Indigenous Mapmaking in Intertropical Africa
3 · Indigenous Mapmaking in Intertropical Africa THOMAS J. BASSETT Although [they are] also known for their mapmaking A third factor behind the meager historiography is that skills, the cartography of the peoples of Africa is less restricted definitions of "map" have excluded a range well known than that of the Indians [of North and of processes and artifacts from serious study. Even if South America].1 This chapter could not have been written without the contributions of many individuals who provided references, illustrations, and critical Our knowledge of African mapmaking has substantially comments at various stages of its preparation. In particular I thank improved since Bruno Adler's seminal survey of non Daniel Ayana, Edmond Bernus, Donald Crummey, Jim Delehanty, Western cartographic traditions in 1910. This is particu Henry Drewal, Kimbwandaende Kia Bunseki Fu-Kiau, Christraud larly true for North African mapmaking, which emerged Geary, Christian Jacob, Manfred Kropp, Jamie McGowan, Philip out of ancient Egyptian civilizations and Islamic cultures.2 Porter, Labelle Prussin, Allen Roberts, Mary (Polly) Nooter Roberts, Charles Stewart, Jeffrey C. Stone, Taddesse Tamrat, Claude Tardits, and However, our understanding of sub-Saharan mapmaking Jan Vansina. remains comparatively weak (see fig. 3.1 for a reference 1. Bruno F. Adler, "Karty pervobytnykh narodov" (Maps of primi map of Africa). The historiography is particularly scanty. tive peoples), Izvestiya Imperatorskago Obshchestva Lyubiteley Yeste When maps of Africa do receive attention, the focus is al stvoznanya, Antropologii i Etnografii: Trudy Geograficheskago Otde most exclusively on European maps of the continent.3 The liniya (Proceedings of the Imperial Society of the Devotees of National Sciences, Anthropology, and Ethnology: Transactions of the Division of dearth of studies of indigenous African mapmaking may Geography) 119, no.
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