Appendix D: Research Studies Prepared for the Commission
VOLUME 5 Renewal: A Twenty-Year Commitment Appendix D: Research Studies Prepared for the Commission Studies are listed alphabetically by author, followed by the author's affiliation (in parentheses) where applicable and the title or subject of the research study. Where there is more than one study by an author or authors, entries are separated by a semi-colon. Where there is more than one author, the other authors' names are cross-referenced to the main entry. Studies marked with an asterisk may have been quoted or cited in other volumes of this report under another title. Titles listed here are for authors' final versions, after peer review and editing; titles cited earlier in the report may have been for previous drafts. Abel, Alizette, see Lutra Associates Ltd. Absolon, Kathleen E., and Anthony R. Winchester, Urban Perspectives/Cultural Identity Project/Victoria Report/Case Studies of 'Sonny' and 'Emma'; Cultural Identity For Urban Aboriginal Peoples, Learning Circles Synthesis Report Ahenakew, Freda, et al. (Cree Language Consulting), Aboriginal Language Policy and Planning inCanada Alfred, Gerald R., A Review and Analysis of the Major Challenges and Concerns of AboriginalYouth in Canada Alfred, Gerald R., and Nadine S. Huggins, Learning from the International Experience: AComparative Review of State Policies for Indigenous Youth Alfred, Gerald R. (Mohawk Council of Kahnawake), The Meaning of Self-Government in Kahnawake Allard, Yvon, Georg Lithman, John O'Neil and Moneca Sinclaire, Winnipeg Case Study of Health and Social Services: Final Report Anaquod, Del C., Aboriginal Economic, Training, Education and Employment; Urban Institutional Development — Case Study, Regina Anaquod, Del C., and Vikas Khaladkar, Case Study — The First Nations Economy in the City of Regina Anaya, S.
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