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THE egtftet

United States Calendar; 'S For the Year of our LORD


Civliy EccUJiaftlcat-^ 'Judicial., and Miliiary Jbi^S in MASSACHUSETTS; Association^?; and CorvoiXate Institt^tions,

for liierary, agricultural, and ebarifable Jt'tirpofdS.

A t S t ?, CaTAi.ogud! cif xhe (Jj-fiCers of the GENE'RAL GOVERNMENT,

With its fcveril Departments and Eftahlifhments The Executive in Governments each State ; The Pul'ltc Duties, Re-renue, &c. USEFUL TABLES,

And a Variety of other interefting Articles.

V :S o s T o js^ t p PP.lSTEi5 BY MAXKING ^ I.CP.irrS. Sold by JOHN West, No. 75, CombUl; and jy

MANNING tffLORING, No. 2, ComhilL Eclipses for 1801. npHERE will be fix Ecllpfes this year ; four of tlie "* SuNy and u^o of die Moo>i, as- follows, viz.

I. The firft will be of the Sun, March 14th, loh, 36m. in the morning, but invifible to the inhabitants of the . Moon's lat. 1° 24 South.

II. The fecoad will be a total and vifible Eclipfe of the Moox, if the Iky be clear, March a9Lh and 30th, and by calculation as follows, viz. H. M. Bcginring of Eclipfe 10 43 7 ^9th day, appar- Beginning of total darkncfs 11433 ent time, even.

" 3oth day, appar- rlidtf total darkneis i 26 ^ ^"'^ t^^^^> "^°'^"- End of Eclipfe ^ ^-j^ Duration of total darknefs i 43 "Whole duration 3 44 Digits eciipfed, 2i« 10' from the North fide of the Earth^s fliadow.

III. The third will be of the Sun, April izth, iih. 3 7 ni.' evening, invifible. Mopn's lat. i® 15' North. IV. The fourth will be like wife of the Sun, Sep-

tember 8th, oh. 5 5iu. in the morning, invifible. Moon's lat. 1° 21^ North. V. The fifth will be another vifible and total Eclipfe of the Moon, September aid,, and by calculation as follows, viz. H. M. Beginning of Eclipfe 052' Beginningof total darknefs i 52 Apparent Middle 2 41 time, morn. juid of total darknefs 3 31 End of Eclipfe 4 30, Duration of total darknefs i 39 Whole duration 3 38 Digits eciipfed, 20** i' from the South fide of the Earth's iTiadow.

Vl. The fixth and lafl will be of the Sun, Odober 7th, 3h. 24m. in the evening, invifible, on account oi the Moon's great fouthern latitude, \w. 1° 17'. 3}'T, 3M3 ^^> c^^^^-^^^^

^^ -y^^^"^

-y^^^tji^ 7'-^»*-' Va^t**-' JANUARY, i8oi7t)egins on Thuriday. \ Laft Quarter, 7.th day, 8k 2im. afternoon, j New Moon, 14th day, uh. 41m. morning, j rirft Quarter, 2 ill day, 38 minutes, afternoon*! Full Moon, 29th day, 5h. 30m. afternoon.

Obfervabie Days, iifc. |r. G j^ jr. 9 s.jF.Sea-

I Circti-mcijion. January 3'- 5 5 i5 2 covimoices mj'itb 31 5 7 o Day breaks sh. 42m, fnoiv 305, 8 5 id Sun. paft Chriitm. and. 30 5 9 " C. P. Lenox. nv'md. 29 5i ic 17 C.P.Boft.ScN.Glouc.Epiph. 29 5 fl 23 Low tides. More 285 morn. Lucian. moderate. 285 32 Signs 27 5 1 45 Yard L fouth 911. 50m. of 27 5 3 o ill Sun. paft Epiph. fno^. 26 5 4 19 HIghivind. J) Perigee. 25 5 5 37 C. P. Warren. High tides. 24 5 6 45 Peace rat. by Con. 1 7B4. Signs 23 5 D fets ir 17 Night's length i4h. 46m. of 23 5 5 47 Ev.2o thaiv. a 22 5 7 9 I 17 Dr. Franklin born, 1^6. 21 5 8 26 2 8 zd Sun. paft Epiph. Good 20 5 9 39 2 56 C. P. Northampton. 10 47 3 40 ivcathcr, 18 i 11 54 4 23 Louis XVL beheaded 1793. 175 morn. 5 6 Vincent. Mid. tides. 165 1 o 5 50 Moref?2oiv. 15 5 2 4 6 35 3 8 7 23 ^dS.pallE^//)/;. Conv.St.Paul 13 5 4 ic 8 12 Frofy D Apogee. 12 5 5.10 9 4 a?id cold. II 5 6 4 9 55 Peter the Great died 172J. 10 5 6 48 10 45 7*3 fet %h. lom. A 9 5 ^ rile 11 34 florm at 8 < 5 50 morn, hand. 65 6 56 o 7,0 January 1 6, 1 777, Vermont aflumed its rank as an Inde- pendent State. ai, Loiib XVI. beheaded, 1793, aged 39J Charles I. |— 30, beheaded 1649, "^Z^^ 49. .

! F libit I ' 7xRY, 1 8 o I , begins' on Suntlay. j Lait (garter, 6th day, 7h. icm. morning, j

New Lioon, 12th day, loh. 3-8m. afternoon. |

FirO: Quarter, 20th day, 8h. i im. morning. I

Full Moon, 28th day, loh. 22m. morning. I

1m.;w| Obfervahle Davs ^^'t-. Ir. Q s.ir. ^ s.ir.bea.

Septuageji 7/ia tj u n d it v I il) 5 5{ ^ 4 z.z Purif. B. V. Pvl. cr cdndl(>':as. 4 5 9 7 47 ->. J- C. Dedhann. 3 5^10 i^ Yard L fouth 8h. om. 2 5;ii 2- 13 WhoUjlir.e '.veathcr. c 5.morn. 59 66 A-llIance with France, 1778. "^59 6 3$ 4S 7 Middling tides. Soine S 6 1 55 5 4i Sey.agcjhna Smiday, frtif'rv. 656 6 3 XI 6 4i /'t D Perigee. • [17^6. ^55 6 4 22 7 46 SJ-CBoft. Treaty with G.B. 6 54 6 5 15 S SI Night's length i^h. 48111. 6536 69 9 5«t Plea/ant again. 651 6 3)f2lS 10 55 Yard L Ibuth yh. 37m. 6 50 6 5 5i 11 51 VA I, E N T 1 N E*s Day. Winds 6 49 6 7 10 Ev.40 fflOIV, 6 47 6 8 ic 24 and 646 6 9 33 It rain. 6 45 6 TO 42 5e A,fJj'Wednefday, or Lent. 643 6 II 47 40 c- oh. 5oiyi. Very 6 "42 6 morn. 27 clear air. 6 40 6 5^ Lov/ Tides Cbom, I7.u- 6 39 6 1 5? 4

rft.S.in/.j-;?/. :i 38 6 56

for the feafon. Apogee. » 6 a hi J> 36 7 451 1-4 St. Matthias. '> 35 6 8 3« Blt^jkring, 5 346 9 *^ but a fine 6 326 10 16 '2 fun. 6 31 6 ^^^-^ \j fpts oil. 40m. 6 29 ^'erifi ii„4/ Febructry II, 1732, Gen. Wasjiincton born—Appointr

ed GeneralluiiTio of army, 1 775.—Hengned the command,

B:c. IS* ' 78;,--rInaugurated as Preudent, i 789—Re{icTi> ed as Piefident, 1796—Appointrd Gencraliflimo again, T708—Died zt Mount Vernon, Dec. 14, 1799, "5-^^ '^^ - //^\./U A /^. , ./

^-^ ^^, A t-^' / . ^i

' <^ *-t-.^-«/~;^*

IV ^/^^Uy^.^^ MARCH, liJoi, begins on buriciay. ^ Laft Quarter, 7th day, 3h. i8m. afternoon, j New Moon, 14th day, loh. 3.')m. morning, j Firft Quarter, 2 2d day, 4I1. 28m. morning, j

Full Moon, 30th day, oh. 35m. morning. j

M.lw.i Obfervabie Days, &c~, r. 0s.|r,0s.|F.Se:i.j

iD 2d Sun. in Lent. David. 6 28 6 7 o,niorn,j y^. 6 22 ^ drhlugjlonn. 6 26 « 9| 295 33 Day bi'qjkks 4h. 50m- 25 6 9 20' 1 3 4 Firll Con. un. Fed.Con". 1789. 6 24 6 ro Z3 ^ 591 Moderate. 6 22 6 II 49 2 48| 7*s fet at midnight. 6 21 6 morn. 3 41J Small tides for this feafon. 6 19 6 I 4 4 38 3d Sun- in Lent. Some 6 18 6 5 AG D Perigee. 6 166 frioiv and 6 156 9 Sirius fets at midnight. 'u.vW. 6 14 6 48 Yard h fets iih. 51m. 6 12 6 19 Planet Hdif. 1781. 6 II 6 46 10 33I 147 A O eclipfed Invif. 6 96 Pfets II ai! 15 D 4th Sun. in Lent. 6 8 6t 7 16 Ev. 7! 162 C. P. Concord, longjlorm. 6 f5j"8 26; 17]^ JJqiton evac. h^ Brit. 1776. 6 ^-^Clear and 6 6|io 44' 4 . ^^^ 3 :" ' ' 19 'pleafant. 6 ri 50; 206 ^reat fire in Bofton 1760. 6 I 6 morn.

I 21 Bened. Very low tides 5 59 7 22 5th Sun. in Lent. J) Apogee. 5 587 56 *3 C. P. Worcefter. for March.j5 567 48 24 C. P. Nantucket. Snoiv. 5 55 1 29:

*5 Annan, of B. V. M. or L.Day.'s 5^3- -7 '51 26 7*s fet loh. 30m. 5 5^ 7 34 ^7 Spring-like 5 517, 58 28 iveatherfor 5 49 71 19 10 30 6th in 29 Sun. Lent. Palm. Sund. 5 48 tI fCjii 15 30 Jh7ne day's. D eclipfed vif. 5 46 7

31 3 C. P. Barnftable & Pcrdand. ? 45 71 8 27I I March 1^^ Parliament pafledthe declaratory ad;,in which it is afferted, " They have a right to bind the Colonies in all cafes ivhatfoever^* A* '

APRIL, 1 80 1, begins on Wedneiday. Lafl Qu?.rtcr, 5th day, gh. 42m. afternoon. New iToon, 12th day, iih. 37m. afternoon.

Firft Quarter, 2gth day, i ili. 46m. afternoon.

Full Moon, 28th day, I in. 47m. morning.

M.jw.j ': )•:. ic; v:)ble Diiys, tvc. r.Q s.|i. s.jF.Sea.

" ii4 jAiituols. Ram} lueather^'^s 43 7 9 44 50 2|^' Day breaks 3h. 56m. I5 42 7 II c 1 43

Good Friday. andfoinefno'VjXs 41 7 morn. 2 40 St. Amb. Pretty high tides. 5397 i^ 3 42 D Eaikr Day. 3) Perigee, 5387 1 2] 4 45 i Sen. chof. in Mafii 2 I Gov. & 5 36 7 16 5 48 =s fets 9h. 4501. 5 35 7 2 5: 6 48 4 Pieajant agreeable 5 34 7 3 33 7 43 Peace ratif. by G. Brit. 1784-15 3s 7 3 57 ^35 ix-'cathpr, i {5 31 7 4 19 9 22 7 Y^rd L fet3 ich. cm. 5 29 4 4C 10 g ^ 7 D ill Sun. paft tail. Oeclip.inv-'j- 2S 7 Dfets TO 53 Not very high tides. U 27 7 ^ 11 37 S.J.C. Con^r^. C.P.Piynvii 25 7 8 3: r5 4 9 42 1 li »i 10 I 16 cW. _ |5 7 49 2

17 6 Dr.Frankltndied 1790,^^ 84-15 ^i 7 tr 5c 2 5* I 7 Warmer ;5 20 7 niprn. 3 44 19 D idSiin.^aftEaft. D Apogee.'5 18 7 o 44 4 36 ,2C 2 C.P. LenoxandTaun. nvith\^ 17 7 X 32 5 2f^ 21 3 S. J. C Ipfwich. C. P. Boft.t5 16 7 2 9 6 14

Jboivcrs. [Edgart.&York.!5 15 7 2 41 7 I 4^^ »3i5 St. George. Beautijul 3 7 7 .2416 *s fet oi 5 la 7 3 31 8 29 St. Mark. ixjeai!:cr. 5 II 7 3 50 9 13 \ 26 D3dSun. p^ftSafter. ,5 9 7 4 9 9 59 tides. ^^3.-^7 2 High 1 5 8 4 29|io 47 3 S.J.C.Worcef.C.P.Pediiam.lj 7._Orifeiii 39 4 HeavyJhonxas, 5 6 7! 8 48|morn. Wafhington prockpref. 178 9.15' 4 t'io 7! o 3.c Firft Monday in April, towns in Maflachufctts vote for I governor. Senators, &:c.- •19, Battle at Lexington, 77' -2 _«l-t-^ ^»-»-» /

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-Ay. ^.^. 7- /»'^—»*

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' '^yCi^ ^xA>c^ y^/fl.^ .^— -X»«»'A'"-*i.'' r^ ^^7 "M A 1, iboi, ucgiiis on Friday.

Liilt Quarter, 5th day, 311. 38m. morning-. Ne\sr Moon, 12th day, ih. 26m. afternoon. Firft Quarter, 20th day, 4h. 50m. afternoon. Full Moon, 27th dav, 8h. 19m. afternoon.

M. vi\j Obfervable Diiys, ^t Qs.jr.^s.jF.Sea

St. Philip and St. James.' 3 II 17 37 Pkafantfun. a morn. 41 4th S. pidl: Eall. ]) Perigee. 5 I o 171 46 Venus ftationary. 4 59 I 3 48 3 S.J. C.York. C.P.Cafline. 4 J8 I 39 45 uT, 4 Gen.Eleaion,R. Ifland. . 2 6 37 i\s Gen. Ele(5l. Hartford. Rain. 456 2 29 7 25 8i6 3 Day breaks h., . , . , 4 55 2 50 8 II 9!7 '"-Fini 'weather 454 3 9 8 54 3**30 lojD 5th Suftd. paft.Bafter. . for \ planting 451 r. S.J, C. Northampton. . 50 Dfets earlyfeeds, 49 \ Afcenfion-Day. Shavers. 48 9 41 Ev.47 r5!6 Harjh 47 10 39 39 167 nvinds. 46 n 29 31 1711) Sund. pall Afcen. D Apogee. 45 morn. 22 C. P. Concord. Mors 4 44 O II II •193 SJ.C.Portl. Dark day, 178c. 4 43 44 57 tides. 20,4 Low pkqfant .4 43 II 41 215 Signs of raifi.yd^/Zf^i 42 34 24 Z2 6 Night's length Qh. 20m. 41 54 6 123 7 Good 40 I3| 50 24 D Whit-Sunday. iveather, 39 33| ^ 35 c IS a . Vv''hit-Mond. C. P. Noitham 38 5^1 9 25 '-63. Whit-Tuef. S. J. C. Lenox. 37 i8|io 19 274. General Eleftion at Bollon. 36 ©life, 1 1 19 8 5. Cong. Minifters' Convention. 36 8 5 7 morn 29 6 J Rain in ZS 10 5 o 24

3(. 7 •( abundance^ D Perigee 34 10 57| I 31 ^ilD^Trinitv Sund. .24 II

May 19, Memorable dark day, 1 780! Ihoulands now liv- ing can remember it. In Bofton it lafted about 4 hours,

from II to "? o'clock. Dinner was eaten bv candle-lip^ht. JUNE, 1801, begins on Monday. Laft Quarter, 3d day, loh. 23m. morning. New Moon, nth day, 311. 48m. morning. Firft Quarter, 19th day, 7h. im. morning. Ful] Moon, 26th day, 3h. lom. morning. M.|\v.: Obiervable Days, &c. |r.O^-lr.® s.lF.Sea Artillery Ele6tion at Bolton. morn. 3 SJ.C.Auguila. C.P.Pownalb. o 8 4 Gen. Elec. New Hampfhire. Z2> 5 Somejly^'wers in 54 6 7*s rife ^h. om. many 13 6 places. [died, 1799. 34 7 ift S.pallTrin. Gov. Su m n e r 54 8 C. P. Worccfter. Fine 29 17 9 9 S.J.C.Piym. C.P.Aiigufta. 29 45 9 10 nveather for thefeafo7i. 29 3 19 10 40 II St. Barnabas. 28 Dfets 11 31 12 Not very high tides. 5/g-;// 28 9 21 Ev.22 13 ofrain. J Apogee. 28 10 5! I 15 14 2d Sund. paft Trinity. 27 10 40 2 2 JJ Cool nights for 27 11 8 2 49 16 S. J.C.Barnftable & Pownalb. 27 II 34 3 34 17 St. Alban. vegetation. 27 II 54 4 16 18 7*3 rife 2h. 15m. 27 morn. 4 57 19 Low tides. 4 27 o 13 5 39 20 Some 4 27 o 32 6 22 21 3d S. paft Trin. Longeft day. 4 27 50 7 8 22 Day breaks 2h. 9m. rain^ 4 27 1 II 7 58 23 ivitb thunder. 427 I 36 8 55 24 St. John, Baptift. Windy 4 27 2 II 9 57 25 andfigns 4 27 2 56 II 3 2(5 Very high tides. rife of ,4 27 9 morn. 27 rain. D Perigee. 4 27 9 26 II 28|D 4th Sund. paft Trinity. 4 27 9 58 1 16 29 2 St. Peter. Clear and 4 27 10 31 2 15 S. 303 J. C. Caftine. pleafanf. 4 28 10 52 3 9 Battle at Breed's //i//, (commonly called Bunker Hill) June 17, 1775.. Battle at Monmontby 28th June, 1778.

/^d^I'^/^^-'n^- ^*-^^^. - ' U L Y, 1 80 1, begins on WcclneldaV. J <

I.all Quarter, 2d day, jh. 5m. afternoon. i

New Moon, loth day, 6h. 37m. afternoon, t

Firft QuLirtcr, 1 8th day, 6h. 1 6m. afternoon, 1 Full Moon, 2Cth day, gh. 40m. morning. \

Oblervable Days, b^. |r. s.jr. s. M.|w 1 Q F.SeaJ

14 ery nvar?n. 4 3t8 H II II 3 S%\ 5| Vifitation V>. \\ Mnry, II 32 4 44I 6 jDay breaks r.h. 20m. ymi'^r/.J4 29 Z ir 53 i .3! Independence declared, 7 1 7 76. J4 29 morn. 6 11; '" 5 th Sund. pa ft Trinity. o 16 ^ <7 C/if^r a?:d ccchr, % 30 8 42 7 43 C.P.Bofton. 4318 1 14 8 31 7*s rife ih. morn. 4 31 8 » 5^ 9 ^^ 9 Great hat, 4 3^ S 2 43MO 13 CO Low tides. rivM 4 32 8 3)fetS:iI 4 II thunder and' 3) Apogee 4338 '8 36|ri 54 12 6th Sund. pafl Trin. rain. 4338 Ev.41 I." [lution, 1789 434 8 9 3i 26 P. 14 C. Salem. French revo 435 8 9 54 9 15 Comrr.encement, Cambridge. 435 8 10 14 51 1 615 Gcod hay 436" 10 3^ I7l6 iveathcr 4 37 8 10 50 13 this iveck. 4 3^ 11 ic 57 19b 7th Sand, paft Trinity. 438 8 II 32 44 z 10 Dull and hazy. 4 39 morn. 7 7*s rife at midnight. Good 4 40 o 2 7 34 "weather 441 8 39 8 38 Quite high tides. 4 4i 8 1 3:^ 9 44 4I6 again. ]) Perigee. 4 43 8 2 4CjtO 5Q_ St. 5I7 James. Dog-days begin 4 44 8 ©rilt II 5 i6|D 8th S. pall Trin. St. Anne 4 45 8 B a. morn. IVind and rain. 4468 S 49 51 Night's icRgtli 9h. 1 ^83 54m. i 47 8 9 12 44 ^914 Dry and 448 8 9 33 05 4 49 8 9 .54 3 20 Low tides. 50 8 10 16 4 5 Julyy fp called in honour of Juliut Ce/ar,xhc Cromweli. !- pi his day During this month arrived the fleet which hrought over Gov. Winthrop with the fii-ft Colony, 1630. AUGUh>r, 1801, begins on Saturda y. Laft Quarter, ill day, 6h. 36m. morning. New Moon, pth day, t^h. 47m. morning, Firfl Quarter, 17th day, 3h. im. morning. Full Moon, 23d day, ^h. urn. afternoon. Laft Quarter, 30th day, ph. 19m. afternoon

ODierv.-ible Dayr, cTr^ :r. ^.|r.#s.iF.Sea I

SEPTEMBER, 1801, begins on Tueiday. New Moon, 8th day, oh. 55m. morning. Firft Quarter, 15th day, loh. 4m. morning. Full Moon, 2 2d day, 2h. 40m. morning.

Lafl Quarter, 29th day, 3}!. 5m. afternoon. M.W.I Obiervable Oavs, ^r. | r.Gs.|r.|| s.iF.Sea I S. J. C. Worceft. Eledt. Verm. 5 29 7,11 29 6 2 Commenc. Prov. &, Willian'.il. 5 31 7 morn. 659 3 Dog-days end. Mijly. 5 Z'i'l .0 28 7 5X 4 7*s rife ph. ]) Apogee. 5 33 7 I 32 841 5 Low tides. Clear. 5 35 7 a 38 9 28 6 14th Sund. paft Trinity. 5 36 7 3 44 10 13 7 C. P. Concord,Taun. & Lenox.^ 538 7 4 50 10 56 8 S. C. Wells. P. J. C. Topfham. 5 39 7 ]) fets 11 38 9 Commencement New-Haven. 540 7 7 10 Ev.2® iO A Jiorm at 5 451 7 7 29 I II Band, 5 43 7 7 50 1 48 12 7*s rife 8h. 38m. Groivs 5 45 7 8 24 2 36 13 15th Sund. paft Trinity. 5 46 7 8 S(^ 3 28 14 Holy Crofs. cooler. 5 47 7 9 26 425 15 S. J. C. Northampt. & Pord. 5 49 7 10 19 5 27 16 Pretty high tides. Some 5 50 7 11 26 6 30 17 Lambert, rain. Perigee. J) 5 52 7 morn. 7 32 18 High 5 53 7 o 43 832 19 •winds. 5 5S 7 a 4 9 28 20 1 6th Sund. paft Trinity. 556 7 3 25 10 20 21 St.Matth. Sultry, ]) ecl.vifible. 5 57 7 4 45 11 10 22 S. C. Augufta. ivith J. 5 59 7 Qrife II 58 23 Commenc. New-Jerfey. rain. 6 06 6 33 morn. 24 7*s rife 8h. A 26 6 56 46 ^5 jine airy 36 7 25 1 34 26 St. Cyprian. 46 7 58 2 24 22 17 th Sund. paft Trinity. 8 39 3 15 4^8 andpleafant. [Dedh. & Caft. 76 9 29 4 29 S.J.C. Lenox &Pownalb. C.P. 96 10 25 5 o 30 St. Jerome. [Michaelmas-dav. ' 6 lo 6 'ii 28 5 52 Septanber 5, Firit Federal Coilgrcls met at Philadelphia, ' 7 74' Arnold's treafon difcovered and Wejl Point faved, 1780, through the patriotifm of three virtuous peafants, John' Paulding, David Williams, and Isaac Van Vert. Major Andre was hanged, and Arnold efcaped. OCTOBER, 1 80 1, begins on Thurlci i'l /i^. y.^-^-^


1 NOVFMbER, 'oc ! , bcg-ns en Siiriti^ I iNew IVioon, 6th day, 4h. 40m. mornirg. Firfl Quavter, 12th day> i ih; 29m. afternoon Full INloon, 20th day, ^h. 19m. mcrninfr. Lafl Qu^irter, 28th day, 8h. cm. morning.

M.|w.| Ooiervable JJuys, cvc. jr. O s.lr.^s.'V.Sea.

D 2 2d. Sund. p.Trin. Ail-Saiats. 6 54 6 I 40 7 42- 6566 a 44 8 23: 3 ;C. P. Bernftable. 6576 3 51 9 5 #^? 4 i /or 6 Advent Su'^day. 7 2.15 O 23

7. St. Andrc-W. F.ahorfnc-n: 7 S5 5 2 27

No-vemlcr 3, American army difbanded, I78,'i. Greit Earthquake, i8th, 1755- Nsiv-York evacuited ajttj i8oi, ; DECiiMliKK, begins on Tuefdav.

New Ivlooa, 5th day, 4h. 32111. aiteriiOon. Firft Qu^artcr, 12th day, 8h. 9m. morning. Full Moon, 19th day, loh. i8m. afternoon, Lail Quarter, 28th day, 3!!. 35m. morning.

M.lw.l Oblervable D^ivs, 1-.0 ©^.f.^c

X 7*s fouth iih. Chang&alle^ 7 26 5 2 32 7 M 2 •weather 2-6 _ 5 3 39 8 zj 3 and harjb. 27 5 4 52 9 6 Clouds up 4 285 6 8 9 59 Pretty high tides, 5 for a 28 5 ]) fets 6 2d Sund. in Advent. form. 29 5 4 57 Ev- % C. P. Wore. Taunt. 7 & Cone 2,0 5 6 5 I 7 8 C. P. Augufta. [B. V. Mary. 305 7 24 2 ir Moderate Perigee 9 ]) 7 31 8 47 3 i» 10 'weather. 31 10 5 4 «i u Yard L fouth midnight. 31 11 21 4 56 12 Middhng tides. Some 32 morn. 5 3d Sund. in 13 Advent. 32 o 33 6 aj 14 WASHINGTONd.'99,^67 32 7 I a] 15 fnoxi). 7 57, 16 Tea deilroyed, BoHon, 1773. Z7> 8 44

17 I Cold and 9 34 18 7*s fouth 9h. 40m. clear. ZZ 10 25 19 Syrius rifes 8h. zz ^rife 11 ik 20 4th Sund. in xVdvent. 33 4 44 mona. 21 St. Thomas. ^Snoih or ^ ZZ 5 47 10 22 ra/«, if not ZZ 6 50 1 X 23 both. j) Apogee. zz 7 54 1 49 24 Groivs more ZZ 8 57 2 35 25 CHRISTMAS. zz s 9 5-9 3 i^ 26 St. Stephen. tides Low mod- zz 5 II I 3 5^ 27 iftS. Chrif. St. p. John, crate. BZ 5 morn.' 4 JS 28 Innocents. for this feafon ZZ 5 3 5 iJ 29 7*s fouth 9h. ^^1 1 8 5 57. 30 The clouds denote 32| 2 16 6 4X 31 Sylvefter. more fno"UK Z2 £ J 28 7 3^ December 22, Gov. Carver, with his C^iortjOof :QJJ.bi:ls,' landed at Plymouth Rock, 1620—One half the number diti^ the firft 4 months. 31, Attack on Quehec failed, and Gen. Montgomery killed, 1 7 75, aged ;8. ^^^.^^-/ 3? cT / ^^**r/ xy :/ 7-

"/ /3. /i/ri^,


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( '5 )

Courts in the State of Conncdlicnt. Supreme Court of Errors. firil in annually alter- TO fit the Tuefday June, ; nately at Hartford and Nenv-Haven, beginning at file former. It is con.pofed of the Governor, Lieuten- ant Governor, and-twelve Afliftants. Superior Courts. Primary CJrcuit.—Ax Middleto^n, the laft Tuefday, fave one, in July. At Nenv-Havent the laft Tuefday in July. At Dafiburv, the fecond Tuefday in Auguft. At JJtchfeld, the third Tuefday in Auguft. A: Hartfordy the hril Tuefday in September. At Windha77i, tlie third Tuefday in September. At Ne^)-Lcndo7iy the fourth Tuefday in September. Sizond&ry Circuit.-^Kt Eaddam, the lafl Tuefday ia December. At Nen.V'Havef?y the firft Tuefday in JaHuary. At Fairfield, the third Tuefday in January. At Litchfield, tlie laft Tuefday in January. At Hartford, the fecond Tuefday in February. At Tollandy the fourth Tuefday in February. At Wii'Jhajn, the firft Tuefday in March. At Norivich, the fourth Tuefday in March. Courts of Commofi Pleas. At EaiXford, the 3d Tuefday in March, and ift in Nor. At Ne-M-Ha-cen, 3d Tuefday in March, and 4th in Nov. At Ne^LV-Lof!don, the fecond Tuefday in June. At Nor^wich, the fourth Tuefday in November. At Fairfield, the third Tuefday in April. At Danhnry, the third Tuefday in November. At Windham, the 3d Tuefday in Auguft, and 2d in Dec. At Litchfield, the 4t]i Tuefdav in March, and 3d in Sept. At MiddLto^vn, the fecond Tuefday in November. At Hadda?n, the firft Tuefday in April. At Tolland, the fecond Tuefdays in February and Sept. Courts in the State of Rhode-Ifland. Superior Courts. and fourth AT Ne-jopcrt, the firft Monday in March, in Auguft. At ProvidcjKe, the third Mondays in March and SepV ( '6 )

At Sruih-Kingjhni /\i\\ Monday in April, and 2d in 0£l* At Brijlol^ the lecond Mondays in Ivlajch and Sept. At Eaji-Grcen'vjkhi 2d Monday in April, and iftin 0<5. Courts of Comm9n Pitas. At Nr

At llaverinll, the firil: Tuefday in ^^larch. Ar Plymouth, the firft Tuefday in September, Courts in the Stale of Vermont. Supreme Court"), \ T 3enni7jjtofi\\n(\Mc/KsLjtjr, ciltcrnat'jly, thefiist iV IVeiday ia Auguil.

. RutljprJ, th'^ feco.'id Tuefu-;? in Aug'-i^* •I Ne-xvfane, the fecond Tuefday in September.

' Jfo-Ujiock, the f:cond Tuesday next foliowiug ih:: iburth in Augufl:. '.; \-^.L'cry, the (ivR Taefday after the fbart^: in S^in. 611

( '7 ) At lliddlehorough, the third Tuefday in Auguft. At Burlington, the fourth Tiielday in Auguft. County Courts. At Benningtofi, the third Monday in December, and at Manchejiefy the lirft Monday in June. At Rtifland, the 3d Mondays in March and November. At Nev)faney the 2d Mondays in June and November. At IVoodJiock, the fourth Monday in March, the laft in

May, and fourth in September. , . At Nenvbury, the 2d Mondays in June and December. At Mlddleboroughy the firft Monday in March, and laft in September. At Burlington, the Mondays pre- ceding the laft in September z^oA February. *4t* Tiie Courts which are held in the Commonwealth i3\ Mitjfachufifftsy are inferted at the refpecSbive Days on which they are held, in the Calendar' Pages of

the Ahianack. In which the Letters S. J. C- ftand for Unpreme Judicial Court, and C. P. for Court of C-iVimon Pleas. K.OADS TO VARIOUS Pl ACES, WITH THE NaMES OF Innk EEPERS. From Fh'dadAph'ia to Wajking- Montgomery C. H. Ogle, 10 ton 'via Lancajisr. George Town, Sutersy IS Wajkirgton to the Capitol, To Buck Tavern, Miles 1 3 Warren Tavern, 12 Miles 193 Do-n'nings, 10 T^o M^ajhington from Philadel- Wa.


from FhlladtL to Bethlehem. I.ynn, Ne'-.velly

I To Germantowii, Sayers, 8 Danvers, Frye, j Weavers, 12 Salem, WebbMf Bufm^on, Sellers, II I Beverly, Leaci, Quaker Town, J^oberts, 6 Baker, Coopers, 7 "VVenham, Porter, ;Pethkh£m, 8 Hamilton, Adams, Whipple, Miles 5 a Ipfvvich, Sivazey, To Bethlehem -via Neiu-To^L Treadivell, New-York to Newark, 9 Rowley, Jeivet 15* Bay/on, Springfield, 7 Ncwburyporc, Davenport, Scotch Plains, 16 Salilbury, Dr. Nye, Bound Brook, Hampton Falls, Wells, Pomeriet Court-Houfe, 8 Hampton, Leavitt, 5 Reading, 1 Northampton, Lea-vUt and Grandiner's Mills, 9 Dearben, Z Iiickery'3 Tavern, 4 Greenland, Hufe, 5 M'Hcnry's, 8 Portlmoiith, ^rfTiy?^r, Green- Eiftown, 12 leaf,Geddes'x^ Davenport, 5 Bethlehem, 8

Miles 92 Road to Pcrtlartd, from Bojioii to ^^'wport, over 7o Port/mouth as abc-i : ( ) Seckhoul:, through Rehoboth. From Portf. over the Fc: i v, i Roxbury, Whiting, 8 Portfmouth ferry, Rics, ' 2 Pedham, Ames \jf Gay, 3 York, Emerfon, Prebhls, 9 Ellis, 3 Ssivall 13" Wyer, 5 Walpole, Folley, 7 Cole, Wrentham, 1 Druce, 6 Kennebunk, Barnard and Attlebofough, Holmes, 5 Neivell, 4 Biddeford, Hcopcr, 9 Rehoboth, Carpenter, 7 Spring, Warren, Cole, 8 Pepperelboro*, Bradbury, 4 Briflol, Bourn, 4 Scarborough, Burbank, x Ferry Houfe, Bearfe, % MUihn, % Portfrnouth, Congden, 7 Harmrn^ Newport, Q, 5 Marjo, % Falmouth, Broad, 4 li Pollard, 4 Fofi Road to Salem, Me%ubtiry- Portland, Maby, Greele \sf fort and Port/mouth. ll.'Jhn, 4 Over M^alden Bridge.

Maiden, mi, C Milqs 6 J THE ijpairacl5nrett$ Jaegiftet*

Governors, i^c. fmce the firft Settlement of Plj-mouth and MafTachufetts. Governors of Plymouth Colony, from l6al to 169*, eleifled by the People for 71 Years.

I John Carver, Edward Winfiow, I Jofiah Winflow, Wiliiiai Bradford, | Thomas Prince, | Thomas Hinkley. Ma£ashufetts Governors, from 1628 to 1692, eledcd by the People. (The Figures ^w'w the nutuhcr ofyeari each go-jerned.) Go'ucrncrs. Deputy Gc-jernors, * I Matthew Cradock * I Thomas Goffe J 3 John Winthrop 16 Thomas Dudley 3 Thomas Dudley I P-oger Ludlow I John Hay lies 12 P-ichard Beilingham I Sir Henry Vane 3 John Winthrcp 10 Richard Bellingham 4 John Endicct 16 Jolin Eridicot: 6 Fr iRois Willoughby 6 John Levtxett a John Leverett 11 Simcn Bradflreet 6 Samuel Symonds * Ch ofen in ^iivljnd. ir Thomas Danforth Sir Edmund Androfs, appointed by K. James, 3 years. Governors after Plyjnouth and Xi'TaJfucbiifdts were united, apj)ointe'd by the Kings cf England. Gc-jernors. Lieutenant Governors. 1692 Sir William Phips 1692 William Stoughton, to 1699 Richard £;2r/Beli'amont [1702^ 170A Joleph Dudley 1702 Thomas Povey 2716 Samuel Shuts 1 711 William Tailer S72S William Burnet 1 7 16 V>''illiam Dummcr 1730 Jonathan Belcher 1730 William Tailer 1740 William Shirley 1732 Spencer Phips 5757 Thomas Pownal 1758 Thomas Hutchinfon, 5760 Sir Francis Bernard [to 1770 1770 Thoruis Hutchinlon 1770 Andrew Oliver

J 7 74 General Thomas Gage 1774 Thomas OUver interregnum 5 Years, til! the Majfacivfetts Conftitution tc oi place, the 25th of 0(5lober, 1780, I ( « ) Covernorj, Lieidcnant Governort, 1780 John Hancock, to 1 785 1780 Thomas Culhing 1785 JamesiJowdoin.ayears 1788 Benjamin Lincoln 1787 John Hancock, to 1 793 1789 Samuel Adamsjto 1 794 J794 Samuel Adams 1794 Mofes Gilljto j8oo. 1797 IncreafeBumner,ayears Civil Government in Massachusetts, I'cr the Political Year, comm.encing May* 1 800, and ending May, 180J. - His Excellency CALEB STRONG, Efq. GovernorCOUNCIL,.ind Commander in Chief.

—-Thomas Bawes, 4-Oliver Wendell, I Nathaniel Wells, John Haftings, -j-Stephen Choate,-HElijah Brlgham, Eleazer Brooks, -4-ElifhaSENATE.May, -j-J^ifl^^*^ Ames. —-6AMUEL PHILLIPS, of Andover, "ll.d. PrcfidcnU Suffolk. Refidence. Barnjiable. Refidenee, —^Johij CoiSn Jones Bojlotu John Dillingham, Har-wkh. Jonathan Mafon, ditto. Dukes and Nantucket. — — EJfex. -|faac Coffin, Nantucket. —Ebenezer March, Newhury. JVorceJier. —John Treadwell, Sa/^oU-Jofiah Stearns, Lunenburgh. »—j^fathaniei Marfh HaverbilL -^lem To\vn, Charlton. Middle/ex. -fSezaleel Taft, Uxbridge.

