Calculated for the Use of the State of Massachusetts-Bay

Calculated for the Use of the State of Massachusetts-Bay

Mil Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2009 witli funding from University of IVIassacliusetts, Boston Iittp:// jB^''^^mfff^fi^i!!uiutiXj»f^;'^' ^^ ^p^i:^"P^^^ Bf^taSH THE J i MASSACHUSETTS i f AND United States Calendar; For the Year of our LORD 180 7, and the Thiity-firft oi American Indetendence, CONTAINING Civil, Ecde^ajlical, Judkial, and Military Lifts in MASSACHUSETTS ; AssaciATioNs, and Corporate Institutions, for littraiy, ag ncuUural, <ind cUariiablt Furpoitb, I Lijl of PoiT-TowNS in Majjachufdts^ with I'm 'I' Names of tkt Post-Masters. I ALSO, Catalogues of the Officers of the .1 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, With its feveral Deparanents and Eitablirhnicnts ; Time^ o^ the Siumgi. of the feveral Courts ; Goveinors in each State , PuDiic Duties, (&:c. USEFUL TABLES; And a Variety of oiher interefting Articles. 1> BOSTON : t Publilhcd by JOHN \\EsT, and MANNING & LORINO. Sold, wholcfale and retail, at their Book Stores, Cornhill. > fS^tpSfx^arSgSi^i^ci .^j^Ad^xasw^^^o* , — : ECLIPSES FOR 1807. THER£ will be four Eclipfcs this year; two of the Sun anJ iwc of the Mooo. as follows : I. The firft will he of the Moon, May 21ft, lih.^SiiN in the mornuig ; and of courfe invifible. II. 7 he fecond will be of the Sun, June 6th, oh. 40m. in the morning ; which will llkewift; be invi^ble in rhp wellern conrnieHt, bnt vifible and central in the fouthein p^ri s of the Eh(1 Indirs. ' HI. The third will be a vifible eclipfe of the Moon, November 15th ; and by calculation as follows ^. H. M. Be?innlni£ - - 2 QQ ) a ^'^PP^^''^'^**''"^ Mddle - - - 3 40 '"''''""^- E-.,d . - 4 40 Duration, - - 2 S Digits eclipfcd, 3*^ 13', on the Moon's north limb. iV. The fourth, and lall, will bed the Sun, November 29'n, 7b. 1401. in the morning; invifible in the Ignited States of America, but vifihle in the greater part of Euiope, aid in London 3 digits of the Sun will beeclipfed, at 3601. pa{> u o'clock A. M. N. B. The total obfcurity of the Sun, in the great eclipfe of June 16th, 1806, was fcbfervedto be much longer than given in this Rcgifter, which was on account of there being no allowance made for the earth's diurnal or eailerly m >tion at the time of obfcurity. The duration of obfcurity was oblcrved to be, at Sterling, (Maff.) 4' 45". Votes for Governor in Ma/Tachufetts. Votes for Gov. S.U 317, 3 M^ I -^^ 7»^ ^ /i^^^^^^'^/ /.^.S^^ 5. .^. cJ%/^^^-^^ 5 /- ^QV»^ A^y .