
• I ,\ L... L....L..L L.. L...L....

A uide for Teachers

G.B.l\lore,· Henk Dahlber; Uni~'ersit" or , Minnesota Department or Minnesota Natural Resources. Geological Sun'(') Di"ision or St. Paul. Minnesota Hibbing, Minnesota of Contents Preface ]

Introduction. . ...••••...... •...... 11 The Big Picture of Minnesota I Basic ; Processes, Rocks, and Geologic 3 ABrief Geologic 10 Industry of Minnesota 27 Glossary 29 Acknowledgments , inside back cover Preface

HIS BOOK WAS WRllTEN TO provide an up-to-date under­ Tstanding of the to Eanh teachers and others who have some background in geology. It is not intended to stand alone, for there are already in print many good books about rocks and other geologic phenomena in the state. These include Minnesota's Rocks and by George M. Schwartz and George A. Thiel, first published by the Press in 1954 as well as Minnesota's Geology by Richard W. Ojakangas and Charles L. Matsch also published by the University of Minnesota Press in 1982. A third excellent discussion is Minnesota Undelfoot by Constance J. Sansome published by Voyager Press in 1983. Even though they are all more than 20 old, these books, and especially the latter, remain the best guides to many of the state's outstanding geologic features. These volumes remain useful today because the rocks at the localities described in them remain unchanged. However, research over the decade has considerably changed our understanding of the geologic processes responsible for those geologic phenom­ ena and their place in geologic history. Consequently many of the ideas held true in the 1980s are no longer believed today. Espe­ cially important have been the ideas of plate processes and the role they play in history. Because much of the information developed recently is rela­ tively new, it has not yet worked its way into the general literature of the state. Our goal is to summarize what think today about how the rocks in Minnesota formed and their place in geologic history. We believe that if the teachers of the state have a better understanding of the processes responsible for the major geologic phenomena, they will stimulate an interest in their students in that history and an appreciation of the varied natural surroundings.

Preface Introduction

HE MINNF.sOTA WE KNOW TODAY. with its IhOUSiJnds of lakes. Tfertile farmlnnds. rolling southern hills. and roc).." north­ land. started its developmcnI billions of years ago when the Earth was a new planet. Almost all aspects of our -rocks. hills. valleys. ri\'ers. lakes. bogs. and waterfalls-attcSI to Ihm long hislory. During those prehislOric . the face: of Minnesota \\'cnl through many drastic changes. The rocks formed during this enor­ mous span ohime in Minnesota record a comphcated history that involved volcanoes. oct-an islands. mountain chains. and other geologic conditions that were very different from the MinneSQIa of l003Y. Early Minnesota resembled the islands of modem-<1ay Indonesia for a while. latef it resembled the seashore of modern- California. and still later it resembled pans of the Middle East and the rifl·zone of eastern Afric", Subsequently shallow seas submerged the land and then retreated and time ag"in, Primitive form", appeared. then fish. reptiles, birds. and mammals. each leaving their remains preserved in the rocks as . At time... Minnesota's was mild or tropical. Finally the "Creat Ice " came-about two million yean. ago. only yesterday by geologic time. Great advanced and retreated across Minnesota. and when the last ice had finally melted. the face of the l3Ild looked very mueh 3S it does lOda}. The Big Picture of Minnesota Landforms

IN....ESOT.... UES "'"EAR the geographic center of !he Pr3.iriCS"-5lands. A conspicuous highland MNorth America (Figure 1). As such it contains called the Giants Range forms a more or less continuous w source of ~ great ri,'cr systems. floy,s ridge-or narrow highland-nearly 100 miles long. north to by me Red of the North. extending from a few miles north of Grand Rapids in south to the by the Minnesota and Itasca to beyond Birch l:aIte in easlern 51. Louis Mississippi ri\ers. and east lO the Atlantic by the County and .....eslern Lake County. The ridge itself rises 51. Louis River. . and !he St. Lawrence from .50 to.500 feet abo\'e the general level of the region. Seaway. A large pan of the suriace of Minn~ta is Ic\·e1 or gently rolling and elevations lie between 1.000 and 1.500 feci above the sea. Yel some areas have considcrnble relief-the geographic for abrupt ups and downs. The distribution of lhese ups and downs along with srreams, , lakes, and Other physical features of the landscape all taken together. make up what is called the topography of Minnesota , ,, (Figure 2). , Both lhe highest and lowest places arc in the northeastern pan of the stale. There the surface of ,, , Lake Superior is 602 feet above sea level. but places , n fcw miles inland from the lake reach an e1evalion ,, of ncarly 2,300 feet; of these, Eagle Mountain is , ,, '~'CANAOIAN .:,' the highest place in the state with an elevation of , ... HIELO' , .", .. 2.301 feet. High ground also occurs in southwestern , , j ... ' '.j". , Minnesota and adjoining parts of and , where the Coteau des ~"Highlal\dsof -- "

Figure l-$ketch map showing the location of Mmne:sota near tiecenter of the North Alnerican . The aaton is that part of the North American conlinenI underlain by rocks moe! !han 545 miIion years old. Those rocks are referred b:J as . Minnesota is also located near the soulhwestefn margin of the canatian or lhal pan of the craton wllere Precarrbian rocks are elCpOS8d on Ih8 Pl'esent land Slriace. Topographically, the most rugged parts of the state are . where streams and rivers have steep-walled north of Lake Superior in Lake and Cook counties and /W'~lleys and ravines several hundred feet deep. in the southeast Corner of the state in Houston. Fillmore. Other parts of Minnesota have very little relief and Winona counties. Some of the prominent ridges and have elevations considerably less than 1,000 feet. along the North of Lake Superior rise abruptly The largest and most prominent of these is in the from 500 to 900 feet above the lake. In the southeastern northwestern part of the state where some elevations in counties. relief is due to an intricate natural drainage the Red River Lowland are only 760 feet above sea level.

Figure 2--Colored shaded relief map of elevation of Minnesota. Illumination is from the east (so that the north shore of Lake Superior isn't in shadow). Purple shows the lowest elevation and red shows the highest. Source: Constructed from statewide USGS Digital Elevation Model based on USGS 7.5 topographic maps.

2 The Big Picture Clf MinneSClta !.an~fClfms Basic Geology; Processes, Rocks, and Geologic Time

HE MAJOR UJ'LA,'''' and lowland areas of weathered and erodeion aclS to 1c\"C~lthe TMinnc-sota. like all land regions. are the result surface of the globe b) eroding the highlands and filling of many different geological processes. Rocks are up the ocean basins. imponant because they record processes and conditions Other physical pTOC'eSSCS work to m

Spreading ExtenSIon /..\. center Collision ...... ~ -:,~-~ ...... ,. " ~r" ...... -"'--::-::.--- ./ - - - .~... . .,...... , - "so-...... :...... •• ••• •••

Figure 3-Some major structural components associated with plate tectonic processes.

Bu;~ GcoloCJ. Proto..... loch. _,,,I GooIOli••l TI... 3 plate collide. the oceanic plale is dragged do~ n benealh or "sug basin" (Figure 5). Continued stretching produces Ihe continental plale by a process called subduction. an elongate. an echelon system consisting of a This boundary is marked by volcanic mountain chains of"" bounded by nonnal faults. The classic rift such as the coastal ranges along me west coast of Nonh is the Ea:.t African Rift System which is slill under­ America. Mount St. Helens in Washington state is one going extension. Figure 5 also shows that represent exalllple of )uch a \'olcanic mountain. Figure 4 iIlus­ one pan of an evolulionary sequence Ihat culminates lrates the -day plate tectonic framework in Ihe when the lithosphere separates into IWO continental Southern Hemisphere. plates and new fonus belween them. The Eanhquakes are anolher result of colliding plates. juncture between new oceanic crust and me fraelured Colliding plates do nOI always glide smoomly by one continental plate is called a "passive margin."' Passive another. They stick, and after significant stres~ builds lIIaPdin) an: char,l.cterizcd by Ihick sedimenta!) prisms up. they release and suddenly surge ahead causing very much like mat found along me modem Atlantic shock waves 10 pass through the Eanh. We feel these seaboard. Geologic studie.<; ha\'e eslablished Ihat eXlen­ shock waves as eanhqutlkes. Thus most. but not all sionalleclonic processes can cease and be replaced by eanhquakes arc confined to the areas of plate bound­ t:om~ionallectonic processes which leads to the aries. ultimale collbio" of two plates. A complete cycle of Exten<;ion in the interior pan of a continental plate these proce!>~~ is called a "Wilson Cycle" after J. Tom can abo produce divergence. As extension conlinues, Wilson who first defined the phenomena. the lithosphere is strelched to produce first a

FIgure 4-The present-day plate tectonic trameworl<. in the Southern Hemisphere.