.—Ebenezer Bridge, C/jelms/ord^l^iomas Hale, JSrookJeld. — Timothy Bigeiow, Groton. Berhjhi ,_^fiah Bartlett, CbarleJio-wtr^r^'^YiXfx Williams, Dalfon. Hampjhire. '— jDavid RofTetter, Richmond. —^—TDavid Sexton, Deerjield. Cufiiberland. -—<^muel Fowler, W^^J<^ -Stephen Longfellow, Gorbam. —Thomas Dwight Springfeldf "Daniel Davis, Portland. Kennebeek, , iibenezer Hunt, Northamptn Lincoln, Hancocky York. and Wajhivgton. Fryehurgh-. Campbell, Sfcubcn. . ^imon Frye, -Alexander —Richard F. Cutts, Ber'wich,\i^^\}cizmt\l^^xmTaQV,Hallo'U!ell. Plymouth Norfolk. -Ifaac Thomlon, Middleborch-. WiWiAVCi Afpinwall, Brooillne, —fieza Hayv/ard, Bridgivateu JBenjamin Hichborn,Z>o;'

( 21 )


Daft rf Imorforaticr.. County of SUFFOL!^. lt,;-:>, Sept. ;. BosTONj-Jofeph B-ufTell, — Samuel Parkman, —William Smith, —Jofcph Hall, —Samuel Cobb, ^ —Jolin Lovvell, jua,' —lKath?n Frazier. 1635, Sept. %, Htnghamj^othzm Gay, 4.4, Miy 19. //«.'//,

NORFOLK. idjO, Sept. 7. Dorcbefter, John Howc, Perez Morton. Sept. %%. '—^oxbury, Ebene^er Seaver, —Jofeph Ruggles, —^feph Heath. ?5, Ss^^t. % •—Weymouth^ Eliphalet Loud. 36, Sept. 8. —D ED HAM, Ifaac Euilard. 40, May 1%, —Jirahfree, Ebenezer Thayer.


1662, May 7. . M'Jtcn, Ed'v.ard H, Rob-bins. 73, 06t. 15 Wrentk^m, Nathan Coniflock, 1705, Nov. J 3. ^rookli-.c, Stephen Sharp, 11. Nov. 5. ^cidbawy 23, Oct 24. -^didixiay, Abner Morfe. 19, Nov. a;. —Seilingham, Laban Bates, i4, Jyec. le. —iValfoii^ Seth Eullaid. 2,6, Ijec. aa. Stcughxm, Len-.uti G^y. ^r, Ju^e jc. —-ti^cro.;!, Jonathar. Eiliir.gs, 73, j-iprii 'x^r—^ohajfiz^ Thomas Lctjirap. 7R., Iviarch 2< l^ranlli.t, Johu Bc}d. June 10. FoxhsTcugh^ 9^, Feb. ?.3. —^.wy, Mcfes Black. 97,, March 9. —i2a«^"-r'^3, Joieph White,

5)^, Feb. 23. —Ca:::;:, Joieph Bemis.

i — ( 22 )

Date of Incdrporatloa. ESSEX. i6a8, Sept. 13.— Salem, Ebenercr Bcckford, - Benjamin Pickman, --William Prefcott- 34, Aag. 5. — Ipswich, Nathaniel Wade, —^Jofeph Swafey, —Jonathan CogfwclL 35, May 6. —Nevuhury^ Jofiah Little. 37, Nov, ^Zyiin and 7 t r Robinfon.n v »-.9^ T„i„ -, r r rj > •'James 5702, July 3. —Lynnfeld, J 1639, May 21, —Cloucejler, John Rowe. Tept. 4. —Hotvley^ George Todd. 40, 0(9:. 7. —Salijoiiry, Samuel March. 43, May lOy—Wenham, Samuel Bianchari. 45, May 14. Manchejlsr, 46, May 6. Jindover, Jofliua Holt. 45 & 1648. —Haverhill^ Benjamin Willi*. 4<)i May a. —-Marbkheady Elifha Story, —Jofhua Prentifs, — John Selmaii. 50, Oa.^S. TepsficU^ 6%, April 29. Amejburyi'^^ciph Hoyt. 0, —William Coombs, —Jonathan Marlh, —Jofhua Carter, --5\''illiam Bartlett. 93, June 21. -'Hamilton, Manafleh Cutler. Date of Incorporation. MIDDLESEX. X629, June ^^r~ -Charleftoivn, Aaron Putnam. 30, Sept. 7. ^'Watcrtoivn, Amos Bond. Sept. 28. - -Medford, Ebcnezer Hall. 2Zi Sept. 8. ~ Cambridge^ Aaron Hill, -'Jtduthun WiUin|;toR. —— }

( 23 ) Date ofIncorporation. 1635, Sept. a. — Concord, Jofeph Chandler^ 39, Sept. 4. —SiiSury, Jonathan Rice. 42, May 18. —fVoburn, Loammi Baldwin. 44, May 29. -—Readingy James Bancroft. 49, May a. - J\^alden, Jonathan Oaksi. 5^, May 29. —Groton, May 29. ^^tilerica, Oliver Crofby. May 29 ^helmsfordy William Adams- 60, May 2^. —Marlborough, Jonathan Week&. 73, OA. 15. DuTiJiable and 7 X789, June 251. Tyngjhorough, J 1674, May 27.- Sherburne, Daniel Whitney. 1683, May 16. -^- and ] Charles Whitman. 1783, Feb. 2,5. - JSoxborough, 1691, Dec. 25. —Nezutotun, Timothy Jackfon. 1700, June iS'^^Pramingham, Jonathan Maynard. 01, Feb. 26. —Dracut, WilHam Hildreth. X2, Jan. I. -—JVeJlown, , jun. March %Or'Lexingtcn, Jofeph Symonds. 15, Dec. 3. Littletoivn, Dec. 13.- Hopkinton, Timothy Shepari. 24, Dec. 3. - Hollljlon, James Mellen. 25, Dec. 17. Stotieham^ 29, Sept. 23.. Wejiford, Amos Fletcher. Sept. 29. Be.'ford, 30, Sept. 25. Wilmington, 32, June 29. - Toijonfcnd, John Campbell. 34, Dec. 23. Teivkjhury,

•Is, Tuly x. --ABon and 7 t r» 1 « S Jonas Brooks. o r\,Q --_y- rn -' 80, April I^.—Carlijle, } 37, Jan. 4. -^-Waltbam, Abner Sanderfcii. . i3» Jan. 5- 5A/>/0'» April 6. '—-fepperell, Jofeph Heald. 54, April 19. ijincoln. . 67, March 6.-' ^/ij, Stephen Patch. 80, April lo. ^ Eajl Sudbury, Jacob Reeve*, 81, Feb. 10. Natici^, 99, Feb. a 8. Burlington, Date of Incorporation. HAMPSHIRE. 1635, - Springfield, Georgs Blif^- 61, yidiy ^2.^-Hadley, Samuel Porter. 69, May if).'-Wflfeld, Jsmes Tayia^, ——

( 24 ) Hate of Intcrporation. 2670, May II. Hatjisld, 8a, May le^.—^tcrfdi^

85, May 17. NokTKAMPTO'N &7 ^ - ,- , -^^'- 27Si, June 17- S^fi Ha-r.pUn, / J^^^" ^ 13, Feb. aa. —IJcriLfeld, Eiiiha Hunt. S8, Nov. 10- SunderIszrJ, 31, July 14. —-iOritnfieic, Abner Morgan.

42, April io,-—£Ic.ndf,rd, William Knox, 2>^. 42, Jan. 15. —S'eihcTT, Ifaac Abercrombie. S%t Jan. 30. —-Falmsry Jnmcs Smith, J3, Jan. 5. —vcuthamptcn, Lemuel Pomrc'r. April 12. —S'oar/} Hadley^ P^uggles Woodbridjeu - &,'> June 9. -GrccTif.eld „ , ^- _, -^ Solomcm bnve^d. 93. Sept. 28. -^/.V, j i3> June 15. ' Keiv Salon, Varney Pearce. Dec. 11. —Montague, Henry Wells. SA, Jan. 25. Granville, David Rcbinfon, -— Ilraei Parlcns. April 50. GreeniL'ichf J9, Feb. 13. ,^Amherft, Zebina Montague.- 60, April 1$—Morfor, Abner Brown- fir, June 30. —Belcbertov., Park Hoiknd. June 30. —Colraincy Hugh M Clellan. June 30". Shitejhury^ ^ Nov. 25. PJ'^are^

yizrch. &") _. 62, 6. -Ikrnardflon . ^ y. ^^"^^^ ^'^^^^ 84. May 12. -Leyd:n, j 62, June II.- Chejierjleld, Speiiccr Phelps.

Sept. .. 18. -^^5wM Brivf.dd & ^ ^.. , |O..TerUak*-7 85, July 5. -:Ff.//...^. 63, Feb. 17. WarxL'kk &7 83, Oca. 15. Or^zro-c, 3 63, June 15.- Wilhrahan, John Dlifs. 65, June 21. ^~-€harle'nont, Jofctiii Na^".: Oft. 31. C,^^,r, 67, June 16. —Co^-^d'v, Malaclii MaynaiJ 68, June II. Gt\v!t}^ David omit:-- June 21. Af-f.c'd^ June 31. SkslLurns, June 30 Worihl'igtcn, Fzri St^.rVn-ratiisr 70, Nov. 7. Souilj^-ici, fly April 24.--ir;//;3w^^tf.^i, ——

( ^5 ) Scte bf IntcrfaratUn. X771, April 14. Whatdcyt 73, June 29. Nor-uieby 74, Feb. ZZ' —-Weji Sprir.gptdy Jonathan SmiA. March 5. Le-Jdrdiy 78, Sept. 29. "fT^ Hampton^ 79, April 14. Suckland, Lemuel Taylor. ^ Ebenezer SneU, o ^;i"' J^*^ir''i''£f'"' ) 85:, March lbr-P4ainjiddy i 80, Nov. 18. Moittg

Sept, 3, .— Sand-wich^ William Bodfilh. Sept. 3. —i'armouth^ David Thatcher, jun. 46, June 2. —^Jiham, Eliilia. Mayo. 86, June 4. JFalmouth^ David Nye 94, Sept. i^.^^Har-wichy Ebenezer Broadhreoks. X709, July 16. Truroy 12, June ii. — Cbatbam, Richard Sears. 27, June 14. Frovincdo'ui:tf (53, June iL—iVellfliety Lemuel Ncwcomh. 93, June 19. Dennisy 97, March 3- Orleans^ Richard Sparrow. PLYr.IOUTH. 1620, -^^.Plymouth, Nathaniel Goodwia 1636, Ot^ 5. _ Scituatc, Elijah Turnen 37, June 7. Duxiorou'gbt 40, March 3. -^Marjkfeld, Elifha Phillips. 56, Jane 3. -'~BYidg'u:aUry Nahum Mitchel. 60, June -—Middleborougb, Nathaniel Wilder. 86, June 4. ..-JRocbcJlery Elifha Ruggles. 1707, JuaC 4. "-^lytnptony Seth Cufhing. 12, March iVr-P'embroH-, Kilborn Whitman, Jane xo Abirtgtnfty . C 34, ——— y y

{ ^7 ) Date of Incorporation. 1 73 1, Dec. 30. or-Dudleyy Aaron Tufts. 3a, June %().- —^ar'uardy Jofeph Stcne. 1$^ April 18. Grafton^ June 14. Upton, 38, Jan. 10. —Hardiviciy John Haftings. June 24. —Bolton and") ><• '? ^7^^^^^.^^V/' 84, March i6.-^^r//;;, Ji^-^^^ 7 ^ 38, June 24. —Sturbridge, 40, Jan. 9. — Holdeny John Dodas. June 23. •Lcominfter^ Jonaa. KcndalL 41, Jan. 16. —Wefterny Jofeph Field. 46, '-^ifoiiglasy Aaron Marih. 51, Jan. 31. —New Braintree, Benjamin JoflyJ^. S^^ April ^.•'—spencer y Benjamin Drury, 54, April 20. Peterjhamy \^ >r.^,.^.<^ Oj^^ ^ ^i-^-*-' ',

Nov, a. —r-CharltoTiy Levi Davis. -^ • / 62, March 6. ^empleton., Leonard Stone. March 6. — Athol, Jofiah Goddard. June 7. Oakhamy

64, Feb. 3. - Fitchburghy June 14. —WinchendoTiy Somuel Prentice, 65, Feb. 1 6. - Royaljloriy John Norton. Feb. 22. Afiburnham, Feb. 24. PaxtoTty 66, Jan. 24. ~ -Northborough, Nahum Fay. 67, June \i,^T-^ubbardpny Wilham Marean. 70, April 26. Wepnlnjlery 71, April 2/^.^-PrincetQ'wny Ebenezer Parker, 72, July 14. Nortbbridgey 74, June 14, ^-Barrey Edmund Howes. 78, April 10. ^ar^, 80, April II. -Milfordy Samuel Jones, Si, April 2$^r-^terlingy Benjamin Richardfon, 85, June 27. Gardner %(iy M-dTch I." Boylfony James Longley. Oft. ao. Gerry. BERKSHIRE.

1733, J«ne 1 2. -^hrJlM and ^ . 79, June 21. ^WWcz/;?^ PFaJh'ington,S ^^^^J- 39, June 22 Stockbridge, Ephraim Williams. 59, June 15. —Ne-M Marlborough, Benjamin Wheeler. 40, Feb. 13. -—Egremonty Jofeph Benjamin. —— »

( 28 ) I^te efIneorporatloK. 1761, A^tW zi^-PittsfieUy John C. William*. 6r, June 30. Cnat Barrmgtony/'j^fi*Jy,.*>/f^/r^^

07, June 19. -^outhfieldf 3 •' 62, March 6r~^yringhami Adonijah Bidwell. Wheeler. i^' ^vT I Gideon 8 , Feb. 2'?'-4""^rr^6,-—New 1 Afiford^ 3 65, June 20. —/r///;^«7/?&cfff,TompfcnJ. Skinner, ^William Young. ^f^, June 20. Bechef, 67, Feb. 26. — X.ENOX, Jofeph Goodwin. 71, July 2. —WinJ/or, Jofnua Beals. ' FrllTeli. 7 1 , July 4. PartridgeJUldf V/iliiam 73, Feb. 16. Alfordt

. 73, Feb. 27. LoudoTiy 73, Feb. 2i.-WeJiStockhAdge, Ezekjel Swnc. 75, June 21. Richmondf Nathan Pierf«n. 76, July 2. Hancockf 77, April 12. WafitngtoTty 77, 0£t. 21. -Lfr, 78, 0.5t. 1^. ^-Jldamsy Abraham Howknd^ 84, March 20. Dalton, 89, June 24. Bethlehenti 93, March i/i^lhejhtr€y Daiiiel Brown 97, Feb. 20. Sa'voyy 98,, March 2. Clarifiurgh.

District of . County 0/ YORK: 1653, May 18. — York, Jofeph Bragdojn. ^7^^ May 18 Kitteryy Andrew P, Ferneid- 53, Aug 30. ^Wellsy Jacob Fiflier.

1713, June 9 . —BercL'iciy /jj/ ,^ ^.^ ^'y^ x8, Nov. 18. Biddefordy — ,

( ?9 ) D-ite of Incorporation. 1 7 19, June 5. .—-Arundel^ Thomas Perkins, 3^!^ 62, July 14. —Buxton, Jacob Bradbury.

67, June 15. —I^shanoriy //^^^'^y/ /./ ^. >'^r <^. / 68, Feb. 23. SandfordScl 94, Feb. 4. Alfredy J 72, June 9. —-Pepperelhoro\ Richard Ciitts» 78, March 11. Coxhall, 85, March 5. Shapkighy %'^i March 9. Parfonsfields S7, March 6. Waterhoro\ 87, March 6. Limerick 92, Feb. 8. Limwgtonf 94, Feb. 26. Newfield, 94, Feb. 27. Corni/Jj, 98, Feb. 27. PhiUipJhurgh. Towns cnrf Plantations iVor/^ ©/"Great Ossapee Rivei^. 1777, Jan. II. -Fryehurghf 94, Feb. 7. Bridgetoiun, 96, June 10. Bethely 97, March 2. tVaterford, * Brownfiddf * Hiraniy * Porterfeld, * Oxford, No, 5, * Sannhook^ * Pleafant Mount.Gorc,

* *S'/«/^ T>^7 Oa. 31..—A7"or/A TarmQuth, Sam. P. RufTell. C 3 — f

( 30 ) Date ofIncorporation. 12. 1 718, Nov. iFalmoutht Archelaus Lewis. 38, Jan. 26. —Srur.fnvichy Ebenezer H. GoHj* 58, Jan. 25. — HarpfnvelU Benjamin Dunniajj. 6Zi June 12. Windbam, 64, 0£t. 30. Gorhamy 6^, Nov. I. —Cape Elizabeth, Mark Byex. 74, March S.-W^'O' Ghucejier^ Nath. C. Allen. 78, June 19. Gray^ %^, Nov. 30. Standifh, 86, July 4. —Portland, Woodbary Storet. 86, July 7. Turner 89, Feb. i^r ^ree}orty John Culhing. 89, Feb. 16. Durham^ 92, March 6. Hebron, 93, March 16. Buckjield, 93, June 20. Paris, 95, Feb. 17. Poland, 95, Feb. 26. Jj;, 95, Feb. 28. -r-lfivermore, ©arid Learned. 97, March 9. Kornuay, 98, Feb. 19. Otisjieid, 98, June 13. Hariford, 98, June 13. Sumner, xSoo, Feb. 21. Rttmford, * Raymond, * Pegypfcot Oore^ LINCOLN.

1716, June 1 3. "^eorgetcwn,* 53, June \<). —Nt^-Cajlle, John Farley.

* GeorgeUtun is at the moutb of Kenr^htd Hl'uery and nat- urally lies in three divifions. The Peninfula or iWri, called Swa// Poin/, is on the weft fide, and on the main, and con- tains about half the land and population, Aroufccg If.and con- tain$ about ao,ooo acres, or one quarter of the laiid and inhsb- itants, and the meetinj-houfe. Rojkobegan, or Parier't IJland^ contains the other quarter, or a^out jl?,0«0 acres, Stage-JJlani contains about fix acres. ,

( 3' ) Date of inctrporailon, 4759, Oft. 20. IVooIvjich, 60, Feb. 13. —PowNALBORO*, David Payfon. 62, Sept. l^^—Bowdoinhami 64, Jan. 31. --^opjham, Benjamin Jones Porter ^4, Nov. 3. Boothha^t

65, June 1 8. —Brtfloly Sanwel Tucker. 73, June 29. JValdoboro*, 74, March 5. Edgecumh^ 761 Nov. 7. IVarreity 77, March t^r-^homaJlQiun, Henry Knox. 81, Feb. 17. Bath^ 86, Oft. 20. t/mVs, 88, M^Tch ti-r-J^oivdoin, James Rogers. 88, Nor. 20. Ncbleboro\ 89, Jan. 28. - Cuffiingy 91, Feb. 17.- Camden^ Samuel Jacobs. 94, June 25. Drcfderit 94, June 25, A^

* Liule lUvir. KENNEBECK. l.'j'jU Apll 26.-^al/o'Wtl/, Thamas Filiebrowii. 71, h-^ril i^^Vinthropt Nathaniel Fairbanks. 71, April 26. Fa(falboro\ 71, April 26w-^V'infIo'Wt EInathan Sherwin. 79, Feb. 4. -^ittftowrit Samuel Oaknun. 88, June 18. Greene^ 88, June 18. Canaan,. 88> June x8. SiiirfitJdp — .

( 3^ ) Date of Incorporailon. 1788, June 18. Norrldgeivockt 91, March il« Readjield., 92, Jan 20.^ Monmouth, . - •* 92, Jan 30. Sydney J June 27.-^-Mount Vernon., Nath. Dudic?. 92, '— 94, Feb. I. Farmington, Stephen Titcomb. '• 94, June 20. Nenv Sharon, 95: Feb. 28. Clinton, 95, Feb. 28. Starks, 9;, Feb. 28. Fayette, 96, Feb. 3. Belgrade, 96, Feb. 8. Harlem, 97, Feb. 20. Augusta, 98, Feb. V2. Wayne, 98, Feb. 24. Cornville, 98, March 1 jinfon, ChePr, Gofhen, Littleboro*, ^eiv Vineyard, Reedjlonvn, Sandy River, Seven Mile Brook, firmans Plantation. Plantations Eaft fide 1 iVo. i, Kennebeck River. y No. 3, Sabejlekook, Wejferwifett, V/arromaiitogus, Kurratunk Falls, Aujlin^s Brook, HANCOCK. 1773, June 22. Belfnjl, 87, Feb, 23. Penobfcot, -Orrinofon, 88, March 2 L Oliyei* Leonard., ^ .

( 33 ) Pott ff Inccrporation, 1789, Jan. 12. Sedgwicij 89, Jan. 28. JJlehoro\ 89, Jan. 30, Detr Ifie, 89, Jan. 30. Blue HllU 89, Feb, 16. Trentony 89, Feb. 16. Sull'ivanf-^lMl T>. Sargent. 89, Feb. 16. GouUJhoro\ 8.9, Feb. 17. Mount Defert,

8 9, June "2 5 Finalhaver.f 89, June 25. Frankfort, 91, Feb. 25. Bangor, 92, June 27. Buckftown^ 94, Feb. 24. ProfpeSf 94, Feb. 24. —Hcmpdeni Daniel Ncal* 96, Feb. 10. Castine, 96, Feb. 13. Nortbportt 96, Feb. 23. Eden, 1 8 00, Feb. 21. Oriand, iSao, Feb. 2$. Ellf

( 34 )

Itate of Incorporation. WASHINGTON. 1784, June 23.— Machias, Phineas Bruce. 95, Feb. 27. Steuben, 96, Feb. 8. Columbia 97, Feb. 14. ^ddifon, 97, June 1 7. HarringteUi g%, Feb. 24- Eaflportt * Buck-Harbour^ * Plantations! No, ^r, * Weft of I No. 22. * Machias. J ^o- 23. * Plantations 1 No. 9, *Eaftof ^ No. 10, ^'Machias. JiVo. 11, * No. 12.

* Plantations ^f' * * between .^ ' • * Schudooky [ Z^' I'

* and Benys xr i * Rivers. ,r ^' J No. 7,

Places not incorporated are diftinguiOied thus *.

-—John Avery y Secretary of the State. — i'eleg Cojiiii Treafurer do.

Jr.feph Laughtony CIcrk. Jamjs Fojlery Clerk. Rev. Thomas Baldwin, Chaplain to the Houfc.

Jfaac Pierccy Meffenger to the Gov. & Council Jacob Kuhn, Meffenger to both Houfes. C 3J ) Standing Committees for the current Political Year. Commlttes on Public Accounts, l(a.VLC Thompson, o[ MiMeioro\l ., '^^«^'^» Thomas Hale, of Brookfiddy \ 'f^^' Silas Holman, of Bolton, "1 James Taylor, of Wejlfidd, > of the Houfe^ Nath. C. Allen, of N. Gloucejler, J "who are the Committee for the prefent year to examine all accounts that may be exhibited for thefupport of fuch. indigent perfons as are by law the proper charge of this Commonwealth, and all other accounts which may be ex- hibited for fervices performed, cafli advanced, or any prop- erty fupplied for the ufe of this Commonwealth, purfuant to any law, refolve, or order of the General Court, and to make out a roll arranged under general heads, iignifying the names of the refpedlive perfons or corporations whofe accounts {hall be properly vouched, together with the amount of the funis which may be found due on fuch ac- counts, and lay the fame before this Court for their con- fideration and allowance."

Commlttes on Petitiom for ne-w Trials, Samuel Fowler, of IVdMe/d, 1 r ? c Jonathan xMafon, of Bojon, j ^f ^^' ^'"''^'' Artemas Ward, of Wejlon, "J Ephraim Williams, o^ Stockbridget > of the Hvufe* William Prefcott, of Salem, J Ccmmtttee on Incorporation of neno 'Tonvns, Beza Hayward, of Bridgwater, 7 /• a o Ebenezer March, oi Newbury, yfif'^ Senate.

Nathaniel Wade, of Jpfiuich, "J Nahum Mitch el, of Bridgwater, K of the Houfe, Saml. P. RulTell, N. Tarmouth, J Committee on Incorporation of Parifhes, William Williams, of i)^//o«, 7 -, „ ^'"^^'^ John TreadwelJ, of SaUm, \ 'f*^' ( 36 )

Daniel Whitney, of Shcrburn^y'l Seth Bullard, of U^alpoie, ^ of the Honfi. Joha Howe, of Dorchcjiery J Standing Committee for the Sale of Eajkni Lands. Samuel Phillips, cf Andovtr^ Nathaniel WeiJs, of WdU, Leonard Jarvis, of Cambridge^ John Read, oi Roxluryy Daniel Ccay, of Ju^uja,

A 1 A B L E Exhibiting the Variation cf Vat Coir. ?aft in Bojlsn and the parts adi2ccn.t, Century from the earlictt arc nines of it to the erni of tlic i8th i •upreeablc to thcadbul Obfcrvaticro diliinauifted by Obf. By.76i« mntbrop, Efq. Hol!il::in Profciror of MaLhematJcs at Harvard-CoUc^e, in Camlridge, Kc'u.-En&.ant^. Variation at Falmc-uih. PeN0DSCOT.

Obf. 45


5^3 36 37. j

( 57 )

PuMic Notaries in the State of MafTachufett? In the Marifime CountieSi 'SamUel Cooper^

William Harris, tiitto. Samuel Gardner^ ditto, William Stevenfon, ditto, Samuel Norton, Bi?i^ha7nh S Thomas Williams, Rcxhurw \ Jam.es Humphrey, jun. fVeyniOtdhn r Edward Norris, Thom.as Bancroft, ditto, ditta, Daniel Rogers, Ipfnxjlch, Michael Hodge, Ninyiburyporth Jbfeph Wood, Eev&rly. Ifaac Mansfield, MarbU'kad* John Rogersj Glcucejier, Samuel Nye, Sali/lury* Timothy Ofgoodi HaverhilU tjamesGardner, Lynn. r Ephraim Spooner, P/ynwutkh S Henry Warren ditto. i Elijah Turner, Scituate, ^ Benjamin Fearing^ "David Scudder, BarnflaUe^ Toieph Palmer, jun, Falmouth.. Jofeph Doane, Chatham* Samuel Waterman, fVellJt^et. Solomon Cooke, FroviKceto^tts

r John W. Smith, T^untm, William Tobey, ^riUch ^ Newj^Bed/ord. • -^ J Henry Smith, Dartmouth. C. Thomas B, Richm;>nd, Di^hton, William Mayhew, b*zker Counix' \ ^dgartc-XJt, jfantuiht, Abner Coffin, NantiKhet* D . .

{ 33 ) For the Inland Counties, r Phillips Payibn, jan. CharkJlo'WT; Abraham Biglow, Cambridge, middleji Nathaniel Bemis, Water'.on.vn. Jonathan Fay, Co/1cord.

. Oliver Preicott, >un. Groton. f Theophilus Wheeler, IVorccJier, Philip Ammidon, Mendon. JVorcefler, Moles Smith, Sterling. Pehitiah Hitchcock, Brookfif-ld.

^ Nathaniel Maccarty, Peterjha??!, ^ John Hooker, Springfield. ^ Jonathan Leavitt,JMinr Greenfield, Ha?riiyn: y VJiiftin Ely, JV.Spri}2gfield', ^ Levi Lyman, NortkamptoJi: 5 Henry W. Dv/Ight, Stockbridge, Berkjjyir ( John C. Williams, Pittsfield: The foUowinQ; are in the Dillricfb of Maine. f Joieph Tucker, Tork. Tork, -) Jonas Clark, Welh^

(^ Jeremiah Hill, Biddrford* f Nathaniel Larabee, BruyifiioicL Samuel P. Riifleli, N. Tarmouth, j Cumhrland'. \ Ebenezer Mayo, Portland. Jofep]\ C. Boyd, ditto. I

(^ Charles Coffin, ditto, fJofeph Chriilophery Po-wnalhord' Dummer Sewall, Bath. I Esncoln, ^ Jacob Ludv/ig, Wdldohorough-^ Jonathan Sawyer, Boothbay. I (_Ephraim Snov.', Thoviajlon. Kenneheck Nathaniel Perlcy, Hallo^iell. C Francis L. B. Goodwin, Frankfort. Hancock. - < David Howe, Caftim C Jofeph Tillingh.if^, Gouid/borotigK r William Chaloner, Machias. W^fioington, -/William Campbell, Steuben.

(f^ William Allan, Eajlport. tSy' Public Notaries are appointed for the purpofe of makirfg Protefts, giving Certificates under the feal of Office, and entering artd regiftering Protcfts and oth- w Notarial writiR^s, alfb for a'^r^reiting the fann?. .

( 29 )

Pcrleg Coffin fex ofi-cigj as Treafuvery Kttper of" the Standdids ot V/eights and MealUfes/or the Commonwealth. Mr. John Cutler, oi Bfjlon, his Deputy.

Appoiiltments under State Authcrity, By the Governor and Councih Dr. D. Towiireiidj hifpeBor ofPot & Pearl Jjles. Under a Law enaif>c;d Jane 17, 1791. PEFUTIES. John Auflin, Charlefionvn. Jo.iath.Call, Ne-.vh.Pc^t, Andr. BJanchard, Mcdford. o h ! r J e y E rvi np:, Portland, Fhineas Carlton, Haverhill. Beiiiamin Fofrer, E.Uh. •D.ivid Townlend [alfo InjpeaorofNa'L, Under a Law paiTcd [Deputies not yet appointed-] Both OiHces of Infpedion near theMall.

Francis Wright, Infp'ecior of Tohaccc, Infpecition-Office in High-Street, ncar Fort-Hill. Francis Wright, InfpcSlor of B-ater and Lard, Under Laws pafled March 4 and June 17, iSoo. Infpei^ioD-Oince at die 'I rj-''.^re Cellar, rederal-Stree-t. DEPUTIES.

Nathan A Jams,C/'^r/^4W/;. 1 Jolin Traev, A^w^,/'d?r/. Banniiter, John Medford. i Shii L y E; ViLg^PartLind. Stephen Bnice, Infpccior of Beef Under a Law enacted March 4, i8co. Infpection-OiBce on Spear's VVlimf, Thomas Farrington, Ckrk, Henry Purkett, AlURant LifpcSlor, DEPUTIES. Tansies Barry, Brjhn. IJohn Ofgcod, Ne-ii-hury\ Georg:; Zeiglsr, Roxhury. i!'>hn Tracy, Ne^ivb.P-.ri. Nathan Adanns, Churl-jhivn.\X\d\. Walker, Bradford. Jonath. Warner, Uvdford. 5eth Clark, Salfoiiry. Jo:hua Phippen, SaUm, raraes Locke, do. Jonathan Ropes, do. .S^athan Ayer, HavernL. Lemuel Child, Danvers, hlriey Lrving, Portland. Robert Porter, Beverly. Elijah Davis, Bath. Caleb Kimbal, Nevsbury, David Sewali, lixzllc'-j^slL ( 40 )

Scsts Charitable Society. Jftilitutcd A.D. 16S4. Incorporated March 16, Jjt.i.

Officers ajuiually chcfe?:, iji Tue/day in May<. Andrev/ Ritchie, Prefident. James Thon;pfon, Vice -Prefident.

, Secretary. William McKean, Treafurer. MANAGERS.

Patrick Phiiiips, I Thomas Semple, John McParlane, Andrew | Leach.

Irifo Charitable Society. Inftituted March 17, X737.

Annual Meeting to ele[l Officers, March 'I'jth* Mofes Black, Prefident. Thomas Engliih, Vice-Prefident. William Mackay, len. Treafurer. V/iiliam Mackay, jun. Keeper of the Silver Key, Robert Wyer, jun. AlT*ftant do. John Beane, Secretary.

Bojicn Epifcopal Charitable Society. Lnftituted A. D. 1724. Incorporated February li, 1784. Aumicil Meeting for ths Choice of Officers, on Eajcfr Tuefday. Richard Green, Prefiden^. Sanmel Dunn, Vice-Prefident, Benjamin Greene, Treallirer. Jofeph Poller, Secretary.

Boj}r,n Marine Society, lnftituted 1742. Incorporated 1754. Annual Ekaion of Officers, jji Tuefday in Novenitsr. Mo/ithly Meeti?ig, on the ifi Tuffday in each Mjiith, James Scott, Mailer. Triftram Barnard, Depaty-Miiiter. William Smith, I'realarer. William Furnafs, Secretary. (The funds of this Society are very refpedliabl:, and their donations liberal.) ( 4t )

Majpichufdts Charitable Society*, luftitutcd September, 1762. Incorporated March 15, 1780.

Annual Election ^"Oificers, ij} Monday in ScpteJithf^r, Hon. Thomas Dawes, Pi efldent. Jonathan L. Aiiftia, Efq. Vice-Prefldent, Dr. Nathaniel Novts, Secretary. Mi". John Kneeland, Treafurer. TRUSTEES.

Hon. Benjamin Auftin, jun. 1 Deacon John Slnjpkir.s,

Mr. iiphiaini Copcliiiid, j John Sweet.l'er, ETcj^jp^ Mr. Iloin-r, Geoige j Mr. James Sumner, Mr. Andrew Oliver, |

MajJ^achuJttts Charitable Fire Society. Incorpo-rated June 25, 1794. An7mal i\tlceting on the Friday ftext after thslafi Wednef- day in May. Hon. George R. Minot, Ei'q. Prefident. Arnold Welles, jun. Elq. Vice-Prelident. Rev. James Freeman, Correfponding Secretary. William Alline, Recording Secrctaiy. James White, Treafurer. TRUSTEES.

Samuel Stillman, D.D. I Siiubael Bell, John Elliot, d. d. Thomas, j Joiliaa William Tudor, Joiiah Qpincy, Thomas K. Cailender, jun. Jones, \ Joieph

Roxhiiry Charitable Society. Inflituted January, 1794. Incorporated February a6, 1799- Cfiicers annually eiecled) :,d Monday in Scptcvibsr^ Hod. John Lowell, ll.d. Prefident. Mr. William Lambert, tirft Vice-Prefident. Hon. John Read, fecond Vice-Prefident. INathaniel Ruggles, Efq. Secretary.

J oleph Ruggles, Efq. Treafurer. STANDING COMMITTEE. Eliphalet Felton, Kev. Porter, j Deacon Jofhua

Hon. John Read» | Capt. Jofeph Williams. Mr. Mofcs Davis, D» { 4^ ) Bojton Mechanic AlTociation* Inllituted March 15, 1795. OfHcers anunally eLded, %d Thurfday in Leccmhc^^ Jonathan Hunnewell, Prefident. Benjamin RmTeil, Vice-Prefident. James Phillips, Secretary. ' David Weil, Treafurer.

Societies cf Mafons. Grand L.odge of Massachusetts. iMpR Worfhipful Samuel Dunn, Qrand Mafer. Right Wcriliipful Joieph Laugiiton, Deputy Grand Mqji.er. l?.ight Worlhijifal John Soyle, linuor Grand Ward:n. Ilight "VV

The ^u.arierly Com-Mtdnicaiions are held at Concert-rlill, in Boflon, on ^he evenings of the ftcond Mondays in March, June^ September and Decfmber.

The LoncE? under its "^urifdi^Jor.^ arc. The firll and fecond Si, Johns Lodges, united wi:h the Hift"^ Sun Lod(^e,mect at Concert- Hull, the lafl Wednefda'y evening of each mauth.

Si. Andrcio-^ \''^^Z^ mczl at Free-Mafon's Hall, pn the evening of the fecouU Thurfday in ea;h month. The R'jyal Arch Lodge meet at the fame place, on the "yV'ednefday preceding the fallirjg of the mopn. The Rifin^ States Loogc meet at Concert'JHtall, pn the ^vening of the lail Monday in each month. M.iJJhchtifetts Lodge meet at the fame place, on the even- ing of the third Thurfday in each month. d^inv So!omous hod^c, at CharlelVown, meet at Warren- \l^il, hi thut town, th,; fecojjid TucJfda;' in each month. ( 43 )

ColunSian Lodge meet on the fii-(l Thurfda-y evening of fivery month, at their Kail iij Market-Square. Wafoingtcn Lodge, at RoxbuTv, meet at Harriman's HaH, the Wcdnefday evening bciore each tuliing of the moon.

lb: JollotiHTig are clt>hahet:cally arranged.

Aiiams Lodge, at V/cllfleet. 1 Marine, at Fahiiouth. Bjr.ejhirtf, at Stockbridgc. IjVIcriJtJu, at Watertown. £rtjioi, at Norton. Mindian Suii, at Brookfield, j C;A.-/«.7jfwj-, at New Marlboro* \MiJM'ffXy zt Franiinghani. CorintLiai:, at Concord. JMi^atgoiuery, at Franklin. £.ijterH Siur, at Relioboth. Itrlornirg Star, at Worccfler. ^jiXy at Salem. Ivlouiit Moriah, at Reading. ]L-o£ning Star, at Lenox, &/i/ Color'y, at Hanover. Fayettiy at Charlton. Oi:-je-Brcn:h, at Oxford. Federal, at Blandford. Philanthropic, at Marblchead. IfUo-zffc'p, at Bridgwater, Portland, at Portland. Frankl':r., at Chefnire. Rtpublican, at Greenfield.

