. ill lilt nthi ' . . . • r I , watly (Lamjma VOL. LXVII NO. 8 Serving Storrs Since 1896 OCTOBER I. 1969 Faculty Senate Approves Bill 'Adequate ' C ause Must for Dismissal See S tory On Page 6

Reopening ROTC Issue

SDS Asks Mass Rally Oct. 15th

UConn's Students for a Democratic Society pro- posed at their Monday meeting a mass rally In con- Junction with the Oct. 15 strike against the war In Vietnam. The meeting also resulted In a proposal for a demonstration focusing on the presence of the Reserve Officer Training Corps on campus.

I SimpleSi But Creative 'Moby Grape9 Grows on You

The Campus' Record Reviewer finds a new by the '" to be simple and creative. He warns that the listener has to give ■" a chance to "settle,* however.

AEPi Bomb Cannister

Examined by Expert

A warrant for "misconduct with a motor vehi- cle" was issued yesterday to Lewis W. Gold, Jr., a UConn student who received a cerebral concus- sion in a two-car crash that killed a student here Sept. 21. He was released without bond. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Qtatutttttrist Battg (Eampiw The Times They Are A-changin' Serving Storrs Since 1896 To the Editor: I happened to come across this arti- Dad. Under your system, privation in- cle the other day which 1 thought might creases in proportion to the increase OCTOBER 1, 1969 be of interest to some people. It was of production.'" written by a student editor at Kent State "Hold fast to the religion of you fa- University, Ohio, to his father: thers," you warn, and I cannot help wondering, "His that religion lessened "D»ar Dad, hatred, crime, war, and suffering In The last time I was home you said its Twentieth Century trial? Are its some significant things about my interest- fundamental concepts philosophically ing radical proposals for a new social sound?" order. When you told me I was too Dad, our young people are admittedly Lawn Order, young for sane opinion on such matters, a skeptical crowd. What we have lost you insinuated that your generation is In the comfort of blind faith, wu have better qualified to find " the way out" gained in the assurance of empirical, than mine. scientific reasoning. Chicago Style I do not believe that those who led us If this fact-facing attitude be heresy, into this moss are capable of "leading you may style us "heretics." us out." If we worship reality Instead of sub- Dad, believe me when I say that I am limity, you may say that we are fools. Wiien Congress tacked a rider onto the ClTll Rights Act> of 1968 indebted to you for paternal love and If science has altered our moral con- protection, but believe me also when I victions and if our new freedom conflicts making It a Federal crime to cross a state line with the "intent" to say that my generation holds in contempt with your age old prohibitions, then you the colossal social, economic, and po- may consign us to your fiery hells. participate in or instigate a "#lot», it acted In the face of warnings litical blunders which you perpetuated. But one thing is certain. Win or lose, As we survey the worthless heritage right or wrong, we are beginning to THTNK that the amendment might be used to interfere with civil rights and of crime, war, poverty, and greed, we THROUGH these things. We are trying civil liberties. unite in shouting, "We will have none to see"beyond our noses": we are striv- of It. There must be a second Renais- ing to build i better world. sance!" And we scrutinize our entire In that struggle we ask your cooperation, Inheritance to find the true value of these realizing that our youthful ambition, coup- Such harassmeit is now indicated in the trial of eight New Left institutions. If you say our sin Is lack led with your aged perspective, Is the of respect, then we can answer, "Ven- one combination which can solve the riddle leaders in Federal District Court in Chicago on charges of conspiracy eration was your sin." of these times. "Our capitalist democracy Is the ul- Well - how about It, Dad? (signed) to violate the anti-riot section of the Civil Rights Act in connection timate in modern government," I have Walter W. Selfert heard you brag. May I call your atten- with disturbances at last year's Democratic Convention. tion to the metropolitan editor who re- By the way, I should add that this cently said, "I support this man be- letter was written in 1934, and published cause he is the least crooked of the as a student editorial, and that Walter three." W. Selfert, now 55, is professor of jour- Trust our economic leaders.," you as- nalism at Ohio State University. There is no question of the right of the City of Chicago to press sure me. I answer, "Men are starving Let each reader select his own con- today in the shadows of your rotting gran- clusions. charges against any of the defendants for illegal acts they may have aries and hoebu'ehering establishments. Lisa Siragusa performed In that city, as has already been done with hundreds of others involved in the convention disturbances. But what is at issue here A Reader Writes is the right of all Americans to travel from one part of the country To the Editor: Needless to say theirs Is a bid for more membership, more public notice, more to another to express their views on public Issues. If there's anyone writing a constitu- power, over the anti-war faction! The op- tion for a new-leftist organization today, portunities for dlsscussion are numerous, in face of the popularity of such organ- there is no deprivation of our first izations there's such a possibility, there right. The aura of persecution that surrounds this trial was heightened are many who would offer him the following Every university stud-ant has discussed tip for political action: the Vietnam War In at least one class, by Judge Julius J. Hoffmai's punitive action in bringing contempt To call a nation-wide ceasing of class- whether It be a political science discus- room lectures so to discuss the Viet- sion group, English or History. The charges against four defense attorneys for failure to appear in court nam War. This would enable spotlighting only people to benefit from the discussion the Issue and the group's involvement are this new-leftist group. Those not a- when the trial opened last Wednesday. Judge Hoffman prudently dropped In the program. Dissension between galnst the war and complying to such "hawks" and "doves" would result in a program would be engaged in forcing the charges yesterday after two of the lawyers, who had been jailed, the initial membership Oft the group. the United States our o? Vietnam by pub- As it is, we already have such an or- lic clamor. were freed by the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. ganization with this very program planned. Gwtt Aronson The probity of the proceedings has not been helped ay the flamboyant behavior of some of the defendants and the provocative conduct of some of their supporters.

