTLAND PUBLISHING UO., to be acting by Mr. Chapman’s desire. This NEW OTTO SILENT GAS ENGINE. Wo do not road anonymous letters and common Pobtland. At 97 Exchange St., writer are Is is a cheat as Mr. Chapman is too Clearance Sale cations. The name and address of the palpable such Terms: Eight Dollars a Year. To mall snbsenb Working Without Boiler, Steam, all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- good a Republican to countenance any era Seven Dollars a Year, 11 paid in advance. ITne tion but as a of faltb. a weak device guaranty good proceeding. It is apparently Ashes or Attendance. undertake to return or to com- Coal, Wo cannot prefer of the to lure some a it Full Power In. enemy away Republican THE MAINE STATE PRESS Mtarted Instaniy by Match, *irea munications that are not used. mediately. When Stopped, all Eipeaae Ceasea. votes and thus a multiplicity of candi- is everv Thursday Mobnino at $3.60 s by published no no cr if In advance at a No explosions, no fires nor cinders, no gauges, pumps, engineer Eveby attache of the Pkbss is furnished dates to seek to a as a ma- year, paid $2.00 year. HARMON. insurance regular prevent choice, other attendant while rnnning. Recommended by companies. MARSEILLES with a Curd certificate signed by Stanley Pullen, inch of the LORING,SH0RT& UNSURPASSED IN EVERY RESPECT for hoisting in warehouses, over all is to elect. Rates of Advertising: One space, jority required small 4 and 7 II P. and up- All steamboat and hotel manager* ength ol column, oonBtitutea a “square.” new ■ Drlntlne. ventillating. rnnning shops, do. a, Editor, railway, Books before into our MCMCMM fit 3015 Chestnut Philadelphia. credentials $1.60 per square, first oents per Ill order to reduce our stock of moving wards. Ruin by SCULHICIlFB, t!«., Ml., trill confer a faror upon us by demanding dally week;_76 oontinu Under which King, Bezonian? week after; three insertions or less, $1.06; our whole stock at Discounts of to represent our Journal. 60 cents. store in Lancaster Block, we shall offer every person planning lug every othor day after first week, voter in Portland is called to- or 76 full and con- Every upon Hall square, three Insertions less, cents; from 25 to 75 per cent. Our stork complete, CLEVELAND & AGENTS, week alter. ranging MARSTON, his to himself and the commun- me week, $1.00; 60 oents per and lD.TION, day, by duty one-third additional. QUILTS. of the latest works of TRAVEL, BIOGRAPHV MONDAY, MAR. 6. SfecialNotices, sisting DEALERS 13V GAS FIXTURES, ELECTION, to record his choice between Mr. Under head ol “Amusements” and “Auotioh WORKS, in Sets. ity, Libby Inser- as well as a large stock of STANDARD &c., Bales," $2.00 per square per week; three Maine and Mr. Deering, for the office of Mayor of one’s Library at great- 128 ° Street, Portland, tions or lees, $1.60. This is an excellent opportunity to replenish Exchange M.W&Flm Advertisements inserted In the “Maine State raar3 the city for the ensuing year. No one can has a circulation In every part ly REDUCED RATES. Press (which large t ^ „ Al. IWi<t a1flt REPUBLICAN TY TICKET. discharge this duty by refraining to vote or ol the State), lor $1.00 per square lor first inser- We have just secur- We also have a good assortment of Photograph Albums tion, and 60 cents per square for each subs uent by throwing away his vote on some person Insertion. the usual retail price. FOR one-half INTERESTING MAYOR, whose is The test Address all communications to ed a lot of fine election impossible. plain 00. large and PORTI.AND PUBLISHING REMEMBER, We offer oar whole stock at these Low Rates to those in want of is presented to the citizens and each voter ex- Marseilles mane for CHARLES F. LIBBY must assist one of the principal candidates Quilts, they are of the latest and best editions. Special Rates ENTERTAINMENTS by his action or inaction. tra that we and Libraries. large size, large quantities and FOR SCHOOL COSlHUT TEE: BOOTS SHOES. No Some of uen. enemies NEW PORTLAND THEATRE. Whiskey! Logan’s political shall offer at the ex- JOHN are with the Democrats Frank Curtis. .Proprietor & Manager. BREWER, Jr., talking of uniting In order to reduce our Stock to make AARON B. HOLDEN, to elect Lyman Trumbull of Chicago or (Jen low of SH0RT & HARMON, room for Goods of our own manufacture. TWO NIGHTS ONLY. ceedingly price LORING, Brown’s Iron Bitters CHARLES 0. FILES. John