Fr':endjbip, at Williamftpwn. .Sc''////, at Afhby. H2uci.:k, at Penobfcot. 5t. Pjy.V%, at Groton. Huruiony, at Northfield. .'y^ A.v>'^, at Ncwbury-Port. Hirairiy at Lexington. 'Thomas's, at Monfon. 'Jervjidem^ at South-Hadley. Trinity, at Lancaiter. Kiiind^cky at HallQwell. Tvfcun, at Columbia. JL7ffT Djviti's, at Taunton. Tyrsan, at Gloucefte^. J^/'/v^- Hiram's, at Truro, Ujilon, at Dorcheilcr. 0,7 at Holme's United States, at Danvers. oj Perfection, J Hole. l/riitv, at Ipfwicli, LlnLoh, at WilcafTet. iyarren, at Machias-

The firfl Mafons' Lodge in America, was held in Bcfton, on the 30th of July, 1733, by virtue of a coramiiTion from thi; Rigi'it Honourable and Right WorCiipful AntUny Lord Vifcou'nt Jkfo/:^i>«^, Grand Mailer of England. The Grand Lodge of tjie moil ancient and honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Mafons, in Mailuchi^letts, was organized April 19th, A. D. 179Z, being formed by a complete izoahtion of the lat^ St. Joh»\ and die late I),L:Jfz- cbufitts Grand Lodges.

Right Worihipful Jjytzb 'Thomas has a deputation to vifit, Inftrud, &.C. the Lodges in ;he three weftern Countie*. i^ ZlaJfachuftUs, The African Lodge, in Bofton, meet the firll Tuefdaj ic ?v'..7 i^Gnth, at the C'oldcc Jficece, ( 44 ) Banks in the UniteJ States* Bank at Phlladdphia, Thos. Willing, Prcndent. Geo. Simpfon, Cafhier^ j This Bank was irxorporated by an Aft of Congids, ;d tiie year 1791, and to continue until i8ir. It is i.nder the diredion of a Prsiident and 24 Directors, vhofen yearly. Four branches of this Bank are clliib^ iiihed, viz. at BoJioTi, Ne'vj-Tork^ Baltimore^ and Charlef- to~ujn (South-Carolina.)

Branch of the United States Bank at B^%n. AiBold Welle'j, Efq. Preiidcnt. Peter Roe Dal ton, Calhierc John Rice, firil Teller. Jofeph Barrell, jui.}. iecond Teller. Chriftopher Ivlinot, BvX)k-Keeper. Turner Phillips, Affiitant ditto. Daniel Oliver, Diicount Clerk. William Furnafs, Initerell Clerk. Benjamin Shaw, AlEftant Clerk. Ciillam Bafs, Meflenger. William Hunt and John Holbrock, Porters. Branch of the United States Bank at Neiv-Torh Cornelius Ray, Prelident. Bui rail, Calhier- | Jonathan Branch of the United States Bank at Baltimore, George Gale, Preiidcnt. David Harris, Caihier. | Branch of the United States Bank at Ckarlcf-. toiuti (South-Carolina.) Dnniel de Saiiflure, Prefident. vSnaith, C;tfhier. j foliah

Majfachufetts Bank in Bolton. Incorporated 7th February, 1784. OiEcers amiually eleliedy rji Wed?irfday in January Samuel Elliot, Prefident. James Thwing, Cafhier. Nathaniel Folter, Srit Teller. Thomas Chafe, fecond Teller. Nathaniel H. Furnafs, 7 Accountants.A ^^ * . Samuel Thwing, 'j Miles Greenwood, Difcount Clerk. Jume3 Hill, Mcflergtr and Attendant. ( 41 ) Union Bank in Bollon, Ipcorporated June 25, 1792. ^nntuil Eleftio?i, iji Monday in ScptemUn Hon. Oliver Wendell, Prelident, DIRECTORS. Samuel Brown, Joieph Head, Benjamin BufTey, Thoma<^ K. Jones, Samuel Cobb, Ebenezer Oliver, Stephen Cod man, Joliah Quincy, Thonias Davis, John Wciics, Pavid Greene, George Burroughs, Cafliier. Nathaniel Emmons, Accountant, Johnfon Jackfon, Ailiilant ditto, David Morey, Difcount Clerk. John Brown, firil Teller. Thomas Swan, fecond Teller, Andrev/ Jolionnot, Med'cnger, Andrew Keitell, Afiiitant ditto.

Nantucket Bank at Nantucht» Incorporated Fcbiniary, 1795. Jofeph ChaTe, Prelident. George Folger, Cafliier.

iMerrimack Bank at I>h%uburyFari. Incorporated June 25, 179^. Annual Meeting Dudley A. Tyng, Prefident. Samuel Cuder, Cnlliier.

Eflex Bank at Salem.

Incorpurated June j8, 179'ji. Annual Mtetuig William Gray, Prefident. Jcimes King, Caihier.

Gioucefler Bank, at Capf-Ann. incorporated January 27, iSco,

Aiviual MceL17. John Somes, Prefident. Jofeph Ailenj Cafliier, ( 40 ) MaJachufettsVixQ & Marine Infu ranee Compgnv. * Incorporated June aj, 1795. ' OiScers annually ckofc'n, laji Wednefda-j in Auguji. Arnold WeJies,jun. Prcfident. William Scollay, Secretary. DmECTDRS. John Andrews, John McLean, Senjamin Bufley, Samuel Parkman, t^tephen Codman, Aaron Putnam, Joiepli Ha'iJ, Jofeph Rufleli, John Joy, Daniel Saigent, Benjamin Joy,

Jl'Liffcicht^fetis Mutual Fire Infurance Company^ Incorporated March a, X79S. Officers a?mually chofen, iji Tue/day in June, benjamin Greene, Prefident. Andrew Cunningham, Secretary and Treafurer, DIRECTORS. Henry liill, John Win flow, Jvbcnezer Oliver, Samuel SnelUng, JiliiHia Ticknor, Jofiah Knapp, Jonathan llunncvvell, Simon Elliot, t)amel Tuctle, Samuel Dunn, "Samuel Clap, Thomas Dennie, John May, Benjamin Duick. oarnuel Gore,

Bofion Marine Infurance Company. Incorporated February 13, 1799. OiHcers annually ckofen, xjl MorJay in January. Thomas Davi^, Preh'denc. Jofeph May, Secretary. DIRECTOR^. Adam Babcock, William Parfons, John Davis, Gorham Paribns, Samuel P. Gardner, James Perkins, Wilham Gray, jun. Ebenezer Prebble, Jofeph Head, Daxilei ^ar^zcnt, jur... Taipes Lloyd, j^n. ^

( 47 >

Infitrancc Offices in State Street, l^ofian,

Mofes M. Hays. | Peter C. Brooks.

Bojlon Chamber of Commerce. Inftituted • OiRcers ammally chfct?^ tjl Monday in April. Hon. Stepen Higginfon, Preiident. Jofeph RufTell, Efq. ift Vice-Prefldent. Samuel Parkman, Eiq. zd Vice-Prefident.

Thomas Burley, Secretary. . Neivbtiry-Port Marine Infurance Company. Incorporated June i8, 1799. Officers a?inually eleitedy

Kbenezer Stocker, Prefident. | Wm. Woart, Secretary,

Zalem Marine Infurance Company. Iiieorpsrated June 9, i8co. Officers annually defied Afhton, Prefident. Jacob j Jona. Hodges, Secretary,

Marine Society in Zalem. laflittlted Inrorpcrated Officers annually elecied^ Maftfr. * Secretary. Deputy-Mafter. Treafurer.

Marine Society in Neiubury-Port, Inilituted Incorporated Officers annually ete^ed, Mafter. Secretary. Deputy-Maiter. Treafurer.

Marine Society in Marblehead. laftltuted 1793. Iticorporated February II, 1799. Officers annually ele6fedy Mafter. Sec-etarv. Deputy-Mafter. Treafurer.

Mnjfaclmfetts Society for the Aid of Immigrants* Incorporated June 25, 1795. (The Operations of this Society are fufpended.) ( 48 )

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Portland Marine Society.

Incorporated Pebruary 5,6, 1796.

Judah Delano, Mailer. Samuel Colby, Deputy-Mafter. Jacob No yes, Secretary. Stephen Wait, Trcalurer.

Portland Bank at Portia?id.

Incorporated June ij, 1799.

/ OfHcers annually elected Hugh McLellan, Prcfident. John Abbotj Cafhicr.

' ' ' - I -< * ' . —. 11 — . Maine Fire and Marine Infurance Company.

Incorporated February 7, 1800. Officers annually elecied Woodbury Storer, Prefident. Jofeph Swift, Secretary.

• -! „ . . .. <* — . — - — — American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Incorporated May 4th, 1780. John Adams, ll.d. Preiident. Jofeph Wiiiard, d.d. Vict-iVelident. COUNSSIvLORS. ^Robert T. Paine, John Warren, Francis Dana, Caleb Gannett, benjamin Lincoln, Cotton Tufts, John Lowell, Sair.uel Webber, John Lathrop, d.d. Loanimi Baldwin. Eliphalet Pearfon, Ccrrefponding Secretary. John Davis, Recording Sepietary^ Rev. James Freeman, Treaiiirer. George R. Minot, Vicc-Trcafurer, John Lathrop, d.d. Librarian and Cabinet-Keeper,

^keir annual Meeting is on the ^th Tucjday of Maj^ ( 53 )

MaHachufeiis Medical Society, incorporated November ift, 1781. Annual Meetings iji IVi'dneJlLiy in Jjr.ic.iry,

jlaac R.'tnd, m.d. Preiidcnt. johii WaiTcn, M.D. Vice-Prelld.Ti'-. COUNSELLORS,

Hon. Ebenczer Hunt, I Aaron Dexter,

Tho;n;is Kail, j WiIiIaiti Spooncr,

Thomas Wclfn, | Hon. jofiah BariicU.

John Brooks, | Thomas Kail, Tre^Hircr. Jcfeph V/hipple; Correfpondiag Secretary. John Fleet. Recording Secrstai y, Libiaiian, and Cib.'.iet-Xeeper. CENSORS. ^iT 'KurAy of Bojtoji. WilU^m Spooner. oi Bq,'}, .emmuel F-Iayward, do. Hon. Jofiab Bartlett, 01 >tefh Whipple, do. Charlelhivn.

MlddUjex Medical AJbciation- InRituted jh'.nual Meeting Iti]} Wed:if[niny In Ocloher, Hon. Oliver PreU-ott, m.d. Pn.-lident. BcT-iamin Waterhoxiie, m.d. Vice-Freiident. J'ljcph Hunt, Secretary. T-Mtiothy Minot, Treasurer.

Brffhl Medical AfTociation. luilituted An*ma'l Meetin-g Wininm Baylies, Prefident. Fofter Swift, Vite-Prelldent. Sumucl Perry, jun. Secretary. Georv^e Ware, Trealurer^

Woi-cejia' Medical Society. iFitlitutcd Jvr.iuil l*Uciin<^ .Dr. Frink, Prefident. Ur. Atherton, Vice-Prelideiit. Ui' Oliver riikf, Seciciary. ( 54 )

Majfachufetts Humane Society.

Jucorpoiiited February 17, 1791.

Officers chofm at theJhni-annual Meetings ^d JVed>uf- day in Dticembcr, John Warren, m.d. Preddent. Simeon Howard, d.d. Vice-Preudent, Johi! Luthrop, d.d. fecond Yice-Prefident. bamucl Parker, d.d. Trealurer. Aaron Dexter, m.d. Correiponding Secretary, John Avery, Efq. Recording Secretarv.

Bo/Ion Medical Diipenfury. Inllituted Odcbcr, 1796. Annual Election) ^d Thurfday in January. Samuel Parker, d.d. Chairman. John Andrews, Elq. Secretary. William Smith, Eiq. Treafurer. John Fleet, Phyfician. Thomas Bartlctt, Apothecary. JacoD Kuhn, Melfengcr.

The Difpeniary // kept at the Sign of the Good Sa- maritan, No. 13, Cornhill.

THE above^Inaitctlon, thqii.';:;!! yet in its infancy, has affcrdsd th« means ci" volicf to many ntcoiritous'peribns, among'otlitrs, Vviioi'c I'cei- Li^i would have been hurt by ;in applic:iti():; for alliitanco from the iilrris-Houic ; as they are, by this charity, attciukd, free of any cxpeni'c, by an able Piiy'.ician, cithef at their own honles or at tiie Dif,-er,iary, as t

Inftkuted Ingornorated March 24, 1786,

4wmal Election of Officers, on the Monday kjlrc t,i^ lajl IVedncJday in May. Jofcph Willard, d.d. ll.i>, Prefideni. Hon. James Sullivan, Vice-Pre(idcnt. Simeon Howard, d.d. Treufurcr. John I^athrop; d. d. Secretary^ ( 53- )

^* Society ^/^r propagating the Gcfpd^ among the In^ dlans and oihas^ in Noj'ib-America.'' pirll aJTociated Incorporated November 19, 1787. .LmuJ Meeting for the Eleven //Officcis, on tk- liuy ajhr tl:e lajl IVcdfhJ'.Liy i?i May, Hon. JiiUies Sullivan, Prciuient. lloii. Oliver Weadcli, Vicc-rrcfident. Kbenczcv btoicr, tlq. TieaiUrcr. John tliot, D.D. Vicc-Trealurer. y-zifc Thucher, d. d. Secretary. Jcdccliali Moiie, d. d. Alliiiant do. SEJ^ECT COMMiTTEE,

Hon. Tboiu.is Diiwcs, Peter b. t>. j Thacher,

Jokph lickiev, i>. E. ! \ym. Phillips, Jan. Lfq. S.'.njacl Wo£ d. d. j

McJJachuJdts Miilionary Society. luratut^d M^y 28, i^rn-

Annual ^Ijcting en tl:c laji Tucfday in May.

^^athanucl Emnionci, d. r>. of Prankiin, Preiideiit 2\cv. SrtaiLiei Aultin, ot Worceiler, Secretary.

DvMCon jolm Simp id r. 3, ol Bollon, Treiifur ei-,

Ilcv. David Sandfwid, or" Medwiiy, Kcv. Dariie! Hupkins, oi Salem, }i.cv. Ezni Wcid, of Braintrce, •I'ev. Samuel Spring, of [TTciwbury-Port, Jlev. Jofeph liiirker, of Midiileborcughj Rev. haniucl Niles, of Auington, Kev. Abie] Holmes, of Crtrab;uige, Kev. Samuel Aullin, of Worccifer, Kev. Jona-tlian Strung, of Jlandolph.

Another Miflionary Society is formed in the cotm- e^r-s of Berkihirc, in Mnfiachuietts, and Columbia, ia

;U,. :E:rkiain; l^QT.y V:di6ir.U ( 5^ ) « Majfachujcils HiiLOrical Society."

Imtkutcd Jarwary, 1791. Incorporated fob. :;9, 1794. Oiticci s annuallj clewed hjl TucfJay in "Jaiiuary. Hon. Jaiiies SulUvan, Pierident. WiiJiani 'i'udor, Lfq. Treaiurer. Kev. Jair.es Freeman, Recording Secre'iry. Juha iiiiot, D. D. Corrdpondiiig Secretarv- Kev. John T. Kukicindj Liuraiiiin. Mr. Siirniicl Tureli, Cabinet K'-tipcr. ?>TANDiNG COMWrr TLtl. Hon. Jitrnes Winthrop, Peicr Thachcr, d. d. Dr. Redford Wcbibcr, John Davis, F-fq. Joiiaii Quiiicy, Efq. COMMITTEL FOR PUBLICATIONS.- WilJiani Spooner, m. d. Jedediah Morft:, d. d. Rev. Abit! Hohn-s.

Majjachiifetts Agriciiltural Society.,

Incorporated March 7, 179Z. Annual Msetiiig

Hon. Jolin Lowell, Lt.D. ofRoxbary, Prefi

*lcv. John T. Kirlcland, cifdnio, Correfponding .Sf c': 7. TiiomasL. Windii-op, of ditto, Ti-camroi. TRUSTEF.S. Hon. Fiflier Ames, Dediiam, I Theodore .Tyman, Martin Brimmer, Roxburv, Samuci Parker, D.r>, Hon. Geo Cabot, Hrookline, I John Warren, m. d.

Ajricuiturai Society in Keimebcck Cuuuty. Inflituted 1800,

- Prefident. Secretary. ( 57 )

Supreme Judicial Court of Ivlairachufetts.. JUSTICES. Trancis DaRa, i.l.d. of Cambridge, CiAef 'Jujikc. J^obcrt Treat Paine, cf Lollon. Thcophil'ji Era,dUury, of Mewbury-Por,t. ^ii:\eon Strong, of Anihcrft. 1'h

TajlICb Sullivar-, of EoHon, Aitonwy-Gcncra!.

Ciratit Clerks f^f the Su^rtme 'Judicial Court. John Tucker, Tfq. of Boli.on. Edward P. Hayman, Eiq. of Berwick. Jjpjiant Cleri.

Cbarles Cujhing-, Chri of tie SuJ^r.cms Judicial Ccuri for tKc Ccruiitics of SmToik and Nantucket.

Bciijaiuin licmans, C.icr of all the Courts held in Suffolk.

Juftices throughout the Commonwealth.

"Walter Spaoncr yNe-w-Bedford Oliver Wendell, Jiofan ^urnuel Holten, Dangers Thotuas Dawes, jun. ditto Katiian Ca(hing, .Biituatc Thccphilus Parfons, ditto .David Sewali, Tork James Warren, Pl-^imuih Jnraes SuUIvan, Bojl-n bokviion Freeiuiin, Harivich Robert Treat Pai^c, diito Jyhu Read, Hoxbury Bc-vJJAirtin Auflin, diitc Stephen Choate, Ipfwicb WiiliaRi Cuihing, Scituate Jonathan Warntyr, Ilardiii^i I-'ranciA JDana, .Cambridge Daniel Cony, Augajla ^;an\utl Dexter, IV^/on James Bowdoin, Bcjion

^ujauiin Lincoln. H Jjum i Liiilia Ma)", Atthhorcugh Ward, Bbre-cvftjury Artemas j I'homas liice, PoiLnallorougl jLdvrard Cutis, Kittcry Ebenezcr Thayer, Bratnir.ee I John Lowell, Koxiury 'i hcoph Br a-dbury ji'/ifTA'/i. sfvrt

'1 "hciruia D - V.' e 3, Brfion Diw:;ei Wliitney, Zhcrhurns Cli'arks Turner, Turner Samuel Fowler, W'ffdd William Piiiliips, Bojic-n George Leonard, INorton V/iiiiam Heath, HoX bury Simon Prye, Frycjur^l- Siuuuel Lyman, Springfcld Johah Stearns, jLu7i:nhur

Juiliccs cf the Common Pleas hi SufFoik Gount/.

Shearjafiiub Bourne, of Boilon, Chief "Jajlks. Jofeph Gardner, of Boflon. Wiliiani Donniibn, of Bolton.

Samuel Coo-,*er, of Bofton, "> „ • i <>f a- ^^'"""^ '^'^''"• William Sherburne, of Bofton,!

Charles Cufhing, cf Bofton, Clcvk of the Common Pleas, vEdward JackiMii, Clerk nj' the Csurf of General Szjftons. George Rich,-^.rds Minot, of Boftcrs, 'Judge of Probuiz, Perkins Nichols, of Boilon, £.eg'{ur if Probate. Courts of Pr^hati- in Suffolk are held at the Probate Of- fice, at the fouth-cai> corner, on the lower floor of the Couit-

Houfc in Court- Street, Boilon, every Tuefday iii the yciir, except the lixil Tuefday in each month. £benczc:- Seaver, of Bofton, County ^reafurer, Wiiiiara Alline, of Bofton, Regflsr cf Deeds.

Juftices ofthj Quorum in Suuolk County. Jofeph Gurdper, ( 59 )

Coroners in Suffollc. A!$^.nJ(!r Mackay, By}on Tof^ph Andrews, Hlnglam Paul Revere, ditto H. H. Williams, jun. Cheifid Ebenszer Moulton, ditto

Jeremiah Allen, of Bollon, S/jer'jf. ohubael Eell, Tic^utyShtriff. Oliver Hartihoin, Deputy-Sherif arJ Gaol

Cottnty of Norfolk. Juftlces of the Common Pleas, ^c,

Edward H. Robb-ns, of Milton, Chief Jnftice, Ebenezer Warren, cf Foxboroiigh. Oliver Everett, of Doi cbefler.

Solomon Lovell, of "Weymouth,") „ . . „. "^^'"^^ ^ Daniel Perry, of Medfield, j J"J^''--'-' Kcratio Townfcnd, of Dedham, CL'ri of the Common Plea:. Nathaniel Ames, of Dedham, Chrk of the SeJponL Edward H. Robbins, of Milton, > filher Ames, of Dedham, ( appointed to qualify John Read, of Roxbury, ^ Civil Opcers. Ebenezer Warren, of Foxbcrough,^

William Heatli, cf Rcxbury, Judge of Prchafe. Samuel Haven, of Dedham, Regifler cf Probate^

Courts of Probate are held at £he Probate Office in Ded- ham, the firfl Tuefday in every month ; and at Marfh's tav- ern in Quincy,the firit Thurfday in February, and the fecond Tuefdays in May, Auguft and Ncvernber, annually.

If-'-iC Billiard, of Dedham, £ounty Treaftrer. Jli^Iroict Pond, cf Dsdham, Regf.er of Deeds.

Jadices of the Feace and of the Quorum; Cotton Tufts, Vf'eymcuth Thomas Crane, Milton j ditto ^oicmcn Lovcil, } Fiiher Ames, Dedham lUchard Cranch, Niithanii:! Ames, ditto ^*««^ j Jabez Fiiher, Frankli V/iiliam Afpinwall, BrooUine Mofes Eullen, M'edf.eld William. Heath, Roxbur'^ Thomas Lothrop, Cohajfd Ebenezer Warren, Fixborougl} Xiwjurd H. RsabiDs. Mllion ( Co

Juflices cf the Peace i/i Norfolk.

Swift Payfon, Foxb:>rottgh John Parker, P.oxtrrf £benezer Wight, Dcdham Thomas Williams, jmi. t/^# Nathaniel Kingfbwry, ditto Ebenezer Thayer, Brahttrre

Sainuel Haven, ditto Stephen Penniman,


WiUlam Heath, jun.. J^'axSury \ —

( 6i )

Benjamin Clarke Cutler, of Roxbury, SocnJ-' o[ Xorfoil;-


Slifha Thayer, Braintrre Abner Ellis, Myf.eli Elias Cook, BcUingham Thoma<^ Kollccfc, Shartt Nathaniel Ballard, Ncedham James Howe, Roxbury Timothy Gay, jun. of Dedham, Deputy Gaol-Keener.

County of Eflex. Juflices of the Common Pleas, ^c. , of Dan'vcrs. Ebenezcr March, of Newbury. John Treadwell, of Salem.

Samuel Nye, df Salifbur}*, Special Jupce. Thonias Bancroft, of Salem, Slerk of the Courts of Cernmm Pleas, Sejions, Iffc.

Samuel Holten, of Danvers, ^n^'ge of Prolate. Daniel Noyes, of Ipfwich, Reg'fter of Probate. Frohate Courts in the County of EfTex are holden at ths Probate Office in Ipfwich, on the firft Monday and Tuefday of every month in the year—At the dweiling-houfe of Capt. Benjamin Webb, innhoider, in Salem, on the laft Mondays in March and June, and Tuefday and Wednefday following the laft Monday in iaid months, and on Wednefday, Thurs- day and Friday following- the firft Monday in November At the Town-Houfe in Newbi\ry-Port, on Wednefday, Thurfday and Friday following^ the firft Monday in the months of ?vlay, Auguft and Odtober. John Pickering, of Salem, Regifer of Deeds. Stephen Choate, of Ipfwich, Couftty Treafurer.

Juillces of the Peace and of the Quorum. Nicholas Pike; NeivhuryPort ( ^2 }

TuHices '>f t'H' Peace aud Quorum in ElTo: County, cont'irveu Treadwell, Salem , Bahm Jolin j |iaac OTgood, ditto Samuel White Ha'oerbill Richard A'lanning, ditto Nath. Marih, ditto Richai-d Ward, ditto Samuel Nye, Su-liP-'ury

Juftlces of the Peace.

Silas Little, Mofes Brown, Beverly John Ofgcod, ditto Tyler Porter, tVenham Stephen Hoop ditto IlVael Hutchinfon, Dangers Jofiah Little, ditto Amos Putnam, ditti Stephen Crofs, NrxvLury-Port Jona. Cogfweiij jun. Jpf-wich Benaiah Titcomb. ditto Afa Andrews, ditta Enoch Titcomb, ditto John Heard, ditto , ditto Bcnj-amin Evans, Sal'jlury John Carnes, Lynn Jacob Brown, ditta Tames Gardner, ditti Edmund Noyes, ditto James Rol^infon, dtto Parker Cleaveland, Ro-wley Daniel Thurflon, Bradford Thomas Mighill, ditt» Peter Ruffell, ditto Moody Spafford, ditti Nathaniel Thurflon, ditto George 1 odd, ditt9 Peter Coffin, jun. Gloucefer Orlando Sergeant, AmePoury Obadifih Parfons, ditto Chriftopher Sergeant, ditto John Ro-vve, ditto Jofeph Wingate, ditta William Tuck, Manchefier Daniel Currier, jun. ditt« Jofeph Spraguc, Salgm Jofhua Giddings, Hamilton William Pickman, ditto James Ingalls, Methnen William Prefcott, ditto Stephen Barker, ditto, Thomas Bancroft, ditto Neh Cleaveland, Top^Jield. Samuel Putnam, ditto James Duncan,jun. Haverhill John Norrls, ditto Mofes Parfons, ditto Benjamin Pickman, ditto Francis Carr, ditto Wiliiarn Gray, jun. ditto Samuel Merrill, ditto Ifaac Mansfield, Marhlehead John Robinfon, Boxford Nathan Bow en, ditto Thomas Perley,jun. ditto Jofiah Batcheidcr,jun. Beverly Peter Ofgood, Andover Jofeph Wood, ditto Samuel Abbot, ditto jEliiha Whitney, ditto


Jeremiah Pearfon,iV«y3./'cr/ I Stephen Ililey, I^ezvhury Daniel Horton, ditto Nath. Bancroft, Lynrtfieii ( 63 }

Coroners w EfTex County continueu.

Kphraim Breed, - L\^im Enoch Roger?, Ayn^fbui, jiLzeliicl Checver, ditto Nai-haaiei Wade, Jj>jivich Amos Rhodes, ditto Stephen Choutt, jun. ditto Benjamin W alker, BruJjcrd Enoch Bradley, ditto Jonathan Kimball, d.tta John iiulc, jMc'thucn .Eliphalet Roliius, Jiito John Sargtant jun. ditto Jofcph Wood, Jofeph Fairheid, IVenbam John Low, ditto ULac Mar:-:field, MarbUhsad Lemuel Wood, Box ford Jonathan LSmith, Salijbury If, Hntchinfon, jiui iJani'crs Jofeph Pike, j

' St:ep};en Coot;, Sidem Jofnua Packird, ditto Henry Ingails, Andover James Smili^y, HavcihiiL Putnam Ingalls, ditto unxuei Vv xiitc, jun. ditt') ^'illiam Pearl'on, Glouccjicr

Biiley Eartlett, of Jrlaverhill, Sbcrijf.

Deputy-Sheriffs. Philip Bagley, Ne-julury-Pcrt John Hutfon, Marble/head | William \yo

Courity of Ivliddlefex. Juftices of the Common Pleas, >jrV,

Jan-.es Winttiroo, of Cambridge. NVilliam Hull, of Newton. Ephraira Wood, of Con- ord.

of Dracut,"> . Jofeph B. Varnum, ^ , ^. •^p^c.a- jt-j.^ces. Loamini Baldv/in, of Woburn,^ Abraham Biglow, of Cambridge, Cliri: of the Courts of Com" men Fleas arid Sfjpons.

Oliver Prefcott, of Groton, Judgt; of Probate. James Winthrop, of Cambridge, Rtffer if Probate. The Probate Courts in AIiddlefe< County are held at Cambridge, on the tirft Tuefdays of April, May, June, Sep- tember, 0<5lober, November and Decejuber^—Ac Concord,

the fecond Tuefdays of iVIarch, i^pril, May and June ; the third Tuefday of September, and the feccnd Tuefdays in Oc- tober and November—At Groton, on the third Tuefdays ci" April and 0«5iober. Samuel Bartlett, of Cambridge, Pr^'/Jer cf Dcfds. Lbenezer Brid'r'-e, of Chelmsforu, C;././-; Treafurer, ( 64 )

Juftices of the Peace and of the Quomm. Oliver Prel'cctt, Croton joieph Cordis, Rtadlnv Timothy Bigiow, ditto Daniel Whitney, Sherburne James Winthrop, Cambridge David Haven, 'nnningbc

' XVilliam W'intiirop, ditto John Stone, 'Holirjtcjfi LbenczLi- Biudilh, ditto Jolcph B. Varnum, Draciit Abraham Bi;^>,lovv, ditto Parker Varnum, dittc I'hoinas Brattle, ditto Francis Faulkner, Acion I' phraim Wood, Ccncord John Pitts, Diivjlable Abiel Heywood, ditto Ifaac Stearns, JBHltr'ua Duncan Ingraharu, Medford Vv'illiam Hull, JVd-CViOJl Samuel S.wan, ditto Zaccheus Wright, W.Jfcrd •iicrijun:iii Brown, .Readinv jofiah Bartiett, CharLjloiuti

Juftices of the Peace /;/ Mlddlefex.

John Reniington, Ifatcrtozvn , Wm. Blanchard, Wilmington Amos Bond, ditto Jofeph lleald, Pepper ell Math. R. Whit,ncy, ditto Henry XVoods, ditto William Hunt," ditto James Brazcr, Grotvn Aaron Putnan;^, Charltjtoivn Timothy Jones, Bedford Phillips PayiuUj juu. ditto Boijaiuin Brown, Lexington Stcph-x: DciUa, Cambridge: John Bridge, ditto Aaron Hiii, ditto Peter Wood, MarlUrough Samuel Bartlett, ditto Edward Barnes, ditto Xoammi Baldwin, iV('burh Samuel Park, .Hullifun Samuel Thunipfon, ditto Fphruim Littlcf^eld, ditto Johii Wallccr, ditto Abel Boyntou, Wifford Wiiliani Fiik, Waltham James Prelcott, jun. ditto Theodore Lyman, dittp Oliver Barron, C.Ldn:.fcrd Abner Sanderfon, ditto Samu-il I'ltts, jun. cittu 'Michael Jacklon, Nixvion Matthew Metcalf, Iloplinton Nathan Fuller, ditto Jonatlian Lock, AjUy Ebenezcr Vv'uodwarJ, ditto Allen Flaj^g, ditta Timotliy Jacklon ditto Jonathan Brown, Teivhjbury Ezra Sargeant, Maldai W^illiam Brown, ditto Bernard Green, ditto Abiel Heywood, Concord Artemas \\'ard, Wcflon Jonathan Fay, ditto Wiiiiam P^ice, Sudbury Daniel Rogers, Littleton Nath. Reeves, JLaji- Sudbury David Lawrence, ditto Joi'cph Bryant, Stoncbuiii SampCon 'iuttlc, ditto Joihua Longley, Shirley Joel Parkhurit, Dunfablfi 'i'iiuothj Walker, Wllmingtqn William 1 honi^^foi*, JJilkucti fi5 (

Juftlces "/ the Peace in Middiefex County conitr.iifa. Edward Farmer. 2,1 Samud Hoar, Lincoir^ Jonathan Bowers, ditto E^^hr^im RulTcl], Ibtoiv I'imothy Bigelow, Grotoii Joiia. Maynard, Framin-rhaf.t Oliver i*rcfcott, jun. ditto William Bodoii, Natick , ditto James Bancroft, Heading Samuel Lawrence, dicto Benjamin Upton, " ditto Daniel Adams, jun. Tozui.f^iid William Hildrcth, Dmcut A!a Farlin, CailX^ Ebiinezer Bancroft, Tymrjioro' Jonatlian Heald, diico Jeremy Stimpfon, Ilopkinton Silas 1 aylor, Baxlorcu^h iipmas Wiiltnei Jofeph Adams, Lh-.coln Coroners. Kllphalet Ncwall, Charhjiotjon Ephraim Rufull, Groiou David Brown, Concord Samuel LaAvrenc ditto John White, BllUricu Pettr Edes, ditto Ephraim Kidder, jun. ditto David Curtis, Erji-Sudbury) BenjatTiln Bowers, ditto Colhns Damon, ditto Samuel Heath, Cambridge John Pike, Frjmingha?n Jeduthun Vviliington, ditto Samuel Haven, Hvpkinton Samuel Sparhawk, ditto Oliver Richardfon, Chelmsford Edrn'ind Richardfon, IVobum Ezra Bludget, Tynrjborough Jonathan Thompfcn, ditto Jacob 'luttle, ^'iV.jlford Amns Bradley, Dracut Jonatlian Keyes, ditto Israel Hildrcth, ditto John Lei;2;hTon, ditto Silas 'Ga^es, JMarlboroir:rl) Jonathan Whitcomb, LiUldon Oliver Blood, Stoiu. Jonathan Davis, Adn Benj. Eafterbrook, Lexin^Hoii David Barnard, ditto Efeck IN-Xarrii, IlolUjhu Jofeph Jackfon, jun. ^e-wton John StoHt, jun. ditto Joel Jenkins, lVd»;ingion Nathan Whiting, ditto Calvin Longley, Shirley A.bel Blood, Carl'Jie Leonard Parthuril, Dunftab, Edvs'ard Wade, Maiden Jamts JBullard, Shtrrhurfig

Adam Hawkes, Reading \ E|)enezt;r Parker Chehnsford

Jofeph Underwood, ditto I otephen Bruce, Toivnfviid Caleb Hay ward.

Jofeph Hofmer, of Concord, Sl:r'ff. Deputy-Sheriffs. Abijah Thompfon, Woburn '1 honvjs Richardfon, Weffor-d Ephraim Littlefield, HoUij}on John Flagg-, ^.-jl-Sudbury

Eliel Littlefield, ditto Stephen Wyman, ' AJlby Jofeph Moors, Crotcn Jonathan Barren, Chelm.Jhd ( C6 )

County of PJymoutli. Juftices of the Common Pleas, ^<,', iJenjaiiiin Willis, of Bridgwater. Wiijiiiui Wadbn, -of Plyniouth. iiph.raim Spooner, of Plymouth, l)anicl Howard, of Bridgwater. Richard Perkins, of Bridgwater, "^ Jolhua 1 homas, of Plymouth, S Special Jufticeu Ifaac 'Ihompfon, of JMiddleboro', J Jofiah Cotton, of Plymouth, Ckrl cf the Pleas and Sejwnu

Jolhua Thomas, of Plymouth, JuJ^e of Probate. Ifaac Lothrop, of Plymouth, R<;gffLer of Probate* Roifeter Concon, of Plymouth, Regifer of Deeds. Ephraim ypooaer, of Plymouth, County Trcafnrer.

Jufticcs cf the Peace and of the Quorum. William Sever, Kingston Btj-njamiH Willis, Bi'idgiL-ater William Watfon, Plfmouth Daniel lioward, dittw " Nathanid Goodwin, ditto Ifaac Thomplbn, Middleboro' Jofhua Thomas, ditto Charles Tiiiiier, ScHuate £pliraim ypouiicr, "• ditto Abuihara Hahncs, Rmbjlcr

Juftices cf the Peace. Ifaac Lothrop, Plymouth Bcza Hayward, Bridgeivater ^ Jofiah C'ottjp, ditto Caleb HcA.-ard, ditto Abner Bartltrt, ditto Daniel Howard, jun. ditoo Henry \Varrcn, ditto Jonatlian Crane, ditto Wilhani i.e Barron, ditto Iflachar Siicll, ditto Roflctcr Cotton, ditto Daniel Sno\y, ditto John Nflfou, MlJdlcboiough Nahuni Mitchell, ditto Nehemiah Bennct, ditto Ebcnezer Wafhburn, Kingston J-lilha Ruggles, Jlioclufer Seth Drew, ditt© ysath. Hammond, -jd. ditto Afa Waterman, Marjhfeld J^iijah 'I'urner, Scitiiate Elilha Phillips, ditto Hayward Pierce, ditto Joliuh Smith, Pembroke 3':lijah Bifbec, jun. Plympton John Turner, ditto Luke Bicknel, Abiriyton Kilborn Whitnran, ditto ^pamuel Norton, ditto Albert Smith, Hanover Gamaliel Bradford, JDuxboro" Benjamin Whitman, ditto Judah A Men, ditto Nehemiah Cobb, Carver 'Ifrael Fearing, Wareham Jolia,h 'i fc«mflpu, Hiiljjt^ 4i4;(> { 67 ) Coroners in Plymouth. "David Kingman, £riJ^ivater Stephen Sampfon, Plymouth "xVait Ford, FcTniroh i'honias Jackfon, jmi. ditto

Charles TuriTcr, ditto David Bacon, ' ditto Ifa-ic Bowen I3uker, ditto Jonathan Naih, Ahhigton James Clap, Scltuuii.' Jedediah IIohTies, Kingstcn Lemuel '1 urner, ditto Benjamin Aldtn, Buxboro f-;amuel Waterman, ditto Caleb Atwood. Carver David Jacobs, Jiarrjitr Nathaniel Hafkell, Rachcjler harauei Savory, lVareha;n William Lewis, Marfifield

J^iark Hallcclf, ditto : Joiiah Smith, Hanover

George Partridge, of Duxborough, Sheriff.