^^^^^-^^ . JANUARY, 1807, begins on Thurfday/ Laft Quarter, iftday, 2h. 13m. morning. New Moon, 8th day, 2h. 52m. evening. Firft Quarter, i6th day, yh. 42m. evening. Full Moon, 23d day, ph. 47m. evening. Laft Quarter, 30th day, oh. 34m. evening. Mj-I OblPi-vable d^vs, &c. r.G^ir 1^' .^Uucumciiioa. T/ie cloudi 32 io, 3 8 Low tides for the feafom. 31 1 26 3 3^ denote more/now. 3J 6 49 d Sund. part Chriftmas. 30 338 7 401 C. P. Biddeford. Grows more 30 4 3Q 833! C. P. Bofion. Epiph. 29 9 263, 7*s fcuih 8I1. 1,5m. mod- 20 III fo iR Lucian. .eratcy with 28 D fe.s 11 8 Middling tides. 7 27 5 45 11 56 Gr. Elong. fome 6 45 ev,4, ft Sund. paft Epiphany, fnozt). % 7 46 1 24 C. P. Northamp. Warren. D 25 844 Pica fa nt [ .4 pogc c 23 9 43 2 461 Peace ratified by Congrcfs,i784. H 10 4 3 26- butjiiarj 23 ti fun J 4 4 8 22 Tides increafing. ^air. morii. 4 31 Dr. Franklin born, lyoS. 21 40 •T 37 21 •2d. Sund. pad Epiphany. Tlh 1 4 6 26 £0 C. S. Northampton. zoeatha 2 4 7 2c- changes. ^9 3 47 8.7 18 Louis XVL beheaded, 1793. ^y 4 47 9 16 Vincent. Nozo comes 17 n 4 10 16 on a Jlorm 10 &ri( XI 17 Very high tides. of/now 15 5 t) morn. Septua. Sund. Conv.' St. P. ^ P H 5 7 28 19, 7*sfouth6h. 50m. or rain. 13 3 8 37 1 7 11 3 High winds. 3 9 32 2 o 10 4 Peter the Sreat died, 1725. 3 lA 3 2 52 5] Grows more 9 3 morn- 3 44 8 bJYd. Lfetsah. 56m. 51 o 15 4 36 7 Low tides. moderate. 5 1 21 5 28 South Caroluid, including North Csroiinn and Gtorgi^, ihe charter of, {-ranted 1662. Their^.. firft.w*.. .^f,jflariveIcgi aflfero- I :.b*iy convened 1669. They were at firftfiril governedeoxi by a fyf- 6 FEBRUARY, 1807, begins on Lord's day. l^ew Moon, 7th day, ph. 31m. morning. Firft Quarter, 15th day, oh. 51m. evening. Full Moon, 22dday, 8h. 3m. morning. Ohil dnys. ti<i. r ©^ I "^rxat^cl. .5Uf). Sifow or \j 65 2 2.', ~6'2t 'Par. V. M. Candlemas. rain \j 5 5 3 22 7 '5 7*s fet. lb. 50Tn. moniir'g. 7 3 5 4 »' 8 6 Ceira.arms ber. Anifr.&Biit. '83 7 2 5 4 5,5 85:7 Agatha. Pltafavtjor 7 1 5 5 30 •9 45 the 7 o 3 o 2 10 3 Cornmcn tides. feafon. 6 58 6 Pfets 11 15 Quinq. Sur.d. A little f> 6 30 more ]) Apogee. 6 7 2(; cv. 3S' fnow. 6 8 27 1 19 Afli-Wedn. or Lent. " 6 53 6 9 27 Quite cold 6 10 27 2 48 Sirius fers sh, Jor fome 6 11 27 328 Valcmlne-D.iy. dfavi. 6 morn 4 15 iftSund. in Lent. Moderate^ 6 o 27 5 5 with Jailing 6 M i 2g (> o C. S. Cambridge. 6 2 28 6 weather, 44 5i 3 2;, 7 54 7*s f Uoh. 45m. 6 43 6, 4 16 Pretty h:^h rides* 6 41 6; 5 2 9 51 6 PLufant. [ ]) Perigee. 40 .5 40 10 48 '32.6 2d Sund. in Lent. WASH.'b 3«'6#r;i >' 4?, 37 $, 7 27 ;i)Oin. St. Matt. on a driving 36 6, 8 4 38 Jlorm. 34 6; 9 57 1 32 Grows 33 6|ii 8 <? 