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1975-76-Annual-Report.Pdf 19th Annual Report The Canada Council 1975-1976 Honorable Hugh Faulkner Secretary of State of Canada Ottawa, Canada Sir, I have the honor to transmit herewith the Annual Report of the Canada Council, for submission to Parliament, as required by section 23 of the Canada Council Act (5-6 Elizabeth 11, 1957, Chap. 3) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1976. I am, Sir, Yours very truly, Gertrude M. Laing, O.C ., Chairman June 1,1976 The Canada Council is a corporation created by an Act of This report is produced and distributed by Parliament in 1957 "to foster and promote the study and Information Services, enjoyment of, and the production of works in, the arts, The Canada Council, humanities and the social sciences." It offers a broad 151 Sparks Street, range of grants and provides certain services to individuals Ottawa, Ontario and organizations in these and related fields. It is also re- sponsible for maintaining the Canadian Commission for Postal address: Unesco. Box 1047, Ottawa, Ontario K1 P 5V8 The Council sets its own policies and makes its own deci- Telephone: sions within the terms of the Canada Council Act. It re- (613) 237-3400 ports to Parliament through the Secretary of State and appears before the Standing Committee on Broadcasting, Films and Assistance to the Arts. The Canada Council itself consists of a Chairman, a Vice- Chairman, and 19 other members, all of whom are ap- pointed by the Government of Canada. They meet four or five times a year, usually in Ottawa where the Council of- fices are located. The Council is assisted by a permanent staff and by numerous outside advisers, consulted individ- ually or in juries, committees or consultative groups. Among the latter, the Advisory Arts Panel and the Advisory Academic Panel play a major role in the development of Council policies and programs. Annual grants from Parliament are the Council's main source of income. They are supplemented by income from a $50 million Endowment Fund established by Parliament in 1957. The Council has also received substantial amounts in private donations and bequests, usually for specific purposes. Contents Foreword The Canada Council Humanities and Social Sciences 5 Introduction 6 Levels of Support, 1971-72 to 1975-76 13 Doctoral Fellowships 14 Distribution by Discipline Leave Fellowships 15 Distribution by Discipline Research 16 Distribution of Research Grants by Discipline Negotiated Grants Program Grants Major Editorial Grants Research Grants ($10,000 and over) General Research Grants Publication 22 Learned Journals Scholarly Manuscripts ConferencesandTravel 24 Conferences Travel to Annual Meetings of Canadian Learned Societies Research Support Services 26 Special Grants and Studies 26 Killam Program 27 Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarships Senior Research Scholarships Post-Doctoral Research Scholarships Explorations 29 Introduction 30 Grants 33 Contents The Arts 37 Introduction 38 Levels of Support, 1971-72 to 1975-76 43 Visual Arts and Photography 44 Film and Video 47 Writing, Publication and Translation 50 Music and Opera 61 Theatre 69 Dance - 72 Other Grants 74 Touring Office 74 Other Programs 77 Prizes 78 Commemorative Awards 80 Cultural Exchanges 81 Grants for International Representation 82 Stanley House 84 _ The Canadian Commission for Unesco - 85 General Review 86 Finances 89 Introduction 90 Financial Statement 92 Appendices 105 Juries and Selection Committees 106 Doctoral Fellowships 112 Special M.A. Scholarships 115 Leave Fellowships 1 1 7 Research Grants (less than $10,000) 122 Travel to Scholarly Meetings Abroad 130 Artists Whose Works Were Purchased for the Art Bank 1.31 Securities as at March 31, 1976 133 Canada Council Publications 139 Foreword We present this annual report of the Canada Council-my The year has also brought its sadness. In March we lost first, as chairman-at an interesting but difficult time in the a deeply valued friend and member of the Council, John Council's history. Deutsch. His death is a loss for all the people of Canada, We have been caught up, as has every public and who are indebted to him for his contributions in many fields private organization in this country, in the federal govern- of public life. It was a mark of the great esteem in which he ment's program of fiscal restraint. We have expressed our was held that in 1972, before his appointment to the Coun- concerns about matching limited resources to growing cil, he was awarded the Molson Prize for his distinguished needs in the arts, humanities and social sciences, and in service as economist, educationist, public policy adviser turn, the organizations and individuals we support have and public servant. voiced their anxieties to us about the future. We feel an Over the years, the Council has had the benefit of much honest and fruitful dialogue has been the result. counsel from many distinguished Canadians, and it is Clearly, money will not be as readily available for a time impossible to pay tribute to them all. But we should like to as