But the main issue must not be lost sight of amid all the Intemperate actions and statements both Inside and outside the courtroom. This Chicago trial Is a critical test of the basic American right of dissent.

Reprinted from Sept. 30, 1969 The New York Times

■" Qlmutrrtirut Suilii. (ttanqiUH Serving Storri Since 1896

Editor-in-Chief Michael J. Wholen Business Manager Advertising Manager Fred McAlary Managing Editor Steve King Richard L. ( oh en Sports Editor Circulation Manager Sherwood Anderson Associate News l.ditor* Russ Lynch ( htr\I Romano •W sports Editor (•. ( laudc Mht-n ( o-( opv Editors Laura Parker Frank W-ildron Fanwre* Editor Boh Wheelock Stephen E. Fagln Photo Editor Assistant Photo Editor Layout Editor Howard Goldbaum Mirtin Reiser Pol Holt

Published daily while the University is in session, except Saturdays and Sundays. Second class postage paid at Storrs, Connecticut. Member of The Associated Collegiate Press. Accepted for national advertising by The National Advertising Service. Editorial and Jlit iMlon Ifctt Business Offices located in the Student Union Building, University of Connecticut at Storrs. SUBSCRIBER: Associated Press News Service. Subscription Rates: $3.50 per semester; $5.50 per year. 'As the addict's tolerance for. drugs increases, his demand /nr Return Notification of unclaimed deliveries to Connecticut Daily Campus, University of Connecticut. Storrs. Connecticut 06268. drugs rises, and the cost oj his habit grows." 3 let me ha

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That's what I've got for you just for stopping by. so don't be a stranger. Come on in and let's get acquainted. WED., OCTOBER 1. 1969 CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS Moby Grape Turns On The Juice SDSProposes Rally on 15 th By RICHARD B. KAMINS Campus Record Reviewer

