Resolves 1807, C. 1-68

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Resolves 1807, C. 1-68 MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) RESOLVES OF THE GENERAL COURT OF THE 13EGAN AND HELD AT BOSTON, ON WEDNESDAY, THE 'TWENTY.SEVENTBl ~DA Y OF MAY, ANNO DOMINI ONE THOUSAND EWH'!' HUNDRED AND SEVEN, BOSTON: PRINTED BY ADAMS AND RHOADES, I "-,~ PRINTERS TO THE ST ATE~ -:::::::- lS07~ 'CiViL LIST OF THE 'COMMONWEALTH OF lV[ASSACHUSET;PS~ ;. For the political year 1 ~~07-8o HIS EXCELLENcr ,JAMES SULLIVAN, JEsQ~ GOVERNORo HIS HONOUR LEVI LIN-COLN~ ESQ$ LIEUT. GOVER,.NOR. COUNCIL. flon. Samuel FO'<Nler, Hon. William Euftis~ Willianl vVidgery, Benjamin J. Porter:9 Nathan Wefron, Thomas Hazard, jr. Madhall Spring, Timothy Newell. ;Daniel Kilharn, 1 -:::;:;::::::;:- SENATE. H-on. S.c\.MUEL DANA, Efg. Pre}ident • .sztffo1k-Flon. Harrifon G. -Otis, Chrifi:opher Gore, William Spooner, John Phillips, Peter C. Brooks. EJ(ex~Hon. Enoch Titcomb, John Heard, John Phillips, juno Nathaniel Thurfton, Ifrael Thorndike, vVilliam Gray. Middlefex~Hon . .Jonathan Maynard, Aaron Hill, 'Villiam Hildreth, Sallluel Dana. Hampjhire-Hon. Joh.n Hap:ings, Hugh lYl'Lellan,.Geo ..BEfs) ~zra Starkweath€'r. PlY771outh-,.Hon. Nathan Willis, Seth Sprague. Brifiof.-Hon. N athaniellY.I:orton, jun. David Perry, Barnflable-Hon. James Freeman. DukeJ~county and Nalltucket~Hon. rfaac Coffin. fVorcdler-Hon. E1ijq.h Brighaln, Salem TO'wl1, Tholnas Hale~ Jonas KendaL BerkJhire-I-Ion. Timothy Childs, Azariah Egglefroflu Noifolk~Hon. John }Iowe~ Ebenezer Fifher.· York-Hon. John VVOOdiTIan, Joieph Storer. Cumberland-Flon. Levi Hubbard, Jarrles Means. Lincoln, Hancock and TYajhingtan·-1-Ion. George Ulu1er, WiI~ Ham King. K.cnneb~ck.-.-Hop. Earzi11ai Gannct~ HOUSE OF r<.EPRESENTATIVES~ Hon. PEREZ TO~, Efq. Speaker. SUFFO~K. Lynn and <.. Jofeph Fulhr, Bofion j Jonathan Mafon, Lynnfield,5 Micajah Newhall, William Smith, Aaron Breed, Samuel Parkman, EbeneZ<ir Hart, vVilliam Bro,\vn:1 Danven, Nathan Felton, Jonathan I-Iunnevvel1, Beverly,' Thomas Davis, "Villialn S\lllivan, ~ Abner Chaplnan, ~ohn Welles, G1Quc.ejler, Williau1 Pearfon, Edw. Tuckerman:» Daniel Rogers, junQ 1;Villiam Phillips;; John SOlnes, John vVinfiow, VVln. Pearce, jun. Francis \lVright, Caleb Norwood, jr" Stephen Codman~ Hamilton, Robert Dodge, Redford vVebfter, Ipf~uicb, Nathaniel Wade, Shnon Elliot:> " Jonathan Cogfwell~ ThOlnas Perkins, Rowley, ThOlllas Gage, jun" :Benjamin Ruuell, Newbury, Jofiah Little, Daniel Sargent, Newburyport, Mark Fitz, 'fhOlnas W. Sumner, . And"wFrothingham;t Janles Lloyd, jun. Jonathan Gage, John Callender, Edward Little, 'Tho111as H. Perkins, Stephen Ho'ward, ThOlnas K. Jones, John Pearfon, ' Benjamin 'G'bpdard, Andove'.r, ".rholnas Kittredge::! J3enjamin Whitlnan, John Kheeland:: John r:r'o'Apthorp~ Boyford, Th()n1~S Perley, Tholnas Danforth, Bradford, San11lel 'vV ebfier, Charles Davis., Tops}ield, Nath'l Harnmond, ESSEX. Salijbur)" Jonathan Tvlorrill, [ilalem, John Hathorne, 'Jona'than \Vebfter, \V m. Cleveland, .Amejbury~ Chriftopher Sargents John Southwick" Ha<ucrhil!, James Sn1iley, ' loihua vVClrd, Jllletbuen, Benjan1in Oigoodq "'11m. Stearns, MIDDU:.