1 ~cean ocean 1\00 ~Iidge

.. ;e;


• Bu,c GeolOlr; Prot...... Roct.... ~ Geololical Tl•• /Pre-rilt Figure 5-A series of sketches showing how is transformed into a new oceanic crust by the continued application of extensional stresses. Note that the crust {crosshatched pattern} is thinned as stretching is initiated. A. As extension begins, asag basin typically develops and is filled with sedimentary rocks eroded from the edges of the sag. B. As extension continues, the crust is Rift sediments ultimately broken by a series of faults to produce asedimenHilled rill basin or . :'0':V:. ;// •• :•:.:•: •: •: •:• ·<.<.<.-: ...... >>>:. .,.v...... C. Because the crust is considerably thinner, · .. . partially melted mantle material is brought to the surface and is the source of volcanic rocks typically assodated with rifts. D. ultimately ceases and the rift B basin is filled with sedimentary rocks derived from beyond the edges of the rift system. E. Extension ulfimately causes the crust to totally fracture and separafe into two plates. Separation leads fo the development of new oceanic crust having acomposition like that of the upper manlle. The juncture between the new oceanic crust and the fractured continental plates is marned by passive margin deposits c derived from the confinent.

·...... \-\ ~ ·· ,~.:"., . o

;Passive margin sediments ...... -----'-, Ocean crust ·...... · ~x'./' /


Buic GeoIOKY; Proc..... , Rocks, and G.oln~icol TIm. 5 Figure 6--Relalion between processes that tend 10 recycle m material and sedimentary processes which tend to break down and redistrilute fragments 01 broken rock.


.... mod ocean 'odO" ..... _ UU

lnalQt'''''' by ~..-'"'0 (II oceanc aus1

Plate tectonic processes and erosion arc strongly These differences in assemblages or communit ies linked. As shown in Figure 6, pilite tectonic proccsses arc extrcmely important in det·iphering earth hi.~tory. create new rocks and upland areas. TopogTllphic We can use them 10 equate the ages uf rocks that may differences between upland and lowland areilS provide ~ thuusands of miles apan. the pOiemial energy needed for erosivc processes (0 Fossils. Illore import,mtly fossil assemblages. are operale. Plate tcetonic processes produce lowland areas used to divide geologic time into manageable segments. that ultimately arc tilled with ~dimentary malerials Fossils thaI had hard pan~ large ~nough to be visible to eroded from the hi1!;hlands. the human eye. fin;t appearcd in the rock record "bout It is one goal of geologists to understand the 545 million yeat:> ago. This is used by geologi~1s processes Ihat creale and d~troy the rock record. It i~ to define the boundary between the Precambrian and the another equally important goal 10 order those pRx:esses (Figure 7). Phanerozoic melln~ "distinct or from oldest to yOllngc." in order 10 undeThtand how the visible animallife'-· Thus the Precambrian-Phanerozoic earth has eh:lnged o\er time. In area., offlal-Iying roc"s. boundaJ) at about 5-15 million years ago is one of the such as in soulheastem Minnesota. it is easy to sec that most important mar"en. in geologic time. Figure 8 shows rocks at the bollom arc older than those at the top of a that the 80 percent of geologic time. associated with the sequence. Where fossils can be found )'ou will abo see Precambrian. contains only simple life forms. In contr,c,t that the roc"s ilt the bottom have assemblages thaI are the remaining 20 percent. Phanerozoic time. eontain~ a distinclly differenl from those at the top of thc sequcncc. widc variety of plant and animal life.

6 Early PfOl@lOJ'OOC ,• • ••~SO.OOO.OOO • VeiI.s ago f • o•, "'''---_...J

•, ••

Figure 7---f1ie diagram showing the relative proportions 01 various time unils in earth history.

No .ecord 01 ~t\!

FIgure &-Pie diagram showing changes in the tossil record over geologic time.

Basic Geolarr; Praceuu. Racks•••4 Geala,ieal Ti.e 7 On the basis of thnt plant and animal life. the in agl:. The ages ofthc rocks in question are determined Phanerozoic hns been divided into three eras: the by radioacti\'C decay schemes mcasuring the minute . the Era. and the amounts ofcenain naturally occurring radioacli\e Era (Figure 9). The eras in tum are divided into seveml eleme.nts they contain. Thus. geologic lime is measured periods. or smaller intervals of time called . in two ways. Geochronometric or absolute time is . Silurian. , elc. Ea<;h interval is based on mdioanivc decay. whereas. geochronologic or defined by its own unique fossil assemblage.'>. relative time is based on fossil evidence. Correlations At the beginning of Paleozoic tillle animals lived in belween the twO ways arc constantly changing a.~ new shallow seas; they were simple invertebrates such data occur, but presently held beliefs arc summari7.cd as . brachiopods. and crinoids-all animals along the left side of Figure 9. without backbones. Consequently the early Paleozoic also is known as the "Age of Invertebrates:' However, by about 500 million years ago-al the beginning of Devonian time. vertebrates or animals with backbones. such as fish. populated the seas. and plants grew on the land. By Ihe end of Devonian lime amphibians had evohed, and by the end of the . air-breathing rcptiles and insects were abundant. The Mesozoic Era is bener known as the "Age of the :' These. and other reptiles. came in all sizes and dominated the Eanh for 175 m.illion years. They became extinct about 66 million years ago. long before early humans appeared on the Eanh. During the Cenozoic Era. mammals such as horses. camels, and elephants became imponant. and finally humans appeared approx.imately 1.8 million years ago. Evidence of life is contained in rocks that are a:. old as 3.800 million years in . However life in the Archean and consists mainly of very simple fanns such as bacteria and blue-green algae until ncar the Precambrian-Phanerozoic boundary where more complex fomls such as jellyfish first appear. Some of these organisms arc still living today. Because these fossils have simple morphologies, they can nOI be used to subdivide the Precambrian pan of geologic time. Other methods. thereforc. havc been devised to detennine the age of rocks that lack fossils with hard pans. Figure 7 shows that the Precambrian is divided for convenience into two major intcrvals-Archean and Proterozoic-by a time boundary at 2.500 million years ago. 'The Proterozoic is funher divided inlO three segmentS by time boundaries at 1.600 and 900 million years. Thus geologists say rocks which formed betwecn about 4.550 million and 2,500 million years ago arc Archean in age, whereas. those that formed between 2,500 million and 545 million years ago are Proterozoic

8 Age Geologic Time Units Rocks in Minnesota Events in Minnesota Characteristic Life 1----0+--,------,----+------t------1------=:::--1 Peat. Several intervals of , outwash, '0".2' continental glaciation N glacial lake sediments ~ 1,6- o c: c: Ql Age of Mammals O~Ql " Tertiary No record in Minnesota 66- Chalk, dark . Sea enters Minnesota varicolored , ~ , from the west 138- \C" Dinosaurs ".2'o N Ql Y 0'0 ,-,--_J_u_r_a_s_s_iC__+-__shale,R_e_d_'C_O_lo_,_e_d_s_a_n_d_S_'O_n_e_, --,__west-flowingH_;9_h_l_an_d_C_"_'_b_streams --1 Age of RePtile~ '" u 205- ~E

