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Iittp:// jB^''^^mfff^fi^i!!uiutiXj»f^;'^' ^^ ^p^i:^"P^^^ Bf^taSH THE J i i f AND Calendar; For the Year of our LORD

180 7,

and the Thiity-firft oi American Indetendence, CONTAINING

Civil, Ecde^ajlical, Judkial, and Military Lifts in

MASSACHUSETTS ; AssaciATioNs, and Corporate Institutions, for littraiy, ag ncuUural,

With its feveral Deparanents and Eitablirhnicnts ;

Time^ o^ the Siumgi. of the feveral Courts ;

Goveinors in each State , PuDiic Duties, (&:c. USEFUL TABLES; And a Variety of oiher interefting Articles.

1> BOSTON : t Publilhcd by JOHN \\EsT, and MANNING & LORINO. Sold, wholcfale and retail, at their Book Stores, Cornhill. > fS^tpSfx^arSgSi^i^ci .^j^Ad^xasw^^^o* , — : ECLIPSES FOR 1807. THER£ will be four Eclipfcs this year; two of the Sun anJ iwc of the Mooo. as follows : I. The firft will he of the Moon, May 21ft, lih.^SiiN in the mornuig ; and of courfe invifible. II. 7 he fecond will be of the Sun, June 6th, oh. 40m. in the morning ; which will llkewift; be invi^ble in rhp wellern conrnieHt, bnt vifible and central in the fouthein p^ri s of the Eh(1 Indirs.

' HI. The third will be a vifible eclipfe of the Moon,

November 15th ; and by calculation as follows

^. H. M. Be?innlni£ - - 2 QQ ) a ^'^PP^^''^'^**''"^ Mddle - - - 3 40 '"''''""^- E-.,d . . - 4 40 Duration, - - 2 S Digits eclipfcd, 3*^ 13', on the Moon's north limb. iV. The fourth, and lall, will bed the Sun, November 29'n, 7b. 1401. in the morning; invifible in the Ignited States of America, but vifihle in the greater part of Euiope, aid in London 3 digits of the Sun will beeclipfed, at 3601. pa{> u o'clock A. M. N. B. The total obfcurity of the Sun, in the great eclipfe of June 16th, 1806, was fcbfervedto be much longer than given in this Rcgifter, which was on account of there being no allowance made for the earth's diurnal or eailerly m >tion at the time of obfcurity. The duration of obfcurity was oblcrved to be, at Sterling, (Maff.) 4' 45".

Votes for Governor in Ma/Tachufetts. Votes for Gov. S.U 317, 3 M^ I -^^ 7»^ ^ /i^^^^^^'^/ /.^.S^^ 5. .^. cJ%/^^^-^^

5 /- ^QV»^ A^y .^^^^^-^^ .

JANUARY, 1807, begins on Thurfday/ Laft Quarter, iftday, 2h. 13m. morning. New Moon, 8th day, 2h. 52m. evening. Firft Quarter, i6th day, yh. 42m. evening. Full Moon, 23d day, ph. 47m. evening. Laft Quarter, 30th day, oh. 34m. evening. Mj-I OblPi-vable d^vs, &c. r.G^ir 1^' .^Uucumciiioa. T/ie cloudi 32 io, 3 8 Low tides for the feafom. 31 1 26 3 3^ denote more/now. 3J 6 49 d Sund. part Chriftmas. 30 338 7 401 C. P. Biddeford. Grows more 30 4 3Q 833! C. P. Bofion. Epiph. 29 9 263, 7*s fcuih 8I1. 1,5m. mod- 20 III fo iR Lucian. .eratcy with 28 D fe.s 11 8 Middling tides. 7 27 5 45 11 56 Gr. Elong. fome 6 45 ev,4, ft Sund. paft Epiphany, fnozt). % 7 46 1 24 C. P. Northamp. Warren. D 25 844 Pica fa nt [ .4 pogc c 23 9 43 2 461 Peace ratified by Congrcfs,i784. H 10 4 3 26- butjiiarj 23 ti fun J 4 4 8 22 Tides increafing. ^air. morii. 4 31 Dr. Franklin born, lyoS. 21 40 •T 37 21 •2d. Sund. pad Epiphany. Tlh 1 4 6 26 £0 C. S. Northampton. zoeatha 2 4 7 2c- changes. ^9 3 47 8.7 18 Louis XVL beheaded, 1793. ^y 4 47 9 16 Vincent. Nozo comes 17 n 4 10 16 on a Jlorm 10 &ri( XI 17 Very high tides. of/now 15 5 t) morn. Septua. Sund. Conv.' St. P. ^ P H 5 7 28 19, 7*sfouth6h. 50m. or rain. 13 3 8 37 1 7 11 3 High winds. 3 9 32 2 o 10 4 Peter the Sreat died, 1725. 3 lA 3 2 52 5] Grows more 9 3 morn- 3 44 8 bJYd. Lfetsah. 56m. 51 o 15 4 36 7 Low tides. moderate. 5 1 21 5 28

South Caroluid, including North Csroiinn and Gtorgi^, ihe charter of, {-ranted 1662. Their^.. firft.w*.. .^f,jflariveIcgi aflfero- I :.b*iy convened 1669. They were at firftfiril governedeoxi by a fyf- 6

FEBRUARY, 1807, begins on Lord's day. l^ew Moon, 7th day, ph. 31m. morning. Firft Quarter, 15th day, oh. 51m. evening. Full Moon, 22dday, 8h. 3m. morning.

Ohil dnys. ti 6 30

more ]) Apogee. 6 7 2(; cv. 3S' fnow. 6 8 27 1 19 Afli-Wedn. or Lent. " 6 53 6 9 27 Quite cold 6 10 27 2 48 Sirius fers sh, Jor fome 6 11 27 328 Valcmlne-D.iy. dfavi. 6 morn 4 15 iftSund. in Lent. Moderate^ 6 o 27 5 5 with Jailing 6 M i 2g (> o C. S. Cambridge. 6 2 28 6 weather, 44 5i 3 2;, 7 54 7*s f Uoh. 45m. 6 43 6, 4 16 Pretty h:^h rides* 6 41 6; 5 2 9 51 6 PLufant. [ ]) Perigee. 40 .5 40 10 48 '32.6 2d Sund. in Lent. WASH.'b 3«'6#r;i >' 4?, 37 $, 7 27 ;i)Oin. St. Matt. on a driving 36 6, 8 4 38 Jlorm. 34 6; 9 57 1 32 Grows 33 6|ii 8

tern framed by Mr. John Locke ; hut having '' fitu- ation, it was abol-iflicd in 1692. They agreed on an inde- pendent form of government in 1776, which eOahlifh- ed by aft of the legiflature, May' 19, 1778. On May 11, 1779. '^^ *-'^'^ authority propofed 10 g ner.jl Pievoft, thai the ftate {bould r. main neuter, till the clofe of the war, and that they would then follow the fate of their neigh- bours, provided, fhit th'-Brltini army (]jf;nld he withdrawn. .^< ._-.: ^^^ ^y^' ^ r.'^^ -^^'-v^^ .^i^^^^^^* :. •^^ X*-----^. *'--7 " ---^^ 3;^/C/;y. /;^../:^- r-^^^/.^ ^^-^

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APRIL, 1807, begins on Wednefday. is^ew Moon, 7th day, ph. 23m. evening.

Firft Quarter, 15th day, i ih. 54m. morning.

Ji'ull Moon, 2 2d day, 2h. ^Jjn..- morning. ^ Laft Quarter, 29th day, ph. 55m. mornifig.

44 / 6 36 7*s fet, loVi. 5m. 43 7 2 48 7 2< Phajanljor 41 7 3 ^4 8 >t. Anibrorc /r-we* .?. 4P 7 3 4c 8 48 ift Sund. pad E'ft. L.S. I Ap. 39 7 4 4 9 2g Gov. & Sen. cliol'.-p, Maiia. 3^7 4 er 10 lo Low tides for thelcafon. 3^ 7 D ftt 10 53 Showers 35 7 7 26 '1 3 Peace ratif. byG. Britain, 1784 33 7 8 S7 ev. 9 Yd. L. feti iih. 3oin, 3« 7 9 27 1 11 3^ 7 10 97 2 5 ) 2d. Sund. pad Enfter. Crowi 29 7U1 24 2 2|C.P. Lciiox. cvo'er. 27 7 morn 3 51 lutwlch 14! 3 S.J.C. C(.n(.oid. C. S. 26^ 16 4 4^ 'S 4 Strong [C. P. Piym 2-5 7 1 o 161 .5IC. S.York. Vt^/Wi 23 7 1 43 6 3 •l^l "6j and fij^n.r\ T.Hiii'f'ii. 2JO.P-. ^, Becomes 10 7 3 57 10 a 3IS.J.C. Wo. cfilt. C.P.Bon on. 17 7 ^ 30 u 7*s i'*' 8h- o-a, W'oriT- 15 ©r.e fiion -J. 7 5''St. G-Orgr. flfofofN, SL'tia 14 7 8 56 *o • 041 6 fnuuitri in 13 7 »o o o 58

man \ places 11 St. Mark, 7 10 55 i 56 4th Supa. ^a'"* Eafk-r. 10 7 .1 38 9 52 C.P. ^.C,>. D -cilHrn. ?7/ 8 7 o So 4 3^ 4«J.o\'/ ritlcs. ^-i.^ cool viii^hts, 6 7 5 iji Pref. i78y.'_5 3^^ 5IQ. Washinw 5 7 1 2 6 I1

ratified rhf.r .\J.«y 6, 1789, they preient conftitution, which s rWm..d iipoit a plan iimilar to that of the United Stat«\'i. T'-nitorv, N. \V. qf the Ohio, is novvd.vided into ;hj '(taie 01' Oaio, ih.. In iina Territory, and Wayne countv, \ -vdi forin,> a U'UJirite and governmer,!. ^^i^^i?^!?^

6 iX.^ r^CXi ^.^^.^''^-2/^^^ m. 1

MAY, 1807, begins on Friday. 'New Moon, 7th day, oh. 22m. evening. Firft Quarter, 14th day, 6h. 15m. evening. Full Moon, 21ft day, iih. 58m morning. Laft Quarter, 29th day, 3h. 19m. morning. |v>| M C)hr.rv;ihlr (h^yJT&r. ^."0 s7l7."lFrF'S T. ^^t, Piiiiip ana Si. Jadft. 1 48 2 - Grows V D Apogee 2 10 5th Sund. paft^Eaft. Ro. S. 5 1 2 38 H In 4 warmer, with fig 5 3 1 5 S.J C. Lenox. C.V. Caliinc. 28 \ 59 3 9 39 General Elec. R. liland. oj 4 3 46 to 24

fc . . . f. A Day H T h ui Jh owers 4 57 5) fets U 12 6 Middling tides. eve. 4 55 g 9 7 4 54 9 23 5*6 lO D Sund. aver Afcen. Ccol 10 17 4 53 1 5' 11 C.P. WifcalTet. NW. winds, 4 5"- 1 6 2 46 12 C.P. Paris. but warni 11 5' 48 3 41 3 Yard L fets 8h. om. Si'Tiom. i 50 4 35 SyGen. , E,iec. Hartford. sJ;4 fun. i 49 8| o 26 5 27 * - ' ' 6j ^ Chang eakie 4 48 8i 1 o 6 18 weutlitT. \ ]) Perigee. 7| 4 47 8| 1 30 7 DiWhlt-SiuidMy. 9 4 46 8i 1 58 8 2 C. P. Nr)i fhamp. [& Augufta. 4 45 8; 2 30 8 5^ M.C.York, Ply m." C.P. Edga. 44 8; 3 2 9 48 Coiiinibus died l 506, yE. 59. 43 81 ^ 39 10 4J Now ]) dcljp. invifible. 42 8 #rife 11 42 look out 4 41 8; 8 42 morn 7*s riTe 4h. morn. for 40 9 33 39 Trinity ^u^d;^y. ajiorm. S 4 39 8 10 10 1 34 (niite 4 3^ 8!io 52 2 27 ^.J.C. Portjand. ^pleafaviU,_.. 38 8111 23 3 16 Gen. l;!ection, Bofton. ngain. 37 «^ii 51 Ccnv. Cong. Miniilers, Bo^fton. 36 81 morn. 4 46 Sig ns of 4 35 ^ o »9 5 33 fhowcrs. ]) Aj>ogee. 4 35 8! o 40 6 9 iH ^und. paOTrmity. ' ! 4 34 ^ 1 1 6 50 Kcntuci

Firft Quarter, 1 2th day, i oh. 46m. evening. Full Moon, 19th day, loh. ^6m. evening. Laft Quarter, 27th day, 8h. 31111. evening.

r. 0s.-|r.^s.}F.S.:a Mjw| Oblcrvab-e days, &c. |

Con. Ami. £lec. iioitoa. ^ 1 C. P. ^j^ 33 ^ S.J.C. Augufta. Good ^^ 33 8 Gen. Elec. Con. N-H. weather ^ 32 George III. b. 1738. for \ 32 8

vegetation. 4. Zi-\ « Middling tides. Oecljp. invif. 4 31 ^ 2d Sund. pad Trin. Skctvrs 4 30 C.P. Worcefter. in [owe places 4 30 ?^ 8 S.J.C. Wifcaf. with 4 29 Mafla. Agric. Soc. Elec. thun- 4 298 St. Barnab. der. Grows 4 288 8 Pretty high tides. ]) Perigee. 4 23 coder. 28 8 , ., 4 3d Sund. paft Trin. \, 4 27 8 fGreatEclin 01806.4 278 8 S.J.C. Caft.for Han. & Wafh. 4 27 8 Batt.Bunker-Hill.'75.[C.P.Porr. 4 27 8 7*s rife 2h. 13m. More 4 27 8 I'gnsqf i 27 ^ 8 rain with 4 27 8 4th Sund. paft Trin. thunder. 4 27 Drying winds 4 27 8 8 and warynfuns, 4 27 St. John the Bap. born. 4 27 3 8 Scorpio H. fouih loh. om. 4 27 8 Quite low tides. D Apogee. 4 27 27 8 Good weather^ ij 4 5th Sund. paft Trin. not too\ 27 8 C. P. Salem. St. Peter, dry. 4 27 8 288 >^^^^-^ >^^- ^^^^

/3 .

"^ "' ?,f ^..„ ^,^ .'/^^ ^* -/^

^/T* i:>T&^w*— JS^ /A-..,^^y ^i^^i^^^-"^ -^

"^ •3>^ y^^^t^-^ ^^C^*-y <-- JULY, 1807, begins on Wednel'day. New Moon, 5th dav, loh. 31m, morning. FiH\ Quarter, ritlvday, 3hi pm. morning.; Full M^on, 19th day, loh. 27m. morning, L;ift Quarter, 27th day, ih. amVevening.^ ^^

Wbi, ijfc.

t > iio ^ \ wwrn 8 Vifitaiion B. V. Maiy. xviih htavy thunder.

I .V D r' P F. ^' D K N c K dccl. I776 6th Sunday pafl Trinity. "** rifr i!i. om. Mud C. P. Boftoi), rain in '>:an places Middling 'ides. Columbus b. 1447. D Perigee. Good XV Lather 7th Sund?iy pail Trinity, for 4 Jomc da-ji. 4 French Revolution com. 1789.4 JEagle's Head fouth midu. Grcat\\ degree of J4 Alliance with France diflblvcd,^ Not very high tides. heat. W 8th Sunday paft Trinity. Some A Marg. Jhowers this Ime. Magdalen. Good weatherfor

farmers. ]) Apogee. St. James. Dog-days bc^jin. 9th Sunday paft Inn. Sr.Anrc Low tides". ChangtabL weather 4!7*s rife iih. 23m. forfome days, % then lood azain AUGUST, 1807, begins on Saturday, New Moon, 3d day, 6h. 43m. evening. Firft Quarter, loth day, ph. 8m. morning. Full Moon, 18th day, oh. 26m, morning. Laft Quarter, 26th day, 4h. 2®m. morning. Obleivble'davS*, &t. |®s.|F.Sea. Lammas-Day. Sultry a 50 8 2 6 8 58 loth Sunday'paft Trinity. 7*s rife iih.4m. Aeat 8 DTc't^ 52 " 10 ,53 withjfiofutrs. 53 7 23 11 49 h5 heve^o Transfiguration. ]) Perigee 5^ 8 30 1 37 Good^neatlicf.^ 57 8 ^.° 2.30 !* Quite high tides. 9 3ak3 "23 uth Sunday paft Trinity. 59 J 10 10 o ' C. P. Caftine. Hazy^ with 10 ^1 5 12 C.P. Plymouth. fame i 7 Prince of Wales born 1762. 3.7 morn. • rain. ' 56N 1 07 48 2 AfTump. Bonaparte b. 1769. t 28 '67 12th Sunday paft Trinity- 8 .3 29 10 Tides abating. • Grea^^ 9 4 30! u 9 C.P. Machias & Augufta. 10 fife|.i\ ,3 • 52 Commen. Middleb. Ver. 5 11 morn. figns of 5 15 '0-84

ram. Apogee . 5 ,5 H *s rife 9b, 53m. 5 »5 1 57 3th Sund.iy paft Trin. Grows 5 17 2 40 C.P. Nortiia. Topfii. Lenox. & 5 18 . 3 25 rides incfeafe. cooler. 5 J9 4 18 Comm. Cam. & Dart. N. H. 5 21 53 5 2 Fine 5 22.7 >i 54 St Aug. zveatker. 5 23 morn. St. John Baptift beheaded. 5 25 o 58 14th Sunday paft Trin. Foggy. 26 7 2 9 C.S. Northamp. C.P. WorccC. 27 7 3 22 9 37 rivers, that empty into the Mi ftilippi, have a decided pref- erence to thole on Cumberland river, for the produtlion of cotton, rice, and indigo. Of trees, rhc general growth is poplar, hickory, black and white \\»lnut, ?11 kinds ol ^ /y - //& :.^^ .^^^^-^r ij . "-a^-y*-*' i-^.^(r — f*y y' ^ . /^

- '7. ^^ ~y ' . AiU^^t^^**'**'^ ^ //, ^SEPTEMBER, 1807, begins on Tue'^!^ i New Moon, 2d day, 2h. 21m. morning. Fii-ft 8th { Quarter, day, 6h. 2m. evening. Full Moon, 1 6th day, 4h. 22m. evening. I

[ Lafl: Quarter, 24th day, 5h. 5Qm» evening.

Qbrfrv.ibie cays, Br. jF.Sea. 1 ^ C. S. Portland. ' " Cbo/er 9 4]Com. Provi. Wiilfomf.&Bruns. 30Q 7 Very high ]) Perigee. 5 31 Do^u;-days end. 5 33 7 tides. Sovie lath Sundaj'paft Trinity, rain 5 3^ C. P^Xl'oftCord & Taunton. 5 37 ^^J-C- Lenox. />«e 338 Coi-^nfeii. Ncw'-^aven. 9 5 40 7 • 10 S. AHVc?d. C breezes. 5 41 " Middling tides; . , ^ o 43 Exp eel a 3 44 ji3 1 6th Sunday pad Tr^n^.^ ckang.c" 45 C. P. Alfred. 514 of wcatIter. 5 47 15 S.J^., Northamp. &Wl^c.• 5 48 lb Com.N. Jerfey. [C.P. Barnft. 5 ,50 • ni; Lam. Some n _ > Apogee. 5i 1-8 Low tides. rain. 5 52 19 Beautiful 54 20 17th Sunday paft Trinity. 55 21 C. P. Dedham. weather. 22 kJ.C. W>ro..-C, P..Pavis. 23 7*s (outh3h. 30m. o 24 Huitc 1 ides incrcafing. warm 2 t. Cypnan. /cr i/i,? 4 8th Sunday paft Trinity. 5 |.8i C. P. Newburv'port. feafon. 7 29! S. J.C.Dedh.'&AuguRa. 8 6 St. 30! Jerome. 2) Perigee. 6 o 6

laks^buokeye, beech, Tycamore, black and honey locuft, Ui, hombean, elm, mulberry, cherry, dogwood, faiTafras, poppaw, cucumber tree, and the fugar tree. The under growth, efpeciaily on low lands, is cane ; fome of whichch are upwards of 20 feet high, and fo thick as to prevent any, 1

New Moon, ift day, loh. 29m. morning. Firft Quarter, 8di day, 6h. 37m. morning. Full Moon, i6tliday, ph. 46m. morning. Lall Quarter, 24th day, 5h. 12m. morning New Moon, 30th day, 7b* 58m. evening

)bkr -sbie dav (»)s lr_.#s.|F.Sca. «Jwj I I 1 L/oiJo^ ri uk 6 116.]) IciMl 1 ,3 Rem:,

' 212i 61 tides. fome rain\^rain. 12 6 i/levc 7 6!HiiihHi^h <^ 7|Gov.Ad:imsVHcd 1803, /Et.82 6 «4 ^> 57 3I ^^^4 4:D|i9ih Sunday pail Trinity- 6 7 43 2 Fine. 8:^4 ,3.-3i 3SJ.C.Taan.C.P. BofXN^r .8 9^3^ 4 o ^ zotathcr for fovtc ' 20 10 31 4 5,3 died day 21 ( I 33 5 47 , Gov. Hancock 1793- 22 ( morr. (SjSt. Deii>$. Dull and ^ 3f^ Eagle's Head fouth 6h. oin. 24 34 7 2^ 2oth Sunday paft Irm. haz 1 3(1 8 6 with thick air 2 35 8 48 SJ.C. Piym &Portl. C.S. Ip< 3 31 9. 3c Gen. E'ea. Vtrm. D Apo-c(^ ^9 4 3'-^ !o n tides. 31 5 3 10 ,j ^j Low 54 ii 3^ 6| 6 Queen France beheaded 1793. Eihcl. Sigm of 34 norn 2 lit Sunday paftTnn. mo 35 o 23 CoinMvallis taken 1781. 3<^ SJ.C. Barnftahlc. rain. 58 Good weather for 39 8 th 40. ..,_ ., *sfouih ih. 44m. 9 23 6 Columb. dil'cov. America 1492 42 :i 4 ftafon. 43 noru. 51^ 22d Sunday paft Trin. Girp.. 9 Becomes cooler. [lid 46 1 2 Alfred. p. 47 2 S. J. C. Camb. & C 35 St. Simon&St. Jude. )) Peri. 49 3 5' High tides. 6° 5 4 fers'io i Prefideni Adams born 1735 51 ]) 52 1* 7I , CkangeahU. 5 36 5°

other plant from growing. Of herbs, roots, and ftiaibs, there are Virginia and Seneca fnakeroot, ginferig, angelica,] fweet annile, red bud, '"pice wood, wild plum, crab apple, vines. g'nd-s' -inger, fpikenard, wi d hop and grape The / —

x-- %- ,


T.^ ..-.^^>^- ^^^'^_ ^^

.3t^^£^^j^. .

NOVEMBER, 1807, begins on Lord^s d ay. Firft 'Quarter, 6titvday, iih. iin. evening. N3

Full Moon, 1 5th day, 311. ^tom. morning. Laft Quarter, 22d day, 2h. 32m. evening. New Mooq,. 29th day, 7I1. 14m. morning- C)hUTvaJ> rl.iV: ir.0s.|,.#: ^ S. 6 2 eve 5c ilD,o,Qd San iiy paU I mn Ali 6 54 ^ 5 '-^ 20 1 4r' 21 2 C. p. Northiimp. Fine days, 5 55 7 S.'j.C. Salem. American Ar- 6 5^6 8 20 2 47 ' o bui^ cold [ n) y difbaodcd 58 9 24 3 42 mornings and 6 59 6 10 27 4 3^ Middling tides. evenings. o 5 II 28 Changes V^ » 5 inorn r? 24th SunH. pad Trin. duli 3 5 20 6 4S C. Cod Hvd let. 1620. and 4 5 1 2 7 30 2- \" C.P. Caaine. hazy. 5 5 2 8 11 St. Martin. D Apogee 3 2 85? Mou agreeaUi 7 ^ 4 2 9 '^ lo 21 Bull's Eye fourhgh. om. 9 5 .5 £1 5\ weather 10 (j 20111 8 Not very high tides. 5J £5thSuiid.p?.{l Trin. ^eclip.vif. ti 5'®ririiil 5 Great 5'-f C.P. Plym.&.Porrl. ftgns 13 5 6 4.; o 4^ 'iu.Earihqaake x\. li. 1763' M 5 7 50 1 4^^ offnow. 8 5^1 2 3S 7*s fouth4lbv2.^?5»^ 16 5 10 o 3 1^

* 5>i B I ides increaling. Cm 4 ^7 2.6th Sunday, part Trin. Cecilia. \l mor 5 7 * j;t. Clem. and blufitTing. 19! 5 5^ S.J.C. Bollon & Nantucket. 20 1 29 6 4^^ Catharine's- Day. 5 Pciigee. 21 2 40 7 39 Dull, but 22 3 33! ^ changes to more 22 5 9 2^.i tides. agreeable. 23 , Protty hi^h I)j Advent Sunday. 0eclipfed. 24 ]) icis! 1 1 25 a'C. P.Worceftei. ^1.. Andrew. 25 6 51 eve ^5 are covered with wild rye, wildoais, clover, hulfaloe grals, .irawbciries and pea vines. On the hills ai ii»c head ol rivers, and in tome high cliffs of, aie found In diametei, majeftic led cedars ; many of thefe are 4 feet and 40 feet clear of iiinbi. The animals arc fuch as arr arc wel! round iii the neighbouring States. The rivers

l^o7j ;

DECEMBEK, 1807, begins on tiieiaajT" Firft Quarter, 6th day, 6h. 37m. eveningr Full Moon, 14th day, 8h. iim. evening. Laft Quarter, 21ft day, loh. 33m. evening.

New Moon, 28th day, 8h. 25m. evening. M |\v| Ublervablc days, &c. |'r-0^.ir~jp.|F.Sea. 3i Some 17 26 a 6 59 4 Common tides. fnow at this\'j afi a 8

Sirius ri fes gh. om. (^ time. j7 27 5 9 Fini 72 10 3 Jor wcathtr 7 9 11 10 4 3* 2d Sunday in Advent. 17 29 5 morn 5 18I C.P.Taunton. DecembcrJj 29 5 9 6 o C. P. Augufta. D Apogee.J7 30 5 1 7 64, Grows dull 2 1 7 30 5 Low tides. withfmne\'j 31 5 3 •3 VI 7*s fouth loh. 15m. 7 31 5 4 1 8 54 rain or /now. \'j 32 5 4 59 9 40 3d Sunday in Advent. Lucy.!7 32 5 10 34 C.P. Camb. died Wash, 1799, ':7 32 5 #n(e 11 24 Plea/ant. i7 33 5 5 29 morn. Tea deftroyed in Bofton 1773. 7 33 .5 6 34 17 Changes to \j 33 5 7 4 1 10

^5 8 2 .. . ., ^ Z^"^^-^^- 17 33 4 3 birius n(es_8h.o, • 6m. }7 33 5 9 5 2 54 th Sund. in Adv. Pkafanij 33 5 11 7 3 44 P. Dedham. St. Thomas. 7 33 5 morn. 4 34 Mid. tides, again. J) Perigee 7 35 5 19 5 24 A little more 7 Z^ 5 1 28 6 15 7*s fouth 9h. 15m. /now 7 33 5 2 Christmas Day. 7 33 .'^ 3 47 i ^ St. Stephen. 7 7 33 L 4^4 9 c D ift Sund. paft Chriflmas. St= J 7 83 5 .5 57 9 57 2 C. P. Ipfwich & Lenox. Innoc fets >o 7 33 5 P 54,. ^ 3 Plea/ant again, 7 33 5 iJ 49? 30 more [now is 7 3'-^ c 6 35 eve 4 31 SylvePer. makinp- \ 7 40 1 3oS decked with al! kinds offreih wa^er fifh ; among which are! trout, perch, cat fifh, buffaloe hfh. red horf-, eels, Sec • Some cat fifli have been cau.a;ht v/hich weighed' upwards ot the 100 pounds : weftern waters being more clear and pure than the eaflern rivers, th- fiOi are in the fame degree mou firm arid Tr^t'ODrv to the taOe. . ' .^»-' '^^'^


THE ^aKuti)nims ^tQifttt.

Governors, ^c. Jtrice thefirji fettUmint o/* Plymouth and Mailachufetts.

Governors of Plymouth Colony, from 1620 to 1692, elecled by ihe Peop'e for 71 years.

John Carver Edward Winflow I Jofiah Winflow j

| Wilham Bradford | Thomas Prince Thomas Hinkley Maflachufetts Governors, from 1628 to 1692, ele-6kd by the People. {Thi figures faew the number of years each governed,) Governors. Deputy Governors. Matthew Cradock* 1 Thomas GofFe* 1 JohnWinthiop 13 Thomas Dudley- 16 Thomas Dudley 3 Roger Ludlow 1 John Haynes 1 Richard Bellingham 12 Sir Henry Vane 1 John Winthrop 3 Richard ReUinghara 10 John Endicot John Endicot 16 Francis Willoughby John Leverett 6 John Leverett 2 Simon Bradftreet 1 Samuel Syraonds 6 * Chojcn in England. Thomas Danfordi 11 Sir Edmund Androfs, appointed by king James, 3 years. Governors after Plymouih and Maflfachufetts were united, appointed by the kings of England Governors. LieuUnant Governors, 1692 Sir William Phips 1692 William Stoughton i699Rich'd Earl BeUamont [to 1708 1702 Jofeph Dudley 1702 Thomas Povey 1716 Samuel Shute ly It William Tailer 1728 William Burnet 1716 William Dummer 1730 Jonathan Belcher 1730 W^illiam Tailer 1740 William Shirley 1732 Spencer Phips _ 1757 Thomas Pownal 1758 Thom-as Hutchlnfon 1760 Sir Francis Bernard [to 1770 1770 Thomas Hatchn-ilon 1770 Andrew Oliver 1774 General Thomas Gage 1774 1 homas Oliver Interrrgnum 5 years, till the Maffachufetts Conftitutloii took place, the 25th of O6lober, 1780. . .

1 6 Civil Government in Maflachiifetts.

Govtrnors, chofcn by Maf!'. LieuUnavt Governors. 1780 , to 178', 1780 I'h'-'mas C'.ifhing 178-^ James Bovvdoin,c years 1788 Benj.nniT) Lirscohi 17^7 J''J"»" HdDcock. to i793 1789 Samuel Adorns, fo \']')\ 1794 , 3 yea s \-^Q\ Mofes Gil', to i8co 1797 Ii!cr'-,areSiimner,toi 799 )8oi SamiK'l Plii'liys 1800 Caleb Strong ]8c2Ed.H.Robbins,toiec6

CrviL Government in Massachusetts,

For the Political Year, commencing May, i 806, and ending May, 1807.

' Hii. Exceliency Cam's Stkonc., 1* fq. ll.d. Governor and Commander in Cki?f. COUNCIL. Plon. Wi!li:im Widfttry ^Hon. Daniel Kij^hnm ~— Levi Lincoln William Euftis - Nahnn Weftcti —^eiijamin J. Porter - Marfhal Spring

SENATE. Hon. JdHN Bacon, Prefident.

Chaplain. I C'erk. Efq. Rev. William Emerfon. | John D. Dunbar, ,. Suffolk. ^ Hon^Hiirrifon Gray Otis.'^ijrifiopber Gore,^ohn Phil- lips^'WllIiam Spoon^-r, andreter C Brooks. . Essex. -Hon>F,nnch T;t<;omb, John HearcTlfohn Phillips, jr/Elia& H'afkel Derby, John Rowe, an^Nathaniel Thurfton.

M I D n I. E s E X Hoi^^Jonathan Mayra'd, T^aron Hill, 'William Hildreth, anJ^m'je! Dana. V York. Hon. John \A''oodnjan anc^Jofeph Stoicr. HaMI'SHIRE. Y \ Hon. John Hdftir»gsj>E/:ra Star kIatb;in Willis, v^^ B n 1 s T o L HonrNaihanlcl Morton anfljofiah Dean. Baf- nstablk. ^-'Hon. James Freeman. .

MaiTachufetts Reprefentatives. if

Dukes' County and Nantucket. Hon. Ifaac Coffin. Worcester. -Hon. salem Towne/^anlel BigeloWj'^ljjah Brigham,

""Thomas Hale. * N^ - Cumberland. '— Hon. and^Daniel Ilfley. Lincoln, Hancock, and Washington. - Hon^Joh^ Farley antTGeorge Ulmer. —Berkshire. —Hon. Ji^hn Bacon and^'imotby Clillds. — Nor folk. - HonT^ohn Ellis anS^John Howe. — Kennebeck. — Hon. Thomas Fillebrown.


•— Hon. , Speaker.

Chaplain. I Clerk.

Thomas Baldwin, d.d. | Charles P. Sumner, Efq. ^^ The Counties are arranged according to the time of their incorporation. Principal Towns are in small cap- itals. Figures at the end of lines denote tie diftance of miles from Boflon. Date of Incorporation. 1643 SUFFOLK COUNTY. 1630, Sept. 7, Bo ST ON, "^Jonathan Mafon,^ William Smith,"^"5onathan Hunnewel [^Samuel ParkmanV" William Sullivan, ""Edward Tuckerman^^ohn Wellfs,^Wi)liam Phillips^Francis Wright^John Winf- lowi^tephen Codman,^Redford Web- fterj'^imon ElHot^T homas Perkms, ""^Benj. Ruffeli^SDaniel Sargenti^Thomas W. Suni^nerT^ames Lloyd,_ jrNjohn Callcnder^J'tiomas H. Perkins, Thomas K. Jones/^enjamin Goddardj'^iEienj Whitman.AVm. Bro\yn,'^ohnT. Ap- thorp^hos. Danforth,"'"

1643, ESSEX COUNTY. _ 29, June 24,-—SAi,E>ir^nafhan Hathorrie/Wi'iiiam ClevelancC^ohn Southwick^*Jo^nua \Var(L^~A*\^ili7am Steams,'" J olt-ph »Story\Mei)iy ElkinsT^reph White, "^ofeph Winn, ^ 13 34, Au|;. 5,— Ipsw lOH'^-Nntnanitil Wade, Jona- than Cogfweil, jr^5<>^<;pjl Swafcy 29 55, May 6,—iV^ia;(^wr)>^ofiah LittleJ^ofcph Newell, '^'^noch^SawytM^ii.benezer Stor ker 46 37, Nov. — /-;>;??, £^?^ J ofeph Fulier/^'Iicajab I\cw- hali^^aron Brecd^Ebttnez"r Hart 8 39, May 22j G/^wa^e7%^^?Vm. Pearfon, John Somes, '**'^aniel Rogers, ii^Wm. Pearfon, jr. "^aleb Norwood, jr. 34 g9, Sept. 4,— ^oty/^/^Benjamiu Adams, jr: Thomas Gage, jr. 2^^ 4c, 0£l. 7, 5f2///^2^ry, J onathar^ Morrill 46 49, May 10, Wennam, eo 45, May i^t—MancAefier, William Tuck 30 45, —Haverhill, David Howe 39 46, May Sf'—Andcver, 1 homas Kittredge 32 49, May ir-^^i"^leAead^ohr\ Princer^athan B. Martiii^ Philip BefomT^ohn Bailey, N4.fa Hooper^Jofnua Prentifs, jr. i, $0, Ofl. 18,- Topsjield, Nathaniel Hammond 39 68, April zgj—Time/hury, Benjamin Lurvey 45 68, Oa. H,—Bever(^okph Wood,'Hrrael Thorn- dikeTThcs. Davis, fif-bner Cbajmian 13 75» ' Bradford,^-^dLmt\ StickneyT^amuel "Webfter 3a 85, Aug. 12, -Boxfordy Thomas Perley 30 1725, Dec. 8,- Afe/^«f72, Stephen Barker Mi S8 28, June 20, Middleton^ ^^.^ 57, June iSt—Danvers^\dton Fofter/^amucl Page, "^athan Pel ton \ ^"^ 64, Jan. 28j—N£WBURYPORT,^Mark Fitz, rld- ward St. Loe Livermorc,^Aiidrew Frothingham,^Jonaihan Gage, Ed- ward Little, Stephen liowaid^ohn Pearfon 40 8a, July 3,—Lynnjiddy (Difiritl) unites wiih Lvati 93, Junes*!, -r/awi/^^^, Robert Dod^jc vii. ——— 6

MafTachufetts Renrefentatives. i^

1643, MIDDLESEX COUNTY. 29, June 64, Cha}'. LEiTO WN, ^hoiTias Harris, "~^ Matthew BiidgcC~iDavjtl Goodwin, ^^otli Wyman.i^icliaivl I'Vothin^ham 3c, Sept. 7,- Watertoxon., Jonas White 7 .^c, Sept. 28, Medford, Nathaniel H-^H 4 33, Sept. 8,—£'fl/;2i^nkinioii^ Walter IvrFarland 3a 2-^, Dec. 3,— /I'VAy^t)/'/, J ifon Chjuii)ciiaiu 27 '»)., Dec. 17,— Sfonehom, DarMti Gonid 10

;'->, Stpt. 93,- Wejfjord, l hoTr''>^ Fitrtcurr,- jr. 28

-.>, S-. 01. 23,— Btajord, Daviu Reed j;^ ,Oy ^.ept. 25> PViimingtoK, ib ..% ju::e 29,- Toraijkend, John CanvpbL-11 4.5

.-, . D.c. 23, Tezukjbury, Wiiiiaai ^unuiids 24 X^»J^l'y 3'—i'^r'ft/'z, Samu.'l Joucs 24 v, jail. 4,-WFii<;//i^/?;, Abner Sar.dcifon 11 y^, Jan. Q^—Shiruy, Nathaniel liolr.cii 41

,.^, Apiii, —/*.,*/'£n//, Jolcpli lic.iid 40

LifiLoiri^ J -J, vprii 19, Samuel iloai-

.. , .Mai. 6, AJk^y, .",0

»• J .. . ^. I il 1 iu^/ oV> u'^i!* .i V V 'o R^V \ «» -J .J Of > , J ——— 2© MafTachufetts Reprefentatives.

1781, Feb. 19, Natick, 18 83, Feb. 25, Boxborougk,{'D\^T.) nrntt^v^iihStnw 30 89, June 22, Tyngsboroughy unites with DunJlabU 31 99, Feb. 28, Burlington^ 10 1805, Feb. ] 8,—Car/^/e, 20

J 653, YORK COUNTY. 53, May 18, York, Alexander M'lnfire 75 53, May 18,—iCzi/erO'Mark Adams,^NaihanIel Sta- plesTWilliam T. Gerrifh 67 53, Aug. 2,o,~WeUs, John Storer 88 1713, June 9,--:5crzyzU,^^ichard F. Cutts,'" Jofeph Prirae/^^m. Hobbs7 Nathl. Naion 86 j8, Nov. I'jy—Biddejord, Ichabod Fairfield 105 39, June 5, Ariindelly EHphalct Perkins 96 62, June 9j-—^co^Wni. Moody/Ichabod Jordan 109 67, June 15, Lebanon^ David Lcgro, 100 68, Feb. 2jt- Sanford^ fe?:^i'''^^rEph.Williams, ElihuHoyt lo,;

1713, Feb. 22y'—i^^ortJiJield, Medad Alexander ic .> 18, Nov. 12,'^ Sunderlandy Giles Jiubbard, -, 31, July i/^f -^rinijield, Stephen Pynthon 41, April 10,— Siandjord, David Boies 5^ ——— MafTachufetts Reprefentatives. 21

1742, Jan. \p,— Pelham, Ifaac Abercrombie J?5 52, Jan. 30,—-P^/z-vt/-, Aaron Me; rick 82 53, Jan. y,'-^jut/,.ah!t', Lemuel Poincroy to9 53, April \i,— South BucIIj>\, Rugalcs Woodbrldgc 90

53, June 9 ~ Gj'/V>', Jerome Riplty ^ 114 53, June 15,"~^

Packard , 85 53, Dec. Z'>,'-Mo':ta^u::j Nathdo Cbenery 97 54, Jan. 2,3,—^r^«i;.'//t',^zra Granger 120 54, April 20, Grecna':ch, Ab'jah Powers 75 59, Feb. i:^T~~Aink:r^?, i--airiuei F. Dickcnfon 91

6d, April £5, Afonfou, A'oncr Brown . 80 61, June 30,— Be/cher:,cwr?^^\Kk\m Phelps, Eleazer Cin-ik 85 61, June 30, Colrame^ David Smith 120

6 1, June 30, Shuupury, 9® ^ 6i, Kov. 25, - ^F<2r<, William B-'wdoin ^ 70 62, Mar. 6,—iiflr7z^ri?}?0c.';7^KczekiahNewcomb,jr. ""Gideon Ryther iia 62, June 11, CA^?s Pomeroy i2o 79, .'Vp'-"il i^,~- ^ 79, fune 23, Cumm-ngton, f^c^^eter Bryant, Adai7i Pjckjrd 120 80, Nov. 28, Mynt^cviery, ico 81, May 8, iVendtU, Jofliaa Grecjie 80 ——— 22 MafTachufetts Reprefentativcs.

1781, May 14^ Gojhen, NehemSah May 112 83, Mar. iZ,-~4/liddlefield, Uriah Chunh 125 83,061. 13,' Long~7i2eadr>7v,'EA\^l^x\^\Y• 97 83,,Ofl. 15, Orange, (T>\?\.) umic:% Wvh Warwick Jq 84, Mar. 12, Leyden^ unites with Ecrnardjiozon loo 85, Feb. 9, Rowe, 130 85, Ft!). 14,— //(rfl^;^, Roger Leavitt, 125 85, Mar, 16, P/^m^f/WjfDifi. juniiesw!thCzt7?^w?7V»^^.l22 8,5, June 17, Eaji Hamptor,, unites with Northampt. 105 92, Feb. 7, Hawiey^ Edmund Longley 120 92, Feb. 2.5, RuJjelU 108 93, Sept. 28, GilU 90 Hcllavd, (Difl.) unites with S. Brimjidd

1685, PLYMOUTH COUNTY. 20, Dec. 11,—-Plymouth,"" Nath.miel Goodwin, Zaccheus Bartleit, Ephraim Spooner, ^Jofeph Thomas 42 35» Sept. e,- -Hmgkam, Hawkes Fearing 19 36, Oa. 5,- -TSc//:«<2^(%SoharlesTurner, )r>EnochCol- lamore 21 37, June 7,—TDr/.v/'or(?*^Seth SpragueT^Adam Fifti 38 40, Mar. 2, MarJIiJield, Eliflia Phillips 36 May 29, Hull, i44, _ ^ 9 56, June 3, -Bridgezuater, Daniel Mitchell 5© 60, June, — Middleborouir/i^lohn TiokhamT^ohn Mortonr,Lcyi Peirce,Chillinj^wovth Fofter 49 86, June \,-~'Roche.Jler, Gideon Barftow, jr.^alvin Chaddock 53 1702, Jjuine ^^- Plympton, Seth Cufhing -^5 11, Mar. 21,-— jPm/f^rf^^^Nathl.SmttlvIfaacB. Barker 31 12, June 16, Abington, *22 a6, June 16, Kingston, John Faunce^ 58 27, June 14, Hanovtr, Benjamin Bafs 25 34, July 4,—/iW?/«^, Nathaniel Morton 35 39, July 10, Warekam, 60 90, June 9, Carver, William Atwood 50

J685, BRISTOL COUNTY. 39, Sept, 3,- -^\vi; N T o N, Jones Godfrey 36 45, June 4,—Re/iohDtAi^-dvid Perry, jr. 44 64, June Sf -4)artmouth,'Ho]di'r STocum 7° 67, 0£1. 30,- Swanze.y, Daniel Hale 51 S3, July, ^ -Freetown, William Rounfeville 50 94, Oci. 19, Attkborough, Joel Read 32

^ , ——

MafTachafetts Reprefentatives. 23

1711, June 12, Norton^ Nalxil Wheaton §3 12, May 30, Digkton^ John Hathaway 43 £j, Dec. 2iy iMjicn, John TiWrile 37 31, April 2, Raynham,l{xAd\^^^h\xxn. 36 April iSr—BerAlfv, ApoUos Tobey 35, ' 50 70, April 26, Mansfield^ go ^7, Feb. 23r -i^z/^fi^'^or^^SethSpooner^eml.Wil- liamsrAUien Spooncr^Saml. Perry 58 87, July 2, 'fFdy?/'orf, William Almy 70 90, Feb. 20, Somerfet, John Bowers 52 f8o3, Feb. 26,—Tr7-o>Vjona. Browne llTtllharles Durfce j© 1685, BARNSTABLE^ COUNTY. Sept. - 39, 3 BA R N \T A B I, E , Ehen . Loib rop^nas Whitman^John Crocker, jr. 6j 39, Sept. 3,— SandzvkH] ^o\iii Freeman, -Benjanain Percival ^ 39, Sept. 9, Yarmouth, David Killey - llo 46, June 2, Eaftham, Samuel Freeman loo 86, June /^^—FalmoutJh,'^^v\^ Nye>Frank Wirks -j^ 94, Sept. \^r- Hct-rwicfi^^w]. Bangs, Eben. Wcekes 88

1709, July 16, TrurOy — ^ 112 J 2, June ii^^^hatkam, Richard Scars - 05 27, June 14, Provincttown^*'*' 1^26 63, June 14, Marjkpee, 63, June i6y—We/(/ket, Lemuel Newcomb I05 93, June 19, Dennis, no Q7, Mar. s,-—Orleans, Richard Sparrow,, ico 1803, Feb. i^-^BrewJler, Haac Clark 88 1^5* DUKES' COUNTY. 7 1 July 8^ E I) G A R T o N , Thomas Cooke, jr. 94 71, July 8r-7^'/^Mr)', Shubael Dunham 97 1714, 061. 30, Chibnark, 99 1605, NANTUCKET COUNTY. 87, June 27,^ Nantucket, Micajah Coffin 1731, WORCESTER COUNTY. May 1653, 18,--i^wcfl/'er>Jona. Wilder, ^Eli Stearns ^5 May -^^if?2flfo«, 67, 15, Jofeph Adams 37 84, Oa. 13, -Wo R c E s T E R, Edward Bangs, Sam- uel Curtis^Ephraim Mower 4S *713> J^ .—^^or^, Sylvanus Towne 54 * This was the firft port entered by the Englifij, when they came to fettle in New England, in 1620. ————

34 Maflachufetts Rcprefentatives.

1713, Fe-b. 15;—fw.'/^fr, NathanlelPaine Denny 54 13, Feb. A:>,r-~Rntland, John Stone 56 1.5, June 21,-^,7^^?^^5onas Sibly^^fofeph Stiles 46 ir, Nov. -W'^.7?/'c)rffi^,^/^ 18, Nathan Fillier 34 18, Not. iz,—Brookfidd, ^\z\iQz Upham,^ Eleozer BjadfhawrblivtfrCrofby 64 ft7, June ft7,—^A^r?u(.;f. BezaleelTaft 41 »7» J»^'y 6, Soutkborough, IVowbriilgc Taylor 30 87, Dec. 19,— S/ir/c^yZ-z/r)/, Jonah Howe ' 40 fiS, Aug. I,- -Lunenburg. Edmund Cufhing 4^ Feb. i)«fl7e;y, gl, 2,— Thomas Learfved 55 52, JuHr ec),- //^/'t'C'i^Tona.Vl^trherbee/lfa.Parkcr 3', 3.5, April iB, Grafton, Jofeph Wood 40 35, June i|,—6^/.-^o/2, E^a Wood, jr. 3S 3^, Jan. \o,-—H, Mar. 6,"- TempUtony Leonard Stone 63 62, Mar. 6,-—.'^^4'/, James Humphreys 74 6i, June 7, Oakham, Perez Waterman, ^2 64, Feb. ^,— fficAbu^g, Samuel Gibfon, 4» 64, luae 1 },—- W'^/nci^f^^i/on, V/illiam Whitney 6© 65, Feb. 12, Paxton, N.uhanicl Crocker, ^5 6j, F.b. iGf—fioyaiJon, Ifaac Gregory 70 6''i, Feb. 2'2, AiJi.hunthamy C5 66, Jaw. 24, isorthhorough, James Keyes ^ 67, June 137—f/«Mtfri///o/?, John M'Claoathan 60 70, Apnl !M), Weliminjier, Jon'js Whitney ^4 71, April 2 i,—/^/7%C'/ow, William Dodds 52 72, July 14, NorthbT'dgCy 45 74, July iAr^-Bair>E\\y^\i CaldwelH^Afa Walker, 65 78, x^pril lOf-^Vardy JokphStojic, i^iy 00, Apii! II,—Aiz^b?"^ Samuel Jones 31 8j^ ApiU 2j,-^V4//^«J:iriael Aller?;RcubenHolconjl) 4$ —— f

Maflachufetts Reprefentatjves

I7??4, Mar. 16, Bt-r/in, (D\\\t\B) unites with Bo/ton 85. June 27, (raruutr.Crardiitr. Jonaihan OfgoodOfgc 58 80,"6; Mar. 1, Ec\ip.ony" JairK-s" Longiey' 4j 86, Oa. 2o,-^cr>v, Ithamar Ward' t8oi, Feb. 18, Dava 1760, CUMBERLAND COUNTV- 1638, oa. 19,--5<:ary(;A-r//Beni.Lairabce/Geo.Hight I13 17^3, Oti. ^i, —North Yarmouth,'^x^x'mm R. Mitchell, "^avid Prince", Jacob Mitchell 140 .18, Nov. i2,~Fa/mottt^]ohn Wai'e, Geoige lifley, "^Jatnes Means, Jofiah Hobbs 120 g8, Jan. 26, '-Britnfzakk, Kohtrt Given I51 ^ 58. Jan. 25,—//flr/v?t'f//, Benjamin Duning 163 62, June 19,^—Windham, Jofiah Chu'.e 134 64,0a. §0,"—6?o.'^aOT, Lot ^rop Lewis I30 65, Nov. \f^-Cap--El'zahtth, Wiiiiam Gregg, 126 74, Mar. '^,'-~Nczu Ghuccjler, Ifaac Paiions, Jofeph £. Foxcroft, 146 June I9r-€rav, Jofeph M'Lellan 143 Jj^, 85, Xitv. ^or—Standijh, Edmund Mufley 163 80, July 4,—Po H T 1. A N p, , Jo- feph H. Ingraham^ Jofeph litconib, ^William Jenks, Mattliew Cobb 143 89, Feb. l^^r-f'^^cport, Nathan Weffon I40 89, Feb. 17, —/)wr/5a;T2, (,'hnftopher Tracy 165 " 94, Feb. Bridgetown, I56 -Po/ar/d, ThomnsBianGA 150 Ltu'i^own, 16; Otisjield, 152 Minot, Pcjcpfcot, Baldwin, Raymond Harrifon,

1760, LINCOLN COUNTY. 16, June 13, Georgctoiun, 170 53, June ig,— Ncwcajlle, David Murray 192 59, oa. 9.C,—Woolwich, Abner Wade 167 ioo, 3,' i s a s s Feb. 1 —W e t , David Pay fon 1 78 62, Sept. io,r~Bowdoinham, Elihu Getchel 171 64, Jan. 3iy-ro/^a»r, Benjamin Hafcy 156 64, Nov. ;:5, Boothhar, >^ I90 65, June ^8^—-fi;7/2c^^JohnJohnfon, Sifeon Elliot 20.4 iSoy.j ^ ^ C —

26 Maflkchufetts Reprefentatlves.

^773* J'^"c zg,- Waldoboro\]o{h. Head^of. Ludwlg 2qo 74, Mar. ^^—-EdgcomS, William Patferfon i8o y6, Nov. 7, —Warren, Samuel I'hatcher 203 77, Mar. 20,- T/ioma/iozon, ^Ifaac Bernard,'^Mafon Wheaton 215 81, Feb. 17, i?fl//CWilliamKingr?clegTallman 165 86, Oct. 20, Unwn, 219 88, Mar. 2J, —Sowdoin, J zmes "Rogers 166 88, Nov. 20, Nobkborough^ James Perkins 199 89, Jan. 28, Cvjhing, 207

91, Feb. 1 7,-^ Ciz?//^/???, Samuel Brov^n 228 94, June <2.^- Drefden, Samuel T. Goodwin 180 94, June 25, -New Milford, Mofcs Carleton 191 g^, Feb. iB, "-Lewiflon^ John Herrick 95, Feb. iZy—Litchjidd, John Neal S2o 99, June 22, Li/bon, Luke Lambert 1803, Feb. 7r «S^. George^ Ebenezer Otis 21 o 4, June 23, Hope, 4, June 23, PalermOy 1761, BERKSHIRE COUNTY. 33, June 22, Sheffield^ &c. Silas Kellogg 145 39, June ^9.y-^tockbridge^ Afa Bement 141 39, June 15,—A^fey Marlborough, Zenas Wheeler 144 60, Feb. 13, —£^re»zo«f, James Bald vk'in 145 6i, April 21,- -Pittsfield, ^ Simeon Grifwold,'^ofliua

Danforth , 149 61, June 30,—^r^fl^^amw^iora, David Wainwright 150 62, Mar. 6r—5a?zflf/^c/ — MafTachufetts Reprefentatlves. 27

1778, 0£l. i^y^—Adams, Stephen Jenckes 104 jg, June 21, Mount. WaJliingtoTit (Dift.j unites with Sheffield 84, Mar. 2o,-TDfl//07?, John Chamberlain, jr. J35 89, June 24, Bethlehctn, 130 93, Mar. 14,- Chejkirey Jonathan Richardfon 140 QJi Feb. 20, —Savoy^ Jofeph Williams gjy June 19, Southjidd, unites with Sandisjield 98, Mar. 2, Clarkjhurg, 1801, Feb. 26, A^ccy AJhford, unites with Lane/borough 4, June

S^i Feb. 10, Ga s t I n e , Otis Little 263 96, Feb. 13, Northportt 258 96, Feb. 23, Eden, 335 j8oo, Feb. 21, Orland, o, Feb. 26, Ellfwortk, 2, June ^^r~-Lincolnville, Philip Ulmer 3, June 21, Surry, o, Mar. 12, Orono,

1789, WASHINGTON COUNTY. 84, June 23, Mac H IAS, 400 95, Feb. 27, Steuben, 370 96, Feb. 8, Columbia, 38a 97, Feb. 14, Addifon, 375

// ————

28 Maffachufetts Reprcfentatives.

1797, June 17, Harrington^ 37a 98, Feb. 24, Eapport^ 45a

1793, NORFOLK COUNT^ 1630, Sept. 7, - Dorcke^r^escz MortorvRzeklcl Tol- manV^hineas Holderi 3 30, Sept. 28, Roxbury^o^t'^h Heaih/V^^m. Brewer, "Elifl.'a Whunryi^aloh Sinirh 35, Sept. 2,-^ W^evffzow/^, Saml.BayleyVTainesTo^rej'14 36, Stpt. 8, - D K D H A MTEben.Fifher'^jhehn tndicot, Miaac Bui lard lo 40, May \^,—~Braintree, Rohert Hay<1en 8 51, May ^^^j—MedJield^ &c. Ephraim Chencry 20 02, May 7,— Af?7/ow, David Tucker a 7 73, Otl. 15, ^/rf«/<'/<2/w^S;,macl Day,^enj.Shepard27 1705, Nov.iOy- Brook li/ie^ Stephen Sharp 6 11, Nov. 5, Needham, D.tnlci Ware 11 13, 0£l. 2j,— A/fflfziWy, jeromldh DanlfU 25 19, Nov. ^j,'-EcUingham, Daniel Thurber 34 24, Dec. 10,' PFa/po/e, Afa Kingfbuiy 2o 20, Dec. 22, StoughtoVy Lerruel Gajr 15 6^, June 20, Sharon, Jonathan Billings 10 Jo, A]^n\Q.6f- Cohajjd, Thomas Lothrop 25 78, Mar. 2,-'Franklin, Pelatiah Fifher 3«> 78, June 10, Foxboroughy 26 84, July 7, Dover, (unites with Medfieldj i3 9ii. Feb. Si^y--{lumcy, Benjamin Eealc 10 93, Mar. gy-^-Randolph, Thomas French 15 97, Feb. z^i^Canton, Jofeph Bemls J799, KENNEBECK COUNTY. 71, April 26,— Wa//(Wf//>Samucl Moody>J. Sewall 193 71, April 9.6f—Winthrop, Nathaniel Fairbanks 18,3 71, April 'i.^r-VajJaibotouirh, Samuel Redington 204

7i, Aprli 26,- #///y'Z6!ay, Charles Hayden , 2ii 7V, Feb. ^,—PiUjlown, Jedecliah jewett 187 88, June i^^-Greene, Luiher Rt.'bbins 164 88, June i8,-Ca/?flaw, Brycc M'Lellan £33

83, June 18, Fairft 4d, ^25 83, June 18, Norridgeu'ock, 239 91, Mar. \if~ -Reaclfield, Vi'Aiix'^orxon lyo _ gi2, Jan. 20, Monmouth^ Simon Dearborn, jr. 180 92, Jan. 30, Svdncy, 2o3 92, June 27, Mouvt-Fr''-nrny] ^h\) Hovcy ^00 "94^ Feb. 1, farmingtony ;Mofes Chandler aoj ^/ Maffachufctts Representatives. 29

1794, June 20, NeW'Sharony 190 222 gS, Feb. 2^,-~ainton, AQier Hinds 95, Feb. 28, Starks, 230 95, Feb. ^.^^—Faydte, Solomon Bates 200 96, Feb. 3, —^elgrade^ Mofes Carr 96, Feb. 8, Harlem, 213 gj, Feb. 20,—Augusta, Jofliffa Gage 1.92 98, Feb. 12, Wayne, 98, Feb. 24, CornviUe, 98, March 1, ^«>w, 1800, Feb. iS,^~Leeds, Seth Howard 7 T 1, Jan. 31, 5^ro«^, ^^ 2, Feb. 20, Ckeprville, -> /^'^ 2, Feb. 20, Vienna, // 2, Feb. 22, y^t;o?z, ^ 2, Feb. 22, New-Vineyard, ^y 2, June 23, WatervilU, Einathan Sherwin /^'^ Barzillai 3, Feb. ly^-Go-rdiner, Gannet V -^ 3, June 15, Harmony, ^ c' 3, June 20, r^w/>/

lgp7.] C 2 —

3© Standing Committees.

