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TRE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Founded in 18U by Rev TRE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Founded in 18U by Rev. Michael O'Connor, First Bishop oj Pittsburgh Diocese »38 PITTSBURGH, MAY 14, 1925 No. 20 ¿fun CORCORAN GETS RESPONSE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OPEN STATE MONSIGNOR WILLIAM KITTELL M HG BROTHER MOVEMENT" PLAN CONVENTION IN GETTYSBURG BY TO CELEBRATE GOLDEN JUBILEE FROM THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS DEDICATING MEMORIAL TO NUNS IN HOLY FAMILY CHURCH TODAY m Boys to Be Brought Back Into Rectitude, and Nor- Beautiful Tribute to Sisters of Civil War Service Presented to the Harrisburg Diocese—Pitts- Reverend Dean, Beloved Throughout Diocese, Rounds Out ¿j ¿y to Have Safeguards to Keep Him So—Details of burgh Forms Large Part of Representation at Sessions—Notes on the Locals Fifty Years of Fruitful Service in the Vineyard of the rki (Special to The Catholic) Lord—Was Associated in St. Michael Seminary GETTYSBURG, Pa., May 13.— formal ceremonies, presented to the Bishop McDevitt; other addresses, «.(her I P. R- Corcoran, director the government called upon the Jew- Harrisburg Diocese the $25,000 Rt. Rev. Monsignor William Kit- which Monsignor Kittell has minis- ish, Protestant and Catholic relig- Knights of Columbus, with 135 coun- all patriotic and lauding the great Charities, Diocese of cils represented by deleagtes of the memorial erected to the honor of the tell, P.P., LL.D., V.F., rector of tered to his flocks as priest and IrLrefc, whose story of the need ious bodies asking them to place at work of the Catholic Sisters in all 50,000 members of the order in nuns who served in the battlefield of wars, were made by Rev. Dr. Peter Holy Family Church of Latrobe, Pa., shepherds, "1875-1925." Brother" movement the disposal of the government or- the Civil War, Rev. Mark E. Stock and priest beloved throughout the The Catholic joins the diocese it Zl ms published in last week's ganizations of men who would inter- Pennsylvania, opened the state con- Guilday, Catholic University; Gov- diocese, will be the guest of especial vention here with a pontifical Mass delivering the introductory address ernor Albert C. Ritchie, of Mary- congratulations and prayers foi S-Ke. rot quick response for his est themselves in the welfare of the and Michael J. McEnery, of Phila- honor at his parish today, when he many more y^ars of strength ana soldiers abroad and in the trai/ring celebrated by Rt. Rev. Philip R. Mc- land. Included in the list of notable will celebrate the golden jubille of delphia, chairman of the memorial guests at the convention are Gov- happiness. Em. of Columbus, whose frater- camps and whose contact with the Devitt, ordinary of the Diocese of committee, presiding, while the his elevation to Holy Priesthood. He Monsignor Kittell is especially soldier group would tend to keep up Harrisburg, Sunday morning at 10 ernor Pinchot, United States Sena- is Dean in the hierarchy of the dio- S%l iB already lighted with memorial was presented by State tors Pepper and Reed, Governor well known throughout the diocese ^ torches of good deeds m hu- the morale among our soldiers which o'clock. Deputy Leo G. Griffith, of Pitts- cese. because of his association with old war and the atrocities accompanying Ritchie and prominent officers of the «dfire, and who now become In the afternoon the Knights, in burgh. The acceptance was made by order from all parts of the country. The Mass will be celebrated at 10 St. Michael's Seminary in Hazel- SK& to the lads of the it so quickly tended to weaken. o'clock, Eastern Standard Time, wood, whence came so many of the Tjgr Father Corcoran says in The Protestant group and the when hosts of parishioners and priests of the diocese now in import- u Jewish group placed at the disposal fsohjoined article: . , THE BIG STEAMER friends in Latrobe and many other ant stations. He was for a time In Attbe outbreak of the great of the government the Y. M. C. A. OFFICIAL NEEDLE CRAFT parts of the diocese and country will Rome before he took up the duties ¿id War, the government of the and the Y. M. H. A. to carry on wel- gather to participate in the happy of his pastorate in Latrobe, where juLj States of America and the fare activities among the Protestant "WASHINGTON" FOR THE CHANCERY ANNOUNCES EXHIBITION AT arrival at fifty years of fruitful la- he has made his parish one to be ^t religious bodies realized that and Jewish soldiers. The Catholic THAT A CONFERENCE OF THE bors in the vineyard of the Lord. reverred and loved by all people. Mtivities were necessary to Hierarchy of the