Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Maj. Gen. James Wolfe, Canada. Various Units [Army]: French and Indian Wars. February 12, 1748 - December 15, 1755; May 4 - June 21 - August 19, 1759; May 31 - July 16, 1760; September 12, 1759 October 11 - November 13, 1764 Orders of the 20th Regiment of Foot, commanded by March of the combined British Regular and Col. George Viscount Sackville, and after Oct. 31, Provincial Army, in the campaign at Fort Niagara, 1749 by George Viscount Borg. Wolfe was a Major under the command of Gen. John Prideaux and Sir and then a Lt. Col. in the regiment. Locations: William Johnson. Locations: Oneida Lake, Three Sterling, Canterbury. Maj. Gen. Wolfe was in Rivers, Great Falls, Oswego, Olenoous, command of the troops at Quebec. Orders continue Nidenindequeat, Prideaux Bay, Niagara. Kept by up to the day before the battle at Quebec. Locations: John Mackenzie. March of Provincial troops with the Halifax, Nova Scotia. 112 pages. 44th Royal Highlanders, under the command of Col. Reel: 1, No. 1 Woodhull, to the frontier. Locations: Albany, Schnectady, Fort Ontario, Wallighea, Fry, Capt. , Brigade Major, New York. Conojohary, Fort Stanwix, and Fort Brenington. Kept August 18 - October 12, 1758 by John Petzgold. Return march of Col. Bradstreet's Includes a Return of troops fit for duty at Oneida forces from Detroit at the close of the Pontiac War. Station and a Return of artificers daily employed Locations: Sandusky, Grand Bevier, Fort Schlosser, from the troops, Aug. 26, 1758. Location: Oneida Niagara Falls. 130 pages. Station, New York. 112 pages. Reel: 1, No. 7 Reel: 1, No. 2 Maj. Horatio Gates, Pennsylvania. Company of a New York Regiment of Provincials, July 16 - September 2, 1759 New York. Covers brigade's march from Carlisle to Pittsburgh, April 24 - August 25, 1759 Pa. Writer unknown. 76 pages. Concerns the Niagara Campaign led by Gen. John Reel: 1, No. 7.1 Prideaux, and after his death, by Sir William Johnson. Locations: April - Albany, May-June - Maj. John Durkee, New York. Oswego, July - Niagara, August - Oswego. Probably August 10 - October 10, 1759 kept by Goosen Van Shaick. 106 pages. Concerns work crews and construction at Crown Reel: 1, No. 3 Point. Locations: Headquarters, Crown Point, N.Y. Probably kept by Joseph Welsh, one of Durkee's Fort Cumberland, Arcadia. soldiers. 111 pages. May 9 - August 12, 1759 Reel: 1, No. 8 Joseph Frye was the commanding officer of the garrison. Also includes account books of John French and Indian Wars. Robinson, 1763-1775. Locations: Fort Cumberland, June 4, 1760 - February 6, 1764 Arcadia. Kept by Elhanah Boyden. 134 pages. Contains a list of Capt. Barron's company, orders at Reel: 1, No. 4 Crown Point, July 27, 1761, orders of march, and methods of defense. Mentions Gen. Amherst. Kept Commissary Wilson. by Maj. Rogers? 17 pages. (Original and typed copy). May 22 - November 3, 1759 Reel: 1, No. 9 Discusses the disposition of provincial and regular British troops. Locations: Albany, Fort Edward, Lake Gen. Thomas Gage's Headquarters, George, Fort Ticonderoga, Crown Point, Lake . (American). Champlain, Ligoneer Bay. Writer unknown. 180 July 10 - December 9, 1774 pages. General orders of Thomas Gage, Commander in Reel: 1, No. 5 Chief of the American forces. Location: Headquarters, Boston. Writer unknown. 128 pages. Oliver Spaulding, Third Connecticut Regiment, Reel: 1, No. 10 New York. May 27, 1759 - June 14, 1759 Gen. Thomas Gage's Headquarters, Locations: Albany, Half-Moon, Still Waters, Massachusetts. (American). Salotage, Fort Miller, Fort Edward. Writer unknown. July 10 - December 9, 1774 18 pages. General orders of Thomas Gage, Commander in Reel: 1, No. 5.1 Chief of the American forces. Location: Headquarters, Boston. Writer unknown. 90 pages. Oliver Spaulding, Third Connecticut Regiment, (Typed Copy). New York. Reel: 1, No. 11 May 27, 1759 - June 14, 1759 Locations: Albany, Half-Moon, Still Waters, Salotage, Fort Miller, Fort Edward. Writer unknown. 14 pages. (Typed Copy). Reel: 1, No. 6

1 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Gen. Thomas Gage's Headquarters, Col. William Prescott's Massachusetts Regiment, Massachusetts. (American). Massachusetts. (American). July 10 - December 9, 1774 June 15 - September 2, 1775 General orders of Thomas Gage, Commander in Includes general and regimental orders. Covers the Chief of the American forces. Location: and the active phase of the Headquarters, Boston. Writer unknown. 90 pages. . Locations: Cambridge, Mass. Writer (Typed Carbon Copy). unknown. 64 folio pages. Reel: 1, No. 12 Reel: 2, No. 18

List of Thomas Knowlton's Company of Ashford, Col. 's Third Connecticut Regiment Connecticut Volunteers. (American). of 1775, Massachusetts. (American). April, 1775 June 22 - October 7, 1775 The company marched for Cambridge upon hearing Includes general and regimental orders and pertains of the battle at Lexington, and enlisted there for to the Siege of Boston. Locations: Cambridge, Mass. seven months. Also includes a list of those members Kept by Asabel Clark, 7th company. 134 pages. of the company who fought in the Battle of Bunker Reel: 2, No. 19 Hill, June 17, 1775. Writer unknown. 20 pages. Reel: 1, No. 13 Index of General Orders, . (American). Gen. 's Headquarters, July 3, 1775 - April 10, 1780; April 11, 1780 - Massachusetts. (American). August 14, 1783 May 13 - October 22, 1775 102 pages.; 64 pages. Pertains to Bunker Hill and the period of the active Reel: 2, No. 20 siege of Boston. "First orderly book of the ." Locations: Cambridge [No. 4] Bunker British Army Orders, Maj. Gen. Howe, Hill, Mass. Writer unknown. 180 pages. Massachusetts. (British). Reel: 1, No. 14 July 12 - September 21, 1775 Maj. Gen. Howe was commander of the British Gen. George Washington's Headquarters, forces in America. Included in the volume is a return Massachusetts. (American). of the numbers killed, wounded, and missing on May 13 - October 22, 1775 April 19, 1775 (Battle of Lexington) and June 17, Pertains to Bunker Hill and the period of the active 1775 (Bunker Hill). Locations: Headquarters, Boston. siege of Boston. "First orderly book of the American Writer unknown. 116 pages. Revolution." Locations: Cambridge [No. 4] Bunker Reel: 2, No. 21 Hill, Mass. Writer unknown. 180 pages. (Typed Copy). Col. James Clinton's Third New York Regiment Reel: 2, No. 15 of 1775, New York. (American). August 27, 1775 - February 14, 1776 Sixth Connecticut Regiment of 1775, Connecticut Commences at Albany and ends near Quebec. and Massachusetts. (American). Probably kept in part by Ensign Thomas Lenington. June 5 - September 18, 1775 160 pages. Regimental orders, and in the latter part of the book, Reel: 2, No. 22 the orders of Gen. , Headquarters, Cambridge. Locations: New London, Ct. and after Gen. George Washington, Headquarters, June 15, Roxbury. Writer unknown. 186 pages. Massachusetts. (American). Reel: 2, No. 16 August 31 - September 24, 1775 Contains the general orders of Washington. At end: A Col. David Waterbury's Fifth Connecticut weekly return of the Second Regiment in the Service Regiment of 1775, New York. (American). of the United Colonies of N. America commanded by June 13 - September 16, 1775; July 25 - December 6, Col. Wm. Thompson. Kept by Edward Burd? 104 1775 pages. This regiment marched to Canada under the Reel: 2, No. 22.1 command of Gen. Montgomery. Contains regimental and general orders, as well as a muster roll of Captain Col. Jedediah Huntington's Eight Connecticut Lalmon Read's company (10th company of the Regiment of 1775, Massachusetts. (American). regiment). Locations: Greenwich Camps, New York, September 29 - September 30, 1775 Harlaem, Half Moon, Camp Island. Kept by Aaron Includes general and regimental orders. Locations: Barlow. Diary of Aaron Barlow, including accounts Cambridge, Mass. Writer unknown. 4 pages. of his journey from Redding, Ct. to Albany to join his Reel: 2, No. 23 company, the trip to Lake Champlain, events during the Siege of St. Francis, travel to Montreal, and the return to Albany. 120 pages. Reel: 2, No. 17