Against Campus ROTC Is home base stead of breaking up, they moved It has a bossa-nova rhythm and for many groups of the "New" to Colorado and wrote some Miller's short, jazzy, and soft The Oct. 15 moratorium a- of ROTC and the war can be Rock sound: The Jefferson songs. ColumMa Records Nash- runs fit perfectly, making the gainst the war In Vietnam maybe made." Airplane with pulsating rock ville A&R man (A&R is artist and song a perfect final cut. M ller augmented by a mass rally pro- The ROTC demonstration sound, The with repetoire) Bob Johnson arranged is underrated in this world of over- posed by the Students for a Dsmo- would also create a base for their brand of Acid-Blues, Linn for a bass player and the three rated guitar players and he, at cratlc Society (SDS) at their future actions against ROTC, he County and their city or urban remaining Grape flew to Nash- least, deserves sone praise. meeting Monday night in the Stu- said. He added that it would Blues sound, The Latin-Rock ville and recorded "Truly Fine dent Union. be the "beginning of a campaign sound of Santana, and others. Citizen." "Truly Fine Citizen" may be The approximately 100 per- to start focusing on local things.* The album, after one or two Moby Grape's last album. Hope- sons attending the meeting also Simon said the idea of a ral- listenings, does not settle. There fully, it won't be. It is a fine voted to stage a demonstration ly "creates a collective of peo- are no really spectacular cuts - example of creativity, born out Oct. 15 focusing on the presence ple " and "gives us (SDS) the Some groups have left the a couple tunes sound like they of the dssperation and frustration of Reserve Officer Training opportunity to speak to a lot of Bay area such as Mother Earth, were taped it a jam session. Lis- that only the entertainment world Corps (ROTC) on campjs. people at once." He also said who moved to a farm outside of en again - now, a certain feeling can give to an artist. M.irty Simon, temparary co- the SDS should participate in the Nashville. Another group to creeps over you. This group wants chairman of SDS, explained the strike as a whole, yet make its find their way to Nashville is to mske music and "Truly Fine reason for a ROTC demonstra- •Independent presence felt." Moby Grape. They packed up Citizen" is an attempt to put the tion being tied in with the anti- A committee was formed to their once "heavy" sound, moved pieces back together aeraln. war strike: «If you see ROTC write a leaflet which would state to Colorado, and recorded their HARTFORD as part of an imperialistic sys- the position of SDS on the war and latest album, "Truly Fine Citi- tem that is killing people all ROTC, and which will be dis- zen" in Nashville. Lewis is the major songwriter TUTORIAL over the world, the connection tributed the day of the strike. of the group. His four songs are the best arranged. "Looper" Is a NEEDS The Grape's road to Nash- fine example - there are two lead ville is cluttered with bits and vocalists, Lewis and Stevenson. TUTORS ♦ pieces of the group. The Grape Their voices are so different, one could have been the American soft, the other harsh, that the pair- Beatles, bjt they managed to, ing comos off fine. The best APPLY SU30Z internally, "mess themselves song on the album also belongs to up." First, left. Lewis; MWF 2-5 SUPPORT THE He was star of the group's stage show, and writer of their only TUTH 1:30 5 ♦ hit, "Omaha." STRIKE ♦ «I wonder - Did the truth just ♦ pass me by? BOD Mosley, the bass play- Or, did I just not see what was Podunk, Iowa er, started acting strange. For right before my eyes." example, when they were in New To Be Sold OCTOBER 15,19 69 Haven last October, Mosley acted like he was about to die. When This Month the group finished their first set These words are set up against a PODUNK CENTER, IOWA (AP)— ♦ with a very fast number, , they all soft background of guitar, bass, Anyone who wishes to be a mayor, ♦ laid down their Instruments ex- and drums. The song, entitled town council and realtor—all wra- ♦ cept Mosley. Hi kept playing •Right Before M7 Eyes" , Is short, pped in one package—will have his the bass line over and over un- to the point, and beautifully simple chance on October 14th. ♦ PHI SIGMA KAPPA til drum i?r yelled If I were asked to mention the On that date, America's best- "C'mon Bob" to him. Then, and three best White guitar players, known hick town—Podxik Center only then, did ae stop. Mosley one of them would be . —will be put on the auction block. ♦ was the Grape's best singer but, The sounds that he gets out of his The purchaser will be the to- ♦ this past February, he left. big hollow-body Gibson are beau- wn's entire electorate—and will ♦ tiful. His leads are not loud, but also own a gas station, grocery That leaves , Jer- mellow and jazzy. For Instance, store and cafe (all three under one ry Miller, and DonStevenson.In- the last song on the album, "Love roof). There is also a four-unit Song, Part Two", is a Jam song. motel. f ♦ Fri day Film Ser ie s ♦ $ALE * "Fantasy and the Nude" shows DANCE Burlin ♦ % g*on Cameo Pantyhose £ KING KONG 4* ♦ FRIDAY OCT. 3,1969 ♦ run-resistant ♦ mesh, dress sheer OCT.3 Featuring: ♦ Reg. $2 .50 now $2.25 pair VON DERM EH DEN HALL ♦ Paul Woiker's Dream ♦ colors: beige, light & dark 4* brown, gray, black 2 showings - ♦ sizes: S, M, L, XL 8pm & 10:30pm ♦ 8-12 ♦ Box Office Opens FREE UCONN DELIVERY 7:30 Free Coffee HAWLEY ARMORY ♦ ON ANY ORDER $5-00 OR MORE X PHONE (between 5 - 8pm) Donation -50 ♦ COLLEGE ♦ Corey Allen (Rfl PARKING 429-6062 ♦ 429-0055 NOW THRU SATURDAY ♦ Jaily 2:00 6:30 9:00 Sit. 2:00 4:15 6:30 9' "AN OVERGROUND HELD OVER! SEX-PROTEST FILM!" 2nd BIG WEEK G- New York Post