DepiUy-Sheriffs. Snow Stetfon, Scltuatc Horatio Cuflung, Hanover Amos Sliavv, Abington Abie! Karris, Abin^^ton John Adams, jun Kingston. Micah White, datto Job 'i'urner, Ptmbr<:hc Ifrael Fear-ing, jun. Wareham David Oldham, ditto Tvlartin Howard, BridgiDaUr fOidcoiiEradfordjun.P/vv/z/ifo-v W'illiam Harris, ditto llobert Cufaman, MidJleuoro' Sit eon Pratt, ditto

i^emuel Briggs, ditto I William Crapo, Rocbejler ditto Jedediah Little, ilftir//Ji j Nidiolas Crapo,

County of Barnllable. Juftices of the Common Pieas, ^c. Nathaniel Freeman, of Sandwich. Solomon Freeman, of Harwich. David Thacher, of Yarmouth. Samuel Savage, of Barnftable. > Jjhn Davis, of Barnltable, _ . . ^. '^^"'''- ^ Ebenezer Barcn, of Barnftable,i J^'V'"^"' 3ofttpk Otis, of Barnftable, CLrk of the Pleas and Scjfttnu Alfo Clerk of the Supreme 'judicial Court, for the Cour.ties of Barnjiablc and Dukes County.

John Davis, of Barnftable, fudge of Probate. . Nathaniel Freeman, of Sandwiclx, Regifer of Probate. tbenezer Bacon, of Barnftable, Regijler of Deeds and County Trejfurer, Juftices cf the Peace and of the Quorum, Jofeph Otis, BarrfabL David 1 hacher, Tarmouth iEbenezcr Bacon, ditto Nathaniel Freeman, Sundzvich iEikenexer Cxoikex, xiitto Solonioa Fteciiiun, HcrxvfJs -

( 68 )

Juilices of the Peace /;; Barnflable. Feth Freemun, Sund-v'uh John Davis, Barnjiahh EliHia Perry, ditto Samuel Savajre, ditto Jonitlian O. Freeman, ditto David Scuddcr, ditto .Silv^nus Nye, ditto Timothy Phiniiey, ditto jofeph Parker, Falmouth Samuel Waterman, Welifuit Jorcph Palmer, jm:. ditto David 'l"i'Hcher,jun. I'arjr.ohih David 'i^Y^* ditto I'homus TiJacher, ditto Jofeph Doane, C!:a'.h.!7n Teremiah Kowes, Dennii ifacic Sparrow, Orlemii E.BrojdurcoIcs,jiin. Harivtch Elilh.a Mayo, Edfihum Silvani;=i Stone, ditto Si neon Kingma?, CoioiT.on Fieoman, jun. ditto oilvunus Suow.

Coroners in Barn liable.

Lemuel Pcpe, Su;:Jiciih Joiiah Thnelier, T:7rf.-'0uth Pachard Sears, Chatham ?.'Iicha?l Collins, Benjamin Pep^.-r, Hafhum Ifai;>h Parlicr, Bar:J!ub!e

X^evi Stevens, 'Truro "U ill -am Hinkley, ditto Simud Bourne, jun. Falmcnih Wirt am Crofby, Jcltph DImcck, ?alnioulh, Sherii}:, Dcpuiy^Shtr'iff's Pfhrum Perry, jiirvjiahle Tonauian Sriow, Hjr-.fi:h

John i hat .-her, ditto N,ithyn Broadbrooks, ditto John Nye, junv^ Sar,d'u:ich Anthony Snow, Truro Jcfiah Spairow, CrUans Sclcmon Dyer, WfUJhfi Einathan Nye, FuU.ouih Enoch HaliOt, Yarmouth Eldridge, Dttvid Dov'-hj, Jinfiluta •;;; jofeph Chipman, Barn'iabie

County of Br-ftoJ. Juflices of the Common Pleas, <^--:^ Gto'gs Leonard, cf Ncrtoi;. Stephen Bullock, of Rehoboth. farnael Tohey, of Bcikley. r.dward Pope, of New-Bedford.

EHfti jS'Iay, of Attlel>orcuo;h,> „ . , .>. r •^ -^ James Wilhams, or AV!imton,J •' Samuel Fales, of Taunton, Cleri of the Courts of Cotnston Bleas and Srjpons. Seth Padelford, cf Tavnton, Judge of Frohute. "S^/iiliam Baylies, cf Dighton, Jtegfter tf FrdaU. ( -69 )

'Janiac Williams, of Taunton, Ragificr ef Deeds. baniucl Crocker, Caur.ty Ireafuii-r.

']u^\Qe^ of the Peace and cj the Quorum.

Ceors:e Leonar4, .Nortcn I Eliflia May, AttUlo: ough , Digktcit bamucl i-'alcs, 'J a union .'i:ph. Starkweather, Rchuboth .Seth Padelfcrd, ditto i'dward Pope, Jaar^cs Willi^^ms, ditto -.Idcn Spooner llitLO baiuuel '1 obcv, BcrUcy

Juflices of the Peace m BrifloL

Samuel Leonard, . aunion Lem. Williams, Ni^-Bedfoxd James Tifdale, ditto Samuel ,Perry,jun. ditto James Sprout, ditto Seth Spaoner, ditco Robert Luicoani! ditto Hodijah Bayii«, D'lghicei Foitcr bwift, ditto Tho. Baylies Ricl'tincnd, dicto Nicholas 1 lUinghaft ditio Geoi.ge V/aie, ditto j Benjamin Wi'hams, ditto John ci^mith, Dartwoutb Joliah Dean, M.a\nhau: Joel Packard, ditto Jonathan Shaw, ditto Daniel Carpenter, Rchoboll* Chrillopher IMafon, Siuanzey Stephen Buliock, ditto 'Jefle Buliock, Frsctoiun David Perry, dittfc Nathaniel Morton, 3d. ditco Calvin Martin, ditto Ephraim Winliovv', ditto James Eiiis, ditto Williajn Almy, Wejlporc .^limuei Guild, Eajton Robert .jE ail, ditto Elijah Pioward, ditto John Dogget, Atthborcugh Daniel Wheaton, ditro Caleb RJchardfon, ditto , Kori-n iiaac Dean, MansJlcLi John Bowers, SvKicrfi-t Benjamin Bates, ditto ApoUos Tobey, Rcrkiij Vliomas Carpenter, RcLoU'Jj

Coroners in Briftol. Jonathar. Ingell, Taunton David Brown, )>ivanziy 'Jonathan Ingeil, jun. ditto William i.'Iafcn, ditto Jonathan Hoard, ditto Levi Prcnch, John Brown, jun. RchubLtL R oland Hov/ard, 'Eiifiou Oliver Starkweather, ditto Daniel Maconiber, ditto £lkan.ah French, 'jun. ditto Jirah Willis, Neiv-Bedford Ihomas Carpenter, 4th. ditto Benjamix'l ucker, Dari.vouth Joriatban Reed, Rreetotun Elihu Slocum, 2d. ditto Joel Reed, AiUcborough Ifaac Dean, jun. Mamfeld Levi Maxcv, ditto rvbner Brcwntll, J7effi,ort 'ii2Ac iJttdgcs. jun. JS^orion Kenry Biittcn ,Ra\Kh»im

. -

( ? )

County of Nantucket.

iThe Csurjy if Nantucket conjljls of one Tcivn,fcrmerly called Slifvbunie, but lately^ by Lczu, named Nantucket.]

Tuftices of the Cominoa Pleas, l^c. Jofiah Barker. JoCah Barker, jun. | .Stephen HuiTey. Coffin. | Jonah Peic^ Coinn, Chriibophcr Hufley, > Special JufAca. Peter Eafton, j

Oliver C. Bartlett, Chrk of the Pleas end Sejfior.:, '

Jcthro HuiTey, yt'd^e of Prolate. Abner Coffin, Regifer of Probata

Nathaniel Colman, Regfer of Deeds, Jofiah Coffin, County Treafnrer,

Taftices of the Peace ar,d of the Quorum.

Peleg Coffin. I Stephen HufTey.

William Hammatt. j

Juftices of the Peace. Chriftopher HufTey. Ifaac Coffin. Jofiah Coffxn. Jcfiak Barker, juD. Abner Coffin.

Caleb Bunker, Coroner.

John Gardner, Sheriff. Charles Folger, Deputy-Sheriff.

Cotmty of Worcefter. Juftices cf the Common Pleas, ^r. Chief Jupu. Jofeph Dorr, of Leic slier. bwight Fofler, cf Brookfield. , of 'v\'eftborotigh. Benjamin Heywood, of Worcefter,*^ baiem Towne, of Charhon, V Special Juflces^ I homas W. Ward, cf ^rhrewlbury, J Jcfeph Allen, of Worcefter, Clerk of the Pleas and Seffioni, 5j)hr*im Mower, of W«ircefter, CrUroftht Cruris, C r^ )

Jbfeph Dorr, of I.eiccfler, jw'jV of Pr»haffi Iheophilus M'heeler, of Vv'orcefter, Rtg'ijier of Pralaii'. Vrooaie Courts in Worcefter County are held at the ?roi "^ite Office in Worcciler, on the firft Tuel'day in every ;.nontb —At Templeton, on the 1 hurfday next aft'jr the third" third I uelday in May, and the 'J\iefday in Oftober—In the ^Vcfl Pariili of Brookfield, en the fourth Tuefdays in Apri! ".nd Oclooer—At Lancafher, on the third 1 nefdays in May j;nd November—At Uxbridge, on the fourth Tuefdays in ?Vtay and November. Daniel Clap, of "VVorc^iler, Rcgfcr of Deeds. Samuel Allen, of Worcefter, County Trcafurer.

Jufliccs of the Peace njid of the Qii^orum. ievi Llnccln, , Worccjler Henry Bromfield, HhrvariT fofeph Allen, ditto Jolhua Henfhaw, Shreivfhury Nathaniel Pair.';, ditto Timothy N'iwell, Sturbridge Benjamin Heywood, ditto Elijah Brigham, Pfejlborough Jofeph Dorr, BrooHeld William Henfhaw, Lelcejfer Dwight Fofter, ditto David Henfhaw, ditto- M homas Hale, ditto Michael Gill, Princeton Jonathan Warner, Ilard-ivick Abner Holden, Wejiminfer

'i homa? Leggatt, Lcomhijlcr j j'ulllces of the Peace. Edward Bangi, Worcejitr ( 73 )

Juitkei of iLe Peace /VWorceller County, continued. benjamin Goddard, Grafion Timothy Whiting, Lancajler Jofeph Wood, ditto William ' teduaan, ditto

James Hawes, IVefborougb \ Samuel Ward, ditto Andrew Peters, ditto Phillips Sweetfcr, P^oyalftorr j

William Putnam, Sterling ! Ifaac Gregory, ditto Benjamin Pvichardfon, ditto Dodd, | John Holden Edward Raymond ditto ITahum Fay, i^urthhorongh j John Robbins ditto Jonathan Adams, Northbridgs j Amariah Froft, Milford, Paul Whiting, ditto Samuel Jone?., ditto Jonathan Whitcomb, BoUnn Benj:miin Read, Mendon .?ilas Kolman, ditto \ .^eth Hafl-ings, ditto Aaron Marfh, Douglar E. V.'oodv/ard, Ht'Mjrdfcn Benjamin Kimball, Harvard Seth Nev/ton, Sout/jlorougb Silas Cutler, Temphton Ezra Taylor, ditto Jam.es Humphreys,. Athol Jofeph Read, ' Brooljield Jofiah Goddard, ditto Pliny Merrick, ditto Daniel Putnam, Fitchburgh Daniel Forbes, ditto Ifrael Turner, ditto Liilce Baldwin, ditto jofeph Fobes, Oalham

'J homas Hale, ditto John Prertifs, V/ari

Pelatiah Hitchcock , ditto Amos Johnfcn, Berlin Falem "j^owne, Charlton David Wight, jun. Stutbridge Daniel Eiglow, Peterfcam Oliver Plimpton, ditto John Chandler, ditto Charles Baker, Gerr^ William Nichols, Lecminfer Itharaar Ward, ditto SL.7.XZ. Beaman, Boyljron Thomas W. Ward, Shrrzijlury Ifrael Atherton Lancajler Aaron Wcod, Gardner

Coroners in "Worcefter.

Jofiiua Whitney, Worcef,ir Nathan Bridge, Sovthhcroiigb Pierce, ditto John J. Sumner, jun. Shrfivfbury Ephrairn Mower, ditto Jofeph White, Lancajler John Symonds, Wejiminfter V/iliiam Dodds, Princeton Bezaleel Lawrence, ditto Gerfhom Chapin, Uxhridge Jonas Miles, ditto Jof. Sweetfer, IVinchendon William SpragttC, Leicejier Hayvvcod Kidder, ditto Elijah Garfield, Fitch hurgh Jonathan Day, Dudley Jofeph Hartwell, Lunenburgh Jabez Day, ditto Peter Crown, ditto William Stearns, Jljhburnham Silas Jones, Templeton Ithamar Wright, Brcokfield 1 homas Fifher, ditto Daniel BuUard, ditto Daniel Oliver, Zarrt Jacob Peppac, Niiu-Braintret G ( 74 )

Goroners in Vv'orcefter County, continued. Ulas Hdl, Neiv-Li-aiidrje Aaron Wheelock,

Ifaac Miles, Hoi. 'en Simeon Fifke, Mofes Smith, SUrUng Mofes 1 honias ditto Eliot Mai'on, Spencer Ifaac Fiirbufh, Weftborough Philip Ammidon Mendon ( 75 } Ri'gi/iers of Deeds, William Pynchon, of "-'pringfield. Southern Dir^nA. Levi Lyman, of Northampton, Middle Diftridi:. Elijah Wiiiiams, of Dcerfield, Northern DiftriA.

Samuel Henfhaw, of Northampton, Jud^e cf Prokite. Saru\tel Hinkley, of Northampton, Rc^ijer of Probata.

Juilices of the Peace Caleb Strong-, Kortbampion Solomon ."-toddard, ( ;6 )

Jufiices of the Y'tz.ct in Hampfhire County, continued.

William Ely, Bp>rin^field Ephraim \^illiams, -^f^feU l)dniel \\':-i_eht, Norlhumpton David Siiepard, thefur Levi Lymaj!, ditto Henry Dwight, BeUhi) ton Levi Shepard, ditto Faik Kollaud, ditto Ifaac Powars, Greeniuich John Long, Shelhurne Kobcit Field, ditto Edmund Longley, Haivley tamuel Ware, jun. Ccnivay Elilha Hunt, Norilfdd Wiliium Billing?, ditto Ohadiah Dickinfcn, ditto Elifha Billirgs, ditto John Barrett, ditto Abel Goodell, Monfon Benjamin Smith, Haijuld Ifaac Coit, South'wicI: Edward Taylor, Ivlontgvmery baul Fowler, ditto John Wells, Rotve Kezek. Nev/comb,^c'r«<2r(^c« Darius Munger, Brimjicld Benjamin Eonney, Chefttrfidd Charles Phelps, Hadlcy ^Vm. Podman, V/illiawJh-u-rgh Jonathan E. Porter, ditto James Goldfcury, V/urtvick R. Woodbridge, South- HadUy Caleb Mayo, ditto J-ohn Polley, Holla7d Juflus Afhman, Blandjord David Mack, Middhjidd Ruffeil Atw^ater, ditto Ifaac Abcrcrombie, Fdham,

Coroners. Eohan King, Wifljidd Elilha Brewer, fVorthingtc John S. Doaglafs, "ditto Saville Metcaif, Orange Jcfiah Mills, Chejlerjidd Benjamin Burgels, Gfjhtn John Pynchon, Springjidd Samuel Bates, Brimjuld Jonathan Magee, Coierain Pelatiah Blifs, Wef-Spnngfuld Edward Morris, Willtaham Bcnj. Prefcott, Northampton Jofiah Langdon, ditto (^uartus Fomeroy, ditto Alden Lathrop, Grecmvii-h

Ebenezer Mattoon, jun. of Amherll:, Sbcri^.


Caleb Lyman, Northfield , Parfons Clap, Spriugfdd Rufus Saxton, Deeijleld Jofhua Phillips, Afifidd 'Salem ]ohn Moore, Brimfidd J. riemmenway, NcTu I red. Palmer, Weji-Springjidd judah Sexton, ditto

'J homas Kidd, thejicrfdd Joltph Pvcad, Belcherton Elifaa Rcct, jun, Creenftdd Aaron Cce, Gru/i'vi'if X 77 )

County of Berkfliire. Jiifliccs of the Common Pleas, ^c-.

Tompfon J. Skinner, of ^^'ilIian^lLon. John Bacon, of Stockbridge. Nathaniel Bilhop, of Richmond. David Noble, of WilUamilon. Timothy Edwards, of Stockbridge,*^ William Walker, of Lenox, j William Towner, of WiUiamilon, V Special Jufiicsi. Timothy Childs, of Pittsfield, Henry VV. Dwight, of Stockbridge,J Henry W'illiams Dwight, Clerk of the Court of Commcn Fleas\ and of the Sejjions.

William Walker, of Lenox, yud^e of Frohaic, Nathaniel Bilhop, of Richmond, Regifer af Probate. ,-€if Stockbridge, County Treafurer.

Ri'gifters of Bceds. Mofcs Hopkins, of Great-Earrington, Southern Diilricfc. Cal:b Kyde, jun. of Z.^«ojc, Middle Diftr Id. James Barker, of Northern Dillrid.

Jullices of the Peace and cf the Qu^orum. John Bacon, Siockhrldgt Elij. Williams, V/, Stockbridge 'lunothy Edwards, ditto Azariah Egglefton, ditto

Temp. T. Skinner. IVllUamfton Nathaniel Bifliop, Richmond William l-owner, ditto Eli Root, Pittsf£ld William Walker, Lenox Thomas Ives, Gr.Barrlniton Eldad Lewis, ditto William Wil Daltan

Jiiilices of the Peace //; Berkfhiri

Lemuel Barnard, Sheffield Gideon WhcclcTyLanefhorougk Elilha Lee, ditto Nehcmiah Ball, ditto Mofes Hopkins, Gr.Barrlttgton Peter Burr Curtis, ditto Samuel Whiting, ditto James Ayrault, Sandhjieid Henry Van Schaack, Pittsfield Drake Mills, ditt© Jofhua Danforth, ditto John Canfield, ditt» Afhbel Strong, ditto Nathaniel King-^.ey, Beckei John C. Williams, ditto David Roffeter, Richmond '1»'»oolc9t HubbcU, Lanefhoro Zephaniah Pierfon, dkfi# ( 78 )

Juflices of the Peace in Berkfhire County, continued. Hugo Bughardt, Richmond Eraftus Sargeant, StocHridgi Ebenezer Peirce, Partridgefeld Ephraim Williams, ditto Williani Ingerfcll, Lee David Erown, Chcf/irs Jofiah Yale, ditto Ezra Barker, ditto Jofeph Whiten, ditto Jofaua Beals, Wind/or Theodore Hinfdale, Daltcn Robert Walker, ditto V/illiam BruKfon, Alford David Noble, IViUiamfen Jfracl Jones, Adams William Young', ditto Chiiliiigwoith Fofter, jr. ditto Daniel Dev/ey, ditto

Timothy Whitney, London j Gideon Martin, Hancock Amos Fowler, P/.Stockbrid[<^vi}\ Goo6.\iiny Lenox

£ben. Smith, Ns-zv-Marlboro' I Seneca Fuller, Egremovt

Obadiah Ward, ditto i Giles Jackfon, TyringbaM

Daniel Taylor, ditto I Adonijah Bidwell, ditto Elijr.h Erown, Si-ocUridgd Einathan Pratt, ] Hoflrook^ Henry W. Dv,-ight, ditto (part of Tyriugham j

Barnabas Bidwcil, ditto I Coroners in Berkfliire. John Naih, Grcat-Barrington Elias Jones, Adams j William Naih, Lenox Arteraas Thompfon, Far-

Oliver Belding, jun. ditto I {tridgejield David Bufli, jun. PiitsfeU j Simon Larned, of Pittsfield, Sheriff.

Deputy- Sheriffs.

* Jofcph Goodrich, Shafft'dd I Whiting, Pittsfuld

Ezra Kellogg, /'l^/7//-a/?^'o;/ Gr.Banington j Samuel Satterlee, Jcfiali Jones, jun. Slockbridge Hickock, Lauejho j Ebenezer Center, ditto

County of York. Ju dices of the Common J*ieas^ ^c. Nathaniel Wells, of Welb. Edward Cutts, of Kittery. Jonas Clark, of Vv''ells. Simon Frye, of Fry t burgh.

John Lord, of Berwick, Special Jufice.

Daniel Liewall, of York, Clerk of the Pleas and Scjfons, Edward Cutts, of Kittery, "Jidge of Probate. Daniel Scwall, of York, Pcgfcr of Probate. V/ilHam Froll, of York, Regfor rfLecusZXi& County Treafvrer. { 19 )

Jufticcs of the Peace and of the Quorum. Bidorford Daniel Peirce, KHtery Jeremiah Hill, ditto Simon Frye, Frychurg Nathaniel Wells, IVells CtJeb Lmtry, S^nford Edward Cutts, Kitfery Tliomas Parfons, Parfomfeld John Frofc, ditto DauielSewaii, Tork

Juftices cf the Peace in York. pominicus Goodwin, Bur-wick Andrew P. Fernald, Klttny John Hill, ditto Prentifs Mcllen, BldJcford Dudley Hubbard, ditto Daniel Hooper, ditto Richard F. Cutts, ditto Samuel Pearfon, ditto John Lord, ditto AndreAv Burley, IVuterhorough jol'eph Savage, ditto William Rogers, Shapleigh hienjamin Green, ditto Andrew Rogers, ditto Ivory Hovey, ditto John Low, Coxhail Johu Hovcy, Arundel Jof. Chadbourn, Pbilipjburgh

Thomas Perkins, 2>^. ditto Jofliua Small, L'm'ington Jacob Wild, ditto Benjamin RufTell, Bethel John Kingibury, York William Parfons, Alfred William Frofi, ditto Mofes Ames, Fryeiurg Jofeph Bragdon, ditto T. M. Wentworth, Lebanon Jofeph Tucker, dilto T. G/1 hornton, Pepperelboro' Jacob Bradbury, Buxton James Gray, jun. ditto John Woodman, ditto John Morril, Limerhk John Storer, IVells Elijah Drew, Netvfeld Jonas Clark, ditto Aiahel Cole, Comifo Oliver Keating, ditto Jofeph Howard, Broivnjit'ld John H. Bartlett, KhUry Ezekiel Merrill, EaJl-Ando'-jcr Jolhua Hubbard, ditto Eber Rice, IVaterferd Trillium T. Gerrifh, ditto


Phineas Pepperelboro Kelley, Daniel Wood , Lebanon Wiiham Leighton, Kiitery Robert Page, Fryeburg Benjamin Parker, ditto Benjailiin Johnfon, Neivfeld John Cole, WMs 1 hcmas A. Johnfon, Cornifo Edward Emerfon, jun. Tcrk Jofhua Small, jun. Limlngton Jofeph Prime, Berivld Jeremiah Bettes, Biddeford David, Chaplin, Waterford Batchelor Bunker, ditto John Leighton, Shapieigh Benjamin Jol:jifon, Limcric { So )

tchabod Goodwin, of Berwick, Sheriff

Deputy- Sheriffs. Jofhua Bridges, Tork William Emery, Sanfari "Jofeph Froft, Kittery John M' Arthur, Limington ATark Lord, Berivhk Jofliua i'raiton, Shaple'igh Icliabod Gocxlwin, }un. ditto Philip Page, Fryehrrg James Gould, Arundel Jolcph Huckens» Parfonsjield Seth Burnham, ditto Samuel Cutts, Quxton Chrifi. Gilpatrick, Biddeford Ephraim Sands, ditto 3enj. P^tterfon, Pcppere'.biro' John Sayward, Alfrti

County of Cumberland, juftices of the Common Pleas, ^£* John Lewis, of North-Yarmouth, tjtcphen Longfellow, of Gorhara, William Gorham, of Gorham. Robert Southgate, of Scarborougii.

William Thomnfon, of Scarboro', 7 o . kv vj- ^"^''"^ Ifaac Parfons, of New-Gloucefcer, S^^''""^ Samuel Freeman, of Portland, Clerk of the Pleasy $2*f. William Gorham, of Gorham, Jtidge of Probate. Samuel Freeman, of Portland, Reg^ler rf Probate, Jofeph M'Lellan, of Portland, County Treafurer. Ifaac Ilfley, of Portland, Regijler of Deeds,

Juftices of the Quorum in Cumberland County,

Samuel Freeman, jP

William Gorham, Gorham \ William Thompfon, Scarbora*

Juftices of the Peace. ifa?c Parfons, TCenv-ClouceJler John iFrothingham, Portland j Sanmel Foxcrofc, ditto William Martin, ditto Nathaniel C. Allen, ditto BenianiiiiDimning,;Ha;;^i;(f// !£dmiind Phinney, Gurham Stephen Purrington, ditto Georp-e Lcv/is, ditto Nath. Larrabee, Prtntfzcick Jthn Dean, Stand'rjh Paul Little, lVim!ha?n

Kohc; t Southgate, 5<;flr^«7ro«j7^ Pehitiah March, Othfeld Joil-fh Eniericii* 4ittQ Oi^oad Ciu:kts>n, ixt» ( 8' )

Jufticcs of tie Peace In Cumberland County khabod Eo::ney> Turner Guiluvus A. XJofs, Ruf?rfotd John Turner, ditto Cyrus Kumiin, Lii'ti^rore Il;;ac ttuidcvant, ditto tiifha AVilliunis, ditto Luther Catv, ditto San-i. P. RuiVel!, N.l'^r7;u,iMi .'tauiuei Caj.f, Cope-EUsabdL Ptlt g Chandler, jun. ditto P.bene.zer 1 hralher, ditto Ammi R. Mitcbel, ditto johii CuilJng, Freefart Job Eaftman, Not-ivay joCah Pierce, Fl'mfftiivn joleph M'Lellan, Gray tnoch Per ley, BriJoeiomm Michael Little, FoLind John GreeinvQod, Htvron Edward Ricliaidfon, Jay Si'-niucl Parris, ditto Daniel Stoweil, Faris ArcliLjbus Lewis, Falmouth John K. Smith, bcHcetri Folaml IVIofes Merril, ditto (and Raymomljton

Coroners.. James Shaw, Foiand Jonathan Sparrow, Fahncuth Lathrop Lewis Gorharn George Warren, Foiilund David Barker, Windham Samuel 1 hompfon, ScarLoio' Samuel Barker, ditto James March, ditto Phillips Chaudler,iV. Ghucefer Sam. Earnfworth, Bridveioivn Ala Lewis, North-Tannoutb Noah Melcher, fimnfivick

John Waite, of jPortland, Sheriff,

Deputy-Sherlfs, '

Benjamin Bayley, Falmouth Thomas Thompronsi?/-tt///^£''V/l Caleb GrafFam, Fortland Daniel Brown, ditto Ezra Gibbs, Fdar.d David Hale, Bridgeto^.vn '^on3..Axn\^XOV.g^Cape-Elizab. John Woodward, Gorharn Barzillal Loring, N.Gloucefer Edward Thompfon, StarJijJj ^.^'^illlam Wari.er, ditto Amos Clough, N.Tijjmouth .Abraham Lcavitt, Scarhoro'

County cf Lincoln. Juflices cfthe Common Phas, ^c. , cf Pownalboroujrh.

Nathaniel 1 hwing, of V/oolwich. Jonathan Bowman, of Drefden. , of Pownalborcugh. Dummer Sewallj of Bath, *^ Waterman Thoir/asj of Waldoboro', Spe Mark Lancjdcn Hill, of Georg'^town, ( 8^ )

Jonathan Bowman, jiin. of Pownalboro', Clerk of the Supreme

"Judicial Court fur the County of Lincoln ; and a'fo Clerk of the Courts of Cufn?non Pleas and General Se£lons of lie Fence for the County of L.iiicoIn. Jonathan Bowman, of Drefden, Judge of Probate. Jonathan Bowman, jun. of Pownalboro', Rtgifer of Prdat*. Thomas Rice, of Pownalborough, R^gifter of Deeds. Nathaniel Thv/ing, of Woolwich, County Treafurer^

Juftices of the Peace and cf the Quorum.

Jonathan Bowman, Drefden "Waterm., Thomas, IVuldolo) o* '1 homas Rice, Po'wnalboro Francis Winter, Bath Orchard Cook, ditto Dummer Sewall, ditto , ditto David Fales, 7homaftoivn Kathaniel Thwlng, Wool'-joich Mark L. Hill, Georgeto'wa

Juftices cf the Peace in Lincoln.

Jona. Bowman, jr. Poivfialboro Thomas Johnfon, Brijlol Jcfeph Chriftopher, ditto Thomas MCiure, ditto James N. Lithgow, Nohkboro'' James Nickles, ditto David Dennis, ditto William iVI'Intire,

^ar'iss SampfoB, -.Waldtbirt | Lzekiel Thompfon, T'o^faam ( «3 )

Coroners in Lincoln County continue/. James Stone, Topjham Nymphas Stzccy, Pownaliort' Nathaniel Bryant, Ne-uicajile Samuel Davis, Warren Charles Couiliard, Gcorgetoivn Samuel M. Martin, Thomajon Abraham Choate, BuUfoivn Francis Winter, jun. ditt» Hugh Mayley, Boivdoln

Edmund Bridge, of Drefden, Sherif.


John Foyc, Poivnalbotough Daniel Cunningham, Boiv^tin Jacob Low, Bath Nathaniel Palmer, jun. Sri/lol Samuel Kennedy, Netvcajile Benjamin Webb, Warren WiiHam Gregory,jun. Camden ]om.MoTnfon,N'ezv'ATi//orJ Johji Borland, Boothbay Natlian Sprague, Waldeior** Jofeph Farley, Nobleborough

Caunty of Kennebeck.

Juftices of the Common Pleas, Is^c^ Jofeph North, of Augufta. Daniel Cony, of ditto. Nathaniel Dummer, of HallowclL Chandler Robbins, of ditto. William Howard, of Augufla, "> Robert Page, Readfieid, / „ . , •* /r. ^^'""^ JujiictJ, William Swan, Pittftown, ( Samuel Moody, Hallcweli, J John Davis, Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Courts and Clerk sf the Court of Com^non Fleas, Barzillai Gannet, Cltrk of the Sejfom. James Bridge, of Augufta, Judge of Prolate. Chandler Robbins, of Halloweli, Regifer of Prolate, Henry Sewall, Pegifer of Deeds, William Howard, County Treafuree.

Juftices of the Peace a?id of the Quorum. Jofeph North, Augujta , Pittfon Daniel Cony,, ditto Jedediah Jcwett, ditto William Brooks, ditto William Swan, ditto William Howard, ditto Robert Page, Readfeli Samuel Wefton, Canaan Nath. pAlrbankfi, Winthrep Nath. Dummer, Hallfwtil ( H )

juftices ,of Peace in KennebcGk Ccunf j'',

Henry Sewall, Augujla James Waugh, ' Starki John Davis, ditto Barzillai Gannet, F'lttjhivn ."-amuel TitcomV, ditto Samuel Oakham, Piftjtoivn Thomas Bowman, ditto John Chandler, Monmouth John Shepard, HaHoivell Benjamin Merrill, Greene ' Chandler R-ohbins, ditto Moles Sterling, Sandy Rlhjer Samuel Moody, ditto William Read, No. 3. ditto Samuel Dutton, ditto Samuel Tobey, Fairfeld Arthur Lithgow, Winjloiv Jedidiah Prelcot, Wlnihro^ Afa Rt^ddington, ditto Samuel Wood, ditto Eb;iU. Farwjli, VaffLilborough Cornelius Norton, N.f^irteyard Samuel Reddington, ditto Ichabod Tbomas, Sydney John Aloore, Norridveix:ock Supply Belcher, Farmington John Karlow, ditto Solomon Adams, ditto John Hubbard, Readfeid Stephen Titcomb, ditto- Coroners.

Ellas Cralp^, Augujla Elilha E ears', Readfshl Samuel Cony, ad ditto Ichabod Simmons, ditto Jofeph Herrick, Greene Silas Wood, Norrhheivock William Farweil, Vajfalboro' JoUlani Smith,. Farmingtoh John North, Pittjlo'uui Matthias Bloffom, Monmouth Elijah Hall, fVjnJloiv Alfred Mai-tin, HaUoiveU Ezekiel Pattee, jun ditto Robtrt Blnke, Mount-Fernon James Stackpole, jun. ditto Elijah Wood, Mnnthrop

Arthur Lith

Deputy-^iher'iffs. John Sewall, HaUoiveU Ebenczer Moore, Pktftoivtt Amos Partridge, Avgnfta Harvey, Monmouth' Br.rnabas Lambert, ditto Ephraim Towne, JVinJlaiv

John Jtrhnfon, Vajfjlhorsttgh . Abijiih Smith-, ditt» May, Wtnthrop

Caunty of Hancock. Juftices of the Common Pleas> is*c* Paul Dudley Sargeant, of SuUivan. Oliver Parker, of Cafline. William Vinal, of Vinalhaven. Francis Le Barron Goodwin, of Frankfort.

Tofeph Hibbcrt, of Penobfcot, 7 c^ • /«v n- Caleb Brooks Hall, of Buckftown, j ^f""'^ >-f''"'' Warren Hall, of Ca.^inc, Clerk of the Flia^, ^:. ( 8; )

William Wetmore, of Caftlne, Jud^^e of Prolate.

Wai-reu Hall, of Cailine, R:'g:fter "of Frobate.

Jofervh Perkins, of Caftine, Regifier of Desds. Simeon Fowler, of Oi-rington, County TreajWer.

Jufticer. of the Peace a>id of the Quorum. Paul D. Sargent, Sullivan Simeon FowL-r, Orrhigfon Oliver Parker, Caft'me F. Li Barcn Goodwin, Frardf, William Wetniore, ditto Jouatlian Duck, Buchjlon, William Vinall, Vinalhwjen Jofepll Tyler, Beer-ip Jonathan Edd}', Edihficrwn BdVid Cobb-, GouhJfi}»roiigh

Juitices of the Peace in liancock. Jo'cph Hibbert, Pcnohfcot Daniel Livermore, Hj.mpJ;?r j Robert Parker, Bluehill Jcf. Prince, BumUCoat Ifumd I Pehtiah Freeman, ditto James Nefmith, Bflfaji ( Ebenezer Floyd, ditto Robert Houilon, j ditto

Buikiey Emerlon, Banaor Theodore Jon:^=., Union River j Benjamin Shute, Proffer Caleb Brooks Hall, Bncijlon j Gecr Je Tyler, Deer-Ijh John Pendleton, jpborongb \

Thomas Stinfon, ditto . Ezra Younjr, Eden George Ulmer. Duck-Trap Oliver Leonard Or rIn at j on David Thurfton, Sedgnnick Mel. Jordan, Frenchman s Bay 'I'homas Cobb, GouUJhorough David Howe, Cajllne


John Wilfon, Peticlyf:ot I Peter Hardy, Deer-ip

Er^och S.impfon, Frankfort •' Jacob Fofter, Trenton Tohn B'-an, inn. SiiUii'an joiiah Brev/er, jun. Orr'ington j Thomas Robbins Deer-ljh

Thorrns Phillips, of Cailine, Sh^r'ff.


Archibald M'Phet 'C-, Bangor Afa Grcc Dcer-jp Goodwin Grant, Hampden Alfred Langdt*n, Trenton

Ephraim Stubbf, Buck ft07Vn Thomas Knowkcn, Northfort Roderick M'Dcus.i d, ditto Tbomps Buckmer, ditto John Rml, le'faft Richard Freeman, Penohfat True-worthy Parker, Crier of the Court. William Freerran, Deputy-Sherff ^ii-i Gaoler, ii ( 85 )

County of Wafliington. Jnflices of the Common Pleas, l^c,

Sttphen Jones, of IMuchhs, Chief Jtiftict, Alexander Campbell, of Steubcn- John Crane, of Columbia. Theodore Lincoln, of DenysviDe

George Stiilman, of Machias, Special yujilce.

Ralph H. Bowles, of M':ichias, Chrk ofth: Pleas and SrJ/lem*

Stephen Jones, of Machias, J-^dge of Probate.

Daniel Putnam Upton, of Eastport, Reg. cf Probate, pro.tern. George Stiilman, Regfter of Deeds and Cauniy Treafurer.

Juftlces of the Peace and of the Quorum, Stephen Jones, Machias [ Alexander Campbell, Steuhm Phine as Bruce, ditto Theodore Lincoln, -Dj/ijiiwi/ie ] JufticevS of the Peace. Jolm Crane, Cdimibia Daniel Merritt, Addifn Lemuel Trefcott, Eastport George Stiilman, Machias John Brewer, No. 4. Schoodic Caleb Coolidge, ditto Benjamin Ruggles, Columbia Guftavus Fellows, ditto John Allan, Eaflport James Campbell, Harrington John Burgin, ( Mooff.J ditto Coroners.

rStephen Parker, Machias I Jofeph Patten, Cofitmh^a

Sfr.:!>::3 Jeremiah Gbrien ditto | Thomas Archbald, Jolin Cooper, of Machias, Sherijf. DepHtySheriffs,

Co'uxri.'a ¥/iiliam Albee, Machias \ Obadiah Allen, .Samuel Ellis, ditto Joieph Livermord, Eastport j Benjamin Kelton, of No. 22 John C. Todd, ditto j The Juftices of the Supreme Judicial Court, Court of Cc?}:mcn Coroners^ hold tl cir . Plecfs, Judges of Probate, Sheriffs and Commiliions during good behaviour, but the Commiiiiruis of Jiftices of the Peace mull be renewed every foven yei^ri, or they ceafe.