2 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

British Headquarters, Massachusetts. (British). Col. Alexander Mc Dougall's First New York October 13 - December 25, 1775 Regiment of 1776, New York. (American). Contains general orders from British headquarters March 25 - June 15, 1776 and orders for the three divisions at the camp on Contains general, brigade, and regimental orders. The Charlestown Heights. Locations: Boston. Writer New York troops were under the command of Lord unknown. 164 pages. Stirling; after March 31, General Heath, and finally, Reel: 2, No. 24 Gen. Washington. Covers the period of the arrival of American troops in the city for the expected British Unidentified Massachusetts Brigade, assault. Locations: . Kept by Capt. Massachusetts. (American). Wiley? 186 pages. November 30 - December 12, 1775 Reel: 3, No. 29 Contains headquarters, brigade, and regimental orders. Brigade contained the Massachusetts Unidentified New York Regiment, New York. battalions commanded by Cols. John Paterson, (American). William Prescott, James Scammon, John Grafton, June 28 - July 28, 1776 and Edward Phinney. Locations: Near Leachmere This regiment was a part of Gen. John Morin Scott's Point, Mass. Writer unknown. 18 pages. brigade and Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam's division. Reel: 2, No. 24.1 Includes Washington's general orders and Scott's brigade orders. Locations: New York City. Kept by Capt. Thomas Pierce's Company, Massachusetts James McKenney and Conway Connell? 182 pages. and New York. (American). Reel: 3, No. 30 January 1 - May 17, 1776 Pierce's company was part of Col. 's Northern Army, New York. (American). artillery regiment. Contains general orders of George July 10, 1776 - June 3, 1777 Washington from Cambridge and New York, orders Includes the general orders of Gen. Horatio Gates, of Maj. Gen. Artemus Ward from Roxbury, Mass., commander of the Northern Army. Locations: and some regimental orders. Locations: Boston, New Ticonderoga, Albany. Writer unknown. 112 pages. York City. Writer unknown. 178 pages. Reel: 3, No. 31 Reel: 2, No. 25 Capt. Wetherill's Company, New York. Moses Little's Twelfth Continental Regiment, (American). Massachusetts and New York. (American). July 10 - July 19, 1776 January 1 - July 21, 1776 Company was part of Col. David Forman's New Little's regiment was part of the brigade commanded Jersey regiment, Brig. Gen. Nathaniel Heard's by Gen. Nathaniel Greene. The brigade was ordered brigade, and Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Greene's division. from Boston to New York, March 29, and arrived in Includes orders of Gen. Greene, and at the end, a New York, April 18. Covers the period from the "Weekly Report of Capt. Wetherills Comp ... August siege of Boston to the British landing in New York. 17th 1776". Locations: . Kept by Charles Contains general, brigade, and regimental orders, Fisher? 33 pages. plus ten pages of company returns. Locations: Reel: 3, No. 32 Boston, New York City. Kept by Nathaniel Mitchell. 350 pages. Fort George, New York. (American). Reel: 2, No. 26 July 17 - August 19, 1776 Regimental and garrison orders, given by a Col. Col. Charles Webb's Nineteenth Continental Eyck[?] and Lt. Col. Peter Gansevoort. Lt. Col. Regiment, Massachusetts. (American). Gansevoort was in command of Fort George; Col. January 3 - February 10, 1776 Eyck probably commanded the regiment. Locations: Contains Washington's general orders, Brig. Gen. Fort George, New York. Kept by James McGee? 14 John Sullivan's orders issued from camp at Winter pages. Hill, and orders issued from Roxbury, Mass. Reel: 3, No. 33 Locations: Boston. Kept by a member of Capt. Elisha Bostwick's company. 42 pages. Capt. Barnardus Swartwout's Company of Reel: 2, No. 27 Minutemen, Dutchess Militia, New York. (American). Col. Alexander Mc Dougall's First New York August 15 - February 27, 1777 Regiment of 1776, New York. (American). Company was a part of Col. Jacobus Swartwout's February 9 - June 11, 1776 Dutchess County Militia regiment. Included are Contains general and regimental orders. The troops in Washington's general orders, Maj. Gen. William the city were under the command of Gen. Lee; after Heath's Col. Swartwout's regimental orders. March 7, under Lord Stirling; after March 31, Brig. Locations: Kingsbridge, White Plains, Peekskill, and Gen. Heath; and finally, Gen. Washington. Covers Fort Constitution. Writer unknown. 3 volumes. 250 the period of the arrival of troops in New York City pages. for the expected British assault. Locations: New York Reel: 3, No. 34 City. Writer unknown. 294 pages. Reel: 3, No. 28

3 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Capt. Van Wyck's Company, New York. Sir William Howe, New York and New Jersey. (American). (British). August 6 - September 30, 1776 September 26, 1776 - June 2, 1777 Company formed part of Col. Jacobus Swartwout's Contains general orders of Sir William Howe, regiment of minutemen, of the Dutchess County Commander in Chief of the British forces in Militia. Includes general, brigade, and regimental America. Concerns the Westchester Campaign and orders, provision returns, and morning reports. the , the capture of Fort Locations: Kingsbridge. Writer unknown. 112 pages. Washington, the New Jersey Campaign, and the Reel: 3, No. 35 Battles of Trenton and Princeton. Discussion of Loyalist troops. Kept by Henry Knight, Aide-de- Brig. Gen. Alexander Mc Dougall's Brigade, New Camp to Lord Howe. 3 volumes. 322 pages. York. (American). Reel: 4, No. 40 August 12 - November 27, 1776 Contains general and division orders. McDougall was Diary of Sgt. James Humphrey, New York, promoted Brig. Gen. by order of the Continental Connecticut, Massachusetts. (American). Congress (noted in orderly book, Aug. 12) and September 30 - November 24, 1776 assumed command of a brigade composed of his 1st Sgt. Humphrey belonged to Capt. Gore's company, N.Y. Regt., Ritzema's and Webb's regiments, and the which was part of Col. William McIntosh's 1st artificers. After the loss at New York City, the New Massachusetts Militia regiment. This diary is a Jersey regiments were also placed under his "Journal of our march from Dorchester to New York" command. Covers period of successful British attack which records the Battle of Greenwich and minor on Long Island and the Continental army's retreat. engagements in Westchester County. Contains some Locations: New York City, White Plains. Writer headquarters, division, and regimental orders. 60 unknown. 130 pages. pages. Reel: 3, No. 36 Reel: 4, No. 40.1 British Regiment Footguards, New York and New Lt. Col. Charles Mawhood's Seventeenth Jersey. (British). Regiment of Foot, New York and New Jersey. August 14, 1776 - January 28, 1777 (British). Entry date "Sept 22d, 1776" reports the execution of October 11 - December 28, 1776 Nathan Hale as a spy: "A spy from the enemy by his Contains headquarters, division, brigade, and own full confession, Apprehended last night, was this regimental orders. Locations: New York City, White day executed at 11 o'clock in front of the artillery Plains, Mile Square Camp, Delancy's Mills, N.Y.; park". Contains general, brigade, and regimental Newark, Trenton, Princeton, Middlebush, and New orders. Locations: , New Utrecht and Brunswick, N.J. Writer unknown. 172 pages. Newtown (L.I.); New York Island, New Rochelle, Reel: 4, No. 41 White Plains, Dobb's Ferry, and Delancy's Mill, N.Y.; Newark, Amboy, Rariton's Landing, Trenton, Col. Peter Gansevoort's Third New York and Brunswick, N.J. Writer unknown. 346 pages. Regiment of 1777, New York and New Jersey. Reel: 3, No. 37 (American). February 17, 1777 - May 21, 1778 Brig. Gen. Alexander MC Dougall's Brigade, New Kept at the headquarters of Lt. Col. Marinus Willett, York. (American). who commanded Fort Constitution. Contains general, September 21 - April 8, 1777 regimental, and garrison orders issued from Brigade would comprise part of the troops under the Morristown, N.J., Fishkill and Fort Constitution, command of Gen. Israel Putnam at the Highlands and N.Y., and on May 26, 1777, from Fort Schuyler, N.Y. was involved in skirmishes near White Plains, Writer unknown. 124 pages. including Chatterton's Hill. Kept by Major Taylor, Reel: 4, No. 42 Brigade Adjutant, and Major Richard Platt, Brigade Adjutant. 174 pages. Brig. Gen. Alexander MC Dougall's Brigade, New Reel: 3, No. 38 York and New Jersey. (American). April 9 - August 28, 1777 Col. Christopher Lippitt's Rhode Island The brigade was stationed in the Highlands which Regiment, Rhode Island and New York. was under the command of Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam. (American). Contains general, division, brigade, and after orders. September 14 - October 31, 1776 Locations: Highlands, Peekskill, N.Y.; Morristown, Contains general and regimental orders. Locations: N.J. Kept by Richard Platt, Brigade Adjutant. 87 New Port, R.I.; Harlem, Mile Square, and White pages. Plains, N.Y. Volume also contains the accounts of Reel: 4, No. 43 Nathan Harvey of Providence, R.I., 1788-1790, involving farm transactions. Writer unknown. 90 pages. Reel: 3, No. 39

4 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Brig. Gen. Oliver Delancy's Brigade, New York. Lt. Col. Joseph Storer's York County, (British). Massachusetts Regiment, New York and February 20, 1777 - June 29, 1778 Pennsylvania. (American). Oliver Delancy was the senior Loyalist officer in the August 21 - December 31, 1777 Revolution, and he initially raised this Loyalist Regiment formed part of a brigade commanded by brigade of 1,500 men for the defense of Long Island. Brig. Gen. John. Patterson. From August 21 to Contains headquarters, general, brigade, battalion, November 7, the regiment served in the Northern circular, and private orders, as well as discussion of Army under Gen. Horatio Gates at Van Shaick's Loyalist regiments. Locations: Oyster Bay (L.I.), Island, Stillwater, Bemis Heights and Albany, N.Y. New York City, Kingsbridge, Harlem Heights, This portion of the orderly book covers the period of Huntington, Morris House, Jamaica (L.I.), New Burgoyne's drive from Canada and his surrender. Town (L.I.), and Flushing (L.I.). Writer unknown. From November 22 - December 31, 1777, the 192 pages. regiment served with the Main Army under Gen. Reel: 4, No. 44 Washington at Whitemarsh, Gulph Mills, and , Pa. Writer unknown. 76 pages. (Typed Copy). Col. Daniel Morgan's Eleventh Virginia Regiment Reel: 5, No. 48 of 1777, New Jersey. (American). May 15 - June 9, 1777 Brig. Gen. Alexander MC Dougall's Brigade, New Contains brigade, division, and regimental orders, as York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. (American). well as Washington's headquarters orders, issued August 29 - October 6, 1777 from Morristown, N.J. Locations: Middle Brook and McDougall's brigade took part in the Battle of Bound Brook, N.J. Writer unknown. 29 pages. (Early Germantown. Contains general, division, brigade and copy of the original, now located in the Manuscript after orders. Locations: Peekskill, N.Y., Pennybecken Division, Library of Congress.). Mills, Shippack, Wentz's Worcester, and Reel: 4, No. 45 Towamensing, Pa. Kept by Richard Platt, Brigade Adjutant. 124 pages. Forty-Seventh Regiment, British Grenadiers, Reel: 5, No. 49 Canada and New York. (British). June 7 - July 3, 1777 Maj. Ebenezer Steven's Independent Battalion of Regiment formed part of Gen. John Burgoyne's Continental Artillery, New York. (American). troops. Contains brigade, battalion, and general September 11 - December 23, 1777 orders. Locations: Point au Feu, River Bouquet, The battalion served in the Northern Army, under the Chimney Point, Three Mile Point, Crown Point, command of Gen. Horatio Gates. Contains general camp before Ticonderoga and nearby places (most on and regimental orders. Locations: Stillwater, Lake Champlain). Kept by Lt. Poole England, Saratoga, Albany. Writer unknown. 74 pages. Adjutant, 47th Regt. 115 pages. Reel: 5, No. 50 Reel: 4, No. 46 Lt. Col. Joseph Storer's York County, Lt. Col. Joseph Storer's York County, Massachusetts Regiment, New York. (American). Massachusetts Regiment, New York and September 23 - November 5, 1777 Pennsylvania. (American). Regiment served in the Northern Army under the August 21 - December 31, 1777 command of Gen. Horatio Gates, as part of Brig. Regiment formed part of a brigade commanded by Gen. John Paterson's brigade. Contains general and Brig. Gen. John Patterson. From August 21 to brigade orders. Locations: Stillwater, Saratoga, November 7, the regiment served in the Northern Albany. Writer unknown. 26 pages. Army under Gen. Horatio Gates at Van Shaick's Reel: 5, No. 51 Island, Stillwater, Bemis Heights and Albany, N.Y. This portion of the orderly book covers the period of Capt. Peter Brown's Artillery Company of The Burgoyne's drive from Canada and his surrender. Philadelphia Militia, Pennsylvania. (American). From November 22 - December 31, 1777, the September 27 - October 14, 1777 regiment served with the Main army under Gen. Company formed part of Col. Jehu Eyre's artillery Washington at Whitemarsh, Gulph Mills, and Valley regiment of the Philadelphia Militia, serving in Brig. Forge, Pa. Writer unknown. 76 pages. Gen. James Irvine's brigade, Maj. Gen. John Reel: 5, No. 47 Armstrong's division. Includes brigade, division, and Washington's headquarters orders. Locations: Townships around Philadelphia and Towamensing. Kept by John Osborn? 60 pages. Reel: 5, No. 52

