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Ocm08458220-1840.Pdf (12.41Mb) 317.3M31 M41 A MASSACHUSETTS REGISTER, Slntt^tr states? ©alcntiat, FOR 1840. \ CONTAINING THE TARIFF, THE IjXSOLVEJVT LAW, CITY OFFICERS IN BOSTON, AND OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY JAMES LORING, 13 2 Washington Street. SOLZPSBg IN 1840. There will be four eclipses this year j two of the sun, and two of the moon. I. A partial eclipse of the moon, commencing on the morning of February 17, at 6h. 49m., and ending at lOh. ; invisible in Massa- chusetts, but partly visible in some of the western States. ir. An annular eclipse of the sun, March 3 ; invisible in the tTnU ted States. Its first contact on our globe will be in the Indian Ocean, lat. 2 deg. 31 min. S., and long. 71 deg. 2 min. E., at 8h. 43 min.P.M. The dark shadow having passed over the China Sea and the Pacific Ocean, will leave our globe in the sea of Kamschatka, lat. 53 deg. 49 min. N., and long. 166 deg. 52 min. E., on the morning of the 4th, at Ih. 45m. This eclipse will be visible in China, Tartary and Japan. in. A partial eclipse of the moon, August 13, visible to every part of North and South America. First contact with dark shadow, Ih. 14m. Middle of eclipse, 2h. 39m. Last contact with the moon, 4h. 4m. Digits eclipsed 7d. 17m. Northern Jimb. IV. A total eclipse of the sun, August 26, invisible in the western hemisphere. This eclipse will commence on the evening of the 26th, at llh. 20m., and end on the 27th, at 4h. 25 m. in tlie morning. It will begin in South Africa, Lat. 3 deg. 2m. N., and long. 28 deg. 44 min. E., and will end about 900 miles south of New Holland, in tbd Southern Ocean, in lat. 49 deg. 57 min S., and long. 120 deg. 49 min. E. It will be total in Mozambique and Madagascar. Correspondents are requested to forward their Communications for the Register early in November. Please notice that the Counties (except Suffolk,) are arranged alphabetically. A ^ 3 7. 1 3 IVi A INDEX Academy of Music ... 161 Commissioners of Mass. 95 Agricultural Society . ]m9 " of Maine . 247 Amherst Collese .... 149 Constables in Boston . 227 American Statistical Society 160 (.'ongress, 2Cth 195 Andover Institutiou ... 151 Consuls, American , . 206 Antiquarian Society . 160 " Foreign in U.S. 210 Anti-Slavery Societies . 169 Convention of Cong. Min. 125 Ancient & Hon. Artillery Co. 194 Congregational Char. Soc. 127 Army of the United States 217 ('ommerce & Rev. of Boston 248 Asylums 167 Counsellors, &c. in Boston 47 Attorneys in Boston ... 47 County Commissioners . 21 Attorneys, Circuit Court, U.S. 201 " Meetings of . 24 Atheneum 160 Court, Counsel. Circuit, U. S. 202 Auctioneers in Boston . 227 " Supreme Judicial . 20 " S. J. Callendar of . 22 Banks in Boston .... 170 " Common Pleas . 20 " in Massachusetts . 178 " C. P. Callendar of . 2.3 Benev. Soc. of Young Men 166 " Municipal .... 20 Berkshire Justices, &c. 51 " Police 20 Barnstable Justices, &c. 49 " Probate 25 Bay State Association . 168 Custom House Officers . 203 Bank (Jommissioners . 170 Bible Societies 15.5 Deaths in Boston .... 250 Billings & Holden Society . 161 Dispensary, Medical . 163 Bishops, Episcopal, Method- District Officers of U. States 200 ist, & R. Catholic, in U. S. 127 Dukes County Justices, &c. 60 Blind Asylum 166 Board of Education ... 95 Education Societies . 155 Boston Atheneum . 160 Essex Justices, &c. 61 Bristol Justices, &c. ... 56 Eye and Ear Infirmary 163 British vessels destroyed by Americans last war . 181 Farm School 166 Federal Courts .... 201 Cashiers of Mass. Banks . 180 Fellows of Mass. Med. Soc. 117 Census of Towns, Mass. 1837 17 Fire Society 166 Churches and Ministers . 