The Comreiffions of feveral of tlie Judice*, at tlie time of pr?jiting th.5 foregoinj;; li!t, .vcrc expired or near expiring, icmo 01 which have 'c&rx or may he renewed, and Ibme new appoinLineats may be made. Alter- ations wiU be noticed at tlie end, as uuia!. The Clerks ot tbe CourtK of Common Plcaa are aUb Clerks of «*i« ( 87 ) Practitioners of the Law in Mafilichufetti^.. In the County of mY^OlAK.. Barrifters at Law. Sullivan, ll.d. Pei-ez Morton, Boflon James Bofton j Theophilus Parfons, ditto Sheurjafhub Bourne, ditt«

Wiliiam T'ador, ditto |

AW-ornies at the Supreme Judicial Court. 1 horn as Edv/ard? Btfton John Q^ Adams, ditt» Jonathan Mafon, ditto John Phillips Bofon Chrirtopher Gore, ^itto •George Blake, ditt» Riifus G- Amory, ditto Ebenezer Gay, dittft I George R Minot, •ditto Jofrah Quiiicy, ditto j Jofcph Hall, ditto Jofeph Rowe, ditto ; ditto Jdv^-ird Gray, ditto : William Sullivan, John Davis, ditto Charles Paine, ditto I Hurrilon G. Otis,

Auornies a i\'j Commor! Pleas. .JEdward Jade (on, Ho^lnr. Charles Davis, m I Potior Waterman, ditto Charles Culhing, jun. ditto I Everett, ditto W. Gurley, ditto David ; John Heard, ditto Henry M, Lifle, H'lJJzbii John j

Attoi •n the Conr^'y ^Z' NORFOLK. Benjamin Hichbom, of Dorcheflety Earriller.

Aftor?-: s at thf -upie^re fudu:' ! Court.

Zdward H. Robbing, MlltoH I William P. Whiting, i?t/ni/oi^A Afiiph Churchill, ditto Horatio Tov/nfend, Medftld j riiher Ames, LL.D. i)

Sdmuei Haven, ditto j

j'^'tcrnic's at the Common Ple;is. Md"on Shaw, Wrentham S. Williams, Roxbury j John

Attornles />? thj ' ounty of ESSEX.

Attornies at //:(? Supreme Judicinl Court. WilHam Prefcot, ( 8S )

Attofnift?'^^ the Common Fleas ./i^ Effex Cour^w

Ifaiic MansaelJ, Marhlehead I Wm. Wetmorc, jun. - Sc-h Edward l^ittit^Ncwbury-Fort J In the County of Mickliclex. Attoruics at the Supreme Judicial Court. Wiiiiain Hunt, JVatcrtoivf: -anmel Dana, Grcto

Ebenezer Brj-difh, Ca7ubrld\^t I'imcthy Biglow, ^ dirt'* Jofeph Bartlett, dicto Jaa-;es Prelcot, JVefford Francis D. Chanjiing, ditro Othnicl '1 yler, Sudbury

Jonadian Fi.y, Concord liii E«llai:d, Frant'w^bam William Jones, ditto Joicph Erij^ham, Marlboro* William 1 ilk, IValtham Zabd. B. Adauis, CLurleJlonvn Arten.as Ward, jun. Wefion ^Auornics c.t the

• John Lock, AJhhy I Mellen, Cbarlejlo-jon

Temple, Watertwwn \ — Gorham, ditto Y/arren, Hopkinton \ In the Counts' cf Plyinouth. Att'V.-in-s at the Suprc-ne JudiciaJ Court.

Jofhua Thomcs, Plymouih \ Benja. V/hitman, Hanover John D. Dunbar, ditto , Bridgwater Wilkes Wood, Middlcborough j \ coruie.- .^t the Common Pleas. Kilborn Whitman, Pembroke Curtis, Jianovcr j Parker William Baylies, Brid^ivatsr j In the County o/'Barnftable.

Homes Allen, of j^izr^j/yiz^/f, Attorney &ithe Sup. Jud. Court. V/endell Davis, of Sandiuich, Attorney at the Common Piea^.

In the County of Byiftol. Attnrnies at the Supreme [udicial Couit. Seth Padelford, I^aban Wheaton, Norton Tauuion \

Nt cholas Tilimghafl, ditto ! Tiio. Hammona,A'>-:i-i^f

In the County o/" Duke's County. A'^toinies at the Com.mon Pleas. Wm. Jernigan, Skiif, Ch'Jmarl Edgartnvn | Ebcnczcr Thomas Cccke, ditto { «9 ) In the County of Worcefler. 5Levj Lincoln, cf H^orcefer^ Barrillcr at La\c„ Attnrn-'es at the Supreme Uidicial Court. Kathanlsl Paine, Vnrajier , ditto ^'!errick Rice, dittd Jabez Ufli^m -ditto Eleazer James, Bam Piiny Merrick, ^itto Beniamin Adaros, Ux briefgp Pelatiah Hitchcoclc, ditto Jofepli Allen, jun. Wejlern

A fa Johr.fon, Leomi;:Jler I Daniel Biglcw, TeterJhatH

S-Jth Hillings, MerJoH I Francis Blak?, Rutland

/'.ttornics at ! ^lon.f'r.n Pleas* Erafmu? Babbit, Sturhridgt Luke BrsywH, Hardtvi-ek Lovell Walker, Templdon John Winficw, ^orthb-.rovgh j In the County ^/^Hampfhire. Attornie^i at the Sunreme Jr-iici^il Court. Juflin E'y, Wtft'Sijrhf^eld ^X\ P. Afhman, Blandfori Samuel i^atlirop, ctitto Richd. E. Newcomb, Greenfield John Phelps, JVJljldd Jonathan Leavitt, ditto Jofeph Lyn:;r>, ditto John Hooker, Sfringf.eid John Ingeriol, ditto George Blifs, ditto John C. Williams, IIadU\ , ditto Jcnatban E. Porter, diito Jonathan Dv/ight, jun. ditto Abner ?..Iorgan, John Barrett, Nortbfieid Stephen F'jtichon, ditto Sclc:r.cn Vofe, ditto

Jchri 'i aylor, Northampton Simeon Strong, jun. Conit'ay VamucI Hlnklsy, jun. ditto Elijah Paine, AJhJielJ S. Stoddard, ditto Jctham Cufnman, fcnathan Grovt, Btlcherto'zvu Benjaaiiiii Paribr.s, ChrfterfrU \ -u n. Edward Uphani, NeiU'Sulevt Joim Phelps, j Wijrtbin^ton H-i2ckiah\V.L.ir ^r,g,DcerJijld\ J. Wcodbridge, Llijah Bates, Jofeph Fro-ert, ditto Thom-18 Allen, ditto >inis iv*5, J^.hn Whitm-. ( 90 ) ^ In the County of York. Attornies at the Supreme Jud'ciai Comt. George 'I hatcher, Biddeford Dudley Hubbard, Berivich Pientifs Mcllen, ditto Jofeph '1'h.OXnaS, Kennebunk , Pepper elbo rough Attoinies at tie Common Pieas.

John Holnjes, Alfred \ Nicholas Emery, Parfonsfeld Judah Dana, Fryeburg\ G.W.Waliingford, Xtw^^toni 'i'emple Hovey, Beriulck Edward Y.Yix-^nx^n^Ber'wick \ In the County of Cumberland.

Attornies -;/.' the Supreme Judicial Court.

John Frothingham, Fortlj:nd I James D. Hopkins, Portland Daniel Davis, ditto George E. Vaughan, ditto

William SynmaeSj jun. ditto I Peter O. Allien, Bruufzeick

Salmon Chace, ditto } Charles Angier, Freeport Ifaac Paiker, ditto} In the County ^/^ Lincoln. Attor'nies at the Supreme Judicial! Court.

Timo. Langdon, Poivnalloro' I Benjamin Hafey, Tobjbam , ditto j Samuel Thatclier, Attornies at the Common pJeas. Bailey, /*cTO«ir/^cro' Ptif^iz/^oro' Jeremiah j IManafTeh Smith, In the County of Kennebeck. Altornies at the Supreme Judicial Court. James Bridge, Augvfta Samuel S. Wild, Hallo-uHll Benjamin Whitwell, ditto Ihomas Rice, jun. Wir.Jlniv Nathaniel Perley, Halloivell Reuben Kidder, ditto Allen Gilman, ditto Attornies at the Common Plea Thomas Bowman, Hallo-well Nathan Bridge, PHtfto-wn John Merrill, ditto Samuel P. Glidden, Rur.lfM Todd, Wiiithrop In the County of Hancock. William Wetmore, oi Cufi'me, B;'rriAer. Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court. Job Nelfon, Caftine Oliver _ Leoiiaro, Orrhigton I Attornies at the Common Pieas. Thomas S.Sparhawk,5;/

( 9^ )

Harvard Univerfity at Cambridge. Founded A.D. 1638.

Nanied Hctrvard College, ^ to perpetuate the name and iiberality of its principal individual benefador. Made a Corporation by Charter, 1650. Thefollo^viNg are the names of the Prejidentsy from 1 640 to the prefent time : Appointment. Died or refigned. 1640 Rev. Henry Bunfter, 1654 1654 Rev. Charks Chauncy, 1671 167^ Rev. Leonard Hoar, M. D. 1674 1675 Rs^- Uriiin Oakes, a. m. 1681

1682 Dodor John Rogers f a. m. 1684 1685 Rev. Increale Mather, d. d. 1701 1 701 Rev. Samuel Wiliard, a. m. K Pref. 1 707 1708 Hon. John Leverett, a. m. f. r. s. 1724 I7'25 Rev. Benjamin Wadlworth, a. m. 1736 1737 Rev. Edv/ard Holyoke, A. M. 1769 1770 Rev. Samuel Locke, d. d. 1773 1774 Rev. Samuel Langdon, D. D. 1780 1781 Rev. Joieph Willaid, d. d. ll. d. Board ^Overfeers.

His Excellency the Gozermr, his Honor the Lieut. Governor, the Honorable the Council and Striate, and the Miniiters of the Congregational Churches in the towns of Bofon, CharleJio<\v7i, Cambridge^ Water" ton.vn, Roxhury and Dorchejler. Rev. Simeon Howard, d. d. Secretary of this Bc^ard, Corporation.

Rev. Jofeph Wiliard, Prefident. Hon. Oliver Wendell^ Efq. 1 Hon. John Lonvell, ll.d.

Rev. Simeon Hov/ard, d. d. \ Felloivs, Rev. John Lathrop, d. d. j J'^liphalet Pearfon, a. m. J Ebenezer Storer, a. m. Treafurer. »

( 9^ )

ProfeiTors in Harvard XJnh^erfity.

I5aTid Tapp?n, d. d. Ho l lis Profejfor of pivinit;'. Bliphalet Pearibn, a.m. Hancock Profejfor of tha Hebreiv and Grtental Languages^ and cf the Engl'tflo Language. Samuel Webber, a.m. Ho l lis Profsjor of Mathe- matics and Natural Phllofophy. John Warren, m.d. Hz^^^^y Profejbr ofAnatomy and Surgery. Benjamin Waterhoufe, m. d. Hersey Profejfor of the Theory and Practice cf Phyfc. Aaron Dexter, m, d. Erving Profejfor of Chymlfiry and Materia Mediea.

Tutors in the Unlverfity.

Levi Hedge, a. m. Lo^^ic, Metaphyfcs, and Ethics Samuel Farrar, a.m. The Greek Language. Jabez Kinibali, a. m. Geography^ Geometry, and the elejnejits of Natural Philofophy and AJh'ono??!y. Daniel Appleton White, a. m. the Latin Language.

Sidney Willard, a. b. Librarian.

The Library contains I J,COO falurizu

Conunencemsnt is on the 2>d Wed'nefday in July.

Other COLLEGES, ACADEMIES, bV. WiiUarns* College, (At mUtamfo'wny in Bcrhfloire County.)

Incorporated as an Academy, March 8th, 1785. Incorporated as a College, June aad, 1793. Rev. Eocnezcr Fitch, d.d. Prejidoit. Stephen Weft, d. d. Vice-Preftdtnt. , Efq. Secretary. Noah Linfley, Tutor.

^mmtnccinent is on the Tijl IVedncfday in Se^Uniber^ ( 93 )

Accidemies in Maflachufetts.

Dates of their Foundation, and A61s of Incorporation. Dummer Academy, at Newbury.

iSo named, in honor of the liberal founder, the Hon.

/ vi. Ijummeri furmerly Lieut. Gov. oi ^/Lajjachufdts.) Infiitiued ift Miirch, 1763.

Incorporated October 3, 178^. R^v. Ifaac Sniith, Preceptor, [14 Trullees.]

Phillips' Academy, at And over.

(So named, in honor of the hhend founders of that name and laniily, in EfTex county, and in iV. Ha'mpjh.) Tnllituted ill April, 1778. Incorporated October 4, 1780. Mark. Newman, Preceptor. Jonathan French, JJ/ljuvii do. Abiah Holbrook, JVriti?ig Mafier. i?84,il/^r.23. Leicei^er Academy, at Leicefler, Eben. Crafts, and Jacob Davis, Efqs. principal donors. Ebenezer Adam?, Preceptor. Timothy Bouteil, Jjijlcmt do.

Derby Academy, ai Hingham. (,So nan^ed, in honor of Madam Derby, its founder. 1 7^4jjV^'. II. Incorporated as a fchool. i 79 "j Junei-j. Incorporated as an Academy. Abner Lincoln, Preceptor. I ;92» 7«^A^3o. Briftol Academy, at Taunton. Simeon Dogget, Preceptor.

Kc'j. 17. Marblehead Ac-^demy, at Mavblehead. Rev. William Harris, Preceptor.

I793> June 17. Wcftfield Academy, at Weftiield. Preceptor. ( 9+ ) ACAr>EMIES, £

X783, ScpL I'd. Groton Academy, af Groton.

1795, Ft'b. 25. N'ew-Salem Academy, at New-Salem. Proctor Pierce, Preceptor. 1797, Mar, I. Beerueld Academy, at DeeriielJ. Freceptsr,

1798, Mar. 3. Milton Academy, at Milton. Freceptor.

1799, ivZ'. 26. Bridgwater Academy, ^^ Bridgwater* P».ev. Zcdckiah Sanger, Preceptor.

Mar. I. Fraraingham Academy, ^/Framingham. Preceptor.

Sandwich Academy, at Sandwich. Rev. Jonathan Burr, Preceptor.

Ruilell Academy, at Charleftown. Thomas Payibn preceptor.

< .. m mm>»< . . . . I.. . . - - . .. . , Incorporated Grammar Schools. 1765, I jhjkhy Amos Choaie, Preceptor, I7«9, Jan. 21. Firxbury, Will'am Pillbury, do. l793iMar.z]. Lhariejh-iv?2, Samuel Pavion, ^5.

, I » .....,.. „ . .. , I ..... # 'iks foiionving an in the D'tJiriCi a/ MAINE. BovVDoiN CoLiLEGE, at BruDlwick, : junty of Cnnberland.

ticorporsted 24th June, 1 794.

I'-xiih.: L'fLVis, J.14. . ijj'.oj thsOverJcers. Rev. ^ar.'.uel Eaton, f tcei rtjldent. Maik I.angdon liilj, jilq. Secretary, (A Board oiiweive iruftees.) Prejident of the College*

Rev. Samuci Dean, d. d. Vice- >'reftdent, John Froihin^h;ini, Eqi- Secretary. pamraer Sew«Ui, iifq. Treafurer, .

( 9? ) ACADEMIE'-""', 8cc. contlmied. Date of the Adl of Incorporation. 1791, Mar. 5. Hallowell Academy, at Halloweil* Samuel Moody, Preceptor.

Mar. II. Berwick Academy, e^f Berwick. Benjamin Greene, Preceptor.

1792, Fd. 8. Fryeburgh Academy, i?/. Fryebargh. Paul Langdon, Preceptor,

Mar. 7. Wafrtington x\cad?i-ny, at Machias.

. , Preceptor ,

1794, Pel. 27, Portland Academy, at Portland. Grege, ^--rece'^tor,

"Truftees ^Md- Bapriit Ed xaturi F .n:.-'* Incorporated 26th February, 1794.

Annual Eledhn o/OiHcers, the Tuefday after the firJl Wednefday in September Samuel Stiliman, d. p. Chairman. Rev. Thomas Baldwin, Treafurer.

, Secretary, TRUSTEES. Hezekiah Smith, d. d. Rev. George Robinfon, Rev. William Williams, Stephen Dana, Elq. Rev, Jonathan Maxcy, Rev. Joe! Bi iggs, Rev. Ste*)hen Gano, Deicon DanierWild, Rev, Joieph Grafcon, Mr. James Harrilbn.

Epifcopcdian Biihcps /;; America. Refidcnce. Edv;ard Bafs, Biihop in Mafiachufetts. Newburyport. Abraham Jarvis, Eiibop in .

, Bifiiop for Vermont. Samuel Provoft, Bifoop in Isew-York. Ks-w-Yorh Cify„ Uzal Ogden, Eifbop in Nev/-Jerfey. Eiizabeth-Toivn. William .Vhite, Eifliop in Pennlylvanla. Pbiladslphia.

Thomas J. CIag,y;ct, Biihop in Maryland. James Madifon, Biihop in Virginia. Rlcbmoni. Charles Pettigrew, Bi(hop in North-Carolina. Robert Inglis, Bifiiop in South-Carolina. • Jacob Mountain, Bifhop in Canada. ^ehet George Inghs, Biihop in Nova-Scotia. Halifax^ Jolm Carrol, P^oman Catholic Bifhop, Baltimtre. ( 96 )

Churches, Mhilfters, and Religious Societies, in the fevered Toiuns in MalTachufetts. * Ncte. Congregationaliils, the moft numerous denomina- tion, have no dirtmdlive letter. E Itands for Epifopcilian, P for Prefoyterian. B for Baptift. U for Uni-verfaiijh In the County o/" Suffolk.

Churches, Miniftcrs, cilV. in the To^n /j/Bof^on, Arranged according to fbe Time ihe Churches ivcrc fotimUd.

rirft Church, in Ccrnhill, Wiliiam E7?i?^Jon. Second, or Old North Church, John Lathropy d. d. {The ancient Meeiing-Eonfe being defmyed, in the year 1775, the Members of i I' at Society have ftnee united ^Mitb the Church in MiddleStrestJ Firft Baptirt Church, Back Jtrett, Sa?7iue! Stilhnan, D.r>. Old South Church, Pvlarlbi o'-ftreet, J&fph EcUey, d.d. Stone Chapel, E. Vcuth School-Street, ja?nes Freeman. Church in Brattie-Strect, Peter Thacher, d. d. Qu^iiker's Meeting Houle, Leverett's Lane. INew North Church, North-Street, John Eliot, n.n. New South Church, Summer-Stree*:, John T. Kirkland. Chriil Church, E. Salem-Street, Willunn Walter^ d.d. Church in Federal-Street, Jclm S.Popkin. Church in Hollic-Street, South-End, Samuel Wef^ d. d. Trinity Church, E. Summer-Street, Savmcl Pa> ker, d.d. John Sylvefer John Gardner, Alliftant Miniiler. V/eft Church, Lynde-Street, Simeon ih

Ware, Chel/}a^ 'SJa\\ ^V f li 1 33>.#< Hingha?n, Henry | y p

DanierShute, D. d. I U'tn, or Na,':iajket,YdC;\r]t.

Nicho. B.Whitney, i ( 97 )

Mlnifters, ^c. in Norfolk County. .

[T/^e Towns arc alphahetically arras^eJ.]

B:lli/igka?/if Necdhavii Stephen Palmer B Thomas Noyes Jlrahtres^ Ezra Weld Metliodiils Brooklyn^ Jolin Pierce umcy^ peter Whitney Canton^ Zach. Howard ]oi.'<:\z\'tx\^^Ep'if.Reader Cohcijj'et^ Jacob Flint Randolph, Jonathan Strong Dedkam^ Jafon Haven Joel Briggs,- B Jabez Cliickering Roxhury, Eliphalet Porter Thomas Thacher John Bradford Wm. Montague E Thomas Gray Dorchejhr, T had. M .Harri s Sharon, Jona. Whitaker Dovdr^ Benjamin Caryl S^i)?<;_g-/'/<>;/, Edw.Richmcnd Fjxboro'y M'iitpolc, George Morey Franklin^ N.Emmons, d,d. IVcyinouth, Jacob Norton Medjieldf Thomas Prentils Simeon Williams Edward Clark B lVre77tkam,]ohn Cleveland Med%vay, Luther Wright' Elifha Fific, David Sanford William Williams B MiltoUy Joieph McKean

Minifters, ^V. /;; ElTex County. Admcfbury, Hajiiilton, M. Cutler,LL.D. P Haverhill, Abiel Abbot B Phineas Adams Andovcr, William Symmes Giles Merrill Jonathan French H. Smith, B.D.B Beverly, Jofeph McKean Ipf-jokh, Levi Frifoie

J ofi ah Webfler Bedford, Eiizur Hglyoke Jofeph Dana Peter Eaton

Bradford, Jonathan Allen Lynn, T h om as C . Thacher Eben. Dutch Jofeph Roby

Daftvers, Benj . Wadfworth Friends & Meth. ' Samuel Mead Lynnfield, Jofeph Mottey Jofhua ^ Young B Mnnchefrer,t^./4^ ^ /,-,, ChuccJIer, Eli Forbes, Marblchead,^ \:_,^,- ^^

. Daniel Fuller, Ifaac Story Wm. Harris E U Methodiils )

( 98 )

Minivers, See. in EfTex Count}') cont'mueJ, Metfrneri) Hump. C. Perley Ro'vjley, Ifaac Braman Middletony Solom. Adams G.T. Wihiama Neoijburyy Abrah. Moore Shub. Level], B Sam. Toinbe P Salcmy John Prince, ll.d. Leon. Woods William Bentley Eliiah Paiilli Jofhiia SpauJding NcTjhury- Tho. Gary Tho. Barnard, d.d. ^ Daniel Hopkins Fort, J. Andie-.vs Dan. Dana P Nathaniel Fifher B Sam. Spring Fiiends C. W. Miiton Saiifiury, Andrew Beattie J.Boddily P E.Baft.,D.D. 5 Topsfield, A. Huntington Roiulr.''. /T^;^/'/^;;^,AdoniramJudlon Minifters, &c. in Middlefex Coimty. Aaon^ Mofes Adams Lincolriy Charles Stearns Ajhh'f, Corneli. Waters Littleton^ Edmund Fofter Bedford, Samuel Stearns Maiden^ Eliakim Willis \ Billerica^ H. Cummgs, d.d. Aaron Gre(*n y Boxboro\ Jofeph Willard Marlhoroiighy Afa Packard Burlingtony John Marrett Medfordy D. Ofgood, d.d. Cambridge) Abiel Holmes Naticky Stephen Badger Thadd.Fiflie Nc'iutGny Jonathan Honker John Fofter Wm. Greenough Wm. Jenks E Jol'ephGrartonB B Reading) Caleb Prentils Carlijlgy Paul Litchfield Eliab Stone Peter Sanborn CharkJionDn, J. Morfe,D.D. B Pepperelly John Bullard Chehisford, Hez. Packard Sherburne y Elijah Browne Whitney J. Peckens B Shirley, Phineas Cmcordy Ezra Ripley Stonekanty John H. Stevens Dracaty Solomon Aikin Sto'-ojy Jonathan Newell

Dunjlahky Sudbury y Jacob Bigelow Eajifudburyy Jofiah Bridge rc"iu/(y^«o',TitusT. Barton Frainmghariy D. Kellogg To-jo?ifendy David Palmer

Groto?i, Daniel Chaplin Ty?igsboro , N. Lawrence P Waithaniy Jacob Cufliing Bollijlony Tim. Dickinfon miterto'wny Rich. R. Eliot Hopkintotiy Nath. Howe Wejion-, Samuel Kendall LexingioHf Jonas Clark Methodifts&i B ( 99 )

Mlnlfters, Sec. in Middlefex County ^ continued. IVeflford, Caleb BUke nobur?!, banuici Sargeant iVitmhigtoTiy F. Reynolds Elias Smiih B

Minifters, &c, /// Worcefler County. AJhhiirnham^ John Cufhing Ne^jj'Braintre-s, John Fiflc. Method ifcs & B Northboro\ Peter Whitney Athoh Joieph Eitabrook Korthbridge^ John Crane. Barret Jofiah Dana» John Cooper B B^rliny Reaben Puffer Gakha??!, Danl. Tomhnfon Eolt^n, Phiacas Wright Qy:ford, Elias Dudley £>rockJkIdi Eptiraim Ward 'J'homas Sneli Paxtiiiy Daniel Grofvenor Eraftus Ripley PsterJhujH, Solomon Re d. B P BojlJloJit Ward Cotton Pri72cefo?i, Jofeph Rufieil. William NaHi RGyalJhn, Jofeph Lee, Charlton, Erailias .[.earned B Methodiils Rutlandy Hezek. Goodrich X)ouglaSi Ifaac Sione, Shreiv/hburyy Jol". Sumner B Southbord' JeroboamParker Dudh Abie! Williams Spencer, Jofeph Pope. fitchburghy S. Worceller Sturhridge, Methodiils Zenas L. Leonard B Gardner^ Jona. Ofguod Sterling, Reuben Holcomb C-^rryt Ezek. L. Bafconi Sutton, Edmund Mills iGrafton, John Miles Jofeph GofFe Hardnvicky Thomas Hok Saniuel Waters B Mofes Kenny B Saiti ael King B Ebenezer Burt B Wm.BatchcIder B Methodiils- Te?tiplcton, E. Spa: hawk Harvard, Elifna Andrews B G. Robin fon B Upton, Benjamin Wood llolden, John Ai^ery B Hubbardjiony N. Farker Vxhrldge, Samuel Tudfon tancajier, Nath'l Thayer Ward, iiaac Bayley Leiccjiery Zeph. S, Moure WejVoorough, J. Robinfon B IVeJkrn, Stephen Baxter Leominjlery Fra. Gardner IVeJltninJisr, Afaph Rice Liinenburgh, Zab. Adams Winchcndon i^endoriy Caleb Alexander Worcejlsr, Samuel Auftia Aaron B.incroft Jkr///or^, JVIethod. ^ Univo ( lOO )

Miniftersj &c. in Plymouth County, Jh'mgton, Samuel Nlles Middlehoro' Caleb Turner Bridgtvater, John Read David Gurney Sam. Angier llaac Backus B Zed. Sanger B

John Porter ") Samuel Nelfon B Mr. Mcach > Pe7nhroke, E Gad Hitchcock, D.D. V. W. Rathbun B Flpnoutb, James Kendal Carver^ John Howland Ivory Hovey B Duxhorough, John Allyn jRi?r-f^6^r,LemuelLeEarron Halifax, Abel Richmond Calvin Chacldock i/tf,V John Mellen Oliver Cobb Kingston, Zeph. Willis B Marjbfieid, Wm. Shaw Scituate, Neh. Thomas Elijah Leonard David Barnes, d.d, B W.W. Wheeler £ Plympton, Eb. Withlngton Warehani, Noble Everett MkidUboro\ Jofeph Barker

Minifters, &c. in Briftol County, Attkhorough, John Wilder Norton, Pitt Clark Nathan Holman Raynhajn, P. Forbes,LL.D. B B Elifha Carpenter B Methodifts Berkley , Thomas Andros Rehohoth, Otis Thompfon Dartmouth^ Benjamin Mafon B Daniel Hicks B Friends Sylvefter Round B Dighton, John Smith B Enoch GofFe B B F.aJlon, William Read B Freetown, Sotnerfet^ Job Borden S^^vanzey, C. Thompfon B "J) James Boomer > B Philip Slade B James Reed 3 Taunton, John Pipon Friends Mansfield, Roland Green Nenubedford, S. Weft, d.d. Ifaiah WeRon mfrporty ( .o. )

Minitlcrs, &c. in Barnilabk County* BarnJiahley]o\mM.d\tvi,]v. OrUansy Jona. Bafcom Cakes Shaw Prov'mcctonvn, S. P:irker Enocli Eldridge ^B Methodills Chatham^ Epk. Briggs,jr. Sandvjich, Jonathan Burr Dennisy Nathan Stone Eajlhami Philander Shaw Friends faimoutki Henry Lincoln Methodifls

Friends _ Trtiro, Jude Damon. Bar'vjichf Wdlfieit, Levi Whitman N. Under svood Mcthodiits. Abner Lewis 3 Tarmoicth, Timo. Alden MaJfafeCy John Freeman B Gideon Hawley, Miffionary to the MafTapee Indians.

Minifters, &c. in Duke-s County, Chih?iarkj Jonathan Smith Edgartc?iy Jofeph Thaxter Tijhury., ^" ^Y^/^./ Cayhtad, Zach. Honfuit B Jhom. JefFery B Sachariah Mayhcv/, Millionary at Martha's Vineyard.

Minifter, &c. at Nantucket. Kaniiicket, Gurney Friends James ( and Methodiflso

Minillers, &c. In Hampfhire County,

[In Towns on the £uj Side of ConneAicut River.]

Amherjcy D. Parion?, d.d. Long i^fsadon.v, R. S.Storrs Ichabod Crrj^er Lndlo'^jOy Antipas Steward PfZ:Zw/c??/,Ji|ifl:us Forward iVf^;£/'i;;, JefTe lyes Samuel Bigclow B Brhvjield, Clark Brown Montague, Judah Nafh. Cranhy, Elijah Gridley Ne^v-Sale?:-!, Joel Fofler Silas Polk Jcfiah Orcutt B Cn''^;?itvV/'JofephBlodget A'or//^f/^, Thomas Mafoa Jofhua Crofoy Orange, Hadley, Samuel Hopkins Methodifts. Holland, Ezra Reeve Paltrier, Moles Baldwin Leverett, Henry Williams Pelhani, Andrew Oliver P Elijah Montague B Ma«hi^s-..•.-••Ca^ier 1% ( ^o^ ).

Minifters, &c. in Hampfhire County ^ continued, [In Towns on the Eaf Side of Connedicut River.] Shiitc/hury, Warcy Reuben Morfc ' Jofeph Smellage B V/arivick, Samuel Keed South Hndley, Joel Hayes M^endcll, Joleph Kilburn South Brimjield, Wilhrahanh Mofes Warren iilijah Codding B Ezra Witter Stmderlandy Seth Clhrk B Springfield, B. Howard Methodifts,.

[In Towns on the IVeft Side of Connedicut River.]

Ajhfield, Nehemiah Porter Hanvlejy Enos Smith B Hioth^ Joleph Strong, jun. BarnardfioJiy Amafa Cook Leyden^ (tidcy a Levi Hodge B C Afi Hibberd - Tk^poy^-- Bland/or d, Jofeph Badger MiddlTflTldriondi. Nafh B and E BucUand, Jofi ah Spaiil di n g Montgomety, B Northampton, S. Williams Charlemont, John Green B Norivichy Stephen Tracy Plainfiield, Mofes Hallock Chefisr, Aaron Bafcom B a.ejlerfield, Joiiah Waters Ronvei, Preferved Smith Ebenezer Vining B Rufiell, Ebenezer Stow B Colrain, Saml.Taggait P Shelburne^ Theop. Packard Rufus Freeman B David Long B Edmund Littkrield B Southampton, Jona. Judd, Conrnjay, John E merlon Southnvick, Ifaac Clinton. P /r.5pr/;?^':/i J.Lathrop, d.d.

Robert Keys ^ B Jcfle Wightman Cmnbigion, James Briggs JJeerfidldy Jolin Taylor E. liiwipton, P. Wiilifton Methodifts G/7/, John Jacklbn Wefiharupton, Enoch Hale Gofi^en, Samuel Whitman WefifiUd, Noah Atwater .Gr^/^y/y/^jTimo.M.Coolcy B Joel Baker Whatdey, Rufus Wells Roger HarrifoR Afa Todd B B WiUM7}iJhurgh, Jof. Strong Gree77field, Roger Newton IVerthington, Hatfield, Jofeph Lyman Jonathan L. Pomeroy ( '83 )

Miniflers, Sec. in Berkfhire County^ «

Adarnsy Methodifts Pavtridgefieldy Jno. Leland Jlfordi Methodiits Ebenezer Snr.Lh B Becket Flttsjieldy Thomas Allen Bethlehem Valentine Rachban B Chejhdire Methodiits. Peter Werden B R'lchimnd-i David Perry Nathan Mafon B Sandisjisld, Levi White, John Leland B E

Clarlcjburghy Benjamin Bald ;v in B Daltorti James Thonifon JelTeHaitweil B Saro)^, ISathan Halldns B Egre7}iont Shejfield^ Ephrami Judfoa Methodifts, SoutI?fieldt Jeduthun Gray B Stockbridge, S. Weft, d.d. Hancock^ Clark Rogers B B Lanejdoro\ Daniel Collins Tyringkaniy Jofeph Avery Leey Alvan Hyde Methodifts Method'ifts l^ajljington, W .Bali a n tiri e LefioXy Samuel Shepard J. Nichols B Methodifts and B Methndiils Loiid'm W,Stockbrldge, Oliver Aver Mt.M^ajlyhigfonM^th odifts Eber Moffat ' B New AJhfqrd, Methodius WJlliamJiony Seth Swift New Marlboro\ J. Catim Methodifts and B Nathaniel Turner Windfor^ G. Dorrance 7.car,

Minifters, &c. in York County,

Alfred, John Turner Kittery, William Bn'ggs Arundely Silas Moody Samuel Chandler Berwick, John Thomfon Jofeph Litchfield Joleph Milliard, Friends. William Hooper B Lehanofi, Ifaac Hafey William Batchellor B Limerick, Edm. Eaftman Friends. Ebenezer Kinlman B Biddeford, Nathl. Webfter Liviirigton, Jon a. iitkinfon Buxton, Paul Coffin Newjieid, Cornijbj J. Chadbourn B Purfons field, Benj. Rolf Coxhali, Simon Lock Samuel Weeks ( '®4 )

Miniflers, C5V. in the Cotmiy cf York eontbmed.- Varfonsfield,, L.Chadbourn V/aterloro\ Henry Smith B Pepperdhoro\'^?^\i\\.

Otis Robinfon B Nath. H. :^letcher • 5 Shapklgh, -r Brov/n Nath. Lord B Nehemiah Davis B Ycrk^ Ilaac Lyman Tozer Lord B Rofeweli Mefienger ifaac Briggs.

Towns, &c. North af GrtA.t Ofiappe River,

Bethel, Daniel Gould Oxford, No. 5 pleafant Mount-Gcre^ Bro'umfeld, Pcrtsrfeldf pryehurgk^y^m. Fefienden Saunkook, Zeb. Kichardfon Waterford., Lincoln Ripley , B fiiramt State Land,

Plantations North cf Great Amcreilcoggen River, Eajl-J?:dsv3r, Holmes* Grant, J^qjlrjcick^s Trail, Kctcha7n*s dhtOy

Miniflers, &c. in Cuniberland County.

Briinf^Hck, Ebcn. Coffin iV. Tarmoiith, T. Gilman Cape-Elizahsih, Rufus Anderfon Durkavi, Jacob Herrick Thomas Green ' ' B pahiouth, r^g-jpfcot Gore, Caleb Bradley Poland, Jonathan Scott John Waitc U Mcthodifts. Friend*^ and Method! (Is. Portland, Saml. Dean,D.i3. Precport, Alfred JohnfQn Elijah Keilogg Oorka?jt, E James McCorfon B l^riends Cray, Men ill P Raymond, Harjfnuell, Samuel Eaton Ssb^fcodfgarr, Samue Woodward B 6WZ-^;-<3',Thos.Lanc'{ler N^iU'GloceJier, J/amam yiUbn B Standijh, Daniel Marrett Thomas Barnes U Pf^indfiam, Nathl. Stone y ,

( ^^.5 )

Minifters, &c. in Cuniberlani County, continued.

Towns Ncrtb of Sohago and ihe Range Ponds. BriJgeto^jjKil^tiiYi. Ch\jiVch p/?r//, James Hoor>er B Btickficldy B PolcuuU Jonathan Scott miutjh-j.^7iy Methcdiils Hartford, Raymcnd, llchron, John Tripp Siwmcr^ Methodiits Turner, John Strickland P

Noriijay, Tlantaiio?u, No. i , a, 3 & 4 Otisfeld, Tliomas Roby On, and North of Great Amereliio^gen River. Holmej^ Trad, Tyngjlonxsn, Jay, Plantations, Nos. i, 2, x, Liverjnore, E.Williams B 4> 5> 6, 7 and 8- Kiivifoi d,

Minifters, &c. in Lincoln County. Towns on the IVef Side of Kennebeck River. Aroufeag, Le-vjifoivn^ Bath, Litchfield,\Vm.^iiXiion B Methodifls ' B Bonvdcin, "Rnfkohegan, James Potter B Thompfonbcro,* B. Cole B B7i.':doinha7n, Topjham, Jonathan Ellis Job Macomber B Wales CeorgetO'wn, £. Emerfon

To'^juns on ike Eajl Side of Kennebeck River. Ballfonvn, Jcf.B'^lley B Ne^v Milford, JonsL.Wm'd Boothbay, Joh.n Sawyer Nohlebord' B Brijhl, Alex. McLean "> Po'wnalboro\ A. Bradfoid Willi am Riddei, PJ" Thcmajio'vjn, E. Snow B Friends. Vniofi, MethcdiAs Camden, H"aldcboro\ Fred'ck Ketz Cujhing, Ephraini Hall B Drefden, JVarren, Jonathan Hufe ^ Edgecombe, D.Hubbard B Woohvich, Jofiah Wmfhlp Jere7iicfqHam, B 25 Mile Pond Plantation^ Ne^'-Caftle, Kiah Bailey ( 'o6 )

Minlfters, &c. in Kennebeck County,

[The following fia; Townfhips extend on both fides of KentiebecH River,] Augujia, Daniel Stoqe Norridgenmcki Pittflonvn, /as. Bewers E Cnnaan^ WinJlo'Wj Joihua Cufhmaa Ualh^vell, Eliphalet Gillet

Towns on the JVef. Slis of Kennehsci Rivcr. /infon, Belgrade^ ]^en.v Vimyard CUJier, Reedjleld, Ifaaq Cafe, B Fairfuid, ReedjhicJt, Tar-imngtan^ B Sidney, Afa Wllbsr B i^^yt" A^rEliphalet Smith B Starkst Goiheny Sandy Rher^ Crecne, Lemuel Jackfon B Seven M/ e Erook, Littleboro\ Wayi.es Thomas Fran cfs B Momnouth^ Wi'ni'rop, Belding '^Qunt -Vernon, WvfJian'*^ Plantation^

To'wns on tha Eajl Side of Kenneh.ck River "Barnardjioivn, Vajfalhoro\ Cornville, iNJchemiuh Gould B C//^/

• Minifrers, &c, 'in Hancock County,

Towns, &c. op the Eajc Side of Pcnobfcot River. Blne-Hilij Jonathan Fiiher Orringion, Buckflo'^vn, No. T, ^ Pajfidumkeag^ CaiHne^ Williaoi Mafoa /'^;/^4'^5/ Jonathan Powers Sedircwick, Daniel Merrill ^ddvflc^fti Bnllivanj Ab'm.Curnings B Milfvorth^ Suliiv.-zn, (adjacents)

^ouldftjoro* i Sunkhaze, No. 3 Metaiua umkeag^ Trenton, Mount Dejert Plantations ^«"> No. 6 Clamniony No. ; JJ^ion River, i ^a. $ Orlandf , 1

( 'o? )

Miniflers, &c. m Hancock County continued.