5 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Compilation of Orders Issued at Various Places Col. Philip Van Cortlandt's Second New York by the British Army, New York and Pennsylvania. Regiment of 1777, Pennsylvania. (American). (British). December 18, 1777 - January 14, 1778 October 4 - November 28, 1777 Regiment was part of Brig. Gen. Enoch Poor's Orders issued at Kingsbridge, Morris's House, brigade, which also contained the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Germantown, Philadelphia and New York City. Kept New Hampshire regiments of 1777, comanded by by Stephen Kemble, Deputy Adjutant General of the Cols. Joseph Cilley, Nathan Hale, and Alexander British Army in North America. 85 pages. Scammel, as well as the 4th N.Y. Regiment, Reel: 5, No. 53 commanded by Col. Henry Beekman Livingston. Contains headquarters orders from Gulph, right wing Capt. Peter Brown's Artillery Company of The orders of Gen. Sullivan, brigade, regimental and after Philadelphia Militia, Pennsylvania. (American). orders. Includes resolutions of the Continental October 9 - December 18, 1777 Congress. Locations: Gulph, Valley Forge, Pa. Writer Company formed part of Col. Jehu Eyre's artillery unknown. 51 pages. regiment of the Philadelphia Militia, serving in Brig. Reel: 5, No. 56.2 Gen. Paterson's brigade, Maj. Gen. John Armstrong's division. Includes brigade, division, and Capt. Edward Lounsbery's Eighth Company, Washington's headquarters orders. Locations: Second New York Regiment of 1777, Townships around Philadelphia. Kept by Jesse Pennsylvania. (American). Williamson? 175 pages. January 5 - March 20, 1778 Reel: 5, No. 54 Regiment was commanded by Col. Philip Van Cortlandt and formed part of Brig. Gen. Enoch Poor's Gen. George Washington's Headquarters, brigade, which also contained the 4th New York Pennsylvania. (American). Regiment and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd New Hampshire November 12 - December 26, 1777 Regiments of 1777. Contains headquarters and Because Richard Platt kept the McDougall orderly brigade orders. Locations: Whitemarsh, Valley books before and after this period, it is probable that Forge?, Pa. Writer unknown. 32 pages. this too is an orderly book kept for McDougall's Reel: 5, No. 56.3 division (McDougall was appointed Maj. Gen. Oct. 20, 1777). Covers skirmish at Whitemarsh, Dec. 4-5, Col. William Malcolm's Additional Continental and the army's move to winter quarters at Valley Regiment, Pennsylvania. (American). Forge. Includes Washington's general orders and after March 1 - March 8, 1778 orders kept by Richard Platt. 74 pages. Regiment served in Brig. Gen. Thomas Conway's Reel: 5, No. 55 brigade. Includes Washington's general orders, division, brigade and regimental orders. Locations: Col. William Malcolm's Additional Continental Valley Forge. Writer unknown. 20 pages. Regiment, Pennsylvania. (American). Reel: 5, No. 57 November 18 - November 26, 1777 Regiment served in Brig. Gen. Thomas Conway's Col. William Malcolm's Additional Continental brigade. Contains general, brigade, and regimental Regiment, Pennsylvania. (American). orders. Locations: Whitemarsh. Kept by John Steele? April 4 - May 15, 1778 27 pages. Includes Washington's headquarters orders, division, Reel: 5, No. 56 brigade and regimental orders. Locations: Valley Forge. Kept by Peter Taulman, Regiment Adjutant. Brig. Gen. Enoch Poor's Brigade, New York and 98 pages. Pennsylvania. (American). Reel: 5, No. 58 November 23 - December 6, 1777 Contains headquarters and brigade orders Brigade Col. William Malcolm's Additional Continental was made up of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd New Hampshire Regiment, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Regiments of 1777, commanded by Col. Joseph (American). Cilley, Col. Nathan Hale, and Col. Alexander May 23 - June 16, 1778 Scammel, as well as the 2nd and 4th N.Y. regiments Covers period of British evacuation of Philadelphia of 1777, commanded by Col. Philip Van Cortlandt and American departure from Valley Forge. Contains and Col. Henry Beekman Livingston. Locations: Washington's headquarters orders, division, brigade Fishkill, N.Y. and Whitemarsh, Pa. Writer unknown. and regimental orders. Locations: Valley Forge and 32 pages. camps. Writer unknown. 92 pages. Reel: 5, No. 56.1 Reel: 5, No. 59

6 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Col. William Malcolm's Additional Continental Col. William Malcolm's Additional Continental Regiment, New Jersey and New York. (American). Regiment, New York. (American). June 17 - July 28, 1778 August 2 - October 10, 1778 Covers period of army's march across New Jersey to Contains Washington's headquarters orders, division, West Point, including the battle at Monmouth, N.J. brigade and regimental orders. Locations: West Includes Washington's headquarters orders, division, Point. Kept by Joshua Drake. 70 pages. brigade and regimental orders. Writer unknown. 58 Reel: 6, No. 66 pages. Reel: 5, No. 60 Maj. Gen. Alexander Mc Dougall's Division, New York and Connecticut. (American). Brig. Gen. Jedediah Huntington's Connecticut August 15 - November 7, 1778 Brigade, New Jersey and New York. (American). Contains Washington's headquarters orders from June 19 - August 31, 1778 White Plains, Fredericksburg and Pauling's Precinct, Brigade was composed of the 1st, 2nd, 5th and 7th as well as Maj. Gen. McDougall's division orders Connecticut Regiments. Contains Washington's from camp at Second Hill and New Milford, Ct. Also headquarters orders, division, and brigade orders. contains Gates' orders from Danbury. Kept by Maj. Covers period of army's march across New Jersey, Ronald S. McDougall. 176 pages. including the battle at Monmouth, and at White Reel: 6, No. 67 Plains. Writer unknown. 172 pages. Reel: 5, No. 61 Knox's Brigade of Artillery with Washington's Main Army, New York. (American). Knox's Brigade of Artillery with Washington's August 24 - September 13, 1778 Main Army, New York and New Jersey. Contains Washington's headquarters orders and (American). brigade orders. Locations: White Plains. Writer July 23 - December 31, 1778 unknown. 56 pages. Brigade was stationed at White Plains until Sept. 15, Reel: 6, No. 68 when it marched with the Main Army to Fredericksburg. In December, the brigade was British Headquarters Orders, New York. stationed at Pluckemin, N.J. Contains Washington's (American). general orders and brigade orders. Writer unknown. September 11 - October 24, 1778 206 pages. Contains copies of orders issued by the Commander Reel: 5, No. 62 in Chief of the British forces in North America, Sir William Howe, most regarding court martials and Knox's Brigade of Artillery with Washington's promotions. Locations: New York City. Kept by Lt. Main Army, New York and New Jersey. Col. Stephen Kemble, Adjutant General. 88 pages. (American). Reel: 6, No. 69 July 23 - December 31, 1778 Brigade was stationed at White Plains until Sept. 15, Col. 's Fourth Massachusetts when it marched with the Main Army to Regiment, Rhode Island. (American). Fredericksburg. In December, the brigade was September 21 - December 12, 1778 stationed at Pluckemin, N.J. Contains Washington's Regiment served in Brig. Gen. John Glover's brigade, general orders and brigade orders. Writer unknown. together with the 15th, 1st and 13th Massachusetts 206 pages. (Typed Copy). Regiments. Contains Gen. John Sullivan's Reel: 5, No. 63 headquarters orders, Brig. Gen. Glover's brigade orders, and a few regimental orders. Locations: Unidentified Orderly Book, New York and Providence, R.I. Kept by Capt. Simon Larned, Connecticut. (American). Adjutant. 164 pages. July 22 - October 31, 1778 Reel: 6, No. 70 Contains Washington's general orders from White Plains and Fredericksburg, as well as Maj. Gen. Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of McDougall's division orders from from camp at Continental Artillery, New York. (American). Second Hill and New Milford and Maj. Gen. Gates September 26 - November 27, 1778 orders from Danbury. Possibly a McDougall orderly Regiment formed part of the artillery brigade book. Kept by Richard Platt. 184 pages. commanded by Henry Knox. Contains general Reel: 5, No. 64 orders, artillery brigade orders, and regimental orders. Locations: Artillery Park (near Second Brigade, British Footguards, New York. Fredericksburg, N.Y.), and Fredericksburg. Writer (British). unknown. 112 pages. August 7 - December 25, 1778 Reel: 6, No. 71 Contains general, brigade, regimental and garrison orders. Locations: New York City. Writer unknown. 120 pages. Reel: 6, No. 65