DRIVE-IN In order to accomadate the hundreds turned reetin Willimantic 423-2423 away last week-end.



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it UP 1" «■»£ &«»s md Plaid Stamps » w\J •"■' 7 ' • i i i i ii—HI i ti i in run in i iwn 5 WED., OCTOBER 1, 1969 CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS Graduate Faculty Parking Gold Issued Warrant; Test Dates Senate Violators Bombing Investigated Announced Passes Bill Ticketed The UConn Faculty Senate ap- David A. Zupnik of the Depart- A warrant for "misconduct Security has also taken ac- PRrNCKTON, N.J. - The Ed- proved a bill Monday which would ment of Men's Affairs said Fri- with a motor vehicle" was served tion in the Sept. 25 tear gas bomb- ucational Testing Service has an- prohibit dismissal of a faculty yesterday morning on Lewis W. ing of Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity nou iced special testing dates and merater unless there was "ade- day that students who continual- Gold, Jr., a UConn student hos- house. tes: centers in seven major ci- quate cause" to fire him. ly fail to park their automo- pitalized with a cerebral concus- ties for the Graduate Record Ex- The bill now moves on to the biles and motorbikes in theprop- sion after a two-car crash here aminations for the 1969-70 aca- Board of Trustees for approval. erly designated areas will per- Sept. 21 In which a UConn coed An activated tear gas canister demic year. In the past, the Board has acted sistantly be ticketed "until they died. that forced the evacuation of about This service enables candi- in favor of senate recommenda- get the hint." Gold, 19, was taken from 63 residents of the buildirg has dates who cannot take the test tions. Although Zupnik described the Wlndham Community Memorial been sent by UConn Security for the exams on one of the six The bill says "adequate cause UConn student parking problem Hospital, where he was reported to the ordinance depot cf Ft. regular test dates to do so. for a dismissal will be related, as "no worse than in any pre- in good condition Sunday, and Devens, Mass., where it will be Because of the additional ex- directly and substantially, to the ceedlng years," he agreed that brought to UConn Security head- examined by experts. penses incu rred in offering this fitness of the faculty member in there is something lacking in the quarters, where the warrant was service, a service fee of $5 his professional capacity as a area of student cooperation. Issued. is added to the regular examina- teacher or researcher. Dismiss- Zupnik believes that the most He was released without bond, There is no Indication yet tion fee. al will not be used to restrain confusing aspect of campus park- and is scheduled to appear In Cir- who was responsible for the The special an" or lustration faculty members in their exer- ing concerns just exactly where a cuit Court 11 in Willimantlc Oct. bombing, and Security is still in- centers will be located in Aus- cise of academic freedom'or student may park. 28. vestigating the bombing. tin, Tex., Boston, M;iS3,, Chica- other rights of American citi- Commuting students with yel- go, 111., Los Angeles, Calif., zens. low decals may park in any stu- New York City, San Francisco, According to a report sub- dent parking lot, Zupnik said. Re- and Washington, D.C. mitted last April by the Faculty sidents having green decals mav Standards Committee, a faculty park in any parking lot except: Experimental College member is "entitled to full free- a. The south campus student dom in research and in the pub- lot, bounded by Fine Arts, t