Triassic No record in Minnesota () Plesiosaurs 240- 0 f---+-----+------+--"'------'-==::::..=..j

o N Permian .-~ ~' Q) o U 290- a: ~ '"~ w Ql Z Pennsylvanian No record In Minnesota '">- <{ -0 330- I Cl. c: '" Mississippian '"Ql '"c: ~ ro·~ ~. 360 f------f------,,.------j D :Q ~ E '0" ,....-~ ~li N Sea enters Minnesota o c: Devonian and ~ E Ql Ql from the south ~<{ «i '0 410- Cl. c: ~ Silurian No record in Minnesota ~~ "'~ )1' 435- f------+---L-im-e-s-'o-n-e-,-d-o-Io-m-'-'e-'--.------1 .c~ ~ ~ Ordovician some sandstone and Seas cover Minnesota ~ shale at intervals ! Cephalopods 500- ~ Trilobites ~ Sandstone, shale, Sea enters Minnesota Cambrian glauconitic sandstone; ~ 545-1-- from the south and west some dolomite Animals with hard parts

Lava flows, gabbro Animals without hard parts Proterozoic and sandstone and Precambrian Iron-formation Penokean orogen ~ Archean Volcanic rocks, Greenstone belts First record of life graywacke, ,,~ 6" - 4,550-'----.L....-----'------L------'------'--'------'

Figure 9--General stratigraphic column for Phanerozoic time emphasizing the geologic record in Minnesota,

Basic Geology: Processes, Rocks, and Geological Time 9 ABrief Geologic History

IN MINNGSOTA. the bcdrock---or the solid rock In somhcastern and northwestern Minnesota. the mass th::ll lies:11 or below the land surface- Precambrian rocks are overlain by sedimentary rocks is the record of a geologic hislory that extends from that arc early Paleozoic in age. In the western third of the middle part of Archeml time to Ihe later pan of Minnesota. the Paleo7.0ic and Precambrian rocks are Cretaceous lime. The rock record. however, is inter­ partly covered by rocks of Mesozoic age (Figure I I). In rupted by large gaps of time called unconfonnitics when the following descriptions ofArchean, Early Proterozoic. apparemly no rocks fOfmed or when rocks that fonned Middle Proterowic, and Phanerozoic rocks. reference during an earlier lime were laler eroded. should be. made also to Figure II. Pre-Phancrozoic or Precambrian rocks underlie all of MinnesOla and comprise pan of whal is called the Nonh Amcric:m Cr.uon (Figure I). Except on the north. adjacenllo . the Precambrian rocks arc over­ lapped by scdimcmary rocks of Phanerozoic age. which constitute a thin cover of relatively undiSlurbed rock:. that thicken to the west, soulh. and east. That part of the crdlon where Precambrian rocks are eXl>Osed is called the (Figure I). Although Precambrian roch occur throughout much of Minnesota. they ;Ire covered by a mantIc of Quaternary debris except in relatively few places. Consequemly, 10 make a requires lIsing techniques involving geologic mapping. drill core logging, and geophysical interpretation. An example of geophysical data used is illustrated in Figure 10. Combined ~eological and geophysical interpret:lIiorls show thai the Precambrian rocks can be divided into five broad subdivisions. or telT:J.nes. Ofthosc.two are Archean. two arc Early Proterozoic, and one is Middle Proterozoic in age.

10 A Bri~t OoolociG ttistory Figure lG-Magrle:JC prope~1eS of bedtod< measured by airborne m8(pellC $ur.eys Broad green areas are reglO/1al ~netK: lows, arld broad blue areas are regiooal magnetic higlls, Red. yelklw, arld whJte oorreSjX)lld 10 kIca'zed magJ1etlc featlJres st!Ch as magneliC iron formations. magnetite·bearing iglleOUS intrusions, aod pyrthotite·beartng rocts. SourC<1: ConstlOCled hom stafewide MGS and USGS aero~oetiC CO'Je1"age 01 Minnesota OIigiilally sponsored by Legislative Commission on Minnesola Resources. The >mage aceurat€1y portrays al the data IIlaI were acqui'ed Irom aeromagnetiC flights of MlI1l'leSOla, Figure l1-Bedrock geOOgK: map c4 t..Iinneso:a, nils map portrays 11le inferrlld distr'bJtion ol rock types at the beGrock su~ace. 10 northeaslem and soul1leas:em t..I M€SOla and a lew olher places (5* FiglJle 21) tlle bedrock os exposed a! land SlJ'laces, EIsewhe

co,uta"no~ OfMIIHJmS ."'"""".,....."" ) ,I .~ .~c_. )J , ! • . ~::;::"". ,} ~! • .'-_.. "- I .MilI

H;l1/>..p fool, o 6ll,',,, I', DESCRlPT!O:>! OF ~\AP Ul'ilTS " i o .~ • I_,,<"""'of~ 1""'"0< __"""'- • G<~ !!!l ..'ao:k<. sihstoDt. shale • I__~""',,,,,, • • Qwto-r>:h ""_, • E.""",,< rncl..of~ • F"""""", "Xl> of ...r" ., r,ba:; "",r",_ «JIIlP"!,_~,~ • 1,""",,< """of dominon.ou,,< lIT"!...._. • ""ro<<po

A Brief Geologic History 13 The hypothetical of a single greenstone (Figure 12 A). During times when volcanic activilY belt is illustrated in Figure 12. It is based on the ideas was minimal, silica and iron-rich minerals such as that greenstone belts in northern Minnesota are similar hematite (an iron oxide), siderite (an iron carbonate), to parts of subduction zone-related volcanic islands or pyrite (an iron sulfide) accumulated on the sea that now make up Indonesia or Japan in the western floor to fornl bodies of what we call "iron-formation" Pacific Ocean. As such, they are made up of . (Figure 12 A). In places on the sea floor volcanic a dark greenish gray, fine-grained thal centers composed mainly of , a white to light formed from that flowed out onto a sea floor gray , fornled by explosive volcan'ic

N Sedimentary rocks consisting s mostly of eroded dacitic material

-~~-~~---~-- Shale . . . A Basalt •• Dacite + + + Figure 12-Schematic depic· tion showing the evolution of .. ti . Iron-formation an Archean in northern Minnesota. A. started with the accumulation of basalt and B iron·formation generally below sea level. A felsic volcanic center consisting mostly of dacite accumulated to a height above the wave base. Erosion supplied felsic volcanic detritus (rock tragments) to a deposi· c tional basin formed on top of the rocks. B. Southward·directed compression produces a ..... - " depositional basin bordered on , , the north by upthrust blocks 01 , basalt that contributed detritus to the depositional basin form· o ing graywacke. C. Compression continues and ceases as uplifted blocks of basalt were thrust over sedimentary deposits. D. The last event in the evolution of this greenstone belt involves the emplacement of large granite batholiths and folding of all the rocks about vertical axes.

14 A Brief Geologic History ~-- --- A"""'.. D• ...,--­ + ----.-1 "'<'S'''''on '"'"'}< C""...... on '""II" , ~.. ..~ '1·...·.

Figure 13-Gcocrolizcd =:;cction through the Penoke8fl orogen showing how it can be divided into an older fold-and· thrust be~ 10 tile south and a younger foredeep basin to the north.