1800, Nov. 15, Lovdl, 2, Feb. 20, Brownfidd, 3, June 20, Albany^ 3, June 21, Dixfieldt 4, June 23, Eajl-AndoveTf 4, June! 23, Giltady ^, June 15, Ncwry, 93

MeJJcnrer to the Houfe, Jacob Kuhn. MfJJenger to ike Governor and Council^ William Gale.

Sc<:retary of the State. -- Jonat*han Loring Aullin.

\fi Clerk^ Edward M'Lane. I '^dCkrky Sajnucl Cazneau. 2d CUiF-k, Edward Cazneau. | Treafarer and Receiver-General. - Thorn (on J. Skinner^ oi Bofton. 2^ Clerk, Fofter. iji Clerk, Jol'cph Laughton. | James f^ Offices are kept in the New State-Houfe, Bofton.


J-" OR Trit YEAK 1806.

On jc^icounts. Of the Senate, Thomas Hale and John Farley. Of the Houje, William Young, Jorepii Tiicomb, and Dainci Perry, jun. *' who are the Committee for the prefent year toexamineall accounts that may be exhibited for the fupport of Inch indi- gent perfons as are by law the proper charge of this Com- mon wenhh, and all other accounts which may be exhibited for fervices performed, cafh advanced, or any propeny fup- plicd lor the ufe of this Commonwealth, purfuant to any law, refolve, or order of the General Court; and to make out a ff>il, ariapged under general heads, fignifying the names of «hr refpcctive perfons or towns whofe accounts Ihall be proj*- eriy vouched, together with the amount of the fums wliicii rnay he found due on fuch accounts, and lay the fame be- luie th;s Court for their conlidwration axid ailowancu.** 1

Standing Committees. 3

On New Trials. Of the Soiate^ George Bhls and Samuel Da; 3. Oj the Houfc, Edward Bangs, George BradLuiy, and Samuel H. Wheeler. On Incorporation of 'Towns. Of the Senate, Salem Townc and John Howe. Of the Huuf-'y William Brewer, Lothrop Lewis, and M^ik Langdon Hill- On Turnpike Roads and Bridges. Of the Senate, Aaron Hill and tlias H. Derby. (if the Houfe^ Micajah Coffin, Jonailran Hunncwell, aiid Joflma Ward.

On Incorporation of Pari/Jjes and Religious Societies.

Of the Senate, ilciac CcJiin and Enoch 1 i comb. Of the Houfe, John Huihonie, Ephraim Spooner, and Francis Carr. On the Interior Fl/fjeries. Of the Senate, Matbanicl Morion and Nathan W'illis. 0/ the Hoiife, Aaron Hobart, Setb Spooner and Ebtntzer Filhcr. On Eieaions. OJ the lloufe, Edward Bangs, Laban Whcaton, Ezcklel Baton, Edward St. Loe Livermore and Samuel II. Wheeler. On Bills in the Third Reading. OJ the Houfe, William "Sullivan, Eaekicl Bacon tfnd Martiii Kingfley. On Finance. OJthe Hovle^ William King, 1 imoth.y Bigelow, Wna, Cleveland, John Weliek, and Jonathan Loring Auftiri. On Engrojfcd Bills. OJ the Houjit Joiui Cajleauci, John Somes, and Zaccheus Bartlelt.

On the Commonwealth*s Lands and Property in the Dijria of . Of the Senate, Jonatnan Maynard, and John Phillips. OJthe Houjc, Charles Turner, jr. Loihrip Lewis, aud Joibua Dantorth. On the SuhjeS of Eajlern Lands.

Bojion WilliaiO ^muh j Rox&urj/ John Read Notaries Public.

Notaries Public in Maflachufetts.* Suffolk.

BoJIon Robert Gardner I Bojlon Edward Jones Benjamin Homans Loring, jun. | Joreph Essex. Beverly Jofeph Wood Newburyport Jonas Kettell Gloucejler John Rogers Stephen Crofs Haverhill Stephen Minot Saltm John Punchard Ipjzvkk Robert Fariey Levi Maxcy Lynn James Gardner William B. Dodge Marblekcad John Bond John Saunders Ifaac Mansfield Sali/hury Samuel Nj'e Middlesex. Cambridge James Greene Groton John L. Tuttic Charlejlown Timo. Fuller Waterlozun John Rockwcod Concord Levi Thaxter York.

Bidd'/ord Jeremiah Hill I York Samuel Derby Wells Jonas Clark | Ham PS H IRE.

Greenfield Jena. Leayitt, jr. I W^.S/jr/n^^f/a? JuftinEly, jr. Springfield ]om,Tiv^ng\\t,lr.\ Plymouth. Duxborougk David Bacon Plymouth James Warren, jr. Hingham JelTe Dunbar Scituate Sterley Sampfon Plymouth Ebenezer White IVarckam Jonathan Lincoln Bristol, Dartmouth Ephraim Trip N.Bedf. John M.Williams Dighion The. B. Richmond Taunton Barney Corey hkw Bedjord Eli Halkell Wejljord Simeon Tifdale Barnstable Barnjlable James Hinckley Provincetown Jona. Cook Chatham Jonas Whitman Welljleet Samuel Waterman /

Ti/hury William Athearn 1 Edgarton William Mayhew John Dunbar Nantucket.|

Nantucket Ifaac Coffin | Nantucket Daniel Coffin

* Public Notaries are appointed for the purpofe of mak- ing proteO-., giving certific^es under the: feal of office, and pntrving and regifleririg protefts and otl),cr noiariaj writinf^s ? c^iio for altering the fame. Notaries Public.—Infpeftors of Beef. 33 Worcester Brockfield Cheney Reed St:rling Mofcs Smith Mandon Jofcph Adams IVorceJicr Theoph. Wheeler Peterjham Ci- MK£P LAN'D. BrunfwJck John Bab Ion Portland Samuel Homer Harp[well Adw. Dunning, jr. A". Yarmouth Daniel Sione Portland Jolcph C. Boyd Lincoln Ratk William Webb Thomaflown Daniel Rofe Boothbay Jiukfcm Durant Waldoboro^\WAX.tTrv\ .Thomas Newcafile Daniel Waters IVij'caJfet JofephChriftopher Berksh IE E. Ltvox Thomas Williams Sandisjield 'E.^hm. A.}\idXon j

Pittsfield Jofeph Danforth I Hancock. Eelfajl Janxes Nefmith Frankfort F. L. B. Goodwin Budifiozott Moodly Plllfljaiy Sullivan Paul D. vSargent Cajiinc Jolhua Woodman Surry George Herbert Dcer-IJle Jofeph Tyler James Thomas Wa s h 1 n g t o n . Eajlpo'^t William Allen Afac^?fl5 Jeie. O'Brian, jr. j Jonathan Steuben D. Wefton | William Campbell Norfolk.

Roxbury Nathl. Ruggles, j ^o''«0M^/5Jas.Humphreys,jr. Kennebeck. Ralloteell Eleazer W. Ripley.

Appointments under State Authority. By the Governor and Council. hifpeBorGrn. of Beef and Pork, Stephen Bruce, of Boflon.

[Office is kept at No. 3, Doane's Wharf.] Deputies. Avvifhvry Richard Sawyer Boflon James Barry ^lu^ufta James Chi Ids Thomas Emmons Bath BiMijamin Fofter Bradford Richard Walker Bdfafl Natli!. Emerfon Brnnjwick Jeremiah Kacker MuvhlilifM Jona. Roundy Cambridge William Ma Ton

Mcdford Jonathan Warner Ciarl'-pown J a m e s S mi t h Berwick Bartholomew Nafo'n Ifaac Smith Beverly Ilobert Porter Thomas Qou;,d Biddeford Robert ^leaves ConcoM Jofsph Barrett 34 Infpe^ors.

Danvers Daniel Godthwait Orrington Jeremiah Burr Dcdhara Abljah Parker Portland Shirley Erving Falmouth JofephMarean Roxbury George Zeigler Gloucejler Benjamin Stacy John Wells Gorham Royal Lincoln Samuel Blaney Hallowdl Jofeph Snnith Salem Jonathan Ropes Haverhill Nathaniel Ayer Jofhua Phippin Ipfwich Benjamin Averill Salifbury Ezekiel Worthen Kennebunk Timothy Keezer Seth Clark LaneJboYo Samuel Bacon Benjamin Lurvey Lexington and Menotomy Nathaniel Ring > Samuel Jones Scituate Caleb Ray New Bedford Samuel Taber Somerfet Ezra Chafe Newbury John Ofgood Springf. Jeduth. Sanderfon Caleb Kimball Watertown Peter Wheeler Newburyport John Tracy Samuel Holt _ Nicholas Brown Wintkrop John Wadfworth Northjield Jabez Whiting Wifcajfet Jeremiah Berry N. Yarmouth John Thomas

Infp, of Pot & Pearl Afhes, Dr.David Townfend, of Boflon. [Office kept oppofite South Burying Place, Pieafant ftreet.]

Deputies. Bftk Benjamin Fofter Haverhill Phineas Carlton Medford Andrew Blanchard Newburyport Jonathan Call Charltftown John Auftin Portland Shirley Erving

InfpeBor of Nails, Gen. John Winflow, of Bofton. [Office in Atkinfon ftreet, formerly Green's Lane.] Afa Danforth, at Taunton, his deputy.

InfpeBorofTobaccOy Butter, ajidlard, Dea. Francis Wright^ of Bofton.

[Office is kept in High ftreet, near Ruffell's Wharf.]

Deputies. Ckarlefiown Nathan Adams Newburyport John Traccy Hallowdl Jofeph Smith do. James Locke Medford Jonathan Warner Salem Jofliua Phippin Marblehead Jona. Roundy

Keeper of the Standards of Weights £? Meafures, and (ex o^cio) as Trea/urer, Thomfon J. Skinner, of Bofton. Richard Auftin, his Deputy, at Bofton. »

Medical Societies. 35

MaiTachufetts Medical Society at Bollon.

Incorporated November 1, 1781.

Officers eleSed on the iji WedneJ'day in June annually Prejidmt^ John Warren, m.d. Vice-Prefident, Jofhua Flflier, m.d, Treafurer, James Jackfon, m.r. Corresponding Secretary, Thomas Welch, A.M. Recording Secretary, John C. Warren, m.d. Librarian and Cabinet-Keeper, John Fleet, m.d. Counfellors and Fellows in the different counties may be known bjr applying to the Recording Secretary. There is a meeting of the Cenfors once in four months, for the examination of Candidates for the praftice of phyfic.

Branch of MafTachuf. Medical Society atWorcefter. Inftituted in 1804- Officers chofen Prefident, Ifrael Atherton. Vice-Prefident, Jonathan Ofgood. Treafurer, John Green. Correjponding Secretary, Oliver Fiflcc. Recording Secretary, John Green.

Bofton Medical Difpenfary. Inftituted Oftober, 1796. Incorporated Feb. 26, 180I.

Officers eleEledm ^d Tkurjday in OBober. Prefident^ Samuel Stillman, d. d. Treafurer, William Smith, Elq. Secretary, John Andrews, Efq.

ConfuUing Phyfmans, James Lloy d, m . d . Ifaac Rand, M . D, C Thos. I. Parker, m.b. Southern Diftr. Vifiting Phyjicians, < John Gorham, m.d. Middle Diftriti. ( Horace Bean, a.m. Northern Diftr. C Stephen Thayer, Southern Diftri6^. Apothecaries^ < Thomas Bartlett, Middle Diftrift. ( Robert Fennelly, Northern Diftrift. Managers, Samuel Stillman, d. d. Samuel Weft, d. d. Stephen Gorham, Efq. John Andrews, Elq. William Tu- dor, Efq. Capt. Samuel Dunn, Jonathan Amory, Efq. Mr.Thomas Brewer,Mr. Benjamin Buflcy, Henry Hill, Efq, Mr. Samuel Salifbury, and Mr. Adam Babcock. The Managers meet quarterly on the 2d Fiiday in each month, at the fign of the Good Samaritan, No. 13, CornhiiU 2$ Medical Societies.

^\ p. The Southern Diftrift comprehends all the fouth part of the town fiom the fouth fide of Winter and Sum-

iT'.cr (Ireets ; and extends to the fouth fides of School and VlWk ftieets, down to the water. The Middle Diftriftfrorai ti-enre to the M^H-Biidgc, joclnding Weft Bofton.—The North'Tn D:ftri6t, all the north part of the town from the Mill-Bridge. The above inftituticn, though yet in its infancy, has af- forded the means of relief to many necefiitons peiT«irs. among others, whofe feelings would have been hui: by an

application for affiftance from the Alms-Houfe ; as ihey .-re by this charity attended, fveeof any expenfe, by an ab]

\ Bofton Medical Library.

lailituied July i, 1805. Librarian, John Fleet, m.d. Secrdary, Bo6i. John G. Coffin. Treaju/er, John C. Warren, m. o. Trvjlees, James Jackfon, m.b. and Do£l. John C. Hou-atii,

Middlefex Medical Affociatiou at Cambridge.

Oj^cers e/icied on laji Wednefday in Odobtr annually,

Prefident, Vice- Prefidetitf Benjamin Waterhoufe, m.o, T^eapurer, S

Kennebeck Medical Aflbciation.

Inftituted 1797.

Officers eleSed 9.d Wednefday iu June annually-

Prtfident, Hon. Daniel Cony. Vice-Prfidcvt, Dr. JoUm Hiibbard. T'-eafurer, Dr. Peleg Benfon, Secretary, Dr. Mofes Applcton. Librarian. Dr. Ariel Munw. charitable Societies. 37

Maflachufetts Charitable Society. Founded in BoUon, vSfp^ember 6th, 1762. Incorporated March 15, 1780.

Yaarly Meeting for choice of OJlcers, \fi Monday in Sept* Prefd^nt, Hun. 1'homas Dawes. Vice- Prejident, Jonaihan L. Auftin, Efq. Treafurcr, Capi. James prince. Secretary, Dr. Ksthaniel Noyes. Tru/Ices, Benjamin Auftin, Stephen Brure, Samuel Hewes, , Jofeph Shed, John M'Lane, Eben- ezer Rhoades.

Irifli Charitable Society at Bofton.

Inllicuted March 17, 1737. Yearly Meeting for tihe choice, of OJicers, ijlh of March, Prtfidtnty Simon Elliot. Vice. Prcftdent, Thomas Englifii. Treafurer, John Manner. Keeper of the Silver Key, Andrew Dunlap. Recording Secretary, John Beane. Ccrrefpundivg Secretary, Shnbael B.ell. Trujlces, Thomas O. Selfiidge, Richard Clabby, and James CalFon.

Bofton Epifcopal Charitable Society. Inftimtcd 1724. Incorporated February 12, 1784.

Yearly- Meetingfor choice of Officers, on Eafier Tuefday, Preftdcnt, William Tudor. Vice- P refi dent, Samuel Dunn. Trcafurer, Benjamin Greene. Secretary, Nathaniel Tucker. Trufirvs, Richard Green, George Deblois, Tofeph Head, Thomas Kaft, Rev. J.S.J. Gardner.

. Scots Charitable Society at Boftoii.

Inllifuced i6'ix. Incorporated March 16, 1786. Yearly Meeting for choice of Offcfrs, ifl Tuefday in May- Prcfidtnt, Andrev\' Ritchie. Viu-Prcfidtnty William Clowilon, 1807.] D 3t^ Charitable Societies.

Treafurer, William M'Kean. Secretary, Thomas Semp'e. .^^^n^^, John M'Farlane, William Lamb, Andrew Miin, and George Sutherland.

MafTachufetts Congregational Charitable Society, for the Relief of dejlitute Widows and Children of dcceajcd Minijiers. Incorporated March 24, 1786. Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, on the Moii4ay preceding the laji Wednejday in May, Preyf^en^ John Lathrop, d.d. Vict-Prefidenty Hon. , of Salem. Treafurer^ Hon. George Cabot. 5fc/eifln, Jofeph Eckley, d.d. Council, Rev. Dr. Lathrop, Hon. Oliver Wendell, Rev. Dr. Eliof, Hon. George. Cabot, Hon. Theophilus Parfons, Rev. Dr. Jofcph Dana, Rev. Eliphalet Porter.

MafTachufetts Charitable Fire Society.

Incorporated June 25, 1794. Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, on the Friday next afttt the lafi Wednefday in May. Semi-annual Meeting, ^d Wednefday in November. Prefdeni, Arnold Welles, Efq.

Vice- P reft dent^ Thom-a^ K. Jones, Efq. Corrtfpoiding Secretary, Rev. William Emerfon. Recording Secretary, William Aliine, Efq. Trea/urer, Dr. Jofhua Thomas. Truflees, Samuel Stillman, d.d. John Eliot, D. D. Mr. Jjimes White, Shubael Bell, Efq. Benjamin Rullell, l^^c^. M-. Enoch Hufe, Mr. Jofeph Lovering, and Francis Wright, Efq.

Roxbury Charitable Society. Inftituted January, 1794. Incorporated February 26, 1799. Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, ^d Monday in Sept. Prefident, Hon. John Read. Williams. Firft Vi.ce-Prcftdmt, Capt. Jofeph

Second Vice-Prcji dent y Rev. Eliphalet Porter. Charitat)le Societi^. 39

Trcapurer, Jofeph Ruggles, Efq. Sxretary, Nathaniel Riiggles, Efq. Standing Committee, Deacon Jolhua Felton, Mr. George Zcjgler, Rev, Eliphalet Porter, Mr. Thomas T. Robinron, Mr. John Williams.

TrufteesofJoHNBoYLSTON'sCharitableDonations, Jor the Btmjit and S74>/)ort of agsd peer Per/ons, and 0/ Orphans and deferted Children. The Selectmen of the Town of Bofton. Incorporated Feb. 3, 1803.

Truftees of the Franklin Donation. The Sele£lmen of Bofton. Rev. James Freeman. Rev. William Emerfon.

MaiFachufetts Charitable Mechanic A£bciation at Bofton.

Infiituted March 15, 1795. Incorporated March 8, i8c6.

Yearly meeti-ng for choice of Officers ^ o^dThurfday in Dec, Prefident, Jonathan Hunnewcll, Efq. Vice- Pre/}dent, Maj. Benjamin Rulfell. Trcafurcr^ Francis Wright, Efq. Secretary, Mr. Thomas Wells. Truftees, Capt. William Alexander, Mr. James Daw- •fon, Mr, Daniel Tuitle, Capt. Samuel Todd, Maj. Charles Clement, Capt. David Cobb, Mr. James Barry, Mr. John X). Howard, and Capt. John Cotton.

Bofton Female Afylum. fnflirnted Sept^oj, 1800. Incorporated Feb. 16, 1803. Officers chofcn on the laji Tuefday in September. Firjl DireB-reJs, Mrs. Hannah Stillman. Second DireRrefs, Mrs. Mary Hubbard. Treafurer, Mrs. Eleanor Davis. Recording Secretary, Mifs Eliza Frothingham. CplieBing Stcreta^jy, Mrs. Elizabeth Thurfton. 4© Charitable Societies.

Managers^ Catheiine Codman, Elizabeth Dorr, Marv Gray, Ann Green, Mary Grcv, Abigail M<

jlf^" The Afylum is kept at No. 2, South Street.*

Salem Female Charitable Society. Inflitutefl July i, 1801. Incor)X)rated June 23, 1804.

Yearly choice of Offrcers^ \Ji Wcdnefday in May, Firfr DircBrefs. Mrs. Elizabeth While. Second DireBnfs, Mrs. Eunice Richarcffon. Treafurer, Mrs. Margaret Holyoke. Secretary, Mrs. Abigail Mafon Dabne^'-. Managers. Mrs. Rebecca Cabot, Preferved Elkins, Deb" crab Hovey, Catharine Prelcott, Lois Pulling, Lydiajownf- end, Sarah Ward, Dorcas Woodbridge.

Portland Benevolent Society.*

Incorporated Feb. 15, 180,5. , Yearly meetin?for the choice of Officers^ iji Wednefdayin OSf, Prefiaent^ Samuel Deane, d. D. Vice- Prefi dent, Rev. Elijah Kcllog, Secretary, Stephen Longfellow, Elq. Treafurer, Samuel Freeman, Efq. Managers. Matthew Cobb. Samuel Deane, Samuel Freeman, Fimothy Hilliard, Jofeph H. Ingiaham, Elijah Kcllog, Stephen Longfellow, Jofhua Rogers, William Symmes.

Newbury-Port Female Charitable Society. Iccorporated March 15, 180,5. Yearly meeting far choice of Officers, 2d Tucfday in Juve» Firjl DireEirefi, Mis. Fl.umah Balcb.

Second Direcit efs, Mrs. Sarah Thompfon. * Thirt\-tioo children are now in the Afylum-, two have diedf nee its infiitution^ an(l 21 have been placed tnfavulics. + The defign of this Society is to relieve and affif^ thofe objefts of compaffion, whofe circumftanees may require relief in a manner different from that which Is by law pro» vided for the fupport and employment of the poor ; com' prehending therein, the widow and the fatherle-fs, the defti* tute and helpless flranger, and all who, by flcknefs, infirmity, or misfortune, may be reduced to indiigencp. Treatment with drowned Perfons. 41

Treafurcr^ Mrs. Margaret Aiwood. Secretary, Mrs. Mdiy Wdhii. Managers. Mrs. EliKahcih K. Carter, Saranna Coffiq, Wary Gai;e, Elizabeth Jenkins, Rebecca Marquand, Amic Norton, Dorcas Noyes, jun.

Summary of the Method of Treatment to be uied with Ferfons apparently dead from drowning, &c. THE RESUSCITATII'E PROCESS, Recommended by the Humane Society. CONVEY the perfon to the neareft convenicnf houfe, with his head raifed : drip and dry him as quick as poflible : clean the nioutji and noftrils from frofh and raud. If a child, let him be placed between two perfons naked, in a hot bed. If an aduh, lay him on a hot blanket or bed, and, in cold weather, near a fire —in warm weather

The too cuUomary method of rolling on a barrel, fu-f- pending by the feet, and every other vioientmadc of agita- tion, particularly in rimoving the boay froiii the water, iljould be mofl carefully avoided. To reflore breathing, intiodnce the pipe of a bcUtnv.s fwhen no apparitus is at h.snd; into one of thenoflrils.' the

tiiher and mouth being clt>led ; injlate the. lun^^i, iuitij the

brraft is a little raifed ; the m.outh and noiiriis mud then be let free. Repeat this procefs until life appear. Eletlricity is rtcommended 10 he early employed l>y judicious praCtitioneis. ' 1807.] I^ « 4* Humane Societies^

. Gtnswl Obfervations. Rcfufcitation, On the dawn or firrt indication of returning life, the pru» dent priiftitioner will refign the office of Art to Nature. It is evident that Art has contributed her {hare by en'

MafTachufetts Humane Society, at Bofton.

Incorporated February 23, 1791. OJJiun eJioftn at thefemf-annual Meetings 2d Tuefday of Dec* P reft dent, John Wzrren, m. d. fir/i Vicc-Prefidcnty John Lathrop, D. d. Second Vice-Prefidfut, Aaron Dexter, m. d» Treafurcr^ John Eliot, d. d. Correfponding Sicretary, Willlnm Spooner, m. d. Reoording Secretary, Edwcrrd Gray, pro tern. Trvfiees, Nathaniel Balch, Efq. Jeremiah Allen, Efq. Samuel Parkman, El)]. James Scott,^. Edward Gray, Efq. and William Phillips, Efq.

Merrimack Humane Society at Newburyport,

Inftitured in 1802. Incorporated March 7, 1804.

Officers annually tickled on the ift Tuefday in September. Prefident, Micajah Sawyt-r, m. n. yice-Prcfiderft, William Coon^hs, Efq. Trrafurcr, Ebenrz'-r Sfocker, El<]. Correfpmiding Secretary^ Nathl. Bradftreet, m. b. Fecorc'zng Seere'aryy Mr. Wi'liani V/oart. Trpji.fs, Hon. Dudley A. 'lV"g, i^''v. 'I'homns Gary, IJ^thnniel Saitonftal), m, r>, Sainue! Nye, a. m, Kcv. Miilianary Societies. 4.3

Ifiiac Smith, Nicholas Johnfon, Efq. Rev. Daniei Dana, Rev. Samuel Spritig, Rev. John Andrews, Rev. James Morfe, Rev. Jonathan Allen. Rev. John Giles, Rev. C. W. Milton, Dr. BiOiop Norton, Capt. John Pearfon, Capt. Thomas M. Clark, Daniel A.White, Efq. Deac. EJward Dorr, Rev. John S. Popkin.

Society for propagating the Gofpel among the Indians, and others, in North America.

Incorporated November 19, J 787. Yearly choice of Officers, day after General EleBion, Prefident, William Phillips, Efq. Vicc-Pr,jident, John Lathrop, d.D. Secretary, Jedidiah Morfe, d.d. Afftjlant Secretary^ Abiel Holmes, D.D. Treafurer, Mr. Samuel H. Walley. Vice-Treafurer, John Eliot, d.d. ScUB Cowviittee, Mr. Samuel Salifbury, Jofeph Eckley, D.D. Hon. Dudley A. Tyng, Hon. John Davis, and Jedi- diah Morfe, D.D.

Board of Commiffioners of the Society in Scotland fpr promoting Chriftian Knowledge.

Officers chojtn May 27, i8c6. Prefidtnt, Hon. Oliver Wendell. Vicc-Prejudent^ Ebenezer Storer, Efq. Trtafurer, William Phillips, Efq. Secretary, Jedidiah Morfe, D.D. Standing Committee, Jofeph Eckley, d, d. Rev. Eliplialet porter, William Piiiilips, Efq. and Jodidiah Morfe, d.d.

MaiTachufetts Miffionary Society.

Inflituted at Boflon, May 28, 1799* Yearly choice of OJiccrs, lajl Tuejday in May. Prefident, Nathanael Emmons, d.d. of Franklin. Secretary, Rev, Sainnel Auftin of Worcefter. Trtafurer, Deacon John Simpkins of Bofton. Trnflf.'.s, The Preiident ex officio, David Sanford of Med- v'^iy, Daniel Hopkins of Sr-slem, Samuel Niles of A^)ington, SsTiiuel Sjiring of Newburyporr, SRmnel A\iftin of Worcef-? 44- Miffionary Socreties.

ter, Samuel Worcefter of Salem, Jonathan Strong of R?in- dolph, Elijah Parljfh of Byficld, Jacob Norton of Wey- mouth, and Jofeph Barker of Middleborough.* Honorary Members of the Board of Trufces. The Prefident of the London MifTionary Society. The Prefident of the New York Miffionary Society. The Prefident of the Conne£licut Miffionary Society. The Prefident of the Hampfhire Miifionary Society. The Prefident of the Berkftiire and Columbian MifiRon- ary Society. g^ Rev. Elijah Parlfn of Byfield is chofen the firft, and Rev. Jonathan Strong of Randolph the fecond preacher.

The MaflUchufetts Society for promoting Chriftiaa Knowledge. Inftltuted in September, 1803. Yearly choice of Officers, in May.

Prefident, Eliphalet Pearfon, i.i.. D. Vice-Prefident, Hon. John TrcadwclL Treafurer, Caleb Gannett, Ef(j. Clerk, Abie) Holmes, d.d. Secretary^ Jedidiah Morfe, d.d. Librarian, Rev. William Greenough;

MafTachufetts Baptift Mlffionary Society. Inftituted May 26, 1802.

Yearly choice of Officers, lafi IVedncfday in May. Chairman, Samuel Stillman, d. d. Secretary, Thomas Baldwin, n. n. Treafurer, Mr. Oliver Holden. Truftees, Samuel Stillman, d.d. Thomas Baldwin, n. n. Rev. Jofeph Grafton, Rev. Stephen Gano, Rev. William Williams, Rev. Joel Briggs, Rev. Valentine W. Rathbun, Mr. Oliver Holden, Deacoh John Wait, Rev. Shubaci Lovell, John Kcnrick, Efq.

* The MiiTionaries appointed by the Truflees for t1ic current year, are, the Rev. Mr. Coe (R. I.) five month.s, Rev. Mr. Pettingale (Weft) one year. Rev. Mr. Nichols (Weft) fix months, Rev. Mr. Thurfton (Maine) one year, Rev. Mr. Sawyer (Maine) eight months, Rev. Mr. I Maine J fix months. MUTionar}' Societies. 45

BerkHure and Columbian MifTionary Society.

0/Jiccn cJwJlii 3«i Tuejday in ScpUnibcr. Pnjidcnt, Su^phcn W;0, d.d. F/cr-PreJuUrt^Hov.. Timorhy Edwards. Trtafurery Hon. Willi^im ^\^ilkcr. Scciitary, Kcv. Alvan Hyde. a.rk. Rev. Olivci- Ayei.

Trv/Ic'Sy Rlv. Aaicr. Baleen) , Sieplien Wt-O, i).n. Rev. Ej.hraini Judfon, Rev. AIvjui Hyde, Rrv. David Prrry, R.ev. Daiiit:! CoiliiiS, Hem. \v'iliictni Wasker, Hon. I'ijn- oihy Kdsvaids, Hon. Dnvid Rofleter, Deacon Levi Nye, and Obadi.di Ward, i".(q.

Hampfiilre Miirionary Society at Northanjpton.

Incorpor:ited Tebru-iry 21, 180.}. yearly choice of Officers, ov the Tlmrfday of the roetk tohtn the Court of Common Picas is^ held^ in the month oj Augvjl^ at 2 ddcck, P. U, Prefidcnt, His Excellency Cai.i:r Strong. Vicc-Prejideiit, Kcw Samuel Hopkins. TTcafurcr, Ruggles Woodbridge, E<'q. Correfponding SfcreUiry, Rev. Enoch Hale. Recording Secritary, Rev. Samuel I'aggart. Trujltesy Hon. John HaOings, Jofeph Lathrop, d.d. Hon. Ebenezer Hunf, Jofeph Lyman, p. D. JnftinEly, Efq. Rev. Soloi-uon Williams, William Billings, Efq. David PearfoujD.D. Charles Phelps, Efq. Rev. Richard b. Storrs.

Baptift Education Fund. Incorporated Feb. 26, 1794. Yearly choic of Officers, Tuefday after \fi IVcdncfday in Sept, Chairman, Samuel Stillnian, d.d. Trcafurer, Thomns Baldwin, j>.d. Secretary, Mr. James Hiirilbn. TrtiPces, Rev. William Williams, Rev. Stephen Gano, Rev. Jofeph Grafton, Rev. George Robinlon, Stc))heri Dana, Efq. Rev. Joel B.ig^s, Mr. Daniel Wild, Mr, Ebenezer L. Bcyd, Rev. Eiillia Williams.

This Society meets in Rofton, annually, the iaft Wedncf* day in May, and at Inch other times and places as th^ Society may judge prober. 46 Academy of Arts and Sciences.

The Warren AfTociaiion

Will meet at Salem, the Tuefday after the firft Wcdnef- day in September, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Rev. Stephen Gano is appointed to preach the introduclory fernioni in cafe of failure, Rev. Valentine W- Rathbun.

American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Incorporated May 4, 1780. Yearly meeting for choke of Officers, \th Tuefday in May, Pre/idcnt, Jo HT< Adams, ll.d. Vice- Prcfident, Hon. Francis Dana, ll.d. Recording Secratary, Hon. John Davis. Correfponding Secretary, Hon. JohnQ. Adams. Treafurer^ Kcv. James Freeman. Vicc-Treafurer,^'i\\\Mn SjMDoner, m.d. Librarian, ]o\\r\ Lathrop, d.d. Cabinet-Keeper, Mr. Allan Pollock. Counfdlors, Hon. Robert T. Paine, Benjamin Lincoln, Efq* Cotton Tufts, Efq. John Lathrop, d. a. John War- ren, M. D. Caleb Gannet, Efq. Loammi Baldwin, Efq, Samuel Webber, ll.d. and Hon. John Davis.

Maflachufetts Hiftorlcal Society.

Inftitutedat Bofton, January, 1791. Incorporated Feb. 19, 1794.

Yearly meeting for choiu of Officers, lafl Tuefday inApru Prefident, Hon. Chriftopher Gore. Treafurer^ Hon. Jofiah Quincy. Correfponding Secretary, John Eliot, d. d. Recording Secretary, Rev. James Freeman. Librarian^ William S. Shaw, Efq. Cabinet Keeper, Mr. Samuel Turcll. Standing Committee, Hon. James W^inthrop, Hon. VCW- liam Tudor, Mr. Redford Webller, Hon. John Davis, and Rev. William Einerfon. Committeefor Publications, Ablel Holmes, n. D.Thomas L. Winthrop, Efq. Hon. John Q. Adams, and Rev. Thaddeus M. Harris. Libraries, Sec, 47

Bofton Library.

Incorporated June 17, 1794.

Yearly metingfor choice oj Officers^ \Jl Monday in March, Librarian^ Mr. Daniel B. Ripley. Trcafurcry Mr. Allan Pollock. Secretary^ Mr. Nathan Webb. Trufiees^ John Eliot, d. d. John T. Kirkland, D. d. Rev. Wm. Emerfon, Hon. John Davis, Wm. Spooner, M. D. John Phillips, Efq. Mr. Redford Webfter, Mr. Al- lan Pollock, Mr. Henderfon Inches, and Col. Wm. Scollay.

Social Law Library.

Yearly meetingfor choice of Officers^ zd Wednefday in June. Prefdent, Hon, Theophllus Parfons. Treafurer, Charles Jackfon, Efq. Clerk, Peter Thacher, Efq. Trufiees, Hon. Chriftopher Gore, Jofeph Hall, and Wil- liam Sullivan, Efquires.

Bofton Aquedud Corporation. Incorporated Feb. 27, 1795.

Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers^ on \fl Saturday in May, Prefident, Hon. James Sullivan. Vice-Prcfident, Hon. John Davis,

Treafurer znd Secretary , Andrew Cunningham. DireHors, Hon. James Sullivan, Dr. Aaron Dexter, Hon. John Davis, Mr. Jofiah Knapp, Mr. William Ham- matt, RufFel Sturgis, Elq. Mr. Gideon Snow, Mr. Amos Bond, Mr. Triftram Barnard.

Columbian Society. Inftituted 1792.

Yearly meeting for choice of Officers., on \fl Tuefday in 09,^ at the Academy-Hally in South Parifh, Bridgezoater.

Semi-annual Meeting is on thefirfi Tuefday in April. Pr'fuknt, Rev. John Read. Vicc-Prefidcnt, Rev. Zcdekiah Sanger. Treafurer^ Sylvanus Lazel, Efq. .

48 Agricultural Societies.

RecordinjT Secretary, \Vi\\'y>x\r\ Baylies, a.m. Corn'/l'ond ng Secretary, Benjamin V/hitnian, TJq. Couufdlors, Rev. Zcdckials .Sanger, Hod. B( zh Mayv.ani, Mr. Bcnjanuu Bcale, Joijaihau Sjiaw, Efq. Doct. Philip Bryant, Hon. Daniel Howard. g:|-The obieft of the ahove Society is for the promotion of agricultural and literary purfuifs.

MaiTachufetts Agricultural Society.

I Incorporated Maich 7, 1792. Yearly nminj; for choke of OJficers, 2d JVedne/day in June.

- P nfidenU Hon . John Ada m Firjl Vict-Vrfjid'e.nt, Hon. JoOph RufTell. Sr.condVke Prcfidcnt, Aaron Dcxrer, M. D. Tn-afurer, Thomas L. VVinthrop, EOj.^ Corrrft^ovding Secretary, John Lowell, Efq. Recording Secretary, Hon. Dudley Atkins Tyng. Trupres, Hon. 'Iheodore Lyman, John Warren, m. d. Samuel W^arren Pomeroy, Efq- Hon. Jo{iah Qunicy, John T. Kirkland, d.d.

Vifitors of the ProfefTorfliip of Natural Hiftory. Founded at . (^ Officers are the fame as MaiTachufetts Agricultural Socitty.

Kennebeck Agricultural Society at Augufta.

Inftitutcd 1800. Incorporated Feb. 17, 1801.

Yearly vicctingfor choke ofOfflccrSy

Prcfident, William Howard, Efq.

Firji Vice Preft dent, Jofeph North, Efq. Second Vtce-Prejident, Nathaniel Dummer, Efq. Treafurtr, Daniel Cony, Efq. Recording Secretary, Henry Sewall, Efq.

>n r J- c i • ^ John Merrick, and Correfponding Secretaries, ^ j^^esBndge, Elqnires. Truflces, Charles Vaughan, E-fq. Arthur Lithgow, Efq. Robert Page, Efq. Rev. D;n)icl Stone, Chandler Robbins, Efq. John D;ivls, Efq. Rev. Eliphalct Gilieu Mafonic Societies. 49

Weftern Society of Middlefex Hufbandmen. Incorporated Feb. 28, 1803.

Yearly muting fo'- choice of Officers is held on the \Ji Tuefday in September, at IVcflJord^ Littleton^ andGrolcn, in rotation, at 10 o\lock, A.M. Prtfident, Hon. Ebenezer Bridge. Firfl Vke-Preftdctity Zaccheus \X/'right, Efq. Second Vicc-Prrftdentf Rev. John Bullard. Recording Secretary, Mr. David Lavcrence. Correfponding Secretary, Rev. Edmund Follcr,

[Who arc Truftees ex officio. ] Treafurcry Capt. Francis Kidder. Trujiees, Kon. 7'imothy Bigelow, Mr. Ebenezer Ban- croft, and Deacon Abel Fl4;icher.

Society of Printers in Bofton and its Vicinity. Inflituted Angufte, 1005. Annuai m^ttivg iji Tuefday in OBober,

M;ijor Benjamin RulTs 11, Prejident. Mr. David Francis, Secretary. Mr. Eafign Lincoln, Treajurtr. Mr. Edmund Munroe, Librarian^ Grand Lodge of MafTachufetts. The firft Mafon's Lodge in America vv-as held in Bofton, July 30, 5735, by virtue of a commiflion from the Right Honorable and Right Worftiipfai Anthony Lord Vilcount Montague, Grand Mafter of England. —The Maffachufetts Grand Lodge (alfo holden at Bofton) v/as firft eftablifhcd on December 27, 5769, and defcended from the Grand Mafter of Scotland. —On the 19th of June, .5792, a Grand Mafonic Union was formed by the two Grand Lodges, and all dif- tin

evening of ihe fecond Monday in December ; and no per- (on Ihall be eligible for the ofEce mere than three year* fuccelTively." CcnfUtution, chap, zii, k^. 3, 1807.] E . so Mafonic Societies.

Rt. Worfhpf. John Solcy, Senior Gr. Warden Rt. Wordipf. Shubael Bell, Junior Gr. Warden Rt. Worfhpf. Allen Crocker, Grand Treafurer Worfhlpful John Proftor, Grand Secntary Kt. Worfhpf. Henry Fowle, Senior Grand Deacon Rt. Worfhpf. Edward Goodwin, JuniorG randDeacon. Rt. Worfhpf. Thaddcus M. Harris, Gr.Correfpond.SecWy Rt. Worflipf. Benjamui RulFell, Grand Marjkal Grand Szvard Bearer Rev. Br. John Murray, Bojion Rev. Br. Afa Eaton, Bofion Rev. Br. James Morfe, Newburyport Grand Chaplains Rev. Br. Ezekiel L. Bafcom, Gerry Rev. Br. John Pipon, Taunton > GrandGrc Chaplains Rev. Br. Jacob Herrick, Durham [.for'or the Mafonic Rev. Br. Thurflon Whiting, Ji^arren 3 Dil'ftriclsy{ Maine} Worfhipful Thomas Redman Senior Grand Steward Brother John May, jr. Junior Grand Steward Brother Owen Warland, ; Grand Purfuivants Brother Stephen Bedlow, 5 Brother William Eaton, Grand Tyler Who were all proclaimed in the Lodge by the Grand Marfhal.

The following is a Hfl of the Lodges under the jurifdic- tion of the Grand Lodge of Malfachufctrs. 'i'he Lodges are divided into twelve diftricls ; and a Diftrift Deputy Grand Maimer appointed to each diflrift, by the prefent Grand Mailer, viz.

r I R s T D I s T Ri c T Rt. Worfhpf. John Boyle, Efq. DiRria Deputy Gr. Mail. i^t. John's Ihlion Hiram Lexington Rifing States ditto Meridian Watertczon Mailachufetts ditto Mount Moriah Reading

King Solomon CharIfft own Mount Lebanon Bq/ion

Columbian . Bcjlon Rural Quincy Wafhing'on Roxhiiry Conflellatlon Dedham

Union Dorchcjier j Amicable Cambridgeport Second District. Rt. Worfhpf. Jonathan Gage, Efq. Difl. Dep. Gr. Maft, St. John' Newbtirypoft St. Peter's Ncujburyport' Tvriaa Gicucjitr Phjlaothropic Marbkhcad Mafonic Societies. 5»

Unity St. Mark Newburyport Mount Carmel Lynn

Third District. Rt. Woiflipf. Heaor Orr, Efq. Diftria Deputy Gr. Maft. 51 Mafonlc Societies.

Saco Saco Oriental Bridgrtcum Pyihogorcan Frsburgk Solar Bath Cumbf-rland Netv Gbuccjler AncjentLandMark Portland Tenth District. Rt.WorfhpF. and Hon. George Ulmer, Dift. Dep.Gr Maft.

Hancock Cajiwe I Rifing Virtue Hamdcn

Amity Camden \ Orient ThomaJlowH Eleventh Dit-trict. Rt. Worfhpf. JobnXooper, U<{. Dift, Dep. Or. Mad

"Warren Machias ! St. GeOrgc JVamn Colunibiayi Ionic Steuben I'ufcan j Eajlport Eaftcrn { TwEi.vTH District. Rr. Worfhpf. William Coffin, DIO. Dep. Or. Maft, tTnion Nantvckct King Solomon's in Perfef^ion Holmes's Hole Wafhington Remembered New~BedJord Out of Cfunmonweattk^ but under the JwifdiBion. American Union* Marietta (State of Ohio) St. Johnt Stabrock (Dcmarara WM.) Scioto, Ckillkothe (State ol Ohio.)

St. Andrezo's Lodge m^cts^t the Green Dragon, in Boflon,

Grand Royal Arch Chapter. At a meeting of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter for the State of Maffacbufctts, held at Mafon's Hall, Bofton, oa Tuefday the 9th September, A. L. 5806, the follcKving Of- ficers ^vere chofen, viz. M. E. Ifaiah Thomas Grand High Prieji. E. Benjamin RufTell Deputy Grand High PneJI, E. Amos Tappan Gystnd King. E. James D. Hopkins Gmnd Scribe. Andrew Sigourney Grand Trcqfurer, Edward Horiman Grand Secretary, Rev. Afa Eaton Grand Chaplain. Henry Purkitt Grand Marjhal. * Original Charter dated in February, A. L» 5776. + Charter dated S«pteinber 12, A. L. 5801. —

United States* Bank. 53

TTiomas Redman ) Ob Perkms Jac ( ^^^^^ ^.wards. James Locke C 8eth Johnlbn J William Tompkins Injide CentineL William Earon ? \^randTykrs,/^,^« j t i ^. IKremiahFoHom

Purfuant to the G>nfii;ution, the Grand Chapter of this State was organized on the i2rh of June, 5798. Its meet- ings are holdcn alternatel}' at Bofton and Newburj'porfj on the 3d Tuefday of September yearly. The Chapters under its jurifdiSion are St. Andrew's Chapter. [This Chapter meet regularly in the town of Bofton, at the' Green Dragon, on the evening of the Wednelday pre* ceding the full moon.] King Cyrus's Chapter. {Tliis Chapter meets in the town of Newburyport.J St. John's Chapter. This Chapter meets in the town of Groton.]

The African J.cdgc in Bofton meets regularly on the evening of the ift Tuefday in each month.

Bank of the United States at Philadelphia.

Thomas Willing, Prcfident. | George Simpfon, Cafhier. This Bank was incorporated by an a6l of Congrefs Feb.

®5j 1791 ; ai^d to continue until the 4th of March, i8ii.

'It i?! under the direftion of a Prefident and twenty four Vii- teflors, chofen yearly on the ift Monday in January. There are feven Branches of this Bank eftabhftied, viz. —Bofton, New-York, Baltimore, Charlefton (S. C.) Norfolk, Wafli- ington, and Savannah (Georgia.)

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Bofton. Capital—700,000 Dollars. George Cabot, Prefident. | Peter Roe Dalton, Caftiier. Dirsllors^ Jofcph Cooltdgo, jr. Samuel P. Gardner, Gardner Green, Jofeph Hurd, John Joy, H:^rriron G. Otis, John Parker, Samuel Parknaah, Thomas H. Perkins,

Thomas Perkins, David Sqars, and Timothy Williams. . 1807.3 £ 2 54- Banks in Maffachufetts.

Firfi Tefl>'r, Chriftoplif r Minot. Second Teller^ Samuel Pay Ton. firji Book-Keeper, John W. Blancliar

Branch of the U. S. Bank at New-York. Ray, Prtfident. Cornelius | Jonathan Burral, Cafhicf.

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Baltimore.

John Swan, Prefident. | David Harris, Cafhicr.

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Charlefton. Gilchrift, Prefident. Jofiah Smiih, Cafljler. Adam |

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Norfolk.

Robert Taylor, Prefideiit. | Robert Oliphant, Cafeier.

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Wafhington. Picfident. Davidfon, jr. Jos. Carleton, J James Cafhier.

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Savannah.

Jofcph HaberIham,Prefidcnt. | Thos. Mendenhali,Cafiiier.

MaiTachufetts Bank at Bofton. Capital—400,000 Dollars. IfTucs 5, 10, So, 30, 50, and loo Dollar Bills. Incorporated Feb, 7, 178^; and to continue as long as there are proprietors in this Bank. Ojficers ele^ed on the 1/, Wednefday in January. Calbier. Wilham Phillips, Prefident. i James Thwing, Direclorsy Rufus G. Amory, jofeph Coolidge, Thomas D?wes. Aaron Dexttr, Benjamin Green, Williavn Parfons, John Phillips, and Samuel SaIi{bJ.^r5^ FirJi Teller, Nathaniel FoOer. Second TelUty Thomas Chafe. Banks in Mairachufetts. 55

Tirji Book-Keeper, Nathaniel H. Furriefs. Scrond Book-Keeper, N. F. Thayer. Difcotmt Clerk, Miles Greenwood. Mejfevger, James Hiil. ^^ Day of DiTcount is Monday.

Union Bank at Bofton. [Capital, 1200,000 dollars.]

Iflucs I, «, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 Dollar Bills.

Incorporated Jvme ej, 179a ; and to continue until the tft Monday in Oftober, i8o2. Charter renewed to the ift Monday in Oftober, 1812.

Officers eUBtd on \Jl Monday in SeptemBer,

Oliver Wendell, Preiident. | George Burroughs, Cafhier. DireBors, Samuel Brown, Benjamin Bufley, Samuel C6bb, Stephen Codman, Thomas Davis, Jofeph Head, Benjamin Joy, Jofiah Quincy, John Welles, Tno mas L, Winthrop. Firjl TefUr, John Brown. Second Teller, Thomas Swan. Firji Book-K< eper, Kaihaniel Emmons. Set(md Book Keeper, Johnfon Jacklon. Difcount Clerks, Wm. Fumefs and Henry Stcvenfon, Affijicmt Clerk, Afher Adams. Mefenger, Ed^'ard W. Newell. Porter, Benjamin White. fl:^ Day of Difcount is Tuefday.

Bofton Bank. [Capital, 1800,000 dollars.] lifues 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 50, and loo Dollar Billi. Incorporated March 4, 1803; ^^^l to continue from the ill day of June, 1803, to the ift Monday in Ot^. 1812.

Oncers elided on \Jl Monday in June, Prcfident. Jgnrathan Jackfon, j Jofeph Chapman, Cafhier. DircBors, Thomas C. Amory, John T. Apthorp, Kaac p. Davis, StepheoHigginfon, jun. James Perkms, Wiiriam Pickman, William Pratt, Ebenezer Preble, John PHnct, jr. Wiliiam Sullivan, Danie! Sargent. Firfl Teller^ William Cochran. Sec .nd Teller, Ri^bc: Lalh,jr. 56 Banks in MafTachufctfis.

Firji Booh-Keeper, James Ellifon. Second Book-KeepeTy Oclaviu* Plummer. Difcount Clerk, MauhewS. Parker. Affi-jlaniCkrky Thomas' Powars, jun. Mejjenger, Timothy Green, jur».

Porter y John Johnibn. (f^ Days ofDifcount, Mondays, Wednefdays, and Fridays, SolicitorJor Loans of this Bank within andJar Sujfolk Co. Willidm Sullivan of Bofton.

Boflon Exchange Office, or Aflbciation Fund.

Incorporated June 23, 1804 ; and to continue from the ift Monday in Aug. 1804, to the ift Monday in Aug. 1812.

Officers ele&fd on the firJl Monday in Auguji.

Samuel Clap, Prefident. | George Odiorne, Treafurer, Dire&ors, , Dudley S. Bradftreet, Sam« iiel Dexter, Crowell Hatch, James Prsnce, Wm. Ritchie, , Beza Tucker, . firfi Teller, John Pitman Clark, Second Teller, Eliphalet Plale. fir/i Book-Keeper, John Pickens, jr. Second Book-Keeper, Sanuiel Norwood. Difcount Clerky William Coffin, jr. MeJJenger, William Abrams, jr.

Nantucket Bank.

IITues 5, 10, £0, 30, and 40 Dollar Bills.

Incorporated Feb. 27, 1795 ; and to continue from May 1, 1705, to May 1, 1805. Renewed to the firft Monday in Oaober, 1812.

Officers elcHed on the \jl Monday in January. Folger, jr. Jofepii Chafe, Prefident. | George Cafhier.

Nantucket Pacific Bank.

Iflues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 50 Dollar Bills.

Incorporated March 3, 1804 ; and to contiriue from the ift Monday in July, 1804, to the ift Monday in Otl. 1812.

Officers eleEledon the ijl Monday in July.

Trlftrain Huffey, Prefident. | Nathan Comftock, Cafhisr. Banks in Maflachufetts. 57

Nfewburyport Bank. [C apital, 250,000 dollars.] Jffics i,e,3,5,6-,7,8,f?,io,2o,3o,4c,5o,and ico Dollar Bills. Incorporated June 2^, 179,3; and to continue from July 1, ^795. to July 1, 1805. Officers eUBed en the \ft Monday in OEiobcr.

WilHamBartkt, Prcfident. j William W. Prout, Calhler.

Portland Bank.

IlTues 1, 2, 3, ,5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 20, 30, and 50 Dollar Bills. incorporated June 15, 1799 ; and ro continue from July 1, 1799. to July 1, 1819. Ojf.czrs tle.B.: d on the. \Jl Monday in January. M'Lellan, Prefu!o '. Jofeph Swift, Caihier. Hugh |

Maine Bank at Portland.

Iffucs 1, 9, 3, ,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, £o, 50, and 100 Dollar Bills.

Incorporated June 23, 1802 ; and to continue from the ift day of April, 1802, to the firft Monday in Oft. l8l2. Officers eleHed en thrijl Monday in June,

Samuel Freeman, Prefident. | D. Hale, Cafhler.

Effex Bank at Salem. Iffues 1,2,3,5,6,7,8. 9, !0,2o 30,40 50, and loo Dollar Bills. Incorporated June, 18, 1799; ar;d to continue from July 1, 1799, to July 1, 1819. Officers clcchdoH the \Ji Monday in June.

William Gray, Pr: fident. | William S. Gray, Cafhier.

Salem Bank.

Iffues 1,2, 3, 5.6, 7, 8.9, 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 Dollar Bills. Incorporated March 8, 1803; and to continue from tne ift Monday in June, 1803, to the ift Monday in 061. 1812.' Officers eUEltd on the \Jl Monday in June. jr. Hodges, BenJ. Pickman, Prcfideut. j Jonathan Cafhier.

Gloucefter (Cape Ann) Bank.

Iffues 1, 2, 3, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, and 30 Dollar Bills. Incorporated January 27, 1800; and to continue from Feb- ruary 1, 1800, to February 1, 1810. Officers elecled on the '^d Tucfday in April.

John Somes, Preiident. j Jofeph Alkn, Cafhier. §S Banks in Maffachufetts.

Beverly Bank. IfTues 1,5,3,5,6,7,8,9, 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 Dollar Bills. incorporated June 23, 1802 ; and to continue from Oftober 1, i8c2, to 06lobcr 1, 1812.

Oncers cledcdm the \Jl Monday in OElober. Ifrael 1 horndike, Prefident. Jofiah Gould, Cafhier. | for (J:|r* Days to apply Loans and Difcounts, arc Mondays and Thurfdays.

' Lincoln and Kennebeck Bank at Wifcafiet.

IHues 1, 2, 3, 5,6, 7,^8, 9, 10, 20, and 100 Dollar Bills. incorporated June 23,' 1802; and to continue from the ift Monday in Oft. 1802, to the iff Monday inOtl- 1812.

Officers eUded ov the \Jl Monday in September.

William King, Prelident. | Henry Roby, Cafhier.

Northampton Bank. [Capital, 150,000 dollars.]

IfTues 1, 2, 3, ,5, and 10 Dollar Bills. Incorporated March 1, 1803; and to continue from the ill Monday in Oft. 1803, to the ift Monday in Oft. 1810. OJicers ileSed on the \Jl Wcdnejday in OQober.

Samuel Henfhaw, Prefident. | Levi Lyman, Cafhier.

Bedford Bank at New Bedford. Bills. ICfues 1, 2, 3, .s, ^, 7» 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, and 50 Dollar

Incorporated March 7, 1803 ; and to continue from the ift Monday in June, 1803, to the 1 ft Monday in Oft. 1812. Officers ekktd on the \ji Monday in OEiober. jr. Prefident. John Pickens, Cafhier. Thomas Hazard, |

Saco Bank-

IlTues 1,2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, and 50 Dollar Bills. firft Incorporated March 8, 1803 ; and to contmue to the Monday in Oft;4icr, 1812.

Officers eletled on the \Ji Monday in OHober. Pcirfon, Cafliicr. Thomai Cutts, Prefident. | Samuel

Plymouth Bank. Bills. IfTues 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 2-0, and 50 Dollar Incorporated June 23, 1803; a"^ »« continue from January 1, 1804, to July 1, 1812. Officers elected on the \ft Monday in January. Goodwin, Cafhier* William Davis, Prefident." | William Banks in Maflachiifetts. 59

Hallowell and Augufta Bank at Hallowell.

Iflues 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, and 50 Dollar Bills. Incorporated March 6, 1804; and to continue from O£lo- ber 1, 1804, '^ October 1, 1812. Officers eiefied on the \/i Mondax in Jdvuary. Calhier, John O. Page, Prefident. j Jeremiah Dummer,

Worcefter Bank. IlTues 5 Dollar Bills, Stereotype impreffion.

Incorporated March 7, 1804 ; and ro continue from the ift Monday in Oft. 1804, to the ill Monday in 06f. 1812.

OficfTs tlcded on the \Jl IVedntfday in OEiober.

Daniel Waldo, jr. Piefident. | Levi Thaxter, Cafhier.

Marblehead Bank.

IlTues 1, 2, 3, ^5, 10, 20, and 50 Dollar Bills.

Incorporated March 7, 1804 ; and to continue from O6I0- ber 12, 1804, to Oftober i£, 1812. Officers eledcd on the ijl Monday in January. Jofeph Barker, Prefident. John Pedrick 3d, Calliier, j

Berkfhire Bank at Pittsfield. [Capital, 7.5,000 dollars.] Incorporated Feb. 26, 1806;if " and to continue from the ill Monday m Oft. 1806, to the lit Monday m Oft. i8i2. Officers elecled on the \Jl IVednefday in Odober.

Simon Larned, Prefident. ' Ebenczcr Center, Caftiler, Solicitor, John W. fiuibert, Elq.

Penobfcot Bank at Buckftown. fCapitai, 150,000 dollars.]

Incorporated March 14, 1806 ; and to continue from March 20, 180S, to the ill Monday in Oftohcr, 1812. Officers eldled on ^d Monday after /^tlt Tuefday in May. John Crofby, Prefident. Jahaziah Shaw, Calhier. |

Maflachufetts Fire and Marine Infurance Company at Bofton. [Capital, 600,000 dollars.] Incorporated (orginally June 2.5, 179.5J February 13, 1799.; and to continue until June 25, i8i^<5. Officers elethd on the lajl Wcdnejday in Auguji. Welles, Prefident. Arnold J William Seolby, Secretary. j

#© Inforance Companies.

DireSlors, John Andrews, William H. Bordman, Gama- liel Bradford, Bcnj. Bufifey, Samuel Cobb, Stephen Cod- man, Jona. Chapman, Jofeph Hall, Joreph Hrad, Benj. Joy, John Coffin Jones, Jona, Malbn, Samuel Parkman, Ignatius Sargent, William Smith, John Welles.

Maflachufetfe Mutual Fire Infurance Company, at Bollon. [Capital 300,000 dollars- Incorporated March i, 1798, Oncers dttied on thejirji Tmfday in Junt, . Andrew Canmngfaam, Ebenezer Oliver,' Prefident. ^ \ bccretai-y and 1 rcaiurer. DireBoTs, William Brown, Thomas Dermic, S^iinucI Dunn, Simon EUior, Ebenezer Gny, Edward Gray, Saai« uel Gore, Henry Hill, William Hamiuati, Jonathan Kuioy- newell, John Lowell, John Ofborn, Ruirell Sfcuigis, S£a> ucl Snelling, and John Winflow. Mtjjengcr, 'William Mills.