The Graduate Record Exam- lication of the results, subject to O. Smith, and the south campus Underway Registration inations in this program Include the adequate performance of his women's dormitories, and an aptitude test of general scho- other academic duties;" but re- b. The student lot behind the The Experimoital College, year's courses are "more ma- lastic ability and advanced tests search which would result in School of Agriculture, which ex- organized last year by mero'.ers ture and well planned." of achievement in 21 major monetary gains for the member tends along the north side of of the Campus Christian Found- The college, which offers no fields of srudy. Candidates are would have to be approved by the Horsebarn Hill Road. ation (CCF) and offering 22 academic credit for courses tak- urged to determine from prefer- University. Female students residing in the courses in such topics as the en, has a one dollar tuition fee. red graduate schools or fellow- The report also said a faculty south and west campus areas, draft, black history, and crea- According to a catalogue re- ship committees which of the ex- member may discuss the subject who have been issued white park- tive writing, will conduct regis- leased by the college, it is aminations they should take and as he wishes, but cautions him ing decals are assigned to the tration today and tomorrow in designed to offer an alternative when they should be taken. Ap- against introducing controversial south campus lot. The first the Student Union Lobby from context for education, not replace plicants should also be sure that issues not rel event to the course. seven rows in this lot are re- 3 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday the current structure, and they take the test in time to meet The report said a faculty served for staff and faculty. from f> a.m. to noon. "courses in the college will be the deadlines of their intended member should "be accurate ... H one finds all spaces occu- The Rev. John Allen of the taught be anyone who feels quali- graduate school, graduate de- exercise appropriate restraint., pied in the lot in which he nor- CCF, one of the founders of the fied." partment, or fellowship granting and make every effort to Indi- mally, and legally, parks, he is Experimental College, said this agency. cate that he is not an institution- to proceed to an unfilled lot al spokesman" with respect to which has also been designated Early registration also en- controversial subjects. to him. sures that the individual can be tested on the test dite of his choice. .*> y~jt if- -T* -T- -t* -t* -t- -T- -T- -T* -T' -T- -T- -T- -t^ -T* -t* -T- -t* *t- -t- *T* -t^-t* ^^f* 3jC 2jC>jC **G * p/*\ * Full details and registration * forms needed to apply for the * MID-WEEK Special Administratioas are con- * tained in the Graduate Record # *7 NEXT POOR! * Examinations Special Adminis- 1 * CAMPUS BLUES? tration Prospectus for Candi- \ LOOK. J dates." The booklets may be t requested -'rom : Educational r^i \ fe* * Testing Service, 2313 Rio Grande * 'DOC DAVID * Street, Austin, Tes., 78703; 960 * * Grove Street, Evanston, DL, 60- * HAS THE CURE! 201; Box 1502, Berkeley, Calif., * * 94704; P.O. Box 955 Princeton, * * N.J., 08540; One Da Pont Cir- EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT * cle, Washington, D.C 20036: FOR ALL GALS 21 AND OVER Fordham University Counseling * * Center, Dealy Hall, Bronx, N.Y., * 10458; and Educational Research ! FREE ADMISSION! * Corporation, 10 Craigle Street, * * Cambridge, Mass., 02138. For All Guys and Gals * * HAPPY HOUR *



