Meridian Water | July 2011 Consultation Document Meridian Water Transforming North London

Meridian Water is one of the key regeneration and investment opportunities in North London. The £1.3 billion redevelopment of this area of underutilised land in Enfield will create a new neighbourhood of up to 5,000 homes and businesses and deliver up to 3,000 new jobs by 2045.

Meridian Water offers large areas of high quality development land nestled between the busy town centre location of Edmonton Green and the peaceful waterways and parklands of the Lee Valley. This is an opportunity for development, investment and regeneration no other location in London can offer.

An Unrivalled Development Opportunity

Meridian Water will be a place that people are proud to call home, with everything that families and businesses need to flourish. Residents will enjoy high quality, energy efficient housing, revitalised employment areas, waterside living, excellent leisure opportunities, new schools, community spaces and local shops in a high quality public realm. Businesses will benefit from an environment which has been designed to meet their needs, with the Council working closely with partners to ensure a supportive atmosphere for business growth and investment.

In order to realise this level of growth, the Council have drawn together the Meridian Water Delivery Board, a strong partnership of some of the key decision makers in London, ranging from the Greater London Authority to Transport for London, from the Environment Agency to the Homes and Communities Agency and beyond, working in partnership to realise the vision.

These groups have come together in one forum to coordinate their approaches to the regeneration and realisation of Meridian Water, enabling joint working across the organisations, and a single point of contact for those wanting to take forward proposals for delivery.

This unique partnership arrangement allows the organisations to coordinate their funding streams and resources, speed up decision making and pioneer joint delivery within Meridian Water in order to facilitate and enable investment and development.

Creating a New Community

The Meridian Water Masterplan creates a vision for the coordinated regeneration of the disconnected pockets of underutilised and vacant land that characterise the area, giving a once in a lifetime opportunity to reshape this part of the Borough to create a new community that will redefine the landscape of North London.

The Masterplan sets forward a proposal to link the east and west of the area with a new community spine, a pedestrian friendly route that joins Harbet Road to Glover Drive, opening up and connecting the area with Edmonton, Northumberland Park, Highams Hill and beyond.

Taking forward this concept of a strong community spine, the Masterplan sets out plans for the development of a new neighbourhood shaped around this link, putting forward proposals for development designed to become an extension and expansion of Edmonton, rather than stand alone islands and pockets of development without any sense of place or purpose.

Through this shared vision and framework for the future of the area, Meridian Water will create a neighbourhood that people can call home, a place where residents have a sense of permanence and belonging, not only to Meridian Water but to Edmonton and North London, creating a community where people can set down roots and take pride in the place they can call home. A Prime Location For Growth

Building on Meridian Waters key location in the heart of the Lee Valley, the area has the potential for significant levels of growth, providing large areas of developable land in North London, with excellent transport links in an easily recognised location.

Meridian Water lies at the foot of the thriving industrial corridor of the Lee Valley, with all of the component elements of a world class Decentralised Energy Network ready to be integrated with the regeneration of this part of Enfield.

The site takes full advantage of the North Circular, giving excellent road linkages to London, along with Angel Road Station located at the heart of the site, giving easy access to , Stanstead, Cambridge and beyond.

Meridian Water is only 4 minutes from Hale, 6 miles from Junction 25 of the M25, 25 minutes from City Airport, 45 minutes from Heathrow and 2 hours 50 minutes from Paris via Eurostar, creating a prime location for development and growth in London. Meridian Water Site & Vision

The Vision

The vision for Meridian Water supports the creation of a distinctive waterfront eco-neighbourhood, developed as an integrated extension of Edmonton. The aim is to develop a new sustainable community that is fully integrated with its surrounding area, where the positive benefits of the regeneration and investment reach beyond its boundaries.

The masterplan will guide the regeneration of the area to support a vibrant new community that will create up to 5,000 new homes, and identify where the supporting social and community infrastructure can be created to develop a successful and desirable place to live. The masterplan will draw on Meridian Water’s distinctiveness, defining a sense of place that is strongly rooted in its character and context.

Additionally, the masterplan will seek to deliver up to 3,000 jobs. It will look to create new jobs but also retain existing employment, building on the strong business base already in place and creating new and exciting opportunities for investment and development. This level of regeneration can be compared to the Olympic Village, Woodberry Down or Royal Arsenal in terms of its importance and contribution to London’s growth.