2f 7*s fets oil. 15m. 32 6, morn. Tides colder. 31-6' 15 4 16 tern framed by Mr. John Locke ; hut having ''<iun(l, b) experience, that this fyfiem was inappticabl'* to thei> fitu- ation, it was abol-iflicd in 1692. They agreed on an inde- pendent form of government in 1776, which eOahlifh- ed by aft of the legiflature, May' 19, 1778. On May 11, 1779. '^^ *-'^'^ authority propofed 10 g ner.jl Pievoft, thai the ftate {bould r. main neuter, till the clofe of the war, and that they would then follow the fate of their neigh- bours, provided, fhit th'-Brltini army (]jf;nld he withdrawn. .^< ._-.: ^^^ ^y^' ^ r.'^^ -^^'-v^^ .^i^^^^^^* :. •^^ X*-----^. *'--7 " ---^^ 3;^/C/;y. /;^../:^- r-^^^/.^ ^^-^ /^t*s* fly ^^> ' /^'-' —-^ ./f///?.^'/'^^ ^- ^-^^fe^^^l^ ^:: ^;v 1/^,4^^^-^^^ ^^! ^-^ ^' ./^U^^,^^'h^^^^^ ' ^7*^ih<i.^^ ^J A^-^i,^^ /i«4^*^ i^Vrf^,^, ^1 "^y ' /wT>-»'^-^ c.*^^C*<r >*^v5^ ^»^ir*^/ /it'Jfi^*^*'*^^**^ >l,.^/^C^./ j-"!^- ^-^ '— -^>^'' APRIL, 1807, begins on Wednefday. is^ew Moon, 7th day, ph. 23m. evening. Firft Quarter, 15th day, i ih. 54m. morning. Ji'ull Moon, 2 2d day, 2h. ^Jjn..- morning. ^ Laft Quarter, 29th day, ph. 55m. mornifig. 44 / 6 36 7*s fet, loVi. 5m. 43 7 2 48 7 2< Phajanljor 41 7 3 ^4 8 >t. Anibrorc /r-we* </«>.?. 4P 7 3 4c 8 48 ift Sund. pad E'ft. L.S. I Ap. 39 7 4 4 9 2g Gov. & Sen. cliol'.-p, Maiia. 3^7 4 er 10 lo Low tides for thelcafon. 3^ 7 D ftt 10 53 Showers 35 7 7 26 '1 3 Peace ratif. byG. Britain, 1784 33 7 8 S7 ev. 9 Yd. L. feti iih. 3oin, 3« 7 9 27 1 11 3^ 7 10 97 2 5 ) 2d. Sund. pad Enfter. Crowi 29 7U1 24 2 2|C.P. Lciiox. cvo'er. 27 7 morn 3 51 lutwlch 14! 3 S.J.C. C(.n(.oid. C. S. 26^ 16 4 4^ 'S 4 Strong [C. P. Piym 2-5 7 1 o 161 .5IC. S.York. Vt^/Wi 23 7 1 43 6 3 •l^l "6j and fij^n.<i rain. 22 , of 7 2 24 7 28 I^ 7|4'id»s incrttafiny,.-'* D Pcri^ue 21 7 2 54 8.21 '^aiid. jxifl EaOe*. Aip ig'DiSd 1' 3 2.5 9 1.' >r\ T.Hiii'f'ii. 2JO.P-. ^, Becomes 10 7 3 57 10 a 3IS.J.C. Wo. cfilt. C.P.Bon on. 17 7 ^ 30 u 7*s i'*' 8h- o-a, W'oriT- 15 ©r.e fiion -J. 7 5''St. G-Orgr. flfofofN, SL'tia 14 7 8 56 *o • 041 6 fnuuitri in 13 7 »o o o 58 man \ places 11 St. Mark, 7 10 55 i 56 4th Supa. ^a'"* Eafk-r. 10 7 .1 38 9 52 C.P. ^.C,>. D -cilHrn. ?7<j/-7« ^) 7 MOra 3 45 SciN'offb-j. ".J,C. Ips- ^>/ 8 7 o So 4 3^ 4«J.o\'/ ritlcs. ^-i.^ cool viii^hts, 6 7 5 iji Pref. i78y.'_5 3^^ 5IQ. Washinw 5 7 1 2 6 I1 ratified rhf.r .\J.«y 6, 1789, they preient conftitution, which s rWm..d iipoit a plan iimilar to that of the United Stat«\'i. T'-nitorv, N. \V. qf the Ohio, is novvd.vided into ;hj '(taie 01' Oaio, ih.

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