t ' LIFE- * * U.S.A. * *


* FORMERLY STANLEY GREEN'S i MANCHESTER PARKADE * ONLY 20 MINUTES FROM UCONN * * WE THINK OF YOU„.^FIRST! Is ■ *t UConn Activities CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS WED., OCTOBER 1. 1969 MANSFIELD TUTORIAL Buses will THE NEW MOVEMENT will hold its Itove the odmini stroi ion parking lot second meeting on Oct 1 ot 7pm in Welcomes ot d^P"1 Those tutors in afternoon, rm 102 'n rhe Student Union. Mon's •* dassiliedi programs ore not required to attend • joint meeting concerning the Oct 15

you will be notified as to the time strike will be discussed as well as T arrd1 transportation for the afteirsoon other aspects concerning the events FEMALE ROOMA E: -ont.d to tho- WANTED: Tutors (or CONNPEP. Alumni If you ore interested in work that is programs. Those tutors in the even of that week. All those interested ore r* opt with 2 girl.. Coll Dal* 429- 7546- academically stimulating and soc- ing program are required to ottend. welcome to ottend. ially valuable, join our p'ogrom. We UConn students will extend a MARKETING CLUB will ony further CRESCENT GIRLS:Meeting Thurs- LOST: Storts oroo. English setter need trtors for talented but under- welcome Saturday, Oct. 4, for members please sign up in the Mark- day 6:30 at Theta. Pleose coll Mau- female whito with brown spots weor- achieving high school sophomores, thousands of alunr I expected to eting Dept office. Rm 417 Sch of Bu. reen 429-4220 if unoble to ottend. juniors- and seniors, in WHJjmantie ing red collar 429-2160. and Hartford. Students ore tutors in return here for their annual Also party this Thurs night Oct 2- All Students Porty (ASP) Convention a range of high school subjects. If •Homecoming Day." HARTFORD TUTORIAL meeting, and Festivol of Life Mon Oct 6 7:00 FOR SALE: 1967 Volkswogon sedon -ou are* free one. two or three after- Scores of activities, ranging tutors old and new please attend, dis- Rm 102 Open to all. excellent cond. $1250 coll 423-5362- noons a week, from 2-6- and would cussions of this year's program, Thu- like work that is gratifying and exci- from tailgate picnics to guided EMPTY CUP Coffee House, Comm- ting, colt the CONNPEP office, ext. rsday, Oct 2 8P", SU 101 - unity House, N. Eogleville Rd. Pre- tours of the campus, have been TWO MALE GRADS: seeking (emole 1350- *« expect to start our tutoring sents film and discussion on the Ca- scheduled for the guests. FUTURE EXECUTIVE WOMEN FEW roommate to do some housekeeping & program in October. Won't you join ur' meeting 7-6pm SU209, All new mem- lifornia Grope Strike and the Grape 0'ie of the highlights of the Boycott. Poul Keene and Mike Vos- cooking. Free pnvote rm. Coll 423- bers welcome. Refreshments. 2461 (or this semester or next. After annual observance is aimed at quez, regional organizers of the boy- CHESS CLUB There will be a meet- 6 p.m. FOR SALE: 1965 MGB red with wi- the pre-college offspring of the cott will speak. Also folk music and • ing Thurs ot 7pm in SU201- All inter- re wheels in very good cond. asking former UConn students. The U- an open mike 8:30pm* ested students and faculty are invi- WANT I'D: Joe J, Stash need dotes $1100 Coll 456-0567- niversity's Admissions office has The UConn Student Agencies needs ted to ottend. (or Horrecommg. All interested coll planned counseling sessions for mole and female students for part- Alpha Lombdo Delta Sororty • meet- 429-59 22- Must be action. prospective college students ing to plan the fall initiation on Wed time jobs and part-time jobs for stu- 1963 MGB axe. cond need money for school - make offar 429-3449* among the sons and daughters of Oct 1 in SU209 Please be prompt. dents in the Storrs Community. Pho- the alumni. ne 429-7696 or 429-3311 oxt 1505- o- TRIUM°H 4A '67 Red excellent cond. ATTENTION SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: fter 1pm. Mon-Fri Commons Rm 316C Grads will have a chance to or PSYCHEDELIC LIGHTING MAN- cheer their favorite teams during Party at Laurel Lodge for Wed. has PRE-LAW CLUB meeting 7:30pm, Co- Must sell $1600 reasonable offer UEL: Make your own light