Towns, &c. on the H^iJ} Side of Penobfcot River. AppleTon, Kt'jidujkc^ ig, Bargor, James Boyd KontahakGok, or Bslfaft, Ebenezer Piice ^icmebakooky Ca)i<3.an^ Ncrthporty Duck Trap, Pajka'aquis, No. i Frankfort, Poo/h.iu, No. 4 Hampden, Profpecl, Hope, Andrew Full tr B Souuabjkook,

(The iiril: three folijvving are incorporated Townfliips compofed of groups of lllands in Penobfcot Bay. Orphci}i-Ijhind\% at the mouth of Pemkfcot River.) Vindhaven, Methodilh Ijieboro' Thus. Eames B Desr-P^and, Orphan-Ifumd^

Wafliington County, Add}fo n Pinnamaquam Cdumbia, Plantations^ No. I

Ea'!;^ort, James Murphy B between j No. »

Plurr'mgtcn, ^ Sch&sdcok Madias, Marihiieid Steele and Methcdilts Kokhefkook Steuhen^ Rivery. Plantations "^ No. 1 Plantations Weil of > No. 2z Eail of Alad:as J No. 23 Machlas, Buck-Harbour, * Here is a PoH-OfHce en the £asiern Ctnfnes of the U. States, WILLIAM KIL3Y, Poftmasta. Cj" Pews, and Rights mlioufes ot public Worfhlp are confidered and deemed in law to be Real Eiiate, ex- cept in the Town of Bcjto.*:, where they are to be confidered as perfonal Eftate only.

7 he Vf'arren Affociation is to meet this year at the Baptiil Meeting-HoLife in Sutton, the Tuefday after the firft Wednefday in September, at a o'clock, P.M. For Baptift Education Society, fee p. 95. That Society meet in tojhn annually, on the ialt Wednefday m May, and at fuch other tiroes and places as th$ So- ciety may judge proper. ^o8 ) CONVENTION( of the Congregational Ministers in the

Co?/i?7iQnivealth of Maffachufctts .

"^"PHEIR Meeting is held in E^J}on, in the afternoon X of the ],iii Vv ednefday in May (or day o^Eledloii) annualiy ; and on the following day at noon, after tranf- a

who may travel into other States ; and an agreement has been entered into between the Convention and the other rep: eientative bodies of Minifters in other States, mutually to communicate the names of tlieir Committees for this purpofe. Every certificate muit be figned by one gentleman at leaft of that Comntit- tee, from whofe bounds tlie perfon recommended

travels. •

The Committee in M;).fl]ichufetts confifts of the following Gentlemen, vi?. Rev. Rev. Jofeph Willard, d.d. ll.d. J.Lathrop,D.D./r.5/)rM'^/. Prelldent of Harvard Jofeph Lyman, HatJieU Univerfity, Can/h ridge Roger Newton, Greenfield Steph. Weit, d.d. S:o -kbr. Caleb Alexander, Mendon Seth Swift, Will'uw.j^o^n lo\\viZv&i\Vi'^-, Ajlihw nham i ( i^9 ) Rcr. R-v. T.zv:hr>.D. A^.B^^/^ri Diniei Chaplin, C^-otoji John Melien,j:.i;i?/-^//<;f^//-^ J. Mode, D. D. Charlefto-vn Samuel Spring, Ne-xvb.Port Jafon Haven, Dedham Saml. Deane,D.D.Por//^W Ezra WelJ, Braintree M.HemmenwayjD.D./l?//.r John Reed, Bridgivat.'r Daniel Little, ' drtto rcrezFobe?,LL.r.i?<^_)'«j^j;« AldSridfovdjPcKV^ialkri}'

The Convention " earneflly recommend to all young genHemen, who defign to devote themfelves to tJie work of the miniilry, to fpend that portion of time in the fliidy of divinity, which improved and judicious advifers iliall think neceiTary to qualify them for pub- lic teachers.'*

The Congregational MiniRers thrcughout the Com- monwealth, vv^ith fome exceptions, are adbciated, and have regular and ftated meetings for feliov/fhip and niutual improvement. The Convention have ]y-iilGd -a vote, requeftlng ihc M9dcrator or Scribe of tht* lev • eral Affociations throughout the Commonv/ealth, f^- forv/ard to the Scribe of the Convention, a corrC(5l lift of the members of their refpecHve Aflociations, with the name of the Scribe of each, and of the Candidate*;

Hcen.ld by them ; and have directed that the Scribe of the Convention procure the infertion of the feverai iiih in the Mairachufetts Regifter.

The Convention, folicitous to collecc and preferve accurate documents for a H/Jlory of their Churches^ have pafTcd a vrre, that each of the Congregational Miniik-rs in Mailachuletts be requeued to compile a hiilory of his own Church, and of thofe in his vicintiy which may happen to be vacant, and to make returns to the Scribe of the Convention. It is Jioped, this im- portant requeft will not psis unnoticed., b\U. be pro- duolive of great good. K ( iio )

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    --. - o ^ < ^ o u ( >x^ )

    Brigade Staff Ofiicers.

    Firjl Divifion—'County of Suffolk and Norfolk. John Window, brigadier general of legionary brigadcc

    • George Blanchard, brigade major. Stephen Badkm, brigadier general, ift brigade. Samuel 14. Thayer, brigade major. Kathan Craoe, brigadier genera!, ad brigade. Jacob Mann, brigade major. Se^nd Divifton—county of Fjjex, Gideon Fofter, brigadier general, ift brigade. Sylvefter Ofborn, brigade major. James Bricket, brigadier general, 2d brigade. James Aver, brigade major. Third DivfiQH"—county of M'tddlefex^ James Colburn, brigadier general, ift brigade. Jeremiah Clap, brigade major. Benjamin Sawin, brigadier general, 2d brigade. Sampfon Woods, brigade mRJor. Fourth Divfi'jn—county of HampfJnre, Zebina Montague, brigadier general, ill brigade* Medad Dickinfon, brigade major. William Lyman, brigadier general, 2d brigade, John Taylor, brigade major. Ffth Divfon—counties of Plynwuthy ilf:, Ifracl fearing, brigadier general, ift brigade, William Jackfon, brigade major. Silas Cobb, brigadier general, 2d brigade. William Sever, brigade major. Ebenezer Lothrop, brigadier general, 3d brigade. William Hinkley, brigade major. Sixth Divifton^-rcoimties of Tork and Cumberland* Noah M. Littlefield, brigadier general, lil brigade. William JefFerds, brigade major. William Cobb, brigadier general, 2d brigade. Nathaniel C. Allen, brigade major. ( "3 ) Seventh Divifion—county of Worcejler* John Spurr, brigadier general, ill brigade. William P. Rider, brigade major. Jolin Whiting, brigadier general, 2d brigade. Merrick Rice, brigade major. Eighth Divifion—counties ofLincoln ^ Kennebeck* Abiel Wood, brigadier general, ift brigade. Seth Tinkham, brigade major. Henry Sewall, brigadier general, ad brigade. Samael Howard, brigade major. Ninth Divftcn—county of Berkfhire, Silas Pepoon, brigadier general, lil brigade. Stephen Dewey, brigade major.

    Tompfon J. Skinner, brigadier general, ad brigade. William Towner, brigade major. Tenth Divfton— Counties of Hancoch, ^c, John Crofby, brigadier general, ift brigade. Robert Wheeler, brigade major. George Stillman, brigadier general, zd brigade. §^^^2£^ jonesjjun. brigade major.'^ Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company* hicorporated in the Tear i6j8. Jonas S. Bafs, Captain, Daniel MeiTinger, Lieutenant,

    Richard Auftin, £'>fign, Juhn S. Lillie, CUrL Br. General John Winflow, Treafurer to the Company. Firjl — Divfton Legionary Brigade, Bofloton. Officers in the Sub-Legion of Artillery, Daniel Wild, Major. Abraham Edwards, Adjutant. EiilhaWild, ^carter-MaJler^

    Captains, I Lieutenants. Oliver Johonnot, I George Singleton, Bray. Juhn | David Cobb, Nicholas Pearccjjun.

    I John Smith. ( •+ ) Town-Officers in Boston, Cl)ofen at the Annual Meettn'7 in March, Town-Clerk. William Cooper, (ele6led for 40 years fucceflively.) Ssle£lmen. Charles Biilfinch, David Tilden, RnfTell Sturgis, Jofeph Howard, Eben. Hancock, William Porter, Wm. Sherburne, John Tilefton, Eben. Olivei. Mstthew Nazro, Attendant on the Sde6lmen. "^y The SeleSfmsn meet at their Chamber^ at the eafi jsnd ef' ^aneuil Hal!, every Wednefday afternoon, for tranfaciing the prudential affairs of the Totun ; and on the lajl Monday of each I^^onth, ffir the furpofe of examining and allowing Account^ »gairfi the Tpivn. Samuel Clap, Town-Treafurer. Auditors of Accounts agalnj} the Town, Herman Biimmer, Joleph RuHell, Samuel Brown. AfleiTors of Taxes. John R. Sigourncy, , John Hurd^ Benj, Hammatt, jun. Jedcdiah Parker. Collectors of Taxes. Benjamin Henderfon, Thomas Bailey, J-A.iiGS Thompfon, Benjamin Jepfon, Overfeers of the Poor. Edwd. Proclor, John Sweetler, Jonath. L. Auflin, Edward Edes, Henry Hill, William Smith, Wm. Phillips, jr. Steph. Gorham, Oliver Brewfler, A. Welles, jun. Redford Webfter, Thomas Perkins, Capt. Cpnflant Freeman, MnJIer rf the Alms-Houfc. John Fleet, .M.n. Fhyfician, and Surgeon. Fire-Wards. Thomas Melville, Edward Edes, Amafa Davis-, Samuel Parkman, KulTcIl Sturgis, Ht^nry Jackfon, William Sccllay, Joi'eph May, Robert Gardner, John May, William Brown, Nath. Fellows, Samuel Bradford, Jufeph Head, Tho. H.Perkins, John Window, Jofeph Howard, Benjamin Joy, Stephen Codman,, A. Cunningham, John Bray, Thomas jJeniiie, binior. Elliot, Gorham Ptiribni', ( "5 )

    Municipal Court for the Toivu of BofLon, Ejlahlijhed by a La^jj enartcd March ^th, iSoo- Hon. George R. Minot, Judge. (Salary 500 dollars.) John Phillips, Efq. Advocate, (Salary aoo dollars.) John Heard, Elq. Clerk. Com'iables fworn, ShubaelPIewes, Thos. Stevenfon, Amos J^ewis, Jirah irflbrook, Samuel White, Enoch May, Abr. Tuckerman, Noah Butts, John Trench, Samuel Gridley, Andr. Townfend, Jof. Ingrahara. Sealers of Weights a?}d Meafures. Richard Faxon,^//^?/ the Roxhury line to Suvimer- Street, Richaid Auftin, y>£?7;/ the laj} hounds to State-Street and Long-Hharfinclufive. Timothy Green, from the lajl hounds to include ihe North part of the To'wn. Swveyors oftheHiglnvays. The Sckvftmen. Surveyors of Wheat. Edw- Edes, Edw. Tuckerman, Surveyors of Eevip. JefFry Richardlbn, Ifaac P.Davib, Irfpe'dJor of Stone Lime. Edward Rumney. Afiy-Majlers. John Welles, Wm. C. Hunneman. Informer of Deer. Abraham Adams. Sealers of Leather. Thomas BradL^y, David Hollis, Matthew Loring. Fence-Viewers. Benjamin White, Daniel Tngerfjll, Moles Eayres, William Darricott.

    Surveyors ^Flaxfeed /// Bofton. Samuel Blagge, Arthur Langford, Robert Wyer, jun. Joleph Hammatt. Surveyors of Flaxfecd /// Charleftown, Obadiah White-, Ifaac Smith, jun. Benjamin Mirick, Caleb Lamfon. Surveyors ^^''Flaxfeed in Nev/bury-Pcrt, John Stone, John Coombs, Moles Koyt, William W. Prout. Surveyor in Sakin^ Richard Nntting, Vitto i?i Partland, Weil Mclntire: ( 1.6 }

    Surveyors of Boards and Shingles. Jodiua Bentiey, Benjamin White, Benjamin Page, James Blake, John Cogfwell, Edmund Ranger VVilHani Cloufton, William Darricott, William Elliion, James Robbins, William Andrews, D. Ingerlbll. Cullers ^Staves a7id Hoops. Thomas Barber, Henry Purkettfl Lemuel Gardner, James Eunfon. Cullers /Dry Fifli. Roger Bartlett, William Late, _ Joieph Doble, Jonathan Culhing. Haywards and Hog-Reeves. George Hamblin, Samuel Adams, Biuney Connor, William Wheeler.

    Auclloneers /V/Bofton, approbated by the^eleclmetu Edward Prodor, William Alline, William Euitis, Samuel Clap, John Perkins, Greene & Eaton, Lewis Hayt, John W. Foilbm, John W.Quincy, Thomas K. Jonen, Nicholas Brown, li. 5c T. Wiggin, Samuel Bradford, Robert Gardner, R. G. Shaw, At Salt-my Waiter P. Bartlett and William Lang.

    , Ncivbury Party James Kcttell. Lyf2?i, William Coiman. Roxhury, John Rccd, jun. Charles Bulfiiich, Elq. Si/perhitendatit of Police. ^ Houje in Middtecot Street. O^ijice, Selectmen's Chamber, Faneuil Ilall. Thos. Stevenlbn, Amos Lewis, Enoch May, AjJfCts. Board 0/ Health.

    Ward ^ Ward _ Ko. I, Jofuili Snelling, No. 7, Samuel Sumner, a, Prtul Revere, 8, C. Marlh 3, Thomas Lewis, 9, James White, 4, John VVeller5, ic, John Window, 5, Mitchei Lincoln, 11, Benj. FciFenden,

    6., Benj. Sumner, 12, Amafa Davis. John Weft Folfom, Secretary, William Phillips, Meflenger. Pr. Thonus VVelih, Vil;ting-Phyfician of the Pore ( "7 )

    Fhyficlans and Surgeons, praHifing in Boflon, With the Streets in ivhich they hai)e their Abode. Thomas Buliinch, m.d. Bowdoin-Squure, Well-Bofton, James Lloyd, M.D.Tremont-Street, near Concert-HaJl. Samuel Danforth, M.D. ditto, oppofite ditto. Ifaac Rand, m.d. Middle-Street, north cf Crofs-Street. John Jeffries, m.d. Franklin-Street, near the Tontine. Charle?7arvis, corner of Summer-Street. Lemuel Hayward, Newbury-Street, near White Horfe. Thomas Kali, Hanover-Street, near Cold-Lane. David Townfend, Pot-Alh Office in Pleafant-Street. John Warren, m.d. middle of South School-Street. William Euftis, Sudbury-Street, bottom of Cold-LanCo Thomas Welili, No. 13, Federal-Street. Aaron Dexter, m.d. lower end of Milk-Street. Joieph Whipple, Orange-Street, South-End. William Spooner, M.D.Cambridge-Strect, Weil-Bofton. Abijah Cheever^ Court-Street. John Fleet, m. d. at the Bible and Heart in CornhiU. Ifaac Rand, ten* bottom of Milk-Street. NahumFay, m.b. Garden-Court, near old North-Square, William Ingalls, m. b. Cornhill. John F. Enflen, Battery-March, near the Ship-Yard* ' Percival Hall, North Ben net-Street. Nathaniel Smith, near the old North-3quare. Samuel Brov.'n, m.b. No. 45, Neu-bury-Street. Thomas Danforth, Bowdoin-Square. Dupee, Hanover-Street. James Jackfon, Court-Street. Samuel Hunt, jun. Garden-Court. Jofiah Bartlett, m.b. Main-Street, in Charleftown. Surgeons Dentift in Bofton. William P. Greenwood, oppofite the head of the Mali. jQliah Flagg, next door to the Cullora-Houfe. Keepers of public Powder Magazines. Ebenezer Flancock, Efq. at Bofton. Mr. John Aultin, at _ Charleftown. William Gooch, Clerh andlnfpeclcr ofthe Market. Samuel Adams, To-uu^i Cri-r. ( 8 )

    Committee to vlfit the Schools,

    The Se!c6imen, together \yith the Hon. Thomas Dawes, William Smith, Efq. Rev. Samuel Weft, Arnold Welles, jun. Elq, Dr. Thomas Welih, Edward Gray, Efq. Kev- Jofeph Eckley, d. d. David Greene, Elq. Rev. John T. Kirkland, Johah Quincy, Efq. Dr. Aaron Dexter, Rev. WUTiam Emerfon.

    Inftruclors /;/ the Public Schools. Samuel Hunt, Latin Grammar-Majlery Centre School. John Tileltone, I7riti7ig-Maj}sr, North School. Jona. F. Sleeper, Efiglijh Grammar -Majjery ditto. Jona. Snelling, Writing-Majler, South School-Street. John Haikell, Englijh Grammar-Majlery ditto. Rufus Webb, WrHing-MaJlery S. School, HoUis-Street. Alk BuUard, Englijh Gratnmar-Majlcr^ ditto. Truftees of the Bofton Library. Incorporated June 17, 1794,

    Officers annually elected^ i^Jl Monday in March, Jofeph Eckley, d. d. Col. William ScoUay, John Elliot, d. d, Charles Vaughan, Efq, Mr. Samuel Hall, Dr. Redford Webfter, Rev. John T, Kirkland, Mr, Henderfon Inches, Hon. George R. Minot, Mr. Nathan Webb. William Spooner, m. d. Nathan Davies, Librarian. Henderfon inches, Treafurer. Nathan Webb, Secretary.

    Meafurers of Wood and Bark, at the Wharves, Thomas Hichborn, wharves north of Mill Cieek. Daniel Jngerfoll, jun. ditto fouth of do. to Scais's whf, William Andrews, ditto fouth of Sears's wharf. For Wood and Bark brought by Latid, Thomas Farrington, at the fouth part of the town. Jir.ih Hoibrook, at the north end. William Cutter, at Weft Bofton. IVJlUam Bickhorny Weigher of Onions, ^o^tijiiH Fqjkr, Uay-Weigher. THE Uttitcu states Calentiar.

    Government of the UNITED STATES. JOHN ADAMS, LL.D. PREsioENt. THOMAS JEFFERSON, LL.D. Fice-Preftdent of the United States, and Prefident of the Senate. SENATE.


    *Toivn. [RefsJence.J County.

    Jchri Langdon,* Portfmourh, »t Rockingham. JSair^uel Livermore, Holderneffe, Grafton. MoJachufetts»

    /Dwigkt Fofter, Brcokfield, Woreefler. Rhodp-JJland. Theodore Fofler, Providence, Providence. Ray Greene, Eafl-Grcenwich, Kent.

    Cotinecl'iciit, jame'; Hillhoufe, New-Haven, New-Haven. T^riah Tracy, Litchfield, Litchfield. Vermovt. FHidh Paine, W'illiamftown, Oran_(?-e. Nathaniel Chipman, Rurhuid, P.utland. Ncw-Torh.

    '^ouverneur Morris, New-York,i>c\v-iui>., New-York.i\c>\- i ui.v. Armilrorig, Jolin TlAirx^ec^ , CdiHc^^ CoLuyCCu

    Jonathan Dayton, Kiizahetlitciwn, EfTsx. James Schureman, Brunfv/ick, Middkfti. * Mr. Lon'ulon. crm fx/jtres on the ^J nf Tvlurch-, l8oi ; ^<1r. SUaJt then takes the place rf M>. Lar-, 120 ( 121 )


    THEODORE SEDGWICK, ll.c. Spkak^r.

    MAINE. (By the Aboriginal natives called Maiuocjcen.) Population, 96,540, A. D. 1790, in 6 Counties, and 125 Corporations or Townfliips. 170 Religious Societies of all denominations. 60 new Plantations or Settlements.

    Hefidenct, County cr D'/J^ricl rfprefenfed, Pownalboro', Silas Lee^ Lincoln, Kennebeck, &c. Portland, Felc^ Wa.ff^vorth, Cumberland & part Lincoln.

    BiddeforJ, George Thacher^ York

    NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Population, 141,885, in 5 Counties, 206 Corporations, 22 Locations. 320 Parifhes or Religious Societies of ail fecT:s.

    Canterbury, Ahid Fof.er^ Rockingham. Hanover, 'Jnncthan Freemariy Grafton, Portfoiouth, "James Sheajfr, Rockingham. Exeter, Samuel Tenr.ey'y ditto.

    MASSACHUSETTS. Population, .^8,787, in 12 Counties, and 280 Towns or Corporations. 521 Parifhes or Religious ^'ocieties of all fedls. Haverhill, Bailey Bartlelt, Effex. Rvthoboth, Phanuel Bijhop, Eriflol and part cf Norfolk. Springfield, Samuel Lym^n^ Hamplhirc & part Worcefler. Eoflon, Harr'ifon C. Otis, Suffolk and part of Norfolk. Bridgwater, John Rend, Piyrrcuth, &c. Danvers, , Effeic and part cf I\l:drilefex. Stockbridge, Theod. Sed^rv'd, Eerkfii. and part of Hampfh. Wcftiield, William Hhcpard, Hampfhire. IVacut, Jof.pb B. Varmnn, Middlefex. Nev.'-Eedfcrd, Le?rrael IViUiams, Eamftalile, Dukes', &c.

    , , "Worcefler,

    RHODE-ISLAND, ,?rc. Popx-.laticn, 68,825,

    in 5 Counties, and 30 'I owns or Corporations. 60 Pariihcs or Refigious Societies of all feds. Providence, Jdn Brcivn, Providence. Newport, Chrif:cph£r G. ChaTT.tlr.^ N'.\*. «.;rf.

    i. ( " )

    \ Federal Repref;;nt.ltivos, coritirr,.ed.

    CGNNECriCU']\ Population, 237,946,

    in i} Counties, 107 Townihips, and aSo Parifaes or Religious SoGietiea of all feds.

    MiddlctoWn, Samuel M^. Dana, Middlefez. LStamford, j^o/^n Davenport, jun. FairfieUL Newtown, PVilliam Edmonds^ ditto. Hartford, Chauncy Goodrich^ Harttori. New-Haven, Elzur Goodrkhy fNew-Havca. Lyme, Hoger GrifzuoU, New-i.oncoa;', Sharon, y^-bn Cotton Smithy I^itclifieid.

    VERMONT. Population, ?5,529, in II Counties, 230 Townn or Co!'por?-tion5:. Religious bocicties of ail dcn6mination«.

    Fairhaven, Mutthe-.v Lyon, Rutland, Weftern Diftri^3^. ipring:fieid, Le^is R. Morris , Windfor, Eaflern Diilricb, NEW- YORK. Population, 340,120, in 30 Counties, 200 ictdod Townships, and (ahout) ICO more prot^reiTing letjlements.

    Rejideuce. ' Counlies or J^'Jlrifis reprcfenfaf. Join Smtb, No. I, Long-[fland, &.-. New-York, EdzvurU Liiiingstone^ No. 2, New- York City. CrotJn, Ehilii' f. CortLind, No. 3, Weft-Chefter, &c. Kingflon, I.ucas Ehiendorpb^ No. 4, Ulfter, Oranoje, &x. Poup^hkeepfie, Theodoras Bailey, No. 5, Dutchai, fcc RenlTulaer, John Bird, No. 6, Coiumliia, ^:c. t-'tiU water, Jf^^J'^ Thojupfon, No. 7, Clintan, KjIcx, &c- Schenedady, Henry GL\, No. 8, Albany, Scliohurie, &c. Whitcl^o.vn, yofia. Flatt, No. 9, Oneida, Hcrkemer, tScc Coopcrilown, IVilliam Cooper, Nc. 10, Otilgo, 'i'ioj^ r)eiii\vare, Onondaga, Kuyuga, Steuben, Ontario, arid p^ti o/'Chenan-o.

    N E VV - J £ R S E Y. P-pul.uion, 1 84, i 3?, in 13 Counties, 94 1 ownlhips, and 5 DiftricU

    Rcfidtnce. Ci^unty or Diftricl rrpr/fcniri. Efit-x County, *j-ohn Condii, Eorgcn, i-'.irox, tfct. Woodbury, ErankHn Da-jenport, Cape-May, Salens, &:c. Monmouth CO. 'Jame: H Imhiy, Burlington and iVIonmnurh. Ivlorrisco. Aaron Kitebel, Morris and .SutfjJL. y o-Tf rfet '.c. 'JjrTitt Linr., Hunteruui: and .'jjjiicrrct. ( '^3 )

    Fedcrai Rcprefentitives, continued,

    DELAWARE. Population, 59,094, in 3 Counties, Ncw-Cuftlc, Kent and bufTcx. Wiunington, James A. Bayardy New-Caftle County.

    PENNSYLVANIA. Population, 434,373, in 3 J Counties, and 13 Federal Eledlion Diflritfls, Rcjldsncc. County or DiJlriB. n^nfcnted, Allcnftown, Rohnt Broivti, 1 Northampton, Wayne. The Trap, Pet/-r Muhfe!'herg,y Bucks & Montgomery, ii-eneva, Albert Gallatin, Alleghany, Greene, &c, Penn's Valley, Andrsiv Gregg, Cumberland, Mifflin, (Sec. HarrifiDurgh, yohn A, Hjnr.a, Dauphin, Lycoming,

    (Huntingdon, Somerfet, and part <:)i Ceuti'e,

    MARYLAND. Population, 319,728, in 19 Counties, and 8 Federal Eieaiou Diftrias. Charles Co. George Bent, Np. I , St. Mary^s, Calvert, &c. Annapolis, John Chetv Thomas, No. a, Ann Arundel, &c. Georgetown, William Craih, No. 3, Montgomery, &c. Fredericktown, George Baer,]r, No. 4, Allegany, Wiihi. &c. iJaitimore, Samuel Smith, >Jo. 5, Bakimore, &c. iluvre-de-Grace, Gabriel Chri/ile, No. 6, Kent, Cecil, &c. Centrcville, Jof. H. Nickolfon, No. 7, Talbot, CaroUne, &c. Princefs Ann, John Da-.nis, No, 8, Dorchefler, &c.

    In MaffafhuTetts, Ne-ju-Torh, Nc-u^-Jerfey , Pennfylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina and South-Carolina, the Counties are ciajred in Difrrlds, for Federal Eicdlions. The otker States vote at large.

    T^ie numbers exprefling the population in each State is that of the Federal Genius. A. D 1790. The Cenfys oi j-Soo will be pubUfaed in the next year's Regifter, { iH )

    P . _5

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    C c; CI t^ .o

    s .^ -.^ p -ri^ S t ^ r^ i^ f. T -C c =^ rt t= c C Sh < x g S< —

    ( >26 )

    GEORGIA. Population, 82,548, in M Countids. Reftience. Counties or Dijlri^s reprefentei,' Chatham Co. Jamef Jones, Eaftern or lower Diftri

    I NDIA N A, (The Southern Divifion.) Population, in Counties. Cincinnati, V/illiam Henry Harrifan, appointed by the Legillature. NORTH -WESTEPvN TERRITORY, (Northern Divifi.) including the Conne*5lkiit Referve. ,,Population, in^Counties. ., 'A. ^ Chilicothe, Wuiiya^n*^ m^CmeUcTvitta^tXt^ f^i MISSISIPPI TERRITORY." Population, in Counties. Adams, Pickering, Tenfaw, '&c. Natchez. Jonathan IVlUlams ConJy, Clerk of the Houfe. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS of GOVERNA4ENT. The principal Ojjicers of State. John Marjball, Secretary of State. Orncr Wolcott, Secretary of the Treafury. John Steele, Comptroller of ditto. J'fpi Nourfe, Resteer of ditto. PVm. Miller, Couuniliioncr of ditto. Samuel Meredith, I'rcafurer. ^umttel Dexter, ]>X\U Secretary of War.

    ]Si:nja?i/in StodJert, Secretary of the Navy, Thomas Turner, Accountant of ditto.

    Jtfrael JVheelen, Purx-^cyor of Public Supplies. '

    ( 127 ) Judiciary of the UNITED STATES. SUPREME COURT. Oliver Ellfworth, of Conncdlicut, Chief Juflce. William Cuihing, of Maflachufetts,'^ Bufhrod AVafiiington, of Virginia, / William Paterion, of New-Jerfey, > Aflbcla^e JuHIccs, Saimuel Chafe, of Maryland, I Alfred Moore, of North-Carolina. J Charles Lee, of Virginia, Attsmry-General.

    Elias Caldwell, at Waflilngton City, Clerk. The Records of the C^.ui'f of Errors and Appeals^ in cafes cf capture^ are lodged in the Clerli's office of this Court. JUDGES, life, of th DISTRICT COURTS, 'David Sewall, jfudge. Daniel Davis, Attorney. Ifuac Parker, Marfcal. liifrrR cf Gtorge Hallibiirton,") ISlaxne. Ralph Hart Bowks, \ Deputy Marflals. Keth 'i iakham, j ^Henry bewail, C/Vrit. 'John Pickering, fudge. Hifiricl of Ne-uf Jeremiah Smith, Attorney. Hiifr.pfkirc. S Bradbury Ciiley, Marfhd. C Jo-athan Steel, Clerk. fJohn Lowell, ft:dgc. John Davij;, Altomey. D'pri^ nf Samuel Bradford, Mcirfzal. Mcjfichufdts. Nathan Hayward, /)fj)b. /kf<7r^\ Plymouth Edward Pyr.cbon, ditto, of Springfield. (^Nathan Gcodale, Clerk.

    ^Benjamin Bourne, J^'dge. DiiWiS^of,^. \ David L. Barnes, Attorney, MuIfJfund'. i \\^illium Peck, Marfhal. C Edmund T. Eli cry. Clerk. /'Richard I>aw, Judge. Dljricl of \ Picrj-tn-it Edwards, Attorney. Connetiicut. ^ Philip B. Bradley, MarfhA. (^Simeon Baldwin, CLrk. /"Samuel Kitthcock, fudge. P'flri^ of J Stephen Jacobs, Attorney.

    C Cephas Smith, CUrk. { .28 )

    /•John Slofs Hobart, yudge. Dl/n^i of \ Richard Harrifon, Ationny, Nerv-Tork. S Aquila Giles, Marjhal. C Edward Dunfcomb, Clerk. ^Robert Morris, 'Judge. D'jJlriEl of J Lucius Horatio Stockton, Aiiornr:, Neiv-Jerfey. "S Thomas Lowry, Marjhal. C Robert Boggs, Clerk. ^Richard Peters, Judge. D'lJiriB of \ Jared IngerfoU, Attorney, femifylvania. ^ John Hall, Marjhal. C Daniel Caldwell, Clerk. j"^gf' C > Difriil of \ George Read, jun. Attorney. Bda-ware. p Thomas M'Lean, Marjhal. Cjohn Conway, Clerk. /'James Winch efter. Judge. DlJirlSi of \ ZL'bulon Holiingfworth, Aitornty, Maryland. i David Hopkins, Marjhal. ^ C^'hilip Moore, Clerk. /'Cyrus Griffin, Judge. D'ljlrlSl of \ Alexander Campbell, Aftornev. Virginia. i David Meadt^ Randolph, Marjhal. C William Marfliall, Clerk, r' Harry Innes, Judge. DlJlriSI of J Gcoi-ge Nicholas, Attorrey. Kentucky. ^ Samuel MDoweJl, Marjhal. (.James G. Hunter, Clerk. ^John Sitgreaves, Judge. Dijlri^ of \ Benjamin Woods, Attorney. North-Cat olina. 1 John S. Wtft, Marjhal. (.Abner Neale, Clerk. ("Fhomafi Bee, JuJgt. Dijlri£i of \ Thomas Parker, Attorney, South-Carolina. "S Charles B. Cocliran, Marfiah C Thomas Hall, Clerk. C Jnfeph Clay, jim. Judge. DiprrSi of \ Gjorge Woodruff, Attorney.

    Georgia. "S , Marjhal. (^ Richard M. Stites, Clerk.

    ^cnti.7jfte, ]q]\i\ M'Nairy, Judge.

    I ( 129 )

    SITTINGS of the FEDERAL COURTS in the United States of America, SUPREME COURT. A T the Seat of Government, on the firft Mondays In Fcd- •^^ ruary and Auguft annually. CIRCUIT COURTS. Eajlern Circuit.

    In h^gzv-Ham/i/bire, at Port[momh., on the 19th day cf

    May ; and at Exeter, on the 2d day of November.

    in r^rmor.'t, at M''irdfor, on the |ith day of May ; and at Ruthmd, on the 3d day of Odober. In Majfachufetts, at Boflon, on the ift day of June and 2Cth ci 0

    In Nenv-Jerfey, at Trenton, on the ifl days of April and October. In PtTjT'fyl'vania, at Philadelphia, on the nth days of April and Otftober. In Drla-ware, at Newcafde, on the ad Monday of June, and at Dover, on the 27th day of Oilober. In M^yylandf at Annapolis, on the 7th day of May, and at Baltimore, on the 7th day of November. In Virginia, at Richmond, on the 2 ad days of May and

    November. „ . ^. Southern Lirctiit.

    In Ncrth'Carolina, at Raleigh, on the ifl day of June and on the 30th of NovcRiber. In So::th-Carolina, at Charlcfton, on the 6th day of May, aad the 25th day of G Prober. In Giorgid, at Savannah, on the 20th day of April, and at Augulla, on the 8th day of November.

    TVtien any of tl?e above Bays happen on a SunJiy, the Court is to be bolddii un the I^Iitnday fnlU-ming. ( '30 ) DISTRICT COURTS.

    TN the Diftvid of Maine, at Portland and Pownalborough •* alternately, on the firil Tuefday of March, 3d Tuefday of June, and ift Tuefday in September and Decemberv In Ncw-Hampjhlre, alternately at Portfmouth and Exe- ter, on the third Tuefdays in March, June, September and December. In Vermont^ at Windfor and Rutland alternately, on the firft Mondays of February, Auguft and November, and zd Monday in May. In MaJfacbufettSf alternately atJBoflon and Salem, on the 3d Tuefday in March, the 4th Tuefday in June, the ad Tuefday in September, and ift in December. In Rhode-IJland, on the firft Tuefday of Auguft, the 3d Tuefday of November, the ift Tuefday of February, and the 2d Tuefday of May. In Connedicut, alternately at Hartford and New-Haven, ©n the 2>^ Tuefdays of February, May, Auguft and Nov. In Netv-Tork, at the city of New-York, on the firft Tuef- day of February, May, Auguft and November. In Newjerfey, at Burlington and New-Brunfwick, alter- nately, on the firft luefdays in February, May, Auguft and November. In Pennfylvania, at Philadelphia, on the third Mondays in February, May, Auguft and November. In Delaivare, alternately at Dover and Newcaftle on the. 4th Tuefdays of February, May, Auguft and November, In Maryland, at Eafton and Baltimore, alternately, on the firft Tuefdays in March, June, September and Dece nber. In Firginia, alternately at Wjlliamfburgh and Richmond, ©n the third Tuefdays in March, June, Sept. and Dec. In Kentuchy, at Frankfort, on fhe fecond Monday in March, the third Monday in June, and the third Monday in November annually.

    In North-Carolina^ at Newbern, on the firft Mondays in January, April, July and Odober.