128 Fire Department, Boston . 224 Charitable Societies . 162 Franklin Justices, &c. 66 Cincinnati of Massachusetts 166 Fraternity of Churches . 166 Circuit Courts 200 City Officers of Boston . 221 i Governors of Massachusetts 29 «« " of Salem . 232 " of the several States 249 " " of Lowell . 234 I . Justices, 71 Colleges in Massachusetts 146 I Hampshire &c. €. Index. Hampden Justices, &c. 69 Overseers of the Poor Handel and Haydn iSociety 161 Harvard University . 126 Phillips' Academy 152 Historical Society .... 159 Physicians in Boston 228 Howard Benevolent Society 165 Pilgrim Society . 159 Hospital Corporation . 1G2 Plymouth Justicjes, &c. 84 Police Court in Boston 20 Influence of Wealth and Pov- Postage 102 I erty on life 42 Post Offices 97 I Insolvent Law of 1838 . 235 Probate Courts . 25 Instructers in Public Schools 225 I Public Administrators 94 Insurance Comps. in Boston 241 Intercourse with Foreign Na- Rail Road Corporations 231 tions 205 Religious Denom. in U. S. Representatives of Mass. Library Associations . 161 Literary Societies . J59 Sabbath School Societies . 156 Lunatic Hospital, Worcester 163 Salaries of State Officers . " " Boston . 2-24 " ofU.S. Officers . Lying-in Hospital ... 164 Savings Banks in Boston . 165 School Committee . 223 Manufactories in Mass. 248 Secretaries of Departments 199 Marine Society .... 168 South Cove Corporation 168 " Hospital .... 164 State Prison 167 Masters in Chancery ... 94 Suffolk Justices, &c. 44 McLean Asylum .... 162 Supreme Court of Mass. 20 Medical Society of Mass. 117, I5G " " of U. States " Association . 228 " Schools .... 158 Tariff of Duties, 1840 . " Dispensary . 163 Teniperance Societies . 169 Middlesex Justices, &c. 74 Theological Institutions 151 Militia of Massachusetts . 103 Thursday Lecture . 130 Missionary Societies . 153 Typographical Societies , . 167 Mount Auburn 169 Municipal Court .... 20 Undertakers in Boston 227 Musical Institute . 16i Unitarian Association . 154 U. S. Marine Hospital . 164 Nantucket Justices, &c. 80 Navy of the United Slates 219 Votes for Governor . 40 Newspapers in the U. S. 240 Newton Institution . 151 Whig Republican Asso. Norfolk Justices, &c. 81 Williams College . 149 Notes payable on demand . 43 Worcester Justices, &c. &8 Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2009 witli funding from University of IVIassacliusetts, Boston Iittp://www.arcliive.org/details/pocketalmanackfo1840amer JANUARY, 1840, begins / FEBRUARY, 1840, begins on MARCH, 1840, begins on Sunday New Moon, 3d day, llh. 21m. evening. First Quarter, 10th day, 6h. 24m. evening. Full Moon, 17th day, llh. 47m. evening. Third Quarter, 26th day, Ih. 58m. morning. f.sea. Observable Days, &c. | r.^s. | r.©s. w j I DlQuinqQagesima. 6 27 6 2 C. P. Worcester. 3 S. J. C. L. Boston. C. C. Ash Wedn. [Nor. Gr'f. High tides. perigee. 1st Sun. in Lent. C. P. Low. Taun. Low ) runs high. tides. Greg. Planet Hers. dis. 1781. Reg. sou. lOh. 28m. eve. Jackson born, 1767. C. P. Salem & Gr'f. C. C. Plymouth. St. Pat. Cool rough winds, with frequent snow blasts Cranmer burnt, 1556. Ceylon Mis. estab. 1814. C. P. North. C. C. Worces. & Taun. 9 runs low. Low tides. C.Wesley died, 1788. 4th Sun. in Lent. Earthquake at Lima, 1828. APRIL, 1840, begins on MAY, 1840, begins on Friday. New Moon, 1st day, 7h. 22m. evening. First Quarter, 8th day, lOh. 6m. morning. Full Moon, 16th day, 6h. 46m. morning. Third Quarter, 24th day, 8h. 40m. morning. New Moon, 31st day, 2h. 31m. morning. | f.sea. r.<>s. |w Observable Days, &c. r.^s. | | I 1 (jlSt. Philip Hl St. James. 5 3 7 2 7 # perigee. 3 D Napoleon died, 1821. 