BoRon Marine Infurance CompaiiT, [Capital 500,000 dollars.]

Incorporated Feb. 1 3, 1 799; and to continuetill FeK 13,1819. OJfcers fUQtd on the ifi Monday rn Jmmary.

Samuel Cabot, Prefident. | Jofeph May, SecTetary- Dire^iors, Thomas C. Amory, Adara Babcock, JonaniBaa Davis, James Lloyd, jun. William Parfous, WiSIram Pickmaa, Ebenezer Preble, John Prince, jiaa. DaiakS Sac- gent, Timothy Williams. Mejfenger, Samuel Goddard.

Suffolk Infurance Company at Bofii03i» [Capital, 22,'„ooo dollars*] Incorporated February 12, 1803; and toajntiniaecoycais. O^ars ek^ed 2d Mmd&y in January. f Prefident. Seccotaarf- Epes Sargent, | John B. Bowea, Directors, George Cabot, Ifaac P. Davis, SafflioclP. Gardner, Charles Jacldbn, John Parker, TlioiaasH.Pcitim.

New- England Marine Infurance Comp'y at BoSon. [Capital, 300,000 dollars-J

Incorporated March 5, 1^3 ; and to continue So year*. Officers eltded on \jl Monday im. Jcnuarj. Pewf Brooks, Prcfidcni. HaH, SccwUdi} C. | James Infurance Companies. €t

DireSiors, Gardner L. Chandler, Gardner Gr6cn, Ozias Goodwin, John Holland, William V. Hatchings, Nehe- niiah Parfbns, Wm. Phillips, John Phillips, Jol'cph'I ildcn^ Thomas L. Winthrop, Samuel Sv/ett. Mejfcnger^ Thomas Chapman.

Union Infurance Company at Bofton. [CapiiHJ, goo,ooo dollars. Incorporated March 28, 1004; and to continue 20 years. Offid'.rs drBed en 2d Monday in January.

David Green, Prelident. ( Samuel King, Secretary. Direclorsy Matthew Bridge, Thomas K. Jones, Crowell Hatch, Jonathan Harris, Caleb Loiing, Thomas Denulc.

Private Infurance Offices in State-Street, Bofton. Thomas Hurley. Abiabam Touro. Nathaniel P. Ruileil. { |

Newburyport Marine Inmrance Company. Incorp. June 18, 1799; to contmue until June 18, iSlpw Officers cleHedon \Ji Monday in January. William Faris, Prcfident. William XA'cart, Secretary. j

Merrimack Marine and Fire Infurance Company^ at Newburyport. Incorp. Feb. \^, 1803; to continue until Feb. 15, 1823. Officers eleBfd on ijl Tuefday in Janudry.

Thomas M. Clark, Prelident. j Samuel Cutler, Secretary.

Maine Fire and Marine Infurance Co. at Portland. Incorp. Feb. 7, 1800; to continue until Feb. 7, x82o. Officers eleElcd en \(i Tuefday in January. Woodbury Storer, Prelident. Levi Cutter, Secretary* J

Cumberland Marine and Fire Infurance Company, at Portland. Incorp. June 22, 1803; to continue until June 2S, 1823.

Officers eleSled on \ft Monday in Augujl.

James Neal, Preftdent. j Timo. Fletcher, Secretary.

Salem Marine Infurance Company. Incorp. Juiie 9, 1800; to continue until June 9, 1829.

Officers elected en iff. Monday i>. July. Secretary. Jacob Afhton, Prefidcnt. J Samuel C. Ward, »?=.;.] F 6^ Infuraflce Companies.

Effex Fire & Marine Infilrance Company at Salem* incorp. March 7, 1803; to continue until March 7, 1823^ Oncers defied on i/i Monday in July, Nathl. Bowditch, Prelident ( Leonard Kimball, Secretary.

Union Marine Infurance Company at Salem.

Incorporated Feb. 29, 1804 ; to continue 20 years. Officers eletled on 2d Monday in April. Mofes Townfend, Piefident. Jolhua Dodge, Sectetary. |

Lincoln and Kennebeck Marine Infurance Company at Wifcaflet. Incorporated Feb. 12, 1803; to continue until Feb. 12, 1823, Officers elcBed iji Tuefday in March. ., Prefident. John Merrill, Secretary. |

Marblehead Infurance Company. Incorporated March 8, 1803. Charter extends for a term not exceeding 20 years.

Officers ddled on \fl Monday in January. Robert Hooper, Prefident. Bond, Secretary. | John

Gloucefter Marine Infurance Company. Incorpoiaied June 22, 1803. Charter extends for a term. not exceeding 20 years.

Officers rUtledon iff Monday in May.

William Pearce, Prefident. I Vv^illiam Sa^iUe, Secretary.

' Nantucket Marine Infurance Company. IncoriX)rHted March 3, 1804; to continue 20 years. Officers cleBedon id Monday in January.

James Barker, Prefident. | Francis Macy, Secretary.

* Nantucket Union Marine Infurance Company. Incorporated June 21, 1804. Chaitcrexiendsfor 20 years. Officers eleCled on 2d Monday in January: .William Coffin, PiCfident. John Cartwright, Secretaiy. |

Kennebunk Marine Infurance Company, at Wells.^

Incorp. March 9, 1804 ; to continue not exceeding 20 year*. Officers defied on \fi Monday in January.

, Prefidea:. Stcreiary. ) , Marine Societies.

Hampfhire FirelnfuranceComp'y at Northampton* Incorporated March 9,' 1804; to continue 20 years. Qffktrs elt6kd 071 \Jl IVcdnefday in Odober. Secretary. , Prefident. | ,

Bedford Marine Infur^nce Company.

Ineorporated Feb. n, 1805 j to continue 20 years. Ojficers defied on 2d Monday in April.

Ricketfon, Prefident. , Secretary. Jofeph |

Bofton Marine Society. Inftituted 1742. Incorporated 1754. OJfictrs elected on ijl Tucfday in November.

}^a[ler^ Nathl. Goodwin. I Trf^r/wr^r, Wm. Smith. Furnefs. /)c/.Affl/?fr, OziasGpodwin, \ Secretary, Wm-

Committee of Reliefy Capt. J ona. Chapman, Capt'. John Holland, Capt. Mungo Macjkay, Capt. Thomas Deunie,

Salem Marine Society.^ Inftituted March 25, 1766. Incorporated in 1771, Officers elected on laji Thirfday of OSlober.,

Mnjler, Benjamin Weft. I Treajwrer, Jona. Gardnej. Collins, Ptp.MaJler^ Peter Lander. ( C/^r/i, John

Salem Eaft-India Marine Society. Inftituted in Nov. 1799. Incorporated March. 3, l8oi,

Ojficers eleQed on iji Wednefday in January Prcjidenty Benjamin Carpenter. •* Secretary, Nathaniel Appleton. Treajurtry Jacob Crownmfhield. To infpeil and arrange' the JourvaLfrom g^hroady Nathaniel Bowditch. Commiltee of Obftrvation^ John Ofgood, John Collins, and John I^opes.. This Society navigated ^ confifls of fuch as have aclnally the feas near or beyond the Cape of Good-Hop, or round Cape Horn, as maimers or commanders of vefTels, and fuch .^s have hpen fatlors or fupercargocs of veff -Is employed jn the Eaft. India trade. It w^s inftituted for the purptjfe orf collefting together fuch obfervations, difcovenes, bftoks, papers, charts, and v^Juable publications, in evciy language, ;

64 Iron Faflory Companies.

as might tenri to facilitate the navigation of the Eaflern and Southern Oceans. Every member returning from Tea, is bound to prefent to the Society an abftracl of the journal of ^is voyage, and to communicate, in writinji, his obH-rvations of the bearings and diUances of all capes ;gid headlands the latitude iflands, and longitude of rocks mvi fhoais ;

unufua! occurrences,; ftorms and accidents ; with all other obfcrvations which he may judge ulcAil to be recorded. The Mufeum of the Society already exhibits a handfonte •coUeftion ofcuriofities.

Newburjrport Marine Society.

Inftituted Nov. 13, 1772- Incorporated Ocl. 11, 1777. Officers eleEled on lafi Thurfday in November. Trtafurer^ Bcfij. Wyatf. MaJieVy Michael Hodge. |

Dxp.hUJltr, Nu:h. Johnfon. | Secretary, A. Wheelwright.

j^ortland Marine Society. Incorporated Feb. 26, 179S. O^icers deStcd on %d Tucfday in December.

Prejxdmt, Jofeph Titcomb. I Treafurer^ Stephen Waite.

. Woodnrfn. yice-PreJident,K'o\)zxil\^tY \ Secretary ^ John

Society. . Marblehead Marine Incorporated Feb. 11, 1799. /;r^^;2Uohn Bailey \ SccrcUry, l&ac Mansfield.

Salem Iron Fa^ory Company.

Incorporated March 4, 1800. Trcafufcry Jofhua Goodale. [CUrk, Samuel Putnam. Direthriy Ichabod Nichols, Jofeph Pt;abody, and John Ofgood.

AmeCbury Nail Fa^ory Company. Incorporated March 26, i8oj.

Clerks Samuel Parnam. | Agent, Ebenezer Fclfon. Diretlors^ Abe,l Lawrence and £dwafd Southwick. Towns and Foft Mafters. 6s

A TABLE {hewing all the Towns in the State of MafTachufetts, and the County they belong to, with Poft Mafters* Names. Places where Poft Offices are kept, have this mark f Un* incorporated -Places are marked thus *.

A^jjngton, Plymouth county Berlin, (dill.) Worcefter A6lon, Middlefex Bernardflown, Hampfhire Adams, Berkfhire tBerwick,York,Wm.Moiris Addifon, Wafhington Bethel, Oxford AlT)any, Oxford Bethlehem, Berkfliire Alford, Berkfhire f Beverlv, Eff^x

f Alfred, (dift. j York, Jofeph fBiddeford, York, William Amefbnry, Eifex [Emerfon P. Hooper Amherft, Hampfhire +Billerira,Midd.IfaacBowers t AndQver.EIfex, IfaacAbbot +Blandford, Hampfhire Anfon, Kenncbeck +Bluehill, Hancock, Andrew Aiundel, York Bolton, Wore. [Witham Afhburnham, Worcefter Bcothbay, Lincoln Aftiby, Middlefex +Boflon,Suf}. Jona.Haflingsi Aflifield, Hampfhire Bowdoin, Lincoln

Athens, (a) Kermebeck . Bowdoinham, Lincoln +Athol, Wore. Sol. Strong Box borough, (difl.) Midd, +Attieborough, BriOol Box ford, Elfcx tAuguOa, Kennbk. Samuel Boy IHon, Worcefter Avon, Kennbk. [Titcomb Bradford, Eftcx Baldwin, Cumberland Braintiee, Norfolk ^BaliUown, Lincoln tBrcwfter, Barnilable tBangor, Hancock, Bulkley fBridgetown, Cumberland, Emerfon Jofeph Sears tBarnftable, Barnflable, fBridgewarer, Plym. Afa Richard Bourne Brimfield, Hamp. [Mitchell +Earre, Wore. Luiher Perry xBrifiol, Line. Marius How

iBath, Line . Dummer Sewall fBrookfieid, Wore. Cheney Becker, Berkfhire Brookline, Norfolk [Reed Bedford, Middlefex tBrownheld, Oxford, Jo- fBelchertown, Hampfliire, feph Howard Jofeph Bredgman, jr. f Bruniwick, Cumb. Henry fBelfaft, Hancock, James fBuckfield, Oxu iQuimby Belgrade, Kenbk. [Nafmith Bui. kland, Hampfhire Bcilingham, Norfolk iBuckflown, Hancock, John Berkley, Briftol Burlington, Midd. [Benfoa

'{a) Before incorporated, commonly called Kinfmantown,

1807.] i' a 66 Towns and Poft Maftcrs.

*Burnt Coat Ifland, H?rcock Danvers, EiTcx *Butterfield, Cumberland Dartmouth, Briftol +Bnxton,York,Thos. Merrill tDedham, Norfolk, Jeremi- fCambridge, Midd. £ben- ah Shuttleworth ezor Stedman tDcerfield, Hamp. Epaphras tCamd€n,Linc.Bcn.Cnfhing Deenlle, Hat)Cock '^Hoyt +Canaan,Kcnbk .Eli Wefton fDennis, Ba^nft. N. Stone fCanton, Noriblk f*Dcnnyrvi lie, Waih. "VVm. Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland tDighton, Briftol [Kilby Carlide, (diOJ Middlelcx Dixfieid, Oxford Carver, Plymouth Dorcbelkr, Norfolk iCaftine, Hanc. Benj. Hook Douglas, Worcefter t*Chand!erfville, Wafh. +*Douty's Falls, York, Jo- Anfcl Tupper feph Sprague Ciiarlemont, Hampfhire Dover, (diit.y Norfolk Chnrlellown, Middleiex fDracut, Middlefex, Wil- Charlton, W.jrceiler liam Hildreth *Chatham,Barnft.E.Crowell tDrefden, Lincoln, Edmund *Chebacco, Effex Bridge, jr. fChelmsford, Midd. Jona. Dudley, Worcefter Chdlea, SufTolk [Barron Dunflabie, M ddlcfex Chefliire, Berktliire Durham, Cumberland Chefier, Hampihire tDuxborough, Plym. Thot. Chelterfield, Hampflilre W infer tChellcrviHe^Keubk. Dum- Eaft Andover, Oxford mer Sewail, jr. tEaftham, Barnftabie Chilniark, Duktr'o +Eaithampton,(dift.J Hamp. Clarkfburg, Bcrkftiire W. Myrick Clinton, Kennrheck tEartport,Walh, Ol'r.Shead fCohafret, Nortolk fEaflon, Bnilol Colraine, Hampfhirc Eaft- Sudbury, Middlefex iColumbia, Waih. Jofeph Eden, Hancock Patten fEdgarton, Duke's, Bcriah iConcoid,Midd,Wm.Park- Edgconib, Lincoln f_Nortou Conwny, Han:ipihire [man Egnmont, Bcrklhire Cornifh, York El fworth, Hancock

Cornviile, Kcnnebeck Em den, (/>} Kenneberk Curnmington, Hampfhire Fairfax, (c) Kcnnebeck Cuftlng, Lincoln Fairfield, Kennebcck Dalton, Berklhiic +Falmoaih,Baru{l.T.Pa!iner Dana, WorceRcr Falmouth, ^d) Cumbeiland

(J?) Formerly Townfliip No. 1. in the locond range of Townlbijis on the well (ide Rivrr. of Kennobrck ) IkioH' ir-eoi (c) j, f>r.aed was called FieetewM Pbr.'.a'io ;=;; . '(tz) 'i'iic y-.jii is now kepi ;;t S.^c.-cr-'pii . '

Tpwns and Poft Matters. 67

Fnil-River, fee Troy t Greene, Kennebeck, Luther *tFarmington, Kenbk. Mofes Robbins Starling +Greenfield, Hampfhire +Fayctte, Kenbk. Sol. Bates Greenwich, Hamplhirc fFitchburgh, Worceftei tGroton, Mlddlefex, Wil- Florida, {e) Berkfhire liam M. Richardfon Foxborough, Norfolk +Hadley,Han^p.E.White,jr. Framingham, Middlefe^ Halifax, Plymouth fFranktort, Hauc Archibald rHallowell, Kenbk. Jofiiua Franklin, Norfolk fjones Wingate fFreeport, Cumb, Nathan +Haniden, Hanc. M. Kinfiejr Freetown, Briftol [Weflbn tHamilton, Effex *Frenchman's Bay, Hancock, Berkfhire { f) +F!yburgh,Oxf.MofesAmes tHanover,Plym. Robt.Eelfs ^Gardiner, Kenbk. B.Gannct f Hardwick, Wore. William Gardner, Worrefler Harlem, Kennebeck [Cutler fGeorgerownjLinc, Andrew Harmony, KennebecK Gerry, Worcejter [Reed Harpfwell, Cumberland Gilead, [g] Oxford Harrifon, (/z) Cumberland Gill, Hampfhiie Harrington, Wafhington fGioucefter, ElTex, Hesry Hartford, Oxford Phelps Harvard, Worcefler iGoldiboxough, Hancock, tHarwich, Barnft. E. Sroad- Thomas Hill Hatfield, Hampfhire [brooks f Gorham,Cumb. Sam. Pren- tHavcrhill, Elfcx, Mofes. tGofiien, Hampftrirci [tifs Hawley, Hamp. [Wingate Grafton, Worcefter Heath, Hamplhire Granby, Hampfliire Hebron, Oxford .Granville, Hampihirc tHingbam, Plym. Thomas +Gray, Cu!nbcrland, Jofeph Thaxter M*Lellan,jr. tHinfdale, [l] Berkfhire fGreat-BarringtonjBerkftiire f*Hiram,York,Ti mo.Cutler

(?) Was Barnardftone's Grant and part of Bullock's Grant. (J) Lies on the fea-coaft of Lincoln county, and is formed by Mount Defert Ifland on the weftward, and the pcninfula of Goldfborough Townfhip on the eaftward. Round Mount Defert Ifland it has an inland circular communication with Bluehill Bay. (^"•Formerly was known by the name of Peabody's Pa- tent Plantation. ih) North-wef^erly part of Otisfield, and caftcrly psrt of

Bridgeton. \

(i) L?tcly '.vas the v/edtrly p-uifl^i in Partiidgcricld. • .- 68 Towns and Poft Maftcrs.

Hoiden, Worcefter Litchfield, Lincoln Holland, Hampfhire fLittleton, Middlefex Hollifton, Middlefex Livermore, Oxford +*Holmes-Hole, Dukes', R. Longmeadow, Hampftiire Hope, (/) Lincoln [Spalding Loudon, Berkfhire Hopkinton, Middleffx l>ovell, Oxford Hubbardfton, Worceflej: Ludlow, Hampftiire

Hull, Plymouth Lunenburg, Worcetter -

Induftry, Kcnnebcck Lyman, York • < fIpKvich,P>flex, Joieph Lord fLynn,£{Tex, Sam.Mulliken Iflefborough, Hancock Lynnfield, (dift.) Effcx •»^I{le-Shoals, York +Machias,Wafh. Ralph Hart *Ifle-^Vetmore, Hancock Madiron,f7/)Kenbk. [Bowles Jay, Oxford Maiden, Middlefex fKennebunk, (m) York, Jo- +Mancheft'er,Eflex, D. Bing- feph Storer Mansfield, Briflol [ham +Kingrton,Piym. Seth Drew fMarblehead, Elfex, Wood- Kittery, York ward Abraham fLancafter, Wore. Timothy +Mar 1 borough,Midd . Jcfeph Whiting Brigham, jr. +Lane{boro',Berk. M,Wells fMarfhfield, Plym. Jofeph

•+ Lebanon,York, Ifaac Hafcy Marlhpce, Barnftable [H

Williams, jr. { Mercer,((7jKenbk. [George fLeominller, wore. John Methuen, Eflex { Leverett, Hamp. [Gardner tiViiddltborough, Plymouth, "tLewifton, Lincoln, J. Reed J arises Wafhburn fLewiilown, Cumberland Middlefield, Hampihire Lexington, Middlefex Middlcton, EflTcx Leyden, (dill.) Hampftiire Milford, Worceller +L'imerick, York, A. Fitch txMilton, Norfolk, Samtiel ILimington, York, Jacob K. Glover Lincoln, Middlefex [Ouincy tMinot, Cumb. Mr. DufF +LincolnvilIc,Hanc. George +Monmouth, Kenbk. Johii Lifbon, Lincoln [Ulmer Monfon, Hauip. [Chaiidler

{!) Formerly called Barreiftown Plantation. (v?) Properly a parr of the town of Wells. {vj Formerly Bernard's Townfhip No. 1. and Mile-and an-i-ialf-Srrip.

{q) Bci'bre inforpor^ted was c^jlled Pl

Towns and Pod Matters. 69 Montague, Hampfhlre +Northfieid, MampThire Jklontgonieiy, Hainpfnlre Northport, Hancock Mount Defcrt, Hancock tNorth Yarmouth, Cumb. Mount Vernon, Kcnnebeck, David Drinkwater Samuel King Norton, Biillol Mount WaiH. (dift.) Berkdi. +Nc:rway, OxF. Wm. Reed fNantuckct,Xant.\V. Coffin Norwich, Hampfhire i"*MarragUcigus, Wadi. Th- Oakhaai, Worcv Qer Natick. Midd. [Archil aid Orange, (diil.) Hamplhirc Needham, Norfolk *Orangefown, Wa^fhington New Aflilord, (ilift.) Berkai. Orland, Hancock New Bedford, Briftol, Wil- +Orleans,Barnflab!e, *>imeon liam Tobey Oro^o, Hancock fKinfuian New Braintree, WoTcefler +Orring:on,HanG.J n. Brewer Newbury, Eflex Otisneld, Cumberland ' tNewbiiryport, EfTex, Jo- Oxford, Worcefter feph Enaerfon Palermo, (^) Lincoln New Cafco, Cumberland Palmer, Hampfiiire tNcwcaftle, Lincoln, Jofeph +Paris,Oxford,CaiebPrentir!» NewField, York [Farley +Parfonsficld,Yk. N.Emery +New Gloucefter, Cun?berl. +*Pafram^quoddy, Wafh. Nith. C. Allen Lewis F. Deleidernier NewMai iboroughjBerkfhirc Patucket, (>-) Briftol, Aftibel tNcwMilford,Linc. J.Steb- Paxton, Worcefter [Stearns Newry.f/') Oxford [bins, jr. Pejepfcot, Cumberland tNew Salem, Hampfiiire, Pelhani, Hampfhire Edward Uphain Pembroke, Plymouth tNew Sharon, Kenbk. P.Bar- Penobfcot, Hancock Newton, Middlefex [ker Pepperell, Middlefex New Vineyard, Kennebeck Peru, {$) Bcrkfiiire Nobleborough, Lincoln +Peterflidm, Wore H. Hap^ tNorridgewock, Kennebeck, Phi llipfburg, York fgooj John Ware fPittsfield, Berk. J.Danforrh +NorihainpW3n, Hampftiire, fPittftown, Kenbk. J. Loud Daniel Wright Plainfield, (dlft.) Hampfhire Northborougb, Worcefler fPlymouth, Plym. J. War- Northbridire, Worcfiler Plympion, Plym. [ren, jf {p) Was called BoOwlck Plantation. iq) Formerly Plantation of Great Pond Settlement. [r] A fmall village about 4 miles nonh-eaft of provi- dence. The river Patucket has a "beautiful fall of water; direftly over which a bridge has been built, on the line \vhlch divides the Commonwealth of Maffachufetts from the Stare of Rhode Uland. A poft office is kept at faid bridge, dilhnt about 40 miles fouth by weft of Bcfton. is} Was Partridgefield till altered June 19, i8

(/} Heretofore |cnown by the name of Weft Pond Plan- tation and the Gore adjoining. (a) The name of this tcwp was lately altered from Pepr perelborough to Sfjco. (w) Schoodick lies in Wafiiington county, 9nd is fituatec} on the boundary' line and the end of Maine route of the United States, being the office of delivery of Briiifh letters is direflly oppo? for Nova Scotia and New Biunfwick j and fite St. Andrew's, vhere a pac|cet arrives weekly from St. John^s; and froii) theiipc there is a direft communication through both provinces. (r) The ppft office fs kept at the houfe of Mr. CJap, who does the bufinefs for Mr. Charles Turner. i*owns and Pod Mafter: 71

Sturbrldge^ Worceflcr f Watertown,MidJ. E.Lowi Sudbury, ^liddle^ex tWaterville, Kenncbk. Afa tSulllvan,Hanc. Paul D.Sar- Rcddington Sumner, Oxford [gent Wayne, Kennebeck Sunderland, Hampfliire +Wellfleet,Barn. L.Hamlia Surry, Hancock +Wells,York, xVIatt.Lindfcy Sutton, Worceftei" Wendell, HampHure Swanzcy, Briliol Wenhanl, Elfex Sydney, Kennebeck Wellborough, Worcefter f Taunton, Bniloljjs. Hodges Weftern, Worcefter Temple, Kennebeck rWcftfield, Hampfhire +Tenipleton, Wore. Lovell + Weftford, Midd. Jn. Abbot Tcu'klbury,Midd. f Walker Weft ham pton, Hampfhire iThomallown, Line. David Wcfton, JVIlddlefex Tilbury, Dukrs' [Fa lea, jr. Weftpori, Briftol Topsfield, Efiex +Weftminfter, Wore. Dan- * Topftiain, Lincoln iel Bartlett Townfhend, Middlelex fWeft Springfield, Hampfh. tTrenton, Hanc. Theodore Mr. Siebbins +Troy, (v) Rriftol [Jones Weft Stockbridge, Berkftiire Truro, BarnftabJe f VVcymuuthjNorf. Jn.Coak 'fTurner,Oxf. Ich'd. Bonney Whately, Hampfhire Tyngfborough, (dift.) Midd. Wilbraham, Hampfhire Tyringham, Berkftiire William (burgh, Hampfiiire Union, Lincoln tWllliamftown, Berk. Ezek, Unity, {z) Kennebeck Wilmmgton, Midd. [Bacoi) *^^pton, Worcefter Wilton, Kennebeck ^ Uxbridge,Worc.S.Willard Wlncbendon, Worcefter •t-Y'aflalboroughjKcnJkb.Ths. +Windham, Cumberland Vienna, Kenbk. [Odiorne Windfor, Berkfkire Vinal haven, Hancock fWinflovv, Kenbk. Nath.B. fWaldobo rough, Line. Tohn Dinglcy Walpole, Norfolk [Head tWinrhrop, Kenncbk. Siias Waltham, Middk fex Lambert \VMd, Worceflcr +Wifca(ret,Linc.E.Whittier

Wa re , Han I'pn 1 1 re +VVoburn,Midd. Ich. Parker .fWcirehani, Fly m.B. Fearing Woolwich, Lincoln tWarreujLinc. Rufas Crane fWorceftej,Wor. J.Wilfoa Wanvick, Hampfhire tWorthington, Hampftiire, Wafliington, Bcikihire A. Bigelow fWater borough, York, An- iWrentham, Norfolk, David drew Builey fYarmouth, Barnfl. [Fiftier fWaterford,Oxf.E.Longley fYork, York, Daniel Sewalj

(y) Lately was called Fall-River. (z) Before incorporated was called by the name of Twcnty-Fivc-Mlle-Pond Plantation. . .

72 Supreme Jtidicijd Courts.

CalendarofSupremeJudicialCourts,Ma/rachufett». Suffolk an'd Nantuckkt. Bcfion sdTuefday in March and 4th Tuefday in Nov.,

Ufzvkh 4th Tuefday in April. Saltm 6thl uefday next alter the 4ih Tuefday of Sept. M I D i) L E s £ X Cuvr.ord 2d Tuefday in April. Cambridge 5^^ Tuefday nexi after tlie 4thTuefday of Sept. York. York ?A Tuefday in M

Barnstable and Dukes C i> u n 1 y . Bamjiablc 4th Tuefday next after the ArhTucfday of Sept. Worcester. IVorceJier 3d Tuefday in April, and 4jh Tuefday in Sept. Cumberland.. Portland 4th Tuefday in May, and 4th, Tuefday r>ext after the 3d Tuefday of Sept.

L ! N c o L K Wifcajfet 2d Tuefday next after 4th Tuefday in May» and on the 3! Tuefday of Sept.

Berks ; ire. Lenox ift Tuefday ncx.t after 4th Tuefday in April, and on 2d Tuefday in Sept.

Hancock, and Wa s h i n g t o n . Cajiint 3d Tuefday next after 4ih Tuefday in May, Norfolk. Dedham ift Tuefday in March, and ift Tuefday next after 4th Tuefday In Sept. Kenneheck. Augvjia ift Tuefday next after 4th Tuefday in May, and on the 2d Tuefday next after the 3d Tuefday of September. Courts in MafTachufetts. 73

Calendar o/"Camm. Pleas and ScGions, Mqfachu/eUs, SUFFOLK.

Bofion Tuefday of Janaur)', .-^rl Tuefday of April, ift Tuefday of July, and ill Tuefday of Oa. f:ssex. Ipfwkk Laft Mond. of March, andlaft Mond.ofDec. General Seffions 2d Tuefday of April, and ii Tuefday of Oftober. Salcin Laft; Monday in June. Newburypert Lafl; Monday of Sfpremher. MIDDLESEX. Concord On the Monday next preceding the 3d Tuef- day of March, on the Monday next preceding the ift Tuefday of June, and on the Monday next preceding the 2d Tuefday of Sept. CamBridge On Monday next preceding 3dTuef. of Dec. Court of General Seflions 3d Tuefday of Feb. YORK. York Common Pleas 3d Monday of April. General SelTions on Thurfday next preceding 3d Monday in Apiil. Alfred 2d Monday of Septen^ber. General Seffions on the Thurfday next preced- ing the 2d Monday of September. Biddeford Common Pleas 1 ft Monday in January. HAMPSHIRE. Northampton 2d Monday of January, and 3d Monday in May, 4th Monday in Auguft, and ift Mon- day in November. General Seflions on the 3d Monday of Janu- ary, and on the firft Monday after the 4th Montiay in Auguft. PLYMOUTH. Plymouth 2d Tuefday of April, 2d Tuefday of Auguft, and Qd Tuefday of November. BRISTOL. Tauiiton On Monday next preceding the 3d Tuefday of April, on the Monday next preceding ftc ad Tuefdny of September, and on the Mon- day next precedint^ the 2d Tuefday of Dec. BARNSTABLE. Bamliable Laft Tuefday in March, and 3d Tuefdiy of Sept. G 74 Courts in Maflachufetts. DUKES COUNTY, £dgarton ??dTuefday of May. TiMry Laft Tuefday m Oaober. NANTUCKET. Nantucket Tuefday next preceding the laft Tuefday of March, and on the ift Tuefday in Oaober. WORCESTER. IVorceJier On the Monday next preceding the 4th Tuef^ day of March, Monday next preceding the 2d Tuefday of June, Monday next preceding the ift Tuefday of September, and on Monr

day next preceding the 1 ft Tuefday in Deq^ CUMBERLAND. Portland ift Tuefday of March, 3d Tuefday of June, and 3d Tuefday of November. General SeflTions 3d Tviefday of March, sm4 ift Tuefday of September. LINCOLN. Wifcajfet ad Monday of May. Wfirren «d Monday in January. ToPfkam 4th Monday of Auguft. BERKSHIRE. Lenox Laft Monday of December, 2d Monday oiP April, and 4th Monday of Auguft. HANCOCK. Cafiine ift Tiiefday in May, 2d Monday in Augu^4 and 2d Tuefday in November. WASHINGTON. Madias 3d Tuefday of Auguft. NORFOLK. D.edham Laft Monday of April, 3d Monday of Sepr lembcr, and on 3d Monday of December. General Scfllons on laft Monday in April, and 3d Monday in September. KENNEBECK. Angufia 3d Tuefday of May, and 3d Tuefday of Aug. and 2d 1 uefday in December. OXFORD. Paris 2d Tuefday of May, and 4th Tuefday of SejK tenaber. »

Courts in Maflachuf*etts. 75

Supreme judicial Court of Majfachufefiu

Jtijlices. Theophilus Parfons, l.i..d. of Bofton, Chief Juflia, , l.l.d. Stockbndge. Hon. Sarrtuel SeWal), Marblehead. Hon. , Biddeford. Hon liaac Parker, Portland,

^. AtldT'eyGcver&l, James Sullivan, l.l.d. of Bofton. 'fSQlicitcr-Qcncral, Hon. Daniel Davij, of Boftoii. Reponer'Oj Decijions, Dudley Atkins Tyng> Efq. of Ncw- buryport. Circuit Clerk oj the Supreme Judicial Court Edward P. Hay mart, Efq. of Berwick.

I ,^ . Recording Clerks of the Supreme JudiciAt Court. Charles Cufhing, Efq. and John Tucker, Efq. of Bdflon. Crier of all the Courts kdd in Suffolk County, Mr. Oliver Hartfhorne, ot Bofton.

Jufiices throughout the CotAfnonivealth, Attleborougk Charlejlown Lincoln Eilfha May Artemas Ward Eleazer Brooks Augujla Charleton Lunenburg Daniel Cony Salem ToWne Jofiah Stearns Biddeford Chelmsford Marblehead George Thatcher Ebenezer Bridge Samuel Sewall Bqfion Danvers Milton James Sullivan Edw. H. Robbins Robert T." Paine Dedharfi Norton Fiflier Ames George Leonard Oliver Wendell Fryburgh Pcterfham James Bowdoln Simon Frye Daniel Bigelow Thorn as Dawes,jr. GoldjQiorougk. Rchoboth Theoph. Parfons David Cobb Davis Roxbury . Daniel Portland Harrlfon G. Otis Ifaac Parker William Heath Eraintree Hatfield John Read Ebcnezer Thayer John Haftings .jr. Bridgewater Haverhill Salem Beza H?yward Nathaniel Marfh Benja. Pickmaa Cambridge Ipfwick Scituate tra^cis Dana Stephen Choate Nathan Cufhing C'larhjlozon Kingfton Sherburne Joliah Banlett William Sever Daniel Whitney 7^ Juftices, &c. Suffolk.

Stevhen Uxb ridge Alex. Campbell Bezaleel Taft Samuel Fowler. Stockb ridge Wdh V/ilbrakam ' Theod. Sedgwick Nathaniel Wells John Bills Tkomajiozvn Wcflborcugk ^ York Henry Knox E'.ijiih Biigham SUFFOLK COUNTY.

jftt/iices of the Common Pleas.. Vv^illiam Wetmore, cf Boflon, Chief Juflice. Wiiliam Donnifon, and Samuel Cooper, of Bollon.

Special Juflice., William Shefburne, of Bofton. Clerks of Supreme Judicial Court., and Common Pleas. Charles Cufhing, and John Tucker, of Boilon. Cltrk of the Court of General SeJJipns. Edward Jackfon, of Bofton.

Judge of Probate. I Regifier of Probate. Thomas Dawes, jr, of Bofton. John Heard, of Bofton. I (|:|r Probate Courts in this County are held every Mon- day in the year, except the flrft Monday in each month, on the lower floor of the Court Houfe, in Court Street, Bofton. County Treafurer. Regifler of Deeds, Ebenczer Seaver, of Boflon William Alline, of Bofton.

'ujiices the Peace and the Riorum in Bojion.% ^' of of ofeph Green leaf Willi am Tudor John Lowell Charles Cufhing John Q, Adams John Tucker "NVra. Donnifon John C. Jones John Phillips Samuel Cooper David Ti! den Rufus G. Amory Wm. Sherburne StephcnH:g};infon Dudley A. Tyng Edward Gray Wm. Wetmore John Davis John Hurd Jufiiccs of the J^eace in Bofton* Samuel Gardner Samuel Eliot Wm. Srevenfon Jofcph May John Andrews William Smith Nathaniel i'alch Simon Elliot William Phillips Samuel Clap Arnold Welles

* That Juftices of the Peace aud of the Quorum may not miftake, and think their nanjes omitted, they are requefted to obferve, that when they are adnxitted as Juftices through the Commonweakh, ^zix names are to he founrt under ihgt head only. Juftices and Attornics. 77

William Spooner Charles Bulfinch Lemuel Hayward William Scollay Charles Jackfon John Gardner William Alline Jofeph Head Chas. Cuftiing, jr, Ebenezer Gay Samuel Brown Ths. L. Winthrop M^illlam Sullivan Thomas Perkins F. D. Channing David Greene Samuel Cobb James Robinfon Samuel Parkman Peter Roe Dahon Charles Davis Gftorge Blake Timo. Williams Peter Thacher Jofeph Hall Jona. Hunnev^^ell John Heard, jr. Jofiah Quincy Abiel Smith Jonathan Bird Charles Paine Daniel D. Rogers John Welles Edward Jackfon John Winflow Benj. Whitman Jofeph Peirce Jofeph RufTell James Prince Ifaac Rand William Taylor Samuel M.Thayer JohnCallender William Brown Gardner Greene Charles Storer Robert Gardner Stephen Gorham jfujlkes of the Peace in Chelfea.

Jofiah Batcheidcr | Nathaniel Hall | Samuel Carey Barrijler at Law. James Sullivan, LL.D. of Bofton. AUormes of the Supreme Judicial Court in BoJIon,

ChrlflopherGore I J^ Callcnder Charles P. Sumne*"

Daniel Davis | Jofiah Quincy Thos.O. Selfrid^e Samuel Dexter Jofeph Rowe W. Stackpole, jr- Rufus G. Amory William Sullivan Richard Sullivan Thomas Dawesjr. John Williams James Allen, jr. Jofeph Hall Charles Paine LutherRlchardfon Dudley A. Tyng WilliamThurfton Robt.T. Paine, j.. Edward Gray Charles Jackfon Wm. H. Sumner

Harnfon G. Otis John Heard, jr. Andw. Dexter, y:, Benj. Whitman Edward Jackfon Warren Duttou John Lowell Chides Davis Benj. M. Watf(>^ John PhUlips F. I)* Changing John Knapp George Bla"ake Chas. Cufiiing, jr. Arthur M.Walter Afaph Churchill Peter Thacher Ifrael Munroc Ebenezer Gay Attornies of the Common Pleas in BoJIon Samuel D. Parker William S. Shaw Henry Cabot Saml.M. Crocker George Sullivan Stephen Bean ThomasWelch,jt James T. Anfiia BeMjamia Wells William Auftia Benj. F. Bour.ii- G2 78 Juftices, 5cc. EfTex.

francis Blanchard Adam Winthrop James H. Elliot Eben. Rockwood Alexr. Townfend John A. Brimmer William Minot Robert Fields AndrewRitchie,jr Coroners* Eo/lon Bojlon Cheljca John W. Folfom William Porter David Floyd Robert Gardner Sherif. Jeremiah Allen, of Bofion. DepKty Sheriffs in B.ojion, Oliver Hartihorne (who is alio }ailer)

Shubaei Bell | Bradifh Billings George J Jackforv ESSEX COUNTY.

'Jujiices cj the Common Pleas, , of Beverly, Chief Juftice.

Danvers I Newbury \ Salem

Samuel Holten j Ebenezer March Frcadwell | John Special JuJlices*

Danvem Ipfwick ! Salisbury j Jona.Cogfwcll, jr, Samuel Nye j I

Clerh of S, y» Courty Common Pkas, anJ Seffions^ ichabod Tucker of Salem. Ri-gijier Judge of Probate. I of Probate.

Sanvucl Holten, of Danvers. j Daniel Noyes, of V)rwich.

C:|f" Probare Courts are held at the Probate Office in Ipf- zaich, on the firft; Monday in every month in the year, and the Tuefday and Wednefday fol'ov^ing, except the firft, Monday in A.pril, vvhrn the Court will not begin until Tuefday morning—At the faid Office on the laft Tuefday in March, and the Wednefday and Thurfday following ; and on the laft Tuefday in December, and the Wednefday and Thurfday following. At the Sun Tavern in Salnn, annually, on the (eccnd Monday in January, and the Tuef- day and Wednefday following ; on the third Monday in April, and the Tuefday and V/edncfday following; on the laft Mond ly in j une, and the Tuefday and Wednefday fol- lowing ; and on the fecond Monday in Oclober, and the Ta^fdjy and Wednefday foilowlog. At rhe Court Houfe Juftices, &'c. Effex, 79 in Ncwburyporty annually, on the fecond Monday in April, and the 1'uefday and Wednefdiiy following ; on the ThurC- day and Friday following the firlt Monday in July ; on the laft Tuefday in September, and the Wcdnefday and Ihiarf- day following; and on the Thurlday and Friday following the firft Monday in December.

Reg ijler of Deeds. I County Trcafurer.

'Amos Choate, of Salem. j Stephen Choatc, of Ipfwich.

Juftices of the Peace and of the. ^orum. Andover Ipfioich "' Salem Nathl. Lovejoy Afa Andrews John Treadwell Jofiiua Holt Jona. Cogfwell John Pickering Ifaac Ofgood John Heard Benja. Goocihue Beverly Mancktjlcr Wm. Piefcott Jofiah Batchelder William Tuck Richard Manning Naihan Dane Marbleliead Ichahodlucker ' TimothyPickering Nathan Bowen Bcnj.Pickman, jr. oft Thomas Banc i Boxford I Newbury Thomas Pcrley Ebenezer March Salijhury Gloucejier Newburyport Samuel Nye Henry Phelps Nicolas Pike Top$Jield Ipfwich E.S.L.Livermore Nehe. Cleveland ^Nathaniel Noyes Enoch Titcumb

jlppotnted to qualify Civ'd Officers.

I Nathan Dane Samuel Holten Ebenezer March j

Ittcphen Choate j John Treadwell | Daniel Noyes

Juflice,s of the Peace, Amefhury Boxford Hamilton Chriftoph. Sargent John Robinfon Jofhua Giddir^gs Benjamin Lurvey Bradford Haver/lilt Andover Nathanl.Thurfton Ifrael Bartlett

John L. Abbot Peter Ruffe 11 James Duncan, jr Samuel Abbot Thomas Savory Moles Moody Samuel Farrar Danvers Leonard White Thomas Kittridge Amos Puinam John Phillips Gideon Fofter Ipfwich Brver'y Eleazer Putnam Jona.Coglwell K' Jofeph Woc-d Glvucefier Daniel Rogers Mofes Brown John Manning, jr. John Choate Thomas Davis John Rowe Nathaniel Wade Eiifha Whitney Nathaniel Warner Jofeph Swazey Ifraci Thorndike So Attornies, &c. Eflex,

L\'nn Klrwhu^yport talent Abner Cheever Jonathan M-rfli John Prince, jr. Tn^ncs G':irdner Samuel A. Otis Wirlliam Gray,ir» Frederick Breed Jofeph Dana Ehenez.B-ckfora Lynnfidd Stephen Crofs John Norris Daniel Needham Jeremiah Nelfon Tofeph Sprague Ma^bkhfad Michl. Hodge, jr. Wm. Pickman Todiuji-Prentirs Jatnes Barnham Edw. A. Holyoke John Prlnce Dani'-l A. White Amos Choate Mdhuen William Woart JohnPickering,jr. Stephen Barker Ro7j>lr-y Saliflmry Petf^r Marfton Parker Cleveland Edmund Noyes N-'.wbun Thomas Mighill Jacob Brown Enoch Sawyer, jr. Benjamin Proftor Benjamin Evans Silas Little Moody Spafford Topsfield Joilah T/ittle Sa/'Vt Nathl. Hammond John Ofgood Samuel Putnam Wevham t\ wburyport Exckiel Savage Samuel B! a nchard Edward Little Wm. Wetmore Tyler Porter Attoniies at the Supreme judicial Court, And'

Attornies at the Common Pleas, Glouceftcr Marblehead Salem Lonfon Nafh Ifaac Mansfield JohnPickeringjjr. Nathan Parks Ralph R. French John Prince, jr. Haverhill Nezoburyport Samuel Swett Stephen Minot Daniel A'. White Leveret Sal tonflall Mr. Dearborn E. Mofely Coroners, Amefhury Bradford Haverhill IchabodB. Sargent Jonathan Kimball Samuel White,jr. Andover Eliphalct Rollins Enoch Bradley Putnam Ingalls Danvers Samuel Walker Beverly Ifr.Hutchinfon,jr. James Smiley John Low Gloucefter Ipfwick Ifaac Rea William Pearfon StephenChoate,jr. Boxford John Rogers Ephm. Kendall, jr, Lemuel Wood WiiUam Dana David Choate Juftices, &c. MIddlefex. 8i

Methuen Salem Rzf-kic\ Cheever John Sargent, jr. William Lan^ ^^phraim Breed Nctubury John Piinchard Amos Rhodes Stephen lifley Salijbury Lynnje/d David Little Jonathan Smith Jofin Upton Nezoburyport Tofsfidd Marblchecd, Daniel Horton Daniel Bixhy If^ac Mansfield Jofhua Pickard Wtnham Jofeph Pike Jofeph Fairfield Skerif Bailey Bartieit, of Haverhill

Deputy Sheriffs, Andover Haverhill Newburyport Jeduthun Abbot David Bradley Philip Bagley Glouctjler ' Ipfxvicli Salem Benjamin Stacey Daniel Dutch John Hutfon Crier of the Courts, Philip Bagley, of Newburyport. Prlfon Keepers,

Ipfwich I Newburyport I Salem

Jer. Stanniford | Philip Bagley John Hutlbn |

MIDDLESEX COUNTY. , Jufllces of the Common Pleas, James Prefcott, of Groton, Chief Jujlice, James Winthrop, of Cambridge. Ephraim Wood, of Concord.

Special Jujiic^s,

Charleftown I Concord I IVoburn Phillips Paylon Jofeph B.Varnum | Loammi Baldwin i Supr, CUrk of J, Courty Common Pleas, and Sejfwns, Abr..ham Biglow, of Cambiidge.

Judge of Probate. I Regijler of Probate. James Prefcott, of Groton.* Jas. Wuithrop, | of Cambridge.

^3" Probate Courts are held at Cambridge, on the 2,d Tueiday in January, 2d Tuefday in May, 2d Tuefday in November, 2d Tuefday in December, and on the l',\ftTuef-r day in Auguft. At Concord, on the fid Tuefday \n April and ed Tuefday in June, and on the lU Tuefday in Ottcber and ift Tuefday in December. At Groton, on the 41K ^2 Juflices, Middlefex.

Tuefday In May, and 3d Tuefday in O^iober. At fmw- ingham^ on the 3d Tuelday in June, and 2d Tuefday in Otlober. At Woburn^ on the 4th TueW^y In April. At Ckelmsford, on the 3d Tuefday in September.

furer. - Resijier ef Deeds. I CountfTrca Bridge, of Saml.BHrtIett,of Cambridge | Eben. Chelmsford

Juflices of the Peace and of the ^orum. Bitlcrica Dracut Newton Ifaac Stearns Jofeph B.Varnum Nathan Fulleir Cambridge Parker Varnum Reading VJm. Winthrop William Hildreth Jofeph COrdis James Winthrop Framhghnm James Bancroft Abraham Biglow JonathanMaynard Shirley Stephen Dana Groton \ Jofhua Longley

Samuel Bartlett l James Bruzer TyngdorcugA Qarlijle James Prefcott John Pitts Watertown Jonathan Heald |

Charleft own HoUiftdn Amos Bond

Phillips Pay fon John Stone Wcjlford , Aaron Putnam Medford Zaccheus Wrighfc Concord Duncan in^raham Woburn Ephraim Wood Samuel Swan LoammfHaldwIrj Abiel Hcywood appointed to qualify Civil Officers,

Biglow l Ebenezer Br.dge I Abraham James Winthrop

1 Ephraim John Brooks I James Brazer Wood

Prefcott 1 Jofiah Bartlett | James Jkjllces of the PeasH Bu'iington Chelmsford A&on . Winthp.FauiKner John W'aiker Oliver Barron ]onas Bnioks Cafhhridge William Adattis Jbbn Robbins Caleb Gannet Afahel Stearns Afkby. Aaron Hill Concord Jonnthan Locke Samuel Locke Jonalhan F;iy Allen Flags , jr William Paikmaii John Locke John NfcHen DunJlabU : Btdford Cartiflz toe! Piirkhurft Amariah Prefion Jofe.jh Heald Micah Eldridgc Aia Parlin Eafi-Sudhuyy Elijah Stf-'a-.ns I Billerica Charkjlown Nathaniel Reeved Jonathan Bo\v^ers BenjauiinHurJ.jr. Framing han James Abbot Zabdiel Bi Adams Eli Bulhrd Boxhornngk Oliver Keating GrotO^./ Silas Taylor Oliver Piefco« Juftices, &c. Middlefex. 83

SaTtiuel Lawrence I Natick Tyngshorougk

Thomas Gardner I Hezekiah Broad Ebenezer Bancroft Hollijion William Calvin Thomas j Boden

Ephm. Littlefield j Nczuton Ebcn. Bancroft, jr. James Mellcn Eben. Woodward Wallham Hopkinton Timothy Jackfon Theodore Lyman Matthew Metcalf Simon fackfon JonathanCoolMge Jeremy Stirafon John Kenrick Abner Sanderfoa Lexington Samuel Murdock John Sanderfoa Ifaac Bowman Pepperell Watertown John Bridge Jofcph Heald N. R. Whitney- Nathan Chandler John Walton Ma rfhall Spring John Mil liken Reading Nathaniel Bemis Ifaac Haftings Benjamin Upton Thomas Clarke Lincoln ^kerbume Wcjiford Eleazer Brooks, jr. Jofeph Weare Jofeph Bripham Shirley Benjamin Ofgood Jofeph Adams Thomas Whitney John Abbot Littleton Wallis Little Wejlon Sampfon Tuttle Stoneham Ebenezer Hobbs David Lawrence Jofeph Bryant Amos Bancroft Jona. A. Newell Stozo John Slack Maiden Ephraim RuiTell Ifaac Filke Barnard Greene Sudl/ury Wilmington Benjamin Blancy William Rice Timothy Walker Ezra Sargent Tervkjbury Benjamin Walkef Marlborovgh Jonathan Brown Wm. Blanchard Jos. Brigham, jr. William Brown W. Blanchard, jr.

Peter Wood • Wm. Brown, jy. Woburn M'djord TownJIiend SamuelThompfon Benjamin Hall I Daniel Adams Jeremiah Clap

Nathaniel Hall , Ifaac Mulliken Jofeph Lawrence Stephen Hall, jr. Attormss at the Supreme Judicial Court, Ajhby Concord Medford John Locice John L. Tuttle Timothy Bigelow BilUrica Jonathan Fay Marlborough Jofeph Locke Thomas Heald Jos. Brigham, jr. Cambridge Framingham Sudbury Ebenezer Bradifii Eli Bui lard Othniel Tyler Loam.Ba1dwin,jr. Groton Watertown Charupown Samuel Dana Tyler Bigelow Artemas Ward James Prefcott Levi Thiixter iabdiel B. Adams Hopkinton We/ten

,^_^ Chelmsford Daniel Adam* Ifaac Fifite " Afahel Jstearns 84 Attornies, &c. Middlefex.

Attornies at the Common Pleas. Cam.hridge Charle/lown Stow Samuel P. P. Fay Abnsr Rogers Rufys Hofmer Daniel Warren Concord Townfliend Char'ejlown Samuel Hoar Walter Haftingi Aaron H. Putnam Jonas Buttrick Wejljord D.iniel Parker Jofeph Adams John Abbot, jr. Henry Adams Grolm Woburn BeajaminGorham Luther Lawrence Abner Barilett Coroners, AJ},h Groton Shirley Alexa.f.Wlllard Tames Lewis, jr. Calvin Longley Billerka William F.Brazer Stephen Longle}*' Ephm. Kidder, .jr. Hollifion^ Stow Benjamin Bowers John Stone, jr. John Patch Cambridge John Stcdman Tewkfbury Samuel Sparhawk Hopkinton Thomas Clark CarLiJit Samuel Haven Townficnd Abel Blood Jos. Valentine,jr. Stephen Bruce Frederick Blood Littleton Shcbal C. Allen Chelmsford Jona. W^hetcomb T) ngsborovgk OliverRichardfon Marlborough Ezra Blodget Ebene/er Parker Silas Gates Wejljord Concord Medfprd Jonathan Keycs Reub-n Bryant Nathan Waite John Leighton Dractit Newton Wejlon Ifrael Hildreth Jofepbjackfon.jr. Nathan Fifl^ Dunftahle Peppercll Wilmington Leonard Parkhurft John Sheple Joel Jenkins Eajl-Sudbury Reading Woburn Collins Damon John Temple, jr. Noah Richardfon Framingham Sherburne Edmd.Richardfon John Fifke Tames Bullard Jona. Thorn pfon Aaron Bui lard John Bullard Sherif. Jofeph Hofmer, of Concord

Deputy Sheriff's Ajhby Charlejiown Sampfon Woods Stephen Wyman Peter Edes Hollijlon Billerica Grolun Ephm. Littlefield Zacclicus Shed Jofeph Moors Ejiel Littlefield Juftices, Sec. York. 8s

Banl. Stephens,jr. John Flagg AbijahThompfon | Stow Jonathan Walcutt I I Keeper of the Po^vder-Kovfe in Charkjiown, Peter Tufts, jr. ot Charleftown. ' YORK COUNTY. yujlkes of the Common Pleas. Nathaniel Wells, of Wells, Chirf Jufike.

Edward Cutts, of Kittery. | Jonas Glark', of Wells. Special Juflices. Berwick. York. York. John Lord Jofeph Bragdon AndrewP.Fernald Bt-njamin Green Clerli ofthe S. J. Court, Common Pleas and Sejfions. Daniel Sewall, of York.

Judgf^ of Probate. I Regifier of Probate. Kitter>-. Edward Cutts, of | Daniel Sewall, of York. g:|" Probate Courts on the Saturdays immediately pre- ceding the Mondavs on which the Courts of Common Pleas are held, and at the fame places—[See the Courts p. 73]—and at the Probate-Office in York, on the 3d Mondays in January, February, March ; on the Monday precedmg

the 3d Tuesday in May ; on the 3d Mondays in July, Sep- tember, Oftober, and November. At Berwick on the 3d Monday in June. At Alfred on the Monday preceding the time of Supreme Court—[See Supreme Judicial Court in Alfred, r- 72-] Regifier of Deeds and County Treafurer* William FroR, of York. juflices of the Peace and of the ^orum. Alfred Rifh worth Jordan Waterborougk Wm. Par Pons Buxton Andrew Burley Abiel Hall Jacob Bradbury Wells Arunddl Kittery Jonas Clark John Hovey Edward Cutts York Berwick John Fii.a I>»niel Sewall JohnHill^ Jofliua Hubbard David Sewall John Lord ParfOTISfield Wm. Froft Toieph Savage Thomas Parfons Jofeph Bfagdoa "Dudley Hubbard Sanford Biddejord Caleb Emery Jeremiah Hili H Ju dices, &c. York.

AppGinted to qualify Civil Officers Jofeph Braguoii jcidrniah Hill Daniel Sewall Cutts John Holmes Nathai.icl Wells Jonas Clark Vv/iiliam Parfons Jiijlkes of the Peace Alfred Kittery Sacn Jofeph Eincrfon Wm.T. Gerrifli Jofeph Leiand John Holmes AndrcwP.Fernald Arundel Alexander Rice Daniel Granger Thos. Pcrkins,3d. Lebanon PhiUip/burgh Seth Barnham T,M. Wentworth T-Cbadhourn Robert Nat. Towne Chamberlain Wm. T. Gerrifti Thomas Darrcll Limerick Shahleigh Berwick John Morrill Wm. Rogers Benjamin Greene Liming ton Andrew Rogers Domin. Goodwin Ahner Lihbey John Leigh ton Richard F. Cutts Ezra Davis Waterhorovak Ivory Hovey layman Benjamin Wa^n en Edw. p. Hayman S. L. Raymond Wells Peter Mei nil John Low Jofeijh Thomas John Cufliing Ncwfield Jacob Fifher Biddeford Elijah Drevvr G'vVWalllnpford Samuel Pearfon 'parfonsfield Tof-ph Moody Ralph T. oleph Jordan J Parfons Nathl. Wells, jr. Aaron Porter John Paine John Storer Daniel Cleves Nicholas Emery Samue: Eraerfon Buxton Samuel Garland York John Woodman Andrew M'Clary John Kingsbury Charles Coffin Chapman Elihu Bragdon John Wood Saco Mo fes Lyman Zenas Paine Biilkley Emerfon Cornijk '['. G. Thornton JonaLh.mS.Barrell Afahel Cole James Gray Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court Alfred Buxton Saco John Holmes Charles Coffin Jofeph Bartlett Berzoch Parfonsfield rVclls Dudley Hubbard Nicholas Emery Jo^'^ph Thomas Benj. Greene Saco GWWaliingford Wm. Lambert Cyrus King Jofeph Dane Attornies at the Common Pleas.

Biddeford Limerick Sarn Samuel Hu-bbard John Burnham Jercnio. Brae Juflices, Sec, Hampflii're. 87

Ccroners. Alfred Kiltcy C-GCO John S -yward jofcph Hatnmovid Phineas Kelley

Berwick I Bcnjaniin Parker Pk:lill^j7iriik Jofeph Pnme hbav. m Georjic Froil Biddejord DanieJWooil Sanford I Bachelor Bunker LivTVgton Ezra Thorn pfon Jeremiah Beit( s Samuel Moulton IVdls N.ah1. (;'.f.dwin Jofhua Sriiall Stephen Perkins I Cmi/h Ifaac Mitchell joiin Ct)le Thoi.A. Johnfon Ntwfttid York Kit*ery Benj. Johnfon ,Samuel Moody Daniel Peirce Parfonsfidd Samuel Saywaid Wm. Lei ah ton Samuel Burbank 5/^(?r?/—Ichabod Goodwin, of Berwick.

Deputy Sheriffs, Arvndfll Ephraim Sands Dominlcus Jordan James Gould Sami. Watts Sanjord Berwick Kittcry William Emery Mark Lord Jofcph Froft SkaplcJgh Ichd.Gnod\vIn,jr. Lchanon Jofhua Trafton Biddeford Jofeph Lvincron JVells ChriOo.Oilpnfrick Pa>-fons/rld Abiel Kelley Ichabod Fairfield Jofepn Huckens Jofhua Claik Bnxtrn S;KO York Samuel Cu"ts B pj. Paiterfon Simon Fernald S n-ion Fernald, of York, Deputy Gaoler. HAMPSHIRE COUNTY. jfufitces of the Common Pleas* Mofes Blifs, oi Springfield, and Samuel licnfhaw, of Noith- amp'on.

' Special Jujlices.

John Haftinf^s Hatfidd \ nhrahamBurbank JVrli- Eb'-nt-zer Hunt Northampio'i* JnOin Ely [Springfield. Win Pynchoii Spring Icld

Clerk of S.y. Court) Common Pleas and Scjfons. Jolcph Lyman, oi Northam.p^on.