\SEX. Jofeph Story:) Charltjlown, Tholnas Harris:,) J ofeph Vlinn, Matthe\v Bridge, Jofeph Sprague, juno David Goodwin, B. Cro"'.vrilniliield~jro j Rich'dfrothinghaln, :NLlrblehc.t;td, John prince, 'f.\Tathaniel I-Iawkins, ' . Nathan B. lVIartin, Cambridrre, Sam'l Butterfield" Pbilip BefOln~ . 0 Nath'l P. Vlat[on, John Bailey" Joiiah ~v.rafon, junq A,J'i Hooper] Brighto'l2 J Stephen Dana, J6:fhua Prentif:;~ juno ]v1ecljord, t-Tathai:),~l I-Ian~ HOUSE OF REPRESENTArIVES" Malden, Jonathan Oakes, Granby, David Sp1i:th~ 'fVatertown, Jonas White, Hadley, Charles PhelHs, Waltba17l,Abper SanderfoJ!, fjoutb-HadlfY, Ruggles Wq.od." Newton, TimQthy Jackfqri, bridge, ,. , Wdion, Ebenezer Ho~bs, Amherjl, Sam'l F. Dickinfon" Lincoln, SanTl~el B~oar, Leverett, Jarnes Curtis, Lexington, N athan Chandler,) Montag7}e, NathanChenerY:I> Sudbury, Willian1 Hunt; New-Salem, Va,rney Pearce, ' Eafl-Sudbury, Jacob Reeves, 'San1uel C. Allen,. Stow 4'nd~' , 1..' Nortbfield, Meclad Alexander" ' Epno VI HltC01l1b, B ox boro, ' , Warwick & 'fi I' C bb · 1'J 0 lal 0 !II llIarlboro', John Loring, Orange, ' Hopkinton, vy alter lVI'Farland, Nortb & E. "( Sol. Stoddard,jr" Holliflon, .la[on Chamberlain:! J-Iampt~n, S Thaddeus Clap, ' Concord, Jofeph Chandler, Soutbampton, Frederick Judd, fVoburn~ Bill Rliffell, TlVdlftcld, A£hbel Eager, Reading, TinlOthy Wakefield, , . Jesiediah Taylor, jlVilmington~ Salni.1el Jaques, " W. Springfield, Jona. Smith, jr., Billerica, Jofeph Locke, Tin10thy Horton, Te~CJkejbury, Will. Sin10nds, Luke Parfons, Chelmsford, Wln. AdalTIS, §outhwick, 10feph For\vard, Ichabod Gib[on, Granville, Abrahatll GLlnger:1 Carlifle, Ephrain1 Robbins:t Enoch Bancroft~ Afton, Jonas Brooks, C Blanford, \iVillialTl Knox, 2do Littleton, Simon I-Iartvvell, Chtjler, ]'viartin PI~elps, VVf!Jiford, 'I'\ho's Fletcher, juno 1Vfiddlrjield, Uriah Church, Groton, J ofeph ~/[oors, ftVortbington, ]ol10-than vVood~ Shirley, l~athanrel Holden, , ~ bridge, " Pepperell, Jofeph H~ald:o Chejlcljicld, Benjail1in P8xfoTI1, Town/end, Abner'Adan1s~ Dcetjidd, Ephrailll Willi:nDs, Dracut, ' Ifrael Eildreth, Conway, John Bannifter, Dunftable &) -r:' • h Ajljieid, Ephrain1 VVilliarns:} Oft ' (> Laac Yvng t) Tyng vort) , .) Greenfield & "( 1\1 1" 1) r HAMPSHIRE. Gill, 5 Oles .l... a... com:iJ Springfield, John I-Iooke:r., Bernardflon and ~ He:::. }JeVi.,T", I.Jongmeado'Z1), Ethan Ely,' Lc)'dcn, ) comb, jun~ rVilbraham, WiUicun 'Rindge~ Stepl1en VV' ebfter., 'Solonlon Vlright,~' Colraine, David Sn1ith, Brimfield, 'tVillialTI Eaton, PLYMOUTH. So. Brimfield"( Plymouth, Ephrailll Spooner, & Holland,5 Cyrus ]\i1unger~ , I\[ athaniel Good win. Palmer, A;'1Ion Merrick, ,Killgjlon, John Faunce, .. iJelclJertown, EliakilTI Phelps, Duxburv, Adanl Fi{h~ /f /' I~ lrl 1'~T h . r C,· r- EldadP~~r£)ns, JI. .J.,a;: i?JZC l,(" 1:'1 aL (uue! ,lin, irudllJ'7,!'