Waltham Abbey

M25 The Site Site location Car parking Meridian Water is the collective name given to the currently dominates underutilised employment land in the south east of Enfield, on the border with the north east of Haringey and the north west of Waltham Sewardstone Forest, and forms part of the Central Leeside Area Action Plan.

Brimsdown The site itself includes part of, and is bounded to the east by, the Lee En eld Valley Regional Park and to the west primarily by Kimberley Road and Conduit Lane. To the north, the site is bounded by Conduit Lane and the North Circular (A406) and to the south by Leeside Road. Ponder’s End Bush The area is tightly bounded by physical constraints, many of which are Hill Park identified in the accompanying images, such as the North Circular Big sheds fill the Winchmore and the Lee Valley waterways, which separate the area from nearby Hill communities. Chingford skyline


Upper Highams Edmonton Meridian Park Water

Tottenham Wood Green Pylons cross the

Walthamstow site Tottenham Hale


The site itself is dissected by Meridian Way (A1055), the West Anglia Main Line, a number of channelised River Lee tributaries and larger power pylons and cables following the course of the River Lee Flooding is an issue Diversion.

The development of Meridian Water offers a unique opportunity to regenerate the existing landscape to deliver a character driven regeneration, reconnecting the east and west of the area, and creating a unique component of the River Lee green network. Currently underused watercourses and decaying industrial chimneys will be transformed into key features of a dynamic, pedestrian friendly, green urban environment, transforming this area of Edmonton. Meridian Water One Planet Living

Meridian Water can create a low carbon, ecologically responsible community that offers a desirable place for people to live, work and play. Meridian Water can help to deliver an integrated vision of contemporary waterfront living that sets new standards in sustainability.

Meridian Water presents an extraordinary opportunity for a site-wide district heating network which takes advantage of the proposals for a Borough wide decentralised energy network that builds on the infrastructure assets of the Lee Valley. The nearby energy centres and industrial corridor creates the prime opportunity to capture the released heat from these operations to deliver secure, low cost, low carbon energy and heating to businesses and homes in Meridian Water and beyond.

Our objectives are as follows:

Promote a carbon neutral Eliminate, recycle and Mitigate and adapt to Choose local and neighbourhood manage waste climate change sustainable materials

Promote equity and fair trade Be empathetic to national Provide for health and well- Promote the production of culture and heritage being food locally

Recreate natural habitats and Promote sustainable transport Create connections to the Revitalise the surrounding encourage wildlife alternatives waterways and parks communities Meridian Water Living and Working

The focus for housing growth in the east of Enfield is within the Upper Lee Valley Opportunity Area at Meridian Water in Central Leeside and Ponders End in north east Enfield. Meridian Water will create a sustainable community of up to 5000 new homes, constructed using the highest quality environmental design and construction techniques, with the spaces between them carefully designed to create places where people want to live, learn, work and play.

The location and Scale is an important Connecting configuration of the Family homes element at Meridian Water. residential areas of Meridian The current landscape is communities Water will be designed to inhuman in scale, dominated connect with the existing by large warehouses and residential neighbourhoods major roads. to the east and west. The challenge is regenerate Where possible new the area in such a way as residential streets will link into to bring a human dimension existing routes, providing back, integrating new direct and convenient development with old to routes for existing residents create a more human space. to the new facilities within the eco-neighbourhood. This will be done by breaking down the scale of development, mixing building heights and styles to create inviting spaces.

The masterplan has the A range potential to deliver a mix of high quality and energy of types & efficient housing types, sizes and tenures, including tenures family homes, apartments and the provision of a range of affordable and accessible housing across the scheme, which together will enable residents to remain in the community throughout their lifetimes.

Housing diversity will be important, mixing flats, terraces and family homes to provide a wide variety of sustainable places to live.

High quality urban living

All new homes should be of exemplary quality, taking advantage of pioneering new environmental technologies and approaches to reducing flood risk, as well as benefiting from renewable power and locally produced energy, linking in to the Boroughs proposed decentralised energy network. Opportunities will be explored for higher density development close to Angel Road Station to take advantage of future improvements to rail services as well as along the existing waterways. Meridian Water Business Opportunities

Meridian Water sits within and alongside Edmonton, an existing thriving community, with its own retail and employment centre and opportunities. The regeneration of Meridian Water creates the opportunity for new development to integrate with and support the growth and enhancement of this area, providing new and improved community facilities, resources and job opportunities.