Re^ri/Ie'- P-obate. Judge of Probate. I of Hmckley, Nonhamp, Saml. Hciifhaw, Noithamp. j San^l. S8 Juflices, &c. Hampfhire.

(j^ Probate Courts, zt Deerft eld, on the ift Tuefdayin Januarys May and Auguft, at the houfe of Mr. Eraftus Barnard. At Northampton, on the lit Tuefday of March and December, and on the laft Tuefdayin each niomh, ex- cept the laft Tuefday in May and Auguft, at the houfe of

Mr. Theodore Lyman. In Spring fietd, on the i ft Tuefday in February, June and Oftober, at the houfe of Mr. Eleazer "Williams. In Hadlcy, on the lO Tuefday in April and July, and the 2d Tuefday in November, at the houfe of Mr. Elilha Cook. A^. B. Tiie court will be opeaed on each day, fpecified as above, at 9 o'clock. Regijiers of Lkeds, Southern DtflriB, William Pynchon, of Springfield. Middle DifiriB, Levi Lyman, of Northampton. Northern Dijir^, Epaphras Hoir, of Deerfield.

jfujiices of the Peace and of the ^lorum^ Ainhcrjl Northfield I apringfield Zebina Montague John Barrett Hooker I John Brimfeld Northampton Chauncey Brewer I Abner Morgan Ebenezer Hunt Thomas Dwight William Eaton Samuel Henftiaw William Eli Conway Samuel Hinckley Wendell Wm. Billings Jofeph Lyman Jofhua Greene, jr. Colraine Orange Wejlfield Hugh M'Lellan Jofeph Metcalf Samuel Mather Deerjield Southampton Wm. Shepard John Williams Jonathan Judd Samtiel Fowler JEphraim Wilder South Hadley Weji Springfield Greenfield Rug.Woodbridge Juftin Ely David Smead Springfield Abraham Burbank Hadley Mofes Bhfs Worthing ton Charles Phelps William Pynchon Ezra Starkweather

Appointed to qualijy Civil Officers,

Mofes Blifs I Ebenezer Hunt | Satnuel Mather Thomas Dwight j Jofeph Lyman, jr. | Jufliees of the Peace*

Amherjl Ehjah Paine 1 Blandford _ Saml.F.Dickinfon Belchertown jcdidiah Smith j

AJhJield Henry Dwight | Eli P. Afliman Epbrm. Williams Eleazer Clark Jufti^es, &c. Hampfliire. ^

Hadh Plainf.cld Tofcph Browning Samuel Porter James Richards t):iriiis Mnr.ger Hatfeld Rnwe Steplien Pynchon Benj. Smi;h John Wells Buck lend Hawtry Rnjfell Samuel I'aylor Edmund Longley Titus Dooliftle Qharlrmout Heath Shelhnrne Abel Wilder Afaph White Aaron Skinner Chffler Ebenezer Tucker SJiutcfbury Sylvr tier Emmons Holland William Ward Martin Phelps John Policy Southampton CluJ)efJi'ld Jacob Thompfon Leml. Pomeroy B nj. ParloDS Lever tt South wick Benj. Phelps RufusGiavcs Saul Fovv'kr Co/rairie Leyd- n Ifi-ac Coit

Jonathan Magee Lemuel Fofler Spring ft rid Conzoay Long meadow Joftph Wiiliams Samuel Ware, jr. Gideon Burt Jonathan Dwight Elifha Billings Nathaniel Ely George Blifs Cumming ton Middlefield Sunderland Ebenezer Snell David Mack Daniel Whi:n\ore Adam Packard Monfun Lemuel Barnaid Deerfidd Abel Goodell Ware W. S. Williams Abncr Brown Wm. Bcwdoin Hcz. W, Strong Alovtaoue Warwick GUI Eliflia Root Caleb Mayo Mofes Bafcom Henry WeUs James Goldibufy Gilbert Stacy Montgomery Weflfild Gqfun Edward Taylor Abel Whitney William White A^ew Salevd John Ingerfoll Granhy F'zek. Kellog, jr, Iirael Aftiley David Smith Varney Pcarce W'fthampton Granville Northampton Sylvefter Judd Jofiah Hervy Daniel Wright ^W. Springp'r Id Titus Fowler Levi Lyman Eiip. Leonard John Phelps John 'Paylor peiatiah Blifs ifrael Parfons Sol. Stoddard, jr. Lucas Morgan David Curtis Northjield Greenfield Elifiia Hunt Wfiately Jerome Ripley Obad. Dickinfon Thos. Saunderfon Jorathan Leav itt Palmer WiUiamfhurgk So!o:non Smcad Aaron Merrick W. Bod man M. L. Novvcomb Pelham A!a White Grcinnnik IfaacAbercrorabie Worthington

lx-.t Fu;!d \ Wocdbridge J no. . .ae P..v.c!S H 2 9P Attomies, &c. Hampfliire.

Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court. Amherji Dttrfxeld Edward Upbam S. F. Dickinfon Hezek.W. Strong Nortiifield vStrong Pliny Arms John Barrett Simeon I ^ AJ1> field Granville John M. Gannett Elijah Pdine John Phelps Springfield Belchertown Greenfield John Hooker Jof.Bridgman, jr. R.E. Newcomh George Blils Blandford Jonathan Leavitt Eli P. Afhman Greenwich Jonaih.Dvv*ght,jr. Brimfield Elijah Alvord Edmund I>w.'ight Abner Morp;an New Salem Sunderland Stephen Pynchon Samuel C. Alien Henry Barnard Charlemont Northampton Wejlfidd SylvefterMaxwcll Saml. Hinckley John Ingerloll Cliejlerfield John Taylor Elijah Bates Benjamin Parfons Sol. Stoddarrl, jr. W. Springfield Convjay Elijah H. Mills Saml. Lathrop Wm. Billings, jr. Theodore Strong H'orthington Phinehas Afliman J. Woodbridge jittornies at the Common Pleas, Amherji Hadley Lewis Strong Noah D. Mattoon Giles C. Kellogg Nortkficld Chejler Hatfield John Ncvers Alvan Coe Jona. H. Lyman Oliver B. Morri:^ Granville Northampton Springfield James M. Coolcy Ifaac C. Bates Diodotus Duttori Coroners, Amherji Deerfield Montague Jared White George Arms Jofeph Gunn Belchertown Gofien Northampton Juflus Forward.jr. Ambrofe Stone Willi-^m Butler Brimfield Granville Cecil Dwight Samuel Bates Ezra Baldwin, jr. Nortkfield Ezra Hitchcock Greenfield WilliamPomeroy Colraine Caleb Clap Orange Jonathan Magee Eliel Gilbert Savilic Metcalf Wm. Caldwell Greenwich Pelham Conway Alden Lathrop Ifrael Conkey Reriben Bariwell Mcnfon liozve Cummington Edc Whi taker Zehulun Benton Eeia Norton Juftices, &c. Plymouth. 91

Worthing ton Sprint;fieid W'dbrakam Eliftia Brewfter Tohii Pynchon Edward Morris Benjamin Prefcott Jofiah Langdon Jofiah Mills SAenJ—EheuezpT Mattoon, jr. of Amherft. Deputy Sheriffs, Amherjl Greenwich Palmer Juft. Williams, jr. Luke Stone William Baldwin Brimjield Heath Springjield John Moore Sylvanus Maxwell Jofiah Bardwell Conway New Salem Sunderland David Childs Judah Stxton Simon Ballard Deerjield Northampton W. Springfield Hufus Sax ton Thomas Kidd Fred. Palmer Greenfield Northjidd •Oliver Wilkinfon Caleb Lyman PLYMOUTH COUNTY. jfuftkes of the Common Pleas. BcriaminWiHis and Daniel Howard, of Bridgewater, William Watfon and Ephraim Spooner, of Plymouth. Special Jujlices, Pembrolie Plymouth Middleborough \ [ Whitman Jolliua'l homas vfaac Thompfon | Kilborn | and 0erl of the S. J* Courty Common Pleas, Sejftons, Jofiah Cotton, of Plymouth. Rcgijier of Probate. Judge of Probate. \ Ifaac Lathrop, of Plymouth JofhuaThomas, of Plymouth 1 Probate Courts, at Sdtuate, on the ift Mondays in (f3=-* Plympton, Sf ptember, December, March, and June. At on February, the ift Mondays in 061ober, November, January, in April. May, July, and Auguft, and on the ift Tuclday Rcgijhr oj Deeds. County Trcafurer. \ Eph. Spooner, ot Plymouth Rofieter Cotton, of Plymouth 1

jtfjices of the Peace and of the ^orum. I^ridgeroater PtmhroL Jofiah Cotton Killx^ni Whitman RccheOrv Dan- el Howard Phmmth Abraham Holmes Hingham William Wi.tfon Scituate Samuel Norton Tofiiua Thomas ChariesTurner,ir, Middffborou^h Ephraim Spoc^ptT liaac Thompion Nathl. Goodwl:. 92 Judices, Plymouth.

Appointed to qualify Civil OJi ers^

William Watfon I Jofhua Thomas I Daniel Howard

Ephraim Spooner | Ifaac Thompfon | Beza Hayward

Jujllces of the Peace, Ahivgton Hingham Plymouth Luke Bicknell Daniel Shine Henry Warren Samuel Norton Abner Lincoln Rofieter Cotton Aaron Hobart, jr. Hull Wm. L. Barron Bn'dgewater Robert Gould William Jackforj Jonathan Crane King ston Zacchens Bartlett Daniel Snow Seth Drew John D. Dunbar Heaor Orr Jedidiah Holmes William Davis Gideon Howard John Thomas Phvihton Samuel Shaw James Sever Elijah Bifbee, jr. DanielHoward,jr. Martin Paris Rochcjler M/'illiam Baylie's MarJIiJidd Elilha Rnggles Nathan Mitchell A fa Waterman N. Hammond, 3d. Caleb Howard, Eidha Philips Nathan Willis' Carver William White Nathl. Ruggles Nehemiah Cobb Middlcborough Scltuate DuxhorQugk iS[chcmiah B nnet Elijah Turner Judah Aldi-n Wilkes Wood Hayward P'.Mrce John Winflow Daviil T^ichmond Chrift. CuQiing Halifax James Warnburn IVareham Jofiah Thompfon Pembroke Ifrael Fearing Hanover John Turner Rowland Leonard DavidStockbridge Jofcph Smith Benjamin Fearing Horatio Cn filing PI'.moutli John Fearing Hingham Abner Barilett Nathan Rice

Attornles at the Supreme jfudlclal Court Bndi^erjjater Halifax Plymouth Wm. Baylies Jotham Cufhman Jofliua Thomas Nahum Mitchell Middltbord' Plymouth. Duxhnrongk Wilkes Wood John D. Dunbar John Winflow James Walliburn Rochejler Pembroke Abraham Holmes Kilborn Whitman

Attornl fi at the Common Pleas*

M'ddlfborciigh \ Sciluate Abington j 7 John Kin, \ -char'abEady \ George Littip ThomfonMiilT j Caroaers, &c. Plymouth. 93


Kingfion- Plymouth. P-Noah Norton Jed. Holmes, jr. Stephen SainpCon

' . BruJ^civafer Gray, \t. John Thos. ark {'on, lot Whitmarfh I jr. Marfkjicld Plxvipton Ca^-ver William Lewis Elias Churchill Caleb At wood James Diiiglcy Th. Sturtevant.jr- Duxhorough Middkborouti^k Rocheper Bcnjanii:; Aluca Mark llafkell William Crapo Pembroke Nathaniel Hafkell Jofialn Smith, jr. Ifaac B. Barker Pelejir Whirtridge Uiugham ChariK-is Little Scitvate Ephraun Andrews Naihl. Loring Lemuel Tumor Job Loriiig, jr. Plymouth Sam. Waterman David Bacon fVareham Samuel Savory S^rjf. , of Duxborougli.

Deptfy Sheriff. Akingtcn Hivgham MU.IlAoro' Micah White Ifaac Wilder, jr. Nat. Wilder, jr. Bridgcwatcr Kirigjlon Pembroke Simeon Pratt John Aoams, jr. David Oldham Darius Howard Marflif.dd Rockejler Halifax Jedidiah Little Noah Dexter Ambrole Keith Middleboro" Sdtnate Lemuel Brings James Sparrell BRISTOL COUNTY. yiiftkes of the Common Pleas. Chief juflice—Samuel Fales, of Taunton. Stephen Bullock, of Rehoboth, and Samuel Tobey, of Berkley. Special Jujiices*

Aitleborough 1 Nczo- Bedford I Tawton

Eli ft a May Aldcn Spooner | James Williams I Clerk of S. y. Courtf Common Pleas and Sejfions. Nathaniel Fales, of Taunton.

Judge of Probate. I Regijlt^r of Probate.

SethPadelford, oi Taunton. \ William Bdy ii€s,o{ Di^hton. 94 Juftices, &c. Briftal.

0:^ Probate Courts at Taunton, on tbe id TueTday In January, March and Augufi. At Norton, on the >ft Tuef- day in July and December. At Rchohofh., on the ift Tuef, day in April and Scpiember. At Dig/iton, on the id Tuefday in June and Noven^ber. At New-Bedford, on the

ift Tiiefday in Miiy and Oftober ; and at Freetown on the ifl Tuefd-iy in February.

Rffjft'irofD'fih. I County Treafurtr. of 7'William Baylies Norton James Williams New Bedford Fofter Swift Edward Pope Rehoboth James Sproat Alden Spooner E. Starkweather Appointed to qualify Civil Officers.

Samuel Fales } vSeth bpooner I Samuel Tohey

1 Fofter Lemuel William* Seth Padeiford Swift | jujlices of the Peace. Attleboroua;h Eap.on Rehoboth C.Richardion, jr. Benjamin Weaver Calvin Martin Joel Reed Wafh. Hathaway Thos. Carpenter Berkley Mansfield JamesEiiis Apollos Tobey Benjamin Bates Olv. Starkweather Dartmouth Daniel Gilbert David Perry, jr. Holder Slocum David Gilbert Samuel Blifs Joel Packard New Bedford Somcrf't Elihu Slocum Samuel Pcrr^ John Bowers John Rogers Bersj. Church, jr. Francis Borland David Thatcher Rounfevil Spooner Swanzfy DJgkton R. H. Wiiiiams James Luiher Hndijah Baylies J. M. Williams Thomas Peck Saml. W.Bay lies Norton Taunton Th. B. Richmond Samuel Morey Samuel JLeonard Eadon Ephr. Raymond Jtmes Tiidale Samuel Guild Silas Cobb Bcnj. Williams Ebjah Howard Ravnham Jona. Ini;nlls, jr. Daniel Wheaton Jofiah Dean Gideon Williams John Pool Seth Wafhburn Nich.-Tillinghaft Nathl. Morton, 2d Jonathan Shaw John W. Seahuiy Ephr. Window Wm. A. Leonard Nathaniel Fa Its Rcl'ohoth Jones Godfry Daniel Carpinter Attornies, Sic. Briilol. 9% f Wefport Robert E;ul Troy 'Wiliiam'Aliny Abncr BicAvntil Charl'v-^s Durfee

Attornies at the Supreme judicial Court Di^hton Mansfield New Bedford S. W.'Bayllc-s David Gilbert R H. WiiHains Norton Taunton

Daniel Wheaton Laban Wheaton Scth Fade 1 ford Frcttown Rehoboth Nich.Tillingliafl; Wafti. Hathaway James Ellis James Sproat Attornies at the Common Pleas. New Bedford Rayn'iam Swanzey Jno.M.Williams W. A. Leonard Silas Cobb, jr- P. C. Shaw Coroners,

Atikborough Dan I. Macomber Rehoboth Peter Thatcher Mansjield Th. Cari^tnter 4th Walter*ryler Simeon Creen John Brown Berkley Ntw Bedford Elijah A. Read Levi French Simpfon Hart Swanzey Dartmouth Norton William Mafon Benjamin Tucker Ifaac Kodgcs, jr Taunton Eafton Rrhoboth Afa Danforth Rowland Hov/ard Elkanah French Abiezer Dean

Sheriff, Zephaniah Leonard, of Raynham

Deputy Sheriffs,

Attkborough Mansfield Swanzey Jofiah Allen Ifaac Dean Royal Chafe Noah Tiffany New Bedford Taunton Berkia Lather WiUbn Seth CrofI'man Samuel French Norton John Porter Dartmouth Willi '.m Verry Ira Macumber Jirah Shearman Lbenezcr lifus Ttoy Digkton Rehoboth William Read Matt. Whitmarih FJ'p'iaiet Slack Wefiport Freetown .'ilaBulicck Roeer White Bcnj;i. Povicr, jr. ^6 Juftices, &c. Barnilable.

BARNSTABLE COUNTY. JuJHces of the Commctn Picas. Nathaniel Freeman, of Sandwich, Ebenezer Bacon, of Barnftable, and Samuel Waterman, of Wellfleet.

Special Juftices, John Davis, and David Scudder, of Barnlbhle.

Ckrh of Supreme Judicial Court and Common Pleas. William Otis, of Barnftable, for Barnftable and Dukes County.

Clerk of the Seffiom.

David Scudder, of Barnihible.

Judge of Probate. I Rcgijicr of Probate. John Davis, oi Barnftable. \ ^^ihX.Yxt^mmx^of Sandwick. (^ Probate Courts at Barnftable, on the 2d Tuefdays of April, May, June, and Septeraber. At Grcat-Mar/kes, on the 2d Tiicldays of Jajouary, Februwy, July and Decem- ber. At Yarmouiky on ihe 2d Tuelday of Au^^uft. At Sandwichy on the 2d Tuefday of November. At Fatmoutk on the day after the court is held at Sandwich. At BrezJ^ the fer, on 3d Tuefday of March, and 2d Tuefday in Oftobcr. Ar Harwich, the day before each time laft men- tioned. At Eaftham, on the Wcdncfday next following the 3d Tuefday in March, and 2d Tuefday in Oaober. At WcUJlert, on the day after each laft mentioned times. Regifter of Deeds and County Treafurer. Ebenezer Bacon, of Biiinftable.

Jujlices of the Peace and of the ^orurn. Barnjlable David Scudder Sandwich Jofeph Oris ^ Brezcftcr Nathl. Freeman John Davis Solomon Freeman Ebenezer Bacon

appointed to qualify Civil QJficers. Nathl. Fiecm-.m I Samu'.-l Savage I Ebenezer Bacon Solomon Freeman John Davis j | Jvjlices of the Peace,

Barvflabie I Molmes Allen j Jofi.ih Samfr^n

Samuel Savage j David Paikcr ) 'FunQthy phinnev Juftices, &c. Barnflable. ^7

Lbenerer Crocker Eajiham S^andwick Brewjler Ifa^c Sparrow Elifha Perry Solo. Freeman, jr. Elifha Mayo Sylvanus Nye Sylvanus Stone Falmouth Wendell Davis ifaac Clark Jofeph Palmer,jr. James Freeman Chatham David Nye Truro Jofeph Doanc Thomas Jones Sylvanus Snow Richard Sears Harwich WeUfleet Dennis Eben. Bradbrooks Sam. Waterman Jeremiah Kowcs MarPip ee Yarmouth Gide. Hawley,jr. Gorham Lovel Eliftia Doane Timothy Bafcom

Attorntei at the Supreme Judicial Court, "Holmes Allen, oiBarnJlablc D^vh^oi Sandwich \ Wendell Coroners.

Barnfi able Eajiham Sandwich iPaiah Parker Benjamin Pepper Lemuel Pope Nailor Crocker Michael Collins Heman Tobey Chatham Falmeuth Truro Richard Sears Saml. Bourne, jr. Levi Stevens Dennis Seth Hamlin WeUfleet Daniel Eldridge Harwich Jofiah Whitman William Crofhy Yarmouth Jofeph Hawes

Sherif, ^ Jofeph Dimmick, of Falmouth

Deputy Sheriffs. Barvjiable Eajiham Sandwich John Thatcher Zenas Doane John Nye, jr. Timothy Phinney Dennis Caleb Perry Jofeph Chipman Daniel Eldridge Shad. Freeman Lewis Gorham Falmeuth Truro Benja. Hathaway* Elnathan Nye Anthony Snow Chipm. Hinckley N. Broadbrooks mUjiect Elvm Crorker Orleans Solomon Dyer Brewjler Jofiah Sparrow Yarmouth Jonathan Snow Enoch , Hallet * Who is alfo keeper of the gaol. ^g Juftic^s, &c. Dukes Cottnty. DUKES COUNTY. yujliees of the Common Pleas* Tames Athearn, of TifbOry, Benjamin Baflett, Beriah Norton, of Edgarton, Matthew Mayhew, jr. of Chilmark,

Special jfujlices.

benjamin Mayhew Chilmark \ Benjamin Allen T^fi^ry Clerk of the Pleas and Sejions, Cornelius Marchant, jr. of Edgarton.

Judge of Probate. I Reg ijler of Probate.

Jame^ Athearn, of Tilbury. | Thomas Cooke,ofEdgartoru

R^igijler of Deeds. I County Treafurer.

Samuel Smith, of Edgarton. j Thos. Jernegan, of Edgarton,

jfuftices of the Peace and of the ^orum. Mathew Mmyhew C/ii/marA. James Athearn Tifbury, J

Beriah Norton Edgarton, \ "Shubael Cottle ditto

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers,

Jas. Athearn, Shubael Cottle, Beriah Norton, Thos. Cook*

jfuflices of the Peace. Chilmark Edgarton C. Marchant, y, Zebulon Allen Thomas Cooke James Coffin Benjamin Baffett William Butler Tifhury William Mahew Rufus Spalding I

Attornies at the Common Pleas »

Chilmark I Edgarton I Thomas Cook William Jernegan Ebenezcr Skiff j | Coroners,

Chilmark 1 Edgarton I Tifhury Coffin William Cafe Simon Mayhew | James | Sherif, Bcnjamia Smith, of Edgarton.

Deputy Sheriffs, .

Edgarton I Tifbury ShUmark \

Smith, jr. | Thomas Jones^^ WilUamMayh«w | Benja. Juftices, &c. Nantucket. ^ 9f

NANTUCKET COUNTY. jfupices of the Common Pleas, Chief J ujl ice. JoCah Coffki, Jofiah Barker, and James Coffin. Special jfujlkes* Zaccheus Hufley, and Albert Gardner. Ckrk ofS. J. Court, Common Pleas and Se/Jlons, Benjamin Gardner.

Judge of Probate, I Regijier of Probate*

Jethro HufTey. | Jofiah Barker. Regijier of Deeds. County Treafurer. | William HufFey, jr. j Jofiah Coffin.

yujlices of the Peace and of the ^orum* Ifaac Coffin, and Jofiah Barker.

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers,

Jofiah Coffin I Jofiah Barker I Zaccheus Hufley Ifaac Coffin Jethro Hufley James Coffin | |

,^^ Jufiices of the Peace, jfofiah Coffin, Jethro Hufley, and Zaccheus Huffcy. yJttornies at the Common Pleas* J«fiah Hufley, Uaac Coffin, William Coffin, 2d. Ebca- ezer Clap. Coroners, Caleb Blinker and William Colman,

Sheriff, Jeremidh Liwrence,

Deputy Sheriff, David Allen.

WORCESTER COUNTY. Jufiices of the Common Pleas,

Dwight Follcr, of Brookfield, Chief Jujlice.

iliJahBrigham,of^-'/?/'pro^ | Benj. Heywood.of W'brcf/^^r,

Special Jufiices, Benjamin JCimbalf, Harvard^ Oliver Flfke, WorceJIer, lOO Juftices, &c. Worccder.

Clerk qfS. J. Court, Common Pleas and Sefftons, Jofeph Alleo, of Worceller. Crier of the Courts, Ephraira Mower, of Worceftcr. ' Judge of Probate. I Regijler of Probate. Nathl. Paine, of Worcefler. j Theoph. Wheeler, VVorceft. i^ Probate Courts, at the Probate Office in frc>rc^fr, on the iftTuefd^y in-each month. At Templeton^ oa the Thurfday next after the 3d Tuefday in May, and sdTu'cf- day in 06lober, at the houfe of Mr. Jofhua Wri|;ht, inn- holdcr. At Brookfeld, (Wcft-Parifhj on the 2d Tuefday in April, and 4th Tuefday in October, at the houfe of Capt. David Hitchcock, innholder. At Lancafter, on the 4th Tuefday in May and November, at the houfe of James Elder, innholder. At Uxbridge^ on the 3d Tuefday jn May and November, at the houfe of Melfrs. Cari^nter and Cummings, innholdcrs.

Regijler of Deeds. County Treafurer, Daniel Clap, of Worcefler. Samuel Allen, ofWorcefler. jujl'tces of the Peace and of the ^orum. Barre Leicejier Sturbridge Eleazer James William Henfhaw Timothy Newell Brook^tld David Henfhaw Ward Dwight Fofter Lcominfler John Preniifs Jofeph Dorr Thomas Legate Worceller Thomas Hale Jofeph Allen Harvard PderJIiaiu Nathaniel Paine Henry Broomficld Benja. Heywood Lancafter Princeton Oliv.r Fi(ke Michael Gill Theoph. Wheeled Samuel Ward Skerewfhury Sanincl Flagg - Jofhua Henfliaw

Appointed to qualify Civil OJicers, Ijofeph Alien Dwlght Folier I Benj. Heywood Nathl. Fame | Salem Towne |

Juftices of the Peace Afhhurnham Athol Bcnja. Jenkins Jacob Wil lard James Humphries Joel Bent Abraham Low Barre Berlin Jofeph Jewett John Caldwell Amos Johnfon Juftlccs, &c. Worcefter. 101

Helton Hiibbardflon Rutland Jona. Whitcomb Eli fha Woodward Mofes White Silas Holman Lancafler l^oras Howe Nat. Longley, jr. Ifrael Atherton Soutkborougk Boyljlon Jofiah Fla^rg Ezra Taylor Ezra Beaman Timothy Whiting Trowbridg.Taylor James Longley Joleph Wales Spencer Brookfield Leiccfter John Bi fee John Cutler Thomas Denny Bvujamin Drury Fliny Merrick Nathl. P. Denny Sterling Daniel Forbes Leominjlcr Benja. Richardfori Jabcz Uph;im William Nichols John Robbins Oliver Crofby John Gardner Ifrael Allen Dana Lunenburg Starbridge Oliver Harris W. Cunningham Oliver Piympton Salem Towne, jr. Mr.ndon David Wight Dov^las Seth HaOings Thomas Upham Aaron ^Ia'{h Andie^v Dexter Silttan Dudley Richard George Nathan Putnam John Chamberlain Nathaniel Verry Aaron Peirce Aaron Taft Jofeph Adams Solomon Leiand Daniel Putnam Mi/Jord Ebenczer Waters Fitdiburgh Samuel Jones Ifrael Turner Adam Chapin Stephen Munroe Jofeph Fox Amaiiah Froft Tcmpletcn Gardner Newbraintree Silas Cutier Aaron Wood Benja. Jcyflin- I'homas Fifher Gerry Lovell Walker Charles Baker Northborough Upton Itbainar Waid Nahum Fay Ezra Wood, jr. Elijah Gould Northbridge Uxb ridge Simon Goddard Paul Whiting Benjamin Adams Grafton Oakham Wejiborougk Benja. Goddard JefTe Allen James Hawes Jofeph Wood Oxford Andrew Peters Nathl. Adams Sy ivanus Towne Erafmus Rabbitt Hardwkk Sylvanus Learned Wtjlern John Haftings PaxtOH Danforth Keyefi Timothy Paige NathanielCrocker Wejlminjler Harvard Peterjham Nicholas Dike Benj. Kimball John Chandler Abel Wood JohnMycall Nathl. Maccarty Jonas Whitney Holdcn Princeton Winckendon William Drury William Dodds Samuel Cro/by Lemuel Davis Royal/Ion Ifrael Whiton ' Ifaac Grego y Worcejter Edward Bangs I02 Aitomies, &c. Worcefter.

Abraham Lincoln Daniel Clap r Francis Bla^ il'aiah Thomas Samuel Allen Jofeph Trumbull I Barrlfter at Lanv. Levi Lincoln, of Worcefter.

Attorn'us at the Supreme Judicial Court. Atkol Leicejier Templcton Jofeph Prober Nathl. P. Denny Love 11 Walker Barre Leomivfttr Uxbridge Eleazer James Afa Johnion Bcnj. Adams Luther Perry Abijah Bigclow WcJiminJlcT Brookfidd Mendon Jabcz Upi)am Serh HafHn^s Worcejler Richard George Nathaniel Paine Charieton PeMrjham Edw-xird Bangs Liberty Bares Daniel Bigclow Francis Blake Lancajier Rutland Wm. E. Green Wm. S ted.'nan Wm. C. White Wepboro Merrick Rice Erafmus Babbit

Atiornies at the Common Pleas. Brookfidd tiardwuk Sterling Amos Crofby Luke Brown Bartholw. Browi: Daniel Gilbert Harvard Sutton Mr. fiammond Alexr. Dunftin J Eftes Howe Charieton Lancajicr WoTcuJier Frederick Bottom Mofcs Smith, jr. Levi Lincoln, jr. Grafton JcrcphB.Caldwell

Coroners. AJliburnham Charieton llardwick Vi-'^rn. wSt earns Aaron Wheelock Scth Fl inckley Athd Douglas Holden Jofeph Pcirce John Farnum Henry Bullard Barre Dudley Hubbarujion Elijah Caldwell Jabez Day Afa Wheeler Boylfion Gtrry Lancafier Levi Peirce Simon Goddard BenjaminWyinan

. Br.Qokjidd Grafton Lciceflcr Simeon Draper AaronKjmballjr. Wm. Spiague I'homp. Kawfon Corcmers, &c. Worcefter. 103

lyfmilnjltr Rutland Jofeph Taft BczaleelLawrence Zadock Gates Uxbridge Lunenburg Shrezv/bury^ Peter Whiic Peter Brown Jof. Sumner, jr. M'''ard Mendon Spencer Jofiah H. PrentiU SothDaveiiport,]r. Eliot Mafon IVcjhrn Milford Sterling Jofip.h Putnam tTathl. Parkhurft RobertB.Thomas IVcJlborougk Robert Saunders Moles Smith Ifaac Furbulh New Braintree ^tur bridge Wcjiminjlcr Jonathan Barr Simeon Filk Jonas Miles Oxford Sutton Winchmdan Jonathan Harris David P. Chafe Heyw. Kidder Peterjliam James Sibley pVorcc/ler

Hutch. Hapgood - Timothy L. Tafi Jofhua Whitney Royalfiun Upton John Peirce I)an lei Wopdhuny Ezra Farrar Ephm. Mo.wer Sherif Thomas W.Ward, of Shrewltury. Deputy Sheriffs, Aiiiol Lancajitr Rutland

:f ofeph Peirce Solomon Carter Timothy Ruggles Barrc ivob. Townihend Jonas Howe, jr. Samuel Henry Leicejler S/iren'jhury Scth Pratt Jofeph Waftiburn Sbepard Pratt Broohjidd Lcovunjl er Sterling Robert Cutler Jofeph Darling Mofes Thomas John Muzzy Mendi.n Sturbridge CharUton David Davenport John Holbroc'K Sibley Barton Norlhbo'-cusk Sutton Grafton JamesL. Whitney Gibbs Sibley Ainaziah Howard Pcterjiiani Vxbridg'' Hardwick Jotham Bovvker Frederick 1 afi:

Samuel Hinckley Princeton I- Weftminjer

Harvard Jonas StCiirns Zadoc Sawyer . ]onaihanvSymonc!s RoyuiJiOn WorxeJieT-i 1 Oliver Hill John Parte Win. Esiion ' I I' Caldwr-' \ Wm. % CUMBERLAND COUNTY. J^fiices of the Common Pleas. , Stephen Longfellow, of Gorham, lV)hert Southga'.e, C)i Scarborough, John Froihingham, a;id George BiaC';biary, ofPoitlaiid. 104 Juftices, &c. Cumberland.

Special Jujtices.

Ifaac Parfons New Glouce.Jltr I George Bradbury Portland Scarboro' Woodbury Storer ditto Wm. Thomproii \ (Ucrk of the Pleai.—Samuel Freeman, of Portland. Re,^ijler Judgt of Probate. \ of Probate. Samuel Freeman, of Portland JohnFroihlngham, Portland | Coujts in this County are held at the (J::f" Probate Rcgif- tcr's Office in Portland, on the ad and 4th Wednefday in each month*

Regijicr of Deed-i. I County Treapurer.

Elia» Merrill, of Portland | Jof. M'Lellan, Portland yvjlkes of the Peace and of the Riorum. Free port Portland Scarborough John Cufting Samuel Freeman Wm. Thorapfon New Gloucfjl^r W. Wedgciy "Robert Southgate Kuac parfons Prleg Wadrwcrih Windlmm

North Yarmouth JohnFrothingham f Peter T. Smith A. R. Mitchell Prentifs Mellen

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers,

Steph. Longfellow 1 Samuel Freeman I Woodbury Storer

Robert Soulhgate | JohnFrothingham \ Ifaac Parker

Juflicei of the Peace*

Baldwin Durham \ Mindt Jofiah Peirce Jofiah Burnam Jeffe Rice Bridgetown Foft.?r Waterman Michael Little Enoch Perley Falmouth New Gloucefler ISaml. Famfworth \rchclaus Lewis Nath.C. Allen Jam's Em'^rfon Job Eaftman Ezek. Whitman Brunfwick Mofes Merril PeIegChandler,jr. Peter O. Aiden Timothy Pike Jofeph E.Foxcroft John Dunlap Gorham North Yarmmtk: Robert 'l'h

. Budfield Lothrop Lewis AmmiR.MitcheH DoipinicacRecord John P. Little Otisjield mtterfdd Gray Pelatiah March lf;-/ac Stur'cvant Jofeph M^Lellan Pejepfcot Capr ELiiabeth Samuel Perley And. R.Gidding* 1' Ebci!' . Thrafher HarpfweU Poland G(0, E. Vaughan Benj. Dunning Samuel Andrew* itepli. Purringion Attornies, &c. Briftol, m Between Poland Portland Standijfi and Raymond Elias Merrill Wm. Thomfon John K. Smiih Hugh M'Lellan John D^an Portland Rich. Huimcwell Theodore MufTcy Woydbury Storer ii.rret Potter Thompfon Pianta. Haac lUk-y Joleph E. Boyd J /I homplon Wm. Martin Scarbiyro' Windham Wm. Symmcs Jofeph E merlon Paul Little j

£bcii.eiser Mayo I James Paine

jittorntes at the Supreme Judicial Court * Brunfzuick Gorham Portland peter O. Alden John Paul Little Jas. D. Hoplyns Benjamin Orr New Gloucejl er George Bradbury Cape Elizabeth EzekL Whitman Jofeph Pope Geo. E. Vaughan Portland Steph. Longfellow Durham Wm. Symraes Nathan Kinfman Fofter Waterman Jame-s C Jewett Prentifs Mellen Freeport Oliver Bray Horatio Soathgatc Leonard Morfe B arret Potter Attornies at the Common Pleas. Bridgetown Gray Portland Thos. Hopkins,] r. Afa King Wood. Storer, jr. Brunfwick North Yarmouth Standijk Jfiac Gates El.{ha P. Cutler Simon Greenleaf Jienry Putnam Portland IVindham Gorham W. T. Vaughan Afa Mitchell SarauclWhitmore Saml. D. Freeman Barker Curtifs Coroners,

Brunfzvick Harp/well Portland Noah Mclcher Stcph« Punington Steph. M'Lellan falmonth Willjum 1 an George Waireu Jonathan Sparrow Minot John Dealt' Jiames Bailey Al'aph Howard Scarboro' FrteporL A'. Yarmouth Samue IThonipfcn James Curtis Ala Chafe James March

: Gloucejltr St and II , Gorham Ntw if Royal Lincoln Phiiip Chandler Edmund Muffey James In Ihjji. Otisjield Windham Gray Daniel Hoiden Samuel Barker Sanpuel A. Nafh Polaiid Jamci Shiiw 1

I , rw Juftfces, Sec. Lmcoln.

Sheriff. John Wait, of Portland.

Deputy Sheriffs, Brunfwick John Cloutman Portland Thos. Thompfon Gray Caleb GrafFam Secomb Jordan David Jordan Ezra Gibbs Lhirham Ntw Gloucejler Stephen Lee Hannib. Hamblen Bezaleel Loring Thos. B. Walt Wra. Newell Williain Warner Raymond Falmoutli Otrsfejd Lewis Gay Eben. Koliock Stepht-n Knight Scarboro* Frecport TV. Yarmou'tk Richard Libby Jofiah Reed Amos Clough Standijh Jos. Srockbridge Seth Mitchell Edw. Thorn pfoa Gorham Minot Windham Ellis Standi(h Henry Jackfon Thomas Chute LINCOLN COUNTY. yujiices of the Common Fleas, , Nathani-1 Thwinj;, of Woolwich, and Orchard Cooke, of Wircaflet.^ Special Jujiices

Bath Thomastoion I j Topjhavf Dummer SewaU David Fales { | Jonathan Ellis Georgetown j Mark L.Hill I Clerk of S. J. Court, and Common Pleas. Al>n Bradford, of WifcafTet.

Clerk of the General SeJJions of the Peace, William Bowniiii ui' vVilcaTet. Jud^e of Probate. Re^ijier Probate, ( of

Silas Lee, of WifcafTet. | AldenBiadford, of WilcafTet.

grf" Probate Courts in the County of Lincoln, as fol-'^

lows, viz. At Wifcajet, on M'vdnefday preceding efl_^. ^ Monday of January ; on ifl Pvlonday of March ; on Sa-i'* turday preceding ad Monday Oi May ; and on Saturday - after ift Tuefday of September.—At Kczo-Qajlle, ok ^ l^hurfday, preceding ad Monday of January ; and on the 5th Thurfday after the 4th Tuefday of May.—At Waldobo- —

Juftices, &c. Lincoln. »•? rougkt on Friday before the 2d Monday' of Januar}^ ; and on 5th Wednefday after the 4th Tueiday in May. At IVarnn, on Saturday before the 2d Monday of January; and on4th Tuefday after the 4th Tuefday in May .r—At Thomajiowji, on 2d Monday of January j and on the 4th Monday after the 4th Tuefday of May.—At Drtfdm, on the Mondays after the 1 ft Tueldays of Mar<:h and Sep- tember. —At Eath^ on 2d Tuefdays of March and Septem- ber.—At TopJItam, on the Wcdnefdays after the 2d Tuef- days of March and September. County Treafurer. Reg ijler of Deeds. | Nath.Thwiiig,of Woolwich. Thomas Rice, of Wifcaflct. [ Juftices of the Peace and of the ^orum. Bath Georgetown Francis Winter Mark L. Hill Dummer Sewall New Miljord Orchaid Cooke Bowdoin Jofiah. Stebbins Aldea Bradford James Rogers Tliomajlozan Boothbay David Falcs Thomas Rice William M'-Cobb Joliah Pveed Woolwich Nathl.Thwing

Appointedto qualify Civil Officers, Thomas Rice, Nathaniel Thwing, Orchard Cooke, Dum- mer Sewall, and Mark Langdon Hill. Jujlices of the Peace.

"Ralljlown Robert Hufton William Lee Samuel Waters Camden Thorp Lewis Bath David Blodget Hope And. Greenwood Samuel Jacobs Samuel Brown William Webb John Pendleton Lewijion Will iara King Jofeph Cuftiing John Herrick PelcgTallman Eraftus Foot Joel Thompfon Boothbay WilliamParkman Daniel Read Jonathan Sawyer Cufiling LijbQn. Bowdottiham James Malcom Noah J ourdan Thomas Read Drefden Samuel Tibbctfs Zaccheus Beal Jonath. Bowman Utchjicid Elihu Geichell Edgccomb James Shurtieff" Brijiol Mofes Davis Abij. Richardfon ohnfon Georgetown Madunkook Thomas J James Nichol? Denny M'Cobb Edward Jones William MTntirc James N. Li thgow Newca/lk Samuel Kennedy io8 Juftices, &c. Lincoln.

New Mitfprd Jofeph Ingraham Warren Daniel Role Mafon Wheaton James W. Head Jeremiah Pierfon TopJJiam Mofes Copeland Kcbleborougk Benjamin Hafey S?muel Thatcher David Dennis Jonathan Ellis Ebenez. Thatcher Elijah Davis Benja. J. Porter Patrick Pebbles George Read Ezra Smith Benj. Bracket Palermo Union Wifcajjet Jonathan Greely Stephen March Jonathan Bowman Pinkook Nathl. Rcbbins Jos. Chriflopher Richard Meagher Waldoborougk John Merrill, jr. St, George Jacob Ludwig Jeremiah Bailey- Hezekiah Prince Joftiua Head David Payfon Thomapzon Wale^ Woclwick Jolhua Adams James Witherell Abner Wade

Attornies at the Supreme jfudicial Courts Bath Ncbleborough Wi/cajfet A. Greenwood George Read Jeremiah Bailey Bozodoinbam Top/ham Silas Lee Foiler Wateiman Benjamin HaTey John Met rill, jr- Camden Benjamin Orr Eraftus Foote Warren New Mtljord Jofiah Stebbins Eben. Thatcher

yittornies at the Common Pleas, Bath TopJJiam Wifc^fet E. C. Clap Artem^is Sawyer Manaflch Smith 'Ivjathamel Coffin Warren Waldcborcnigk Brunfzuick Manair. Smith, ir Frederick Allen Ifaac Gates Ncwcajile Samuel Bellard Coroners*

Brijlol New MiIford Balljlown ^ Abraham Choat^ Robert Thorn pfon George Erfkine Balk Bowdoinham Georgetown William Brown John Denfmore Chas. Couillard FrancisWinterjr. Camden Ifaiah Wyman Edward H. Page Ephraim Woods- Benjamin Brigg? Bowdoin Nobkborough Lewijion Hugh Maloy Nathl. Bryant Daniel Reid Juftices, &c. Befkftiire. IGf

Oliver Herrick Nczvmiiford Waldoborffugk Lifhon John Dole Charles Samplbn Seth Hinckley Palermo Warren Little River PL Jacob Greley, jr. Samuel Davis Ezek. Thompibn Thomajlcwn Wijcajj'd Ncw-Cafilt David Faies, 3d. Nymphas Stacy Robert Robinfon

Sheriff.—Edmund Bridge, ofDrefden.

Deputy Sheriffs, Ealjlown Lifbon Topjliam Timothy Clary Phineas Jones HezakiahWyman Bath Litchfield Hum. Purringtca Stephen WlnHiip John Owen Obed Burnham BootJibay Little River PI. Unicn John McClenfock Jas. Parnngton William Boggs Will. M. P.ead New-CaJi/e Jeremiah Luce Bozudoinham Seth Curtis Waldoborougk JamesBowker,jr. NeziJ Mil/ord Nathan Sprague Camden Geo. R. Freeman George Reed Tofliua Palmer Jofiah Norris Warren Farnham Hall Palermo Jefie Page Qujhing John Glidden Wifcajet John Lewis ThoTiiafiozan Samuel Sevcy Drefdcn Willard Fales LouisHoudletie,jr, BERK-HIRE COUNTY. "Jujiices of the CGmrnon Pleas. John Bacon, oi StocKbridge, and Nathaniel Bifhcp, of Richtnond.

Special Jujlkes, Lenox P7ttsPtttsfieldfield Wiiliawjlovm William Walker Afnbel StrongStrone Will. Tovsikt Pittshtld. Stcckt)ridge Timotliy Childs Timo. Edwaids

Qlerh of S, jt. Courf, Common Pleas, and Sejffions, Jolepfi Wooubridgc, oi Siockbndge. Probate. Judge of Probate. I Regifier of Biftiop, of Richmond. Will. Walker, ot Lenox. 1 Nathl. 1807-] K no Juftices, &c. Berkfhire.

Regiftcrs of Deeds, South' rn Dijlritl, Mok.s il >pkins, ot Great-Barrlngton. Middlt Di'iiriB, joleph Tucker, of Lenox. Nvrthern Dijiritl, Samuel Bacon, of Lanefborougb. County Treafurer, B;irnabas Bidwell, ot Stockbrldge. Jujlkes of the Peace and of the ^orum ttaiicn Lenox Richmcnd Wm. Williams AzarlahEgg'eflon Nathaniel Biftipf^

' Great- Barri7!gton Willianri Walker Stockbridge ' TliOiBas Ives Lldad Lewis John Bacon Lane/l?orougk Pittsficld Timothy Edwards Gideon Wbceler Afbbel Strong milia^Kflovs^i Timothy Chiids Williani Vq\: I. C. NA'^ii'iams D.Miiel Diiwcy

Appointed to qualfy Civil Officers. Jno. Bacon, Nathl. Pifljo^), Wm. Walker, Aza. EggleA Juftices of the Peace, Adams Rufns Marcb Bkhrrmd Shub, \Villmarth l.anefborovgh Zech. P.'iiibn Ifrael Jones N.^hrmlab Bull Rxhincnd Daiiiel Noble Woolcoi Hvbbell Hugo Bu-baak Alford Peter Bnrr Curtis Noah KdilcuT Abner Kellog Lee SavJu^ild Philand r Hulbert Ebenezer Jtnkins Drake MilJi B-.cket Jonah Yale John Cnnfield Nathl. Kingfley Jofeph W hi ton JohuH. Alka George Conant Lenox Sav^x Snellum B.ibbit Bttldthtni Jofr .'h ^'Toodwin Daniel Fowler Mcnint Wnpiington Sheffield Qhejlnre Chnries P?trcrron Elifha Le<.- Daniel Brown VStw Ajhfo^d Wiliia.n But! Ezra B>irker Ejbon Gregory Mofo Hnbba.d Dal(on Nezo Marlbornigh Stephen Dewry Calvin Waldo E cnrzcr Smiih Siockhrioge Egretnovt Dan ic! Taylor Scnecd Tuller JBcnj, Wheeler Jof. ^'Vood bridge "Tb^mm^s G rea t-Bar ring to?i jarvis Mudgc William! IvJo^'es HopkiDS Peru Jofi-ih DTvight Stephen Sibley Cyrus Stowell T} rin- ham \ V> biting GllesJacklon John Putsfield J Hancock Henry V.Schr>ack AHonijah Bidwe| Pratt Gideon Mauin Jofhua Dantbrth Elnathan \ Hm/da/e John W. Hulbert J ohn Garfield Theo. Hmtclale AtVomies, &.C. Berkflilre. Ill

Wajhivgton I Williamjlown Winifor Jereh. Lawieiice Wi Ilium Younj; Robert Walker | mjl Siockbridgc WmSi irkv/cathcr Dcnnif. Robinfon Diodoius Nobis Henry Biewfter EnochW. I'hayer Obadiah Waril

Aitornies at the Supreme 'Judicial Court,

Adams Lertox Stockbrid^e Daniel Noble Samuel Qaincy Barnabas Bidwell Great Barrington Sandnficid Thomas William* Thomas Ives Ephm. A. Judfon We/i Stoclihrid^e John Wiiiiing Putsfield E. W. Thayer Da [ton JohnC. VVllliams Williamji own Calvin Waldo ThonidN Goid Hinfdale Aihbe! Strr-n;^ Ezekiel Bacoa Thom.s Allen John vV. Huiben Lane/boiQii^k ler

Attoi'nies at the Common Pleas. Alford Lmox Sheffield Ezra Kello;; David b. Curtis Rob. F. Barnard LanLjbcrougk P ttshld xienry Hubbard Ambroib Hall Thomas B. -"trong Stockbridge Lenox SMifidd Thomas Williams Wm. P. Walker Charles Dewey John Hunt Coroners, Adams Pitisfidd Sh:Jield Eiias Jones Ephraim Mead Andrew Andrews

Great Barrington Sandishcld Wi::dfor^ , Stephen. Sibley Willia;ii Granger DennifonPvOblnfofl Peru William Stevens

Sheril Simon Lamed, of Pittsfield.

Deputy Sheriffs, Adams Hinfdale Loudon Arthur Fie id Arte. Thompfon Stephen Pclton Dalton Lancfborough Pili.;field Henry Marfh John Mall Thos.Hlnrdale,jf. Great Barrington Lenox Rickoiiind ^ara Kellog Sher. Bofworth W.S. Leadbetter _

1 12 Juftices, &c. Hancock,

Sdndisfield S(ockbridge I William^omn

Stephen Palmer Stephen Willard [ Daniel Boynton SheJHeld John Hubbard Crier—Daniel Williams, jr.-^G^o/^T, William Whelpley HANCOCK COUNTY. 'Jujlices of the Common Pleas. David Cobb, of Goldfborough, Chief Jujlice. Oliver Parker, and Francis L. B. (M)odwin, of Frankfort.

Special Jnflices,

Ebenezer Floyd Biuehill I Ihomas Cobb Cajline B. Hall Buckjiown Caleb |

Clerk of S, J. Courti Common Pleas and Seffions, Thomas Cobb, oiCaJiine.

rudge of Prolate, I B^egifitr of Probate.

Job Nelfon, of Caftine. j Wm. Abbot, of Cafline. ^^ Probate Courts, at the Probate Office in Cajline, on the 4th Tuefday of every month except September. At Buckjiown, at the houfe of Mr. Ora Peabody, on the 2d Monday following the term of the S. J. Court in this

county ; and on the day following, at the houfe of Mr.

Samuel Greenleaf, in Bclfajl ; at the huufe of Mr. Thomas Whittier, on the Tuclday preceding the ad Monday in Auguft. In Biuehill, at the houfe of Mr. Andrew Witham on the 2d Tuefday of Oflober ; and on the day following, at the office of Gc^orgc Herbert, Efq. in Surry. The above courts open on each of faid days at 10 o'clock, a.m. Regijler County of Deeds. j Trcajurer.

Bradfhaw Hall, of Calline. 1 Ebenezer Floyd, of BluehilL Juflices of the Peace and of the ^orum,

Bangor ' Cafine ' Frankfort j Samuel E. Dutton Thomas Daniel Cobb I L'jvermore

Buckjlorvn Job Ni^lfon I Oliver Parker

Jonathan Buck David Howe I Orrington Caleb B. Hall Frankfort Simeon ^ j Fowler

Fr.L.B.Goodw-n | Oliver Leonard Appointed to qualify Civil OJicers. David Cobb, Oliver Paiker, Francis L. B. Goodwin, Caleb B. Hall, Job Nelfon, Thomas Cobb, Oliver Leon- ard, David Howe, and Samuel E. Dutton. Juftices, &c. Hancock. "3

Jujlices cf the Peace. Bangor D^c rifle' V7m. Parkraan Allen Gilman Thomas Stinfon Nortkport Amos Patten Edtn Thos. Knowltoa Jacob McGaw Ezra Ynvmg Orland Jofepl) Ciirr Royal Guriey Jofeph Lt-e Belfa/l Eddintrixm Ornngton

Bohan P. Field , Park Borland William Rice Ja«. Nefmnh, jr. EUfxvorih Orono William Ciofby Melatiah Jordan R. ^Vin{Iow Robert Honfton Theodore Jones Penobfcot Jona. \\''iiron Frankfort Jereh. Wardwell Buckjlczi)n Wm. M'Lathy ProfpcB Jabaziah Shaw Gold/borough Naihaniei Kiddef .Stephen Peahody Thomas Hill Jofeph Crary Thos.S.Sparhawk Hariiden ' Sedgwick Bliiehill Martin Kinlley David Thurftari Robert Parker John Crofby Samuel Holde» Ebenezer F!oyd Abijah W. Tyler Sullivan

John Peters | Ifefbirough Jabez Simpfon Cajline John Gilkey Surry

William Abbot Kcndujhey Srttle. \ JelTe Duttoh Bradfhaw Hall Moffs Hodrdon Trenton Oliver Mann Lincolnville Jacob Poller |

Qoll. Town Plan, George Ulmer { Vivalhavm B. Brown ' William Viual Counjellors at Lanv,

I Ban SOT Bel.foM I Bdfaff

Allan Oilman Bohan P/pieM i William Crofby J Cajline. Orringfcn j

Job NeH'on { Oliver i.conard

jittornles at the Supreme Judicial Court Bangor Bclji'ii Frankfort Saml. E. Dntton John Wiifon Archibald Jones- Jacob McGaw Cajline William Abbot

^ttornies at the Common Pleas. Buckjlo xvn Frankfort Hamden Samuel Little Samuel Ophara Enoch BrowH Frarkfort Hamdin Sicrry Fhilo. Wafhburn John Godfrey George Herbeft 1807.] K2 114 Juft'ices, Sec, Wadiington.

Coroners, Bdfajl Deer?fie Orringtort Thad. Hubbflrd Peter Hardy Amos Dole^ Jofeph Houilon Frankfort Jofiah Brewer Buckflown Enoch Sampfon Sullivan Daniel Buck Hamdtn John Bean Cafiine Rowland Tyler Trenton Doty Little Northport Jacob Fofter

Deerifl'; \ Thos. Buckman Thomas Robbing

Sheriff. > _ ^ , Mafon Shaw, of Trenton, t^y /^%j^9i

Deputy Sheriffs.

Bangor I Camden George Sparhawk Andrew Morfe jofhua Pairncr Hamden

I. ' Daniel Odell , CoJHne Crow. Wafhburn John Balch Andrew Wcbfler Orrington Bflfafi John Minot Jeffe Craig I John Hufe Deerifls Surry Jrancis Anderfon Green Alfred Langdon \ Afa

Buckjiozoii I Frankfort Vajf'alborou^/i

EliaHiib Adams | Samuel Merrill Jofeph Bcfwell Crier of the Coztr/li— Etiafhib Adaras of Buckjloum, Gaoler—John Minor of Cajline. WASHLVGTON COUNTY. yujiices of the Common Pleas, Stephen Jones, of Machias, Chief Jfufiice. Alexander Campbell, of Steuben, and Theodore Lin- coln, of Denyfville. Special yujilces, X^emuel Trefrot port anies Faff ( J Czmy^tWHarrington Clerk of the Pleas and Sejfions, Jofiah Harris, of Macliias. Judge of Probate. Rtgifler of Probate. _ J

Stephen Jodcs, of Machias. { Jofiah Harris, of Machias.

Regiflcr of Drtds. \ County Treafurer. George i>. Smith ofMuchias. Joan Cooper, of Machias. j Juftices, &c. Waflilngton. 115

yujllces of the Peace and of the ^orum.

Denyjvifle \ Eajlport I Machias Stephen Trefcott | Theodore Lincoln | Lemuel Jones

Appointed ta qut^lify Cknl Officers, Stephen Jones, Alexander Campbell, Jofeph Harris, Theodore Lincoln, James Campbell, John Brewer, and Lemuel Trefcot. Jvjltces of the Peace, Colv.vihia Harrington Machias Thomas Ruggles James CampUell Jofiah Harris jofeph Patten Sckoodick No. 4 Staiben XUoofe Iff.) Eaji- John Brewer Thos. Archibald port, No. 1. Jacob Townfley John Burgin Stephen Brewer Alex. Campbell

Attorni^s at the Common Pleas. Jona. D. Wcfton Eajlport John Dickinfon Machias. \ Coroners, Coliimbia MaJvas Sckoodick, No. 5. William fatten Stephen Parker Shubael Downes Eafi-port Jeremiah Obrien Plant. No. 10. Oliver Shead Steuben Benja. R. Jones Alex. Nicholls

Sheriff. John Cooper, of Machias.

Deputy Sheriffs, Addlfcn Eajiport Sckoodick, No. 4. John Coffin Jofeph Livermore Samuel Jones Cclurnbia Henry Wade Steuben James Bailey Machias P.obert Moore Eajiport John D. Foifom ^pberiHarrington VVm. Chaloner Gaoler. William Chaloner, of Machia*. ii6 Juftices, &c. Norfollc,

NORFOLK COUNTY. Jujl'ices of the Common Pleas* vSanuiel Haveis, of Dedham, thief Juftice. Ebenezer Warren, of Foxborough, and Mofes Everett, of Dorchciler. Special yujlkes. Dedham Randolph Roxbury

HoratioTownfend Samuel Bafs Th. Williams, j;r. Quiyicy Roxbury Thos. Gieenleaf Da. S. Greenough

Clerk of S, y. Courts and Common Pleas^ Horatio Townfend, of Clerk of the 5('^<3K5—Nathaniel Ames, of Dedham. Judge of Probate. Regifier of Probate j

Wm. fieath, of Roxbury. | Samuel Haven, of Dedham. ^^ Probate Courts are held at the Probate Office in Dedham, on the ift Tuefday in each month, and at New- comb's Tavern, in Ouiiicy, the 2d Tuefdays in February, May, Auguft, and November.

