QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FROM MIKE JOHNSON’S 2017 MEETINGS WITH SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS This document includes questions asked and answers to questions asked at Mike Johnson’s 2017 meetings with schools and community organizations in East Denver. The index is organized by topic. If you control–click on a question in the index, you will be linked to a restatement of the question and the answer to the question. The school or other meeting at which the question was asked and the date the answer was prepared is shown at the end of each answer (for example, Bromwell 5/10/17). There are hyperlinks throughout this document that are in blue and underlined. If you control–click on the hyperlinks, it should take you to a web page. If that doesn’t work, copy the hyperlink and paste it in your browser. If you have problems accessing any of the information in this document, please call or email Ramona Lewis at 720.423.3211 or
[email protected]. This document is current as of 6/21/2017 and will be updated from time to time as Mike attends more meetings and answers more questions. 1 | P a g e Index Accountability and School Performance Framework (SPF) ....................................................................... 9 Why did DPS make the recent changes in the SPF measurement for attendance? Why was it changed mid-year? ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Why are there “cliff” cut off points in the SPF scoring? Some scoring categories have broad ranges from low to high so that a school that ranks at the bottom get just as many points as a school that ranks at the top even though the differences are significant.