Starks, Somerset County, Maine, Clerk's Town Meeting Records, 1810-1820 Starks (Me.)

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Starks, Somerset County, Maine, Clerk's Town Meeting Records, 1810-1820 Starks (Me.) The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Town Documents Maine Government Documents 1998 Starks, Somerset County, Maine, Clerk's Town Meeting Records, 1810-1820 Starks (Me.) Follow this and additional works at: Repository Citation Starks (Me.), "Starks, Somerset County, Maine, Clerk's Town Meeting Records, 1810-1820" (1998). Maine Town Documents. 3638. This Report is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Town Documents by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Page 134 12 March 1810 Town Meeting for Town Officers S) Somerset ss to either of the Constables in the town of Starks in said County Greeting You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwelth of Massechusets to notify and warn the freeholders and other Inhabitants of said town of Starks qualified by law to vote in town meetings such as pay to one single tax beside the poll or polls a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax to meet and assemble at the dwelling house of Major James Waugh Jr. in Starks on Monday the twelth day of March next at ten of the clock in the four noon then and there to act on the following articles 1ly To chose a moderator to govern said meeting 2ly To chose a town clerk, selectmen, assesors of taxes, a constable or constables, a collector of taxes, a town tresurer and all other town officers that towns are otherised to chuse in the months of March or Aprilee annually 3ly To see if the town will build a pound or pounds 4ly To see what sum of money the town will agree upon and grant for the repair and amendment of the highways and town ways the present year 5ly To see what sum of money the town will agree upon and grant for the suport of schools in town the present year 6ly To agree upon and grant a sum of money to defray the necessary charges of said town the present year allso to transact any other busness that shall be thought necessary and expedient when met hereof fail not and make due return of this warrent with your doings thereon to one of us subscribers on or before said day and time of meeting Given under our hands and seals at Starks this fiftenth day of February A.D. 1810 James Waugh } Selectmen Ezekiel Elliot } of Said Town Somerset ss Starks Page 135 12 March 1810 Annuell Town Meeting Somerset ss Starks March the 12th 1810 by vertue of this warrent I have notified the Inhabitants of the town of Starks by posting up adervertisements in two public places in the town as the law directs John Chapman, Constable The foregoing is a true copy of the warrent and return thereon Attest James Waugh, Town Clerk Pursuent to the foregoing warrent at a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Starks holden on the twelth day of March A. D. 1810 1ly Chose James Waugh Jr., moderator to govern said meeting 2ly Chose James Waugh Esqr Town Clerk and sworn acordingly 3ly Chose James Waugh Ezekiel Elliot and Benjamen Holbrook selectmen and sworn acordingly 4ly Chose James Waugh Ezekiel Elliot and Benjamen Holbrook assesors of taxes and sworn acordingly 5ly Chose John Chapmen first constable sworn acordingly 6ly voted to vandue the collection of taxes to the loest bider bid of by John Chapman at six cents on the doller and chose collector of taxes sworn acordingly, voted to except Nichols Kimball, Joseph Green Daniel Rines said Chapmans bondsman 7ly chose John Sawyer second constable sworn acordingly 8ly Chose James Waugh Jr. town tresurer sworn acordingly 9ly Voted to adjorn this meeting to the first Monday of Aprilee next to meet at this place nine of the clock in the fore noon, at a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Starks holden on the second day of Aprilee 1810 by adjornment from the twelth day of March last past Chose Daniel Greenleaf, Henry Bickford & George Sawyer tythingmen sworn accordingly Page 136 12 March Annuell Town Meeting 11th Chose Henry Bickford, Robert Waugh, Stephen Williamson, William Greenleaf, Ebenezer Greenleaf, James Elliot, John Pumroy, John Waugh, Jonathan Lovell, Josiah Dutton, Nethaniell Whitcomb, Thomas Williamson, Benjamen Taylor, Samuell Fish, Lemuell Pease, John M. Dutton and Benjamen Didson, Surveyors of Highways and all sworn acordingly 12. Chose Benjamen Young, Josiah Dutton, Oliver Willson, Stephen Williamson, John M. Dutton and Jonathan Gillmore, fence viewers and all sworn acordingly 13. Voted John Frizzle barnyard be a town pound this year 14. Chose John Frizzle pound keeper 15. Voted John M. Duttons barnyard be a town pound this year 16. Chose John M. Dutton pound keeper, sworn acordingly 17. Chose James Elliot, Thomas Haywood and Luke Sawyer, a fish committy and sworn acordingly 18. Chose George Nickles, Thomas Waugh, John Pumroy, John Ehapoman, Benjamen Taylor, Jonathan Lovell, Josiah Dutton and Daniel McLaughlin to be a school committy in the severel School Districts 19. Chose Nichols Kimball, Joshua Young, George Gray, John Wood, Thomas Lovejoy and John Collins, hogreves, Nichols Kimball, George Gray and Thomas Lovejoy } Sworn accordingly 20. Chose Stephen Williamson, Alven Lander and James Waugh, Surveyors of Lumber and all sworn accordingly 21. Voted one thousand dollers to be expended on the highways and town ways the present year labour and materiels at twelve and half cents per hour for each man and seventy five cents per day for each pair of