Regifler of Deeds. I County Treafurer. of Dedham, Ifaac Bullard, of Eliphalet Pond, ( Dedham. Jttjlices of the Peace and of the ^torum, Rrookihie Dorcht'Jler Roxbury Wm. Afpiiiwall Mofes Everett Nathl. Rug'glcs, Df.dham Foxbord' Da. S. Greenough Nathaniel Ames Ebenezer Warren Th. Williams, jr. Ebenc/A^r Wight Franklin Weyvwutk Sam.uel Haven Johnjv^»xx» Whitingv,i«..w^ Cotton Tufts

HoratioTownfend OuincyOnirics 1 Dorchejlcr Richard Cranch Stephen Sadlam Thomas B.Adams

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Fiflier Ames, John Read, and Ebejcz^r Warren, Jufllces of the Peace, RellinghaTH Braintree Cokajfet Labati Bates Daniel Fogg Thomas Lathrop Eliab Wright Canton Dedham Brookline Elijah Crane Nathl. Kingfhury

Ifaac S. Gardner CohaJJct Thomas Tiled-. ; Stephen Sharp El:fbaDoane Juftlces, &c. Norfolk. 117

Foxborough Needham Stoug htoii Aaron Everett Jam'es Ford Peter Adams Franklin IfaacShepard Jabez Talbot Pclatiah Fift^er Benj. Slack Walpole John Boyd Ouincy Seth Bullard Peter fe. Adams Daniel Kingflbury ^_ Medfield Elijah Adams Mofes Black Weymouth John Baxter Randolph A fa White Mtdzuay Sam. LinfieidjSd. Eliphalet Loud Abij. Richardfon Samuel Bafs James Love 11 Jofeph Lovell Roxbury J. Humphreys, 2d Eliakim Adams Ebenezer Seaver Wrentham

Milton John Parker ^ David Hoi brook Ifaac Davenport Sharon CorneliusKoUock Benjamin Randall Jofeph Hewins j Barrlflers at Law. Benjamin Hitchborn, and Perez Morton, of Dorchefter. Atlornies at the Supreme Judicial Court. Dedham Oui9cy Roxbury Fiflier Ames Thomas B.Adams Jokn S. Williams James Richardfon Randolph Weymouth Milton Wm. P. Whiting Gideon L.Thayer Henry M.Lifle Roxbury Wrentham Th. Williams, jr. Tairus Ware Attornies at the Common Pleas. Canton Foxborough Medfield William Dunbar Everett Daniel Adams Coroners. Braintree Franklin Roxbury Caleb French Amafa Richardfon Wm. Heath, jr, Brockline Medfield Wm. Brewer Thomas V/hite George Ellis Jefie Daggett Eb'jnezer Davis Medway Sharon Ebenezer Heath Adam Adams Francis Curtis Canton Ralph Bullard Stoughtcii Jabin Fifiier Milton Saml. Capen, jr. CohcJUt Phin. Davenport IVtymouth Thomas Bourn Rufus Peirce Samuel Eaiiey DidhaM Needhdm Wremham Ifaac Ballard David Smith, jr. D. Holbrook, jr, Dorchcfler Roxbury Paul Fifner E.Withington, 3d Na:thl. Ruggles Jofeph W?ire Foxborough Jelfe Pratt 3

1 1 Juftices, &c. Kennebeck.

Sheriff, Benjamin Clark Cutler, of Roxbury.

Deputy Sher'fffs.

BeUingham Sharon \ Wrentham Elias Cook Thomas Kol ock i Timothy Ware

Qiiincy Necdham I

Jos. N . Arnold Nathl. Bullard | Deputy ^ Gac' Keeper. —Samuel Daggett, of Dedham. Keeper of the, Powdcr-Hoiifc. —JohnKeed, jr. of Roxbury. KENNEBECK COUNTY. Jtiftices of the Common Pleas. Jofeph North and D.uilel Cony, of Augufta, Nathaniel Dummerand Chandler Robbins, of Hallowell. Special Jujlices,

William Brooks Augujla I Samuel Moody Uallowell William Swan Gardiner Robert \ Page Readfield

Clerk of the S. J. Court, and Court of C. Pleas. John Davis, of Auguila. Cicrk of the SeJio7is. —Barzillai Gannet, of Gardiner.

Judge of Probate. \ Regijlcr of Probate,

Daniel Cony^, Augufta. j Chand. Robbins, Hallavvell. (tf' Probate Courts are kept at the office of the Judge of Frob-'ite, ^n Augvjla on the laft Tuefdays of each month, except June; and on the 2d Tuefdays of April, May, O6lobei, November, and December. In Monmouth^ at the dwelling-boufe of John Chandler, Efq. on the ift Monday of Juiic. In Winthropy at the dwelliug-houfe of Jeremiah GHdden, on the ift Tucfday of Juiic. Id MoiDit-Vernoyii at the dwelling-hou^e of Jcfhua Stevens, on the ift Monday in Auguft. In Farmington, at the dwel- iing-houfe of John Church, on the ill Tuefday in Auguft. In Readfcld, at the dwelling-houfe of Jofhua Hayward, on the ift Thurfday in Auguft. In Waterviik, at the houfc of Ebenezer Bacon, on the 2d Monday of Septem- ber. In Norridgewock, at the dwelling-houfe of Richard Sawteli, on the 2d Tue'^'day of September. In CavaaUyTtt the dweliing-houfe of Salmon White, on the ed Wednef*" day in September. In Winjlozv, at the dwclling-houfe of Richard Thomas, on th.^ 2d Thurfday in Sept -mher. In Valjalborough, at the dwclling-houfe of "VViliiam Geirhell, on the 2:1 Fiiday in Scprember. Juftices, Sic. Kennebeck. 119

Deeds. R(\qiftcr cf j County-Treafnrcr,

Henry Sewall, of Autiufta. | "^annie} Howard, Augufta.

jfuftices of the Peace and of the ^orum. Angujla Gardiner Rcadjield North William Swan Robert Page in. Brooks Barziilai Gannet John Hubbiwd Win. Hou'-sid Hnllowdl IVatervilk Daniel Cony Nathl. Dummer Reuben Kidder Henry Scwali Charles Vaughan Jer. Fairfield John Davis Chandler Robbins Winthro-p Saml. H A/ard Monmouth Nathi. Fairbanks Farmivgton John Chandler Samuel Wood Supply Beicher Pittjiown JVinfiozc Solomon Adnms Jedidiah Jewett William Swan

appointed to qualify Civil Officers,

Jofeph Norm | Kathl. Jjumrcer I William Howard

Daniel Cony | Chandler Robbins , Henry Sewall

Juftices of the Peace.

An/on I Cornville Hallowclt Domini. Getchell Benjamin Dowe John O. Page B. Bryant Samuel Eikins Nathl. Perley

John Moore Robert Evans , John Sewall Athens Fairfield Thos. Fillcbrown I

Philip Leavitt Samuel Tobey I John Merrick Augujla William Kendall Hariem Samuel Titcomb Fannington Abraham Burrell James Bridj^«^ Steph, Titcomb Harmony Benj. Whitwcll Mofes Sterling James Leighton SamueVCony Benj. Whittier Leeds Thomas Bowman Solomon Adams Abel Dailey Solomon Voie Fayette Madifoii B'lg rade Solomon Bates James Jones John Rockwood Gardiner Monmouth Qanaan Nathan Bridge Simon De^ibon Bryce McLelian Greene James WithereU Scth Currier Benj. Merrill Samuel Cook Eli We Ron Joleph Herri ck Mount Vernon QhcjQcrviUe Hallou-cil Jedidiah Prefcott Dummcr Sewall Samuel Moody Benj. Phiibrick Qlinton Jofeph WiiK--ate New Sharon Jonah Crofby, jr. David Sewall Samuel Prefcott Jiimes North Saml. S. Wilde Jos. Wingate, jr. Ezekiel Brown Jcre. Dursmer I20 Jiifti'ces, &c. Kennebeck.

New Vineyard Sidney I Elnathan SKerwIri

Cornelius Norton Ichabod Thomas | Watervide

Sam I. Daggett.jr. Temple I Mofes Appleton Ncrridgewock Benjamin Abbot IVayne John Harlow Unity Jofeph Lamfon John Ware Ebenezer Pattee Weft Pond Planta. \Vm. Jonrs Benjamin Bartlett John Locke Richard Sawtell Vajfalboro' Ofgood Carltow Pittftozon Eben. Farwell Wilton Samuel Oakham John Getchell Ebenezer Eaton Spfl.v.fdin ir town PL Wm. Farwell Winflcw Jofeph Heald Saml. Reddington Ezekiel Pattee Starks James Brackett Thomas Rice

James Waugh I Philip Colby EphraimTowil

Th. McKechnie ^ Vienna Wint/irop Strong Gideon Wheeler Samuel Page William Read WaterviLle Dudley Todd Afa Reddington Attormes at the Supreme Jndictal Court Augufta HallowelL WaterviLle James Biidgc Nathaniel Perley Reuben Kidder NaihanWefton, Samuel S.Wilde Winftow Beaj. VVhitwcI Oliver Whipple Thomas Rice, jr. Solomon Vofe Ncrridgewock Winthrop Gardiner Wm. Jones Dudlef Todd Nathan Bridge Attormes at the Common Pleas. Augufta Farmington Vajfalborongh Thomas Bowman Nathan Curler Philip Leach 't Reuel Williams H.V Chamberlain Luther Emerfoft" '"" H. Weld Fuller HaHowell Watervilk

Canaan Thomas Bond, Jr. Timothy Boutch Judah M'Lellan Sylv. G Whipole Wivjlow Clinton E. W. Riple/ E. T. Warren Ruffe 11 Fieeman Rcadfield Winthrop Saml. P. Gliddcn Daniel Campbell Coroners, An Ton Canaan Farmin;>Jon Ifaiah Wood Brooks Dalcomb Jorliam Smith Augujia Cliiuon. Andrew Norton £lias Craig Ephraira Getchell Eiaoch Craig Belgrade Amos Barton Fairfield Abraham Page William Dokoa Coroners, &c. Kennebeck. i^s

Jofhua Blackwell Norridgexoock Vajfalborougk Fayette Silas Wood Wm. Farwell Francis Hubbard John Loring Wm. Getchell Hallowdl Gardiner Abie!^ Getchell Alfred Martin Rufus Gay Watervilk Daniel Evans Pittjlown Jas. Stackpole,jr. Jefle Robinfon Jacob Loud Wayne. Mmmculh Readfidd Allis Sweet Matthias BlofTom IchabodSimmonds Win/lQw Jofeph Chandler Strong Ezek. Pattee, jr. Motint Vernon David Hunter Winthrop Robert Blake Unity Elijah Wood New Vineyard Daniel Whitmore Joleph Tinkhara C. Norton, jr.

Sheriff, Arthur Lithgow, of Augufla.

Deputy Sheriffs, Augujla Jacob Smith Readfidd Amos Partridge Jona. Longfellow Iihiel Gordon Farming ton Monmouth Starks Thos. Johnfon James Harvey James Waugh, jr. William Gower Thomas Kimball Vajfalboroug k

Gardiner / Mount-Vemon Jofeph Bofwell JefTe Jewett Steph. Scribner John Bofwell ^reenjiown PL Norridgewock fVaterville Benjamin Colby Peter Gilman Abijah Smith HalloioeU Pittf^owa Afa Moore John Sewall Jacob Loud Winthrop Nathl. Tilton John May OXFORD COUNTY. jfujitces of the Common Pleas. SimcHi Frye, of Fryburgh, Luther Cary, of Turner, ani Samuel Parris, of Hebron.

Special jfujlices,

Cyrus Hamlin, of Paris. | Daniel Stowell, of Paris.

Clerk qfS» ^. Court, Common Pleas and Seffionu Cyrus Hamlin, of Paris.

Judge of Probate. I Regijitr cf Probate.

Judah Dana of Fryburgh. j Sa.A.Bradiey, of Fryburgh, 1807.] L 122 Juftices, &c, Oxfordi

^^ Probate Courts are held at Waterford, or the ^au uvday, and at Buckfield, on the Mondays, next preceding the Courts of Common Pleas; and at Paris, on the fiift ^ay of the fmiir^ of the Common Pleas; and at Fryiugk, on the 2d Tuefdays of Fi-bruary, April, JiHie, Auguft, Otlober and December. Regifters of Deeds, John Bradley, for the Weftern Diftrift. Office at Fryburg': Jofeph Rull, for the Eaftern Diltrith Office at Paris.

Juftices of the Peace and of the ^orum, Fr^hurj^k Jay Paris

Simon Frye Wm. Livermore _ Cyrus HarAiin Judah Dana Paris Turtter Hehro7i Daniel btowell Luther Caiy Samuel Parris

jippointed to qualify Civil Officers, Simon Frye, Luther Caiy, Samuel Parrls,> Judah Dan?^ Daniel Stowell and Cyrus Hamlin. Jujlicss of the Peace, Albany Fryburgh. Mount Phafant^ ^ Uriah Holt Timothy Ofgood Moimt George Bdhel Saml. A.Bradley Llids Berry- Eli Twitchell HaYtford Pam Timothy Carter Arvlda Hayford Ca^eb Prentifs Brcwnjield Hebron Jofiah B;fco Jofeph Howard John Greenwood Cyrus Hamlin Buckfield lay PorterfieU Abljah Buck' Edw. Rlchardfon Nathl. Merriir Daniel Howard Livermore Rumford DominlcusF.ecoid Nathaniel Perley Francis Keyes Dixfuld Ifaac Livermore Thcmpfon PLanU Holmes Thomas Korway John Thompfon Eajl-Andove.r Job F-aflman Turner Ezekl. Merrill Sumner John Turner Fryburgh rfaac Stu-rtevant Ichabod Bo rmey Mofes Ames Waterford Wra. Raffell Eber Rice j^ttornles at the Supreme Judicial Court.

Daniel Howard, Buchjuid I Luther Farrar Noru>aif

Judah Dana Fryburgk \ Attornies, &c. Oxford. 123

jtittornles at the Common Pleas* Fryiurgh Livertwre Waterford $zm. A. Bradley Luther Emerfon Henry Farwell Paris Zechariah Scule Coroners, Bethel Hartford Paris Ezra Twitcher Ed^v aid Blake Jofeph. H. Hall Theodoie RufTell He5ron Turner i ^ryl>urgh Alex. Greenwood Ab ler Ihayer Robert Page M^aterjurd David Chaplia

Sheriff, David Lamed, ot Livermore.

Deputy Sheriffs. Buckfcld Pans IVatrrford John Caleiy Jonathan Bern Is Hannibal Hamlin Frybrugk Alvan Boyden Philip Page

SrATE'PjiisoN at Cbarlejiown,

Vif tors. Hon. Artemas \Vard Jedidiah Morfc, D p, Hon. jofiah Bartlcti Andrew Ciaij^ie, Efq. Chaplain^ Pinftctan^ I Jedidiah Morfe, d.d. Hon. Jofiah Bartieit. \ Superinfendavt^ Keeper, Daniel Jackfon, Efq. Mr. John Pel ham.

STATE LAWS, ^ Manning and Loring, No. 2, Cornhill, have juft publifhed tor the Commc;.uu'ealth, in three large royal oftavo volumes, containing upwards of i8co pages, the Private and Special Statutes of Ma!Iachnfctts, from 1780 to June, 1805. With an apj^eiKlix, consahnng fnch Stat- utes, of the above defcription, palltd before 1780, as are re- ferred to in Afts pafft-d lince, and including tliC temporary Afts made perpetual March 7, 1797. Harvard Univerlity, at Cambridge.

Founded A. D. 1638.

Named Harvard College, to perpetuate the nam

T/ie following are tlw. names of the Presidents, /rc;« 1640 to the prcfent time.

Thofe in italics were not minifters of the Gofpel. Appointment Died or refgncd

1640 Rev. Henry Dunfter, 1654. 16,54 Rev. Charles Chnuncy, 1671 1672 Rev. Leonard Hoar, M. D. 3674 1675 Rev. Urian Oakes, A. m. 1681

168a Dr. John Rogers ^ A.M. 1684 1685 Increafe Mather, d. d. 1701

1701 Rev. Samuel Willard, A. M. Vice-Prf. 1707 • 1708 Hon. John Leverett^ A. m. f. r. s. 172^ 172,5 Rev. Benjamin Wiidfworth, a. m. 178^ 3737 ^cv. Edward Holyoke, a. m. 1769 1770 Samuel Locke, d. d. 1773 3774 Samuel Langdon, d. d. 1780 1781 Jofeph Wiilard, d. d. ll. d. 1804 1806 Samuel Webber, d. d.

Board of Overfeers. His Excellency the Governor, His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor, The Honorable the Council and Senate, and The Miaiflersofthe Congregational Churches in the towns of Boilon, Chai leOown, Cambridge, Watertown, Rox- bury, and Dorcbefter. John Lathrop, d. d. Secretary.

Corporation. Samuel Webber, d. d. Prcfident. Fellows. Hon. Oliver Wendell John Eliot, d.d. John Lathrop, q.u. Hoa.Theo. Parfons, ll.d. Hon. JohnDav'is, ll.d. Ebenezer Scorer, Efq. Treafurer. Harvard Univerlity. 125

Profeflbrs in Harvard Univerfity.

Herfey Profejfor of Anatomy end Surgery. John ^/Varren, m. d. Herfey Profrfjor of the Theory and PraBice of Pkyfic. BerijaminWaterhouiC, u. u.

Ervivg Projejjor of Chemijlry and Materia Medka. Aaron Dexter, m. d.

Hoi/is Profeffhr of T^'ieology. Henry Ware, D. d.

Majfachufetts Profeffor of Natural Hiflory^ XA'lilinm Dandridgc Peck, a. m.

Boyij'Im Profejjor of RJietorick and Oratory, Hon. J ohn Ouincy Adams. Hancock Profejfor of the Hebreu) and Orimtal Languages^ arid the Englifi Language^ vacant.

Hollis Profejj'cr of Mathematics and Natural Philofophy, vacant.

Tutors in the Univerfity. Levi Hedge, A. m. Logic, Metaphyjics. and Ethics. Levi Fiifbie, a. m. The hativ Language. icbabod Nichols, a. m. Geograyhy^ Geometry^ and the elements of Natural Philofophy and AJlronomy. John Farrf»r, a. m. ThcG-cck Lcnguage.

Peter Nurf-", a. m. Librarian.

William Alien, A. r.i. Regent. Reuben Nafon, a. m. Proctor. Caleb Garinct, Elq. Steward.

^:^ The Library contains 15,000 Volumes, (a)

Vacations. Firf—4 weeks from Con^.incncement. Second— 7 weeks from the 4th Wednefdayin December. '' ''rd— 2 weeks from the 3d WedneTday in May. '. ,' A Medical Library is lately fcui-ded diftinft from

I. ? ,

126 Williams' College.

Q:^^:^ TJufcThejc three are the only vacationsvacations, as ejlablijh&d in March, 1802.

Commencement is on the laft Wednefday in Auguft.

The Me d i c al Le6larcs in the Univerfity of Cambridge commence on the id Wednefday in Oftober yearly. 'J'he Leftures on Natural History, by Doftor Waterhoufe, in April, yearly.

Williams' College at Williamftown,

Bcrkjkirc County

Incorporated as an Academy, March 8, lyS.-j. Incorporated as a College, June 22, 1793. Ebenezer Fitch, D. D. Prefident. Stephen Weft, d. h. Vice-Prefident. Daniel Dewey, Efq. Treafurer. Daniel Noble, Secretary. Hon. Theodore Sedgwick, ll. d. Profejor of Law and .Civil Polity. Gamaliel S. Olds, Profeflor of Mathematics and Natural Philofophy. Tutors,

Frederick Perry, and Timothy Gillet.

, Preceptor of the Grammar School. Corporation, Hon. Theodore Sedgwick Samuel Henfhaw, Efq. Tomplbn J. Skinner, Elq. Rev. Daniel Collins Rev. Ammi Robbins Hon. Stephen Van Ranfalcar Rev. A Ivan Hyde Rev. Ebenezer Fitch Ifrael Tone:,, Efq. Rev. Stephen Weft Rev. Seth Swift John Williams, Efq. Henry Van Schaack, Efq. Daniel Dewey, Efq.

William Williams, Efq. J ofeph Woodbridge, Efq, Vacations, T^rf—5 weeks from Commencement. SzcoTLd—3 weeks from the 3d Wednefday in January. Third— 3 weeks from the ift Wednefday in May.

Comriencement is on the ift Wednefday in September, Yale College. 127

Yale College at New Haven, Founded in the year 1700. Presidents. Death or AppointmenL refgnatiov, ^ ^ ^ 1-01 Kev. Abrahain Pearfon, 1707 i). D. 17JQ Rev. Tlmothv Cutler, 1722 1^27 Rev. Eiiilia Williams, 17^ J7o» i-^Q Rev. IhumasGlap, d. d. i^bg Rev. Naphtali Daggett, 1777 1-T77 Rev. Ezra Stiles, d. d. ll. d. 1795 D-vight, d. d. 1795 Rev. Timothy ^ Felloavs. and The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, fix fenior Affift- State, together with the fol- ants, in the Council of the lowi'ng Clergymen. Timothy Pitkin Levi Kart, d. d. Enoch Huntington Timothy Dwight, d. d. James pa/ja, d. d, Tofiah Whitney, d. d. David Ely i?^'{ ^i'Benedia^-A Nathan Williams, d. d. Noah Hezekiah Ripley, d. d- FrGfeJjors, Profejor of Divinity, Henry Davis. Philofophy, Jere- Projejjor of Mathanatics and huitural miali Day. Profelor of Lazu, Hon. Elizur Goodrich. ProjfproJ Chcmijlry, Bc-vamin Siihman. Tutors. Drnling Tames Luce Kingfley Noyes Mofes Stuart John Hall Sherman Tames Stedman David Auftin rrf^A"^^^ Hon. James Hil [home. three of them There are at prefent eight Col lege edifices , by the tutors each iQo feet long and 40 wide, arc inabitcd cha^nbersand andftadents. Each of them contains 32 64 are a chapel, library, dming ftudies. The other buildings prelident, another tor the protellor hails, houfe for the and of div*ity. Vacations*

flyfl—6 weeks from Commencement. Secovd—% weeks from the 2d Wednefday in Jann3r5% the lecond j-^^V^'—g ^veeks from the Wedi.efday preceding in May. Thurtday ,_- ...... v_..^..-,„c^; ; ,_. Comuenceimentisonthe (ccoi"r^ 128 Bowdoln College.

Bowdoin College at Brmfivid.

Incorporated June 24, 1794. Rev. TofephM'Kean/n. d. Pnfidtvt. Jonn A|>bot, A. M. ProftJJorof Latiunages. "Nathan Parker, Tutor. Parker Cleveland, a. i.u ProfcJJor of Matkcmtics and Natural Pfnlofcpkv.

Board of Trufte£s. Rev. Jofeph M'Kean d. b. Prefidcnt, ex offic.'p. bamiiel De^n, d. d. Vice- P refi dent. Charles Coffin, ECq. Secretary. Benjamin J. Potter, Etq. Treafurer. Hon. John FrothingliamjEfq Rev. Jofiah Windni'p Rev. Thomas Laiic^iOcr Hon. I rri:,c Parker, Alden Bradford, Eiq. Efq. Hop. Siias Lee Elijah Kdloi; Wiii. Martin, K';^, Alfred Johnfon

Board of Overfeers. Hon. James Bowdoin, Prrfidnit. John Abbot, A. M. VkcPrefidrvf. Mark Langdon Hiii, Efq. Secretary. Vacations. Firji 4 weeks from Commenceoicnt Second 6 weeks from the ifl VV. dnelday in T.nuary. Ikird, weeks from the ^ 3 3d VVcdrK-fdHV i„ M,y Commencement is on the Hi W. dnc Iday in September Brown Univerfity at Providence. The firft ftone of this College was laid m May, ,770 ' Hon abez Rowen, r. r. „. ChavceHor. AiaMcfier, u. d. Prefident. The whole number of the Corporation is 48, ,;f whorr fonsof pubhc education, and are flvlcd Th, Lea^nJ'Fr,' 0; whole bui.nefs U is to judge of thequalificcio, ., f dKatcsford.gre«, and by .'• iheir authority thev ar. red. i hey ,' meet annually to tranfaa bulmci- Brown Univerfity. 129

Fello Afa MefTer, d. d. Pref.dmi. James Brown, Efq. Samuel Stiliman, d.d. Mr. Robert Rogers Rev. William Williams Hon. David L. I5aines Hon. David Kowell, ll.d. R.ev. Mr. White

Rev. Perez Fobes, l l d . Rev. Abrabniii I.. Clark Solomon Drown, m. n. Saml. Eddy, Efq. ll. d. Calvin Park, A. M. PrqfelJor of the Learned Languages. Tutors*

Williams Emmons, A. II. | Paul Jewit, jr. a.m. Vacations. Firjl—4 weeks from Cc.nmencement. Second—G weeks from the laft Wedncfday in December. Third—3 week* from the ift Wednefdiy in May.

Commencement is on the iftWednefdny in Septeijiber.

At a late anniverfary, Nicholas Brown, Efq. prefented the CorporotioRwith ,5000 dpliarsi in conl'equence ofv/hich, they voted unanimoufl/, Tnst the College {JKill in future be named " , in the State of Rhode-liland and Providence Plantations," in honour of their very liberal btnefatior. Since which 1500 dollars more have been beftowed on faid Univerfi:y by Mr. Brown. The Univerlity is fituated in the town of Providence, and is a iajge and elegant baildiag, on a hili at the eaft of the town, which renders it d^^'tigbtiul by commanding an ex- tenfive, variegated profi^ecl of trie councry adjacent ; the edifice is of brick, 150 feet long, and .'^,5 broad, four ftories high, and contains 60 rooms. Upv/ards of fix hundred perfons have been graduated there Qrice its inliitution; al- though the ftudies were interrupted by the College being ufed by the French and Ameri'ran troops for an hof- pital and barrack;, from 1776 to 1782. It is now very flouiiftiing. They have a library of about 3000 volumes of valuable ancient and modern authors. The philofophi- cal apparatus is in a very good ftate, fitted Uy give a full courfe of experiments.

The following is the population of the tvvclve Lrgcft towns in Rhode-Ifland, viz. Providence, 7614 fouls; Newport, 6739 ; GLjuctfttr, 4009 ; Soulh-Kingjlon, 3438 ;

Smithjidd, 3120 ; Norik-Kingjlon, 2794 ; Tiverton, 2717 ;

Warwick, 2532 ; Scituate, 2523 ; Exeter^ 2476 ; fojer,

*457 > ^^'^ Coventry, 2423. it30 Dartmouth Coikge.

Dartmouth Cdlege, Ntiu-Hampfbire. Founded 1769, under the patronage of LovciiJarrrr.outb, from whom it derives its name. It is pleafantly irtuatecl in the town of Hanover, about half a mile call of Coaticfti"^c«. river. Hon. John Wheelock, ll.d. Prehdent, Prcfejjorcf Cnil and Eccle/iajiical Hijiory. Rev. John Smith, s. t. d. Prof^Jor of the Lativ^ Grrek^ Hebrew, and other Orirvtal Langitcges, Hon. Johp Hubbard, a. m. Profcjfor of Mathematics cr.d Natural Pliilofohhy. Nathan Smith, M. d. Prof^-Jfor of Ckemifiry and Materia Medica.

Rofwell ShirtlefF, a. u. Pro{efor of Divinity* Eliflia Rockwood, a. m. Tutor, William Hayes, Preceptor of the Academy connected with the Coiief^e. Vacations. Firfl, Four and an halfweeksfrom Commercement. Second, Eight and an half weeks from the firit Monday in January. Commencement is on the 4th Wednefday in Augivft. The Fraternity of PHI BETA KAPPA hold thtir An- nlverfary at Cambridge, on the day after comraencemenr. J ohn T. Klrki-ind, d. d. Prefdcnt.- Loammi Baldwin, Eiq. Fiee-Prefdent. Sidney Willaid, Correfponding and Recording Sfcrelary,

ACADEMIES IN MASSACPIUSETTS. Dummer Academy at Nenvhury.

Inllituted March l, 1763.

Incorporated Otlober 3, 1782. %o named in honour of the liberal founder, the HonoraKie William Dummer, formerly Lieutenant-Governor of tha Colony of Mafiachufetts Bay. Rev. Ifaac Smith, Precep- tor. l^Truiiees.

Phillips^ Acadewy at Ando'oer,

i, Inftitutcd April 1778. j Incorporated Ofctcber 4 , i73o.

So named iii honour of the Family of that name, to wbofc: liberal benefaclions it owes its very refpc6iable endowments. . .. . 1

Academies. 1 3


jnipha^et F(-arrr.ri, t.i .^^. Pr^-uclfnt. Hon. Oliver V\*endei!, Vke-P'-efident. Rev. Jonathan French, Secretary. SaTTiiici Farrar, Efq. Tnafurer. WW-^Mw Phillips, Efq. Hon. Jofv-ih Qnincy jv. vSi'.niu. 1 AbLx)t, Efq. Hon, John Ph!!]!}>s," Mr. iSJeherr.iah Abbot Mark Newinan, a.m. Jcdidiah Morf\ d. d. Rev. Daniel Dana Hon. John Phillips Mark Newnnan, a. m. Preceptor. Jonathan Cogrwc^U, a. b. Affrliant. Amos Elanchard, Writing-Majtcr. ^^ To the foregoin;; Trullees, His Honor the la*? Licutsnant-Governor Pa 1 1. 1, i p s committed the Inm c^f 5,ccc doilais, the incom.c to be expended in part for reli- gious books- and trafts for charitable diftnbution.

Mr. Burnfide is Preceptor of Andovcr Academy^ North' Parifh. 1784, March 23. Lncefier Academy. Rev. Zeph. S.Moore.

J-Qi, March /j. HalloweU Academy Kenncy. 1701, Mnrch n. Berwick Academy —Jofiah W. Seaver. 1799, F.-brii. 8, Frvf,7Mr§^/i y^crttiV/wv. Amos J.Cook,A.M. 1-71)^, March 7. IVojliin^ion Aeadymy at Machias. 1705, Nove. '17. ¥nrbkktad Acadtiny.—Thomas Cole. 179'^, Jure 17. y\Ufifield Acadtmy, HoratiaWaido,A.s. 179^, St pr. 2H. Groion Academy. — Caleb Butler. X';()% Se|>t. 28. Weji ford Academy. ^itnpir\\n&\ir^t,x,'&. 2793, March 19. Plyrnoutk Academy , at BrldgtzoaUi Richaul Sanj>ci-, a. m. 17Q4, Feb. 27. Portland Academy —Ehen. Adams, A.M. 179s, F^ b. 25. NeW'SaUm Academy.—William Ritchie. »797, March 1. T)ecrfield Academy. —HofeaHJldreth,A.B. 1797, June 17. Derby Academy, at Hzngham ] dimes Dzy^ A. B. Mar^' Cufhing, Preceptrefs. So named in honour of Madam Derbj', its founder. 1798, M-.irch ^. M'Jtcn Academy. [a.B. _ 1709, M^Tch 1. Framing ham Academy. —Benj.H. lower, iJ^oi, Match 3. Nantucket Acadejuy. 1801, Febnwt. 23. Lincoln Acadimy et Niwcafile* Daniefl Kaiksi* .

132 Academies, &c.

1803, Feb. 22. BerkfkJre Academy atLenox. —L.Gleafon. 1803, March 5. Go>^ham Academy.—Reuben Nafon, a.m. 1803, March 7. Hamdrn Academy. 1803, M?rch 8. PAue-HiU Academy.— YXt^^ Upton. 1804, Feb. 10. Bradford Academy.—Mr. Barnham. 1804, Feb. 10. tkbron Academy. 1804, June 21. Manfan Academy. 1805, March i6. Lynn Academy — Abiei Chandler, A. i. 180-^, March 16. Bath Academy. 1806, March 13. FJay^s Academy. 1806, March 14. MiddIcJex Female Academry. Sandwich Academy. Elifiia Ciap, A.M. Preceptor. Bathfheba vVhitnian, Preeeptrefs. Jonathan Burr, Prefident. Wendell Djvis, Secretary. William Feil'enden, of Sandwich, Treafurer, Trufteis, Nathaniel Freeman, Dr. John Leonard, and James Free-

»ian, of Sandwich ; Rev. Henry Lincoln, of Falmouth ; Rev. Oakes Shaw, ol Barnjiahlc ; Capt. William Bodfill*, of Sandwich Rev, Levi ; Whitman, of Welljleet ; Rev.

Simpkins, of Brew/ter ; Richard Sears, John of Chatham ; David Scudder, of BaniftabU ; Thomas Thatcher, of Yarmouth; Rev. J ude Damon, of Truro; Stephen Baf-

fett, of Sand,wich ; and Thomas Jones, of Falmouth.

Churches^ Mimfiers ofthe Go/pel and Religi- ous SocktieSi in thefederal Totems m Majfachufetts, Note. Corigregationalifts, the moll numerous denomi- nation, have no diftin6live letter. £ ilduds for Epifco- paiian. P for Prdbyieiian. B for Baptift. U for Univerfalift. Towns in each County are arranged in alpha- betical order. SUFFOLK COUNTY. Churches, Minifters, &c. in the town of Bo^on. Arranged according to the tivte the Churches were founded, Firft Church in Cornhili, William Emtrfon. Second, or Old North Church, * John Lathrop^ d.d.

* The ancient Mceiing'Hcufe bcinf^ deftrojed, in the year 1775, the Mvibers of thut SoccCly have united uiththt Church in MidJlc-SLrect. .

Churches and Minifters. 133

Firft Baptift Church, Back-Street, Samuel Stilhnan^ d. d. Old South Church, Marlboro'-Street, Jofepk Ec/e/ey, d.d. Stone Chapel, E. South School-Street, James Freeman. Church in Brattle-Street, Jofepk Stevens BuckminJIer. Friends Meeting-Houfe, Congrefs-Street. New North Church, Noith-Street, Jo/m Elliot, d.d. New South Church, Summer-Street, John T.Kirkland^Q.n, Chrift Church. E. Salem-Strcet, 4/a ^^^c;^. Church in Federal-Street, William E. Channing. Church in HoUis-Street, South-End, Samuel IVeJl, d. d. Trinity Church, E. Summer-Street, John S. J. Gardner, Weft-Church, Lynde-Street, C^<2r/^5 Lozaell. Second Baptift Church,Back-Street, Thomas Baldwin^Q^n, Sandemanians. Univerlalift Church, Bennett-Street, John Murray, ' Roman Cath. Church, Franklin-Street,i^.yf/.Afo;?;§^w;7, d.d. Jo/m C/ieverus, Affiftant Minifter. African Baptift Society, Weft-Bofton, Thomas Paul. Society in Fiiend's-Street, Abner Jones. Methodift Society, Broomficld's-Lane. t Minifter at Cheljea^ Jofeph Tuckerman. Minijlers who ojiciate at ike Public Lefliire, in Bojiony on Thurfdaysy arranged according to theirfeniority Doa. Weft Doa. Morfe Mr. Peirce Doct. I.athrop Mr. Harris Mr. Channing Doa. Eliot Mr. Emerfon Mr. Tuckerman

Doa. Eckiey i Doa. Kirkland Mr. Buckminflfe*

Mr. Porter I Mr. Gray Mr. Lowell ESSEX COUNTY. Amefbury, Stephen Hull, Boxford Samuel Mead Peter Eaten Andover, W. Symmcs> D.D. Bradford Jonathan Allen Jonathan French Ebcnezer Dutch 'Beverly, Ahiel Abbot Chebacco B Mofes Dow Danvers, Benja. Wadfwonh Jofeph Emerfon Samuel Walker Eliftia V\^iliiams B Jeremiah Chaplin B

. + The Metkodijis have no fettled Minifiers, but their So- cieties are generally fupplicd^ according lo their rules, by itrn- erant Preacher'-, who being frequently changed, their najn<^s are not inferted^t tkeTown's.wheretkey kavemtetiifos, 1807.] M 134 Churches and MIniklers.

Cloiicerte-, Per.^s L't)coIn Newbury.port. TbviS. C^nj Daniel Fii'ler John Aod'cws, aiiift. Ezra Leonard John Pcake ^ Thomas Jones U Samuel Spring

Hamiltofh M. Cutler, i t, . d , C. W. Milton Haverh/U. Ifnac Tomklns Daniel Dana P William Barcb'-lder B John Giles I* ![>fwich, David T. Kimball James Moife E Rozu'ley, Dnvld Tullar Jofeph Dana, d.d. Ifaac Braman B Gilbert T. Williams Lynn, Thomas C. Thatcher Shubael Lovell B William Frothingham Salem, John Prince, ll. d. Friends and Method. lis William B^ntley Lynnfield jofeph Motfey vSamuel Worccller MancJulier, Abrm. Randall Thomas Barnard, D.D, Marhkhrad, Samuel Dana Daniel Hopkins Jiezekiah May Brown Emerfon Jam«s Bowers E Nathaniel Fifher E Methodifts Lucius Bolles B Mdhuen, Humph. C. Perky Jofliua Spaulding Middlcton^ Solomon Adams Friends Newbury^ John S. Popkin Salifhiiry, William Balch Efijah Parifn Topsjield, A. Huntington Leonard Woods Wenkcivij Rufus Anderfon Samuel Tomb P MIDDLESEX COUNTY. ABon, Mofes Ad rims John Pickens Afiby, Cornelius Waters Ecdjord^ Samuel Stearns Concord, Ezra Ripley _ Dracut, Solomon Aikin Bilkrka, H. Cumin^s, d.d. Dunftable, Jofhua Heywpod Boxhoro\ Jofeph Wiilard Eajl-Sudbury, Joel Fofter Burlington, John Marret Framingham, D. Kellog Cambridge^ A. Holmes, d.d. Edward Clarke B Thaddcus Fifke Groton, Daniel Chaplin John Fofter E Holl/fon, Timo. Dickinfon B Hopkinton, Nathaniel Howe

^.arlijle, Paul Litchfield , Lexingtm, Charleftown, J. Morfe, d.d. Lincoln, Charles Stearns William Collier B Littleton^ Edmaad Fotter Chelmsford, V/ilkes Allen ..

Churches and Minifters* ^ZS

llaldi ri, Aai on Green Stovchairiy John H. Stevens Henry Pottle B Stou\ Jonathan Neweil Marl/o o\ Sudbury^ Jacob Bigelow Medjordy D. Oroood, d.d. Towp/hcnd, David palmer

Natkk, Freemag St ars T'ung (borough y N. Lawrence ALtvton, Jonathan Homer JVaithamy Jacob Cufhing William Greenough IVatcrtowiu Rich. R. Eliot jofeph Gtafton 3 W£jiford, Caleb Blake

Peppera/y John Ecilard ^re/'2<7?/,SaniaelKendal! D . n J Heading, Reuben linicrfon B Eliab Stone Metbbdifls Peter Sanborn Wilmington, F. Reynolds EbenezL-r N.lfon B Woburn, Joieph Chickerinsr Sherburne, Elijah Browne B SkirUy^ Phlueas Whitney

YORK COUNTY. Aifredy Jofeph Brown Limerick, Edmund Eafimarjf *^ Arundell, Silas Moody Ebenezer Kinfman Andrew Sherburne B Liming t.nn, Jo)ia. Atkinfon Berwick, John Thompfon Stephen^ Webber ^ Joieph Hilhard B William Hooper B Newjield, Wentw. Lord B^ B Parfonsfieldy Benjamin Rolf Nathaniel Lord B Samuel Weeks B Friends B Bladeford, Nathl. Webfter Saco, E. Whitcomb John Turner Sanford, Mofes Swett Buxtcrri, p:ml Coffin Otis Robinfon B Abner Flanders B Shahltigh, Lyvwn, Simon Lock B To^er Lord B Jonathan Calef R Kittcry, William Briggs Waterborcf, Ht-nry Smith B

Samuel Chandler Wells . e e . , M H mm nwa y , D D Jofeph Litchfield Nathl. H. Fletcher Friends Jofeph Eaton B Lebanon, Ifaac Ha fey Jofhua Roberts B Zebedee Delano B York, Ilaac Lyman Rofwell Meflcnger

HAMPSHIRE COUNTY. Amhrfl, D. Parfons, d.d. Nehemiah Porter { Afifieldy Ichabod Diaper Smith j Enos S 136 Cliurches and Minifters.

Bekhertozon, Forward Juftus | MonfoUf Jeremiah Hafkell B | Samuel Bigelov/ Montague, B |

Bernardp. own ^ Amafa Cook B Blanjord., John Keepe New-Sa'e?n, Warren Pierce Brimfieldy Paul Davis B Buckland^ Jofiah Spaulding' Northampton, S. Williams B Nortkfidd, Tivomas Mafon

Charlemont, Jofeph Field | Norwich, S. Woodbridge James Wheeler B Orange, Methodifts | Chefier, Aaron B.ifcom Palmer, Mofes Baldwin Zaccheus Colby Pelham, Elijah Brainard P Chsfterjieldy Jofiah Waters Plainfield, Mofes Hallock Ala Todd B Rowe, Colraine, P RuJJell, Ebcnezer Stow B Rufus Freeman B Shelburne, Theoph. Packard Edm. Littlefield B David Long Thos. Purfington B Shutefbury, Smellege B Conway, John Emerion Scuihatnpiont Vinfon Gould Robert Keyes B S. Brimjield, E. Codding B Cummington, James Briggs South-Hadky, Joel Hayes Decrfidd, John Taylor SouthwicA, Ifaac Clinton Eaflhampton, P. Wlili{bn Springfield, B. Howard Gill, Jabez Munfell Sunderland, D. H. Williflcn jofiah D. Cannon Ware, Reuben Mofs Gojlieriy Samuel Whitman Warwick, Samuel Reed Granby, Elijah Gridley Levi Hodge B Granville, Timo. M. Cooley Wendell, Jofeph Kilburn Joel Baker Samuel King B Roger Harrlfon Wejljield, Ifaac Knapp Chdfto. Minor B Wcji-Hampton, Enoch Hale Greenfield, Roger Newton W. Springfi. J.Lathrop, d.d. Greenwich, Joieph Blodget Jelle Wightman B Jofhua Crofby 7'homas Rand B Hadley, Saml. Hopkins, d.d. Methodifts Hatjuld, Jof. Lyman, d.d. Whately, Rufus Wells Hawley, Jonathan Grout B ' Mofes Heath, Mofes Miller I Wiibrakam, Warren Ezra Reeve Ezra Whitter Holland, _ | Leverdi, Henry Williams Stephen Shepherd B Elijah Montague B Seth Clark B Leyden, Afa Hibberd B Terry Long-Meadow, R. S. Storrs Methodifts Middlefield, Jonathan Naflj Worthington, J. L. Pomri;y B Williamjiurgh, Henry Lord Churches and Miniflars. '37 PLYMOUTH COUNTY.

bingtcm, Samuel Ni 'es Middkboro\ Jofeph Barker , iridgewater^ John Reed Thomas Crafts Zedekiah Sanger David Gurney Ifaac Backus B Afa Meech Sr.muel Nelfon B V. W. Rathbun B Simeon Combs B Samuel Abbott B David Burfel B Pembroke, Morrill Allen Duxboroiigk, Jobn Allyn Georp;e Barflow Halifax, AbelRichrrond Plymcuth, James Kendall Hanover, Calvin Chadwick Seth Stetfon Barnabas Perkins B Adoniram Judfon Hingham^ Jof. Richardfon Plympton, John Briggs Ni cholas B. Whitney Rochejler, Lemuel LeBarron Hjull B Oliver Cobb Kingjlozvn, ZepbaniahWillis B Ezra Kendall B Scituate, David Barnes, d.d, Marfi field, William Shaw Nehemiah Thomas Elijah Leonard W. W. Wheeler E B Wareham, Noble Everett B BRISTOL COUNTY. AtlUhorough John Wilder New-Bedford Holman Ifaiah Weflon B John Lawrence James Read B Friends Berkley, Thomas Andros Norton, Pitt Clark Dartmouth, Daniel Hicks B Rayvkam, P. Fobes, ll.d. Arnold Blifs B Pyehoboth, John Hill Friends Otis Thompfon Dighton, William Warren Sylvefter Round B Abraham Gufliee John Pitman B Enoch Goffe B Jacob Hicks B Eajlon, William Reed Prtferved Pearfe B Methodifls Philip Pearfe Freetown, Philip Hathway B John Lawrence B Somerfet, B B Swanzey, Saml. Northup B B Philip Slade B Friends Taunton, John Pipon Mansfieldy Rowland Green Troy, Job Borden 1807.] M 2 «38 Churches and Minifters.» BARNSTABLE COUNTY.

Sarnftable, Joth. Waterman Mar/fipee, John Freeman B Oakes Shaw Orleans, Jonathan Bafcom Jofhua Brooks B Provincdown, SamuelParker Brew/ler, John Simpklns Methydifls Cliatham, Ephraim Brlggs Sandwich, Jonathan Burr Dennis, Caleb Holmes Friends and Methodifts Eajlham, Philander Shaw Truro, Jude Damond Falmouth., Henry Lincoln Methodifts Friends IVellfleet, Levi Whitman Harwich, Nath. Underwood Yarmouth, Timothy Alden Methodifts Abner Lewis B Gideon Hawley, Miffionary to the Marftipee Indians.


Chilmark, Jonathan Smith I Tifbury^ Nymphas Hatch

Edgarton, Jofeph Thaxter j g Gay-head, Z. Howwoolwee John JelTers

NANTUCKET COUNTY. Nantucket, James Gurney Friends and Methodifts | ifaiah Alden

WORCESTER COUNTY. AJhbumkamy John Cufhing Dana, Jacob Whipple Doujilas Methodifts B Alhol, Jofeph Eftabrook Dudley, Abie! Williams Parre, James Thomfon Fitcliburg, Wm. Bafcom Berlin, Reuben PuQer Titus T.Barton

Bolton, IfrK'C Allen Methodifts ' Boyljfion, Ward Cotton Gardner, Jonathan Ofgood William Nafli Gerry, Ezekiel L. Bafcom Brookfield, Ephraim Ward Gra/ton, John Miles Thomas Sneli B Micah Stone Zephaniah Lathe U " Laban Thurber B Hardwkk, W. B. Weflbn Charlton, Edward Whipple Ebenezcr Burt U James Boomer B Methodifts Mcthodilk C!iurches and Miniriers. 139 flaniard, Stephen Bemis Rutland, HezekiahGoodrich 'George Robiulon B S//rer/i//jury^ Jofeph Sumner ^ouf/iboro', Jeroboam Parker Holden, Jofeph Avery Spencer, Jofeph Pope Hiibbardjlon, David Kendall LancafieTy Nathaniel Thayer Sturbridgc, Oti

U IVtJi borough, J . Robinfon Pderjkamt Feflus Fofter IVrflern Sylvefter Burt P IV.Jmmfer, Afaph Rice Princeton, James Murdock IVmc/midon, Levi Pilfliury- Royaljion, Jofeph Lee Worcejier, Samuel Auftin B Aaron Bancroft


Bridgetown,^dii\\zx\ChMxch. ' North-Yarmouth, T. Gilmafi Brunfwick, Benj.Titcoinb B Thomas Green B Cape Elizabeth, Wm. Gregg George Dutton 'i).'t/-Ad!?«, Jacob Herrick Otisfield, Thomas Roby Fahnouth, Wm. Mihemore Poland, Jonathan Scott Caleb Bradley Methodifts John Waite U Portland, Sam). Dean, d.b. Friends and Methodifts Elijah Kellog Freeport, Timothy Hilllard E Gprham, Jeremiah Noyes B Friends, Methodifts and B Wm. Corifon B Scarbord' Thomas Lancafler Cray, Daniel Wefton Nathan Tilton Harpfztell, Sam.uel Eaton Standijli, Daniel Marret Samuel Mariner B Windham^ B Ntfa;-G/o«fey?fr,E.Mofeley P B Robert Low B Thomas Barnea U 14© Churches and Minlfters* LINCOLN COUNTY. Bath^ A Ta Lyman Lifhortj Ichahod Tem.ple B I William Jenl^s Litchj\

Bowdoinham, J . MacomberB New-Milford, Jona. Ward Mahodifts Nobleboro\ S. A. Flagg B Brifld, William Riddel St. George, Ephraim Hall B Fiiends and Mcthodifls Tkomaflown, Elifha Snow B B Topjiiam, B Camden, Thomas Cochran Methodifts Drefden, Freeman Parker Wales, E ^dgecomb, Samuel Sewall Waldcboro\ Fred.A.Retz L B Warren, Andrew Fuller B B Hufe Georgetown^ E. Emerfon Wifcajfet, Hezekiah Packard Hope, B Woolwich, Jofiah Windfhip _ LtwifioTiy Benjamin Cole B B


Adams, Methodifts New-Marlboro' , Jacob Catlin B-cket, Jofeph L. Mills Nathaniel Turner Gkejhire, Peter Werden Pittsficld, Thomas Allen John Francis B Methodifts Dalton, Ebenezer Jennings PerUy John Lcland Egremont, Jeduthun Gray Ebenezer Smith B Great-Barring ton, E Richmond, D.'^vid Perry Elijah Wheeler Sandiijitld, Levi White Nichols B E Hancock, Clark Rogers B Benjamin Baldwin B kaneJboro\ Daniel Collins Jeffe Hartwcll B Xff, Alvan Hyde Savoy, B Methodifts Shejfield, Ephraim Judfon Zenox, Samuel Shepard Methodifts B Stockbridge, S. Weft, d. d. Methodifts B Ut. Wa/liington, Methodifts Tyringham, Jofeph Avery

Ntw-AJhJcrd, Methodifts j Methodifts

(aj At DaviariJcctta'Mills there is a Roman Catholic Churchy where the Rev. John ChcvAruSf of Bojlon, officiates shout four mcnths tvery year. Churches and Minifters. 141

Wajkiigton, W. Ballantinc Williamftowny Seth Swift .f J. Nichols B Dyer Stark B '. Methodifts Methodifls W.Stockbr. Oliver Avers B Wind/or, Gordon Dorrance HANCOCK COUNTY. Be/fajt, Alfred Johnfon Ornngton, Enoch Mudgc "". -Rill, Jonathan Fiflisr Penobfcot, 'ozw,M\g}i\\\ Blood(a) Jonathan Powers t<6;f ///£-, William IVL'Ton SeJgwick, Daniel Merrill B 'efhorovghy Thos. Eames B Sullivan, B . Dcfert, Bcnj. Dov/ne B Vinalhaveriy A. Cummings B WASHINGTON COUNTY.

Eap^porty B I Methodills

Machias, Marfhfield Steele |

(^ There is a Roman Catholic Church at Pleafant Point (betv/een E-aftpoit and Robinllown) for the Paffama- quaddy Indians ; Rev. James Renatus Romagne, who alfo vilits the Penoblcot Indians.

NORFOLK COUNTY. Bdlingham, B Ncedham, Stephen Palmer Braintree, Ezra Weld Thomas Noyes Brcokline, Joha Peirca Methodills Antony Quincyy Peter Whitney Cchajlett, Jacob Flint Dedkaviy Joihua Bates Randolph^ Jonathan Strong Jabez Chickering Joel Briggs B Thomas Thacher Roxbury, Ehphalet Porter William Montague E John Bradford Dorchep.r, Thadd.M.Harris Thomas Gray Dover, Benjamin Caryl Sharon, Jonathan Whitaker Foxhoroiigh, Stoughton, Edw. Rich.nond Franklin^ N.Emmons, d.d. Walpole, George Morey Medfield, Thoinas Prentifs Weymouth, Jacob Norton B Simeon Williams MJway,. Luther Wright Wrentham, Eli (ha Fifke David Sandibrd John Cleveland Milton. William Williams »

(a) Mr. Blood is fetUea-' ovm^aptijls and Congregation," J M,Ujii uniUd, 142 Churches and Minifters. KENNEBECK COUNTY.

Augupia, Daniel Stone Monvioutk, Methodifls Chejltrvillf, Jotham Sewall Mount-Vernon B Clinton, MephibofhethCain B New-Vineyard, B B Pittjlown, E Corvville, Palmer _ Readfield, B & B _ M Fairfax, J-.ibez Lewis . Farmingtovy B Strong, Methodifts /a^r^^-, Oliver Billings B Sydney, Afa Wilber R Gardner, Samuel Hafkell B VaJ]'alboro[, Nehem.GouWB Greene, B Friends Hallozoell, Eliphalet Gillet Vienna, Methodifts HarUm, Job Cbadwick B Wayne, William Godding B Leeds, Thomas Francis B Winjlow, Jofhua Cufliman NciU'-Sharon. B Winthrop, Jonathan Belding


Bethel, Daniel Gould Jay, Brownjield, NathlB.Jordan Jofeph Adams B Buckfctlds, Nathl. Chafe B Livermore, Syl. Boardman B George Recker B Paris, James Hooper B Samuel Woodward B Sumner, Thos. Macomber B Frycburgh, Z. Richardfon B Turner, Amala Smith ICaac Root U Hebron, John Tripp B V/aterJord, Lincoln Ripley Methodifts

(f^ Pews and Rights in Houfes of Publir Worfhip are coiiUdered and deemed in Law, to be Rtal Eftatt , except in the Town of Bofton, where they are to be confidered as Perfonal Eftate only. CONVENTION Of the Congregational Ministers in the Commonwealth of MaJJacliufdts. of THEIR Meeting is held in Bofon, in the afternoon the laft Wednefday in May, (or day of EleHion) annu- tranfaftingthe ally ; and on the followmg day at noon, after ufual bulinefs of Convention, a fernon is delivered \\\ pub- pur- lic before them, and a collc8ion made for the charitable pofe of relieving the indigent widows of deceafcd Clergymen. Convention of MInifters. 143

The Convention is a voluntary Aflbciation, embracing all the Congregational Clergy or the Commonwealth, and veiled Vk^ith no particular authority or control over the Churches. They have opened a friendly correfpondence with t!:C General Aflembly of the Prefbyterian Church, in the Middle and Southern States, and with the reprefentacive bodies of the Congregational Minifters in ConneSicut, New-Hampfbire, and Vermont, for the purpofes of commu- nicating and receiving from them whatever may tend to promote the common intereft of Chrifiianit}'. A landing Committee of Convention have been appoint- ed for the purpofe of certifying the good cliarafter and qual- ifications of Minlfters and Candidates who may travel into other States ; and an agreement has been entered into be- tweenthe Convention and the other reprefentative bodies of Miniflers in other States, mutually to commui^.lcate the names of their Committees for this purpofe. Every certifi- cate muft be figned by one gentleman at leaf! of that Com- mittee, from whofe bounds the perfon recommended travels. Tht Committee in Ma ssachusetts conjifis of thejollow' ing gentlemen. Rev. Rev. Step. Weft, D.D.StocUn'dge Ezra Weld, Braintree

Seth Swift, Williamjlown JohnRead, d . n .BridgetuateT J. Lathrop, D.D.W.Springf. Perez Fobes, i. l . d . Rayn ham JofephLyman, d.d. Hatjield Saml.Weft, t>.t>. N. Bedford Roger Newton, Greenfield Zephaniah Willis, Kingjion John Cufhing Ajhbumham Jonathan French, Andover Ezra Ripley, Concord Thos. Barnard, d.d, Salem Daniel Chaplin, Groton Saml. Spring, Newburyport Ephraim Ward, Brookfield Saml. 'jJtAnz^n.ii. Portland- John Lathrop, D.D.Bqfion M.Hemmenway,D.D. IVdls Jed. Morfe, d.d. Charlejiown John Eliot, d.d. of Bofton,Treafurer. John T. Kirkland, d.d. Scribe of the Convention. The Convention " eamellly recommend to all young gentlemen, who delign to devote themfelves to the wo! k of the miniftry, to fpend that portion of time in the ftudy of divinity, which improved and judicious advifers (hall think necelTary to qualify them for public teachers." The Congregational Miniuers throughout the Common- wealth, with fome exceptions, are alTociated, and have regu- lar »hd ft«>t€d meeURgs for fe41owfl*»p »nd mutual improve- 1 44 Convention of Miniflers.

ment. The Convention has paffcd a vote, requefting th« Moderator or Scribe of the feveral Affociations throughout the Commonwealth, to forward to the Scribe of the Con- vention, a corre£l lift of the members of their rcfpeftive AiTfecia.ions, with the name of the Scribe of eacli, and of

the Candidates licenfed by them j and have directed thtt the Scribe of the Convention procure the infertion ofth« feveral lifts in the Maflachufetts Regifter. The Convention, foliciious to collet and preferve accu- rate documents for a Hi/lory of ikar Churches^ have paffed a vote, that each of the Congregational Minifters in Maffa- chufcits be requefted to compile a hiftory of his own Church, and of thofe in his vicinity which may happen to be vacant, and to make returns to the Scribe of the Conven- tion. It is hoped this important requeft will not pals un- noticed, but be produftive of great good.

Epifcopalian Bifliops in America.

Abraham Jarvis, d.d. BKhopin Connefticut, New-Haven. Benjamin Moort, d.d. Bifnopiu N.York, New-York City. William White, Bifliop in Pennfylvania, Philadelphia, Thos. J, Clagget, Bifliop in Maryland, Broom^ U. Marlboro\ James "Madifon, Bilhop in "\^nginia, Richmond. Jacob Mountain, Bifliop in , Quebec. Charles Inglis, Bilhop in Nova-Scotia, Halijax..

JMethodift Epifcopal Bifliops. Thomas Coke and Francis Aft)ury.

Roman Catholic Bifliops. John Carroll^ Baltimore, Leonard Neale, his Coadjutor, Georgetown.

Revenue Officers in Maflachufetts.