processes. Dacilic volcanism typically lead to islands Early Proterozoic Rocks that grew to near sea Ic\'el where they could be subjected Early Proter01.Oic rocks in east-central and northern to erosi\t: processes. Sandstone. consisting mostly of Minnesota form p3rt of wh:n is called the Penolean eroded dacite fragments and interbedded shale wen:: orogen. a mountain-building e\,cnlmat culminated deposited as fringes surrounding the \olcanic centen; around 1.85 billion years ago. These rocks are pan of a (Figure 12 A). Volcanism and associated sedimentation much larger fealUre that extended from the centml part "ere interrupted by comprcssionallcctonic proces~ ofSouth Dakota to and perhaps farther to involving the uplift of previou~[y funned rocks along the cast. The eroded remnant:; of the Penokean orogen thrust fauhs to positions well above ~ea 18\'el. As a have geologic similaritie:. 10 the roots of modem moun­ consequence. well-defined hasins formed and rer.:t:ivcd tain belts along the west coa~t of North Americll. and thick accumulations of detritus from both basaltic and geologbts infer that moulllai ns comparable to th01>e in dacitic sources (Figure 12 (3). Continued compression we~tem California existed long ago in MinnesOla. and thrust faulting terminated ~dimemation and in many TIIC Penokean orogen can be divided into IWO distinct C~ re-folded already complexly folded <;edimentary belts of ditlercnt age and geologic history (Fi1!ure 13). accumulations into large o\'erturned folds (Figure 12 C). An older fold-and-thrust belt defines the soUlhern :.ide TO'A'ard Ihe end ofArchean time the folded and faulted of Ihe orogen..... hereas Ihe foredeep basin. called the rocks were intruded by large batholiths of gr.tnite that Animij.;ie basin defines lhe nonhern half of the orogen. :.houldered aside the rocks by refolding Ihem about near­ The fold·and-mrust bclt--colored dart grey on Figure vertical axes (Figure 12 D). Subsequent erosion removed II-i:. poorly exposed in the general \lcinit) of Denham much of the folded material to expose alternating belts of to Moose Lake in Carlton County southwesl of Duluth granite and greenSlOne. and include~ the Cu)una . It consists of a Rock:. of the green.stone bells are particularly well variety of mctasedimentary rocks Ihm were deposited exposed in the western p:trt of the through time successively as extensional proccsses Canoc Area and in the Vermilion Iron Range between stretched th~ Arch~an rocks through sag and Tower-Soudan and Ely. Thc laller contain:. impres­ ritt stages to ultimately produce a passive margin. New :.ive exposures of iron·fornlation. especially at Soudan lXeanic crust. including an island arc formed well 10 the Underground Mine State Park. south In what is now Iowa. Sedimentary rocl~. including Figure 14 A-E-Schematic depiction ot the evolution of Early Proterozoic rocks in the Penokean orogen. A. Archean crust is extended to produce a small basin filled with various kinds of sedimentary and volcanic rocks. N s B. Continued extension leads to an enlarged Sandstone/siltstone Mafic volcanic rocks rift basin segmented in places into smaller basins. A C. Ultimately the Archean basement is thinned leading to passive margin sedimentation. At this time new oceanic crust formed outboard of the passive margin. D. Extensional tectonic forces are replaced Sandstone/ Iron-formation by compressional tectonic forces, causing the siltstone/shale Limestone and dolomite development of a volcanic arc to the south. E. As compression continues, the arc moves toward the and south-dipping thrust faults are formed. The upper plates of these faults were thrust to the norlh over the Archean basement. This fold-and-thrust belt formed the southern margin of the Animikie basin. Shale

./. ~VOlcaniC Turbiditic arc-related sandstone/shale . .' rocks o :~:'::::::: •. .<;/'..., '::: ..,... Oceanic crust

l...... ----..-Animikie basin-----.l Fold-and-thrust belt

Northward transport I, ' Zone 01 northward-directed J thrust -faulting

16 A Brief Geologic History Figure 15-Sketch shOwing the braided stream system that deposited sediments of the Sioux Ouartzite. The stream systems ate contained in two lault­ bounded vaDeys or graben orienfed in anorthwesterty lireeoon and separated by a horsl The shaded ateas within the main channels are barS and islands thaI are separaled by sub-ehannels within!he main channels. At limes of h;gh water, the main channels are flooded from bank to bank and the islands are eroded away. As the water receded. new bars and islands formed and are covered with thin deposits or clay.

iron·fonnation. were derived from northern sources penneated by large bodies ofgranite-colored purple on (Figure 14 A B. C). Ultimalely the tectonic regim~ Figure ll--emplaced between 1.820 and 1.770 million changed from that of extension to that of compre.~sion. years ago. In contrast. the foredeep deposits are rela­ As the newly fanncd ocean closed upon ilself and the tively undisturbed except for regional tilling :Ind local volcanic arc moved toward the craton (Figure 14 D). faulting. the passive margin deposits were folded and faulted up In southwestcrn MinnesOia. lhe Sioux Qu;lnzite~ and over the older Archcan basement on large thrust colored dark yellow on Figure II-tonns a second Early :. (Figure 14 E). Thc up-faulted rocks fonned a Proterozoic Icrrane. It consists mostly of a quanz arenite highland that bordered a :.edimentary basin---callcd a th:lt accumulated as -size malerial that wa:. carried foredeep-located to thc nonh. Sediments in this basin by rivers Rowing through a series ofsmall. nonh\\est­ ""ere derived from bolh nonhem and SOUthern sources. trending. fauh~bordered rift basins set into Archean rocks. This became the repository for a younger group of Two such basins separated by a small horst are illustrated rock---colored light gray on Figure II ~now e~po:.ed in Figure 15. A well.

A B.,.I Geolo~i( Hiuorr 17 w E .. -• ,:;seciiments·~ •: ••••- • • <\;~.~ : ...... '..:' • • pre·KeWeenilWan clusl •

A Flgure 16-$chemabC depiction lor • • -•....:.... "-.:....L .:-. •• • • • • • development of !he Midcontinent Rift System i1 • • • • • • the general YionIty 01 the Twil Cities. • • • A. RifMg begins with the development 01 • • • • • a broad sag basin boooded on one side by normal fau!ts. B. As the O'USI conlu".JeS to thin, a ritI basil evolves and grows in size. Hoi mantle malerial works 10 fia the fault.()ounded basin with .l.- .~. _" -:-"-ro ..L- • ~ " • extrusive volcanic rocks. • •"• ...... 0...-. • '. •• •• •• •• ' ••" "':".~ W •• • C. Ultimately extension and volcanism cease. •• 0-.1.' • • The central pan of the rift basin and flanking rodl.s collapse, O. The resulting depression is filled with sedimentary rOCks derived from outside the rift c system. E. Sedimentation in the rift system terminates • • • • - :"SedlmenIS .- when original graben·bounding normal faults • • :.... ~ • .. 4"";" • ~.- ...., · • •• were transposed to high·angle fel/erse faults. • • • '-• ••_".0 ••• • • • ~ ..-. . •• ROCks 01 the central graben are thrust up • •• ·...... ~. ••• • • •• • • • .....• • .. ••••••...... to produce acentral horst of volcanic rocks flanked by half-grabens filled with sedimentary rOCks. 0 .,...., ~ • • . ~ •••" • ••• •• • • ••• • • • • • •• •••


" A Brltl G.oloci. Hiuor, Early Proterozoic rocks are an imponant source of The ba...e of the volcanic sequence was intruded economic materials. Large mines on me Mesabi Iron by ge\'eral kinds of igncous rocks including gabbro Range in the area of Hibbing,, and Hoyt Lakes (consisting of and plagioclase). troctolite are a major source of . from which (consisting ofolivine and plagioclase), and anorthosite pellets are made for the manufacturing ofsteel. The (consisting almost entirely of plagioclase). Some of Cuyuna Iron R:mge in east-centrJ.1 Minnesota contains these rocks nmy have crystallized in storage chambers major quantities of manganese that have not yet been that fed the flows which were extruded higher up developed. Several quarries developed in Early Protero­ in the crust. The~e illlrusions form a large body of rock zoic granite are in operation ncar Sl. Cloud. These in nOlthcrn Minnesota called the Duluth Complcx­ quarries provide dimension stone used around the world, colored light brown on Figure I I. It is interesting to note as well as cnlshed rock aggregate for road and railroad that anorthosite is a major part of the highland are3S on construction. Thc Sioult Quartzite also is quarried for the . Anorthosite from the Duluth Complelt has aggregate. been used in laboratory experiments as a substitute for samples of the "real thins" brought back (cltpcnsi\"c1y) from the moon. Middle Prolerozoic Rocks No rocks of Late Proterozoic age have been found Middle Pro((~ro7..0ic rocks in Minnesota are a::.sod­ in Minnesota. Either they were never depositcd or wcre ated wim the Midcontinent Rift System. a feature that remO\'ed by erosion before the beginning of Phanerozoic elttends from the east end of Lake Superior to Duluth. time. then to the south along the MinneS013.- border Rocks similar to the lava flows along the North to Iowa, and on into . Much of the rift sySlem Shore are mined extensh'CIy for in , is co\'ered by younger Phanerozoic rocks and can be In Minnesota, a large resouree ofcopper. nickel. and detected only by geophysical methods. The history of associated platinum group elements. and titanium. the rift slarted as a depression or sag basin that formed exists at the base of the Duluth Complelt especially around 1.100 million years ago by thinning of the SOUlh of (he ;)rea from Dabbitt and Ely. lithosphere (Figure 16 A). As the lithosphere continued to thin. a basin fonned, and fractures allowed magma to work its way to the surface as lava !lows--colored dark brown on Figure II. Volcanism and in the basin were more or less contemporaneous processes resulting in very thick accumulations of lav:l. When volcanism ce:lsed, sequences of sand-size matcrial-now sand~(Qne--coloredpe:lch on Figure II-were deposited by streams flowing across the lOpS of lava !lows. The lava flows are well eltposed along Lake Superior. and their well-preserved flow features are much me same as those in modem-day volcanic rocks such as those found in Hawaii. The Lake Superior . for which Minnesota is famous. originally fomled as fillings in the vesicles of these volcanic .

