A Pocket Almanack, for the Year ... : Calculated for the Use of the State Of

A Pocket Almanack, for the Year ... : Calculated for the Use of the State Of

./ ^'HSHiye^ I U .H' r . , THE MASSACHUSETTS egtftet United States Calendar; 'S For the Year of our LORD I 8 o i, and TWENtY-FirrH OiJm^RICAN iNDEPStTDEkCE y CONTAINtING Civliy EccUJiaftlcat-^ 'Judicial., and Miliiary Jbi^S in MASSACHUSETTS; Association^?; and CorvoiXate Institt^tions, for liierary, agricultural, and ebarifable Jt'tirpofdS. A t S t ?, CaTAi.ogud! cif xhe (Jj-fiCers of the GENE'RAL GOVERNMENT, With its fcveril Departments and Eftahlifhments The Executive in Governments each State ; The Pul'ltc Duties, Re-renue, &c. USEFUL TABLES, And a Variety of other interefting Articles. V :S o s T o js^ t p PP.lSTEi5 BY MAXKING ^ I.CP.irrS. Sold by JOHN West, No. 75, CombUl; and jy MANNING tffLORING, No. 2, ComhilL Eclipses for 1801. npHERE will be fix Ecllpfes this year ; four of tlie "* SuNy and u^o of die Moo>i, as- follows, viz. I. The firft will be of the Sun, March 14th, loh, 36m. in the morning, but invifible to the inhabitants of the United States . Moon's lat. 1° 24 South. II. The fecoad will be a total and vifible Eclipfe of the Moox, if the Iky be clear, March a9Lh and 30th, and by calculation as follows, viz. H. M. Bcginring of Eclipfe 10 43 7 ^9th day, appar- Beginning of total darkncfs 11433 ent time, even. " 3oth day, appar- rlidtf total darkneis i 26 ^ ^"'^ t^^^^> "^°'^"- End of Eclipfe ^ ^-j^ Duration of total darknefs i 43 "Whole duration 3 44 Digits eciipfed, 2i« 10' from the North fide of the Earth^s fliadow. III. The third will be of the Sun, April izth, iih. 3 7 ni.' evening, invifible. Mopn's lat. i® 15' North. IV. The fourth will be like wife of the Sun, Sep- tember 8th, oh. 5 5iu. in the morning, invifible. Moon's lat. 1° 21^ North. V. The fifth will be another vifible and total Eclipfe of the Moon, September aid,, and by calculation as follows, viz. H. M. Beginning of Eclipfe 052' Beginningof total darknefs i 52 Apparent Middle 2 41 time, morn. juid of total darknefs 3 31 End of Eclipfe 4 30, Duration of total darknefs i 39 Whole duration 3 38 Digits eciipfed, 20** i' from the South fide of the Earth's iTiadow. Vl. The fixth and lafl will be of the Sun, Odober 7th, 3h. 24m. in the evening, invifible, on account oi the Moon's great fouthern latitude, \w. 1° 17'. 