7 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Knox's Brigade of Artillery with Washington's Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Main Army, New Jersey and New York. Continental Artillery, New York and New Jersey. (American). (American). October 24, 1778 - March 1, 1779 February 5 - May 30, 1779 Brigade served in the Hudson Highlands, marched Regiment formed part of the artillery brigade through Crom Pond, N.Y., King's Ferry, N.Y. and commanded by Henry Knox. Contains general orders Pompton, N.J. to Pluckemin, N.J. Contains artillery of Washington, artillery brigade, and regimental brigade orders and some general orders. Writer orders. Includes resolutions of the Continental unknown. 152 pages. Congress. Locations: Artillery Park, N.Y. and Reel: 6, No. 73 Pluckemin, N.J. Writer unknown. 172 pages. (Typed Copy). Maj. Gen. Alexander MC Dougall's Division, New Reel: 7, No. 80 York and Connecticut. (American). October 31, 1778 - April 29, 1779 Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Contains extracts from Washington's general orders Continental Artillery. Book of Monthly and and division orders. Locations: Camp at Second Hill, Weekly Returns. (American). New Town, Peeks Kill, Fish Kill. Kept by Richard March 26, 1779 - November 15, 1783 Platt. 186 pages. In April of 1782, the regiment was termed the "New Reel: 6, No. 74 York Regiment of Artillery" and later was called "Sebastian Bauman N.Y. Corps of Artillery". Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Sebastian Bauman was a major in the regiment and Continental Artillery, New York and New Jersey. took command in Lamb's absence. Regiment formed (American). a part of Henry Knox's Artillery Brigade. Kept by G. November 30, 1778 - February 4, 1779; January 11, Hubbell, Lieut. Joseph Ashton, Lieut James Giles, 1780 - February 18, 1780 and James Bradford. 103 pages. Contains artillery brigade orders, and a few Reel: 7, No. 81 regimental orders. Locations: Kings Ferry, N.Y. and Pluckemin, N.J. Contains artillery orders, garrison Washington's Headquarters Orders and West orders from West Point, and headquarters orders Point Garrison Orders, New Jersey and New from Robinson's Farm (across the river from West York. (American). Point). Regiment formed part of the brigade of May 5 - June 21, 1779; June 26 - September 17, 1781 artillery commanded by Henry Knox. Writer Contains headquarters orders of Gen. George unknown. 104 pages. Washington as well as resolutions of the Continental Reel: 6, No. 75 Congress. Locations: Peeks Kill, N.Y., Middle Brook, N.J., Highlands, N.Y., West Point, N.Y. First Battalion of Guards, New York. (British). Writer unknown. Contains garrison orders from West January 1, 1779 - December 28, 1779 Point, N.Y. Writer unknown. 65 pages. Contains garrison, battalion, and brigade orders, as Reel: 7, No. 82 well as the general orders of Sir Henry Clinton. Locations: New York City (including Laurel Hill and Col. Josiah Starr's First Connecticut Regiment of Morris's House). Writer unknown. 338 pages. 1777, New York. (American). Reel: 6, No. 77 May 14 - August 7, 1779 Contains general, brigade, wing, and regimental Lt. Col. 's Regiment, New York. orders, as well as weekly returns and lists of (American). ammunition given individual soldiers. Concerns January 15 - February 28, 1779 operations along the east side of the Hudson, Burr's detachment formed part of Alexander including a record of the capture of Stony Point, July McDougall's troops. Contains orders of McDougall 16, 1779. Locations: Mandeville's. Kept by Sgt. and Lt. Col. Burr. Locations: Westchester County, Daniel Coit. 240 pages. N.Y. Writer unknown. 13 pages. Reel: 7, No. 83 Reel: 7, No. 78 Gen. Edward Hand's Headquarters, New Jersey. Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of (American). Continental Artillery, New York and New Jersey. May 28 - July 4, 1779 (American). Includes general, division and brigade orders. February 5 - May 30, 1779 Contains resolutions of the . Regiment formed part of the artillery brigade Locations: Middle Brook, Springfield, Pompton commanded by Henry Knox. Contains general orders Plain, Kingswood, Galloways, Smith's Clove, Dean of Washington, artillery brigade, and regimental Furnace. Writer unknown. 103 pages. orders. Includes resolutions of the Continental Reel: 7, No. 84 Congress. Locations: Artillery Park, N.Y. and Pluckemin, N.J. Writer unknown. 172 pages. Reel: 7, No. 79

8 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Capt. John Titus's Company, Fourth New York Col. Thomas Nixon's Sixth Massachusetts Regiment of 1777, New York. (American). Regiment, New York and New Jersey. (American). May 29 - August 6, 1779 July 10, 1779 - September 13, 1780 Regiment, commanded by Lt. Col. Frederick Regiment formed a part of Gen. Robert Howe's Weisenfels, formed part of Gen. James Clinton's division, which was in the Left Wing, commanded by brigade. Company took part in Gen. John Sullivan's Gen. William Heath. Contains headquarters, division, Indian expedition. Contains Sullivan's orders, brigade, wing and regimental orders. Locations: garrison orders from Fort Plank, and regimental Highlands and Orangetown, N.Y.; Teaneck and orders. Locations: Fort Plank and Lake Oswego. Steenrapie, N.J. Kept by Lt. Samuel Frost, Adjutant. Writer unknown. 178 pages. (Photostat). 4 volumes. Reel: 7, No. 85 Reel: 8, No. 91

Col. Oliver Spencer's Additional Continental Col. Thomas Nixon's Sixth Massachusetts Regiment, Pennsylvania. (American). Regiment, New York and New Jersey. (American). June - July 24, 1779 July 10, 1779 - September 13, 1780 Col. Malcolm's Additional Continental Regt. was Regiment formed a part of Gen. Robert Howe's ordered to merge with Spencer's regt., April 22, 1779. division, which was in the Left Wing, commanded by The regiment formed part of Gen. Maxwell's brigade Gen. William Heath Contains headquarters, division, and was to take part in Sullivan's Indian expedition. bridge, wing and regimental orders. Locations: Contains headquarters, detachment and regimental Highlands and Orangetown, N.Y.; Teaneck and orders. Locations: Bullock's House, Wyoming (now Steenrapie, N.J. Kept by Lt. Samuel Frost, Adjutant. Wilkesbarre). Kept by Peter Taulman, Adjutant. 105 4 volumes (Typed Copy). pages. Reel: 9, No. 92 Reel: 7, No. 86 Col. Oliver Spencer's Additional Continental Maj. Gen. Alexander MC Dougall's Division, New Regiment, Pennsylvania and New York. York. (American). (American). June 6 - August 21, 1779 July 27, 1779 - September 28, 1779 Contains MC Dougall's orders, extracts from the Regiment formed part of Gen. William Maxwell's general orders of Washington at Moor's House, and brigade and took part in Sullivan's Indian Expedition. garrison orders. Includes resolutions of the Includes headquarters, brigade, and regimental Continental Congress. Locations: Highlands, West orders. Locations: Troops marched from Wyoming, Point, Moor's House. Writer unknown. 282 pages. Pa. to Tioga and Newtown, N.Y., then north in an Reel: 7, No. 87 attempt to reach Fort Niagara, then east. Kept by Peter Taulman, Adjutant. 171 pages. Col. Francis Johnson's Fifth Pennsylvania Reel: 9, No. 93 Regiment, New York and New Jersey. (American). June 5 - July 7, 1779 Maj. Gen. Alexander MC Dougall's Division, New Regiment formed part of the 2nd brigade of Maj. York. (American). Gen. St. Clair's Pennsylvania division and served August 21 - November 20, 1779 with the Main Army. Contains general, division, and Contains headquarters and general orders. Includes brigade orders. Locations: Smith's Clove, Forrest of resolutions of the Continental Congress. Locations: Dean. Kept by James Giles? 172 pages. West Point, Moor's House. Kept by Maj. Richard Reel: 8, No. 88 Platt. 180 pages. Reel: 9, No. 94 Brigade of Artillery, New Jersey and New York. (American). Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of June 6 - August 8, 1779; August 4 - 30, 1780 Continental Artillery, New York and New Jersey. Contains Washington's general orders from Stott's (American). House, Smith's Clove, Stony Point, New Windsor, August 24, 1779 - February 20, 1780 and West Point. Includes resolutions of the Contains general orders of George Washington, Continental Congress. Contains garrison orders from brigade orders including those of Henry Knox, and West Point. Writer unknown. 145 pages. regimental orders. Locations: Chester, Warwick, Reel: 8, No. 89 Fishkill, N.Y.; Morristown and Mindon, N.J. Writer unknown. 160 pages. Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Reel: 9, No. 95 Continental Artillery, New Jersey and New York. (American). June 8 - August 19, 1779 Contains brigade and regimental orders. Regiment was part of Henry Knox's artillery brigade. Locations: Whippany, N.J. and Chester, N.Y. Kept by Chilian Ford, Adjutant. 110 pages. Reel: 8, No. 90

9 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Samuel Mc Neil, Quartermaster to Brig. Gen. Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Edward Hand's Brigade. Orderly Book and Continental Artillery, New Jersey. (American). Diary. New York and Pennsylvania. (American). December 7, 1779 - March 27, 1780 August 23 - September 7, 1779 Covers period of the army's stay at winter quarters in Contains Gen. Sullivan's general orders and brigade Morristown, New Jersey. Contains headquarters, orders, as well as McNeil's personal diary which general, and regimental orders as well as brigade chronicles the march with the Sullivan Indian orders of Henry Knox. Includes resolutions of the Expedition from Tioga to Newtown, along Seneca Continental Congress. Locations: Morristown, N.J. Lake and then east to the capital of the Seneca Kept by Joseph Ashton, Adjutant. 242 pages. nations. 26 pages. Reel: 10, No. 102 Reel: 9, No. 96 New York (Loyalist) Volunteers, Georgia, South Col. Oliver Spencer's Additional Continental Carolina, New York. (British). Regiment, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. January 1 - August 23, 1780; February 10 - June 28, (American). 1782 October 2, 1779 - February 1, 1780 Regiment served with Clinton and Cornwallis' Contains headquarters, division, brigade and Southern Expedition, during which time, Gen. regimental orders. Regiment, which was a part of Lincoln surrendered Charlestown to the British. Also Gen. William Maxwell's brigade, took part in located at Savannah. Contains regimental orders Sullivan's Indian Expedition and then returned to along with letters and memorandums written by winter quarters at Morristown. Locations: Tioga, Frederick DePeyster and others in no apparent Wyoming, Heller's Tavern, and Easton, Pa.; Scotch chronological order. Locations: Camp James Island, Plains and Morristown, N.J. Kept by Peter Taulman, Charlestown. Kept by Frederick DePeyster, officer of Adjutant. 172 pages. the volunteers. 100 pages. Reel: 9, No. 97 Reel: 10, No. 102.1 Col. Philip Van Cortlandt's Second New York Corps of Artillery, West Point, New York. Regiment of 1777, New Jersey and New York. (American). (American). January 29 - May 31, 1780 November 15, 1779 - June 23, 1780 Includes headquarters orders of Generals William Regiment formed part of Brig. Gen. James Clinton's Heath, Robert Howe, and Alexander McDougall, as brigade. Contains general orders of George well as garrison and artillery orders. Locations: West Washington from West Point, division, brigade, Point, N.Y. Kept by Lieut. Florence Crowley. 268 regimental, and garrison orders. Includes resolutions pages. of the Continental Congress and a resolution of the Reel: 10, No. 103 New York Legislature. Locations: Pompton, Camp Rockeway, and Morristown, N.J.; Fort Edward, West Maj. Gen. Robert Howe's Headquarters, New Point, and Highlands, N.Y. Writer unknown. 216 York. (American). pages. February 10 - July 4, 1780 Reel: 9, No. 98 Howe took over command of the Left Wing of the Northern Army at West Point from Gen. Heath on Maj. Gen. Alexander MC Dougall's Division, New Feb. 21, 1780. He was succeeded by Gen. Benedict York. (American). Arnold on Aug. 3, 1780. Contains orders of Gen. November 20 - December 5, 1779 Washington, headquarters orders of Gen. Heath and Contains headquarters orders, general orders of Gen. Gen. Howe. Locations: West Point, Highlands, George Washington, and garrison orders. Includes Fishkill, Dobb's Ferry, Windsor, Phillipsburg, etc. resolutions of the Continental Congress. Locations: Writer unknown. 270 pages. Moor's House, West Point. Writer unknown. 32 Reel: 10, No. 104 pages. Reel: 10, No. 99 American Headquarters, New Jersey. (American). February 21 - May 17, 1780 Col. Philip Van Cortlandt's Second New York Contains general orders of Washington, brigade and Regiment of 1777, New Jersey. (American). regimental orders. Charts at end name men and December 3, 1779 - May 29, 1780 describe their clothing and equipment. Location: Contains headquarters, division, brigade, and Morristown, N.J. Writer unknown. 228 pages. regimental orders. Regiment formed part of a brigade Reel: 11, No. 105 commanded by Brig. Gen. James Clinton. Includes resolutions of the Continental Congress and resolutions of the New York Legislature. Locations: Morristown, N.J. Writer unknown. 103 pages. (Typed Copy). Reel: 10, No. 101