4 2 # runs high. 5 3 S. J. C Barn. 6 4 Col. Allen exch. 1778. 7 5| Low tides. 8 6Am. Bible Soc. form. 1816. 9 7:Gov. Bradford, d. 1657. 10 D3d Sun. after Easter. 11 2 Trumbull died, 1831. 12 3 S. J. C. Len. & Plym. C. \-i 4 Am. Tr. Soc. An. [C. Con, 14 5 Am. Bib. Soc. Anniv. 15 6 Cape Cod disc. 1602. 16 7| High tides. 17 D # apogee. 18 2|# runs low. 19 3 20 4'c. C. Edg. 21 5 Dark day, 1780. 22 6 Mrs. Washington d. 1802. 23 7| Low tides. 24 D|5th Sun. after Easter. 25 2C. P. Edg. C. C. P. Wor. 26 3!Am. S, S. Union Anniv. 27 4Tract Anniv. Boston 28 Wm. Pitt born, 1759. 29 Very hio-h tides. 30 Alex. Pope died, 1744. 31 # perigee. JUNE, 1840, begins on Monday. First Quarter, 6tli day, 8h. 33m. evening. Full Moon, 14th day, lOh. 5m. evening. Third Quarter, 22d day, 6h. 47m. evening. New Moon, 29th day, 9h. I4m. morning. Days, 1 f.sea. r.^s. | Mi w Observable &c. | r.^s. I 2 C.P.N ant. Art. El. Bos, 33 8 morn. 9 41 3C. C. North. 32 40 10 3o; 3 4 Gen. El. N. H. 32 1 27 11 8 5 Peace with Tripoli, 1805. 31 2 11 11 37 i\ 6 Low tides. 31 2 56 morn. 7 Mahomet died, 634. 30 3 43 1 D Whitsunday. 30 4 36 22 8! 2 C. P. Con. & N. Bed. 29 5 36 41 9 3C. C.Greenfield. 29 6 43 1 10 4;War with Tripoli, 1801. 28 7 50 1 21 11 5lSt. Barnabas. 28 8 48 1 44 12 61 28 9 38 2 1] 13 7i# apogee. 28 10 21 2 44 14 DiTrinity. High tides. 27 11 rises. 15 2 C. P. Ip. Sp. & VVorces. 27 11 39 8 42 16 3 C. C. Worces. 27 ev. 16 9 23 17 4 Bat. Bunker Hill, 1775. 27 53 9 57| 18 5 War against Eng. 1812. 27 1 29 10 26 ]9 6 Gen. Green died, 1786. 27 2 3110 50 20 7 William IV. died, 1837. 27 2 3711 11 21 D 1st Sun. after Trinity. 27 3 16 11 31! 22 2 C. C. P. Cone. C. P. Len, 27 4 Ojll 51 23 33C. C. Springf. & Ded. 27 4 56 morn.
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    Anthony Mann, “How ‘poor country boys’ became Boston Brahmins: The Rise of the Appletons and the Lawrences in Ante-bellum Massachusetts” Historical Journal of Massachusetts Volume 31, No. 1 (Winter 2003). Published by: Institute for Massachusetts Studies and Westfield State University You may use content in this archive for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the Historical Journal of Massachusetts regarding any further use of this work: [email protected] Funding for digitization of issues was provided through a generous grant from MassHumanities. Some digitized versions of the articles have been reformatted from their original, published appearance. When citing, please give the original print source (volume/ number/ date) but add "retrieved from HJM's online archive at http://www.westfield.ma.edu/mhj. Editor, Historical Journal of Massachusetts c/o Westfield State University 577 Western Ave. Westfield MA 01086 How ‘poor country boys’ became Boston Brahmins: The Rise of the Appletons and the Lawrences in Ante-bellum Massachusetts1 By Anthony Mann The promise of social mobility was a central cultural tenet of the northern American states during the nineteenth century. The stories of those who raised themselves from obscure and humble origins to positions of wealth and status, whilst retaining a sufficiency of Protestant social responsibility, were widely distributed and well received amongst a people daily experiencing the personal instabilities of the market revolution.2 Two families which represented the ideal of social mobility 1 A version of this essay was first read at the conference of the British Association for American Studies, Birmingham, and April 1997. My thanks to Colin Bonwick, Louis Billington, Martin Crawford and Phillip Taylor who have advised since then.
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