Ports of E O S T O N ,C H A R L E S T O W N aud CAxM 3 R I D C E . ColleBor^ Benjamin Lincoln. Deputy-Coiledor, Benjamin Weld. Naval Ojicer, Jamc-s Lovell. Surveyor and lufpeElor, Thomas Melvill. InJpcBors aud Mcafurcrs—Jonas C. Ivlmot, John E. Bar- ber, i homas Edes, Benjamin Esiton, Beza Lincoln, Job* -

Infpeilors, CoUedlors, 5cc. HS

•'PopkiP, Joftiua Thaxter, Oliver P. Holyoke, John WiU lifJon, Samuel Prince, Samuel W. Hunt, John N, Welch, Edward Caznean, Adiim W. Thaxter, Azor G. Archbaid, William Bradford, and Ifaac Cooper. Weighers and Guagen—Jofhua Pico, Samuel Wheel- wright, Pcrer Dolliver, Seth Wells. INSPECTORS o F OUT-PORTS. Occajnmal Infpedors at Hivgham. HcMry Th.JXtcr and Martm Lincoln. Orcapon^l IrefpeSlor Levi Bates Weymcutk CMleeior - WilUam R.Lee - Naval-Officer Samuel Ward I ^akm and Beotrly Surveyor - - - Bnrthol. Putnam Surveyor - - - JofiahBatchelder Beverly ai/c61or - - - Jofeph Wilfon Marbiehead 5^ rveyor8cl77fpe8or Joihua Prep ti is Marbkktad ColUaor - - Ralph Crofs Naval-0{J:ccr - Jonarh. Ti'comb Newburyport \ Survnor - M'chael Hogc ColleBor - jchn Kittredge i Glo7(ce/ier Su - vcyorScInfpeBor Zecha. Stevens Su rveyor^lnfpcCi-ar Joliah Reed Thoma^czon SnJ'pecior - Henry Warren Plymouth Jn /peeler - Samuel Derby York COLLECTORS. BarnHahle, ^-^feph Otis Nantucket, Daniel Coffin Eiddejcrd & Saco, Jerr. Hill Nw-Bedford^ Edward Pops Bath, Jofnua Wlngate, jr. Portland, Kaac lifley, ju Di,:hlcn, Hodijah B .y lies Pcnobfcot, Jofiah Hook

Ed J, a rton, JohnPe.^fe Pajjama^iioddyy L. F. DeliC Frf-vch2i:an\ Bay.. M.Jordan ciernier Ipfwkh, Ala Andrew Plymouth, Henry Warren fj-nncbunk, Jonas Clark Waldohord' Jcfeph Farley Bckjas., IVifcaJet, Francis Cook J\,1('ofe-Ijlavd, Tona. Wiflon York, Samuel Derby


[Carefully rcvifcd by the Adjutaot-Geneial, Nov. 1806. GENERAL STAFF OFFICERS. Caplatn-GeneraU t!tnd Comviandir in Chiefs His Excellency CALEB STRONG. 1807.] N i^^ Divlfionary Staff Officers;

Adjutant- General, Brigadier-Gencjral William Donnifon of Bofton.

[Office is kept at No. 18, Winter-Street.] ^arter-MaJler GeneraL Brigadier-General Amafa Davis, of Bofton. fOffice No. 129, Oranp.e-Street.] DIVISIONARY STAFF OFFICERS. Counties of Suffolk and Norfolk. FIRST DIVISION. Major-General. Simon Elliot, of Boflon. Aid'de-Camp. Major John T. Sargent. Judge-Advocate. Charles Davis, of Boftom

SFXOND DIVISION.— EfTe-x. Major-General. James Bricker, of Haveihil). Aid'de-Camp. Major Daniel Swett. Judge-Advocate. John Varnum, of Haverhill.

THIRD DIVISION.—Middlefex. Major-Genera/. Jofeph Bradley Varnum, of Dracut. Aid-de-Camps. Daniel Varnum and John L. Tuttle. Judge-Advocate. Jofeph B ighara, jr. ofMarlboroug

FOURTH DIVISION.—Hampfliire. Major-General. , of Amherft. Aid-dr-Camps. Majors Samviel Gainwell, and Ebenezer Mattoon, jr. Judge-Advocate. Richard E. Newcomb, of Greenfield. FIFTH DIVISION. Counties of Plymouth, BriOol, Bamftable, Dukes Coi^pty and Nantucket. Major-General, Nathaniel Goodwin, of Plymouth. Aid-de-Camps. Maiors Wm. Allen Crocker and Nathan Hayward.

JudgC'Adwcate . Nathan Hayward, of Plymouth.

SIXTH DIVISION,—York, Cumberland and Oxford- Maj«T-GcHeral. Icfeabod Goodwin, of Berwick^ Brigade Stiff Officers. 147

Aid-di-Camps. Majors Dudley Hubbard, and Ichabod Goodwin, jun. Judge-Advocate. Dudley Hubbaid, of Berwick.

SEVENTH DIVISION.—Worcefter. Major-Ga:eraL John Cutler, of Brookfield. Aidrdt-Cavips. Majors Liberty Baiuufier and Thomas Upbatn. Judge-Advocate. Levi Lincoln, jr. of Worcefter,

EIGHTH DIVISION.—Lincoln and Kennebeck. Major-Gcnerat. Henry Sewall, of Augufta. Aid'de-Camps. Majors Barzillai Gannett and John Odlin Page. Judge Advocate. Benjamin Whitwell of Aguftn.

NINTH DIVISION.—Berkfhire. Major-GeneraU Thomas Ives, of Great Barrijigton. Aid-de-Camps. EH Enfign and Thomas Williams. Judge-Advocate. John W. Hulbert of Sheffield.

TENTH DIVISION.—Hancock and Wafiiingtom Major-GeneraL Alexander Campbell, of Steuben. Aid-de-Camps. Majors Jofeph Pattan and Alexander Nichels. Judge-Advocate. John Wiifon, ofBelfaft. BRIGADE STJFF OFFICERS. FIRSr DIVISION. Counties of Suffolk and Norfolk. LEGIONARY BRIGADE. John Winflow, Brigadier-General. Charles Clemenis, Brigade Major. James Phillips, Brigade j^uarter Mafter. A f Stephen Badlam, Biigadier-GeneraU T^ -^ •< Samuel M. Thayer, Brigade Major. ^^^* O^i'^^s Blake Howe, Brigade Quarter-Mafter. Elijah Crane, Biigadier-General.

1' imothy Whiting, Brigade-Major. Brig. ^ B 1 igade-Quarte r"Mafter.

SECOND DIVISION. Effex. A C Eliaslias H. Derby, "Brigadicr-GeBrigadier-General. ' " ' jr. Brigade-Maj' ir. ,, ,^ ^ John Prince, ^"S'< Brigade-^uarter-Mafter.Brigade-t^uar Brigade StafF OfBcws.

Nathaniel Lovejoy, Brigadier-General. J'ames Ayer, Brigade-Major. John Addms, jr. Brigade-Quarter-Mafler.

THIRD DIVISION. Middlefex. n C Eb:nezcr Cheney, Brigadifr-Geneial.

•5 • •< Icremiah Clap, Brigade-Maior. ^''^- ^ Timothy W3iker, Br;gad':-0,inrter.M.:{ler

, C William Hjidreth, Brigadiei'-General. j^ • < Saniplon Woods, Briga'Se-Major. ^'^' C Jf^nathan Hildrcth, Brij;adt-Quarte)-Mdricr,

FOURTH DIVISION. Hampftire. n C Sdinuel Porter, Brigadier-General. Tj*-' < Eraftus Smith, Brigade-Major. *^^'S- ( Bngade-Quart«r-Maftcr. J C Lemuel Dickenfon, Brigadier General. ^- < ^paphras Hoyt, Brigade-Maior. ^"^' ( Daniel Butler, Brigadc-QliaVier-Maftcr.

FIFTH DiXaSlON. Plymouth, &c. n ( Ifrael Fearing, Brigadier-General. «* } William Hammatt, Brigade-Major. • ^"^' ( Brigade-Quarter-Mafier. ^ J TBenjan^ln Bates, Brigadier-Gene: al. j^. •< William Sever, Brigade-Major. ^"2- ( Gilbert Everett, Brigade-Quaner-Mafier. J ( Ebenezer Lothrop, Brigadier-General. ^3? .JjofephBlifh,jun. Brigride-Major. *5rig- ^ Andrev\^ Garrett, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter.

SIXTH DmSION.—York^ Cumberland, and Oxford. n C John Lord, Brigadier-General. ^':^ ] William Jeflferds, Brigadc-Mi)jor. *^"g- Brigade-Qua'-rer-Mafier. (J Alexander Maxcy,

, ( Nat"haiiiel C. Allen, Brigadier-General. * J^'. < Ezekiel Day, Brigade-Major. -P^'g- ( Brigade-Quarter-Maftet. J C David Lamed, Brigadier-General. ^- < Hannibal Hamlin, Brigade-M-'.jor. ^"S- ( Benjamin Prefcot, Bngade-Quarter-Mafter.

SEVENTH DIVISION. ~¥/orccfter. Davis, Brigadier-General. ft r Jonathan ^- < Sumner Baflow, Brigade-Major, ^^'S- ( Archibald Campbell, Brigade-Quartcr-Maftrr. Field OiScers of Infantry. 14^

, C Silas Holman, Brigadier-General. < Jacob Fifher, Brigade-Major. *"g-^ ( Thomas L. Whitney, Brigade-Quartcf-Maflcr.

EJGHTH DIVISION—Lincoln and Kennebeck, « r Abie! Wood, Brig:adicr-General. tj* . < Seth Tinkhara, Brigade-Major. ^"S- C John Merrill, Brigade-Ouarter-Mafter. J (John Chandler, Brigadier-General, n ^ Samuel Howard, Brigade-Major. ^"^' ( Jofeph Chandler, Brigade-Quarter-Maftcr.

NINTH DIVISION.—Berklhire. n f Jofeph Whiton, Brigadier-General. o • < Stephen Dewey, Brigade-Major. "^'< Samuel Ro(reter,Brigade-Quarter-Mafter. f W^illiam Towner, Brigadier-General. 2d

rt C John Crofby, Brigadier-General. y}- < Robert Wheeler, Brigade-Major. "^* ( John Crolby, jr. Brigade-Quartcr-Maller.

, f John Cooper, Brigadier-General. ^. Moliah Harris, Brigade-Major. ^"fr ( John Dickinfon, Brigade-Quarter-Mafter.


FIRST DIVISION. . Counties of SnfFolk and Norfolk. LKGIONARY BRIGADE. Thomas Badger, Lieutenant Colonel of Infentry.

Firji Su6/egim.—-?exeT Ofgood, Major.

Second Suikgien. —Jacob Stearns, Major.

Third ^ubUgion.—Jofeph Stodder, Major. -1^07.] N 4 150 Field Officers of Infantry. 5UBLEGION OF LIGHT INFANTRY. Daniel MelTinger, Major.

Firjl Brigade,

ift ^ IfaacS, Gardner, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. I Willj?im BoQonand Edward Roblnfon| Majors, ad \ John Barker, Lieute.iant-Colonel. Reg. \ Jedldiah Lincoln, and Lennuel Lovcll, Majors. 3d ^ Benjamin Hayden, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Barnabas Clark and Jofeph Bent, Majors. Second Brigade.

lit ^ Job nfon Mafon, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ George EUis and John Burridge, Majors. sd C Nathan Gill, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. C Nathl. Whiting and Samuel Littlefield, Majors. 3d 5 George Hawcs, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Luther Metcalf and Cyrus Com flock, Majors,

SECOND DIVISION.— EfTex. Firji Brigade. Samuel Archer, 3d, Lieutenant-Colonel. ^ George Dean and Samuel Svveti, Majors. < Janies Tappan, Lieutenant-Colonel. \ Jacob Smith and Francis Norwood, Majors. 3d S David Colby, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. c Jonathan M. Lovett and John Trafk, Majors. 4tb 5 William Mansfield, Lieutenant-Colonc). Reg. < E^ra Huchins jr. and John D. Atwell, Majors, ^[h 5 Ebcnezer Goodaie, Lieurefiant-Colonrl. Reg. \ Elias Wilkins and Andrew Munroe, Mvijors. Second Brigade. id fSomerby Ch^ife, Lieutendut-Colonel. Reg c ^^''03"^'" Sncknfy, and Samuel Bailey, Majors. ad XThomal Wade, Lieutenani-Coloricl. Dorrnan and Reg. < Jotcpb Thomas G<

61 h ^ John Peabody, Lieutenant -Colonel. Reg. ( Abraham Perkins and Jolhua Greenlcaf, Majors.

THIRD DIVISION.—Midakfex. Fir/l Brigade,

ift ^ William Bond, Lieutenant-Colonel. Re^. ( Walter FroH, and Benjamin Holtcn, Majors. 2d C Amos Boardman, Lieutenani-Colonc-I. Reg. t^2in^"cl Hopkins and Benjamin F. Baldwin, Majors. 3d ("John Buttrick, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i James Bariett and Jonas Buttrick, Majors. 4th S Joel Norcrols, Lieutenant-Colonel.

R^g. l Aaron Kinfman and Ebenezcr M. Ballard, Majors* 5rh 5 Nathaniel Aullin, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ^ Abraham Buttcrfield and Jonn. LcLke, jr. Majors. Second Brigade.

ift ^ Jofeph Whitman, Licuieriant-Colcme]. Reg ( Jedidiah Brigham and Lovell Banioy, Majors.

2d . S Jonathan Bancroft, Lifutenant-Colonel. Reg. I Timothy Bigelowand Rogers King, M.-^jors. -d Oohn Paikcr, Lieutenant Coione!. Reg. ( Samuel Parker and Prdcoit Varnum, Majors.

FOURTH DIVLSION.—Kampihire. JFirft Brigade.

id ^ Alexander Field, Lieutenaiit-Cclonel. Reg i Augullui Siffon, and Eliphaz Moody, Majors. 2d ^ Roger Cooley, Lieuttnant-Colonel. Reg. (job Langdon and Julius Morgan, Majors. 3d 5 I bom as Powers, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. i MofesHaftjiigs and Melzar Hunt, Majors. 4rh 5 ^^^^ Pfirfons, Lieurenanr-Colciicl. Reg. ? i^imon F.. Holland and Frederick Falley, Majors, 5th \ Aaron Morgan, Lientenant-Colonei. , Reg. ( Jofiah Gardner, Major. Second Brigade.

ill ^ Ifaac Maltby, Licutenani-Coionel. Rc^g. ( Seth Pomroy and Charles Chapman, Majors. 9.d i Daniel Wells, Lieutenant-Coionei.

Reg. < John Pvullcll and Clark Chandler, Majors. 3d i Medad Alexander, Lieuttnant-Colonei. Reg. I Jacob Putnam and Ephraim V/becler, Majors; 4ih 5 Jonathan Wcodbridge, Lieuteruint-Colond.

R^g. ( John Reed and Th:d.lru5 Baker, Majors. 152 Field Officers of Infantrf,

5th ^ Jofeph Rice, Lieutenant-Colonel. l^€g. ( John Ames and Roger Leavitt, Majore.

FIFTH DIVISION.—Plymouth. /Vr/? Brigade, ift Wohn Thomas, Lieutenant-Colonsl. Reg. i Zaccheus Bartlett and George RuiTell, Majors. 2cl S Charles Turner, jun. Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. l John James and William Vinal, jr. Majors. 3cl ^ SylvanusLazell, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Caleb Howard and James Barrel, Majorj. 4th S Abiel Wafhburn, Lieutennnt-Colonei. Reg. i Peter Hoar and Rowland Luce, Majors. Second Brigade.

ifl: 5 Ablah Blifs, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i Alien Munroe and Jofeph Kellog, Majors. 2d \ Robert Earle, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( John Spooner and Benjamin Bray ton, Majors. 3d ^ 1 homas Lincoln, Lieuieiiant-Coloncl. Reg. \ Nathaniel Fales, and Ifrael Dean, «d, Majors. 4th \ John Williams, Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. < Ebenezer Bacon and Zabulon White, Majors. Third Brigade.

ift S David Nye, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Ifaiah Hall and Nathaniel Jenkins, Majors.

2d \ Jonathan Snow, Lieutenant-Colonel. i Jabez Sparrow and John Witherell, Major*.

SIXTH DIVISION.—York. Firji Brigade.

ift $ Mofes Lyman, 2d, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. < Thomas D. Cutts and Eliakim Sevey, Majors. ad 5 Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( John Lcighton, jr. and Nathan Nafon, Majors. 3d 5 John Smith, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg, c Stephen Br ant and Thotftas Harmon, Majors. 4th 5 William Froft, Lieutcnant-Coiouel. Reg. ( Benjamin Peircc and Darling Huntrefs, Majors. 5tli 5 Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. { Paul Burnham andJoliahFowlc, Majors. •6th 5 John Mitchell, Lieutcnant-Coloncl. Reg. ( David Hatch and John Taylor, jr. Majors. Field Officers of Infantry. 153

Sicond Brigade* Coupty of Cumberland.

ill < James Memil, Lieutenant- Colore!. Keg. < liaac Gage and Jofiah Hobbs, Majors. -2d ^ Charles Thomas, Lieutenai)t-Co!onel. F.og. \ John Lawrence and Thomas Means. Majors. 3d \ NaLhanic! FioR, Lfeutenant-Coloncl.


ift < Levi Hubbard, Lieutenant-Colonel. Majors. Keg. t Jonathan Cummings and Jonathan Moors, 2d 5 Amos Haftings, Lieutenant-Colonel. Rulfcll,' Keg. i William Major. 3d 5 Jeffe Stone, Lieutenant Colonel. Jjc^eg. { John Turner and Amos Trafk, M?jors.

SEVENTH DIVISION.—Worcefter. Flrft Brigade.

' ift 5 J<^^" Davis, Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. ( John Brigham and Ifaac Lamb, Majors. od \ Benjamin Godfrey, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Brig. < John Farnham and AfaChilds, Majors. 3d 5 Oliver Crofby, Lieutenant Colonel. Reg. \ Henry Penniman and Timothy Billings, Majors. 4ih S Ehenezer Stone, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Oliver Morfe and Zephaniah Brown, Majors, 5th 5 Galeb Burbank, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Joiiah Wheelock and Paul Whiting. Majors. Second Brigade.

ift < Jam: s Wilder, Lieutenant-Colonel. Nurfc, Majois. Reg. I Stephen P. Gardner and Barnard 2d 5 Jonas Ball, jr. Lieutenant-Colonel. and Blake, Majors. Reg. I William Eager Barnard 3d \ Samuel Lee, Lieutenant-Colonel. Rpg. ( Abie! Pirrnenter and Joel An-.fden, Mcjcrs. Colonel. 4th 5 Benjamin Mai fiiall, Lieutenant M'^jovs. Rog. ( Edmund Cufhing and Edwaid Bacon, 5th \ Abel Kendall, Lieutenant-Colonel. and^Benjamin Adams, Mejors. Reg. i William Fletcher 154 Field Officeri of Infantry.

EIGHTH DIVISI9N.—Lincoln and Kennebcck. Flrji Brigade.

ift ^ Dennj' M'Cobb, L;eutenam-Co'one). •Reg. \ David Shaw and Andrew Read, Majors. 2d S David Payfon, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ David Payfon, jun. and Abiel Wood, jun. Major?.

3d S Daniel Waters, Lieutenant-Colonei. Reg. \ Charles Razor and John Perkins, Majors.

4th S Samuel Thatcher, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. X Joleph Maxcy and Jolhua Adams, Majois. 5th 5 Janets Rogers, Lieuteiwnt-ColoneL Reg. ( Alexander Rogers and Noah Jordan, Majors* Second Brigade.

ift ^ Thomas Fillcbrown, Lieutenant-Colonel. Rig. \ Samuel Cony and Benjamin White, Majors. 2d \ Elnathan Sherwin, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. i Abner Weeks and Hirbcrt Moors, Mijors. 3d S William Sprague, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Brown Baker and Thomas Atkinfon, Majors. 4th S William Jones, Lieutenant-Colonel, Reg. \ John Moor and Eli Wcfton, Majors. 5th 5 ^'l^^s Gould, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. X Samuel Prefect and Oliver Bailey, Majors.

NINTH DIVISION.—Berkfhirc. Firfl Brigade. tft ^ David Tracy, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i}ohn Afhley, 3d, and John Whiting, Majors. fid ^ Stephen James, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. I William IngerfoU and Thomas Williams, Majors. 3d ^ Elias Lee, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. X Nathaniel Bird and Eliphalet Bakor, Majors. Second Brigade.

ift ^ Marfhall Jones, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. < Afa Clothier and Calvin Hubbel, Majors. fid CAbfalom Ford, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ijohn Willardand Levi Belden, Majors. 3d S Amos Hoi brook, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Peter Warden, jr. and Ward Cotton, Majors.

TENTH DIVISION .—Hancock and Walhington. Firfl Brigade.

ift 5 Jofcpb Lee, Lieutenaiu-Colonel. Reg. i Nathan Lowe and Ofgood Frye, Majors, Officers of Cavalry. ^Sf

?d {Thomas Knowlton, Lieutenant-Colonel. Majors.

S John Blake Lieutenant-Colonel. Ileg. ( Nathan Hopkins and Andrew Tyler, Majors. Second Brigade, Jofeph Wallis, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. James Campbell and Ebenezer Inglec, Majors. 2d < Melatiah Jordan, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( JefTe Dutton and Amos Ames, Majors. \ John Brewer, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Oliver Shead and JohnBalcom, Majors. CAVALRY. Officers commanding Corps of Cavalry* FIRST DIVISION. Captain Nehemiah Andrews Legionary Brigade, i Troop. Captein John Hemm^nway Captain Henry Parkett Second Brigade, 3 Troops. Captain John Burterfield Firjl Brigade, 1 Squadron. Captain Jofeph Wootl Major Captain Ifaac Walker Captain Samuel Bailey Captain Jofiah Bent FOURTH DIVISION. Capf^in Firjl Brigade, 1 Battalion. Spcond Brigade, i Squadron. Lieut. Col. Reuben Patrick Miijor Nathan Jones M;ijor Moles Porter Captain William Capcn Captain Afa Slayron Captain Jeremiah Baker Captain Calvin Merrill Captain Sylvanus Adams Captain Nathaniel Parker Captain Parmenas King SECOND DIVISION. Second Brigade, 1 Battalicfn. Second Brigade, i Squadron. Lieut. Col. Afa Stcbbins. Major Daniel Carlton Major Thomas Kidd Captain Stephen Barker Captain Jabez Newell Captain Dudley Broadftrcet Captain John Putnam Captain Phineas Hardy Captain Saunuel Wells Captain Salmon Graves THIRD DIVISION. Captain

Firjl Brigade, i BaitaLon. Lieut.Coi. Bill RufTfli FIFTH DIVISION. Major Mofcs Babcock Firfi Brigade, i Sauadron. Captain Joftiua Hammond Major William Bourne Captain Jofiah Whitteniore Captain Thomas Bennett Capt^A Noak Soiitli Captain Daniel Mitchd .

«s^ Officers of Artillery. y-.-cynil Eiigade, i Squadron. Major Daniel Putnam Major Daniel Gilbert Captain William Taylor C .pr.Vin Lev.'ii Wheaton Captain Edward Goodwin C'lptain Tlioina!: Andrews Captain Edward Brigham Cap.ain Jofeph Tiffany Captain William Edgell,jr, Captain Phinehai Whitney. SIXTH DIVISION. Firl} Brigade, i Squadron. EIGHTH DIVISION.

Major Alexander Rice Firjfi Brigade t i Squadrm. Captain Nathaniel Fro ft Major Silas Lee Capinin George Froft Captain William Gregory*. STCud Brj]iradfi, i St^tiadron. Cap.iain Thomas M'Crate ' I.Icat.Col. Lothrop Lewis Sicond Brigade, i Squadron. MajorWillianri Brsckct Major Peter Grant C-U)t<<''i Thomas Chafe Capiain Afher Spaulden explain Elijah Elder Captain Samuel Elwell Caprain Rohert Anderfon Captain Sewall Prelcoti Captain John Q. Keith Third Brigadt, i Troop. NINTH DIVISION, i Captam Joel Rcbinfon Firji Brigade, i Squadron, Major Henry Brown SEVENTH DIVISION. Capcatn Daniel Scars Fi-rjl Brigade, i BaUalion. Captain Azariah Root Lieut. Col. Jercm.Kinglbury Captain Ebenczer JcnkiiT;

Major Mofcs Hcaley Second Brigade, i Squadron* Captain Ebcn; z?r Tidd, jr. Major Thomas Gould Captain Elijah Vv^aters Captain Cooe Danforth Captain Calvin Ammidon Captain John B. Root Captain Ignatius Goulding TENTH DIVISION. Captaif. Maynard Wood Firjl Brigade, 1 Troop. ^ Second Brigade, i Battalion. Captain James Thomas Lieut. Co). Stcpir-n H.iftings Caotain John VX'ilfon. ARTILLERY.

Officers commanding Corps of Artillery FIRST DIVISION. Captain- Humphry Rignell

LrgtoHar\ Brigade, I Battat. Second Brigade, i Hatlalion. M.ijor Oliver Johonr.ot Major Abner Morie Captain D^ivid Cobb Captain David Harftiorn Captain John Binncy Captain Jeffe H.»r'fi}oin

Firjl Brigade, i Battalicrt SECOND DIVISION. Major James Robinioa Fi^-Jl Byigade, i BattaUcn. G!;)ta!n Nathaniel Shaw Major Amos Hovty Cdp ajn John RobinloB Captain Afa Srooks Officers of Artillery. ^57

Captain Clark Wilfon Second Brigade, 1 Ecttalic^, Captain Daniel Hayes M:ijot;BrianH2l! Captain V\/'iliiam Story- Captain Thos. Danforlh 2d. Captain John Teder Captain John Cog.tcfliall Sfcond Brigade, i Battalicn. Third Brigade, 1 Campary. Major Benjamin Somerby Captain Wcftcrn Jenkiiis Captain Ephralm Brown Captain James Potter SIXTH DIVISION. Fir^ Brigade, 1 EaUa!io7u THIRD DIVI'^TON. Major Jeremiah Clark

Firji Br^ade, i Battalion. Captain James Carlifle Lieut. Col. JofhuaRufTell Captain Daniel C'aik Major Jofiah Stone Second Brigade, 1 Battalicn, Captain Thomas Heald Major Lemuel Weeks Captain JoCcph Read Captain James D. Hepkins Captain Daniel Bond Captain Cornel. Dillingham Captain Peter Harrington Captain Lawfon Nurle SEVENTH DIVISION, Second Brigade, i Battalion. Firjl Brigade, 1 Divijion. Major Jolcph Dows Major Perley Hunt Captain James Lewis, jr. Capt. Gerfhom Plymton, jr. Captain Thomas Spaulding Captain John Claflen, jr. Captain Samuel Ct rtls^ jr. FOURTH DIVLSION. 5 con d Brigade, 1 Battalion, Firjl Brigade, \ Battalion. Major Ni4thaniel Jones Major Jacob Bilfs Captain Solomon Carter Captain Mofes Burt, jr. Captain John Hills Cnptain Jafon Walker Captain Jonas Eaton, jr. Captain John Mather Second Brigade, t Battalicn. EIGHTH DIVISION. Lieut. Col. Nchemiah May Lieut. Col. Samuel Sever. Major William Edwards Brigade, 1 Battalion, j Fi7-J Captain James Fales Major Jofhua Shaw I Captain Julia Smead I Captain Daniel Holden Captain A'pheus Narramore C.-ptain Wiliiitm S.Blafland Captain John Breck Captain Ebenezcr Thatcher Second Brigade, 1 Battalicv. FIFTH DIVISION. Major Firji Brigade, i Battalion. Captain Mofcs Palmer Major Jofcph Thomas Ci'.ptain Jonathan Pullca Captain Noah Ford Captain George Drew NINTH DIVISION. Captain Albeit Smith Firft Brigade, 1 Battalion. Major Dudley Vv'oodwortb Ciiptan EuLich W\ Thayer 3807,1 158 Bofton Legionary Brigade Officers.

Captain Jonathan Wilfon Captain Elnathan Judd | Second Brigade, 1 Battalion. Captain Hciuy Dillingham Llttlr: MajorMelanfthonW.Wells | Captain Otis

Captain William Fr;uicis,jr. I Second Brigadi-,^ Companies*

Captain Jofhua Whitney,jr. | Captain Levi Fairb;iiiks Captain Jofiah Dana


Firjl Brigade, 1 Battalion. I Major Thomas Stevens |

Officers of the Legionary Brigade in Bofton.

Br/gadie ^'General . - - John Winflow Bn^adc-Majnr ... - Charles Clements Brigade-Quarter-Mafler - - James Phillips

Troop of Cavalry.

Wheelf'ck. ( Comet. Cabtain. I /.z w.'. Abel Lieut.] ohn Roulftone. Audrc-w Henry Parkett. j j Morton

Sublegion of Light Infantry. Daniel Meffinger, Major. John Wlnllo'.v, jr. Adjutant. Cat' tains. Lieutenants. Enfigns. John Cotton Gcorg- W heeler James Eunfon Charles D.wis Henry Sargent Mofes Poor Jofeph Loring.jr. Ezra Davis William Munroc Thorn. Ho«. ^then. Penniman )f,t'sRiSwa7 (

Sublegion of Artillery. Major - Oliver Johonnor. Adjutant - Abraham E'l\vMrd^, Qimrtrr-Majler Nathaniel Eiown.

Cibtaivs. Lieutenants I David Cobb N^icholas Pierce, and N^ uhan Parker. Harris and E'ifha Learned. JohnBinney 1 William

Infantry—Sublegions. li-ufnant-Cobnd - Thom:4s Hidger. Aduttant - - Gcoi^jc B)K. j

Boflon Legloatry Brigade Ofikers. 159

Surgeon John Dixwell. 6Urj:con*5-Mate Siephen Thayer. Firft Sublegion. Peter Orgood, Major.

CuitaiiiS. Lirtitenants. j | Enfigns. CPraiMLlieifea)

' Amos { joliah Sneliing.jr. Zeph. Samprosn Danici Bad;;,r bamuel Howe Edward Chi Ids Barziiiaj iiiiaibn jolldh Culhing Henry NIorgan Lbcnezei ivhoatlcs Edward Hart James Alexander Second Sublegion.

Jacob Steams, Major.- Captains. Lieutenants. Enf.gns. Ifaac Cufhiiig John A. Paikman Benjamin Hurd Jacob CaiULrbury Fnnk Roberts William Barry- Turner Crocker JolcphW. Homer John Goodwin TfcoHKis Dean Charles P. Sumner Joieph Gardner Third Sublegion. Joleph Stodder, Major

Captains. I Lieutenants. Enjigns. Penu.: B. Rogers. Jikbtz Ellis Simon | Haftings i)amuei CL.rtiS \ prink. Stratton John Fairbanks Cbaifes Curas I James B.Ma(.fton Mofes Everett iipes EliCry | Nathan Heard Wentw, Knights

Independent Cadets.—Governor's Efcorl. Captain Licuten;int-Colonel John T. Apthorp. Lieutenant Major William Sullivan. Lvjrgn Major Jolcph Tildcn. Adjutant Captain Lewis Glover. Surgeon Dr. John C. Warren.

Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. [Incorporaied 1638. Captain Mr. William Alexander. iMutenaMt Major Peter Ofgood. Ehfgn Mwi William Jepfon. Trcajurer Gen. John Wiufiow. CitrJL Capt. Thomas Clark. J6( Town-Officers in Bofton.

Ffrjl Serjeant Mr. William Marflon. y^ecand Serjeant Mr. Jarob Hall. 7'hird Serjeant, Mr. John B. Hammatt. Fourt/i Strjcant. Mr. Levi Mclcber

TOWN-OFFICERS in BOSTON. Selecimen. (a) Charles Bulfinch John Tilcftone John May JDavidTiiden Ebcnczcr Oliver Francis Wright William Porter Jona. Hunncwell Jofeph Ketteli Town-Clerk^ William Cooper. TorvnTreaJurer and Colle^or of Taxes, William Sfflith. — Office No. r,3, btate-Strcet. OverJeers of the Poor. Edward Proaor Redford Webf^er Samuel Clap Henry Hill I'homas Perkins Ozias Goodwin William Smith Samuel Sneliing William Mackay WilUans Phillips Bcnja. Goddard JofcphCoolidgejr.

Majier of the Alms-Houfe, Pkyfxcian and Surgeon. George Dablois. Doftor Peter St. Mcdad. Flreivards, [The Figures allude to the time when chofen.] Thomas Melviil John Bray 1799 1779 _ Samuel Parkman 1789 Thomas Dennie 1800 Amafa Ddvis 1790 Simon Elliot 1800 Henry Jackfon 1791 Jonathan Hunnewell 1802 William Scollay 1792 Daniel MefTinger i8c2 Jofeph May 1793 Ozias Goodwin 1804 Andrew Cunningham 1795 Thomas Curtis 1803 Samuel Bradford 1797 Jofhua Davis 1805 JolephHead 1797 Benjamin Coates 1805 Thomas H. Perkins 1797 JohnD. Howard 1805 JohnWinflow 1797 \Villiam Sullivan 1806 Stephen Codman 1798 Benjamin Smith 1806

(a) The Seleclmen meet at their Chamber, at the caft end of Faneuil-Hall, every Wednefday afternoon, for tr.inf-

ading the prudential affairs of the Town ; and on the iaji Monday in each month, for the purpofe of examining and allowing accounts agjlnft the town. Matihew Nazro is the Aiteiidant on the Seleftmen. Town- Officers in BoiVon.

School Committee, The Srkftmen, together with the Hon. Thomas Dawes, Charles Davis, Erq.D()£t.AaronDcxtcr,Joreph Eckley,D.i). Rev, William Lmeribn, David Greene, Efq. JohiiHc-an^, John T. Kirkland, d. d. John Phillips, Elq. Wiliiam Smith, Efq. Doct. Thcnus Welch, Arnold Welles, Etiq. InJlruSors in the Public Schools. Latin Grammar Mopei\ Wni. Biglow Centre School. Englijh Grammar Mofiy.r^ Afa Builard South Sch

Vijiting Phyftcian of the Port. Mc/f'-ngcr to the Board. Dott. riwxpas Welch. Mr. William- Fiiillips.

Office No. 78, State-Street. corner of Wilfon's Lane. Svperintendant of Police, Charles Bulfinch. Elq. — Olfice mi Selcttmen'i Chamber. John W. Foltbm, his Affiilant, No. 30, Union-Street.

AJfeJfors of Taxes. Jofiah Snelling, :5amuei Dunn, and John Boyie,

AJffiant JIfeJfors,

John Winflow, Preliacnt. | ;\athanWebb, Sccretaiy. \A''ard No. 1, Amos Bmney and Thomas Badger. 2, Joleph x^ullm and Henry Fowle. 3, Nathan Webb and Mitchell Lincoln 4, Eben. Frothingham and John W. Folfom. 5, Nathaniel Call and Samuel Snelling. 6, Hawkes Cuihing and Samuel Nye. 7, John Baxter and William Walter. 8, Enoch Hufe and Abraham W^iid. l«o7.] O 2 i$j Town-Officers in BoHon.

9, John Winflow and Francis Wright, io, Allen Crocker and Jofeph Fofter. 11, Benjamin Wheeler and Daniel Bates, l«, Richard Faxon and Barziltai Homes. Auditors of Accounts of the Town-Treafurer, SekS^ men, Overfeers of the Poor, and Board of Health. Hon. Thomas D.iwcs, Jofeph RuiTell, and Samuel Brown. AJav-Mafien.—John Wells and Williatn C. Hunneman. Citrk ari'l InfptElor of the Market. —William Gooch. Conftables* (a) Amos Lewis (h) J^ifes Thayer (b) Samuel White {\) Levi Joy fc) Thornas Stevenfon fk) Farwell Brown

1 B.-nj . Bafs Leeds

Mofes Eayres | William Darricot Hay-iuards & Hog-reeves^ Barney Connor &. James CobbitU

Hay-Weigker, I InfpeHor of Stone-Lime. Trott. Edward Rumney Georfie | Meafurers of IVood and Bark at the JVbarves, >h Gleafon— North End o* the Town, nei Ingerfol!, jun. —Centre of the Town. William Andrews— South End of the Town. Meafurers of Wood coming by Land.

T, Hall--South End of the 'J own. Jirah Holbrook— North End of the Town. Stephen Hall and Moles Hadley — ^V'-ft-Bofton Bridge. Surveyors of Boards and Shingles. Edward Ailine, Johu Butterfield. Nathan Bradley jna. William Clouftgn, John Cogrweli, Thoma* Chriftie, Caieb Cooledge, Noah Dagcreit, jun. William Dinacott, M^iilKim EHifon, Willian Green, Ele.^or fl.>nier', Daniel Ingerfoll, jun. Braddock Loring, Beiijdmin VVhif. (o) Houfe, North-Square, {bj Proctors- Lane, {cj AWf^- Square. {dj No. ^\y Princc-Strect. (e.) PUfifavf-St^r'k Hr-ttU-Square. (-) RujjeU'Strett. (h) Rorr'-'stQ^\ (f) / (i) 'l-^reri. (k) No. 1 1, fiJh-Strcrt, (t) t.t-i--^

Surveyors of Flaxfeed. Samuel Blagge and Arthur Lanjiford» Surveyors of Hoops, tifc.

Henry Purk-tt I Thomas Barber

Lemuel Gardner | James Eunfon Surveyors of the Highways—^The Seledmcn. Surveyors of Hemp, Samuel Emmons and James Phillips, Surveyors cf Wheat— Ewd. Tuckerman and Jofiah Snelling. Sealers of Weights and Meafures.

Richard Auilin, for Tov/n & State j Tim. deen, for Town Scaler of Leather, —Matthew Loring. Town Crier—John S. Green, Belknap-Street.

Municipal Court for the Town, Eftablifiied by a Law pailt^ci th^ 4th of March, 1800. Hon. Thomas Dawes, jr. 7?/

AuBioneers in Bq/lon, Samuel Clap Lewis Hayt Nath. P. Hewcs j Co. T.K. Jones & Joreph Ripley j William Leverett Samuel Bradford Cornel. Coolidge BenjaminSwceifer j Barker Bridge John W. Quincy Allen Williams & I & Samuei Biagge Johujutau Geo. Burrouglujjr. j Caleb H-'.yward John Chadwick Siias Field Robert Gardner Benjamm Tucker | FraucisWrlght, jf. Thomas Clark Sextons, Jofeph Edmonds—houfe head of Proflor's lane. Ede Vennevar—houfe Beach-llreet, Wheeler's Point. John Low— houfe in Green-ftieer. Allen Lauchlin—houfe Orauge-llreet Henry Lane—houfe Brattk-Orfff. John G. Grolnnaii—houfe in Pond-ftrect (or Rowe's lane.) Ze^lly Skldinore—houfe Elliot-flrcet. Da\id Darling— houfe near Noith Church. James liaker—houfe K.'.wKins-iJreci. Lue5ie"2cr CI uficn— hculc B Ikr.r'p Rrect. 164 Phyficians and Surgeons.

Wardens for the Port of Bofion and Charleflonvn. Thomas Powers, Ifaac Cutter, and Nehemiah Somes.

Phyficians t Surgeons, l^c. pra^ifing In Bojlon, *James Lloyd, m. d.—iiear Concert-riall. *Samuel Danforth, M. D. —Oppofite CoDcett-HaJ-l. *iraac Rand, m. d.—Aikinfon-flreet. *John Jeffries, m. d. —Park-Place. * Charles Jarvis, a. m.—No. 49, Newbury-Street. *Lemuel Hay ward, A.m.—No. 85, Newbury-Street. *'rboiiias Kaft, a.m.—No. 18, Hanov«r-Strcet. *Joho Warren, m.d.— School-Street, near Stone Chapel. *William Euflls, a.m. — Sudhur^'-Street. *Thomas Welch, a.m.—No. 23, Hanover-Street. *Aaron Dexter, m.d.—Lower end of Milk-Street. *Williani Sj)ooner,M. D .—Bulfinch-Strect.Bowdoin-Square. *Abijah Cheever, a.m.—Mrs. Carter's, Southack's Court. *John Fleet, m.d.— Milk-Street. *iraac Rand, jr. a. m.—Rand's Corner. ^William Ingalls, m.d.—School-Street. *'rhonras Danforth, a.m. —Bowdoin-Square. *Afa Bui lard, a.m.— No. 83, Newbury-Strect. *JohnG. Coffin. — No. 70, Orange-Street. *Ji«:ob Gates.— No. 49, Marlboro'-Street. *John Dixwell, m. B.—Corner of Friend's-Street. *JamesJackfon, m.b —No. 34, Hanover- Street. *Benjainin Shurtlcff, m.b. —No. 7, Union-Street. *Joha C. Howard, a. m. Lynde-Street, Weft BolTon. *JohnC. Warren>M.D — Park-Street, near the Old Granary *Cyrus Perkins, m.I!.—No. 6, Pnickney-Siroet. Do£tor Jofiiua Thomas.. —Bottom of Centre-Street. Daniel Adams, M.ii.—South Ruffell-Street. Horace Bean, a.m.—Ncv 53, Middle-Street. John Gorham, m.b —Milk-Street. William Ganv;t^;e, m.b.—next to Concert Hall. Thomas I vers Parker, m. ».™Pond-.Street. Doaor Percival Hall.— No. 7, Crols-Street. Doaor Frederick]. Enlli».— Plcalant-Sirect. Dofc\or Jeremiah Gols.— RuUcll-Sircet. Dortor Abraham Scales.—Richuiond-Streer. \')ohot William Hunt Chamberlain.— No. 46, Haii'r-St. Doctor Edward Cieamo»e Middle-Street. Dotlor P. Dcane. —Brattle-Square. Dcttor Pcicr St. Medad —Back-St. near French's lav. * fcUczvi 0/ the y.aJadu/KU<, MaicMlSvcctx. Phyficians and Surgeons, &c. 165

Doftor Auguflc Lemofy. —No. 4, Bofton-Sione. Doftoi Jolcph hvaiis.— Market-Square. Doftor joliii KcUey.—Clark-Strcct. Do£lor Relui lianus.— Fifh-Sutet.

Surgeons Denljji in Bojlon, Tofiah Flagg.—Houic Back-Street. William P. Greenwood. —Houfe Cold-Lane. Thonia:> Parroas, N(j. 34, Marlhoio'-Streec.

Branch Pilots in the State of Maffachufetts, Pilotsfor the Inward Divifiai ojPort and Harbour oj Bojlon. Thoniaii Knox, Charles Cole, Robert Knox. Pilots for tht Outward Divifton of the Port and Harbour oJ Bojlon. Jofiah Ayres, Nathl. B. Lyde, Leml. Ayres, John Tilley, By a late law of this Commonweahh, the Pilotage of the harhour of .6<2/?o« is formed into two divifions, Outward and Inward, The outward divifion confilU of fourbranch- fs ; and the inv;avd divifion confifts of three branches i and no perfon fo ccmrnifiioncd as a Pilot, or his deputy, ihall undertake to bring in or carry out of faid harbour any veflel drawinp; of nine feet of water, (coafters and fifhing vefiels cxcepved) except in his own particular branch, under the penalty of fjty dollars. The Governor and Council determine and fix the fees of pilotage of the feveral pilots f r the harbour of Bojion, from time to time, having relpcft to the different rillc and liajtard of the inward and outward divifions, and according &s the circumftanccs of peace or war, and the feafons of the year, may levcrally require ; and the fame lo be fpecificd on th^ir rcfpcftive \varr?.nts. A fchedule of their fees to be hung up in the Cuftom-Houfe for the port of Bojcn arui CkarUjiowny for public inlpection and information. 66 Rates of Pilotage.

Rates of Outward 'Pii.ot />,c.e for the Port ^f Bofton, Vcjjd^s jVa.V Diaft. Feet.

li lo 3 0^

i 1 11^ 32 12|

14 i4i 15 Rates of Dockage, &c. 167

Rates of Dockage, Wharfage, and Storage, P'n-r, or long-Wharj. is eilablifhed at the BSjlon ^ ^ DOCKAGE. cents per day. Vcffels under 50 tons - . 25 cents do. VelTels from 50 to 100 tons 33 Vdlels from 100 to 150 tons 45 cents c^o. cents do. Vellels from 150 to 200 tans 55 do. Vedels from 200 to 300 tons 67 cents Velfelsfrom 3co to 400 tons 88 cents dp. cents do. Veffels from 400 to 500 tons 110 cents do. Veileis from 500 to boo tons I33 And larger veliels in proportion. WHARFAGE. Cmts *--"•"' '^r : - - Sugar, &c. 2 BafiVof Coffee, Cocoa, Pimento, 10 Bales ofCouon and bags of Hops boxes packages 12| Bales, caf€s, crates, trunks, &

- - per M. Boards, (laves and hoops 25 - - ^eacn. Boxes of cards - - Boxes of pipes - - - " * Boxes of lugar ', ' - - 2Jeacn.^^,\, Boxes of lemons and glafs and candles - ^ Boxes of chocolate ivf - - per M. Bricks - - 25 - each. Bundles of fhovels and pans - 4 15 Butts from 150 to 2CO gallo-as - - CheftsofBoheatea - - - 1^^.^ TV^iVi. 1 - 20 per Clapboards/>i J - _ _ _ Soperch.ldrorr ^^''' ' . - 2 per quintal.

- - - iperbulhel. gL of all kinds' - 2 eacn. Half barrels, firkins, and kegs - Hampers o^boules - - _- J^^.b^^aie. ' ". [i'-T - leach. H»aes - - - - *° HoeUieads and pipes - &c. 30 per on. Iron, hemp, cordage, timber, lead, &c. 1 each. Jarsof raihns&oil.imaii kegs o£ crackers, " t)^ perivi. La-h3 - - - - per ton. Lighter loads of ftone - 2j ' i68 Rates of Wharfage, *c.

Cenfs ^ Nails fcafks of) - • - 4 per caflk.^r Onions - - • - 4 toobuncli Ranging Timber •- • s^perioofew^,

Ruffia Duck . - - 1 per bolt. H Salt ... e^perhhd.-;' Shingles « , • 6*- per M. Shook Hogfhcads - - - 2 each. "^ Stoves and Caboofes - .-10 Tierces - - . 7 Wood and bark - - - 55 Empty cafks, &c. half wharfage. \ All merchandize (hipped off the wharf, to pay the fame wharfage as for landing, excepting fuch goods as bave paid for landing, and (not having been carried off the wharioti which they were landed) are taken ofiF within one monthi from the time they were landed. Goods taken in lighters, or otherwife by water,, from on board any vefTel lying at the wharf, and goods taken from lighters, or otherwife by wnter, on board any vcfTdl lying at the wharf, to pay one half as ncuch as for landing. Tke faid half wharfage to be paid by the vefr.-.! lying at tbe wharf. The wharfage of goods landed, to be paid by tbe feller, or perfon landing the fame, except wood and lumbdr, which iis to be p?iid by the purchafer. The wharfage of goods (h'oped oflP the wharf, r<> be paid by the vefTel that receives thera on board, or the perfon who (hips thera. STORAGE.

Bags of coffee, cocoa, &'-. Probate BuTinefe. 169 CcTttS Grain ot all kinds - - - ftpcrbufhcl. Hemp - - - 100 per ton. Haif barrels * - 5 per month eack • Hides - - - 3 <*o« Hog&eads and pipes - - 33I do. Iron - - - 25 per ton. - - Salt - J2^per hogfliead. Tierces - - - So per month each.

General Information refpeding Prolate Bufinefs* AN Executor ftiould notify the heirs, or perfons inter- efted in a vill, of the day he intends to offer it for pro- bate, that they may have opportunity to conteft the probate thereof, if they fee caufe : otherwife the Judge may ba obliged to poftpone proving the will, and to cite the heirs. An executor knorving of his appointment, muft caufe the will to be proved within thirty^ days after the death of th<» teftator, or prefent the faid will to the Probate Court, and in writing declare his refufal : otherwife he may be fub- jcftcd to a heavy fine. When a perfon dies intoftate, the widow, or next of kin to the dcceafed, (if of age) {hould, within thirty days, take out a letter of adminiftration, or in writing decline the truft. Guardians muft be appointed to minors, before the eftate is diftrlbuted, and before the ac- count of adminiftration is allowed. When executors and adminiftrators are prepared to exhibit their accounts of ad* ininiftration to the Judge for allowance, they fhould invari- ably notify the perfons intereftcd therein, or their guardians,

to be prefent in Court at the examination thereof : unlcfs the heirs and guardians v/ill prenoufly examine the account to be exhibited, and will certify thereon their approbation of it. This method may fa ve much trouble and expcnfc. The fame ftcps {hould be taken with creditors, when an t\-

tatc is infolvent : that is, they muft b: notified as aforefaid, or tiicy muft certify as aforcfaid. Adminiftrators whowifk not to account with the Judge of Probate for the perfonal eftate of the dcceafed, as the tame ftiall be appraifed, ftiould give notice thereof, at the time they return the inventory, aiid then obtain an order for the fale of the whole, or fuch

part thereof as the Judge fiiall dirc£l ; and the heirs alfo, if they apprehend the perfonal eftate is appraifed too low, Ihould reprefentthe fame to the Jiulge, and requeft to hav« it fold at public anftion, or at private falq, as will bcft fefvc the intereft ofaJl perfons conccrncd- J007.J P ^d Cenfus t>f Maflachufetts.

CENSUS of the federal TOWNS in MASSA- CHUSETTS DISTRICT. Taken in 1800.

County 0/ Suffolk Towns. Inhabitants. Inhabitanti. Chnrleftown, 2,751 I'^mmS' ' Bofton and } Chelmsford, 1,290. Concord, »,67() Oielloaand Dracut, 1,874 Duaftable, HJ^^ Eaft-Sudbijir}', ¥^ Framin^hain, J, ColOfty &f%%^EY. 62J Amctbury 1.757 Groton', 1,802 Hollifton, 783 A II clover, 2,Q41 Beveily, Hopklnton, 1.372 L€*in^ro^., 1,006 J3 ope ford, Lincoln, Br;id,fpr,d, Littlftcso, 904 Glqucciler, 5313 Maiden, i»o:j9 Marlborovigh, jIdiTiijtMn, 74.9 1.7.35 Haveihill, 2,730 Medford, Natick, Ipi'wicb, 3,-^0.5 Lynn,^ 2,837 Newton, 1,491 Lynnfield, 468 PeppcrcU, 1,198 MarvchcHer, 1,082 Reading, 2,025 Marblehead, 5.211 Sherburne, 775 Shjrloj', ^'Iethl.^en, 1.2,53 713 Middleton, Stonebam, 3^0 Newbury, 4,®75 Stow, 890 Ncwburyport, 594S Sudbury, 1.303 Tewkfliury, Rowley, 1-5 57 944 Townfhend, Salem, . 9.4.57 "4 Sallfbury, 1,85,5 ryni;lborovigh Topsfield, 789 Walt ham, Wenhmm, 476 Wafcrtown, 1,207 61,196 V/eOford, 1,267 Don, CoUVty q/'MlDDLESEX. We 1,027 ABon, 901 Wilmington, 797 1,925 Aftiby, Wobujrn, Bedford, % 46,928 m p s h i r l . Billerjca, 1,383 County of Ha Boxborough, 387 Amherft, 1,,^5^ Belcheriown, ijbyB Burlington-, .534 Cambndpe, B.imficld, 1,384 ' 2,153 Carliil-, 034 Granby, 780 M k

Cenfus of MafTachufetts. 171

Towns Inhabitants* Towns. In/iabilanti Grc( nwich, 1,460 Ley den, 1,095 Hadlev, 1.073 Middlefield, 877 Holland, 443 Montgomery, 5^0 Lcverer, 711 Northampton, 2,190 Longmeadosv, 973 Norwich, 959 Ludlow, 650 Plainfield, 797 Monlon, 1,6.^5 Rowe, ^75 Montague, 1,222 Rulfell, 431 New-Sale m, i»949 Shelburne, 1,079 Norihfield,; 1,047 Southampton, 983 Orange, 766 Southwick, 867 PaJmej, i,3«9 Wefl field, 2,185 Pclham, 1,144 Weft-Hampton, 756 Shutefbury, 930 W.Springfield, 2,835 South-Madiey, 8oi Whately, 773 Souih-Brimfiey, 774 Williamfburgh 1,179 Sunderland. 537 Wonhingion, 1,223 Springfield, 2,312 432 \Vare, 997 County oj P L Y OUT Warwick, 1,233 Abington, 1,623 Wendell, 737 Bridgewater, 5,200 Wilbrabam, *743 Carver, 863 JVcJi Side of donneBimt Duxborough, 1,664 River* Halifax, 642 .Aihfield, 1,741 Hanover, 958 Bainardftown, 70Q Hingham, 2,112 iilandrori, 1,778 Hull, 117 Buckiand, 1.041 King (Ion, 1,03^ Char leniont, '875 Marfiificld, 1,256 Chefter, 1,542 Middleboio', 4,458 Chtnerficld, ',3^3 Pembroke,. i>943 Col rain, 2,014 Plymouth, ^,524 Conway, 2,013 Plympton, 861 Cummington, 985 Rochelkr, ^546 Deerfield, 1,531 Scituate £,72

Gufhen, 724 County oJ Ba r n stab l , Granville, 2,309 Barnfiable, 5>,964 Greenfield, Chatham, i;36i Jiatfieid, CCQ Dennis,- 1^408 Maw ley, 878 Laftham, ' 659 Heath. 604 falmouih, 1,8^9 .

172 Cenfus of MafTachufetts.

Towns. Inhabitants. Towns Inhabitants. Harwich, 2,8^7, Dudley, 1,140 Marfhpec, 155 Fitchburgh, 1,300 Orleans, i>o95 Gardner, Provincetown, 812 Gerry, 8o£ Sandwich, 2,024 Grafton, 985 Truro, 1,152 Hardwick, 1,727 Wcllfleet, 1,207 Harvard, 1,319 Yarmouth, 1,727 Hoi den, 1,142 ^9,293 Hubbardflon, 1,113 County q/ B R 1 s T L Lancaftcr, 1.584 Attlcborough, 2,480 Leicefter, 1.103 Berkley, 1,013 Leominfter, 1,486 Dartmouth, 2,660 Luncnburgh, 1,243 JDishton, 1,666 Mendon, 1,628 EaUon, ^y55''^ Mllford, 1)07 Freetown, *,535 Ncw-Braintrcc, 875 Mansfield, 1,0 lo Northborcugh, 608 Ne,w-Bedford, 4,361 Northbridgc, ^* N(l)rion, 1,481 Oakham, 001 Raynham, 1,181 Oxford, 1,237 Rehoboth, 4,743 Paxton, 582 Somerfet, 1,23a Pctcrfhara, 1,794 Swanzey, 1,741 Princeton, 1,021 Taunton, 3,860 Royalflon, 1,243 Wcilport, 2,361 Rutland, i,«o« 33.880 Shrewsbury, 1,14s County ^ Dukes. Southborough, 871 Chilmark, 800 Spencer, i,43« Edcarton, 1,226 Sterling, 1,614 Tilbury, 1,092 Sturbridgc, 1,846 3,118 Sutton, County ^Nantucket. Templeton, 1,069 Nantucket, 5,617 Upton, 854 5,617 Uxbridge, 1,404 County y Worcester. Ward, 53« Aihburnnam, 994 Wcftborough, 922 Athol, 993 Weftern, 979 Barre, 1,937 Weftmiallcr, 1,3^9 Berlin, 59® Winchendoii, 1,092 Bolton, 915 Worcefter, 2,411 Brookficld, 3,284 61,195 BoyUlon, 1,058 County (T/BERKSHIRf, Charlton, 2,120 Adams, 1,688 Jdouglas, ),p83 Cenfus of Maffachufetts. 173

Towm» .

74 Ccnfus of the United States, &c. Cumberland, Lincoln, Hancock, 16,316 Washington, 4.486 Kennebeck, 24>394

Cenfus of the United States. New-Ham pdii re, 183,858 North- Carolina, 478,103 Rhode-Iflaud, 69.122 South-Carolina, 345/501 Mafllichufctts, 574,564 Georgia, 162,686 Connefticut, 851,002 Kentucky, 220,955 Vermont, 154>46,5 TcnnefTee, 100,000 New-York, 5^6,050 Territory, Mifliiippi, 8,8,^0 New-Jerfey, 211,149 N. of Ohio, 45,305 Pennlylvania, 602,365 Indiana, 4,875

Delaware, ^4*274 Michiliraacinac, &c. - 760 Maryland, 310,704 Dillrift of Columbia, 14,0^3 Virginia, 878,950 Total, 5.276,786

Governors in the fetjeral States. New-Ham pfliire, John Langdon. Maflachufetis, Caleb Strong. Rhode-liland, &c, Connecticut, Jonathan Trumbull, Vermont, Itaac Tichenor, New-York, Morgan Lewis. New-Jerfcy, Tofeph Bloomfield. Pennfylvania, Ihomas^ M'Kcan Delaware, Nathinlel Mitchell. Maryland, Robert Bowie. Virginia, North-Carolina, Nathaniel Alexander.

iSouth-C^roiina, Tames B. Richard for). Georgia, Joh« Milledge. Kenuxcky, C'lfiflopher Greenup. levincuec, John Sevier. Miffilippi Titrritory, Robert Williams. Ohjo, F,dw»ird Tiffin. Territory of Orleans, Willum C. C. Claiborn; Michigaxij William Hall. Upper I.o»;iii.:;3d, Jimso WiiVin'on. Table of Intcreft, 175

A TABLE of SIMPLE INTEREST, at Six per Cent. calculaied in Dollars, Cents and Millcs.

pal. fd. 176 Table of the Value, &c. ol" Coinj,

o A Table of Gold Coins, ^77 A TABLE Sot receiving; and paving the Gold Coins of GR£AT- BiUTAlN and POR lUGAL, of their rrcfent Hand- ard, according to the Aci of Congrcfs, r;gulating Fo- reign Coins. Passed t he ^ih February^ 1793. Carefully revifed.

ixiains. Ccttts. Cents. 1 o »7 7 18 67 3 11 19 7® 4 14 20 18 SI I 22 22 81 25 23 «5 dwt':». do4U. CIS. dwi's. doiift. CLS. dwt's. dolls, cti* j I I




31 12 »3 »4

27 1^8 A Tatle of Gold Coins,, kc. A TABLE yor receiving and paving the Gold Coins of FRANCE* SPAIN, and the DOMINIONS of SPAIN, of their piefent Standard, according ro fhe A6\ of Congiefs, re- ji^ulating Foieu'.n Coins. Pap:d the <;)tk February, 1793.

.. Caitul.atc-d fo' \W nf- "f tlif B;nk of the United Stafes.

• Grains. Cents. >

Table of Awierican .