10 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Col. Oliver Spencer's Additional Continental Corps of Artillery, West Point, New York. Regiment, New Jersey. (American). February 28 - April 3, 1780 May 23 - July 5, 1780 Regiment formed part of Maxwell's brigade, Lord Contains general, garrison and artillery orders. Stirling's division. Includes headquarters, division, Officers mentioned July 4, 1780 belonged to the brigade, and regimental orders. Locations: Second and Third Continental Artillery. Locations: Morristown, N.J. Kept by Peter Taulman, Adjutant. West Point, Highlands. Writer unknown. 136 pages. 126 pages. Reel: 11, No. 111 Reel: 11, No. 106 Corps of Artillery, West Point, New York. Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of (American). Continental Artillery, New Jersey and New York. June 1 - July 14, 1780 (American). Includes headquarters orders of Gen. Robert Howe, March 28 - June 12, 1780 as well as garrison and artillery orders. Locations: Includes general orders of Gen. Washington, orders West Point, N.Y. Kept by Lt. Florence Crowley, of Henry Knox, brigade and regimental orders. Adjutant. 152 pages. Contains acts and resolutions of the Continental Reel: 11, No. 112 Congress. Covers period of army's stay at winter quarters. Locations: Morristown, Highlands. Kept by Col. Oliver Spencer's Additional Continental Joseph Ashton, Adjutant. 154 pages. Regiment, New Jersey and New York. (American). Reel: 11, No. 107 June 13 - August 6, 1780 Regiment formed part of Gen. Maxwell's brigade. Capt. Benjamin Frothingham's Artillery Contains headquarters orders of Washington, division Company, New York and New Jersey. orders of Baron Steuben, brigade and regimental (American). orders. Locations: Short Hills (now Metuchen, N.J.), March 30 - September 2, 1780 Pompton, Prakaness, and Paramus, N.J.; Peekskill Company was a part of the Third Continental and Verplanck's Point, N.Y. Kept by Peter Taulman, Artillery. Includes brigade orders of Henry Knox, Adjutant. 170 pages. general orders of Gen. Washington, and regimental Reel: 11, No. 113 orders. Contains resolutions of the Continental Congress. Locations: Verplanck's Point, Orangetown, Unidientified American Force, New Jersey and Teaneck. Writer unknown. 99 pages. New York. (American). Reel: 11, No. 108 June 14 - September 3, 1780 Contains orders from headquarters at Springfield, Col. Otho William's Sixth Maryland Regiment, Short Hills, Orangetown, Haverstraw, Whippany, New Jersey to South Carolina. (American). Prakaness, Paramus, Verplanck's Point, Peekskill etc. April 4 - July 26, 1780 Writer unknown. 144 pages. Covers the march of the American force under Baron Reel: 12, No. 114 de Kalb from Morristown, N.J. to South Carolina. The troops left April 16 and arrived at Buffalo Run, Col. Frederick Weisenfel's Fourth New York where de Kalb turned over command to Gen. Gates. Regiment of 1777, New York. (American). During the 1780 campaign, Lt. Col. Benjamin Ford June 19 - July 29, 1780 was usually in command, because Williams was on Regiment formed part of Brig. Gen. James Clinton's staff duty. Contains general, division, brigade and brigade. Contains general, brigade, regimental and regimental orders. Kept by Lt. Jacob Norris. 110 garrison orders. Locations: West Point. Kept by Capt. pages. Jonathon Titus? 83 pages. (Photostat copy of the Reel: 11, No. 109 original in the possession of Mr. Jesse W. Kelsey, Queens, Long Island, New York.). Col. Oliver Spencer's Additional Continental Reel: 12, No. 115 Regiment, New Jersey. (American). April 9 - June 6, 1780 Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Regiment formed part of Maxwell's brigade, Lord Continental Artillery, New York and New Jersey. Stirling's division. Contains headquarters, division, (American). brigade, regimental orders. Includes resolutions of June 21 - September 6, 1780 the Continental Congress. Locations: Morristown, Contains general, brigade, regimental and artillery N.J. Writer unknown. 136 pages. orders. Regiment was part of a brigade commanded Reel: 11, No. 110 by Henry Knox and was sometimes termed the New York Regiment of Artillery. Locations: Springfield, Rockaway, Suffern, Ramapo, Orangetown, and Teaneck. Writer unknown. 162 pages. Reel: 12, No. 116

11 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Headquarters Orders, New York and New Jersey. Garrison Orders, West Point, New York. (American). (American). June 22 - July 3, 1780 August 14 - September 29, 1780 Includes garrison orders from West Point and Garrison orders issued by Col. John Lamb. Garrison headquarters orders from Highlands, as well as an consisted of a New Hampshire regiment and a extract from Washington's general orders at Short Massachusetts brigade. Includes 's Hills. Writer unknown. 42 pages. orders, issued from his headquarters at Robinson's Reel: 12, No. 117 House. Locations: West Point, Robinson's House. Writer unknown. 68 pages. Maj. Gen. Alexander Mc Dougall's Division, New Reel: 12, No. 123 York. (American). June 25 - July 4, 1780 Col. Oliver Spencer's Additional Continental Includes garrison orders issued at West Point. Regiment, New Jersey and New York. (American). Locations: West Point. Writer unknown. 26 pages. August 29 - September 26 & October 16, 1780 Reel: 12, No. 118 Regiment was in the New Jersey brigade in the Right Wing, until detached Sept. 16, 1780 to join Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Livingston's at Stony Point. Contains Washington's Continental Artillery, New York, New Jersey, headquarters orders from Teaneck and Steenrapie, Virginia. (American). N.J., brigade, division, and wing orders through Sept. June 26 - December 30, 1780; August 4 - October 13, 16, and garrison orders at Stony Point and 1781 Verplanck's Point after Sept. 17. Kept by Peter Contains artillery orders from West Point, while Col. Taulman, Adjutant. 83 pages. Lamb was in command of the artillery at the post, Reel: 12, No. 124 garrison orders, and regimental orders from West Point and New Windsor. Contains regimental orders, Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of orders for the right column, and brigade orders of Continental Artillery, New York and New Jersey. Henry Knox. Covers period of the regiment's march (American). with Washington's main army to Yorktown. September 7 - November 2, 1780 Locations: Park of Artillery, N.Y., Haverstraw, N.Y., Includes Washington's general orders and the orders Chatham, Boundbrook, and Princeton, N.J., and of Gen. Greene during Washington's absence, brigade Burrell's Ferry and Artillery Park, Va. Writer and regimental orders. Orders of the 25th Sept. unknown. 85 pages. discuss the treason of Arnold. Locations: Steenrapie, Reel: 12, No. 118.1 Orangetown, Paramus, Totoway. Writer unknown. 124 pages. American Headquarters, Highlands, New York. Reel: 13, No. 125 (American). July 25 - September 4, 1780 Col. Thomas Nixon's Sixth Massachusetts Contains headquarters, brigade, garrison, and Regiment, New York and New Jersey. (American). regimental orders. Locations: Highlands. Writer September 16 - November 6, 1780 unknown. 128 pages. Regiment formed part of Gen. Robert Howe's Reel: 12, No. 119 division. Contains general orders of Washington and Gen. Greene from headquarters, division and wing Gen. Von Steuben's Division, New York and New orders. Locations: Steenrapie, Tappan, Orangetown, Jersey. (American). Totoway. Kept by Samuel Frost, Adjutant. 169 pages. August 8 - October 3, 1780 Reel: 13, No. 126 Division was composed of the 3rd and 4th Massachusetts brigades and formed part of the Left Col. Philip Van Cortlandt's Second New York Wing of the army. Includes Washington's Regiment of 1777, New York and New Jersey. headquarters orders, the orders of Gen. Greene in (American). Washington's absence, wing and division orders. September 23 - October 1, 1780 Contains orders concerning Arnold's treason and the Contains general orders, some of which relate to the sentencing of André. Locations: Orangetown, discovery of the Arnold plot and the sentencing of Teaneck and Steenrapie. Writer unknown. 180 pages. André Locations: Orangeburg, Totoway. Kept by Reel: 12, No. 121 Barnardus Swartwout? 9 pages. Reel: 13, No. 127 West Point General Orders, New York. (American). August 14 - October 9, 1780 Includes orders of Benedict Arnold, Alexander McDougall and Arthur St. Clair. On Oct. 9, Gen. Greene arrived and took command. Locations: Robinson's House (Arnold's headquarters while in command of West Point) and West Point. Kept by Hubbett? 54 pages. Reel: 12, No. 122