it has been, but in the long view this exercise in austerity thank the Council members whose three-year terms may prove to be beneficial . It has provided an added expired during the past year: Claude Roussel and incentive to our determination to re-examine priorities and June Russell. policies in the light of changing conditions in Canada. In To Brian Flemming, of Halifax, who served as vice- February of this year we convened a special session of the chairman and assumed the onerous task of acting chairman Council, with a few outside consultants, to do just that-for from July 25, to December 23,1975, we are especially the arts. At the June 1976 meeting of the Council, two com- grateful. To him and to Ronald Baker of Charlottetown we mittees were set up to pursue the work initiated at the owe much of the success of the Council's four-day February meeting and extend their review of policy direc- meetings in the Atlantic provinces last October. tions and financing to the humanities and social sciences. The holding of these regional meetings, in a different part Our assistance to scholarly research in the humanities of Canada each year, says a great deal about the Council's and social sciences is given principally through the uni- view of its task. For it is the essence of our mandate that versities, and we are deeply concerned about the impact the opportunities for cultural participation be extended to of financial restraint on this vital work. With rising costs and all the people of Canada, regardless of where they live. severely limited capital and working income there can be We hope this report bears a fair accounting of that belief almost no growth, and this will have serious consequences and that mandate. for the future. In spite of budget limitations we launched new initiatives during 1975-76, as described in this report, Gertrude M. Laing, O.C., Chairman and we hope they will prove helpful to the scholarly community. The past year has therefore been a time of adjustment and change-sometimes quite exciting change-for mem- bers of the Council and staff. We welcome the new director, Charles Lussier, and the new Council members-Eva Kushner and Christopher Pratt-and we express our thanks to all those continuing members who have served the Council over the past year. March 31,1976 Members Frances Hyland Advisory Arts Panel Ray Michal Gertrude Laing (Chairman) Marjorie Johnston Robert Creech (Chairman) Suzanne Paradis Michel Belanger (Vice- Douglas T. Kenny Dennis Lee (Chairman Richard Rutherford Chairman from April 8, Eva Kushner until February 23, 1976) Michael Snow 1976) Eric McLean Albert Millaire Normand Thériault Brian Flemming (Vice- Mavor Moore (Vice-Chairman) Gilles Tremblay Chairman until February Paul B . Park Bruno Bobak Rudy Wiebe 20,1976) Robert Rivard Joe Fafard John Wood Nini Baird Claude Roussel (until August Vera Frenkel Anna Wyman Ronald Baker 17,1975) Bill Glassco Elizabeth Yeigh Jean-Charles Bonenfant June Russell (until August John Hirsch Mavor Moore (Member of *John J. Deutsch 17,1975) Gary Karr Council) Guita Falardeau Norman Ward Jean-Pierre Lefebvre Robert Rivard (Member of John W. Grace Antonine Maillet Council) Investment Committee Allan Hockin Lois Marshall Frank E . Case (Chairman) Gettrude Laing (from March Advisory Academic Panel J.M. Norris Michel Belanger (from March 29,1976) H.C. Eastman (Chairman) Romain Paquette 29,1976) Raymond Primeau Milan V. Dimic Richard Salisbury "John J.Deutsch (Vice-Chairman) Laurent Santerre Brian Flemming (until Jean Burnet Edward F. Sheffield February 20,1976) William H .R. Charles Arthur M. Sullivan Executive Staff Jules Pelletier, Assistant J .C. Courtney Jean-Pierre Wallot Charles Lussier, Director Director and Chief of Gerard Dion George Wickens Andre Fortier (Director Management Advisory Jack Graham Douglas T. Kenny until December 31, 1975) Services Richard Hope-Simpson (Member of Council) Timothy Porteous, David Bartlett, Secretary Jacques Legare . Paul B. Park Associate Director General for the Canadian Claude Lévesque (Member of Council) F.A. Milligan, Associate Commission for Unesco Robert Law McDougall Director for University Executive Committee for the Helen Hnatyshyn Affairs Canadian Commission John Hobday Claude Gauthier, Assistant for Unesco Napoleon LeBlanc Director and Secretary-. L.H. Cragg (Chairman) Lucien Perras Treasurer Vianney Décarie John G. Prentice 'Deceased (Vice-Chairman) Gertrude Laing Jacques Asselin (Chairman of Council) Juries and selection committees Pierre Couillard Charles Lussier (Ex-officio) are listed in Appendix 1 . Bert E. Curtis David W. Bartlett Blanche Faucher (Secretary General) Theo L. Hills Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Introduction It is good when plans move from the moot to the possible, L'union fait la force and then to the implementation stage, as happened over Our new Program Grants, designed to fill a gap in the the past year in at least two important areas of our work Council's line of research support devices, are awarded- in the humanities and social sciences.
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