machines, a full day of athletic contests, been cancelled. For info 429-7031* mmons 312 Interested students invited. Coll 429-6117 or 429-9112- strobes, color organs, slide effects, etc. Send $3 »° Lightrays Co., 713 starting at 10 a. m. with the UConn The UConn Christian Science organ- Gamma Sigma Sigma- pledging cere- New Hampshire soccer contest ization will meet Thurs. ot 7 p.m. Pine St., Phila, Pa. 19106- mony this "n urs, Oct 2 »n the Coth- FOR RENT: 2 rm« in ° hou" wi,h behind Hawley Armory. in the Memorial Rm of the Community olic center, pledges, dork skirts and House. All are welcomed. another student (owner). 20 min. from At 1:30 p.m. the Huskies wiU_ white blouses at 7pm. S isters, black compus (14mi) $50 mo- 875-0080. FOR SALE: 1966 Triumph 200 Scra- play host to the New Hamp- CATHOLIC INQUIRY doss, St. Tho- dress at 7:30pm. mbler-bates saat, Houdanini forks, shire Wildcats In a football game mas Aquinas center at 7:30Pm. magneto etc. Also 289 Ford, 4 bar- FOR RENT: Coventry Lake 4 ™i rel carb and manifold. 429-0625- at Memorial Sodium. ARE YOU PLANNING TO DROP & bath (urnished. Security requir- A "Homecoming Queen', tobe OUT? Have you already dropped out BOG Speakouts ed. Avoitoble Oct. 1-June 1. 649- FEMALES: Scott Ingrom needs a selected this week from among of engineering or the hard sciences? 5032 oder 5. five coeds by campus-wida ball- We need your gripes and pleas. Stu* Feature date for Homecoming Call 429-3130 oting — will be presented to dents and others pleose coll Barbara Best offer accepted. alumni during half-time cere- (429-5752) or Steve (429-5754). Give FOR SALE: bookcases to set on us your name and we'll come to you. OAAStASG student desk-2 shelve-.-pine-deli v- LOST: Brown wallet containing on- monies at the football game. ered. $4 plain & $5 stained. 429- ly set of car keys. Desperate! Con- During their tours of the cam- HARTFORD TUTORIAL: Tutors ne- ■What Confronts Blacks at 2160 bet. 5 & 10- tact 429-4344- pus, the alumni will have a chance eded. Applications can be picked up UConn?", the first topic of the to see papiermache displays be- ot SU302MWF 2-5 TuTH 1:30-5- 'Bpeakout Series" this semester, ing prepared outside fraternities, INNER COLLEGE MAGAZINE: or- will be held tonight at 7:30 in the sororities and residence halls. ganizational meeting, Wed. 1 p.m. IC Student Union Ballroom. Mem- Each of the displays will be based House. bers of The Organization of on the theme "A Connecticut Yan- Any student making home movies Afro- American Students (OAAS) kee In King Arthur's Court." who wish to have their films on closed and OAAS President Hazell Kel- CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO READ The annual horticulture snow circuit TV, contact Howard May, ley will participate in the infor- sponsored by the UConn student 429-6644. mal debate. Horticulture Club, will be held TAU PI UPSILON Nursing Fraternity: Thursday nUrht "The Student from noon to 8 p.m. Oct. 4-5, Urgent meeting for all charter-mem- Strike Against Vietnam * and the and "open house* will be obser- bers. Wednesday, Oct. 1 at 7:30 in Oct. 15 boycott of classes will be THE NEW YORK TIMES . . . ved at the International House. Rm. 212 Commons. the topic, with Associated Stu- Additional activities Include Meeting to form Political Science Club, dent Government (ASG) Presi- an alumni coffee at 3:30 p.m. in Oct. 2 at 4:00 p.m. Rm. 119 SS. All dent Tim Jerman and ASG Vice- the Jorgensen Auditorium lower majors & potential majors are invited president George Spadoro, also For Subscriptions Call or Write: lounge , a Goal Post Party at to ottend. Further info Coll Mr. Doze- at 7:30 p.m. in the Ballroom. 4:30 p.m. in the FAC, alumni man SS 120 or Joel Freedman 429- All Interested students are In- receptions in the residence halls 5555. vited to participate In thedebates. starting at 4 p.m., and a Sun- ISA Meeting: the International Stu- The «Speakouts» are spon- day afternoon concert. dent's Association will hold its elec- sored by the Student |Unlon Board tion of officers Wed. Oct I at 7 pm of Governors. Campus Representative