12 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Col. William Shepard's Fourth Massachusetts Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Regiment, New Jersey. (American). Continental Artillery, New York. (American). October 7 - November 19, 1780 December 17, 1780 - February 20, 1781 This regiment formed a brigade with the 1st, 13th and The second artillery was part of Henry Knox's 15th Mass. regts. in Maj. Gen. Robert Howe's artillery brigade. Contains Washington's headquarters division. The division was part of the Left Wing of orders, brigade and regimental orders. The orders of the army. Contains Washington's headquarters orders Jan. 30 describe the mutiny of the New Jersey troops from Paramus and Totoway, as well as wing, at Pompton, N.J. Lt. Col. Ebenezer Stevens division, brigade and regimental orders. Includes an commanded the regt. in the absence of Lamb. Act of the Continental Congress, Oct. 4, 1780, Locations: New Windsor, N.Y. Kept by Joseph erasing the name of Benedict Arnold from the Ashton and after Jan. 16, by James Giles. 163 pages. register of officers of the army. Locations: Paramus Reel: 13, No. 132 and Totoway, N.J. Writer unknown. 108 pages. Reel: 13, No. 128 Col. John Durkee's First Connecticut Regiment of 1781, New York. (American). Col. William Shepard's Fourth Massachusetts January 30 - April 23, 1781 Regiment, New Jersey. (American). Regiment, which formed a brigade with the 3rd and October 7 - November 19, 1780 5th Connecticut regiments, was garrisoned at West This regiment formed a brigade with the 1st, 13th and Point. Contains Washington's headquarters orders 15th Mass. regts. in Maj. Gen. Robert Howe's from New Windsor, garrison, division, brigade and division. The division was a part of the Left Wing of regimental orders. Kept by Libeus Loomis, Adjutant. the army. Contains Washington's headquarters orders 180 pages. from Paramus and Totoway, as well as wing, Reel: 13, No. 133 division, brigade and regimental orders. Includes an Act of the Continental Congress, Oct. 4, 1780, Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of erasing the name of Benedict Arnold from the Continental Artillery, New York. (American). register of officers of the army. Locations: Paramus February 21 - March 28, 1781 and Totoway, N.J. Writer unknown. 108 pages The 2nd artillery was part of Henry Knox's artillery (Typed Copy). brigade. Contains Washington's headquarters orders, Reel: 13, No. 129 brigade and regimental orders. A Geo. Fleming appears to have been in command of the regiment Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of during Lamb's absence. Includes resolutions of the Continental Artillery, New Jersey and New York. Continental Congress. Locations: New Windsor, (American). N.Y. Kept by Lt. James Giles, Adjutant. 160 pages. November 2 - December 16, 1780 Reel: 13, No. 134 Regiment was part of the artillery brigade commanded by Henry Knox. Contains Washington's Lt. Col. John Brook's Seventh Massachusetts headquarters orders from Morristown, brigade orders, Regiment, New York. (American). and regimental orders. Regiment was temporarily March 12 - May 12, 1781 commanded by Lt. Col. Ebenezer Stevens. Includes Includes headquarters orders from West Point and resolutions of the Continental Congress. Locations: New Windsor, garrison and regimental orders. Gen. Totoway, N.J. Kept by Joseph Ashton, Adjutant. 74 Heath commanded West Point at this time. pages. Locations: West Point. Writer unknown. 146 pages. Reel: 13, No. 130 Reel: 13, No. 135

Col. Thomas Nixon's Sixth Massachusetts Artillery Orders, West Point, New York. Regiment, New Jersey and York. (American). (American). November 7, 1780 - January 1, 1781 April 18 - May 31, 1781 Regiment was part of Gen. Robert Howe's division, Contains Washington's headquarters orders from which was in the Left Wing of the army. Includes New Windsor, garrison and artillery orders. Includes Washington's headquarters orders from Totoway, resolutions of the Continental Congress. Locations: Morristown, and New Windsor, headquarters and West Point, New Windsor. Writer unknown. 110 garrison orders from West Point, division orders of pages. Gen. Howe, brigade and regimental orders. The Reel: 14, No. 136 Massachusetts line marched from Totoway, via Haverstraw, to the Hudson Highlands for winter British Headquarters Orders, New York. quarters. Includes resolutions of the Continental (British). Congress. Kept by Samuel Frost, Adjutant. 182 April 25 - August 2, 1781 pages. (Photostat). Contains headquarters orders of Henry Clinton, Reel: 13, No. 131 Commander in Chief of the British forces in America. Locations: Staten Island, New York City. Writer unknown. 84 pages. Reel: 14, No. 137

13 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Continental Artillery, New York. Continental Artillery, New York, New Jersey, May 29 - June 22, 1781 Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia. (American). The 2nd artillery was part of Henry Knox's artillery June 20 - October 21, 1781 brigade. Contains Washington's general orders, The 2nd artillery was part of Henry Knox's artillery brigade orders, and regimental orders. Includes brigade. Contains resolutions of the Continental resolutions of the Continental Congress. Lt. Col. Congress. Includes Washington's general orders from Ebenezer Stevens appears to have been commanding New Windsor, Phillipsburg, points on the march the regt. in Lamb's absence. Kept by J. Giles, South, Williamsburg Va., and before Yorktown, Va., Adjutant. 74 pages. as well as brigade, regimental, and right column Reel: 14, No. 138 orders. The regiment marched with Washington's main army and participated in the Battle of Col. Rufus Putnam's Fifth Massachusetts Yorktown. Locations: Peekskill, Croton, Tarrytown, Regiment, New York. (American). Haverstraw, N.Y.; Chatham, Springfield, May 31 - August 10, 1781 Boundbrook, Princeton, N.J.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Contains Washington's general orders from James River, Trebell's Landing, Before York, Va. headquarters at New Windsor, Peekskill, Phillipsburg Kept by James Giles, Adjutant. 244 pages. and Dobb's Ferry, as well as garrison orders at West Reel: 14, No. 143 Point, division, brigade, and regimental orders. Contains resolutions of the Continental Congress, Col. John Crane's Third Regiment of Continental Washington's comments on the successes of Gen. Artillery, New York. (American). Greene's troops in South Carolina, and on the July 3 - September 29, 1781 manuevering of the army to meet the French forces Includes Gen. McDougall's garrison orders at West under the command of Rochambeau. The regiment Point, artillery orders, and regimental orders, as well was stationed at West Point, Peekskill, Phillipsburg, as extracts from Washington's general orders before and Dobb's Ferry. Writer unknown. 263 pages. marching South, and Heath's orders at Peekskill and Reel: 14, No. 139 Continental Village. The 3rd artillery was part of an artillery brigade commanded by Henry Knox. Headquarters Orders, New York. (American). Locations: West Point. Writer unknown. 129 pages. June 1 - October 2, 1781 Reel: 14, No. 144 Contains Washington's orders from headquarters at New Windsor, Valentine Hill, Phillipsburg and Col. William Shepard's Fourth Massachusetts Dobb's Ferry, before his departure with the Main Regiment, New York. (American). Army to Yorktown, August 19. Also includes orders July 31 - August 2, 1781 of Gen. Heath and right wing orders of Lord Stirling Contains headquarters orders of Washington, division from Peekskill and Continental Village in the and regimental orders. Locations: Phillipsburg, N.Y. Highlands, August to October. Heath commanded the Kept by Simon Larned, Adjutant. 17 pages. Hudson Highlands. Resolutions of the Continental Reel: 14, No. 145 Congress, Washington's comments on Greene's successes in South Carolina and on the action at British Headquarters, New York. (British). Tarrytown are included. Covers period of the arrival August 1, 1781 - February 20, 1782 of French troops under Rochambeau, and the arrival Contains headquarters orders of the British of Comte De Grasse's French fleet in the Chesapeake. Commander in Chief, Henry Clinton, dated from Writer unknown. 256 pages. Staten Island and New York City. Writer unknown. Reel: 14, No. 140 181 pages. Reel: 14, No. 146 Artillery Orders, West Point, New York. (American). Capt. Elias Stillwell's Company, Col. John June 9 - June 29, 1781 Durkee's First Connecticut Regiment of 1781, Contains garrison, artillery and extracts from New York. headquarters orders of Washington at New Windsor, August 5? - October 2, 1781 included in the after orders of Gen. Howe. Locations: Includes headquarters orders of Washington from West Point, New Windsor. Writer unknown. 65 badly Dobb's Ferry, general orders of Heath at Peekskill, mutilated and water-stained pages. right wing orders of Lord Stirling, division, brigade, Reel: 14, No. 141 and regimental orders. Contains resolutions of the Continental Congress. Locations: Dobb's Ferry, Peekskill, Continental Village. Writer unknown. 172 pages. Reel: 15, No. 147

14 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Sylvanus Seely's Regiment of New Jersey Militia, Muster Roll: Col. John Crane's Third Regiment New York and New Jersey. (American). of Continental Artillery. (American). August 15 - October 15, 1781 September, 1781 - May, 1783 Contains some headquarters and brigade orders, but Contains weekly, monthly and inspection returns, mainly regimental orders. Locations: Dobb's Ferry, which account for all members of the regiment by N.Y. and Connecticut Farms, N.Y. Writer unknown. company and rank. The 3rd regt formed a part of 30 pages. Henry Knox's artillery brigade. Writer unknown. 200 Reel: 15, No. 148 pages. Reel: 15, No. 153 Col. Philip Van Cortlandt's Second New York Regiment of 1777, Virginia. (American). Headquarters, New York. (American). September 26 - October 30, 1781 January 1 - August 10, 1782 Contains headquarters orders and after orders of Contains headquarters orders of Gen. Washington, Washington from Williamsburg and before after orders, and resolutions of the Continental Yorktown, concerning the deployment of the army. Congress. Includes description of a court-martial for Also contains the right wing orders of Gen. St. Clair. inciting mutiny in the Connecticut Line as well as the Includes resolutions of the Continental Congress. announcement of the "birth of a Dauphin of France". Locations: Williamsburg, Yorktown. Kept by Mentions Baron von Steuben and Gen. Heath. Writer Barnardus Swartwout Jr. 76 pages. unknown. 156 pages. Reel: 15, No. 149 Reel: 15, No. 154

Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Return Book: Col. John Crane's Third Regiment Continental Artillery, Virginia. (American). of Continental Artillery, New York. (American). October 7 - October 30, 1781 January 1, 1782 - June 1, 1783 Contains headquarters orders of Gen. Washington The 3rd regiment was also termed the Massachusetts before Yorktown, detailing instructions for the siege, regiment of artillery and formed part of Henry Knox's brigade orders of Henry Knox, which on Oct. 20, artillery brigade. Contains weekly and monthly commend the artillery's performance at Yorktown. returns for Capt. Nathaniel Donnell's 5th company. Contains acts and resolutions of the Continental Locations: West Point, Fort Clinton, N.Y. Kept by Congress. Writer unknown. 53 pages. George Standby? 118 pages. Reel: 15, No. 150 Reel: 15, No. 155 Col. John Crane's Third Regiment of Continental Col. John Crane's Third Regiment of Continental Artillery, New York. (American). Artillery, New York. (American). November 24, 1781 - January 5, 1782 January 4 - March 9, 1782 Contains Washington's headquarters orders from Contains Heath's orders from headquarters in the Highlands, garrison orders from West Point, and Highlands, garrison orders from West Point, and regimental orders. Includes resolutions of the artillery and regimental orders. Crane's regiment Continental Congress, including one commending the formed part of Henry Knox's artillery brigade and artillery for valor at Yorktown. Crane's regiment was also termed the Massachusetts regiment of formed part of Henry Knox's artillery brigade. artillery. Includes resolutions of the Continental Locations: Highlands, West Point. Writer unknown. Congress. Writer unknown. 147 pages. 134 pages. Reel: 15, No. 156 Reel: 15, No. 151 Col. Rufus Putnam's Fifth Massachusetts Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Regiment, New York. (American). Continental Artillery, New Jersey. (American). January 12 - March 29, 1782 December 7, 1781 - February 4, 1782 Contains Heath's orders from Headquarters in the The second artillery was part of Henry Knox's Highlands, garrison orders from West Point, brigade artillery brigade. Contains garrison, regimental, and a and regimental orders, as well as extracts from Gen. few headquarters orders from Philadelphia. Includes Washington's orders. Includes resolutions of the a resolutions of the Continental Congress, thanking Continental Congress. Regiment formed part of Brig. the artillery for its performance at Yorktown. Lt. Col. Gen. John Paterson's brigade? Locations: Highlands, Stevens appears to have been commanding in Lamb's West Point, N.Y. Kept by Lt. Parke Holland. 186 absence. Locations: Burlington Barracks. Writer pages. unknown. 68 pages. Reel: 15, No. 157 Reel: 15, No. 152