The area suffers from a Enfield offers a unique space for Revitalising Industry poor image and lack of New Opportunities businesses to relocate and expand co-ordination across its and Meridian Water will build on industrial estates. There is this to provide exciting new sites for an urgent need to develop business development, particularly for a comprehensive strategic the Green and Low Carbon Sectors. framework for the area in order to positively respond to The North Circular could be future demands, in particular screened with employment uses anticipated growth in demand which can take advantage of the for industrial space and the close proximity to the strategic road need to relocate industry and network whilst acting as a buffer employment uses. Existing between the road and more sensitive industrial areas could be uses. reconfigured to maximise land use opportunities within These new employment facilities will Meridian Water and take be designed to meet the highest full advantage of waterside sustainability standards in line with the locations. eco vision for Meridian Water.

Key Growth Sectors

The transformation of Meridian Water will allow the opportunity for the expansion of key business sectors, with the Council taking a pro-active role to encourage and support investment and development of a number of key sectors that have already shown massive potential for growth in Enfield;

• Green and carbon reduction sectors • Advanced manufacturing • Business support services • Research and development • Start up businesses • Digital media and software sectors • Food and drink technologies • Knowledge transfer sectors

In order to support the new Meridian Water already provides Retail community of residents ConnectionsConnections excellent connections by road and rail and employees a degree not only to the surrounding area, but to of retail provision will Greater London and beyond. be necessary. With this additional retail provision • 2 hours 50 minutes from Paris will come additional • 1 hour 40 minutes from Felixstowe jobs in the retail sector, • 45 minutes from Heathrow helping to diversity the • 40 minutes from Stansted retail opportunities within • 29 minutes from City Airport the area to compliment • 6.5 miles from the Olympic Stadium and support the existing • 6 miles from Junction 25 of the M25 uses from big box retailers • 4 minutes from Tottenham Hale through to local corner shops. The proposals build on these existing strong links, looking to expand and diversify them, increasing train frequencies, reshaping road movements and opening up accessibility within Meridian Water. Meridian Water Sense of Community

Meridian Water will create an extension and growth The opportunities and investment created by of Edmonton, ensuring the new community is linked Meridian Water will benefit the wider community in to this existing neighbourhood. Beyond creating a the Edmonton area and beyond. Such is the scale of transformational development, Meridian Water will opportunity, that Meridian Water has the potential to ensure that this growth occurs in partnership with help redefine and reshape the future landscape of the surrounding neighbourhoods and communities. North London.

A vibrant new neighbourhood centre New homes Mixed use development

Local retail and employment

New and improved open space

A multi-purpose New primary and Designing in Health facilities community centre secondary schools Safety and Security Meridian Water Embracing Water

Meridian Water will open up the Lee Valley Regional boat passengers connecting Hertfordshire to the Park and its waterways to create an active and Olympic park and beyond. The River Lee, Salmons vibrant waterside community within the heart of and Pymmes Brooks also traverse the site. Together, Enfield. The site is permeated by the Lee Navigation, these watercourses, with their distinctive aspects a navigable waterway that acts as a sustainable and character present the possibility for a range of transport route for pedestrians, cyclists, freight and recreation and leisure opportunities.

Managing flood risk Channel re-profiling

Meridian Water offers an opportunity to The Salmons and Pymmes Brooks are currently encased in large concrete channels, providing limited opportunities address flood risk associated with parts of for biodiversity and contributing little to the visual environment. As part of the flood mitigation strategy it is proposed the site. There is potential for improvement that these channels be naturalised, with their concrete casings removed and replaced with widened natural sloped of the water environment through design, banks, bringing the water into the urban landscape and creating a resource for people and wildlife to enjoy, whilst including a number of mitigation measures at the same time increasing biodiversity. to deal with fluvial flooding constraints.

Manipulating the floodplain

Mitigation measures which control through design, manipulating the extent of the floodplain, will be employed. The masterplan could include the modification of ground levels to substitute floodplain areas further from the river for areas closer to the river which are not predicted to flood. This could involve the creation of larger green corridors.