    In South-Carolina, -a-X. Charlefton, on the third Mondays in March and September, the firft Monday in July, and ad Monday in December. In Georgia, at Savannah, on the ad Tuefday in February,

    May and Auguft ; and at Augufta the ad Tuefday in No- vember. { '3' )

    Counftilors find Attornies in ihe Circuit Court, Majachufetts Dijlria:

    James Sullivan, Revenue Oiliccrs /;/ Manachufetts. Port of Bojlon and Cbarleftotun. Benjamin Lincoln, ColU5ior. Benjamin Weld, Deputy ColUBor, James Lovell, Na-val Ojjicer. Thtunas Melville, Surveyor and InjJ-e^lor. InfpeBors and T/Lafurers. Jonas C. Minot, Robert Duncan, John Popkiii, John F. Barber, Benjamiu Eaton, "VVilliatn Perldns, 'I'hcmas Seward, Aldcn Bafa, ^Samuel Junes, Thomas Edes, Beza Lincoln, Jofhua Thaxter. Weighers and Gangers. JolVxua Pico, Samiifl Wheelwright, John Bray, Peter Dolliver. Infpeclors, Samuel Welles Hunt, John I

    Nantuclet^ Steplien HulTey. IValJobnro , Joftiua He-vn\ John Peaic. Pi'iiobjcot, John L-'e Neiv~B.ulfurJ, Ldw. Pope. Ivlachijs, Stephta Smith. JYi'^hton, Hodijaii Baylies. f;

    Rcboboth, PtiJj'.in.-ilUiiddy, Tori:, Joseph 'i'uckrr. i.ewis F. D"le«=d--rmer. Kcmiehunl, J..nas CLrk. TLo/nj.

    Imported into the United States

    From and after the ift of July, 1800,

    In Attiencan fi'ips or vejfcls. n. 3, If Importcrl in. Br'iUjh fh'ips bv "oejfels., an addition is made of 10 per centum on the amount of duties. A, ARMS, fire and tide, not other- erwiie enumerated, or parts thereof, . _ - 15 per cent, ad vah* Apparatus, philofophical, fpe- ci.illy in^porced for any femi- rary of learning, - - free Ale, beer a,nd porter, in caflzs or bottles, - . - - 8 cents on value of the bottles, lai per Artificial flowers, feathers, and otiier ornaments for women's head-dreifes, Annifccd, Articles of all kinds of the growth, product or manuiachirc of the I'nited States, fpiriis excepted Anchors, - - . B, Brafs cannon, teutenage and v/ire, free iron or lleel locks, hingeSj hoes, anvils and vifcs - 12^^ Dit'.o

    * Articles on which the duties arc eftimatcd^tii>- ^-rw^yft^)

    are undcrftooJ to be

    Brafs anvils, Sec. and all other manufaftures of brafs, - 15 per cent. Balls and balfams (fee powders, paftes, 5cc.) - - 15 Ditto Beer, ale and porter in cafl« or bottles, - - - 8 cents pr. gallon- on value of the bottles, 12^ per cent. Bricks and tiles, 15 Ditto Bonnets, hats and caps of e7ery kind, _ - - - 15 Ditto Boots, - - - - 75 cents per pair. Books, blank, ^ - - 12I per cent. Buttons of every kind. 15 per cent. Buckles, flioe and knee, 15 Ditto Bruflies, - - 12I Ditto Bullion, free Burgundy wine, 45 cents per galloa

    Cannon of brafs. 15 per cent. Carnages, or parts of carriages. 20 Ditto Cards, playing, 25 cents per pack

    , wool and cotton, 50 cents per dozen Cables and tarred cordage. 180 cents per cwt. Cabinet wares, 15 per cent. Caps, hats and bonnets of every kind, _ - - - 15 Ditto Carpets and carpeting, 15 Ditto Cartridge paper, 15 Ditto Candles of tallow, a cents per lb. ofwax or fpermaceti 6 Ditto Champaign wine, 45 cents pr. galloa Capers, 15 percent. Canes, walking fticks and whips, 12^ Ditto > Cnmbricks, . - - i2\ Ditto Cheefe, . . - 7 cents per lb; China ware, - - - 15 per cent. Cinnamon, cloves, currants and comfits . - - 15 Ditto- —

    ( ^3S )

    Chintzes and coloured calicoes or muflins, and all printed, ftained or coloured goods or manufaftures of cotton, or of linea, or of both, or of xvhich cottop or linen is tlie material of chief value - - is| per cent. Cocoa, - - - a cents per lb. Chocolate, - - - 3 Ditto Clogs and golofhoes (fee flioes) 15 cents per pair Cordage, tarred, - - 180 cents per cwt,

    —- ' and yarn untarred, 225 Ditto Cofmetics, - - - 15 per cent. Coal, - . - - 5 cents per bufhel Colours (fee painters*) - 15 per cent. Copper manufadures, - 15 Ditto ' in platesj pigs and bars, free Compofitions for the teeth or gums (fee dentifrice) - 15 Ditto Coffee, . - - - 5 cents per lb. Cotton, - - - 3 Ditto Cotton or linen manufaflures, or of both, or of which cotton or linen is the material of chief value, being printed, ftained or coloured, or cotton manufac- tures, not printed, ftained or coloured, - - ia| per cent. Clocks and watches, or parts of either, - - - 15 Ditto Coaches,chariots,phsetons, chairs, chaifes, folos or other carriages, or parts of either, - 20 Ditto Gloatliing ready made, - 12! Ditto Tools or implements of the trade or profeffion of perfons who come to refidein the U. States,^ free putlaffes, or parts thereof, jj per cent ( »36 )

    z>. TDates and figs, ^ 15 dentifrice, powders, tin flute?, preparations and compolltions for tjie teeth or gums, Polls, dreiled and undrefTcd, or parts thereof. Drug?, medicinal, except thofe commonly ufcd for dyeing, and woods for dyeing,

    /•. Earthen and flone ware, Efl'jnces (fee powders, pailes,&c.) J. Fans, or parts tliereof, Fayai wine. Feathers, and other ornaments for women's head drefles. Fringes commonly ufcd by up- holfterers, coachmakers, and laddiers, - - -

    l^lowers, artificial, Floor-cloths and mats, or parts - of either, _ Fruits of all kinds, Fars of every kind undrefled, G. Glafs, black quart bottles, Window glafs, ail other grafs,aiid man- ufacture thereof, Glauber falts. Gauzes, Geneva (fee fpirits) Ginger, Girandoles or parts thereof, ("roloriioes (fee flioes) Gloves and mittens of every kind, Gold, filver and plated ware. ( «37 )

    Gold and filver lace, J 5 per cent. Goods, wares and merchandize,' intended to be re-exported to a foreign port or place in the fame fhip or veflel in which they fhall be imported—and all articles of the growth, pro- du6t or manufadure of th-e United States, Ipirits except- ed, - - - - free Goods, wares and merchandize, not herein othervvife particu- larly enumerated and defcrib- ed. 12^ per cent, Glue, - . - . ij" Ditto Gunpowder, - - - 12^ Ditto H, Hangers, or parts thereof. 15 Ditto Hair-powder, ... 15 Ditto Hats, caps, and bonnets of every kind, - - . . 15 Ditto Hemp, . - - . 100 cents per cwt. prides, raw, - - r - free /. Implements of the trade or pro- feffion of perfons who come to refide in the United States, free Indigo, ... Z5 cents per lb, Iron ware, - - - free fteei orbrafs locks, hinges, * hoes, anvils and vifes, 12^ per cent. . caft, (lit or rolled, and all manufactures o^ iron, fteei or brafs, or of which either of thofe metals is the article of chief value, not being other- wife particularly enumerated, IJ DiUQ J' Jewelry and pafte work, i< pitt^

    M 2, ( ^^g )


    Lace of gold and filvef, - 15 percent. Laces and lawns, - r iz| Ditto Luces, lines, fringes, tafleh and trimmings eoranionly ufed by upholllerers, coachmakers and faddlers, _ - - 15 Ditto Lampblack, - - - ii{- Ditto I^apis Caliniinaris, - free Leather, tanned and tawed, and all manuradarcs of leather, or of which leather is the article of chief value, not otherwifc particularly enar.ieratcd, 15 Ditto Lead and niul'ket ball, - i cent per lb, all other manufi^flures of iead, or in which lead is the chief article, Ditto Lemons and lime?, - - 15 per cent. Linen or cotton manufactures, or of both, or of which cottcn or linen is the material of chief value, being printed, llained or coloured, or cotton manufac- tures, not printed, flained or coloured, - - -. i^-^- Ditto Linen manufactures, or of v/hich hnen is the chief value, not printed, Trained or coloured, 12-^- Ditto Lilbon and Oporto wines, 30 cents prgallon Looking-glailcs or pares tliereof, :;o per cent, M. Manufactures of tin, pewter and copper, - _ . ij; Ditto Manufactures of iron, (leel, or brafs, not other wife particular- ly enumerated, - - 15 Ditto ?>lanufacturcs of leather, not oth- erwife particularly enumerat- ed; . - . - ir Ditto ( -39 )

    Manufactures of lead, not otheF- wife particularly enumerated, i cent per lb. Manufactures of cotton or linen, or of both, printed, ftained or coloured,or ofcotton, notprint- ed, ftained or coloured, 12I per ccnt^ Manufa6lures of linen, not print- ed, ftained or coloured, - izl Dittp Manufactures of dafs (fee glafs.) Manufaclures of tobacco (fee fnuff and tobacco.) Manufactures of wood (fee cabinet wares and Avood.) Manufactures of the U. States, ipirits excepted, free Mats and floor-cloths, or parts of either, - . - 15 per cent. Malt, - . - . 10 cents pr bufliel Marble, flate, and other ftone, bricks, tiles, tables, mortars, and other utenfils of marble or ilate, and generally all ftone and earthen ware, 15 per cent. Madeira wines (fee wines.) Malaga wine, - - - iZ cents prg;iJlon Mace, - - - - 15 per cent. Medicinal drugs, except thofe commonly ufed in dyeing, 15 Ditto Merchandize, goods and wares, not herein otherwife particu- larly enumerated 8c defcribcd. J2t Ditto Mittens and gloves of every kind. 15 Ditto Millenary ready nuke, 15 Ditto Molafl'es, 5 cents pr gallon Mufkets and firelocks with bayo- nets fuited to the fame, and muilcet-ball, ... 15 per cent. Mulkets and firelocks, or parts of - - - - Ditto , either, 15 Muflcets and firelocks without bayonets, or pans of either, 15 Ditto { HO )

    Muftard in floar, - - 15 per cent. Muflins and mufllnets, whether printed, ftained, coloured or otherwife, - - - jaf Ditto

    Nal!', - - - - ( .4' )

    Printed, ftainfcd or coloured goods or manufactures of cot- ton, or of linen, or of both» I2| per cent. Philofophicai apparatus, fpecial- jy imported for any feminary of learning, . - - free Porter, beer or ale, in cafliS or bottles, S Cts. pr gallon — on value of the bottles, 12^ per cent, Powder, for hair, 15 Ditto Powder, gun, - - xzf Ditto Powders, partes, balls, balfams, ointments, oils, waters, waflies, tindtures, effences, or other preparations or compofitions, commonly called fweet fcents, odours, perfumes or cofmetics, and all- powd«3rs or prepara- tions for the teeth or gums, plums and prunes, 15 Ditto

    Raifins, . - - » J » per cent

    Raw hides and {kins, •«. - - free Rum (fee ipirits) » - »

    Salt, tvelghing more than fifty-fix pounds per bufhel, r ao cents per 561b. Salt, weighing fifty-fix pounds per bufhel, or icfs, 20 cents per bufhel Salts Glauhcr, - . - aoo cents per cwt. Stained, printed or coloured goods, or manufaiSlures of linen, 12^ per cent. Salt-petre to the end of the next") free fcflion of Congrefs, _> St. Lucar wines, 30 cents per gallon Starch, - 15 per cent. Sail cloth, - - - 12 1 Ditto Slate, ftonft, and flcnc ware, 15 Ditto Saddles, - B i ( >4^ )

    Satins and other wrought filks, ( -4? )

    Stjikes, - - - - I cent per fb* Silver and plated ware, 15 per cent. Silver laee, - - - - ij Ditto Skins raw, free Shoes and flippers of filk, aj cents per pair. -— - other fhoes iuid flippers for men and women, clogs or golo- fhoes, - - - - ts Ditta other flioes and flippers for children, . - - to Swords, cutlafles, or parts of either, Stockings, - - - - Stone and earthen ware, Soap, - - - - - Solos and other carriages, or parts thereof, , - - _ Sulphur, until 14th June, iSoi,") and to the end of the next Tef- S fion of Congrefs, j Sugars, brown, do. white clayed, do. do. powdered, do. all ether clayc«d or pow- dered, _ - - do. lump, Sugar, loaf, - - - - do. otber refined, - • Sugar candy, - - - Snuff, - - - - ( 144 )

    From £urope. ( '4? )

    /T/ATi?/ in cajks, bottles ^ or other veffelj, London particular Madeira, 58 cents per gill. other, - do. 50 Burgundy and Champaign, Sherry, St. Liicur, Litbon and Oporto, —— Tencriffe, Fayal &: Malaga, On value of tlie bottles. Window Giafs, Wire of brafs and irCn, - Woo! and cotton cards, W^ool unmanufacfhured, Wood unman afadured, Wocd manufadured (excluGve of cabinet "A^ares)

    r. Yarn untarfed, All other goods not before par- ticularly enumerated and de- fcribed,

    Cj" All parts' of articles, to be fubjeft to the fame duties as the entire article is fubjedt to. ( i46 )

    fepon all Wines ib Inn^ortcd, in cailcs, bottles or other

    Malrafey, Mrideiti', I'.ndLohdon Particular Madcini. \Vine, 58 cents per gallon-^upon all other Madeira Wine, 50 cents.pc;rgaiioa—upon all Burgundy, Cham- pa-'fTn, Rhcnilh, and Tokay ^inc, 4J cents per gallon y;a!lon— upon —upon all Sherry Wine, 40 cents per upon all all Saint lAiCar \Vl.:^, 40 cents per gallon— Claret and other Waus, not enumerated when im- pr).r,jd, in bottles or cales, 35 cents i>er gallon— upon Fortvtgal Wmes, .10 111! Liihjn, Oporto, vmI o&.cr ct-nts per gallorh—upaj all TeneriiY-, Fayal, Malaga, Jfland Wine, a8 cents S. Int George and other Weltern nnport- p.f gallon—and ap(»n all other Wmcs, when per ga'- ed othci wile than in bottles or cafes, 23 cents Icn.'* ** per ccntii::i Sect. 3. That an addition of-/:-/; duties above Ipe- fhall be made to the icveral rates of goods, wares and mer- C'ied, in refped^o all I'Jich 30th Chand'zes as aibrefaid, as ihall, after the laid the United June, b" imiXHted in ihips or VLiLis not ot

    *' '4>itics laid by this \a Hiall '^-'S^-''^. 4.. That the and under be levied andcolleeied in the fame manner, as to drawbacks, the fan-e regulations and ;..llowance?, pp.yment refpeaively, n^ode of fccurity, and time of on the relpe^ive with the ftveral duties now in force articles het^in before enumer-ated.'' " of t!v,' additional du- Sec r 7 That on account Mokdle-;^, by this i\a, ties laid on Brown Sugar and from apd atter the following lums refpeaivcly fiial!, be add.d to the draw- the ",111 day oF Deccinlxjr next, tewncd within hicks now 'allowed bv law on Syg^^r thereLrom,^and on the Ui.itvd Stites and CKi>orted the Umteo States, Smritn diltilled from Molafies withm On all Sugar and exported therefrom, that is to Jay : cent per pound-and on ih refined and exported, one one cent Pcr gal- Spirits fo dimiled and exported, ;dl and additional dravvbacks ihall be al owed lon ; which now eftabhfhcd by paid according to the regulations on the hw, refpeaingthe prefent drawbacks allowed laid articles." ( >+7 )

    The clatlcs fpccificd in the foregoing lift rcfjic^ gd5, fitc. importecl in vcfTcls pf the United States. An additional- duty of t-t prr ^fiii 18 impofcd on all goods, Wares, &c. when imported in foi\ign vcflcls. On all «;^ord^, wares and merchandize, imported /i-om the Cnpc ci Good H^pe, or b<-yond, (if ad valorem articles) ao per cent, to be added to the actual eoft, ineludln-^ all charges, (commiflions, outfide paclvao;cR and infurancr orily excepted^

    and ID per cent, if from iiny foreign port, before t)ie duties are calculated. AH dutied Articles, imported iiUo the Uaited States, no; Iiuvintr been landed more than one ye^ir, arc allowed ^' drawba k of the duties, fuhje;^ to a dH?duc1ion of 3f /-^jr cent, except fpirits, which is half a cent per gallon, aifd 2^ f>cr cent on the amouut of the duties. No beer, aje, or porter, to he im^/orted in cufl:s of lefs cat racity than Fcrfy CiHons Lcr mcajiire, or if in bottles, \\\ packages lefs than ^ix Dozetiy under penalty of forfeiture, with the iliip or vcfiel.

    The Butties itt which ^rquars are 'triported^ to pay the fume tlaty as a:rpty boillei. No goods, wares, cr merchandise, of foreicrn "growth or jnamtfa^iurej r«])je<5l to the ptiynunt of duties, to be brought into the United States from any foreign poit or place in any other nTOnncr than by/v; nor in asy fiiip or vefiel of lefs than ihitiy to:is hurtlen^—except in certain diitridls on the Northern, Northwtde.n and Weftera boundaries of the United States. No merchandize to be imp<)rted in any vcfltl belonging i.i whole or in part to a citizen or inhabitant cf the Unitci^ ^States, unWfs the mafter of fu Jv veJT'tl fliall have on board a ?vlanifeft in writing, fjgticd by fiich mal>er cr cfhtr pcrfon hiving the commund, conjaiiiing the r.ame of the port or place where fuch nverdxajidize v. ere receive^!, and the port whf re configncd or defi iucd to, w ithin the United States, particularly noting the mcFchandizc deriincd for each port rel^v-elively ; snd every pacl.age on board fuch veflel to bs particularly dcfcribed •,—to ^\}.om coniigncd, or if to or^T, with the names of all pafiengcr*, diihrguifliing whether cabin or ileerage paiVcngirs, or both, with their baggage, and an account of all remaining fea ^oxti (if any.) ( 14? )

    " No fhip or veffel from foreign ports, oj coming "by fe^. from any port of the United States, {hall be permitted t^ report, make entry, o;- hx.eak huik, till Uie mailer fnall de- liver to the poft-ma/ler all letters under his care or within his power, other than fuch as are dire^^ed to tl>e oix^tier er civners, of fuch fcip or I'efel, and on oath or affirmation, to be taken ot fuch delivery, the liiafter to receive ttvo avts for every letter fo delivered." [Poji O^ce Laiv.

    Ports of Entfy and Deihery for Foreign Vcffds. In Massachusetts—Portland and Falmouth^ New-Bed- ford, DJghtOJl, SaJerr. and Btfoerly, Gloucefery NeivbifryPort^ JMarhli-heady Nant'.ichet, Bofon and Charlefoion, Plymouth, Bath, Frenchman's Bay, M'ifcalTet, Machias, Pcnobfcot.---^ In New-Hampshire—Portfmouth. No vcfiel from the Cape of Good Hope or beyond, to be admitted to enter, except at the ports in the above liil \vhich are marked by Ttallcls, TONNAGE, ^y A8 of Ccvgrefs^ ad March, 1 799, to be paid at the time; of entering the vtlTel, and before any perm.it be grante4 for unladiiig any part of the cargo, at the following rates, viz.

    0,: f'^f or "jpffels from any for s'ign port or place. • Ships or veffels of the United States, j^x cents per ton, built v.'ithiu the United States after ioth July, 1789, but be- longing wholly or In p?.rt to foreign powers, duly record- ed, thirty cents p^r ton. On other fliips or vcfltle, fffy cents per ton. Velfels of the United Mates, cnipipycd in the coajjing trade or fiflierics, duly licenfed, per annum^x- cents per ton.

    VtiTels of the United States, (other than licenfed) taking ii;* merchandize in a diilridl in one State, to be delivered in a diftridl in another "i2,tc, otjic/ th'4n an adjoining State ou the fea-coaft, or on a navigable rivei,yJ>: cents per ton. Other fliips or vrlTcls, taking in merchandize to be deliver^. ed in another cuhiict, ffiy tents per ton.

    FEES o" OFFICE. To the Cdlcilor and Na'ual Officer. Ertry of a vcflel of 100 tens or upw. 2 dollars and 50 cents. Clearance of do. do. do. z dollars and $0 cei.t I ( M9 )

    Entry of a vcfTcl under lOO tons, 1 i/nlLir and 50 cent's. Clearance of do. do. do. 1 dollar and 50 cints. Every poft entry. 2 dvlla-rs. Permit to land goods, 20 cc-nts. Every bond taken ofikially, 40 cents. Permit to lade

    To tie Suirjfvor. Adnieafuring and cei-tifying the fame, of^eve*y fnip or vc(- fcl of 100 tons and under, per ton, - I cenl.. Admeafurement of every fhip or velTel above 100 tons, antj not exceeding 200 tons, - \ dollar and 50 cents.

    Above 200 tons, _ * ,. j dollars. For all other fervices on board any fhip or ^.effel of 1 00 tons or upv-'ards, having on board goods, wares or mer- cha?idize, fub]e<5l to duty, ^ - ^ dollars.. For like fervices on bo^ird any fhip or vefTel of jcfs than 100 tons, - - - 1 dollar and ^^o cents.. Oil all vtiTcIs, not having on board goods, v.^ares and mer- chandize, fubjt'Cl to duty, 6.6 ^ents and ^ds.

    Alloti'anqi'.s for Dia/t;* Jb,

    Any quantity of 100 weight or 112 lt>. -. i

    above 100 and under 200, -. -s a 2CO and under 300, - r 3

    3CC and under 400, •? - 4

    400 and under 1800, -. - 7

    1 8co and upwards, -r - 9 Tare. 0n every whole cheft ©f bohea te-a, - - 70 half ditto, 16 Jbr quarter d:itto, - 2'Q cheft of hyfou or other greoa tea, of 70 tt*. or upwards, , - _ - jO box of other tea, between 50 and. 70 tb. 18 (?t). if 80 Jt). 20, if 80 tb. and upwards, 7,1 The above to include ropes, canvas and other CQVeriiigs. —

    ( >5= )

    On all other boxes of tea?, according to the invoice or adual weight thereof. -Per cent. 2 Dn coffee, in hags, —in bales, ;; —in cafics, - li On fugars, other than "loaf fiigar in cafks, - la in boxes, ij in bags or mat:, - 5 On pimenta, in cailcs, 16 in ^ags, - - 3 On cotoa, in caiks, IC'^ in bags, - » t On checfe, in hn.mpero or haficets, j>—in boxes, 2b On cardies, in boxes, S— chocolate, m boxes, - 10 'On cotton, in bales, 2- in feroons, - - 6 On glauher falts, in ca{ks, - - - S On indigo, in barrels,'i2 in other cailcs, - 15 in feroons, 10^—in ^ags .or mats, - 3 On nails, in cades, - - - - - 8 On pepper, in cades, 12—in bales, 5^—in bags, - i On fiigar-candy, in boxes, ic—fega;rs, in boxes, 18 On foap, in boxess 10- en fhot in cafks, - 3 On twine, in cafks, 12 ^in bales, - - 3 On all oth(;r goods, according, to the invoice thereof, Ui

    ' ' adtual' weight. ' ' '

    Alloicar.ce fcr ' Laihagc ard B^eclags, Two per cent, allowed on the gauge on all merchcindize, paying duty by the gallon, contained in cafks. Ten per cent, on all beer, ale and porter in bottles, and five per c-.nt. on other liquors in bottles, to be dedud:ed

    from tlie invoice quantity in lieu of brcajtage ; or it (hall hcj lawful to compute the duties on the a^ftual quantity by talc, at the option cf the importer at the time of entry,

    Bnunty on Snited Proi''iftons and I'ijh nf the U-utcd Sitates. An allowance of thifty echts per barrel is allowed on pickled fifli of the United Stales, aiid tiveuty-fi'ne cents per barrel on all provifions faired within the United states, without any deduction, if the rumc lliail amount to ten dol- lars. And in order to obtain J'lich bounty', the exporter to make an entry therefor wi.ij the Colled or—but no entry will be received where fuch pickl^-d fiib or falted provifious hdve not 'been inff-eiied ^nd jnarled agreeable to the laws of the refpedlivc dates, whore fuch laws arc in force. ' Fuch bounty

    is payable in fix months from the date of the bond to be giv-

    • en ; and in no cafe, unlcfs the certificates of landing at a ( >5- ) ioieigu port, as in other cafes, are produced. The ton

    Marks ns Defi:ript. and Number of iranded on fpecies of filh Quality. fearrels. the cafks. or provifions.

    GENERAL INFORMATION. The want of certificates of (liilllled fpirits, wines or teas, fubjed: fjch articks to feizure, and fifty dollars iine. iFfuch" certificates are not delivered to the pur-

    chafer ; and if any caflc, chef:, yefiel or caie, contain-^ iiig fuch afticiss, Ihail be found in the poffeffion of any pedon, without being nvarkedj and not beirig ac- companied with a certiiicate, the fame is liable tg

    • ieizure. • - On the f^Je of any caflc, 6

    ed, the marks to be deface.d iv* prelence of fome offi-

    cer of infpecticn or cuftoms , and the certificate of the fame to be deitvered I'p, upder penalty of one hun-

    dred dollHrs, with coils of fait. ' Goods fr jiTi foreign ports, 'not to be unladen but I'Ctween lun-rife and fun-fjt, -withuiit fpccial licenfe, under a penalty of four Hundred dollars on the mat- ter, and €verv other perfcn concerned, dilability from lio'iding anv office uhder the government of the United States fur feven yearsi and being ad vertifed in the

    newfpapers, with forfeiture of the goods ; and if a- bove four hundred doijais, value ofveflel and apparel. Goods removed before gauged, and weighed, ancl if wines, fpirits or tca% before being marked, tvithout permiinon, are forfeited. Pcrfons giving or offering a bribe, forfeit from two hundred to two thcmfand dollars. InfpeiSlors and DlHccrs of revenue cutters may go on board, e.iamine ( '52 )

    E-ndfejirch veiTels, have accefs to the cabin, and feal

    packages ; and after lanfet fccure hatches, Scc—r-^ Perfons in charge of verbis, for breaking fafteningSj but in preknce of an officer, forfeit two hundred dol- lars. Officers may feize witkin or without their djftric|:s —perfons refilling or impeding thepi, forfeit four hundred doUars. The matkr qr commander af any vefTel, that fliall obflru<5l or hinder (or be the caufe thereof) any officer of the revenue, in jroing on board his iliip or vefiel, for the puvpofe of carrying into effeift any of the re- venue lav/s of the United ^itates, forfeits from fifty ta, five hundred dollars. Every owner Qf a vcfl'el, re^idin^ within the limits of the United States, to fwcar tothe rcgiifer within ?/J//d.y days after its being granted, or it becomes void,_ and die veffel and cargo pays foreign tonnage and duty. Refiirn-^d-Ctv^o.. (If any article::, of an oat-ward cargo are_ hrought hacky they are to he detailed, fr>^<^ij}ing hy ivhomjhip- pm outnvardy and to ivho?n cjnjlgnid. inn.va,rd,J

    For the Information 5/ Merchacts in the Dijlricl of Bolton and Charleftown. ALL bonds given o.n the exportation of Merciian- dize, entitled to a drawback, mail b,e put in fuit as they become due, unleii; by prior application to the Comptrclier, longer time fhail be given to pro- cure the necellary evidence that the Merchandize exported was landed in a foreign port, captured or left. That no. document, of landing Merchandize in a foreign port, entitled to a drawback, can be received, hov/evcr regular, after the bond becomes due, unlcf& latisfadlory rcalons are alligncd for the delay.. That the exporter of all faltcd provifions and pick- led fifhj'entitled to bounty, cannot claim it, unleisthe evidence ef t.he delivery of thir hfh and prcvifion'^-j i" :; ior

    A D V E R T I S E M E N 'i. XypTICE is hereby given, That I the Subfcriber have X\ received Letters Patent from the Prcfidcnt of the U- nited States, fcr 14 years, for zri icnprovemcnt in the mar.u- fa'during of Salt frona Salt W?ter,l}y the rays of the fun on the v.-ater, placed in a machine built for t^iat purpofe. The Sak is good, white and clea,n, weighing fiom 75 to Solb.

    ps^rbuihel ; and in Dtnfui'^7'arv?oi.th' ina J-tariiicb, (Barnlla- ble county) is made or manufadured, 4000 bufiicL of Salt,

    and 20,GColb. of Glaiibtr i.'alt yearly, und increafes very fait. ^^5 or i^dper cent, may be made, the labour i5i,ihided, when the price of Salt is 75 cts. per buihei, and SaVs 8 tts, per ib- One man may, witli eafe, make lOOO bufr.t-is in 7 mouths, and 6coo wt. of Glauber in one year.' i.icenie may b^

    had at 2. cheap rate, and initru(ftions o;iven to build and ufc

    ' tiie fame, by - - JOHN SEARiJ. Dennis, April 2,0, 1 799. GROTON ACAD£:.iy. William M. Richardfon, Pretc^tor. Vacations.—From the Wednefday next prereding Com.-

    mencement at Harvard Uaiverhty, 2 weeks : From the jcj M'ednefriay in October, a weeks: From the .\d -Wednefday

    in Januar)-, ^ weeks ; ii,nd f^rom the xA Wcduefdviy in April, •

    . :i, weeks, ( '54 } Officers of the New Revenue in JNIaflaehufetts' DIftria. Jonathan Jackson, of Boston, Supervisor. This Distridl is divided into 3 Survey«., with an Inspetl'lor. £urvey, No. i.—John Frothin^rham, of Porthind, Tnspeftor, comprehending the counties of York, Cumberhnd, Lin- coln, liancock, Washington and Kepnebeck. Survey, No. a—John Brooks, of KJedford, Inspe^jor, comprehending the counties of Essex, Middlesex, Wor- cester, Hampshire «nd Berkshire. f:'urvey, No. ,^ —Ebenezer Storer, of Boston, Inspector, comprehending the county of Suff.dk, and all the other parts of the State not included in Nos, i and %.

    Colle6iors of the Revemu (appointed b^ the ^tipervhorj on Spiriti distilled I'jithin the United States. First Survey, JEbenezer Mayo, Portland Jerem, Dumnier, JlallovfeU j Second Survey. Wm. Wyer, Newburyport muel Swan, Medford William Farnham, ditto Jona. Kcttell, Charlestown Thomas Burnham, Ipswich Asa I.each, Beverly Moses Moody, Haverliill Abrali. Lincoln, Worcester George Osborn, Salem Abel Whitney, Wcstfield Ephraim Emerton, ditto S. Stockbridgc J, Hopkins, "VViliiam Rogers, Gloucester Third Surrey. Isaac Codman, Boston] William Goodwin, Plymouth Nathan Davies, ditto Hodijah Baylies, Dighton, j

    ' • David Cheever, ditto I for Bristol county. Jer. Shuttlcworth, Dedham j

    Collectors of the Revenue on Sugar refined. Ephraim lunerton, Salem j Nathan Davies, Boston

    Colleiiors of the Duties on Licenses to retail Ifinef and

    foreign diflilled Spirits ^ and on 'wheel Carriages for the conveyance of perfons. Stephen Smith, of Machias, for IVjsbir^fon county. John Lee, of Castine, for Hancnd county. Francis Cook, of Wiscassct, for Lincoln county. ( >J>

    Jeremiah Dummcr, of Hallowell, for Kcnneheck county. Ebenczcr Mayo, of Portlr.nd, for Cumberland county. Jo&oph Tuckti, of York, for Vork county. W'm. \\'yer, of Newburyport, for Duties on Licenses only, h. Wm. Farnham, of ditto, fcr Duties on Carriages only, [for the northerly part of Essex county. Ephraim Emerton, of Salem, for Duties on Licenses only, & George Ofborn, of ditto, for Duties on Carriages only, [for the southerly part of Essex county, Samuel Swan, of Mcdford, for Middlesex county. Abraham Lincoln, of Worcester, for Wvrccster county. Abel Whitney, ef Wcstfield, for Hav:pshirc county. John S. Hopkins, of Stockbridge, for Berkshire county*. Isaac Codman, of Boston, for SuJJolk county. Jeremiah Shuttleworth, of Dedhani, for Norfolk county. William Goodwin, of Plymouth, for Plytnouth county. Joseph Otis, of Barnstable, for Bartistable county. John Pear.e, of Edgartown, for Dukes county. Stephen Hussey, of Nantucket, for Naiit::cLet county. Kodljah Baylies, of Dighton, for Bristol county.

    JoiTiua Johnfon, Supcrintendant of the Stump-Office at the City of Wafniiigton.

    Dijh-ibutors of StaiiipSy and CclL'cion of the Rcventis (.n ths fiivicy in MussachtiSL'tts District,

    Jonathan Jackson, Supervisor. —

    ( -JC )


    Nunics:. Tcivn of County ef Jeremiah tihiittL-iccfth, Dedham, Norf61k. tViliurf/i CooJ-u:!fi\ Plymotith, Plymouth.- ELcndzer Bacon, Earnstcible,. Barnrtable. John Ferse, Sdgartown, Dultes'-Cnunt/,. fViliiam Cojjiriy Nantucket, Nantucket iosicr Sivifiy I'auntbn, Bristol.

    In addlcion to the foregoing, Stamps aTe lodo^ed for dif- trirtutioT', at the offices uf the Inspedtors of the Revenue for the several. Surveys in this Distri(fl ; where a discount at the rate of 7-v per cent, will be allowed to any person otiier than othcers of the P^evcnue, who may purchase at one time to the amoiint, in duties, of Ten Dollars or up- wards, "viz.

    At the cEice in Portland, of J. Frofhlngham, Inspedlor of tlije Revenue fur Survey No. 1. At the ofr.cc in jMedfard, of John Brooksy Inspedftr of the Revenue for Survey No. a. At the olTice in Boston, of Ebmrczer Starer, Inspc'ilor of the Kerenue for ' urvey No, y.

    The Supervisor's Office, in Boston, is also open for the distribution of Stamps ; where any person may have any vellum, parchment or paper stamped, upon paying the du- ties thereupon.