15 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Continental Artillery, New Jersey. (American). Continental Artillery, New York and New Jersey. February 7 - August 7, 1782 (American). Regiment was also termed the New York Regiment August 9 - November 27, 1782 of Artillery and was part of Knox's artillery brigade. Contains regimental and garrison orders, as well as Contains headquarters orders from Philadelphia, extracts from Washington's general orders at garrison orders, and regimental orders. Includes Newburgh and Verplanck's Point. Includes resolutions of the Continental Congress, one resolutions of the Continental Congress. Regiment respecting the court martial of Gen. Howe. Also was part of the artillery brigade commanded by contains discussion of the number of servants to be Henry Knox and was also termed the New York allowed to officers of the regular army. Locations: regiment of artillery. Locations: West Point, Burlington Barracks, N.J. Kept by J. Giles, Adjutant. Bethlehem township, Hackettstown, New Windsor, 3 volumes. and back to West Point, N.Y. Writer unknown. 3 Reel: 16, No. 158 volumes. Reel: 16, No. 162 Col. John Crane's Third Regiment of Continental Artillery, New York. (American). "Opinions of the Court Martial Respecting Major March 12 - May 18, 1782 General Mc Dougall" (American). Contains Gen. Heath's orders from headquarters in Maj. Gen. Howe was president of the court martial the Highlands, garrison orders from West Point, which tried Alexander McDougall for seven counts regimental orders, as well as a few artillery orders of "conduct unmilitary and unbecoming an officer". and a few of Washington's orders from headquarters The arrest resulted from a clash of authority between at Newburgh, N.Y. Crane's regiment formed part of Maj. Gen. Heath and McDougall when the former Henry Knox's brigade of artillery and was also commanded the Northern Department and the latter, termed the Massachusetts regiment of artillery. West Point. McDougall was acquitted on all charges Includes resolutions of the Continental Congress. but one, which stemmed from calling Heath a Locations: West Point, Highlands, Newburgh, N.Y. "knave". This manuscript contains the charges, stated Writer unknown. 167 pages. on Aug. 28, 1782, the opinion of the court, and the Reel: 16, No. 159 Commander in Chief's confirmation of the sentence. Also includes some general orders of Washington Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Greene's Orders, Southern from Newburgh. 27 pages. Army, South Carolina. (American). Reel: 16, No. 163 July 1 - November 5, 1782 General Greene, who commanded the Southern Col. John Crane's Third Regiment of Continental Army, was awaiting the evacuation of Charlestown. Artillery, New York. (American). Includes comments on the evacuation of Savannah September 1 - November 2, 1782 and Gen. Wayne's part in the repossession of Lower Contains garrison, regimental, and extracts from the Georgia. Contains resolutions of the Continental general orders of Washington at Verplanck's Point Congress. Locations: Near Bacon's Bridge, Ashley and Fishkill. Regiment formed a part of Henry Hill, S.C. Kept by Lt. Col. Josiah Harmar, Deputy Knox's artillery brigade and was sometimes termed Adjutant General for the Southern Army. 159 pages the New York regiment of artillery. Contains and index. resolutions of the Continental Congress. Locations: Reel: 16, No. 160 West Point, Verplanck's Point, and Fishkill, N.Y. Writer unknown. 108 pages. Lt. Col. Ebenezer Sprout's Second Massachusetts Reel: 16, No. 164 Regiment, New York. (American). August 7 - August 29, 1782 Unidentified Massachusetts Regiment, New York. Contains Washington's general orders from (American). Newburgh, Heath's orders from West Point, brigade September 6 - November 19, 1782 and regimental orders. Includes resolutions of the This regiment served in the Left Wing, commanded Continental Congress. Regiment formed part of a by Maj. Gen. Heath. Contains Washington's general brigade which also included the 5th and 8th orders from Verplanck's Point and Newburgh, Massachusetts regiments. Locations: West Point, Heath's Left Wing orders, garrison and brigade Newburgh, N.Y. Kept by Lieut. John Whiting. 87 orders. Includes resolutions of the Continental pages. Congress. Locations: Verplanck's Point, and after Reel: 16, No. 161 Oct. 26, West Point. Writer unknown. 96 pages. Reel: 16, No. 165

16 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of Continental Artillery, New York. (American). Continental Artillery, New York. (American). November 27, 1782 - January 5, 1783 March 28 - June 25, 1783 Contains garrison orders, regimental orders, and Contains Washington's general orders from Washington's general orders from headquarters at Headquarters at Newburgh, most concerning the Newburgh. Regiment formed a part of Henry Knox's cession of hostilities, as well as garrison and artillery brigade and was also termed the New York regimental orders. Includes resolutions of the regiment of artillery. Contains resolutions of the Congress concerning pay and pensions, and the Continental Congress. Locations: Newburgh, West furlough and discharge of non-commissioned officers Point, N.Y. Writer unknown. 119 pages. and soldiers. After June 17, 1783, all artillery with Reel: 16, No. 166 the main army was to be formed into a batallion-sized corps of two companies, commanded by Col. John Col. John Crane's Third Regiment of Continental Crane until Nov. 3, 1783. Contains an extract of a Artillery, New York. (American). letter from Gov. Clinton directed to Col. Lamb, with January 1 - January 19, 1783 extracts of resolutions of the N.Y. Legislature Includes Washington's general orders from regarding land bounties. Locations: West Point, Newburgh, garrison and regimental orders. Crane's Newburgh, N.Y. Writer unknown. 2 volumes. regiment formed part of Henry Knox's artillery Reel: 17, No. 171 brigade and was sometimes termed the Massachusetts regiment of artillery. Contains resolutions of the Col. John Crane's Third Regiment of Continental Continental Congress. Locations: Newburgh, West Artillery, New York. (American). Point? Writer unknown. 86 pages. April 18 - June 1, 1783 Reel: 16, No. 167 Contains headquarters orders of Gen. Washington from Newburgh, regarding the public proclamation of Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of the cession of hostilities, as well as garrison orders Continental Artillery, New York. (American). and regimental orders. Includes resolutions of the January 6 - February 19, 1783 Congress. Until June 18, the regiment formed part of Contains garrison and regimental orders, as well as Henry Knox's artillery brigade. Locations: West Washington's headquarters orders from Newburgh. Point, Newburgh, N.Y. Writer unknown. 120 pages. Includes a translation of a letter from the Minister of Reel: 17, No. 172 France as well as resolutions of the Continental Congress. Locations: West Point, Newburgh. Writer Col. John Crane's Third Regiment of Continental unknown. 120 pages. Artillery, New York. (American). Reel: 16, No. 168 June 2 - July 21, 1783 Contains headquarters orders of Gen. Washington Col. John Lamb's Second Regiment of from Newbergh, regimental and garrison orders. Continental Artillery, New York. (American). Includes resolutions of the Congress, concerning the February 20 - March 28, 1783 discharge of non-commissioned officers and soldiers. Contains general orders of Washington from After June 17, 1783, all artillery with the main army Newburgh, garrison and regimental orders. Regiment was to be formed into a battalion sized corps of two formed a part of Henry Knox's artillery brigade and companies, commanded by Col. John Crane, until was sometimes termed the New York regiment of Nov. 3, 1783. Locations: West Point, Newburgh, artillery. Includes resolutions of the Continental N.Y. Writer unknown. 114 pages. Congress. Locations: West Point, Newburgh. Writer Reel: 17, No. 173 unknown. 103 pages. Reel: 17, No. 169 Col. Joseph Vose's First Massachusetts Regiment, New York. (American). Col. Philip Van Cortlandt's Second New York June 2 - 24; October 17 - November 3, 1783 Regiment of 1777, New York. (American). Includes headquarters orders of Gen. Washington March 28 - June 4, 1783 from Newburgh, as well as his farewell orders, orders Headquarters orders of Gen. Washington from of Maj. Gens. Heath and Howe, brigade, regimental, Newburgh, including letters from the Minister of and garrison orders. Contains Congressional France, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and the resolutions concerning the furlough and discharge of President of Congress, all concerning the peace non-commissioned officers and soldiers. The 1st regt. settlement, as well as brigade orders containing an act absorbed elements of the 4th - 8th Massachusetts of the N.Y. legislature concerning land bounties for regiments, disbanded as of June 12, 1783. Locations: officers. Contains resolutions of the Continental New Windsor, Newburgh, and West Point, N.Y. Kept Congress concerning pay and pension. Also contains by Ralph H. Bowles, Adjutant. 106 pages. copies of two papers pertaining to the issue of Reel: 17, No. 174 pensions to soldiers, a copy of the song sung on the 4th of July at Poughkeepsie, the Constitution of the Society of the Cincinnati, and other letters and memoranda. Kept by Ensign Barnardus Swartwout. 2 volumes. 140 pages. Reel: 17, No. 170