Dual-purpose defences

Living with water Urban beach

In some instances flood defences can be used to reduce the size of the floodplain. Upstream storage areas could be created to store flood waters. Fixed defences, such as walls In the Meridian Water masterplan area, and embankments, could be designed in such a way as to floodplain compensation and the associated The Meridian Water site is located provide a dual recreational use. land-take, has been a key consideration when adjacent to Banbury Reservoir, which planning the layout of the masterplan options. presents a unique opportunity to be Where sites at risk of flooding have been identified within opened up for public use for the first the Meridian Water: Flood Risk Modelling Report (March Details of these considerations are set out time. An urban beach could be created, 2011),opportunities will be sought to use creative flood within the Meridian Water: Flood Risk Modelling providing a major new attraction similar to management methods to maximise the use of space and Report (March 2011). those in Paris, Boston and the South Bank. areas for development. Meridian Water Open space and play

The proximity to major environmental assets such as the Lee Valley Regional Park, Banbury Reservoir, the waterways and nature reserves present Meridian Water with an extraordinary opportunity to provide a broad range of recreational open space that simultaneously enhances biodiversity, protects against flooding, mitigating the impact of climate change and dramatically improving environmental quality of the area.

Green links Connections Waterways The site presents the opportunity Opportunities exist to open up the Lee Valley Regional to create a series of green open Park and its waterways to create an active and vibrant space corridors that create waterside community. The masterplan could maximise the connections between a variety opportunities offered by the waterfront location, with routes of elements including the Lee and spaces along the water edge. New open spaces could Valley Regional Park and a connect to the currently disjointed parts of the Lee Valley number of channelised River Regional Park either side of the . Lee tributaries, as well as the River Lee itself, and the River Lee Diversion Channel. Meridian Pymmes & Salmons River Lee Water has access to a range Brooks of green spaces, particularly sports and recreation grounds and these green corridors would create attractive routes that improve access to them.

Banbury Reservoir Wetlands

The masterplan would seek Children to enhance existing areas of green infrastructure as well as identifying new areas of green space. A number of new open and extended open spaces could be provided throughout Meridian Water, offering opportunities for children and adults alike.

Public Spaces Walking Shared streets

The new community spine offers the A network of green spaces could be Traffic could be discouraged from residential parts of Meridian opportunity for a series of new squares and overlain with footpaths and cycleways Water through the use of shared surfaces which allow streets public spaces to be created at key points providing safe walking routes to schools to be used by residents, pedestrians and cyclists in a safe along its length. These spaces would vary and other facilities, encouraging people manner. Parking provision could potentially be provided in type and scale, providing focal points for away from the private car and enhancing away from the private home so as to further encourage use community, civic and retail activities. the safety and security of public spaces. of sustainable transport modes. Meridian Water Transport Connections

The area benefits from its proximity to the North Circular, however there is poor access to public transport, particularly at Angel Road station. Improving access and movement through Meridian Water, Central Leeside and the Upper Lee Valley is vital to transforming the area into an integrated community and helping to deliver a new sustainable eco-quarter, along with capitalising on the potential to improve the rail network through the development of an additional rail line from Tottenham to Brimsdown

Public transport is at the heart of the creation of a healthier and Transport Hub & Train more connected low-carbon community in Meridian Water. The transport strategy should aim to reduce overall car trips. Rail patronage could be encouraged by improving service frequency, pedestrian access, security and facilities at Angel Road station and the future of the rail franchise will play a key role in this.

In addition, a new public transport interchange will be provided at Angel Road Station, with extended platforms and entrances to the south of the A406 (North Circular), along with new and improved bus services.

Network Rails “London and South East Rail Utilisation Strategy” (December 2010) proposes the creation of a third rail line from Tottenham to Brimsdown that will allow 4 trains an hour to run from Angel Road Station within the next 5 - 10 years. This will transform the development and public transport opportunities in the area.

Bus service provision Buses will be improved by providing bespoke services to surrounding transport hubs and rerouting existing services through the site, with frequent bus stops and every part of Meridian Water within a 5 minute walk of a bus route. New and improved bus routes could connect Edmonton Green to Meridian Water along with improved links and access to the railway station and beyond to Tottenham Hale and the Underground network.