    ^^ The Superv/scr'^s O^ce is ramvedfrom Tremont Street to Oliver Street, leading froin the loivcr end of Milk Street tO' ivards Fort' Hill. < .<********>• >•

    Piirfaant to the " Aft laying Duties on stamped Vclluni, Piirchnient and Paper," no deeds, instruments^ or wiiiings wliatsocver, charged with the payment ot a duty by said hCt, which shall be written or printed by any person or persons whomsoever, upon vclluin, parchment or paper not marked or stamped according to the A(5t aforesaid, can be marked or stamped at the Supervisor's office, after being executed or completed, without the sum of Tt?i Dollars beir.g fust p.iid^ over ajid above the duty charged thereupon, for stamping every such. deed, instrument or writing^.—' [Sect,. I3« Ditties of^ L:r^n^JSy CarridigeS) i^'c On Lici.NSts. For t'.ch License for retailing Vviiv;;s iif.d Siiints, 5 Jjlan. Net-?. Allar:; c.'.lhd liLiiiiU) s 'H'/^o sell less th.an thirty gallons of^in^^ aTid t-wvjity cf spirits, other-ivise than m tk- oti'jiiial casks in ^which they '^cjcrc iniiortedy ixa'pt iri/iL'Cp^rsj apuhecaries,

    of.rhe purciiHse money ; and on the saie of other property (not exenrpted by law) 50 Cts. pr. loo dols^ Rates of Duties on Carriages, BY an A(5t of Congress, p;isred May i8, 1796, it is ena.cied that the foiiowing yearly rates and duties are to be paid upoa all Carriages for the conveyance o^' pcrsoas, which iliall be i<.ept for his or her use, or to be let cut for hire, or for the conveyance of passengers, viz. For every 0,achy the sum of 15 dollars : For ev- ery Chariot and Pcst-( haise, the sum of 12 dollars : For every Phaeton^ for the conveyance of one or more

    persons, with or without a top ; and for every Coachee or other carriage, having pannelwork with blinds, jrhsses or curtains in the upper division of tlie sides, front or back thereof, the sum of 9 dollars : For every four-wheel cairiage, having framed posts and top, and hanging on steel springs (whether drav/n by one or

    more horses) the sum of 6 dollars : For every four- Vv^heel carriage hanging upon wooden or iron springs or jacks (whether drawn by one or more horses) and upon every Curricle, Chaise, Chair, Sulky or other tVv'O- v/heel top carriap^e; and upon every two- wheel car- riage hanging or resting on steel or iron springs, the sum of 3 dollars ; and upon every other two-wheel carriage, the sum of 2 dollars ; and upon every four- wheel carriage liaving framedi posts and tops, and rest-

    ing upon wooden spars, the sum of 1 d'- liars. Carnages usua'ly and chiefly employed m husban- dry, or for the transpoifation or cariying of goods, wares, merchandize, produce or cOmmoriirits, liie ex- empted from tile above dutie;. O ( >5'8 )

    Rates cf Stamp Duties*

    Purfuant to ttie A

    \By an A3 pajfid the \%th o/" February, %'j()g, fivera! altera- tions and amendments nvere wade td the /aid Ails relative tt Bills of Exchange, Bills of Lading, avd Policies of Inftir- ance. [See i*ublic Notica by the .Secretary of the Treafu- xy, fubfequenty page iCl-] i. cxn Any Certificate of Naturalization, 5 o • Any Licenle to pratftife, or Certificate of the ad- mifilon, enrolment or regilhry of any Ccunfcl- lor, Solicitor, Attorney, Advocate or Prodor, • in any Court of the United States, - 10 o o Any Grant or I^etters Patn^t, under the fcal or authority cf the United States (except for lands granted for military ferviccs) - - 4 O O Any exemplification cr certified copy of any fuch grant or letters patent (except for lands grant- ed for military i'ervices) - - - a o <» Any Charter-party, Bottomry, cr Refpondentia Bond, - - - - 100 Any receipt or other difcharge for or on account cf rny Legacy, left by any Will or other tcf- tament^iry infhument, or for any ihare or part of a perfonal eftate divided by force of any ftat- ute cf diflributicns, other than to the Wife, Children or Grand Children of the ptifcn de- ceafed, the amount wlier'^cf fhaJi be above the value of Fifty Dollars, rrd fhall not exceed tlie fum of One Hundred Collars, - - o aj O When the amount tli -reof fuall exceed the value cf One H'j'idred Dollars, and Ihall not exceed Five Hundred Dollar?, - - O 50 O And for every further fum of Five Hundred Dol- lars, the addit!onc

    ( '59 )

    d, c. in

    From the Uiritcd States to any forcigri fort or place, when the fum for which inllirance is niadt fliall not exceed Fiye Hundred Dollars, I When the fum infurcd ihail exceed five Hun- dred Dollars, - - - IOC Any Kx..Tiip];ficatI.on, of Avh.at luture foeyer, that iiiall pafs the fealcf any Court, other than luch

    Hs it inay be the duty of the Clerk ox fuch

    Crurt to " f]iu nilh for tlve i^fe of the Unittd

    btiitcs, or i'ou.e particular State, - o 50 fi> Any Foreign Bill of Exchange. Ste Page 1 61. Any Eorid, bill fmgle qr pe^ul, inland bill of exchange, promifTory, note or other note, clhcr than any recognizance, bill, bond, or other obligation or contra.(5l, made to or with the United States, or any State, or for

    their ule refpeClively, » -- If above i'lvcnty Dollars and not exeeeding One Hundred Dollars, - - - JO • If above One Hundred Dojlars and act exceeding

    Five Hundred Dollars, -r - - O 25 O If above Five Hundred and not exceeding One Thoufand Dollars, - - - O JO O And if above One Thoufand Dollars, - O 75 O Provided, that if any bonds or notes fhall be payable at or within fixty d^iys, fuch bonds pr notes fhall be fubjeiil to only two*fifth parts of the duty aforefaid, viz. If above Twenty Dollars and pot exceeding One Hundred Dollars, - - - O 4 O If above One Hundred Dollars and not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars, - r o lO O If above Five Hundred Dollars and nof exceeding One Thoufand ppilars, - - o IP O If above One Thoufand Dollars, - - © 30 9 Any Notes ilTued by the Banks now eftablifl;cd» or that may hereafter be efiablilhed within the United States, other than the notes of fuch of the faid Banks as fiiall agree to an annual com- jjofitiop, of one per centum on the annual divU 10;

    dcnds made by fiich Ban'i:s, to iheir Sicclihola-- ers reipedivtly, according tp ttit ioIloAving ftale—

    c. c. ra

    On all notes not exceeding Fh'fy Doliai',, for each Dollar, - ... _ 006 On all notes ahcve Fifty Dollar;,, ..nd not exceed- ing One Kundred Dollars, - - c 50 o On all nctKS above One Hundred Dollars, apd not exceeding Five Hundred Dolhfrs, 100 On all notes above Five Kundred Dollur?, ' ^ JV. L'. The Secretary of the: I'reafurv is av:thoi> ized to agree to an annual cQinpofitipn with any of the Banks for the amount of {lamp du- ties in^pofed by fa'-d a6t on Bank Notes.-—[The Banks in this Diitrict have all ^Z^^*^^ ^^ '^ ^'^"^' pofition.j

    Any Prctclt or other notarial aft •!> o 2^ O Any JLetter of Attorney, except for an invalid pcnfion, or to obtain or fell Warrants for Land granted by the United States, as bounty fur military f^vvjccs performed in the late war, O a^ O

    Any note or bia of lading for goods 01: merchan- dize to be exported. If fro.n ere diftrift to another diftritS: of the Uuir ted Slates, net being in the fame State, If from the United States to any foreign port or place. See nexz Page. Any Inventory or Catalogus of any furniture, goods or clTeAs made in any cafe required by

    law, (except in. cafes of goods and chattels du- trained for rent or taxes, and goods taken in

    virtue of any Icgi', procef-; by any ofticcf ,) ' O 50 Q

    ^ny Certificate of rf Share in any Iiifurance Com- pany, of a ihare in the Bank of the United States, or of any >ratr, or other Bank, If above 'Fwenty Pcilars. and not excccdliig Gne Hundred Doildrs, - - - o. ic o Jf above One Hundred Dollars, o 25 o \i under Twenty Dollars, at the rate of tcij caits^ ibr One Jdui^Jyd Dnlla;s. ( '6. )


    (From ihs Sccnt.iry of ihc Treafury.) March 5, 1 799- THAT by an Aft of Congrofs, pafled the a8th day of j'ebruary, 1799, fhe following alterations and amendments h^'€ been made to

    I. The Stamp Duties heretofore impofed upon Foreign j3iUs of Exchange and Bills of Lading, are to ceafe and de- termine from and after the 3]:ft d^'-y of Marcli, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine.

    II. The feveral Stamp Duties hereafter enumerated, will be levied and coU^d'ed throughout tji? Unit-'d States, from txnd after the 31ft nay of Aiarch, cne thpufand fcveu-hun- jired and ninity-r.ine. For every fkin or j.'rrce of Veilum ©r Parchment, cr fheet or piece of Paper, upon wltich ftinll be written or printed pither of the inftruments op wfltiqgi; folj^pwing, to lujt :

    Dols. Cts. Any Foreign Bill of Exchange, Draft or Order for the payment of money in any foreign cor.ntry, 20 Any Note or Bill of Lading, or Writing or Re- ceipt in nature thereof, for Gopds or Mercfe^-; dize to be exported ; —-if from one Diftridl to another Diilrift of the United States, nptbeinj^in the fame State, - - : - 4 If from the United States to any foreign port or place, - - r - IQ Any policy of Infurancc, or inftrument in the paturG thereof, other than thyfe heretofore fpeci- tied in the above recited Act, when the fam in- fured fhall not exceed 500 dollars, - aj When the fum fhall exceed 500 dollars, I And the fald duties are chargeable upon each and every BiU of Exchange and Bill of Lading, without refped to the !iiun;ber contamed in each fet.

    HI. Bonds required in any cafe by the Laws of the Uni- iHfd Stages or of any State, upon legal prprcfs, or in any jur dicial proceeding, or for the faithful performance of any truft or duty, are exempt from the payment of Stamp Dxrtici. O % TREASriRY DLPARTMENT,

    Public Notice is Piereby given. In purfuance an 6/ Aa af Conj^r^fs, faffed f,n the 23

    I, THAT a General Stanip-Officf is now d^ribllihed at •hs feat of government, in t'ue city of Waihingtoii, from whence there will ijTue, from and ^l^cx ^he date hereof (upon the apphcation of the SuperviP; vs of the Revenue, under whofe management the coUedion of the flamp duties is placed) any quantities of papi-r, parchment and vellum, marked or ftampcd, and duly counter-ftaniDed, with the rates of duty which are : dcmandable by law ' [5^^ P,.ige 158. • n. That the power ofthe Superviibrsofthe Revenue to maik or ftamp any vellum, parcl'iment or paper charge- able with duty, M'iJ! ceale and determine from and af". ter fi>: months from tlie date hej'^of, to wit, on the Jalt day of February, i8c I. III. That, if any perfons HialJ, after tlie lalt dav of Feb- ruary, i8or, have in their cuftody or poflellion, any vellum, parchment or paper, marked orftampedby the SupeiTilbrs of the Revenue, ur^on which anv mat- ter or thing, charged with duty, fhall not have been VTitten or printed, tliey may at .mv uvac ivilMn the Jpaceofjixty days after the 'fa'id laji dav of Fehriiaru l8ci, bring or lend fuch velhim, parchment and pa- per, unto lome ofhce of inlpciftion, and in lieu there- of, receive alike quantity or value of vellum, parch- ment and paper, duly llamped in purfuance of the a^ lierein before recited. And in cafe any perfon fliali neglecf or refufe, within the time afirefaid, to bring or caule to be brought unto {o-n<-, officer of inlpe^ion, any fuch vellum, parchment or paper, it is hereby de- clared, that the fame ther-afrc'- will he ^^^i x^.c> other ef- lea or ufe, tlnn if it had ncvc.r b:-vn ni^.rl.ed or /lamp- ( 163 )

    ed ; and that all ma'ters and things which may after th.it time be written or printed upon any velkim, parch- rient or paper, autliorizcd to be exchanged in nianner aforefaid, will be of no other e^ecl than i[" they had been written or printed on paper, parchmer.t or vel- lum not marked or ilamped. IV. And for the convenience of thofc perfons who may he inclined to have their own velhiru, parchment and paper ftaniped ^r marked, it is hereby declared, that •when any perfon (liall dcpolit any vellum, parchment or paper at the ofiice of a Superyif^H-, acccappanied with a lift, fpccifyiiig the number and denomination ci" the ftamps or marks, which are defined to be thereto affixed, the fame will be tranfmittt;d to the General, ?tamp OiTice, and there properly marked or fhimped, und fbrthv.ith fent batU to the fame Supervifor, who' will thereupon collect the duties and deliver the paper, parchn^.ent or yeiium, to tiie- order of the perfon iron^ whom the fime was received. Given undev my Hand, and the Seal (L. S.) of the Treiiiiiry, at Wafnington, the d^y and, year above menticmed. OLU'^ER iVOLCOrr, ^ the- c- : , -, Secretary of. Treafur ^, ?epremDer 29, 4800. -^ -^ j j

    DIR£CTIpNS FOR MARINER'x. Mr. William Lord, of St^nington-Fo'mt, has erecfled au fron spear, about 13 feet long, with a white vane on the top, upon the rock of Latimer, in Fish :r' s-JslarrJ-AOur.d. The. deepest channel is to the northward of the rock. This gcn- deman has it in contemplation, if suitable encouragement should be given by gentlemen from the eastward §nd west- ward (who are owners of navigation, and are constantly pasting the ^ound) to ered; a spear upon v^'hat is called *Ib(i Tail »f IVatch-Hill-Reef—another upon Kattiniacnt- JRecky upon the same Reef— one upon ElUs'-Reef, which lies qH Rum-Idand, and is almost in the middle of the Sound. '1 hese rocks are seldom, any of them, out of water, and much in the way of Coasters up and down iht Sound, w ho gre unac

    Summary cf the Method of Treatment, to b$ ufed -witb Perfonj apparently dead from drcivningy \^c. CONVEY the perfon to the neareft convenient houfe, with his head raifed : Strip and dry him as as polTible quick ; clean the mouth and noitriJs from froth and mud— If a child, let him be placed I^etween two perfon?, naked, in a hot bed—If an adult, lay him an a hot blanket or bed, and, in cold weather, near a fire—in warm weather, the air fhoiild be freely ad- iTiitted into the room. The body is next to be gently rubbed witli warm woollen cloths, fprinkled with fpir- its, if at hand, otherwife dry. A heated warming-pan may be now lightly moved over the back, properly

    covered with a blanket ; and the body, if of a child, is to be gentlv /hook every few minutes : Whijft thefe means are uling, one or two afliftants are to be employ- ed in blowing up tohacco-fmoke into the fundament, with the inflriimcnt provided for the purpofe, ota to- bacco pipe, if that cannot be had—the bowl filled with tobacco and properly lighted, being covered with a handkerchief, or piece of linen, io as to defend the mouth of the ailiilant in blowing: Rathe the breaft with hot rum, andperfifl: in the ufe of thefe means for ieveral hours. If no iigns of life fhould then appear, let the body be kept v/arm feveral hours longer, witlv hot bricks, or vefllh of hot water, applied to the palms of the hands, and foles of the feet, for a longer or fliorter time, as the circumftances of the cafe may be. The too cuflomary method of rolling on a ba'rreJ, fufpendipg by the feet, and every orher'vioient mode of agitHtion, particularly in removing the body from the water, ihould be moll carefully avoided.

    The above mentioned nv.thod of treatment is to be made ufe of with vigour for feveral hours, although no favorable circumllances (houlu arife ; for it is avul-' gar and dangerous opinion, to luppole perfons are irrecoverable, becaufe life docs not Toon niake its ap- pearance ; and upon this opinion, an immcnfe number of the feemmgly de:H have been committed to the grave, who might Ik.vc been rejkred to life by rcfotu- tion and per/ever^net- in the ab':v2 plan of treatiTient. ( ^^5 ) SU-F^I^PED ANIMATION. " Death may ufurp on Nature many hours. And vet tlic tire of lite kindle again The b erpiclt Ipiiitd-" EliakerpcarJ. TN tie Spring of 1787, or '88, a young gentleman J- at GeofjVetown,..(.Mary]Hnd) who cov-ld not Twim, Eccompanicid by one or more of his companions, went

    into the river to bathe ; he unfintunaiely {tepped from a bank ot land, beyond his depth, and wa'; drowned, Atten-jpf^ vere immediately made in various ways to obaiin the body, by divin^j: after it, fearrhing with

    boat-hooks, po'es, sic, and by a dragging feine ; but ail of Lhcn^. 01 ovtd inefFe(S:ual/ Similar exertions were made next day without fiiccefe. A gentleman mentioned, that he had read of the bodies of drowned perfons being difcovertd by means of quickJiiver piacv-ci in a quill, and attached to a loaf of uarm bread. This appeared i^o chimerical a pro- K'dt, that the byf: ^nders* ridiculed the idea. Ke ob- served that the experiment might calily be made, and could do no injury. A quill was prepared, filled with quickfilver, and inferted in a loaf of warm bread. Some perfons then got into a boat, and placed the bread on the water ih as to be carried v^irh the cur-

    rent in a diieabn towards the body ; when it had ,^.oated 10 or 15 yards it became i^ationary, and in„a .fnort time the bouy afcended and floated on the top of the water, to the great aiioniiliment of ti^e i'pedif tors. The body was u,.'jer water 16 or 18 hour^. The experimcrt above rc-coded, dcferves a trial Qfi iimiiar occaliohs, and might even be the means of re- iioring fife, by difcoverlng drowned bodies fc;on atter they Have diiappeared, IVIay not this i^ngaiar pIjenom<=n6n be accounted

    , for in this fimpje manner? The bread is carr'. d down by the current till it comes within the fphcre or attrac-

    tion between the body and the q>iickiilver ; it is thcii

    brought by the fame aitratftion over the body ; and Jhefpecific gravity of the bad y being but little greater than that of the water, by the attraction of the quickiiU ver, a fuMlaiKe of very great fpccinc gravityand propor- tionate attraction, the body liies to the water's furface. ; ,

    ( i66 }

    KYMN c^npofdly Mrs. Mo?.tox, /» hs Jung

    Cxi .'


    « c uiiLjcft:.

    Bet t^W'^T «ir favssg Got*, wt krr-w, Can'.t arm the rr.r-r'--' luni -aI:!: ^.a^'r, Tr. 'jLI chc rtaoi-iut puifcj dow, fiic .-lain.athTg hcii rsftor^-, IV. Tl:/ v.r. ere r...--:-^-. ';,:r^r'd h "'f

    -' - ^ C^^.. -. , -

    V. 44 ^^.s the GuS tl.t' forinir.^ bris^th "CouM t^e oncoixfcicns b^ng raile. So can the filrr.: voire of d^th Waikcac :ir call bi Tj^tr^ of priii:, VT.

    A:.: - n of iifi to icc. Ok: tHr throne,

    L'c\;- : .-. ,.--: ki/€totl>ee."

    5^ fjfi xtrjc h i9 ii jirr U thofe -uhv Ltti^ $ien rejkrtd M

    Kiitts Jt ivhich Fjnign JlfofiUs an ejlimated m Pay-ntJit cf Dulies.

    Pound fttt tir^of Great-Briutn, 4 dollars aiid 44 cents, — cf Jr.j!acd, 4 dollars and 10 cents. Ijvrc T'^urr.ois, 18^ cents.

    Du:ch liorin 'jr cpjircler, ;,9 cents. Mark banco ot fiR'.ubarg'n, 3J7 cents. Rix dol.'uj of Su'cc'en, i dcilar. Kea! plate of ?pyi,'i, io rents. Millrec of Pr-rtugal, i dollar and 24 cents.

    Talr of China, i doH::r . cd 4S C2nts. PagoJa of India, 1 d^ni.r ard 94 cects, Rupee of Bengal, jj-i c-l.. ( '67 ) p^ules for jrduLi/:g the Currcndes cf tht: different Slates into each other,

    ifl. To reduce tl-.c currencies of Ne\v-Ha!npfhirc, M'Liiiichurett*:, Rhocle-in.ind> CorvJefticiit and Virgin- i:i, into thoib of Ntw-York and North-Carolina, to the given Aini ;idd i-jd part theieoL Of Pennrylvinia, New-Jerky, Ddaware and Mary- land, to the ;;i7en liim add i-4th. Of South-Csrorma ar.d Georgia, from the given fum fubtrad 2-9ths tlK^recf.

    On the cG?iirtir\\ ad. To red ace Ne-.'-York and North-Caroh'na into New-Han: pilr. re, MaiTacbiiletts, Rhode-lfland, Con- nedticat and Virginia, from the given fum dedu(5l i-4th thereof. Int<> Penr.ryivania, Xew-Jerfcy, Delaware and Ma- ryland, from the fum given deduct i-T6th thereof. Into SvOuth-C"rohna and Georgia, to the lum given add I -6th, and then take half of the whole, rA, To reduce Pennfylrania, New-Jerfev, Delaware and Maryland, into New-IIampfhire, jMaiflichufetts, Rhode-Ifiand, Connec'iicut and Virginia, frum the fum given dcdLi>!:'t i-jth thereof. Into New-York and North-Carolina, to the fum given add 1-15 th thereof. Into South-Carolina and Gcor^i.u multiply by 3 and

    1.9th, and divide the product by 5 ; or multiply by a 8, and divide by 45. 4th. To reduce South-Carolina and Georgia into New-Hamplhire, Mailachufctts, Rhode-ifland, Con- re(5Hcut and Virginia, to the givea fum add a-7ths thereof. Into Pennfylvanla, New-Jerfey, Delaware and Ma- ryland, multiply the given fum by 45, and divide by a8. Into New-York and North-Carolina, from the given fum fubtrad i-;th, and dauble the remainder. '

    'fis ( }

    H jMllles, '^oooofot'^r-ooo»6

    ^ I Cents, ^oooo^. i^oMOt^o

    •^.j Dimes, <> <: O O O C>. r-o M o c< c-j

    I Dolls. •^»*-vOOCvO ^fori-t H O O

    fi, i Eagles, oomocmoooooo

    ^ C^ «^. O Q O C O O O t>C o »- iJ3 <;;«Hi-,' --JO<^OOOvOOnO c^^O GC ^ O rt 1

    . 12 I M o o o o ::;

    •-" -i4 -a ^ O O O '<5 ^^ <^ O C CN •- «£ to 'o I

    O cj I . >^vC CO <• 30 NO C>0O 00 OO M M

    H sO ro '-> o O O O —

    -ri ^ ?« 0>O0Q0000v0 0-1-c»

    _; M 1-1 -rj- p» ^ rf o o o o jOOOOOOvCOOvOOO c .x; ^M O r<0 t^vOsCvO »o'OQOOOO

    O O oo vO •4' O •« CC

    - ^ ^ . « M W

    "^ " »> "^ feS

    o-^rr; "^ ^^ cT ^ '2:^ ^ ^ c-r < f.^ o

    w p^ -^ w ^ Q y: ^ ft; c/i ^ "p:; ( ^69 •) A TArLE of SIMPLE INTEREST, a: SLx per Cen: calculated in DoIL-rs, Cents, and AliUcs. ~ Prrm:i-| I week. I i ininth. i 3 months. Fd mcMiths7' I y.ar. 1>.:1. d. c. n. d. c. tn. d. I f [ cm. | d. cm. 1 a. Cts.io

    ( n^ )

    in Ti.-, rlicriiil extent. A.D. 1-90. ( '72 )

    . ^'General Defcription of the United States. BY the derinitive treaty of peace, fignecl at F<4ris, Sept. 3, 1783, the boundaries ot"the United States i

    ^'anada, and the Lakes ; on the weft by the Millllip- pi ; on tlie i<)\it.h by Eril a'nd Weil I'lorida ; on the ea!l by the Atlantic, includinc; all iilands within twen- ty Jeagues of the coaft : extending froni the 45th to the 32d degree of north latitude, and froni the 67th to the 98th degree of weft longitude in the in It north- erly part, and in the moH Ibutherly from die Sodi to the go.h degree of ditto 5 containing 7,70,630 f(|iiare niles. Great part of this territory is not under the jiiriidiclion of any particular State, but belongs to the Confederacy. Thefe vacant lands Congrefs has jaid out jnto ten new States, viz. The territory from the 45th degree to the Lake of the Woods, to be called

    Sylvariia, i. e. IVccdlaJid, That under the 45th and 44th degrees, weflward of , to be called

    Michiga?iia : and that which is weftward thereof ivithin the peninfula formed by the Lakes of xMichi- gan, Huron, St. Glair and Erie, to be called Cherfone-

    Jus, i. e. Peninfula. That under the 43d and 42d de- grees to the wei'hvavd, through which the Rock river

    runs, to be called Ajfeyi'iftpia^ i. e. Rocky State ; and that to the eailward, in which are the fountains of the Mufkingum, the two Mianiis, of Ohio, the Wabafhj the and Sandufky rivers, to be called Metropo- tamiay \. e. Head of the 'Rivers. That ynder the 41ft and 40th degrees, the weftern, through which the Il- linois run?, to be called lllimia,: that next adjoining

    to the eaftward, to be called Saia,iog-i. •* and that be- tween this lail and PennfyJvania, to be called IVajh- ington. That under the 39th and 38th degree, ad- jacent to wliich are the confluences pf the rivers Wa- halh, Sewanec, Taniil'ee, Ohio, Illinois, Milfifippi and

    Mi-dburi, to be called Pohpotavna, i. e. Many Rhers : and that to the eailward, fartlier up the Ohio, to be.

    * called /W/'///v>, i. e. the Countiv of Skins. JJy an Afi pajfcd the lajl fejpon of Cengrcfs^ ihe ivhnle of the above N. W. 'Territory ivas reJuced into truo temporary gnv~ frn'Kcnts, ( -73 )

    Governors /;; ike fcicrnl Stute«;.

    New-Hampfliire, John Taylor Gilmar?, MalTachufetts, Caleb Strong. Rhode-lfland, &c. Arthur Fer.ner. Conntfticut, fonathan Trumbull. Vermoiu, Ifiiac Tichenor. New-York, John jay. New'-Jerfey, Richard Howell. Pennlylvania, Thomas M'Kean, Delaware, Richard Ballet. Maryland, Lenjamin Ogle. Virginia, James Monroe, North-Carol in?, benjamin Williajn?, South-Carolina, Georgia, James Jackfoh. Kentucky, James Garrard. TennafTce, John Sevier. Miflifippi Territorj-ij^ Winthrop Sargent,. N. Weib Territory, Arthur St. Ciair. Territory, ^>^'iIUam Henry Harrifoi?.

    Britlfn Governor?., ISjc. in l^rth Americ;i. fiis Excellency Major-General liuxTER, Governof General over the iJritiih Proyincesi on the Continent of North America.

    Lieutenant Governors under General Huntet..

    His Kxcellcn^y Sir Jokn IFent-uwrth, i.?,.d. Nova-Scotia. His Excellency Thowas Cizrlita/jy Ncw-Brunfwick. riis Excellency Robert Shure Milne-f, Lower Canada. His Excellency Mjjor-Ccn. Cbrific liurton. Upper Canada. His Excellency M'Cormici, of Cape Breton Ifland. His Excellency Edmund Farrningy of St. John's Ifland. His Excellency yice Admiral M'^illiarn JVaUfgra-ve, Lieut. Gov. & Com. in Chief, ffor the time being) Newfoundland.

    Hon. TiioMA3 Barclay, Cpnful General, at New-York.

    ffhomas M'Donougfj, Efq. Conful for Moj^aihufcttst Rhode- IjUndy ConiiUlicut and Ncx-Hurr^phc^ at Bcilon. ( 174 )

    Federal Reprereniativcs elech^d fir the Seventh Congress, on and

    MAINE fends 3. NEn^'YORK, 10. No. I. John Smidi, Ivo. 2. Samuel L.Mitche^, PeJeor Wadfwortli. No. 3. P. Van Cortland,

    NEW-HAMFSmRE, 4, No. 4. Luc. Elmendorpji,

    Abicl Foiter, No. 5 . Thomas Tillottbn, Joitph Pierce, No. 6. John Bird,

    Samuel Tenny, No. 7. David Thorn a.i. Georp;e B. UohAm. No. 8. K.K.VanRenflelacr, MASSACHUSETTS, ii. No. 9. Benjamin Walker,' Joiui Bacon,' No. TO. Tiiomas Morris. Ph.inuel Biiliop, I\ElV-JERSEr, s- Manalith'Catler, William EulUs, Levi Lincoln, , Nathan R-ad, William Shcpard, ^feph H. Varnum, Lemuel Willian.s, DELAIVARM, i. James A. Bavard. I^HODE-ISLAND, &c. 2. FENNSrLrA2/IA, ly Thomas Tiliinghaii, No. I, William Jones, No. 2. Michael Leib, ^ coNNEcricur, j. No. 3. JofepI) Hemphill, Samuel W. Dana, ^T ^Robert Brown, ^'*"* John Davenport, jun. 4- ^l>ct. Muhlenberg, William Edmond, No. 5. Jofeph lieillcr, Elizur Goodrich, No. 6. John A- Ha mi a, Rojrer Griiv/oid, No. 7. Thomas Roiidc, Elias Perkins, No. 8. John Stewart, John Cotton Smith, No. 9. Andrew Gregg, FERMOXr, 2. No. 10. Henry Woods, Ifrael Smith, No. ri. John Smiilc,

    No. I J. Albert Gallatin, ( 175 )

    MARYLAND, 8. NOR-TH-CAFOLINAao^ No. I. James Holland, No. 2. A. Henderlbn, No. 3. Robert William'!, No. 4. Richard Stanford, 1^":).^. Nathaniel Macon, No. 6. William H. Hiil, No. 7. Wm. Barry Grove, No. 8. John Stanley, riRGIXIJ, It). No. 9. Willis Alfton, No. 10. David Stone. SOUTH-CAROLINA, 6. No. I. ThojTias Lowndes^ No. 2.JoA^7cutte^f^^ No. 2,'^e^a.: y/u^e^ No. 4. Thomas Sumptcr,

    No. 5. William Butler, ' No. 6. 0/ioma^Jm'^Aihone^ GEORGIA, 2. James Jones, Benjamin Taliaferro. KENrUCKT, z.


    Mijjifippi Territory,

    Indiana Territory.

    Worth''J} t.i.'-yi-Wejlernunci /i Territory,I errnory, .

    Additions and Correa ions in thef U.S. CalendarCalendar, p.p. i iCi^c <^4^ .> Hon. Jonathan Mafm, Senator for Maflachulcttb, vice "^^ Moil. Iknianiin Coodhue, religned. IJon. Jolyi Arvijirong, Senator for New- York, vice Hon. John Laurancc, religned. }Ion. 'Sainuel Lyvian, Reprefentative, refigned, p. 12I;, His place will probably be tilled by Mv.Mattocn, ( -yfi )

    Lift of the American Navy, Decembery 1 8po. rJUGATES. United Statesi ( 177 )

    DErXRIPriON of the NEJl^ ALMS-HOUSE,

    '"["'HE new Alms-Houl? at Weft-Boll on Is. an oblong L biuldir.o;, pleafantly f::irated on the bank of Clrirl<» River, meaiiiring 270 feet front, und 56 feet deep. It cpn- fifts of a baie ftor'-. which is divided into three itirj^- kitch- ens and a number cf comaiodious rooms, which m-iy bs improved for work-fbcps and oilier purpofes. Above, s^e

    three upright ftories, which g-iv'e forty-cig;lit rooms, 24 \)j

    22 feet, and four fimir^cafes, 1 o feet in width, Icudirrg tlirougl» th^i fe%'eral frorics. In the centre is a hall, 40 feet by 50

    feet, and a chanel above, of the fame dimcnfions ; each of them beinj;- about ij feet in hcif-ht. I'he large and ?r:he3 window?, are finifhed with Anted pilafters of the Ionic or*- der. The outfide walls are of large bricks, with white marble facias, Impofts, and key-ftones, an

    are 80 feet by 280 feet. In the rear of the building is a convenient bathing-houfe, with many other appendages. The feversl lewers and drains lead into Charles River, 1 he north front is finifhed in the fame manner as the fouth front, and commands a beautiful profped of Charles River Bridge and the whole town of Charleftown, as the foutk front does Wefl-Boftqn Bridge and great part of the town of Cambridge.

    J^ATES of LEtTFR POSTAGE. "H' VERY letter compofed of a fmgle fbeet of paper con- -^-^ veyed not exceeding 40 miles, 8 cents.—Over 40 miles and not exceeding 90 miles, 10 cents.—Over 90 miles and not exceeding 150 miles, 12^ cents.—Over 150 miles and not exceeding 3C0 niiks, 17 cents.—Over 300 miles and n<4 exceeding 500 miles, io cents.—Over 500 miles, 25 cents. Every letter compofed of vxo pieces of paper, double thofe rate?. —Every letter compofed of three pieces of paper, triple thofe rates,—Every letter compofed of four pieces of paper weighing i oz. quadruple thofe rates, and at the rat^ of four fnigle letters for each ownce any letter or packet mny weigh.—Every fhip letter originr.lly rwceivcd at an office fey 4elivery, 6 cents. ( ^8 )

    Additicns, Corredlions, 8zc. PAGE ao, Esra Stari-urcaiier, d^.cd Senator, vice Da- 'vid Sextoity deceafeti. John Cotiman, ehiSted Senator for SijfFolk, vice "Jonathah Mc/on, eleded Federal Senator.

    State Reprefentatives omitted, p. 25. VvMIumptoa, Auron Fijlei: Peterllaam, DanUl Bi^elcw. tauown, Jb:d MlUhd. Lebiinon, T. M. WenUvorll. l.ciceftcr, Tl'mas Denny. GtOrgclown, Mark L. Hill. Grafton, Nathau'id Adao.s. Cuihilig, John McKcl'ar.

    39. Slirlcy Er-v'ttg, Infpctftor of Beef and Butter, rerigiled* ^7, Officers of the Ivlarine Sucieiy iu SaL/x. Benjamin Weli, Mafievy Jolm Collins, Chrl. Edward Gibaut, Dep. do. Jcnath. Gardner, Trcafurer, 56. Committee of Publicaticns, Hillorical Society. Re-/. Thaddeus M. Harris, a Member omitted. ^7. Hon. Artemas Ward, Juflice through the State, dec'd. 65. Peter Edcs, a Deputy- Sheriff in Chajlcfcown. 67. Natb. Wilder, \'osi. Deputy-Sheriff, vice R. Cujhman. Hon. Baind 'Thather, Juilice Common Pleas, deccufed^ 71 and 72. Kon. J. Dorr, oi Brookfcld, not Leiceftcr. 117. Bamuel ^ificy, cf Lenox, Regifler of Deeds. 87. He7iry M' Liji^, oiHvn^-am, raox^d. to Berivici. ^0. John Merrill, of Hallov/eil, moved to Foivnalborougk, Allen Cilman, Halloweli, moved to Bangor. Add, Attojuies at the -upreme Judicial Court. York Co. Ed-ward T. Hayman, Berwick. Cun berland, John Park Little, Gorham. do. Com. Pleas, £zr//V/ Whitma.-,, N. Glocefler. do. do. Boban Preittifs Field, N. Yarmoutlj. Lincoln, do. Jafah Stehbins, New-Milford. do. do. A/tdrexv Grcewwood, Bath, do. do. E. Foote, Camden. 95. Mr. Gregt^ not Preceptor of Portland Academy. Dele Mr. Ova\n, Bilhop in Ncw-Jerfey. Dele C. Petti^rL-ix:, do. in North-Carolina. South-Carolina, read Robert Smith, Bifhop^ Nova-Scotia, read CbarUs Irglis, do. ^7. Sharon, read Junathan Whiiahr, Walpole, read George Mnrey. 98. Wenham, Adcniram Ji'dfon, difmiflcd.

    114. Herman Brimmer f Auditor, dcQeafedi -

    ( -79 )

    INDEX to the Register and Calendar. A Cademy of Arts, &:c. 52 p Ducat. Fimd.Baptia, 154 ''~' "^^ Agricultural SocietieSjj 6 Excife OiTicer=, 154 Attornies at Law, 87 Experiment, Humane, 165 Academies for Education, 93 'C'Ederal Departments, 9J T3 Auks, United States, 44 •*• — Fees, Cull. Houfe, 148 -*^ Mailachufetts, in 45 OOv'rs. of AlaiTachuf. 19 Bridge Corparatioas,48 & 49 ^^— Couticil & Senate, -ao Bo'.vdoin College, 94 Golpel Soc. for propagat. SS Bifhops in U. iitatcs, "> Goods, &:c duties on I3J Biptift Education Fund j" ^^ Glauber's Salts made Brjj^ade OfHcers, 112 Gov'rs. in U. States, "> Bodon Town Onicers, 114 — in Brit. Provinces J —— Municipal Court, X15 HUmane Society, r^Ourr, General, 20 to 34 Hiftorical1 do. '6 ^^ Committees of do. 35 Harvard College, 91 Compafs, variation of, 36 Health, Board of 116 Charit. Societies, 40 to 43 Companies of Infurance, 46 TNfpc(5lors of Pot and*) -• Pearl AlhesY Chamber of Commerce, 47 of Nails, Tobacco, T ^^ Corporations for Bridges, 48 - — C.inals and Locks') Beef, Butter, & Lard,^ -^ Infurance Ofifices, 46 & Manufactories, J Infpecflors of Rev. 1 3 Z & 154 Court, Sup. J ud. 57 _ in Counties, 58 Judiciary of Miff. 57 United States, Coroners in do. 59 117 Colle;;e and Academies, 91 T edges, Mafons, 4-1 & 43 - and do. in Maine,94 -^ Locks & Canals, Churches and Clergy, 96 Companies, 49&50 Convention of xo8 j^yl'Echanlc AfTocIatlon, 42 Congrefs, 119 ^^ Mafonlc .Soc. 42&43 Court, Fed. Sup. Jud. 127 MaffUchufetts Banks, 45 Circuit terms of 129 —— Infur?.nce Comp's. 46 Diflri6t do. 130 ——— Marine Soc. 40 & 47 Counfellors in fed. C. 131 Manufacturing Comp's. 50 Collectors of Rev. I3a&i54 MalTichuf. Governors, 19 Coins and Currencies, 167 Council & Senate, ao Congrefs, 7th 174 —— R eprefentatives, ^t TT^Uties on Goods, Szc. 133 Charitable Societies, 41 -"-^ Drowned perfons, 1 , Maffachuf. Medical Soc. $x j"^--"* mode of treatmt. I MiHionary do. j- 1 . '

    80 •) ^

    MalTUckufettsHiilorical 7 . P^-ates on Stj.ftipg, 15 S ^ | ancl Agricuklird Soc. j" -of Fcrngn Coins, 166 ; Jvliiimeis in Towns, 96 6f Poftage, 177 Mtlida Onkcrs, 110 ^ Q Enate, MalTachufetts, 16 Municipal Court, Bofton, 1 15 ^ — Federal, i L> Marftials, Fedcralj 127 , Societies, various 40 to jl^ Mar!n?rr., notice tB 163 ikcretanes of State, MAINE, Diftrid oi — 'FieafWry, '^ i Comparative view 2J War & Navy,

    'XT Oti'.rles Public, ,^7 Salts, Mauufaclovy of I. ^^, Naval Officers, 132 ..tamp Oflice, 151 OFfjcers of Soc'tSv 40 to 56 ji^ Diftributcrs, J OiTiccrs of Militia, iio Mates, 'Fen new I7j — Fed. Gover'mt. 126 —^— 9 coin pared

    '— / - ' of P.tivenne, 133 with Mainelej .

    ppvobate Court, Stiffolk, 50 'pUtcrs at. College, 9^ -*- * Prc:;'dts. of Unive.rfity, 9 TownOfiicei'sBofioii,

    Pr ofcuovs , in do. 9 2, 'labies, 0^ ^ '5! Preceptors of Acadciiilcs, 93 - of Coins, 1 61 Police Ofiicers, 116 of Ir.t.-icft, 1 6l Ph) ficians and Surgeons, 117 Comparative, 17c 5; 17^ (, Poftage, ratts of 177 'Fcrritory North Wti'r ") • ' — iJcfcription of -^ QoUickfilver, power nf 165 vj Niveruty, Harvaid, ^i E'Fpreientatives, TIT-Illiums' College, ^ -^ MatTachufetts, 21 9| • *" _- Federal, izr Wines and Spirits and Carriages, 15 / Revenue Officers, 1 3 2 & i / 4 - Rates of Duties, 133 to 163 —^ Collct^tors of Du- ties on 1551 —• bnLiccuffs &. Carri:'.jr. jj; 7

    THE Ptiblifliers prefent theiij thunVsto thofe Gentlemen \vho have kindly given their ai

    in making the Regifter fo fur correiSl ; but have to regrcvl that fevcral of their communications did not reach them inl feafgn. In requell;iiig a c(>ntinuance of their favours, it isj particularly deiired, that their friends wotild forward theiif information as early as the yunficiiion of the General Court,* or at farthefl, ouiing the Commencement week in July which will enable them to begin the work in fuch fealbn,a6 to produce ihe Rcgiller curly in Odober. JOHV M EST. MANNING Si LORING.

    APR 1 6 1923