United States made K. C. EXCURSION CLERGY WILL BE HELD IN THE CONVENTION Invitations in gold letters have Monsignor Kittell has a very fine tolled on among our soldiers a wise selection in choosing the SYNOD HALL, NORTH CRAIG been sent out to priests of the dio- parish school, taught by 14 Sisters L) could not be directly handled Knights of Columbus to take up this Annual Boat Ride of Pittsburgh STREET, PITTSBURGH, AT 2 cese by the congregation, and to of Mercy and 3 lay teachers, with ^¿»plains. With this in mind, (Continued on Page 6) Council Wiill be Held Friday, O'CLOCK P. M., WEDNESDAY, Council of Catholic Women to Show many others. These bear the simple 477 pupils enrolled for the term last May 2Z— .Members of the Com- JUNE 3, 1925. Practical Results of Good Work sign of the long cycle of years in year. mittees In Domestic Classes June 1 and 2 J. VINCENT DE PITTSBURGHERS THE HOLY NAME One of the special features of the Thomas A. Hester has been ap- sixth annual convention of the Pitts- SUTERSVILLE'S PROFESSIONALS ~ PAUL SOCIETY IS AT THE K. OF C. pointed general chairman for the burgh Council of Catholic Women, annual moonlight boat ride which RETREAT DINNER to be held June 1 and 2, will be the FIRST CROWNING IN BENEFIT FOR will be held by Pittsburgh Council, Ecclesiastical Needle-Craft Exhibi- HURT IN VALLEY CONVENTION HALL Knights of Columbus, Friday, May MONDAY EVENING tion of the Tabernacle Society, at OF MAY QUEEN GOOD SHEPHERD 22. Grand Knight Thomas A. the Council House, 5216 Penn ave- hpres Way far New Particular John P. Killeen Gives Intimate Walsh is honorary chairman. Bishop Boyle to Speak to Hosts of nue. St. Charles Church Scene of Beauti- fljf—— in Parishes of Taren- Glimpses of Locals Who Are Play- The steamer Washington, a six- Men Who Also Will Hear Words There will be on display a large Record Breaking Troup to Present ing a Big Part in Proceedings decked, * stern-wheeler, has been ful Ceremony — Father Angel "Applesauce" in Pitt Theatre for m, Natraaa and Springdale Of Advice From Many on Pro- collection of repaired vestments and Preaches on "Life of Mary" chartered for the occasion. This gram Home on Troy Hill refinished sacred vessels that are all '"S By John P. Killeen will be the first time the Washington ready to be shipped to some needy % Society of St. Vincent de Paul has come to Pittsburgh from her SUTERSVILLE, Pa., May 13.— The opening performance of "Ap- GETTYSBURG, May 12.—Pitts- The retreat dinner of the Holy mission parishes. The Raphael Cir- Sutersville had its first beautiful 0 fc first meetings in the Alle- home port at St. Louis. The boat is cle of the Tabernacle Society also plesauce" on Monday evening, May to? Valley, Sunday, at Tarentum, burghers are specially interested in a little more than a year old and is Name Society will be held Monday ceremony, the crowning of the May 18, at the Pitt Theatre, will be for the proceedings of the K. of C. con- evening, May 18, at Duquesne Coun- has a complete line of new vest- Queen in St. Charles Church Sun- & Sacred Heart and St. Peter complete in all the features of a ments which will likewise be on dis- the benefit of the Home of the Good B&s. Conferences were formed vention, since the group of delegates river excursion steamer. The dance cil Hall, K. of C., Fifth and Belle- day at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Shepherd, Troy Hill. This amusing who are here from the Pittsburgh field avenues, Pittsburgh, at 7 play. An added feature will be the when large crowds gathered to wit- |ttk parishes. The group at St. floor, which will accommodate sev- exhibition of a large selection of comedy comes to Pittsburgh after was much larger than ordi- district represent almost 30 per cent eral hundred, will be the main cen- o'clock p. m., daylight savings time. ness the service. Ninety children a most successful run of eight of the state's 50,000 members, and Following the dinner, at which new altar linens' by the infant took part of the pretty procession, 1 ter of interest during the Knights' branch of the Society, the Veronica months in Chicago. The company is I the number present would be- the combined value of the real es- trip. The floor is unobstructed by there will be music rendered by the which formed at the basement of the headed by Allan Dine hart and Clai- lt ml active members of the so- tate and homes owned by this sec- Sacred Heart Quartette, there will Circle from the North Side and church, lead by altar boys, and tra- borne Foster, two of the most tal- pillars or other impediments. There North Boroughs. Sj, Father Duvall could easily tion runs well over a million dollars.
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