M. Palmer of Springfield to the United NEXT THIR- We offer at COsTfor the is one of the few tonic States Senate at the next election. $1.10. TY DAYS our entire stock of very and March 6 & 7 Hotel. Ladies’, WARD ONE. Monday Tuesday, Under Falmouth and Children’s medicines that are not com- Judging from the comments of the feblg-eodlm -- Gents’, Boys’, Misses’, pa- shall at the same ___ __ Alderman—Samuel Thurston. We Boots and Shoes. This is a rare oppor- of alcohol or the South seems to be well satis- posed mostly Councilmen—Henry Trefethen, David B. Ricker, pers, very as our Stock is and consists tunity large, thus a Horace A. Hallett. fied with the bill. It is WM.C. MITCHELL’S a com- whiskey, becoming Apportionment pro- time offer very fine of goods from line hand sewed to Warden—John M. Stevens. nouneed a fair solution of a difficult mon medium .grades. Do not fail to caU fruitful source of intemper- Clerk—Thomas A. Bowen. ques- Edward K. Heatb. Out our before Constables-Ruel N. Field, tion. Mar- and examine buying PARTY and extra heavy fad irk Dm and Closing kh, goods ance by promoting a desire PLEASURE February elsewhere. TWO. WARD JAN. JOtli. for rum. Some wards hitherto Republican are said —iusr— seilles at the low COMMENCING MONDAY, Alderman—Hiram L. Jones. Quilt _ to be wavering to-day. They must show $50. Councilmen—William P. Osborne, William G. $10 and $15, former price, that of $1.87, as fine DEKKA SHAWLS, Soule, Alpheus Griffin. tli. t they do not deserve reproach. price $5.00, former price, $28.00. WH11NEY GAITER SlL % Brown’s Iron Bitters Warden—Daniel Bussell. CLOAKS, Clerk—William Weeks. OUR GOBLINS, .25c fo rme to be a non- Constables—Luther A. Frank M. Floyd. a quilt as we have ev- FRENCH and ENGLISH CRETONNES, Cor. Union St., Under Falmouth Hotel. is guaranteed Sterling, Washington Letter. .62 and .75. dtf stimulant, and WARD THREE. on tlie Rhine. prices, .50, K janl intoxicating Or, Fun er been able to offer 2o to 3.2o. DRESS GOODS, 12-12 to 1.25, former prices it will, in nearly every case, Alderman—John C. Tukesbury. Blaine's Oration—The Doings of Congress Councilmen—Horatio Clark, Augustus H. Prince, take the of all Nomi- Three Acts, Full of Fun. before at PIANO COVERS, $3,25, former price, $6.00. place liquor, Samuel B. Kelsey. —A Business Session—Oonkllng’s $2.50. Warden—Herbert R. .70 worth 1.00. 1881. E. FAIRWEATHER, and at the same time abso- Sargent. nation—Frye on the Tariff—Heed’s Good PLAIN SILKS, Clerk—Edward A. Chase. KW Usual prices. Salo of seats commences Fri- _ O mo 1-1 -ill XI/ Extra sized kill the desire for Constables—- James S. Edwin A. Leighton. Maine large LOT DRESS GOODS, .121-2 worth .25 No. 8 Elm Street, lutely Gould, Work—The Delegation. LOT CLOAKINGS, es. than h. x t whiskey and other intoxi- WARD FOUR. Glass Towels at 12 Would call the attention of the Ladies of DRESS BUTTONS. stock of cating beverages. Alderman—Albert B. Stevens. Monday was the day of a life time in Wash- Portland, to her large Kensing- Councilmen—William E. Thornes, Windsor B. half re- It witnessed the culmination of the CAMIVAL BALL l-2c. VELVETEENS and CORDUROYS, price. ton Materials. She is constantly Smith, Samuel Hanson. ington. ceiving new designs for Kensington and Warden—John J. Perry. monrniDg period for the Nation’s dead, and AND CHILDREN’S WOOL HOSE, H. Embroideries. done on W. editor of Clerk—George Libby. to one of the 100 wide other Stamping Rev. G. Rice, M. Jesse Crowell. such a culmination as is due pcs. yard C ASSIMERES at low material and warranted to be Constables-Arthur Sawyer, very prices. any per- the American Christian Re- greatest of the departed from one of the great- 4 cts. manent. WARD FIVE. WORSTED DRESS BRAID, per pie from a Brown Sheeting, very BLACK to of Brown’s Iron est of the living, and throngh him She wonld call particular attention view, says F. makes. Alderman—Marquis King. whole nation most iu of its one of the best cut and F. D. generous memory Supper fail to Interest all pur chas- her white-work Undergarments, Bitters: Councilmen—James Hawkes, Augustine Antiquarian cannot and first-class Wo have made prices which -AT- fine heavy, only This is not trash, but goods. aud or in a manner. John H. beloved chief/ To those who read Mr. out before March as we need the room for Iscw Spring Goods basted, made superior Smith, Fogg. lately ers. The entire lot most be closed 1st, Cm.,O.,Nov.