oxen and twenty five cents per day for each plow that may be imployed on said roads 22. Voted two hundred and fifty dollers for the suport of schools the present year 23. Voted seventy dollers to defray the necessary charges of the said town the present year 24. Chose James Waugh Jr., town agent 25. Voted Nichols Kimball, Samuell Williamson, Lemuell Peus, John B. Curtice and James Brimner, have leave to take their school taxes for the years 1809 and 1810 and pay the same to a School District in Mercer and send their children to said school in Mercer 26. Voted James Waugh Jr. pay the money for his attendance at the General Court to Ezekiel Elliot and Benjamen Holbrook, two of the Selectmen of said town 27. Voted that Oliver Willson have the liberty to keep a good and handy gate acrost the town road on the bank of the river near the ferry place or way though the year ensuing 28. Voted that Jedediah Prebble have leave to keep two good and handy gates acrost the town road the year insuring one at each side his improvements 29. Voted the selectmen with Jonathan Gillmore and docker Ingals be a committy to visit and inspect the schools 30. Voted the Surveyors of Highways be impoured to collect arreariges of highway taxes not worked out on the roads 31. Chose Daniel McLaughlen, Ezekiel Elliot and Nathan Wood a committy to setle with the town tresurer appointed James Waugh Jr., Sealer of Waits and mesurs A true record of the foregoing meeting Attest James Waugh, Town Clerk Page 138 2 Aprilee 1810 Town Meeting for a Governor S) Somerset ss to either of Constables of the town of Starks in said County Greeting You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwelth to notify and warn the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Starks qualified by lay to vote for Governor Lt. Governor and Senators having an estate of two hundred dollers or the annuell incom of ten dollers being the male Inhabitants of twenty one years old and upwards and residing in the town one year to meet and assemble a the dwelling house of Maj James Waugh on Monday the second day of Aprilee next at one of the clock in the after noon then & there to give in there votes for a Governor & Lt. Governor and Senator for the District of Kennebec and Somerset hereof fail not and make due returns to one of us subscribers on or before the second day of Aprilee next Dated at Starks this sixtenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten under our hand an seal Ezekiel Elliot } Selectmen of Benjamen Holbrook } the Town of Starks Somerset ss Starks March 19th 1810 by vertue this warrent I have notified and warned the Inhabitants as within directed by posting up a notification Attested James Waugh, Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Starks quallified to vote for Governor and Lieutenent Governor holden on the second day of Aprilee Page 139 2 Aprilee 1810 Town Meeting for Register of Deeds of Aprilee being the first Monday of said month in the year A.D. 1810 for the purpose of giving in their votes for a governor and lieutenent governor of said Commonwelth and a senator for the District of Kennebec & Somerset the whole number of votes given in were sorted counted and record and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution is directed and were for the following persons viz, for Christopher Gore Esquir, governor, forty eight votes for Elbridge Gerry Esquir, governor, fifty seven votes for David Cobb Esquir, lieut governor, forty six votes for William Gray, lieutenent governor, fifty seven votes Senators for Joshua Chushman, fifty five votes for Samuell S. Wild Esquir, forty eight votes The above is a true record of the votes pased at said meeting Attest James Waugh, Town Clerk 2 of Aprilee 1810 Meeting for a Tresurer, County Somerset Somerset ss to either of the constables of the town of Starks in said County Greeting You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwelth of Massechusets to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the town of Starks and qualified by the Constitution to vote for representative to meet at the dwelling house of Major James Waugh, Jr.
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    Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses Graduate School Fall 11-12-1992 Boardinghouses, Parties and the Creation of a Political Society: Washington City, 1800-1830 Cynthia Diane Earman Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the History Commons Recommended Citation Earman, Cynthia Diane, "Boardinghouses, Parties and the Creation of a Political Society: Washington City, 1800-1830" (1992). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 8222. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BOARDINGHOUSES, PARTIES AND THE CREATION OF A POLITICAL SOCIETY: WASHINGTON CITY, 1800-1830 A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in The Department of History by Cynthia Diane Earman A.B., Goucher College, 1989 December 1992 MANUSCRIPT THESES Unpublished theses submitted for the Master's and Doctor's Degrees and deposited in the Louisiana State University Libraries are available for inspection. Use of any thesis is limited by the rights of the author. Bibliographical references may be noted, but passages may not be copied unless the author has given permission. Credit must be given in subsequent written or published work. A library which borrows this thesis for use by its clientele is expected to make sure that the borrower is aware of the above restrictions.
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