^4 TABLE of the W^fg^ ««^ ^^^"'^ p/^'^^ 4}W\^9^ Coins,

\ Dolls. Cts. Nig.mes. du!ts. grs, .09, op Ouaiter £aglc, 5^1 I)o! lar, 00 111 If Dollar, Quarte;r .QoUar, Dime, H^lf Dime. 5

^XAJJUE. c//i^.;M£.ASVREp/, LENGTH ojthcjriv- cital places in Europe, compared zoHh ike Ainerican Yard, „ Yards, 100 Aunes or Ells of Englnnd, - - = \^l> 100^—of Holland or AinAerdam, HacrlriTi, J) Leydep, the Plajrue, Rotterdam, Nu- == 75

rVmhutg, and other cities of Holland, ) . ^„ ico- :of Brab;int or Aniwrp, - ==76' \oo~ of France and Oinaburg " =*J28§ 100 H^tTfibur^^jTvankfon, Leipfic, Bern > of ""__ ^oA andBafil, ' - - " - 5 ^^ 100 :ofBreflaii, - -' - =60 too- of Dantzick, - - - =?=• 69^ jcQ of Bergen and Dronrheim, * = 6h^ 100-::— ,of Sweden and Stockholm - «= 6,5^ - 100 ^.of St. Gail, for Linens, - = 87^ - loo :St. Gali, for Cloihs, - =67 _ 100 of Geneva, , - = 124^ of M,ii feill-s and Montpelier, - = 1 CO Canes 2,'4i 100 of Thouloufc and High Larigue^oc, = 200 - loo of Genf)^5 of 9 palnas = 2 4 fir 100——ofRora*^ - - - == %^7-k 100 Varas of Sp?)in, ^ - . =«== p-jj loo ofpornigal, _ - - = yi^ loo Cavidos of Portvigal, - - '^ 75 100 Bralfes of Venice, - - - = 73* 100 -of Bergamo, - - - = 7^i - loo of Flo;enC(i 3nd Lcghom, -= ^4 ico of Milan, - - - «» ^ti

*T/i': Frendi fll.h ii/uaHy fj^imaUd 1^ ya-'ds. i8o Dire£lions for Mariners, &c. DIRECTIONS FOR MARINERS. Mr. William Lord, oi Stoning ion- Pointy* has cref^ct^ aa iron fpear, about IQ feet long, with a white vane on the top, upon the rock of Latimf-r, in FiJher^S'lfiand-Sound. The deeped channel is to the northward of the rock. This gentleman has it in contemplation, if fuitable encourage- ment fhould be given by gentlemen from the eaflward and weftward (who are owners of navigation, and are conftantly

palling the Sound) to creft a fpear upon what is called The 1

Tail of Watch-Hill /?

The ratrs at which all foreign coins and currencies are ejli- mated at the Cujlom-Houfes of the United States. Dolls.a$. Each pound fterling of Great-Britain, at 4 44 Each pound ftcrling of Ireland, - 4 10 Each livrc toiirnoisof France, - i8| Each florin or guilder of the United Netherlands, 40 Each mark' hnnco of Hamburgh, - - 33I Ejich rix dollar of Denrpark, - - 1 i!ach rial of plate of Spain, - - 10 £ac-h rial of velTon of Spain, - - 5 P,ach mllree of Portugal, - - J «4 Each tale of China, - - 1 ^g larh pagoda of India, - - - 1 54 Each rupee of Bengal, - - - ^o

RulesJqt reducing the Currencies of the different States int$ each other. ift. To reduce the currencies of New-Ham pfhiire, Maf- fachufctts, Rhode-Ifland, Connc6licut, Vermont and Vir- ginia, into thnfe of New-York and North-Carolina, to the given fum add ^ part thereof. Of Pennfylvama, New-Jerfey, Delaware and Maryland, to the given Turn add Jth. Of South-Carolina and Georgia, from the given fum fub- tfaft a-9th« thereof.

* Stonincrton is a t^nfl-town ar.d po^t, in A^estf- London Com i- /y. State of Cmne^icut, iJimiles £, by S. of New-l/mdm eurrencies, &c. i8i

On the contrary, '' «(J. To reduce New-York and North-Carolina Into New;- Hampfhire, MaiTachuTctts Rhode-Ifland, Connecticut, Ver- mont and Virgin'a,_rrom the given fum dedacl ^th thereof. InioPennfylvania, New-Jerfey, Delaware and Mam land, from the fum jjiven dedu£l j-i6th thereof. Into South-Carolina and Georgia, to the fum given, add l-6th, and then take half of the whole. 3d. To reduce Pennfylvania,New-Jcrfey, Delaware and Maryland, into New-Hampfhire, MafTachufetts, Rhode- Ifland, Conncfticut, Vermont and Virginia, f^om the fum given deduft i-5th ihcreof. Into New-York and North-Carolina, to the fum given add i-i5ih thereof. . ^ Into South-Carolina and Georgia, multiply by 3 and i-9th, and divide the produft by 5 ; or multiply by aS, and divide by -15. 4th, To reduce South-Carolina and Georgia into New- Hampfhire, MalTachufetts, Rhode-lfland, Connediicut aiid Virginia, to the given fum add a./ths thereof. Into Pcnnfylvania, New-Jerfey, Delaware and Maryland multiply the given fum by '1 45, and divide by 28. ., Into New-York and North-Carolina, from the given kiiu fubt^aft i-7th, and double the remainder. COUNTERFEIT BANK-BILLS. [We have been requcfted to iufert in the Regifter a ftate- mcnt of Counterfeit Bank-3ills j and on application to Me%s Gilbert^ Dean, they have obligmgly furnifhed us •With a corrected ltate«\ent of all bad bills now in circula- tion, up to the loth of November, 1806.]

Chesh I R ?. Bank, Keenr, N. //.—Four, ten, and thir- ty ; tens oi the firft impreilion. ** " The word TEN ir* capitals in the margin, not well done, and the word* Ch-rnire Bank," which lean ; on the left, in the fecona' line, not fo fair as the genuine. Two's are altered to t'--, and tnrecs to thirty. Fours, alfo of the BrS impreffiOT'

dated July, ! 9, 805, aad payable to F. Alexander paoer lighter and more fpongy ; than the genuine. Auoth-r de- riomjnation of four, are in circulation,, payable to fames Munn; paper much thinner than the genuine. Fives daftd Keene, Od. 10 1804, badly executed, ^ The ik la,- prelUons ui this bank are all Stereotype. Caps Bank, Havtrhiil, N. H —O^g M\zr' Vi^% ni the ^leren.ype. uiicrcd re four, and fix, a.ij ecu-llv uo v-' t ** *' doneas thoic tfi.i'.wrcd ' I on £xetcr Eatir. I Si Counterfeit Bills.

E X c H A N c E Bank, Providence^ R. J.—Fives, poqrtif the froiii done ; paper darker than genuine. Fiftys, altered

fmaller ones, well done ; they bear, however, alight-houfe oh the left, which the good do not. - ExETKR Bank, N. ^/.—-Stereotype fours, badl^ altered from one. The interfering lines arc not parallel, and the "four," and letter Sin the word ^(?//

bill ; and the /continues all the way down in three ftroke* ; in the counterfeits it goes into two ftrokes, when it enters tbc « in '* Exchange.^* The impreffion of the tens is fmaller, and not fo fair as the genuine. This bank now ilTues Stereotype bills. (J:|r Smce the above dcteftion, the fives

have had all the errors corrected ; the letters are cut hand-

fomc, and will bear a clofe examination. ^ The plough^ however, joins the tails of the oxen, which in the genuine

does not ; the engraver's name is done with a pen, and hardly legible. Some counterfeit threes arc alfo in circula-

tion, well imitated ; the ones are well done. Farmers Bank, Troy, N. V.—^Two and ten dollar bills, counterfeited. The twos are ftruck on a plate which

. is about the eight of an inch (horter than the impreffion of the genuine. The paper of the tens as well as twos is of a lighter complexion, and impreffion generally fainter than the true ones. Gloucester Bank, Caf)e Ann. —Fives and tens, paper of a much darker complexion, and poor imitation, Hartford Bank, Conn.—Threes altered to thirty; but the letters added, are I'o clofe together that they are eafily known. Threes counterfeited, badly done. Lincoln and Kennebeck 'Ba NK,fVt/'cafet.-"Tiye and ten. The true tens, near the veflcl on the {focks, have

a work-fhop wtiA windows ; the falfe have a Ihop without

rvindows ; paper whiter and more fpongy than the true.

The fives poorly imitated ; plate larger and more clumff than the genuine. Another denomination of fives are ii orculation, wh^cb bear a tolerable comparifon with the Counterfeit Bills. 1S5 tiue oncj« —^The words " Lincoln and Kenncbcck Bank,". 10 German text, are however not fo even as the genuine. Ma 1 N E B A N K, Portland^--Y'wc^ feven, nine, and fifty. In the true fives, the fore part of xhe. indented black groundj in which is the word five in white letters, is direftly un»" der the fore part of the letter a of the word Maine, and thfl[ other part nearly under the hinder part of the letter A ia the word I}j.nky in the fecond line ; but in the counterfeit the black ground is placed farther forward, fo as to bring the fore part under the fpace between a and i in * Maine*. and the other part between n and k in 'Bank.* Sevens— the full point, at the end of ' Seven Dollars* in Gcrmair text, is left out in the falfe bill. Nines—the words *'corn- pany of the," appear crooked and crowded j and the O in the word * Dollars' in capitals, is higher than the other

letters ; the true bills fair, and the letters handfoKie. Fif- tys—altered from five. Man H ATT A ^and Me r c h a n t s' Ba n KS,A^fty York* —Five dollar bills of the fornver bank, and fives and teni of the latter bank, are in circulation ; poorly imitated, and cafily known from the genuine. Massachusetts Sa n k, Bed J the whole wo/d, in laft, badly imitated. In the ornamental part of the true bills ' Ten, 10,' at each end, are thick black line* ; in the falfc they arc only dark fiiadcd. Nantucket Bank.—Two, three, and five. The fives c»re oni| dark oilifh paper, and apparently done witb a pen. Thie twos are a tolerable imitation, impreflTioo fmaller, and tho fignatures poorly done. The letters of ihc

threes are larger than the true ones ; but on comparifon, are eafily detefted. Q^ Many ten dollar bills are alfo io. circulation, altered from a two. * New -Bedford Bank .—Nine ; in the motto Peace

^0 the world," the /diR zoorld'is in the fhade ; the true bills

have only the d ; paper whiter and more fpongy. N )L w-Ham ? s h I r e Bank, Portfmouth^'^^Tivf. ^nd

ten ; payable at the Bank of the United States at Philadel-

phia ; the letters poorly done, and feme quite crooked*

N t w-Lo N D o N Bank, Co«n.—Ten and twenty j alter- ed from f:naller denominations, and hard to be diicovered. Norwich Bank, Co««.-—Fives altered to twerrty-

:£ve i the s^, in German text, is ihadsd by a fcrawl ; ia .'

1% Counterfeit Bills. '

tihtc genuine it is not. Ones to ten, well cJorr. TN fives, which have letters pafTing through the h' *Ifo counterfeited, badly done, particularly in the "penm ihip. Pacific Bank, Nantv.cket.-^Ttv.i\ clumfily excr

ed J the caihier's name (pelt Triftr?^m inftead ofTrifii ~ Huffey. Fives of this ftaiik have lately got into circ:. tton i paper and imprelLon much like the genuine ;Ti;m tares well done ; but in ihe 3d line of the' bill, the vl^rd * Nantucket/ is much more crooked than the true ones.

^ Plymouth Bank —Fives of the fiift impreflRon ;' imitauon tolerable ; but they want a pine trie^ which ia in the true bills under the word * bearer.' The fccond imr preflions are ftereotypc. But few in circulation. '

PoKTi-AND Bank.-— Sevens } impreffion poor; and Ac Prefident's name fpclt M'Lellen inftead of M'Lclkn.' Portsmouth Bank, N. H.—Threes ; paper whiter, but the fignatures badly imitated, and the Cafhicr's name • Ipelt wrong j it fhould te Halliburton. They are figned tiy the former prefident, B. Conner. Portsmouth Bank.—-Wc have juft feen a four • dollar counterfeit on this Bank, figned by Thos. Sheaf, prefident it is =' ; well done ; and an attempt is made t6 im- itatc the paper of the genuine, which is oi a dark complex- ion and oiled, / t Providence Bank, ;?. /.—John I, Clark, prefi^-^ dent, Olney Winfor, cafhier. Twos, figtied John Innes'^ Clark, prefident, dated Jan. 9, 1805, and better executed' than the original. In the word Five in large capitals acrofs • /" the bill, the completely covers the fmall letter in the ^ v:oxdjive, 2d line trom top ; in the genuine, it is coveied but m part. Some ten dollar bills are in circulation, altered from a fmaller denomination. RHODfc-IsLANi>UNioN Bank, A^<•a//>or^—Three?, fborlv done—The words ' three dollars,' in capitals at the top, badly imitated, particularly the S. Tens lately g'^* into ciiculaTion. Salem Bank, Mafs—Benj. Pickmao, juii. preficic. and Jonathan Hodges, cafhier; four and nx. No foi; are iffued by the bank ; and the fix bears fiOitiousfignatu. of prefident and cafiiiei. SMiTi FIELD Union BAnx, R. /.—Thr**?, F.^-

* ' and feven ; in the threes the words bearer ' and demand are not cut fo ftraight as, in the gcmiine, which «rc ditjUij; Counterfeit Bills. 185

June, 3, 1S05, and have not been numbered higher* ban

000 ; but the bad ones are, and the red ink has a yellow-- ifh caft. The fives are of the firft imprcirion, and will xorapare clofely ; fignatures poorly done. The true fevens have 5 or 6 water marks, the bad, none ; the flukes of the anchor higher and narrower, the foot of the female- ilimmer, and the toes turning up ; all which are not in the genuine. Twenty, altered iroxn one : execution good, but way be deteftcd from the word ttvtnty in figures, which is very crowded, -One dollar bills are alfo counterfeited, and many are in circulation. Strafford Bank, Dover, N. H.—Twos, badly ex-

• ecuted ; letters thicker than the true bills. Stereotype one dollar bills altered to a four, are in circulation. Trenton Bank, N, J.—One, three and five dol- lars, counterfeited ; fignatures executed with great awk-

wardnefs ; impreflion much heavier and blacker than the jjcnuine. Unmon Bank, Bofion.— Fives, executed with a pen,

and eafily difliuguifhed ; the Indian fcarcely vifible. We iiave lately feen a counterfeit ico dollar bill of this Bank ;

but hardly an imitation of the genuine ; apparently deline- ated by a hair pencil. United States BANK.--Five, ten, twenty, fifty, and loo dollar counterfeit bills are in circulatioo of the various Branches. The paper in general is not crf^fo good a quality as the true bills, and the engraving not fo

handlome ; ugnatures in fome infiances well imitated, and in others, appear to be made with a ftiff pen. Atten» tion fhould be paid by thofe who receive thefc bills.

Washington BanR, Wef.erly, R. I.~Y\\e% \ \xa' preffion fmaller, and p.^psr of a yellowifti complexion. Twenty-five, alfo, altered frcir. ^e. According to law, a!i bills ia Maffachufetts, under five dollars, muft be of an oval form, -with the donomination at

each of the corners outfide the rim ; moft of which are ftereotype. g:^- Bcfidcs t4t8 above, fpiiricus bills of Burlingion, Richmond, Scituatc, P^z/a^cj'^A/a Union Bank, Lankij^cr, and Frcdricktown Banks arc, in circulation—but no iaca Banks exift. —They all appear on one kind of paper, whictt is light, fpongy, ar.d clumfily done. Wc have alfo feen a Five dollar bill on Bedford Sank, fi<;ncd K. Pane, Piefident — John lAarfk^ Ca&ier, clitr« !«C7.] Q * iS6 Rates of Poftage.

June, 6, 1805—poorly dene, on an impreffion^and paper finnilar to moft of the above. There is a Bedford Bank, i Ma'ifachufetts, and the true names arc Tkos. Hazard^ Prefi dent, and John Pickens, Cafhier. i^^ As the above is taken chiefly from memory, thofe who arc in the habit of receiving many bills, muft take pains to examine them by this ftatement, as far as it goes. And attention fhould alfo be paid to the errors pointed out, aS' feveral inftances have occurred when they have been corre£led. GILBERT £?DEAN. Bojlon, November 10, 1806. RATES OF LETTER POSTAGE. Every letter compofcd of a fingle (heet of paper convey ed not exceeding 40 miles, 8 cents. —Over 40 miles, and cot exceeding 00 n-.i!es, 10 cents.—Over 90 miles, and not exceeding 150 miles, 12| cents. —Over 1,50 miles, and not exceef^ing 300 miles, 17 cents.—rOver 300 miles, and not exceeding .500 miles, so cents. —Over 500, miles, 25 cents. Every letter compofed of two pieces of paper, double thofe rates. —Every letter rompofed of three pieces of pa- per, triple thofe rates, — Every letter qorapofcd of fouF pieces of paper, weighing 1 o». quadruple thofe rates,. and at the rate cf four finglc letters for each ounce any letter or packet may weigh. — Every {hip letter originally received at delivery, cents, an office for 6 . Magazines and Piimphlefs per fheer, not over 50 miles, 1 cent.—Over 50 miles, and not exceeding 100 miles, i^ cent, —Over 100 miles, 2 cents. The Poft-Oirice does not infure mriney, or any other- thinj; conveyed by poft.—TI.e General Pott-Office is. kept at rbc [cat oi Government. THE

I:MnittXi States Calenuar*

Government of the UNITED STATES. < THOMAS JEFFERSON, LL.D. Preside nt.

GEORGE CLmTO'N, Fke-Pn/ident of the Vs mm States, and Pr.elident cf the Senate, {a)

Szmnt\ A. Oiis, Secretary. SENATE. New-Hampjkire, Nicholas Gijraan, and Willlsro Plumer. Rhcdfljlandy Benjamin Howland and James Fenncr, MaJU'ackufetts^ John Q. Adams and Timothy Plrkrring. Conneclkui, James Killboure and Uriah Tracy. Vermont, Stephen R. Biadlty and Ifrael Smith. New-Yorky Samuel L. Mitchell and John Smith. New-Jerfeyy John Condit, and Aaron Kitchell. Pennjylvaniat and Samuel Maclay. Dclawarey Samuel White and James A. Bayard. Marxlandf Samuel Smith and Robert Wright. Virginia, William B. Giles and Aaron Mocre, North-Carolina, David Stone and Moniiord Stokes. ViOUtk-Carolina^ Thomas Sumptcr and John Gailla^d. Georgia, Abraham Baldwin and James Jacklon. Kentucky, John Buckner Thurflon. TenntJJte, Jpfcph Anderfon and Daniel Smith. Ohio, John Smith and Thomas Worthington.

{a^ By ike Conftitution the Vice- Preji dent is Prejfdent of the Senate, but has no voice, tinlcfs the fmati is cqvaili di~ zB$ Nrath Congrefs.


Speaker. I C/frA, . Beckley. | John Mr. Parkinfon, Chaplain.

NEW-HAMPSHIRE fends 5. Samuel Tenney, David Hough, Silas Bettan, Thomas W. Thompfon, and Caleb Ellis. MASSACHUSETTS, 17. Jofiah Quincy, Jacob Crowninihield, Jofcph B. Var- jium, Phanuel Bi^op, "Ebenczer Seavcr, Richard Cutts^ Seth Haftings, William Stedman, Pelcg Wadfworth, Sam- uel Taggart, Jeremiah Nelfon, William Ely, Jofeph Bar- ktr^ Ifaiah L. Green, Bamabas BidwcU, , and John Chandler. RHODE-ISLAND, 2. Jofeph Staunton, iun. and Nehemiah Knight. CONNECTICUT, 7. John C. Smith, Beniamin Talmagc, Samuel W. Disna, John Davenport, juo. Timothy Pitkm, jun. Jonathan Og- .

, , 13. Jofeph Clay, John Smilic, Jacob Richards, Michael Lcih, Robert Brown, Frederick Conrad, Ifaac Anderfoa, John Whitehill, David Bond, , , John Rhea, James Kelly, John Pugh, Chrifliaa Lowe, Samuel Smith, Robert Whitehill. DELAWARE. James M. Broom. MAP.YLAND. Jofeph H. Nicholfon, William Mac Crcery, John Arch- ex, Nicholas R. Moore, John Dennis, Tliomas Plater, ^!inth Coagrcfs, &c. i8^

John Campbell, Roger Nelfon, patiick Magauder, Charlei Uoiul'borcugh. VIRGINIA, tf. John Randolph, jr. John Smith, John Clopton, Thoma» M. Randolph, Jolin W. Eppes, John Dawfon, Jofcph Levy'is, jun. Edvvjii Gray, David Holmes, Anthony New, lipomas Claiborne, Waiter Jom^s, Thomas Newton, jun. Abram Trigg, Peterfon Goodwin, James Stevenfon, John G. Jacklon, Thomas Lewis, Mauhew Clay, Thomas Griii. fin, Philip R. Thonipion, Chriftophcr Clark. NORTFkCAROLINA, i«. Nathaniel Tvlj^con, Willis Alliton, Richard Stanford, Marmadukc Wiliiams," Thomas Wynns, James Holland, William Blacklcdge, Nathaniel Alexander, J oieph Winn« fion, Thomas i&lo»jnt, Duncan McFarland, 1 hos. Kenan, SOUTH-CAROLINA, 8. William Butler, Thomas Lowndes, Richard Winn, Levi Safe)', Tiiomas Moore, John B* Earlc, Benjamin Huger, avid R. Williams,.

GEORGIA, 4. Dayid Mcrriwether, Peter Early, Samuel Hammond, — Bryan* KENTUCKY, 6. John Fowler, ^Matthew Walton, John Boyle, Thomas Sanford, George M. Bedinger, Matthew Lyon.

TENESSEE, 3. William Dickerfon, George W. Campbell, John Rhea. OHIO, 1. Jeremiah Morrow. MISSISIPPI TERRITORY, 1.—.William Lattimore.

g^ A lift of the memV)cn chofcn for the ipth Congrcfs, as Far as could be colleftcd, may be feen in paRC up.

Department of Stati, Madifon, Secretary, Jam/** j Jacob Wagner, Chief Clerk, f)eparimeni of the Trtafury oftht United States, Secretary, . CcmptrolUry Gabriel Duvall. Auditor, Richard Harrifon. Commijioner of the Revenue, William Milkr, Treafurer, Thomas T. Tucker. RfgifieT, Jofeph Nourfe. Dire^or cj the Mint, I^bert Pattcrfon. 1^ Heads of Departmenu, Ice.

ff^ar Dipartmtnu Secretaryt . Accountant, William Simmonds. Purveyor of Pui^K Supplies, Tench Coxe. Navy Departmtnt^

Robert Smith, Sccrctarjr. | Thos. Turner, Acoountam. Jofeph Fox, ChiefBuilder and Conjintclor. PoJ-Office Mftahiyhmtnt. Gideon Granger, Poit-Mafter-GcncraU Abraham Bradley, AlUftant ditto. '' JUDICIARY. ^'' Sup&XMS Court. JohnMarihall, Chief Jufticc. AJfociaU Jufticts.

AVm. Codling, Majfachufetts \ BufhrodWafhington, Virgin,

Samuel Chafe, Maryland | Wm. Johnfon, S» Car§linm Aitorney'Generah John BrcGkenrldgc, of Kentucky. CkrJc, Ellas B. Caldwell, of Wa&ington City. yrhe Records of the Courts of Errors and Appeals, in cafes ^f Capture, are lodged in the Clerk's Office of this Court.'] DISTRICT OFFICERS. Diftria of Maine.

Judge, I Attorney, I Marfhal.

David Sewall. j Silas Lee. | Tho.G.Thornton. Diftria of Ncw-Hampfbire. Judge. Attorney. Marfjial. j j

JohnS.Shcrburne. j Danl. Humphries. | MichaelM'Clary, Diftria of MaiTachvtfctts.

Judge. Attorney. I Marfhal. j Blake. | T. John Davi«. j George J. Skinner. Diftria cf Rhode-Ii]and. Jud^e. Attorney. Marfhal. j j

David L. Barnes. | David Howell, | William Peck. Diftria of Conneaicut.

Judge, Attorney. 1 Marfhal. j Pierpont Edwards. | Hez. Huntington. ] Jofeph Wilcox. Biftridl Officers, &c* ifi

Diftridl of Vermont.

Judge. I Attorney. I Mnrfkal.

Elljali j Paine. David Fay. | John Willard. Diftria of New-York. Judge. Attorney. Marjhal. J J

Mat*s.B.Tallmage | Nathan Sandford | Peter Curtenius DIftri

Judge. Attorney. I Marjhal. I

Robert Morris. | Jofeph M'llvalne. | Oliver Barnett. Diftri^ of Pennfylvania. Richard Peters, Judge. Alexander J. Dallas, Attorney for the Eafiern DifiriH, John Smith, Marjhalfor the Eajiern Difirid. I>iftri(a of Delaware.

Judge. Attorney. I MarJkaL I Cufhing Bedford j George Read, jr. Lewis. f Joel Diftrl

Judge. Attorney. I Marfhal. j Hollinghvorth | Reuben Etting* I Z. Diftrift of Columbia.

Chief Judge. I Judges. Wiliiam Cranch Marihall and Allen Ducket* j James B. Diftrift of Louifiana. Chif Judge. Judges, I

SITTINGS OF THE FEDERAL COURTS in the United States of America. SUPREME COURT. AT the feat of Government, on the firft Monday is Fcbruarj"-, annually. CIRCUIT COURTS.

When any of the following dayi happen on a Sunday ^ the Court is to is hotden on the Monday following.

Firfl Circttit, In Rhede-Ifland, at Providence, on the 15th day »f No-

vember j and at Newport, on the 15th day ofJune. In MaJJachuftts, at Bofton, June ift and Oclobcr £oth. In NeW'HampfJiirey at Ponfmouth, on the i^h day of

M ay ; and at Exeter, on the «d day of November. j ;s'

tf9 Sittings of the Federal Courtit

Second Csrcuih ^ In ConneBrcut, at New-Haven, on the 13th day of Ap-*' and at Hartford, on the lyth day of September. In Vermonty at Windfor, on the day of and at 1 id ' May ; Rutland, on the 2d day of Odobcr. ^J^ la NcW'Yorkt at New-York. April 1 and September 1 - nwd Circuit,

In Nrw-Jer/iy, at Trenton, April 1 and Oftoljcr 1. In Psnn/y/vania, at the city of Philadelphia, Apnl n,

' ^ anil 0£toberii. , Fourth Circuit. In Delawargf at Dover, June q and Oftober 27. In Maryland^ at Balrimore, May i and November 7. Fifth Circuit. In Virginia, at Richmond, May 22 and November ««, hx Nbrth-Carolinay at Raleigh, June Co and Dec. 29. Sixth Cinuit. In Scutk-Carolina, at Charlcfton, May fio; and at Colum- bia, November 30. In Georgia^ at Savaniiah, May 6; and at I^ouifvi.lle^ ' December 14. 1

In Columbii, for the county of Alexandria, on the ift Monday of July and 4th Monday of November; for the county of V/afhington, on the lit Monday of June, and 4tli' Monday of December. DISTRICT court! "; the Diflria of Meiine, IN at Portland and WifcaflTct altei:- nately, on the firft Tuefday of March, laft Tuefday^pf ":' May, and fi. ft Tuefday in September and December. In New- Harnp/hire, -dhcrmtcly at Portrmomh and Exe- ter, on the third Tuefday in March, June, lieptcmber and

December. , .^ In Vermont^ at Rutland, on the loth day of 0£lobcrV, and at Windfor, the 7th daj of May, annually : (Tofiton^ Monday v^'hen they happen on Sunday.

In MalfackufettSy at Bcfton, on the 41 h Tuefday jfi June

and »ft in ?.t December ; and Salem, on the 3d Tuefday in March andsd in Septcmbci. In RJidde-IJlandy at Newport, on r-.e sdTurfday in May, and 3d Tuefday" in Oftoberj and ar Providence, the i& Tuelday 'ax Ffbiuitry, and th-: lii Tuefday in Auguft, — Sittings of the Federal Courts. 1^3

In Connctlkut, alternately at iiartford and New-Haven on the 3d Tueidays of February, May, Augufl and November. In New-York, at the city of New-York, on the firft Tuef- days of February, May, Auj,u{t and November. In New- Jerfe.y^ at New-Brunfwick, on the 4th Tucfdayi in May and November; and at Burhngton, on the 4th Tuefdays in February and Auguft. In Pmnfylvania^ at Philadelphia, on the 3d Mondays in February, May, Auguft and November. In Delaware, alternately at Dover and New-Caftle, on the 4th Tuefdays of February, May, Auguft and November. In Maryland, at Baltimore, on the firft Tuefdays in March, June, September and December. In Potomac Dijlriti, at Alexandria, on the ift Tucfdayg in April and October. In Virginia, at Norfolk, on the 15th day of June, and

15th day of December ; and at Richmond, on the 19111 day of May, and 19th day of November : (To commence on Mondays, when the times happen on Sundays.) In Norjolk DijlriB, at Norfolk, on the ift Tuefdays in February, May, Auguft and November. In Kentucky, ift Monday in March, and ift Monday is November, annually. In ^North-Qarolina, Albemarle DijlriB, at Edenton, on tlie 3d Tuefdays in April, Auguft and 'Dtce.iwhtt.—PamptKfi Dijlrid, at Ncwbem, on the 2d Tuefdays in April, Auguft and December. Cape fear Difiriti, at Wiinnngion, on the ift Tuefdays of April, Augaft and December. In South-Carolina^ at Charicfton, on the 3d Mondays in March and September, lil Monday in July, and fid Mon- day in December. In Georgia^ at Savannah, on the ed Tuet''daysin February, May, Auguft and November. —in Columbia, on the ift 1 utldays of April and Oftober. In EaJl'Tr.nneflee, at Knoxville, on the 4th Mondaj s of April and OfloSer. In WeJi-TenneJJee, at Naftiville, on the Thurfdays next fucceeding the 4di Mondays of May and November. In the Territory o\ Orleans, at the city of Orleans, on th« gd Mondays of October, January, April and July. In Ohio, on the lit Mondays of February, June & October. iSo7-] R. 194 Couufellors and Attomies, &c.

Counfellors and Attornies in the Circuit Couity. Majachufctts Dlftria. James Sullivan 1 h. Williams,jr. Jofcph Rowe Wm. Wetmore HoratioTownfend Ebenezer Gaj Levi Lincoln Timo* Bigelov^ Wm. Sullivan Bartlett Ebenezer Bradifli John Lov;e)l Jofeph j

Jonathan Fay John Q. Adami Charles Paine ,

RufusG. Amory John Phillips Francis Blake r

Samuel Dexter Buna. B'dwoll Charles Jackfoaf : JofephHail G<^orge Blake John Heard, jr. Et^wird Gray Benja. Whitman Wm. Thurfton Harrifon G.Otis John Callender Edward Jackfon Wm. Prefect Jofiah Qaincy T. O. Sclfridge Wm. Symmes, jr. Samuel Haven RobertT,Paine,jr c Miniftcrs in Foreign countries. 195 A COMPLETE LIST Of the Conluls and American Agents of the United States.

In Great'Britain and itj Dominions, CONSU LS. •William Lyman London JofephWiiron Dublin Elias Vanderboft Brijiol John Gaviro Gibraltar Robert VV, Fox Falmeuth Jofeph Pulis Malta James Holmes Bdfajl Thos. Aldjo, Vice-C'l. Poole John Church Cork Jofeph W. Rofe Antigua James MaurJ- Liverpool

In France and its Domtnicns* COMMERCIAL AgENTS. Fulwar Skipwith Paris Etienne Cathalan MaffeilUs Jacob Ridgeway Antt,oerp John Appleton Calais Ifaac C. Barnett Havre deGr. William Patterfon Nantz James Andcrfon Cette Aaron Vale VOricnt William Lee Bcurdeaux Thomas Lovell La Rochclk

Wi 1 liam } IJUs/)f France & Francis Coffyn Dunkirk Buchanan > Bourbon Henry WiHon OJiend John Mitchell, Havre cle Graces > Vice-Commercial'Agents. Thomas Abom, Cayenne^

In Spain and its Dominions, Consuls. Mofes Yoang Madrid John Leonard Barcelonm^ Jofeph Yznardi Cadiz HenrvHIIl IJlandoJ Culm Robt. Montgomery Alicante Wm.Kirkpatrick Malaga Rogers^ ISt.Jago de CuU Lewis^Meagher I ^, O'Br ^5^ ^^^^^^ John James Armftrong, Ifand of Tencriffe, John Martin Baker, Ijles of Majorca, MinorcM, and Yvica.

In Portugal and its Dominions. Consuls. William Jarvis /zy^-en Marian Lema;: Madeir€ { John Street Fayal \ John B. Dabney, Azores or Wejlern If.ands.

Within the Batavian Republic and its Dependencies.. Sylvanus Bourne, Conful-General, Amjlhrdam. Thomas Hewes, Conlul, Batavia. QfOTgt Reid, Ccnful of the Batavian Republic^ for the States of Scuta-Carolina d-nd Georgia, 196 Confuls In Foreign Countries, Sec*

In Denmark and lis Dominions.

' . Co S6 U L S 1, Hans Rodolph Saabyc, Co/>f«/^i7j'^ j JohnF.Brown,S?.Croai In Priijfia, Consuls.

Frederick W. Lutze Stettin \ William Clarke E7rtbde^ In Germany, CONSU LS.

Frederick J. Wich- > John M. Forbes Hamburgh, BremenD lelhiufcn \ wHliam Riggin Tne/e Philip Marck Franconia In the Kingdom of S'zvsden, CON'SITLS. Robt.G.Gardner IJl.St.Bartkolo\ Gottenburs \ Ifarx Prince In the Italian States* Consuls. Thomas Appleton Leghorn John Broadbent Mejfin€ Frederick Degan Naples Abraham Gibb« Palerm§ Peter Kuhn, jr. Geiioa In Rujia. Levitt Harris, Conful at St. PcUrJiurg, In Turkey,

William Stuart,' CvOnful at .S\72v7-«d:. In Algiers, Tobias Lear, Conful-GeneraU George Davis, o{ NeW'Ycrk, Ccnfnl at Tripoli, In the IJland of Jamaica, James M. Henry, Agent. In China. Edward Currington, Conful at Canton. MINISTERS AND CONSULS of FOREIGN POW- ERS RES IDE.NT IN THE UNITED STATES. From the Kingdom of Great -Britain, Anthony Merry, Envoy Extraordinary and Minifter Ple- nipotentiary to tlieU mud Stales. Y.^\iAxATho\ntont.Charge d'AJ^airs. Alfo appointed i.i the {an;c character to the Conrt of Berlin. / Thomas Barclay, Conful-Gcntrnl for the Eaftern States* Foreign Mmlfters in the U. States. i'^j

?hir!cns Bone!, Ccn/a/-Cc?:(rra/ for the Middle and Southern States. Antirew Allen, jr. Con/a/ for Mafiachufetts, New-Hamp- fiiire, Rhode-Iflandand Connefticat. Benjamin Moodic, Con/ul for North and South-CaroliBa and Georgia. John Gilpin, Fice-Confu I for Rhode-Ifland. Gabriel Wood, Fice-Cotiful for Baltimore. From the French Empire, Gen. Turreau, Envoy Extraordinary and Minlfter Pleni- potentiary to the United States. Monf. Beaujour, Ccnjul-General at Philadelphia. Gen. Perrignon, eleO, Conful tor the New-England States, at Bofton. Gen. Ray, Conful for New-York and Ncw-Jerfey, at New York. • louis Arcambal, Ccnful ior Maryland at Baltimore. Cirard Cazeaux, V:cc-Conful:ii Portfmouth, (N.H.) Monf. Telle, pro Ura. VicC'ConJulzt Newport. -. Monf. Fourcroy, fpro itn\^Q\t]Vice-Qonful at Philadelphia, Monf. Dcliile, ric^.C<7«A/ at Wilmington, (N.C) Monf. Ofter, r/f/ at Norfolk. Monf. Sotln, Vke-Qonful i-i Charlefton, (S.C.) Monf. Soult, Vice-Conful at Savannah, (Georgia.) Monf. Martil, Conful for Kentucky, at New-Orleans. Colonel Toufard, Conful, at New-Orleans. From the Kingdom of Spurn. Marquis de Cafa Yrujo, hiinijur PUnipottntiaryy at Wafli" ington. Don Jofeph Bruno Magdalena, Secretary of Legation^ at Wafhington. Sig. Don Valentin de Foronda, Conful General, Philadel- phia. Sig. Don Fauilo de Foronda, Vice-CoJifid General, Phila-

' delphia. Sij;. Don Juan Stoughton, (a) Cevful, for New-Hampfhrrc, Conneclicut, Rhode-lfland, Vermont, and Maifachu- fetts, at Bofton. Sig, Don Thomas Stoughton, Confui, for New-York,, ait City of New-York. Sig. Doii JuanBapiifta Bemabeu, Vkc Cenful^ for Mary- land, at Baltimore. (a) Who alfo tranfaEls the bufinefs in the room ojSig- Den' Jofeph Wifeman, of Newport, cUcrafed. 1807.] R t 19^ Foreign Confuls in the U. States.

Sig. Don Antonio Ar^ote Vilalobos, Vice-Conful^ for Vir- ginia and Kentucky, at Norfolk. Sig. Don Pablo Chacon, Vice-Conful, at Alexandn.?. Sig. Don Diego Murphy, Conful for North and South-Ca- rolina and Georgia, at Charlcfton, (S.C.) Sig. Don Felipe Fatio, Conful^ at Savannah, (Georgia.) From the Kingdom of PoriugaL Joff^ph Riderrraker, Charge. (V Affaires and Conful-Genf.rah Joaquim Monteiro, Vice-Conful ^or the States of New-York, Rhodd-Ifland, MafTacHufetts, and Conneclicut. Mr. Suvaro, Vice-Conful for Pcnnfylvania. James F. Vernock, Vice-Conful hv South-Carolina, From the Kingdom of Holland, Morales, Cenful-General zi Charlefton, fS.C) Adrian Valck, Conful for Maryland and Virginia. J. H. C. Heinckcn, Commercial Agent for Pcnnfylvania. John G. Bogert, Vice-Commercial A^ent for New-York. From Pru/Jia, Johann Ernft Chriftian Schulz, C'JnfuldX Baltimore. From the Kingdom of Denmark. Peter Blicher Olfen, Minilter Refidentand Confal-Genenl. Peter Pedcrfon, Charge d' Affaires to the United States. Fice-Confuls, Jacob E. A. Steinmeitz, for South-Carolina. Jofeph Wiiithrop, ditto. William Scarborough, for Georgia. Erich Bollman, for Pcnnfylvania. John Baritz, for North-Carolina. John Spendler, for New-York and Conne6lIcut. Peter Collin, for Maryland. Jonathan Sv/ift, for Diftrift of ColuTiibr;f. David Greene, for Bofton./Maflachuferrs.) George Hammerkin, Conful iox the New-England States. J. F. Echard, Conful for the Middle States. From Sweden, Richard Soderftrom, Conful-General. Jofeph Winthrop, Vice-Conful, Qhzx]c\\ on, (S. C.) Jona. Swift, ^;c^-Con/t//,Columbia,and ports t>n rJ-'^Porortjnc. Johft Hauff, Vice-Ccnful, New-Harapfhir', K^-^-^^-i' -v and Rhode-Ifland. Duties on Goods, kc, I9f

Ffrry Cahn, Vke-C^rful for Ncv.-York and Come ft; cut. Tohn Earjtz, FicrCavful for North-Carolina. Peter Ccllih, Fice Ccn'ul for Maryland. John Ccwpcr, Vke'Conful lor Norfolk, and all other ports in Virginia, except thofe on the Potomac. DUTIES, PAYABLE BY LAW OJ^ALL GOODS, WARES, and MERCHANDIZE,

Imported into the United States, from and after the laft day of June, 1804. (^If imported in Jorelgnjhtps or veffeh, an addition is made of 10 per centum on the amount of duties, Note, Artlclos on which the duties are efiimated per centum, are underllood to W ad valorem ; exc«pt when otherwift- particularly expreffed, as, per cwt. per gallon, per pound, per dozen. ALE, beer and porter, in calks or bottles, 8 cents per gall, on the bottles, if black glafs, quart - - bottles, . 60 cts. per grofs. Almonds, - - - 2 cents per lb. Anchors,' - - . . 1^ cents per lb. Ann; feed, - - - - 17^ per cent. Antimony, regulus of - - free. Apparatus, philorophlcJil, fpeciallj^ im- ported for any feminary of learning, free. Apparel, wearing. Sre Wearing apparel - Aqua fortlr, - free. Arms, fire and fide, not otherwife enu- merated, or parts thereof, - -17^ pC" cent. Articles of all kinds, ot the growth, or manufafturc '\. of the United States, or their territories, upon which ^^ no drawback, bounty or allowance has been paid orT ? admitted, - _ _ ^ Artificial flowers, feathers, and other orna-

ments for wOiTien's hcad-drefTes, ij^ per cent. .. BAGGAGE, pcrfonal. See Wearing Apparel, &c.

Balls S^Ealfains. . 5f< Powdejs, PaHes, 2:c. * ^' Bark of the CO. k tree, - free, S«cr, ale, and porter. See Ale. '

SCO Duties on Goods, kc.

Bcafts, viz. horfcs, cattle, fheep, fwlnc, or other ufefui ones, imported ior breed, free. Bohea teas. See Teas. Bonnets, hats, and caps of every kind, 17^ per cent. Books, blank, ... 15 pir cent. Boots, . . «. 75 cents per pair Bottles, black glafs (|uart, 00 cts. per gTcfs. Brafs cannon, - - . 1 7| per cent. Brafs teutenage and wire, free. Brafs, all other mannfaftures of brafs, 17I per cent. Brafs, iron, or fteei locks, hinges, hoes, anvils and vifes, - - - 15 percent. Bricks and tiles, 17^ percent. Briliies, offwine, free. Brufhes, - « - 15 per cent. Buckles, (hoe and knee, 17^ per cent. Bullion, - . - free. Burgundy wine. See Wines. Burr-ftones, unwrought, Buttons of every kind, J 7§ per cent, CABINET wares, J Ti per cent. Cables and tarred cordage, 2 cents per lb. Cambricks, 15 per cent. Candles of tallow, 2 cents per lb. OTndles of wax or fpermaceti, 6 cents per lb. Csmes, walking flicks or whips. J5 per cent. Cannon of brafs, 17^ per cent. Capers, . . _ 17^ percent. Caps, hats, and bonnets of every kind, I7i percent. Cards, wool and cotton, 50 cents per doz. Cards, playing, 25 cents per pack, Carpets and carpeting. I7i per cant. Carriages, or parts of carnages. 22| per cent. Cartridge paper, lyi percent. Caffia, Chinefc, 4 cents per lb. Champaign wine. See Wints. Checfe, 7 cents per lb. China ware, . . ./5I7i per cur..ce.jt. L/hmtzes and coloured calicoes or muflir:s,:vnd all piint-") .- ed, ftained or coloured goods or mafiufjfturts, or ' ^ not being printed, ftained or coloured, of coMon, of ^ 5 linen, or of both, or of which cotton or linen is the ! n material of chief value, . - . j H - - Chocolate, - 3 cents per lb. and • Cinaamon clores, 2^ eeurs )i?r :U. 1

Duties on Goods, Ice. 20

Clay, umvroupht, . - free. Clocks and watches, or parts of either. Set Watches. Clogs and Golofiioes. See Shoes. Clothing rf-ady made, - ' 15 per cent. Coaches, chariots, phaetons, chairs, chaifes, folos, or other carriages, or parts of either, ee^ per cent. Coal, - - .• . ^ Cocoa, - - . e cents per lb. Coffee, - - - 5 cents per lb. Colours. ^t( Painter's. Comfits,^ - - - - t;| percent. Compofnions for the teeth or gums. See Dentifrice Copper nianufaflares, 1 7I per cent. Copper in plates, pigs, and -bar«, - free. Cordage, tarreWj - - 2 cents per lb. Cordage, untarred, - - 2§ cents per ib. Cork free, bark ot, - - - free. Cofmetics, - . - - 17^ per cent. Cotion, - - • . - 3 cents per lb. Cotton Rags. 5^^ Rags. Cotton or linen xnanufafturcs, or of both, or of which cotton or linen is the mate- rial of chief value, whether printed, ftained, coloured, or otherwife,- . 15?^ cent. Currants, - - _ 2 cents per lb. Cutlaffes,.«r parts thereof, - - l--§ percent. DATES, - - - 17^ per cent. Dentifrice, powders, tinfiiires, prepara- tions and compofitions for the teeth and - gums, - - 17-1 per cent. Dilhes,p,%vter, - - - 4 cents per lb. Dolls, drefitd&undrcrred, or parts thereof, 17^ percent. Drugs and woods for dyeing, - Jxe. Drugs, medicinal, except thofe common- ufed ly for dyeing, - - 17I percent, EARTHERN and flore ware, - 17^ percent. Efiences. See Powders, Paftes, &c. or FANS, parts thereof, - - 17I per cent. Fayalwine. 5^^ Wines. Feathers, and other ornaments for women's hccid-drcfies, - - - 17^ per cent. 202 Duties on Goods, &c.

• Figs, - - - s cents per lb. fi?h, dried, foreign caught, - ^, - Fifh, mackarel, - - 60 cts. pr. barrel. - Filh, falmon, - - loo ets. pr. barrel. Fifh, all other pickled, - - 40 cents per bbU •Floor cloths and mats, or parts of either, tji percent. Flowers, artificial, - - I7^1)erccnu Fringes commonly ufed by upholders, coiichmakers and faddlers, - lyi per cent. Fruits of all kinds, except thofe oLherwife particularly enumerated, 17^ per cent, Fursof every kind, und^efled, - /tfe. GAUZES, - - - 1^ per cent. Geneva fpirits. See Spirits Ginger, - - . 17^ per cent. Girandoles, or parts thereof, . aa^ per cent. Glafs, black quart bottles, - 60 cents per grols. Glafs, window, not above 8 by 10 inches, 160 cts. > pr. io» Glafs, window, not above loby 12 inches, 175 cts. > fquarc Glafs, window, above 10 by l2 inches, 225 cts. ) feet. Glafs, all other glafs, and mannfaflures thereof, - - r 2S^ per cent. Glauber falts, - - aoo cents per cwt. Gloves and mittens of every kind, 17^ per cent. Glue, - . - 4 cents per Ibi Gold, filver and plated ware, - I7f per cent. Gold and filver lace, - • 17^ per cent. Golofhoes. See Shoes. Goods, wares and merchandize imported direftly from ^ £ China or India, in fliips or vcflels not of the United f ^ States, except teas, China ware, and all other articles f «j- liable to higher rates of duties, - - ) i? Goods, wares and merchandize, not herein otherv/ife particularly enumerated and defcribed, 15 per cent. poods, wares and merchandize, intended to be re-ex-")

ported to a foreign port or place in the fame {hip or I veflel in which they fliall be imported—and all arti- I ^

cles of the growth or manufafture of the United f ?

Slates, or ottheir territories, upon which no draw- I back, bounty or allowance has been paid or admitted, J pum, chiefly ufed in preparing muflins, cottons or linens, for receiving colours

or dyes, • - - - free. Duties on Goods. 205

Gum Arabic, fret. Gunpowder, - - 4 cents per lb. HANGERS, or parts thereof, • 17^ per cent. Hair-powder, - - 4 cents per lb. Hats, caps, and bonnets of every kind, " 17^ per cent. Hemp, - - - loo cents per cw't» Hempen rags, - - free. Hides, raw", - - - Jret. - Hoop iron, . 1 cent per lb. IMPLEMENTS or tools of a mechanical trade only, of perfons who arrive in the United States, - - free. Indigo, - - - «5 cents per lb. Iron wire, - - - free. Iron, fheet, - - - i| cents per lb. Iron, Hit and hoop, - - 1 cent per ib. Iron, fteel, or brafs locks, hinges, hoes, anvils and vifes, - - 15 per cent. Iron, caft, and all manufa£lures of iron, ft«el or braCs, or of which either of ihcfe raetals is the article of chief value, not being otherv/ife particularly enu- - merated, - - i7"i percent, JEWELRY and pafie work, - i-ji^ per cent. KID and morocco ihoes. S« Shoes. LACE of gold and filver, - 17^ per cent. Laces and lawns, - - 15 per cent. Laces, lines, fringes, tafiels and trimmings, commonly ufcd by upholftcrers, coach- makers and faddiers, - 17^ prr cent.

Lampblack, _ - - 15 per cent Lapis Caliminaris, - - jree. Lead and mufket ball, - - 1 cent per lb. Lead, white and red, - - s cents per lb. Lead, other manufatlures of lead, or in lead is the - which chief article, 1 cent per lb. . Leather, tanned and tawed, and all manu- faftures of leather, or of which leather is the article of chief value, not other- wife particularly enumerated, 17^ per cert. Lemons and limes, - - 17I per cen?. Lime, foreign, in calks of 60 gallons, 50 cents pe; calk, Ltncn or cotton manufa£lurcs, or of both, or of which cotton cr linen is the mate- rial of chief value, whether printed, ftained, coloured pr o!licr>v;lc, 15 pei ceat. 204 Duties on Goods, &c.

Linen rags, • . free* Lifbon and Oporto wihss. Sec Wines. Looking gbfs, - - saj per cent. - MACE, - - i«5 ceruspcr lb, Mackare!, - - 60 cents per bbl. Madeira, Malaga, and other wines. See Wines. Malt, - - - locts. perbufhel. Manufaftures of tin, pewter and copper, except pewter plates and diflies, - 17^ per cent, Manufaftures of iron, flcel, or brafs, not otherwife particularly enumerated, 17^ per cent. Manufactures of leather, not oiherwife - particularly enumerated, 17J per cent, Manufaftures of lead, not otherwife par- ticularly enumerated, - 1 cent per lb. ManuFaftures of cotton or linen, or of both, whether printed, ftained, coloured or otherwife, - - - 15 per cent. Maniifaftures of glafs. See Glafs. Manufaftures of tobacco. See Snuff, fe- giirs and tobacco. Maaufa61ures of wood. See Cabinet wares and wood. Manufa6^urcs of the United States, or their territories, upon which no drawback, bounty or allowance has been paid or admitted, - - free. Marble, flate, and other ftone, bricks, tiles, tables, mor.ers, and other utenfi's of marble or flate, and generally aU ftonc and earthen ware,. - - 17$ per cent. Mats and floor-cloths, or parts of either, 17I per cent. Medicinal drugs, except thofe commonly ufed in dyeing, - - 17» pcr cent. Merchandize, goods and wares imported directly from '\ T^ China or India, in fliips or vclfels not of the United r*<^ "^ States, except teas, China ware, and all other aiticlesT liable to higher rates of duties, - ) 2- Merchandize, goods and wares, intended to be re-ex- ^| ported to a foreign port or place in the fame fhip or | "^ vcffel in which they ihall be imported ; and all arti- I cles of the growth or the raaimf'aure of United f ? Stares, or of their teiiitories, \x\)on which no draw- 1 feack, bounty or a!!c\v.incc !iai bcoi paid or aUoiittedj j Duties on Goods, Ice. 2«5

Merchandize, goods and wares, hot herein otherwire particularly enumciated and defcribed, - - - 15 per cent. Millenary ready made, - 17^ per cent. Mittens and gloves of every kind, 17I per cent. MolafTcs, - - - - 5 cents per gall. Morocco and kid fhoes. 5r(r Shoes. Mufltets and firelocks, with or without bayonets, or parts of either, - 17^ per cent. Muflins and muflinets, whether printed, ftaincd, coloured or otherwife, 15 percent. Mallard in flour, 17^ per cent. NAILS. 2 cents per lb. Nankins, - • - 15 per cent, Nutmegs, - ^o cents per lb. OCHRE, yellow, dry, 1 cent per lb. Ocre, yellow, in oil. i-| cent* per lb. Oil, 17^ per cent. Oil of vitriol, fret. Ointments, oils and odours See Pow- ders, partes, &c. Old Pewter, Olives, - - - 17-i percent, Oporto and Lifljon wine, go cents per gall. - Oranges, - . \']\ per cent. Ornaments for women's head-drcfles, ly"! per cent. PACKTHREAD and twine, 400 cents per cwt. Painters' colours, whether dry or ground in oil, except thofe otherwife enume- rated, and thofe commonly ufed in dyeing, 17'§ per cent. Paper hangings, 17^ per cent. Paper, writing and wrapping. \q percent. Paper, {heathmg and cartri(%e, 17I per cent. Palleboard, parchment or vellum, I5\^rcent. Paitcwoik and jewelry, 173 per cent. Pepper, 6 cents per lb. - _ - Perfumes, 17-1 per cent. Pewter manufaftures, except plates and di&es, - - - _ ;7^ per cent. Pewter plates - and dlfties, 4 cents per lb Pewter, d^A^ - - y^^^. - Phaetons or parts thereof, 2^^ per cent. Philoiophicai appratui, 'fpcciniry imports

. cd /oJ-:aJ.y >' Xeiuiwa: of leat iiTni;, /•' <^'

'" 1S07. vS ,

2o6 Duties on Goods, 8cc.

Pickled fifh of every kind, except macka- • - rel and falmon, 40 cen \> per btt.' Pscklei of alllons, - - 175 per cent. ';

Fi£lures and prints, - - - 15 per cent. - Pimento, - - . - 4 cents per lb, - • PiDols, or pirts thereof, - i7Jt per cent. PlaiPter of Paris, - - J^'et' Plums and prunes, • - 2 cents per lb, Porter, beer, or ale, in caflcs or bottles, 8 cents per gall* on the bottles,if black glafs quart bottks,6o cts. per grofs; Powder, hair, - • - 4 cents per lb. Powder, gnn, - " * 4 cents per lb. Powders, paftcs, balls, balfams, ointments, oils, waters, ^ ^

v/alhcs, tinftures, cflcnccs, or othu preparations, or j v, conipofitions, commonly called fweei fcents, odours, V \

perfumes or cofmetics, and all powders or prepara- ( -^ "- tions for the teeth or gums, - J •^ Printed, ftained, or coloured goods, or manufaftures of cotton, or of linen, or of both, - - i 5 percent. * - j-^ Printing type", i 5 per cent. QUICKSILVER, - - 6 cents per lb. RAGS of cotton, of hempen, of linen, and of woollen cloth, - free. P.aifins imported in jars and boxes, and mufcadcl raifms, - - 9 cents per lb. ' Raifins, all other kinds of, - 1^ cents per lb. - - P. a V.' hides and {kins, T^^"^* - Red lead, - . 2 cents per lb - Regulus of antimony, f^'^- P».nm. S^e Spirits. SADDLES, or parts thereof, - I.5 per cent. - fi; ffron, - - y'"^^' - Sail cloth, - - 1,5 per cent. Salmon, - - - 100 cents per bW.- Salt, v/cjgliing more than fifty-fix pounds per bulhel, So cents pr. 56 lbs.' Salt, weighing fifty-fix pounds per bufhel, or let's, - - - 20 cts pr. bufhel.' Salt petre, - - - 15 per cent. ; Salts, glauber, - - 200 cents per cwt. Sattins and other wrought filks, 15 per cent.

Sea ftores of (hips or veffels, . free. Segars, - - - 200 cts pr. loco^ Seines, ... 4 cents pef lb. Duties on Goods, fcc. 2©7

ShcatHing and cartridge paper, - ty^ per cent. Sh et iron, - - - i J cents per lb. Sherry and other wines. See Wines. Shoes, kid and morocco, - 15 cents per pair. - Shoes and flippers of fi Ik, 83 cents per pair. Shoes, other fnoes awd flippers for men and womert, cloj^s or goloflioes, 15 cents per pair. Shoes, other ftiocs & flippers for children, 10 cents per paif. Silver lace. 17^ per cent. Silver and plated ware, 17I percent. Skins and hides raw, free.

Slate, ftone, and ftone ware, 17-J per cent. Siit and hoop iron, 1 cent per lb. Snuff, 10 cents per lb, Soap, 2 cents per lb. Solos and other carriages, or parts thereof, 22| per cent. Spanifh brown 1 cent per lb. Spermaceti candles, 6 cents per lb.

Spikes, " ' " 1 per ib. . . cent Spirits, diftillcd in foreign countries, viz From Grain, ill proof, a8 cents per gall, 4th proof, 34 cents per gall, cd proof, 29 cents per gall. th proof, 40 cents per gall, 3d proof, 31 cents per gall. th proof, 50 cents per gall, From other materials. ift proof, 25 cents per gall. 4th proof, 32 cents per gall, 2d proof, 25 cents per gall. 5th proof, 58 cents per gall, 3d proof, 28 cents per gall. oth proof, 46 cents per gall. Spirits diftilled in the United States, imported in the fame, fiiip or veffel in which they had been previouily exported from the United Stares, viz. From molajes. J ft proof, J5 cents per gall. 4th proof, 19 cents per gall. 2d proof, lis cents per gall. 5th proof, 23 cents per gall. Sd proof, 17 cents per gall. 6th proof, 30 cents per gall. Prom materials of the grozvth and produce cf the U. States.

lO proof, 7 cents per gall. I 4th proof, ii cents p«r gall. 2(1 proof, 8 cents per gall. 5th proof, 1^ cents per gall, cents gall, 6th ^d proof, 9 per j proof, 18 cents pergalU Stained, printed or coloored jgcod«, or manufaftures of cotton, or oi linenj or - of both, - ' - 15 per cent. Starch, - - - 3 cents per Jb- " - liteelj , ' :=3 cemsper cwu z^ Dutle« on Goods, &c*

Steel, iron or braft locks, hinges, hoes, anvils and vifes, - , 15 per cent. Steel, all other manufafturcs of fteel, lyi per. cent. Stockings, ... 17^ per cent. Stone and earthen ware, 17I per cent. Stones burr, unwrought, Jrre. Sugars, brown, 2^ cents per \h. Sij*;ars, white, clayed, 3 cents per lb. Sugars, white, powdered, 3 cents per lb. Sugars, all other clayed or powdered, 2^ cents per lb. Sugar, lump, - - - 6^ cents per lb. Sugar loaf, - . . 9 cents per lb. Sugar, other refined. 64 cents per lb. Sugar, candy. 1 1| cents per lb. Sulphur, ... 15 per cent. Sweet fcents. See Powders, &c. Swine, briftles of, free. Swords, cutlafTes, or parts of either, 175 percent. TABLES of marble, flate and other (tone, or parts thereof, - 37I per cent. Tallow, - - , in cents per lb. Tallow candles, - - a cents per lb. Tarred cordage, - - a cents per Ih* TalTels and trimmings commonly ufed by upholfterers, coachmakers and laddlcrs, 17-5 per cent. Teas from China and India, orfrom any ijland lying eafi warily of the Cape of Good Hope. Tea, Bohea, _ . 12 cents per lb. Tea, Souchong and other black teas, 18 cents per lb. Tea, hyfon, imperial, gunpowder, or gomcc, - - . 32 cents per lb. , Tea, other green teas, - eo cent* per lb.