It. \lriel Geolo~ic HlIlory 19 Phanerozoic Rocks lignite. As the sea continued to progress from the wCSt to The Phanerozoic spans the nexl eon of earth history. the east, the Stream deposits were progressively covcred During thai 545 million years of geologic lime, Minne~ by youngcr deposits of marine sandstone, siltstone, and sola was part of a stable that was inundated by shale. several advances, called "transgressions," and retreats. Much of Minnesota \\las once covered by Cretaceous called "regressions:' of the . TIlOse advances and rocks. but significant quanrities \\Iere eroded prior to retreats are illustrated in Figure 17. During Cambrian Quaternary time. Consequently. the Cretaceous rocks time. a continent of wCflthcrcd rock (Figure 17 A) was now occur as an erosionally dissected patchy blanke,t gradually covered by shallow seas from the northwest in southwestern Minnesota. and 3S small outliers and the southeast (Figure 17 B). This transgression or remnants in other parts of the state. An outlier of phase continued through Late Cambrian lime. Quanz­ Crctaccous rock at the Hill Annex Mine. 011 the Mesabi rich sandstone interlaycrcd with thin beds of shale were Iron Range in nOl1hern Minncsot3. is noted for its fossils deposited in near shore areas, while chemiclIlly precipi­ induding the shells of squid-like ammonites and tated limestone and dolomite were also deposited in teeth. offshore areas. The sea withdrew or regressed at the end In general. the erosional proccsscs that removed of Cambrian time (Figure 17 C). but again readvanced in Cretaceous strala also removed variable amounts of the Early Ordovician time. During that readvancc (Figurc 17 pre-Cretaceous bascmcnt. Much of the erosion occurred D-F), the sea transgressed over more and more land so prior to the onset of glaciation in Quatcrnary timc. The that by Late Ordovician time the sea ulTimately covered resulting distribution of eroded preglacial highlands and much of Minnesota including a northeast-trending lowlands had a profound cffcct 011 the distribution of called the Transcontinental Arch. The arch was various ice lobes that covered Minnesota in Pleistocene fringed by shaly deposits. but as it was submerged, the timc. clastic rocks were replaced by limestone and dolomitc. The sea withdrew from Minnesota mainly to the west toward the end of Lute Ordovician time (Figure 17 G). Consequently, much of Minnesota was exposed to erosive processes that removed considerable amounts of these earlier deposited sediments. The sea readvanced during Middle Devonian time. depositing dominantly shallow-water limeslOne and dolomitic limestone. (Figure 17 H). The sea retreated again. this time 10 the west of Minnesota during the interval between Middle Devonian and Middle 1urassic times (Figure 17 I). During Late time. a sea again readvanced to the cast. but the only 1urassic rocks in Minnesota are stream deposits along the boundary with (Figure 171). During that time, Minnesota was subjected to intense tropical weathering, 3n event that extended well into Cretaceous time. Thick bycrs of kaolin cby were developed that are very much like and bauxite deposits fonned in modern tropic3! regions. The sea continued to udvance from the west to the cast 3nd in times coastal and shallow marine sedi­ ments were deposited over much of western Minnesota (Figure 17 K). Channels of west-flowing streams were filled with mixtures of shale, organic·rich day, and

20 A Briel Geologic Hi >lOry Figure 17A-K

Pre-Late Cambrian time. Late Cambrian time. Very Late Cambrian lime to very Eany Ordovician time.

D E F Early Ordovician lime. Middle Ordovician time. Late Ordoviciarl time.

H Very Late Ordovician lime \0 Early Middle Middle Devonian time. Late Devonial1 time to Ear1y Jurassic lime. Devonian time.

Figure 17A-K-Generalized paleogeographic maps through various intervals of Phanerozoic time. ~.::~;J o Persistent land D Persistent water J K Middle Jurassic lime. Late Cretaceous time.

A Brid G~ologic History 21 Quaternary Geology The locations of the more prominent end moraines in The tenn Quaternary refers to the last 5 million Minnesota are shown on Figure 19. years of geologic time. Geologists subdivide it into the The composition of the glacial sediments deposited Pleistocene or the "Great ," when nearly all of in Minnesota is indicative of the type of bed material in Minnesota was covered by glacial ice, and the Holocene the flow path of the ice lobes. The most common kind of or Recent, a time since the end of the Great Ice Age. glacial deposit is called -material deposited by and In Pleistocene time, glacial ice that flowed south into beneath the ice that is generally a mixture of clay, sand, Minnesota came from an ice sheet that covered much of , and boulders. Lobes that entered Minnesota from Canada (Figure 18). In some places that ice was more the Keewatin Dome to the north and northwest deposited than a mile thick. Glacial ice was much thicker in areas till that contain equal amounts of carbonates (derived where precipitation was heavy and the climate cold. The from Paleozoic bedrock) and igneous and metamorphic areas of thicker ice are called ice domes or ice centers. rocks (derived from Archean bedrock), and abundant Ice in the domes flowed in response to the pressure shale fragments (derived from Cretaceous bedrock). In and gravity on thick masses of ice. The direction or contrast, till deposited by lobes that entered Minnesota movement was away from the ice centers. Ice streams from the Labradorean Dome to the northeast contain or ice lobes advanced southward from the Keewatin and predominantly igneous and frag­ Labradorean Domes. As climatic conditions waxed and ments of Precambrian parentage, variable amounts of waned over time, the strength of the flow away from carbonate, and few, if any, shale fragments. One Labra­ those ice centers also changed over time. Thus, as the ice dorean lobe entered Minnesota from the northeast along lobes flowed south, they battled one another for the axis of the Lake Superior basin and the resulting as their masses and relative veloci- ties changed. When a milder climate and other factors reduced the thick­ ness of glacial ice, a lobe ceased to flow and it stagnated and ultimately melted back to a more northern loca­ tion. Places where the ice stopped and stagnated are marked by end moraines or complicated landforms having a rugged topography and Keewatin numerous small lakes and swamps. Dome Cordilleran EB EBDome


Figure 18-Distribution 01 Late Wisconsinan ice and the positions Approximate maximum of various ice domes in extent of Late Canada and Greenland. Wisconsinan glaciers

22 A Brief Geologic History till is marked by fragments of basalt and red sandstone derived from bedrock in the Midcontinent Rift System. [n parts of the state, as in north-, glacial deposits are more than 650 feet thick, and record as many as 13 separate ice lobes, alternating from north­ western, northeastern. and east-northeastern sources. The history of these deposits is poorly understood. As expected, deposits exposed at the surface are much bener understood. They were laid down by numerous ice advances toward the end of Pleistocene time during what geologists call the Late Wisconsinan (25,000 to 10.000 years ago). The maps in Figure 20 show the surface distribution of glacial deposits derived from several northwestern and northeastern advances and the loca­ tions of their more impOltant end moraines. It also shows Figure 19-A sketch map showing the locations of some of the ice that glacial materials older than the Late Wisconsinan are lobes that crossed Minnesota and their associated end moraines found at the surface only in the southeastern and south­ (heavy black lines). Note that all of the ice lobes shown were not western corners of the state. present in Minnesota at the same time as evident by overlapping A second major type of glacial-related that moraines. consists of material that was deposited by running water is also shown as a separate map unit in Figure 21. This sediment consists mainly of sand and gravel that was washed out of a melting and thus is referred to as "outwash"--