3}'T, 3M3 ^^> c^^^^-^^^^ ^^ -y^^^"^ -y^^^tji^ 7'-^»*-' Va^t**-' JANUARY, i8oi7t)egins on Thuriday. \ Laft Quarter, 7.th day, 8k 2im. afternoon, j New Moon, 14th day, uh. 41m. morning, j rirft Quarter, 2 ill day, 38 minutes, afternoon*! Full Moon, 29th day, 5h. 30m. afternoon. Obfervabie Days, iifc. |r. G j^ jr. 9 s.jF.Sea- I Circti-mcijion. January 3'- 5 5 i5 2 covimoices mj'itb 31 5 7 o Day breaks sh. 42m, fnoiv 305, 8 5 id Sun. paft Chriitm. and. 30 5 9 " C. P. Lenox. nv'md. 29 5i ic 17 C.P.Boft.ScN.Glouc.Epiph. 29 5 fl 23 Low tides. More 285 morn. Lucian. moderate. 285 32 Signs 27 5 1 45 Yard L fouth 911. 50m. of 27 5 3 o ill Sun. paft Epiph. fno^. 26 5 4 19 HIghivind. J) Perigee. 25 5 5 37 C. P. Warren. High tides. 24 5 6 45 Peace rat. by Con. 1 7B4. Signs 23 5 D fets ir 17 Night's length i4h. 46m. of 23 5 5 47 Ev.2o thaiv. a 22 5 7 9 I 17 Dr. Franklin born, 1^6. 21 5 8 26 2 8 zd Sun. paft Epiph. Good 20 5 9 39 2 56 C. P. Northampton. 10 47 3 40 ivcathcr, 18 i 11 54 4 23 Louis XVL beheaded 1793. 175 morn. 5 6 Vincent. Mid. tides. 165 1 o 5 50 Moref?2oiv. 15 5 2 4 6 35 3 8 7 23 ^dS.pallE^//)/;. Conv.St.Paul 13 5 4 ic 8 12 Frofy D Apogee. 12 5 5.10 9 4 a?id cold. II 5 6 4 9 55 Peter the Great died 172J. 10 5 6 48 10 45 7*3 fet %h. lom. A 9 5 ^ rile 11 34 florm at 8 < 5 50 morn, hand. 65 6 56 o 7,0 January 1 6, 1 777, Vermont aflumed its rank as an Inde- pendent State. ai, Loiib XVI. beheaded, 1793, aged 39J Charles I. |— 30, beheaded 1649, "^Z^^ 49. ! F libit I ' 7xRY, 1 8 o I , begins' on Suntlay. j Lait (garter, 6th day, 7h. icm. morning, j New Lioon, 12th day, loh. 3-8m. afternoon. | FirO: Quarter, 20th day, 8h. i im. morning. I Full Moon, 28th day, loh. 22m. morning. I 1m.;w| Obfervahle Davs ^^'t-. Ir. Q s.ir. ^ s.ir.bea. Septuageji 7/ia tj u n d it v I il) 5 5{ ^ 4 z.z Purif. B. V. Pvl. cr cdndl(>':as. 4 5 9 7 47 ->. J- C. Dedhann. 3 5^10 i^ Yard L fouth 8h. om. 2 5;ii 2- 13 WhoUjlir.e '.veathcr. c 5.morn. 59 66 A-llIance with France, 1778. "^59 6 3$ 4S 7 Middling tides. Soine S 6 1 55 5 4i Sey.agcjhna Smiday, frtif'rv. 656 6 3 XI 6 4i /'t D Perigee. • [17^6. ^55 6 4 22 7 46 SJ-CBoft. Treaty with G.B. 6 54 6 5 15 S SI Night's length i^h. 48111. 6536 69 9 5«t Plea/ant again. 651 6 3)f2lS 10 55 Yard L Ibuth yh. 37m. 6 50 6 5 5i 11 51 VA I, E N T 1 N E*s Day. Winds 6 49 6 7 10 Ev.40 fflOIV, 6 47 6 8 ic 24 and 646 6 9 33 It rain. 6 45 6 TO 42 5e A,fJj'Wednefday, or Lent. 643 6 II 47 40 c- oh. 5oiyi. Very 6 "42 6 morn. 27 clear air. 6 40 6 5^ Lov/ Tides Cbom, I7.u- 6 39 6 1 5? 4 rft.S.in/.j-;?