Cycling Walking routes

Whilst a focus on public transportation, walking and cycling is at the heart of the vision for Meridian Water, the road network will play a key part in delivering the proposals. The redevelopment of the area will allow new opportunities Pedestrian and cycle links could be provided The quality of the public realm could be to reshape the existing network to make better use of the across the site to facilitate easier connections improved to create a high quality urban existing junctions and roadways, and to create a new east with existing public transport services with environment with pedestrian and cycle west community spine road, connecting Meridian Way and new cycle parking and potentially hire priority. New bridges will cross the various Harbet Road. facilities provided at the main transport waterways to facilitate east-west movement interchanges. and complete the new community spine. Meridian Water Community spine

The regeneration of Meridian Water offers the opportunity to create new attractive connections across the area, linking communities, jobs and resources across the development and beyond through the creation of a new community spine. This new link will not only open up the area to create an attractive place to live, but provide the opportunity to lay down key next generation utilities and infrastructure such as a decentralised energy network connections and high speed broadband links as part of its construction.

A new walkway A new street

The existing tunnel which passes underneath the A key objective of each of the masterplan options is to provide a network of safe and attractive pedestrian and railway line will be opened to the public. The cycle connections across the site to create an integrated, well-connected neighbourhood. Central to this concept route would be well lit and lined with public art, is the creation of community spine running through the key elements of the masterplan. The new spine running as well as being overlooked by neighbouring through the area could connect all parts of Meridian Water, linking new and existing communities, opening up the uses to provide a safe, secure and direct route, station and improving access to the rich landscape of the Lee Valley Regional Park. encouraging pedestrian links across the area.

A new park

New residential development could take full advantage of the riverside location to create new parks located along the length of the community spine. It is likely that new bridges would cross the waterways, allowing a seamless east-west route.

A new water A new square crossing

A new pedestrian and public transport crossing could be provided over the River Lee Navigation It is likely that the character and land uses along the length as part of the community spine, providing opportunities for bars, restaurants and other recreation of the community spine will vary. Ikea could form a strong activities. This new bridge would form a vital link completing the connection through the site from component of the High Street, anchored by new access to east to west as well as joining strategic north-south routes which line either side of the river. Angel Road Station south of the North Circular. High quality public realm should connect each of the uses to create a safe and friendly link through the development. Meridian Water Development Proposals

The vision for Meridian Water sets out proposals The plan below sets out the potential locations for to create up to 5,000 new homes and 3,000 new this development, taking in to account all of the jobs. To support that level of growth, the proposals considerations in this document, the requirements would also need to create 2 new primary schools of the Councils Core Strategy Policies and (including a nursery), a secondary school, the extensive background studies and reports community hub, doctors surgery and police drop- undertaken to support the development of Meridian in centre to help support the development of this Water. community.

The creation of a new industrial geography at Reshaping the green space Meridian Water will provide opportunities to diversify provision will help to improve the the type of employment uses. The development of quality of the greenbelt, provide Meridian Water will present an opportunity to refurbish flood storage areas and open up and revitalise the existing industrial units to create a access to the Lee Valley Regional Two primary schools are unique location for green industry clusters, emerging Park. technologies and other cleaner industries. distributed across the The existing Ravenside Retail community so as to be within Park would be retained with a 5 minute walk of every potential for reconfiguration if home, with one to the west required, in order to allow the of the site and one in the shops to connect to the new centre of the area. A new east / west community spine secondary school is positioned centrally to the new and existing communities adjacent to a major new transport hub and mixed use development, acting as a means of connecting the surrounding communities. A limited relocation of industrial sites for alternative uses would be proposed A small retail need has along the River Lee and been identified within the community spine frontage to Core Strategy, which will connect the east and west of be addressed through the the area. possible expansion of the existing operators and a In order to protect potential range of supporting retail residential uses from their facilities required to meet industrial neighbours, the day to day needs of the intermediate buffer community and surrounding development would be neighbourhoods. needed.