A Brief Geologic History 23 Figure 20 A-H


o E F

Figure 2(l-Summary diagram showing the several ice advances and their associated end moraines that affected Minnesota in Late Wisconsinan time. Ice advances are arranged from oldest (A) to youngest (H). It is assumed that each advance is separated from the next advance by a period when the ice retreated to a position beyond the state boundaries.



o 60mi I 'i I' i ! o 80 km

DE SCR IPflON OF MAP UNITS 001""'" """d.ltd _ the $up'rio< lol>t "pen ..Til of"'" N> the 0 •• Me....' LGbe. OUfW.,h ..TinoftME"kmemorolr>e. c=J Oep<>lil>_ A' ,<>n.f>d N••h""uk mor.ine' ~ Uoftt>e(u...... nd L...:I Suga, HiR. mor.i"", 11II Til 01 the StCrol. mot.ine c=J Dutw••k ..n1loftheP .... ClfymoJ.I"" O"poi;\> A"e W.~"" lob<

..Till of the B"nt< mo,.,,,,,. Tin of!he IIa". rnoroi""

c=J Outw.,h. ..flU"!",,, ,,1<>..,..1<.. mot,i"e

c=J Glad.,lak. Hdimenl5 L=:J Ou""..h.

Old til

Figure 21-This simplified geologic map shows the general distribution of surficial sediments in Minnesota. During the Pleistocene (2 miliion-l0,OOO years ago), glaciers advanced into Minnesota several times from different directions-the most recent include: the Superior lobe from the northeast; the Rainy lobe from the north-northeast; the Wadena lobe from the north; and the Des Moines lobe from the northwest. This map is modified from Hobbs, H.C., and Goebel. J.E., 1982, Geologic map of Minnesota, Quaternary Geology: MGS State Map Series S-l, 1:500,000. Digital compilation by B.A. Lusardi.

A Brief Geologic HiHory 25 /' / /'

/' /


1(:8 margin~'~'''''--C::::'~~~'"-,. -- oIde< topography ~

Figure 22-5kelct1 diagram IIustraling the evolution of the more important glacial deposits and landforms. The twer diagram ilustraies cond"rtions as they may have been jus! alter an ice kbe ceased 10 actvance. The lOwer ciagram shows the landscape that resulted after that ice lobe had melted back 10 aposition outside the fimits of the diagram.

'----'~.'? pol'r..!..

2fl A Brit! Geololic HlItery Mineral Industry of Minnesota

Figure 23-Mineral industry of Minnesota map and fact sheet explaining where particular geologic materials are found or mined, what they are used for, and other related facts.

. ..

Quarrying • Dimensional Granite • Dimensional Limestone • Crushed Stone Mining • Iron Ore & Taconite • Clay • Horticultural Peat • Industrial Silica Sand


This map does not indude construction sand and gravel or mineral exploration.

Copyright 2004, State ot Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources. May be reproduced for educational purposes.

Mineral Industry of Minnesota 27 Mineral Industry of Minnesota Fact Sheet

Iron OrefTaconite are shaped into blocks and shipped from a quarry, they are • Minnesota leads the nation in the production of iron ore/taco­ referred to as dimension stone. nite. About 75 percent of the nation's production is from • Sand and gravel found in outwash deposits everywhere in Minnesota. (Most of the remaining production is from Mich­ the state are used for construction of homes, buildings, and igan.) In 2006, 39 million tons of pellets were shipped from the roads. state. • Iron ore is probably the single most important nonfuel mineral. Peat Almost all of the higher grade natural iron ore has been mined • Peat is organic matter formed by the partial decomposition from Minnesota. Taconite, which is a low-grade iron ore, is of plant material under saturated conditions. Peat formation mined, crushed, and treated to increase its iron content. Lime­ occurs only in environments such as bogs and fens, where stone is frequently added. The powdery iron ore concentrate is the rate of production of organic material exceeds the rate then processed into hard, -sized pellets and shipped to of decomposition. The peat mined in Minnesota is primarily steel mills. The pellets are melted in blast furnaces and then used in the horticulture industry, although it is also being blown with oxygen to make steel. used as compost, turkey litter, oil sorbent, and in the removal • Minnesota's tirst century of iron ore mining has taken place of base metals from mine seepage. on the Cuyuna, Mesabi, and Vermilion iron ranges, and in Fillmore County. As of 2007, Minnesota iron ore mining is only Impacts of Mining occurring on the . • Minnesota's mining industries directly employ about 7,700 • There are six taconite plants operating in Minnesota: people. The taconite industry alone contributes over $1 bil­ lion annually to the state's economy. Over 1,280 Minnesota companies, which are located in the Twin Cities, Duluth, and Mining Company Plant Location the mining areas, supply the taconite industry. • Recycling is an important part of the minerals industry. The Hibbing Taconite Company Hibbing, MN "minimills" use scrap iron to produce steel in electric arc Mittal Steel USA-Minorca Mine Virginia, MN furnaces. Although the amounts of recycling are increasing, mining will continue to be needed due to increased demand, Northshore Mining Company Bay, MN limitations of collection, and impurities in the products avail­ able for recycling. Minnesota Ore Operations-Minntac Mt.lron, MN • Environmental protection and compliance with environmental MN Ore Operations-Keewatin Taconite Keewatin, MN laws are apart of any mining operation. Before there is any new metallic minerals (base or precious metal) mine in United Taconite LLC Eveleth, MN Minnesota, there would be an environmental impact state­ ment. This environmental review covers environmental and socioeconomic impacts and alternatives to reduce impacts. The environmental review process invites public participation and comment. • Statewide reclamation laws govern any metallic minerals Industrial Minerals operation in Minnesota. Before opening a mine, the company • Clay is a loose and extremely fine-grained soft rock. Some of must specify design and operation standards necessary for ifs uses include tiles, , and porcelain. The higher grade the protection of human health and the environment and a kaolin clay is used to add the gloss to paper. Companies plan to restore the land after mining is completed. Monetary are currently exploring Minnesota for the higher grade kaolin guarantees, to ensure mine site cleanup and reclamation, are clay; the principal source in the U.S. is Georgia. required for all metallic minerals mines. • Silica sand has a high percentage of silica (). It is a raw material for glass and is a source of silicon. Deposits of very well rounded and sorted silica sand grains found in the south­ eastern part of the state are used in oil drilling to improve the flow of oil to the well. • Granite and limestone are rocks used in the construction of homes, buildings, and roads. When granite and limestone