/. Washington :i 38 6 56 for the feafon. Apogee. » 6 a hi J> 36 7 451 1-4 St. Matthias. '> 35 6 8 3« Blt^jkring, 5 346 9 *^ but a fine 6 326 10 16 '2 fun. 6 31 6 ^^^-^ \j fpts oil. 40m. 6 29 ^'erifi ii„4/ Febructry II, 1732, Gen. Wasjiincton born—Appointr ed GeneralluiiTio of army, 1 775.—Hengned the command, B:c. IS* ' 78;,--rInaugurated as Preudent, i 789—Re{icTi> ed as Piefident, 1796—Appointrd Gencraliflimo again, T708—Died zt Mount Vernon, Dec. 14, 1799, "5-^^ '^^ - //^\./U A /^. , ./</, .-^ ^-y ^-^ ^^, A t-^' / . ^i ' <^ *-t-.^-«/~;^* IV ^/^^Uy^.^^ MARCH, liJoi, begins on buriciay. ^ Laft Quarter, 7th day, 3h. i8m. afternoon, j New Moon, 14th day, loh. 3.')m. morning, j Firft Quarter, 2 2d day, 4I1. 28m. morning, j Full Moon, 30th day, oh. 35m. morning. j M.lw.i Obfervabie Days, &c~, r. 0s.|r,0s.|F.Se:i.j iD 2d Sun. in Lent. David. 6 28 6 7 o,niorn,j y^. 6 22 ^ drhlugjlonn. 6 26 « 9| 295 33 Day bi'qjkks 4h. 50m- 25 6 9 20' 1 3 4 Firll Con. un. Fed.Con". 1789. 6 24 6 ro Z3 ^ 591 Moderate. 6 22 6 II 49 2 48| 7*s fet at midnight. 6 21 6 morn. 3 41J Small tides for this feafon. 6 19 6 I 4 4 38 3d Sun- in Lent. Some 6 18 6 5 AG D Perigee. 6 166 frioiv and 6 156 9 Sirius fets at midnight. 'u.vW. 6 14 6 48 Yard h fets iih. 51m. 6 12 6 19 Planet Hdif. 1781. 6 II 6 46 10 33I 147 A O eclipfed Invif. 6 96 Pfets II ai! 15 D 4th Sun. in Lent. 6 8 6t 7 16 Ev. 7! 162 C. P. Concord, longjlorm. 6 f5j"8 26; 17]^ JJqiton evac. h^ Brit. 1776. 6 ^-^Clear and 6 6|io 44' 4 . ^^^ 3 :" ' ' 19 'pleafant. 6 ri 50; 206 ^reat fire in Bofton 1760. 6 I 6 morn. I 21 Bened. Very low tides 5 59 7 22 5th Sun. in Lent. J) Apogee. 5 587 56 *3 C. P. Worcefter. for March.j5 567 48 24 C. P. Nantucket. Snoiv. 5 55 1 29: *5 Annan, of B. V. M. or L.Day.'s 5^3- -7 '51 26 7*s fet loh. 30m. 5 5^ 7 34 ^7 Spring-like 5 517, 58 28 iveatherfor 5 49 71 19 10 30 6th in 29 Sun. Lent. Palm. Sund. 5 48 tI fCjii 15 30 Jh7ne day's. D eclipfed vif. 5 46 7 31 3 C. P. Barnftable & Pcrdand. ? 45 71 8 27I I March 1^^ Parliament pafledthe declaratory ad;,in which it is afferted, " They have a right to bind the Colonies in all cafes ivhatfoever^* A* ' APRIL, 1 80 1, begins on Wedneiday. Lafl Qu?.rtcr, 5th day, gh. 42m. afternoon. New iToon, 12th day, iih. 37m. afternoon. Firft Quarter, 2gth day, i ili. 46m. afternoon. Full Moon, 28th day, I in. 47m. morning. M.jw.j ': )•:. ic; v:)ble Diiys, tvc. r.Q s.|i. s.jF.Sea. " ii4 jAiituols. Ram} lueather^'^s 43 7 9 44 50 2|^' Day breaks 3h. 56m. I5 42 7 II c 1 43 Good Friday. andfoinefno'VjXs 41 7 morn. 2 40 St. Amb. Pretty high tides. 5397 i^ 3 42 D Eaikr Day.

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