Ray Considine SPARE RIB. )ust on a—and man was in a ticklish situation. Think what ten Box 324 ribs would've done. Combined with the bravado of an 429-5037 innocent young crewneck, in soft 100% Shetland wool. Pure in color. Honest in intention. But handsomely devilish in deed. Prospect sound enticing? Wear one. And carry a spare. ►SPORTSW



Rt44> THE BARN Mon-Sat3:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. 2 mi. North on 44A-left on Marsh straight to 4 Corners The Barn - tavern Rt 195 •THE MARVEL OK MAIN STREET" 901 - 907 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY »:30 TO 5:30 THURSDAY 9:30 TO 9:00

MVMMMWMUMMWMMMMMUMMUUUUUM*MftAMMMMMMMMMftM WED., OCTOBER 1, 1969 CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS Clements Earns All-East Berth Rutgers' Rich Policastro and Sports of Ttif (lantniui Connecticut's Vln Clements, playing Important roles In their teams' victories over Princeton and Yale, respectively Joined Vlllanova sophomore Mike Slant, whose pass catching gave the By SHERWOOD ANDERSON Wildcats a come-from-behlnd Sports Editor victory over Delaware, as the leading selections on the second weekly all-East Division 1 foot- Salinas, Soccer Threat ball team of the Eastern College Athletic Conference. Policastro (senior. Highland Fea rful of Injuries Park, N. J.) completed 24 of 35 pass attempts for 260 yards and "We could have a good year,* a touchdown In the Scarlet's 29 .0 ing soccer takes time out from victory. He added another score John Sahnas, top scorer on the studies. "I do better when soc- on a run. Clements (Junior, varsity soccer team said Mon- cer season is over," he says. John Sahnas (center, striped day night, "If we don't have any Southlngton, Conn.) gained 87 But getting good grades isn't his yards and caught three passes for Sahnas Leads shirt) leads an offensive play more Injuries. biggest worry. 93 yards and a touchdown In a 19- in a recent soccer match. Ai- •When we first arrived for •My biggest worry is getting training we were no In shape. 15 win over Yale that stopped the ding Sahnas on the play are] Injured," John said. Tm afraid Ells' 17-game unbeaten string. Soccer Team, We ran a cross country race and of getting injured. I broke my leg Evan Chambers (left) and freshmen coach Pete McDevltt playing freshman soccer and last Abe Reich . beat most of us." As a result year I sprained my ankle in the Top Scorer Team plays Harvard today. many players received muscle Yale game and missed the last Softball Schedule pulls trying to get In shape. five games." "We're In shape now", John Before John got Injured he had Fraternity said, who moved to this country scored 9 of UConn's 10 goals and Field Ramparts Magazine five years ago from Macedonia, had assisted on the other goal. V 1 TX vs TKE Greece. "If we can keep hustling «1 know If I don't get injured this V 2 TEP VS ZP Find out whats really happening! through the season we could sur- year will be my best." He Isn't V 3 KP vs ASP prise a few teams." bragging when he says that. Al- V 4 BSGvsZBT One year subscrition John then compared soccer In ready he has scored three goals EOS 1 SAE vs TSC Regular 8.50 now for just 6.50 other countries with soccer here against conference co-champ EOS 2 PSD vs SPE In America "I started playing Vermont and has scored four EOS 3 TSC VS DC Plus a free copy of soccer when I was very little and more In two practice games this SGS 1 AGR vs PSK most soccer players here don't week. Eldridge Cleaner's start playing until high school. 1 would like to say this. Hav- Frosh Soul on fee They don't have a chance to pick ing coach Morrone here UConn Field Call Josesh Both or up the skills that players in other has a bright future In soccer. He HA Krowlton vs Melgs countries have. But I think that demands team discipline and Is HA Hurley vs Wlnthrop Mel Bloch a team that hustles Is just as good the type of guy that can win with- HA Ludlow vs Parker Evenings 742-9576 as a skillful team." out talent." HA Mason vs Davenport Sahnas was offered scholar- Today the soccer team tra- NC Saltonstall vs Green or write ships to play soccer at other vels to Harvard, the third ranked NC Bushnell vs Baldwin c/o General Delivery schools but came to UConn be- team in New England and this Sat- V J Grange vs Talraage cause of our engineering school. urday the team will play against Gardiner - Bye Coventry, Conn. Later he wants to go to graduate New Hampshire at 10:00 In the i%*>+n+i'%, %\ [ * yuii wish, al any of the 150 Evelyn our standardized testing program. * This policy is valid when ynu have | * * Wood Kradintf Dynamics Institutes attended each classroom session and * in tin Ultttrd States and in Europe-. completed the minimum daily as-1 * St. Thomas Aquinas signed home drill at the level speci-| * fied hy your instructor. $ PHONE 423-8882 * North Eagleville Rd. * * For further information cal i John Rofal —429-9051