28 Mineral Industry of Minnesota Glossary of Terms

Agate-Lake Superior agate: Rounded as residual clay deposits in fropical Dacite: A light-colored, fine-grained, igneous masses of translucent, and subtropical regions. The principal rock commonly found in lava flows or quartz characterized by individual bands commercial source ot aluminum. fragmental bodies formed by explosive having shades of white, gray-orange, volcanic processes. Dacite contains Biotite: "Black mica: An important rock­ brown, or red. Formed in vesicles devel­ sodic plagioclase, hornblende, and some forming ferromagnesian silicate having a oped in the tops of lava flow exposed quartz. sheetlike structure. along the of Lake Superior but Detritus: Acollective term for fragmental widely distributed in glacial deposits Callinite (Pipestone): A special name mineral and rock material (e.g., sand, , derived from eroded lava flows. given to red quarried at clay) produced by physical weathering or Pipestone National Monument. Catlinite Aggregate: Crushed rock, sand, and gravel, mechanical erosion. used to mix with or bituminous used to produce pipes and other objects by American Indians is commonly called Dimension stone: Building stone that is material or for other special construction pipestone. quarried and prepared as regularly and manufacturing uses. shaped blocks according to speci­ : Chemical , Anorthosite: Light-colored, medium- to fications. coarse-grained igneous rock formed at consisting predominantly of cryptocrys­ talline to very fine-grained silica (SiO,). Dip: The maximum inclination of strata or depth and composed mostly of plagio­ other planar features to the horizontal. clase. Clastic: Refers to rocks consisting of broken fragments of older rocks. Divergent plates: Two tectonic plates Anticline: Ageologic structure, afold convex characterized by movement away from upward whose core contains stratigraphi­ Conglomerate: Aclastic sedimentary each other. cally older rocks. rock consisting of rounded water-worn cemented together. Dolomite: Achemically-precipitated, Asthenosphere: The zone in the earth sedimentary rock consisting chiefly of directly beneath the lithosphere from 70 Continental crust: The type of crust under­ calciullHT1agnesium carbonate. to 200 km below the surface. The mate­ lying the including continental rial of the asthenosphere is believed to be shelves composed predominantly of Drift: An old term for glacial deposits and soft and yielding to plastic flow. granite and related igneous rocks. On especially boulder . The term was average it is about 35 km thick, but derived from the belief that boulder tills Atom: The smallest part of an element that maximum thicknesses of 60 km are were deposited by drifting icebergs. can exist alone. found beneath mountain ranges. Earthquake: A series at elastic waves propa­ Augite: A common green, brown, or black Convergent plates: Two tectonic plates gated in the earth, initiated where stress mineral of the clino-pyroxene family with characterized by movement toward along a fault exceeds the elastic limit the general formula (Ca, Na) (Mg, Fe, AI) of the rock so that a sudden movement (Sip,). each other. occurs along the fault. Craton: A stable relatively immobile area of Basalt: Adark-colored, fine-grained igneous the earth's crust lhat forms the nuclear Element: A substance that consists of atoms rock commonly found in lava flows. Basalt mass of acontinent. of only one kind. contains calcic plagioclase and pyroxene (commonlyaugife). Crust: The outermost layer, or shell, ot End : A ridge of till that accumulates the earth. The earth's crust is generally at the terminal margin of a glacier. Batholith: A mass of igneous rocks> 100 defined as that part of the earth above km' in surface exposure and composed En echelon: Geologic features that have a the Mohorovicic discontinuity. predominantly of granite or other plutonic staggered or overlapping arrangement. rocks. structure: Orderly arrangement of Strikes of the features individually are atoms in a crystal. oblique to that of the feature as awhole. Bauxite: A mixture ot various aluminum oxides and hydroxides commonly found

Glossary 29 Epiclaslic rocks: A sedimentary rock in mostly of quartz and orthoclase or Intrusion: A body of igneous material that which the fragments are derived by microcline and albitic plagioclase, a invades older rock. weathering and erosion. potassic/sodic . Iron-formation: Achemically-precipitated, Erosion: Mechanical processes involving Granitoid: Granitelike in composition. sedimentary rock consisting of silica and changes in wind, water, and temperature more than 15 percent total iron. Graywacke: A loosely defined term referring that reduce rocks to smaller sizes and to adark sandstone or grit with angular Island arcs: Achain of volcanic islands. flatten topographic reliet. fragments of quartz, feldspar and dark­ Islands arcs are generally convex toward Fault: A fracture or break along which there colored rock, and mineral grains in a fhe open sea. has been displacement of the two sides more fine-grained 'clay" . Isotope: One of two or more, radioactively relative to one another. Greenstone: An old, but commonly used stable or unstable, atomic species of a Feldspar: An abundant rock-forming mineral field term for a dark, fine-grained, basic chemical element, namely, a species of the general formula (K, Na, Cal Al igneous rock affected by low-grade of an element having the same number (AI, Si),O, composed of compounds of . of protons in the nucleus but having a silicates 01 calcium, sodium, and potas­ different number of neufrons. Grit: Acoarse sandstone. A sedimentary sium. The main types are orthoclase and rock consisting of grains 0.5 to 1.0 mm in Kaolin clay: A fine, usually white, clay microcline (potassium aluminum silicate) diameter derived by mechanical erosion consisting mostly of alumina and silica. and the plagioclases albite (sodium from pre-existing rocks. aluminum silicate) and labradorite K-feldspar: A general term for the three (calcium aluminum silicate). Ground moraine: Glacial deposits that cover diflerent structural types (microcline, an area formerly occupied by a glacier. orthoclase, and sanidine) of potassium Fluvial deposit: A sedimentary deposit They typically produce a landscape of feldspar. consisting of material transported and laid low, gently rolling hills. down by a stream or river. Laterite: A that is rich in oxides at iron Hematite: A mineral consisting of ferric iron and aluminum formed by deep weath­ Fotd: A bend of rock strata or bedding planes and oxygen (Fe,o,). ering in tropical and subtropical areas. reSUlting from tectonic deformation. Hornblende: A member of the amphibole Lava: Magma that reaches the earth's Fossil: The remains of plants or animals family of minerals commonly found as surtace. Synonymous with . preserved in the earth's crust by natural dark-colored in igneous and means. Limestone: A chemically-precipitated, sedi­ metamorphic rocks with the general mentary rock consisting chiefly of calcium Gabbro: Afamily of generally dark-colored, formula (Ca, Na), (Mg, Fe), (AI, Fe, Ti) carbonate. medium- to coarse-grained igneous rocks (AI, Si), 022 (0, OH), formed at depth and consisting mostly of Lithosphere: The relatively rigid, outer zone Hypabyssal rocks: Igneous rocks formed at pyroxene and calcic plagioclase. of the earth including the continental intermediate depths beneath the earth's crust, the oceanic crust, and the upper Gneiss: Acoarse-grained metamorphic rock, surtace. They generally occur as tabular­ part of the mantle. mainly granitic in composition, with layers shaped bodies that cuf across strata of granular minerals alternating with (dikes) or are parallel with strata (sills). Magma: Molten rock generated within the layers of platy minerals. Some gneisses lithosphere or subjacent mantle; the Ice Dome: Local parts of an ice sheet where are marked by alfernating light- and dark­ parent of all hypabyssal and plutonic the ice is especially thick. colored layers, respectively rich in quartz rocks. and feldspar and in dark minerals such as fee lobe: A restricted flow of ice away from Mafic rock: Ageneral term for an igneous biotite and hornblende. an ice sheet. rock mostly composed of dark-colored Graben: A depressed segment of the earth's Ice sheet: Athick exfensive body of glacial minerals. crust bounded on at least two sides by ice that is not confined to valleys. faults. Mantle: The zone at the earth's interior Igneous rock: A rock formed by solidification between the base of the crust and the Granite: Afamily of generally light-colored, from a molten or partly molten state. core. medium- to coarse-grained, igneous rocks, formed at depth and consisting Metamorphic rock: A rock formed by the