Ft 0771 Europe. , ^, , . • Teas, Bohea, - - - * 14 cents per lb. Teas, Souchong and other black te?s, 21 cents psr lb. Teas, hyfon, imperial, gunpowder, or gomee, - - - 40 cents per Ih. Teas, other green teas, - 24 cents per lb. From any other place. Teas, Bohea, - - - 17 cents per lb. Teas, Souchong and other black teas, 27 cents per lb. Teas, hyfon, imperial, gunpowder or gomee. 50 cents per lb. Teas, otliycr green teas. 30 cents pel lb. ,

Duties on Goods, &c. '269

Tcneriffe and Tokay wines. See Wines. Tiles and lAicks, - - per cent. 17J Tin raanuFaftures, - - I7"i per cent. Tin, in pigs and plates, - - /r^ce, Tinftures. Sea Powders, paftes, &c. Tobacco, inanufaQured* (other than fnuff andfe^ars) - - 6 cents per lb. Tools or implements of a mechanical trade only, of perfons who arrive in the U- nited States, - - free. Toys, not otherwife enumerated, 15 per cent. Turmeric, - . - free. Twine and packthread, - 400 cents per CM;t, Tyr>es for printing, - - 15 percent. UNMANUFACTURED wood, free. Unmanufaftared wool, - free. Untarred cordage, - - fif cents per lb, tJntarred yarn, ... S25 cents per cwt« Unwrought clay, - - Jree. Unwrought burr ftones, - frte. VELVETS and vclverets, - 15 per cent, - Verdigiis, - . - /rec. Vitriol, oU of, - - /rte. Wafers, - - I'/i pcr cento Walking {licks, whips and canes, 15 per cent. Wares of tn, pewter and copper, except pewter plates and diflies, - 17I per cent. Wares, earthen or ftone, ,. - 17^ per cent. V/ares, China, - - 17^ per cent. Wares, gold, filver and plated, 17^ per cent. Wares, goods and merchandize, imported dire£tly "^ ^ from China or India, in Ihips or vc'Ieli not of ihe(^ w United States, except teas, China ware, and al! other ^ ^ articles liable to higiier rates of duties, ) ^ V7arei, goods and merchandize, of the growth or \ manufafluie of the United Ssates, or of iheir territo-f ^ rics, upon which no drawback, bounty or allowance^ 'i^ has been paid or admitted, ' - J Watches and clocks, or parts of cither, 17! per cent. V/aters & wafhes. See Powders, paftes, Sec Wax candles, - - - 6 cents per ib. Wearing ajjparel and other perfonal b

i«c7 J S a 2 1 [Duties OH Goods, &;c.

- White and red lead, • 2 cents psr lb. • Window glafs. See Glafs. IVtnes in cajks, bottles, or ether vfjcls. Wines, Malmfey, Madeira- and Loudon, particular Madeira, - 58 cents per gall. Wines, all other Madeira wine, 50 cents per gall. Wines, Burgundy, Champaign, Rhenifh, and Tokay, - - 45 cents per gall. Wines, Sherry, and St. Lucar, - 40 cents per gall. Wines, Claret & other wines, not enumer- ated, when imported in bottles or cafes, 35 cents per gall. Wines, Lifbon, Oporto, and other Portu- gal wines, - - 30 cents per gall. Wines, Sicily, - - 30 cents per gall. Wines, TenerlfFe, Faval, Malaga, St. George, asd other weuern Ifland wines, 28 cents per ^11. Wines, all other wines, when imported otherwife than in bottles or cafes* 23 cents per gall. On the bottles, if black glafs quart bottles, 60 crs, per grofs. If other than black glafs quart bottles, sc^ per cent. Wire of brafs andiron, . - jfu. Wood unmanufafluved, - Jree. Wood manufaftured, exc]ul>.£ cf cabmet wares, - - - 15 per cent. Woods, dyeing, - - fru. Woollen rags, - - free. YARN, untarred, - - 225 cents per cwt. ALL other goodr. not before particularly enumera>ed and dcfcrlbed, - 15 per cent. (^ All parts of articles to be fubjeR to the fame duties

as the entire article is fubj'cl to. \

^^ By aft of Congrefs, dated xA.pril 18, 1806, the im- porta'ion of a number of the foregoing articles is prohibited after the 15th of November, 1806 ; but as it is a general opinibn thatfdid A61 will be repealed at the next fcffion of Congrefs, none of t^^e prohibited articles are omitted in the preceding Lill of Duties.

On :\\\ ad valorem articles imported from any foreign .port within the C'^ipe of Good Hope, 10 per cent, to be add':d to the aftual coH, including all charges, (outfule pjckages, commiffions and inriuaiicc only rxccptedj before the duties are calculate.!, and 20 per c^nt. if Acm any yion k yond faid Cape. ReftriclJons on Importations. - 21 \

All dutled articles, importc-d into the United States, not tiaving been landed move than one year, aie allowed a draw- bjck of the duties, Tubjeft to a dcui>clion of 3| per cent, except fplrlts, which is /fa// a cent per gallon, and 2^ per cent, on the amount of duties. T/te Bottles w w/ikh. Liquors are imported, to pay t/te fame duty as empty bottles. No merchandize to be Imported in aiiy veflel belonging in whole or in part to a citizen or inhabitant of the United States, unlefs the mafter of fuch veffel Ihall have on board a Manifeft in writing, figned by fuch mafter, or other per- fon having the command, containing the name of the port or place where fuch merchandize was received, and the porr where ccnfigned or dcftined to, within the United Stares, p:i!ticularly noting the merchandize deftined for each port

refpeftivciy ; and every package on board fuch yeffel to be particularly defcrihed ; — to whom configned. or if to order, wi(h the names of all paffengers, dlftinguifiiing v.tjether cabin or fteerage pa'fengers, or both, with their baggage, and an account of all remaining fea-flor€s, (if any.) No goods, wares, or merchandize, of foreign growth or manufnfture, fubje£l to the payment of duties, fiiall be brought into the United States from any foreign port or place, in any other manner ih?.n by^a; nor in any fnlp or veilel of lefs than T/iirty Tons burihcn, agreeably to rHe mode ot afccrtainlng American tonnage, except m cenam diftri£lson the Northern, Northwtftern and Wefiern boun- daries of the United States, adjoining to the domininni 'of Great-Britain in Upper and Lower Canada, arid the diOi-'.Ss on the rivers Ohio and Miflifippl. No beer, ale or porter, to be imported in cafks •. capacity than Forty gallons beer Tneajure, or if in bott;:s, i:: packages Icfs than Six Dozcn^ under penaky of forfeitur::, with the fhip or veflel. No refined lump or loaf fugar {hall be imported Into the United Stares, from any port or place, except in (hips or veifcis of the burthen o{'One Hundred and Twenty Tor.s atH upwards, and in cafks cr packages, cont.uning each pot !«fs than Six Huv.drcd Pounds, on pam of toriciting th.e faid fhip or veflcl, and the loaf or lump kigwx im.ported ilrjrcin, " except in fuch cafRS or packages as aforefaid. No difliilcd Iprirs, (arrack and Iweet cordia's excGpt?-d) to be imported in calks or veifcis of le(s capacify than A'i>rf v

gallons zc-ine meaj'ure^ on pain of forfeiture, \s'it'a the (jgn^ — — » ~

tit Ports of Entry and Dcliverf

orveflel, nor in calks or vcflels which have been marlctd piirfuaot to any law of the United States, on pain of Tor- felture of the faid refined loaf or lunnp fugar and diftiljcd

fpirits, together with the faid fhip or veflel : Provided, that the forfeiture {hall not be incurred on " any Ihips impc'rfe

ports of Entry and Delivery for Foreign Veffels* No vcilei not wholly belonging to a citizen or citizens of the United States,. fhail be admitted to unload at any port

or plsce, except the following : N E w-HA M p s m R E , at Portfmotuh.—Ma s s a c h u- SETTS, at Portland and Falmouth, New-Bedford, Dighton, Satan and Bcvcrlyy Gloucejler, Newburyporty Marbkhcady Nantucket, Bojion, Roxbury, Ciarlejiown, Cambridge, Ply- mouth, Bath, frenchman's B;iy, WifcJiffct, Machias, Pi,v- famaquoddy, ?cnohi'cot,Biddc/'ord and Sacc—rRn o d e-I.s-

. Newport, ! L A N D Providence, BriJloL-C o n n e c t c u t . —New-London, New-Hav-rn.—New-York.— New-York N i w-J £ R s £ Y .—Jerfey, Perth Ambjy, Burlifjgton.-- Pi- N N s Y L V A N I A .-^Philaddphia.—li s l a w a r e .- Wilmington, New-Cafilc, Port Pt nn. Mar y i. a n d — Baltimore, Annopclis, Viemis, Oxford, Georgetown on Po- lomack, Cheftertouii-Creck, Nottingham, Nangemoy, I>if;gc*s Landing, Snov;hill, Carrolibargh.—Vi r g i k i a. AUxandria, Kinlale, Newport,Tappahannock, Port-P.oyal, Trcdt-nckfburgh, Urbann,^* Yorktown, Weft-Point, Hamp- •• ten Kennuda-bundred, City-Point, Rockets-landing, Nor- and Portjmckih.—North-Cah oli ka.— i^7/V«V^- Uh, Ntwbinif rc».;^ortj Wajhington. Edtriton, P-^nkbii'.'gc. —

Tonnage, Sec, 213

—So u T H-c A R o L I N A.~Ckarlcfton^ Georgetown, Beau- fort —Geo h g I a . 'Savannah, Sunburyy Brunfwick, frc- ' ^crica, St. Mary's. - Nor fhal! any vefTei from the Cape of Good-Hope, or be- yond the fame, be admitted to enter, except at the ports ia the above lifts, which are diftinguiflicd by Italics. TONNAGE, By Atl of Congrtfs, approved 2d of March, 1799, to be paid ?A the time of cnre/ing the vtlli^l, and before any permit Ih.ill be granted for unloading any part of the cargo. fSed.G^.J the following rates.fSee alfoAH, 2oJuly,ijg\ .) On alljhipsor vejjclstcntering fidm anyforeign port or placed Per Ton. Cents. Ships or veflels of the United States, - - 6

built within the United States, after 2oth > July, 1789, but belonging wholly or in pjrt to foreign powers, duly recorded, 30 On other (hips or veflels, - - - - ^o Additional tonnage on foreign vefTels denominated Light money, (By AH of Congrefs, 2^t/i March, 1804,) 50 Vcffelsof the United States, employed in the coafting trade or Fifheries, duly licenfcd, per annum, 6 Veffelsof the United States, (other than licenfed} taking in merchandize in a diftriti in one State, to be deliv- ered in a dillri£l in another State other than an ad-

joining State, on the fea-coaft, or on "a navigable river^ 6 Other fliips or velicls taking in merchandize to be deliv- - ered in another dlftri£l, . - - ^^ FEES OK OFFICE.

T0 the CelltHor and Naval-OJicer. DolluCevts. Eritry of a veffel of lOo tons or upwards, - 2 50 Clearance of do. do. *• do. 2 ^o Entry of a vetT'e! under loc tons, - 1 50 of do. do. i 50 Kvcr^-poft entry, - - - 2 60 Permit to land goods, - - - C© - - , Every bond taken ofiicially, -40

Permit to land goods for exportation for dravtrback, 30 •

Dcbcature or other ofEcial certiHcate, . ^e I i 4 Surveyor's .Fees, &<:. C'nis. Bill of health, ... zo Official document (except rcglfter required by any perfon,) ... 29

To the Surveyor. Admeafuring and certifying the fame, of every fhip

or veffcl of loo tons and und r, per ton, i Admeafurement of every fiiiporvcilel above loo tons, and not exceeding Soo tons, - 1 50 Above 2CO tons, . - . 2 CO For all other fervices on board any fhip or veflel of ICO tons or upwards, having on board goods, wares or merchandize, fubjeft to duty, 3 e» For like fervices on board any ihip or veflel of lefs

, than loo tons, - - 1 ^o On sril vefTels, not having on board goods, xvares and merchandize, fubjeft to duty, - 66|

Allowance for Draught. lb. Ary quantity of 1 cwt. or n2lb. l

. Above 1 and under 2 cwt. t S and under 3 cwt. 3 8 and under 10 cwt. 4 10 and under 18 cwt. 7 18 and upwards, 9

Tare. On ever)' whole cheft of Bohca tea, - 70 On every h.ilf ditto, 36 lb. quarter ditto, - So On every cheft of Hyfon or other green tea, of 70 lb. or upwards^ 2o On every box of other tea, between 50 and 70 lb. 18 On every box if 80 lb. 20; if 80 lb. and upwards, 22 The above to include ropes, canvas and other coverings. On all other boxes of teas, according to the invoice or ac- tual weight thereof, Ptr cmt. _ cofFee, - On in bags, 2 ; in bales, 3 ; in cafks, 12 On fugars, other than loaf ftigar in cafks, - 12 fugars, in - On boxes, 15 ; in bags or mats, ^ On pimento, in cafks, 16; in bags, - '3 On cocoa, in cafks, 10; in bags, - - \

On cheefe, iri hampev.-.; or bafkcts, ip ; in boxes, 20

Oa candles, in boxes, 8 ; chocolate in boxes, 10 Onxrotton ia bales, 2; va feroons, - - 6

0.1 Glauber falts, in calks^ - - 8 •

Allowance for Leakage 3c Breakage, Sec, ii$

Percent. . . - On indigo, in barrels, 12 ; in other cafks, 15 - On indigo, in feroons, 10 ; in bags or mats, 3 On liails, in cafks, - . - 8

On pepper, in cafks, 12 ; in bales, 5 ; in bags, - 2

On fugar candy, in boxes, io ; fe^ars, in boxes or cafks, 1 8. foap, boxes, fhot, in cafks, - On in 10 ; on 3 - On twine, in cafRS, ia ; in bales, - 8 On all other goods according to the invoice thereof, as ac- tual weight.

Aliofwante for Leakage and jBreakage. Two percent, allowed on ihe gauge on all merchandize,, paying duty by the gnllon, contained in cafks. Tea per cent, on all beer, ale and porter in bottles, and five per cent, on all other liquors in bottles, to be deduced fromthe invoice quantity, in lieu of breakage ; or it fharli be lawful to compute the duties on the aftual quantity by talc, at the option of the importer at the time of entry.

Bounty on Salted Provifions and Fijh of the United States, An allowance Oi thirty cents per barrel is granted on pick- led fifhof the United States, Andtwcnty-five cents per bar- rel on all provifions falted within the United States, without any deduction, if the fame fhall amount to ten dollars.— And in order to obtain fuch bounty, the exporter to make an entr}' therefor, with the colleftor—but no entry \>i]l be received W'herc fuch pickled fifhor falted provifions have not been infpe&cd ^nd marked, agreeab'y to the laws of the refpetlive States, where fuch laws are in force. Such bounty is payable in fix months from the date of the bond lobe given j and in no cafe, unlefs the certificates of landing at a foreign port, as in other cafes, are produced. The bond to be in double the amount of fuch bounty—conditi- oned that the fame fhall be landed and left at fomc foreign port. • Form of the Entry, Entry of intended to he exbortiedfor the Benefit cf Bounty, by in the whereof is Tnafier^ boimdfor

Marks as Number of briinded on fpecies of jBfli Qua: barrels. the cafks. or provifions. 2i6 Commercial Information, GENERAL INFORMATION.

The want of certificates of diftiiled Spirits, wines or teas, fuhjecl inch articles to feizure, and fifty dollars fine, if fuch certificates are not delivered to the purcbafer ; and if any cafk^ chcft, vefTel or cafe, containing fuch articles, fhall be found in the poflefl[ion of any perfon, without being marked, and not being accompanied with a certificate, the fame is liable to feizure. On the fale of any cafk, &c. which has been marked, the marks to be defaced in prcifince of fome officer of infpeflion,

or cuftoms ; and the certificate of the fame to be delivered up, under the penalty ofowe hundred dollars, and cofts cf fuit. Goods from foreign ports, not to be unladen but between fun-rife and fun-fct, without fpccial licenfe, under a penalty of four hundred dollars on the mafler and every other per- fon concerned, difability from holding any office under the government of the United States for feven years, and be- ing advertifcd in the newfpapers, with forfeiture of the goods ; and if above four hundred dollars, value of yeffcl and apparel. Goods removed before gauged and weighed; and, if wines, fpirits or teas, before being marked, without permif- fion, are forfeited. Perfons giving or offering a bribe, forfeit from two hun- dred to two thonfand dollars. Infpeftors and officers of revenue cutters may go on board, examine and fearch vef-

fels, have accefs to the cabin, and feal packages ; and after Cun-fet fecurc hatches, &c. Perfons in charge of velTels, for breaking faftenings, but in prefencc of an officer, forfeit two hundr'-d dollars. Officers may feize within or without their diflrifls. Ptfr* fons refifting or impeding them forfeit/owr hundred doUats, The matter or commander of any veffel, that ffiall ob- ftruft or hinder, (or be the caufe thereof,) any officer of the revenue, in going on board his ffiip or velTel, for the pur- pofeof carrying into cffcft any of the revenue laws pf the United States, forfeits from Jifly to Jive hundred dollars. Every owner of a veffel refiding within the limits of the United States, to fwear to the regiftcr within ninety days af- ter-its being granted, or it becomes void, and the veffel an« i:?rgo pays foreign tonnage and duly. .,- Returned Cargo. (If any articles of' an outward mrgo are brought bach, they are to be detailed^ Jfecificd by wham Jhijtpti $u.t^ti andtowkomccTiJiincd inward, J Ofiicers cf the \J. S. Army. ai;


{Rcvifed by Cnpt. Freeman, Oft. 24, 1806.] James Wilkiiifonj Brigadier General. Thomas H. Cufiilng^ Adjutant and InfpeSbr, Caleb Swan, Paymafifr. James Wilklnfon, jun. Aid de Camfk. Regiment of ArtilUrifis* Menry ConftaBt Burbeck, CoTotiel. j Free-raaOj Lieut. Colonel,, Majors. Mofes Porter, Williaai M'Reaj Jaraes Bruff, Ab. Y. NicolL

Captains* Michel Kalteifen John baucders Geo.V/atcrhoafs Amos Stoddard Richard Whiley James Houle James Read Samuel T. Dylbn William Yates Nehemi. Freeman James B. Many John B. VValbich Lloyd Beal James Fergus John B. Barnei jofiah Dunham Nathl. Leonard g:^* One vacancy. Wm. L. Cooper C. Woleftoncraft ' ^

Firfl Lieutenants. A. B. Armfiead Joieph Crofs Reuben Smith George Armftcad William Wilfon Thomas A. Smith Lewis Ploward Wm. A. Murray William Clark William Cocks Enoch Humphrey HannibalM.Allen Mofes Swett Stephen Worrell H:^ Tzav vacancies George Peter Francis Newman Clarence Miilford James Swearingcn Second Lieutenants. Jamtt S. Smith Peter Hanks Charles Lewis Jofeph Kimball Thomas Murray Job Jackfon Robert Roberts Jona. Eaftman Efias Preble James R. Hanham J. F. Heileman Kop!ey Yeaton Jos.R. Henderfon William Gates Alex. Luneviife Michael Wallh P. V. Bonis .Q:f' One vacancy James Reed John Ganfevoat Firjl Regiment cf Infantry.

Colonel. Lieutenant-Colonel. I j Major.

Thomas Hunt Jacob KingftuTy"^ Zelulon Pike 1807.] T 2l8 Officers of the U. S. Armji


Ruffel BilTel Elijah Strong Mofes Hook • jfohn Whlfller Meriwether Lewis fl::|r One vacancy, Bcnj. Lockwood John M'Claiy Daniel Biflel John Whipple Firfl Lieutenants* Zebulon M. Pike William Swan Simon Owens Nathan Heald Ninian Pinkney Daniel Hughes EliB.Clcmfon William Carfon James Rhea Horatio Starks Second Lieutenants. Daniel Baker Thomas B. Steele Alpha Kinflcy Amb. Whitlock John C. Symmes John Roney William Whiftler Jofcph Dorr Wm. Richardfon Simon Knight Second Regiment of Infantry

Colonel. \ Lieutenant Cvbnel. Major* Tho$» H. Cufliing CapiainS' Richard Sparks Wm. K. Boots Jofcph Browmef John Bov.'yer Thomas Swaine John Hains Hugh M'Call John Campbell Francis Johnfton Peter P. Schuyler

Firfl Lieutenants, Malt. Arbuckle James Wilkinfon Wm. Lawrence John Braham Richard Buck Henry Brevort Edmund P.Gaines Henry R.Graham B. B. Armftead William Piall Second Lieutenants, John MiUer Gilbert C. Ruirell Anthony Foifler Wm. P» Ciymer Alfred Sebaftian U:3" One vacojicy. Reu.Chamberlnin George W.Sevier Saml.WiUiamron J. R. N. Lucket Enftgns to the ttvo Regiments of Infantry.

Hez^k. Johnfton I John J. Duforeft Thomas Clements Robert Peyton ]ohn Harket Francis W. Stnaii Benja.S.Smoot Willijni Mead J. R. Peyton Benja.Marfliall J. McKean Thos. Hamilton John Brown fon J. Albright J. Baker John Mapowcn y. Pcmberton ^^ One vacancy,, Charles Magnao J. F. Brouil Tenth Congrefs. iif

Corps of Engineers*

Lievtimant'Coloncl. I Major. I Majer.

| Barron ManiHcld J onath, Williams Wm. A. | Jared Captains. James Wilfon and Alexander Macomb. Firjl Lieutenants, Jofcph G. Swift, Walker K. Armftcad. Second Lieutenants, Jofcph G. Totten, George Bumford, andWm. McRdj. Dijria Pay-majlers, Nehemiah Freeman, Boflon. James Houfe, Baltimor-e. JohnB. Barnes, CAarUJhcwn^ (s. C.) John Brahan, TdineJJee. Ninian Pinkney, Detroit. Richard Buck, Ubper Louifrana, New-OrUans, Medical Staff, David Davis, Surgeon. Oliver H. Spencer, Surgeon. Thirty-one Surgeon*s-Mates^ attached to garrifons or pofls, and not te corps.

Senators and Reprefentatives chofenfor the Tenth

CoNGR.E£S o/" //j^ United States i as far as they could be obtained when this Jheet nvas put to preff SENATORS. NewHampPiire^ Nahum Parker. North CaroUna^ James Turner. Georgia^ JohnMilledge. Virgtma^ Philip Doddridge. Kentiiiky^ John Adair.

REPRESENTATIVES. .. " New-Hamp/hire, Pett^r Carlton, Daniel M. Durrcll, Ftancis G.»rdner, John H. Smith, Clement Storer. MaJjachitJ'etts, Jofnh Qnincy, Jacob Crowninfliie'd, Ebciicicr Seaver, Jofeph B. Varnum, Edward St. Lcc Liv- fiajorc, William Steainan, , Jofeph Barker, liatah L. Greene, William Ely, Samuel Taggari, Barnabas Bidweil, Jotiah Dean, Richard Cults, Daniel Iliiley, John Chandler. ^

Mt6 TttitJi Cdngrdft. 1!!?!==-:.

phnde I/Iand, NeliCniiaK Kniglil. Ccnn-fiicut, Benjamin Tal mage, Samuel W. Dana, Joha PavMiport, Timoiby Pitkin, jr. Lewis B. Srurges. Theo- dore Dwight, Jona. Ogden Mofeley, and Epaphroditu^

Champion. , Verrront, James Elliot, James Vv'itherel, J ajnes Fiik, and Martin Chittenden. New-Yorky Philip Van Cortlandf, Daniel D. Verplank, David Thomas, Kilian K. Van RenlTelaer, John Blakcj jr. Jofiah Marllers, John Ruffell, Gurdon S. Mum- ford, Samuel Riker, ^ George Clinton, jr. Barcnt Gardenier, James 1. Van Alcn, William K,irkpatrick» Reuben Humphrey, John Karris, John Thompfon, and Peter Swart. Niwjerfeyy EHas Darby, J. Lambert, Wm. Helms, James Sloan, Henry Southard, T. Newbold. Ptnii/^lvania, Jdfeph Clay, Jacob Richards, John Por- ter, Jollh Hamilton, William Milnor, John Pugh, Robert Brown. Delaware^ James M. Broom. Maryland, William McCreery, Nicholas R. Moore, Philip Barton Key, Archibald Van Korne, Roger Nelfon, John Campbell, Charles Goldfboroughjohn Montgomery, Edwin Lloyd, and Leonard Covington. .Virginia, Jotjn Morrow, T. M. Garnctt, B. Baflet, John Claiborne, Ale?iandcr Wjlfon. North-Carolina, Nathaniel Macon, Willis Allfton, Richard Stanford, James Holland, William Bbckledge, Evan Alexander, Thomas Blount, Thomas Kenan, Lem- uel Sav.;yer, John Culpepper, Mefliach franklin, an4 Theophilus Lacy. Scmth Carolina, Elias Earle, Robert Marion, OWian Smith. Georgia, Thomas Spaulding. Kentucky, John Boyle, Jcfhua Dcfha, BenjaminHowar*^, Matthew Lyon, R. M. Johnfon, and John Rowanc Tennejfeey 0hic, }4ij/if!ppi Territory f!rjj-Orl>:aiis, Daniel ChrL A LIST OF THE STREETS, LANES, and ALLEYS, IN BOSTON.

ADAMS-Strect, late Mlller's-lane^ lead* fouth front Liberty-fquare to Milk-ftreet. Aldea's-lanc leads N. E. from Weft-row to Sudbury«ftreef. AlicnVlane leads Weft from Wiltffiire-fireet to Charlcs- m'er. Ann-flreet leads N. E. from Market-fquare to Fifh-ftreet. Arch-ttreet from centre of Franklin-place to Summer-ftreet, Atkinfon-llreet, (formerly Green's lane,) from Milk-ftreet to Ruflell's wharf BACK-Street leads North from Middle-ftreet near Mill- bridge, to Prince-ftreet. Bangs's-alley, from Kilby-ftreet, North of Central-wharf. Barton's Point, near the New Alms-houfe. Battery March-ftreet leads from Libcrty-fquare to Fofter's wharf. Battery-alley leads from North-ftreetEaftward toShlp-ftreet. Beach-ftreet leads caft from Orange-ftreet acrofs Rainf- ford's-lane. Beacon-ftreet leads from the Chapel paft the State-Houfe to Charles-river. Belknap-ftrcct leads from Beacon-ftreet to Cambrldge-ftrcef Bcnnet-ftreet, (South) leads Eaft from Oiange-ftreet to the harbour. Bennet-ftreet, fNorth) leads Weft from Univcrfalift Meet- ing-hoafe to Salem-ftreet. Bcrry-ftreet leads from Federal to Atkinfon-ftrect by the Meeting-houfc. Blind-lane, now part of Pond-ftreet. Bioflbm-ftreet leads North from Cambridge-ftreet, oppcfitft Garden-ftreet. Bowdoin-ftreet, fee Middlecot-ftreet. Bowdoin-fquare, on Cambridge-ftreet. Brattlc-ftreet-fquare, from the Market by the Mecting-houft to Elm-Street. Bromfield's-lane leads Weft from Mailborough-flreet to Common-ftrcet. Bulfinch-ftrect leads South from Bowdoin fquare towardi Beacoa-hili, into Middlecot-ftreet. Bat-olf-ftreet, (next weft of RuQ'ell-ftrect) leads South from Cambridge to May-ftrcet. 1807.J T s 222 Dercription of tlie Streets.

fiutler's-row leads from Merchants^-row to Spear's wharf. CARVER-ftreet, from PJcafam-ftrcct acrofs Elliot-ftrect to Frog-lane. Ciirt-lanc, from Leverct-flreet paft the Eaft end of thu Alms-houfe. Caille-ftrect, leads Eaft and Weft acrofs Orange-ftrcet, each way to the fea. Cambrldge-flreet leads from the head of Court and Hanover

- flreets through Bowrloin-fqiiarc to Cambridge-biidge. C- ntral-court on the Eaft fide of Newbury-ftrcet betwce» Nos. 51 and 5*. Centre -Itreet (Weft) leads South from Cambridge-ilreet near the head of the bridge to May-ftreet. Centre-ft reet, (North) leads South-Eaft from Middle »' Ann-ftreet. Chefnut-Ureet leads W. from Walnut-ftreet to Gharle« river. Chambers-ftreet kads north from Cambridge-ftrcet oppofita Belknap to W^iltlhire-ftieet. Chardon'j-lane leads N. E. from Weft end of Bowdoin- fquare to Hawkins'-ftfeet. Charter-fireet leads North-Weft from Noith-ftrcet, toLynn- flreet, bottom of Cops-hill. Church fquare, back of the Old Brick Mecting-houfc, Cornhill. Clark-ftreet leads E. from New North M.H. to Ship-ftrcet, Cornhill leads Northward from Marlboro'-flrect to Mar- ket-fquare. Common ftreet leads from the Chapel paft the Mall l9 Naffau-ftrcet. Congrefs-ftreet, (late Qu^ker's-lane) leads South from Statc- ftreet to Atkinton-iiie^t. Cold-lane le<-.ds N.W. from H-novctr-ftr^etnearElm-ftrect, to the Mill-pond. Copper-flrcet leadi from ihc Weft end of Lcveret-flrect t» Poplar-ftreet.

Corn-nuirt is oppofite the South fide of Faneuil-hall. Couit-fticet leads weft from the Old State-houfe to the head of Hanovei-ftrect. Crofs-ftreet croffcs Muldle-ftreet, Back-ftrect and Fifti-ftrtct, from the Mill-pond to the Harbour. DAGO ET's Alley, fee Battery-alley. Devonfliire-nreet, leads from Eaft end of Old State-houfe

to Milk-flrcet. [ Dlftill-houfc-fguarej from the bottom of Sidbwry-ftreet ?jr.' VV. toHawkins'-ftrcct. .

Defcription of the Streets. 223

Dock-fquarc, from Elm-flrcet, Southward to Cornhill, and Eaftward to the corner oppofite the Wefl end of Fancuil- hall, including the block of ftores in the centre. Dorfett's-lanc leads from the Court-houfe to Brattle-fquare, EATON-Street leads from RufTclI to Wiltfhire-ftrect. Elliot-ftreet leads Weft from Orange-ftrcet, acrofs NafTau- ftreet to Pleafant-ftrcet. Elm-ftrcct (late Wing's lane) leads North-Weft from ' Dock-fquare to Hanover-ftrcet. ETFcx-ftrcet leads Eaft from Newbury-fircet to South-ftrrct. Exchange (or Shrirapton*s) lane leads north from Statc- ftreet to Dock-fquare. FEDERAL-Strect leadi from Milk-ftrcet paft the Thea- tre to High-fireet. Federal-court, on the Weft fide of Federal-ftreet, near the head. r;fh-ftreei leads Northward from Crofs-ftreet, paft North- fquare, to Ship-ftreet. Fifch's-alley, (fee Piercr'a-alley.) Fleer-ftreet leads Eaft from Univerfalift Mceting-houfe ro Fifti-ftreet. FoRer-ftreet from Charter-ftreet North'Eaft to Lynn-ftreef Frankiin-ftreet leads from Miiill^n'ough-Ptreet to Franklin-place (formerly Tontine hui'dinji*:.) Frlend's-ftrcet leads from Hanover-ftreet juft Weft of Unior. ftreet t» Mill-ixmc. Frog-lane leads Weft from Orange and Newbury-ftrects, paft the bottom of the Mall to Plearanr-ftrcet. GARDEN-Strcct leads loutb from Cambridge-ftrcct to Mgy-ftrect. Garden-court leads from Weft fide of North-fquarc to Flcet-ftreet. Gallop's-alley leads from Middle to Fifii-ftreet. Geor(?e-ftrt-cr, fee Hancock-rtreet. Gibbs's-iaae leads North-Eaft from Fort-hill to Sears'j Of Fort-hill wharf. Gravel-flreet leads from Lcvereft-ftrcetto the rop^'-walks. Griffin's-lane leads from High-lheet, head of Pearl-ftreet, to Harris's wharf. Crechough's-lane leads North from Chartcr-ftrecr, oppofite Unity-ftreet to Lynn-ftreer. Green-ftreet leads North-Weft froip Bowdoin-feuare lO Wil;ftiirc ftreet. Grcen-lanc, fee Allen's-lane. Crove-ftrect ]e«

Govcrnor's-alley, from School-ftrcet to Brorafield'a lane. Gouch-lane, from Grcen-ftrect to Mill-pond. Gibbons's-court, on Weft fide of Newbury-ftreet, through the arch. HANOVER-Street leads N. E. from Court and Sodbuiy- ftreets to Middle-ftrcet. Hancock-ftrcct leads North from Sumnei-ftreet, back of New Statc-houfe, to Cambridge-ftreet. Harvard-ftreet leads Eaft from Orange-flrcet to the harbour, Hawkins-ftrcct leads N. W. from Sudbury-ftrcct to Char- don's- lane. Hawl cy-ftrcet (late Bilhop's-alley) leads north from Trini- ty Church, Summer-ftrcet, to Milk-ftrect. Half-court.rquare,backof Poft-Office, State-ftrcet. Hcnchman's-lane leads north from Charter to Lynn-ftrcet. High-ftreet, (formerly Cow-lane,} leads from Summcr-ftrect to Fort-hill. Hollis-ftreet leads W. from Orangc-ftrccr, paft South Meeting-houfe to NafTau-llreet. Horn-Iane leads from Milk-ftreet to Congrcfs-ftrect. Howard's wharf next north of the Mill-creek, Ann-{lrcet. Hull-ftreet leads Weft from Chrift Church, Salem-ftrect, to Burying-ground, Cop's-hilL JARVlS's-Kow, on E. fide of Newbury-ftrcct, oppofite Lamb tavern, KINGSTON-ftreet leads S. W. from Summer-ftrcet to Pond-ftreet. Kilby-ftreet leads South from State-ftreet to Liberty-fquare. LENDELL's-Lanc leads from Congrefs-ftrect to Centra!' wharf. Leveret- ftreet leads N. and N. W. from Grcen-ftrect to the Alms-houfe. Lincoln-ftreet leads Soudi from Dr. Kirkland'i Mc€ting- houfe, Summer-ftreet, to EHcx-ftreet. Link-alley leads from Uniou-ftreet to the Mills, Love-lane leads N. W. from Middlc-ftreet to Salem-rxrecl. Ljrnde-ftrcctlea.^s N from C^rnbridge-ftreet paft theMcet- ing-houfe to Grcen-ftreet. Lynn-ftreet leads Weftward from Wmifiramit ferry-war to Charleftown bridge. MARGARET-Lane leads from Princc^ftreet to Sheaffc- ftrcct. Marlborough-ftreetleadsN. E. & S. W. from Suramer- ftrect to School-ftrcet. Mtrfhal's-laac kads N. froiaUnion-ftre«tto Hanover-ftrcct. Defcription of the Streets. Z25

May-fireet leads Weft from Hancock-ftreet to the river. Marfh-lane leads from Union-flreet to Creek-fquare. Merchant's-row leads N. from Statc-ftjreet to Gjdman's wharf. Methodjil-alley, from North-ftreet, paft Methodift meeting, to Ship-ftrcet. Middlc-ftreet leads N. E. from Mill-creek to North-ftreet. ^iddlecot-ftreet lead* from Cambrldge-ftrect to Beacon- ftreet, E. of Beacon-hill. Miik-ftj'eet leads eaftward from Marlboro*-ftreet to Baticry- march-ftreet. Mill-lane leads from Middle-ftreet to the mills. Mpon-ftrect leads E, fide of North-fquare to Fleet-ftreet. Mount-Vernon, the buildings on N. fide of Olivc-ftrect. NASSAU-Sireet leads W. and N. from Orange-ftreet to the Mall. Newbury-fireet, from the head of Eflcx-flrect to the head of Summer-ftreet. Newbury-place, is on the Eaft fide of Newbury-ftreet near ElTex-ftreet. North-ftreet, from the termination of Middle-ftreet to Win» ifimmit ferry-way. North-fquare lies between Middle, Fifh, and Fleet-ftreet*. North-row, the new brick buildings, in Fifti-ftreet. OLIVE-Street leads Weft from Belknap-flreet to Charle* river. Olivcr-ftreet leads from Milk-ftreet to Fort-hill. Orangc-ftrcet, from Walhington-ftreet to Newbury-ftrcct. ^ARK-Strect, from head of Mall to State-houfe. I'earl-ftrcet leads from Milk-ftreet to High-ftreet. Peck's-lane, from EfTex-ftreet to Johnnot's wharf. Phillips's Buildings on Kilby-ftreet and Water-ftrcet. |*icrce'S'aIlcy (or Fitch's} lead* from State-ftreet to Markct- fquare. Pickncy ftrcet leads W, from Belknap-ftr. to Charles-river, Pitt's-lane leads from Green-ftreet to Mill-pond. Pleafant-ftrcet leads W. & N. from Orange-ftreet to ropc-

. walks, bottom of the Common. Pond-l^rect (late Row's lane) leads eaftward from Newbur}-- ftrcet to Dr. Kirkland's meeting-houfe. Poplar-ft*cet leads W. from Wiltfliire-ftreet, by the rope^ walks, to Charles river. ^Tince-ftrcet leads from Middle-ftreet to Charleflown brid^r, . t^6 Defcripilon of the Streets.

ProftorVlane (or Wood-lane) leads from Middle-fircct t9 Fifh-ftrect. Purchafe-ftrcct leads North Eaft from Summer-flreet t» Battery- march-ftrcet. RAINSFORDVLane leads South froai Effex-flrcct to Bcach-ftreet. Rawlon's-lane, fee BromficldVlanc. Richmontl-ftrect Hate Bridgc's-lane) leads W. from Middle- ftrcet to Back-llreet. Ridgeway's-lane (or alley) from Cambridgc-ftrcet to May- flreet. Ruflell-fireet leads from Cambridge-ftrect N. to Eaton-ftrcet, &vS. to May-ftreet. Robl nfon' 8-1 ane leads N. W. from North-ftrcet to Unity- ftreet. Round-lane leads from Federal-ftrcet to Atkinfon-ftreet. SALEM-Strcet leads N. E, from Princc-ftrcet to Chartcr- ftreef. Salt-lane leads from Unlon-ftreet to Grcck-fquare. Saiutation-aliey leads from North-ftrcet to Ship-fireet. School-ftrcct leads W. from Cornhill to the Chapel. Scot's-court leads from Union-ft:reet W. towards Elm-ftrect. Sea-ftrect, leads South from bottom of Summcr-ftreet to Wbecler's-point. Siftcr-ftreet, from Round-lane to Bcny-ftrect. ijheafc-ftreet leads N. W. from Salem-flrcct to Snowhill- ftrcct. SheafeVlane leads from Ncwbury-ftr. to Hay-Market tavern Ship-itrcct, from Filh-ftreet to Winifimmit ferry-way. Snowhill-ftreet leads from Princc-ftrcet, acrofs Cop's-hill, toCharter-Hreet. Short-ftrcet leads S. from Pond-ftrcet to the Glafs Works, iiouth-ftreet leads 8. from Summer-ftrcet, opj^ofitc High-ftf South-row, in Majlboro'-flrect, next to Old bouth meeting- houfe. Southac-ftreet leads W. from Buttolf-ftreet acrofs Garden, Centre & Grove-ftrcets, and S. acrofs May-ftrcet. Southac's-court leads W. from Court-ftreet to Bulfinch-ftr- Somerlet-ftreet, N. from Beacon-ftrcet to Southac's-court. Spring-flrcct leads from Alms-houfe to Poplar-flrcet. Spring-lane leads from No. i, Cornhill, to Dev6n{hire-flr. State-ltreet,from Old State-houfc to head of Long-wharf. Staniford-ftreet, N. from Cambridge, •ppofitc Tempie, to Grcen-ftreet, Dcfcription of the S trcets. 227

*Sumflcr-ftrcft leads from Bcacon-ftrcrt, back of the Statc- Houfe. ISummcr-ftrcct leads from Marlboro*-ftreet, pafl Trinity Church, to Fcffenden's wharf. Sudbury-ftrcet, from Concert-hall northward to Cold-lane Sun-court, from North-fquarc fouihward to Fifh-ftrect. Sweetfer's-alley, on Eaft fide Ncwbury-flrect, oppofitc Shcafe's-lane. Suffolk buildings, in Congrefs-ftreet. TEMPLE-flreet, from Cambridgr-ftr. to Beacon-hill fteps. Theatre-alley leads from Miik-fireet to rear of Theatre. 7'remont-ftrect, from the Chapel, over Pembenoii's-hill to SouthacVcourt. Trcmont-place, Tremont-^^reet. UNION-Street from Market-fquarc Northward to Mill- pond. Unity-ftreet leads from Charler-ftreet to Love-lane. WALNUT-Street, from Bcacou-ftrcct to Olive-ftrcct. Warrcn-ftrert, from Orange to EUiot-ftrcet. Wafhington-ftreet, from Orangc-ftrcct to the Neck. "Watcr-ftreet, from Cornhlll Eaftward to Liberty-fquarc. Wcft-ftreet, from Newbury, oppofitc Pond-lireet to the Mall. Wtiil-row, Cambridge-flreet, near Bt»wdoin-fquare. Wintcr-ftreet, from Newbury, oppofite Summer-firect to th- Mall. Wikfhire-ftrect, fromChambcrs-ftrect North toPoplar-ftrcrt. White-Brcad-allcy, from North to Ship-Ureet.

WilliamsVcourt, throuj^h the arch ar No, 6,5, CorDbill. Wilfon's-lanc, from E. end of OldState-houfc to Dock-ffr. Wing's-lanc, lee Ehn-{lreet. Wood-bftc, fee ProaofVlanc. 27S Gorrc

34 Infert Henry Purkitt, infpc6lot of J'ifli, office Doane's Wharf. ^g Branch of Maflachufetts Medical Society at Wcrcef- ter, Oliver Fi{ke i* President, Ifrtiel Whitton is Vice-Prefident, and Ebenezer H. Phillip is Cor* refponding Secretary.—After the above infert. Branch of Maffachuletts Medical Society inElIex. Inftituted in the year 1805, Prefidcnt, Edward A. Holyoke, m. d. Vice Prefidcnt, Joftiua Fiftier, M, D. Treafbrcr, James Gardner, M. a. Librarian, Benjamin L. Oliver, A.isa. Sec- retary, JohnD. Treadwell, a. m. The following gentlemen have been recently admit- ted to be members of the Maflachufetts Medical

Society : Doftors Afa Bullard and Cyrus Perkins of Bofton, Abiel Hayv»roo:^ of Concord, Jonathan Sibley of Union, Aaron Porter of Biddeford^ John Bodwcll of Methuen, Francis Vergnes of New- buryport, Calvin Thomas of Tyngfborough, EOes Howe and William Holland of Belcnertown^ William Porter of Hadley, Ifraci Allen of Ster- ling, Abraham Lord of Afhburnh;!m, and Peter Briant of Cummingron. At the hfl Meeting of the Cttnfors, Jofiah Dennis Fofter of Rochefter, was licenfed to pra^Ife medicine In ;his Sratc- 5,5 Among the Managers of the Boflon DKpenfnry, add Samuel Cobb, E'q. Mr. Samuel Snclling, Mr.Hcn- derCon Inches, Mr. Ebenezer Liitle Boyd, mce Stephen Gorham, Efq. William Tudor, Elq. Mr. Thomas Brewer, and Mr. Benjamin BulTfy. 40 Add Robert Boyd and Ebenezer Storer to the Port- land Benevolent Society, and dele Jolhua Rogerf and Wm. Sym'mes.

48 Infert Samuel Webber, d . d . as one of the hoard of vifitors of the Profelforfhip of Natural Hiftory. 50 Infert R. W. John May, Grand Sword Bearer. 66 At Douty*s Falls, read Jofeph Savage. 69 At New-Mllford, dele the jr. at J. Stcbbins. At New-Salem, dele Edward Upbam. At Northfield, infert John Ncvcrs. 70 At Sterling, dele M. Smith. Correftions, &c. 329

I - At Warwick, infertWm. Cobb, jr. Po{l--Mafter.- 8 Read the following new lift of Probate Courts, afier

the clafli in the 5th line : At the faid office, on the laft Mondays of March and December, and Tucf-

days and Wedncfdays following ; at the Court- lioufe, in Newburyport, on the Thurfdays and Fridays following the firft Mondays in March, June,

September and December ; at the dwfllan^-hoiife of Mr. Lewis Tucker, innholder, in Salem, on the third Mondays of January, April, July and

Oftober, and Tuefdays following ; and at the Town-houfe, in Ma

\ Add John Baker, jr. Deputy Sheriff at Ipfwic'h. 3 Attornicsof S. J. Court, at Cambridge, add S. P. P. Fay, at Marlborough, Walter Haftings, at Weft- ford, John Abbot, and at Woburn, Afener Battlett. Among Deputy Sheriffs, add Stephen Mead, of Cambridge.

> Attornies of Common Fleas, at Northfield, add John M. Gannett. ?5 Afiornjes at Cxsmmon Pleas, add Daniel W. Lin- coln, and H. A. S. Dearborn, at Portland, and Artewas Sa\\7eT, at Bruufwick, )6 At Portland, add J ona. Lund, and at Poland, Jacob Thurlo, Deputy Sheriffs. >7 Read Warren Rice Regifter of Deeds, in room of

Thomas Rice ; and dele Elihu Getchell, Juftice of thr Peace at Bowdoinham, decealed. )8 Dele Daniel Rofc at New-Milford, and infcrt him at Boothbay, among Jufticcs of the Peace, on the pre- ceding page. At the Common Pleas, dele Artemas Sawyer, and

Ifaac Gates ; and at the Supreme Court add Manaf- fch Smith, jr. Dele Francis Winter, jr.Coroner,at

JBath ; and add Jofeph Farley, Juftice of the Peace, at Waldoborough. S Add John Guild, of Dcdham, Dcpjty Sheriff. 1807,] U 7

INDEX to th€ Register, and Calendar.

Page Page AGADENKSS in MassochusetU, 13O Civil Government in MassachnsctU, 16 Agricultural Societies, - 48 Clerk, of the House of ileprcseatatives, SQ Alt(5wa«ce for Draught - ai* Coins, (Tables of ) 176 American Coins, Table of, i 79 CoUedlors of the Eeveuue, 145 AtMs-House, Master of, - IfiO Colleges, - . 128 Americao Acad, of Arts Sc Sciences, +6 Columbian Society, 47 ATiesbury Nail Faftory Company, 64 Commissioners of Loans, 194 Ancient & Hon. Artillery Cokjpany, 1 59 Corftmittees of Senate and House, 31 Artillery of Massacliusetts, 1 56 Committees, &c. of Public Stliools lei As»ay-A

Birristers at taw, Norfolk County, 1 1 Courts, Table of, la fjlassacliusetts 7* Cullers of Dry B ^dford B Attk , at New-Bedford, s 8 Fish, l6z Bedford Marine Insurance Cftmpauy, 63. Cumberland Co. Representatives, 25 Birkshire County Representatives, iG Cumberl. Co. Justice's, AttonMes,&c.l04 Bs'iCshireCo AttornieSi Justires, &c. IO9 Cumberl. Co. Ministers & Churches, 139 Berkshire Co. Ministers & Ctiarclies, 140 Cumberland Mwine and Fire Ins. Co. (5J Berkshire Bani at Piitsfteld - 59 Custom- House Fees, I Kg Berksluve Sc Coiaiub. Miss. Society, 45 DARTMOUTH College, 130 Biv&rlySank, - - S3 Dahtist, (Surgeons) IfiS BisSop* in the Onited States, 144 Department of State, 189 Boston AqieduiTi Carp'orat'.oa, 47 Deputy Sheriffs, Suffolk Courty, 78 Boston Bank, - .- 55 Description of Counterfeit Bills, 181 B^StonBosrdofHcV.t6, - 16l Direiftions for Mariners, I80 I Dispensary, Boston Medical, Boston Episcopal Cbaritsble Society 37 j 35 Boston Exchange omzn, - 56 Distria OScers of tTnite'd States, ISO

Bn^on TirAi't Asylans, - 39 I Dislrift.s of Lodges, 51 - Divislcsary Staff QfSeers, Eo!*.on Lihrarr, - 47 j 145 Boston Marine Insurance Cocipany, 60 ' Di\'}sioa« of lafsatry, ISO Bwton Marine Society, - 63 ) IMvUlont of 4-rtillery BjstonMedicsVDispsnsarf, - 35 !DoLfc3g;e, IVbarfage. &c, m Biitoa Medical Library, - 35 D;t>Mrned Perioa?, Treatment of, 41 Eowdoirt C-llegc, -t - 123 IDakes County, Representatives, 23 BoyUton's CiJar'table Coiattou, 30 D .ts£s Co. J jHices, Attornirs, &c 98 Brafich Pilots, - - T6i I Dukes Co. Ministers atd Churches 13* of t&e United States Braoches of Mass. Medical Society, 35 I Duties 199 Bripde Staff Officers, - 147 IT?cr.IP5E3 for the year I8O7, Bristol County, Representatives, ^^ JCI4 Bpiscopal and other Bishops, 144 - - - Brisjtol Co. JusticPS, Attomics, &c. j>3 Errata, 228 Co Ministers ar,d Churches, J37 Ljsei County ReprsstntatiTCS, i& E-istol I Brown Ur.ivcr^iity, - laS Esiex Co; Jj^tices, Attornies, &c. 80 C.'\DETS,(Gcv»rnoT's Escort) 159 Essex Co. Ministers and Cbirc.>:es, 13^ Cavarty of Missachosetts, 155 Essex Brxnk at Salfm, - 57 Ceftjus of the XJniiPd States, - 17* E

Ind^x. 2%l

Page P«ee rma!eCharit£bl«Socletr at Salem, 40 Lincoln Co. Ministers & Churcbev, 140 Bencc Viewer*, - • 161 Lincoln Bi, Kcnnebccic Bank, - sS Fi-ia Officers in M2«sacl»u»ett», I49 Lincoln 6c i^ennrbeck Mar. la% Ca. 6a rirc-Wards Ju Boiton, - 160 Losuis, Commiskiouert a£, - 194. Franklin Donation, Trustees of, 29 Lodges in Massachusetts, - 51 Fees of the Qustom-Uouse, &c. 1 89 MAIN Fire Oi Marine Ins. Co. 6 Foreign Coins, Value of, 1 76 Marblehead Marine Society, 64. General Court of Matcachwettt, 16 Marblehead Bank, . . 5Q Gep.Dral Information, J6S Marine Societies, - - 6j GiOucestor Marine Insurance Comp. Ql Masonic Societies in Massachusctt*, 51 Gloucester (Cape Ann) Bant, 57 Massachusetts Agricultural Society, 47 Gold Coins, Or. Britain & Portugal, 177 Massachusetts Bank at Huston 54 Gold Coias, (fran&e and Spain) 178 MasszchujCtts Baptist Mission. Soe. 44. Gjvernment of the United State*, I87 MassachusettaChariuMechanicAssucL 39 Gov«rnor's Escort, - - 159 Massachusetts Cl\aritable Society, 37 GoTcrnors in Ma»sa. tince 1623, 15 Massachusetts Charit. Fire Society, 3S Governors in tlie several Srate*, 1 74 Massachusetts Fire & M:.r. Ins. Co. sjj Grand LoJge of Massachusett*, 49 Massachusetts Congre. Charit. Sec. 38 Grand Royal Arch Chapter, 52 Massachusetts Historical Society, 46 TjALLOWrLL & Augusta Bank, S9 Massachusetts Humane .'Society, 42 *••' Harnpshire Missionary Society, 45 Massachusetts Medic«d Society, 35 liftmpihire Co. Rcp/eseatatives, 20 Massachusetts Missionary Societies^ 43 HampshirpCo. Justices, Attornies.&c. 88 Massachusetts Mutual fire Ins. Comp. Oo Hampshire Co.r.Jini»ter« &.Church»:s, 135 Massachusetts Mjlitxa, - 145 HiBiBjhire Fire Insurance Company, 6z Measurers of Wood and Bark, iCi Ilancoct County Representatives, 27 Medical Associations, - 36 Hancocc Co. Justices, Attoiniet,&c. 1 13 Merrimack Humane Society, 4a Ilancoct Co, Minirtets & Churohes, 141 Merrimack Marine & Fire Ins. Co. 61 Hjp^ard Urvi ?crsity, - . 114 Middlesex County iVepresenUtiveu, i^,, Justices, Attcrnie»,&e. Hsyward, Hayweigher, &e. - ICt. Middlesex Co. 8« j K?iite of Rei>resen:3tives, U. States, I8» Middlesex Co.Ministers& Churches, 134,, J House of Kepretentativtft, Masta. tj Mi'ristcrs who oe.ciate at theLe(aure,l53i,» Kum^ne Society at Boston, 4! Ministers of U- S. in foreign places, iq^^ » Hjm&ne Socitty at Newburyport, 44 Ministers, Foreign, in United State*, ig€-^ TNBEPENOENT Cadets, 1^9 Municipal Ct>urt for Boston, - 163 | * lafantry (Sublejpons of I59 NANTUCKET Banks, - 56 In*>r-na»ien o.*' Probate Builneei, 169 Nantuckrt Mar. lasar. Comp. 62 I:upeflor of StoaeXime, - 1(53 K.»atucket County Representatives 23 - InsprOort of Beef, fitc 33 Nantucket Co.Justicer, Aitoinies, &C.99 Inupcilors of Outporta, (Reveaue) 145 Nintucket Co. Ministers feChorchcs, 138 JrWrest, Table of, -. - 1 75 Navy Depsttmentof the U. States, 19Q inetrnr'i-rs of Public Schools, 161 Nawal OSkers' fees, * 213 Iri«araaoe OfRce«, - - 60 NewbyryportEank, - 57 Irijii C-aritable Society, . 37 NcY/buryport Female Cbsrit. Society, 4a

TUD iw' : A K.y of t^e Unite* State*, 190 Newb'jrypcirt Humane Society, 42 I ju-;ices of the Peace, SeSbUc Co. 77 Newburyport Marine Society, C4 -Of Jji'Jc?; through Coinmonwealtli 75 Nevfburyport Marine Insur. damp. 61 "J/" ElOJEBSCK Mtdical A»»iicia. 36 New-Englsnd Marine Insur. Comp. Co jtX Kecnefceci: Afiricult. ?Ofi«ty, 48 Norfolk County Representatives, ag Keanebecs Co. RejKresentathres, 28 Norfolk Co. Jusiicej, Attornies, Si.c. iiQ Kennibsck Co. Justices, Attor. &c. Iig- Norfolk Co. Ministefs & Chuiches^ I4t.. 3C'?niiclc:.'tCo. MimstersflcChutches, 14a Northampton Bank, - 5H ^ fcenne.">e .1^ Public, - - Marine latarance Comp. . &i Notaries 34^ EGIOX AE.T in SorieUes, - I" Brigade Boston, i+p ORPHANS' 4aZ' i 4 Letter Postage, rates of, 166 Overseers of the Poor, 160 I.i(^ht infci-itry, Sabiegion of, 158 Oxford Co. Representatives, ^1 L:acoln Co. RfprMentatires, 25 Oxford Co. Justices, Attorniesij.acc. 12*. :U4«wio Co. Ji«tis«j Att(waie«, Sec. 106 Oxford Co. Ministers dC.CtMtr{lMs» 14.1 51 J

2St Index,

Pase ragf PHYSICIANS, Surseons, &c. 164 TABLE of Pennywelehts, 1 7 8 Penobscot Bank, - • 59 Table of Coins in the diff. StatCf, 1 7 Poru of Delivery of United States, a 12 Treatment of Drowned Persons, 41 PottaKC of Letters, Rates of, I «6 Troop of Cavalry in Boston, I5t Postmasters and Post-Towns, 65 Trustees of Boylston'i Donation, 39 Printers, Society of, - 49 Trustees of Franklin Donation, 39 Prison, State, at Charlcstowa, laj Tutors in , I20 Private Insurance Office, - 61 UNION Bank at Boston, S3 Probate Information, - - iCo Union Icsur. Comp. at Boston, 6t United Army, - RATES of Letters by Post, 186 States 217 Rates of Dockase, &c. 167 United States Calendar, - I87 Rates of Inward & Outward Pilotage 16/5 United States Siitri(ft Officers, ipo Representatives of Massachusetts, J 3 Unitea States Judiciary, - 190 Representatives of Conp-ess, I8« United States Navy Department, 19O Poatting the Gospel, 43 Worcester Co. Justices, Attornies,&c. £)p State Prison in Charlestov/n, 123 Worcester Co. MinisterlatCburches, 1 3S Storage, rates of, 16* Worcester Bank, - • 59 Suffolk Insurance Company, eo I College, - - 127 Suffjlk County RepresentaUves, ^7 YALE Attomies, &e. York Co. Representatives, 20 Suffolk Co. Justices, 76 I Churches, 131 Yiirik Co, J-stiKCs, Attornie«, &c. 8 J Suffult Co. Ministers U I SttigsoBi acti Surgecns t)«n U', 165 ! i6a Survef»:» •*. Kw:.- 1'., yr I