17 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Col. Joseph Vose's First Massachusetts Regiment, Regiment of Artillery, New York City and County New York. (American). Militia, New York. June 2 - 24; October 17 - November 3, 1783 October 25, 1793 - February 14, 1800 Includes headquarters orders of Gen. Washington Contains general, brigade and regimental orders. from Newburgh, as well as his farewell orders, orders Regiment was commanded by Lt. Col. Sebastian of Maj. Gens. Heath and Howe, brigade, regimental, Bauman until 1798, Maj. Peter Curtenius, and in and garrison orders. Contains Congressional 1799, by Col. Ebenezer Stevens. Contains resolutions resolutions concerning the furlough and discharge of of the Congress. Locations: New York City. Kept by non-commissioned officers and soldiers. The 1st regt. Lt. John Swartwout, Anthony Lamb and P. Irving. 85 absorbed elements of the 4th - 8th Massachusetts pages. regiments, disbanded as of June 12, 1783. Locations: Reel: 17, No. 180 New Windsor, Newburgh, and West Point, N.Y. Kept by Ralph H. Bowles, Adjutant. 24 pages. (Typed Maj. Gen. Anthony Wayne's American Legion, Copy). Ohio. Reel: 17, No. 175 January 27 - June 26, 1795 Wayne was commander in chief of the American Col. John Crane's Corps of Artillery, New York. army. Contains headquarters orders and orders from (American). the adjutant general's office. Wayne's troops were July 22 - September 27, 1783 engaged in a campaign against the Indians in the Old Contains garrison, regimental, corps, and Northwest Territory. Conains acts of the Congress. headquarters orders of Gen. Washington from Locations: Greenville, Ohio. Kept by John Mills, Newbergh. After June 17, 1783, all artillery with the Adjutant General? 146 pages. main army was formed into a battalion-sized corps of Reel: 17, No. 181 two companies commanded by Col. John Crane until Nov. 3, 1783. Locations: West Point, Newburgh, Lt. Col. Gerard Steddiford's First Light Infantry, N.Y. Writer unknown. 106 pages. New York City and County Militia, New York. Reel: 17, No. 176 January 28, 1804 - September 18, 1816 Contains general, legionary, division, brigade, and Col. John Crane's Corps of Artillery, New York. regimental orders, orders from Albany, as well as a (American). few artillery orders. Regiment was designated the 1st October 9 - November 7, 1783 Light Infantry in 1806; in 1808 it became the 6th Contains corps and garrison orders as well as Gen. regt. In 1807, the command of the regt. was taken by Washington's farewell orders. Includes resolutions of Lt. Col. Laight upon Steddiford's promotion to Brig. the Congress. After June 17, 1783, all artillery with Gen. The brigade was a part of Maj. Gen. Thomas's the main army was formed into a battalion-sized division. The militia was called into actual service, corps of two companies commanded by Col. John July 15, 1807, when a quota of 12,000 men was Crane until Nov. 3, 1783. Locations: West Point, ordered raised from N.Y. by the President. Locations: Newburgh, N.Y. Writer unknown. 76 pages. New York City, Albany, Westchester County. Writer Reel: 17, No. 177 unknown. 238 pages. Reel: 18, No. 182 Lt. Col. Morgan Lewis's Second Regiment, New York City and County Militia, New York. Lt. Col. Jacob Kingsbury's First Infantry May 15, 1787 - October 28, 1794 Regiment, Michigan. This regiment, commanded by Lt. Col. Morgan June 18, 1804 - February 20, 1805 Lewis, was part of Brig. Gen. William Malcolm's Contains garrison orders from Detroit and brigade. Contains general orders, brigade orders, Michilimackinac, headquarters orders from New regimental orders, and Legion orders. Locations: Orleans issued by James Wilkinson, and from New York City. Kept by Lt. Gerard Rutgers, Washington, issued by Thomas Jefferson and James Adjutant. 90 pages. Wilkinson. Lt. Col. Kingsbury was in charge of the Reel: 17, No. 178 garrison. Locations: Detroit, Michilimackinac. Writer unknown. 88 pages. Maj. Gen. Anthony Wayne's American Legion, Reel: 18, No. 183 Ohio. July 13, 1793 - October 19, 1793 Wayne was appointed commander in chief of the American army in 1792. Contains headquarters orders. Wayne's troops were engaged in a campaign against the Indians in the Old Northwest Territory. Locations: Camp at Hobson's Choice, near Cincinnati, Ohio. Writer unknown. 182 pages. Reel: 17, No. 179

18 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Lt. Col. Jacob Kingsbury's First Infantry Second Infantry Regiment, New York City and Regiment, Michigan and Missouri. County Militia, New York. August 24, 1804 - March 17, 1806 August 27, 1811 - September 2, 1833 Contains Lt. Col. Kingsbury's garrison orders from By general orders of the 13th and brigade orders of Michilimackinac, his detachment orders issued at 17th April, 1812, the 2nd regt. was designated the Cold Water and Belle Fontaine; headquarters orders 10th regt. and was reassigned from the 2d to the 3rd from Frederickstown, Md., Washington, D.C., Belle brigade, New York Infantry. Contains general orders Fontaine, Mo., and St. Louis, issued by James from Albany and elsewhere, division, brigade, and Wilkinson. Col. Hunt, by virtue of higher rank, regimental orders. The 2d brigade and later the 3rd assumed command of the garrison, Nov. 29, 1805. brigade were commanded by Brig. Gen. Van Zandt, Orders for Aug. 24, 1804 - July 8, 1805, are bound after 1813, by Brig. Gen. Masses, after 1817, by Brig. after the garrison orders for April, 1805. They are Gen. Blackwell, and after 1820, by Gilbert L. Mount. filmed in the proper order. Locations: The regiment was commanded by Lt. Cols. Andrew Michilimackinac, Mich., Camp Cold Water and Belle Anderson, Gilbert L. Mount, John Sickels, Col. Wm. Fontaine, Mo. Writer unknown. 186 pages. H. Maxwell, Lt. Col. Woodhull, and Col. John Lloyd. Reel: 18, No. 184 In Sept. 1814, the regiment was ordered to actual service in defense of the city and harbor of New Lt. Col. Jacob Kingsbury's First Infantry York. Locations: New York City, Albany. Writer Regiment, Louisiana. unknown. 400 pages. June 4 - October 21, 1806 Reel: 18, No. 189 Contains district orders issued by Col. Thomas Cushing from Natchitoches, general orders from St. Eighty-Second Infantry Regiment, New York City Louis, and a few regimental orders. Col. Cushing and County Militia, New York. commanded the military district which included June 4, 1813 - November 28, 1817 Natchitoches; Kingsbury took command in his The regiment was part of the 3rd brigade commanded absence. Locations: Fort Adams, Natchitoches, La. by Brig. Gen. Robert Bogardus, Brig. Gen. J. Masses, Writer unknown. 88 pages. and finally, Brig. Gen. Blackwell. The regiment was Reel: 18, No. 185 commanded by Lt. Col. Joseph Strong, Lt. Col. William W. Todd (1814), and Joseph D. Fay (1815- Lt. Col. Jacob Kingsbury's First Infantry ). Contains general, division, brigade, and regimental Regiment, Louisiana. orders. The 3rd brigade also contained the 10th 51st, September 8 - September 28, 1806 125th and 142nd infantry regiments. Locations: New Contains district orders issued by Col. Thomas York City. Writer unknown. 147 pages. Cushing at Natchitoches, as well as general orders Reel: 18, No. 190 from Natchitoches. Col. Cushing commanded the military district which included Natchitoches; Lt. Twenty-Fifth Infantry Regiment, New Jersey and Col. Kingsbury commanded the district in his New York. absence. Locations: Natchitoches, La. Writer July 3, 1813 - June 30, 1814 unknown. 30 pages. Contains general orders, regimental orders, and Reel: 18, No. 186 orders for Military District No. 9 (which included Fort George). Lt. Col. Jonas Cutting commanded the Lt. Col. Jacob Kingsbury's First Infantry regiment. Locations: Newark, Fort George, Regiment, Louisiana. Washington D.C., Horse Island, Sacket's Harbour, September 28 - November 11, 1806 Grenadier's Island, Batavia, Cambria, Buffalo. Writer Contains general orders from Natchitoches, district unknown. 112 pages. and garrison orders. Lt. Col. Kingsbury commanded Reel: 18, No. 191 the district in Cushing's absence. The troops marched from Natchitoches to the Sabine River to assert the Corps of Artillery, New York State Militia, New U.S. right of sovereignty, denied by the Spanish York. commander. Locations: Natchitoches, Sabine River. April 27, 1814 - December 30, 1815 Writer unknown. 48 pages. Contains general orders from the War Dept. and Reel: 18, No. 187 Adjutant General's office in Washington and general orders from New York City, as well as 3rd Military Lt. Col. Jacob Kingsbury's First Infantry Department orders, artillery and garrison orders from Regiment, Louisiana. Fort Columbus. Lt. Col. James House commanded June 18, 1807 - March 22, 1808 the artillery corps and the garrison at Fort Columbus. Contains general, garrison, district, and detachment The artillery under House's command was stationed orders. Lt. Col. Kingsbury commanded the district in at various points around the New York harbor. Col. Cushing's absence. Locations: Fort Adams, Locations: Fort Columbus, N.Y., New York City, Colombian Spring. Writer unknown. 190 pages. Washington, D.C. Writer unknown. 418 pages. Reel: 18, No. 188 Reel: 19, No. 192

19 Early American Orderly Books, 1748-1817 Reel Listing

Lt. Col. John Ditmar's Ninety-Third Infantry Regiment, New York State Militia, New York. Entry Cancelled. This item, the original from which August 29, 1814 - June 7, 1815 the typed copy filmed as No. 101 was made, was Contains general, brigade, and regimental orders. The unavailable for microfilming. regiment was in the 22nd brigade, commanded by Reel: No. 100 Brig. Gen. Jeremiah Johnson; on Aug. 29, it was ordered into "immediate service for the defence of the city and harbor of New York". Also contains Entry Cancelled This item was a privately owned printed general orders for the 3rd Military District, photostat copy for which permission to reproduce on printed regulations governing officers in the district, microfilm was never received. The majority of its and two printed orders of Brig. Gen. Jeremiah contents are also contained in other orderly books in Johnson. Locations: , Fort Green. Writer the collection. unknown. 104 pages. Reel: No. 120 Reel: 19, No. 193

Brig. Gen. Gerard Steddiford's Tenth Brigade of Entry Cancelled. This item was unavailable for Infantry, New York City and County Militia, New microfilming. York. Reel: No. 142 August 31, 1814 - November 23, 1814 On Aug. 29, the brigade was called for "immediate service for the defense of the city and harbor of New York". The brigade was part of the first division of N.Y. detached militia, commanded by Maj. Gen. Stevens. Locations: New York City. Writer unknown. 192 pages. Reel: 19, No. 194

Eleventh Regiment, New York State Artillery, New York. August 31 - October 18, 1814 The 11th artillery regt., commanded by Lt. Col. Harsen, was part of the 1st brigade of New York State Artillery, commanded by Brig. Gen. Morton. Contains general orders of the 3rd Military District, division, brigade, garrison and regimental orders. Locations: New York City. Writer unknown. 99 pages. Reel: 19, No. 195

Lt. Col. William S. Tallmadge's Forty-Sixth Infantry Regiment, New York. September 12, 1814 - April 18, 1815 Contains general orders of the 3rd Military District, garrison orders from Fort Columbus on Governor's Island and from Fort Richmond and Fort Hudson on Staten Island, as well as infantry and regimental orders of Tallmadge at Fort Columbus. Lt. Col. Tallmadge was in command of the infantry on Governor's Island. Locations: Governor's Island, Staten Island. Writer unknown. 100 pages. Reel: 19, No. 196

Entry Cancelled. This item, a typed copy of No. 71 above, was unavailable for microfilming. Reel: No. 72

Entry Cancelled. This item, a typed copy of No. 75 above, was unavailable for microfilming. Reel: No. 76