~ In\.re~:;:Ct: Sikes, Pcmbroh: liaac B, Batkcr, ,- 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES" Bailey Han, WORCESTER; IJridgwater, Daniell'VIitchel" WOl'cf/ler, Salnuel Flaggl' lVlidd!eboro', John Tinkhanl, Ed w:ard Bangs~ Levi Pierce" Ephraim Mower~ .san~uel Pickens, Spencer., Benjamin Drury:') Jacob Cuihman, Brookfield,Oliyer Crofby, ]{ochefler, .Gideon Badto\v, j f. Tl'l!ftr;rn, Jofepb. Field., Jeffe Haikell, Sturbridge, Oliver Plilnpton$ Halifax, :Nathaniel Mort0n, Chariton, John Spurr, Abington, Nathan Gurney, jr. Samuel Robinfon, Scituate, Charles Turner, jr. Dudley, Tholnas Larned., . Enoch Collamore, Mendon, Jofeph AclalTIS, . Hingham, Ha'wkes Fearing. M.ilford, Sap1uel Jo~s, BRISTOL. Sutton, lonfits Sibley, Taunton, Jones Godfrey, lofiah ,Stiles; Rehoboth, Elkanah Frenc1"i, Jr. Oxford, Abijah Davis, Dighton. John Hathaway, Grafton, Eleazer Leland, Somerfet, ('jark Purinton, Upton, Ezra vVood, jun" Swanzey, Daniel Hale, Shrewjbury, Jonah Howe, Attleboro', Ebenezer Bacop, -WdJboro', Nathan FHher, EaJlown, John Tifdale, ' Northboro', James Keyes, J\'orton, Laban Wheaton, Boy{fton, James Longley~ Raynham, Ifrael WalhQurn, Holden, William Drury, Berkley, Appolos Tobey, Lancajler, Eli Stearns, Freetown, "VIn. Rounfevelle,~ li.arpard;J lana. Weatherbee, ]-,Iew-Bedford, John ,Hawes,­ Jonathan Symonds; :J.Jart771ouib, IIolder Slo.cum" Bolton & 7. - - Troy, AbrahalTIBow~p. Berlin, 5 SIlas FIolman, BARNST ABLE. Sterling, 'Ifrael Allen" Barnflable, Jonas 'Vhitn1an~ New Braintree, Jofeph Bovv'! Eben'r Lothrop~ lTIan, jun. Richard Lewis, Ha!dwick, 'Timothy Paige, Sandwich, Johp. Freeman, Barre, _ElijaJ1 Caldwell., Benjamin Percival, Aia Walker, Falmouth, David Nye, lIubbfilrdflown, John M'Clana, Braddock Dimmick., than, rarmouth, Eliilia Doane, '. Mlellminjlcr, Jonas'vVhitney, Dennis, Judah Paddock, Leominjler5 Abijah Bigelo\v:? flarwich, Benjarnin B~ngs~ Lunenburg, Edn1und Cuihing~ Chatham, Reuben Ri.der~ Fitcbburgh, Samuel Gibfon, DUKES COUNTY. VVinchenaon, VV1TI. vVhitney, Edgartown, Thomas Cooke, jr. Gardner, Jonathan Ofgood~ 'TUbur], Joh::} Dz<-vis. Royaljion, Ifactc Gregory, :H.ANT~JCK2T. Peter:/ham) 'f:\Tathaniel Chandler.1l HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES} 'BE RKSHI RE.., Cantvn1 Jofeph Be.n1is~ }:J: M£wlbo:rr/', Zenas Whecl-er~ Stought().J,'t, Lemuel Gay, Sa.n~;ffold &;( John PIcket, Sbar£)n~ Jonathan Billing:!", Soutijield, S Hla1pol.e~ A[a Kinglliury, TyringhL1.m, J ofepll Wilf()n~ fiVren.tbaJu, Sarnuel Day, n . • Sl <r' .B,zrw.t1fgtmz, John Nichols1J J.Jel~pmln' neparCl~, LgrelJl:onttJ JaflTes Baldwlhjl Franklin, Jofeph BacoD, Stockbrtdg.e:) Jolin BaCOfl'.l B.el1ing·h.a1ll 5 Daniel Thurber., l?V" .Stockbridge, Sam}} Barl1-ow., YORKo Lee? Jar:edBradley" ~:t<ork-; Alexander M'Intircj &dw't~ 'GeorgeC-onal1tlY Kittery,& Alexander Rice, .Lcuo.x"J} J ofiah Newell, fiVells., .John Storer., .Richmonrl, 'Zacb.",Peirfon~ ArundeL, Eliphalet Perkins" Pitt{/ie.ld:) Simeon 'Grifwold"f} Leba.non, David LEgro, .]Tolui 'Chlu"dliIl" Salu!ford ,&"{ Tb·O's Ke.eler, .Dalt,n/j InD.. lCh41.mberla1TI1J A!fred, 5 Nath'l(A)nant jto l7f!inz!(orr;A1l1os HoTbrookJ) J?billipfb,ztrgh, Jofeph A1.kinfon, :Chifhi'r£~ DaIlie1 £ruvvll11 ,ShC!ple~gh, Jol1ll Leighton,'i :&;( :8 H ,nit. 1, ~ Pa:rfoJZ~fiela, D"avid Marfion, N. Ajhford., 5' "':.. .·V'.V J.1eeleI1) Limington, James Kettell, ,/ViliianJflown, WID., TDwnetjl .Buxton~ Samuel Merrill, 1;V m.. Young, J ofeph vVoodlnan~, Adams~, :EliIha
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