30 Glossary actions ot heat and pressure. The altera­ Pillow basalt: Igneous, extrusive volcanic Rock: An aggregate of minerals that forms tion of an earlier formed rock generally by rock, solidified in a subaqueous environ­ an appreciable part of the lithosphere. the formation of new minerals, but without ment to form discontinuous pillow-shaped Sag basin: Abroad, shallow depression in the occurrence of melting. masses generally 30 to 60 em across. which sedimentary material can accumu­ Mica: A mineral group composed of phyl­ Pluton: Adeep-seated, igneous intrusive late. losilicates (i.e., silicates with sheetlike rock mass. substrucfures) with the general formula, Sandstone: A sedimentary rock consisting Plutonic rock: An igneous rock formed deep of sand-size (1116-2 mm) grains derived (K, Na, Cal (Mg, Fe, AI),,, (AI, Si), 0" beneath the earth's surtace. by mechanical erosion from pre-existing (OH, F),. rocks. Migmatite: Mixed rock, composed of two Pyroxene: Afamily of ignecus and metamor­ distinct components-a darker and older phic minerals having the general formula : Medium- to coarse-grained metamor­ of metamorphic materials and a lighter (Ca, Na, Mg, Fe) (Mg, Fe, AI) (Si, AI) phic rock with a strong foliation defined and younger of igneous or igneous­ ,06' Acommon pyroxene is the mineral by the preferred direction of oriented looking materials. augite. mineral grains such as biotite, muscovite, and hornblende, making up 50 percent or Quartz: The commonest naturally-occurring Mineral: Naturally-occurring, inorganic, crys­ more of the rock. variety of silica (). Quartz is talline solid whose physical and chemical properties vary within established limits. an essential component of many igneous Sedimentary rocks: Aclass of rocks lorrned and metamorphic rocks and sand grains either by the weathering, erosion, and Mohorovicic discontinuity: The boundary are commonly fragments of the mineral. deposition of earlier formed rocks or by surtace that separates the earth's crust chemical precipitation. from the subjacent mantle; its depth Quartzite: Either a metamorphic rock in varies from about 5-15 km beneath which the quartz grains of a sandstone Shale: Alaminated, sedimentary rock the ocean floor to about 30 to 50 km have recrystallized under heat and consisting mostly of clay-size grains. pressure to form an interlocking mass below the continents or as much as 70 Siderite: Amineral consisting of ferrous iron (metaquart-zife) or a quartz-rich sand­ km beneath some mountain ranges. and the carbonate radical (FeCO,). Commonly referred to as the Moho. stone that has been cemenfed by silica (orthoquartzife). Spreading ridge: Suboceanic zone where Mudstone: A sedimentary rock consisting magma rises between two crustal plates Regression: Converse of transgression. A mostly of clay-size grains that lack lami­ as they separate. nation or layering. change thaf shifts the boundary between marine and non-marine deposition or the Strike-slip fault: A steeply-dipping fault Muscovite: 'White mica." An important boundary between marine deposition and where the displacement of strata is rock-forming mineral thaf has a sheetlike erosion inward toward the center ot a parallel to the fault plane. Synonymous structure. Apredominantly potassium­ depositional basin. The gradual emer­ with sheer fault. aluminum silicate. gence ot land due to the withdrawal of seawater. Subduction zone: Zone where one crustal Normal fault: A steeply dipping fault where plate overrides another plate along a the displacement of sfrata is downward Relief: Changes in the elevations of a land convergent margin. on fhe fault plane. surtace. Abrupt changes in relief are most notable. Superposition: The assumption that in a Oceanic crust: The type of crusf that under­ sequence of undisturbed sedimentary lies the ocean basin. It is about 5 km thick Reverse fault: A steeply dipping fault where layers, the ones lying above are succes­ and composed predominantly of basalt. the displacement of strata is upward on sively younger than those lying below. the fault plane. Outwash: Stratified sediment washed out The concept is generally referred to as the . from a glacier by meltwater streams and Rift system: A system of elongate, fault­ deposited in front of an end moraine. bounded basins having a en echelon Syncline: Ageologic structure. A fold convex arrangement and resulting lrom exten­ downward whose core contains strali­ Passive margin: Alithospheric plate margin sion. Synonymous with graben. where crust is neither created nor graphically younger rocks. destroyed.

Glossary 31 Taconite: low-grade iron-formation (FeG­ Volcanic rocks: Magma and as.sociated Fep~ aboul17-30 percent) of which gases transferred Irom the earth's interior magnetite is mechanicaly separated to the surlace. and conceotrated. The ore is COOlmonly fused into marble-size spheres generaly referred to as tacon~e pellets. Tectonic: A term pertaining to the torces involved in, or the resuliing structures of teatures produced by the of colliding plates, Terrane: A faulled·bounded segment ot the earth's crust thaI has unique rocks and structures thai serve to Ostinglish it trom adjoining terranes. Thrust fault: Low-angle, reverse faull aIoog which there !\as been aSltlstantial <::orlYflOOElll1 ot horilontaI ~t Till: Unsorted and oostratified glacial Topographic:-- Refers 10 the ronliguration of the earth's surface incfuding its relief and the placement 01 natural and man·made features.

Transgression: My change that shifts the boundary between marine and non­ marine deposits or the boundary between deposition and erosion outward from the center of adepositional basin. The encroachment 01 large by seas. Troctolite: Afamily of dark-eolored, medium­ to coarseilrained, igneous rock formed at depth ar>:l composed mostly 01 0_ and plagioclase.

Unconformity: Adiscontinuity i'I the succes­ sion of rodts containing agap in the geologic record. ASlI1ace 01 erosioo or """""""'- Vesicles: $mal holes Iormed i'I avolcanic rock by gas bOObIes thai became !tawed as the lava solidified. Volcanic arc: Acurved bah ot volcanoes above aSlI':Jduction zone where crustal plates cooverge.

32 G1Quary Acknowledgments The following sources were consulted for illustrations.

Figure 1-Modified from Figure 1 of Morey, G.B., 1976, The basis for C.R., eds. Palaeozoic and biogeo-graphy: acontinental drilling program in Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Geological Society Memoir 12, p. 57-73. Survey Information Circular 11, 25 p. Figure 1. Figure 18-Modified from Figure 1of Harris, K.L., 1995, Quaternary Figure 3-Modified from unnumbered cover illustration for "Geofluids geology-southern : Minnesota Geological Brochure," Department of Geology and , University of Survey Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment, RHA-3, Part A, Minnesota, 6 p. Plate 1, Surticial geologic map. Figure 5-Modified from Figure 7 of Morey, G.B., and Southwick, Figure 19-Modified from Figure 3 of Harris, K.L., 1995, Quaternary 01., 1995, Allostratigraphic relationships of Early Proterozoic geology-southern Red River Valley: Minnesota Geological iron-formations in the Lake Superior region, , Survey Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment, RHA-3, Part A, v. 90, and Figure 8 of Cannon, W.F. and others, 1989, The North Plate 1, Surticial geologic map. American Midcontinent rift beneath Lake Superior from GLlMPCE Figure 2o--Modified from Figures 3 through 10 of Lehr, J.D., and seismic reflection profiling: Tectonics, v. 8, p. 305-332. Hobbs, H.C., 1992, Glacial geology of the Laurentian divide Figure 9-Modified from frontispiece of Tufford, S., and Hogberg, area, Sf. Louis and Lake Counties, Minnesofa: Minnesota R., 1965, Guide to in Minnesota: Minnesota Guidebook Series No. 18, 73 p. Geological Survey, Educational Series 1,30 p. Figure 22-Modified from Figure 10 of Bluenele, J.P., 1977, Figure 1o--Modified from Chandler, V.w., 1991, Shaded-relief The face of North Dakota-the geologic story: North Dakota aeromagnetic map of Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Geological Survey Educafional Series 11, 73 p. State Map Series, Map S-18. Figure 11-Modified from McSwiggen, P.L., and Morey, G.B., 1993, Geologic map of Minnesota, digital version: Minnesota Geological Survey Open-file Map 93-1.

Figure 12-Modified from Figure 8 of Jirsa, M.A., Southwick, D.L., and Boerboom, T.J., 1992, Structural evolution of Archean rocks in the western Wawa subprovince, Minnesota: refolding of

precleavage during O2 transpression: Canadian Journal of Earth Science, v. 25, p. 2146-2155. Figure 14-Modified from Figure 7 of Morey, G.B., and Southwick, D.L., 1995, Allostratigraphic relationships of Early Proterozoic iron-formations in the Lake Superior region: Economic Geology, v.90.

Figure 15-Modified from Figures 10 and 11 of Morey, G.B., 1984, of the in the Fulda basin, Pipestone County, southwestern Minnesota, in Southwick, D.L., ed., Shorter contributions to the geology of the Sioux Quartzite (Early Proterozoic), southwestern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 32, p. 59-74. Figure 1&-Modified from Figure 8 of Cannon, W.F., and others, 1989, The North American Midcontinent rift beneath Lake Superior from GLIMPCE seismic reflection profiling: Tectonics, v. 8, p. 305-332.

Figure 17-Modified from avariety of sources including Witzke, B.J., 1990, Palaeoclimatic constraints for Palaeozoic palaeolatitudes of and Euramerica, in McKerrow, W.S., and Scotese,