Residential uses are located alongside the site’s watercourse There is the potential to release large sections of land and parks, away from the power lines, North Circular and around the existing retail uses currently used for inefficient other busy arterial routes, and noisy industrial uses. A series of car parking layouts. It may also be possible to reshape interconnected neighbourhoods reach across the scheme some of the existing uses through limited extensions, freeing and connect into the existing communities to the east and up land more suitable for residential and other uses and west of the site. connecting them with the community spine. Meridian Water Locations & Phasing

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3a

Phase 3b Phase 4 Phase 5


ISSUED BY Peterborough T 01733 310471 PROJECT TITLE DWG. NO 2936_059 MERIDIAN WATER

DATE 17/03/2011 DRAWN OK No dimensions are to be scaled from this drawing. All dimensions are to be checked on site. Area measurements for indicative purposes only. This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s SCALE@A3 NTS CHECKED CJ Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown DRAWING TITLE copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence number 0100031673 [2009] Draft Phases options STATUS DRAFT APPROVED CJ © LDA Design Consulting LLP. Quality Assured to BS EN ISO 9001 : 2000 Meridian Water Consultation

Your Views

The Council has committed to the creation of up to 5,000 new homes and up to 3,000 new jobs through the development of Meridian Water, adopting the key principles for development within the Councils Core Strategy in November 2010.

This consultation document aims to set out what considerations will be at the heart of the Masterplan and provide the first designs for the potential layout of the area, taking these facts and policies in to account. Your feedback from this consultation will help the Council to modify the shape and nature of the proposals, and develop a single plan for the future of the area in the form of the Meridian Water Masterplan.

Therefore Council is particularly interested in hearing your views on the following issues:

• What is your opinion on the proposed design for Meridian Water? Are the land uses in the right places? • This document sets out a proposal for phasing development from West to East. Is that the right place to start development? • The design proposes creating a new road connecting Meridian Way to Harbet Road. What is your opinion on this new road? • Is Meridian Way, next to Ikea, the right place for new offices and units for small businesses to be built? • Would you live or work in Meridian Water? Why? • Is there anything else in the development of Meridian Water that you don’t think we have considered in this document?

Background Research & Evidence

In order to develop the proposals in this document, the Council and its partners have undertaken significant amounts of very detailed background research and studies which have helped to shape the designs in this document.

Given the complex nature of these reports, in the interests of simplicity and clarity we have not attempted to summarise their findings in this document.

However, copies of these documents are available on the Councils website for those wanting more detailed information on key technical issues such as flooding and air quality which underpin and have shaped the designs and proposals in this document.

Whilst there are significant numbers of documents, policies and strategies within the Council that feed in to the proposals, the key documents informing this stage of the Masterplan are;

• The Enfield Plan - Core Strategy 2010 - 2025 • Draft S106 Supplementary Planning Document (June 2011) • Infrastructure Delivery Plan (June 2010) • Core Strategy Transport Assessment (2009) • Enfield Characterisation Study (June 2011) • Enfield Statement of Community Involvement (2006) • Enfield Strategic Growth Areas Report (2009) The Council will be consulting on this document from the 25th • Central Leeside Joint AAP Issues & Options Report (2008) of July until the 5th of September 2011. • Enfield Borough Investment Plan (2010 - Ongoing) • The London Plan (2010) • Draft London Plan Opportunity Area Planning Framework (2010) Any comments on the proposals should be made in writing • Upper Lee Valley Landscape Strategy (2010)

to: • Meridian Water Appendix 1 - Planning Baseline • Meridian Water Appendix 2 - Social Infrastructure Baseline • Meridian Water Appendix 3 - Transport Review Meridian Water Masterplan Consultation • Meridian Water Appendix 4 - Flood Risk Scoping • Meridian Water Appendix 5 - Geo-environmental Study Neighbourhood Regeneration Team • Meridian Water Appendix 6 - Noise Constraints • Meridian Water Appendix 7 - Air Quality Constraints B Block South • Meridian Water Appendix 8 - Utility Constraints Assessment • Meridian Water Appendix 9 - Community Demographic Baseline Civic Centre • Meridian Water Appraisal Inputs and Results Enfield • Meridian Water: Flood Risk Modelling Report (March 2011) EN1 3XY These documents are available:

On our website at: Or by email to: [email protected] Or on request from [email protected] Or on our website at:

Next Steps

Over the next four months after this consultation finishes the Council will develop a revised Masterplan based on the comments and recommendations recieved. The Council will then hold a second round of wider consultations on the Masterplan, to show how your views have been taken in to account and provide an opportunity to comment on the final designs and principles for the future of Meridian Water.

Following that second consultation, the Council will then formally adopt the Masterplan as a Supplementary Planning Document for the area, sitting within the Councils Local Development Framework, alongside the Central Leeside Area Action Plan and the Councils Core Strategy to shape the future growth and development of Meridian Water.